TW201241467A - Proximity sensor having electro-less plated shielding structure - Google Patents

Proximity sensor having electro-less plated shielding structure Download PDF


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TW201241467A TW100112888A TW100112888A TW201241467A TW 201241467 A TW201241467 A TW 201241467A TW 100112888 A TW100112888 A TW 100112888A TW 100112888 A TW100112888 A TW 100112888A TW 201241467 A TW201241467 A TW 201241467A
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proximity sensor
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Suresh Basoor Nijaguna
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Lite On Singapore Pte Ltd
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Application filed by Lite On Singapore Pte Ltd filed Critical Lite On Singapore Pte Ltd
Priority to TW100112888A priority Critical patent/TW201241467A/en
Publication of TW201241467A publication Critical patent/TW201241467A/en



  • Geophysics And Detection Of Objects (AREA)


The instant disclosure relates to a proximity sensor having an electro-less plated optical shielding structure. The sensor includes a substrate panel having an emitter region and a receiver region; an emitter unit disposed on the emitter region and configured to emit electromagnetic signals at a particular wavelength; a receiver unit disposed on the receiver region and configured to respond to electromagnetic signals emitted by the emitter unit; a transparent molding unit disposed on the emitter region and the receiver region of the substrate panel; and an optical shielding layer selectively disposed on the external surfaces of the substrate panel and the transparent molding unit. The shielding layer has corresponding sensor ports for the emitter and the receiver units arranged toward a designated detection region. The electro-less plated optical shielding layer is highly configurable through proper masking and small in thickness, enabling further miniaturization of the sensor unit.


201241467 ' 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 構,ΪΓ月有:’於一種光電近接式感應器之遮蔽結 錄製程所沈積之光電近接式感應器的 遮14,以應用於有效地防±光訊號串擾。 【先前技術】 "二ΐ式感應器(Ρ—— ,PS)可作為-種依 -物-接近的距離來達成切換之開關, =觸。近接式感應器一般可被應用於 =制、感測、定位、檢測及自動化操作;此;= 可心用於封裝、生產、印刷 處理等等。近來,^ 了^金屬加工 '食物 垃以Γ 更為了因應小型化之個人電子產品,近 助的實㈣積必須逐漸㈣小。 式感應器已被應用於具有觸控營幕之行動電話,而大= η 螢幕更可提供使用者方便而直覺的 程中拿起行動電話靠近臉部時,; 作被= 身體部分而導致非㈣的控致動 。而為了讓具有觸控螢幕之行動電話更符合操作 電用、’ ί學的近接式感應器已逐漸應用於此類的行動 、=,以1測使用者的臉部與觸控螢幕之距離,進 通訊過程中切換/關閉觸控螢幕的功能。 式感=式=可區分為多種類型’―般常見的有電感 r οσ弘谷式感測器、電磁式感測器與光電式 P oeiectnc )感測器。雖然前述的近接式感應器的運作 4/22 201241467 ~ 機制不同,但在設計時大致上都是 操作習慣。—沪''〜决頬似的使用者 奴叩5,近接式感應器 一接收器。近接式感應器之發射器 有—發射器與 ‘場或者激發電磁賴射,當接 :放發電磁場/靜電 -化或是回饋之韓射訊_場/靜電場的變 鄰近的位置,^ I 依此判斷物件是否在 彳立置,而不須貫際的物理 隹 具有高可靠度及長的使用壽命,其二2式;應器通常 的構件與外在物件( ;不而以機構上 外,以下將)進行物理上的接觸。另 以下將况明不同種類之近接式 乃 態樣/特性之外部物件。 …—可用來谓測不同 電感式近接式感應器可在 偵測,其渾作 產觸h況下金屬物件之 =電磁場。當金屬物件接近感測範圍時 的下降’而感應器中的電路則會 曰〜“ 離,_^ 的感測範圍(又稱可分辨的距 與尺寸通_外在物件(致動源)的形狀 旦更因外在物件的組成材料而有所不同。 屬物件,如、式適感測金屬物件及非金 感應器的原理在方寺。電容式之近接式 變化,當外在物件^感應物件之間的電容值之 預定距離時,感應=:;1感測端靠近感應器且達到依 的電路則會依據f /的電路即會振逢運作’感應器中 π的負載。另外,·設於我 ⑽產生外 的靈敏度及_範/ϋ疋叙則可調整感應器 1又稱可分辨的距離,nominal 5/22 201241467 - range) ’靈敏度可用於分辨滿載之電容器與零储存之電容 為,而感應益的感測範圍亦通常根據外在物件(致動源) 的形狀與尺寸所決定,更因外在物件的組成材料而有所不 同。 電磁式近接式感應器可被永久磁鐵所致動,其操作機 制在於使用緊密地被填充有鈍氣之玻璃管中的具有薄= 之κ片接點,電磁場會使薄板彎曲並彼此接觸,以形成電 }·生連接。而黃片接點之薄板的表面會經過處理而附有適八 於低電流或高電感性電路之材料。相較於傳統機械式的^ 關,電磁式之近接式感應器具有以下優點,(1)、簧片接^ 可因珂述之填充有鈍氣之玻璃管而可避免灰塵、氧化、腐 钱等問題;(2)、開關之切換係藉由電磁場所驅動,而不= 機構的。卩件,(3)、接點之特殊表面處理可提高元件壽命. ⑷、不須維修;⑺、易於操作以及⑹、小型化之體積。’ 光電式感測裔係使用光敏元件進行感測物件,其通常 具有一發射器(即光源)與一接收器。基於操作的模式, 光电式感測益可大致區分為下述四種,(丨)、直接反射式; ⑺、利用反射體之反射式;(3)、利用反射體之極化反式 及(4)、穿透式。 Λ 直接反射式感測器具有設置於同一封裝體中的發射 ^與接收H ’其直接彻物件所反射之光線進行感測。值 仔。兄明的疋’此種感射器之接收器的可分辨的距離與準確 度έ被外在物件之表面顏色及表面型態所影響。針對不透 ,之物件’接收②的可分辨的距離會被物件.表面的顏色所 办而較淺的顏色會因其較高的反射率而導致感測器具 6/22 201241467 ~ 2較2感測距離’反之亦然t而針對 表回的反射特性就會比顏色來的重要。 以表田. 反射式之感測器需要多個與整合型 ·;反射體’發射器發射出一朝向反射體之雪4=合 .體係用於將前述電磁波反射至接收哭,而:f而反射 置介於感測器與反射體之間時,將阻絕光、:的=件!位 使外來物件被感測器所感 乂 丁i,糟以 全被反射回接收哭的……:,所發出之光線完 感測距離。 [月况下,此種感測器通常具有較長之 利用反射體的極化反射式之感測器與利 =式:感測器具有許多相似性;除了 = 件可提供光線之極化頻段的功能, 牛^射元 即使被感測物件具有非常二 可不被隨機的反射所影響。 矿甸故接收益 接收°穿透f f感測益則具有在不同封裝體中的發射哭盘 當外來物件的位置介於 :疒 將阻絕光線的進行,鹑L7/;feAL + 、设叹。。之間日才, 常穿透式之感測器可:有^=匆件被感測器所感測,通 _ 」有取長的感測距離。 型之感測器,訊號串擾(C簡 造成先電感測器之精確 f) 應用中,訊號串擾是$ 里受U京在電子 響到在其他電路或通道中通道中傳輸之訊號影 輸之訊號的現象,而通=疋方側的電路或通道)傳 的混㈣覆㊣的門1 Γ 此之間的干擾將導致訊號 购。對於光電感測器而言,尤其是直接 7/22 201241467 ~ ^射式感測n,光學職之串擾係指在接㈣受到非 的^射區域所反射之光線所造成的干擾現象, =號亦有可能會來自外麵來源。“,對於直接反^ 娜,出現訊號串擾情況通常是源自感測 ; 對於反射式之感測器而言,其操作的機财: 哭 物件所彈回的訊號來判斷物件的距離,若感測 .。在'、,口構上不具備有將發射器與接收器有效隔離, 所發出的部分光線將會因漫射等因素朝向接收器而去。^ 二極化的例子中’發射器所發射之光訊號將 内部結構而傳遞至純器,如沿著殼體的㈣之間= 隙’或是藉由印刷電路板。而當接收器接收到上述的非由 正確路徑傳遞的訊號,即會使感測器開始運作,故導致 測器之精確度與靈敏度的下降。 卉多用來遮蔽光學訊號以避免光電感測器的訊號 串擾之結構已被開發。—種傳統解決訊號串擾的方法係 利用金屬材質之遮蔽外殼,其對應於預定之感測方向而具 有發射開口與接收開口,例如美國專利公開號us 2006/0016994 A1揭露一種金屬外殼(如圖1A所示),其 用以避免發送為與接收器之間的訊號串擾問題,具體而 言’該光學遮蔽外殼(即金屬外殼)工〇 〇 a具有兩個分 f而獨立的谷置空間丄〇丄a、丄〇 2 a以分別容置發送 裔與接收器,而形成容置空間1 Ο 1 a、1 〇 2 a的外壁 上朝向預定的感測區域而開設有孔洞1 〇 3 a、1 〇 4 a。此外,光學遮蔽外殼1 0 0 a可利用一種單片態樣、 具有預定形狀(如圖1B所示)之不銹鋼薄板所彎折成型’ 8/22 201241467 - 利用早片m樣的薄板所製成的光學 以減少成型所需的^ “ 蚁m 0 0 a可 現今的小型化;錯以降低製作成本。但是,對於 _殼仍舊過大、過言’此種具有分離結構的遮蔽外 .光二了:低遮蔽外殼的物理尺寸’-種利用插入式的 方人技術被使用’其係直接將光學逆蔽件安f 衣印刷電路板上以達到 h敵牛女衣 呈卿而一扁 k到k敝接收益的效果,如圖2所示。 統的光電感測器具有設置於基板1 0 3(如 與接上之發㈣域與接收區域的發送器2“ 明封炎:4/’發达益2〇3與接收器3“分別被透 了衣看4〇a所包霜崔,工 . . π 保化而一個額外組裝之金屬遮 Γ:0::安裝於基板103之上的透明封裝層4 外的C 域,以阻擋除了由預定感測區域以 卜的/、此方向所射入的光訊號。 上’金屬遮蔽插件50a所屬的次基板 化的需::結::具有較簡潔的尺寸’以滿足小型 他固;t、二 遮蔽插件50 “系利用峨其 上,為了大ίΓΓ定在印刷電路板上。