SI9600276A - Abrasive cutting and grinding disk - Google Patents

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SI9600276A SI9600276A SI9600276A SI9600276A SI 9600276 A SI9600276 A SI 9600276A SI 9600276 A SI9600276 A SI 9600276A SI 9600276 A SI9600276 A SI 9600276A SI 9600276 A SI9600276 A SI 9600276A
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�tefan Neme�
Lado Burjan
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Comet Umetni Brusi In Nekovine D.D.
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Application filed by Comet Umetni Brusi In Nekovine D.D. filed Critical Comet Umetni Brusi In Nekovine D.D.
Priority to SI9600276A priority Critical patent/SI9600276A/en
Priority to UA98063066A priority patent/UA48200C2/en
Priority to CZ981878A priority patent/CZ187898A3/en
Priority to HU9901885A priority patent/HUP9901885A3/en
Priority to PL97326649A priority patent/PL326649A1/en
Priority to TR1998/00861T priority patent/TR199800861T1/en
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Priority to PCT/SI1997/000025 priority patent/WO1998010895A1/en
Priority to BG102544A priority patent/BG102544A/en
Publication of SI9600276A publication Critical patent/SI9600276A/en



    • B24D3/00Physical features of abrasive bodies, or sheets, e.g. abrasive surfaces of special nature; Abrasive bodies or sheets characterised by their constituents
    • B24D3/02Physical features of abrasive bodies, or sheets, e.g. abrasive surfaces of special nature; Abrasive bodies or sheets characterised by their constituents the constituent being used as bonding agent
    • B24D3/20Physical features of abrasive bodies, or sheets, e.g. abrasive surfaces of special nature; Abrasive bodies or sheets characterised by their constituents the constituent being used as bonding agent and being essentially organic
    • B24D3/28Resins or natural or synthetic macromolecular compounds


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Polishing Bodies And Polishing Tools (AREA)
  • Crushing And Grinding (AREA)


An abrasive cutting and grinding disk containing resin binder and reinforced with glass fibre fabric, where a part of the applied abrasive is in the form of fragments obtained from the cold processing of rests of resin-bonded grinding wheels according to a dry mechanical process comprising crushing, sieving and winnowing is solving the ecological problem of waste resin-bonded grinding wheels in a simple, low-cost and effective way. In the same time, a cutting and grinding resin-bonded disk of improved properties is obtained showing lower density, more elastic structure and higher grinding efficiency.



Predmet izuma je tankostenska abrazivna rezalnobrusna diskasta plošča v smolnem vezivu, ojačana s pletivi iz steklenih vlaken, v katero je vgrajen abraziv v obliki grudic.The subject of the invention is a thin-walled abrasive cutting disc disc in a resin binder, reinforced with fiberglass twists, in which a lump-shaped abrasive is embedded.

Z izumom so obravnavani tehnični problemi izdelkov iz področja brusne industrije, in sicer iz zvrsti rezalnobrusnega, smolno vezanega programa.The invention addresses the technical problems of products in the field of the abrasive industry, namely from the type of cutting, resin bonded program.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je takšna sestava in izdelava rezalnobrusne, smolno vezane plošče, ki bo specifično lažja in bo imela večje brusne učinke od dosedaj narejenih; z njeno izdelavo pa bo rešen tudi ekološki problem odpadkov smolno vezanih brusov. To bo doseženo z vgradnjo abraziva v obliki grudic, ki se bo pridobil pri ponovni predelavi ostankov smolno vezanih brusov.A technical problem solved by the invention is the composition and fabrication of a cutting grinding, resin-bonded plate that will be specifically lighter and have greater abrasive effects than has been done so far; its production will also solve the ecological problem of waste resin-bound grinding wheels. This will be achieved by the incorporation of a lump-shaped abrasive, which will be obtained from the reprocessing of resin-bound abrasives.

Tako oblika kot sestava ter postopek izdelave do sedaj proizvajanih rezalnobrusnih, smolno vezanih plošč, so že desetletja dolgo znani in se bistveno niso spremenili. Le postopki predelave odpadkov smolno vezanih brusov so se pojavili šele v zadnjem obdobju; povezano z večjo ekološko osveščenostjo.Both the shape and composition and the manufacturing process of the cutting-edge, resin-bound plywood produced so far have been known for decades and have not changed significantly. Only processes for the processing of waste resin-bonded abrasives have emerged until recently; associated with greater ecological awareness.

