
Publication number
TR2022009341A1 TR2022/009341 TR2022009341A1 TR 2022009341 A1 TR2022009341 A1 TR 2022009341A1 TR 2022/009341 TR2022/009341 TR 2022/009341 TR 2022009341 A1 TR2022009341 A1 TR 2022009341A1
Prior art keywords
adjustment mechanism
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Turkish (tr)
O Ut Erdem
Original Assignee
Fi̇ges Fi̇zi̇k Ve Geometri̇de Bi̇lgi̇sayar Si̇mülasyonu Hi̇zmet Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇
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Application filed by Fi̇ges Fi̇zi̇k Ve Geometri̇de Bi̇lgi̇sayar Si̇mülasyonu Hi̇zmet Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇ filed Critical Fi̇ges Fi̇zi̇k Ve Geometri̇de Bi̇lgi̇sayar Si̇mülasyonu Hi̇zmet Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇
Priority to PCT/TR2023/050535 priority Critical patent/WO2023239332A1/en
Publication of TR2022009341A1 publication Critical patent/TR2022009341A1/en



Bu buluş, yatay konumda bulunan bir işlem tablasının biri sabit diğer ikisi ise düşey yönde hareketli olan üç mafsal yapılanması sayesinde yatay düzleme göre istenilen konuma getirilmesini sağlayan bir ayar mekanizması (1) ile ilgilidir.This invention relates to an adjustment mechanism (1) that enables a horizontal operation table to be brought to the desired position relative to the horizontal plane, thanks to a three-joint configuration, one of which is fixed and the other two are movable in the vertical direction.


TARIFNAME TABLANIN YATAY DÜZLEME GÖRE ISTENILEN KONUMA GETIRILMESINI SAGLAYAN BIR AYAR MEKANIZMASI Teknik Alan Bu bulus, yatay konumda bulunan bir islem tablasinin biri sabit diger ikisi ise düsey yönde hareketli olan üç mafsal yapilanmasi sayesinde yatay düzleme göre istenilen konuma getirilmesini saglayan bir ayar mekanizmasi ile ilgilidir. Önceki Teknik Üç ve dört boyutlu yazicilar istenen ürünü üretirken, ürün islem tablasi üzerinde kademe kademe olusmaktadir. Islem tablasinin yatay konumda olmasi üretilecek ürünün dogrulugunu etkiledigi için çogunlukla toz serme arabalarinda komparatörler ve lazerli ölçüm sistemleri yardimi ile mesafe ölçümü yapilarak islem tablasinin konumu kontrol edilmekte ve yatay olarak istenen konuma getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle islem gerçeklestigi tablanin alt kisminda yer alarak tablanin yatay düzleme göre istenilen konuma getirildigi ayar mekanizmalari kullanilmaktadir. Teknigin bilinen durumunda yer alan CN204149532 sayili Çin faydali model dokümaninda 3 boyutlu bir yazicidan bahsedilmektedir. Çin dokümaninda bahsi geçen yazici bir sasi, sasinin üst kisminda yer alan bir nozül yapilanmasi ve nozül yapilanmasinin alt kisminda yer alan bir yazici platformu içermektedir. Söz konusu yazici platformu bir çalisma platformu ve çalisma platformunun altinda yer alan bir kaldirma platformu içermektedir. Çalisma platformunun alt kisminda ayrica bir ayar somunu, bir ayar civatasi ve bir egim ölçer mekanizmasi yer almaktadir. Kaldirma mekanizmasi sayesinde çalisma platformunun dikey konumdaki hareketi saglanmakta ve bunun için Vidanin disli somun içerisindeki hareketi kullanilmaktadir. Bu sayede çalisma platformunun egimi ve yüksekligi ayarlanabilmektedir. Söz konusu dokümanda ayrica çalisma platformunun yükseklik ve egim ayarinin yapilabilmesi için somun Vida ve yaydan olusan kaldirma yapilanmasinin çalisma platformu altinda 3 bölgeye uygulanabileceginden ve yükseklik ayarinin yapilabilmesi için üç kaldirma yapilanmasinin ayni düz dogrultuda olmamasi gerekmektedir. CN208853709 sayili Çin faydali model dokümaninda çok boyutlu metal bir yazicidan bahsedilmektedir. Söz konusu yazici bir yazici platformu ve yazici platformunun altinda birbirine paralel uzanan üç Vidali çubuk içermektedir. Söz konusu çubuklarin her biri yazici platformunun altina birbirinden bagimsiz olarak baglanmakta ve baglantilarda üniversal mafsallar kullanilmaktadir. Yazici platformunun alt kisminda yer