
Publication number
TR2023003512A2 TR2023/003512 TR2023003512A2 TR 2023003512 A2 TR2023003512 A2 TR 2023003512A2 TR 2023/003512 TR2023/003512 TR 2023/003512 TR 2023003512 A2 TR2023003512 A2 TR 2023003512A2
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base station
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Turkish (tr)
Ozaltun Zi̇ya
Original Assignee
Türk Telekomüni̇kasyon Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇
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Application filed by Türk Telekomüni̇kasyon Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇ filed Critical Türk Telekomüni̇kasyon Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇
Publication of TR2023003512A2 publication Critical patent/TR2023003512A2/en



Buluş özellikle, SIM kart üzerinden telekomünikasyon altyapısını MGB APN ile kullanan müşterilere sunulan hizmetin kalitesini artıran ve çekirdek şebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem ile ilgilidir.The invention is particularly related to the system that improves the quality of service provided to customers using the telecommunication infrastructure with MGB APN via SIM card and automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network.


TARIFNAME ÇEKIRDEK SEBEKE ÜZERINDEN MGB APN ATAYAN SISTEM TEKNIK ALAN Bulus, otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem ile ilgilidir. Bulus özellikle, SlM kart üzerinden telekomünikasyon altyapisini MGB APN ile kullanan müsterilere sunulan hizmetin kalitesini artiran ve çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem ile ilgilidir. ÖNCEKI TEKNIK Günümüzde, telekomünikasyon ag yapilarinda müsteriye MGB (Mobil Genis Bant) APN (Access Point Name-Erisim Noktasi Adi) servisi lT altyapisi üzerinden saglanmaktadir. MGB APN servisi müsterinin MSlSDNline (Mobile Station lntegrated Services Digital Network- Mobil Istasyon Entegre Servisler Dijital Agi/Mobil Telefon Numarasi) dinamik sekilde her baglantida farkli bir gerçek lP atamasini saglar. MGB APN'nin çekirdek sebeke üzerinden atanabilmesini saglayan bir sistem bulunmamaktadir. Literatürde yapilan arastirmalar sonucu "2018/05236" basvuru numarali ve "lMSl - MGB APN ESLESTIRME SISTEMI" bulus baslikli Türkiye patent müracaatina rastlanmistir. Söz konusu basvuru MGB APN kullanilmasi istenilen, MGB APN tanimli olan MSlSDNlleri kullanma zorunlulugunu, SlM kartin lMSl koduna MGB APN tanimlamasi yaparak ortadan kaldiran bir eslestirme sistemi ile ilgilidir. Ancak bahsedilen basvuruda çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem ile ilgili bir emareye rastlanmamistir. Literatürde yapilan arastirmalar sonucu "2016/14448" basvuru numarali ve "Mobil genis bant erisim noktasi agi (mgb apn)" bulus baslikli Türkiye patent müracaatina rastlanmistir. Söz konusu basvuru Telekomünikasyon sektöründe kullanilmak üzere, kullanici cihazinin internete baglanmasi esnasinda dinamik olarak ortak lP alarak, mobil operatör agindan ag adresi çevirme islemine girmeden internete çikmasini saglayan mobil genis bant erisim noktasi agina (MGB APN) ait bir yöntem ile ilgilidir. Ancak bahsedilen basvuruda çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem ile ilgili bir emareye rastlanmamistir. Sonuçta yukarida bahsedilen ve mevcut teknik isiginda çözülemeyen sorunlar, ilgili teknik alanda bir yenilik yapmayi zorunlu kilmistir. BULUSUN KISA AÇIKLAMASI Mevcut bulus yukarida bahsedilen dezavantajlari ortadan kaldirmak ve ilgili teknik alana yeni avantajlar getirmek üzere çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem ile ilgilidir. Bulusun ana amaci, çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayarak müsterilere sunulan hizmetin kalitesini arttirmayi saglamaktir. Yukarida bahsedilen ve asagidaki detayli anlatimdan ortaya çikacak tüm amaçlari gerçeklestirmek üzere mevcut bulus, SlM kart üzerinden telekomünikasyon altyapisini MGB APN ile kullanan müsterilere sunulan hizmetin kalitesini artiran ve çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem olup, özelligi; internet agina baglanmak üzere içerisinde bulunan SlM kart vasitasiyla baz istasyonuna sinyal gönderen ve baz istasyonundan sinyal alan kullanici cihazi, kullanici cihazinin üzerinden internet agina baglanmasini saglamak üzere sinyal gönderen baz istasyonu, internet APNlde kullanici cihazina dinamik lP adresini veren