494139 五、發明說明(1 ) 發明之領域 本發明係關於一種耐火元件,它被使用在熔融狀態之金 屬,如鋼之加工,並且配合有氣體供應及裝設有改進之密 封。尤其本發明是關於一種使用在熔融狀態之金屬之連續 鑄造中所用之元件。 先前技術說明 習知上,液態金屬之鑄造,一般是由一個包括有許多耐 火元件在兩個連續冶金容器之間形成一個通道的設備所進 行。這些耐火元件執行許多功能,即液態金屬之輸送,保 護液態金屬之抵擋周遭環境造成之冷卻及化學作用’適當 地調節液態金屬之倒入率。這些元件,例如可爲被支持在 與上冶金容器底部成一體之槽塊上的內噴嘴,一個淹沒之 進入噴嘴,或者倒入遮蔽物,收集器噴嘴,或滑動閥之固 定或可動板。 這些形成倒入通道之許多元件之間的結合表面構成了周 遭空氣之潛在進入點。實際上,由於液態金屬流動經過倒 入通道,大量之負壓會產生而傳達到經由這些結合表面進 入之空氣中。這些侵入之空氣(氮氣及氧氣)對鑄件品質造 成之不良效應爲眾所周知,因而長久以來均努力解決此問 題。 目前已知解決方案之先進技術之一個方法包括,噴射一 種惰性氣體,例如氬氣到倒入通道中兩個相鄰耐火元件之 間的結合表面中。此噴射可由設在至少一個元件表面上之 494139 五、 發明說明 ( 2 ) 槽 而 達 成 〇 爲 了 有 效 起見 , 此 槽 必須儘 可 能 地 圍 住 倒 入 孔 □ 1 使在 正 壓 力 下 之 惰 性 氣 體 可 防止任何 空 氣 侵 入 倒 入 通 道 中 〇 近來 在 國 際 專 利 串 Szfe W0 98/1 742 1 號 提 出 對 此 系 統 之 改 進 5 包 括 使 懸 浮在承 載 流 體(可爲- -種惰性氣體) 中 之 密 封 劑 之 額 外 噴 射 5 使 鑄 造 時 任何易 產 生 在 兩 個 相 鄰 表 面 之 間 的 密 封 缺 陷 可立即 被 消 除 〇 已 知 解 決 方 案 之 先 進 技 術 之 另 一個方 法 必 須 將 一 種 惰 性 氣 體 直 接 地 噴 射 到 倒 入 通 道 中 ,因而 沿 著 倒入 通 道 整 個 長 度 形 成 一 個 保 護 性 疆 界 y 以 防 止周圍 空 氣 之 污 染 〇 在 此 情 況 下 液 態 金 屬 中 惰 性 氣 體 之 噴射, — 般 是 由 通 過 倒 入 通 道 之 元 件 形 成 部 的 多 孔 壁 之 擴 散而進 行 , 或 者 在 另 一 種 變 化 例 中 是 經 由 配 置 在 倒 入 通 道周圍 之 一 或 多 個 孔 或 槽 形 式 之孔 □ 而 進 行 〇 再 者 , —* 種 已 知 之 方 法 中 , 其 中一種 惰 性 氣 體 直 接 地 噴 射 到 倒 入 通 道 中 > 使 惰 性 氣 體 機 械地與 液 態 金 屬 合 作 〇 此 種 惰 性 氣 體 噴 射 之 巨 的 可 防 止 某位置 噴 射 點 下 游 之 耐 火 元 件 被 腐 蝕 5 在此 點 上 最 容 易 受 到液態 金 屬 流 之 腐 鈾 作 用 例 如 此 點 可 爲 用 來 調 節 流 量 用 之滑動 閥 之 可 動 板 的 倒 入 孔 □ 之 C自 邊 緣 Ο 將 惰 性 氣 體 直 接 地 噴射到 倒 入 通 道 中 之 另 外 已 知 效 果 爲 5 它 可 減 少 倒 入 通 道 阻塞之 問 題 Ο 效 果 上 由 於 沉 積 在倒入 通 道 壁 上 之 礬 土 的 形成所 造 成 之 問 題 y 久 已 被 知 道 特 別 在 鑄 造 去 除 鋁 之 鋼 時。如 此 惰 性 氣 體 被 噴 射 到 個 此 種 阻 塞 可 機 械 地 產 生 -4- 之 點的下 游 5 或 甚 至 使 液 態 494139 五、發明說明(3 ) 金屬之熱與倒入通道隔絕時,可防止或減少此種沉積之形 成。 最後,亦可將一種氣體噴射用來冷卻討論中之耐火元件 。須提及者,本發明亦是關於被用來將氣體噴射到含有一 缸熔解狀態金屬之冶金容器底部的元件,例如多孔質柱塞 〇 本發明應用上,「氣體噴射」是指一種惰性氣體之直接 噴射到倒入通道或者到冶金容器底部,並且亦指惰性氣體 經由至少局部圍住液態金屬之倒入孔口之槽而被噴射(或 者如在國際專利申請W0 98 / 1 7421號提出的在承載流體中 懸浮之密封劑)到倒入通道中之兩個相鄰耐火元件之間的 結合表面中,或者指冷卻氣體噴射。 被設計用來噴射惰性氣體之耐火元件,一般包括有輸送 氣體到噴射裝置用之裝置(經由槽或倒入通道)。但是,耐 火元件之組件在習知上爲,氣體輸送裝置及氣體噴射裝置 是由相鄰;έ通之元件所扮演(它們甚至亦可由互通之耐火 元件分隔,主要特徵爲氣體可從輸送裝置轉移到噴射裝置) 。本發明專利申請案之目的,是指裝設有氣體輸送裝置及 噴射裝置之元件,亦同樣地可指含有氣體輸送裝置及噴射 裝置之元件或一個配合有輸送裝置及轉移裝置及/或通到 可由另外耐火元件所提供之噴射裝置。 輸送裝置一般包括有設在耐火元件外壁上並且連接到氣 體輸送管之入口。此輸送管可經由抗熱輻射之軟管而被連 494139 五、發明說明(4) 到鑄造設備之固定氣體供應迴路。傳統上,在該耐火元件 之製造時’金屬連接器被裝在入口中;然後連接器及材料 在元件之耐火材料成分被燒結時形成一體。連接器然後可 由螺鎖而被連到氣體輸送管(連接器配合一個從元件上突 出之陽螺紋部而與管之陰螺紋端螺鎖,或者連接器有陰螺 紋可與管子之陽螺紋螺合),或由焊接或由許多機械結合 方式而連到氣體輸送管。這些氣體輸送方式無法完全另人 滿意,首先,螺合關節之氣密性很不明顯地,尤其是鑄造 操作時設備受到很高溫度作用仍然可保持氣密性者很不明 顯地。其次,由於製造連接器所用之金屬與耐火材料之間 膨脹係數的差異之故,使連接器與耐火材料之間不可避免 地會逐漸地產生密封緊密度之劣化。此密封緊密度之劣化 有三重之負面效應··第一,被噴射之氣體量較大得多(惰 性氣體之高價爲已知);第二,如上述,若整個倒入通道 相對於周遭大氣爲負壓時,會有使空氣經由這些缺陷之關 節而被抽入之危險;第三,若密封緊密度降低時,實際上 噴射到系統之氣體量的精確控制會降低,因而無法形成一 個完美的再生產系統。 已有許多試驗被用來改善此情況,例如將耐火元件「包 裝」在金屬外殼,它在連接器處含有一個穿孔,以焊接確 保連接器之機械固定’並且改進氣體之緊密度。而關於此 種「改進」之許多缺點已被報導。例如,因爲連接器與金 屬外殼爲一體,故有從耐火材料鬆動並且在其密封周圍移 494139 五、發明說明(5) 動之傾向性,此會導致惰性氣體之損失,並且如上述,空 氣會侵入液態金屬中。 最近,歐洲專利申請案EP 7 0 3,0 2 8號提出一種很簡單 之裝置用來輸送惰性氣體到一個內噴嘴,其中接收氣體進 給之耐火元件的外表面僅含有一個氣體入口,其上有一個 連到惰性氣體輸送管之連接器接頭被壓入緊緊地抵住。適 當的話,甚至可在接頭與入口之間裝設一個密封。 雖然此裝置大幅改善了此情況,此申請案據觀查,在整 體上仍無法另人滿意,其理由爲在耐火元件表面之連接器 接頭與入口之間之氣體緊密度無法完全保證,即使在接頭 與入口之間裝設一個密封時亦然。 由法國專利FR-A- 2,763,0 1 2號提出一種耐火元件,裝 設有噴出或供輸惰性氣體之裝置,及從元件外壁輸送該氣 體到該噴出裝置的裝置,該輸送氣體之裝置包括從元件外 壁延伸之擴大橫剖面部份,及一個縮小橫剖面部份,其一 端與擴大橫剖面之一部份的內端相連通,另一端與噴出或 供輸惰性氣體之裝置相通,該元件亦包括一個密封配合抵 住擴大橫剖面之一部份的內端,該密封包含有一個孔口, 它至少局部在擴大橫剖面與縮小橫剖面之部份之間的連通 孔口上。 