200906360 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種肌膚檢測儀’特別係一種可檢測皮膚之真 皮組織與深層細胞的三維肌膚檢測儀。 【先前技術】 隨著生活品質的提高’人們對於外貌、儀容之標準亦不斷的提升,其 中,皮膚狀態的好壞更是對容貌具有顯著的影響,所以大多數的人皆會關 心自身的皮膚,甚至會對皮膚進行保養或接受治療,而大多數的人係單純 以肉眼觀察皮膚狀況,或者是利用肌膚檢測儀觀測,以便於進一步顯示皮 膚内部組織情形,獲得更精確的皮膚資訊。 然,一般常見的肌膚檢測儀係二維(2D)肌膚檢測儀,其主要是以白 光光源配合影像拍攝的方式成像,所以往往只能看到皮膚之表面細胞的影 像,而無法深入表皮内層與真皮組織中,看到深層肌膚裡變化、代謝中的 細胞,因此就無法經由深層細胞之變異來預知膠原蛋白的萎縮、黑色素的 沈積、以及未來漸漸向外產生的細紋與斑點狀況,所以習知這種二維肌膚 檢測儀僅可提供受測者之皮膚作事後的制與修補,卻無法料事前探知 與預防之膚質偵測工具。 有鑑於此,本發明揭示一種創新的肌膚檢測儀,以克服習知技藝之 缺失。 【發明内容】 本發明之一目的係在提供一種三雄肌膚檢測儀,其主要是運 用麥克森光學咖干涉術對域進行深度_,而取得具有高解析度的皮 200906360 膚斷層影像’瞭解皮膚之各組織層的狀況。 本發明之另一目的係在提供一種三維肌膚檢測儀’其採用紅 外線光源導入皮膚組織,使對皮膚的穿透力大為提高。 本發明之再一目的係在提供一種三維肌膚檢測儀,其藉由一 濾'光器過渡白光光源而得交替變換的彩色三原色光束去掃瞄皮 膚,以便提供皮膚之深層、全彩、甚至立體的影像觀測結果。 根據本發明所揭示的三維肌膚檢測儀係包括一可採用微光機 電兀件組成之觀測本體用以觀測一待測皮膚、一光偵測器、一顯示器及一 處理器,且光偵測器耦合觀測本體,處理器耦合光偵測器、顯示器,其中 此觀測本體包括至少—紅外線光源,發射—第—光束,其再經由一分光單 凡分成一第二、第三光束;一平面鏡,接收此第二力束並反射第二光束至 分光單元;及-翻引擎’接收此第三絲並將其傳送至剌皮膚,其再 傳回一樣品光束經由掃瞄引擎至分光單元,以與第二光束結合產生一干涉 訊號,然後光偵測器接收此干涉訊號而轉換成一電子訊號,並傳送至處理 器以處理_子訊魅傳送至顯示n,即可_制皮膚之影像。 根據本發明所揭示的三維肌膚檢測儀係包括一可採用微光機 電元件組成之觀測本體用以觀測一待測皮膚、一光偵測器、一顯示器及一 處理器,且光偵測器輕合觀測本體,處理器耦合光镇測器、顯示器,其中 此觀測本體包括至少-白光光源,其發射―第—光束;—觀器,過據第 -光束而產生-彩色三原色光束’其再經由—分光單元分成—第二、第: 光束,平面鏡’接收第二光束並反射第二光束至該分光單元;及—掃瞒 200906360 引擎’接收第三光束並將其傳送至制皮膚其再傳回—樣品光束經由掃 瞒引擎至刀絲TL ’以與第二光束結合產生―干涉訊號,然後光偵測器接 收此干涉訊號而轉換成—電子訊號,並傳送至處理器以處理此電子訊號並 傳送至顯示H ’即可顯示待财狀全彩影像。 本發明之此些目的或其他目的對於此技藝之通常知識者而言,閱讀以 下實施例之詳細内容後係顯而易知的。 先前的概述與接下來的詳細敘述都是範例,以便能進一步解釋本發明 之專利請求項。 【實施方式】 本發明揭7F -種二維肌膚檢測儀,係透過麥克森光學_干涉術 對皮膚作深度掃取得皮膚_之二維及三維影像,使受測者不但可 以親眼看到肌膚表面的膚質狀況,更可以看到皮膚深層的健康情形。 請參照第一圖,係本發明之一三維肌膚檢測儀結構示意囷。 如圖所示,本發明之肌膚檢測儀10係包括—觀測本體12,用以觀 測一待測皮膚14 ’且觀測本體12可受操作者之手持握住,及一光 偵測器16耦接觀測本體12,以接收來自觀測本體的訊號,一顯示 器18用於顯示待測皮膚14的影像檢測結果,以及一處理器2〇, 其耦合光偵測器16與顯示器18以控制上述諸元件之間的作動, 且處理器2 0與光偵/則器16係设置在一底座17内。其中,觀測本 體12係採用微光機電元件技術製作,以有效縮小觀測本體^之 體積。 承上述之肌膚檢測儀10’其中觀測本體12之設計方式係根據 200906360 麥克森光學同調干涉術原理,即觀測本體12係包括一紅外線光源 22,用於發射一第一光束’且紅外線光源22係採用高強度的寬頻紅外光源, 一分光單元,如一分光鏡或如圖所示的光纖耦合器24,係用以接收此第〆 光束而將其分成一第二光束與一第三光束,且光纖耦合器24透過一偵測通 道(detectionchannel) 23與光偵測器16耦合,以及一平面鏡26與一掃 猫引擎28,其中平面鏡26接收此第二光束並反射第二光束至光纖耗合器 24,另,掃瞄引擎28則尚包括一光纖透鏡281與一可聚焦透鏡沈2,係用 以接收此第二光束並將第三光束傳送至待測皮膚14上,待測皮膚再傳 回-樣品光束’此樣品光束再經由掃猫引擎28之可聚焦透鏡弧、光纖透 鏡281至光纖搞合器24,以與自平面鏡26返回的第二光束在光纖麵合器 24中結合而產生-干涉訊號’接著光纖麵合器24經由偵測通道23傳送干 涉訊號至光伽傻16’之後光伽im 16接收此干涉喊而轉換成—電子訊 號,並傳送此電手訊號至處理㈣,處職2G錢處理此電子訊號並傳送 其至顯示器18,就可顯示待測皮膚14之影像結果。 且’掃猫引擎28之光纖透鏡28卜可聚焦透鏡她可聚焦在待測皮 Η中而14之組織中的某—三維空_取像,或者是對待測皮 14之組織中的三維空間點群作掃瞒,因此即可完成三維⑽)掃晦成像 再加上紅外線光源22係高強度的寬頻紅外光源,故所提供的光束更且有 好的穿透力,足可深人至制皮膚14之深層組織,如真朗、皮下组鐵 進而看到其中的微血管、汗腺、皮脂腺、與變化中的膝原蛋白、彈力蛋 等生物機構。由此可知,本發明之肌膚檢測儀1()可提供待測皮膚ι 200906360 之三維影像結果,不但可觀測到待測皮膚u之表皮細胞,亦更可 取得皮膚之深層組織的影像結果,故赠於讓人對域提出更細部且 正_診斷’以韻皮雜事_胁與爾,如預她織細胞增生、變 化或劣化的機制。 再者’由於肌膚檢測儀10所需資料處理環境要求較低,所以畫面更新 速度較快’即處理器20之影像處理速度易高於畫面要求的畫素總數 (Pixels)與畫面更新頻率⑽,Fr_阿⑼⑽,而尚可進入即時 成像(4D)的影像層次。 本發明之光源除了可使用上述之紅外線光源22外,並尚揭示 另種光源態樣,即如第二圖所示之另一三維肌膚檢測儀結構示 圖,.、、員示一維肌膚檢測儀之結構與前述之三維肌膚檢測儀1 〇 類似,差異係在肌膚檢測儀3〇之光源係採用一白光光源32,並配 合一濾光器,如一色輪34以將白光光源32所發出的一第一光束 過濾成一彩色三原色光束,其中色輪34係一三色色輪,即具有紅、 藍、綠之三原色濾光片,故所濾得彩色三原色光束就是紅、藍、 綠之二原色光束,且各色頻寬分別約5(M00 nm。再者,肌膚檢測儀 30的操作原理亦類似於肌膚檢測儀1〇之干涉概念,即之後分光鏡 或光纖耦合器接收此彩色三原色光束並將其分成一第二光束與一第三 光束,而平面鏡26接收此第二光束並反射第二光束至光纖耦合器24,掃瞄 引擎28之聚焦透鏡282、光纖透鏡281接收此第三光束並將第三光束傳送 至待測皮膚14上,待測皮膚14再傳回一樣品光束且經由可聚焦透鏡2犯、 200906360 光纖透鏡281至光纖叙合器24,以與自平面鏡%返回的第二光束在光輸 合器24中結合而產生-干涉訊號,其中此干涉訊號接著光纖耗合器μ經 ㈣測通道23傳奸涉職至絲_ 16,之後·· 16接收此干涉 訊號而轉換成-紅藍綠電子訊號並傳送至處理器2Q,處理器2q會根據一聲 像軟體處理紅藍職子«,轉三張單織面合魏全織面後再傳送 至顯示器18,如此即可顯示制皮膚14之全_深層影像結果。且,若掃 瞒引擎28對制皮膚14掃得錄—她㈣晝面,甚至可崎到全來、 立體的3D皮膚深層影像,其中,由於是處理三原色光束,故侧通道^ 的資料掘取速度必·得更快,而處理㈣的處理速度亦要加大。 再者,本發明之三維肌膚檢測儀除了可用於檢測肌膚外,亦可 應用在胸部美容領域’如細她乳手術上,這是因為鼠手術通常係 使用内視鏡,以協助剝離胸大肌而將鹽水鮮♦乳置人,故,若能在手術 前使用本個之檢纖來朗、量化胸部之大小,擬患者手術後期待 之胸形,就可助於整型醫師事絲算所應充填的鹽水鮮義乳大小,所以 更能精確縛躺離的肌雜置與體積,進而提高手術成功率、減少手術 中的出血量、術後疼痛和整型失敗等風險。 由此可知,本發明的三維肌膚檢測儀主要是透過光學同調干涉術及光 源的改良,以將習知的肌膚檢測儀從二維影像延伸至三維、甚至是四維影 像的領域,使受測者得到更精確的美料訊服務,選擇更適當的美容保養 品或醫療診治,錢皮膚之深層組織更可劇事前探知與獅,提早 預測各種皮膚疾刺可能_性,所以本發明所揭示的肌膚檢測儀可望對 200906360 皮膚科的醫學界、美容界與美容保養品產業等市場產生更大的衝擊力與影 響力。 