201246140 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種多元式緊急訊息通報系統,特別是 一種利用無線通訊網路,結合適地性服務(LBS)與即時廣 播服務,持續針對區域内進出或停留的人進行簡訊發送、 電話語音撥號、社交網絡訊息發佈等相關通知方式,達到 緊急訊息通報之方式。 【先前技術】 最傳統的災害訊息通報多是透過電視媒體、廣播電台 來進行全國性的廣播,然而方式具有以下多種限制與缺 點:(1)全國廣播的災害訊息常常容易引起全民恐慌造成 通報的反效果’例如民眾紛紛出門進行避難反造成救災路 線的擁塞;(2)無法針對災害影響地域之民眾提供更在地 化的訊息,例如當全國廣播訊息為「請花蓮沿岸地區的民 眾,請立即前往地勢較高處避難」時,民眾是無法清楚知 道所謂的「沿岸地區」的涵蓋範圍,而非當地居民的民眾 (如觀光客)更難知道該地區的地勢較高處;(3)災害影響地 域之民眾可能無法第_時間收到災害廣播訊息(沒有接收 廣播訊號的終端設備),而喪失逃難的黃金時間。 又如中華民國新型專利公告號M383i7〇「緊急求救 通報系統」所述’係將全國劃分為若干個區域範圍作為監 控區,並於該監控區内分別建置數個監控點及一通報 201246140 傳遞中心,當災害發生時,通報訊息傳遞中心將接收各監 控點透過網路接收及發送各種語音通訊的訊息’達到即時 性的救援’類似小型的警消傳遞訊息通報系統;此系統需 要龐大的監控點建置成本,也容易受限於監控點之布建密 度而影響到訊息通報的效率。 由此可見,上述習用方式仍有諸多缺失,實非一良善 之設計,而亟待加以改良:而本案發明人有鑑於上述習用 方式所衍生的各項缺點,乃亟思加以改良創新,提出「多 兀式緊急訊息通報系統」來提供更為準確、更為彈性、也 更好維護的訊息精準推播。 而本專利之新穎性與獨特性在於不需額外建置監控 區或救援話機,而是整合已環繞全台灣之多種通訊網路 (仃動網路、市話網路、數據網路、電視網路等)之通訊設 備,於平時提供用戶作為一通訊設備,而在災害發生時, 則迅速轉換任務成為警示通報裝置;另外本專利所述系統 結合了 LBS技術可精準找出災害當下之區域内的通訊設 備,並透過與電信業、有線電視系統業者交換查詢出該設 寺有人後再以查§旬出該持有人其他的通訊方式後,再 以夕元式的通訊網路進行訊息通報。 另外本專利係結合了多種通訊設備之地理資訊,更能 讓災害應變專案小組可以發佈更多適地性、即時地、精準 的人。消心或逃難指示訊息通報給特定區域民眾,解決 201246140 了以往不分地域的痦;^ t + a & 备,^ „ 廣播方式㊉造成民眾恐慌的後果,進而 影響了防災或救災效率的問題。 【發明内容】 本發明之其-目#,在於提供一個緊急訊息通報系 統’協助政府機關進行各種災害訊息的緊急發佈;而為碟 保民眾的生命財產安全,提供一種結合即時性與地域性的 追蹤方式尋找出所有位於危險地點的民眾,並持續發佈告 警通知。 本發明之另一目的,在於提供一個多元式的緊急訊息 通報乐統,協政府機構可透過所有合適的訊息發布平台傳 送特定民眾,藉以提升通報涵蓋率,增加通報的效率;此 外本系統也解決了以往僅仰賴單一訊息發布平台的系 統,因短時間内大量的資訊傳遞所造成的壅塞問題,進而 延誤通報的效果。 本發明之下一目的,在於提供一個緊急訊息通報系 統,協政府機關進行各種災害訊息的緊急發佈;提供一種 地域性監測模式,主動且持續發佈告警通知給正前往危險 地點的民眾。 本發明之再一目的,在於提供一個緊急訊息通報系 統,協交通機構發佈即時交通路況訊息;主動發佈塞車路 段訊息給接近交通壅阻區域的用戶盡早駛離或改變路 線,以免受限於忙亂的車陣中,有助於舒緩交通。 201246140 為達成上述發明目的,本發明所揭露之系統具有三種 架構,因此為便於說明’本文將依系統之三種使用情境來 分別以系統架構A、系統架構B、系統架構C稱之。 本發明之一系統架構A之使用流程如下述,首先訊息 發佈者須先輸入一通報案件,其中案件設定須填報通報名 稱、通報的活動時間區間、通報内容、重複通報規則設定、 通報方式、通報黑名單設定、白名單設定、訊務類別設定 等案件資訊;然後發佈者可以自行輸入通訊名單(如身分 證字號之類的客戶識別碼)或通訊帳號清單(如電話門號 之類的通訊帳號資料),或於GIS系統(地理資訊系統)中 標註欲通報的地點、或框選一塊地理空間後,透過系統進 行地理空間解析處理,從設備資料庫中榜取出所有座落於 發佈者標註的地理資訊空間範圍之内的通訊帳號清單(如 電話門號之類的通訊帳號資料);接者,系統可依以下三 種方式以產生發佈清單:(1)將通訊帳號清單輸入至客戶 資料庫以查詢出該通訊帳號持有人之客戶識別碼後,再以 這些客戶識別碼來查詢出該客戶其他的通訊方式(即發佈 清單),(2)將通訊名單輸入到客戶資料庫’以查詢出該客 戶識別碼之其他的通訊方式(即發佈清單);或(3)直接以通 訊帳號清單作為發佈清單;最後,系統依照發佈清單之設 備種類分別向不同的訊息發佈平台(如簡訊中心、電腦語 音應答系統(IVR糸統)、社交網絡(s〇ciai Network)、或其 6 201246140 ,讓客戶取得即時 動,以確保其生命 的緊急 財產安 他的應用系統等)發佈緊急訊息 消息’建議客戶盡快至避難處移 〇 上述系統架構A之設備資料庫之設備資料可為一個 市内電話門號(又如N G N網路電話、有線電視機上盒、網 路服務數據機、網路服務IP分享器、數位電視機上盒、 有線電視機上盒等通訊設備門號)與其裝機地址,因此本 系統可運用該設備資料庫並透過地理空間解析判斷該市 内電話是否位於發佈者所標註的地理空間之内;同理設備 貝料庫之設備資料亦可為一行動電話門號及其所在之地 理資訊位置,然而行動電話不具備類似市内電話的裝機地 址’不過拜科技發展所賜,行動電話所在地理資訊位置可 透過基地台之間的定位技術取得、或是從内建系統 (即王球定位系統)的行動電話回報取得、或是透過判斷該 行動電活目前的接取的基地台所在來取得概略的地理資 讯位置(雖然並未十分精準,然應用在緊急訊息通報上仍 是不失為有效的資訊)。綜合上述各種設備資料庫之資料 來源,可如表一簡單表示。 表一、設備資料庫之資料格式表示法之一: ϋ類i 通訊資料識別碼 地理資訊位置 • · · 市内電話 212345678 aaa縣aaa市aaa路aaa巷aaa號 • · · 灯勅电5¾ 0900-000-001 bbb縣bbb市bbb路bbb巷bbb號 • · · 行動電^~~~ 0900-002-000 Ν23.02.438Έ 120.13.349.. • · · 灯動龟話 0900-004-000 CCC縣CCC市CCC路CCC巷CCC號 • · · 201246140 網路服務數據機 HN00000001 Ν24.12Ό52Έ121.46’513" • · · 網路服務數據機 HN00000002 Ν20.4Γ186Έ120.17Ό11" . . . 網路服務IP分享器 AP00000003 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" • · · 數位電視機上盒 MD111111 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" * · * 有線電視機上盒 BX2222222 ddd縣ddd市ddd路ddd巷ddd號 • · • • • • 上述系統架構A之客戶資料庫之通訊帳號資料可為 電信通訊設備帳號(如市内電話門號、行動電話門號、NGN 網路電話門號)、或為電視設備帳號(如有線電視機上盒之 設備門號、數位電視機上盒之設備門號)、又或為數據服 務設備帳號(如網路服務數據機之設備門號、網路服務IP 分享器之設備門號),以上通訊帳號資料皆可從電信業者 或有線電視系統業者之設備申辦人資料庫取得;通訊帳號 資料還可為一用戶自行提供的網路服務帳號(如facebook 帳號、電子郵件、MSN即時通帳號等);又通訊帳號資料 可為一具備連網功能(即該設備至少具有一網路卡)之客 戶終端之網路卡實體位址(MAC);此資料可從該終端連網 之網路服務提供者(ISP)之IP配置資料庫(此資料庫紀錄 了該ISP之接取客戶終端網路卡實體位址與其配置的IP 位址)取得。綜合上述各種客戶資料庫之資料來源,則該 資料庫之資料格式表示,如表二所示為本資料庫之資料格 式其中之一的表示法。 8 201246140 表二、客戶資料庫之資料格式表示法之—: 多戶識別碼類型 客戶識別碼 通訊工具類型 通訊資料識別碼 • · · 身分證字號 A123456789 市内電話 12345678 身分證字號 A123456789 行動電話 0900-000-001 身分證字號 A123456789 有線電視機上盒 BX2222222 身分證字號 A123456789 facebook Yoho@hello.com _ 身分證字號 A123456789 電子郵件 Yoho@hello.com 身分證字號 A123456789 MSN Yoho@hello.com _ 身分證字號 B234567890 行動電話 0900-002-001 ^分證字號 B234567890 數位電視機上盒 MD111111 徤保卡號 24AD03E869 客戶終端 00DD782C8A0C ,蔓照號碼 P0000000001 客戶終端 00FF687DF400 居留證號碼 U999999999 客戶終端 E22E4A30069B • · · • • ' . • • • . • • • • • 上述系統架構A之訊息發佈平台,係為一提供訊息發 佈之系統泛稱。其中訊息發佈平台可為一簡訊中心,係接 收本系統傳送之簡訊内容與收話電話門號(即設備門號資 料之一)後’將代為發送簡訊給指定的電話門號用戶;又 或訊息發佈平台可為一 IVR系統,係接收本系統傳送之 訊息内容與收話電話門號後,將代為撥話給指定的電話門 號用戶,待用戶接取電話設備後,將以語音方式說明訊息 内容給用戶聆聽;另外在近期多次的救難經驗中我們可以 發現到’社交網絡服務確實能協助用來發佈緊急通報,因 此本系統接取之訊息發佈平台可為一社交網絡,如 facebook、Twitter、Plurk等,係接收本系統傳送之訊息 内容與客戶帳號(即客戶識別碼之一)後,直接發佈或張貼 9 201246140 緊急消息給客戶的個人社交網絡上;又或訊息發佈平△可 為一即時通訊系統(其—應料'統),如MSN、Skype、QQ、201246140 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a multi-disciplinary emergency information notification system, in particular to a wireless communication network, a suitable local service (LBS) and an instant broadcast service, and continuously in and out of the area. Or the person who stays in the form of SMS notification, telephone voice dialing, social network message release and other related notification methods to achieve emergency information notification. [Prior Art] Most of the most traditional disaster information notifications are broadcast nationwide through TV media and radio stations. However, the methods have the following limitations and shortcomings: (1) National broadcast disaster messages are often prone to panic caused by notifications. Counter-effects, such as the fact that people have gone out for refuge and caused congestion in the disaster relief route; (2) unable to provide more localized information to the people affected by the disaster, such as when the national broadcast message is "Please ask the people in the coastal areas of Hualien, please immediately When going to the higher ground to take refuge, the people cannot know the coverage of the so-called "coastal areas". It is harder for the local residents (such as tourists) to know the higher terrain of the area; (3) disasters People influencing the region may not be able to receive disaster broadcast messages (terminal devices that do not receive broadcast signals) for the first time, and lose the golden time of flight. Another example is the Republic of China New Patent Announcement No. M383i7, “Emergency Call for Notification System”, which divides the country into several regional areas as monitoring areas, and establishes several monitoring points and a notification 201246140 in the monitoring area. Center, when a disaster occurs, the notification messaging center will receive messages from various monitoring points to receive and send various voice communications through the network. 'Achieve immediate rescue' similar to a small police transmission messaging system; this system requires huge monitoring Point construction costs are also easily limited by the deployment density of monitoring points and affect the efficiency of message notification. It can be seen that there are still many shortcomings in the above-mentioned conventional methods, which is not a good design, but needs to be improved: and the inventors of this case have made improvements and innovations in view of the shortcomings derived from the above-mentioned conventional methods. The 紧急-type emergency messaging system provides accurate, more flexible, and better-maintained messages for accurate delivery. The novelty and uniqueness of this patent is that it does not require additional monitoring areas or rescue phones, but integrates various communication networks that have been around Taiwan (smashing network, local telephone network, data network, and television network). Communication equipment, etc., provides the user as a communication device in peacetime, and when the disaster occurs, it quickly converts the task into a warning notification device; in addition, the system described in this patent combines