由於此種耐火元件之特殊配置,氣體輸送管可以更深入 地啣接到該耐火元件中,當適當之密封被配合在其中時, 不僅在輸送裝置之兩部份之間的連通之密封緊密度被確保 494139 五、發明說明(6 ) ,而且在擴大橫剖面部份之壁的密封緊密度亦可被確保。 與歐洲專利申請案EP 703,028號所提出之裝置比較,其 密封緊密度有很大幅之改善(惰性氣體惰消耗之減少,侵 入空氣之減少,及噴射氣體量之精確控制)。但是,在密 封緊密度上仍有可改善之處。 發明之扼要說明 依照本發明,密封具有一個橫剖面實質上與擴大部份之 橫剖面相同。因而,當密封以適當方式被置於壓縮狀態時 ,它不僅抵住在擴大橫剖面部份之末端,而且抵住在後者 之側壁上,故可提供更緊密之密封。 最好使密封的厚度不超過擴大橫剖面部份之深度,否則 在氣體輸送管之壓縮效應下,塑膠密封在變形時會抵住在 輸送裝置之外孔口之邊緣上,因而在擴大橫剖面部份之內 端上無法再保證其密封緊密度。 依照本發明之一個特別實施例,擴大橫剖面部份之內端 形成一個具有孔口之表面,使該擴大橫剖面與縮小橫剖面 之部份之間可經由此孔口而連通。依此方式,可使用管狀 之氣體輸送管。 最好,擴大橫剖面部份包含有一個容易製造之圓形剖面 的穿孔。 使形成該擴大橫剖面部份的內端之表面可被設成平坦狀 ,並且垂直於穿孔之軸心。不僅此配置容易達成,而且其 密封緊密度由平行元件之間的壓迫而被改善。 494139 五、 發明說明 C ) 依 照 本 發 明 之 一 個 特別 配置,密封之厚度不 超過 擴 大 橫 剖面 部 份 之 深 度 0 須 提及 者,密封可與元件成 一體 〇 最 好 , 密 封 之 橫 剖 面實 質上與擴大部份之橫 剖面 相 同 〇 因 而 , 當 密 封 以 適 當 方式 被置於壓縮狀態時, 它不 僅 抵 住 在 擴 大 橫 剖 面 部 份 之 末端 ,而且抵住在後者之 側壁 上 故 可 提 供 更 緊 密 之 密 封 。密 封之厚度不超過擴大 橫剖 面 部 份 之 深 度 是 很 重 要 的 否則 在氣體輸送管之壓縮 效應 下 , 塑 膠 密 封在 變 形 時 會 抵 住在 輸送裝置之外孔口之 邊緣 上 y 因 而在 擴 大 橫 剖面 部 份 之內 端上無法再保證其密: 封緊丨 密J 叟 〇 最 好 密 封 是 墊 圈 之形 式。可視密封厚度之 需求 而使 用 此 種 墊 圈 之 堆 積 0 熟 於此 技術者可隨即決定密 封之 最 適 厚 度 〇 最 好 , 密 封 是 由 塑 膠材料製成,則在操作溫 度下 , 當 壓 力 加 在 其 上 時 可 產 生 足夠 的變形,而與擴大橫 剖面 部 份 之 底 壁 及 側 壁 形 成 緊 密 之密 封。黏土及石墨爲適 用之 材 料 其 中 又 以 石 墨 較 佳 〇 依 眧 J \ \\ 另 一 方 面 本 發明 是關於包括有耐火元 件及 氣 體 輸 送 管 的 組 件 其 中 該 氣體 輸送管的一端與擴大 橫剖面 部 份 啣 接 而 使 密 封 之 內 端被 壓縮,並且被保持壓 在擴 大 橫 剖 面 部 份 之 側 壁 上 〇 此 種組 件之優點已敘述如上 〇 依 照 本 發 明 之 — 個 特別 實施例,該耐火元件 至少 局 部 在 氣 體 輸 送 裝 置 之 域 中, 與金屬外殼(例如在 內噴 嘴 之 情 況 )或束帶( 例 如 在 滑 動閥 1反之情況)配合。因 -9- 而, 可 使 輸 494139 五、發明說明(8) 送管與外殼或束帶之間形成有牢固之連接(由焊接或螺鎖) ,故可避免在振動時產生密封緊密度之意外損失。 最好’與擴大橫剖面部份啣接之氣體輸送管的末端被形 成爲’可與密封形成一個緊密關節。例如,末端可被形成 錐形或削成平頂之錐形,而可被「鎖入」關節中。而另一 種變化是使,管的末端可被螺鎖,使管子螺合到關節。亦 可設成爲自我螺鎖之末端,則在密封原處上形成完美配合 之螺合,並且管/密封完全被緊閉。依照此種變化,將管 子末端被螺鎖到密封中,使密封朝向擴大橫剖面部份之側 壁被壓縮是很具有優點的。 最後,依照本發明之一個最特別實施例,該擴大橫剖面 之部份具有足夠之深度,使得與該擴大橫剖面部份啣接的 氣體輸送管部份在熱膨脹的影響之下,密封之壓縮會增加 。實際效果上,一旦管子與外殼或束帶形成一體時,熱膨 脹僅有可能朝向密封所在之擴大橫剖面部份的末端。 附圖之簡單說明 爲了更淸楚解釋本發明,將以兩個非限制性實施例, 參照附圖說明,其中: 第1圖是內噴嘴之軸向剖面圖; 第2圖是第1圖中之圓圈I的放大圖; 第3圖是滑動閥板之軸向剖面圖。 本發明較佳實施例之詳細說明 第1圖顯示一個內噴嘴1,它包括有一個形成有倒入通 -10- 494139 五、發明說明(9) 道3及板子4之耐火本體2。內噴嘴1亦包括有噴射氣體 ,例如氬氣之惰性氣體到倒入通道3的裝置。這些噴射氣 體裝置,例如可由裝在形成於耐火本體2之槽6中的多孔 質材料之套筒5所形成。槽6被連到氣體輸送裝置(7,8 ) 。如第1圖所顯示,這些輸送裝置可突出於板子4之上表 面上。圖中亦顯示氣體輸送管9之局部,及一個圍住內噴 嘴之板子4的金屬外殼1 0。 第2圖顯示氣體入口與內噴嘴之板子4的氣體輸送裝置 之間的連接細部。這些氣體輸送裝置包括經由孔口 1 1而 連通的擴大橫剖面部份7與縮小橫剖面部份8。擴大橫剖 面部份之內端裝有例如石墨製成之密封1 2。圖中亦顯示與 擴大橫剖面部份7啣接的氣體輸送管9之一端。可看出輸 送管9由圓形焊接1 3而與外殼1 0形成牢固之一體。 第3圖顯示一個具有倒入金屬用之孔口 1 5之滑動閥的 耐火板1 4。此板設有圓形槽1 6圍住倒入孔口 1 5,並且與 耐火板14相鄰之耐火部(圖中未顯示)表面一起形成一個 通道用來使氣體噴射在這些相鄰部份之間。槽1 6被連到 包含有經由孔口 2 1而連通的擴大橫剖面部份1 7與縮小橫 剖面部份1 8的氣體輸送裝置。圖中亦顯示氣體輸送管1 9 與擴大橫剖面部份啣接,並且由點焊23而與板1 4之金屬 束帶20成牢固之結合。當板子在被使用時,在組件溫度 被升高之效應下,點焊23與管19內端之間的管19之局 部朝向擴大橫剖面部份1 7之內端膨脹,並且壓縮密封22 -11- 494139 五、發明說明(1〇) 〇 元件符號之說明 內噴嘴 1 耐火本體 2 倒入通道 3 板子 4 套筒 5 槽 6 擴大橫剖面部份 縮小橫剖面部份 氣體輸送管 9 金屬外殼 10 孔口 11 密封 12 焊接 13 耐火板 14 倒入孔口 15 槽 16 擴大橫剖面部份 17 縮小橫剖面部份 18 氣體輸送管 19 金屬束帶 20 孔□ 21 -12- 494139 五、發明說明(彳1) 密封 2 2 點焊 23 -13-494139 V. Description of the invention (1) Field of the invention The present invention relates to a refractory element, which is used in the molten state of metal, such as the processing