SI24956A - Polypropylene protection for rolles of the industrial papers lower dimensions - Google Patents

Polypropylene protection for rolles of the industrial papers lower dimensions Download PDF


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SI24956A SI201500069A SI201500069A SI24956A SI 24956 A SI24956 A SI 24956A SI 201500069 A SI201500069 A SI 201500069A SI 201500069 A SI201500069 A SI 201500069A SI 24956 A SI24956 A SI 24956A
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Urška Fric
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Urška Fric
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Priority to SI201500069A priority Critical patent/SI24956A/en
Publication of SI24956A publication Critical patent/SI24956A/en



Polipropilenska zaščita za role industrijskega papirja nižjih dimenzij (v nadaljevanju zaščita in role) iz ekspandiranega polipropilena (stiropor) preprečuje nekatere oblike mehanskih, klimatskih in bioloških poškodb, ki tekom transportne verige nastajajo na rolah. Zaščito sestavljata dva elementa, in sicer podstavek (1) in pokrov (2). Elementa, ki sestavljata zaščito, se na rolo strojno namesti v proizvodnji rol in sicer se ju na njunem stikališču zlepi skupaj z organskim lepilom. Zaščito se iz role ročno odstrani v proizvodnji embalaže, odpadna elementa pa se ustrezno zavrže. Za odpadne elemente se predvidi predelava in ponovna uporaba - za tovrstne zaščite in za proizvodnjo ostalih izdelkov kot so toplotne izolacije in granulat v gradbeništvu, ali pa kot gorivo v toplarnah.Polypropylene protection for the role of lower-dimensional industrial paper rolls (hereinafter referred to as protection and rolls) from expanded polypropylene (styrofoam) prevents certain forms of mechanical, climatic and biological damage that occur during the transport chain on rolls. The protection consists of two elements, namely the base (1) and the cover (2). The elements that make up the protection are mounted on rolls in machine-tool manufacturing, rolling them together with an organic glue at their switchboard. The protection is removed from the roll manually in packaging production, and the waste element is disposed of accordingly. For waste elements, recovery and re-use - for this kind of protection and for the production of other products such as thermal insulation and granulate in the construction industry, or as a fuel in heat plants.



Predmet izuma je zaščita za role industrijskega papirja nižjih dimenzij (v nadaljevanju zaščita) za enkratno uporabo, ki je proizvedena iz ekspandiranega polipropilena (EPP) oz. stiropora (v nadaljevanju stiropor). Zaščita je namenjena za zaščito rol industrijskega papirja (v nadaljevanju role) pred mehanskimi, klimatskimi in biološkimi poškodbami, ki tekom transportne verige nastajajo na rolah. Zaščita se uporablja za zaščito tistih rol, katerih višina role ne presega več kot 100 centimetrov (cm) in katerih papir je namenjen za proizvodnjo primarne in sekundarne embalaže iz papirja1. Elementa, ki sestavljata zaščito sta podstavek 1 in pokrov 2. Zaščita se na rolo namesti v proizvodnji rol, iz role pa se jo odstrani pri proizvajalcu embalaže iz papirja (v nadaljevanju proizvajalec embalaže).The subject of the invention is a protection for disposable rolls of industrial paper (hereinafter referred to as "disposable"), which is produced from expanded polypropylene (EPP) or. styrofoam (hereinafter styrofoam). The protection is intended to protect the rolls of industrial paper (hereinafter referred to as rolls) from mechanical, climatic and biological damage that occurs on the rolls during the transport chain. The protection is used to protect those rolls whose roll height is not more than 100 centimeters (cm) and whose paper is intended to produce primary and secondary packaging from paper 1 . The elements that make up the protection are the base 1 and the cover 2. The protection is placed on the roll in the manufacture of rolls, and is removed from the roll by the manufacturer of the paper packaging (hereinafter referred to as the packaging manufacturer).

