200818138 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於可進行數位資料之記錄或讀出的資訊 記錄裝置,尤其是有關於,可在與光碟等之資訊記錄媒體 的資料記錄面相反側的標籤面(文字或影像等之印刷面) 上進行標籤印刷的資訊記錄裝置。 【先前技術】 先前的光碟裝置等之資訊記錄裝置,係例如,將CD (Compact Disk)或 DVD ( Digital Versatile Disk)等具 有數Mega Byte、數Giga Byte之記錄容量的光碟媒體, 藉由收容機構而搬送至裝置內部後,箝夾(chucking )在 主軸馬達上,藉由搭載有透鏡的光學頭等之資訊記錄手段 ,將資料加以讀出或讀寫的裝置爲人所知,被一般普遍地 使用。 又,在最近,可高密度記錄的BD ( Blu-Ray Disk ) 或 HD - D V D ( Hi gh D e f i ni t i ο n D i g i t al V e r s at i 1 e D i s k )等 ,雖然基本構成係爲相同的裝置,但藉由將光源短波長化 ,或加大透鏡的NA ( Numerical Aperture )値,以達成較 DVD等先前媒體有5倍至1 0倍以上之記錄容量的光碟媒 體也已被開發。 一旦使用這些能夠高密度記錄的光碟媒體等之資訊記 錄媒體的光碟裝置等的資訊記錄裝置增加,則所記錄的資 料量也會變大,又,一旦已被記錄之資訊記錄媒體的數量 -5- 200818138 增加,則管理這些已記錄有龐大資訊的資訊記錄媒體,並 非容易。 對此,將光碟媒體等之資訊記錄媒體的管理資訊,顯 示在光碟等媒體上的方法,有被提出數種。例如,專利文 獻1中記載著,使光碟媒體的管理資訊可被肉眼辨識的方 式,在碟片的記錄面上加以記錄的方法。具體而言是揭露 了,使用光拾取器的雷射光,在光碟記錄面中之資訊記錄 領域的另外的領域中進行記錄之方法。 又’在光碟等之資訊記錄媒體的記錄面的相反側之標 籤面上’也可印刷該當資訊記錄媒體中所記錄之資訊所對 應的文字或影像等。具體而言,例如使用可印刷標籤的噴 墨式印表機等,在光碟標籤面進行印刷。其他還有,將噴 墨列印頭組裝在內部而成爲可印刷標籤的光碟裝置,也有 一部份已被實用化。做爲此種可印刷標籤之光碟裝置是有 ’在光碟裝置中搭載印刷頭而對旋轉的光碟進行標籤印刷 的方法(例如參照專利文獻2),或內部組裝有印刷機能 的光碟裝置(例如參照專利文獻3 )等被提出。這些專利 文獻2、3所記載的光碟裝置中是構成爲,印刷頭可在光 碟的徑向軸上移動。 〔專利文獻1〕日本特開2004-280953號公報 〔專利文獻2〕日本特表2002-812140號公報 〔專利文獻3〕日本專利第3 3 4 1 5 7 2號公報 【發明內容】 -6- 200818138 〔發明所欲解決之課題〕 可是在此同時,如上記專利文獻2、3所記載之光碟 裝置,當在徑向軸上設置可動的印刷頭時,進行標籤印刷 之際,由於印刷頭繪通過碟片的旋轉中心,因此會和夾盤 等部件接觸。因此,印刷頭的可動範圍,亦即可印刷區域 是較窄,要在碟片內周附近進行印刷是有困難,存在如此 問題。 又,欲進行全面印刷等時候,由於上記理由導致可印 刷區域狹窄,因此標籤印刷需要耗費許多時間,存在如此 問題。 再者,若考慮光碟裝置等資訊記錄裝置全體的小型化 ,則必須要將印刷頭或印刷頭的閉蓋等配置在裝置的後方 (碟片排出側的相反側),因此印刷頭更換必須要將裝置 的上蓋拆開等,裝置的維修十分麻煩,亦存在如此問題。 於是,本發明係有鑑於此種問題而硏發,其目的爲’ 在數位資料記錄或讀出的同時可進行標籤印刷的資訊記錄 裝置中,使碟片等資訊記錄媒體內周附近的印刷容易進行 ,可高速印刷,且裝置的維修能夠容易進行。 〔用以解決課題之手段〕 爲了解決上記課題,若依據本發明的某個觀點,則可 提供一種資訊記錄裝置,係屬於被例如光碟等資訊記錄媒 體所插入,在所插入之前記資訊記錄媒體的標籤面可進行 標籤印刷的例如光碟裝置等之資訊記錄裝置’其特徵爲’ 200818138 具備:資訊記錄手段,係位於資訊記錄媒體的記錄面側的 例如光拾取器等;和印刷頭,係相對於資訊記錄媒體而位 於與資訊記錄手段相反側的位置,進行標籤印刷;和印刷 頭移動手段,係使印刷頭,在從資訊記錄媒體的旋轉中心 偏離之位置處,至少一部份是與資訊記錄媒體的徑向方向 平行地移動。 如此,藉由印刷頭移動手段是促使印刷頭在光碟等資 訊記錄媒體的旋轉中心錯開的位置上,平行於徑向方向的 方向上移動,就可促使可印刷區域增加,使得碟片等資訊 記錄媒體的內周附近爲止的印刷都能容易進行。又,藉由 如此增加印刷區域,光碟等資訊記錄媒體的標籤面的全面 進行印刷等情況下,可大幅縮短印刷時間,可高速印刷。 此處,亦可爲,上記資訊記錄裝置,係更具備:夾盤 ,係相對於資訊記錄媒體而被設在與印刷頭相同側,將資 訊記錄媒體的中央部加以保持;印刷頭移動手段,係使印 刷頭,在不與夾盤發生干涉的位置上作移動。 又,上記資訊記錄裝置中,亦可爲,印刷頭移動手段 ,係使印刷頭移動至退避位置爲止;於退避位置中,設置 有用來進行印刷頭之清潔的頭清潔機構及用來進行印刷頭 之閉蓋的閉蓋手段;該手段所致之印刷頭的清潔及閉蓋, 係在離開資訊記錄手段的位置處進行。 於本發明中,由於可以使印刷頭移動至從資訊記錄媒 體的旋轉中心偏離開(偏置)之位置,因此不會干涉位於 徑向軸上的光學拾取器等部件’可將進行閉蓋或清潔之機 -8- 200818138 構設置在較先前更位於裝置前方側,因此可實現資訊記錄 裝置的小型化。 又,上記資訊記錄裝置中,亦可爲,印刷頭移動手段 ,係在印刷頭是移動到資訊記錄媒體上的情況下,則使印 刷頭往平行於資訊記錄媒體之徑向方向移動,在印刷頭是 從資訊記錄媒體上跑開的情況下,則使印刷頭往異於徑向 方向之所定方向移動後,移動至退避位置爲止。 又,亦可爲,上記印刷頭,係在與資訊記錄媒體的標 籤面之對向側,具備墨水吐出部;該墨水吐出部,係具有 在平行於資訊記錄媒體之徑向方向的方向上配置的複數之 墨水吐出口。 又,亦可爲,上記資訊記錄裝置,係更具備載入手段 ,係用來插入或排出資訊記錄媒體;可利用載入手段所致 之資訊記錄媒體的排出動作來進行標‘籤印刷。 藉此,尤其在印刷資料室文字資訊等情況下,可縮短 印刷時間,提高使用者的便利性。亦即,藉由載入手段的 動作,可大幅縮短印刷資料少時的印刷時間。 又,上記資訊記錄裝置中,亦可爲,印刷頭,係對資 訊記錄裝置本體可裝卸式地設置;印刷頭移動手段,係使 印刷頭,在從資訊記錄媒體的旋轉中心偏離之位置處,朝 向被設在資訊記錄媒體之排出側之面的開口移動。 此時,例如,對上記開口設置可開閉的印刷頭更換用 的蓋子,就可不必拆卸資訊記錄裝置的上蓋,就能在裝置 前面側進行印刷頭的更換。因此,即使資訊記錄裝置的上 -9- 200818138 方已無空間的情況下,也不需要如先前般地將資訊記錄裝 置抽拉出來維修。 又,亦可爲,上記資訊記錄裝置,係更具備載入手段 ,係具有用來載置資訊記錄媒體的托盤;在托盤係被設有 用來進行印刷頭之維修的維修部件。 此處所謂的維修部件,係指例如,將印刷頭予以閉蓋 的部件,或在空噴時先將廢墨予以吸附的廢墨吸附器。 藉由所述構成,除了可簡化資訊記錄裝置之構成,還 可使裝置的維修變得容易,可提高使用者的便利性。 此時,上記維修部件,係亦可對托盤可裝卸式地設置 。例如,將印刷頭予以閉蓋的機能,或空噴時吸附廢墨的 廢墨吸附器,以可裝卸式地裝設在托盤的後方。 藉由所述構成,爲了取出資訊記錄媒體而拉出裝置之 際,可將閉蓋或廢墨吸附器等維修部件拆卸下來進行清潔 ,因此較先前可更加防止資訊記錄裝置內部的污染。 又,印刷頭係被配置在,將含有資訊記錄媒體之領域 ,沿著資訊記、錄手段之移動方向而加以分割所得之2個領 域當中,相對於資訊記錄媒體之旋轉方向而位於較資訊記 錄手段下流側的領域中,較爲理想。 藉由所述構成,從印刷頭吐出而懸浮的墨水,會因伴 隨資訊記錄媒體的旋轉而產生的氣流,流向資訊記錄裝置 筐體的側面側,因此可防止光學拾取器等資訊記錄手段或 位於裝置後方的基板等被污染。 又,亦可爲,上記印刷頭,係在與資訊記錄媒體的標 -10- 200818138 籤面之對向側,具備墨水吐出部;該墨水吐出部’係具有 在垂直於資訊記錄媒體之徑向方向的方向上配置的複數之 墨水吐出口。此時,亦可爲,上記資訊記錄裝置’係更具 備載入手段,係用來插入或排出資訊記錄媒體;利用載入 手段所致之資訊記錄媒體的排出動作來進行標籤印刷。 又,亦可爲,具備頭控制部,係控制印刷頭移動手段 ,使其可改變上記印刷頭的1次之移動距離;藉由該頭控 制部改變印刷頭的1次之移動距離,而可選擇性地設定, 將資訊記錄媒體上之同一領域予以印刷1次的單次印刷模 式,和將資訊記錄媒體上之同一領域予以印刷複數次的多 重印刷模式。此時,亦可爲,上記頭控制部,係控制印刷 頭移動手段,使得印刷頭的1次之移動距離,是印刷頭的 最大印刷寬度的1/ti ( η爲自然數)。 又,亦可爲,更具備:用來進行上記印刷頭之清潔的 頭清潔機構,和用來清潔上記資訊記錄手段的記錄手段清 潔機構;頭清潔機構和記錄手段清潔機構,係被形成爲一 體。此時,亦可爲,更具備維修部件,係用來進行印刷頭 的維修;頭清潔機構和記錄手段清潔機構和維修部件,係 被形成爲一體。此時,資訊記錄裝置係還可更具備維修控 制部,係進行控制,使得在頭清潔機構進行了印刷頭的清 潔後,記錄手段清潔機構便進行資訊記錄手段的清潔。 〔發明效果〕 如以上所說明,若依據本發明中,則在數位資料記錄 -11 - 200818138 或讀出的同時可進行標籤印刷的資訊記錄 印刷頭移動至從碟片等資訊記錄媒體的旋 位置,使得印刷頭不會接觸夾盤等部件, 區域較先前更廣.,使碟片等之內周附近的 行。又,由於印刷區域變廣,因此即使進 也能大幅縮短印刷時間,可高速印刷。 又,若依據本發明中,則藉由使印刷 等資訊記錄媒體的旋轉中心偏離開之位置 資訊記錄媒體的排出側(資訊記錄裝置的 印刷頭的更換等維修,因此異於先前,即 多餘空間的情況下,也不需要移動資訊記 提升使用者的便利性。 【實施方式】 以下一邊參照添附圖面,一邊詳細說 實施形態。此外,本說明書及圖面中,實 構構成的構成要素,係標示同一符號並省 (先前的資訊記錄裝置之構成及動作) 首先,基於圖1〜圖5,做爲先前的 一例,舉例光碟裝置來說明其構成及動作 先前的具有標籤印刷機能之光碟裝置700 觀構成之斜視圖,圖2係先前的具有標籤 裝置8 00 (吸入式)的外觀構成之斜視圖 裝置中,藉由使 轉中心偏離開之 因此可使可印刷 印刷能夠容易進 行全面印刷時, 頭移動至從碟片 ,使得可從該當 前面側)來進行 使裝置上方沒有 錄裝置本體,可 明本發明的理想 質上具有同一機 略說明。 資訊記錄裝置之 。此外,圖1係 (托盤式)的外 印刷機能之光碟 ,圖3係表示光 -12- 200818138 碟5之徑向方向及切線方向的說明圖’圖4係先前的光碟 裝置700的內部構成的斜視圖,圖5係先前的光碟裝置 700的內部構成的平面圖。 圖1及圖2所示的光碟裝置700或光碟裝置800,係 例如,CD ( Compact Disk )或 DVD ( Digital Versatile Disk)等具有數Mega Byte、數Giga Byte之記錄容量的 光碟媒體,或 BD ( Blu-Ray Disk ) 、HD-DVD ( High200818138 IX. Description of the Invention [Technical Fields of the Invention] The present invention relates to an information recording apparatus capable of recording or reading digital data, and more particularly, in relation to a data recording surface of an information recording medium such as a compact disc An information recording device that performs label printing on the label side of the side (printed surface such as text or video). [Prior Art] For example, a disc recording medium having a recording capacity of several Mega Bytes or a number of Giga Bytes, such as a CD (Compact Disk) or a DVD (Digital Versatile Disk), is used as a storage mechanism. After being transported to the inside of the apparatus, a device that chucks the spindle motor and reads or reads data by means of an information recording means such as an optical head equipped with a lens is known, and is generally used. use. Moreover, recently, BD (Blu-Ray Disk) or HD-DVD (Hi gh D efi ni ti ο n D igit al V ers at i 1 e D isk ), which can be recorded at a high density, has the same basic structure. However, a disc medium having a recording capacity of 5 times to 10 times or more higher than a conventional medium such as a DVD has been developed by shortening the wavelength of the light source or increasing the NA (Numerical Aperture) of the lens. When the information recording device such as the optical disk device using the information recording medium capable of high-density recording of the optical disk medium or the like is increased, the amount of recorded data is also increased, and once the number of information recording media that have been recorded is -5 - 200818138 Add, it is not easy to manage these information recording media that have recorded huge information. In this regard, there are several methods for displaying management information of information recording media such as optical disc media on media such as optical discs. For example, Patent Document 1 describes a method of recording information on a recording surface of a disc by allowing the management information of the optical disc medium to be visually recognized. Specifically, a method of recording using laser light of an optical pickup in another field of information recording in a recording surface of a optical disk is disclosed. Further, the character or image corresponding to the information recorded on the information recording medium can be printed on the label side opposite to the recording surface of the information recording medium such as a compact disc. Specifically, for example, printing is performed on the surface of the optical disc label using an ink jet printer or the like which can print a label. In addition, some of the optical disc devices in which the ink jet print head is assembled and become a printable label have been put into practical use. The optical disk device which is such a printable label is a method of performing label printing on a rotating optical disk by mounting a print head on the optical disk device (see, for example, Patent Document 2), or a optical disk device in which a printing function is incorporated (for example, Patent Document 3) and the like are proposed. In the optical disk device described in Patent Documents 2 and 3, the print head is movable on the radial axis of the optical disk. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2004-280953 (Patent Document 2) Japanese Patent Publication No. 2002-812140 (Patent Document 3) Japanese Patent No. 3 3 4 1 5 7 2 [Abstract] -6- 200818138 [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] However, in the optical disc device described in Patent Documents 2 and 3, when a movable print head is provided on the radial axis, when the label is printed, the print head is drawn. Through the center of rotation of the disc, it will come into contact with components such as the chuck. Therefore, the movable range of the printing head, that is, the printing area is narrow, and it is difficult to perform printing near the inner circumference of the disc, and there is such a problem. Further, when it is desired to perform full printing or the like, the printable area is narrow due to the above reasons, so label printing takes a lot of time and there is such a problem. In addition, in consideration of miniaturization of the entire information recording device such as a disc device, it is necessary to arrange the printing head or the closing of the printing head at the rear of the device (on the opposite side to the discharge side of the disc), so that the replacement of the printing head is necessary. Disassembling the upper cover of the device, etc., the maintenance of the device is very troublesome, and there is such a problem. Accordingly, the present invention has been made in view of such a problem, and its object is to make it easy to print in the vicinity of the inner circumference of an information recording medium such as a disc in an information recording apparatus capable of performing label printing while recording or reading digital data. The printing can be performed at high speed, and the maintenance of the device can be easily performed. [Means for Solving the Problem] In order to solve the above problem, according to one aspect of the present invention, an information recording apparatus can be provided which is inserted by an information recording medium such as a compact disc, and the information recording medium is inserted before being inserted. The information recording device such as a disc device that can perform label printing is characterized in that '200818138 has: an information recording means, such as an optical pickup on the recording surface side of the information recording medium; and a print head, which is relatively At the position opposite to the information recording means on the information recording medium, label printing is performed; and the printing head moving means is such that at least a part of the printing head is offset from the center of rotation of the information recording medium. The radial direction of the recording medium moves in parallel. In this way, by the printing head moving means, the printing head is caused to move in a direction parallel to the radial direction at a position shifted by the rotation center of the information recording medium such as the optical disc, thereby causing the printable area to be increased, and the information recording such as the disc is caused. Printing near the inner periphery of the media can be easily performed. Further, by increasing the printing area and printing the label surface of the information recording medium such as a compact disc in this manner, the printing time can be greatly shortened and the printing can be performed at a high speed. Here, the information recording device may further include a chuck that is provided on the same side as the print head with respect to the information recording medium, and holds the central portion of the information recording medium; The print head is moved at a position that does not interfere with the chuck. Further, in the above information recording apparatus, the print head moving means may move the print head to the retracted position; and in the retracted position, the head cleaning mechanism for performing the cleaning of the print head and the head for performing the print head may be provided. The closing means of the closing cover; the cleaning and closing of the printing head by the means is performed at a position away from the information recording means. In the present invention, since the print head can be moved to a position deviated (biased) from the center of rotation of the information recording medium, the member such as the optical pickup that does not interfere with the radial axis can be closed or The cleaning machine-8-200818138 is disposed on the front side of the device more than before, so that the information recording device can be miniaturized. Further, in the above information recording device, the print head moving means may be configured such that when the print head is moved to the information recording medium, the print head is moved in the radial direction parallel to the information recording medium, and is printed. When the head is ran away from the information recording medium, the print head is moved to a predetermined direction different from the radial direction, and then moved to the retracted position. Further, the print head may be provided with an ink discharge portion on the opposite side of the label surface of the information recording medium, and the ink discharge portion may be disposed in a direction parallel to the radial direction of the information recording medium. The plural of the ink is spit out. Further, the information recording device may be further provided with a loading means for inserting or discharging the information recording medium; and the printing operation of the information recording medium by the loading means may be used to perform the label printing. In this way, especially in the case of printing the text information of the data room, the printing time can be shortened and the convenience of the user can be improved. That is, by the action of the loading means, the printing time when the printed material is small can be greatly shortened. Further, in the above information recording apparatus, the print head may be detachably provided to the information recording apparatus main body; and the print head moving means may be such that the print head is displaced from the rotation center of the information recording medium. The opening moves toward the opening provided on the discharge side of the information recording medium. At this time, for example, by providing an openable and closable cover for replacing the print head to the upper opening, the print head can be replaced on the front side of the apparatus without disassembling the upper cover of the information recording apparatus. Therefore, even if the upper -9-200818138 side of the information recording apparatus has no space, it is not necessary to pull the information recording apparatus out of the repair as before. Further, the above-described information recording device may further include a loading means, and has a tray for placing the information recording medium; and the tray is provided with a maintenance member for performing maintenance of the print head. The term "maintenance member" as used herein refers to, for example, a member that closes the print head or a waste ink adsorber that first absorbs waste ink during air injection. According to the above configuration, in addition to simplifying the configuration of the information recording apparatus, the maintenance of the apparatus can be facilitated, and the convenience of the user can be improved. At this time, the maintenance part can be detachably provided to the tray. For example, a function of closing the print head or a waste ink adsorber for adsorbing waste ink during air jet is detachably mounted at the rear of the tray. According to the above configuration, in order to take out the apparatus for taking out the information recording medium, the maintenance member such as the cover or the waste ink adsorber can be detached and cleaned, so that contamination inside the information recording apparatus can be further prevented. Further, the print head is disposed in a field in which the field of the information recording medium is divided along the moving direction of the information recording and recording means, and is located in the information recording medium in relation to the rotation direction of the information recording medium. It is ideal in the field of the downstream side of the means. According to the configuration described above, the ink discharged from the printing head and suspended in the ink jet flow to the side surface side of the information recording apparatus casing due to the air flow generated by the rotation of the information recording medium, thereby preventing the information recording means such as the optical pickup or the like from being located. The substrate or the like behind the device is contaminated. Further, the print head may be provided with an ink discharge portion on the opposite side of the label of the information recording medium on the label -10-200818138; the ink discharge portion has a radial direction perpendicular to the information recording medium. A plurality of ink discharge ports arranged in the direction of the direction. At this time, it is also possible that the above-mentioned information recording apparatus is a more suitable loading means for inserting or discharging the information recording medium; and the label printing is performed by the discharge operation of the information recording medium by the loading means. Moreover, the head control unit may be provided to control the printing head moving means so as to change the moving distance of the printing head once; and the head control unit changes the moving distance of the printing head once. A single printing mode in which the same field on the information recording medium is printed once and a multiple printing mode in which the same field on the information recording medium is printed plural times is selectively set. In this case, the upper head control unit may control the printing head moving means such that the first moving distance of the printing head is 1/ti (n is a natural number) of the maximum printing width of the printing head. Moreover, it may be further provided with: a head cleaning mechanism for cleaning the upper print head, and a recording means cleaning mechanism for cleaning the information recording means; the head cleaning mechanism and the recording means cleaning mechanism are integrally formed . In this case, it is also possible to provide maintenance parts for maintenance of the print head, and the head cleaning mechanism and the recording means cleaning mechanism and the maintenance member are integrally formed. At this time, the information recording apparatus may further include a maintenance control unit for controlling the cleaning of the information recording means after the head cleaning mechanism cleans the print head. [Effect of the Invention] As described above, according to the present invention, the information recording print head which can perform label printing at the same time as the digital data record -11 - 200818138 or read is moved to the rotational position of the information recording medium such as a disc. So that the print head does not touch the components such as the chuck, the area is wider than before, so that the line near the inner circumference of the disc or the like. Further, since the printing area is widened, the printing time can be greatly shortened even when entering, and high-speed printing is possible. Further, according to the present invention, the rotation center of the information recording medium such as printing is shifted from the discharge side of the position information recording medium (the replacement of the print head of the information recording apparatus, etc., and thus the excess space is different from the previous one. In the case of the present invention, the details of the configuration are described in detail in the present specification and drawings. The same symbol is used and the same (the configuration and operation of the previous information recording apparatus). First, based on FIG. 1 to FIG. 5, an optical disc apparatus is used to describe the optical disc apparatus having the label printing function before the configuration and operation. Fig. 2 is a perspective view showing the configuration of the prior art having a labeling device 800 (inhalation type). By shifting the center of rotation, the printable printing can be easily performed in full printing. , the head moves to the slave disc so that the front side of the device can be made without the device body Over the next may be the same substance of the present invention has little machine instructions. Information recording device. 1 is a (tray type) external printing function optical disc, and FIG. 3 is an explanatory view showing a radial direction and a tangential direction of the light-12-200818138 disc 5. FIG. 4 is an internal structure of the prior optical disc device 700. In oblique view, FIG. 5 is a plan view showing the internal configuration of the prior optical disk device 700. The optical disc device 700 or the optical disc device 800 shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 is, for example, a disc medium having a recording capacity of several Mega Bytes or several Giga Bytes such as a CD (Compact Disk) or a DVD (Digital Versatile Disk), or a BD ( Blu-Ray Disk ), HD-DVD (High
Definition Digital Versatile Disk)等具有數十 Giga Byte 之記錄容量的光碟媒體,或採用近場記錄等,可記錄或讀 取數位資料的光碟裝置當中,可更換媒體的可移除式光碟 裝置之一例。這些光碟裝置之中,使用在其一面具有資料 記錄面、另一面(資料記錄面的相反側面)上則具有標籤 面(記錄資料所對應之文字或影像等資訊的印刷面)的碟 片狀之資訊記錄媒體,就可在裝置內部進行標籤印刷。上 記光碟裝置700及光碟裝置8 00,都是可印刷標籤的光碟 裝置之一'例。 首先,一面參照圖1及圖2,一面說明光碟裝置700 及光碟裝置800的外觀構成。 如圖1所示,托盤式的光碟裝置700中,在略直方體 的筐體7 1 0,設有上蓋7 1 2及托盤7 2 0。在進行印刷頭( 參照圖4及圖5 )之更換、或閉蓋或廢墨吸附器(參照圖 4及圖5 )之更換等維修時,係將上蓋7丨2拆除,才可從 光碟裝置700的上方進行之(參照圖26 )。 托盤720,係藉由所定的載入機構(未圖示),而可 -13- 200818138 從光碟裝置7 0 0的內部往外部滑出地’在光碟的徑向方向 上可移動式地設置。又,該托盤720的上面側係形成有’ 直徑是和光碟5略同的略圓形狀之凹部亦即碟片載置部 722 ° 此處,所謂徑向方向,係如圖3所不’是指略圓盤狀 的光碟5的半徑方向。又,於本說明書中,通過光碟5的 旋轉中.心c,和徑向方向平行的假想軸,稱爲徑向軸(R )。另一方面,所謂切線方向,係指於光碟5上,垂直於 徑向方向的方向。此外,在光碟5的中心部係形成有,用 來和光碟裝置700及800內部所設之主軸馬達(未圖示) 的輪軸部分(未圖示)嵌合所用的開口部5 a。 光碟5,係被載置於該碟片載置部722上,藉由載入 機構而被搬送至光碟裝置700的內部。如此一來,將光碟 5搬送至光碟裝置700的內部後,被主軸馬達(未圖示) 所箝夾(chucking ),藉由搭載透鏡之光學拾取器等的光 學頭(參照圖4及圖5 ),對光碟5的資料記錄面照射雷 射光,就可將光碟5中所記錄之資料加以讀出,或者對光 碟5進行資料讀寫等。 另一方面,如圖2所示,吸入式的光碟裝置80〇中, 在略直方體的筐體810,設有上蓋812、開口部814及槽 口盖816。在進丫了印刷頭(未圖不)之更換、或閉蓋或廢 墨吸附器(未圖示)之更換等維修時,係和光碟裝置7 〇 〇 的情形相同,要將上蓋8 1 2拆卸才能從光碟裝置8 〇 〇的上 方進行。又,光碟5係被插入至開口部8丨4,藉由所定的 -14 - 200818138 載入機構(未圖示)而被搬送至光碟裝置800之中,被主 軸馬達(未圖示)所箝夾(chucking ),藉由搭載有透鏡 的光學頭(未圖示),對光碟5的資料記錄面照射雷射光 ,就可將光碟5中所記錄之資料加以讀出’或者對光碟5 進行資料讀寫等。 開口部814及槽口蓋816,係一起被設置在筐體810 的光碟5之出入口側(光碟裝置800的前面側)。又,槽 口蓋8 1 6係可開閉地設置,在光碟5的搬出入中係將開口 部8 1 4開放,在光碟5的記錄再生中則關閉開口部8 1 4。 接著,一面參照圖4及圖5,一面說明先前的光碟裝 置當中,舉例光碟裝置700,說明其內部構成及動作。 如圖4及圖5所示,光碟裝置700,係主要具備:使 用光碟5來進行資料記錄及再生的光碟機部D 1.;和被設 在與光碟5之資料記錄面的相反側的標籤面(印刷面)側 、亦即光碟機部D 1上部而進行標籤印刷的標籤印刷部L7 〇 光碟機部D 1,係主要具有:位於和上述上蓋7 1 2 — 起構成筐體710(皆參照圖1及圖2)的前面板714、後 面板7 1 6、和2片側面板7 1 8、7 1 8所圍繞的領域內,藉 由所定的載入機構而可移動地設置之托盤720 ;和被設在 托盤720的碟片載置部722的中央部上方的夾盤730;和 被設在托盤720下方(光碟5的資料記錄面側)的做爲資 訊記錄手段的光學拾取器7 4 0。 托盤720 ’係在其上面側設置之略圓形的凹部亦即碟 -15- 200818138 片載置部722中載置光碟5,係使光碟5插入至光碟裝置 7 0 0的內部,或使其往外部排出。該托盤7 2 0,係在光碟 5的徑向方向上可平行地前後移動地設置,是將光碟5從 光碟裝置700的前面側(前面板7 1 4側)往外部排出,或 在前面側進行碟片的更換等。 夾盤7 3 0,係爲在中心部具有軸的部件,是對略長方 形的板狀夾盤支持板73 2,隔著軸承(未圖示)而裝設, 被夾盤支持板7 3 2從上部加以支持。此夾盤7 3 0,係連同 光碟5的下面側(資料記錄面側)所設置的令光碟5旋轉 用的主軸馬達(未圖示)的輪軸部分,將光碟5加以挾持 ,並且連同光碟5 —起旋轉。又,夾盤支持板7 3 2的長手 方向之兩端,係被安裝在側面板7 1 8的上面,夾盤支持板 732,係在其中央部支持著夾盤730。 光學拾取器740,係在托盤720的下方、亦即光碟5 的記錄面側,可在徑向方向上移動地設置。又,光學拾取 器740,係具有用來朝光碟5的記錄面照射雷射光用的透 鏡742,透鏡742係將雷射光聚光而照射在光碟5的記錄 面上,藉此就可進行資料的記錄或再生。 具有所述構成的光碟裝置700的光碟機部D7中,是 將光碟5載置於托盤720的碟片載置部722,使托盤720 移動至裝置內部,藉此而使光碟5被收納在裝置內部,並 被主軸馬達(未圖示)的輪軸部和夾盤73 0所挾持而箝夾 後,使光碟5旋轉。在該光碟5旋轉的狀態下,光學拾取 器740係一面往徑向方向移動,一面朝向光碟5的資料記 -16- 200818138 錄面接近以使雷射光聚光,進行資料讀寫。 此外,關於光碟機部D7的其他構成,由於係和公知 的光碟裝置相同,因此省略詳細說明。 標籤印刷部L7,係主要具備:印刷頭750 ;和用來使 印刷頭7 5 0在徑向方向上移動的印刷頭驅動機構;和進行 印刷頭7 5 0之閉蓋或清潔的印刷頭維修手段。 印刷頭7 5 0係被構成爲,對光碟5的中心(或者夾盤 730 ),配置在與光碟裝置70 0之前面側(前面板714側 )的相反側,又,係被設在與光學拾取器740是相對於光 碟5而爲相反側(光碟5的標籤面側),是可沿著徑向軸 R (亦即光碟5的半徑方向)移動。又,在印刷頭7 5 0的 下面側(光碟5的標籤面側),係設有墨水吐出部750a ,印刷頭75 0是在徑向軸上朝向正在旋轉之光碟5的外周 或內周移動,同時從墨水吐出部250a吐出墨水,藉此就 可對光碟5的標籤面進行標籤印刷。 印刷頭7 5 0,係藉由略C字狀的印刷頭保持器7 5 2而 從三方加以保持,被裝設在頭支持板754上。該頭支持板 754的上面側,係在印刷頭75 0的左右兩側各設有2個頭 驅動用軸承部件75 6。各頭驅動用軸承部件7 5 6中係設有 ,分別在徑向方向的平行方向上貫通的軸承(直線軸承) 756a。又,插通過在徑向方向上並排的2個軸承756a的 內周,設置有(平行於徑向方向)略平行地設置的2根頭 驅動用軸7 5 7。2根頭驅動用軸7 5 7的兩端(前面板7 1 4 側的端部及後面板7 1 6側的端部),係分別都被同一軸支 17- 200818138 持部件75 8所支持。 印刷頭驅動機構,係主要是由:頭驅動馬達7 6 0、連 結於頭驅動馬達760的滾珠螺桿762、被滾珠螺桿762插 通的軸承764、將軸承764與頭支持部件754加以連結的 連結部件766、支持頭驅動馬達760及滾珠螺桿762的驅 動機構支持部件768所構成。 頭驅動馬達7 6 0 ’係藉由其動力而使滾珠螺桿7 6 2旋 轉。滾珠螺桿762係在平行於徑向方向的方向上延伸設置 ’軸承7 6 4係被構成爲,藉由滾珠螺桿7 6 2的旋轉而可在 徑向方向的平行方向上移動。連結部件766,係將軸承 764與頭支持部件754加以連結,伴隨軸承764的移動, 可使頭支持部件754,往徑向方向的平行方向移動。驅動 機構支持部件7 6 8,係將頭驅動馬達760與滾珠螺桿762 的連結部及滾珠螺桿7 6 2的尖端部加以支持。 此外,軸支持部件75 8及驅動機構支持部件76 8,係 被安裝在未谓示之設於上部的板狀支持部件。 印刷頭維修手段,係具備用來收容閉蓋772及廢墨吸 附器774的閉蓋收容部770。閉蓋772,係用來抑制印刷 頭的乾燥,在印刷待機中,印刷頭7 5 0的墨水吐出部 75 0a係被閉蓋772蓋上。又,廢墨吸附器774,係例如, 爲了防止墨水吐出部250a阻塞而吐不出墨水這類印刷錯 誤發生,係使空氣不會混入至印刷頭7 5 〇而進行空噴(與 丰示繁印刷無關地令墨水從墨水吐出部7 5 0 a吐出)用的場 所。這些閉蓋772及廢墨吸附器774所被收容的閉蓋收容 -18- 200818138 部770,係被設置在與光碟5之排出側(取出口側)相反 側的光碟裝置700之後方側(後面板71 6側)。 具有所述構成的光碟裝置7 〇 〇的標籤印刷部L 7中, 一旦藉由頭驅動馬達7 6 0的旋轉使得滾珠螺桿7 6 2旋轉, 則軸承764會沿著滾珠螺桿762而在徑向方向的平行方向 上移動。由於該軸承764係透過連結部件766而與頭支持 板7 54連結,因此頭支持板754會配合軸承764的移動而 在徑向方向上移動。此時,被設在頭支持板7 5 4之頭驅動 用軸承部件7 5 6的內部,是透過軸承7 5 6 a而被頭驅動用 軸757所插通,因此頭支持板754係被彼此平行於徑向方 向而設置的2根頭驅動用軸757所導引,而可在徑向方向 的平行方向上直線地移動。此處,由於印刷頭75 0係在徑 向軸R上往其中心到來的方式而配置,因此隨著頭支持板 754的移動、亦即軸承764的移動,就可在徑向軸上朝光 碟的內周方向及外周方向自由移動。 如此,於先前的光碟裝置700中係被構成爲,印刷頭 75 0係在徑向軸R上移動。 可是光碟5的中央部係設置有夾盤73 0,因此若印刷 頭7 5 0在徑向軸R上移動,則可能會和夾盤7 3 0接觸。於 是,爲了避免此種接觸,無法使印刷頭75 0移動至光碟5 的內周附近(開口部5a周圍)爲止,如圖6所示,先前 的光碟裝置7 0 0中,可印刷區域較窄,在光碟5的內周附 近進行標籤印刷是較困難,存在如此問題。亦即,若使用 所述先前光碟裝置700來進行標籤印刷,則由於印刷頭 -19- 200818138 7 5 0無法移動到光碟5的內周附近,因此如圖7的印刷例 所示,在光碟5的內周附近(開口部5 a周圍)的領域W 是無法順利印刷。此外,對光碟5標籤面的印刷,係根據 欲印刷的原始資訊轉換成極座標而印刷。 例如圖7的印刷例所示,欲對光碟5的全面進行平塗 印刷等情況下,由於如上述般地可印刷區域較窄,因此印 刷所需時間會增加,存在如此問題。 另一方面,爲了避免此類問題,而設置可使印刷頭 750可往光碟5之徑向方向(搬送光碟5的托盤720的可 動方向)之垂直方向移動的印刷頭驅動機構,則由於頭驅 動馬達760等印刷頭驅動機構會大於光碟5的寬度,因此 光碟裝置700全體的橫寬會變大,也造成裝置大型化之問 題。 於是,以下所說明的本發明之第1至第6實施形態所 述之光碟裝置100、200、300、400、500及600當中,目 的在於可在光碟5的標籤面,簡易地印刷被記錄至光碟5 中之資料所對應的資訊,不只使得光碟媒體的管理變得容 易,還可使光碟5的內周附近也能容易印刷,甚至即使進 行全面印刷時也能高速印刷,或使裝置的維修容易進行, 而將印刷頭的可動範圍改成從徑向軸R偏離開來的位置。 以下,詳細說明本發明之第1至第6實施形態所述之光碟 裝置 100、 200、 300、 400、 500 及 600 〇 (第1實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 〇〇的構成及動作) -20- 200818138 首先,基於圖8及圖9,說明本發明之第1 所述之資訊記錄裝置之一例的光碟裝置100之構 ,圖8係本發明的第1實施形態中所述之光碟裝 內部構成之斜視圖,圖9係本發明的第1實施形 之光碟裝置100的內部構成之平面圖。 本實施形態所述的光碟裝置100,係被插入i 爲資訊記錄媒體,可在插入之光碟5的標籤面上 印刷;主要具備:使用光碟5來進行資料記錄及 碟機部D 1 ;和被設在與光碟5之資料記錄面的 標籤面(印刷面)側、亦即光碟機部D1上部而 印刷的標籤印刷部L 1。 光碟機部D 1,係主要具有:前面板1 1 4、後 、位於被2片側面板1 1 8、1 1 8所包圍之領域內 定之載入機構而可移動地設置的托盤1 20 ;和被 120的碟片載置部122的中央部上方的夾盤130 在托盤120下方(被插入光碟裝置100的光碟5 錄面側)的做爲資訊記錄手段的光學拾取器1 40 < 托盤1 20,係藉由所定的載入機構(未圖示 從光碟裝置1 〇 〇的內部往外部滑出地,在光碟5 向上可移動式地設置。又,該托盤1 20的上面側 ,直徑是和光碟5略同的略圓形狀之凹部亦即碟 1 22。藉由所述構成,托盤1 2 0係在碟片載置部 置有光碟5的狀態下’往徑向方向的外周側或內 ,藉此可將光碟5插入至光碟裝置100的內部, 實施形態 成。此外 置100的 態中所述 纪碟5做 進行標籤 再生的光 相反側的 進行標籤 面板1 1 6 ,藉由所 設在托盤 ;和被設 的資料記 D ),而可 的徑向方 係形成有 片載置部 122中載 周側移動 或從光碟 -21 - 200818138 裝置1 00的前面側(前面板1 1 4側)往外部排出光碟5等 〇 夾盤1 3 0,係爲在中心部具有軸的略圓盤狀部件,是 對略長方形的板狀夾盤支持板1 3 2,隔著軸承(未圖示) 而裝設,被該夾盤支持板1 32從上部加以支持。又,夾盤 1 3 0 ’係連同光碟5的下面側(資料記錄面側)所設置的 令光碟5旋轉用的主軸馬達(未圖示)的輪軸部分,將光 碟5加以挾持,以挾持的狀態連同光碟5 —起旋轉。另一 方面,夾盤支持板132的長手方向之一端係被安裝在側面 板1 1 8的上面,夾盤支持板1 3 2的另一端係支持著夾盤 130° 此時,夾盤支持板1 3 2係可將夾盤1 3 0以單邊端持之 狀態加以支持,或著藉由其他部件使另一端和側面板1 1 8 連結。此處,關於所述的夾盤支持板1 3 2的構成,基於圖 1 〇及圖1 1加以說明。此外,圖1 〇及圖1 1,係用來說明 本實施形態所述之夾盤支持板1 3 2之構成例的斜視圖。 首先,如圖1〇所示,夾盤支持板132是以單邊端持 狀態支持時,夾盤支持板1 3 2的長手方向之長度,係大約 等於從側面板1 1 8至光碟5的旋轉中心爲止的長度,一端 被安裝在側面板1 1 8上,另一端則隔著軸承132a而被安 裝著夾盤1 3 0。本實施形態所述之印刷頭1 5 0 ’因爲是在 光碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的位置上移動’因此夾盤支持板 1 32若設置成會橫切過光碟裝置1 ’則會妨礙印刷頭 1 5 0的移動。