GGSN, kullanici cihazi üzerinden ilk baglanti istegi gönderildigi adimdan lP atama adimina kadar gereken sinyallesme ve dogrulama islemini yapan radius sistemi, servis alani içerisindeki baz istasyonuna giden ve baz istasyonundan gelen veri paketlerini dagitmak üzere radyo paketlerini ve mobil ag baglanti taleplerini sinyaller vasitasiyla alarak GGSlee kadar tasiyan SGSN, MSlSDNlnin herhangi bir kisitinin olup olmadiginin üzerinden sorgulandigi, içerisinde lokasyon bilgisinin ve APN bilgisinin tutuldugu veritabani olan HLR, HLR içerisinde bulunan ve içerisinde kosturulan yazilim vasitasiyla HLRlde tanimli olan bir MSlSDN baglanti istegi yolladiginda otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan, MSlSDN'ye ait statik lP tanimi yoksa, baglantiyi GGSNle MSlSDlee dinamik lP atanmasini saglamak üzere ileten MGB APN atayan uygulama, internet APNlde bulunan aboneye atanan özel numaranin özel lPlsini genel lPlye çevirerek gerçek lP atayan veya gelen baglanti talebindeki statik lP adresi ile örtüsüyorsa herhangi bir islem yapmadan dogrudan internet yönlendiricisine baglantiyi ileten CGN, kullanici cihazini mobil operatör agi üzerinden internete baglayan yönlendirici içermesidir. Mevcut bulusun yapilanmasi ve ek elemanlarla birlikte avantajlarinin en iyi sekilde anlasilabilmesi için asagida açiklamasi yapilan sekiller ile birlikte degerlendirilmesi SEKILLERIN KISA AÇIKLAMASI Sekil 1, bulusa konu olan çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistemin temsili bir gösterimidir. Çizimlerin mutlaka ölçeklendirilmesi gerekmemektedir ve mevcut bulusu anlamak için gerekli olmayan detaylar ihmal edilmis olabilmektedir. Bundan baska, en azindan büyük ölçüde özdes olan veya en azindan büyük ölçüde özdes islevleri olan elemanlar, ayni numara ile gösterilmektedir. REFERANS NUMARALARI Kullanici cihazi Baz istasyonu MGB APN atayan uygulama Radius sistemi 0.Yönlendirici *@@NQWPWNTL BULUSUN DETAYLI AÇIKLAMASI Bu detayli açiklamada, bulus konusu olan çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem sadece konunun daha iyi anlasilmasina yönelik hiçbir sinirlayici etki olusturmayacak örneklerle açiklanmaktadir. Çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem, kullanici cihazi (1), baz istasyonu (2), SGSN (3), HLR (4), MGB APN atayan uygulama (5), GGSN (6), Radius sistemi (7), SASN (8), CGN (9), yönlendirici (10) içermektedir. Kullanici cihazi (1), internet agina baglanmak üzere içerisinde bulunan SlM kart vasitasiyla baz istasyonuna (2) sinyal gönderen ve baz istasyonundan (2) sinyal alan aygittir. Kullanici cihazi (1), cep telefonu, tablet gibi elektronik cihazlardir. Baz istasyonu (2), kullanici cihazinin (1) üzerinden internet agina baglanmasini saglamak üzere sinyal gönderen ekipmandir. SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node- Sunucu GPRS Destek Dügümü) (3), radyo paketlerin alinarak GGSlee (6) kadar tasinmasini saglayan cihazdir. HLR (Home Location Register-Ev Konumu Kaydi) (4), MSlSDNlin (GSM veya UMTS mobil sebekelerinde abonenin tanimlanmasi ve dogrulanmasi için operatör tarafindan aboneye atanan özel bir numaradir-SlM kart telefon numarasi da olabilir) herhangi bir kisitinin sorgulandigi, içerisinde lokasyon bilgisinin ve APN bilgisinin tutuldugu ekipmandir. MGB APN atayan uygulama (5), HLR (4) içerisinde bulunan ve içerisinde kosturulan yazilim vasitasiyla HLR (4) veri tabaninda tanimli olan bir MSlSDN baglanti istegi yolladiginda otomatik olarak MGB APN atamasi saglayan yapidir. GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node- Ag Geçidi GPRS Destek Dügümü) (6), internet APNlde kullanici ekipmanina dinamik lP adresini veren ekipmandir. Statik lP APN geldiginde herhangi bir lP atamasi yapmadan gelen baglantiyi bir sonraki sisteme iletmeyi saglayan cihazdir. Radius sistemi (7), kullanici cihazi (1) üzerinden ilk baglanti istegi gönderildigi adimdan, lP aldigi adima kadar gereken tercihen 2 adet (Authentication Accounting- Kimlik Dogrulama Muhasebesi) sinyallesme islemini yapan ekipmandir. SASN (Service Aware Serving Node- Hizmete Uygun Sunum Dügümü) (8), internet hizini düsürme gibi verilen karari uygulayan ekipmandir. CGN (Carrier Grade NAT- Tasiyici Sinifi NAT) (9), internet APNlde MSlSDNlin özel (private) lPlsini genel (public) lP'ye çevirerek gerçek lP atayan ekipmandir. Yönlendirici (10), ekipman baglantisini mobil