以上所述之實施例僅係為說明本發明之技術思想及特點,其 目的在使熟習此項技藝之人士能夠瞭解本發明之内容並據以實 施,當不能以之限定本發明之專利範圍,即大凡依本發明所揭示 之精神所作之均等變化或修飾,仍應涵蓋在本發明之專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為本發明之一三維肌膚檢測儀結構示意圖。 第二圖為本發明之另一三維肌膚檢測儀結構示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10三維肌膚檢測儀 12觀測本體 14待測皮膚 16光偵測器 17底座 18顯示器 20處理器 22紅外線光源 24光纖搞合器 26平面鏡 28掃瞄引擎 281光纖透鏡 282可聚焦透鏡 30三維肌膚檢測儀 32白光光源 34色輪200906360 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a skin detecting device, which is particularly a three-dimensional skin detecting device capable of detecting skin tissue and deep cells of the skin. [Prior Art] With the improvement of the quality of life, people's standards for appearance and appearance are constantly improving. Among them, the quality of the skin has a significant impact on the appearance, so most people will care about their skin. Even the skin is maintained or treated, and most people simply observe the skin condition with the naked eye, or use a skin tester to further display the internal tissue of the skin to obtain more accurate skin information. However, the common skin tester is a two-dimensional (2D) skin tester, which is mainly imaged by a white light source combined with image capture, so often only the image of the surface of the skin can be seen, and the inner layer of the epidermis cannot be penetrated. In the dermis, when the cells in the deep skin are changed and metabolized, it is impossible to predict the shrinkage of collagen, the deposition of melanin, and the appearance of fine lines and spots in the future through the variation of deep cells. It is known that this two-dimensional skin tester can only provide the skin and the repair of the skin of the subject, but it is impossible to detect and prevent the skin detection tool. In view of this, the present invention discloses an innovative skin tester that overcomes the deficiencies of the prior art. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION One object of the present invention is to provide a three-male skin detector, which mainly uses the McKesson optical coffee interferometry to perform depth _ on the field, and obtain a high-resolution skin 200906360 skin tomography image to understand the skin. The status of each organizational level. Another object of the present invention is to provide a three-dimensional skin tester which uses an infrared light source to introduce skin tissue, thereby greatly improving the penetration of the skin. A further object of the present invention is to provide a three-dimensional skin detector that scans the skin by alternately changing colored primary light beams by a filter optical white light source to provide deep, full-color, or even stereoscopic skin. Image observations. The three-dimensional skin detector according to the present invention comprises an observation body composed of a micro-optical electromechanical component for observing a skin to be tested, a photodetector, a display and a processor, and the photodetector a coupled observation body, the processor coupled to the photodetector, the display, wherein the observation body comprises at least an infrared light source, a emission-first beam, which is further divided into a second and a third beam via a beam splitter; a plane mirror, receiving The second force beam reflects the second beam to the beam splitting unit; and the turning engine receives the third wire and transmits it to the skin of the skin, which in turn returns a sample beam through the scanning engine to the beam splitting unit to The two beams combine to generate an interference signal, and then the