Področje v katerega sodi zaščita je logistika. K primarnim dejavnostim logistike sodi transport, ki ga je mogoče obravnavati in proučevati z vidika internega oz. notranjega transportna in eksternega oz. zunanjega transporta. V notranji transport sodi rokovanje oz. manipulacije z rolami (pri pretovoru rol na transportna sredstva, pri pretovoru rol iz enega na drugo transportno sredstvo, pri pretovoru rol iz transportnega sredstva v skladišče in pri manipulacijah znotraj skladišča), v okviru zunanjega transporta pa transport rol od enega do drugega udeleženca v transportni verigi.The area of protection is logistics. The primary activities of logistics include transport, which can be considered and studied from the point of view of internal or internal transport and external respectively. external transport. Internal transport includes handling or handling. manipulation of rolls (when handling rolls on transport vehicles, when transferring rolls from one transport vehicle to another, when transferring rolls from a transport vehicle to a warehouse and during manipulations inside a warehouse), and in the context of external transport, transporting rolls from one participant to the transport chain.

1 K primarni (prodajni) embalaži iz papirja prištevamo vrečke in manjše škatle, k sekundarni (skupinski) embalaži pa škatle in sorodne ovoje, ki skupaj združujejo več enot primarne embalaže. 1 The primary (sales) paper packaging includes bags and smaller boxes, and the secondary (group) packaging includes boxes and related wrapping that together combine several primary packaging units.

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Na rolah od proizvajalca rol do proizvajalca embalaže nastajajo tri vrste poškodb, in sicer mehanske, klimatske in biološke poškodbe. Razbitine, vbokline in odrgnine so mehanske poškodbe, odstopanje plasti papirja na roli sodi h klimatskim poškodbam, prehranjevanje glodavcev s papirjem in rejenje mikroorganizmov v rolah, pa k biološkim poškodbam. Zaradi omenjenih oblik poškodb, so role po koncu transportne verige lahko delno ali v celoti poškodovane.There are three types of damage to the rolls from the roll manufacturer to the packaging manufacturer, namely mechanical, climatic and biological damage. Debris, bumps and abrasions are mechanical damage, the deviation of the paper roll on the roll is related to climate damage, eating rodents with paper and rearing microorganisms in the rolls can cause biological damage. Due to these types of damage, the rolls may be partially or completely damaged after the end of the conveyor chain.

Delno poškodovane role se lahko na dnu ali vrhu role popravi, kjer se s posebno žago odreže del poškodovanega dna ali vrha. V primeru poškodovanega jedra role, ki po poškodbi izgubi prvotno (okroglo) obliko, pa se le-to s popravljalnikom jeder razširi in tako povrne v prvotno obliko. V kolikor je rola poškodovana v celoti in ni primerna za nadaljnjo proizvodnjo, predstavlja izmet. V tem primeru je namenjena za predelavo. Proizvajalec embalaže jo lahko zavrže kot odpadek, lahko pa jo vrne k proizvajalcu rol, kjer jo v proizvodnji rol zmeljejo in uporabijo pri ponovni proizvodnji papirja.Partially damaged rolls may be repaired at the bottom or top of the roll where a part of the damaged bottom or top can be cut with a special saw. In the case of a damaged core of the roll which loses its original (circular) shape after the damage, it is expanded with the kernel repairer to restore it to its original form. To the extent that the roll is completely damaged and is not suitable for further production, it represents ejection. In this case, it is intended for processing. The packaging manufacturer may dispose of it as waste, but may return it to the roll manufacturer, where it is ground and used in the re-production of paper in the manufacture of rolls.