the LBS technology to accurately identify the area within the current disaster area. The communication equipment, and through the exchange with the telecommunications industry, cable TV system operators to inquire about the establishment of the temple, and then check the holder's other communication methods, and then use the Xiyuan-style communication network to inform the message. In addition, this patent combines the geographic information of a variety of communication devices, allowing the disaster response project team to release more people who are suitable, timely, and accurate. The message of dissatisfaction or escape is reported to the people in a specific area to solve the problem of 201246140 regardless of the region; ^ t + a & preparation, ^ „ The broadcast method ten causes the consequences of the public panic, which in turn affects the efficiency of disaster prevention or disaster relief SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is to provide an emergency information notification system to assist government agencies in the emergency release of various disaster messages, and to provide a combination of immediacy and regionality for the safety of life and property of the people of the dish. Tracking methods to find out all the people in dangerous locations, and continue to issue warning notices. Another object of the present invention is to provide a multi-disciplinary emergency message system, which can be transmitted by all appropriate information dissemination platforms. The public can improve the coverage rate of notifications and increase the efficiency of notifications. In addition, the system also solves the problem of relying on a single message publishing platform in the past, due to the congestion caused by a large amount of information transmission in a short period of time, thereby delaying the effectiveness of the notification. The next object of the invention is to provide an emergency message System, the government agencies carry out emergency release of various disaster messages; provide a regional monitoring mode to proactively and continuously issue warning notifications to people who are going to dangerous places. A further object of the present invention is to provide an emergency information notification system. Traffic agencies release instant traffic conditions; proactively release traffic jams to users close to traffic barriers to leave or change routes as early as possible to avoid being restricted to busy cars, helping to ease traffic. 201246140 To achieve the above objectives, The system disclosed in the present invention has three architectures, so for convenience of explanation, 'this article will be referred to as system architecture A, system architecture B, and system architecture C according to the three usage scenarios of the system. The usage process of one system architecture A of the present invention As mentioned below, first of all, the message publisher must first enter a notification case, in which the case setting must be filled in the name of the notification, the time interval of the notification, the content of the notification, the setting of the notification rule, the method of notification, the blacklist setting, the whitelist setting, and the service. Case information such as category setting; then The publisher can enter the communication list (such as the customer identification number such as the ID number) or the communication account list (such as the communication account number such as the telephone number), or mark the information to be notified in the GIS system (Geographic Information System). After selecting a geospatial space, or through the system for geospatial analysis, the list of communication accounts located in the geographic information space marked by the publisher (such as the phone number) is taken out from the device database list. The communication account information); the system, the system can generate the release list in the following three ways: (1) enter the communication account list into the customer database to query the customer ID of the communication account holder, and then The customer identification code to query the other communication methods of the customer (ie, publish the list), and (2) input the communication list into the customer database to query the other communication methods of the customer identification code (ie, publish the list); or 3) Directly use the list of communication accounts as the release list; finally, the system will separately send different messages according to the types of devices in the release list. Information release platform (such as news center, computer voice response system (IVR), social network (s〇ciai Network), or its 6 201246140, allowing customers to get instant action to ensure their life's emergency property security application system Etc.) Issue an emergency message message 'Prompt the customer to move to the refuge as soon as possible. The device data of the device database of the above system architecture A can be a local telephone number (also like NGN VoIP, cable TV box, network) Service data machine, network service IP sharer, digital TV set-top box, cable TV box and other communication equipment door number) and its installed address, so the system can use the equipment database and determine the city through geospatial analysis Whether the phone is located in the geographical space marked by the publisher; the device data of the same device can also be a mobile phone number and the geographic information location where the phone is located. However, the mobile phone does not have an installed address similar to the local phone. 'But thanks to the development of technology, the geographical location of the mobile phone can be obtained through the positioning technology between the base stations, or Obtaining a rough geographic location from the mobile phone return of the built-in system (ie, the king ball positioning system), or by judging the current access to the base station of the mobile power (although not very accurate, but application It is still a valid information in the emergency message). The data sources of the above various equipment databases can be summarized as shown in Table 1. Table 1: One of the data format representations of the equipment database: ϋ Class i Communication data identification code Geographic information location • · · City telephone 212345678 aaa county aaa city aaa road aaa alley aaa number · · · lamp 敕 electricity 53⁄4 0900- 000-001 bbb, bbb road, bbb road, bbb city, bbb county · · · mobile power ^~~~ 0900-002-000 Ν23.02.438Έ 120.13.349.. • · · 灯动龟话0900-004-000 CCC县CCC No. CCC Lane CCC Road CCC No. • · · 201246140 Network Service Data Machine HN00000001 Ν24.12Ό52Έ121.46'513" • · · Network Service Data Machine HN00000002 Ν20.4Γ186Έ120.17Ό11" . . . Network Service IP Sharer AP00000003 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" • · · Digital TV set-top box MD111111 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" * · * Cable TV set-top box BX2222222 ddd city ddd city ddd road ddd alley ddd number · · • • • • The above system architecture The communication account information of A's customer database can be the telecom communication device account (such as the city phone number, mobile phone number, NGN network phone number), or the TV device account (such as the cable box device) door No., number of equipment on the TV set, or data service equipment account (such as the device number of the network service data machine, the device number of the network service IP sharer), the above communication account information can be Obtained from the equipment sponsor database of the telecom operators or cable TV system providers; the communication account information can also be a user service network account (such as facebook account, email, MSN instant messaging account, etc.); It may be a network card physical address (MAC) of a client terminal having a networking function (ie, the device has at least one network card); the data may be from a network service provider (ISP) connected to the terminal. The IP configuration database (this database records the ISP's access to the client terminal network card entity address and its configured IP address). In the light of the data sources of the above various customer databases, the data format of the database is represented, as shown in Table 2, which is the representation of one of the data formats of the database. 