operatör agindan internete çikartan router cihazidir. SGSN (3), servis alani içerisindeki gezgin istasyona giden ve istasyondan gelen veri paketlerinin dagitimindan sorumludur. SGSN'nin (3) görevleri, paket yönlendirme ve transfer, hareketlilik yönetimi (baglama, ayirma ve konum yönetimi), mantiksal link yönetimi, dogrulama ve yükleme fonksiyonlari gibi islevlerdir. GPRS (General Packet Radio Services- Radyo Paketi Genel Servisi), paket veri aglarina kablosuz erisimi kolaylastiran ve güçlendiren GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications- Mobil Iletisim Için Küresel Sistem) için yeni bir tasiyici hizmettir. Harici paket veri aglari ile gezgin istasyonlar arasinda kullanici veri paketlerini transfer etmek için paket radyo (telsiz) prensibini kullanir. Paketler GPRS gezgin istasyonlarindan paket anahtarlamali aglara dogrudan yönlendirilir. Paket iletim yöntemiyle çalistigi için veri aktarimi daha hizli ve tepki süreleri çok daha azdir. GSM bandinda normal aktarim hizi 14.4 Kbps (Kilobit Per Second- Saniyede Kilobayt) iken bu rakam GPRSlde 115 Kbps olarak gerçeklesebilir. GGSN (6), harici paket veri aglari ve GPRS kaburgasi arasinda bagdastirma görevi yapar. SGSN'den (3) gelen GPRS paketlerini uygun paket veri protokolüne (PDP=Packet Data Protocol) (lP veya X.25 gibi) dönüstürür ve paket veri agina gönderir. Tersi istikametinde ise gelen veri paketlerinin PDP adresleri hedef kullanicinin GSM adresine dönüstürülür. Yeniden adreslenen paketler sorumlu SGSN'e (3) gönderilir. Bu amaçla, GGSN (6) kullanicinin mevcut SGSN (3) adresini ve profilini kaydeder. GGSN (6) ayni zamanda dogrulama ve yükleme fonksiyonlarini da üstelenir. Bir GGSN (6) birçok SSGN için harici paket veri aglari için bir arabirimdir. SGSN (3) ise sahip olduklari paketleri farkli GGSNller (6) üzerinden farkli aglara HLR (4), bir GSM aginda kayitli olan bütün mobil numaralarin veritabanidir. HLR (4), abonelerin SlM kart kimliklerinin (lMSl) ve mobil telefon numaralarinin (MSlSDN) kaydini içerisinde tutar. APN (Access Point Name-Erisim Noktasi Adi), GPRS sebekesi içerisinde yönlendirme bilgisini saglayan adrestir. Mobil bir kullanici kullanici cihazi (1) üzerinden mobil operatörden (örnegin Türk Telekom) MGB APN servisini kullanmak istediginde, mevcut yapida MGB APN tanimi MSlSDNline (mobil hat numarasi) lT altyapisinin bir elemani olan Radius sistemi üzerinden yapilmaktadir. Bulusumuz olan sistemde ise bir MSlSDNle MGB APN atama islemi çekirdek (Core) sebeke üzerinden yapilabilecektir. Çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistemin gerçeklestirdigi islevler; 0 Mobil operatör (Örnegin Türk Telekom) mobil agina baglanti yapmak isteyen tüm baglantilari sistem yakalamaktadir. o Yakalanan baglantinin MSlSDN bilgisi alinarak, MGB APN atanacak tabloda olup olmadiginin kontrolü yapilmaktadir. 0 Eger baglanti yapan MSlSDN MGB APN atanacak Iistedeyse bu baglantiya dinamik gerçek lP verilerek baglantisi devam ettirilmektedir. Kullanici cihazindan (User Equipment) (1) mobil operatör agina baglanti talebi olusturuldugunda, trafik baz istasyonu (2) üzerinden SGSNle (3) tasinir ve SGSN (3), HLRla (4) baglantiyi ileterek MGB APN atayan uygulama (5) sayesinde hattin MSlSDN (mobil hat numarasi) bilgisini alarak, kendi veritabaninda bulunan MGB APN tablosunda var olup olmadiginin kontrolünü yapar. 1. Bunun için HLRlin (4) kendi veri tabaninda MSlSDNllerin tutuldugu tabloda, MGB APN atanacak MSlSDNllerin tanimlanmasi yeterlidir. 2. MSlSDN numarasini MSlSDNllerin tutuldugu tabloda tanimladiktan sonra, bu MSlSDNllerden gönderilen tüm baglanti isteklerinde gerçek lP atamasi yapilarak kullanici cihazlarinin (1) internet agina baglanmalari saglanmaktadir. 