可是,如上記,由於夾盤支持板1 3 2係僅存 -22- 200818138 在至光碟5的旋轉中心爲止’因此印刷頭1 50係不會和夾 盤支持板1 32接觸,可在光碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的位置 ’平行於徑向方向而在光碟5上移動。 只不過,如上記,若夾盤支持板132是處於單持的狀 態,則相較於如先前的夾盤支持板的兩端部是被固定、在 其中央部將夾盤加以支持的情況,更爲不穩定。因此,如 圖1 1所示,設計成避開印刷頭1 5 0移動的領域(在印刷 頭的移動路徑之上方加以連結),而設置將夾盤支持板 1 3 2和側面板1 1 8予以架橋的架橋部件1 3 4,藉此就可使 夾盤支持板132所作的夾盤130支持更爲穩定而確實。此 外,此時,夾盤支持板1 3 2和架橋部件1 3 4,係被連結部 1 3 6所連結,架橋部件1 3 4的另一端係被安裝在側面板 118° 光學拾取器140,係在托盤120的下方、亦即光碟5 的記錄面側,可在徑向方向上移動地設置。又,光學拾取 器1 4 0,係具有用來朝光碟的記錄面照射雷射光用的透鏡 142 ’透鏡142係將雷射光聚光而照射在光碟5的記錄面 上,藉此就可進行資料的記錄或再生。 具有所述構成的光碟裝置100的光碟機部D1中,是 將光碟5載置於托盤12〇的碟片載置部122,使托盤ι2〇 移動至裝置內部,藉此而使光碟5被收納在裝置內部,並 被主軸馬達(未圖示)的輪軸部和夾盤1 3 0所挾持而箝夾 後’使光碟5旋轉。在該光碟5旋轉的狀態下,光學拾取 器1 4 0係一面往徑向方向移動,一面朝向光碟5的資料記 -23- 200818138 錄面接近以使雷射光聚光,進行資料讀寫。 此外,關於光碟機部D1的其他構成,由於係 的光碟裝置相同,因此省略詳細說明。 本實施形態所述的標籤印刷部L 1,係主要具 刷頭1 5 0 ;和用來使印刷頭丨5 〇在光碟5旋轉中心 來的位置上平行於光碟5之徑向方向而移動所需的 移動手段;和進行印刷頭1 5 0之閉蓋或清潔的印刷 手段。 印刷頭1 5 0係被構成爲,被設在與光學拾取器 對於光碟5爲相反側(光碟5之標籤面側),從徑 偏離開(偏置)的位置,可平行於徑向方向而(在 P軸上)移動。又,在印刷頭1 5 〇的下面側(光碟 籤面側),係設有墨水吐出部1 5 0 a,印刷頭1 5 0 徑向軸R偏離開(偏置)的平行於徑向方向的p 動’同時對正在旋轉的光碟5從墨水吐出部250a 水’藉此就可對光碟5的標籤面進行標籤印刷。 墨水吐出部250a,雖然未圖示,但是是由被 例如光碟5之徑向方向的平行方向上的複數(例如 程度之間距而有3 0 0個〜4 0 0個)的噴嘴所成。被 此徑向方向的平行方向的噴嘴,係可爲一列,也可 列(例如二列),此時,噴嘴係在平行於光碟5面 被二維性配置。 又,印刷頭1 5 0,係藉由略C字狀的印刷頭 152而從三方加以保持,被裝設在頭支持板154上 和公知 備:印 偏離開 印刷頭 頭維修 140相 向軸R 圖9的 5的標 是在從 軸上移 吐出墨 配置在 40 μ m 配置在 爲複數 的面上 保持器 。該頭 -24- 200818138 支持板1 5 4的上面側’係在印刷頭1 5 0的左右兩側各設 2個頭驅動用軸承部件1 5 6。各頭驅動用軸承部件i 5 6 係設有,分別在徑向方向的平行方向上貫通的軸承(直 軸承)156a。又,插通過在徑向方向上並排的2個軸 1 5 6 a的內周,設置有(平行於徑向方向)略平行地設 的2根頭驅動用軸1 5 7。2根頭驅動用軸1 5 7的一端( 面板1 1 4側的端部),係被接合在前面板1 1 4的裝置內 側;2根頭驅動用軸1 5 7的另一端(後面板丨〗6側的端 ),係被安裝在後面板1 1 6之同一軸支持部件丨5 8所支 〇 印刷頭移動手段’係主要是由:頭驅動馬達160、 結於頭驅動馬達1 6 0的滾珠螺桿1 6 2、被滾珠螺桿1 6 2 通的滾珠螺帽1 64、將滾珠螺帽1 64與頭支持部件1 5 4 以連結的連結部件166、被設在滾珠螺桿164中途部份 滾珠螺桿支持部件1 68所構成。 頭驅動馬達1 6 0,係藉由其動力而使滾珠螺桿1 6 2 轉。滾珠螺桿1 6 2係在平行於徑向方向的方向上延伸設 ’浪珠螺帽1 6 4係被構成爲’藉由滾珠螺桿1 6 2的旋轉 可在徑向方向的平行方向上移動。連結部件1 6 6,係將 珠螺帽1 6 4與頭支持部件1 5 4加以連結,伴隨滾珠螺 164的移動,可使頭支持部件1 54,在從光碟5之旋轉 心偏離開(偏置)的位置,往徑向方向的平行方向移動 滾珠螺桿支持部件1 6 8,係爲支持滾珠螺桿〗62的 件,是由滾珠螺桿支持板1 6 8 A、內藏有軸承(未圖示 有 中 線 承 置 前 面 部 持 連 插 加 的 旋 置 而 滾 帽 中 〇 部 ) -25- 200818138 的滾珠螺桿支持單元168B、168C所成。本實施形態中, 滾珠螺桿支持單元1 6 8 B、1 6 8 C係被一體構成。滾珠螺桿 162是對滾珠螺桿支持單元168B、168C隔著軸承而鑲嵌 後,被未圖示的螺帽等加以締結。 又,本實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 〇 〇中’可使印刷頭 150的徑向方向之移動,例如藉由極限感應器(未圖示) 等加以控制。此處,極限感應器,係爲用來控制印刷區域 的部件,理想上是被設置在,至少印刷頭1 5 0的墨水吐出 部1 5 0a是能抵達光碟5之後面側的周緣部爲止的位置上 。藉由將極限感應器設置在如此位置,當印刷頭1 5 0對光 碟5的標籤面進行印刷之際,可拓寬可印刷區域,使得光 碟5內周附近的印刷容易進行。 印刷頭維修手段,係具備用來收容閉蓋1 72及廢墨吸 附器1 74的閉蓋收容部1 70。閉蓋1 72,係用來抑制印刷 頭的乾燥,在印刷待機中,印刷頭15 0的墨水吐出部 15 0a係被閉蓋172蓋上。又,廢墨吸附器174,係例如, 爲了防止墨水吐出部250a阻塞而吐不出墨水這類印刷錯 誤發生,係使空氣不會混入至印刷頭1 5 0使其空噴(與標 籤印刷無關地令墨水從墨水吐出部1 5 0a吐出)用的場所 。這些閉蓋i 72及廢墨吸附器i 74所被收容的閉蓋收容部 1 7 〇 ’係被設置在與光碟5之排出側(取出口側)相反側 的光碟裝置1 0 0之後方側(後面板1 1 6側)。 此處,若再次參照圖1 0及圖1 1,則和先前不同的, 印刷頭1 5 0係不會跑到徑向軸上,因此含有閉蓋1 72及廢 -26- 200818138 墨吸附器174的閉蓋收容部170,也是被配置在從徑向軸 偏離開(偏置)的位置。因此,即使光學拾取器140沿著 徑向軸而往裝置後面側移動,也不會和閉蓋收容部170與 光學拾取器1 40接觸,因此可將閉蓋收容部1 70配置在比 先前更靠近裝置前面側,可縮短光碟裝置1〇〇的徑向方向 的長度。亦即,可使光碟裝置1 00小型化。 具有所述構成的光碟裝置1〇〇的標籤印刷部L1中, 一旦藉由頭驅動馬達1 60的旋轉使得滾珠螺桿1 62旋轉, 則滾珠螺帽1 6 4會沿著滾珠螺桿1 6 2而在徑向方向上移動 。由於該滾珠螺帽1 64係透過連結部件1 66而與頭支持板 154連結,因此頭支持板154會配合滾珠螺帽164的移動 ,而在光碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的位置朝著徑向方向移動 。此時,被設在頭支持板1 54之頭驅動用軸承部件1 56的 內部,是透過軸承156a而被頭驅動用軸157所插通,因 此頭支持板1 54係被彼此平行於徑向方向而設置的2根頭 驅動用軸1 57所導引,而可在光碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的 位置朝徑向方向的平行方向直線地移動。又,印刷頭1 5 0 ,係和先前不同,係被配置成使其中心會朝著徑向軸R偏 置開來的位置前來,因此可伴隨著頭支持板1 5 4的移動、 亦即滾珠螺帽1 64的移動,在從徑向軸R偏置開來的位置 ,與徑向方向平行的方向上,朝向光碟5的內周及外周自 在地移動。 又,印刷頭1 5 0係被配置在,將含有光碟5之領域沿 著光學拾取器1 40之移動方向(亦即本實施形態中的徑向 - 27- 200818138 軸R )而加以分割所得之2個領域當中,相對於光碟5之 旋轉方向而位於較光學拾取器1 40下流側的領域中,較爲 理想。因此,本實施形態中,光碟5係若於圖8或圖9中 朝順時針方向旋轉,則印刷頭1 5 0係被配置在被徑向軸R 分割所得之右側領域中,較爲理想。 這是因爲,從印刷頭1 5 0吐出的懸浮墨水,雖然會因 伴隨光碟5旋轉所產生的氣流而朝向光碟5外側行進,但 若印刷頭1 5 0是在較光學拾取器1 4 0往上流側(圖8及圖 9中係相對於徑向軸R而爲左側)偏置而配置,則懸浮墨 水會很容易駐留在光學拾取器1 40側,而污染光學拾取器 140之故。另一方面,若印刷頭150是在較光學拾取器 1 40往下流側(圖8及圖9中係相對於徑向軸R而爲右側 )偏置而配置,則由於墨水會朝向側面板1 1 8方向流動, 因此例如,在側面板1 1 8設置墨水吸收體等,就可防止污 染光學拾取器140,容易回收浮遊墨水(墨霧)。 此處,基於圖1 2及圖13,說明本實施形態所述之光 碟裝置100的作用效果。此外,圖12係先前的光碟裝置 7 00使用時的可印刷區域和本實施形態所述之光碟裝置 1 〇〇使用時的可印刷區域的比較用說明圖;(a )係使用 先前的光碟裝置7 0 0時,(b )係使用本實施形態所述之 光碟裝置100時的情形。又,圖13係本實施形態中所述 之光碟裝置1 00使用時的印刷例之說明圖。 如圖12 ( a)所示,於先前的光碟裝置700中,由於 印刷頭7 5 0係在徑向軸R上移動,因此爲了避免不慎與夾 - 28- 200818138 盤730等部件接觸,而無法移動至光碟5的內周附 ,如上所述,光碟5的內周附近的印刷是有困難的 圖6)。可是在此同時,如圖12(b)所示’本實 所述的光碟裝置1〇〇中’和先前不同’印刷頭iso 置成,會通過光碟5之旋轉中心,在從光碟5徑方 的徑向軸R偏離(偏置)開來的位置往該中心前來 該偏置之位置上移動。因此,由於印刷頭1 5 0不會 1 3 0等部件接觸,因此可較先前更加拓寬印刷區域 ,若依據本實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 00,則可使 的內周附近(開口部5 a周圍的領域W )的印刷容 。例如,如圖1 3所示,即使對光碟5的標籤面進 印刷時,也和使用圖6所示之先前光碟裝置700的 同,若依據本實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 〇〇,則即 5的內周附近的領域W中也能印刷圖案。又,若依 施形態所述的光碟裝置1 〇〇,則藉由如上記般地拓 區域,即使對光碟5的標籤面進行全面印刷時,也 縮短印刷時間,可高速印刷。 又,本實施形態所述的光碟裝置1 00中,亦可 爲使光碟5對光碟裝置100插入排出之載入手段 1 20所致之光碟5的排出動作,來進行標籤印刷。 如圖14所示,在僅印刷光碟5所記錄之資料之內 關文字資訊之情況下,將光碟5從光碟裝置1 00的 排出的排出動作之際(圖14係將光碟5的排出( 方向標示爲E ),控制印刷頭1 5 0而使其吐出墨水 近爲止 (參照 施形態 係被配 向平行 ,可在 和夾盤 。藉此 光碟5 易進行 行全面 情況不 使光碟 據本實 寬印刷 能大幅 利用做 的托盤 例如, 容的相 前面側 eject ) 以印刷 -29- 200818138 文字資訊,就可容易地獲得如圖1 4所示的印刷結果。 亦即於本實施形態中,由於印刷頭1 5 0是被配置在從 光碟5的中央偏置開來的位置,因此托盤120爲了將光碟 5排出至光碟裝置1〇〇的外部’而使光碟5往其外周方向 移動,藉此就可使印刷頭1 5 〇對光碟5相對性地移動。因 此,若是使印刷頭1 5 0在光碟5上通過1次或複數次即可 印刷之程度的文字或圖形等資訊,就可利用光碟5的排出 動作來進行標籤印刷。此外,光碟5的排出動作之際,無 論是否使印刷頭1 5 0動作,只要使印刷頭1 5 0朝著與光碟 5排出方向之相反方向移動,則即便不使印刷頭1 5 0動作 的情況下,也能高速地印刷。 又,圖14所示的印刷例,做爲印刷頭1 5 0,係採用 在光碟5徑向方向的平行方向配置複數噴嘴(例如以40 // m程度的間隙將3 00個至400個並排成一列或二列)而 成者,使該印刷頭1 5 0,在碟片5上移動1次或複數次以 進行標籤印刷,就可獲得。 以上所說明的第1實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 00的作 用效果,於後述的第2至第6實施形態所述之光碟裝置 200、300、400、500 及 600 時亦相同。 接著,基於圖1 5,說明標籤印刷所用之噴墨式的印 刷頭的構成例。此外,圖1 5 ( a )係本發明的第1實施形 態中所述之印刷頭1 5 0的槪略構成之斜視圖;(b )係後 述之本發明的第2實施形態中所述之印刷頭2 5 0的槪略構 成之斜視圖。 -30- 200818138 本發明之第1實施形態所述之印刷頭1 5 〇,係委 (a )所示,具有墨水吐出部i 5 0a的印刷頭丨5 〇是 槽部一體形成之例子。另一方面,本發明之第2實 所述之印刷頭2 5 0,係如圖1 5 ( b )所示,具有墨 部25 0a的印刷頭250是與墨水槽部251隔著連結 而可分離地連結之例子。此外,無論哪個例子,用 墨水與吐出的訊號輸入部份係被省略。 (第2實施形態所述之光碟裝置2 0 0的構成及動作 以下,基於圖16及圖17A,說明做爲印刷頭 上述具有墨水吐出部2 5 0 a的印刷頭2 5 0與墨水槽 是可分離者的本發明之第2實施形態所述之做爲資 裝置的光碟裝置200之構成。此外,圖16係本發 2實施形態中所述之光碟裝置200的內部構成之斜 圖1 7 A係本發明的第2實施形態中所述之光碟裝 的內部構成之平面圖。 本實施形態所述的光碟裝置200,係被插入光] 爲資訊記錄媒體,可在插入之光碟5的標籤面上進 印刷;主要具備:使用光碟5來進行資料記錄及再 碟機部D2 ;和被設在與光碟5之資料記錄面的相 標籤面(印刷面)側、亦即光碟機部D2上部而進 印刷的標籤印刷部L2。 光碟機部D2,係主要具有:前面板214、後面 、位於被2片側面板2 1 8、2 1 8所包圍之領域內, :口圖 15 與墨水 施形態 水吐出 部259 來控制 ) 是使用 部25 1 訊記錄 明的第 視圖, 置 200 ® 5做 行標籤 生的光 反側的 行標籤 板2 1 6 藉由所 -31 - 200818138 定之載入機構而可移動地設置的托盤2 2 0 ;和被設在托盤 220的碟片載置部(未圖示)的中央部上方的夾盤230; 和被設在托盤220下方(被插入光碟裝置200的光碟5的 資料記錄面側)的做爲資訊記錄手段的光學拾取器240。 此外,由於本實施形態所述之光碟裝置200的光碟機部 D2的構成及動作,係和上述第1實施形態所述之光碟裝 置100的光碟機部D1之構成及動作相同,因此這裡省略 說明。 標籤印刷部L2,係主要具備:印刷頭250 ;和用來使 印刷頭250在光碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的位置上平行於光 碟5之徑向方向而移動所需的印刷頭移動手段;和進行印 刷頭25 0之閉蓋或清潔的印刷頭維修手段。 印刷頭25 0係被構成爲,被設在與光學拾取器240相 對於光碟5爲相反側(光碟5之標籤面側),從徑向軸R 偏離開(偏置)的位置,可平行於徑向方向而(在圖17Β 的Ρ軸上)移動。又,在印刷頭2 5 0的下面側(光碟5的 標籤面側),係設有墨水吐出部25 0a,印刷頭25 0是在 從徑向軸R偏離開(偏置)的平行於徑向方向的P軸上 移動,同時對正在旋轉的光碟5從墨水吐出部250a吐出 墨水,藉此就可對光碟5的標籤面進行標籤印刷。 此處,如上述,本實施形態所述之印刷頭2 5 0,係被 設成可和墨水槽部251分離,墨水槽部25 1的位置係被固 定在光碟裝置200的前面側不動,僅印刷頭25 0能夠在光 碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的位置處,平行於徑向方向移動之 -32- 200818138 構成。於本實施形態中,墨水槽部25 1,係具有收容Υ ( 黃)、M (洋紅)、C (青藍)、K (黑)之4色墨水的墨 水匣所排列而成之構造,各個墨水匣上係連結著墨水管 2 5 1 a (共4根)。印刷頭2 5 0係在標籤印刷時,從這些墨 水管2 5 1 a來供給墨水。 又,印刷頭2 5 0係被略直方體狀的印刷頭保持器2 5 2 ,從上方加以保持。該印刷頭保持器2 5 2中係設有2根頭 升降用軸252a,該2根頭升降用軸252a是與被形成爲略 T字狀的頭支持板254的2個貫通孔254a嵌合,上部是 被固定螺絲(未圖示)所固定。藉由使用該頭升降用軸 2 52a,就可引導印刷頭25 0的鉛直方向移動。頭支持板 2 54的下面側,係被安裝有往左右(與徑向方向垂直之方 向)延伸的頭驅動用軸承部件25 6,該頭驅動用軸承部件 2 5 6的左右兩側分別設置有軸承(直線軸承)2 5 6 a。軸承 2 5 6a,係在徑向方向的平行方向上貫通,以插通該軸承 2 5 6a的內周的方式,設置有(平行於徑向方向)略平行 地配置的2根頭驅動用軸257。2根頭驅動用軸25 7的兩 端’都是被同一頭驅動用軸2 5 7所支持。此外,關於印刷 頭保持器252的詳細構成將於後述。 印刷頭移動手段,係主要是由:頭驅動馬達260、連 結於頭驅動馬達260的滾珠螺桿262、被滾珠螺桿262插 通的滾珠螺帽264、將滾珠螺帽264與頭驅動用軸承部件 256加以連結的連結部件266、被設在滾珠螺桿264中途 部份的滾珠螺桿支持部件26 8、極限感應器291、294所 -33- 200818138 構成。 頭驅動馬達2 6 0,係藉由其動力而使滾珠螺桿2 62旋 轉。滾珠螺桿262係在平行於徑向方向的方向上延伸設置 ’滾珠螺帽264係被構成爲,藉由滾珠螺桿262的旋轉而 可在徑向方向的平行方向上移動。連結部件266,係將滾 珠螺帽264與頭驅動用軸承部件256加以連結,伴隨滾珠 螺帽264的移動,可使頭驅動用軸承部件256,在從光碟 5之旋轉中心偏離開(偏置)的位置,往徑向方向的平行 方向移動。 滾珠螺桿支持部件268,係爲支持滾珠螺桿262的部 件,是由滾珠螺桿支持板268Α、內藏有軸承(未圖示) 的滾珠螺桿支持單元268Β、268C所成。本實施形態中, 滾珠螺桿支持單元268Β、268C係被一體構成。滾珠螺桿 2 62是對滾珠螺桿支持單元26 8Β、26 8C隔著軸承而鑲嵌 後,被未圖示的螺帽等加以締結。 又,本實施形態所述之光碟裝置200中,可使印刷頭 250的徑向方向之移動,例如藉由極限感應器291等加以 控制。具體而言,極限感應器29 1,例如係被構成爲略C 字型的光感應器,具備發光元件與受光元件(未圖示)。 發光元件與受光元件是彼此對向設置,從發光元件發出的 光,係在鉛直方向上通過凹部29 1a而被受光元件受光。 另一方面,在印刷頭移動手段的連結部件266,係有極限 感應器用遮光板292,是隔著略L字型的遮光板支持部件 293而設置。 -34- 200818138 此處,極限感應器2 9 1 ’係爲用來控制印刷區域的部 件,理想上是被設置在,至少印刷頭2 5 0的墨水吐出部 25 0a是能抵達光碟5之後面側的周緣部爲止的位置上。 藉由將極限感應器2 9 1設置在如此位置,當印刷頭2 5 0對 光碟5的標籤面進行印刷之際,可拓寬可印刷區域’使得 光碟5內周附近的印刷容易進行。 印刷頭維修手段,在圖1 6及圖1 7 A中,雖然是位於 印刷頭2 5 0或印刷頭保持器2 5 2等之下部而爲無法看見的 狀態,但具備有用來收容閉蓋272及廢墨吸附器274的閉 蓋收容部270 (參照圖17B)。閉蓋272,係用來抑制印 刷頭的乾燥,在印刷待機中,印刷頭2 5 0的墨水吐出部 2 5 0a係被閉蓋272蓋上。又,廢墨吸附器274,係例如, 爲了防止墨水吐出部250a阻塞而吐不出墨水這類印刷錯 誤發生,係使空氣不會混入至印刷頭250進行空噴(與標 籤印刷無關地令墨水從墨水吐出部25 0a吐出)用的場所 。這些閉蓋272及廢墨吸附器274所被收容的閉蓋收容部 27〇,係被設置在與光碟5之排出側(取出口側)相反側 的光碟裝置200之後方側(後面板2 1 6側)。 此處,印刷頭250係不會跑到徑向軸上,因此含有閉 蓋272及廢墨吸附器274的閉蓋收容部270,也是被配置 在從徑向軸偏離開(偏置)的位置,因此關於可使光碟裝 置2 00小型化這點,和第丨實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 00 的情況相同。 以上’雖然針對光碟裝置200的構成加以說明,但接 -35- 200818138 著基於圖17A及圖17B,說明具有所述構成之光 2〇〇的標籤印刷部L2的動作。此外,圖17B係本 第2實施形態所述之光碟裝置200的內部構成的平 圖示印刷頭2 5 0正在印刷標籤之狀態。 圖17A係圖示,印刷頭250跑到退避位置待 態。若從該狀態起,藉由頭驅動馬達260的旋轉而 珠螺桿262旋轉,則滾珠螺帽264會沿著滾珠螺桿 在徑向方向上移動。由於該滾珠螺帽264係透過連 266而與頭驅動用軸承部件256連結,因此頭驅動 部件25 6會配合滾珠螺帽264的移動,而在光碟5 心偏離開來的位置朝著徑向方向移動。此時,被設 動用軸承部件256的內部,是透過軸承25 6a而被 用軸25 7所插通,因此頭驅動用軸承部件256係被 行於徑向方向而設置的2根頭驅動用軸25 7所導引 在光碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的位置朝徑向方向的平 直線地移動。再者,印刷頭25 0,係透過頭支持部 而與頭驅動用軸承部件2 5 6連結,因此印刷頭2 5 0 和滾珠螺帽2 6 4的移動協同,在光碟5旋轉中心偏 的位置朝徑向方向的平行方向移動。 此處,印刷頭2 5 0,係和先前不同,係被配置 中心會朝著徑向軸R偏置開來的位置前來,因此可 頭驅動用軸承部件2 5 6的移動、亦即滾珠螺帽2 6 4 ,在從徑向軸R偏置開來的位置,與徑向方向平行 上,朝向光碟5的內周及外周自在地移動。 碟裝置 發明之 面圖, 機之狀 使得滾 262而 結部件 用軸承 旋轉中 在頭驅 頭驅動 彼此平 ,而可 行方向 件 254 結果是 離開來 成使其 伴隨著 的移動 的方向 -36- 200818138 更具體而言,印刷頭250是從徑向軸上偏置,如圖 17A所示,印刷頭250,係可在不與夾盤23 0或光學拾取 器240干涉的位置上移動(圖17A中係在從夾盤230或 光學拾取器240偏置的位置處平行於徑向方向拉出虛線, 表示印刷頭2 5 0是位於比該虛線更爲右側的位置)。 又,印刷頭2 5 0係被配置在,將含有光碟5之領域沿 著光學拾取器240之移動方向(亦即本實施形態中的徑向 軸R )而加以分割所得之2個領域當中,相對於光碟5之 旋轉方向而位於較光學拾取器2 4 0下流側的領域中,較爲 理想。因此,本實施形態中,光碟5係若於圖16或圖 1 7 A等中朝順時針方向旋轉,則印刷頭2 5 0係被配置在被 徑向軸R分割所得之右側領域中,較爲理想。 這是因爲,從印刷頭2 5 0吐出的懸浮墨水,雖然會因 伴隨光碟5旋轉所產生的氣流而朝向光碟5外側行進,但 若印刷頭25 0是在較光學拾取器240往上流側(圖16及 圖1 7 A中係相對於徑向軸R而爲左側)偏置而配置,則 懸浮墨水會很容易駐留在光學拾取器2 4 0側,而污染光學 拾取器2 4 0之故。另一方面,若印刷頭2 5 0是在較光學拾 取器2 4 0往下流側(圖1 6及圖1 7 A等中係相對於徑向軸 R而爲右側)偏置而配置,則由於墨水會朝向側面板2 1 8 方向流動,因此例如,在側面板2 1 8設置墨水吸收體等, 就可防止污染光學拾取器2 4 0,容易回收浮遊墨水(墨霧 )° 然後,如上述,本實施形態中,印刷頭2 5 0之徑向方 -37- 200818138 向的平行方向的移動,係受極限感應器29 1所控制。亦即 ,印刷頭250係朝裝置前面側移動,如圖丨7B所示,極限 感應器用遮光板292 —旦位於極限感應器291的凹部 291a ’則極限感應器用遮光板292便會遮斷通過凹部 291a內的光線。如此,極限感應器291的受光元件係無 法接受來自發光元件的光,藉此可控制印刷頭250不會更 加移動往裝置前面側。 此處’上記的例子中,雖然說明印刷頭250總是直線 性地在徑向方向的平行方向上移動的例子,但印刷頭250 ,係只要是能不與夾盤230或光學拾取器240發生干涉地 運動’則並不一定要總是在與徑向方向平行的方向上移動 。只不過,爲了使對光碟5的標籤印刷能高速進行,印刷 頭250係亦可爲,至少在光碟5上移動的期間,是在與光 碟5之徑向方向平行的方向上移動,而從光碟5上跑開後 ’則在不與徑向方向平行的方向上移動。此種印刷頭2 5 0 的移動例子,基於圖1 8來加以說明。此外,圖1 8係本發 明的第2實施形態中所述之印刷頭25 0的移動軌跡例的說 明圖。 如圖18所示,印刷頭250係假設在(A)的位置( 印刷頭 2 5 0是以實線表示之位置)或(B )的位置((A )的位置上以2點虛線表示的位置)等進行移動而進行標 籤印刷。如此,印刷頭250,在光碟5上進行標籤印刷時 ’係可增加可印刷區域,進行高速印刷之觀點來看,理想 上,至少要在平行於徑向軸R的軸上直線移動。可是,印 -38- 200818138 刷頭25 0,係一旦從光碟5上跑開,移動到不進行 刷的位置時(例如從圖中(B )的位置移動至(C 置時),則印刷頭2 5 0並不一定需要直線性移動, 不與徑向軸R平行的方向上移動亦無妨。 亦即,印刷頭250,在不進行標籤印刷時係於 置中,進行清潔等維修,或防止墨水吐出部25 0a 目的而進行閉蓋,但是該退避位置,係不需要位於 徑向軸R上移動之光學拾取器(未圖示)等部件發 (接觸)之位置。因此,退避位置係與其在光碟5 部附近側不如在外周附近側(靠近側面板2 1 8側) 理想。因此亦可構成爲,當印刷頭25 0從光碟5上 移動到退避位置時,可較進行標籤印刷時更往外側 方式,在不與徑向軸R平行的方向上移動。此外, 標籤印刷的容易或印刷速度等,則印刷頭250即使 碟5上時,只要不與夾台230等部件發生干涉地移 ,並不一定要在與徑向軸R平行的軸上直線性地運 此處,基於圖1 9〜2 1 ’說明以圖1 8所不之軌 動印刷頭250所需的具體之機構。此外,圖1 9係 形態的變更例所述之光碟裝置之構成的斜視圖;圖 圖1 9所示之光碟裝置的要部構成的斜視圖;圖2 19所示之光碟裝置之構成的平面圖。此外’與本 第2實施形態相同的構成’係省略說明。 如圖1 9〜2 1所示,印刷頭2 5 0的上部,係設 來保持印刷頭2 5 0的印刷頭保持器2 9 6,印刷頭 標籤印 )的位 即使在 退避位 乾燥等 不會與 生干涉 之中央 ,較爲 跑開而 移動的 若考慮 位於光 動即可 動。 跡來移 本實施 2〇係 1係圖 發明之 置有用 保持器 -39- 200818138 2 96的上面,係設置有用來導引印刷頭25 0之移動的印刷 頭導引銷296a。又,在印刷頭保持器296,係設有將其側 面在與徑向方向垂直之方向上貫通的貫通孔(未圖示)’ 藉由該貫通孔,透過直線軸承296b ’插通著頭橫行用軸 297。頭橫行用軸297,係一端是被嵌入在形成於第1軸 支持部件298上的貫通孔298a中,另一端是被安裝在第 2軸支持部件299。第2軸支持部件299,係爲略L字型 的部件,被安裝在頭驅動用軸承部件256。 又,以從裝置上方覆蓋印刷頭250移動領域的方式, 設置有印刷頭導引盤295。印刷頭導引盤295的長度(與 徑向方向平行之方向的長度),係和頭驅動用軸257大略 相同,印刷頭導引盤29 5的寬度(與徑向方向垂直之方向 的寬),係軸支持部件25 8的長度大略相同。該印刷頭導 引盤295上,係設有用來導引印刷頭25 0之移動的印刷頭 導引溝295 a,藉由在該印刷頭導引溝295 a中嵌合著印刷 頭導引銷296,印刷頭250,係被印刷頭導引溝295 a所導 引,沿著印刷頭導引溝295a而移動。於本變更例中,印 刷頭導引溝2 9 5 a係在光碟5上,係與徑向方向平行的方 向上直線地形成,在光碟5外周更外側的所定位置帶有所 定角度而曲折,與徑向方向非平行的方向上直線地形成。 因此,印刷頭25 0,係被該印刷頭導引溝295 a所導引, 移動到光碟5上時則是在與徑向方向平行的方向上移動, 跑到光碟5外後,則是在與徑向方向非平行之方向上移動 -40- 200818138 發 L2 置 份 帽 移 碟 實 構 係 構 閉 圖 9 圖 構 tnzr 墨 印 動 因 接著,一面參照圖17A及圖17B,一面繼續說明本 明之第2實施形態所述之光碟裝置200的標籤印刷部 的動作。如圖17B所示,滾珠螺帽264,在往光碟裝 200的前面側,係移動到滾珠螺桿支持部件268所在部 後在該位置處被卡止,印刷頭250係可移動到滾珠螺 2 6 4的卡止位置所對應之位置爲止。因此,印刷頭2 5 0 係可從圖17A所示位置起到圖17B所示之位置,一面 動一面從墨水吐出部250a中吐出墨水,藉此就可對光 5進行標籤印刷。 接著,基於圖22〜圖25,舉例說明本發明之第2 施形態所述之印刷頭250,進行印刷頭之閉蓋的閉蓋機 及進行清潔的清潔機構之構成及其動作。此外,圖22 本實施形態所述之印刷頭250、閉蓋機構及清潔機構之 成的斜視圖;圖23係本實施形態所述之印刷頭250、 蓋機構及清潔機構之從光碟裝置下面側觀看的斜視圖; 24(a)係本實施形態所述之清潔機構之構成的平面圖 圖24 ( b )係本實施形態所述之清潔機構之構成的斜視 :圖25係本實施形態所述之印刷頭250及閉蓋272之 成的斜視圖。 如圖22及圖23所示,印刷頭25 0的下方,係設有 水蓋272及清潔機構之一例的刮刷28 0等。此外,關於 刷頭2 5 0、印刷頭保持器2 5 2、頭支持基板2 5 4、頭驅 用軸承部件2 5 6、軸承2 5 6 a之構成,由於已於上述, 此這裡省略詳細說明。 -41 - 200818138 印刷頭保持器2 5 2係如上述,是被與徑向方向平行之 方向並排的2根頭升降用軸2 52a所插通,其上部係與被 形成在頭支持基板254的2個貫通孔254a嵌合,被固定 螺絲(未圖示)固定在頭支持基板254。印刷頭保持器 2 52的頭升降用軸252a所插通的貫通孔(未圖示)中, 係嵌入有2個直線滾_軸承252d,限制著頭升降用軸 252a在水平方向之移動,僅能在鉛直方向上移動。又, 在印刷頭保持器252的側面,設有導引銷252b。印刷頭 250移動之際,該導引銷252b會在印刷頭25 0側面側延 伸設置在與徑向方向平行之方向之導引軌276上移動,藉 此而導引印刷頭25 0的移動。 又,導引軌276的光碟裝置200後面側的端部,係形 成有傾斜面276a。印刷頭250的閉蓋之際,首先,導引 銷2 52是沿著導引軌276的上面而在與徑向方向平行之方 向上朝裝置後面側移動,藉此,被印刷頭保持器2 5 2所保 持的印刷頭25 0也會在與徑向方向平行之方向上朝裝置後 面側移動。接著,藉由導引銷252b是沿著導引軌276的 傾斜面276a往斜下方移動,使得被印刷頭保持器252所 保持之印刷頭2 5 0也往斜下方移動,藉由閉蓋2 7 2而將墨 水吐出部250a予以蓋閉。此處,導引銷252b是沿著導引 軌276的傾斜面276a往斜下方移動之際,係藉由頭驅動 用軸257來導引與徑向方向平行之方向的移動,藉由頭升 降用軸25 2a來導引鉛直方向的移動。 此外,印刷頭保持器25 2上在其長邊方向是形成有與 -42- 200818138 徑向方向平行之方向的長孔252c,該長孔252c中’係被 用來供給墨水給印刷頭2 5 0的墨水管2 7 8所貫通。墨水管 278,係對墨水槽部251 (參照圖15 )呈自由形狀而連接 〇 此處,一面參照圖2 5,一面說明印刷頭2 5 0及閉蓋 272的構造。如圖25 ( a)所示,印刷頭25 0的上面側係 設有墨水供給孔250b。墨水供給孔250b的數目,在本實 施形態由於是單色例子所以爲1個,但若是彩色的情況則 爲青藍、洋紅、黃色之3個,或是再加上黑色而爲4個。 又,如圖2 5 ( c )所示,印刷頭2 5 0的下面側,係和墨水 供給孔250b連通,沿著印刷頭25 0的長邊方向(本實施 形態中係爲與徑向方向平行之方向),形成有墨水吐出部 250a。該墨水吐出部250a,係具有被配置在光碟5之徑 向方向的平行方向的噴嘴(墨水吐出口)。閉蓋2 7 2 ’係 爲了防止從該墨水吐出部25 0a的墨水發生乾燥’而是可 將墨水吐出部2 5 0 a予以覆蓋地將印刷頭2 5 0予以閉蓋。 又,如圖25 ( b )所示,閉蓋272係呈略直方體形狀,在 其上面側(印刷頭2 5 0側),形成有用來收容墨水吐出部 的凹部亦即頭收容部272a。此外,如圖23所示,於本實 施形態所述之閉蓋272中’頭收容部272a的底部的背面 側係有空洞,閉蓋272的底面係爲開放。又,閉蓋272 ’ 係爲了避免與印刷頭25 0和光學拾取器240的干涉’必須 要配置在大幅遠離光學拾取器240後方的位置。可是’若 依據本實施形態所述的光碟裝置200 ’則由於印刷頭250 -43 - 200818138 是可在從徑向軸R偏置開來的位置上移動,因此即使不將 閉蓋272配置在大幅遠離光學拾取器240後方的位置也行 ,因此可縮小光碟裝置200後方側的尺寸。 接著,除了參照圖22及圖23、還加上圖24,說明本 實施形態所述之清潔機構之構成。本實施形態所述之清潔 機構,係由在與徑向方向垂直之方向上活動的刮刷2 8 0, 和其驅動機構所構成。 刮刷280,在其尖端部係具有刮刷頭2 80a。該刮刷頭 2 8 0a,係例如具有橡膠這類彈性部件層積2層而成的構造 。又,刮刷2 8 0,被刮刷驅動馬達2 8 1所驅動,透過刮刷 連結部284而與刮刷臂282連結。 刮刷280係被配置在刮刷部支持板287的下面側,被 配置在刮刷部支持板287上面側的刮刷連結部284,是貫 通過被形成在刮刷部支持板2 8 7之貫通孔或缺口(均未圖 示)而與刮刷2 8 0連結。刮刷驅動馬達2 8 1,係被固定在 刮刷部支持板287上。又,如圖24所示,以貫通刮刷驅 動馬達2 8 1的方式設置刮刷驅動軸2 8 1 a,刮刷驅動軸 28 1a的一端(刮刷臂2 82側的端部)上設有按壓部281b 。刮刷臂282的一端,係被插銷2 83所貫通,插銷283的 一端係被固定在刮刷部支持板287。又,刮刷臂282的另 一端,係透過關節部284a而與刮刷連結部284連結。 又,在刮刷連結部284,係在鉛直方向上形成有例如 2個貫通孔2 8 5,該貫通孔28 5中係被插通有2根刮刷驅 動用軸2 8 6。該2根刮刷驅動用軸2 8 6,係在與徑向方向 -44 - 200818138 垂直之方向上延伸設置’是彼此平丫了地配置。刮刷驅 軸286,雖然在圖22、圖23及圖24(a)中爲了說 便而未圖示,但如圖24(b)所示,係被安裝在略C 的刮刷部保持部件2 8 8,而在該刮刷部保持部件2 8 8 亦保持有插銷2 83。 具有所述構成的本實施形態所述之清潔機構之動 說明如下。首先,一旦藉由刮刷驅動馬達2 8 1的旋轉 刮刷驅動軸2 8 1 a往刮刷臂2 8 2移動,則刮刷驅動軸 的尖端部的按壓部281b會將刮刷臂282朝向刮刷驅 2 8 1 a的移動方向按壓。藉由此按壓力,刮刷臂2 8 2 插銷2 83爲支點而例如往反時鐘方向旋動。接著,伴 刮刷臂282的旋動,透過關節部284a而連結至刮 282的刮刷連結部284,是一面被刮刷驅動用軸286 引,一面沿著該軸286而在與徑向方向垂直之方向上 性移動。刮刷2 80,係連動於該刮刷連結部284的移 在與徑向方向垂直之方向上朝向印刷頭25 0側而直線 移動。 另一方面,若刮刷臂282想要順時鐘方向旋動時 可利用例如彈簧等之彈性部件(未圖示)之彈性復原 旋動。亦即例如,一旦藉由使刮刷驅動馬達28 1和上 反地旋動,而使刮刷驅動軸28 1 a朝向與刮刷臂282 側移動,則按壓部281b會從刮刷臂282離開,按 28 1b所致之按壓力會施加在刮刷臂2 82上。因此, 臂2 8 2,係例如藉由上述彈性部件的復原力,而可順 動用 明方 字狀 上, 作, 而使 28 1 a 動軸 係以 隨著 刷臂 所導 直線 動, 性地 ,則 力而 記相 相反 壓部 刮刷 時鐘 -45- 200818138 地旋動。如此,刮刷2 8 0就可朝向與之前相反的方 刷頭2 5 0側的相反側)移動。藉由如此使驅動馬達 旋轉及逆旋轉反覆,刮刷280就可將印刷頭250的 出部(未圖示),以刮刷頭2 80a加以清潔。 (第3實施形態所述之光碟裝置3 00的構成及動作 接著,基於圖26〜圖30,說明本發明之第3 態所述之資訊記錄裝置3 00的構成及動作。此外, 係先前的光碟裝置700中的印刷頭75 0之更換方法 圖;圖2 7係本實施形態所述的光碟裝置3 0 0中的 3 5 0之更換方法的說明圖;圖2 8係本實施形態所 碟裝置3 0 0的內部構成的斜視圖;圖29係本實施 述的光碟裝置300的內部構成的平面圖;圖30係 形態所述的光碟裝置3 00中的做爲載入手段之托盤 構成的斜視圖。 首先,如圖26所示,於先前的光碟裝置700 於印刷頭7 5 0是在徑向軸上移動,因此往裝置前面 能移動到夾盤(未圖示)或光學拾取器(未圖示) 軸上所配置之部件的前方爲止。於是,印刷頭7 5 0 ,係必須將光碟裝置700的筐體710的上蓋712拆 光碟裝置700的上部,將舊的印刷頭75 0拆掉’安 印刷頭7 5 0 ’,以進行印刷頭的更換。 因此,光碟裝置7〇〇的上面側必須要有印刷頭 的空間。又,若沒有此種空間時,則考慮將光碟裝 向(印 2 80的 墨水吐 ) 實施形 圖26 的說明 印刷頭 述的光 形態所 本實施 3 20之 中,由 側係只 等徑向 的更換 掉,從 裝新的 更換用 置 700 -46- 200818138 從前方抽出,但通常在裝置後方都有電源纜線或訊號用 USB纜線等配線,因此將光碟裝置700抽出之際還必須要 拔掉配線,並不十分理想。 此外,先前的光碟裝置之構成的說明係已於上述 因此省略。 另一方面,如圖27〜圖29所示,本實施形態所述之 光碟裝置300中,印刷頭3 5 0是可在從徑向軸R偏置開來 的位置處移動。因此,夾盤330或光學拾取器340等被配 置在徑向軸R上的部件,與印刷頭3 5 0不會發生干涉,因 此可使印刷頭3 5 0移動至光碟裝置3 0 0的前面板3 1 4附近 爲止。於是,於前.面板3 14上,在印刷頭3 5 0的移動軸P 所對應的位置處設置開口部(未圖示),在該開口部設置 可開閉的印刷頭更換蓋3 1 9,藉此,即使不將光碟裝置 3〇〇的上蓋312拆除,也能從裝置前面側進行印刷頭350 的更換。 亦即,藉由具備頭驅動馬達3 60等的印刷頭驅動機構 ,使印刷頭3 5 0移動至前面板314前面爲止後’如圖27 所示,將印刷頭更換蓋3 1 9開啓,取出舊的印刷頭3 5 0 ’ 換裝新的印刷頭3 5 0,,藉此,就可從光碟裝置300的前面 側,容易地更換印刷頭3 5 0。因此,不須要像是先前一般 在光碟裝置3 0 0上方保留印刷頭更換用空間’即使沒有此 種空間時,也不需要將光碟裝置3 00整個從前方抽出。尤 其是在噴墨式的印刷頭時,頭發生阻塞時的維修、或伴隨 墨水消耗而必須更換印刷頭係爲必須,因此能夠從裝置前 -47- 200818138 面側進行印刷頭的更換’是非常有效的。 此外,圖27〜圖29所示之本實施形態所述之光碟裝 置3 00的構成當中,關於設在裝置前面的印刷頭更換蓋 3 1 9以外的構成,由於是和上述第1實施形態所述之光碟 裝置100之構成相同,因此省略其說明。 又,如圖30所示,本實施形態所述之光碟裝置300 中,在托盤3 20的後方(後面板3 1 6側),例如閉蓋3 72 或廢墨吸附器3 74等維修所用之部件,是對托盤320呈可 裝卸式地設置。 如此,藉由將閉蓋3 72或廢墨吸附器3 74等之維修用 部件設置在托盤320,在爲了取出光碟5而拉出托盤320 之際,也可同時且容易地進行墨水的清掃或維修。因此, 除了可簡化光碟裝置的構成,還可使光碟裝置的維修變得 容易,可提高使用者的便利性。 甚至,藉由將閉蓋3 72或廢墨吸附器3 74等維修用部 件對托盤3 20呈可裝卸式設置,使得在抽出托盤320之際 ,可將閉蓋3 72或廢墨吸附器3 74拆卸清潔,因此相較於 先前,還可獲得防止光碟裝置內部污染之效果。 (第4實施形態所述之光碟裝置400的構成及動作) 接著,基於圖3 1至圖3 5,說明本發明之第4實施形 態所述之做爲資訊記錄裝置的光碟裝置400的構成。此外 ,圖31係本發明的第4實施形態中所述之光碟裝置400 的內邰構成之斜視圖,圖3 2係圖3 1所示之光碟裝置4 0 0 -48- 200818138 的要部構成的放大斜視圖;圖3 3 碟裝置400的內部構成的平面圖; 述之光碟裝置400從下面側觀看的 此處,上述的先前之光碟裝置 施形態所述之光碟裝置1〇〇、200 (墨水吐出部)的長邊方向是和印 徑向軸R上或與徑向軸R平行之 以下問題點。 亦即,若使印刷頭的長邊方向 R上或平行於徑向軸R的方向一致 中可有效使用印字寬度,但由於外 之印刷時的印刷區域面積互異,內 小於外周側,因此若不進行印字校 異,存在如此問題。 又,若使印刷頭的長邊方向一 於徑向軸R的方向來配置印刷頭, 向和印刷頭的可動方向平行,因此 須一定要邊使光碟旋轉邊進行印刷 刷之際會進行光碟的旋轉動作,即 容的相關文字資訊加以印刷等情況 要花費長時間,有損資訊記錄裝置 問題亦存在。 再者,當印刷頭的長邊方向和 的情況下,因爲光碟旋轉所產生的 係圖實施形態所述的光 圖3 4係同實施形態所 斜視圖。 700、或第1至第3實 及3 00,係由於印刷頭 刷頭的可動方向(亦即 方向)一致,因而產生 和印刷頭可動的徑向軸 ,則雖然1步進的印刷 周側之印刷時和內周側 周側的印刷區域面積是 正則會導致像點密度互 致於徑向軸R上或平行 則由於印刷頭的長邊方 在進行標籤印刷時,必 。因此,在進行標籤印 使僅將光碟記錄資料內 下的簡易印刷時,也需 的使用者便利性,如此 印刷頭的可動方向一致 風的影響,會使從印刷 -49- 200818138 頭吐出的墨水變得乾燥或黏度提高,在墨水開始吐初時的 墨水濃度就變濃,因此在印刷開始場所容易沿著印刷頭可 動線而發生筋狀不勻,印刷開始場所的周圍部份比較顯眼 ,如此問題亦存在。 於是,在本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400中,爲了解 決上述如此問題,是使印刷頭在從光碟旋轉中心偏離開來 的偏置位置處,使其在與徑向軸平行方向上可動,且以印 刷頭的長邊方向是與徑向軸成垂直的方向,來配置印刷頭 。以下,針對此種光碟裝置400之構成加以詳細說明。 本實施形態所述的光碟裝置400,係被插入光碟5做 爲資訊記錄媒體,可在插入之光碟5的標籤面上進行標籤 印刷;主要具備:使用光碟5來進行資料記錄及再生的光 碟機部D4 ;和被設在與光碟5之資料記錄面的相反側的 標籤面(印刷面)側、亦即光碟機部D4上部而進行標籤 印刷的標籤印刷部L4。 光碟機部D4,係主要具有:前面板414、後面板416 、位於被2片側面板4 1 8、4 1 8所包圍之領域內,藉由所 定之載入機構而可移動地設置的托盤420 ;和被設在托盤 420的碟片載置部(未圖示)的中央部上方的夾盤430; 和被設在托盤420下方(被插入光碟裝置400的光碟5的 資料記錄面側)的做爲資訊記錄手段的光學拾取器440。 此外,由於本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400的光碟機部 D4的構成及動作,係和上述第1實施形態所述之光碟裝 置1 0 0的光碟機部D 1之構成及動作相同,因此這裡省略 -50- 200818138 說明。 標籤印刷部L4,係主要具備:印刷頭4 5 0 ;和用來使 印刷頭45 0在光碟5旋轉中心偏離開來的位置上平行於光 碟5之徑向方向而移動所需的印刷頭移動手段;和進行印 刷頭4 5 0之閉蓋或清潔的印刷頭維修手段。 印刷頭45 0係被構成爲,被設在與光學拾取器440相 對於光碟5爲相反側(光碟5之標籤面側),從徑向軸R 偏離開(偏置)的位置’可平行於徑向方向而(在圖33 的Ρ軸上)移動。又,在印刷頭4 5 0的下面側(光碟5的 標籤面側),係設有墨水吐出部4 5 0 a,印刷頭4 5 0是在 從徑向軸R偏離開(偏置)的平行於徑向方向的P軸上 移動,同時對正在旋轉的光碟5從墨水吐出部4 5 0 a吐出 墨水,藉此就可對光碟5的標籤面進行標籤印刷。此外, 印刷頭4 5 0係被配置在,將含有光碟5之領域沿著光學拾 取器440之移動方向(亦即本實施形態中的徑向軸R )而 加以分割所得之2個領域當中,相對於光碟5之旋轉方向 而位於較光學拾取器440下流側的領域中,較爲理想,這 和上述實施形態的情況相同。 此處,基於圖35,說明本實施形態所述之印刷頭450 的構成。此外,圖3 5係同實施形態中的印刷頭4 5 0之構 成的斜視圖。 如圖3 5所示,印刷頭4 5 0係例如由:朝向光碟5標 籤面吐出墨水的墨水吐出部4 5 0 a ;和將後述透過墨水管 4 5 1 a而從墨水槽4 5 1供給過來的墨水供給至印刷頭4 5 0 -51 - 200818138 的墨水供給管450b ;和將該墨水供給管450b與印刷頭本 體部45 0d加以連結的連結部450c ;和設在印刷頭本體部 4 5 0 d的連結部4 5 0 c之相反側的彈性纜線4 5 0 e所成。 墨水吐出部450a,係在連結部450c的下面側(光碟 5標籤面的對向側),例如朝所定方向複數配置噴嘴(墨 水吐出口)而形成之。於本實施形態中,該朝所定方向複 數配置之噴嘴所形成的墨水吐出部450a的長邊方向(複 數噴嘴所被配置的所定方向),是與印刷頭450移動方向 (與徑向方向平行之方向)垂直的方向一致。又,墨水供 給管450b,一端是和墨水管45 1a連通,另一端是和連結 部45 0c的上面側(墨水吐出部45 0a的相反側)連結。又 ,連結部450c內部的至少一部份係爲中空,形成有讓墨 水通過的流路。印刷頭本體部450d係爲略矩形的板狀部 件,如上述,一側是透過連結部450c而與墨水供給管 4 5 0b連結,另一側則與用來輸入訊號的彈性纜線45 0e連 結。 又,於本實施形態中,如圖3 2及圖3 4所示,例如在 印刷頭45 0的下面側往光碟5與徑向方向垂直之方向複數 配置的噴嘴所形成的墨水吐出部450a的長邊方向,係以 在平行於徑向軸之P軸上移動之印刷頭4 5 0的移動方向相 垂直的方式,配置印刷頭450。藉此,如後述,由於可使 外周側之印刷時與內周側之印刷時的印刷區域相同,因此 不須進行印字校正。又,標籤印刷之際也不需要伴隨光碟 5旋轉,因此在文字等簡易印刷時可明顯提升印刷速度。 -52- 200818138 甚至,由於印刷開始部分不是線狀而是面狀,因此印刷開 始部分的筋狀不勻較不顯眼。 此外,本實施形態所述之印刷頭4 5 0,係與上述第2 實施形態所述之光碟裝置200的情況同樣地’是被設成可 和墨水槽451分離,墨水槽4 51的位置係被固定在光碟裝 置400的前面側不動,僅印刷頭450能夠在光碟5旋轉中 心偏離開來的位置處’平行於徑向方向移動之構成。於本 實施形態中,墨水槽4 5 1 ’係具有收容Y (黃)、M (洋 紅)、C (青藍)、K (黑)之4色墨水的墨水匣所排列 而成之構造,各個墨水匣上係連結著墨水管4 5 1 a (共4 根)。印刷頭450係在標籤印刷時,從這些墨水管45 1 a 來供給墨水。 又,印刷頭45 0係被略直方體狀的印刷頭保持器452 ,從上方加以保持。該印刷頭保持器452中係設有2根頭 升降用軸452a,該2根頭升降用軸452a是與被形成爲略 T字狀的頭支持板4 5 4的2個貫通孔4 5 4 a嵌合,上部是 被固定螺絲(未圖示)所固定。藉由使用該頭升降用軸 4 5 2a,就可引導印刷頭450的鉛直方向移動。頭支持板 4 54的下面側,係被安裝有往左右(與徑向方向垂直之方 向)延伸的頭驅動用軸承部件45 6,該頭驅動用軸承部件 4 5 6的左右兩側分別設置有軸承(直線軸承)4 5 6 a。軸承 4 5 6a,係在徑向方向的平行方向上貫通,以插通該軸承 4 5 6 a的內周的方式,設置有(平行於徑向方向)略平行 地配置的2根頭驅動用軸4 5 7。2根頭驅動用軸4 5 7的兩 -53- 200818138 端,都是被同一頭驅動用軸4 5 8所支持。此外,關於印刷 頭保持器452的詳細構成,由於係和上述第2實施形態時 的情況相同,因此省略說明。 印刷頭移動手段,係主要是由··頭驅動馬達460、連 結於頭驅動馬達460的滾珠螺桿462、被滾珠螺桿462插 通的滾珠螺帽464、將滾珠螺帽464與頭驅動用軸承部件 456加以連結的連結部件466、被設在滾珠螺桿464中途 部份的滾珠螺桿支持部件468、極限感應器491、494所 構成。 頭驅動馬達460,係藉由其動力而使滾珠螺桿462旋 轉。滾珠螺桿462係在平行於徑向方向的方向上延伸設置 ’滾珠螺帽464係被構成爲,藉由滾珠螺桿462的旋轉而 可在徑向方向的平行方向上移動。連結部件466,係將滾 珠螺帽4 6 4與頭驅動用軸承部件4 5 6加以連結,伴隨滾珠 螺帽464的移動,可使頭驅動用軸承部件456,在從光碟 5之旋轉中心偏離開(偏置)的位置,往徑向方向的平行 方向移動。 滾珠螺桿支持部件4 6 8 »係爲支持滾珠螺桿4 6 2的部 件’是由滾珠螺桿支持板468A、內藏有軸承(未圖示) 的滾珠螺桿支持單元4 6 8 B、4 6 8 C所成。本實施形態中, 滾珠螺桿支持單元4 6 8 B、46 8 C係被一體構成。滾珠螺桿 4 6 2是對滾珠螺桿支持單元4 6 8 B、4 6 8 C隔著軸承而鑲嵌 後’被未圖示的螺帽等加以締結。 又,本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400中,可使印刷頭 -54- 200818138 450的徑向方向之移動,例如藉由極限感應器491等 控制。具體而言,極限感應器49 1,例如係被構成爲 字型的光感應器,具備發光元件與受光元件(未圖示 發光元件與受光元件是彼此對向設置,從發光元件發 光,係在鉛直方向上通過凹部491a而被受光元件受 另一方面,在印刷頭移動手段的連結部件466,係有 感應器用遮光板492,是隔著略L字型的遮光板支持 493而設置。此外,極限感應器491的設置位置,由 和上述實施形態相同,因此此處省略詳細說明。 印刷頭維修手段,雖然圖3 1中未圖示,但如圖 34所示,具備用來收容閉蓋472及廢墨吸附器474 蓋收容部470。閉蓋472,係用來抑制印刷頭的乾燥 印刷待機中,印刷頭45 0的墨水吐出部450a係被 472蓋上。又,廢墨吸附器474,係例如,爲了防止 吐出部450a阻塞而吐不出墨水這類印刷錯誤發生, 空氣不會混入至印刷頭4 5 0進行空噴(與標籤印刷無 令墨水從墨水吐出部45 0a吐出)用的場所。這些 472及廢墨吸附器474所被收容的閉蓋收容部470, 設置在與光碟5之排出側(取出口側)相反側的光碟 400之後方側(後面板416側)。 此處,印刷頭4 5 0係不會跑到徑向軸上,因此含 蓋472及廢墨吸附器474的閉蓋收容部470,也是被 在從徑向軸偏離開(偏置)的位置,因此關於可使光 置4 0 0小型化這點,和第1實施形態所述之光碟裝· 加以 略C )° 出的 光。 極限 部件 於是 32〜 的閉 ,在 閉蓋 墨水 係使 關地 閉蓋 係被 裝置 有閉 配置 碟裝 -55- 100 200818138 的情況相同。 又,光碟裝置4 0 0,係如圖3 4所示,做爲印刷頭4 5 0 的墨水吐出部450a之清潔機構之一例,具備被刮刷部支 持板487所支持的刮刷480,在刮刷480的尖端部,如圖 32所示,設有刮刷頭480a。關於此刮刷480的其他構成 或動作,由於係和上述第2實施形態時的情況相同,因此 這裡省略詳細說明。 以上,雖然針對光碟裝置400的構成加以說明,但接 著基於圖36、圖37A及圖37B,說明具有所述構成之光 碟裝置4 0 0的標籤印刷部L 4的動作。此處,圖3 6係進行 標籤印刷時的印刷頭之活動的例子的說明圖;(a )係以 先前的印刷頭7 5 0進行印刷時,(b )係以本發明之第1 實施形態所述之印刷頭1 5 0進行印刷時,(c )係以本實 施形態所述之印刷頭450印刷時的情形。又,圖37A及 圖3 7B係光碟5的外周側印刷時與內周側印刷時,印刷區 域的面積是相等的說明圖。此外,以下的說明中,和上述 第1至第3實施形態所述的光碟裝置100、200及3 00同 樣的動作,係省略重複說明。又,以下的說明中,做爲印 刷頭是在碟片旋轉中心偏置開來的位置上移動的光碟裝置 之例子,雖然舉例第1實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 〇〇爲例 來說明,但第2及第3實施形態的情況亦相同。 如上所述,在先前之光碟裝置700或第1實施形態所 述之光碟裝置1〇〇等中,使印刷頭7 5 0、150的墨水吐出 部75 0a、150a的長邊方向,一致於印刷頭750、150可動 -56 - 200818138 的徑向軸上或與徑向軸平行的方向,則由於外周側 時和內周側之印刷時的印刷區域面積互異’內周側 區域面積會小於外周側。 首先,如圖36(a)所示,於先前的光碟裝置 ,由於印刷頭7 5 0是在徑向軸上移動,因此若1次 寬度(本實施形態中係爲1次步進所作之印刷區域 方向的寬度)是相同的,則以1次步進(本實施形 爲1次的墨水吐出)進行印刷的面積,係越往光碟 側越小。因此,若墨水吐出的時序相同時,則越往 內周側,印刷密度會越高,在光碟5內周附近的印 會變密,但外周附近的印刷密度係變疏。此處,在 下就有需要進行使內周附近的印刷密度較外周附近 印字校正,使得像點密度變得均等。亦即,先前的 置7〇〇之構成中,無法完全發揮印刷頭75 0的性能 又,如圖3 6 ( b )所示,本發明的第1實施形 之光碟裝置1〇〇中,雖然印刷頭150是從光碟5之 心錯開而在偏置位置處往徑向軸平行方向移動,但 和先前的光碟裝置700同樣地,以1次步進進行印 積,係越往光碟5內周側越小。再者,1次印刷寬 往內周側越窄,因此該面積的縮小程度,係較先前 裝置7 0 0的情形更爲顯著。因此,在此情況下,就 進行使內周附近的印刷密度較外周附近略疏的印字 使得像點密度變得均等。 另一方面,如圖3 6 ( c )所示,本實施形態所 之印刷 的印刷 700中 的印刷 的徑向 態中係 5內周 光碟5 刷密度 此情況 略疏的 光碟裝 〇 態所述 旋轉中 此時係 刷的面 度係越 的光碟 有需要 校正, 述的光 - 57- 200818138 碟裝置400中’印刷頭45〇是從光碟5之旋轉中心錯開而 在偏置位置處往徑向軸平行方向移動,且印刷頭450的墨 水吐出部450a的長邊方向是與徑向軸(印刷頭450的移 動方向)垂直,因此該情況下,1次的印刷寬度係越往內 周側越廣,以1次步進進行印刷的面積,在光碟5內周側 與外周側是相等的。 此處,一邊參照圖37A及37B,一邊說明光碟裝置 4〇〇中,以1次步進所印刷之區域的面積係爲相等的理由 。在說明此理由之前’本發明人們計算1次步進所印刷之 面積的例子,示於下記表1。 -58- 200818138 〔表1〕 印刷頭寬 mm 偏置 mm 外側半徑 mm 內側半徑 mm 印刷面積 mm2 面積比 % Casel 13.6 0.0 印刷頭在彳 丨至向軸上時 Areal 58.0 44.4 4,375 45.4 Area2 44.4 30.8 3,213 33.3 Area3 30.8 17.2 2,051 21.3 印刷區域 40.8 9,639 100.0 Case2 13.6 20.0 印刷頭的方向是平行於徑向軺 ί時 Areal 58.0 45.4 4?082 43.8 Area2 45.4 33.8 2,905 31.2 Area3 33.8 24.2 1,743 18.7 Area4 24.2 20.0 581 6.2 印刷區域 38.0 9?312 100.0 Case3 13.6 20.0 印刷頭的方向是垂直於徑向軺 時⑴ Areal 57.6 50.9 2?290 25.0 Area2 50.9 43.1 2,290 25.0 Area3 43.1 33.6 2?290 25.0 Area4 33.6 20.0 2,290 25.0 印刷區域 37.6 9,160 100.0 Case4 17.5 20.0 印刷頭的方向是垂直於徑向軺 腌(2) Areal 58.5 49.1 3?161 33.3 Area2 49.1 37.5 3,161 33.3 Area3 37.5 20.0 3,161 33.3 印刷區域 38.47 9,484 100.0 Case5 10.0 20.0 印刷頭的方向是垂直於徑向軺 時(3) Areal 58.3 53.9 1,571 16.7 Area2 53.9 49.0 1?571 16.7 Area3 49.0 43.6 1,571 16.7 Area4 43.6 37.4 1?571 16.7 Area5 37.4 30.0 1?571 16.7 Area6 30.0 20.0 1?571 16.7 印刷區域 38.31 9,425 100.0 -59- 200818138 表1中,easel係相當於先前光碟裝置700之例子( 參照圖36 ( a) ) ,case2係相當於本發明之第1實施形 態所述之光碟裝置1 〇〇的情況的例子(參照圖3 6 ( b )) ,case3〜5係相當於本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400的情 況的例子(關於參照case3,參照圖36(c) ) 。case3〜5 中,如表1所記載,改變印刷頭4 5 0的長邊方向的寬度( mm),墨水吐出部係爲將3 00個〜400個程度的墨水吐 出噴嘴排成一列所成。又,偏置量於easel、2中係爲光 碟5的徑向軸起至印刷頭4 5 0中心爲止的切線方向之距離 (mm);於case3〜5中則爲光碟5的徑向軸起至墨水吐 出部45 0a之左端(較靠近徑向軸的端部)的切線方向之 距離(m m )。 如表1所示,在c a s e 1的情況中,印刷區域的面積比 爲 Areal : Area2 : Area3 = 45.4[%] : 33·3[%] : 21·3[%]; 在 case2 的情況中,貝[J 爲 Areal : Area2: Area3 : Area4 = 43·8[%] : 31·2[%] : 18.7[%] : 6·2[%]。如此,在 easel、 case2的情況中,印刷區域的面積是越往光碟5內周側越 小,尤其是在c a s e 2的情況下,印刷區域面積的減少量特 別顯著。另一方面,在case3〜5的情況中,由於印刷頭 4 5 0的寬度不同,所以印刷次數(印刷區域的數目)也不 同,但是無論哪種情形,印刷區域的面積,在光碟5的內 周側和外周側均不變,所有的印刷區域都是相同面積。因 此,case3〜5的情況下,只要墨水的吐出時序相同,則即 使不做像點校正也能成爲均一的印刷密度。 -60- 200818138 若要在理論上驗證這點,則首先,如圖3 7 A所示, 若令第1次印刷中所印刷的區域爲A1,第2次印刷中所 印刷的區域爲A2 (圖3 7 A的粗實線係表示進行第2次印 刷時印刷頭4 5 0的位置)’如圖3 7 A所示’令印刷頭4 5 0 的偏置量爲a,印刷頭450的寬爲b ’第2次印刷的印刷 寬度爲c,進行第2次印刷時印刷頭4 5 0的徑向方向位置 爲k,則印刷區域A1的面積s a 1係爲: SAi=;rx(a+b) 2 - π xa2 又,印刷區域A2的面積SA2係爲: SA2=^x(a+b+c) 2-7rx(a+b) 2 · · · (1) 然後,根據畢達哥拉斯定理, a2+k2= (a+b) 2 *··(2) (a+b) 2+k2= (a+b+c) 2 · · · (3) 成立,因此若將式(2 ) 、( 3 )代入式(1 ) ’則爲: SA2r=r 7ΓΧ (a+b+c) 2-7rx(a+b) = ;rx( (a+b) 2+k2) - 7TX(a + k ) =7Γ x ( a + b ) 2- π xa2 =SAi 同樣地,如圖3 7 B所示,令第3次印刷中所印刷的區 域爲A3,第3次印刷的印刷寬度爲d,進行第3次印刷 時印刷頭4 5 0的徑向方向位置爲z,則印刷區域A 3的面 積S a 3係爲·Definition Digital Versatile Disk) An optical disc medium having a recording capacity of several tens of Giga Bytes, or an example of a removable optical disc device that can replace a medium among optical disc devices that can record or read digital data, such as near-field recording. Among these optical disc devices, a disc-shaped surface having a label surface (a printing surface on which information such as characters or images corresponding to data is recorded) is provided on one side of the data recording surface and the other surface (the opposite side of the data recording surface) With the information recording medium, label printing can be performed inside the device. The optical disc device 700 and the optical disc device 800 are both examples of an optical disc device that can print labels. First, the external configuration of the optical disk device 700 and the optical disk device 800 will be described with reference to Figs. 1 and 2 . As shown in Fig. 1, in the tray-type optical disc device 700, an upper cover 7 1 2 and a tray 7 20 are provided in a substantially rectangular housing 7 1 0. When the print head (refer to FIG. 4 and FIG. 5) is replaced, or the cover or the waste ink adsorber (refer to FIG. 4 and FIG. 5) is replaced, the upper cover 7丨2 is removed, and the optical disc device can be removed from the optical disc device. It is carried out above 700 (refer to Figure 26). The tray 720 is movably disposed in the radial direction of the optical disk by a predetermined loading mechanism (not shown), which can be slid out from the inside of the optical disk device 700 to the outside of the optical disk device 700. Further, the upper side of the tray 720 is formed with a recess having a substantially circular shape which is slightly the same as the optical disc 5, that is, the disc mounting portion 722 °. Here, the radial direction is as shown in FIG. Refers to the radial direction of the disc-shaped disc 5. Further, in the present specification, the virtual axis parallel to the radial direction by the center c of the rotation of the optical disk 5 is referred to as a radial axis (R). On the other hand, the tangential direction refers to the direction perpendicular to the radial direction on the optical disc 5. Further, an opening portion 5a for fitting to an axle portion (not shown) of a spindle motor (not shown) provided inside the optical disk devices 700 and 800 is formed in the center portion of the optical disk 5. The optical disc 5 is placed on the disc loading portion 722, and is transported to the inside of the optical disc device 700 by the loading mechanism. After the optical disc 5 is transported to the inside of the optical disc device 700, it is clamped by a spindle motor (not shown), and an optical pickup such as an optical pickup equipped with a lens (see FIGS. 4 and 5). When the data recording surface of the optical disc 5 is irradiated with the laser light, the data recorded in the optical disc 5 can be read, or the data can be read and written on the optical disc 5. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 2, in the suction type optical disc device 80, the upper cover 812, the opening portion 814, and the notch cover 816 are provided in the substantially rectangular casing 810. When the replacement of the print head (not shown) or the replacement of the cover or the waste ink adsorber (not shown) is performed, the same as the case of the optical disc device 7 ,, the upper cover 8 1 2 Disassembly can be performed from above the disc unit 8 。. Further, the optical disc 5 is inserted into the opening 8丨4, and is transported to the optical disc device 800 by a predetermined loading mechanism (not shown) of -14 to 200818138, and is clamped by a spindle motor (not shown). Chucking, by irradiating the data recording surface of the optical disc 5 with an optical head (not shown) equipped with a lens, the data recorded in the optical disc 5 can be read out or the data of the optical disc 5 can be read. Read and write, etc. The opening portion 814 and the notch cover 816 are provided together on the entrance and exit side of the optical disc 5 of the casing 810 (the front side of the optical disc device 800). Further, the notch cover 8 16 is provided to be openable and closable, and the opening portion 814 is opened during the loading and unloading of the optical disk 5, and the opening portion 841 is closed during the recording and reproduction of the optical disk 5. Next, the optical disk device 700 will be described with reference to Figs. 4 and 5, and the internal configuration and operation of the optical disk device 700 will be described. As shown in FIG. 4 and FIG. 5, the optical disc device 700 mainly includes an optical disc drive unit D 1. for recording and reproducing data using the optical disc 5, and a label disposed on the opposite side of the data recording surface of the optical disc 5. The label printing unit L7 on the side of the surface (printing surface), that is, the upper portion of the optical disk unit D1, and the optical disk drive unit D1 are mainly provided with the housing 710 together with the upper cover 7 1 2 (all Referring to the front panel 714, the rear panel 716, and the two side panels 7 1 8 and 7 1 8 of FIGS. 1 and 2), the tray 720 is movably disposed by a predetermined loading mechanism. And a chuck 730 provided above the center portion of the disc loading portion 722 of the tray 720; and an optical pickup 7 as an information recording means provided under the tray 720 (on the data recording surface side of the optical disc 5) 4 0. The tray 720' is placed on the upper side of the slightly rounded recess, that is, the disc -15-200818138 is placed in the sheet loading portion 722, and the optical disc 5 is inserted into the interior of the optical disc device 700 or Discharge to the outside. The tray 720 is disposed to be movable back and forth in parallel in the radial direction of the optical disc 5, and the optical disc 5 is discharged from the front side (the side of the front panel 7 1 4) of the optical disc device 700 to the outside, or on the front side. Change the disc, etc. The chuck 730 is a member having a shaft at the center portion, and is a plate-shaped chuck support plate 73 2 having a substantially rectangular shape, and is mounted via a bearing (not shown). The chuck support plate 7 3 2 Support from the top. The chuck 7300 is attached to the axle portion of the spindle motor (not shown) for rotating the optical disk 5, which is provided on the lower side (data recording surface side) of the optical disk 5, and holds the optical disk 5 together with the optical disk 5 - Rotate. Further, both ends of the chuck support plate 723 in the long hand direction are attached to the upper surface of the side panel 718, and the chuck support plate 732 supports the chuck 730 at the center portion thereof. The optical pickup 740 is disposed below the tray 720, that is, on the recording surface side of the optical disc 5, and is movably disposed in the radial direction. Further, the optical pickup 740 has a lens 742 for irradiating the recording surface of the optical disc 5 with laser light, and the lens 742 condenses the laser light to illuminate the recording surface of the optical disc 5, whereby the data can be read. Record or regenerate. In the optical disk drive unit D7 of the optical disk device 700 having the above configuration, the optical disk 5 is placed on the disk loading portion 722 of the tray 720, and the tray 720 is moved inside the device, whereby the optical disk 5 is housed in the device. The inside is clamped by the axle portion of the spindle motor (not shown) and the chuck 73 0, and the optical disk 5 is rotated. In a state in which the optical disk 5 is rotated, the optical pickup 740 is moved in the radial direction, and is approached toward the data sheet of the optical disk 5 to record the laser light to read and write data. Further, the other configuration of the optical disk drive unit D7 is the same as that of the known optical disk drive, and therefore detailed description thereof will be omitted. The label printing portion L7 mainly includes: a print head 750; and a print head driving mechanism for moving the printing head 75 0 in the radial direction; and a print head maintenance for closing or cleaning the printing head 75 0 0 means. The print head 705 is configured such that the center of the optical disc 5 (or the chuck 730) is disposed on the side opposite to the front side (the front panel 714 side) of the optical disc device 70, and is also provided in the optical The pickup 740 is opposite to the optical disk 5 (on the label side of the optical disk 5), and is movable along the radial axis R (that is, in the radial direction of the optical disk 5). Further, an ink ejecting portion 750a is provided on the lower surface side of the printing head 705 (the label surface side of the optical disc 5), and the printing head 75 0 is moved toward the outer circumference or the inner circumference of the rotating optical disc 5 on the radial axis. At the same time, ink is ejected from the ink ejecting portion 250a, whereby the label surface of the optical disc 5 can be label printed. The print head 705 is held by three sides by a slightly C-shaped print head holder 725, and is mounted on the head support plate 754. On the upper side of the head support plate 754, two head drive bearing members 75 6 are provided on the left and right sides of the print head 75 0. Each of the head drive bearing members 759 is provided with a bearing (linear bearing) 756a that penetrates in a direction parallel to the radial direction. Further, the two head drive shafts 7 5 7 which are disposed in parallel (parallel to the radial direction) are provided through the inner circumferences of the two bearings 756a which are arranged in the radial direction. The two head drive shafts 7 are inserted. The two ends of the 5 7 (the end of the front panel 7 1 4 side and the end of the rear panel 7 1 6 side) are respectively supported by the same shaft support 17-200818138 holding member 75 8 . The print head drive mechanism mainly includes a head drive motor 760, a ball screw 762 coupled to the head drive motor 760, a bearing 764 through which the ball screw 762 is inserted, and a link connecting the bearing 764 and the head support member 754. The member 766, the support head drive motor 760, and the drive mechanism support member 768 of the ball screw 762 are constructed. The head drive motor 7 6 0 ' rotates the ball screw 7 6 2 by its power. The ball screw 762 extends in a direction parallel to the radial direction. The bearing 746 is configured to be movable in a parallel direction in the radial direction by the rotation of the ball screw 762. The coupling member 766 connects the bearing 764 and the head supporting member 754, and the head supporting member 754 can be moved in the parallel direction in the radial direction in accordance with the movement of the bearing 764. The drive mechanism supporting member 786 supports the coupling portion of the head drive motor 760 and the ball screw 762 and the tip end portion of the ball screw 762. Further, the shaft support member 75 8 and the drive mechanism support member 76 8 are attached to a plate-shaped support member provided on the upper portion, which is not shown. The print head maintenance means includes a closed lid accommodating portion 770 for accommodating the lid 772 and the waste ink absorber 774. The closing cover 772 is for suppressing the drying of the printing head. In the printing standby, the ink discharging portion 75 0a of the printing head 750 is covered by the closing cover 772. Further, the waste ink adsorber 774 is, for example, a printing error such that the ink discharge portion 250a is prevented from being clogged and the ink is not ejected, so that air is not mixed into the printing head and the air is sprayed. A place where ink is ejected from the ink discharge portion 75 5 a regardless of printing. The cover 772 and the waste ink adsorber 774 are housed in the closed cover -18-200818138 portion 770, which is disposed on the side opposite to the optical disk device 700 on the opposite side to the discharge side (the exit side) of the optical disk 5 (back) Panel 71 6 side). In the label printing portion L 7 of the optical disk device 7 having the above configuration, once the ball screw 7 6 2 is rotated by the rotation of the head driving motor 760, the bearing 764 is radially along the ball screw 762. Move in the parallel direction of the direction. Since the bearing 764 is coupled to the head support plate 7 54 via the coupling member 766, the head support plate 754 moves in the radial direction in accordance with the movement of the bearing 764. At this time, the inside of the head drive bearing member 759 is provided in the head support plate 753, and the head drive shaft 757 is inserted through the bearing 715a, so that the head support plates 754 are mutually connected. The two head driving shafts 757 provided in parallel with the radial direction are guided, and are linearly movable in the parallel direction in the radial direction. Here, since the print head 75 0 is disposed on the radial axis R toward the center thereof, the movement of the head support plate 754, that is, the movement of the bearing 764, can be directed to the optical disk on the radial axis. The inner circumferential direction and the outer circumferential direction are free to move. Thus, in the prior optical disc device 700, the print head 75 0 is moved on the radial axis R. However, the center portion of the optical disc 5 is provided with the chuck 73 0. Therefore, if the printing head 705 moves on the radial axis R, it may come into contact with the chuck 703. Therefore, in order to avoid such contact, the print head 75 0 cannot be moved to the vicinity of the inner circumference of the optical disc 5 (around the opening 5a), as shown in Fig. 6, the printable area is narrow in the previous optical disc device 700. It is difficult to perform label printing near the inner circumference of the optical disc 5, and there is such a problem. That is, if the previous optical disc device 700 is used for label printing, since the print head -19-200818138 7 50 cannot move to the vicinity of the inner circumference of the optical disc 5, as shown in the printing example of FIG. 7, on the optical disc 5 The field W near the inner circumference (around the opening 5a) is not printed smoothly. In addition, printing on the label side of the optical disc 5 is performed by converting the original information to be printed into polar coordinates. For example, in the case of the printing example of Fig. 7, in the case where the entire surface of the optical disk 5 is to be subjected to flat printing or the like, since the printable area is narrow as described above, the time required for printing increases, which causes such a problem. On the other hand, in order to avoid such a problem, a print head driving mechanism that can move the print head 750 in the radial direction of the optical disk 5 (the movable direction of the tray 720 that transports the optical disk 5) is provided, since the head drive Since the print head driving mechanism such as the motor 760 is larger than the width of the optical disc 5, the overall width of the optical disc device 700 becomes large, which also causes a problem of an increase in size of the apparatus. Therefore, among the optical disc devices 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 according to the first to sixth embodiments of the present invention described below, it is intended to be easily printed on the label side of the optical disc 5 to be recorded. The information corresponding to the data in the disc 5 not only makes the management of the optical disc medium easy, but also makes it easy to print near the inner circumference of the optical disc 5, and can even print at a high speed even when performing full printing, or repair the device. It is easy to carry out, and the movable range of the print head is changed to a position deviated from the radial axis R. Hereinafter, the optical disk devices 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 所述 according to the first to sixth embodiments of the present invention (the configuration and operation of the optical disk device 1 according to the first embodiment) will be described in detail - 20-200818138 First, the configuration of the optical disc device 100 as an example of the information recording apparatus according to the first aspect of the present invention will be described with reference to FIG. 8 and FIG. 9. FIG. 8 is a view showing the inside of the optical disc package according to the first embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 9 is a plan view showing the internal structure of the optical disc device 100 according to the first embodiment of the present invention. The optical disc device 100 according to the present embodiment is inserted into i as an information recording medium, and can be printed on the label side of the inserted optical disc 5; mainly includes: recording the data using the optical disc 5 and the disc unit D1; The label printing unit L1 is printed on the label side (printing surface) side of the data recording surface of the optical disc 5, that is, the upper portion of the optical disc drive unit D1. The optical disk drive unit D1 mainly has a front panel 1 1 4, a rear tray, and a tray 1 20 movably disposed in a loading mechanism defined by the two side panels 1 18 and 1 18; and The chuck 130 above the center portion of the disc loading portion 122 of the 120 is an optical pickup 1 as an information recording means under the tray 120 (on the side of the recording surface of the optical disc 5 of the optical disc device 100). < Tray 1 20, By sliding the predetermined loading mechanism (not shown from the inside of the optical disc device 1 to the outside, It is movably set up on the disc 5. also, The upper side of the tray 1 20, The recess having a slightly rounded shape which is slightly the same as the disc 5 is also the disc 1 22 . With the composition, The tray 120 is in the outer peripheral side or in the radial direction in a state where the disc 5 is placed on the disc mounting portion. Thereby, the optical disc 5 can be inserted into the inside of the optical disc device 100. Implementation form. In addition, in the state of 100, the disc 5 is used for label reproduction, and the opposite side of the label panel 1 1 6 is By being placed on the tray; And the information to be set D), On the other hand, the radial direction is formed by moving the side of the carrier on the carrier portion 122 or from the front side of the optical disk 21 - 200818138 device 100 (the side of the front panel 1 1 4) to the outside of the optical disk 5, etc. 3 0, It is a slightly disc-shaped member having a shaft at the center. Yes, a slightly rectangular plate-shaped chuck support plate 1 3 2, Installed through a bearing (not shown), The chuck support plate 1 32 is supported from the upper portion. also, The chuck 1 3 0 ′ is an axle portion of a spindle motor (not shown) for rotating the optical disk 5, which is provided on the lower side (data recording surface side) of the optical disk 5, Hold the disc 5, Rotate in conjunction with the disc 5 in a state of holding. on the other hand, One end of the chuck support plate 132 in the long hand direction is mounted on the side plate 1 18, The other end of the chuck support plate 1 3 2 supports the chuck 130°. The chuck support plate 1 3 2 can support the chuck 1 3 0 in a single-sided end state. Or the other end and the side panel 1 18 are connected by other components. Here, Regarding the configuration of the chuck support plate 1 3 2 described above, It is explained based on Fig. 1 and Fig. 11. In addition, Figure 1 and Figure 1 A perspective view for explaining a configuration example of the chuck supporting plate 133 described in the present embodiment. First of all, As shown in Figure 1, When the chuck support plate 132 is supported by the one-side end state, The length of the long-hand direction of the chuck support plate 1 3 2, The length is approximately equal to the length from the side panel 1 18 to the center of rotation of the disc 5, One end is mounted on the side panel 1 18, At the other end, the chuck 130 is mounted via a bearing 132a. The print head 150' of the present embodiment moves because it is offset from the center of rotation of the optical disc 5. Therefore, if the chuck support plate 1 32 is disposed so as to cross the optical disc device 1', the print head is hindered. 1 50 movement. but, As noted above, Since the chuck support plate 1 3 2 is only -22-200818138 until the center of rotation of the optical disc 5, the print head 150 is not in contact with the chuck support plate 1 32, The position deviated from the center of rotation of the optical disc 5 can be moved on the optical disc 5 in parallel with the radial direction. only, As noted above, If the chuck support plate 132 is in a single-hold state, Compared with the two ends of the chuck support plate as before, it is fixed, In the case where the chuck is supported in the central part, More unstable. therefore, As shown in Figure 11, Designed to avoid the area where the print head moves 150 (joined above the movement path of the print head), And a bridging member 1 3 4 for bridging the chuck support plate 1 3 2 and the side panel 1 1 8 is provided, Thereby, the chuck 130 support made by the chuck support plate 132 can be made more stable and reliable. In addition, at this time, Chuck support plate 1 3 2 and bridging member 1 3 4, Linked by the link 1 3 6 , The other end of the bridging member 1 3 4 is mounted on the side panel 118° optical pickup 140. Tightly below the tray 120, That is, on the recording side of the disc 5, It can be set to move in the radial direction. also, Optical pickup 1 4 0, A lens 142 is provided for illuminating the recording surface of the optical disk with a lens 142. The lens 142 condenses the laser light and illuminates the recording surface of the optical disk 5. This allows data to be recorded or reproduced. In the optical disk drive unit D1 of the optical disk device 100 having the above configuration, Yes, the optical disc 5 is placed on the disc loading portion 122 of the tray 12, Move the tray ι2〇 to the inside of the unit, Thereby, the optical disc 5 is housed inside the device. The disk 5 is rotated by the axle portion of the spindle motor (not shown) and the chuck 1 300. In a state where the optical disc 5 is rotated, The optical pickup 1 400 moves in a radial direction. The data facing the disc 5 is recorded as -23- 200818138. The recording surface is close to concentrating the laser light. Read and write data. In addition, Regarding the other configuration of the optical disk unit D1, Since the system is the same, Therefore, the detailed description is omitted. The label printing unit L1 according to the embodiment The main system has a brush head 1 500; And a moving means required to move the printing head 丨 5 平行 in the radial direction of the optical disc 5 at a position parallel to the center of rotation of the optical disc 5; And printing means for closing or cleaning the printing head 150. The print head 150 is configured to It is disposed on the opposite side of the optical pickup 5 to the optical pickup 5 (the label side of the optical disc 5), From the position where the diameter deviates from the (offset), It can move parallel to the radial direction (on the P axis). also, On the lower side of the print head 1 5 ( (on the side of the disc), There is an ink discharge part 1 500a, The print head 150 is offset from the open (biased) p-direction parallel to the radial direction while simultaneously rotating the disc 5 from the ink discharge portion 250a to the label surface of the disc 5 Label printing. Ink discharge portion 250a, Although not shown, However, it is formed by a nozzle which is plural in the direction parallel to the radial direction of the optical disc 5 (e.g., 300 to 400 in degree). a nozzle that is parallel to the radial direction, Can be a column, Can also be listed (for example, two columns), at this time, The nozzles are arranged two-dimensionally in parallel with the surface of the optical disc 5. also, Print head 1 50, It is held from three sides by a slightly C-shaped print head 152. It is mounted on the head support plate 154 and is known: Print Offset Print Head Repair 140 Opposite Axis R Figure 9 of the 5 mark is the ink that is removed from the shaft and placed at 40 μm on a multi-surface holder. The head-24-200818138 support plate 1 5 4 upper side is provided with two head drive bearing members 156 on the left and right sides of the print head 150. Each of the head drive bearing members i 5 6 is provided. Bearings (straight bearings) 156a that penetrate in parallel in the radial direction. also, Inserted through the inner circumference of two axes 1 5 6 a side by side in the radial direction, Two head drive shafts 1 5 7 which are arranged in parallel (parallel to the radial direction) are provided. One end of the shaft 1 5 7 for the head drive (the end of the panel 1 1 4 side), Attached to the inside of the device of the front panel 1 14; The other end of the shaft 1 5 7 for the head drive (the end of the rear panel 6 6 side), It is mounted on the same shaft support member 丨5 8 of the rear panel 1 16 〇 The print head moving means is mainly composed of: Head drive motor 160, Ball screw 1 6 2 which is connected to the head drive motor 160 Ball nut 1 64 that is passed by the ball screw 1 64 a connecting member 166 that connects the ball nut 1 64 and the head support member 1 5 4 , The ball screw support member 168 is provided in the middle of the ball screw 164. Head drive motor 1 6 0, The ball screw is turned 16 2 by its power. The ball screw 162 extends in a direction parallel to the radial direction. The ball nut 164 is configured to be movable in a parallel direction in the radial direction by the rotation of the ball screw 162. Connecting part 1 6 6, Attaching the bead nut 164 to the head support member 1 5 4 With the movement of the ball screw 164, Can make head support part 1 54, At a position deviated (biased) from the center of rotation of the optical disc 5, Moving in the radial direction parallel to the ball screw support member 1 6 8 It is a piece that supports the ball screw 62. Is supported by a ball screw support plate 1 6 8 A, Bearings are built in (not shown in the middle of the line, the front part is inserted and inserted in the middle of the roll cap) -25- 200818138 Ball screw support unit 168B, 168C made. In this embodiment, Ball screw support unit 1 6 8 B, 1 6 8 C is integrated. The ball screw 162 is a ball screw support unit 168B, After the 168C is inlaid through the bearing, It is concluded by a nut or the like which is not shown. also, The optical disk device 1 in the present embodiment can move the radial direction of the print head 150. For example, it is controlled by an limit sensor (not shown) or the like. Here, Limit sensor, Is the part used to control the printing area, Ideally set up, At least the ink discharge portion 150a of the print head 150 is at a position that can reach the peripheral portion on the back side of the optical disk 5. By setting the limit sensor in such a position, When the print head 150 prints the label side of the disc 5, Wide printable area, Printing near the inner circumference of the optical disc 5 is facilitated. Print head maintenance means, A cover accommodating portion 1 70 for accommodating the lid 1 72 and the waste ink absorber 1 74 is provided. Closed cover 1 72, Used to suppress the drying of the print head, In the printing standby, The ink discharge portion 15 0a of the print head 150 is covered by the lid 172. also, Waste ink adsorber 174, For example, In order to prevent the ink ejection portion 250a from being blocked and the ink from being ejected, a printing error occurs, It is a place where air is not mixed into the printing head 150 to be ejected (the ink is ejected from the ink ejecting unit 150a regardless of the label printing). The cover accommodating portion 1 7 〇' in which the cover i 72 and the waste ink adsorber i 74 are housed is disposed on the side opposite to the optical disk device 100 on the side opposite to the discharge side (the exit side) of the optical disk 5. (Rear panel 1 1 6 side). Here, Referring again to Figure 10 and Figure 1, Different from the previous one, The print head 150 does not run onto the radial axis. Therefore, the cover accommodating portion 170 including the cover 1 72 and the waste -26-200818138 ink adsorber 174, It is also configured to be offset (offset) from the radial axis. therefore, Even if the optical pickup 140 moves along the radial axis toward the rear side of the device, Nor does it contact the optical pickup 1 40 with the closed lid housing portion 170. Therefore, the cover accommodating portion 1 70 can be disposed closer to the front side of the device than before. The length of the optical device 1 径向 in the radial direction can be shortened. that is, The disc device 100 can be miniaturized. In the label printing portion L1 of the optical disk device 1A having the above configuration, Once the ball screw 1 62 is rotated by the rotation of the head drive motor 160, Then, the ball nut 164 moves in the radial direction along the ball screw 126. Since the ball nut 1 64 is coupled to the head support plate 154 through the coupling member 166, Therefore, the head support plate 154 cooperates with the movement of the ball nut 164. On the other hand, the position deviated from the center of rotation of