8 201246140 Table 2: Data format representation of customer database -: Multi-digit identification code type Customer identification code Communication tool type Communication data identification code • · · Identity card number A123456789 City telephone 12345678 ID card number A123456789 Mobile phone 0900- 000-001 ID card number A123456789 Cable TV set box BX2222222 ID card number A123456789 facebook Yoho@hello.com _ ID card number A123456789 Email Yoho@hello.com ID card number A123456789 MSN Yoho@hello.com _ ID card number B234567890 Mobile phone 0900-002-001 ^Divided font size B234567890 Digital TV set box MD111111 徤保卡号 24AD03E869 Customer terminal 00DD782C8A0C, 蔓照号P0000000001 Client terminal 00FF687DF400 Residence permit number U999999999 Client terminal E22E4A30069B • · · • • ' . • • • • • • • • The above-mentioned system architecture A message publishing platform is a general name for the system that provides information distribution. The message publishing platform may be a text message center, which receives the message content transmitted by the system and the received telephone number (ie, one of the device door number data), and then sends a message to the designated phone number user; or the message The publishing platform can be an IVR system. After receiving the message content transmitted by the system and receiving the phone number, the user will dial the call to the designated phone number user. After the user receives the phone device, the message will be voiced. The content is for the user to listen to; in addition, in the recent rescue experience, we can find that 'social network service can really help to send emergency notifications, so the system to receive the message publishing platform can be a social network, such as facebook, Twitter , Plurk, etc., after receiving the message content transmitted by the system and the customer account (ie one of the customer identification codes), directly post or post 9 201246140 emergency message to the customer's personal social network; or the message release level △ can be one Instant messaging system (which is the one that should be used), such as MSN, Skype, QQ,
Yah00Messengem收本系統傳送之訊息内容鱼客 戶即時通知帳號(即客戶識別碼之-)後,直接傳送緊每消 息至指定的客戶帳號;又或訊息發佈平台可為一數位電視 通報系統(其一應用系統),係接收本系統傳送之訊息内容 與收訊的數位電機上盒(即設備門號資料之一)後,發送訊 息至指定的收訊的數位電機上盒上,其中該機上盒至少須 支援-網路協定、具有一應用介面、或一代理人模組用以 接收訊息,且機上盒收到該訊息後將會強制輸出以通知設 備用戶(如顯示在電視螢幕);又或訊息發佈平台可為一 ⑽業者,係接收本系統傳送之訊息内容與客戶終端之網 路卡實體位址(MAC)後,從m立址配置資料庫查詢到 該網路卡實體位址(MAC)目前使用的Ip位址再傳送該 A息至IP位址的客戶牧遮,直φ 士方旁 尸、,、鳊具中5玄客戶終端至少須支援 一網路協定、具有-應用介面、或一代理人模組用以接收 訊息’且客戶終端收到該訊息後將會強制輪出以通知設備 用戶(如顯示於終端螢幕)。 本發明之另一系統架構B之使用流程如下述首先訊 息發佈者須先輸入-通報案件’其中案件設定須填報通報 名稱、通報的活動時間區間、通報内容、重複通報規則設 定、通報方式、通報黑名單設定、白名單設定、訊務類別 10 201246140 。又定等案件貢訊;然後發佈者可於GIS系統(地理資訊系 統)中標註欲通報的地點、或框選一塊地理空間後,透過 系統進行地理空間解析處理,從基地台資料庫十撈取出所 有座落於發佈者標註的地理資訊空間範圍之内的目標基 地台清單;接者’設定這些基地台設備為監測點而在通 報的/舌動時間區間内,系統將定期持續地至設備漫遊資料 庫查詢出目前目標基地台之所有接取通訊設備,並建立為 # tfi & m下-步’系統可依以下兩種方式進行通報 清單資料處理以產生發佈清單:(1)將通訊帳號清單輸入 至客戶貝料庫以查詢出該通訊帳號持有人之客戶識別碼 後’再以這些客戶識別碼來查詢出該客戶其他的通訊方式 (即發佈料);或⑵直接以通訊帳號清單作為^佈清單; 最後,系統依照發佈清單之設備種類分別向不同的訊息發 佈平台(如簡訊中心、電腦語音應答系統(IVR系統)、社 交網絡(s〇cial Network)、或其他的應用系統等)發佈緊急 訊息;讓客戶取得即時的緊急消息,建議客戶盡快至避難 處移動’以確保其生命財產安全。 上述系統架構B之基地台資料庫之基地台資料係為 -包含基地台識別碼及其所在之地理資訊位置的紀錄其 中一般基地台所在地理資訊位置即為其裝機地址;若基地 台為-個4于動基地台則該基i也台之地理資訊位置可透 過該基地台與相鄰的基地台之間進行定位取得、或是該基 11 201246140 地台備有GPS系統(即全球定位系統)回報取得;其中基地 台貧料庫之資料格式’如表三所示。 表三、基地台資料庫之資料格式表示法之一. 基地台識別碼 基地台識別碼 • ·. SSED00001 Ν23.53,231Έ122.23,267" SSID00002 Ν23.02,438Έ120.13,349" SSID00003 Ν24.12Ό52Έ121.46'513" SSID00004 Ν22.37'201Έ120.22*371" SSID00005 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" • • • 上述系統架構B之設備漫遊資料庫可為〇 s Μ行動通 訊系統之訪客位置登錄中心(Visitors L〇catiQn Registei·, VLR)儲存了 行動父換中心(Mobile services Switching Centre’ MSC)所涵蓋的行動使用者用戶資料,包括通訊 ax備門號、用戶所在位置區域資訊' 用戶狀態和用戶服務 資料等;又該設備漫遊資料庫可為本區位置登錄中心 (Home Location Register ’ HLR)儲存了管理部門用於行動 用戶資料,包括通訊設備門號、訪問能力、用戶類別、加 值服務、行動用戶目前所處位置的資訊;因此我們可以很 輕易地從該資料庫中查詢到一指定的基地台之服務範圍 内所有的通訊設備門號;其中本資料庫之資料格式,如表 四簡單表示。 12 201246140 表四、設備漫遊資料庫之資料格式表示法之一: 通訊資料識別碼 基地台識別碼 09XX000001 SSED00001 09XX000007 SSED00001 09XX000016 SSID00001 09XX000004 SSID00001 09XX000051 SSID00001 09XX000023 SSID00001 09XX000011 SSID00002 09XX000003 SSID00002 09XX000002 SSID00002 09XX000008 SSID00003 09XX000005 SSID00003 • • • 上述系統架構B之訊息發佈平台、客戶資料庫,其内 容與系統架構A所述相同,因此不再加以贅述。 本發明之另一系統架構C之使用流程如下述,首先訊 息發佈者須先輸入一通報案件,其中案件設定須填報通報 名稱、通報的活動時間區間、通報内容、重複通報規則設 定、通報方式、通報黑名單設定、白名單設定、訊務類別 設定等案件資訊;然後發佈者可於GIS系統(地理資訊系 統)中標註欲通報的地點、或框選一塊地理空間後,透過 系統進行地理空間解析處理,從訊號發射站資料庫中撈取 出所有座落於發佈者標註的地理資訊空間範圍之内的目 標訊號發射站清單(如細胞基地台、網路服務數據機、無 線網路存取點、或廣播電台等);接者,設定這些訊號發 13 201246140 射站設備為監測點,而在通報的活動時間區間内系統將 定期持續地發送通報指令;最後,系統依照訊號發射站設 備種類刀別向不同的訊息發佈平台(如細胞廣播系統 心心扣SySUm)、廣播網路系統(Br〇adeast/Multicast Network System)、或錢電纟(Radi〇以川⑽)、或其他 廣播系統等)發佈緊急訊息,而各發佈平台將以廣播方式 發佈給其服務範圍内之用戶;讓用戶取得即時的緊急消 息’建議用戶盡快至避難處移動,以確保其生命財產安全。 上述系統架構C之訊號發射站資料庫之資料係為一 包含訊號發射站識別碼及其所在之地理f訊位置的紀 錄,其中訊號發射站可為一般基地台且其所在地理資訊位 置即為裝機地址;若訊號發射站為一行動基地台時,則該 基地台之地理資訊位置可透過該基地台與相鄰的基地台 之間進打定位取得、或是該基地台備有Gps系統(即全球 疋位系統)回報取得;若訊號發射站為一網路服務IP分享 态時,則1¾ IP分享器之地理資訊位置即為裝機地址、或 透過該IP分享器之GPS系統(即全球定位系統)回報取 仔,若訊號發射站為—網路服務數據機時,則該數據機之 地理資訊位置即為裝機地址;若訊號發射站為一無線電站 時,則該無線電站之地理資訊位置之裝機地址;综合上述 之各類訊號發射站資料格式,如表五所示。 14 201246140 表五、訊號發射站資料庫之資料格式表示法之一: 訊號發射站類型 訊號發射站識別碼 地理資訊位置 • · · 基地台 SSID0001 Ν23.02'438Έ120·13,349” • · · 基地台 SSID0002 Ν24.12Ό52Έ121.46'513" 基地台 SSID0003 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" 網路服務數據機 HN00000004 aaa縣aaa市aaa路aaa巷aaa號 網路服務數據機 HN00000005 Ν22.33Ό17Έ120.4Γ226” 無線網路存取點 AP00000006 bbb縣bbb市bbb路bbb巷bbb號 無線網路存取點 AP00000007 Ν23.19'310"Ε122.09Ό53" 無線電站 RS00000008 CCC縣CCC市CCC路CCC巷CCC號 無線電站 RS00000008 ddd縣ddd市ddd路ddd巷ddd號 * • * • 上述系統情境C之訊息發佈平台,與系統情境A和系 統情境B所述之訊息發佈平台不同之處,係以廣播方式為 主的發佈平台;訊息發佈平台可為一細胞廣播系統,係接 收本系統傳送之訊息内容與指定的細胞基地台識別碼 後,發送訊息至指定之細胞基地台,並由該細胞基地台以 廣播方式將訊息給所有服務範圍内之設備終端,其中(1) 該細胞(基地台)至少須支援一網路協定、具有一應用介 面、或一代理人模組用以接收訊息,(2)該設備終端須支 援一網路協定、具有一應用介面、或一代理人模組用以接 收細胞廣播訊號之訊息,且設備終端收到訊息後將會強制 輸出以通知設備用戶(如顯示於設備螢幕上);又或訊息發 佈平台可為一網路廣播系統,係接收本系統傳送之訊息内 容與網路服務數據機之識別碼後,發送訊息至指定數據機 15 201246140 後’該數據機以網路廣播方式將訊息給所有接取之設備終 端,其中(1)该數據機至少須支援一網路協定、具有一應 用介面、或一代理人模組用以接收訊息,(2)該設備終端 至少須支杈一網路協定、具有一應用介面、或一代理人模 組用以接收網路廣播訊號之訊息,且設備终端收到訊息後 將會強制輸出以通知設備用戶(如顯示於設備螢幕上”又 或訊息發佈平台可為一網路廣播系統,係接收本系統傳送 之訊息内容與網路服務IP分享器之識別碼後,發送訊息 至指定IP分享器後,該IP分享器以網路廣播方式將訊息 給所有接取之設備終端,其中(υ該接取點至少須支援一 網路協定、具有-應用介面、或—代理人模組用以接收訊 息,(2)該設備終端至少須支援—網路協定、具有一應用 介面、或一代理人模組用以接收網路廣播訊號之訊息,且 設備終端收到該訊息後將會強制輸出以通知設備用戶(如 顯示於設備螢幕上);X訊息發佈平台可為一無線電廣播 系統,係接收本系統傳送之訊息内容與無線電站之識別碼 後,發送訊息至指定無線電站後’該無線電站以無線電廣 播方式將訊息廣播給服務範圍之内設備終端,其中⑴該 無線電站至少須支援一網路協定、具有—應用介面、或一 代理人模組用以接收訊息’ (2)該設備終端須支援一網路 協定、具有-應用介面、或-代理人模組用以接收無線電 訊號之功能。 16 201246140 【實施方式】 本發明系統之實施例一為一多元式緊急訊息系統 ίο,如圖一所示;本實施例之系統係包含一通報案件設定 模組101、發佈名單管理模組102、GIS區域設備篩選模 組103、設備資料庫104、緊急通報模組1〇5、客戶資料 庫106。訊息發佈者可透過通報案件設定模組1〇1輸入報 通報名稱、通報的活動時間區間、通報内容、重複通報規 則設定、通報方式、通報黑名單設定、白名單設定、訊務 類別设疋等案件負§代。接著,發佈者可以採用兩種方式提 供發佈清單一(a)於發佈名單管理模組1〇2中,發佈者可 選擇輸入通訊名單(即客戶識別碼)或通報帳號清單(即通 訊帳號資料);或是(b)於GIS區域設備篩選模組1〇3所顯 示的地圖上,發佈者可標註多邊形、著名地點、或特定地 點之方圓半徑内等區域為警示區域後,經過本模組1〇3 之地理資訊空間運算,從設備資料庫1〇4中撈取出所有目 前正位於該警示區域之通訊設備以產生通報帳號清單。