而在實際的製程 布L 丁固定;但由於無法精準的控制黏躍的分 的黏接位置上脫落。此外,金屬:蔽:=後:由固定 W金屬材料製作,其仍具有:=5::常以金屬 40 a中.卿™的空間透明封裝層 9/22 201241467 _ 【發明内容】 針對前述的缺點,本發明之目的 忽略其厚度(厚度約在微米等級)的光遮藏層==可 式的近接式感應器,以提供可心: π干擾顧内。卩干擾源的光學遮蔽效果。 括目的在於提供—種光學遮蔽結構,其包 著二而所述之無電錢之金屬層可固定的附 表面 上,且其可選擇性地覆蓋於所需要的特定 學二:之:一目的係提供一種具有較小之厚度的光 ^蚊〜構,其可對應於所沈積的結構表 的適應性與一致性。 m相田问 本發明之更-目的係提供一種防訊號串擾層,盆呈 =子的應用彈性’且可適用於各種遮蔽佈局的光電^感應 本之又-目的係提供—種金屬的光遮蔽層,宜 f電式感應器的表面具有良好的覆蓋選擇性 c0verage_selectivity ),故可提高光遮蔽層之抗靜電 (am卜ESD )雜及/或達到簡潔的電連接態樣。 、為使能更進-步瞭解本發明之特徵及技術内容,請參 $以下有關本發明之詳細說明與附圖。㈣所附圖式僅 θί、參考與㈣用,並非用來對本發明加以限制者。 【實施方式】 本文將以下實施例具體地的針對本發明提出參考例 10/22 201241467 2 ’以下對於實施例的内容為—圖例之說明,然並非限制 本發明之範®壽。 明夺考圖3,其顯示本發明之光電近接式感應器工, ,中光電近接式感應器χ (例如以下所稱之近接式感應 ρ sens(M) t括一設於基板1 0之發射端區域 。單70 20及—設於基板之接收端區域上之接收 = 且發射單元2 ◦與接收單元30係被-個透明201241467 ' VI. Description of the invention: [Technical field of the invention] The structure of the invention is: "The cover 14 of the photoelectric proximity sensor deposited in the recording process of a photoelectric proximity sensor" is applied to effectively Anti-light signal crosstalk. [Prior Art] "Two-way sensor (Ρ——, PS) can be used as a switch to switch between the two kinds of objects - close distance, = touch. Proximity sensors can be used for =, sensing, positioning, inspection, and automation operations; this; can be used for packaging, production, printing, and more. Recently, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The sensor has been applied to mobile phones with touch screens, while the large = η screen provides users with a convenient and intuitive way to pick up the mobile phone when approaching the face; (4) The control is activated. In order to make the mobile phone with touch screen more suitable for the operation of electricity, the proximity sensor that has been used has been gradually applied to such actions, = to measure the distance between the user's face and the touch screen. Switching/turning off the touch screen during communication. Style = formula = can be divided into multiple types '-likely common inductance r οσ Honggu sensor, electromagnetic sensor and photoelectric P oeiectnc) sensor. Although the aforementioned proximity sensor operates differently, it is generally a design habit in design. - Shanghai ''~ 頬 的 like user slave 5, proximity sensor a receiver. The transmitter of the proximity sensor has a transmitter and a 'field or an excitation electromagnetic radiation. When connected: the position of the generator magnetic field/electrostatic-chemical or feedback, the position of the field/electrostatic field is changed, ^ I According to this, it is judged whether the object is standing on its own, without the need of a continuous physical 隹 with high reliability and long service life, and its second and second type; the usual components and external objects of the device; , the following will be to make physical contact. In addition, the following will describe the different types of external objects that are closely related to the aspect/characteristics. ...—can be used to measure different inductive proximity sensors that can be detected, and the metal objects are electromagnetic fields. When the metal object is close to the sensing range, the circuit in the sensor will be 曰~", the sensing range of _^ (also known as the distinguishable distance and the size of the external object (actuating source) The shape of the shape is different due to the composition of the external object. The principle of the object, such as the type of suitable metal object and non-gold sensor in the square temple. Capacitive proximity change, when the external object ^ induction When the capacitance value between the objects is a predetermined distance, the induction =:; 1 the sensing end is close to the inductor and the circuit according to the f / circuit will resonate the load of the π in the sensor. In addition, The sensitivity and _fan/ϋ疋 设 设 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 灵敏度 灵敏度 灵敏度 灵敏度 灵敏度The sensing range of the sensing benefit is usually determined by the shape and size of the external object (actuating source), and by the composition of the external object. The electromagnetic proximity sensor can be used by the permanent magnet. Actuation, its operating mechanism In the case of using a thin = κ plate contact in a glass tube that is tightly filled with a blunt gas, the electromagnetic field causes the sheets to bend and contact each other to form a connection, and the surface of the sheet of the yellow sheet joint is The material is processed with a material suitable for low-current or high-inductance circuits. Compared with the traditional mechanical type, the electromagnetic proximity sensor has the following advantages: (1) Reed connection can be caused by It is filled with a glass tube with a blunt gas to avoid problems such as dust, oxidation, and money; (2) Switching of the switch is driven by an electromagnetic field, not = mechanism. (3), contact Special surface treatments improve component life. (4) No maintenance required; (7) Easy to operate and (6) Miniaturized volume. 