the optical disk 5 is moved in the radial direction. at this time, The inside of the head bearing member 1 56 is provided on the head support plate 1 54. It is inserted through the shaft 157 through the bearing 156a. Therefore, the head support plate 1 54 is guided by the two head drive shafts 1 57 which are disposed parallel to each other in the radial direction, On the other hand, the position deviated from the center of rotation of the optical disk 5 can be linearly moved in the parallel direction in the radial direction. also, Print head 1 500 Different from the previous one, Is configured such that its center will be biased toward the radial axis R. Therefore, it can be accompanied by the movement of the head support plate 1 5 4 , That is, the movement of the ball nut 1 64, At a position offset from the radial axis R, In a direction parallel to the radial direction, The inner circumference and the outer circumference of the optical disc 5 are freely moved. also, The print head 150 is configured, The field containing the optical disc 5 is divided into two fields which are divided by the moving direction of the optical pickup 140 (that is, the radial direction - 27 - 200818138 axis R in the present embodiment). In the field of the downstream side of the optical pickup 140, with respect to the rotational direction of the optical disc 5, More ideal. therefore, In this embodiment, If the disc 5 is rotated clockwise in Fig. 8 or Fig. 9, Then, the print head 150 is arranged in the right field which is divided by the radial axis R, More ideal. This is because, Suspended ink spouted from the print head 150 Although it travels toward the outside of the optical disc 5 due to the air current generated by the rotation of the optical disc 5, However, if the print head 150 is offset from the upstream side of the optical pickup 1404 (the left side of FIG. 8 and FIG. 9 with respect to the radial axis R), The suspended ink can easily reside on the side of the optical pickup 140. The reason is that the optical pickup 140 is contaminated. on the other hand, If the print head 150 is disposed offset from the downstream side of the optical pickup 140 (the right side with respect to the radial axis R in FIGS. 8 and 9), Then, since the ink flows toward the side panel 1 18, So for example, An ink absorber or the like is provided on the side panel 1 18, It is possible to prevent contamination of the optical pickup 140, Easy to recycle floating ink (ink mist). Here, Based on Figure 1 2 and Figure 13, The operation and effect of the optical disc device 100 according to the present embodiment will be described. In addition, Fig. 12 is a view for explaining comparison between the printable area when the optical disk device 7 00 is used and the printable area when the optical disk device 1 of the present embodiment is used; (a) when using the previous disc device 700, (b) A case where the optical disk device 100 according to the embodiment is used. also, Fig. 13 is an explanatory view showing a printing example when the optical disk device 100 described in the embodiment is used. As shown in Figure 12 (a), In the previous optical disc device 700, Since the print head 705 moves on the radial axis R, Therefore, in order to avoid inadvertent contact with components such as the clip 730 - 200818138, Cannot move to the inner circumference of the disc 5, As mentioned above, Printing near the inner circumference of the optical disc 5 is difficult (Fig. 6). But at the same time, As shown in Fig. 12(b), the optical disc device 1 of the present invention is disposed in the 'and previously different' print head iso, Will pass the rotation center of the disc 5, The position shifted (biased) from the radial axis R of the radial path of the optical disk 5 is moved toward the position where the center comes forward. therefore, Since the print head 1 500 does not touch parts such as 1 3 0, Therefore, the printing area can be widerned than before. According to the optical disc device 100 according to the embodiment, Then, it is possible to print the vicinity of the inner circumference (the area W around the opening 5a). E.g, As shown in Figure 13. Even when printing on the label side of the disc 5, Also using the same as the previous optical disc device 700 shown in FIG. 6, According to the optical disc device 1 according to the embodiment, Then, the pattern W can be printed in the field W near the inner circumference of 5. also, If the optical disc device 1 according to the configuration is Then, by expanding the area as described above, Even when the label side of the disc 5 is completely printed, Also shorten printing time, High speed printing. also, In the optical disc device 100 according to the embodiment, The discharge operation of the optical disc 5 caused by the loading means 1 20 of the optical disc device 100 being inserted into the optical disc device 100 can also be performed. To print labels. As shown in Figure 14, In the case where only the text information recorded in the disc 5 is recorded, When the discharge of the optical disc 5 from the optical disc device 100 is performed (Fig. 14 is the discharge of the optical disc 5 (the direction is indicated by E), Control the print head 150 to discharge the ink. (Refer to the configuration, it is aligned parallel. Available in and chucks. Therefore, it is easy to carry out the operation of the optical disc 5, and the optical disc can be used in a large capacity according to the actual wide printing. For example, The front side of the eject) is printed -29- 200818138 text information, The printing result as shown in Fig. 14 can be easily obtained. That is, in this embodiment, Since the print head 150 is disposed at a position offset from the center of the optical disc 5, Therefore, the tray 120 moves the optical disk 5 toward the outer periphery thereof in order to discharge the optical disk 5 to the outside of the optical disk device 1', Thereby, the print head 15 5 can be relatively moved to the optical disc 5. Therefore, If the print head 150 is printed on the optical disc 5 once or plural times, the information such as characters or graphics can be printed. The label printing can be performed by the discharge operation of the optical disc 5. In addition, On the occasion of the discharge of the disc 5, Whether or not the print head 1 50 is activated, As long as the print head 150 is moved in the opposite direction to the discharge direction of the optical disc 5, Even if the print head 1 50 is not operated, It can also be printed at high speed. also, The printing example shown in Fig. 14, As a print head 1 50, A plurality of nozzles are arranged in a parallel direction in the radial direction of the optical disc 5 (for example, 300 to 400 are arranged side by side in a row or two in a gap of 40 // m). Making the print head 1 500, Move one or more times on the disc 5 for label printing, Available. The effect of the optical disk device 100 described in the first embodiment described above is The optical disc device 200 according to the second to sixth embodiments to be described later, 300, 400, The same is true for 500 and 600 hours. then, Based on Figure 15 5, An example of the configuration of an ink jet type printing head used for label printing will be described. In addition, Fig. 15 (a) is a perspective view showing a schematic configuration of a printing head 150 in the first embodiment of the present invention; (b) is a perspective view showing a schematic configuration of the print head 250 in the second embodiment of the present invention to be described later. -30- 200818138 The print head 1 5 所述 according to the first embodiment of the present invention, As indicated by the Commission (a), The print head 丨5 具有 having the ink discharge portion i 50a is an example in which the groove portions are integrally formed. on the other hand, The print head 250 of the second embodiment of the present invention, As shown in Figure 15 (b), The print head 250 having the ink portion 25a is detachably coupled to the ink groove portion 251 via a connection therebetween. In addition, No matter which example, The input portion of the signal with ink and spit is omitted. (Configuration and operation of the optical disc device 2000 according to the second embodiment) Based on Figure 16 and Figure 17A, Description Illustrated as a print head The print head 250 having the ink discharge portion 250h and the ink tank are configured to be a separate optical disc device 200 according to the second embodiment of the present invention. In addition, Fig. 16 is a plan view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device 200 according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 17 is a plan view showing the internal configuration of the optical disk device according to the second embodiment of the present invention. The optical disc device 200 according to the embodiment, Is inserted into the light] as an information recording medium, Printing can be performed on the label side of the inserted optical disc 5; Mainly have: Use CD 5 for data recording and re-disc machine part D2; And on the side of the label side (print side) of the data recording surface of the optical disc 5, That is, the label printing portion L2 which is printed on the upper portion of the optical disk drive unit D2. CD player part D2, The system mainly has: Front panel 214, Behind , Located on 2 side panels 2 1 8 In the area surrounded by 2 1 8 : The mouth map 15 and the ink application form, the water discharge portion 259 to control) is the first view recorded by the use portion 25 1 . Set 200 ® 5 for row labeling Raw light Reverse row label plate 2 1 6 Tray 2 2 0 movably set by the loading mechanism specified in -31 - 200818138; And a chuck 230 disposed above the central portion of the disc loading portion (not shown) of the tray 220; And an optical pickup 240 as an information recording means provided under the tray 220 (on the data recording surface side of the optical disc 5 inserted into the optical disc device 200). In addition, The configuration and operation of the optical disk drive unit D2 of the optical disk device 200 according to the present embodiment are The configuration and operation of the optical disk drive unit D1 of the optical disk device 100 according to the first embodiment are the same. Therefore, the description is omitted here. Label printing department L2, The system mainly has: Print head 250; And a printing head moving means required to move the print head 250 in a radial direction parallel to the optical disk 5 at a position deviated from the center of rotation of the optical disk 5; And a print head maintenance means for closing or cleaning the print head 25 0. The print head 25 is configured to It is disposed on the opposite side of the optical pickup 52 with respect to the optical disc 5 (on the label side of the optical disc 5), Offset from the radial axis R (offset), It can be moved parallel to the radial direction (on the Ρ axis of Figure 17Β). also, On the lower side of the print head 250 (the label side of the disc 5), An ink discharge portion 25 0a is provided, The print head 25 0 is moved on the P axis parallel to the radial direction from the radial axis R (offset), At the same time, the ink is ejected from the ink ejecting portion 250a to the rotating optical disc 5, Thereby, the label surface of the optical disc 5 can be label printed. Here, As above, The print head 250 of the embodiment, It is set to be separable from the ink tank portion 251. The position of the ink groove portion 25 1 is fixed to the front side of the optical disk device 200, and is not moved. Only the print head 25 0 can be offset from the center of rotation of the disc 5, Constructed parallel to the radial direction -32- 200818138. In this embodiment, Ink slot portion 25 1, Have a containment 黄 (yellow), M (magenta), C (blue), The structure of the ink of the four colors of K (black) is arranged. An ink tube 2 5 1 a (four in total) is attached to each ink cartridge. The print head 250 is attached to the label, The ink is supplied from these ink tubes 2 5 1 a. also, The print head 250 is a print head holder 2 5 2 that is slightly rectangular. Keep it from above. The head holder 2 5 2 is provided with two head lifting shafts 252a. The two head raising/lowering shafts 252a are fitted to the two through holes 254a of the head supporting plate 254 formed in a substantially T shape. The upper part is fixed by a fixing screw (not shown). By using the head lifting shaft 2 52a, The vertical movement of the print head 25 0 can be guided. The lower side of the head support plate 2 54 A head drive bearing member 25 6 that extends to the left and right (the direction perpendicular to the radial direction) is attached. Bearings (linear bearings) 2 5 6 a are provided on the left and right sides of the head drive bearing member 2 5 6 , respectively. Bearing 2 5 6a, Passing in parallel in the radial direction, By inserting the inner circumference of the bearing 2 5 6a, Two head drive shafts 257 arranged in parallel (parallel to the radial direction) are provided. Both ends of the two head drive shafts 25 7 are supported by the same head drive shaft 2 57. In addition, The detailed configuration of the print head holder 252 will be described later. Printing head moving means, The main line is: Head drive motor 260, a ball screw 262 coupled to the head drive motor 260, a ball nut 264 that is inserted by the ball screw 262, a coupling member 266 that connects the ball nut 264 and the head drive bearing member 256, A ball screw support member 26 that is provided in the middle of the ball screw 264 Limit sensor 291, 294 -33- 200818138 Composition. Head drive motor 2 6 0, The ball screw 2 62 is rotated by its power. The ball screw 262 is extended in a direction parallel to the radial direction. The ball nut 264 is configured such that By the rotation of the ball screw 262, it is possible to move in the parallel direction in the radial direction. Connecting component 266, The ball nut 264 is coupled to the head drive bearing member 256. With the movement of the ball nut 264, The head drive bearing member 256 can be At a position deviated (biased) from the center of rotation of the optical disc 5, Move in the parallel direction of the radial direction. Ball screw support member 268, Is a component that supports the ball screw 262, Is supported by a ball screw support plate 268Α, A ball screw support unit 268, in which a bearing (not shown) is housed, 268C made. In this embodiment, Ball screw support unit 268Β, The 268C is made up of one body. The ball screw 2 62 is a ball screw support unit 26 8 , 26 8C is inlaid through the bearing, It is concluded by a nut or the like which is not shown. also, In the optical disc device 200 according to the embodiment, The radial direction of the print head 250 can be moved, For example, it is controlled by the limit sensor 291 or the like. in particular, Limit sensor 29 1, For example, it is configured as a light sensor of a slightly C-shape, A light-emitting element and a light-receiving element (not shown) are provided. The light-emitting element and the light-receiving element are disposed opposite to each other, Light emitted from the light-emitting element, The light receiving element is received by the light receiving element through the concave portion 29 1a in the vertical direction. on the other hand, In the connecting member 266 of the printing head moving means, There is a visor 292 for the limit sensor, It is provided by a slightly L-shaped visor support member 293. -34- 200818138 Here, The limit sensor 2 9 1 ' is the part used to control the printing area. Ideally set up, At least the ink discharge portion 25 0a of the print head 250 is at a position that can reach the peripheral portion on the back side of the optical disk 5. By setting the limit sensor 2 9 1 in such a position, When the print head 250 prints the label side of the disc 5, The printable area can be widened to make printing near the inner circumference of the optical disc 5 easy. Print head maintenance means, In Figure 16 and Figure 17 A, Although it is located below the print head 250 or the print head holder 2 5 2 and the like, it is invisible. However, the cover accommodating portion 270 for accommodating the closing cover 272 and the waste ink adsorber 274 is provided (see Fig. 17B). Closed cover 272, Used to suppress the drying of the print head, In the printing standby, The ink discharge portion 250 0a of the print head 250 is covered by the lid 272. also, Waste ink adsorber 274, For example, In order to prevent the ink ejection portion 250a from being blocked and the ink from being ejected, a printing error occurs, It is a place where air is not mixed into the printing head 250 to perform air ejection (discharge of ink from the ink discharge portion 25 0a regardless of label printing). The closing cover 272 and the closed lid accommodating portion 274 in which the waste ink adsorber 274 is housed, The rear side of the optical disc device 200 on the side opposite to the discharge side (the exit side) of the optical disc 5 (the rear panel 2 16 side) is provided. Here, The print head 250 does not run onto the radial axis. Therefore, the lid accommodating portion 270 including the lid 272 and the waste ink adsorber 274 is Also configured to be offset (offset) from the radial axis, Therefore, regarding the miniaturization of the optical disk device 200, The same as the case of the optical disk device 100 described in the third embodiment. The above has been described with respect to the configuration of the optical disc device 200. But from -35- 200818138 based on Figure 17A and Figure 17B, The operation of the label printing unit L2 having the light 2 of the above configuration will be described. In addition, Fig. 17B shows a state in which the inside of the optical disk device 200 according to the second embodiment is in a state in which the print head 250 is printing a label. Figure 17A is a diagram, The print head 250 runs to the retracted position to wait. If you start from this state, The bead screw 262 rotates by the rotation of the head drive motor 260, Then, the ball nut 264 moves in the radial direction along the ball screw. The ball nut 264 is coupled to the head drive bearing member 256 via the connection 266. Therefore, the head driving member 25 6 cooperates with the movement of the ball nut 264. And moving in the radial direction at a position where the optical disc 5 is deviated. at this time, The inside of the bearing member 256 to be set, It is inserted through the shaft 25 7 through the bearing 25 6a. Therefore, the head drive bearing member 256 is guided by the two head drive shafts 25 7 provided in the radial direction, and is moved linearly in the radial direction at a position shifted from the center of rotation of the optical disk 5. Furthermore, Print head 25 0, It is coupled to the head drive bearing member 256 through the head support portion. Therefore, the movement of the print head 250 and the ball nut 246 is coordinated. The position shifted by the center of rotation of the optical disc 5 moves in the parallel direction in the radial direction. Here, Print head 2 5 0, Different from the previous one, The center is configured to be offset from the radial axis R. Therefore, the movement of the head drive bearing member 256 can be That is, the ball nut 2 6 4 , At a position offset from the radial axis R, Parallel to the radial direction, The inner circumference and the outer circumference of the optical disc 5 move freely. Dish device, the invention, The shape of the machine makes the roller 262 and the component are rotated by the bearing. And the direction of the direction 254 is the direction of departure to make it accompany the movement -36- 200818138 More specifically, The print head 250 is offset from the radial axis, As shown in Figure 17A, Print head 250, The line can be moved at a position that does not interfere with the chuck 203 or the optical pickup 240 (in Fig. 17A, the dotted line is pulled in parallel with the radial direction at a position offset from the chuck 230 or the optical pickup 240, It is indicated that the print head 250 is located at a position to the right of the dotted line). also, The print head 250 is configured, In the two fields in which the field including the optical disc 5 is divided along the moving direction of the optical pickup 240 (that is, the radial axis R in the present embodiment), Relative to the direction of rotation of the optical disc 5, in the field of the downstream side of the optical pickup 240, More ideal. therefore, In this embodiment, The disc 5 is rotated clockwise in Fig. 16 or Fig. 17A, etc. Then, the print head 250 is arranged in the right field which is divided by the radial axis R, More ideal. This is because, Suspended ink spouted from the print head 250 Although it travels toward the outside of the optical disc 5 due to the air current generated by the rotation of the optical disc 5, However, if the print head 25 is offset from the upstream side of the optical pickup 240 (the left side in FIG. 16 and FIG. 17A with respect to the radial axis R), Then the suspended ink will easily reside on the side of the optical pickup 240. The pollution optical pickup is 2,400. on the other hand, If the print head 250 is offset from the downstream side of the optical pickup 240 (the right side of the radial direction R is shown in FIG. 16 and FIG. Then, since the ink flows toward the side panel 2 1 8 , So for example, An ink absorber or the like is disposed on the side panel 2 18, It can prevent contamination of the optical pickup 2 4 0, Easy to recycle floating ink (ink mist) ° Then, As above, In this embodiment, The radial direction of the print head 250 -37-200818138 The movement in the parallel direction, It is controlled by the limit sensor 29 1 . That is, The print head 250 is moved toward the front side of the device. As shown in Figure 7B, The limit sensor shutter 292 is located in the recess 291a' of the limit sensor 291, and the limit sensor shutter 292 blocks the light passing through the recess 291a. in this way, The light receiving element of the limit sensor 291 cannot receive light from the light emitting element. Thereby, the print head 250 can be controlled from moving further toward the front side of the apparatus. Here, in the example above, Although an example in which the print head 250 is always linearly moved in the parallel direction of the radial direction is explained, But the print head 250, It is not always necessary to move in a direction parallel to the radial direction as long as it can move without interference with the chuck 230 or the optical pickup 240. only, In order to enable the printing of the label on the optical disc 5 to be performed at a high speed, The print head 250 can also be, During at least the movement on the disc 5, Moving in a direction parallel to the radial direction of the optical disc 5, After running away from the disc 5, it moves in a direction that is not parallel to the radial direction. An example of the movement of such a print head 250 This will be explained based on Fig. 18. In addition, Fig. 18 is an explanatory diagram showing an example of the movement trajectory of the printing head 25 0 described in the second embodiment of the present invention. As shown in Figure 18, The print head 250 is assumed to move at the position of (A) (the position where the print head 250 is a solid line) or the position of (B) (the position indicated by a dotted line at the position of (A)). Label printing. in this way, Print head 250, When label printing is performed on the disc 5, the printable area can be increased. From the point of view of high-speed printing, Ideally, At least linearly move on an axis parallel to the radial axis R. but, Print -38- 200818138 Brush head 25 0, Once the system runs away from the disc 5, Move to the position where the brush is not being applied (for example, moving from the position of (B) in the figure to (C when setting), Then the print head 250 does not necessarily need to move linearly. It is also possible to move in a direction not parallel to the radial axis R. that is, Print head 250, When not printing labels, it is placed in the middle, Carry out maintenance such as cleaning, Or to prevent the ink discharge portion 25 0a from being closed, But the retreat position, It is not necessary to position (contact) a member such as an optical pickup (not shown) that moves on the radial axis R. therefore, The retracted position is preferably not as close as to the side near the outer periphery of the optical disc 5 (near the side panel 2 1 8 side). Therefore, it can also be configured as When the print head 25 0 moves from the disc 5 to the retracted position, It can be more outward than when printing labels, Move in a direction that is not parallel to the radial axis R. In addition, Easy label printing or printing speed, etc. Then, even if the print head 250 is on the disc 5, As long as it does not interfere with the components such as the clamping table 230, It does not have to be linearly transported on the axis parallel to the radial axis R. The specific mechanism required for the traversing print head 250 shown in Fig. 18 is illustrated based on Figs. In addition, Figure 1 is a perspective view showing the configuration of the optical disk device according to a modification of the embodiment; Figure 1 is a perspective view showing the main part of the optical disk device shown in Figure 19. Fig. 2 is a plan view showing the constitution of the optical disk device. In addition, the same configuration as that of the second embodiment will be omitted. As shown in Figure 19 to 2, The upper part of the print head 250, a print head holder 2 9 6 that is configured to hold the print head 250 The position of the print head label) is even in the center of the interference, such as drying, etc. If you think about being in the light, you can move it. Trace to move this implementation 2 〇 1 1 diagram of the invention useful retainer -39- 200818138 2 96 above, A print head guide pin 296a for guiding the movement of the print head 25 is provided. also, At print head holder 296, A through hole (not shown) through which the side surface penetrates in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction is provided by the through hole. The head traverse shaft 297 is inserted through the linear bearing 296b'. The head is traversing the shaft 297, One end is embedded in a through hole 298a formed in the first shaft support member 298, The other end is mounted on the second shaft support member 299. The second axis support member 299, It is a part of a slightly L-shaped type. It is mounted on the head drive bearing member 256. also, To cover the field of movement of the print head 250 from above the device, A print head guide disk 295 is provided. The length of the print head guide disk 295 (the length in the direction parallel to the radial direction), The system and the head drive shaft 257 are substantially the same, The width of the print head guide disk 29 5 (width perpendicular to the radial direction), The length of the tether support member 258 is substantially the same. The print head guide 295, There is a print head guiding groove 295a for guiding the movement of the printing head 25 0, By fitting the print head guide pin 296 in the print head guiding groove 295a, Print head 250, Guided by the print head guiding groove 295a, Moving along the print head guiding groove 295a. In this variation, The printing head guiding groove 2 9 5 a is attached to the optical disc 5, Formed in a straight line parallel to the radial direction, The predetermined position on the outer side of the outer circumference of the optical disc 5 is