photodetector receives the interference signal and converts it into an electronic signal, and transmits it to the processor to process the image transmission to the display n. The three-dimensional skin detecting device according to the present invention comprises an observation body composed of a micro-optical electromechanical component for observing a skin to be tested, a photodetector, a display and a processor, and the photodetector is light. An observation body, a processor coupled to the photodetector, the display, wherein the observation body comprises at least a white light source that emits a “first beam”, and a viewer that generates a color three primary color beam according to the first beam - the splitting unit is divided into - a second, a: beam, the plane mirror 'receives the second beam and reflects the second beam to the beam splitting unit; and - the broom 200906360 engine 'receives the third beam and transmits it to the skin, which is then transmitted back - the sample beam is coupled to the second beam by the broom engine to generate an "interference signal", and then the photodetector receives the interference signal and converts it into an electronic signal and transmits it to the processor to process the electronic signal and Transfer to display H ' to display the full color image of the fortune. These and other objects of the present invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art in the <RTIgt; The previous summary and the following detailed description are examples in order to further explain the patent claims of the present invention. [Embodiment] The invention discloses a 7F-type two-dimensional skin detecting instrument, which performs a deep scan of the skin through a McKesson optical interferometry to obtain a two-dimensional and three-dimensional image of the skin, so that the subject can not only visually see the skin surface The skin condition can also see the deep health of the skin. Please refer to the first figure, which is a schematic diagram of the structure of a three-dimensional skin detector of the present invention. As shown in the figure, the skin detector 10 of the present invention includes an observation body 12 for observing a skin 14 to be tested and the observation body 12 is held by the operator's hand, and a photodetector 16 is coupled. The body 12 is observed to receive signals from the observation body, a display 18 is used to display image detection results of the skin 14 to be tested, and a processor 2 is coupled to the photodetector 16 and the display 18 to control the components. The operation is performed, and the processor 20 and the optical detector 16 are disposed in a base 17. Among them, the observation body 12 is made by using micro-optical electromechanical components technology to effectively reduce the volume of the observation body. According to the principle of McInson optical coherence interferometry, the observation body 12 includes an infrared light source 22 for emitting a first light beam and an infrared light source 22 system. Using a high-intensity broadband infrared light source, a splitting unit, such as a beam splitter or fiber coupler 24 as shown, is used to receive the second beam and divide it into a second beam and a third beam, and the fiber The coupler 24 is coupled to the photodetector 16 via a detection channel 23, and a plane mirror 26 and a swept cat engine 28, wherein the plane mirror 26 receives the second beam and reflects the second beam to the fiber consumable 24, In addition, the scanning engine 28 further includes a fiber lens 281 and a focusable lens sink 2 for receiving the second beam and transmitting the third beam to the skin 14 to