201036871 六、發明說明201036871 VI. Description of invention
域 領 術 技 之 屬 所 明 發 rL 本發明係關於將水平搬運之書帖的小捆旋轉後搬運至 上方之書帖搬運用轉盤,詳而言之,是關於適用在堆疊捆 紮機(用來將從滾筒印刷機搬運的書帖予以堆疊捆紮)之書 帖搬運用轉盤。 Ο 【先前技術】 關於習知的堆疊捆紮機,例如專利文獻1所揭示的構 造是已知的。如第3圖所示’該堆疊捆紮機1係具備:壓 輥2,2’、搬運裝置3、截流裝置4、抗撓輥5,5,、小捆堆 疊裝置6、大捆製作部7、壓合裝置8等。從滾筒印刷機 (未圖不)排出的書帖9,藉由壓輕2而將書帖的袋狀鼓起 壓扁並除去靜電後’藉由搬運裝置3搬運,並藉由抗撓輥 5,5’賦予所謂「強度」’而依序往小捆堆疊裝置6落下。 ❹ 小捆堆疊裝置6的主要構成要素,除了用來擋止書帖 9的前緣部之前緣限制構件丨〇、與前緣限制構件1 〇相互 對置之後緣限制構件1 1以外’還具備有:寬度方向限制 板1 2、昇降台1 3、暫時接收板1 4。後緣限制構件丨丨,是 由捲繞在一方的抗撓輥5和滑輪llb上之限制皮帶lla所 構成。書帖9’藉由與限制皮帶lla進行摩擦接觸而依序 落下後’以大致水平狀態堆疊成捆狀,藉由前緣限制構件 1 〇和後緣限制構件11來使其前後方向對齊,並藉由寬度 方向限制板12來使其寬度方向對齊。接著,若在小捆 -5- 201036871 疊裝置6上已堆疊既定份數的書帖9’截流裝置4會動 作,將藉由搬運裝置3所搬運的書帖9之進給暫時截斷 後,讓載置著所堆積的書帖9之昇降台13下降至圖示的 位置,藉由推動器等將書帖的小捆送往大捆製作部7。 在昇降台13下降的期間,暫時接收板14會前進,而 接收截流裝置4的截斷動作解除之後往小捆堆疊裝置6落 下的書帖9。接著,昇降台I3上昇且暫時接收板14後 退,而將書帖9交接給昇降台13。 在大捆製作部7,是接收在小捆堆疊裝置6堆疊後之 書帖9的小捆,進行堆疊而製作成書帖的大捆。接著,在 到達既定份數時,將書帖的大捆搬運到捆紮部,對捆的上 下供應保護紙,藉由壓合裝置8進行壓合後,進行捆紮》 在大捆製作部7,若以小捆的折邊位在同一方向的方 式進行堆疊,由於折邊側變厚,大捆變得容易傾斜,而使 平衡感變差。因此,以往是在大捆製作部7設置轉盤,藉 由轉盤的轉動而使所堆疊的小捆的折邊位置交互反轉。 例如第4圖所示,專利文獻2所揭示的轉盤2 0,是 藉由推動器22(被水平汽缸21沿水平方向驅動)的進出, 而將從小捆堆疊裝置6水平搬運到小捆載置面2 0 a上的小 捆,沿水平面旋轉既定角度後,藉由使上下汽缸23的柱 塞上昇,而將小捆搬運至堆集部24。如此般依序搬運至 堆集部24的小捆,經由堆集處理而堆疊在一起,藉此形 成大捆。 轉盤20 ’如第5圖所示係具備:在其上面形成小捆 -6- 201036871 載置面20a之轉盤本體25、可透過形成於轉盤本體25的 中央之開口而進行出沒的昇降構件26;昇降構件26,是 設置成可藉由上述的上下汽缸23而昇降自如。轉盤本體 25及昇降構件26,可一體地進行水平旋轉,藉由使昇降 構件26相對於轉盤本體25上昇,而將小捆往上方搬運。 在轉盤本體25的小捆載置面20a上,在昇降構件26 的周圍4處(第5圖僅圖示出2處)設有圍籬27。各圍籬 〇 27是設置成可繞垂直軸線進行轉動開閉,在關閉狀態 下,可將小捆的搬運方向前緣及後緣卡止。此外,各圍籬 27,可沿著形成於小捆載置面20a上的溝槽28,而在與 小捆的搬運方向垂直的左右方向移動,以按照小捆的左右 方向長度來調整位置。在小捆的左右方向兩側(在第5圖 僅圖示一側)設置圍籬29,藉由讓該圍籬29沿左右方向 移動,以將小捆的兩側緣卡止。 〔專利文獻1〕日本特開2003-201 57號公報 Ο 〔專利文獻2〕日本特開平7- 1 329 1 2號公報 【發明內容】 依據上述專利文獻2所揭示的轉盤,是按照所搬運的 小捆尺寸來進行各圍籬27的位置調整,藉由圍籬27可將 搬運方向長度相等的小捆(例如,以橫長狀態搬運的A3尺 寸的小捆,以縱長狀態搬運之A4尺寸的小捆)實施正確的 位置限制。 然而,各圍籬27無法配合小捆的搬運方向長度來進 -7- 201036871 行位置調整,因此搬運方向長度比A3尺寸或A4尺寸更 小的小捆(例如2張A 5的書帖之小捆)就無法進行位置限 制,如此可能無法迅速地對應於書帖尺寸的改變。 於是,本發明之目的是爲了提供一種能迅速地對應於 多種書帖尺寸的改變之書帖搬運用轉盤。 爲了達成前述目的,本發明之書帖搬運用轉盤,是具 備:讓水平搬運到小捆載置面上之書帖的小捆旋轉之轉盤 本體、從前述小捆載置面上昇而將小捆搬運到上方之昇降 構件;其特徵在於具備:在前述轉盤本體設置成可出沒, 使用時從前述小捆載置面突出而與小捆的緣部抵接之限制 構件。 在該書帖搬運用轉盤中,前述限制構件,較佳爲被支 承成可朝上下方向轉動,在收容時相對於前述小捆載置面 成爲同一面或收容在其下方,在使用時相對於前述小捆載 置面成爲豎立狀態。 此外’前述限制構件較佳爲隔著前述昇降構件而設置 在兩側’以與被搬運的小捆之前緣和後緣抵接而能挾持小 捆。 又較佳爲進一步具備:驅動前述限制構件之驅動手 段、控制前述驅動手段的驅動之控制手段。 依據本發明之書帖搬運用轉盤’可迅速地對應於多種 的書帖尺寸之改變。 【實施方式】 -8 - 201036871 以下’參照圖式來說明本發明的實施形態。第1圖係 本發月的貝施形態之書帖搬運用轉盤的俯視圖。本實施 开/ J的轉^,可取代第4圖及第5圖所示的習知轉盤而構 成堆疊捆紮機。 如第1圖所示’轉盤100係具備轉盤本體110、昇降 構件120 °昇降構件120,可透過形成在轉盤本體110的 中央之開口而出沒’與習知的轉盤同樣的,是設置成可藉 Ο 由汽缸(未圖示)而昇降自如。轉盤本體110及昇降構件 1 2 0 ’可沿著水平面而朝箭頭所示的兩方向進行旋轉驅 動’兩者的上面是以成爲同一面的狀態來形成小捆載置面 100a。書帖的小捆’被朝箭頭a方向搬運而載置在小捆載 置面100a後,藉由使轉盤本體11〇及昇降構件12〇進行 一體地旋轉而改變方向,藉由昇降構件120的上昇而搬運 至上方。關於轉盤本體110及昇降構件120之旋轉驅動機 構,例如可運用上述專利文獻2所揭示的公知技術,故在 0 此省略詳細說明。 在轉盤本體110的上面,與習知的圍籬同樣的,設置 有4個門112(被支承成可沿著小捆載置面l〇〇a而如箭頭 所示般轉動),藉由使各門112如圖示般關閉’可抵接於 既定尺寸(例如’以橫長狀態搬運之A3尺寸、以縱長狀態 搬運之A4尺寸)的書帖之搬運方向前緣及後緣’以在小捆 載置面100a上進行書帖的定位。搬運方向前方的2個門 112,可從圖示的狀態往搬運方向前方轉動而打開;搬運 後方的2個門112,可從圖示的狀態往搬運方向後方 -9- 201036871 轉動而接收書帖。 此外,在轉盤本體110的上面,在左右各2處(合計 4處)設有側方導件113(與書帖之垂直於搬運方向A的寬 度方向之兩側緣抵接)。各側方導件1 1 3,可藉由輸送機 113a的驅動而沿寬度方向移動。藉由調整成對之左右兩 者的間隔,可在小捆載置面1 〇〇a接收寬度方向長度不同 之各種書帖,以進行寬度方向的定位。 此外,在本實施形態,在轉盤本體110的上面,隔著 昇降構件120而在書帖的搬運方向前後兩側各2處(合計 4處)設有:可從小捆載置面l〇〇a出沒的限制構件114。 各限制構件Η 4是形成板狀,一端側是透過轉動軸U 5而 被轉盤本體1 1 0支承成可朝上下方向轉動自如。限制構件 114,在收容時是如第2(a)圖的B-B截面圖所示,收容在 轉盤本體110的上面所形成的收容溝槽110a內而與小捆 載置面l〇〇a成爲同一面的狀態,在使用時是如第2(b)圖 所示,相對於小捆載置面1 〇〇a成爲豎立狀態,而與書帖 的前緣或後緣抵接。收容狀態的限制構件1 1 4,較佳爲像 本實施形態這樣與小捆載置面1 〇〇a成爲同一面,在但書 帖搬運時不會發生鉤住等的異常的情況’亦可收容在比小 捆載置面l〇〇a更下方。 限制構件114的2個,是在昇降構件120的搬運方向 前方,在昇降構件1 20和2個門1 1 2之間豎立而與書帖的 前緣抵接。