3. MSlSDN tanim tablosunda baglanti yapan MSlSDN yok ise normal sekilde özel bir lP almadan baglantiya devam edilmektedir. Kendisine gelen MSlSDNle (mobil hat numarasina) ait MGB APN tanimi yoksa, baglantiyi GGSNle (6) MSlSDNle dinamik lP atanmasini saglamak üzere iletir. Kendisine gelen MSlSDNle (mobil hat numarasina) ait statik lP tanimi varsa HLR (4) gerçek bir dinamik lP atamasi yapar ve bu sekilde baglantiyi GGSNle (6) iletmektedir. GGSN (6) kendisine gelen baglantiya lP atanmis ise bir daha lP atamadan baglantiya ait ag baglanti yetki ve onayi radius sistemi (7) üzerinden alir. Sonrasinda baglanti, SASN (8) ekipmanina yönlendirilir ve SASN (8) üzerinden CGN (9) ekipmanina iIetiIir. CGN (9) ekipmaninda statik lP bloklari daha önceden tanimlanmistir. CGN (9) ekipmani eger kendisine gelen baglanti talebindeki statik lP adresi ile örtüsüyorsa herhangi bir islem yapmadan dogrudan internet yönlendiricisine (router) (10) baglantiyi iletir. TR TR TR TR DESCRIPTION SYSTEM THAT ALLOCATES MGB APN OVER THE CORE NETWORK TECHNICAL FIELD The invention relates to the system that automatically assigns MGB APN. The invention is particularly related to the system that increases the quality of service provided to customers using the telecommunication infrastructure with MGB APN through the SLM card and automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network. BACKGROUND ART Today, in telecommunication network structures, MGB (Mobile Broadband) APN (Access Point Name) service is provided to the customer over the IT infrastructure. The MGB APN service allows the customer to dynamically assign a different real IP to each connection to the MSlSDNline (Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Network/Mobile Telephone Number). There is no system that allows MGB APN to be assigned over the core network. As a result of the research in the literature, a Turkish patent application with application number "2018/05236" and the invention title "lMSl - MGB APN MATCHING SYSTEM" was found. The application in question is related to a matching system that eliminates the obligation to use MSlSDNs defined as MGB APN, by defining MGB APN in the lMSl code of the SLM card. However, in the application mentioned, there is no sign of the system that automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network. As a result of the research in the literature, a Turkish patent application with application number "2016/14448" and the invention title "Mobile broadband access point network (MGB APN)" was found. The application in question is related to a method of mobile broadband access point network (MGB APN) for use in the Telecommunications sector, which enables the user device to access the internet by dynamically receiving a common IP when connecting to the internet, without having to go through the network address translation process from the mobile operator network. However, in the application mentioned, there is no sign of the system that automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network. As a result, the problems mentioned above, which cannot be solved in the light of the current technique, necessitated an innovation in the relevant technical field. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention is related to the system that automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network in order to eliminate the disadvantages mentioned above and bring new advantages to the relevant technical field. The main purpose of the invention is to increase the quality of service offered to customers by automatically assigning MGB APN over the core network. In order to realize all the purposes mentioned above and that will emerge from the detailed explanation below, the present invention is a system that increases the quality of the service provided to customers using the telecommunication infrastructure with MGB APN through the SLM card and automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network, and its feature is; The user device sends a signal to the base station and receives the signal from the base station through the SLM card in it to connect to the internet network, the base station sends a signal to enable the user device to connect to the internet network, GGSN, which gives the dynamic IP address to the user device in the internet APN, the first connection request through the user device The radius system, which carries out the necessary signaling and verification from the step where it is sent to the lP assignment step, the SGSN, which receives radio packets and mobile network connection requests through signals and carries them to the GGS in order to distribute the data packets to and from the base station within the service area, MSlSDN, determines whether it has any restrictions. HLR, which is the database in which the location information and APN information is kept and which is queried via HLR, automatically assigns MGB APN when an MSlSDN connection request defined in