Hkratno nastajanje nekaterih oblik mehanskih, klimatskih in bioloških poškodb preprečuje zaščita iz stiropora. Sestava zaščite v okviru notranjega transporta omogoča povsem enak način manipuliranja z rolami s sredstvi za manipulacijo, in sicer z viličarji kleščarji, kletkami in kleščami na kavlju pristaniških dvigal - manipuliranje s kleščami na kavlju pristaniških dvigal poteka neposredno z eno oz. dvema rolama hkrati. V okviru zunanjega transporta se role z zaščito skladno s predpisano višino in dopustno obremenitvijo transportnih sredstev (vagoni, vlačilci, prikoličarji in ladje) natovarja in transportira popolnoma enako kot sedaj - več rol v višino, širino in dolžino transportnega sredstva (odvisno od višine in širine role). Enako velja tudi za skladiščenje rol s to zaščito, kjer se neposredne manipulacije z rolami izvaja z viličarji kleščarji, in kjer se role za potrebe skladiščenja v višino zlaga eno do druge in eno na drugo.The simultaneous occurrence of certain forms of mechanical, climatic and biological damage is prevented by styrofoam protection. The internal transport protection structure provides exactly the same way of manipulating the rolls with the means of manipulation, namely forklifts with pliers, cages and pliers on the hook of the port lifts. two rolls at a time. In the framework of external transport, rolls with protection in accordance with the prescribed height and the permissible load of means of transport (wagons, tractors, trailers and ships) are loaded and transported exactly the same as they are now - several rolls in height, width and length of the vehicle (depending on height and width) rolls). The same applies to the storage of rolls with this protection, where direct manipulation of rolls is carried out with fork lift trucks, and where the rolls are stacked side by side and side by side for storage purposes.

Enotna dimenzija zaščite ni predvidena. Elementi zaščite se prilagodijo dimenzijam rol - upoštevajoč premer, višino in težo role. Debelina stiropora, predvidena za zaščito, je med 1 in 2 centimetroma (cm). Odvisna je namreč od gostote stiropora, ki je izražena v kilogramih na kubični meter (kg/m3). Višja kot je gostota stiropora, nižja debelina stiropora je potrebna za zaščito in obratno. Nižja kot je gostota stiropora, višja debelina stiropora za zaščito je potrebna. Glede na neenotnost dimenzij zaščite tudi slike, ki s skicami prikazujejo predmet izuma, niso narisane v eksplicitno določenem merilu. Narisane so v takšni velikosti, da si bralec, ki področja izuma ne pozna, lahko predstavlja predmet izuma in njegovo delovanje.No uniform protection dimension is provided. The protection elements are adjusted to the dimensions of the rolls - taking into account the diameter, height and weight of the roll. The thickness of the styrofoam provided for protection is between 1 and 2 centimeters (cm). It depends on the density of styrofoam, which is expressed in kilograms per cubic meter (kg / m 3 ). The higher the density of Styrofoam, the lower the thickness of Styrofoam is required for protection and vice versa. The lower the density of styrofoam, the higher the thickness of styrofoam required. In view of the uneven nature of the protection dimensions, the drawings depicting the object of the invention are not drawn in an explicitly defined scale. They are drawn in such a size that the reader who is not familiar with the field of the invention can imagine the object of the invention and its operation.

Zaščita je na rolo nameščena nepremično od proizvajalca rol do proizvajalca embalaže. Primernost materiala za zaščito izhaja iz obstoječih mehanskih in kemijskih lastnosti stiropora. V okviru mehanskih lastnosti ima stiropor nizko specifično težo, je lahek in ima visoko sposobnost sprejemanja udarne energije. K mehanskim lastnostim stiropora uvrščamo tudi njegovo elastičnost, ki se odraža v tem, da se je po obremenitvah sposoben vrniti v prvotno stanje. V okviru kemijskih lastnosti je neprepusten za vodo, odporen na kemikalije, maščobe in olja. Stiropor je prepusten za zrak in tako omogoča kroženje zraka pod zaščito. Tako mehanske kot kemijske lastnosti, pa se tekom časa ne spreminjajo.The roll protection is installed stationary from the roll manufacturer to the packaging manufacturer. The suitability of the material for protection comes from the existing mechanical and chemical properties of styrofoam. Styrofoam has a low specific gravity, is lightweight and has a high capacity to absorb impact energy. Styrofoam's mechanical properties also include its elasticity, which is reflected in the fact that after loading it is able to return to its original state. Due to its chemical properties, it is impervious to water, resistant to chemicals, fats and oils. Styrofoam is breathable, allowing air to circulate under protection. However, its mechanical and chemical properties do not change over time.