of steel, and is equipped with a gas supply and an improved seal. In particular, the present invention relates to a component used in continuous casting of a metal in a molten state. Description of the Prior Art Conventionally, the casting of liquid metal is generally performed by an apparatus including a plurality of refractory elements forming a channel between two continuous metallurgical vessels. These refractory elements perform many functions, that is, the transport of liquid metal, protecting the liquid metal against the cooling and chemical effects caused by the surrounding environment, and appropriately adjusting the pour-in rate of the liquid metal. These elements may be, for example, internal nozzles supported on grooved blocks integrated with the bottom of the upper metallurgical vessel, a submerged entry nozzle, or pours into a shelter, a collector nozzle, or a fixed or movable plate of a sliding valve. The bonding surfaces between these many elements forming a pour-through channel constitute a potential entry point for the surrounding air. In fact, as liquid metal flows through the pouring channel, a large amount of negative pressure is generated and transmitted to the air entering through these bonding surfaces. The adverse effects of these intrusive air (nitrogen and oxygen) on the quality of the casting are well known, and efforts have been made to solve this problem for a long time. One approach to the advanced technology of currently known solutions involves spraying an inert gas, such as argon, into the bonding surface between two adjacent refractory elements in the channel. This spray can be achieved by the 494139 provided on the surface of at least one element. V. Description of the Invention (2) The groove must be enclosed by the groove as much as possible. 1 For the inert gas under positive pressure, Prevent any air from penetrating into the channel. Recent improvements to this system have been proposed in the international patent string Szfe W0 98/1 742 1. 5 Includes the addition of a sealant suspended in a carrier fluid (which can be-an inert gas). Spray 5 allows any sealing defects that are easily produced between two adjacent surfaces during casting to be eliminated immediately. Another method of advanced technology for known solutions must spray an inert gas directly into the channel, thus Form a protective boundary y along the entire length of the pouring channel to prevent contamination of the surrounding air. In this case, the jet of inert gas in the liquid metal, usually It is performed by diffusion through the porous wall of the element forming portion of the pouring channel, or in another variation, through one or more holes or grooves in the form of holes □ arranged around the pouring channel. — * Among the known methods, one of the inert gases is directly injected into the pouring channel > the inert gas is mechanically cooperated with the liquid metal. The huge inert gas injection can prevent the refractory element downstream of the injection point at a certain position Corroded 5 At this point, the most susceptible to uranium corrosion by liquid metal flow is, for example, this point can be the pouring hole of the movable plate of the sliding valve used to adjust the flow. Another known effect of the pouring channel is 5 which can reduce the problem of clogging of the pouring channel. 