HLR is sent through the software contained in the HLR and run within it. If there is no static lP definition of MSlSDN, the connection is transferred to GGSN and MSlSDlee dynamic lP. The application that assigns the MGB APN, which assigns the real IP by converting the private lP of the private number assigned to the subscriber in the internet APN to the general lP, or covers it with the static lP address in the incoming connection request. It contains a router that connects to the internet. In order to best understand the structure of the present invention and its advantages with additional elements, it should be evaluated with the figures explained below. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a representative illustration of the system that automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network that is the subject of the invention. Drawings do not necessarily have to be scaled and details that are not necessary to understand the present invention may be omitted. Furthermore, elements that are at least substantially identical or have at least substantially identical functions are designated by the same number. REFERENCE NUMBERS User device Base station Application that assigns MGB APN Radius system 0.Router *@@NQWPWNTL DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In this detailed description, the system that automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network, which is the subject of the invention, is explained only with examples that will not create any limiting effect for a better understanding of the subject. . System that automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network, user device (1), base station (2), SGSN (3), HLR (4), application that assigns MGB APN (5), GGSN (6), Radius system (7) , includes SASN (8), CGN (9), router (10). The user device (1) is the device that sends a signal to the base station (2) and receives a signal from the base station (2) through the SLM card inside, in order to connect to the internet network. User devices (1) are electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets. The base station (2) is the equipment that sends signals through the user device (1) to enable it to connect to the internet network. SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node) (3) is the device that allows radio packets to be received and carried up to GGSlee (6). HLR (Home Location Register) (4) is a special number assigned to the subscriber by the operator for the identification and verification of the subscriber in MSlSDN (GSM or UMTS mobile networks - it may also be the SLM card phone number) where any person is queried, location information and It is the equipment where APN information is kept. The application (5) that assigns the MGB APN is the structure that automatically assigns the MGB APN when it sends an MSlSDN connection request defined in the HLR (4) database through the software running within the HLR (4). GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node) (6) is the equipment that gives the dynamic IP address to the user equipment in the internet APN. Static IP APN is the device that allows the incoming connection to be forwarded to the next system without assigning any IP when it arrives. The Radius system (7) is the equipment that performs the required 2 (preferably Authentication Accounting) signaling processes, from the step when the first connection request is sent via the user device (1), to the step where the IP is received. SASN (Service Aware Serving Node) (8) is the equipment that implements the decision made, such as reducing the internet speed. CGN (Carrier Grade NAT) (9) is the equipment that assigns real IP by converting the private IP of MSlSDN to public IP in internet APN. Router (10) is the router device that extends the equipment connection from the mobile operator network to the internet. SGSN (3) is responsible for the distribution of data packets to and from the mobile station within the service area. The tasks of SGSN (3) are functions such as packet routing and transfer, mobility management (connecting, detaching and location management), logical link management, authentication and upload functions. GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) is a new carrier service for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) that