'Photoelectric sensing systems use photosensitive elements for sensing objects, usually with a transmitter (ie Light source) and a receiver. Based on the mode of operation, the photoelectric sensing benefit can be roughly divided into the following four types: (丨), direct reflection type; (7) reflection type using a reflector; (3) using a reflector Polarization trans and (4), penetrating Λ The direct reflection sensor has the emission and the receiving H' disposed in the same package for sensing the light reflected by the object directly. The value of the 兄 。 兄 此种 'the receiver of this illuminator The resolvable distance and accuracy are affected by the surface color and surface type of the external object. For the impervious object, the resolvable distance of the object 'receiver 2' will be lighter by the color of the object. The color will be caused by the higher reflectivity of the sensing device 6/22 201241467 ~ 2 than the 2 sensing distance 'or vice versa t and the reflection characteristic for the surface back will be more important than the color. The sensor requires multiple and integrated types; the reflector 'emitter emits a snow 4 toward the reflector. The system is used to reflect the aforementioned electromagnetic waves to receive crying, while: f and reflection When the detector is between the reflector and the reflector, it will block the light, and the = piece! The position causes the foreign object to be sensed by the sensor, and the whole is reflected back to receive the crying...: The emitted light is over the sensing distance. [In the case of a month, such a sensor usually has a longer polarized reflection type sensor using a reflector. The sensor has many similarities; except for the component, the polarization band of the light is provided. The function of the bulls is that even if the sensed object has very many, it can be affected by random reflection. Minerals receive the benefits of receiving ° penetration f f sense of benefit has a launching crying disk in different packages When the location of foreign objects is: 疒 will block the light, 鹑 L7 /; feAL +, set sigh. . Between the day and the day, the often penetrating sensor can: have ^= rushed by the sensor, and _ _ has a long sensing distance. Type of sensor, signal crosstalk (C is the first to be accurate in the inductor) f In the application, the signal crosstalk is the signal transmitted by U Jing in the signal from the electronic to the channel in other circuits or channels. The phenomenon, while the pass = 疋 side of the circuit or channel) transmitted by the mixed (four) over the positive door 1 Γ The interference between this will lead to signal purchase. For the optical sensor, especially the direct 7/22 201241467 ~ ^ shot sensing n, the optical crosstalk refers to the interference caused by the light reflected by the (4) non-radiation area, = It is also possible to come from outside sources. "For direct reversal, the signal crosstalk situation usually comes from sensing; for reflective sensors, the operation of the machine: the signal that the crying object bounces to determine the distance of the object, if the sense In the ',, the mouth structure is not equipped to effectively isolate the transmitter from the receiver, part of the light emitted will be directed toward the receiver due to diffuse and other factors. ^ In the case of polarization, the transmitter The emitted optical signal transmits the internal structure to the pure device, such as along the (four) of the housing, or by the printed circuit board. When the receiver receives the above-mentioned signal that is not transmitted by the correct path, The sensor will start to operate, which will lead to the decrease of the accuracy and sensitivity of the detector. The structure used to shield the optical signal to avoid the signal crosstalk of the photo-sensing device has been developed. A traditional method for solving signal crosstalk. A metal-shielded housing having a firing opening and a receiving opening corresponding to a predetermined sensing direction, such as a metal housing (shown in FIG. 1A) is disclosed in US Pat. Pub. No. 2006/0016994 A1, In order to avoid the problem of signal crosstalk between the transmitter and the receiver, in particular, the optical shielding housing (ie, the metal housing) has a two points f and independent valley spaces 丄〇丄a, 丄〇 2 a to accommodate the transmitting person and the receiver respectively, and the outer wall forming the accommodating space 1 Ο 1 a, 1 〇 2 a is provided with holes 1 〇 3 a, 1 〇 4 a toward the predetermined sensing area. The optically shielded casing 100 can be bent and formed by a single-piece stainless steel sheet having a predetermined shape (as shown in FIG. 1B). 8/22 201241467 - Made of a thin sheet of the early m-like sheet Optics to reduce the need for molding "ant m 0 0 a can be reduced today; wrong to reduce production costs. However, for the _ shell is still too large, too much to say 'this kind of shielding with a separate structure. Light two: the physical size of the low-shield shell' - a kind of use of plug-in technology is used 'the line directly to the optical counter-shield f The printed circuit board is used to achieve the effect of the enemy's robes and a flat k to k 敝 receiving benefits, as shown in Figure 2. The integrated photo-sensing device has a transmitter 2 disposed on the substrate 1 0 3 (such as the connected (4) field and the receiving area of the transmitter 2 "Ben Feng Yan: 4 / 'Development benefit 2 〇 3 with the receiver 