這2個限制構件1 1 4,是在小捆載置面1 00a 的下方藉由連結構件1 16互相連結’藉由空壓缸1 17(被 -10- 201036871 支承在小捆載置面1 〇 〇 a的下方)之桿件i ! 7 a的進退而使 連結構件1 1 6轉動’以將2個限制構件1 1 4在收容狀態和 豎立狀態之間進行切換。在桿件1 1 7a的前端和連結構件 1 1 6之間,介設有可相對於連結構件1 1 6轉動之頭部 117b,藉由桿件117a之沿水平方向的進退來使頭部ii7b 轉動,以讓連結構件1 1 6的出沒順利地進行。 關於配置在昇降構件1 2 0的搬運方向後方側之2個限 〇 制構件114,是具備與上述相同的構造,藉由連結構件 116而互相連結,並藉由空壓缸117之桿件117a的進退 而成爲收容狀態或豎立狀態。這些限制構件1 1 4,雖較佳 爲配置成與書帖的前緣及後緣抵接而能挾持書帖,但不一 定要像本實施形態這樣設置在4處,例如將寬度寬廣的限 制構件1 1 4設置在書帖的前後各1處亦可。此外,也能使 用油壓缸等的其他致動器來進行,或是不設置驅動手段而 以手動來進行亦可。限制構件1 1 4的出沒’不是像本實施 〇 形態這樣利用轉動來進行’而是藉由上下方向的桿件等的 進退來進行亦可。 依據具備以上構造的轉盤100 ’對於搬運方向的長度 相等之書帖(例如橫長狀態的A3尺寸和縱長狀態的A4尺 寸),與習知的構造同樣的,將門112關閉而與書帖的搬 運方向前緣抵接,並藉由側方導件1 1 3來限制書帖的寬度 方向,即可正確地定位在既定位置。因此’能夠容易地對 應於例如A3、A4等之在同一列數字連續的書帖尺寸的改 〇 -11 - 201036871 另一方面,在書帖的搬運方向長度比通常所搬 帖之搬運方向長度更小的情況’例如從上述的A3 尺寸改變成2張A5尺寸的情況’是將門1 12朝搬 前方轉動而成爲打開狀態後,藉由空壓缸1 1 7的驅 方2處的限制構件U 4轉動而豎立。藉此,書帖的 比門1 1 2更靠近搬運方向前方側與限制構件1 1 4抵 將書帖定位成能確實地藉由昇降構件120往上方搬 本實施形態,由於在後方2處也設有限制構件1 Η 2(b)圖所示,在前方的限制構件114豎立後接著後 制構件1 1 4也會豎立,藉由讓各限制構件1 1 4抵接 的前緣及後緣而挾持書帖,而能更確實地進行書 位。各限制構件Π 4的豎立,可隨著尺寸改變而由 進行輸入操作,或是將所搬運的書帖尺寸藉由感測 偵測等而產生豎立訊號,控制裝置(未圖示)是根據 訊號來驅動空壓缸1 1 7,藉此自動地進行豎立。 在書帖尺寸再度改變成原來尺寸的情況,如第 所示,藉由空壓缸1 1 7的驅動使限制構件1 1 4成爲 載置面100a大致同一面,或是收容在小捆載置面 下方。如此限制構件1 1 4就不會妨礙書帖的搬運, 行迅速的尺寸改變。 如此般,本實施形態之轉盤1 00,其可對應的 圍比習知構造更廣,而能迅速地對應於多種的書帖 改變。在本實施形態,轉動軸1 1 5 (用來使限制構 轉動)相對於轉盤本體1 1 0的位置雖是固定的,但 運的書 及 A4 運方向 動使前 前緣在 接,而 運。在 •,如第 方的限 於書帖 帖的定 操作員 器進行 該豎立 2(a)圖 與小捆 1 00a 的 而能進 尺寸範 尺寸的 件 114 藉由使 -12- 201036871 該轉動軸115可沿書帖的搬運方向滑動,而固定在轉盤本 體1 1 0的期望位置,如此可進行限制構件1 1 4的位置調整 而對應於更多種類的尺寸改變。 此外,關於限制構件1 1 4,在本實施形態雖是設置在 轉盤本體110,但只要在往小捆載置面l〇〇a搬運時可進 行書帖的前後位置的限制且能和轉盤1 00 —起旋轉即可, 將其設置在轉盤本體1 1 0以外亦可。 〇 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係本發明的一實施形態之書帖搬運用轉盤的俯 視圖。The present invention relates to a booklet transporting carousel that rotates a small bundle of horizontally-moved signatures and, in other words, applies to a stacking strapping machine (for A booklet transporting turntable that stacks and binds the signatures conveyed from the cylinder press.先前 [Prior Art] Regarding a conventional stacking strapping machine, for example, the structure disclosed in Patent Document 1 is known. As shown in Fig. 3, the stacking and binding machine 1 includes: a pressure roller 2, 2', a conveying device 3, a shutoff device 4, a resist roller 5, 5, a small bundle stacking device 6, a large bundle forming portion 7, Pressing device 8 and the like. The signature 9 discharged from the roll printing machine (not shown) is squashed by the pressure of the light 2 to squash the bag and remove the static electricity, and then 'transported by the transport device 3, and by the resist roller 5 5' is given the so-called "strength" and is sequentially dropped to the small bundle stacking device 6.主要 The main components of the small bundle stacking device 6 are provided in addition to the front edge restricting member 用来 for blocking the leading edge portion of the signature 9 and the leading edge restricting member 1 〇 opposite to each other. There are: width direction limiting plate 1 2, lifting platform 1 3, temporary receiving plate 1 4. The trailing edge restricting member 构成 is constituted by a restricting belt 11a wound around one of the anti-flex roller 5 and the pulley 11b. The signature 9' is stacked in a substantially horizontal state by being sequentially dropped in frictional contact with the restriction belt 11a, and is aligned in the front-rear direction by the leading edge restriction member 1 and the