0 In effect, due to the alumina deposited on the wall of the pouring channel Problems caused by formation y have long been known especially when casting steel to remove aluminum. Such an inert gas is sprayed downstream to the point where such a blockage can be mechanically generated 5 or even liquid 494139 V. Description of the invention (3) When the heat of the metal is isolated from the pouring channel, this can be prevented or reduced Formation of deposition. Finally, a gas jet can also be used to cool the refractory element in question. It must be mentioned that the present invention also relates to components used to inject gas to the bottom of a metallurgical vessel containing a cylinder of molten metal, such as a porous plunger. In the application of the present invention, "gas injection" refers to an inert gas It is sprayed directly into the pouring channel or to the bottom of the metallurgical vessel, and also means that the inert gas is sprayed through a slot that at least partially surrounds the pouring hole of the liquid metal (or as proposed in International Patent Application No. WO 98/1 7421 A sealant suspended in a carrier fluid) into the bonding surface between two adjacent refractory elements poured into the channel, or a cooling gas jet. Refractory components designed to spray inert gas generally include devices (via a trough or a pour channel) for transporting gas to the spray device. However, the components of the refractory element are conventionally known as: the gas conveying device and the gas injection device are adjacent to each other; they are played by the components that pass through them (they can even be separated by interconnecting refractory components, the main feature is that the gas can be transferred from the conveying device To the spray device). The purpose of the patent application of the present invention refers to a component equipped with a gas conveying device and a spraying device, as well as a component containing a gas conveying device and a spraying device or a device equipped with a conveying device and a transfer device and / or a Spraying device may be provided by another refractory element. The conveying device generally includes an inlet provided on the outer wall of the refractory element and connected to a gas conveying pipe. This conveying pipe can be connected through a heat-resistant hose 494139 V. Description of the invention (4) The fixed gas supply circuit to the casting equipment. Traditionally, a 'metal connector' is installed in the inlet when the refractory element is manufactured; then the connector and the material are integrated as the refractory component of the element is sintered. The connector can then be connected to the gas delivery tube by a screw lock (the connector is screwed with the female threaded end of the tube with a male