bent at a predetermined angle, It is formed linearly in a direction non-parallel to the radial direction. therefore, Print head 25 0, Guided by the print head guiding groove 295a, When moving to the disc 5, it moves in a direction parallel to the radial direction. After running outside the disc 5, Then moving in a direction non-parallel to the radial direction -40-200818138 L2 setting cap shifting disk structure system structure Fig. 9 Figure tnzr ink printing motion Next, Referring to Figures 17A and 17B, The operation of the label printing unit of the optical disc device 200 according to the second embodiment of the present invention will be described. As shown in FIG. 17B, Ball nut 264, On the front side of the disc 200, After moving to the portion where the ball screw support member 268 is located, it is locked at this position. The print head 250 is movable to a position corresponding to the locking position of the ball screw 246. therefore, The print head 250 can be moved from the position shown in Fig. 17A to the position shown in Fig. 17B. The ink is ejected from the ink discharge portion 250a while moving, Thereby, the light 5 can be label printed. then, Based on Figure 22 to Figure 25, For example, the print head 250 according to the second embodiment of the present invention is described. The configuration of the cap closing machine for closing the print head and the cleaning mechanism for cleaning and its operation. In addition, Figure 22 is a print head 250 according to the embodiment; An oblique view of the closure mechanism and the cleaning mechanism; Figure 23 is a print head 250 according to the embodiment; An oblique view of the cover mechanism and the cleaning mechanism as viewed from the underside of the optical disc device; 24(a) is a plan view showing the configuration of the cleaning mechanism according to the embodiment. Fig. 24 (b) is a squint of the constitution of the cleaning mechanism according to the embodiment: Fig. 25 is a perspective view showing the printing head 250 and the closing cover 272 according to the embodiment. As shown in Figure 22 and Figure 23, Below the print head 25 0, A water cover 272 and a wiper 28 such as an example of a cleaning mechanism are provided. In addition, About the brush head 2 50, Print head holder 2 5 2 Head support substrate 2 5 4, Head drive bearing parts 2 5 6, The composition of bearing 2 5 6 a, As already mentioned above, Detailed description is omitted here. -41 - 200818138 Print head holder 2 5 2 is as described above, It is inserted through two head lifting shafts 2 52a which are arranged side by side in the direction parallel to the radial direction. The upper portion is fitted to the two through holes 254a formed in the head supporting substrate 254. The head support substrate 254 is fixed to a fixing screw (not shown). In a through hole (not shown) through which the head raising/lowering shaft 252a of the head holder 2 52 is inserted, There are 2 linear roller bearings 252d embedded in the system. Limiting the movement of the head lifting shaft 252a in the horizontal direction, It can only move in the vertical direction. also, On the side of the print head holder 252, A guide pin 252b is provided. When the print head 250 moves, The guide pin 252b is disposed on the guide rail 276 extending in the direction parallel to the radial direction on the side of the print head 25 0. The movement of the print head 25 is thereby guided. also, The end of the guide rail 276 on the rear side of the optical disc device 200, It is formed with an inclined surface 276a. When the print head 250 is closed, First of all, The guide pin 2 52 is moved along the upper surface of the guide rail 276 in the direction parallel to the radial direction toward the rear side of the device. With this, The print head 25, which is held by the print head holder 252, also moves toward the rear side of the apparatus in a direction parallel to the radial direction. then, By the guide pin 252b moving obliquely downward along the inclined surface 276a of the guide rail 276, The print head 250 that is held by the print head holder 252 is also moved obliquely downward. The ink discharge portion 250a is closed by closing the lid 272. Here, The guide pin 252b is moved obliquely downward along the inclined surface 276a of the guide rail 276. The head drive shaft 257 is used to guide the movement in a direction parallel to the radial direction. The movement in the vertical direction is guided by the head raising and lowering shaft 25 2a. In addition, The print head holder 25 2 is formed with a long hole 252c in a direction parallel to the radial direction of -42 - 200818138 in the longitudinal direction thereof, The long hole 252c is used to supply ink to the ink tube 278 of the print head 250. Ink tube 278, The ink groove portion 251 (see FIG. 15) is connected in a free shape and is connected thereto. Referring to Figure 25, The configuration of the print head 250 and the cover 272 will be described. As shown in Figure 25 (a), An ink supply hole 250b is provided on the upper surface side of the printing head 25 0. The number of ink supply holes 250b, In this embodiment, it is one, because it is a monochrome example. But if it is colored, it is blue, Magenta, 3 of the yellow, Or add 4 to black. also, As shown in Figure 2 5 (c), The lower side of the print head 250, And the ink supply hole 250b is connected, Along the longitudinal direction of the printing head 25 0 (in the present embodiment, it is a direction parallel to the radial direction), An ink discharge portion 250a is formed. The ink discharge portion 250a, There are nozzles (ink discharge ports) arranged in parallel directions in the radial direction of the optical disc 5. The closing cover 2 7 2 ′ is configured to prevent the ink from the ink discharging unit 25 0a from drying out. Instead, the printing head 250 can be closed by covering the ink discharging unit 250°. also, As shown in Figure 25 (b), The closing cover 272 has a slightly rectangular parallelepiped shape. On the upper side (printing head 250 side), A head accommodating portion 272a, which is a recess for accommodating the ink discharge portion, is formed. In addition, As shown in Figure 23, In the closing cover 272 of the present embodiment, a hollow is formed on the back side of the bottom of the head receiving portion 272a. The bottom surface of the closure 272 is open. also, The closing cover 272' must be disposed at a position far from the rear of the optical pickup 240 in order to avoid interference with the printing head 250 and the optical pickup 240. However, if the optical disk apparatus 200' according to the present embodiment is movable at a position offset from the radial axis R, the print heads 250-43 - 200818138 are moved. Therefore, even if the closing cover 272 is not disposed at a position far from the rear of the optical pickup 240, Therefore, the size of the rear side of the optical disc device 200 can be reduced. then, Except for Figures 22 and 23, Also add Figure 24, The configuration of the cleaning mechanism described in the embodiment will be described. The cleaning mechanism described in this embodiment, By a wiper 2 80 that moves in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction, And its drive mechanism. Scrape 280, There is a wiping head 280a at its tip end. The wiping head 2 8 0a, For example, it has a structure in which two elastic members such as rubber are laminated. also, Scratch 2 8 0, Driven by the wiper drive motor 2 8 1 , The wiper arm 282 is coupled to the wiper arm 282 by the wiper joint portion 284. The wiper 280 is disposed on the lower side of the wiper portion support plate 287. The wiper joint portion 284 disposed on the upper side of the wiper portion support plate 287, It is connected to the wiper 280 by a through hole or a notch (none of which is shown) formed in the wiper portion support plate 287. Wiper drive motor 2 8 1, It is fixed to the wiper portion support plate 287. also, As shown in Figure 24, The wiper drive shaft 2 8 1 a is set in such a manner as to pass through the wiper drive motor 281 A pressing portion 281b is provided at one end of the wiper drive shaft 28 1a (the end on the side of the wiper arm 2 82). One end of the wiper arm 282, It is connected by the bolt 2 83. One end of the latch 283 is fixed to the wiper portion support plate 287. also, The other end of the wiper arm 282, It is coupled to the wiper coupling portion 284 through the joint portion 284a. also, At the wiping joint 284, For example, two through holes 2 8 5 are formed in the vertical direction. Two of the brush drive shafts 286 are inserted into the through holes 28 5 . The two wiper drive shafts 2 8 6, The extensions in the direction perpendicular to the radial direction -44 - 200818138 are arranged flush with each other. Scraper drive shaft 286, Although in Figure 22, 23 and 24(a) are not shown for convenience. But as shown in Figure 24(b), a wiper holding member 2 8 8 that is mounted at a slight C The latching member 2 8 also holds the latch 2 83. The description of the cleaning mechanism of the present embodiment having the above configuration is as follows. First of all, Once the drive shaft 2 8 1 a is moved to the wiper arm 2 8 2 by the rotation of the wiper drive motor 2 8 1 , Then, the pressing portion 281b of the tip end portion of the wiper drive shaft presses the wiper arm 282 toward the moving direction of the wiper drive 201 1a. By this pressure, The wiper arm 2 8 2 is pivoted as a fulcrum, for example, in a counterclockwise direction. then, With the rotation of the wiping arm 282, The joint portion 284a is coupled to the wiper joint portion 284 of the scraper 282, Is one side of the wiper drive shaft 286, One side moves along the axis 286 in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction. Scratch 2 80, The movement of the wiper joint portion 284 is linearly moved toward the print head 25 0 side in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction. on the other hand, When the wiper arm 282 is intended to be rotated in the clockwise direction, the elastic member (not shown) such as a spring can be used to restore the rotation. That is, for example, Once the motor is driven by the wiper drive motor 28 1 and turned upside down, The wiper drive shaft 28 1 a is moved toward the side of the wiper arm 282, Then, the pressing portion 281b will leave from the wiping arm 282. The pressing force by 28 1b is applied to the wiping arm 2 82. therefore, Arm 2 8 2, For example, by the restoring force of the above elastic member, And can be used in the shape of a square, Work, And the 28 1 a moving shaft is linearly guided by the brush arm. Sexually Then force and remember the opposite side of the pressure part of the scraping clock -45- 200818138 ground rotation. in this way, The wiper 2 80 can be moved toward the opposite side of the opposite side of the brush head 250 side. By rotating the drive motor and reverse rotation in this way, The wiper 280 can take the exit of the print head 250 (not shown), It is cleaned with a wiping head 2 80a. (Configuration and operation of the optical disc device 300 according to the third embodiment) Based on Figure 26 to Figure 30, The configuration and operation of the information recording apparatus 300 according to the third aspect of the present invention will be described. In addition, A replacement method diagram of the print head 75 0 in the previous optical disc device 700; FIG. 2 is an explanatory diagram of a method of replacing the 305 in the optical disc device 300 according to the embodiment; Figure 2 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the disk device 300 of the present embodiment; Figure 29 is a plan view showing the internal configuration of the optical disk device 300 of the present embodiment; Fig. 30 is a perspective view showing the configuration of a tray as a loading means in the optical disk device 300 of the embodiment. First of all, As shown in Figure 26, The previous optical disc device 700 is moved on the radial axis at the print head 75 5 . Therefore, it is possible to move to the front of the device to the front of the components disposed on the chuck (not shown) or the optical pickup (not shown). then, Print head 7 5 0 , The upper cover 712 of the housing 710 of the optical disc device 700 must be removed from the upper portion of the disc device 700. Remove the old print head 75 0 'an print head 7 5 0 ', To replace the print head. therefore, The upper side of the optical disk unit 7 has a space for the print head. also, If there is no such space, Consider the installation of the optical disc (injection of ink from the ink mark 2). The description of the shape of the print head is described in the print head. Replaced by the radial direction of the side system, Take the new replacement unit 700 -46- 200818138 and pull it out from the front. However, there are usually wiring cables such as power cables or signal cables behind the device. Therefore, it is necessary to unplug the wiring device when the optical disk device 700 is taken out. Not very ideal. In addition, The description of the configuration of the prior optical disc device has been omitted as described above. on the other hand, As shown in Figure 27 to Figure 29, In the optical disc device 300 according to the embodiment, The print head 350 is movable at a position offset from the radial axis R. therefore, a chuck 330 or an optical pickup 340 or the like that is disposed on the radial axis R, Does not interfere with the print head 350 Therefore, the print head 350 can be moved to the vicinity of the front panel 3 1 4 of the optical disc device 300. then, Before. An opening (not shown) is provided on the panel 3 14 at a position corresponding to the movement axis P of the printing head 350, and an openable and closable print head replacement cover 3 1 9 is provided in the opening, thereby not even The upper cover 312 of the optical disk unit 3 can be removed, and the replacement of the print head 350 can be performed from the front side of the device. That is, after the print head 350 is moved to the front of the front panel 314 by the print head driving mechanism including the head drive motor 3 60 or the like, as shown in FIG. 27, the print head replacement cover 3 1 9 is opened and taken out. The old print head 350' replaces the new print head 350, whereby the print head 350 can be easily replaced from the front side of the optical disc device 300. Therefore, it is not necessary to reserve the space for replacing the print head above the optical disk device 300 as before. Even if there is no such space, it is not necessary to extract the entire optical disk device 300 from the front. In particular, in the case of an ink jet type print head, it is necessary to repair the head when the head is clogged, or to replace the print head with ink consumption. Therefore, it is possible to replace the print head from the front side of the device -47-200818138. Effective. Further, among the configurations of the optical disk device 300 according to the present embodiment shown in FIG. 27 to FIG. 29, the configuration other than the print head replacement cover 3 1 9 provided on the front surface of the device is the same as that of the first embodiment. Since the configuration of the optical disk device 100 is the same, the description thereof will be omitted. Further, as shown in FIG. 30, in the optical disc device 300 according to the present embodiment, the rear side of the tray 3 20 (the rear panel 3 16 side) is used for maintenance such as the cover 3 72 or the waste ink adsorber 3 74. The components are detachably disposed to the tray 320. By providing the maintenance member such as the cover 3 72 or the waste ink adsorber 3 74 on the tray 320, the ink can be cleaned at the same time and easily when the tray 320 is pulled out for taking out the optical disk 5. service. Therefore, in addition to simplifying the configuration of the optical disk device, the maintenance of the optical disk device can be facilitated, and the convenience of the user can be improved. Even by the detachable arrangement of the maintenance member such as the cover 3 72 or the waste ink adsorber 3 74 to the tray 3 20, the cover 3 72 or the waste ink adsorber 3 can be attached while the tray 320 is being withdrawn. The 74 is disassembled and cleaned, so that the effect of preventing contamination inside the optical disc device can be obtained as compared with the prior art. (Structure and operation of the optical disc device 400 according to the fourth embodiment) Next, a configuration of the optical disc device 400 as the information recording apparatus according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to Figs. 31 to 35. Fig. 31 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the optical disc device 400 according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention, and Fig. 3 is a main part of the optical disc device 4 0 0 - 48 - 200818138 shown in Fig. 31. 3 is a plan view showing the internal structure of the disc device 400; the optical disc device 400 is viewed from the lower side, and the optical disc device 1 〇〇, 200 described above is in the form of the above optical disc device. The longitudinal direction of the discharge portion is the following problem with the print radial axis R or the radial axis R. That is, if the print width is effectively used in the longitudinal direction R of the print head or in the direction parallel to the radial axis R, the area of the print area at the time of printing is different from each other, and the inner side is smaller than the outer circumference side. There is such a problem without printing and proofing. Further, when the print head is disposed in the longitudinal direction of the print head in the direction of the radial axis R, and is parallel to the movable direction of the print head, it is necessary to rotate the disc while rotating the disc while performing the printing brush. It takes a long time for the action, that is, the relevant text information to be printed, and the problem of the information recording device is also detrimental. Further, in the case where the longitudinal direction of the print head is the same, the light pattern 34 described in the embodiment of the figure which is caused by the rotation of the optical disk is the same as the oblique view of the embodiment. 700, or the first to the third and the third, because the movable direction (ie, the direction) of the print head brush head is uniform, thereby generating a radial axis movable with the print head, although the one-step printing circumference side When the area of the printing area at the time of printing and the side of the inner circumference side is positive, the image point density is caused to be on the radial axis R or parallel, and the long side of the printing head is necessary for label printing. Therefore, when the label printing is performed to simply print the inside of the optical disc recording material, the user convenience is also required, so that the movable direction of the printing head is consistent with the wind, and the ink ejected from the printing head -49-200818138 is caused. When the ink becomes dry or the viscosity is increased, the ink concentration at the beginning of the ink starts to become thicker. Therefore, it is easy to cause unevenness along the movable line of the printing head at the printing start position, and the surrounding portion of the printing start place is conspicuous. The problem also exists. Therefore, in the optical disk device 400 according to the present embodiment, in order to solve the above problem, the print head is movable in a direction parallel to the radial axis at an offset position deviated from the center of rotation of the optical disk. The print head is arranged such that the longitudinal direction of the print head is perpendicular to the radial axis. Hereinafter, the configuration of the optical disc device 400 will be described in detail. The optical disc device 400 according to the present embodiment is inserted into the optical disc 5 as an information recording medium, and can perform label printing on the label surface of the inserted optical disc 5. The optical disc device 400 is mainly provided with an optical disc drive for recording and reproducing data using the optical disc 5. The portion D4 is a label printing portion L4 that is printed on the label side (printing surface) side opposite to the data recording surface of the optical disc 5, that is, on the upper portion of the optical disk drive unit D4. The optical disk drive unit D4 mainly has a front panel 414, a rear panel 416, and a tray 420 that is movably disposed by a predetermined loading mechanism in a field surrounded by the two side panels 4 18 and 418. And a chuck 430 provided above the center portion of the disc loading portion (not shown) of the tray 420; and a tray 420 provided below the tray 420 (on the data recording surface side of the optical disc 5 inserted into the optical disc device 400) An optical pickup 440 as an information recording means. In addition, the configuration and operation of the optical disk drive unit D4 of the optical disk device 400 according to the first embodiment are the same as those of the optical disk drive unit D1 of the optical disk drive 100 according to the first embodiment. The explanation of -50-200818138 is omitted here. The label printing portion L4 mainly includes: a print head 405; and a print head movement required to move the printing head 45 0 in a radial direction parallel to the optical disc 5 at a position deviated from the center of rotation of the optical disc 5 Means; and a print head maintenance means for closing or cleaning the print head 450. The print head 45 0 is configured to be disposed on the opposite side of the optical pickup 440 with respect to the optical disk 5 (on the label surface side of the optical disk 5), and is offset from the radial axis R by a position (offset) parallel to Move in the radial direction (on the x-axis of Figure 33). Further, on the lower surface side of the print head 450 (the label surface side of the optical disc 5), the ink discharge portion 4500 is provided, and the print head 450 is offset (offset) from the radial axis R. The label is printed on the label side of the optical disc 5 by moving the P-axis parallel to the radial direction and ejecting the ink from the ink discharge portion 450o to the rotating optical disc 5. Further, the print head 450 is disposed in two fields in which the field including the optical disc 5 is divided along the moving direction of the optical pickup 440 (that is, the radial axis R in the present embodiment). It is preferable to be in the field of the downstream side of the optical pickup 440 with respect to the rotational direction of the optical disk 5, which is the same as the case of the above embodiment. Here, the configuration of the print head 450 according to the present embodiment will be described based on Fig. 35. Further, Fig. 35 is a perspective view showing the configuration of the printing head 450 in the embodiment. As shown in FIG. 35, the print head 450 is, for example, an ink discharge portion 405a that ejects ink toward the label surface of the optical disc 5, and is supplied from the ink tank 415 by passing through the ink tube 451a, which will be described later. The ink that has come in is supplied to the ink supply tube 450b of the printing heads 4500-51 to 200818138, and the connecting portion 450c that connects the ink supply tube 450b to the head main portion 45d, and the printing head main portion 45. The elastic cable 4 5 0 e on the opposite side of the connecting portion 4 50 c of 0 d is formed. The ink ejecting portion 450a is formed on the lower surface side of the connecting portion 450c (opposite side of the label surface of the optical disc 5), for example, by arranging a plurality of nozzles (ink discharge ports) in a predetermined direction. In the present embodiment, the longitudinal direction of the ink discharge portion 450a formed in the plurality of nozzles arranged in the predetermined direction (the predetermined direction in which the plurality of nozzles are disposed) is parallel to the moving direction of the print head 450 (parallel to the radial direction). Direction) The direction of the vertical is the same. Further, the ink supply tube 450b has one end connected to the ink tube 45 1a and the other end connected to the upper surface side (the side opposite to the ink discharge portion 45 0a) of the connecting portion 45 0c. Further, at least a portion of the inside of the connecting portion 450c is hollow, and a flow path through which the ink passes is formed. The print head main body portion 450d is a substantially rectangular plate-shaped member. As described above, one side is connected to the ink supply tube 450b through the connection portion 450c, and the other side is connected to the elastic cable 45 0e for inputting signals. . In the present embodiment, as shown in FIG. 3 and FIG. 34, for example, the ink discharge portion 450a formed by the plurality of nozzles disposed in the direction perpendicular to the radial direction of the optical disc 5 is formed on the lower surface side of the print head 45 0. In the longitudinal direction, the printing head 450 is disposed such that the moving direction of the printing head 450 moving parallel to the P-axis parallel to the radial axis is perpendicular. As a result, as will be described later, since the printing area on the outer peripheral side and the printing area on the inner peripheral side can be made the same, printing correction is not required. Further, since the label 5 is not required to rotate with the optical disc 5, the printing speed can be remarkably improved in simple printing such as characters. -52- 200818138 Even, since the printing start portion is not linear but flat, the unevenness of the tendons at the beginning of printing is less conspicuous. Further, the print head 450 of the present embodiment is configured to be separated from the ink tank 451 in the same manner as in the case of the optical disc device 200 according to the second embodiment, and the position of the ink tank 461 is It is fixed to the front side of the optical disc device 400, and only the print head 450 can be moved in parallel with the radial direction at a position shifted from the center of rotation of the optical disc 5. In the present embodiment, the ink tank 4 5 1 ' has a structure in which ink cartridges of four colors of Y (yellow), M (magenta), C (cyan), and K (black) are arranged, each of which is formed. The ink tubes are connected to the ink tubes 4 5 1 a (4 in total). The print head 450 supplies ink from these ink tubes 45 1 a at the time of label printing. Further, the print head 45 0 is a print head holder 452 having a substantially rectangular parallelepiped shape and held from above. In the print head holder 452, two head lifting shafts 452a are provided, and the two head lifting shafts 452a are two through holes 4 5 4 formed in a slightly T-shaped head supporting plate 4 5 4 . a fitting, the upper part is fixed by a fixing screw (not shown). By using the head lifting shaft 4 5 2a, the vertical movement of the printing head 450 can be guided. The lower side of the head support plate 4 54 is attached with a head drive bearing member 45 6 extending to the left and right (the direction perpendicular to the radial direction), and the left and right sides of the head drive bearing member 456 are respectively provided. Bearing (linear bearing) 4 5 6 a. The bearing 4 5 6a penetrates in the parallel direction in the radial direction, and is provided with two head drives arranged in parallel (parallel to the radial direction) so as to be inserted through the inner circumference of the bearing 465 a The two-53-200818138 ends of the shaft 4 5 7. 