SI26129A - Ionizer, a device for emitting negative ions from carbon fibers protected by a plastic barrier and a new attachment - Google Patents

Ionizer, a device for emitting negative ions from carbon fibers protected by a plastic barrier and a new attachment Download PDF


Publication number
SI26129A SI202000242A SI202000242A SI26129A SI 26129 A SI26129 A SI 26129A SI 202000242 A SI202000242 A SI 202000242A SI 202000242 A SI202000242 A SI 202000242A SI 26129 A SI26129 A SI 26129A
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negative ions
carbon brush
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Slovenian (sl)
Lorena Leonardos
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Lorena Leonardos
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Application filed by Lorena Leonardos filed Critical Lorena Leonardos
Priority to SI202000242A priority Critical patent/SI26129A/en
Priority to EP21212687.4A priority patent/EP4016765B1/en
Publication of SI26129A publication Critical patent/SI26129A/en



    • H01T19/00Devices providing for corona discharge
    • H01T23/00Apparatus for generating ions to be introduced into non-enclosed gases, e.g. into the atmosphere
    • H01T19/00Devices providing for corona discharge
    • H01T19/04Devices providing for corona discharge having pointed electrodes


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Plasma & Fusion (AREA)
  • Elimination Of Static Electricity (AREA)
  • Respiratory Apparatuses And Protective Means (AREA)
  • Disinfection, Sterilisation Or Deodorisation Of Air (AREA)


Predmet izuma je nadgrajeni ionizator, naprava za oddajanje negativnih ionov, iz ogljikovih nitk ogljikove ščetke z novo pritrditvijo v plastični zaščitni zapori, ki preprečuje izpadanje ogljikovih nitk iz ogljikove ščetke. Ogljikova ščetka oddaja iz vseh svojih ogljikovih nitk negativne ione in zato posamezne ogljikove nitke ne smejo odpadati, če želimo zagotoviti pravilno delovanje ogljikove ščetke in s tem pravilno in sto odstotno delovanje ionizatorja ter obenem zagotoviti količino negativnih ionov, kiustrezajo opravljenim meritvam na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, EU. Opisani predmet izuma to zanesljivo omogoča. Pomanjkanje negativnih ionov je za človeka neugodno in celo škodljivo. Obenem so negativni ioni edini sposobni iz zraka odstraniti pod-mikrometrske delce, kamor spadajo rakotvorni izpušni plini, bakterije, virusi, itd., s čimer varujejo zdravje ljudi. Opisani tehnični problem je rešen z v ionizator vgrajeno zaščitno plastično zaporo za ogljikove nitke v ogljikovi ščetki, ki preprečujeizpadanje posameznih ogljikovih nitk iz ogljikove ščetke in s tem omogoča nemoteno in nezmanjšano delovanje ionizatorja v celoti in po namenu.The subject of the invention is an upgraded ionizer, a device for emitting negative ions, from the carbon filaments of a carbon brush with a new attachment in a plastic protective lock that prevents the carbon filaments from falling out of the carbon brush. The carbon brush emits negative ions from all its carbon threads, and therefore individual carbon threads must not fall off, if we want to ensure the correct operation of the carbon brush and thus the correct and one hundred percent operation of the ionizer, and at the same time ensure the amount of negative ions that correspond to the measurements made at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, EU. The described object of the invention reliably enables this. Lack of negative ions is unfavorable and even harmful for humans. At the same time, negative ions are the only ones capable of removing sub-micrometer particles from the air, including carcinogenic exhaust gases, bacteria, viruses, etc., thereby protecting human health. The described technical problem is solved with a protective plastic barrier for the carbon threads in the carbon brush built into the ionizer, which prevents the individual carbon threads from falling out of the carbon brush and thus enables the ionizer to function smoothly and undiminished in its entirety and as intended.



Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je ionizator, v katerega je pritrjena ogljikova ščetka, ki oddaja negativne ione iz svojih ogljikovih nitk v zrak prostora. Ogljikove nitke so v ogljikovi ščetki zaščitene s posebno plastično zaporo, ki preprečuje izpadanje ogljikovih nitk iz ogljikove ščetke ionizatorja. Vsaka ogljikova nitka ogljikove ščetke ima nalogo oddajati negativne ione v prostor. Kadar pride do prekinjenega stika med izvorom električne energije in posameznimi ogljikovimi nitkami ogljikove ščetke, slednje prenehajo oddajati negativne ione in s tem osiromašijo delovanje ionizatorja. V ta namen so ogljikove nitke v ogljikovi ščetki ionizatorja zaščitene s posebno plastično zaporo, ki zadrži vse ogljikove nitke znotraj te zapore v ogljikovi ščetki in tako ostanejo povezane z izvorom energije. Na ta način jim je zagotovljena njihova funkcija, to je oddajanje negativnih ionov v prostor iz ionizatorja. Plastična zaščitna zapora je pričvrščena z dvema vijakoma v dno ionizatorja, s čimer je še dodatno fiksirana, da lahko zagotavlja nemoteno delovanje ionizatorja, ne da bi se ogljikove nitke premikale ali izpadale in s tem zmanjševale količino negativnih ionov. Ogljikove nitke so tudi edine, ki pri ionizaciji ne oddajajo zdravju škodljivega ozona, temveč samo negativne ione, kar so dokazale meritve na Zavodu za varstvo pri delu v Ljubljani, Slovenija, EU.The subject of the invention is an ionizer in which a carbon brush is attached, which emits negative ions from its carbon filaments into the air of the room. The carbon threads are protected in the carbon brush by a special plastic barrier that prevents the carbon threads from falling out of the carbon brush of the ionizer. Each carbon filament of the carbon brush has the task of emitting negative ions into the space. When there is a broken contact between the source of electricity and the individual carbon filaments of the carbon brush, the latter stop emitting negative ions and thereby impoverish the ionizer's performance. For this purpose, the carbon filaments in the carbon brush of the ionizer are protected by a special plastic barrier, which keeps all the carbon filaments inside this barrier in the carbon brush and thus remain connected to the energy source. In this way, their function is guaranteed, i.e. emitting negative ions into the room from the ionizer. The plastic protective cap is attached to the bottom of the ionizer with two screws, which further fixes it so that it can ensure the smooth operation of the ionizer without the carbon filaments moving or falling out, thereby reducing the amount of negative ions. Carbon filaments are also the only ones that do not emit harmful ozone during ionization, but only negative ions, which was proven by measurements at the Institute for Occupational Safety in Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU.

Ionizator je zaradi oddajanja negativnih ionov nujno prisoten v bivalnih in poslovnih prostorih ljudi. Pomanjkanje negativnih ionov je škodljivo tako za človeka kot za živali, kar je dokazal prof. Krueger iz Philadelphie, ki je izjavil, da brez negativnih ionov ni življenja. Negativni ioni so tudi edini sposobni iz zraka prostora odstraniti škodljive in ljudem nevarne delce - od rakotvornih izpušnih plinov in aerosolov, do bakterij in virusov, vključno s korona virusom, ki je pomoril ogromno svetovnega prebivalstva. Negativni ioni se nalepijo na delce v zraku in jih odstranijo na površino, od koder se, ionizirani, ne morejo več dvigniti. Na ta način negativni ioni varujejo pljuča, saj so nevarni delci za vedno odstranjeni iz zraka in jih ljudje ne morejo več vdihavati. Negativni ioni imajo po navedbah številnih medicinskih avtoritet zdravilni učinek na telo. Zato je kakovosten ionizator nujni del bivalnih in poslovnih prostorov.Due to the emission of negative ions, the ionizer is necessarily present in people's living and business premises. The lack of negative ions is harmful to both humans and animals, as proved by Prof. Krueger of Philadelphia who stated that without negative ions there is no life. Negative ions are also the only ones capable of removing harmful and human-dangerous particles from the air of space - from carcinogenic exhaust gases and aerosols, to bacteria and viruses, including the corona virus, which killed a huge number of the world's population. Negative ions stick to particles in the air and remove them to the surface, from where, ionized, they can no longer rise. In this way, negative ions protect the lungs, as dangerous particles are permanently removed from the air and people can no longer inhale them. Negative ions have a healing effect on the body, according to many medical authorities. That is why a high-quality ionizer is a necessary part of living and business premises.

Tehnični problemTechnical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je, kako v ionizator montirati ogljikove nitke, da ne bodo izpadale iz ogljikove ščetke in bo prirejen za velikoserijsko izdelavo z zagotovitvijo dolge življenjske dobe. Ogljikova ščetka vsebuje posamezne ogljikove nitke in vsaka izmed njih je pomembna za oddajanje negativnih ionov v zrak. Visoka napetost v ionizatorju razbije atom ogljika v ogljikovi nitki in vrže iz zadnje tirnice atoma v zrak elektron - imenovani negativni ion. Če posamezne nitke med delovanjem izgubijo stik z visoko napetostjo ionizatorja, se v njih ne more izpeljati proces razbitja atoma in eliminacije negativnega iona in je v tem primeru ionizator brez funkcije. Zato je potrebna dodatna zaščita ogljikovih nitk, da bodo vedno v funkciji in bodo nadalje omogočale tudi ionizatorju njegovo sto odstotno delovanje.The technical problem solved by the invention is how to mount carbon threads in the ionizer so that they do not fall out of the carbon brush and it will be adapted for large-scale production with a long service life. A carbon brush contains individual carbon filaments and each one is important for emitting negative ions into the air. The high voltage in the ionizer breaks the carbon atom in the carbon filament and throws an electron - called a negative ion - from the last rail of the atom into the air. If individual threads lose contact with the high voltage of the ionizer during operation, the process of breaking the atom and eliminating the negative ion cannot take place in them, and in this case the ionizer is out of order. Therefore, additional protection of the carbon threads is necessary, so that they will always be functional and will further enable the ionizer to function at its hundred percent.