Dosedaj proizvajane abrazivne, rezalnobrusne plošče so v osnovi sestavljene iz abrazivnega drobljenca korunda in silicijevega karbida, mineralnih praškastih polnil ter armaturne mrežice iz steklenih vlaken.The abrasive, cutting grinding wheels produced so far consist essentially of an abrasive shredder of corundum and silicon carbide, mineral powder fillers, and fiberglass dash.

Vse skupaj je zalito in zlepljeno v bakelitnosmolni vezi, prešano v kalupu v obliki diskaste plošče, ter spečeno v peči priThe whole is poured and glued in a bakelite-resin bond, pressed in a disc-shaped mold, and baked in an oven at


180 C. Ločimo jih po:180 C. We distinguish them by:

- namenu uporabe ( za kovine in za nekovine ),- intended use (for metals and non-metals),

- obliki ( ravne, za rezanje in izbočene, za brušenje ),- shape (straight, for cutting and convex, for grinding),

- velikosti ( večji ali manjši premer in tanjša ali debelejša plošča ),- sizes (larger or smaller diameter and thinner or thicker panel),

- načinu uporabe ( na ročnih, ali na stabilnih strojih ).- the mode of use (on manual or stable machines).

Doslej znanih rešitev predelave odpadkov smolno vezanih brusov je več, in sicer:There are a number of known solutions for waste processing of resin-bonded abrasives so far, namely:

- Navadni sežig smolno vezanih brusov, kjer vezivo - smola zgori, ostanejo pa zrna abraziva ter ostanki steklenih niti in polnil. Tako pridobljena zrna abraziva se lahko uporabljajo tudi za ponovno vgradnjo v smolno vezane bruse. Pridobljena zrna pa so po navadi zelo onesnažena - oplaščena z nataljenimi polnili in s sajami. Zato se uporabljajo le v manj kvalitetnih izdelkih. Postopek je sicer poceni, je pa ekološko neustrezen.- Ordinary incineration of resin bonded abrasives, where the binder resin burns and abrasive grains and residual glass fibers and fillers remain. The abrasive grains thus obtained can also be used to re-incorporate resin-bound grinders. The grains harvested are usually highly contaminated - coated with precipitated fillers and soot. Therefore, they are used only in lower quality products. The process is inexpensive, but ecologically inadequate.

- Kemijski mokri postopek razklopa ostankov smolno vezanih brusov s pomočjo žveplene kisline. Po tem postopku se dobi sicer abraziv v čisti obliki osnovne zrnatosti, vendar je postopek drag in za okolje - vode zelo obremenjujoč.- Chemical wet process for the decomposition of resin-bound abrasives using sulfuric acid. This process produces an abrasive in the pure form of the basic granularity, but it is expensive and environmentally-water intensive.

- Pirohidrolitski postopek razklopa smolno vezanih brusov s pomočjo pregrete pare. Za ta postopek je bila vložena patentna prijava. V tem primeru smo dobili najčistejši regeneriran abraziv doslej, uporaben za ponovno vgradnjo v bruse. Postopek je sicer tehnološko zelo dovršen. Je pa strokovno zahteven in v slučaju napake nevaren, ker se sicer v zaprtem procesu pojavlja tudi vodik. Zato je postopek drag in se v praksi ni obnesel.- Pyrohydrolytic decomposition process of resin-bound grinders by means of superheated steam. A patent application has been filed for this procedure. In this case, we have obtained the cleanest regenerated abrasive ever used for re-embedding into grinders. The process is technologically very sophisticated. It is, however, professionally demanding and dangerous in the event of a failure, since hydrogen may also appear in the closed process. Therefore, the procedure is expensive and has not worked in practice.

Značilnosti navedenih reciklažnih postopkov so, da z njimi pridobimo abraziv za ponovno vgradnjo nazaj v bruse in da se hkrati s temi postopki rešuje ekološki problem okolja, ki se sicer pojavi, če te ostanke smolno vezanih brusov odlagamo na odprte deponij e.These recycling processes are characterized by the fact that they are used to obtain an abrasive for re-embedding back into grinders, and at the same time to solve the environmental problem of the environment, which otherwise occurs when these residues of resin-bound grinding wheels are deposited in open landfills e.