trailing edge restriction member 11, and The width direction direction of the plate 12 is aligned to align its width direction. Then, if the predetermined number of signatures 9' of the cutting device 4 are stacked on the small bundle-5-201036871 stacking device 6, the feeding of the signature 9 carried by the conveying device 3 is temporarily cut off, and then The elevating table 13 on which the stacked signatures 9 are placed is lowered to the position shown in the figure, and the small bundle of signatures is sent to the large bundle forming unit 7 by a pusher or the like. While the elevating table 13 is being lowered, the temporary receiving plate 14 is advanced, and the signature 9 dropped to the small bundle stacking device 6 after the cutting operation of the intercepting device 4 is released is received. Then, the elevating table I3 is raised and the receiving plate 14 is temporarily retracted, and the signature 9 is delivered to the elevating table 13. The large bundle forming portion 7 is a bundle in which small bundles of the signatures 9 stacked in the small bundle stacking device 6 are received and stacked to form a signature. Then, when a predetermined number of copies is reached, the large bundle of signatures is transported to the binding portion, and the protective paper is supplied to the upper and lower sides of the bundle, and is pressed by the pressing device 8, and then bundled. The stacking of the small bundles is carried out in the same direction, and since the folded side becomes thick, the large bundle becomes easy to be inclined, and the balance feeling is deteriorated. Therefore, conventionally, the large bundle manufacturing unit 7 is provided with a turntable, and the folded position of the stacked small bundles is alternately reversed by the rotation of the turntable. For example, as shown in FIG. 4, the turntable 20 disclosed in Patent Document 2 is carried by the pusher 22 (driven by the horizontal cylinder 21 in the horizontal direction), and is horizontally transported from the small bundle stacking device 6 to the small bundle. After the small bundle on the surface 20 a rotates at a predetermined angle along the horizontal plane, the small bundle is transported to the stacking portion 24 by raising the plunger of the upper and lower cylinders 23 . The small bundles that are transported to the stacking unit 24 in this order are stacked and stacked by the stacking process, thereby forming a large bundle. As shown in FIG. 5, the turntable 20' includes a turntable body 25 on which a small bundle -6-201036871 mounting surface 20a is formed, and a lifting member 26 that can pass through an opening formed in the center of the turntable body 25; The elevating member 26 is provided to be movable up and down by the upper and lower cylinders 23 described above. The turntable main body 25 and the elevating member 26 are integrally horizontally rotated, and the elevating member 26 is lifted upward with respect to the turntable main body 25, and the small bundle is carried upward. On the small bundle mounting surface 20a of the turntable main body 25, a fence 27 is provided at the periphery 4 of the lift member 26 (only two places are shown in Fig. 5). Each of the fences 27 is provided to be rotatable and openable about a vertical axis, and in the closed state, the leading and trailing edges of the small bundle can be locked. Further, each of the fences 27 is movable in the left-right direction perpendicular to the conveyance direction of the small bundle along the groove 28 formed on the small bundle mounting surface 20a to adjust the position in accordance with the length of the small bundle in the left-right direction. A fence 29 is provided on both sides in the left-right direction of the bale (only one side is shown in Fig. 5), and the fence 29 is moved in the left-right direction to lock the both side edges of the bale. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. The small bundle size is used to adjust the position of each fence 27, and the fence 27 can be used to bundle small bundles of the same length in the transport direction (for example, A3 size small bundles conveyed in a horizontally long state) in a vertically long state. The small bundle) implements the correct positional restrictions. However, each fence 27 cannot be adjusted to the position of the small bundle in the direction of the conveyance direction of the small bundle, so the bundle length is smaller than the A3 size or the A4 size (for example, the number of two A 5 posts is small). Positional restrictions are not possible with bundles, which may not be able to quickly correspond to changes in the size of the signature. Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a booklet transporting carousel that can quickly respond to changes in a plurality of signature sizes. In order to achieve the above-mentioned object, the dial for transporting the signature of the present invention includes a turntable main body that rotates a small bundle of sheets that are horizontally transported onto the small bundle mounting surface, and rises from the small bundle mounting surface to form a small bundle The elevating member that is transported to the upper side is characterized in that it is provided with a restricting member that is provided so as to be detachable when the turntable main body is provided, and that protrudes from the small bundle mounting surface and abuts against the edge of the small bundle. In the signature transporting turntable, the restricting member is preferably supported to be rotatable in the vertical direction, and is placed on the same surface or in the lower side with respect to the small bundle mounting surface during storage, and is used in comparison with The small bundle mounting surface is in an upright state. Further, it is preferable that the restricting member is provided on both sides with the lifting member interposed therebetween so as to be in contact with the leading edge and the trailing edge of the small bundle to be conveyed, and the small bundle can be held. Further preferably, the present invention further includes: a driving means for driving the restricting member, and a control means for controlling driving of the driving means. The book carrying carousel ' according to the present invention can quickly correspond to a variety of signature size changes. [Embodiment] -8 - 201036871 Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. The first figure is a plan view of the turntable of the signature of the Besch form of this month. The present embodiment can be used to form a stacking strapping machine in place of the conventional turning wheel shown in Figs. 4 and 5. As shown in Fig. 1, the turntable 100 includes a turntable main body 110 and a lifting and lowering member 120° elevating member 120, and is permeable to the opening formed in the