接 著,緊急通報模組105匯集了來自發佈名單管理模組1〇2 與GIS區域設備篩選模組1〇3之通訊名單與通報帳號清 單後,依照通報等級設定進行資料處理以產生最後的發佈 清單。若發佈者要求以最高程度的警示通報時,模組i 將通说名單輸入到客戶資料庫1〇6,查詢資料庫中該客戶 識別碼之所有通訊資料(包含行動電話門號、市内電話門 17 201246140 號、網路電活門號、數位電視機上盒之設備門號、電子郵 件、社交網絡帳號等)以產生發佈清單;或模組1〇5將通 訊帳號清單輸入到客戶資料庫106,查詢該通訊帳號所配 屬的客戶識別碼後,再次至客戶資料庫106查詢該客戶識 別碼之所有通訊資料以產生發佈清單。又若發佈者要求一 般程度的警示通報時,則模組105僅直接把通訊帳號清單 設定為最後的發佈清單。最後,模組i 〇 5將根據發佈清單 上的通訊資料分別向不同的訊息發佈平台[如簡訊中心 201、電腦語音應答系統(IVR系統)2〇2、社交網絡(s〇ciaiYah00Messengem receives the message content transmitted by the system. After the fish client immediately notifies the account (ie, the customer identification code), it directly transmits each message to the specified customer account; or the message publishing platform can be a digital TV notification system (an application) System), after receiving the content of the message transmitted by the system and the digital motor box (ie, one of the device door number data) received by the system, sending a message to the designated motor of the digital receiving box, wherein the box is at least Must support - network protocol, have an application interface, or a proxy module to receive messages, and the set-top box will force the output to notify the device user (such as displayed on the TV screen) after receiving the message; or The message publishing platform may be a (10) player who receives the message content transmitted by the system and the network card entity address (MAC) of the client terminal, and then queries the network address entity address (MAC) from the m-address configuration database. The current Ip address is used to transmit the A-address to the IP address of the client, and the squatter, the scorpion, and the cookware must support at least one network protocol. After use interface for receiving a message, or an agent module 'and the client terminal receives the message will force the wheel out to inform the device user (e.g., displayed on the terminal screen). The flow of use of another system architecture B of the present invention is as follows: First, the publisher of the message must first input - notify the case. The case setting must be filled in the name of the notification, the time interval of the notification, the content of the notification, the setting of the notification rule, the notification method, and the notification. Blacklist setting, whitelist setting, traffic category 10 201246140. The case is also scheduled to be confessed; then the publisher can mark the location to be notified in the GIS system (Geographic Information System), or select a piece of geospatial space, and then perform geospatial analysis through the system to retrieve the data from the base station database. All the list of target base stations located within the geographic information space marked by the publisher; the receivers set these base station devices as monitoring points and within the notified/tongue time interval, the system will continue to roam until the device The database queries all the communication devices of the current target base station, and establishes the #tfi & m down-step system to report the data in the following two ways to generate a release list: (1) the communication account After the list is input to the customer's billet database to query the customer ID of the communication account holder, 'the customer identification code is used to query the other communication methods of the customer (ie, the release material); or (2) directly to the communication account list As a list of ^ cloth; Finally, the system distributes the platform to different messages according to the type of device that publishes the list (such as the news center, computer Audio response system (IVR system), social network (s〇cial Network), or other application systems, etc.) to send emergency messages; let customers get instant emergency news, advise customers to move as soon as possible to the refuge to ensure their lives and property . The base station data of the base station database of the above system architecture B is - a record containing the base station identification code and the location of the geographic information where the base station is located, where the geographic information location of the general base station is its installed address; if the base station is - 4 The base station of the base station can be located between the base station and the adjacent base station, or the base station is equipped with a GPS system (ie, global positioning system). The return is obtained; the data format of the base station of the poor base is shown in Table 3. Table 3. One of the data format representations of the base station database. Base station identification code base station identification code • ·. SSED00001 Ν23.53,231Έ122.23,267" SSID00002 Ν23.02,438Έ120.13,349" SSID00003 Ν24.12Ό52Έ121.46 '513" SSID00004 Ν22.37'201Έ120.22*371" SSID00005 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" • • • The device roaming database of the above system architecture B can be the visitor location login center of the 〇s Μ mobile communication system (Visitors L〇 catiQn Registei·, VLR) stores the mobile user information covered by the Mobile Services Switching Centre' MSC, including the communication ax number, the location information of the user's location, user status and user service information; In addition, the device roaming database can store the management department for mobile user information, including the communication device number, access capability, user category, value-added service, and mobile user's current location, for the Home Location Register (HLR). Location information; so we can easily find one from the database All communications equipment door number within a given range of the base station of service; of which the library of data formats, such as simply expressed in Table IV. 12 201246140 Table 4: Data format representation of equipment roaming database: Communication data identification code base station identification code 09XX000001 SSED00001 09XX000007 SSED00001 09XX000016 SSID00001 09XX000004 SSID00001 09XX000051 SSID00001 09XX000023 SSID00001 09XX000011 SSID00002 09XX000003 SSID00002 09XX000002 SSID00002 09XX000008 SSID00003 09XX000005 SSID00003 • • • The message publishing platform and the customer database of the above system architecture B have the same contents as those of the system architecture A, and therefore will not be described again. The flow of use of another system architecture C of the present invention is as follows. First, the message publisher must first enter a notification case, wherein the case setting must fill in the name of the notification, the time interval of the notification, the content of the notification, the setting of the notification rule, the manner of notification, Report case information such as blacklist setting, whitelist setting, and traffic category setting; then the publisher can mark the location to be notified in the GIS system (Geographic Information System), or select a piece of geospatial space to perform geospatial analysis through the system. Processing, extracting from the signal transmitting station database all the target signal transmitting station lists (such as cell base stations, network service data machines, wireless network access points, located within the geographic information space marked by the publisher) Or radio station, etc.; Receiver, set these signals to send 13 201246140 The station equipment is the monitoring point, and the system will continuously send notification instructions continuously during the notified activity time interval; finally, the system will follow the type of equipment of the signal