alan Vidali çubuklar bir eskenar üçgen olusturacak sekilde bulunmakta ve her bir Vidali çubugun hareketi birer motor ile kontrol edilerek yazici platformunun yatay düzleme göre egimi ve yüksekligi ayarlanabilmektedir. Bu sayede yazici platform üzerinde hassas bir yükseklik ve açi ayari gerçeklestirilmektedir. yazicinin düzeyinin ayarlanabilmesi için kullanilan bir düzey ayarlama cihazindan bahsedilmektedir. Söz konusu düzey ayarlama cihazi otomatik olarak çalismakta ve sabit bir platform, bir lineer motor, bir uzaklik ölçüm sensörlü ve bir ekran içermektedir. Söz konusu sabit platform yazici platformunun altina konumlanmakta ve küresel bir baglanti parçasi yardimi ile Vidanin hareketine bagli olarak sabit platformu hareket ettirmektedir. Sabit platform asagi yukari hareket etmekte ve söz konusu hareket sensörler yardimi ile kontrol edilmektedir. Böylelikle hassas bir düzey ayari gerçeklestirilmektedir. Bulusun Kisa Açiklamasi Bu bulusun amaci, yatay konumda bulunan bir tablanin alt kisminda yer alan biri sabit diger ikisi ise hareketli olan üç mafsal yapilanmasi sayesinde tablanin yatay düzleme göre istenen konuma getirilebildigi bir ayar mekanizmasi gerçeklestirmektir. Bulusun Ayrintili Açiklamasi Bu bulusun amacina ulasmak için gerçeklestirilen "Tablanin Yatay Düzleme Göre Istenilen Konuma Getirilmesini Saglayan Bir Ayar Mekanizmasi" ekli sekillerde Sekil 1. Bulus konusu bir ayar mekanizmasinin perspektif görünüsüdür. Sekil 2. Bulus konusu bir ayar mekanizmasinin kesit alinmis görünüsüdür. Sekillerde yer alan parçalar tek tek numaralandirilmis olup, bu numaralarin karsiliklari asagida verilmistir: Disli eleman (redüktör) 1. Ayar mekanizmasi 2. Mafsal grubu 3. Küresel mafsal 4. Mafsal kapagi . Mil 6. Disi Vida 7. Erkek Vida Hareket saglayici (hassa motor) T: Hareketli tabla Üç ve dört boyutlu yazicilarda islem yüzeyinin yatay düzleme göre istenilen konuma gelmesini saglayan bulus konusu bir ayar mekanizmasi (l), -bir hareketli tabla (T) ve hareketli tablanin (T) alt kisminda yer alan bir alt tabla (A) arasinda bir üçgenin köselerinde yer alacak sekilde bulunan, her biri karsilikli konumlandirilmis iki küresel mafsal (3) içeren, biri düsey yönde sabit, diger ikisi ise düsey yönde hareketli yapida olmak üzere üç mafsal grubu (2), -mafsal grubunu (2) olusturan küresel mafsallarin (3) disinda bir adet olacak sekilde altli üstlü yer alan, yüksekligi sabit mafsal grubunda (2) yer alanlarin hareketli tabla (T) ve alt tablaya (A) sabitlendigi; hareketli mafsal gurubunda (3) yer alanlarin ise sadece alta tablaya (A) sabitlendigi birden fazla sayida mafsal -sabit mafsal grubundaki (2) küresel mafsallarin (3) arasinda yer alan ve küresel mafsallara (3) sabit olarak bagli olan en aZ bir mil (5), -hareketli mafsal grubunda (2) karsilikli olarak yer alan iki küresel mafsaldan (3) üst kisimda yer alan küresel mafsalin (3) iç kisminda yer alan ve dönmesi kisitlanmis en aZ bir disi Vida (6), -hareketli mafsal grubunda (2) karsilikli olarak yer alan iki küresel mafsaldan (3) disi Vida (6) yer almayan diger küresel mafsalin (3), yani alt küresel mafsalin (3) iç kisminda yer alan hareketli en aZ bir erkek Vida (7), -erkek Vidaya (7) bir ucundan baglanan ve hareket veren en aZ bir disli eleman (8) -disli elemanin (8) erkek Vidaya (7) baglanmayan ucunda yer alan, hareketi saglayarak disi Vidanin (6) hareketli tablaya (T) temas ederek asagi yukari hareket etmesini saglayan ve hareketli tablanin (T) temas edilen noktasini yatay düZleme göre istenilen konuma getirilmesini saglayan en aZ bir hareket saglayici (9) içermektedir. Bulus konusu ayar mekanizmasinda (1) her bir mafsal grubu (2) hareketli tabla (T) ve alt tabla (A) arasinda altli üstlü konumlandirilan iki küresel mafsaldan (3) olusmaktadir. Her bir küresel mafsalin (3) disinda küresel mafsala sabitlenmis olarak buluna bir adet mafsal kapagi (4), iç kisminda ise mil (5) ya da dis/erkek Vida (7,8) yer almaktadir. Sabit