thread protruding from the element, or the connector has a female thread to be screwed with the male thread of the tube ), Or connected to the gas delivery pipe by welding or by many mechanical combinations. These gas delivery methods are not completely satisfactory. First, the airtightness of the screw joint is not obvious, especially when the equipment is still exposed to high temperatures during the casting operation and still maintains the airtightness. Secondly, due to the difference in expansion coefficient between the metal used to manufacture the connector and the refractory material, the deterioration of the tightness of the seal between the connector and the refractory material will inevitably gradually develop. The deterioration of the tightness of this seal has three negative effects. First, the amount of gas being sprayed is much larger (the high price of inert gas is known); second, as mentioned above, if the entire pour channel is relative to the surrounding atmosphere At negative pressure, there is a danger that air will be drawn in through these defective joints. Third, if the tightness of the seal is reduced, the precise control of the amount of gas actually injected into the system will be reduced, so it cannot form a perfection. Reproduction system. Many tests have been used to improve this situation, such as "packaging" the refractory element in a metal housing, which contains a perforation at the connector to weld to ensure the mechanical fixing of the connector 'and to improve the tightness of the gas. Many shortcomings about this "improvement" have been reported. For example, because the connector is integrated with the metal housing, it has a tendency to loosen from the refractory material and move around its seal. Intrusion into liquid metal. Recently, European patent application EP 7 0 3, 0 28 proposes a very simple device for delivering an inert gas to an inner nozzle, wherein the outer surface of the refractory element receiving the gas feed contains only a gas inlet on which A connector fitting connected to the inert gas delivery pipe was pressed tightly against it. Where appropriate, a seal can even be installed between the joint and the inlet. Although this device has greatly improved the situation, according to observations, this application is still unsatisfactory as a whole. The reason is that the tightness of the gas between the connector joint and the inlet on the surface of the refractory element cannot be completely guaranteed, even in This is also true when a seal is installed between the joint and the inlet. The French patent FR-A- 2,763,0 1 2 proposes a refractory element, which is provided with a device for ejecting or supplying an inert gas, and a device for conveying the gas from the outer wall of the element to the ejection device. The device for conveying gas includes An enlarged cross-section portion extending from the outer wall of the element and a reduced cross-section portion, one end of which is in communication with the inner end of a portion of the enlarged cross-section, and the other end of which is in communication