Za preprečevanje mehanskih, klimatskih in bioloških poškodb na rolah že obstajajo nekatera sredstva zaščite. Zasledimo lahko naslednja t. i. interna sredstva zaščite. Prvo sredstvo zaščite je termoskrčljiva folija iz polietilena (PE), v katero se v proizvodnji rol ovije celotno rolo. Drugo sredstvo zaščite je termoskrčljiva folija iz polietilena (v nadaljevanju termoskrčljiva folija) v kombinaciji z lesenimi paletami. Pri tovrstni zaščiti se rolo namesti na paleto, nato pa s termoskrčljivo folijo ovije rolo na paleti. Tretje sredstvo zaščito je ovoj iz industrijskega papirja, v katerega se rolo v celoti ovije v proizvodnji rol. Četrto sredstvo zaščite je ovoj iz industrijskega papirja, preko katerega je navitih še nekaj plasti termoskrčljive folije. Peto sredstvo predstavljajo robniki « a> · iz tri ali več slojnega kartona, ki ščitijo robove role na dnu in vrhu, celotna rola pa je ovita še v termoskrčljivo folijo. Glede na to, da gre za t. i. interna sredstva zaščite, ki se od proizvajalca rol do proizvajalca rol med seboj razlikujejo, predvidevamo, da v tovrstnih primerih ne gre za rešitve po patentih.In order to prevent mechanical, climatic and biological damage to the rolls, there are already some means of protection. The following t can be traced. i. internal remedies. The first remedy is polyethylene (PE) heat shrink film, which wraps the entire roll in roll production. Another remedy is polyethylene shrink film (hereafter shrink film) in combination with wooden pallets. With this kind of protection, the roll is placed on the pallet and then wrapped on the pallet with a shrink film. A third means of protection is an industrial paper wrap in which the roll is completely wrapped in roll production. The fourth safeguard is an industrial paper wrap, through which some layers of shrink film are wound. The fifth means is the edges «a> · made of three or more layers of cardboard, which protect the edges of the roll at the bottom and top, and the whole roll is wrapped in a shrink-wrap. Given that it is t. i. internal remedies that differ from the roll manufacturer to the roll manufacturer assume that there are no patent solutions in such cases.

Po patentu sta znani dve rešitvi oz. dve sredstvi zaščite. Prvo sredstvo zaščite s patentno številko 23899 se v tem trenutku še ne uporablja. Gre za krožno paleto za enkratno uporabo, ki je proizvedena iz lesa in jo sestavlja 14 elementov. Rešitev je pomanjkljiva, saj zaradi sestave in vrste materiala elementov, ščiti rolo samo pred mehanskimi poškodbami. Drugo sredstvo zaščite s patentno številko 24395, se prav tako v tem trenutku še ne uporablja. Gre za ovoj za role industrijskega papirja, ki je proizveden iz silikonske gume ali silikonske pene in ščiti role pred mehanskimi, klimatskimi in biološkimi poškodbami. Glede na trenutno visoko ceno silikonskih materialov, se trenutno izkazuje za rešitev z neustreznim oz. visokocenovnim materialom.According to the patent, there are two known solutions. two remedies. The first remedy with patent number 23899 is not yet in use. It is a circular disposable pallet made of wood and consists of 14 elements. The solution is flawed because, due to the composition and type of material of the elements, it only protects the roll from mechanical damage. Another remedy with patent number 24395 is also not yet in use at this time. It is a roll of industrial paper rolls made of silicone rubber or silicone foam and protects the rolls from mechanical, climatic and biological damage. Given the current high cost of silicone materials, it is currently proving to be an inappropriate solution. high-cost materials.