3" respectively Through the clothes, look at the 4〇a package of cream Cui, work. π Baohua and an additional assembled metal concealer: 0:: Mounted on the substrate 103 above the transparent encapsulation layer 4 outside the C domain to block The predetermined sensing area is the optical signal that is incident in the direction of /. The sub-substrate of the upper metal shielding insert 50a:::: has a relatively simple size 'to meet the small solid; t, The second shielding insert 50 is "used on the printed circuit board for the purpose of being large on the printed circuit board. However, the actual processing cloth is fixed, but the bonding position of the adhesive portion cannot be accurately controlled. Metal: mask: = rear: made of fixed W metal material, which still has: = 5:: often with metal 40 a. Clear TM transparent encapsulation layer 9/22 201241467 _ [Summary of the invention] The object of the present invention is to ignore the thickness of the light hiding layer (thickness in the order of micrometers) == close proximity The sensor is provided to provide a focus: π-interference. The optical shielding effect of the interference source. The purpose is to provide an optical shielding structure, which is wrapped on the surface of the metal-free fixed surface. And it can selectively cover the specific two required: one purpose is to provide a lighter mosquito structure having a smaller thickness, which can correspond to the adaptability and consistency of the deposited structural table. M phase field asks that the invention further provides an anti-signal crosstalk layer, the pot is applied to the sub-application of elasticity, and can be applied to various shading layouts, and the purpose is to provide a kind of metal light shielding. The surface of the layer should have a good coverage selectivity c0verage_selectivity), so that the anti-static (am ESD) impurity of the light shielding layer and/or the simple electrical connection state can be improved. The detailed description and the accompanying drawings of the present invention are to be understood by the following description of the invention and the accompanying drawings in which: FIG. square The following examples are specifically presented to the present invention in reference to the present invention. Reference 10/22 201241467 2 'The following is a description of the embodiment for the description of the embodiment, but does not limit the scope of the present invention. The photoelectric proximity sensor of the present invention is shown, and the near-inductive proximity sensor χ (for example, the proximity sensor ρ sens(M) t hereinafter referred to as a transmitting end region of the substrate 10. - receiving on the receiving end area of the substrate = and the transmitting unit 2 ◦ and the receiving unit 30 are - transparent

:::兀4 〇所包覆及保護。再者’-個光遮蔽層(如圖 戶~出之陰影區域)係選擇性地設於該近接式感應器的 外表面’並位於發射端區域與接收端區域之上° J 基板1〇係提供該近接式感應器之結構上的乘載基 :二在”體實施例中,基板10可包括至少-個由B; '、曰鼠酸 §旨樹脂(c>/a_e ester,CE )、FR-2 材料、FR_4 (p:cr : ?才:私其他非金屬材料所製成之印刷電路板 。电射單7L 2 Q可為—發光二極體(LED)或任何 =出光波的元件’其可設於-個較佳地定義於基板i 舞曰端區域’具體而^ ’發射單712 〇可藉由 面,且靖等製程而設置於基板10之表 ^ 2 〇係用於發射具有特定波長之電磁訊 :而 ' 如《1紅外光區段(infrared spectrum)的電磁訊號。 射單兀2 Q所發出之電磁訊號並不限制於上试光 之:!射單元20可發出更寬頻'或其:區 D。一 ^以應用於其他特定領域。舉例來說,發射 0可射、發射出可見光波段的電磁訊·號,以適用於 的應用考量;又或者,發射單元2 0可發出高、 11/22 201241467 射線,以符合先進的x_ray掃描裝置。同樣地 收單元3 0,例如一種感測IC,其可設於一個較佳地 ^基板1 0之表面的接收端區域,接收單元3 〇係用於回 ^ 2 ◦所發出之電磁訊號。值得說明的 早兀2Q與接收單以◦並不需要直接地、物理 έ疋於基板1〇之表面’換言之,發射單 早元3 0可設於相對於基板1〇之表面的凸二:: 以容設熱交換S件,進而利於提升散熱特性或是為了 =的目的。然而’在本具體實施例中,為達到结構丄 =潔及節省製作成本的考量,發射單元 單:::兀4 包覆 Covered and protected. Furthermore, a light shielding layer (as shown in the image area of the household) is selectively disposed on the outer surface of the proximity sensor and located above the transmitting end region and the receiving end region. Providing a structural carrier of the proximity sensor: In the embodiment, the substrate 10 may include at least one of B; ', squirrel acid resin (c>/a_e ester, CE), FR-2 material, FR_4 (p:cr: ?: a printed circuit board made of other non-metallic materials. The electro-radiation single 7L 2 Q can be - a light-emitting diode (LED) or any component that emits light 'It can be set in a preferred area of the base i of the substrate i. Specifically, the emission sheet 712 can be disposed on the surface of the substrate 10 by means of a surface, and the like. Electromagnetic signal with a specific wavelength: and 'Electrical signal such as "infrared spectrum". The electromagnetic signal emitted by the shot 兀2 Q is not limited to the upper test light: the shot unit 20 can emit more Broadband 'or its: Zone D. One is applied to other specific areas. For example, transmitting 0 can emit and emit electricity in the visible light band. Magnetic signal number, for application considerations; or, transmitting unit 20 can emit high, 11/22 201241467 ray to comply with advanced x_ray scanning device. Similarly, unit 30, such as a sensing IC, It can be disposed in a receiving end region of the surface of the substrate 10, and the receiving unit 3 is used for returning the electromagnetic signal emitted by the substrate. It is worth noting that the early 2Q and the receiving order are not required. Directly and physically affixed to the surface of the substrate 1 'in other words, the emission single early 30 can be disposed on the surface of the substrate 1 :: to accommodate the heat exchange S, thereby facilitating the improvement of heat dissipation characteristics or For the purpose of =. However, in this embodiment, in order to achieve the structure 丄 = clean and save production costs, the launch unit