center of the turntable main body 110. The same as the conventional turntable, it is provided so as to be升降 Elevated and lowered by a cylinder (not shown). The turntable main body 110 and the elevating member 1 2 0 ' can be rotationally driven in two directions indicated by arrows along the horizontal plane. The upper surfaces of the both are formed in the same surface to form the small bundle mounting surface 100a. After the small bundle ' of the signature is conveyed in the direction of the arrow a and placed on the small bundle mounting surface 100a, the direction is changed by integrally rotating the turntable main body 11 and the lifting member 12, by the lifting member 120 Raise and transport to the top. For the rotation driving mechanism of the turntable main body 110 and the elevating member 120, for example, the known technique disclosed in the above Patent Document 2 can be applied, and therefore detailed description thereof will be omitted. On the upper surface of the turntable body 110, as in the conventional fence, four doors 112 are provided (supported to be rotatable along the small bundle mounting surface 10a as indicated by the arrow) by Each of the doors 112 closes the leading edge and the trailing edge of the signature in a predetermined size (for example, 'A3 size conveyed in a horizontally long state and A4 size conveyed in a vertically long state) as shown in the figure. The positioning of the signature is performed on the small bundle mounting surface 100a. The two doors 112 in the forward direction of the conveyance direction can be rotated forward from the state shown in the conveyance direction, and the two doors 112 on the rear side can be rotated from the illustrated state to the rear of the conveyance direction -9-201036871 to receive the signature. . Further, on the upper surface of the turntable main body 110, side guides 113 are provided at two places (four in total) on the left and right sides (abutting on both side edges of the signature in the width direction perpendicular to the conveyance direction A). Each of the side guides 1 1 3 is movable in the width direction by the driving of the conveyor 113a. By adjusting the interval between the pair of right and left, various signatures having different lengths in the width direction can be received on the small bundle mounting surface 1 〇〇a to perform positioning in the width direction. Further, in the present embodiment, the upper surface of the turntable main body 110 is provided at two places (four in total) on the front and rear sides in the conveyance direction of the signature via the elevating member 120: the small mount surface l〇〇a The restriction member 114 is infested. Each of the restricting members Η 4 is formed in a plate shape, and one end side is supported by the turntable main body 1 10 through the rotating shaft U 5 so as to be rotatable in the vertical direction. The restricting member 114 is housed in the receiving groove 110a formed on the upper surface of the turntable main body 110 as shown in the BB sectional view of Fig. 2(a), and is formed in the same manner as the small bundle mounting surface 10a. In the state of the surface, as shown in the second (b) diagram, the state is in an upright state with respect to the small bundle mounting surface 1 〇〇a, and is in contact with the leading edge or the trailing edge of the signature. In the case of the present embodiment, the restriction member 