be tested, and the skin to be tested is returned to the sample. The beam 'this sample beam is then passed through the focusable lens arc of the sweeping cat engine 28, the fiber optic lens 281 to the fiber combiner 24, and the second beam returned from the mirror 26 in the fiber facet 24 Combining the generated -interfering signal', then the fiber optic surface combiner 24 transmits the interfering signal to the optical gamma 16' via the detecting channel 23, and the optical gamma 16 receives the interference and converts it into an electronic signal, and transmits the electric hand signal to Processing (4), after processing 2G of money to process the electronic signal and transmitting it to the display 18, the image result of the skin 14 to be tested can be displayed. And 'the fiber optic lens 28 of the cat engine 28 can focus on the lens. She can focus on some of the tissue in the skin to be tested 14 - the three-dimensional empty image, or the three-dimensional space in the tissue to be measured 14 The group is used as a broom, so that the three-dimensional (10) broom image can be completed, and the infrared light source 22 is a high-intensity broadband infrared light source, so that the light beam provided has a better penetrating power, and the skin can be deep and perfect. 14 deep tissue, such as true Lang, subcutaneous group iron and then see the microvascular, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and changing knee protein, elastic eggs and other biological institutions. It can be seen that the skin tester 1() of the present invention can provide the three-dimensional image result of the skin to be tested ι 200906360, not only can observe the epidermal cells of the skin to be tested, but also obtain the image results of the deep tissue of the skin. The gift gives people a more detailed and positive diagnosis of the domain. Furthermore, since the skin processing apparatus 10 requires a lower data processing environment, the screen update speed is faster, that is, the image processing speed of the processor 20 is easily higher than the total number of pixels (Pixels) and the screen update frequency (10) required by the screen. Fr_A (9) (10), and can still enter the image level of instant imaging (4D). In addition to the above-mentioned infrared light source 22, the light source of the present invention also discloses another light source aspect, that is, the structure of another three-dimensional skin detector as shown in the second figure, and the one-dimensional skin detection The structure of the instrument is similar to the above-mentioned three-dimensional skin detector 1 ,, the difference is that the light source of the skin detector is a white light source 32, and is matched with a filter, such as a color wheel 34, to emit the white light source 32. A first beam is filtered into a color three primary color beam, wherein the color wheel 34 is a three-color color wheel, that is, three primary color filters of red, blue and green, so that the colored three primary color beams are red, blue and green primary color beams. And the bandwidth of each color is about 5 (M00 nm). Furthermore, the operation principle of the skin detector 30 is similar to the interference concept of the skin detector, that is, the beam splitter or the fiber coupler receives the color three primary color beam and Dividing into a second beam and a third beam, and the plane mirror 26 receives the second beam and reflects the second beam to the fiber coupler 24, the focusing lens 282 of the scanning engine 28, and the fiber lens 281 receives the third The beam transmits the third beam to the skin 14 to be tested, and the skin 14 to be tested