transmitting station. Broadcast to different messaging platforms (such as Cell Broadcasting System Heart Button SySUm), broadcast The emergency system is released by the network system (Br〇adeast/Multicast Network System), or the money card (Radi〇川(10)), or other broadcasting systems, and each publishing platform will be broadcasted to its service area. Users; let users get instant emergency messages 'Proposed users to move to refuge as soon as possible to ensure their lives and property. The data of the signal transmission station database of the above system architecture C is a record containing the signal transmission station identification code and the geographical location of the signal, wherein the signal transmission station can be a general base station and its geographical information location is installed. Address; if the signal transmitting station is an mobile base station, the geographic information location of the base station can be obtained by positioning between the base station and the adjacent base station, or the base station is equipped with a GPS system (ie, The global niche system) returns; if the signal transmitting station is a network service IP sharing state, the geographic information location of the IP sharing device is the installed address, or the GPS system through the IP sharing device (ie, the global positioning system) The return is taken. If the signal transmitting station is a network service data machine, the geographic information location of the data machine is the installed address; if the signal transmitting station is a radio station, the geographic information location of the radio station is Installed address; comprehensive data format of each type of signal transmitting station mentioned above, as shown in Table 5. 14 201246140 Table 5: One of the data format representations of the signal transmitting station database: Signal transmitting station type signal transmitting station identification code geographic information location • · · Base station SSID0001 Ν23.02'438Έ120·13,349” • · · Base station SSID0002 Ν24.12Ό52Έ121.46'513" Base station SSID0003 Ν23.24Ό67Έ121.26Ί12" Network service data machine HN00000004 aaa county aaa city aaa road aaa alley aaa network service data machine HN00000005 Ν22.33Ό17Έ120.4Γ226” wireless network access Point AP00000006 bbb county bbb bbb road bbb lane bbb wireless network access point AP00000007 Ν23.19'310"Ε122.09Ό53" radio station RS00000008 CCC county CCC city CCC road CCC lane CCC number radio station RS00000008 ddd county ddd city ddd Road ddd Lane ddd* * * • The above-mentioned system situation C message publishing platform, which differs from the information publishing platform described in System Situation A and System Situation B, is a broadcast-based publishing platform; the message publishing platform can For a cell broadcast system, after receiving the message content transmitted by the system and the designated cell base station identification code, Sending a message to the designated cell base station, and the cell base station broadcasts the message to the device terminals in all service areas, wherein (1) the cell (base station) must support at least one network protocol and have an application The interface, or a proxy module for receiving messages, and (2) the device terminal must support a network protocol, have an application interface, or a proxy module for receiving cell broadcast signals, and the device terminal receives After the message is sent, the output will be forced to notify the device user (such as displayed on the device screen); or the message publishing platform can be a network broadcast system, which receives the message content transmitted by the system and the identifier of the network service data machine. After sending the message to the designated data machine 15 201246140, the data machine will send the message to all the accessed device terminals by webcasting. (1) The data machine must support at least one network protocol, have an application interface, Or an agent module for receiving messages, and (2) the device terminal must have at least one network protocol, one application interface, or one agent module In order to receive the message of the network broadcast signal, and the device terminal receives the message, it will force the output to notify the device user (such as displayed on the device screen) or the message publishing platform can be a network broadcast system, and receive the system transmission. After the message content and the identifier of the network service IP sharer, after sending the message to the designated IP sharer, the IP sharer sends the message to all the accessed device terminals by using the network broadcast, wherein (the pick-up point) At least one network protocol, an application interface, or an agent module for receiving messages, and at least the device terminal must support a network protocol, have an application interface, or use an agent module. In order to receive the message of the network broadcast signal, and the device terminal receives the message, it will force output to notify the device user (such as displayed on the device screen); the X message publishing platform can be a radio broadcast system, and the system transmits the system. After the message content and the identification code of the radio station, after sending the message to the designated radio station, the radio station broadcasts the message to the service by radio broadcast. Within the device terminal, where (1) the radio station must support at least one network protocol, with an application interface, or an agent module for receiving messages' (2) the device terminal must support a network protocol, with - The function of the application interface or the agent module to receive radio signals. 16 201246140 [Embodiment] The first embodiment of the system of the present invention is a multi-modal emergency message system, as shown in FIG. 1 . The system of the embodiment includes a notification case setting module 101 and a release list management module 102. The GIS regional device screening module 103, the device database 104, the emergency notification module 〇5, and the customer database 106. The message publisher can input the notification name, the notification activity time interval, the notification content, the repeated notification rule setting, the notification method, the notification blacklist setting, the whitelist setting, the traffic category setting, etc. through the notification case setting module 1〇1. The case is negative. Then, the publisher can provide the release list in two ways (a) in the release list management module 1 , 2, the publisher can choose to input the communication list (ie customer identification code) or the notification account list (ie communication account information) Or (b) on the map displayed by the GIS area device screening module 1〇3, the publisher can mark the polygon, the famous place, or the area within the radius of the specific place as the warning area, after the module 1 The geographic information space operation of 〇3 retrieves all communication devices currently located in the alert area from the device database 1-4 to generate a list of notified accounts. Then, the emergency notification module 105 collects the communication list and the notification account list from the release list management module 〇2 and the GIS regional device screening module 1-3, and performs data processing according to the notification level setting to generate a final release list. . If the publisher requests the highest level of alert notification, the module i enters the general list into the customer database 1〇6, and queries all the communication materials of the customer identification code in the database (including the mobile phone number and the local telephone number). Gate 17 201246140, network power gate number, device number of the digital TV set box, email, social network account number, etc.) to generate a release list; or module 1〇5 enter the communication account list into the customer database 106 After querying the customer identification code assigned to the communication account, the customer database 106 is again queried for all the communication data of the customer identification code to generate a release list. In addition, if the publisher requests a general alert notification, the module 105 only directly sets the communication account list as the final release list. Finally, the module i 〇 5 will be distributed to different messages according to the communication materials on the release list [such as the news center 201, computer voice response system (IVR system) 2, 2, social network (s〇ciai)