2 head drive shaft 4 5 7 are supported by the same head drive shaft 4 5 8 . The detailed configuration of the print head holder 452 is the same as that of the second embodiment, and thus the description thereof is omitted. The print head moving means is mainly a head drive motor 460, a ball screw 462 coupled to the head drive motor 460, a ball nut 464 inserted by the ball screw 462, and a ball nut 464 and a head drive bearing unit. The connecting member 466 to be connected to the 456, the ball screw supporting member 468 provided in the middle of the ball screw 464, and the limit sensors 491 and 494 are formed. The head drive motor 460 rotates the ball screw 462 by its power. The ball screw 462 is extended in a direction parallel to the radial direction. The ball nut 464 is configured to be movable in a parallel direction in the radial direction by the rotation of the ball screw 462. The coupling member 466 connects the ball nut 466 to the head driving bearing member 456, and the head driving bearing member 456 can be deviated from the center of rotation of the optical disk 5 in accordance with the movement of the ball nut 464. The position of (offset) moves in the parallel direction of the radial direction. The ball screw support member 4 6 8 » is a member that supports the ball screw 4 6 2 ' is a ball screw support plate 468A, and a ball screw support unit (not shown) having a ball screw support unit 4 6 8 B, 4 6 8 C Made into. In the present embodiment, the ball screw support units 4 6 8 B and 46 8 C are integrally formed. The ball screw 4 6 2 is inserted into the ball screw support unit 4 6 8 B and 4 6 8 C via a bearing, and is joined by a nut or the like (not shown). Further, in the optical disc device 400 according to the present embodiment, the movement of the print head -54 - 200818138 450 in the radial direction can be controlled by, for example, the limit sensor 491 or the like. Specifically, the limit sensor 49 1 is, for example, a light sensor configured as a font, and includes a light-emitting element and a light-receiving element (the light-emitting element and the light-receiving element are not shown to face each other, and are emitted from the light-emitting element, and are attached to In the vertical direction, the light receiving element is received by the concave portion 491a. On the other hand, the connecting member 466 of the printing head moving means is provided with the light shielding plate 492 for the sensor, and is provided with a substantially L-shaped light shielding plate support 493. The installation position of the limit sensor 491 is the same as that of the above-described embodiment, and thus detailed description thereof will be omitted. The print head maintenance means, although not shown in Fig. 31, is provided with a cover 472 as shown in Fig. 34. And the waste ink adsorber 474 covers the accommodating portion 470. The closing cover 472 is for suppressing the dry printing standby of the printing head, and the ink discharging portion 450a of the printing head 45 0 is covered by the 472. Further, the waste ink adsorber 474, For example, in order to prevent a printing error such as spitting of the discharge portion 450a and the ink is not generated, air is not mixed into the printing head 450 to perform air ejection (the ink is not printed from the ink discharge portion 45 0a with the label printing). The cover accommodating portion 470 in which the 472 and the waste ink adsorber 474 are housed is disposed on the side opposite to the optical disk 400 on the side opposite to the discharge side (the exit side) of the optical disk 5 (the rear panel 416 side) Here, the print head 450 does not run on the radial axis, so the cover accommodating portion 470 including the cover 472 and the waste ink adsorber 474 is also offset (offset) from the radial axis. Therefore, the light which is made possible by miniaturizing the light to be placed in the optical disk package according to the first embodiment is slightly C)°. The limit component is then closed by 32~, in the case where the closed lid ink is closed and the device is closed. The same is true for the disc-mounted device -55-100 200818138. Further, as shown in FIG. 34, the optical disk device 400 is an example of a cleaning mechanism of the ink discharge portion 450a of the print head 450, and includes a wiper 480 supported by the wiper portion support plate 487. The tip end portion of the wiper 480 is provided with a wiper head 480a as shown in FIG. The other configuration or operation of the wiper 480 is the same as that in the second embodiment, and thus detailed description thereof will be omitted. Although the configuration of the optical disc device 400 has been described above, the operation of the label printing portion L 4 having the optical disc device 400 having the above configuration will be described with reference to Figs. 36, 37A and 37B. Here, FIG. 36 is an explanatory diagram of an example of the movement of the print head at the time of label printing; (a) when printing is performed by the previous print head 750, and (b) is the first embodiment of the present invention. When the print head 150 is printed, (c) is the case when the print head 450 described in the embodiment is printed. Further, Fig. 37A and Fig. 3B are explanatory views showing the areas of the printing areas when the outer peripheral side of the optical disc 5 is printed and the inner peripheral side is printed. In the following description, the same operations as those of the optical disc devices 100, 200, and 300 described in the first to third embodiments will be omitted. In the following description, an example of a disc device in which the print head is moved at a position offset from the center of rotation of the disc is described as an example of the optical disc device 1 according to the first embodiment. However, the same applies to the second and third embodiments. As described above, in the optical disk device 700 of the prior art, or the optical disk device 1 or the like according to the first embodiment, the longitudinal direction of the ink discharge portions 75 0a and 150a of the print heads 750 and 150 is aligned with the printing. When the heads 750 and 150 are movable on the radial axis of the drive-56 - 200818138 or in the direction parallel to the radial axis, the area of the printed area at the time of printing on the outer peripheral side and the inner peripheral side is different from each other. side. First, as shown in Fig. 36 (a), in the conventional optical disk device, since the print head 705 moves on the radial axis, the width is once (in the present embodiment, the printing is performed in one step). When the width in the area direction is the same, the area to be printed in one step (in this embodiment, the ink is discharged once) is smaller toward the disc side. Therefore, when the timings of the ink discharge are the same, the printing density becomes higher toward the inner peripheral side, and the printing near the inner circumference of the optical disk 5 becomes denser, but the printing density in the vicinity of the outer periphery is deteriorated. Here, there is a need to make the printing density near the inner periphery smaller than the outer periphery, so that the dot density becomes equal. In other words, in the configuration of the prior art, the performance of the print head 75 0 cannot be fully exerted, and as shown in Fig. 36 (b), in the optical disk device 1 of the first embodiment of the present invention, The print head 150 is shifted from the center of the optical disc 5 and moved in the direction parallel to the radial axis at the offset position. However, in the same manner as the previous optical disc device 700, the print head 150 is printed in one step, and is passed to the inner circumference of the optical disc 5. The smaller the side. Further, the narrower the printing width toward the inner peripheral side, the extent of the reduction of the area is more remarkable than in the case of the prior apparatus 700. Therefore, in this case, the printing density near the inner circumference is made slightly smaller than the vicinity of the outer circumference, so that the dot density becomes equal. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 3 6 (c), in the printed radial state of the printed printing 700 of the present embodiment, the inner peripheral optical disc 5 has a slightly thinner brush density. In the rotation, the disc of the brush is required to be corrected. The light-57-200818138 disc device 400 has a print head 45 which is shifted from the center of rotation of the disc 5 and is radially at the offset position. The axis is moved in the parallel direction, and the longitudinal direction of the ink discharge portion 450a of the print head 450 is perpendicular to the radial axis (the moving direction of the print head 450). Therefore, in this case, the printing width of the primary printing is more toward the inner peripheral side. The area where printing is performed in one step is equal to the inner circumference side and the outer circumference side of the optical disc 5. Here, the reason why the area of the area printed by the one-step step in the optical disk device 4 is equal is described with reference to Figs. 37A and 37B. Before explaining this reason, the inventors of the present invention have calculated an example of the area printed by one step, which is shown in Table 1 below. -58- 200818138 [Table 1] Print head width mm Offset mm Outer radius mm Inner radius mm Printed area mm2 Area ratio % Casel 13. 6 0. 0 When the print head is on the 丨 to the axis Areal 58. 0 44. 4 4,375 45. 4 Area2 44. 4 30. 8 3,213 33. 3 Area3 30. 8 17. 2 2,051 21. 3 printing area 40. 8 9,639 100. 0 Case2 13. 6 20. 0 The direction of the print head is parallel to the radial 轺 ί when Areal 58. 0 45. 4 4?082 43. 8 Area2 45. 4 33. 8 2,905 31. 2 Area3 33. 8 24. 2 1,743 18. 7 Area4 24. 2 20. 0 581 6. 2 printing area 38. 0 9?312 100. 0 Case3 13. 6 20. 0 The direction of the print head is perpendicular to the radial 轺 (1) Areal 57. 6 50. 9 2?290 25. 0 Area2 50. 9 43. 1 2,290 25. 0 Area3 43. 1 33. 6 2?290 25. 0 Area4 33. 6 20. 0 2,290 25. 0 printing area 37. 6, 9,160 100. 0 Case4 17. 5 20. 0 The direction of the print head is perpendicular to the radial 轺 pickled (2) Areal 58. 5 49. 1 3?161 33. 3 Area2 49. 1 37. 5 3,161 33. 3 Area3 37. 5 20. 0 3,161 33. 3 printing area 38. 47 9,484 100. 0 Case5 10. 0 20. 0 The direction of the print head is perpendicular to the radial 轺 (3) Areal 58. 3 53. 9 1,571 16. 7 Area2 53. 9 49. 0 1?571 16. 7 Area3 49. 0 43. 6 1,571 16. 7 Area4 43. 6 37. 4 1?571 16. 7 Area5 37. 4 30. 0 1?571 16. 7 Area6 30. 0 20. 0 1?571 16. 7 printing area 38. 31 9,425 100. 0 - 59 - 200818138 In Table 1, the easel is equivalent to the previous optical disk device 700 (see Fig. 36 (a)), and the case 2 corresponds to the case of the optical disk device 1 according to the first embodiment of the present invention. In the example (see FIG. 3 6 (b)), cases 3 to 5 correspond to the case of the optical disk device 400 according to the present embodiment (see FIG. 36(c) for the reference case 3). In the cases 3 to 5, as described in Table 1, the width (mm) of the longitudinal direction of the printing head 450 is changed, and the ink discharge portion is formed by arranging the ink discharge nozzles of about 300 to 400 in a line. Further, the offset amount is easel, 2 is the distance (mm) from the radial axis of the optical disc 5 to the center of the print head 450, and is the radial axis of the optical disc 5 in cases 3 to 5. The distance (mm) from the tangential direction to the left end (the end closer to the radial axis) of the ink discharge portion 45 0a. As shown in Table 1, in the case of c a s e 1 , the area ratio of the printed area is Areal : Area2 : Area3 = 45. 4[%] : 33·3[%] : 21·3[%]; In the case of case2, Bay [J is Areal : Area2: Area3 : Area4 = 43·8[%] : 31·2[%] : 18. 7[%] : 6·2[%]. As described above, in the case of easel and case2, the area of the printing area is smaller toward the inner peripheral side of the optical disk 5, and particularly in the case of c a s e 2 , the amount of reduction in the area of the printing area is particularly remarkable. On the other hand, in the case of cases 3 to 5, since the width of the printing head 450 is different, the number of printings (the number of printing areas) is also different, but in either case, the area of the printing area is within the optical disk 5. Both the circumferential side and the outer peripheral side are unchanged, and all printed areas are the same area. Therefore, in the case of cases 3 to 5, as long as the discharge timing of the inks is the same, uniform printing density can be achieved even without image point correction. -60- 200818138 To verify this in theory, first, as shown in Figure 37A, if the area printed in the first printing is A1, the area printed in the second printing is A2 ( Figure 3 7 is a thick solid line showing the position of the print head 450 when the second printing is performed) ' as shown in Fig. 37A, 'the offset amount of the print head 450 is a, the print head 450 The printing width of the second printing is b', and the position of the printing head A1 in the radial direction is k when the second printing is performed. The area sa 1 of the printing area A1 is: SAi=;rx(a +b) 2 - π xa2 Further, the area SA2 of the printing area A2 is: SA2=^x(a+b+c) 2-7rx(a+b) 2 · · · (1) Then, according to Pydago Las's theorem, a2+k2= (a+b) 2 *··(2) (a+b) 2+k2= (a+b+c) 2 · · · (3) holds, so if we 2), (3) Substituting into equation (1) 'is: SA2r=r 7ΓΧ (a+b+c) 2-7rx(a+b) = ;rx( (a+b) 2+k2) - 7TX( a + k ) =7Γ x ( a + b ) 2- π xa2 =SAi Similarly, as shown in Fig. 37B, the area printed in the third printing is A3, and the printing width of the third printing is d, print head 4 5 when printing is performed When the radial direction position of 0 is z, the area S a 3 of the printing area A 3 is
Sas^ (a+b+c+d) 2- κ x (a+b+c) ·.· · (4) 又,根據畢達哥拉斯定理, -61 - 200818138 a2 + z2 = ( a + b + c ) 2 · · · (5) (a+b) 2+z2= (a+b+c+d) 2 · · · (6) 成立,因此若將式(5 ) 、( 6 )代入式(4 ),則爲:Sas^ (a+b+c+d) 2- κ x (a+b+c) ··· · (4) Again, according to Pythagorean theorem, -61 - 200818138 a2 + z2 = ( a + b + c ) 2 · · · (5) (a+b) 2+z2= (a+b+c+d) 2 · · · (6) is established, so if equations (5) and (6) are substituted Equation (4) is:
Sa3=^x (a+b+c+d) 2-7rx (a+b+c) 2 =π x ( ( a + b ) 2 + z2 ) - ττ χ ( a2 + z2 ) = ^x(a+b) 2 - -7Γ x a2 二 SA1 以下類推,則若假設進行第n次印刷的印刷區域爲An, 則 SAi= SA2= SA3 二· · · = SAn 得證此一事實。 如此’藉由使得印刷頭4 5 0的墨水吐出部4 5 0 a的長 邊方向,是成爲印刷頭450移動方向的垂直方向,就可使 1次步進所印刷的區域面積完全相同。然後,由於印刷區 域的面積全部相等,因此只要墨水的吐出時序相同,則印 刷密度亦相同。亦即,本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400的 情況下,是異於先前或上述實施形態,即使不做像點校正 ,也能進行均勻的印刷。因此,於本實施形態中,可以完 全發揮印刷頭450的性能。 此外,若將墨水的吐出時序按照印刷區域的面積比而 加以調節,則亦即,在先前之光碟裝置7 0 0 (圖3 6 ( a ) )或第1實施形態所述之光碟裝置100 (圖36 ( b))等 中,若使光碟5的外周側的吐出是隨著印刷面積而變遲, 則即使不進行像點校正(濃度校正),也能進行均勻的印 -62- 200818138 刷。可是,爲了完全發揮印刷頭的性能,需要最快速的墨 水吐出時序,站在此一觀點,本實施形態所述的光碟裝置 400 (圖36 ( c ))是最爲理想。 接著,基於圖3 8,說明本實施形態所述.之光碟裝置 400中進行標籤印刷時的印刷開始場所上的筋狀不勻抑制 效果。此外,圖3 8係本實施形態中的標籤印刷後之標籤 面的狀態例(b )和本發明之第1實施形態中的標籤印刷 後之標籤面的狀態例(a )的比較照片。 如圖3 8 ( a )所示,在使用印刷頭長邊方向與印刷頭 移動方向一致的第1實施形態所述之光碟裝置1 〇〇來進行 標籤印刷時,可看出在印刷開始場所,沿著印刷頭1 50所 移動的線,會產生筋狀不勻。這是因爲光碟5旋轉所產生 的風的影響,會使從印刷頭150之墨水吐出部150a吐出 的墨水變得乾燥或黏度提高,使得墨水吐出開始時的墨水 濃度變濃所導致。另一方面,如圖3 8 ( b )所示,在使用 印刷頭長邊方向與印刷頭移動方向垂直的本實施形態所述 之光碟裝置400來進行標籤印刷時,可看出在印刷開始場 所,筋狀不勻變得不顯眼。這是因爲’由於印刷頭4 5 0長 邊方向和印刷頭450移動方向垂直,因此印刷開始部份是 異於圖3 8 ( a )的情形,不是呈現直線狀,而是呈面狀, 使得黏度增高的墨水能較爲分散所致。 又,本實施形態所述的光碟裝置400,係亦可利用做 爲使光碟5對光碟裝置400插入排出之載入手段的托盤 42 0所致之光碟5的排出動作,來進行標籤印刷。例如, - 63- 200818138 如圖3 9所示,在僅印刷光碟5所記錄之資料之內容的相 關文字資訊之情況下,將光碟5從光碟裝置400的前面側 排出的排出動作之際(圖39係標示光碟5的載入( loading )方向),控制印刷頭450而使其吐出墨水以印 刷文字資訊,就可容易且高速地獲得如圖3 9所示的印刷 結果。 亦即於本實施形態中,由於印刷頭45 0是被配置在從 光碟5的中央偏置開來的位置,因此托盤4 2 0爲了將光碟 5排出至光碟裝置400的外部,而使光碟5往其外周方向 移動,藉此就可使印刷頭4 5 0對光碟5相對性地移動。因 此,若是使印刷頭450在光碟5上通過1次之際即可印刷 之程度的文字或圖形等資訊,就可利用光碟5的排出動作 來進行標籤印刷。此外,光碟5的排出動作之際,無論是 否使印刷頭4 5 0動作,只要使印刷頭4 5 0朝著與光碟5排 出方向之相反方向移動,則即便不使印刷頭4 5 0動作的情 況下,也能高速地印刷。換言之,欲對光碟5的標籤面全 體進行印刷時,雖然需要轉換印刷資料然後進行印刷,但 例如僅欲印刷文字資料時,則以光碟5從光碟裝置400排 出的時序,控制印刷頭4 5 0的吐出,就可容易且高速地獲 得如圖3 9所示的印刷結果。 如以上說明,若依據本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400 ,則印刷頭4 5 0不通過光碟5之旋轉中心,印刷頭4 5 0的 長邊方向是配置成垂直於其可動軸,因此可使各步進的印 刷面積成爲均一或接近均一之狀態。因此可以獲得以下效 -64- 200818138 果:(1 )若從印刷頭的墨水吐出時序相同,則各印刷區 域的印刷密度就相同;(2 )即使不進行濃度校正也能使 標籤印刷在均一或近似其之狀態下進行;(3 )可完全發 揮印刷頭的性能。 又,若依據本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400,則印刷 頭450的墨水吐出部450a長邊方向和印刷頭450的可動 軸是垂直的。因此可以獲得以下效果:(1 )改善印刷開 始場所上的直線狀筋狀不勻,使其相較於其他部份變得不 會顯眼。 甚至,由於印刷頭450的墨水吐出部450a長邊方向 是對光碟5載入的移動方向呈垂直,因此可以利用碟片的 排出動作來進行文字等簡易資料的印刷。因此,在印刷資 料較少時,可大幅縮短印刷時間,增加使用者的便利性, 可獲得如此效果。 此外,本實施形態所述之光碟裝置400,係並非限定 於上述例子,例如還可考慮印刷頭450的形狀是和上述例 子不同的情形、閉蓋472或廢墨吸附器474是其他形狀的 情形等,可做各種變更例。 (第5實施形態所述之光碟裝置5 0 0的構成及動作) 接著,基於圖40,說明本發明之第5實施形態所述 之做爲貧訊記錄裝置的光碟裝置5 0 0的構成。此外,圖 40係本發明的第5實施形態中所述之具有標籤印刷機能 之光碟裝置500之構成的區塊圖。又,以下的說明中,光 -65 - 200818138 碟裝置5 00的其他構造,由於是和上述實施形態的情況相 同,因此這裡省略詳細說明。 此處,上述的先前之光碟裝置700、或第1至第3實 施形態所述之光碟裝置、200及3 00,係存在如以下 的問題點。 亦即,例如,爲了高速進行印刷,雖然印刷頭的印字 寬度(印刷頭的墨水吐出部的寬度)加大是較佳,但其另 一方面來說,爲了加大印字寬度而加長了印刷頭的墨水吐 出部之長邊方向,則構成印刷頭的各墨水吐出噴嘴的性能 差異會顯著出現。亦即,印刷頭的印字寬度較大時,不免 降低了印刷影像的畫質,反之,印刷頭的印字寬度較小時 ,無法高速進行印刷,兩者無法同時滿足,存在如此問題 〇 於是,本實施形態所述的光碟裝置500,爲了解決上 記這類問題,具備頭控制部,係控制印刷頭移動手段’使 其可改變印刷頭的1次之移動距離;藉由頭控制部改變印 刷頭的1次之移動距離,而可選擇性地設定,將資訊記錄 媒體上之同一領域予以印刷1次的單次印刷模式,和將資 訊記錄媒體上之同一領域予以印刷複數次的多重印刷模式 。以下,針對此種光碟裝置5 0 0之構成加以詳細說明。 如圖40所示,光碟裝置500,係主要具備:對光碟5 記錄資訊或將光碟5所記錄之資訊進行再生的記錄再生單 元5 0 0 A ;和對光碟5進行標籟印刷的印刷單元5 0 0 B。 記錄再生單元5 00 A係例如,具有:記錄再生控制部 -66 - 200818138 5 1 0、主軸馬達控制器5 1 2、映像聲音處理部5 1 4、D/A轉 換部5 1 6、介面5 1 8、矩陣擴大器/同步偵測部/e C C部5 2 0 、線程控制部522、伺服控制部524、雷射控制部526、 緩衝記憶體5 2 8、主軸馬達5 3 6、光拾取器5 4 〇、拾取器 移動機構544。 記錄再生控制部5 1 0,係輸出入各種訊號,整體控制 後述的主軸馬達控制器5 1 2、矩陣擴大器/同步偵測部 /ECC部520、線程控制部522、伺服控制部524、雷射控 制部526、等各控制部全體。 主軸馬達5 3 6,係做爲使光碟5旋轉的旋轉驅動機構 而發揮機能。該主軸馬達5 3 6,係例如藉由被輸入著來自 記錄再生控制部5 1 0之訊號的主軸馬達控制器5 1 2,其旋 轉數是受適切控制。 光拾取器540,係具有:雷射光源、使該雷射光源所 出射的雷射光聚光在碟片的接物透鏡、偵測從碟片反射回 來的光的光偵測器(PD )等(均未圖示)。做爲雷射光 源,雖然使用半導體雷射、尤其是雷射二極體(LD ), 但並不限於此。光拾取器540,其他還具有:用來把雷射 光源所出射的雷射光導入至接物透鏡的光學系(未圖示) 〇 矩陣擴大器/同步偵測部/ECC部520中的矩陣擴大器 ,係基於從光拾取器540的PD輸出的各種訊號來演算生 成對焦錯誤訊號、循軌錯誤訊號、RF訊號等。同樣地, 搭載於光拾取器5 4 0的致動器(未圖示),係搭載著接物 -67- 200818138 透鏡,可使該接物透鏡往循軌方向、對焦方向及傾斜方向 移動。又,同步偵測部(及未圖示的A/D轉換器),係 還基於對光碟5以所定間隔記錄之同步訊號來生成時脈訊 號,將類比訊號轉換成數位訊號。然後,ECC部(及訊號 調變解調器),係進行訊號的調變、解調及ECC之付加 ,並基於ECC ( Error Correcting Code :錯誤訂正訊號) 來進行錯誤訂正處理。 線程控制部522,係輸出用來控制光拾取器540的光 碟5半徑方向之移動的訊號,控制著記錄再生之位置(線 程伺服)。更具體而言,從線程控制部522輸出之訊號係 被輸入至線程馬達 546,基於所輸入之訊號,線程馬達 546會驅動拾取器移動機售544,藉由該拾取器移動機構 5 44,使光拾取器540移動至記錄再生位置。 伺服控制部524,係向上述光拾取器540中所搭載的 致動器,基於對焦錯誤訊號、循軌錯誤訊號、及RF訊號 而輸出各種伺服訊號,進行適切的接物透鏡之姿勢控制。 此外,伺服控制部524,係亦可輸出關於上述線程伺服的 控制訊號及主軸馬達5 3 6的旋轉數控制訊號等。 雷射控制部526,係接受來自矩陣擴大器/同步偵測部 /ECC部520中的矩陣擴大器、ECC部(及未圖示之訊號 調變解調器)的調變訊號,爲了將訊號寫入至光碟5,而 調變雷射光源的雷射功率,又,基於RF訊號來控制雷射 功率。 緩衝記憶體5 2 8,係在訊號調變解調器及ECC部進行 -68- 200818138 處理時,暫時記憶資料。映像聲音處理部5 1 4,係進行必 要的映像處理或聲音處理,透過D/A轉換器而將映像及 聲音進行類比輸出(例如視訊/音訊輸出)。介面5 1 8,係 用來和未圖示之外部電腦或映像聲音源等連接所用的介面 〇 印刷單元500B,例如係具有:印刷頭5 50、頭驅動馬 達5 60、印刷頭移動機構5 62、頭驅動回路5 64、印刷控 制器5 7 0、記憶體5 8 0。 印刷頭5 5 0及頭驅動馬達5 6 〇,由於是和上述實施形 態相同,因此省略詳細說明。印刷頭移動機構5 62,係被 頭驅動馬達5 6 0所驅動,是使印刷頭5 5 0,在從光碟5中 心軸偏置的位置處,往與其徑向方向平行之方向移動。頭 驅動回路5 64,通常是和印刷頭5 5 〇呈一體,控制從印刷 頭5 5 0的墨水吐出。 印刷控制器5 70,係被輸入來自記錄再生控制部5 1 0 的訊號,或者向記錄再生控制部5 1 0輸出訊號。又,印刷 控制器5 70,係控制著印刷頭移動機構5 62,及用來驅動 其之頭驅動馬達5 6 0。 記憶體5 80,係記憶著印刷內容之資訊亦即印刷資訊 的資料(以下稱印刷資料)。該記憶體5 8 0,例如係將來 自個人電腦、記憶卡、其他外部機器等的印刷資料,予以 暫時積存。 以下說明具有所述構成的光碟裝置500之動作。資料 記錄時,從未圖示之外部電腦輸入至介面的數位資料,係 -69 - 200818138 被訊號調變解調器及ECC部附加錯誤訂正碼(ECC)並調 變。基於經過調變的數位資料,由雷射控制部5 2 6產生脈 衝,透過光拾取器540而對光碟5照射雷射光,就可記錄 數位資料。資料記錄之際,藉由伺服控制部524、主軸馬 達控制器5 1 2、線程控制部5 2 2等,進行適宜的伺服控制 、雷射控制。 另一方面,於資料再生時,若雷射光照射至光碟5, 則其反射光會被光拾取器540的PD所偵測。被PD偵測 的反射光,係於矩陣擴大器中進行放大、波形等化等計算 ,再生出RF訊號,藉由同步偵測部及A/D轉換器,生成 將RF訊號予以二値化而成的位元列。所生成的位元列, 係被訊號調變解調器及ECC部進行訊號解調及錯誤訂正 。從被解調的訊號中,藉由映像聲音處理部5 1 4而分離出 映像資料及聲音資料,藉由D/A轉換部516進行D/A轉 換而做類比輸出。資料再生之際,也是藉由伺服控制部 5 2 4、主軸馬達控制器5 1 2、線程控制部5 2 2等,進行適 宜的伺服控制、雷射控制。 標籤印刷,通常是和資料再生相同地,基於來自光碟 5盤面的訊號,控制主軸馬達5 3 6,同時進行印刷控制’ 以一定的旋轉數一面使光碟5旋轉,一面進行標籤印刷。 又,不限於此,亦可邊記錄資料邊進行標籤印刷’也可一 面改變光碟5的旋轉數一面進行印刷。此時’印刷控制益 570係可控制印刷頭移動手段,使得例如印刷頭5 5 0的1 次之移動距離,是等於印刷頭5 5 〇之最大印刷寬度、本實 -70- 200818138 施形態中係爲墨水吐出部的l/n ( η爲自然數) 以上,雖然針對光碟裝置500的構成加以 著基於圖41、圖42及圖43,說明具有所述構 置5 0 0的標籤印刷之際的動作。此外,圖41 刷模式進行印刷之動作的說明圖,(a )係使 碟裝置700時,(b)係使用本發明的第5實 述之光碟裝置5 00時的情形。圖42係以多重 行印刷之動作的說明圖,(a )係使用先前 7〇〇時,(b)係使用本發明的第5實施形態 碟裝置500時的情形。圖43係單次印刷所致 後之標籤面的狀態例和多重印刷所致之標籤印 面的狀態例的比較照片。又,以下的說明中, 至第3實施形態所述的光碟裝置100、200及 動作,係省略重複說明。 首先,說明以單次印刷模式進行標籤印刷 所謂單次印刷模式,係如上所述,是將光碟5 媒體上的同一領域進行1次印刷者,更具體 41 ( c )所示,印刷控制器5 70是以1次的印 印刷頭移動恰好與印字寬度(墨水吐出部之寬 離(移送量),以進行印刷(圖中(1)〜(3 1步進至第3步進)。因此,1個像點係被印届 圖4 1 ( a )係表示印刷頭是在徑向軸上移 ;圖41 ( b )係表示印刷頭在偏離光碟5之旋 置之位置處,在與徑向軸平行之方向上移動時 說明,但接 成之光碟裝 係以單次印 用先前的光 施形態中所 印刷模式進 的光碟裝置 中所述之光 之標籤印刷 刷後之標籤 和上述第1 3〇〇同樣的 時的情形。 等資訊記錄 而言,如圖 刷步進,使 度)相同距 )係表示第 (J 1 次。 動時的情形 轉中心而偏 的情形。墨 -71 - 200818138 水吐出部上,係有例如3 0 0〜4 0 0個墨水吐出噴嘴並排’ 若因製造上的誤差導致各噴嘴的排列不均勻,則會導致色 不勻。因此,單次印刷的時候,無論上記(a ) 、( b )哪 種情況,噴嘴的性能差異直接關聯到畫質,如圖43(a) 所示,光碟5上會容易產生同心圓狀的不勻。再者’由於 反覆進行每一步進之噴嘴性能差異影響很大的印刷,導致 同心圓狀的筋狀不勻會更爲醒目。 接著,說明以多重印刷模式進行標籤印刷時的情形。 所謂多重印刷模式,係如上所述,是將光碟5等資訊記錄 媒體上的同一領域進行複數次(2次以上)印刷者,更具 體而言,如圖42 ( c )所示,印刷控制器5 70是以1次的 印刷步進,使印刷頭移動恰好與印字寬度(墨水吐出部之 寬度)的1 /η ( η係2以上的自然數)相同距離(移送量 ),以進行印刷(圖中(1 )〜(6 )係表示第1步進至第 6步進)。因此,1個像點係被印刷2次以上。此外,於 圖42 ( c )中係圖示,η = 2,亦即,使印刷頭在每1步進 中恰好移動莫水土出部寬度的1 /2時的情形。 圖42 ( a )係表示印刷頭是在徑向軸上移動時的情形 ;圖42 ( b )係表示印刷頭在偏離光碟5之旋轉中心而偏 置之位置處,在與徑向軸平行之方向上移動時的情形。因 製造上的誤差導致各噴嘴的排列不均一,這會牽涉到色不 勻的問題,是和單次印刷時的情況相同。可是,在多重印 刷時’由於以1次步進的單次印刷時的1 /η (例如本實施 形態中係爲1 /2 )來逐次推送印刷頭,因此對光碟5上的 -72- 200818138 同一領域(例如1個像素),可用2個以上(本實施形態 中係爲2個)的噴嘴來進行印刷。因此,噴嘴的性能差異 之影響,較單次印刷時不易顯著,如圖43 ( b )所示,光 碟5上的同心圓狀不勻就較不顯眼(不勻被平均化)。亦 即,以多重印刷進行標籤印刷,就可印刷較高畫質的影像 。甚至,若把1次步進的印刷頭的移動量縮小成單次印刷 時的1/4、1/8,則由於對光碟5上的同一領域(例如1個 像素)進行印刷的噴嘴個數可增加到4個、8個,因此噴 嘴性能差異之影響更難以突出(噴嘴性能差異的容許範圍 變廣),可印刷更高畫質的影像。甚至,不只是可以提升 所印刷之影像的畫質,還可改善良率,甚至可謀求成本降 低。 只不過,如圖4 2 ( a )所示,印刷頭是在徑向軸上移 動時,由於印刷頭係與夾盤等部件發生干涉,因此無法充 分地進行多重印刷到光碟5的內周側爲止。因此,例如, 如圖4 2 ( a )中的放大照片所示,外周側係爲可多重印刷 的多重印刷區域,其內側則是因爲與夾盤等部件的干涉, 因此成爲只能進行單次印刷(亦即只能進行1次印刷)的 單次印刷區域、完全無法印刷的無標籤印刷區域。另一方 面’在印刷頭是從光碟5之旋轉中心錯開而在偏置位置處 往徑向軸平行方向移動的情況下,由於印刷頭是避開夾盤 等部件而移動,因此如圖4 2 ( b )所示,直到光碟5內周 側的中心附近爲止都可進行多重印刷。 如以上所說明,若依據本實施形態所述的光碟裝置 - 73- 200818138 4 00,則印刷頭不通過碟片旋轉中心,而且使印刷頭的移 動量少於墨水吐出部之寬度來進行多重印刷,藉此,相較 於先前,增加了可印刷區域,不只直到碟片內周附近爲止 都可容易地印刷,還可提升所印刷之影像的畫質,能獲得 這些效果。 又,如上所述,在先前的單一模式印刷時,會產生筋 狀不勻而使印刷影像的畫質下降,但除了此種筋狀不勻以 外,例如,重複特定圖案進行印刷時,在單次模式印刷的 情況下,所使用的噴嘴經常是同一個,容易引起噴嘴劣化 。反之,不使用的噴嘴,也有可能因墨水乾燥阻塞等造成 錯誤,存在如此問題。尤其是,利用熱的噴墨方式中,很 容易造成噴嘴的劣化。對此,在多重模式印刷時,由於平 均使用噴嘴,因此不易產生這些問題。 甚至,在進行碟片印刷時,相較於通常對紙張的印刷 ,被印刷物亦即碟片(之標籤)的移動速度較快,相對而 言噴嘴的印刷負荷較高,又,容易受到碟片所產生的風的 影響,容易導致墨水乾燥而阻塞噴嘴,這些問題亦存在。 相對於此,在多重模式印刷的情況下,由於可以降低各噴 嘴的使用頻率,因此可減輕印刷負荷,防止墨水乾燥而阻 塞噴嘴的效果較大。 又,在通常的噴墨印表機的情況下,由於印刷時的被 印刷物的紙張係爲固定,僅印刷頭往復運動,因此印刷頭 對被印刷物之相對速度只能提升到某種程度。可是,在碟 片的標籤印刷時,雖然使用編碼器等來降低旋轉速度,但 -74- 200818138 例如本實施形態這種邊讀取資料邊印刷的情況下,可爲 1 0〜1 5倍左右,因此多重模式印刷的效果很大。 此外’本實施形態所述之光碟裝置4 0 0,係並非限定 於上述例子,例如還可考慮印刷頭的1次步進中的移動量 是設定成異於上述例子的情形,或沒有單次印刷模式而只 有多重印刷模式的情形等,可做各種變更例。 (第6實施形態所述之光碟裝置6 0 0的構成及動作) 接著,基於圖44〜圖47,說明本發明之第6實施形 態所述之做爲資訊記錄裝置的光碟裝置600的構成。此外 ,圖4 4係本發明的第6實施形態中所述之光碟裝置6 0 0 的內部構成之斜視圖,圖4 5係同實施形態所述之光碟裝 置600從下面側觀看的斜視圖;圖46係圖44所示之光碟 裝置6 0 0的要部構成的放大斜視圖;圖4 7係從圖4 6中再 將主要部件抽出圖示的放大斜視圖。又,以下的說明中, 和上述第1至第5實施形態所述的光碟裝置1〇〇、200、 3 00、400及5 00同樣的構成及動作,係省略重複說明。 此處’上述的先之光碟裝置700、或第1至第5實 施形態所述之光碟裝置100、200、300、400及500,由 於係使用噴墨式的印刷頭來進行標籤印刷,因此存在如以 下的問題點。 亦即,若使用噴墨式的印刷頭來進行標観印刷,則由 於從印刷頭吐出的墨水會污染光碟裝置等的資訊記錄裝置 的內部’因此貧訊記錄裝置的資訊記錄手段,例如光碟裝 -75- 200818138 置中的光學部、尤其是光學拾取器的透鏡等,會被 染,存在如此問題。 又,對此,爲了設置光學拾取器等資訊記錄手 的清潔器,必須要組裝複雜的機構,會造成成本增 此問題亦存在。 甚至,例如,使用噴墨式的印刷頭時,需要使 等清潔機構,來將附著在印刷頭之墨水吐出部的廢 清潔(例如拭除)的機構。因此,在資訊記錄裝置 資訊記錄媒體的搬出入口的相反側)需要複雜的機 致空間也跟著減少之問題。 於是,本實施形態所述的光碟裝置600,爲了 記這類問題,例如,將清潔印刷頭的刮刷部等清潔 和光學拾取器等資訊記錄手段用之清潔機構一體成 至,因應需要,對這些機構還一體成形了用來避免 燥的將印刷頭予以閉蓋的手段。以下’針對此種光 600之構成加以詳細說明。 本實施形態所述的光碟裝置600,係如圖44〜 示,除了上述第1至第5實施形態所述之光碟裝置 200、300、400及500所具有的構成外,還加上具 爲進行印刷頭6 5 0清潔之頭清潔機構之一例的刮刷 和做爲進行光拾取器6 4 0清潔之記錄手段清潔機構 的透鏡清潔器6 9 0 ;這些是和閉蓋6 7 2及廢墨吸附 一體形成。此外,閉蓋672及廢墨吸附器674亦不 體形成,亦可刮刷6 8 0和透鏡清潔器6 9 0是一體形 墨水污 段專用 加,如 用刮刷 墨予以 後方( 構,導 解決上 機構、 形,甚 墨水乾 碟裝置 “ 47所 100、 有:做 6 80 ; 之一例 器674 需要一 成,閉 -76- 200818138 蓋6 72及廢墨吸附器674是個別分離形成。只不過,閉蓋 672及廢墨吸附器674,係被設在刮刷680不會和閉蓋 672等接觸的位置,較爲理想。 如圖44及圖45所示,光碟裝置600,係和上述各實 施形態的情況相同地,在被側面板6 1 8等所圍繞的光碟機 部中插入光碟5,被插入至裝置內部的光碟5,是被夾盤 安裝板63 2所支持的夾盤63 0連同轂軸一起挾持。以下更 詳細說明本實施形態的特徵構成。 光碟裝置600,爲了防止從印刷頭(未圖示)所吐出 的墨水乾燥,而具備閉蓋672,該閉蓋672係被收容在閉 蓋收容部670中。該閉蓋672,例如,在底部略中央部形 成有孔 672a。如此,閉蓋672並非完全的密閉之罩蓋, 而是開有孔672a,可調整墨水的乾燥程度。此種孔672a ,係在上述各實施形態的光碟裝置中也可形成。又,閉蓋 收容部670中,除了閉蓋672,還設有爲了防止印刷錯誤 而讓空氣不會跑入的進行空噴之場所亦即廢墨吸附器674 。關於閉蓋672、廢墨吸附器674以外的其他構成,均和 上述實施形態相同。 又,光碟裝置600係如上述,具有用來清潔印刷頭的 頭清潔機構,本實施形態所述之頭清潔機構,係由在與徑 向方向垂直之方向上運動的刮刷6 8 0、和其驅動機構所構 成。 刮刷680,在其尖端部係具有刮刷頭6 8 0a。該刮刷頭 6 8 0a,係例如具有橡膠這類彈性部件層積2層而成的構造 -77- 200818138 。又,刮刷6 80,被刮刷驅動馬達68 1所驅動’透過刮刷 連結部682而與刮刷臂684連結。 刮刷6 8 0係被配置在刮刷部支持板6 8 7的下面側’被 配置在刮刷部支持板6 8 7上面側的刮刷連結部6 8 4 ’是貫 通過被形成在刮刷部支持板6 8 7之貫通孔或缺口等(均未 圖示)而與刮刷6 8 0連結。刮刷驅動馬達6 8 1,係被固定 在刮刷部支持板687上。又,如圖44、46、47所示,以 貫通刮刷驅動馬達6 8 1的方式設置刮刷驅動軸6 8 1 a ’刮 刷驅動軸68 1 a的一端(刮刷臂682側的端部)上設有按 壓部(未圖示)。刮刷臂6 8 2的一端,係被插銷6 8 3所貫 通,插銷6 8 3的一端係被固定在刮刷部支持板6 8 7 °又’ 刮刷臂6 82的另一端,係透過關節部684a而與刮刷連結 部6 8 4連結。 刮刷連結部684中,係在鉛直方向上形成有例如2個 貫通孔(未圖示),該貫通孔中係被插通有2根刮刷驅動 用軸2 8 6。該2根刮刷驅動用軸6 8 6,係在與徑向方向垂 直之方向上延伸設置,是彼此平行地配置。刮刷驅動用軸 6 86,係如圖44、46所示,係被安裝在略L字狀之板狀的 刮刷部保持部件6 8 9,而在該刮刷部保持部件6 8 9上’亦 保持有插銷6 83。 又,光碟裝置600,係具有用來清潔光學拾取器640 之透鏡642的透鏡清潔器690。透鏡清潔器690,係和刮 刷6 8 0的本體部一體形成,例如是從刮刷6 8 0的本體部朝 向光碟裝置600的前面側突出形成。該透鏡清潔器690, -78- 200818138 係具有有透鏡642擦拭機能的擦拭部件。本實施形態所述 之光碟裝置600,係做爲此種擦拭部件係具有,例如圖44 〜47所示,在透鏡清潔器690的尖端部設有可裝卸式的 毛刷式擦拭部件692。 此處,一面參照圖4 7及圖4 8 A,一面說明毛刷式擦 拭部件692。毛刷式擦拭部件692,例如是由:用來去除 透鏡642上所附著之墨水等的毛刷部694、和用來支持毛 刷部694的毛刷支持部696所成。毛刷支持部696,係與 透鏡清潔器690的本體部是藉由螺絲(未圖示)而可裝卸 式地設置,毛刷式擦拭部件6 9 2的使用結果,導致毛刷部 6 94磨耗等而劣化的情況下,就可容易地更換毛刷式擦拭 部件692。本實施形態中,由於透鏡清潔器690是與刮刷 6 80等一體形成,因此若毛刷式擦拭部件692是和透鏡清 潔器690 —體形成,則因爲毛刷部694的磨耗等,沒有更 換需要的刮刷6 8 0等也無一起更換之必要,因此在成本面 上也非常優異。只不過,若不考慮這些觀點,則毛刷式擦 拭部件692亦可和透鏡清潔器690 —體形成。 又,做爲本實施形態所述之擦拭部件的變更例,例如 可爲,如圖48B所示,聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯或PET所成的 不織布這類不易掉出纖維的材質(lint-free )形成爲略圓 筒狀,藉由使其旋轉,就可將附著在透鏡642上的墨水等 加以去除的旋轉式擦拭部件6 9 7,或者亦可爲如圖4 8 C所 示,將透鏡清潔器690的尖端部以紙等材質加以覆蓋的拭 紙式擦拭部件698,來將透鏡642上附著的墨水等加以去 -79 - 200818138 除。 具有所述構成的本實施形態所述之閉蓋672、刮刷 6 80、透鏡清潔器690之動作,說明如下。以下的說明中 ,爲了說明方便,是以刮刷6 8 0的運動爲中心來說明。首 先,一旦藉由刮刷驅動馬達68 1的旋轉而使刮刷驅動軸 68 1 a往刮刷臂682移動,則刮刷驅動軸68 1 a的尖端部的 按壓部(未圖示)會將刮刷臂682朝向刮刷驅動軸681a 的移動方向按壓。藉由此按壓力,刮刷臂682係以插銷 683爲支點而例如往反時鐘方向旋動。接著,伴隨著刮刷 臂682的旋動,透過關節部684a而連結至刮刷臂6 82的 刮刷連結部6 84,是一面被刮刷驅動用軸68 6所導引,一 面沿著該軸6 8 6而在與徑向方向垂直之方向上直線性移動 。刮刷68 0,係連動於該刮刷連結部684的移動,在與徑 向方向垂直之方向上朝向印刷頭(未圖示)側而直線性地 移動。 另一方面,若刮刷臂682想要順時鐘方向旋動時,則 可利用例如彈簧等之彈性部件(未圖示)之彈性復原力而 旋動。亦即例如,一旦藉由使刮刷驅動馬達68 1和上記相 反地旋動,而使刮刷驅動軸681a朝向與刮刷臂682相反 側移動,則按壓部(未圖示)會從刮刷臂6 8 2離開,按壓 部所致之按壓力會施加在刮刷臂6 82上。因此,刮刷臂 6 82,係例如藉由上述彈性部件的復原力,而可順時鐘地 旋動。如此,刮刷680就可朝向與之前相反的方向(印刷 頭的相反側)移動。藉由如此使驅動馬達68 1的旋轉及逆 -80 - 200818138 旋轉反覆,刮刷680就可將印刷頭的墨水吐出部(未圖示 ),以刮刷頭6 80a加以清潔。 又,此時,於本實施形態中,閉蓋672及透鏡清潔器 690,由於是和刮刷680 —體形成,因此會連動於上述刮 刷680的動作,在與徑向方向垂直之方向上進行往復移動 。透鏡清潔器690,係在如此運動之際,會通過透鏡642 的上方,而在通過透鏡642時,進行透鏡642的清潔。 此處,光碟裝置600中再設有維修控制部(未圖示) ,其係進行控制,使得本實施形態所述之做爲頭清潔機構 的刮刷680,是在進行印刷頭清潔後,本實施形態所述之 做爲記錄手段清潔機構的透鏡清潔器690才會進行透鏡 6 42清潔,較爲理想。這是因爲,一旦藉由刮刷680來清 潔印刷頭,則因爲刮刷6 8 0的刮掃動作,附著在印刷頭上 的墨水有時會飛散到透鏡6 4 2上。即使是此種情況下,若 有設置上記維修控制部,則在清潔透鏡642後,才會去清 潔印刷頭,藉此就可避免透鏡642污染。 如以上,使用噴墨式印刷頭的有標籤印刷機能的光碟 裝置中,標籤印刷之際從印刷頭吐出而未到達印刷面的多 餘墨水(墨霧),會污染裝置內部。此時,光學拾取器尤 其是透鏡部份若被污染,則資料的讀寫會變得不穩定’甚 至引起讀寫不良等。如本實施形態所述的光碟裝置600 ’ 不僅刮刷6 80、閉蓋672、廢墨吸附器674,還設有透鏡 清潔器690,並將刮刷680、閉蓋672、廢墨吸附器674 及透鏡清潔器690 —體形成,藉此可較個別設置透鏡清潔 -81 - 200818138 器6 90更爲簡化構造,可實現有效的維修機構。 因此,若依據本實施形態所述之光碟裝置6 0 0 刷680、閉蓋672、廢墨吸附器674、透鏡清潔器 一體移動,因此較先前來說,構成簡單,可實現有 修機構,可以低成本、小型化,且機構簡單,不易 障,可獲得這些效果。 此外,本實施形態所述的光碟裝置600,係並 於上述例子,例如,閉蓋或廢墨吸附器等是其他形 況,透鏡清潔器是刷子形狀、旋轉式、清潔紙形狀 的其他形狀的情況,刮刷680、閉蓋 672、廢墨 674、透鏡清潔器690是一體形成之機構以外的構 況,刮刷6 80、閉蓋672、廢墨吸附器674、透鏡 6 9 0的運動是異於本實施形態之方向(例如與本實 的移動方向呈垂直之方向)的情況,具有卡匣的碟 匣之標籤面也能印刷的情況等,可想到各種變更例 其中,例如,做爲閉蓋形狀的變更例,可舉$丨 所示的閉蓋672’這種形狀。閉蓋672’,例如,全體 膠(乳膠等合成橡膠)所形成,基台672a和收容 收體(未圖示)的墨水吸收部672b是一體形成。 收部672b,係由略矩形的底部和形成在其外周上 所成,在對向的壁部,有一組保持部件6 7 2 c突出 該保持部件672c,係將墨水吸收體挾持使其不會歪 以上,邊參照添附圖面邊說明本發明的理想實 ,但本發明當然並非限定於所述的例子。只要是當 ,則刮 690可 效的維 發生故 非限定 狀的情 等以外 吸附器 造之情 清潔器 施形態 片之卡 〇 ]圖 49 是由橡 墨水吸 墨水吸 的壁部 形成。 掉。 施形態 業者, -82- 200818138 於申請專利範圍所記載的範疇內,可想到各種變更例或修 正例,這些當然也是屬於本發明的技術範圍。 