Znano stanje tehnikeKnown state of the art

Znan je oddajnik negativnih ionov naprave za ioniziranje ozračja po slovenskem patentu Sl20043 (izumiteljica Naca Kaya Jermani - po uradni odločbi spremenjeno v Lorena Leonardos), ki je namenjen za ustvarjanje negativnih ionov za bivalni prostor. Pomanjkljivost te rešitve je, da je ogljikova ščetka samostojno stoječa, brez zaščite in izgublja ogljikove nitke pri pogosti uporabi. Z zmanjšanjem števila ogljikovih nitk se zmanjša tudi sposobnost učinkovitosti ogljikove ščetke in ionizatorja.The negative ion emitter of the device for ionizing the atmosphere is known according to the Slovenian patent Sl20043 (inventor Naca Kaya Jermani - changed to Lorena Leonardos by official decision), which is intended for creating negative ions for the living space. The disadvantage of this solution is that the carbon brush is free-standing, without protection and loses carbon filaments with frequent use. Reducing the number of carbon filaments also reduces the efficiency of the carbon brush and ionizer.

Znan je tudi oddajnik negativnih ionov naprave za ioniziranje ozračja po slovenskem patentu številka 24890, izumiteljice Lorene Leonardos, ki je namenjen za ustvarjanje negativnih ionov za vgradnjo v avtomobile. Pomanjkljivost te rešitve je v tem, da je ogljikova ščetka samostojno stoječa, brez zaščite in izgublja ogljikove nitke pri pogosti uporabi. Z zmanjšanjem števila ogljikovih nitk se zmanjša tudi sposobnost učinkovitosti ogljikove ščetke in ionizatorja. Obstaja možnost zaščite obstoječe vgradne ogljikove ščetke z zaščitno plastično zaporo po izumu.Also known is the negative ion emitter of the device for ionizing the atmosphere according to Slovenian patent number 24890, inventor Lorena Leonardos, which is intended for creating negative ions for installation in cars. The disadvantage of this solution is that the carbon brush is free-standing, without protection and loses carbon filaments with frequent use. Reducing the number of carbon filaments also reduces the efficiency of the carbon brush and ionizer. There is a possibility of protecting the existing built-in carbon brush with a protective plastic barrier according to the invention.

Znani so tovrstni oddajniki, ki oddajajo negativne ione iz kovinske igle, kovinske membrane ali plazme (preskok elektrike med dvema kovinskima iglama). Kovina sčasoma reagira z vlago v zraku in rezultat te reakcije je zdravju škodljivi ozon, zato so tovrstni oddajniki negativnih ionov neprimerni za uporabo v bližini ljudi. Ogljikove nitke pa dokazano ne oddaja zdravju škodljivega ozona (dokaz: meritev ozona na Zavodu za varstvo pri delu, Ljubljana, EU) in je zato edina primerna za uporabo v vseh prostorih kjer bivajo ali delujejo ljudje.Emitters of this type are known, which emit negative ions from a metal needle, metal membrane or plasma (a jump of electricity between two metal needles). The metal eventually reacts with moisture in the air and the result of this reaction is ozone, which is harmful to health, so negative ion emitters of this type are unsuitable for use near people. Carbon threads have been proven not to emit harmful ozone (proof: ozone measurement at the Institute for Occupational Safety, Ljubljana, EU) and is therefore the only one suitable for use in all areas where people live or work.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaSolving a technical problem