Network^、其他的應用系,统綱、或網路服務提供者 (ISP)205等]發佈緊急訊息。 實施例一之緊急通報模組1〇5係進行以下判斷:若發 佈清單資料為行動電話門號時,則模組1〇5將傳送訊息與 門號至簡訊中心2(H,由簡訊中心2〇1代為發送訊息給指 定門號用戶;若發佈清單資料為市内電話門號時,則模組 105將傳送訊息與門號至電腦語音應答系統(ivr)2〇2,由 該系統撥話並以語音方式撥放訊息給指定門號用戶。若發 佈清單資料為社交網絡2〇3之帳號時,則模組ι〇5係透過 社交,’周203所提供之應用程式介面,將訊息發佈到該用 戶之個人社交網絡上。若發佈清單資料為電子郵件帳號 時,則模組105係透過電子郵件系統(即應用系統2〇4 寄运訊息到該用戶之電子郵件信箱。若發佈清單資料為數 18 201246140 位電視機上盒或有線電視機上盒之設備門號時,則模組 105係透過網路通報系統(即應用系統2〇4採用緊急通報 網路協定發送訊息到該機上盒之應用介面,而此機上盒應 用介面收到訊息將具強制輸出訊息至電視螢幕之功能。若 發佈清單資料為客戶終端之網路卡實體位址時,則模組 105可從兩方式進行訊息通報··(甸將傳送訊息與網路卡實 體位址至ISP業者205,之後lsp業者2〇5可從其ιρ位 址配置資料庫中查詢該網路卡實體位址目前使用的Ip位 址,由ISP業者205採用緊急通報網路協定發送訊息至指 定IP位址的客戶終端;或者(b)僅將傳送網路卡實體位址 至ISP業者205並等候接收ISP業者2〇5回覆該網路卡實 體位址目前使用的IP位址,再由模組1〇5採用緊急通報 網路協定發送訊息至指定IP位址的客戶終端;上述客戶 終端須有支援緊急通報網路協定之應用介面。 實施例一之設備資料庫104,其資料(a)為固網通訊設 備(如市内電話、網路電話、數位電視機上盒、有線電視 機上盒、網路服務數據機、網路服務Ip分享器)時,其地 理資訊位置可從該設備服務供應商(如固網服務供應業 者、有線電視系統業者等)之設備裝機地址資料庫介接取 得;(b)為行動通訊設備(如行動電話等具用戶身分模組 (SIM卡)之行動通訊設備),其地理位置可從行動電信公 司的通訊系統中取得行動通訊設備之所在位置;或⑷可 19 201246140 從具備GPS系統之通訊設備回報取得;另外本資料庫ι〇4 為了提供更精準的通報情報’將定期地向上述各種資料來 源處取得各通訊設備最新的地理資訊位置。 實施例一之客戶資料庫1〇6,資料來源則可從電信公 司、有線電視業者之客戶設備資料庫(包含市内電話門 唬、仃動電話門號、NGN網路電話門號、有線電視機上 盒之設備門號、數位電視機上盒之設備門號、網路服務數 據機之設備門號、網路服務ip分享器之設備門號)取得; 或提供一網站讓客戶自行輸入網路服務帳號(如facebook 帳號、電子郵件、MSN即時通帳號等)或緊急聯絡人資料; 或從網路服務提供者(15?)之IP配置資料庫之取得一客戶 終端之網路卡實體位址(MAC) ’同時該網路卡實體位址所 對應的客戶識別碼,可於終端進行網際網路接取認證授權 時一併輸入。 本發明系統之貫施例二為一結合基地台地理資訊之 多元式緊急訊息通報系統丨0 ,如圖二所示;本實施例之 系統係包含一通報案件設定模組1〇1、GIS區域監測點篩 選模組107、基地台資料庫1〇8、LBS區域監測模組1〇9、 设備漫遊資料庫11 〇、緊急通報模組1 〇5、客戶資料庫 106。訊息發佈者可透過通報案件設定模組ι〇1輸入報通 報名稱、通報的活動時間區間、通報内容、重複通報規則 設定、通報方式、通報黑名單設定、白名單設定、訊務類 20 201246140 別6又疋等案件資訊。接著,發佈者可以採用於⑽區域 d點師選模組107所顯示的地圖上,發佈者可標註多邊 形、著名地點、志牲今 次特疋地點之方圓半徑内等區域為警示區 域後,經過本模組107之地理資訊空間運算,從基地台資 料庫108中撈取出所有目前正位於該警示區域之細胞基 地口 '月早傳达至LBS區域監測模組】〇9。模組1〇9(如圖 四所示')係包含監測點輸入模组腦、監測條件模組 1093、和監測活動模組1()92 ;首先監測點輸人模組⑽1 會接收細胞某祕A、,主⑽ 匕丞地D π早並且設定該細胞基地台為監測 」後發佈者可於監測條件模組1〇93中進行US監測 條件3又疋—發送範圍、設備過濾、發送時間、服務内容、 設備訊號類別、或其他細項;完成設定後啟動監測活動模 組1092執行監測;而模組1G92將於發送時間之内持續或 定期地輪詢設備漫遊資料庫110並從該資料庫110收集到 目削正在監測點基地台之服務範圍内的通訊帳號,產生通 =帳5虎β單並傳送至緊急通報模組105。若發佈者要求以 最兩程度的警示通報時,模組1〇5將通訊名單輸入到客戶 、料庫106 ’查珣貧料庫中該客戶識別碼之所有通訊資料 (包含仃動電話門號、市内電話門號、網路電話門號、數 位電視機上盒之設備門號、電子郵件、社交網絡帳號等) 以產生發佈清單;或模組1〇5將通訊帳號清單輸入到客戶 厂’ 6查询该通訊帳號所配屬的客戶識別碼後,再 21 201246140 次至客戶資料庫1 〇6查詢該客戶識別碼之所有通訊資料 以產生發佈清單。又若發佈者要求一般程度的警示通報 時,則模組105僅直接把通訊帳號清單設定為最後的發佈 清單。最後’模組1 〇 5將根據發佈清單上的通訊資料分別 向不同的訊息發佈平台(如簡訊中心201、電腦語音應答 系統(IVR系統)202、社交網絡(Social Network)203、其他 的應用系統204、或網路服務提供者(ISP)2〇5等)發佈緊 急訊息。 上述實施例二之系統中客戶資料庫1 〇6與緊急通報 模組10 5,同實施例一所述,故在此不加贅述。 本發明系統之實施例三為一結合訊號發射站地理資 訊之多元式緊急訊息廣播通報系統1 〇,如圖三所示;本 實施例之系統係包含一通報案件設定模組1〇1、GIS區域 監測點篩選模組107、訊號發射站資料庫j丨丨、LBS區域 監測模組109、緊急通報模組105。訊息發佈者可透過通 報案件設定模組101輸入報通報名稱、通報的活動時間區 間、通報内容、重複通報規則設定、通報方式、通報黑名 單δ又疋、白名單設定、訊務類別設定等案件資訊。接著, ^佈者可以採用於GIS區域監測點篩選模組1〇7所顯示 的地圖上,發佈者可標註多邊形、著名地點、或特定地點 圓半徑内專區域為警示區域後,經過本模組1 〇 7之地 資。fl空間運算,從訊號發射站資料庫丨丨1中撈取出所有 22 201246140 月〕正位於名“示區域之訊號發射站清單傳送至^ b s區 域監測模組1 〇 9。模έ且1 〇 q >f糸句人、, 误、·.且i U9係包3監測點輸入模組! 〇9 i、 ▲則條件杈組1093、和監測活動模組1092 ;首先監測點 杈、’且109 1會肖收訊號發射站清單並且設定該訊號發 射站為目^監測點’然後發佈者可於監測條件模、组1093 .行LBS凰測條件设定—發送範圍、設備過濾、發送 或其他細項;完成設定 時間、服務内容、設備訊號類別 後啟動監測活動槿纟且1 拙;., 籾供艰執仃監測;而模組1〇92將於發 送時間之内持續或定期地產生訊號發射站清單並傳送至 緊%、通報杈組i05。接著,緊急通報模組丨〇5接收來自 LBS監測設定之訊號發射站清單後,將分別傳送通報訊息 給目標監測點的訊號發射站(細胞廣播系統2〇6、網路廣 播系統207、無線電廣播系統2〇8,再由訊號發射站以廣 播方式傳遞給其廣播區域内之所有接取設備;以完成緊急 成息之發佈。 貫施例二之緊急通報模組1 〇 5係進行以下判斷:若气 號發射站清單為一基地台識別碼時,則模組1 〇5先將傳送 凡心與基地台識別碼給細胞廣播系統206後,再由該系統 206轉送訊息給該識別碼所屬之基地台,並請求該基地△ 進行訊息廣播給其服務範圍内之行動通訊設備;其中該行 動通訊設備須具備一應用介面或支援一網路協定用以接 收行動廣播訊息。若訊號發射站清單為一網路服務數據機 23 201246140 識別碼時,則模組105先將傳 寻m'與數據機識 路廣播系·统207後,再由該系飞2〇7m W碼給網 、,死207轉送訊息 所屬之數據機,並請求該數據機 、糊碼 給其接取之客戶終端設備;其中該客=播協-傳遞訊息 /fi 八a + 戶〜端設備須具備一 應用;丨面或支援一網路協定用 „一 收網路廣播訊息。若訊 號發射站清單為一網路服務ip 刀于态識別碼時,則模組 105先將傳送訊息與Ip分享 〇 °B別碼給網路廣播系統207 後’再由該系統2〇7轉送訊息給該識別碼所屬之IP分享 器,並請求該1P分享器以網路廣播協定傳遞訊息給其接 取之客戶終端設備;其中客戶終端設備須具備_應用介面 或支援-網路協定用以接收網路廣播訊息。若訊號發射站 清單為一無線網路存取點識別碼時,則模組105先將傳送 訊息與存取點識別碼給網路廣播系統2 0 7後,再由該系統 207轉送吼息給該識別碼所屬之無線網路存取點,並請求 6玄存取點以網路廣播協定傳遞訊息給其接取之客戶終端 備,其中s玄客戶終端設備須具備一應用介面或支援一網 路協定用以接收網路廣播訊息。若訊號發射站清單為一無 線電站識別碼時’則模組1 〇5先將傳送訊息與存取點識別 碼給無線電廣播系統208後,再由該系統208轉送訊息給 ^識別碼所屬之無線電站,並請求該無線電站以無線電廣 播協定傳遞訊息給其服務範圍内之客戶終端設備;其中該 客戶終端設備須具備接收無線電廣播訊息之功能。 24 201246140 本發明不需額外建置監控區或救援話機,而是充分利 用分佈於台灣之各種通訊網路一行動網路、市話網路、數 據網路等基礎建設,也結合電視網路、無線電、社交網絡 等媒體網路’形成廣大的訊息通報網路。 本發明結合以地理資訊區域標註方式整理出欲通報 名單,給位處於特定區域的民眾更精準之避難資訊與指 不,避免傳統廣播方式訊息發佈容易造成大恐慌,進而影 響到防災避難的通報目的。 本發明以簡訊、語音系統、網路訊息傳播、細胞廣播 (Cell Broadcast)、無線網路廣播 (BroadCasting/Multicasting)、社交網路等多元化的通報方 式,提幵通報的到達率;也解決以往僅仰賴單一訊息發布 平台因為短時間内大量的資訊傳遞所造成的壅塞問題。 綜上所述,本案不僅於技術思想上確屬創新,並具備 習用之傳統方法所不及之上述多項功效,已充分符合新賴 ^及進步性之法定發明專利要件,爰依法提出中請,懇請 責局核准本件發明專利申請案,以勵發明,至感德便。 【圖式簡單說明】 請參閱以下有關本發明之詳细 于、,,田°兄明及其附圖,將可進 一步瞭解本發明之技術内容及1 谷夂其目的功效;有關附圖為: 圖一、多元式緊急訊息系統架構圖;Network^, other application systems, communications, or Internet Service Provider (ISP) 205, etc.] issue emergency messages. The emergency notification module 1〇5 of the first embodiment performs the following judgment: if the list data is issued as the mobile phone number, the module 1〇5 will transmit the message and the door number to the news center 2 (H, by the news center 2 〇1 generation sends a message to the designated door number user; if the release list data is the local telephone door number, the module 105 will transmit the message and the door number to the computer voice response system (ivr) 2〇2, and the system dials the call And voice-distribute the message to the designated door number user. If the list information is published as the account number of the social network 2〇3, then the module ι〇5 will release the message through the social interface, the application interface provided by the week 203 On the personal social network of the user. If the posting information is an email account, the module 105 sends the message to the user's email mailbox through the email system (ie, the application system 2〇4). When the device number of the 201246140 TV set-top box or the cable set-top box is used, the module 105 transmits the message to the system through the network notification system (ie, the application system 2〇4 uses the emergency notification network protocol) The application interface of the upper box, and the message received by the set-top application interface will have the function of forcibly outputting a message to the television screen. If the list information is the network card physical address of the client terminal, the module 105 can be from two Mode for message notification · (Dian will send the message and network card entity address to ISP 205, after which lsp operator 2〇5 can query the network card entity address from its ιρ address configuration database The IP address is sent by the ISP 205 to the client terminal of the specified IP address using the emergency notification network protocol; or (b) only the transport network card entity