- :-3-Značilnost rezalnobrusnih, smolno vezanih plošč pa je, da se rezalnobrusni učinek plošč veča sorezmerno z višanjem obodne hitrosti plošče. S tem pa potencialno narašča centrifugalna razletna sila, ki pa je odvisna tudi od utežnega deleža abraziva, oz. njegove specifične teže.-: -3-The characteristic of cutting, resin bonded panels is that the cutting effect of the boards increases in proportion to the increase in the circumferential speed of the board. This, in turn, increases the centrifugal breaking force, which also depends on the weight of the abrasive, or its specific weights.

Iz navedenih značilnosti in spoznanj izvira stalna razvojna težnja k izdelavi takih rezalnobrusnih smolno vezanih plošč izdelkov, ki bodo varnejši in bodo bolje rezali, oz. brusili ter ne bodo obremenjevali okolja.From these characteristics and lessons, there is a constant developmental tendency to produce such grinding resin-bound plywood products that will be safer and better cut, respectively. sanded and will not burden the environment.

Izum na dosedaj najbolj enostaven, cenen in učinkovit način rešuje navedene razvojne težnje.In the most simple, inexpensive and effective way so far, the invention solves these development trends.

Po izumu bo možno izdelati rezlnobrusno, smolno vezano ploščo, ki bo lažja, zato cenejša, bo varnejša in bo bolje rezala, oz. brusila.According to the invention, it will be possible to make a cutting grinding, resin plywood board, which will be lighter, therefore cheaper, safer and will be better cut or cut. grinders.

Bistvo izuma bo opisano na sledečih izvedbenih primerih:The invention will be described in the following embodiments:

1. Ostanke spečenih rezalnobrusnih plošč in kolutov zdrobimo v grudice, oz. v obliko in velikost ter čistost abraziva primernega za ponovno vgradnjo v rezalnobrusne, smolno vei zane abrazivne plošče. Te plošče imajo povprečno 200 kg/cm porušne trdnosti. Pri drobljenju plošče popokajo in se porušijo na najšibkejših mestih - šivih, zato dobimo grudice, ki imajo višjo povprečno porušno trdnost, kot so jo imele plošče, iz katerih smo te grudice pridobili. Zato pri ponovni vgradnji teh grudic v rezalnobrusno ploščo dobimo izdelke s povprečno višjo porušno trdnostjo.1. Grind the remains of sintered cutting discs and discs into lumps, respectively. in the shape and size and purity of the abrasive suitable for re-embedding in cutting, resin-abrasive discs. These panels have an average of 200 kg / cm of breaking strength. When crushing the plates, they break and break in the weakest places - the seams, so we get lumps that have a higher average breaking strength than the plates from which these lumps were obtained. Therefore, when reinstalling these lumps in the cutting blade, products with an average higher breaking strength are obtained.

2. Pri ponovni vgradnji abrazivnih grudic, le-te še enkrat osmolimo s svežo smolo. S tem vnesemo v tako, po izumu na novo izdelano rezalnobrusno ploščo več vezivne smole, kot je bil to slučaj pri prvotni klasični izdelavi rezalnobrusne plošče.2. When reinstalling the abrasive lumps, they should be resinized with fresh resin. In this way, more bonding resin is introduced into the newly made cutting blade plate according to the invention, as was the case with the original classical production of the cutting blade.

Tako dobimo izdelke z manjšo specifično težo in hkrati pove čano elastičnostjo ter zmanjšano trdoto plošče.This gives products with a lower specific gravity and at the same time increased elasticity and reduced plate hardness.

Claims (2)