Rešitev opisanega tehničnega problema po izumu je v tem, da omogoča novo pritrditev zaščitne plastične zapore za ogljikove nitke v ogljikovi ščetki ionizatorja. Nova pritrditev omogoča sto odstotno ohranjati celovitost ogljikovih nitk v ogljikovi ščetki ionizatorja in s tem celovito sposobnost in funkcijo ionizatorja. Ogljikove nitke ogljikove ščetke so nameščene v posebni plastični zapori, ki je pritrjena v dno ionizatorja z dvema vijakoma. Posebna zaščitna plastična zapora kompaktno zapira ogljikove nitke ogljikove ščetke z vseh treh strani, kar jim onemogoča premikanje in izgubo posameznih ogljikovih nitk iz ogljikove ščetke, ki so pomemben oddajnik negativnih ionov. Posebna zaščitna plastična zapora ogljikovih nitk v ogljikovi ščetki je z vijakoma pritrjena v dno ionizatorja, kar popolnoma onemogoča premikanje ogljikovih nitk v ogljikovi ščetki in s tem izgubo posameznih ogljikovih nitk. Količina ogljikovih nitk v ogljikovi ščetki je zelo pomembna, saj vsaka ogljikova nitka ogljikove ščetke oddaja negativne ione v zrak iz ionizatorja. Visoka napetost v ionizatorju razbije atom v posameznih ogljikovih nitkah ogljikove ščetke ter vrže negativne ione ven iz ionizatorja v zrak. Negativni ioni se vežejo na lebdeče pod-mikrometrske delce, ki se nahajajo v zraku, se nanje nalepijo, jih obtežijo in jih odstranijo iz zraka na površino, presežek negativnih ionov pa je na voljo uporabniku za vdihavanje in ima ugoden učinek na telo. Izum je pomemben zato, ker ionizatorju omogoča, da varuje količino ogljikovih nitk v ogljikovi ščetki, da ne morejo izpadati in zmanjševati delovanja ogljikove ščetke in ionizatorja ter omogoča, da količina negativnih ionov ustreza opravljenim meritvam na odgovorni inštituciji, to je Inštitut Jožef Stefan v Ljubljani, EU in omogoča ionizatorju pravilno in sto odstotno delovanje. Kompaktna plastična zapora ogljikovih nitk v ogljikovi ščetki je pokrita z zaščitnim pokrovom ionizatorja, tako da gledajo ven iz ionizatorja samo ogljikove nitke ogljikove ščetke, ki oddajajo negativne ione v zrak, lonizator je s kablom priključen na električno omrežje.The solution to the described technical problem according to the invention is that it enables a new attachment of the protective plastic stopper for the carbon threads in the carbon brush of the ionizer. The new attachment makes it possible to maintain one hundred percent the integrity of the carbon threads in the carbon brush of the ionizer and thus the overall capability and function of the ionizer. The carbon filaments of the carbon brush are placed in a special plastic stopper, which is attached to the bottom of the ionizer with two screws. A special protective plastic seal compactly closes the carbon filaments of the carbon brush from all three sides, preventing them from moving and losing individual carbon filaments from the carbon brush, which are an important emitter of negative ions. The special protective plastic stop of the carbon threads in the carbon brush is attached to the bottom of the ionizer with two screws, which completely prevents the movement of the carbon threads in the carbon brush and thus the loss of individual carbon threads. The amount of carbon filaments in the carbon brush is very important because each carbon filament of the carbon brush emits negative ions into the air from the ionizer. The high voltage in the ionizer breaks the atom in the individual carbon filaments of the carbon brush and throws the negative ions out of the ionizer into the air. Negative ions bind to floating sub-micrometer particles in the air, stick to them, weigh them down and remove them from the air to the surface, and the excess negative ions are available for the user to inhale and have a beneficial effect on the body. The invention is important because it allows the ionizer to protect the amount of carbon threads in the carbon brush, so that they cannot fall out and reduce the performance of the carbon brush and the ionizer, and it allows the amount of negative ions to correspond to the measurements made at the responsible institution, i.e. the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana , EU and enables the ionizer to function correctly and one hundred percent. The compact plastic barrier of the carbon threads in the carbon brush is covered with the protective cover of the ionizer, so that only the carbon threads of the carbon brush, which emit negative ions into the air, look out of the ionizer, the ionizer is connected to the electrical network with a cable.

Podrobneje bo bistvo izuma pojasnjeno z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na katerih kaže:The essence of the invention will be explained in more detail with the description of the implementation example and the attached drawing, which shows:

Sl. 1 perspektivni pogled ionizatorja z ogljikovimi nitkami ogljikove ščetke, nameščene v plastični zaščitni zapori po izumu in vgrajene ter z dvema vijakoma pričvrščene v dno ionizatorja, ki je povezan s kablom v električno omrežje.fig. 1 is a perspective view of an ionizer with carbon filaments of a carbon brush placed in a plastic protective barrier according to the invention and installed and fixed with two screws in the bottom of the ionizer, which is connected by a cable to the mains.