address is addressed to the ISP 205 and waiting to receive the ISP 2〇5 Responding to the IP address currently used by the network card entity address, and then the module 1〇5 uses the emergency notification network protocol to send a message to the client terminal of the designated IP address; the client terminal must have an emergency notification network agreement Application interface 104. The device database 104 of the first embodiment, the data (a) is a fixed network communication device (such as a local telephone, a network telephone, a digital television set box, a cable television set box, a network service data machine) , When the service provider (Ip sharer), its geographic information location can be obtained from the equipment installation address database of the equipment service provider (such as fixed network service provider, cable TV system operator, etc.); (b) for mobile communication equipment (such as a mobile phone with a user identity module (SIM card), the location of the mobile communication device can be obtained from the mobile telecommunications company's communication system; or (4) can 19 201246140 from the GPS system The communication equipment returns; in addition, this database ι〇4 in order to provide more accurate notification information' will regularly obtain the latest geographic information location of each communication device from the above various sources. The customer database of the first embodiment is 〇6, The data source can be obtained from the customer equipment database of the telecom company and the cable TV provider (including the local telephone door threshold, the mobile phone number, the NGN network telephone door number, the equipment door number of the cable box, and the digital TV set. The device number of the box, the device number of the network service data machine, the device number of the network service ip sharer); or A website allows customers to enter their own online service account (such as facebook account, email, MSN instant messaging account, etc.) or emergency contact information; or obtain a customer from the IP configuration database of the network service provider (15?) The network card physical address (MAC) of the terminal 'At the same time, the customer identification code corresponding to the physical address of the network card can be input when the terminal performs the Internet access authentication and authorization. The second embodiment of the system of the present invention is a multi-modal emergency information notification system 结合0 combined with the base station geographic information, as shown in FIG. 2; the system of the embodiment includes a notification case setting module 1 and a GIS area. The monitoring point screening module 107, the base station database 1〇8, the LBS area monitoring module 1〇9, the device roaming database 11〇, the emergency notification module 1〇5, and the customer database 106. The message publisher can input the notification name, the notification activity time interval, the notification content, the repeated notification rule setting, the notification method, the notification blacklist setting, the whitelist setting, and the traffic class 20 by the notification case setting module ι〇1 201246140 6 and other cases of information. Then, the publisher can use the map displayed by the (10) area d point teacher module 107, and the publisher can mark the polygon, the famous place, and the area within the radius of the special spot of the present time as the warning area. The geographic information space calculation of the module 107 retrieves all the cell base ports currently located in the warning area from the base station database 108, and transmits them to the LBS area monitoring module. The module 1〇9 (shown in FIG. 4) includes a monitoring point input module brain, a monitoring condition module 1093, and a monitoring activity module 1 () 92; first, the monitoring point input module (10) 1 receives a cell Secret A, the main (10) D D π early and set the cell base station for monitoring" After the publisher can perform the US monitoring condition 3 in the monitoring condition module 1〇93 - transmission range, device filtering, transmission time , service content, device signal category, or other details; after the setting is completed, the monitoring activity module 1092 is started to perform monitoring; and the module 1G92 continuously or periodically polls the device roaming database 110 within the sending time and from the data. The library 110 collects the communication account number within the service range of the monitoring base station, generates a pass number, and transmits it to the emergency notification module 105. If the publisher requests the most two levels of alert notification, the module 1〇5 enters the communication list into the customer, the repository 106' to check all the communication data of the customer identification code in the database (including the mobile phone number) , the city's telephone number, the number of the Internet phone number, the device number of the digital TV box, email, social network account, etc.) to generate a release list; or module 1〇5 to enter the list of communication accounts into the customer's factory 6 After querying the customer identification code assigned to the communication account, then 21 201246140 times to the customer database 1 〇6 to query all the communication data of the customer identification code to generate a release list. In addition, if the publisher requests a general alert notification, the module 105 only directly sets the communication account list as the final release list. Finally, the module 1 〇5 will be distributed to different information distribution platforms according to the communication materials on the release list (such as the news center 201, the computer voice response system (IVR system) 202, the social network (Social Network) 203, and other application systems. 204, or Internet Service Provider (ISP) 2〇5, etc.) issue an emergency message. The customer database 1 〇 6 and the emergency notification module 10 5 in the system of the second embodiment are the same as those in the first embodiment, and thus are not described herein. The third embodiment of the system of the present invention is a multi-modal emergency broadcast notification system 1 in combination with the geographic information of the signal transmitting station, as shown in FIG. 3; the system of the embodiment includes a notification case setting module 〇1, GIS. The regional monitoring point screening module 107, the signal transmitting station database j丨丨, the LBS area monitoring module 109, and the emergency notification module 105. The message publisher can report the name of the notification, the time interval of the notification, the content of the notification, the setting of the notification rule, the method of notification, the notification of the blacklist δ, the whitelist setting, and the setting of the traffic category. News. Then, the cloth can be used on the map displayed by the GIS area monitoring point screening module 1〇7, and the publisher can mark the polygon, the famous place, or the specific area within the radius of the specific location as the warning area, after passing through the module. 1 〇7 land. Fl space operation, remove all the 22 from the signal transmission station database 20121 201246140] The list of signal transmission stations located in the name area is transmitted to the ^bs area monitoring module 1 〇9. Module and 1 〇q >f糸句,, 误,·. and i U9 package 3 monitoring point input module! 