mafsal grubu (2) tercih edilen uygulamada dik üçgenin dik açili sabit kösesinde yer almaktadir. Diger hareketli mafsal gruplari (2) ise dik üçgenin diger köselerinde yer almaktadir. Bu sayede hareketli mafsal (3) kürelerinin hareket etmesi ile hareketli tablanin (T) istenilen yatay konuma getirilmesi saglanmaktadir. Bulus konusu ayar mekanizmasinda (l) mafsal kapagi (4) küresel mafsallarinin (3) dis kisminda küresel mafsallara (3) sabitlenmis olarak bulunmaktadir. Sabit mafsal gurubundaki (2) küresel mafsallarin (3) disinda yer alan mafsal kapaklari (4) hareketli tabla (T) ve alt tablaya (A) sabitlenmektedir. Hareketli mafsal gurubundaki (2) küresel mafsallarin (3) disinda yer alan mafsal kapaklarindan (4) biri (4) alt tablaya (A) sabitken, digeri ise hareketli tablaya (T) göre bosta durmakta, fakat disi Vidaya (6) bir baglanti elemani ile sabitlenmektedir. Bu sayede erkek Vidanin (7) disi Vidayi (6) döndürmesi ile disi Vida (6) mafsal kapagindan (4) disari çikarak hareketli tablayi (T) yukari hareket ettirmektedir. Bulus konusu ayar mekanizmasinda (1) mil (5) uçlarindan sabit mafsal grubunda (2) yer alan küresel mafsallara (3) sabitlenmis olarak bulunmaktadir. Mil (5) küresel mafsallara (3) sabit olarak bagli olup küresel mafsallarin (3) küre merkezleri arasinda düsey mesafenin sabit kalmasini saglamaktadir. Bulus konusu ayar mekanizmasinda (1) disi Vida (6) hareketli mafsal grubunda (2) bulunan küresel mafsallardan (3) hareketli tablaya (T) göre bosta olanlarin yani baglanmayanlarin iç kisminda dönme hareketi kisitlanmis olarak bulunmaktadir. Erkek Vida (7) ise bir ucundan disi Vida (6) içerisinde, diger ucundan ise alt tablaya (A) göre sabit konumda bulunan küresel mafsallarin (3) içinde dönme hareketi yapabilecek sekilde yer almaktadir. Erkek Vida (7), dönme hareketi verilmesi ile disi Vidayi (6) hareket ettirmekte, bu hareket de hareketli tablanin (T) düsey dogrultuda hareket edebilmesini saglamaktadir. Bulus konusu ayar mekanizmasinda (l) disli elaman (8) bir redüktör olup bir ucundan erkek Vidaya (7) diger ucundan ise hareket saglayiciya (9) baglidir. Disli eleman (8) hareket saglayicidan (9) aldigi hareketi erkek Vidaya (8) dönme hareketi olarak aktarmaktadir. Bu sayede erkek vida (7) disi vida (6) içerisinde dönme hareketi yaparak disi vidanin (6) hareketli tablayi (T) hareket ettirmesini saglamaktadir. Bulus konusu ayar mekanizmasinda (l) hareket saglayici (9) bir ucundan disli elemana (8) hareket veren bir hassas motordur. Hareket saglayici (9) hareket ettigi zaman disli elemana (8) verdigi hareket sayesinde disi vidanin (6) asagi yukari hareketini saglamaktadir. Disi vidanin (6) asagi yukari hareket etmesi sayesinde sabit mafsal grubunun (2) yer aldigi köse etrafinda rot-X ve rot y hareketinin yapilmasi saglanarak hareketli tablanin (T), dolayisiyla hareketli tablanin (T) üst kisminda yer alan islem tablasinin yatay düzleme göre konumlandirilmasi saglanmaktadir. (Sekil 1) Bulus konusu ayar mekanizmasi (1) iki tabla (T,A) arasinda bir üçgenin, tercihen de dik üçgenin köselerine yerlestirilmis olarak bulunan, biri sabit diger ikisi hareketli olan mafsal gruplari (2) içermesi sayesinde, islem tablasinin yatay düzleme göre istenilen konuma getirilmesini saglamaktadir. Bunun için hareketli mafsal grubu (2) içerisindeki küresel mafsallarin (3) birinde disi vida (6) ve digerinde ise disi vida (6) içerisinde dönme hareketi yapan erkek vida (7) kullanilmaktadir. Erkek vidanin (7) hareket etmesi ile dönme hareketi kisitlanmis olan disi vida (6) erkek vida ekseni dogrultusunda hareket yapmakta ve hareketli tablayi (T) bagli oldugu noktayi asagi ya da yukari hareket ettirmektedir. Bu temel kavramlar etrafinda, bulus konusu "Tablanin Yatay Düzleme Göre Istenilen Konuma Getirilmesini Saglayan Bir Ayar Mekanizmasi (1)" ile ilgili çok çesitli uygulamalarin gelistirilmesi mümkün olup, bulus burada açiklanan örneklerle sinirlandirilamaz, esas olarak istemlerde