PATENTNA ZAHTEVKAPATENT APPLICATION 1. Postopek izdelave abrazivne rezalnobrusne diskaste plošč§ v smolnem - bakelitnem vezivu ter ojačane s pletivi iz steklenih vlaken, značilen po tem, da se v po tem postopku izdelane plošče vgradi del abraziva v obliki grudic pridobljenih iz ostankov bakelitno vezanih plošč tako, da v postopku priprave zmesi najprej osmolimo abraziv iz grudic in nato nadaljujemo z dodajanjem ostalih komponent po znanem postopku ter s tem dobimo elastičnejšo zgradbo, z boljšimi brusnimi učinki, ob istočasnem znižanju teže izdelka.1. A method of manufacturing an abrasive cutting disc disc§ in a resin-bakelite binder and reinforced with fiberglass twists, characterized in that a part of the abrasive in the form of lumps obtained from the residues of the bakelite-bound plates is embedded in the process according to this method. In the process of preparation of the mixture, we first grind the abrasive out of the lumps and then proceed with the addition of other components in accordance with the known procedure, thus obtaining a more elastic structure, with better abrasive effects, while reducing the weight of the product. 2. Postopek predelave ostankov abrazivnih plošč v smolnem bakelitnem vezivu, ojačanih s pletivi iz steklenih vlaken, ali brez ojačanja, značilen po tem, da po suhem mehanskem postopku, z drobljenjem, sejanjem in vetrenjem iz ostankov smolno vezanih rezalnobrusnih plošč dobimo abraziv v obliki grudic višje trdnosti, kot jo je imela plošča iz katere je tak abraziv nastal, ter manjše nasipne teže in čvrstejše vezivnosti s smolami, kot to dosežemo z uporabo samo klasičnega abraziva.2. A process for processing abrasive disc residues in a resinous bakelite binder, reinforced with fiberglass or without reinforcement, characterized in that, by a dry mechanical process, by grinding, sieving and winding, resin-bound abrasive discs are obtained Higher strength than the plate from which such an abrasive was produced, and lower bulk weight and firmer resin bonding than is achieved by using only a classic abrasive. IZVLEČEKABSTRACT Abrazivna rezalnobrusna plošča v smolnem vezivu, ojačana s pletivi iz steklenih vlaken in z obvezno vgrajenim enim delom abraziva v obliki grudic pridobljenih pri hladni predelavi ostankov smolno vezanih brusov po suhem mehanskem po stopku, z drobljenjem, sejanjem in vetrenjem, enostavno, ce neno in učinkovito rešuje ekološki problem ostankov smolno vezanih brusov. Hkrati pa pridobimo rezalnobrusno smolno ve zao ploščo boljših lastnosti, in sicer manjše specifične te že, elastičnejše zgradbe in višjih brusnih učinkov.Abrasive resin abrasive cutting board, reinforced with fiberglass twists and with one piece of abrasive in the form of lumps, obtained by cold processing of resin-bound abrasive abrasives, by mechanical crushing, sieving and winding, easily, cost-effectively and efficiently solves the environmental problem of resin-bound grinding wheels. At the same time, we obtain a cutting resin grinding wheel for better properties, namely smaller specific ones, more elastic structures and higher abrasive effects.
SI9600276A 1996-09-16 1996-09-16 Abrasive cutting and grinding disk SI9600276A (en)

Priority Applications (9)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9600276A SI9600276A (en) 1996-09-16 1996-09-16 Abrasive cutting and grinding disk
UA98063066A UA48200C2 (en) 1996-09-16 1997-08-09 Method of abrasive cutting and polishing disk rings producing and abrasive producing method
CZ981878A CZ187898A3 (en) 1996-09-16 1997-09-08 Abrasive cutting and grinding wheel
HU9901885A HUP9901885A3 (en) 1996-09-16 1997-09-08 Abrasive cutting and grinding wheel
PL97326649A PL326649A1 (en) 1996-09-16 1997-09-08 Abrasive disk for cutting-off and surface grinding operations
TR1998/00861T TR199800861T1 (en) 1996-09-16 1997-09-08 Abrasive cutting and pressing roller.
AU43250/97A AU4325097A (en) 1996-09-16 1997-09-08 Abrasive cutting and grinding wheel
PCT/SI1997/000025 WO1998010895A1 (en) 1996-09-16 1997-09-08 Abrasive cutting and grinding wheel
BG102544A BG102544A (en) 1996-09-16 1998-06-15 Abrasive disc for cutting and grinding

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SI9600276A SI9600276A (en) 1996-09-16 1996-09-16 Abrasive cutting and grinding disk

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SI9600276A SI9600276A (en) 1996-09-16 1996-09-16 Abrasive cutting and grinding disk

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HU (1) HUP9901885A3 (en)
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SI (1) SI9600276A (en)
TR (1) TR199800861T1 (en)
UA (1) UA48200C2 (en)
WO (1) WO1998010895A1 (en)

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HUP9901885A3 (en) 2000-03-28
WO1998010895A1 (en) 1998-03-19
AU4325097A (en) 1998-04-02
PL326649A1 (en) 1998-10-12
TR199800861T1 (en) 1998-12-21

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