0係直接地設於基板1()之表面。 、触早W 3 0 ί:封裝:元4 〇係設於發射單元2 0與接收單元 透明封裝單/η物理㈣保護及/或結構上的支樓強度。 结構上二上二為一透明模造化合物所製成的層狀 定波長之電磁訊號而定義為透 斤=之具料 的材料令,透明封裝單元4 透f ’而在-種應用 膠、输適合的透明模造材料;:=:裝= i I:::圭:在發射端區域與接收端區域之間具有-:2 =:效:於發射端區域與接收端區域之間達到較: 在本發明中,光遮蔽層係選 透明封裝單元4。的外表二 敝二隔離。如圖3所繪製之陰影區域,光遮蔽屏二: 未寻級之金屬薄膜,較佳地,光遮蔽層的厚度::;〇二 12/22 201241467 層係為無電 二了亦i具體地說’本發明之光學遮蔽(薄 ·:又(亦供七争鍍)製裎所製作成型c 為又叩5 ’喪:電錢主要可用纪、认a 鍍層。具體而言,無電鍍屬於一二=的高的 應,其反應機制類似於電鑛, # :退原反 中的還原劑作用而產中’金屬離子受賴液 面。而無電鑛的主二原反應,並沉積在-基材的表 一積,例物件上進 性絕緣材料。為了達到裝飾的目的,二二:!;的電 電鍍方式形成錦、鉻之電鐘層。而會以 屬基材上沉積均勾的_,尤;應用於在金 材。在不規則形狀的物件上實狀的金屬基 節瘤等的制,亦即,*、合υΉ導致有節結、 導致不均勻的鍍,厚电::曰因工作電流密度的不均勻 性即可有效解::2^此’無電鑛不須外接電源的特 時解決前述有節結、節瘤_ =亦可同 係廣泛地運用於印刷電路的製作,==電鍍銅製程 常以下述兩種方法進行製作,—種^ ==刷電路通 :在非金屬基板上沉積相當薄’,再::::鋼製 鑛製程在非金屬基板上沉積所 使用無電 無電鍍金%)則運用於微線路的製作:“另:方面, 疋件的連接線路,例如|έ由益+ 心(非金屬) 積於難以進行電鍍的深^又衣程’均勾的鑛層可沉 13/22 201241467 本發明中,無魏可選擇性地 遮敗效果的表面,而其他的表面(如=要具有先學 以阻隔、遮罩的方式避免無電^程在":力則 層,例如感測器的光學傳輸區面沉積鍵 鍍之前’基板1〇與該透明封裝單元::進盯热電 性地祜阳π 了衣早兀40的外表面係選擇 益電二丄?被阻隔,無阻隔的表面則是可進行 :及=:餐對應該發射單元20之發射窗 理,施作無電鑛的區域進行適當的表面處 户對::耐用的鑛層。前述的發射窗口及接收窗口 =細Μ且朝向一預定的感測方向。同樣地,基板丄 亦可被阻隔明免電性物質沉積在連接針腳之 題:疋,、他的接觸面上’藉以避免電性短路或其他的問 山者刀溝槽1 1可成型於基板1 0的表面以隔離 ^射知區域與接收端區域以提供較佳的光學隔離效果。如 圖4所示之實施例中’ 一個分隔溝槽丄丄係由透明封裝單 凡4 0延伸至基板工〇的表面,所述之分隔溝槽1 1可先 利用換造的方式成型於基板工〇的表面,或是在後製程中 1切割/錄切的方式成型於基板1 0的表面。較佳的是,成 型於基板1 〇之表面的分隔溝槽i i係對應地對準於透 ^封裒單元4 0之間隔結構。為了有效地將發射單元2 〇 與接收單兀3 0加以隔離’所述之分隔溝槽1 1的表面上 y披覆有金屬層(如圖所示之陰影區域),其可利用例如 無電鎮等彼覆方法所製作,換言之,所彼覆之金屬層可為 14/22 201241467 也免況竣串擾(crosstalk)之遮蔽層。 哭5'6'7 ’其顯示本發明之備製近接式感應 ί在::步驟。請先參考圖5,多個近接式感應器備製 制—D基板1 0上,而為了圖式的簡潔,U 5所繪 例僅繪出兩個近接式感應器;在此步驟中,發射 =:“…卜線發射之發光二極體⑽一咖 種類的發射器)與接收單元3〇(如接收们可以 基板^方去(^咖咖叩)及打線方法分別固設於初始 & ▲上,但連接的技術並不以此為限。 月 > 考圖6,其顯示將一初始透明 & ί於上:之發射單元2〇與接收單元3〇上二:文: k初始透明封裝單元4〇 一 2 〇所發p丨子上1應於發射早疋 透光的,#U ” 波長之電磁訊號而定義為透明或 件=射單元20為-種整合式的距離與環 的情況下, ::r:r—=單:ό== 此的紅外光距離偵測元 Λ檀早功 下,初始透明封裝單元4Π y s~)的情況 物。舉例來說,初如透明=壯為可讓紅外光穿透之化合 明環氣★ 透明封裝早元40 >的材料可選用透 圖7二=體f其他適合的透明之模造材料。 步驟,如同前述,^^鍍製程之前的遮罩—叫) 的部分以遮罩居的;;=罩步驟係選擇性地將不需光學遮蔽 元之光學窗口。在本;例如對應發射單·元及接收單 只e例令,該遮罩步驟係在初始透明 201241467 - 封裝早7L 4 0白勺表面上對應著發射單 =而進行,且使光學窗口可朝向一預定的感測 二冗浐在=基板1〇的底面亦可被阻隔以避免金屬物 貝二貝、接針腳之間或是matingsin.face,藉以避免電 物貝在上边位置所可能導致的電性短路或其他問題。 始基利步驟以由前述之初 利用刀具#_工呈Λ H應11。在此步财,可 抖牡一二 具4者初始基板1 r上之初始透明 Π0地周圍進行切割,並且在發射單元20盘 .早兀30之間切割出可進行無電鍍製程的表 二二厚度較佳地為0.5 mm或以下。此外,在每= ㈣區域及接收端區域間的分隔溝槽 亦在此切割步驟中成型,藉以將基板1〇定義出兩 =離=域(即發射端區域及接收端區域)。值得說明 ===步驟與遮罩步驟可因特定的製程或設備 之!太、痛序。然而’為了效率之考量,在切割步驟 以Λ用—種集中遮罩(ee咖㈣刪恤g) 二以復盍初始基板1m多個感應器(如圖7所 不)。 | -種較佳地利用無㈣製程所沉積之光遮蔽層係在 的遮罩步驟之後所進行。值得說明的是:、利 ',、'电心程所製作的金屬化之遮蔽薄層不但且 度之均勾性,其更具有對應所沉狀表面的 侧遮蔽層(即光遮蔽層)更可利用精密的積= 16/22 201241467 遮罩佈局或排列以適用於具有不同逆 哭。 ^蚊而未之光電感應 ΌΌ 舉例來說,複雜的遮罩佈局可讓所製 有其他額外的功能。請參閲圖8,苴鹿- 〜^居/、 、廣不一種可提供彡靜 電Unti-ESD)效果的光遮蔽層;如在無電鍍製程進行: 前,將遮罩沿著基板10的角落處進行設置,藉以^延 伸結構’例如-種連接於光遮蔽層之延伸腳位A,故 電鍍製程完成後,金屬化之光遮蔽 > '… ,,, 蚁笮可連接於感應器的接 地位置(如接地針腳),據此,光垆益居ρ π 九‘敝層即可同時成矣一 種抗靜電層,以使感應器具有較任的 、.. 负罕又(土的抗評電效.果。除此之 外,導電接觸結構B更可藉由適當的遮罩佈局而利用 鑛製程所成型,如圖9所示,多個道命 ‘"、 _ V包接觸結構B可與光 這敝層同時藉由無電鍍製裎所製作c 惟以上所述僅為本發明之較佳實施例,非意欲偈 Γ 月之專利保護範圍,故舉凡運用本發明說明書及圖式内 二所為之寺效變化’均同理皆包含於本發明之權利保護範 圍内,合予陳明^。 【圖式簡單說明】 =1A係頰不-種傳統之光電近接式感應器之光遮蔽 的立體示意圖。 设的攤平(折疊前)之態 圖1B係顯示圖1A中之光遮蔽外 樣。 種傳統之光電近接式感應器之光遮蔽結構 .i 7/22 201241467 圖3係顯示本發明之具有光遮蔽層的近接式感 示意圖。 應器之立體 圖4係顯示本發明之近接式感應器令之分隔溝槽之,一、 圖。 不 意 圖5係顯示本發明之近接式感應器的第—備製步 圖。 ’ 圖6係顯示本發明之近接式感應器的第二 + 圖。 衣乂 驟之示意 驟之不意 圖7係顯示本發明之近接式感應器的第 圖0 備製步驟之示意 圖8係顯示本發明之光遮蔽層可應用於抗 圖。 靜電元件的示意 圖9係?項示本發明利 觸結構的示意圖。所製作之多個導電接 【主要元件符號說明】 【習知技術】 1 〇 0 a 1 〇 1 al〇3a 1 0 a 2 〇 a 3 0 a 4 〇 a 5 0 a 光學遮蔽外殼 l〇2a 容置空間 1 0 4 a 孔洞 基板 發送器 接收器 透明封裝層 · 金屬遮蔽插件 18/22 201241467 [本發明】 1 光電近接式感應器 10 基板 10 初始基板 11 分隔溝槽 2 0 發射單元 3 0 接收單元 4 0 透明封裝單元 4 0 初始透明封裝單元 19/220 is directly provided on the surface of the substrate 1 (). W 3 0 ί: Package: Element 4 〇 is set in the transmitting unit 20 and the receiving unit Transparent package single / η physical (four) protection and / or structural strength of the building. The structure of the second two is a layered constant-wavelength electromagnetic signal made of a transparent molding compound and is defined as a material of the material of the powder. The transparent packaging unit 4 is transparent to the package and is suitable for use in the application. Transparent molding material;:=: 装 = i I::: 圭: between the transmitting end area and the receiving end area has -:2 =: effect: between the transmitting end area and the receiving end area: In the invention, the light shielding layer is selected from the transparent packaging unit 4. The appearance of the second two is isolated. The shaded area as shown in Fig. 3, the light-shielding screen 2: the metal film which is not graded, preferably, the thickness of the light-shielding layer::; 〇二12/22 201241467 The layer is no electricity, and is specifically 'Optical masking of the present invention (thin: also for (seven for seven competition plating) made by the c 为 为 ' 5 ' funeral: electric money is mainly available, recognize a plating. Specifically, electroless plating belongs to one or two = high, the reaction mechanism is similar to that of electric ore, #: reductive effect of the reducing agent in the production of 'metal ions affected by the liquid surface. And the main secondary reaction of the non-electrical