Sl. 2 prečni prerez istega.fig. 2 cross-section of the same.

Na sl. 1 in sl. 2 je ionizator (1) z ogljikovimi nitkami v ogljikovi ščetki (2) v zaščitni plastični zapori (3), ki kompaktno zapira in varuje ogljikove nitke v ogljikovi ščetki (2), da ne morejo izpadati iz ionizatorja (1). Zaščitna plastična zapora (3) je z dvema vijakoma (4) pritrjena v dno ionizatorja (1), seveda pa je možno predvideti še dodatne elemente za mehansko fiksiranje. Ogljikove nitke v ogljikovi ščetki (2) so s kablom (6) povezane z visokonapetostnim transformatorjem ionizatorja (5), ki razbije atom v ogljikovih nitkah ogljikove ščetke (2) in vrže v zrak negativni ion. lonizator (1) je s kablom (7) povezan na električno omrežje (8).In fig. 1 and fig. 2 is an ionizer (1) with carbon filaments in a carbon brush (2) in a protective plastic cap (3), which compactly closes and protects the carbon filaments in a carbon brush (2) so that they cannot fall out of the ionizer (1). The protective plastic barrier (3) is attached to the bottom of the ionizer (1) with two screws (4), but of course it is possible to provide additional elements for mechanical fixing. The carbon filaments in the carbon brush (2) are connected by a cable (6) to the high-voltage transformer of the ionizer (5), which breaks the atom in the carbon filaments of the carbon brush (2) and throws a negative ion into the air. the ionizer (1) is connected to the electrical network (8) with a cable (7).

Razumljivo je, da lahko strokovnjak s področja na osnovi poznavanja gornjega opisa izuma zasnuje tudi drugačne izvedbene primere zlasti v smislu industrijskega oblikovanja, ne da bi obšel značilnosti izuma, kot so opredeljene v sledečih patentnih zahtevkih, pri čemer je delovanje enako kot v zgornjem opisu izuma.It is understandable that an expert in the field, based on the knowledge of the above description of the invention, can also design other implementation examples, especially in terms of industrial design, without bypassing the features of the invention as defined in the following patent claims, whereby the operation is the same as in the above description of the invention .

Claims (1)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 4· lonizator (1) z ogljikovimi nitkami v ogljikovi ščetki (2) v zaščitni plastični zapori (3) po patentnem zahtevku, označen s tem, da sestoji iz ionizatorja (1), zaščitne plastične zapore (3), da so vanjo vgrajene ogljikove nitke iz ogljikove ščetke (2), da je zaščitna plastična zapora (3) pritrjena z vijakoma (4) v dno ionizatorja (1), da so ogljikove nitke v ogljikovi ščetki (2) povezane s kablom (6) z visokonapetostnim transformatorjem ionizatorja (5), da je ionizator (1) skupaj z visokonapetostnim transformatorjem ionizatorja (5) priključen s kablom (7) na električno omrežje (8).4· ionizer (1) with carbon threads in a carbon brush (2) in a protective plastic seal (3) according to the patent claim, characterized by the fact that it consists of an ionizer (1), a protective plastic seal (3), that carbon filaments of the carbon brush (2), that the protective plastic barrier (3) is fixed with two screws (4) in the bottom of the ionizer (1), that the carbon filaments in the carbon brush (2) are connected with the cable (6) to the high-voltage transformer of the ionizer ( 5) that the ionizer (1) together with the high-voltage transformer of the ionizer (5) is connected with the cable (7) to the electrical network (8).
SI202000242A 2020-12-21 2020-12-21 Ionizer, a device for emitting negative ions from carbon fibers protected by a plastic barrier and a new attachment SI26129A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

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SI202000242A SI26129A (en) 2020-12-21 2020-12-21 Ionizer, a device for emitting negative ions from carbon fibers protected by a plastic barrier and a new attachment
EP21212687.4A EP4016765B1 (en) 2020-12-21 2021-12-07 Ionizer for emitting negative ions from carbon filaments protected by a plastic barrier

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SI202000242A SI26129A (en) 2020-12-21 2020-12-21 Ionizer, a device for emitting negative ions from carbon fibers protected by a plastic barrier and a new attachment

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SI26129A true SI26129A (en) 2022-06-30



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SI202000242A SI26129A (en) 2020-12-21 2020-12-21 Ionizer, a device for emitting negative ions from carbon fibers protected by a plastic barrier and a new attachment

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CN2722478Y (en) * 2003-11-11 2005-08-31 仇剑梅 High-performance negative oxygen ion generator without ozone

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