with a device that ejects or supplies inert gas. It also includes a seal that fits against the inner end of a portion of the enlarged cross-section. The seal includes an orifice that is at least partially on the communication orifice between the enlarged cross-section and the reduced cross-section. Due to the special configuration of this kind of refractory element, the gas delivery pipe can be connected deeper into the refractory element. When a proper seal is fitted in it, not only the tightness of the communication between the two parts of the conveying device It is ensured 494139 V. Description of the invention (6), and the tightness of the seal of the wall in the enlarged cross section can also be ensured. Compared with the device proposed in European Patent Application No. EP 703,028, the tightness of the seal is greatly improved (reduction of inert gas consumption, reduction of intruded air, and precise control of the amount of injected gas). However, there is still room for improvement in seal tightness. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION According to the present invention, a seal has a cross section that is substantially the same as the cross section of the enlarged portion. Thus, when the seal is placed in a compressed state in an appropriate manner, it not only abuts on the end of the enlarged cross-section portion, but also on the side wall of the latter, so that a tighter seal can be provided. It is better to make the thickness of the seal not exceed the depth of the enlarged cross section, otherwise, under the compression effect of the gas delivery pipe, the plastic seal will abut the edge of the orifice outside the conveying device when deformed, so the cross section is enlarged. The tightness of the seal can no longer be guaranteed on the inner end of the part. According to a particular embodiment of the present invention, the inner end of the enlarged cross-section portion is formed with a surface having an aperture so that the enlarged cross-section and the reduced cross-section portion can communicate through the aperture. In this way, a tubular gas delivery tube can be used. Preferably, the enlarged cross-section portion includes a perforation of a circular cross-section which can be easily manufactured. The surface forming the inner end of the enlarged cross-section portion can be made flat and perpendicular to the axis of the perforation. Not only is this configuration easy to achieve, but its tightness is improved by compression between the parallel elements. 494139 V. Description of the invention C) According to a special configuration of the present invention, the thickness of the seal does not exceed the depth of the enlarged cross-section. 0 It must be mentioned that the seal can be integrated with the component. 