facilitates and strengthens wireless access to packet data networks. It uses the packet radio principle to transfer user data packets between external packet data networks and mobile stations. Packets are routed directly from GPRS mobile stations to packet-switched networks. Since it works with the packet transmission method, data transfer is faster and response times are much less. While the normal transfer rate in the GSM band is 14.4 Kbps (Kilobits Per Second), this figure can be 115 Kbps in GPRS. GGSN (6) acts as an intermediary between external packet data networks and the GPRS rib. It converts the GPRS packets coming from the SGSN (3) into the appropriate packet data protocol (PDP=Packet Data Protocol) (such as IP or X.25) and sends them to the packet data network. In the opposite direction, the PDP addresses of the incoming data packets are converted to the GSM address of the target user. Readdressed packets are sent to the responsible SGSN (3). For this purpose, GGSN (6) records the user's current SGSN (3) address and profile. GGSN (6) also undertakes authentication and upload functions. A GGSN 6 is an interface to external packet data networks for many SSGNs. SGSN (3) is the database of all mobile numbers registered in a GSM network. HLR (4) is the database of all mobile numbers registered in a GSM network. HLR (4) keeps a record of subscribers' SlM card IDs (lMSl) and mobile phone numbers (MSlSDN). APN (Access Point Name) is the address that provides routing information within the GPRS network. When a mobile user wants to use the MGB APN service from the mobile operator (for example, Türk Telekom) via the user device (1), in the current structure, the MGB APN definition is made through the Radius system, which is an element of the MSlSDNline (mobile line number) IT infrastructure. In the system we invented, MGB APN assignment with an MSlSDN can be done over the Core network. Functions performed by the system that automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network; 0 The system captures all connections that want to connect to the mobile operator (e.g. Türk Telekom) mobile network. o By obtaining the MSlSDN information of the captured connection, it is checked whether it is in the table to which MGB APN will be assigned. 0 If the connecting MSlSDN MGB APN is assigned, the connection is continued by giving dynamic real IP to this connection. When a connection request is made from the User Equipment (1) to the mobile operator network, the traffic is carried to the SGSN (3) via the base station (2) and the SGSN (3) transmits the connection to the HLR (4) and connects to the MSlSDN of the line thanks to the application (5) that assigns the MGB APN. It obtains the (mobile line number) information and checks whether it exists in the MGB APN table in its database. 1. For this, it is sufficient to define the MSlSDNs to be assigned to the MGB APN in the table where MSlSDNs are kept in the HLRlin's (4) own database. 2. After defining the MSlSDN number in the table where MSlSDNs are kept, real IP is assigned to all connection requests sent from these MSlSDNs, ensuring that the user devices (1) are connected to the internet network. 3. If there is no connecting MSlSDN in the MSlSDN definition table, the connection continues normally without obtaining a special IP. If there is no MGB APN definition for the MSlSDN (mobile line number) received, it forwards the connection with GGSN (6) to ensure dynamic IP assignment with MSlSDN. If there is a static IP definition for the MSlSDN (mobile line number) coming to it, the HLR (4) makes a real dynamic IP assignment and in this way transmits the connection to the GGSN (6). If an IP has been assigned to the incoming connection, GGSN (6) receives the network connection authorization and approval for the connection via the radius system (7) without assigning an IP again. The connection is then directed to the SASN (8) equipment and transmitted to the CGN (9) equipment via SASN (8). Static lP blocks are predefined in CGN (9) equipment. If the CGN (9) equipment covers the connection request received with the static IP address, it transmits the connection directly to the internet router (10) without taking any action. TR TR TR TR

Claims (2)