belirtildigi gibidir. TR TR DESCRIPTION AN ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM THAT ENABLES THE TABLE TO BE BROUGHT TO THE DESIRED POSITION RELATED TO THE HORIZONTAL PLANE Technical Field This invention is related to an adjustment mechanism that allows a horizontally positioned process table to be brought to the desired position relative to the horizontal plane, thanks to the structure of three joints, one of which is fixed and the other two are movable in the vertical direction. Prior Art While three- and four-dimensional printers produce the desired product, the product is formed step by step on the processing table. Since the horizontal position of the process table affects the accuracy of the product to be produced, the position of the process table is controlled by distance measurement with the help of comparators and laser measurement systems, mostly in powder spreading cars, and it must be moved to the desired position horizontally. For this reason, adjustment mechanisms are used at the bottom of the table where the process takes place, and the table is brought to the desired position relative to the horizontal plane. A 3D printer is mentioned in the Chinese utility model document numbered CN204149532, which is in the state of the art. The printer mentioned in the Chinese document includes a chassis, a nozzle structure located at the top of the chassis, and a printer platform located at the bottom of the nozzle structure. The printer platform in question includes a working platform and a lifting platform located below the working platform. There is also an adjustment nut, an adjustment bolt and an inclinometer mechanism at the bottom of the working platform. Thanks to the lifting mechanism, the vertical movement of the working platform is ensured, and the movement of the screw in the threaded nut is used for this. In this way, the inclination and height of the working platform can be adjusted. The document in question also states that the lifting structure consisting of nuts, screws and springs can be applied to 3 areas under the working platform in order to adjust the height and inclination of the working platform, and that the three lifting structures must not be in the same straight line in order to adjust the height. A multidimensional metal printer is mentioned in the Chinese utility model document numbered CN208853709. The printer in question includes a printer platform and three Screw rods running parallel to each other under the printer platform. Each of the rods in question is connected to the bottom of the printer platform independently of each other and universal joints are used in the connections. The screw rods located at the bottom of the printer platform are located to form an equilateral triangle, and the movement of each screw rod can be controlled by a motor and the inclination and height of the printer platform relative to the horizontal plane can be adjusted. In this way, precise height and angle adjustment is made on the printer platform. A level adjustment device used to adjust the level of the printer is mentioned. The leveling device in question operates automatically and consists of a fixed platform, a linear motor, a distance measuring sensor and a display. The fixed platform in question is positioned under the printer platform and moves the fixed platform depending on the movement of the screw with the help of a spherical connection piece. The fixed platform moves up and down and this movement is controlled with the help of sensors. Thus, a precise level adjustment is made. Brief Description of the Invention The purpose of this invention is to realize an adjustment mechanism in which the table can be brought to the desired position relative to the horizontal plane, thanks to the structure of three joints, one of which is fixed and the other two are movable, located at the bottom of a table in a