returns a sample beam and passes through the focus lens 2, 200906360 fiber lens 281 to fiber rewinder 24, to return with the mirror 100%. The second beam is combined in the optical combiner 24 to generate an interfering signal, wherein the interfering signal is followed by the fiber consuming device (μ), and the channel 23 is rumored to be involved in the wire _ 16, after 16 receiving the interference signal. Converted into a red, blue and green electronic signal and transmitted to the processor 2Q, the processor 2q will process the red and blue jobs according to an audio image software, and then transfer the three single weaves to the full surface and then transmit to the display 18, The full-deep image result of the skin 14 can be displayed. Moreover, if the broom engine 28 scans the skin 14 to the face--she (four) face, even a full-scale, three-dimensional deep image of the 3D skin can be displayed, It is to process the three primary color beams, so the data acquisition speed of the side channel ^ must be faster, and the processing speed of the processing (4) is also increased. Furthermore, the three-dimensional skin detector of the present invention can be used for detecting skin, Applied in the field of breast beauty, such as In her breast surgery, this is because the mouse surgery usually uses endoscopes to help remove the pectoralis major and place the fresh water in the saline. Therefore, if you can use this test fiber before surgery, quantify The size of the chest, the chest shape expected after the operation of the patient, can help the size of the fresh water of the salt water that should be filled by the intensive physician, so it can more accurately bind the muscles and volume of the lying body, thereby improving the operation. The success rate, the amount of bleeding during surgery, the risk of postoperative pain, and the failure of the type of surgery. It is known that the three-dimensional skin detector of the present invention mainly uses optical coherence interferometry and improvement of the light source to detect the skin. The instrument extends from 2D image to 3D or even 4D image, which enables the subject to obtain more accurate beauty information service, choose more appropriate beauty care products or medical treatment, and the deep tissue of the skin can be detected beforehand. With the lion, it is possible to predict various skin spurs early, so the skin detector disclosed in the present invention is expected to be produced in the medical industry, the beauty industry and the beauty care products industry of the 906 906 dermatology department. Greater impact and impact. The embodiments described above are merely illustrative of the technical spirit and the features of the present invention, and the objects of the present invention can be understood by those skilled in the art, and the scope of the present invention cannot be limited thereto. That is, the equivalent variations or modifications made by the spirit of the present invention should still be included in the scope of the present invention. [Simple description of the diagram] The first figure is a schematic diagram of the structure of a three-dimensional skin detector of the present invention. The second figure is a schematic structural view of another three-dimensional skin detector of the present invention. [Main component symbol description] 10 three-dimensional skin detector 12 observation body 14 skin to be tested 16 light detector 17 base 18 display 20 processor 22 infrared light source 24 fiber optic adapter 26 plane mirror 28 scanning engine 281 fiber lens 282 can be focused Lens 30 three-dimensional skin detector 32 white light source 34 color wheel