例如,上述實施形態中,做爲本發明所述之資訊記錄 裝置,雖然舉出進行光碟記錄再生的光碟裝置100、200 、3 00、400、5 00、600爲例來說明,但做爲本發明所述 之資訊記錄裝置,並非侷限於光碟裝置,例如亦可爲磁碟 裝置、光磁碟裝置等。 例如,上述實施形態中,做爲具備印刷頭更換蓋的光 碟裝置,雖然是針對第1實施形態所述光碟裝置1 00是更 具備印刷頭更換蓋3 1 9的光碟裝置3 00來說明,但亦可爲 第2、第4、第5及第6實施形態之光碟裝置200、400、 5 00及6 00是更具備印刷頭更換蓋的情形。 又,上述實施形態中,舉出閉蓋機構或清潔機構的詳 細說明,雖然是舉出第2實施形態的光碟裝置200爲例來 說明,但第1、第3、第4、第5及第6實施形態的光碟 裝置100、300、400、500及600的情況亦是相同。 又,上述第3實施形態中,雖然針對閉蓋3 72或廢墨 吸附器374是對托盤3 20可裝卸式設置之例子來說明,但 閉蓋3 72、廢墨吸附器3 74,係亦可和托盤320 —體形成 〇 又,亦可將上述第6實施形態的清潔機構或閉蓋機構 ,適用於第4及第5實施形態的光碟裝置400及5 00上。 【圖式簡單說明】 -83- 200818138 〔圖1〕先前的具有標籤印刷機能之光碟裝置(托盤 式)的外觀構成之斜視圖。 〔圖2〕先前的具有標籤印刷機能之光碟裝置(吸入 式)的外觀構成之斜視圖。 〔圖3〕表示光碟之徑向方向的說明圖。 〔圖4〕先前的具有標籤印刷機能之光碟裝置的內部 構成之斜視圖。 〔圖5〕先前的具有標籤印刷機能之光碟裝置的內部 構成之平面圖。 〔圖6〕先前的具有標籤印刷機能之光碟裝置的可印 刷區域之說明圖。 〔圖7〕先前的具有標籤印刷機能之光碟裝置使用時 的印刷例之說明圖。 〔圖8〕本發明的第1實施形態中所述之光碟裝置的 內部構成之斜視圖。 〔圖9〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置之內部構成的平面 圖。 〔圖1 〇〕同實施形態中的夾盤支持板的構成例的說 明用斜視圖。 〔圖1 1〕同實施形態中的夾盤支持板的構成例的說 明用斜視圖。 〔圖1 2〕先前的光碟裝置使用時的可印刷區域和本 發明之第1實施形態所述之光碟裝置使用時的可印刷區域 的比較用說明圖。 -84- 200818138 〔圖1 3〕本發明的第1實施形態中所述之光碟裝置 使用時的印刷例之說明圖。 〔圖1 4〕同實施形態中的利用光碟排出動作來進行 標籟印刷時的印刷結果之例子的說明圖。 〔圖1 5〕 ( a )係本發明的第1實施形態中所述之印 刷頭的槪略構成之斜視圖;(b )係本發明的第2實施形 態中所述之印刷頭的槪略構成之斜視圖。 〔圖1 6〕本發明的第2實施形態中所述之光碟裝置 的內部構成之斜視圖。 〔圖1 7 A〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置之內部構成的平 面圖。 〔圖1 7B〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置之內部構成的平 面圖,圖示印刷頭正在印刷標籤之狀態。 〔圖1 8〕同實施形態中的印刷頭之移動軌跡例的說 明圖。 〔圖1 9〕同實施形態的變更例所述之光碟裝置之構 成的斜視圖。 〔圖20〕圖1 9所示之光碟裝置的要部構成的斜視圖 〇 〔圖21〕圖19所示之光碟裝置之構成的平面圖。 〔圖22〕本發明的第2實施形態中的印刷頭、蓋子 機構及清潔機構之構成的斜視圖。 〔圖2 3〕同實施形態中的印刷頭、蓋子機構及清潔 機構,從光碟裝置下面側觀看的斜視圖。 -85- 200818138 〔圖24〕 (a)係同實施形態中的清潔機構之構成的 平面圖’ (b )係同實施形態中的清潔機構之構成的斜視 圖。 〔圖25〕同實施形態中的閉蓋之構成的斜視圖。 〔圖26〕先前的光碟裝置中的印刷頭之更換方法的 說明圖。 〔圖27〕本發明的第3實施形態中所述之光碟裝置 中的印刷頭之更換方法的說明圖。 〔圖2 8〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置之內部構成的斜 視圖。 〔圖2 9〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置之內部構成的平 面圖。 〔圖3 0〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置中的做爲載入手 段之托盤之構成的斜視圖。 〔圖3 1〕本發明的第4實施形態中所述之光碟裝置 的內部構成之斜視圖。 〔圖32〕圖3 1所示之光碟裝置的要部構成的放大斜 視圖。 〔圖3 3〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置之內部構成的平 面圖。 〔圖3 4〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置從下面側觀看的 斜視圖。 〔圖3 5〕同實施形態中的印刷頭之構成的斜視圖。 〔圖3 6〕進行標籤印刷時的印刷頭之活動的例子的 -86- 200818138 說明圖,(a )係以先前的印刷頭進行印刷時,(b )係以 本發明之第1實施形態所述之印刷頭進行印刷時,(c ) 係以本發明之第4實施形態所述之印刷頭進行印刷時的情 形。 〔圖3 7 A〕本發明之第4實施形態中,光碟的外周側 印刷時與內周側印刷時,印刷區域的面積是相等的說明圖 〇 〔圖3 7B〕同實施形態中,光碟的外周側印刷時與內 周側印刷時,印刷區域的面積是相等的說明圖。 〔圖3 8〕同實施形態中的標籤印刷後之標籤面的狀 態例和本發明之第1實施形態中的標籤印刷後之標籤面的 狀態例的比較照片。 〔圖3 9〕同實施形態中的利用光碟排出動作來進行 標籤印刷時的印刷結果之例子的說明圖。 〔圖4 0〕本發明的第5實施形態中所述之具有標籤 印刷機能之光碟裝置之構成的區塊圖。 〔圖4 1〕以單次印刷模式進行印刷之動作的說明圖 ,(a )係使用先前的光碟裝置時,(b )係使用本發明的 第5實施形態中所述之光碟裝置時的情形。 〔圖42〕以多重印刷模式進行印刷之動作的說明圖 ,(a )係使用先前的光碟裝置時,(b )係使用本發明的 第5實施形態中所述之光碟裝置時的情形。 〔圖4 3〕單次印刷所致之標籤印刷後之標籤面的狀 態例和多重印刷所致之標籤印刷後之標籤面的狀態例的比 -87- 200818138 較照片。 〔圖4 4〕本發明的第6實施形態中所述之光碟裝置 的內部構成之斜視圖。 〔圖45〕同實施形態中的光碟裝置從下面側觀看的 斜視圖。 〔圖46〕圖44所示之光碟裝置的要部構成的放大斜 視圖。 〔圖47〕從圖45中再將主要部件抽出圖示的放大斜 視圖。 〔圖48A〕同實施形態中的擦拭部件之構成的放大斜 視圖。 〔圖48B〕同實施形態的第1變更例中的擦拭部件構 成的放大斜視圖。 〔圖4 8 C〕同實施形態的第2變更例中的擦拭部件構 成的放大斜視圖。 〔圖4 9〕同實施形態的變更例所述之閉蓋之構成的 斜視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 5 :光碟 100、 200、 300、 400、 500、 600:光碟裝置 120、 220、 320、 420 :托盤 130、 230、 330、 430 :夾盤 132、 232、 332、 432:夾盤安裝板 -88- 200818138 140、 240、 340、 440、 540 :光學拾取器 150、 250、 350、 450、 550 :印刷頭 1 5 6、2 5 6、3 5 6、4 5 6 :頭驅動用軸承部件 15 7、2 5 7、3 5 7、457 : g頁驅動用軸 160、260、3 60、460 :頭驅動馬達 162、 262、 362、 462 :滾珠螺桿 172、 272、 372、 472 :閉蓋 174、 274、 374、 474 :廢墨吸附器 3 19 :印刷頭更換蓋 -89 -Sa3=^x (a+b+c+d) 2-7rx (a+b+c) 2 =π x ( ( a + b ) 2 + z2 ) - ττ χ ( a2 + z2 ) = ^x(a +b) 2 - -7Γ x a2 Two SA1 The following analogy, if it is assumed that the printing area for the nth printing is An, then SAi = SA2 = SA3 II · · = SAn This fact is proved. Thus, by making the longitudinal direction of the ink discharge portion 405 a of the print head 450 into the vertical direction in which the print head 450 moves, the area of the area printed in one step can be made identical. Then, since the areas of the printing areas are all equal, the printing density is the same as long as the ejection timing of the inks is the same. That is, in the case of the optical disk device 400 according to the present embodiment, it is different from the previous embodiment or the above-described embodiment, and uniform printing can be performed without performing image point correction. Therefore, in the present embodiment, the performance of the print head 450 can be fully utilized. Further, if the discharge timing of the ink is adjusted in accordance with the area ratio of the printing area, that is, the optical disc device 100 (Fig. 36 (a)) or the optical disc device 100 of the first embodiment ( In Fig. 36 (b)) and the like, when the discharge on the outer peripheral side of the optical disk 5 is delayed with the printing area, even if the image point correction (density correction) is not performed, the uniform printing can be performed - 62 - 200818138 . However, in order to fully exhibit the performance of the print head, the fastest ink discharge timing is required. From this point of view, the optical disk device 400 (Fig. 36 (c)) according to the present embodiment is most preferable. Next, the embodiment will be described based on FIG. 3 . In the optical disc device 400, the effect of suppressing the unevenness of the tendons on the printing start position at the time of label printing is performed. In addition, Fig. 3 is a comparative photograph of a state example (b) of the label surface after label printing in the present embodiment and a state (a) of the label surface after label printing in the first embodiment of the present invention. As shown in Figure 3 8 (a), When the optical disc device 1 according to the first embodiment, in which the longitudinal direction of the printing head coincides with the moving direction of the printing head, is used for label printing, It can be seen that at the beginning of printing, Along the line moved by the print head 150, Will produce uneven tendons. This is because of the influence of the wind generated by the rotation of the optical disc 5, The ink ejected from the ink ejecting portion 150a of the printing head 150 is dried or the viscosity is increased. This causes the ink concentration at the start of ink ejection to become thicker. on the other hand, As shown in Figure 3 8 (b), When label printing is performed using the optical disk device 400 of the present embodiment in which the longitudinal direction of the printing head is perpendicular to the moving direction of the printing head, Can be seen at the beginning of the printing, The unevenness of the tendons becomes inconspicuous. This is because 'the direction of the long side of the print head 450 is perpendicular to the direction in which the print head 450 moves, Therefore, the beginning of printing is different from the case of Figure 38 (a). Not in a straight line, But in a plane, The ink with increased viscosity can be dispersed. also, The optical disc device 400 according to the embodiment, The discharge operation of the optical disc 5 caused by the tray 42 0 for inserting the optical disc 5 into the discharge device of the optical disc device 400 can also be utilized. To print labels. E.g, - 63- 200818138 As shown in Figure 39, In the case of printing only relevant text information of the contents of the material recorded on the disc 5, When the optical disc 5 is ejected from the front side of the optical disc device 400 (Fig. 39 indicates the loading direction of the optical disc 5), Controlling the print head 450 to eject ink to print text information, The printing result as shown in Fig. 39 can be obtained easily and at high speed. That is, in this embodiment, Since the print head 45 0 is disposed at a position offset from the center of the optical disc 5, Therefore, the tray 410 is for discharging the optical disc 5 to the outside of the optical disc device 400. And moving the optical disc 5 toward its outer circumference, Thereby, the print head 450 can be relatively moved to the optical disc 5. Therefore, If the print head 450 is printed on the optical disc 5 once, the information such as characters or graphics can be printed. The label printing can be performed by the discharge operation of the optical disc 5. In addition, On the occasion of the discharge of the disc 5, Whether or not the print head 4500 is activated, As long as the print head 450 is moved in the opposite direction to the direction in which the optical disc 5 is discharged, Even if the print head 4500 is not operated, It can also be printed at high speed. In other words, When printing on the label side of the disc 5, Although it is necessary to convert the printed materials and then print them, But for example, when you only want to print text, Then, at the timing when the optical disc 5 is discharged from the optical disc device 400, Controlling the discharge of the print head 450 The printing result as shown in Fig. 39 can be obtained easily and at high speed. As explained above, According to the optical disc device 400 of the embodiment, Then the print head 4500 does not pass through the center of rotation of the disc 5, The longitudinal direction of the print head 450 is configured to be perpendicular to its movable axis, Therefore, the printing area of each step can be made uniform or nearly uniform. Therefore, the following effects can be obtained -64- 200818138 (1) If the timing of the ink ejection from the print head is the same, The printing density of each printing area is the same; (2) The label printing can be performed in a uniform or approximate state even without performing concentration correction; (3) The performance of the print head can be fully developed. also, According to the optical disc device 400 of the embodiment, Then, the longitudinal direction of the ink discharge portion 450a of the printing head 450 and the movable axis of the printing head 450 are perpendicular. Therefore, the following effects can be obtained: (1) Improve the linear ribs on the printing start site, It makes it less noticeable than other parts. even, Since the longitudinal direction of the ink ejecting portion 450a of the printing head 450 is perpendicular to the moving direction of loading of the optical disc 5, Therefore, it is possible to print simple materials such as characters by using the discharge operation of the disc. therefore, When there is less printing material, Can significantly reduce printing time, Increase user convenience, This effect can be obtained. In addition, The optical disc device 400 according to the embodiment, The system is not limited to the above examples. For example, it is also conceivable that the shape of the print head 450 is different from the above example, The cover 472 or the waste ink adsorber 474 is in the form of other shapes, etc. Various changes can be made. (Configuration and Operation of Optical Disc Device 500 in the Fifth Embodiment) Next, Based on Figure 40, A configuration of an optical disk device 500 which is an audio recording device according to a fifth embodiment of the present invention will be described. In addition, Fig. 40 is a block diagram showing the configuration of the optical disk device 500 having the label printing function according to the fifth embodiment of the present invention. also, In the following description, Light -65 - 200818138 Other constructions of the dish device 500 Since it is the same as the above embodiment, Therefore, a detailed description is omitted here. Here, The aforementioned optical disc device 700, Or the optical disc device according to the first to third embodiments, 200 and 300, There are problems as follows. that is, E.g, In order to print at high speed, Although the printing width of the printing head (the width of the ink ejection portion of the printing head) is increased, it is preferable. But on the other hand, In order to increase the printing width, the long side direction of the ink discharge portion of the printing head is lengthened, The difference in performance of each of the ink ejection nozzles constituting the print head can be remarkably exhibited. that is, When the print head has a large print width, Inevitably reduce the quality of printed images, on the contrary, When the print head has a small print width, Can't print at high speed, The two cannot be met at the same time, There is such a problem 〇 So, The optical disc device 500 according to the embodiment, In order to solve such problems, With a head control unit, Controlling the print head moving means 'to change the one-time moving distance of the print head; Changing the movement distance of the printing head by the head control portion, And can be selectively set, a single-print mode that prints the same field on the information recording medium once, And multiple print modes that print multiple times in the same field on the media. the following, The configuration of such a disc device 500 will be described in detail. As shown in Figure 40, Optical disc device 500, The system mainly has: a recording and reproducing unit that records information on the optical disc 5 or reproduces the information recorded on the optical disc 5; And a printing unit 500B that performs standard printing on the optical disc 5. Recording and reproducing unit 5 00 A is, for example, have: Recording and Reproduction Control Department -66 - 200818138 5 1 0, Spindle motor controller 5 1 2. Image sound processing unit 5 1 4 D/A conversion unit 5 1 6 Interface 5 1 8, Matrix expander / sync detection unit / e C C part 5 2 0 , Thread control unit 522, Servo control unit 524, Laser control unit 526, Buffer memory 5 2 8, Spindle motor 5 3 6, Optical pickup 5 4 〇, Picker moving mechanism 544. Recording and reproducing control unit 5 10 0, Output various signals, Overall control The spindle motor controller described later 5 1 2. Matrix expander / sync detection unit / ECC unit 520, Thread control unit 522, Servo control unit 524, Laser control unit 526, And all the control units. Spindle motor 5 3 6, It functions as a rotary drive mechanism that rotates the optical disc 5. The spindle motor 5 3 6, For example, by the spindle motor controller 5 1 2 to which the signal from the recording and reproducing control unit 5 10 is input, The number of rotations is subject to appropriate control. Optical pickup 540, Has: Laser source, Concentrating the laser light emitted by the laser light source on the lens lens of the disc, A photodetector (PD) that detects light reflected from the disc (none of which is shown). As a laser source, Although using semiconductor lasers, Especially the laser diode (LD), But it is not limited to this. Optical pickup 540, Others also have: An optical system (not shown) for introducing laser light emitted from a laser source into a lens (〇), a matrix expander in the matrix amplifier/synchronization detecting unit/ECC unit 520, Based on various signals output from the PD of the optical pickup 540, a focus error signal is generated, Tracking error signal, RF signal, etc. Similarly, An actuator (not shown) mounted on the optical pickup 504 It is equipped with a lens -67- 200818138 lens. The lens of the object can be tracked, Focus direction and tilt direction move. also, Synchronization detection unit (and A/D converter not shown), The system also generates a clock signal based on the synchronization signal recorded on the disc 5 at a predetermined interval. Convert analog signals into digital signals. then, ECC (and signal modem), The signal is modulated, Demodulation and ECC addition, And based on ECC (Error Correcting Code : Error correction signal) to perform error correction processing. Thread control unit 522, Outputting a signal for controlling the movement of the optical disk 5 in the radial direction of the optical pickup 540, Controls the position of recording and reproduction (line servo). More specifically, The signal output from the thread control unit 522 is input to the thread motor 546, Based on the signal entered, The thread motor 546 will drive the pickup mobile machine 544, With the picker moving mechanism 5 44, The optical pickup 540 is moved to the recording and reproducing position. Servo control unit 524, To the actuator mounted in the optical pickup 540, Based on the focus error signal, Tracking error signal, And outputting various servo signals by RF signal. Perform appropriate posture control of the lens. In addition, Servo control unit 524, The control signal for the thread servo and the rotation number control signal of the spindle motor 563 can also be output. Laser control unit 526, Accepting the matrix expander from the matrix amplifier/synchronization detection unit/ECC unit 520, The modulation signal of the ECC part (and the signal modulation demodulator not shown), In order to write the signal to the disc 5, And the laser power of the modulated laser source, also, The laser power is controlled based on the RF signal. Buffer memory 5 2 8, When the signal modem and ECC department processes -68- 200818138, Temporarily memorize the data. Image sound processing unit 5 1 4, Perform necessary image processing or sound processing, The image and sound are analogized (such as video/audio output) through a D/A converter. Interface 5 1 8, An interface 〇 printing unit 500B for connecting to an external computer or a video source or the like (not shown), For example, it has: Print head 5 50, Head drive motor 5 60, Print head moving mechanism 5 62, Head drive circuit 5 64, Printing controller 570 Memory 5 80. Print head 505 and head drive motor 5 6 〇, Since it is the same as the above embodiment, Therefore, the detailed description is omitted. Print head moving mechanism 5 62, Driven by the head drive motor 506, Is to make the print head 5 50, At the position offset from the center axis of the disc 5, Move in a direction parallel to its radial direction. Head drive circuit 5 64, Usually integrated with the print head 5 5 ,, The ink discharged from the printing head 550 is controlled to be discharged. Printing controller 5 70, The signal from the recording and reproducing control unit 5 1 0 is input, Alternatively, a signal is output to the recording/reproduction control unit 5 10 . also, Printing controller 5 70, Controlling the print head moving mechanism 5 62, And used to drive the head drive motor 506. Memory 5 80, The information that memorizes the printed content, that is, the printed information (hereinafter referred to as printed materials). The memory is 580, For example, in the future, from personal computers, Memory card, Printed materials of other external machines, etc. Temporarily accumulate. The operation of the optical disc device 500 having the above configuration will be described below. When recording data, Digital data input to the interface from an external computer not shown, The -69 - 200818138 is equipped with an error correction code (ECC) and is modulated by the signal modem and ECC. Based on modulated digital data, Pulses are generated by the laser control unit 5 26 Irradiating the optical disc 5 with the laser light through the optical pickup 540, It is possible to record digital data. At the time of data recording, By the servo control unit 524, Spindle motor controller 5 1 2. Thread control unit 5 2 2, etc. Perform appropriate servo control, Laser control. on the other hand, When data is being reproduced, If the laser light strikes the disc 5, Then, the reflected light is detected by the PD of the optical pickup 540. Reflected light detected by PD, Zoom in on the matrix expander, Waveform equalization calculations, Regenerate the RF signal, With the sync detection unit and the A/D converter, Generate a bit column that dichotomizes the RF signal. The resulting bit column, It is signal demodulated and error corrected by the signal modem and ECC. From the demodulated signal, The image data and the sound data are separated by the image sound processing unit 516. The analog output is performed by D/A conversion by the D/A conversion unit 516. At the time of data reproduction, Also by the servo control unit 5 2 4, Spindle motor controller 5 1 2. Thread control unit 5 2 2, etc. Proper servo control, Laser control. Label printing, Usually the same as data reproduction, Based on the signal from the 5th disk of the disc, Control spindle motor 5 3 6, Simultaneous printing control' rotates the disc 5 with a certain number of rotations. Label printing on one side. also, Not limited to this, It is also possible to perform label printing while recording data. It is also possible to print while changing the number of rotations of the optical disc 5. At this time, the printing control benefit 570 can control the printing head moving means. For example, the movement distance of the print head 550 is once, Is equal to the maximum print width of the print head 5 5 、, 本实-70- 200818138 In the form of the ink, the l/n (η is a natural number) or more of the ink discharge portion is Although the composition of the optical disc device 500 is based on FIG. 41, Figure 42 and Figure 43, The operation at the time of label printing having the above configuration 500 will be described. In addition, Figure 41 is an explanatory diagram of the operation of printing in the brush mode, (a) when the disc device 700 is used, (b) A case where the optical disk device 500 of the fifth embodiment of the present invention is used. Figure 42 is an explanatory diagram of the operation of printing in multiple lines. (a) when using the previous 7〇〇, (b) A case where the disk device 500 of the fifth embodiment of the present invention is used. Fig. 43 is a comparative photograph showing a state example of the label side after single printing and a state example of the label printing surface by multiple printing. also, In the following description, The optical disc device 100 according to the third embodiment, 200 and action, The duplicate description is omitted. First of all, Description Label printing in single print mode The so-called single print mode, As mentioned above, Is to print the same field on the disc 5 media once, More specifically, as shown in 41 (c), The printing controller 5 70 is moved by the printing head once and exactly with the printing width (the width of the ink discharging portion (transfer amount), To print (1 (1) to (3 1 step to 3 step). therefore, 1 image point is printed. Figure 4 1 (a) shows that the print head is moving up on the radial axis; Figure 41 (b) shows the position of the print head at a position offset from the disc 5, When moving in a direction parallel to the radial axis, However, the assembled optical disc is printed in the same manner as the above-mentioned first one by the label printed on the optical disc described in the optical disc device in the printing mode of the previous optical printing mode. For information records, As shown in the figure, Let the degree be the same distance) means the first (J 1 times). The situation of moving time is the case of turning to the center. Ink -71 - 200818138 On the water spit out, For example, there are 30 to 400 ink ejection nozzles side by side. If the manufacturing is not uniform, the arrangement of the nozzles is uneven. It will result in uneven color. therefore, When printing a single time, Regardless of the above (a), (b) which situation, The performance difference of the nozzle is directly related to the image quality. As shown in Figure 43 (a), Concentric circular unevenness is likely to occur on the disc 5. Furthermore, because of the repeated influence of the nozzle performance difference of each step, the printing is greatly affected. Concentricity of the tendons will be more conspicuous. then, Explain the situation when label printing is performed in the multiple printing mode. The so-called multiple printing mode, As mentioned above, It is a plurality of (two or more) prints in the same field on the information recording medium such as the optical disc 5, More physically, As shown in Figure 42 (c), The printing controller 5 70 is a printing step of one time. The print head is moved by exactly the same distance (transfer amount) as 1 / η (the natural number of η system 2 or more) of the printing width (the width of the ink discharge portion), For printing (the (1) to (6) lines indicate the first step to the sixth step). therefore, One image point is printed twice or more. In addition, As shown in Figure 42 (c), η = 2, that is, The case where the print head is moved exactly 1 /2 of the width of the Moss soil out of each step. Figure 42 (a) shows the situation when the print head is moving on the radial axis; Figure 42 (b) shows that the print head is offset from the center of rotation of the optical disc 5, The case when moving in a direction parallel to the radial axis. The arrangement of the nozzles is not uniform due to manufacturing errors. This will involve problems with uneven color. It is the same as in the case of single printing. but, At the time of multiple printing, the print head is successively pushed by 1 / η in a single printing step by one step (for example, 1 /2 in the present embodiment). Therefore, on the same area (for example, 1 pixel) of -72- 200818138 on the disc 5, Printing can be performed by using two or more nozzles (two in the present embodiment). therefore, The effect of nozzle performance differences, It is not easy to be noticeable when printing in a single time. As shown in Figure 43 (b), The concentric unevenness on the disc 5 is less conspicuous (the unevenness is averaged). That is, Label printing with multiple prints, It is possible to print images of higher quality. even, If the amount of movement of the print head of one step is reduced to 1/4 of that of a single print, 1/8, Then, since the number of nozzles for printing the same field (for example, one pixel) on the optical disc 5 can be increased to four, 8, Therefore, the influence of nozzle performance difference is more difficult to highlight (the allowable range of nozzle performance difference becomes wider), Prints higher quality images. even, Not only can you improve the quality of the printed image, Can also improve yield, It is even possible to reduce costs. only, As shown in Figure 4 2 (a), When the print head is moving on the radial axis, Since the print head system interferes with components such as the chuck, Therefore, it is not possible to sufficiently perform multiple printing on the inner peripheral side of the optical disc 5. therefore, E.g, As shown in the enlarged photo in Figure 4 2 ( a ), The outer peripheral side is a multi-printing area that can be multi-printed. The inside is due to interference with components such as the chuck. Therefore, it becomes a single printing area where only one printing can be performed (that is, only one printing can be performed). A label-free printing area that is completely unprintable. On the other hand, in the case where the print head is shifted from the center of rotation of the optical disk 5 and moved in the direction parallel to the radial axis at the offset position, Since the print head moves away from components such as chucks, Therefore, as shown in Figure 4 2 (b), Multiple printing can be performed up to the vicinity of the center of the inner circumference side of the optical disc 5. As explained above, According to the optical disc device of the embodiment - 73- 200818138 4 00, Then the print head does not pass through the center of rotation of the disc. Moreover, the amount of movement of the print head is made smaller than the width of the ink discharge portion to perform multiple printing. With this, Compared to the previous one, Added printable area, It can be easily printed not only until the inner circumference of the disc. It can also improve the image quality of the printed image. Can get these effects. also, As mentioned above, In the previous single mode printing, Will cause