horizontal position. Detailed Description of the Invention "An Adjustment Mechanism That Enables the Table to be Moved to the Desired Position Relative to the Horizontal Plane", which was realized to achieve the purpose of this invention, is shown in the attached figures. Figure 1. The perspective view of an adjustment mechanism that is the subject of the invention. Figure 2. is a cross-sectional view of an adjustment mechanism that is the subject of the invention. The parts in the figures are numbered one by one, and the equivalents of these numbers are given below: Gear element (reducer) 1. Adjustment mechanism 2. Joint group 3. Ball joint 4. Joint cover. Shaft 6. Female Screw 7. Male Screw Movement provider (precision motor) T: Movable table An adjustment mechanism (l) according to the invention that allows the processing surface to reach the desired position relative to the horizontal plane in three- and four-dimensional printers, -a moving table (T) and Located at the corners of a triangle between a lower table (A) located at the bottom of the movable table (T), containing two mutually positioned ball joints (3), one of which is fixed in the vertical direction and the other two are movable in the vertical direction. three joint groups (2), - apart from the spherical joints (3) that form the joint group (2), the ones in the fixed-height joint group (2), located one above the other, are fixed to the movable table (T) and the lower table (A). ; More than one joint, where the ones in the movable joint group (3) are fixed only to the bottom table (A) - at least one shaft (located between the ball joints (3) in the fixed joint group (2) and fixedly connected to the ball joints (3) 5), -at least one female screw (6) located in the inner part of the ball joint (3) located on the upper part of the two ball joints (3) located opposite each other in the movable joint group (2) and whose rotation is restricted, -in the movable joint group ( 2) At least one movable male Screw (7) located on the inside of the other ball joint (3), that is, the lower ball joint (3), which does not have a female Screw (6) from two mutually located ball joints (3), is connected to the -male Screw. (7) At least one threaded element (8) which is connected from one end and gives movement - located at the end of the threaded element (8) which is not connected to the male Screw (7), providing movement and allowing the female Screw (6) to move up and down by contacting the movable table (T). It contains at least one movement mechanism (9) that enables the moving table (T) to be moved to the desired position relative to the horizontal plane. In the adjustment mechanism (1) of the invention, each joint group (2) consists of two spherical joints (3) positioned one above the other between the movable table (T) and the lower table (A). There is a joint cover (4) fixed to the ball joint on the outside of each ball joint (3), and there is a shaft (5) or male/female screw (7,8) on the inside. In the preferred application, the fixed joint group (2) is located at the right-angled fixed corner of the right triangle. Other movable joint groups (2) are located at the other corners of the right triangle. In this way, the movable table (T) is brought to the desired horizontal position by moving the movable joint (3) spheres. In the adjustment mechanism (l) of the invention, the joint cover (4) is located on the outside of the ball joints (3) and is fixed to the ball joints (3). The joint covers (4) located outside the ball joints (3) in the fixed joint group (2) are fixed to the movable table (T) and the lower table (A). While one of the joint covers (4) located outside the ball joints (3) in the movable joint group (2) is fixed to the bottom plate (A), the other one is idle compared to the movable table (T), but a connection element is attached to the outer screw (6). It is fixed with . In this way, when