1 1 4 is preferably flush with the small bundle mounting surface 1 〇〇 a as in the present embodiment, and the hooking or the like may not occur during the conveyance of the signature. It is housed below the small bundle mounting surface l〇〇a. Two of the restricting members 114 are placed in front of the conveying direction of the elevating member 120, and are erected between the elevating member 126 and the two doors 1 1 2 to abut against the leading edge of the signature. The two restricting members 141 are connected to each other by the connecting member 1 16 under the small bundle mounting surface 100a" by the air cylinder 1 17 (supported by the -10-201036871 on the small bundle mounting surface 1) The rod member i! 7 below the 〇〇a) advances and retreats the joint member 1 16 to turn the two restricting members 1 1 4 between the accommodating state and the erect state. Between the front end of the rod member 1 17a and the joint member 1 16 , a head portion 117b rotatable relative to the joint member 1 16 is interposed, and the head portion ii7b is advanced by the advancement and retreat of the rod member 117a in the horizontal direction. Rotation is performed so that the exit of the joint member 1 16 is smoothly performed. The two restriction members 114 disposed on the rear side in the conveyance direction of the elevating member 120 are provided with the same structure as described above, and are connected to each other by the connection member 116, and are connected to the rod 117a of the air cylinder 117. Advance and retreat to become a state of containment or erection. These restricting members 141 are preferably arranged to abut against the leading edge and the trailing edge of the signature, but are not necessarily arranged at four places as in the present embodiment, for example, a wide width limit. The members 1 1 4 may be disposed at one place before and after the signature. Further, it may be carried out by using another actuator such as a hydraulic cylinder or manually by not providing a driving means. The occurrence of the restriction member 1 1 4 is not performed by the rotation as in the embodiment of the present invention, but may be performed by advancing or retracting the rod or the like in the vertical direction. According to the signature of the turntable 100' having the above-described structure for the same length in the conveyance direction (for example, the A3 size in the horizontally long state and the A4 size in the vertically long state), the door 112 is closed and the signature is the same as the conventional structure. The leading edge of the conveying direction abuts, and the width direction of the signature is restricted by the side guide 1 13 to be correctly positioned at a predetermined position. Therefore, it can be easily adapted to, for example, A3, A4, etc., in the same column of numbers, the size of the signature is changed -11 - 201036871. On the other hand, the length of the signature in the transport direction is longer than the length of the normal transport direction. In the case of a small case, for example, the case where the A3 size is changed to the two A5 sizes described above is a restriction member U at the drive 2 of the air cylinder 1 17 after the door 12 is rotated toward the front to be opened. 