ore, and deposited in the - substrate The table is a piece of material, and the object is made of an in-situ insulating material. In order to achieve the purpose of decoration, the electro-plating method of the second and second:! forms an electric clock layer of brocade and chrome, and will be deposited on the substrate. In particular, it is applied to gold metal. It is a solid metal-based nodule or the like on an irregularly shaped object, that is, *, and the combination causes no knots, resulting in uneven plating, and thick electricity: The unevenness of the working current density can be effectively solved: 2^This 'no electricity mine does not need external power supply special solution to solve the above Knot, nodule _ = can also be widely used in the production of printed circuits, == electroplating copper process is often produced in the following two ways, - ^ ^ = brush circuit pass: deposition on non-metallic substrates Thin ', re:::: steel ore process deposited on non-metallic substrates using electroless electroless gold (%)) is used in the production of micro-circuits: "other: aspects, the connection of the components, such as | + Heart (non-metal) Accumulated in the deep and easy-to-electrode plating. The ore layer can be sunk 13/22 201241467 In the present invention, there is no surface which can selectively obscure the effect, while other surfaces ( For example, if you want to learn to block and mask, you can avoid the absence of electricity. In the layer of the force transmission layer, for example, the optical transmission area of the sensor is deposited before the key plating. The substrate 1〇 and the transparent package unit: Focusing on the thermoelectricity of the yang π 了 兀 兀 的 的 的 的 选择 选择 选择 选择 选择 选择 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被For areas where there is no electricity, carry out appropriate surface-to-surface:: durable mineral deposits. The shooting window and the receiving window are fine and oriented toward a predetermined sensing direction. Similarly, the substrate 丄 can also be blocked by the deposition of the electrically-free substance on the connecting pin: 疋, his contact surface is used to avoid electricity. A short circuit or other ridger blade 1 1 can be formed on the surface of the substrate 10 to isolate the emitter region from the receiver region to provide better optical isolation. In the embodiment shown in FIG. A separation trench is extended from the transparent package 40 to the surface of the substrate process, and the separation trench 1 1 can be formed on the surface of the substrate process by a rework, or in a post process. The middle 1 cutting/cutting method is formed on the surface of the substrate 10. Preferably, the separation trenches ii formed on the surface of the substrate 1 are correspondingly aligned with the spacer structure of the transparent sealing unit 40. In order to effectively isolate the transmitting unit 2 〇 from the receiving unit 30, the surface of the separating trench 1 1 is covered with a metal layer (shaded area as shown), which can be utilized, for example, without electricity. By the method of the other methods, in other words, the metal layer of the other can be 14/22 201241467 and also the cross-talk layer of the crosstalk. Cry 5'6'7' which shows the prepared proximity sensor of the present invention in the :: step. Please refer to FIG. 5 first, a plurality of proximity sensors are prepared on the D substrate 10, and for the simplicity of the drawing, the U 5 example only draws two proximity sensors; in this step, the emission =: "...the emitter of the light emitting diode (10) and the type of the transmitter of the coffee type) and the receiving unit 3〇 (if the receivers can use the substrate to go to the (^ 咖咖) and the wire bonding method are respectively fixed at the initial & ▲Up, but the connection technology is not limited to this. Month> Figure 6, which shows an initial transparency & ί: The transmitting unit 2〇 and the receiving unit 3 〇上:文: k initial The transparent package unit 4 〇 2 〇 上 上 上 上 上 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # In the case of ::r:r-=single:ό== This infrared light distance is detected under the condition of the initial transparent encapsulation unit 4Π ys~). For example, the first transparent = strong enough to allow infrared light to penetrate the bright ring gas ★ transparent package early 40 > material can be used to see through the other two transparent transparent molding materials. The steps, as previously described, the portion of the mask before the plating process is masked; the = mask step selectively optical windows that do not require optical masking. In the present; for example, corresponding to the transmitting single element and receiving a single e-order, the masking step is performed on the surface of the initial transparent 201241467 - package 7L 4 0 corresponding to the emission order = and the optical window can be oriented A predetermined sensing is redundant. The bottom surface of the substrate 1 can also be blocked to avoid metal objects, the pins, or the matingsin.face, to avoid the electricity caused by the electrical material in the upper position. Slight short circuit or other problems. The starting step is to use the tool #_工Λ 应 H should be 