the male screw (7) rotates the female screw (6), the female screw (6) comes out of the joint cover (4) and moves the movable table (T) upwards. In the adjustment mechanism (1) of the invention, the ends of the shaft (5) are fixed to the ball joints (3) located in the fixed joint group (2). The shaft (5) is fixedly connected to the ball joints (3) and ensures that the vertical distance between the ball centers of the ball joints (3) remains constant. In the adjustment mechanism of the invention (1), the rotational movement is restricted in the inner part of the ball joints (3) located in the outer screw (6) and movable joint group (2) compared to the movable table (T). The Male Screw (7) is located in the Female Screw (6) at one end, and in the ball joints (3) which are in a fixed position relative to the bottom plate (A) at the other end, in a way that it can rotate. Male Screw (7) moves the Female Screw (6) by giving a rotational movement, and this movement enables the movable table (T) to move vertically. In the adjustment mechanism (l) of the invention, the threaded element (8) is a reducer and is connected to the male screw (7) at one end and to the movement provider (9) at the other end. The threaded element (8) transfers the movement it receives from the movement provider (9) to the male screw (8) as rotational movement. In this way, the male screw (7) makes a rotating movement within the female screw (6), allowing the female screw (6) to move the movable table (T). In the adjustment mechanism (1) of the invention, the movement enabler (9) is a precision motor that moves the gear element (8) from one end. When the movement mechanism (9) moves, it enables the female screw (6) to move up and down, thanks to the movement it gives to the threaded element (8). Thanks to the up and down movement of the female screw (6), rot-X and rot-y movements are made around the corner where the fixed joint group (2) is located, thus moving the movable table (T), and therefore the process table located on the upper part of the movable table (T), relative to the horizontal plane. positioning is provided. (Figure 1) The adjustment mechanism (1) of the invention contains joint groups (2), one of which is fixed and the other two of which are movable, placed at the corners of a triangle, preferably a right triangle, between two tables (T, A), allowing the operation table to be adjusted relative to the horizontal plane. It allows it to be brought to the desired position. For this purpose, a female screw (6) is used in one of the ball joints (3) within the movable joint group (2), and a male screw (7) that rotates within the female screw (6) is used in the other. As the male screw (7) moves, the female screw (6), whose rotation movement is restricted, moves in the direction of the male screw axis and moves the point to which the movable table (T) is attached, up or down. Around these basic concepts, it is possible to develop a wide variety of applications related to the subject of the invention, "An Adjustment Mechanism (1) That Enables the Table to be Moved to the Desired Position Relative to the Horizontal Plane", and the invention cannot be limited to the examples explained here, it is essentially as stated in the claims. TR TR

Claims (3)

STEMLERSTEMS 1. Üç ve dört boyutlu yazicilarda islem yüzeyinin yatay düzleme göre istenilen konuma gelmesini saglayan, -bir hareketli tabla (T) ve hareketli tablanin (T) alt kisminda yer alan bir alt tabla (A) arasinda bir üçgenin köselerinde yer alacak sekilde bulunan, her biri karsilikli konumlandirilmis iki küresel mafsal (3) içeren, biri düsey yönde sabit, diger ikisi ise düsey yönde hareketli yapida olmak üzere üç mafsal grubu (2), -mafsal grubunu (2) olusturan küresel mafsallarin (3) disinda bir adet olacak sekilde altli üstlü yer alan, yüksekligi sabit mafsal grubunda (2) yer alanlarin hareketli tabla (T) ve alt tablaya (A) sabitlendigi; hareketli mafsal gurubunda (3) yer alanlarin ise sadece alta tablaya (A) sabitlendigi birden fazla sayida mafsal -sabit mafsal grubundaki (2) küresel mafsallarin (3) arasinda yer alan ve küresel mafsallara (3) sabit olarak bagli olan en az bir mil (5), -hareketli mafsal grubunda (2) karsilikli olarak yer alan iki küresel mafsaldan (3) üst kisimda yer alan küresel mafsalin (3) iç kisminda yer alan ve dönmesi kisitlanmis en az bir disi Vida (6), -hareketli mafsal grubunda (2) karsilikli olarak yer alan iki küresel mafsaldan (3) disi Vida (6) yer almayan diger küresel mafsalin (3), yani alt küresel mafsalin (3) iç kisminda yer alan hareketli en az bir erkek Vida (7), -erkek Vidaya (7) bir ucundan baglanan ve hareket veren en az bir disli eleman (8) -disli elemanin (8) erkek Vidaya (7) baglanmayan ucunda yer alan, hareketi saglayarak disi Vidanin (6) hareketli tablaya (T) temas ederek asagi yukari hareket etmesini saglayan ve hareketli tablanin (T) temas edilen noktasini yatay düzleme göre istenilen konuma getirilmesini saglayan en az bir hareket saglayici (9) ile karakterize edilen bir ayar mekanizmasi (l). 1. In three- and four-dimensional printers, it is a device located at the corners of a triangle between a movable table (T) and a sub-table (A) located at the bottom of the movable table (T), which allows the processing surface to reach the desired position relative to the horizontal plane. Three joint groups (2), one of which contains two spherical joints (3) positioned opposite each other, one of which is fixed in the vertical direction and the other two of which are movable in the vertical direction, - one apart from the spherical joints (3) forming the joint group (2). The upper, fixed-height joint group (2) is fixed to the movable table (T) and the lower table (A); More than one joint, where the ones in the movable joint group (3) are fixed only to the bottom table (A) - at least one shaft (located between the ball joints (3) in the fixed joint group (2) and fixedly connected to the ball joints (3) 5), -at least one female screw (6) located in the inner part of the ball joint (3) located at the top of the two spherical joints (3) located opposite each other in the movable joint group (2) and whose rotation is restricted, -in the movable joint group ( 2) At least one movable male Screw (7) located on the inside of the other ball joint (3), that is, the lower ball joint (3), which does not have a female Screw (6) from two mutually located ball joints (3), is connected to the -male Screw. (7) At least one threaded element (8) is connected to one end and gives movement - located at the end of the threaded element (8) that is not connected to the male Screw (7), providing movement, allowing the female Screw (6) to move up and down by contacting the movable table (T). An adjustment mechanism (l) characterized by at least one movement enabler (9) that enables the moving table (T) to move and moves the contact point of the movable table (T) to the desired position relative to the horizontal plane. 2.Dik üçgenin dik açili sabit kösesinde yer alan sabit mafsal grubu (2) ile karakterize edilen Istem l,deki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l). 2. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in Claim 1, characterized by a fixed joint group (2) located at the right-angled fixed corner of the right triangle. 3.Küresel mafsallarinin (3) dis kisminda küresel mafsallara (3) sabitlenmis olarak bulunan mafsal kapagi (4) ile karakterize edilen Istem 1 veya Zadeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).3. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in Claim 1 or Zadeki, characterized by a joint cover (4) fixed to the ball joints (3) on the outside of the ball joints (3). 4. Hareketli tabla (T) ve alt tablaya (A) sabitlenen, sabit mafsal gurubundaki (2) küresel mafsallarin (3) disinda yer alan mafsal kapaklari (4) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).4. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in any of the above claims, characterized by joint covers (4) located outside the spherical joints (3) in the fixed joint group (2), fixed to the movable table (T) and the lower table (A). 5. Biri (4) alt tablaya (A) sabitken, digeri ise hareketli tablaya (T) göre bosta duran, fakat disi Vidaya (6) bir baglanti elemani ile sabitlenen hareketli mafsal gurubundaki (2) küresel mafsallarin (3) disinda yer alan mafsal kapaklari (4) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).5. The joint located outside the ball joints (3) in the movable joint group (2), one of which (4) is fixed to the lower table (A), while the other is idle compared to the movable table (T), but its outer part is fixed to the Screw (6) with a connection element. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in any of the above claims, characterized by its covers (4). 6. Uçlarindan sabit mafsal grubunda (2) yer alan küresel mafsallara (3) sabitlenmis olarak bulunan mil (5) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).6. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in any of the above claims, characterized by a shaft (5) fixed at its ends to the ball joints (3) located in the fixed joint group (2). 7. Küresel mafsallara (3) sabit olarak bagli olup küresel mafsallarin (3) küre merkezleri arasinda düsey mesafenin sabit kalmasini saglayan mil (5) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (1). tablaya (T) göre bosta olanlarin yani baglanmayanlarin iç kisminda dönme hareketi kisitlanmis olarak bulunan disi Vida (6) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).7. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in any of the above claims, characterized by a shaft (5) that is fixedly connected to the spherical joints (3) and ensures that the vertical distance between the ball centers of the spherical joints (3) remains constant. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in any of the above claims, characterized by a female Screw (6) with restricted rotation movement inside the ones that are idle relative to the table (T), that is, those that are not connected. 9. Bir ucundan disi Vida (6) içerisinde, diger ucundan ise alt tablaya (A) göre sabit konumda bulunan küresel mafsallarin (3) içinde dönme hareketi yapabilecek sekilde yer alan erkek Vida (7) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).9. An adjustment as in any of the above claims, characterized by a male Screw (7) located in the female Screw (6) at one end and in the ball joints (3) located in a fixed position relative to the bottom plate (A) at the other end, in a way that can rotate. mechanism (l). 10. Bir redüktör olup bir ucundan erkek Vidaya (7) diger ucundan ise hareket saglayiciya (9) bagli olan disli elaman (8) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).10. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in any of the above claims, characterized by a reducer and a threaded element (8) connected to the male screw (7) at one end and to the movement provider (9) at the other end. 11. Bir ucundan disli elemana (8) hareket veren bir hassas motor olan hareket saglayici (9) ile karakterize edilen yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birindeki gibi bir ayar mekanizmasi (l).11. An adjustment mechanism (1) as in any of the above claims, characterized by a movement enabler (9), which is a precision motor that moves the gear element (8) from one end.

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
PCT/TR2023/050535 WO2023239332A1 (en) 2022-06-07 2023-06-07 An adjusting mechanism for the switching a table into a desired position according to a horizontal plane

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
TR2022009341A1 true TR2022009341A1 (en) 2023-12-21



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