1.ISTEMLER . SlM kart üzerinden telekomünikasyon altyapisini MGB APN ile kullanan müsterilere sunulan hizmetin kalitesini artiran ve çekirdek sebeke üzerinden otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan sistem olup, özelligi; internet agina baglanmak üzere içerisinde bulunan SlM kart vasitasiyla baz istasyonuna (2) sinyal gönderen ve baz istasyonundan (2) sinyal alan kullanici cihazi (1), kullanici cihazinin (1) üzerinden internet agina baglanmasini saglamak üzere sinyal gönderen baz istasyonu (2), internet APNlde kullanici cihazina (1) dinamik lP adresini veren GGSN (6), kullanici cihazi (1) üzerinden ilk baglanti istegi gönderildigi adimdan lP atama adimina kadar gereken sinyallesme ve dogrulama islemini yapan radius sistemi (7), servis alani içerisindeki baz istasyonuna (2) giden ve baz istasyonundan (2) gelen veri paketlerini dagitmak üzere radyo paketlerini ve mobil ag baglanti taleplerini sinyaller vasitasiyla alarak GGSlee (6) kadar tasiyan SGSN (3), MSlSDNlnin herhangi bir kisitinin olup olmadiginin üzerinden sorgulandigi, içerisinde lokasyon bilgisinin ve APN bilgisinin tutuldugu veritabani olan HLR (4) içerisinde bulunan ve içerisinde kosturulan yazilim vasitasiyla HLRlde (4) tanimli olan bir MSlSDN baglanti istegi yolladiginda otomatik olarak MGB APN atayan, MSlSDN'ye ait statik lP tanimi yoksa, baglantiyi GGSNle (6) MSlSDlee dinamik lP atanmasini saglamak üzere ileten MGB APN atayan uygulama (5), internet APNlde bulunan aboneye atanan özel numaranin özel lPlsini genel lP'ye çevirerek gerçek lP atayan veya gelen baglanti talebindeki statik lP adresi ile örtüsüyorsa herhangi bir islem yapmadan dogrudan internet yönlendiricisine (10) baglantiyi ileten CGN (9), kullanici cihazini (1) mobil operatör agi üzerinden internete baglayan yönlendirici (10) içermesidir.1.CLAIMS. It is a system that increases the quality of service provided to customers using the telecommunication infrastructure with MGB APN via SLM card and automatically assigns MGB APN over the core network. User device (1) that sends a signal to the base station (2) and receives the signal from the base station (2) through the SLM card inside it to connect to the internet network, base station (2) that sends a signal to enable the user device (1) to connect to the internet network, internet In APN, GGSN (6), which gives the dynamic IP address to the user device (1), the radius system (7), which performs the necessary signaling and verification from the step when the first connection request is sent through the user device (1) to the IP assignment step, is sent to the base station (2) within the service area. SGSN (3), which receives radio packets and mobile network connection requests through signals and carries them up to GGSlee (6) in order to distribute outgoing and incoming data packets from the base station (2), is the database through which MSlSDNl is queried whether it has any restrictions and where location information and APN information are kept. It automatically assigns an MGB APN when an MSlSDN defined in the HLR (4) sends a connection request through the software running within the HLR (4), and if there is no static LP definition of the MSlSDN, it forwards the connection to the MSlSD (6) to ensure dynamic LP assignment. The application (5) that assigns the MGB APN is the CGN (9) that assigns the real IP by converting the private IP of the private number assigned to the subscriber in the internet APN to the public IP, or if it covers it with the static IP address in the incoming connection request, transmits the connection directly to the internet router (10) without any action. It contains a router (10) that connects the user device (1) to the internet via the mobile operator network. 2. Istem 1,e uygun sistem olup, özelligi; radius sisteminden (7) internet hizini düsürme komutu alinmasi durumunda internet hizini düsüren SASN (8) içermesidir. TR TR TR TR2. It is a system in accordance with claim 1, and its feature is; It contains SASN (8) which reduces the internet speed in case a command to reduce the internet speed is received from the radius system (7). TR TR TR TR
TR2023/003512 2023-03-31 SYSTEM THAT ALLOCATES MGB APN OVER THE CORE NETWORK TR2023003512A2 (en)

Publications (1)

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TR2023003512A2 true TR2023003512A2 (en) 2023-06-21



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