11 as described above. In this step, the first transparent substrate 初始0 on the original substrate 1 r can be cut around the ground, and the electroplating process can be cut between the firing unit 20 and the early 兀30. The thickness is preferably 0.5 mm or less. In addition, the separation trenches between each of the (four) regions and the receiving end regions are also formed in this cutting step, thereby defining the substrate 1 两 as two = off = domain (ie, the emitter end region and the receiving end region). Worth explaining === Steps and masking steps can be due to specific processes or equipment! Too, painful order. However, for the sake of efficiency, in the cutting step, a concentrated mask (ee coffee (four) is deleted g) is used to retrace the initial substrate with a plurality of inductors (as shown in Fig. 7). Preferably, the light shielding layer deposited by the (4) process is preferably used after the masking step. It is worth noting that: the metallized masking layer made by Lee's, 'Electrical Hearts' is not only uniform, but also has a side shielding layer (ie, light shielding layer) corresponding to the sunken surface. The precision product = 16/22 201241467 mask layout or arrangement can be used to apply different back crying. Mosquito and Photoelectric Sensing ΌΌ For example, a complex mask layout allows for additional features. Referring to Figure 8, the elk - ~ ^ / /, a wide range of light shielding layers that provide the effect of electrostatic Unti-ESD); as in the electroless plating process: before the mask along the corner of the substrate 10 The setting is performed by the extension structure 'for example, the extension pin A connected to the light shielding layer, so after the electroplating process is completed, the metalized light is shielded> ', ,, the ant can be connected to the ground of the inductor Position (such as grounding pins), according to which, the optical 垆 ρ π 九 敝 layer can simultaneously become an antistatic layer, so that the sensor has a more appropriate, negative. In addition, the conductive contact structure B can be formed by a mineral process by a suitable mask layout, as shown in FIG. 9, a plurality of channel '", _ V package contact structure B can be The above-mentioned layer of light is produced by electroless plating. However, the above description is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention, and it is not intended to cover the scope of patent protection of the present invention. All the changes in the effect of the temple are included in the scope of protection of the present invention, and are combined with Chen Ming^ [Simple description of the diagram] =1A is a three-dimensional diagram of the light shielding of a conventional photoelectric proximity sensor. The flattening (before folding) state Figure 1B shows the light shielding sample in Figure 1A. Light shielding structure of a conventional photoelectric proximity sensor. i 7/22 201241467 Fig. 3 is a schematic diagram showing the proximity of the light shielding layer of the present invention. The perspective view of the device is a proximity sensor of the present invention. Let the partition be separated, Fig. 1 is not intended to show the first step of the proximity sensor of the present invention. Fig. 6 is a second + diagram showing the proximity sensor of the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 8 is a schematic view showing the preparation step of the proximity sensor of the present invention. FIG. 8 shows that the light shielding layer of the present invention can be applied to an anti-drawing. A schematic diagram showing a favorable contact structure of the present invention. A plurality of conductive contacts are produced [Major component symbol description] [Practical technique] 1 〇0 a 1 〇1 al〇3a 1 0 a 2 〇a 3 0 a 4 〇a 5 0 a Optical shielding case l〇2a accommodating space 1 0 4 a Hole substrate transmitter Receiver transparent encapsulation layer · Metal shielding insert 18/22 201241467 [Invention] 1 Photoelectric proximity sensor 10 Substrate 10 Initial substrate 11 Separation trench 2 0 Transmitting unit 3 0 Receiving unit 4 0 Transparent encapsulation Unit 4 0 initial transparent package unit 19/22

Claims (1)

201241467 七、申請專利範圍: 1、一種近接式感應器,包含: 一基板’其具有—發射端區域及-接收端區域; 。又於。亥基板之该發射端區域上之發射單元,其中, —=發射單元剌於發射具㈣定波長之電磁訊號; «又於η亥基板之该接收端區域上之接收單元,其中, 該接收單元係用於回應該發射單元所發出之電磁 一設於該基板之該發射端區域與該接收端區域上之 =明ί裝單元’其中,該透明封裝單元係覆蓋於該 广射單兀及接收單元’該發射單元所發出之電磁訊 唬可穿透該透明封裝單元;以及 遮敝層,其係選擇性地設於該基板與該透明封装 單元的外表面,该光遮蔽層具有一對應該發射單元 之發射窗π及-對應該接收單元之接收窗口; “中’㈣射窗口及該接收窗σ係對應地排列且朝向 一預定的感測方向。201241467 VII. Patent application scope: 1. A proximity sensor comprising: a substrate having a transmitting end region and a receiving end region; Again. a transmitting unit on the emitting end region of the base plate, wherein the —= transmitting unit is disposed on the transmitting device (4) a predetermined wavelength electromagnetic signal; and the receiving unit on the receiving end region of the n-hai substrate, wherein the receiving unit The electromagnetic module is disposed on the emitting end region of the substrate and the receiving end region of the substrate, wherein the transparent packaging unit covers the wide-area unit and receives The unit 'the electromagnetic signal emitted by the transmitting unit can penetrate the transparent packaging unit; and the concealing layer is selectively disposed on the outer surface of the substrate and the transparent packaging unit, the light shielding layer has a pair of The transmitting window of the transmitting unit π and - the receiving window corresponding to the receiving unit; the "middle" (four) shot window and the receiving window σ are correspondingly arranged and oriented toward a predetermined sensing direction. :申清專利範@第i項所述之近接式感應器 光遮蔽層係為一無電鍍層。 =申凊專利範圍第2項所述之近接式感應器, 間的間隔結構。射早元及接收單元 如申請專利 基板具有一 的分隔溝槽 t圍第3項所述之近接式感應H,其令該 °又方、°亥發射端區域與該接收端區域之間 ,該基板之該分隔溝槽係對應於該透明封 20/22 4 201241467 裝單元之該間隔結構c 5 請專利範圍第4項所述之近接式感應器,其中該 先遮敗層係成型於該基板之該分隔溝槽的表面。 7 、=申請專利範圍第2項所述之近接式感應器,更進一 ^括至少—個以無電鍍所製作之導電接觸結構。 、:2專利範圍第2項所述之近接式感應器,其中該 错、-敝層更包括有—以無電鍍所製作之接地延伸結 構0 8專利範圍^項所述之近接式感應器,其中該 二·早7L及接收單元係、於同—個頻段範圍中操作,前 处之具有特定波長之電磁訊號係為紅外光區段,前述 之紅外光區段的電磁訊號可穿透該透 9、—種近接式感應器,包含: 衣,70 二基板,其具有―發射端區域及-接收端區域; 一設於該基板之該發射端區域上之發射單元,其中, 射單元係用於發射具有特定波長之電磁訊號; 二方“亥基板之該接收端區域上之接收單it,其中, 該接收單元係用於接收並回應該發射單元 之電磁訊號; & m —透明封裝單元,苴中, _ /、 5亥叙射早兀所發出之電磁訊 號可牙透該透明封裝單元;以及 無弘鍍層’其係選擇m於該基板與 單元的外表面,該無電㈣具有—對應 ^ 之發射窗口及一對雁1吐&口X耵早兀 對應该接收早兀之接收窗口。 l υ、如申請專利節圍笼^ a阗弗9項所述之近接式感應器,其中 • 21/22 201241467 該透明封以元包括—設於該發射單元及接 之間的間隔結構。 、如申請專利範㈣! G項所述之近接式感應器,发 基板具有—設於該發射單元及接收單元之心 ^隔溝槽’該基板之該分隔溝槽係對應於該透明^裝 早元之該間隔結構。 、 中如/=專利範㈣11項所述之近接式感應器,发 中该無電鍍層係成型於該基板之該 ^ :;:申4專利範,項所述之近接::表:中 "然电鍍層更包括有—接地延伸結構。、tV!專利範㈣9項所叙近接式感應器,更進 —Λ 少一個以無電鍍所製作之導電接觸々 二:巧=第9項所述之蝴^ ㈣f特定波長之電磁訊號係為紅= ;元:述之紅外光區段的電磁訊號可穿透該透明3 1 2 3 14 5 22/22: The application of the proximity sensor described in the patent paradigm @第i item is an electroless plating layer. = Approximate structure of the proximity sensor described in item 2 of the patent scope. The imaging element and the receiving unit, such as the patented substrate, have a separation trench, t, and a proximity sensor H, as described in item 3, which is between the wavelength region and the receiving end region. The spacer groove of the substrate corresponds to the transparent seal 20/22 4 201241467. The spacer structure of the unit is c 5 . The proximity sensor according to claim 4, wherein the first masking layer is formed on the substrate The surface of the separation trench. 7. The near-end sensor described in claim 2 of the patent application further includes at least one electrically conductive contact structure made of electroless plating. The proximity sensor of the second aspect of the invention, wherein the faulty and 敝 layer further comprises a proximity sensor according to the ground extension structure made by electroless plating, wherein The second and the early 7L and the receiving unit are operated in the same frequency range, and the electromagnetic signal having a specific wavelength in the front is an infrared light section, and the electromagnetic signal of the infrared light section can penetrate the through 9. A proximity sensor comprising: a garment, a 70-substrate having a "emitting end region" and a receiving end region; a firing unit disposed on the emitting end region of the substrate, wherein the firing unit is Transmitting an electromagnetic signal having a specific wavelength; a receiving unit on the receiving end region of the two-sided substrate, wherein the receiving unit is for receiving and responding to the electromagnetic signal of the transmitting unit; & m - transparent packaging unit , 苴 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Corresponding to ^ the launch window and a pair of geese 1 spit & mouth X 耵 early 兀 should receive the receiving window of the early 。. l υ, such as the patented section of the cage ^ a 阗 9 9 said proximity sensor, Where • 21/22 201241467 The transparent encapsulation includes a spacer structure disposed between the transmitting unit and the connection. As in the patent application (4), the proximity sensor described in item G, the emitting substrate has a The partitioning groove of the transmitting unit and the receiving unit corresponds to the spacing structure of the transparent device. The proximity sensor according to item 11 of the patent model (4), In the hair, the electroless plating layer is formed on the substrate. The following is a description of the application of the invention: the following:: Table: Medium " The plating layer further includes a grounding extension structure. (4) 9 series of proximity sensors, more advanced - 少 one less conductive contact made by electroless plating 2: Qiao = the butterfly described in item 9 (4) f The electromagnetic signal of a specific wavelength is red = ; The electromagnetic signal of the infrared light section can penetrate the transparent 3 1 2 3 14 5 22/22
TW100112888A 2011-04-13 2011-04-13 Proximity sensor having electro-less plated shielding structure TW201241467A (en)

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TW100112888A TW201241467A (en) 2011-04-13 2011-04-13 Proximity sensor having electro-less plated shielding structure

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TW100112888A TW201241467A (en) 2011-04-13 2011-04-13 Proximity sensor having electro-less plated shielding structure

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TW100112888A TW201241467A (en) 2011-04-13 2011-04-13 Proximity sensor having electro-less plated shielding structure

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