unevenness of the ribs and degrade the quality of the printed image. But in addition to this unevenness of the tendons, E.g, When repeating a specific pattern for printing, In the case of single mode printing, The nozzles used are often the same one, It is easy to cause nozzle deterioration. on the contrary, No nozzles, There may also be errors caused by dry ink blocking and the like. There is such a problem. especially, Using the hot inkjet method, It is easy to cause deterioration of the nozzle. In this regard, When printing in multi mode, Since the nozzles are used on average, Therefore, these problems are not easy to occur. even, When printing a disc, Compared to the usual printing of paper, The printed matter, that is, the disc (the label) moves faster. Relatively speaking, the printing load of the nozzle is high. also, Easy to be affected by the wind generated by the disc, It is easy to cause the ink to dry and block the nozzle. These problems also exist. In contrast, In the case of multi-mode printing, Since the frequency of use of each nozzle can be reduced, Therefore, the printing load can be reduced. Preventing the ink from drying and blocking the nozzle is more effective. also, In the case of a typical inkjet printer, Since the paper of the printed matter at the time of printing is fixed, Only the print head reciprocates, Therefore, the relative speed of the print head to the printed matter can only be raised to some extent. but, When the label of the disc is printed, Although an encoder or the like is used to reduce the rotation speed, However, in the case of printing in the case of reading data, for example, in the embodiment of the present invention, Can be about 1 0~1 5 times, Therefore, the effect of multi-mode printing is great. Further, the optical disk device 400 of the present embodiment, The system is not limited to the above examples. For example, it is also conceivable that the amount of movement in one step of the print head is set to be different from the above example. Or when there is no single printing mode and only multiple printing modes, etc. Various changes can be made. (Configuration and Operation of Optical Disc Device 600 in the Sixth Embodiment) Next, Based on Figure 44 to Figure 47, The configuration of the optical disk device 600 as the information recording device described in the sixth embodiment of the present invention will be described. In addition, Figure 4 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device 600 in the sixth embodiment of the present invention. Figure 4 is a perspective view of the optical disk device 600 of the same embodiment as viewed from the lower side; Figure 46 is an enlarged perspective view showing the configuration of the main part of the optical disc device 600 shown in Figure 44; Fig. 4 is an enlarged perspective view showing the main part taken out from Fig. 46. also, In the following description, The optical disc device according to the first to fifth embodiments described above, 200, 3 00, The same composition and operation of 400 and 500, The duplicate description is omitted. Here, the above-mentioned prior optical disc device 700, Or the optical disc device 100 according to the first to fifth embodiments, 200, 300, 400 and 500, Because the inkjet type print head is used for label printing, Therefore, there are problems as follows. that is, If an inkjet print head is used for label printing, Then, the ink ejected from the printing head may contaminate the inside of the information recording device such as the optical disc device, and thus the information recording means of the poor recording device, For example, the optical disc, -75- 200818138 Especially the lens of an optical pickup, etc. Will be infected, There is such a problem. also, In this regard, In order to set up a cleaner for an information recording hand such as an optical pickup, It is necessary to assemble complex institutions, This will also increase costs. even, E.g, When using an inkjet type print head, Need to make cleaning mechanisms, A mechanism for cleaning (e.g., wiping) the waste that is attached to the ink discharge portion of the print head. therefore, In the opposite side of the loading and exiting of the information recording medium, the information recording medium requires a complicated machine space to be reduced. then, The optical disc device 600 according to the embodiment, In order to remember such problems, E.g, The cleaning mechanism such as the cleaning portion of the cleaning print head and the cleaning mechanism for the information recording means such as the optical pickup are integrally formed. As needed, These mechanisms are also integrally formed with a means for closing the print head to avoid drying. The following is a detailed description of the configuration of such light 600. The optical disc device 600 according to the embodiment, As shown in Figure 44~, The optical disc device 200 according to the first to fifth embodiments described above, 300, In addition to the composition of 400 and 500, Further, a wiper having an example of a head cleaning mechanism for performing the cleaning of the print head 6050 and a lens cleaner 690 for performing a recording means cleaning mechanism for cleaning the optical pickup 6040 are provided; These are formed integrally with the closure cover 7.2 and the waste ink. In addition, The cover 672 and the waste ink adsorber 674 are also not formed, It can also be used to wipe the 680 and the lens cleaner 690. If you use a brush to apply ink to the rear (construction, To solve the problem, shape, Very ink dry disc device "47 places 100, Have: Do 6 80 ; One example 674 needs one, Close-76-200818138 Cover 6 72 and waste ink adsorber 674 are separately formed. only, Closed cover 672 and waste ink adsorber 674, It is provided at a position where the wiper 680 does not come into contact with the closing cover 672 or the like. More ideal. As shown in Figure 44 and Figure 45, Optical disc device 600, In the same manner as in the above embodiments, Inserting the optical disc 5 into the optical disk unit surrounded by the side panel 6 18 or the like, a disc 5 that is inserted into the inside of the device, The chuck 63 0 supported by the chuck mounting plate 63 2 is held together with the hub shaft. The characteristic configuration of this embodiment will be described in more detail below. Optical disc device 600, In order to prevent the ink discharged from the print head (not shown) from drying out, With a closed cover 672, The closing cover 672 is housed in the closed lid housing portion 670. The closure 672, E.g, A hole 672a is formed at a slightly central portion of the bottom portion. in this way, The closure 672 is not a completely closed cover. Instead, there is a hole 672a, The degree of dryness of the ink can be adjusted. Such a hole 672a, It can also be formed in the optical disk device of each of the above embodiments. also, Closed cover 670, In addition to the closing cover 672, There is also a waste ink adsorber 674 which is a place where air is blown away from the air in order to prevent printing errors. About closed cover 672, Other than the waste ink adsorber 674, Both are the same as the above embodiment. also, The optical disc device 600 is as described above, a head cleaning mechanism for cleaning the print head, The head cleaning mechanism of the embodiment, a wiper 6 80 that moves in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction, It is constructed with its drive mechanism. Scratch 680, There is a wiping head 6 80a at its tip end. The wiping head 6 8 0a, For example, a structure in which an elastic member such as rubber is laminated in two layers is used -77-200818138. also, Squeegee 6 80, It is driven by the wiper drive motor 68 1 to be coupled to the wiper arm 684 through the wiper coupling portion 682. The wiper 680 is disposed on the lower surface side of the wiper portion support plate 867. The wiper joint portion 6 8 4' disposed on the upper surface side of the wiper portion support plate 678 is formed by scraping. The brush portion support plate 687 has a through hole, a notch, or the like (none of which is shown) and is coupled to the wiper 680. Wiper drive motor 6 8 1, It is fixed to the wiper support plate 687. also, As shown in Figure 44, 46. 47, A wiper drive shaft 6 8 1 a is provided so as to penetrate the wiper drive motor 681. The end of the wiper drive shaft 68 1 a (the end on the wiper arm 682 side) is provided with a pressing portion (not shown). . Scratching one end of the arm 6 8 2 Is bolted through 6 8 3, One end of the bolt 6 8 3 is fixed to the other end of the wiper support plate 6 8 7 ° and the wiper arm 6 82. It is coupled to the wiper joint portion 864 through the joint portion 684a. In the wiper joint 684, For example, two through holes (not shown) are formed in the vertical direction. Two squeegee drive shafts 286 are inserted into the through holes. The two wiper drive shafts 6 8 6, Extending in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction, They are arranged in parallel with each other. Wiper drive shaft 6 86, Figure 44, 46, A brush holder holding member 6 8 9, which is mounted in a slightly L-shaped plate shape On the wiper holding member 689, a latch 683 is also held. also, Optical disc device 600, There is a lens cleaner 690 having a lens 642 for cleaning the optical pickup 640. Lens cleaner 690, And the body portion of the scraping brush is integrally formed, For example, it is formed to protrude from the body portion of the wiper 680 toward the front side of the optical disk device 600. The lens cleaner 690, -78- 200818138 is a wiping member having a lens 642 wiping function. The optical disc device 600 according to the embodiment, As such a wiping member, For example, as shown in Figures 44 to 47, A detachable brush-type wiping member 692 is provided at the tip end portion of the lens cleaner 690. Here, Referring to Figure 4 7 and Figure 4 8 A, A brush type wiping member 692 will be described. Brush type wiper member 692, For example is by: a brush portion 694 for removing ink or the like attached to the lens 642, And a brush support portion 696 for supporting the brush portion 694. Brush support 696, The body portion of the lens cleaner 690 is detachably provided by a screw (not shown). The result of using the brush type wiper 6 9 2, When the brush portion 6 94 is worn and deteriorated, The brush wiping member 692 can be easily replaced. In this embodiment, Since the lens cleaner 690 is integrally formed with the wiper 680, etc., Therefore, if the brush wiping member 692 is formed integrally with the lens cleaner 690, Because of the abrasion of the brush portion 694, etc. There is no need to replace the wiper 6 8 0, etc., and there is no need to replace it together. Therefore, it is also excellent in terms of cost. only, If you do not consider these points, The brush wiper member 692 can also be formed integrally with the lens cleaner 690. also, A modified example of the wiping member according to the embodiment is used. For example, it can be, As shown in FIG. 48B, A material such as a non-woven fabric made of polymethyl methacrylate or PET which is not easy to fall out of the fiber (lint-free) is formed into a slightly rounded shape. By making it rotate, A rotary wiping member 6 9 that can remove ink or the like attached to the lens 642 Or it can be as shown in Figure 4 8 C. A wiper wiping member 698 that covers the tip end portion of the lens cleaner 690 with a material such as paper, To remove the ink attached to the lens 642, etc. -79 - 200818138. The cover 672 of the embodiment having the above configuration, Scratch 6 80, The action of the lens cleaner 690, described as follows. In the following description, For the convenience of explanation, It is explained centering on the movement of the wiper 680. First of all, Once the wiper drive shaft 68 1 a is moved toward the wiper arm 682 by the rotation of the wiper drive motor 68 1 , Then, the pressing portion (not shown) of the tip end portion of the wiper drive shaft 68 1 a presses the wiper arm 682 in the moving direction of the wiper drive shaft 681a. By this pressure, The wiper arm 682 is pivoted in the counterclockwise direction with the latch 683 as a fulcrum. then, With the rotation of the wiping arm 682, Connected to the wiper joint portion 6 84 of the wiper arm 6 82 through the joint portion 684a, Is guided by the wiper drive shaft 68 6 One side moves linearly in the direction perpendicular to the radial direction along the axis 6 8 6 . Wiping 68 0, Linking to the movement of the wiper joint 684, The film is moved linearly toward the print head (not shown) in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction. on the other hand, If the wiper arm 682 wants to rotate clockwise, Then, it can be rotated by an elastic restoring force of an elastic member (not shown) such as a spring. That is, for example, Once the wiper drive motor 68 1 and the upper surface are reversed, The wiper drive shaft 681a is moved toward the opposite side of the wiper arm 682. Then, the pressing portion (not shown) will leave from the wiping arm 682. The pressing force due to the pressing portion is applied to the wiper arm 68. therefore, Scraper arm 6 82, For example, by the restoring force of the above elastic member, It can be rotated clockwise. in this way, The wiper 680 is movable in a direction opposite to the previous direction (opposite side of the print head). By thus rotating the drive motor 68 1 and reversing the -80 - 200818138 rotation, The wiper 680 can discharge the ink discharge portion (not shown) of the print head. It is cleaned with a wiper head 680a. also, at this time, In this embodiment, Closure cover 672 and lens cleaner 690, Since it is formed integrally with the wiper 680, Therefore, the action of the above-mentioned scraping brush 680 is linked. Reciprocating in a direction perpendicular to the radial direction. Lens cleaner 690, On the occasion of this movement, Will pass over the lens 642, While passing through the lens 642, Cleaning of the lens 642 is performed. Here, A maintenance control unit (not shown) is further disposed in the optical disc device 600. Its control, Making the wiper 680 of the head cleaning mechanism described in the embodiment, After cleaning the print head, The lens cleaner 690 as the recording means cleaning mechanism according to this embodiment performs the cleaning of the lens 6442. More ideal. This is because, Once the print head is cleaned by wiping 680, Because of the scraping action of the wiper 680, The ink attached to the print head sometimes scatters onto the lens 64 2 . Even in this case, If there is a setting on the maintenance control department, Then after cleaning the lens 642, Will go to clean the print head, Thereby, contamination of the lens 642 can be avoided. As above, In a disc device having a label printing function using an ink jet type print head, When the label is printed, excess ink (ink mist) is discharged from the print head and does not reach the printing surface. Will pollute the inside of the device. at this time, Optical pickups, especially if the lens portion is contaminated, The reading and writing of data will become unstable, and even cause poor reading and writing. The optical disc device 600' according to the present embodiment not only wipes 680, Closed cover 672, Waste ink adsorber 674, A lens cleaner 690 is also provided. And will scrape 680, Closed cover 672, The waste ink adsorber 674 and the lens cleaner 690 are formed in a body, This makes it easier to set the lens cleaning than the individual -81 - 200818138 6 90. An effective maintenance organization can be realized. therefore, According to the optical disc device 600 of the embodiment, the brush 680, Closed cover 672, Waste ink adsorber 674, Lens cleaner, moving in one, So more than before, Simple composition, A repair mechanism can be implemented, Can be low cost, miniaturization, And the mechanism is simple, Not difficult, These effects can be obtained. In addition, The optical disc device 600 according to the embodiment, And in the above example, E.g, Closures or waste ink adsorbers, etc. are other conditions. Lens cleaner is a brush shape, spiral, Cleaning other shapes of paper shapes, Scratch 680, Closed cover 672, Waste ink 674, The lens cleaner 690 is a configuration other than the integrally formed mechanism. Scratch 6 80, Closed cover 672, Waste ink adsorber 674, The movement of the lens 690 is different from the direction of the embodiment (for example, a direction perpendicular to the actual moving direction). The case where the label of the disc with the cassette can be printed, etc. Various modifications are conceivable. E.g, As a change of the shape of the closed lid, The shape of the closure 672' shown by $丨 can be cited. Closing cover 672', E.g, All rubber (synthetic rubber such as latex) is formed, The base 672a and the ink absorbing portion 672b of the housing (not shown) are integrally formed. Receiving part 672b, Made of a slightly rectangular bottom and formed on its outer circumference, In the opposite wall, There is a set of retaining members 6 7 2 c protruding from the retaining member 672c, Hold the ink absorber so that it does not lick above. The ideal of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. However, the invention is of course not limited to the examples described. As long as it is Then, the effective dimension of the scraping 690 is not limited. The adsorber is created. The cleaner is applied. The sheet of the sheet is 〇] Fig. 49 is formed by the wall portion sucked by the ink of the rubber ink. Drop it. Form, -82- 200818138 Within the scope of the patent application, Various changes or modifications are conceivable. These are of course also within the technical scope of the present invention. E.g, In the above embodiment, As the information recording device of the present invention, Although the optical disc device 100 for performing disc recording and reproduction is cited, 200, 3 00, 400, 5 00, 600 as an example to illustrate, However, it is an information recording apparatus according to the present invention. Not limited to a disc device, For example, it can also be a disk device, Optical disk device, etc. E.g, In the above embodiment, As a disc device with a print head replacement cover, The optical disk device 100 according to the first embodiment is described as a disk device 300 having a print head replacement cover 319. But it can also be the second Fourth, The optical disc device 200 of the fifth and sixth embodiments, 400, 5 00 and 6 00 are more suitable for the replacement of the print head. also, In the above embodiment, Give a detailed description of the closure mechanism or cleaning mechanism, The optical disk device 200 according to the second embodiment will be described as an example. But the first Third, Fourth, The optical disc device 100 of the fifth and sixth embodiments, 300, 400, The same is true for 500 and 600. also, In the third embodiment described above, Although for the closure 3 72 or the waste ink adsorber 374 is illustrated as an example of the removable arrangement of the tray 3 20, But closed cover 3 72, Waste ink adsorber 3 74, The system can also be formed integrally with the tray 320. The cleaning mechanism or the closing mechanism of the sixth embodiment described above may also be used. Applicable to the optical disc devices 400 and 500 of the fourth and fifth embodiments. [Simple description of the drawing] -83- 200818138 [Fig. 1] A perspective view showing the appearance of a conventional optical disk device (tray type) having a label printing function. Fig. 2 is a perspective view showing the appearance of a conventional optical disk device (inhalation type) having a label printing function. Fig. 3 is an explanatory view showing a radial direction of the optical disk. Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing the internal configuration of a conventional optical disk device having a label printing function. Fig. 5 is a plan view showing the internal structure of a conventional optical disk device having a label printing function. Fig. 6 is an explanatory view of a printable area of a conventional optical disk device having a label printing function. Fig. 7 is an explanatory diagram of a printing example when a conventional optical disk device having a label printing function is used. Fig. 8 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device according to the first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 9 is a plan view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device in the same embodiment. Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a configuration example of a chuck supporting plate in the same embodiment. Fig. 11 is a perspective view showing a configuration example of a chuck supporting plate in the same embodiment. [Fig. 1 2] A comparison diagram for comparison between the printable area in the use of the optical disc device and the printable area in the use of the optical disc device according to the first embodiment of the present invention. -84-200818138 [Fig. 13] An explanatory diagram of a printing example when the optical disk device according to the first embodiment of the present invention is used. [Fig. 14] An explanatory diagram of an example of a printing result when label printing is performed by the optical disk discharge operation in the same embodiment. [ Fig. 15] (a) is a perspective view showing a schematic configuration of a printing head according to a first embodiment of the present invention; (b) is a perspective view showing a schematic configuration of a printing head according to a second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 16 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 17 is a plan view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device in the same embodiment. Fig. 17B is a plan view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device in the same embodiment. The illustrated print head is printing the status of the label. Fig. 18 is an explanatory diagram showing an example of the movement trajectory of the print head in the same embodiment. Fig. 19 is a perspective view showing the configuration of the optical disk device according to a modification of the embodiment. Fig. 20 is a plan view showing the configuration of a main portion of the optical disk device shown in Fig. 19. Fig. 21 is a plan view showing the configuration of the optical disk device shown in Fig. 19. [Fig. 22] A print head according to a second embodiment of the present invention, A perspective view of the construction of the lid mechanism and the cleaning mechanism. [Fig. 2 3] The print head in the same embodiment, Cover mechanism and cleaning mechanism, An oblique view from the underside of the disc device. [85] Fig. 24 (a) is a plan view showing a configuration of a cleaning mechanism in the same embodiment. (b) is a perspective view showing a configuration of a cleaning mechanism in the same embodiment. Fig. 25 is a perspective view showing the configuration of a closure in the same embodiment. Fig. 26 is an explanatory view showing a method of replacing a print head in the prior optical disc device. Fig. 27 is an explanatory view showing a method of replacing a print head in the optical disk device according to the third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 28 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device in the same embodiment. Fig. 29 is a plan view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device in the same embodiment. [Fig. 30] A perspective view showing a configuration of a tray as a loading means in the optical disk apparatus of the embodiment. Fig. 3 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 32 is an enlarged perspective view showing the configuration of a main part of the optical disk device shown in Fig. 31. Fig. 3 is a plan view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device in the same embodiment. Fig. 34 is a perspective view of the optical disk device in the same embodiment as viewed from the lower side. Fig. 35 is a perspective view showing the configuration of the printing head in the same embodiment. [Fig. 3 6] An example of the activity of the print head at the time of label printing - 86- 200818138 (a) when printing on a previous print head, (b) when printing is performed by the print head according to the first embodiment of the present invention, (c) A case where printing is performed by the printing head according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention. [Fig. 3 7 A] In the fourth embodiment of the present invention, When the outer peripheral side of the disc is printed and printed on the inner peripheral side, The area of the printed area is equal. Illustrator 〔 [Fig. 3 7B] In the same embodiment, When the outer peripheral side of the optical disc is printed and printed on the inner peripheral side, The area of the printed area is an equivalent illustration. [Fig. 3] A comparison example of the state of the label surface after label printing in the same embodiment and the state of the label surface after label printing in the first embodiment of the present invention. (Fig. 39) An explanatory diagram of an example of a printing result when label printing is performed by the optical disk discharge operation in the same embodiment. Fig. 40 is a block diagram showing the configuration of an optical disk device having a label printing function according to a fifth embodiment of the present invention. [Fig. 4 1] An explanatory diagram of an operation of printing in a single printing mode, (a) when using a previous optical disc device, (b) A case where the optical disk device according to the fifth embodiment of the present invention is used. [Fig. 42] An explanatory diagram of an operation of printing in a multi-print mode, (a) when using a previous optical disc device, (b) A case where the optical disk device according to the fifth embodiment of the present invention is used. [Fig. 4 3] Comparison of the state of the label surface after label printing by single printing and the state of the label surface after label printing by multiple printing -87- 200818138. Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing the internal structure of the optical disk device according to the sixth embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 45 is a perspective view of the optical disk device in the same embodiment as viewed from the lower side. Fig. 46 is an enlarged perspective view showing the configuration of a main part of the optical disk device shown in Fig. 44. Fig. 47 is an enlarged perspective view showing the main part taken out from Fig. 45. Fig. 48A is an enlarged perspective view showing the configuration of the wiping member in the same embodiment. Fig. 48B is an enlarged perspective view showing the structure of the wiping member in the first modification of the embodiment. [Fig. 4C] Fig. 4 is an enlarged perspective view showing the structure of the wiping member in the second modification of the embodiment. Fig. 49 is a perspective view showing a configuration of a closure according to a modification of the embodiment. [Main component symbol description] 5 : CD 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600: Optical disc device 120, 220, 320, 420: Tray 130, 230, 330, 430: Chuck 132, 232, 332, 432: Chuck mounting plate -88- 200818138 140, 240, 340, 440, 540: Optical pickup 150, 250, 350, 450, 550: Print head 1 5 6, 2 5 6, 3 5 6, 4 5 6 : Head drive bearing parts 15 7. 2 5 7, 3 5 7, 457 : G-page drive shaft 160, 260, 3 60, 460: Head drive motor 162, 262, 362, 462 : Ball screw 172, 272, 372, 472 : Closed cover 174, 274, 374, 474: Waste ink adsorber 3 19 : Print head replacement cover -89 -