〇9 i, ▲ condition group 109 group 1093, and monitoring activity module 1092; first monitor point ', 'and 109 1 The conference hall receives the signal list and sets the signal transmission station as the target monitoring point. Then the publisher can monitor the condition module, group 1093. The LBS setting conditions are set—send range, device filtering, transmission or other details. After the completion of the set time, service content, and device signal category, the monitoring activity is started and 1 拙;., for difficult monitoring; and module 1〇92 will continuously or periodically generate signal transmission within the transmission time. The station list is transmitted to the tight %, notification group i05. Then, the emergency notification module 丨〇5 receives the signal transmitting station list from the LBS monitoring settings, and then transmits the notification message to the signal transmitting station of the target monitoring point (cell broadcasting) System 2〇6 The network broadcast system 207 and the radio broadcast system 2〇8 are then broadcasted by the signal transmitting station to all the access devices in the broadcast area to complete the release of the emergency interest rate. 1 〇 5 system makes the following judgment: If the list of the air number transmitting station is a base station identification code, the module 1 〇 5 first transmits the heart and base station identification code to the cell broadcasting system 206, and then transfers it by the system 206. Sending a message to the base station to which the identifier belongs, and requesting the base to broadcast the message to the mobile communication device within its service range; wherein the mobile communication device must have an application interface or support a network protocol for receiving the mobile broadcast message If the signal transmission station list is a network service data machine 23 201246140 identification code, then the module 105 will first search for the m' and the data machine to identify the system 207, and then fly 2〇7m W The code is sent to the network, and the 207 is transferred to the data machine to which the message belongs, and the data machine and the paste code are requested to be accessed by the client terminal device; wherein the guest = broadcast protocol - delivery message /fi eight a + user ~ end device Have an application; support or support a network protocol to use a network broadcast message. If the signal transmission station list is a network service ip knife status identifier, the module 105 first transmits the message to the Ip. 〇°B code is sent to the network broadcasting system 207 and then the system 2〇7 forwards the message to the IP sharer to which the identification code belongs, and requests the 1P sharer to transmit the message to the network receiving protocol. The client terminal device; wherein the client terminal device must have an application interface or a support-network protocol to receive the network broadcast message. If the signal transmission station list is a wireless network access point identification code, the module 105 first After transmitting the message and access point identification code to the network broadcast system 2 0 7 , the system 207 forwards the message to the wireless network access point to which the identification code belongs, and requests 6 meta-access points to broadcast on the network. The agreement transmits a message to the client terminal that it receives, wherein the sin client device device must have an application interface or support a network protocol for receiving network broadcast messages. If the signal transmitting station list is a radio station identification code, then the module 1 〇5 first transmits the message and the access point identification code to the radio broadcasting system 208, and then the system 208 forwards the message to the radio to which the identification code belongs. And requesting the radio station to transmit a message to the client terminal device within its service area by means of a radio broadcast agreement; wherein the client terminal device is required to have the function of receiving a radio broadcast message. 24 201246140 The invention does not require additional monitoring areas or rescue phones, but makes full use of various communication networks, mobile networks, local telephone networks, data networks and other infrastructures distributed in Taiwan, as well as television networks and radios. Media networks such as social networks have formed a vast network of messaging networks. The invention combines the geographic information area labeling method to sort out the list to be notified, and gives more accurate refuge information and indications to the people in a specific area, avoiding the fact that the traditional broadcast mode information is easy to cause panic, thereby affecting the purpose of the disaster prevention and evacuation. . The invention improves the notification arrival rate by using a plurality of notification methods such as a short message, a voice system, a network message transmission, a cell broadcast (Cell Broadcast), a wireless network broadcast (BroadCasting/Multicasting), and a social network. It relies solely on the single message publishing platform because of the congestion caused by a large amount of information transmission in a short period of time. To sum up, this case is not only innovative in terms of technical thinking, but also has many of the above-mentioned functions that are not in the traditional methods of the past. It has fully complied with the requirements of the new invention and the progressive legal patents of the invention. The responsible office approved the invention patent application, in order to invent the invention, to the sense of virtue. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The following is a detailed description of the present invention, and it will be further understood that the technical contents of the present invention and the efficacy of the present invention are as follows: Figure 1. Architecture diagram of a multi-dimensional emergency message system;
、結合基地台LBS監測之多 元式緊急訊息通報 25 201246140 糸統架構圖, 圖三、結合訊號發射站地理資訊之多元式緊急訊息廣 播通報系統架構圖;以及 圖四、LBS區域監測模組細部功能設定。 【主要元件符號說明】 10 多元式緊急訊息通報系統 101 通報案件設定模組 102 發佈名單管理模組 103 GIS區域設備篩選模組 104 設備資料庫 105 緊急通報模組 106 客戶資料庫 107 GIS區域監測點篩選模組 108 基地台資料庫 109 LBS區域監測模組 1091 監測點輸入模組 1092 監測活動模組 1093 監測條件模組 110 設備漫遊資料庫 111 訊號發射站資料庫 20 訊息發佈平台 201 簡訊中心 26 201246140 202 IVR系統 203 社交網絡 204 其他應用系統 205 ISP業者 206 細胞廣播系統 207 網路廣播系統 208 無線電廣播系統 27Combined with the multi-media emergency message notified by the base station LBS 25 201246140 糸 architecture diagram, Figure 3, the architecture diagram of the multi-element emergency information broadcast notification system combined with the geographic information of the signal transmission station; and Figure 4, LBS regional monitoring module detailed function set up. [Main component symbol description] 10 Multiple emergency information notification system 101 Notification case setting module 102 Release list management module 103 GIS area device screening module 104 Equipment database 105 Emergency notification module 106 Customer database 107 GIS area monitoring point Screening module 108 Base station database 109 LBS area monitoring module 1091 Monitoring point input module 1092 Monitoring activity module 1093 Monitoring condition module 110 Equipment roaming database 111 Signal transmitting station database 20 Information publishing platform 201 Short message center 26 201246140 202 IVR System 203 Social Network 204 Other Application System 205 ISP Provider 206 Cell Broadcast System 207 Network Broadcast System 208 Radio Broadcast System 27