4 turn and stand up. Thereby, the signature is positioned closer to the front side of the conveyance direction than the door 1 1 2 and the restriction member 1 1 4 is positioned so that the signature can be surely moved upward by the elevation member 120, since the rear 2 is also With the restricting member 1 Η 2(b) shown, the front restricting member 114 is erected and then the rear member 1 14 is also erected, with the leading and trailing edges abutting the restricting members 1 14 And holding on to the signature, and more able to carry out the book. The erecting of each of the restricting members Π 4 may be performed by an input operation as the size is changed, or an erect signal is generated by sensing the detected size of the signature, and the control device (not shown) is based on the signal. The air cylinder 1 17 is driven to thereby erect automatically. When the size of the signature is changed to the original size again, as shown in the first, the restriction member 1 14 is substantially flush with the mounting surface 100a by the driving of the air cylinder 1 17 or is placed in the small bundle. Below the face. Thus, the restriction member 1 14 does not hinder the handling of the signature, and the size is changed rapidly. As described above, the turntable 100 of the present embodiment can be adapted to a wider range than the conventional structure, and can quickly respond to a variety of signature changes. In the present embodiment, the position of the rotating shaft 1 1 5 (for rotating the restraining mechanism) relative to the position of the turntable body 1 1 0 is fixed, but the transported book and the A4 transport direction move the front leading edge in contact with each other. . In the case of the operator of the first party limited to the signature, the erecting 2(a) and the small bundle 100a can be entered into the size-sized member 114 by making -12-201036871 the rotating shaft 115 It can be slid along the carrying direction of the signature and fixed at the desired position of the turntable body 110, so that the positional adjustment of the restricting member 1 14 can be performed to correspond to more kinds of dimensional changes. Further, although the restriction member 1 1 4 is provided in the turntable main body 110 in the present embodiment, the front and rear positions of the signature can be restricted and can be adjusted to the turntable 1 as long as it is transported to the small bundle mounting surface 10a. 00—It can be rotated, and it can be set outside the turntable body 1 1 0. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a plan view showing a turntable for carrying a signature according to an embodiment of the present invention.
第2(a)(b)圖係第1圖所示的書帖搬運用轉盤的B-B 截面圖。 第3圖係習知的堆疊捆紮機的槪略構造圖。 第4圖係習知的轉盤的槪略構造圖。 Ο 第5圖係第4圖所示的轉盤之局部俯視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :堆疊捆紮機 1〇〇 :轉盤 1 0 0 a :小捆載置面 1 10 :轉盤本體 1 1 2 :門 1 1 3 :側方導件 -13- 201036871 1 1 4 :限制構件 1 1 5 :轉動軸 1 1 7 :空壓缸 120 :昇降構件Fig. 2(a)(b) is a B-B cross-sectional view of the dial transporting carousel shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a schematic structural view of a conventional stacking strapping machine. Fig. 4 is a schematic structural view of a conventional turntable. Ο Fig. 5 is a partial plan view of the turntable shown in Fig. 4. [Description of main component symbols] 1 : Stacking and binding machine 1〇〇: Turntable 1 0 0 a : Small bundle mounting surface 1 10 : Turntable body 1 1 2 : Door 1 1 3 : Side guide-13 - 201036871 1 1 4: restriction member 1 1 5 : rotation shaft 1 1 7 : air cylinder 120: lifting member