0 It is best that the cross-section of the seal is substantially the same as The cross section of the enlarged section is the same. Therefore, when the seal is placed in a compressed state in an appropriate manner, it not only abuts the end of the enlarged cross section, but also the side wall of the latter, so it can provide a tighter seal. . It is important that the thickness of the seal does not exceed the depth of the enlarged cross-section. Otherwise, under the compression effect of the gas delivery tube, the plastic seal will abut the edge of the orifice outside the conveying device when deformed. Therefore, the cross-section is enlarged. The inner end of the part can no longer be guaranteed of tightness: Sealed tightly. The best seal is in the form of a gasket. Depending on the thickness of the seal, the use of this type of gasket can be used. Those skilled in the art can then determine the optimal thickness of the seal. The best, the seal is made of a plastic material. At operating temperature, when pressure is applied to it It can produce sufficient deformation and form a tight seal with the bottom wall and the side wall of the enlarged cross section. Clay and graphite are suitable materials, among which graphite is preferred. On the other hand, the present invention relates to an assembly including a refractory element and a gas delivery pipe, wherein one end of the gas delivery pipe and an enlarged cross section The inner end of the seal is compressed and held against the side wall of the enlarged cross-section portion by engagement. The advantages of this component have been described above. According to a special embodiment of the present invention, the refractory element is at least partially In the area of the gas delivery device, it cooperates with a metal casing (for example, in the case of an internal nozzle) or a belt (for example, in the case of a slide valve 1). Because of -9-, it is possible to lose 494139 V. Description of the invention (8) A firm connection (by welding or screw lock) is formed between the delivery tube and the casing or belt, so that the tightness of the seal during vibration can be avoided. Accidental loss. Preferably, the end of the gas delivery pipe which is connected to the enlarged cross section is formed to form a tight joint with the seal. For example, the ends can be tapered or tapered to a flat top and can be "locked" into a joint. Another variation is that the end of the tube can be screwed to screw the tube to the joint. It can also be set as the self-locking end, which forms a perfect fit on the sealing place, and the tube / seal is completely tightly closed. According to this change, it is advantageous to screw the end of the tube into the seal so that the side wall of the seal facing the enlarged cross section is compressed. Finally, according to a most specific embodiment of the present invention, the enlarged cross-section portion has a sufficient depth so that the gas conveying pipe portion that is connected to the enlarged cross-section portion is compressed by the seal under the influence of thermal expansion. Will increase. In practice, once the tube is integrated with the casing or strap, thermal expansion is only possible towards the end of the enlarged cross-section where the seal is located. Brief description of the drawings In order to explain the present invention more clearly, two non-limiting embodiments will be described with reference to the drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is an axial sectional view of an inner nozzle; FIG. 2 is a view of FIG. An enlarged view of the circle I; FIG. 3 is an axial sectional view of the sliding valve plate. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 shows an inner nozzle 1 which includes a refractory body 2 formed with a pouring channel -10- 494139 V. Description of the invention (9) Channel 3 and plate 4. The inner nozzle 1 also includes a device for injecting an inert gas such as argon into the channel 3. These jet gas devices can be formed of, for example, a sleeve 5 of a porous material formed in a groove 6 formed in the refractory body 2. The tank 6 is connected to a gas delivery device (7, 8). As shown in FIG. 1, these conveying devices may protrude from the surface above the board 4. The figure also shows a part of the gas delivery pipe 9 and a metal casing 10 surrounding the plate 4 surrounding the inner nozzle. Figure 2 shows the connection details between the gas inlet and the gas delivery device of the plate 4 of the inner nozzle. These gas delivery devices include an enlarged cross-section portion 7 and a reduced cross-section portion 8 which communicate with each other through the orifice 11. The inner end of the enlarged cross-section is provided with a seal 12 made of, for example, graphite. The figure also shows one end of a gas delivery pipe 9 connected to the enlarged cross section portion 7. It can be seen that the transmission tube 9 is formed as a solid body with the casing 10 by circular welding 13. Fig. 3 shows a refractory plate 14 having a sliding valve with an orifice 15 for pouring metal. This plate is provided with a circular groove 16 to surround the pouring hole 15 and forms a channel together with the surface of the refractory portion (not shown) adjacent to the refractory plate 14 for the gas to be sprayed on these adjacent portions. between. The tank 16 is connected to a gas delivery device including an enlarged cross-sectional portion 17 and a reduced cross-sectional portion 18 which communicate with each other through the orifice 21. The figure also shows that the gas delivery pipe 19 is connected to the enlarged cross section, and is firmly bonded to the metal band 20 of the plate 14 by spot welding 23. When the board is in use, under the effect of increasing the component temperature, the spot 19 of the tube 19 between the spot welding 23 and the inner end of the tube expands toward the inner end of the enlarged cross section 17 and the compression seal 22- 11- 494139 V. Description of the invention (1〇) 〇Instruction of component symbols Nozzle 1 Refractory body 2 Pour channel 3 Board 4 Sleeve 5 Slot 6 Enlarged cross-section portion Reduced cross-section portion gas delivery tube 9 Metal casing Orifice 11 Seal 12 Welding 13 Refractory plate 14 Pour into the orifice 15 Slot 16 Enlarge the cross section 17 Reduce the cross section 18 Gas delivery pipe 19 Metal strap 20 Hole □ 21 -12- 494139 V. Description of the invention (彳1) Seal 2 2 Spot welding 23 -13-