Po izumu je nastajanje nekaterih oblik mehanskih, klimatskih in bioloških poškodb na rolah preprečeno s polipropilensko zaščito. V okviru mehanskih poškodb so preprečene mehanske poškodbe zaradi prehitre postavitve role na podlago, zaradi česar na roli nastanejo vbokline, razbitine in odrgnine. Z uporabo zaščite so preprečene tudi raztrganine zaradi poškodovanih blazin na kleščah viličarja. Mehanske poškodbe, ki na roli nastanejo, ko le-ta v izrednih razmerah pade z določene višine, s to zaščito niso preprečene, saj je obremenitev role pri padcu prevelika. V okviru klimatskih poškodb zaščita na roli preprečuje odstopanje plasti pri vseh treh vzrokih nastanka, in sicer pri poškodbah zaradi vlage v skladišču, zaradi dežja in snega tekom manipulacij z rolami na prostem in zaradi vdora vode v skladišče. V okviru bioloških poškodb zaščita preprečuje rejenje mikroorganizmov v roli. Predmet izuma oz. polipropilenska zaščita za role industrijskega papirja je prikazana na slikah, ki prikazujejo:According to the invention, the formation of certain forms of mechanical, climatic and biological damage to the rolls is prevented by polypropylene protection. Mechanical damage prevents mechanical damage from prematurely placing the roll on the substrate, resulting in indentations, debris, and abrasions on the roll. Using tear protectors will also prevent tears from damaged cushions on the truck's pliers. Mechanical damage that occurs on the roll when it falls from a certain height in an emergency situation is not prevented by this protection, since the roll load is too high in the fall. In the context of climate damage, roll protection prevents the layers from deviating from all three causes, such as damage due to moisture in the warehouse, rain and snow during the manipulation of the outdoor rolls and water intrusion. In the context of biological damage, protection prevents the breeding of microorganisms in the roll. The subject of the invention or. polypropylene roll protection for industrial paper is shown in the figures showing:

sl. 1 naris podstavka zaščite sl. 2 naris pokrova zaščite sl. 3 potek sestavitve elementov v zaščito na roli sl. 4 spojitev elementov zaščite na rolo sl. 5 zaščita na roli industrijskega papirjaFIG. 1 is a view of the base of protection. 2 is a perspective view of the cover of FIG. 3 is a view showing the assembly of elements in roll protection. 4 is a view illustrating the connection of the security elements to the roll; 5 protection on an industrial paper roll

Zaščito sestavljata dva elementa, in sicer podstavek 1 in pokrov 2. Podstavek 1 in pokrov 2 sta med seboj popolnoma enaka in imata obliko kroga. Upoštevajoč, da se lahko rolo tekom manipulacij vertikalno položi na tla s podstavkom 1 in pokrovom 2, lahko enkrat podstavek 1 predstavlja pokrov 2 in drugič pokrov 2 predstavlja podstavek 1. Če premer role znaša denimo 100 centimetrov (cm) oz. 100 centimetrov (cm) in 5 milimetrov (mm), znaša premer podstavka 1 in pokrova 2 okvirno 100,05 centimetrov (cm), s čimer se zagotovi, da zaščita za rolo ni preozka, hkrati pa dopušča dovolj prostora za kroženje zraka. Oba elementa zaščite sta proizvedena iz stiropora. Podstavek 1 je v narisu prikazan na sliki 1 in pokrov 2 je v narisu prikazan na sliki 2. Podstavek 1 in pokrov 2 skupaj tvorita višino role, pri čemer vsak izmed njiju predstavlja polovico višine role. Če višina role znaša denimo 60 centimetrov (cm), znaša višina podstavka 1 30 centimetrov (cm) in višina pokrova 2 30 centimetrov (cm). Potek sestavitve 3 obeh elementov v zaščito na roli, je prikazan na sliki 3.The protection consists of two elements, namely base 1 and cover 2. The base 1 and cover 2 are exactly the same and have the shape of a circle. Bearing in mind that the roll can be vertically laid on the floor with the base 1 and cover 2 during manipulations, once the stand 1 represents the cover 2 and the second cover 2 represents the stand 1. If the roll diameter is, for example, 100 centimeters (cm) or. 100 centimeters (cm) and 5 millimeters (mm), the diameter of the base 1 and the cover 2 is approximately 100.05 centimeters (cm), ensuring that the roll protection is not too narrow while allowing sufficient space for air circulation. Both protection elements are made of Styrofoam. The base 1 is shown in Figure 1 and the cover 2 is shown in Figure 2. The base 1 and the cover 2 together form the height of the roll, each of which represents half the height of the roll. For example, if the height of the roll is 60 centimeters (cm), the height of the stand is 1 30 centimeters (cm) and the height of the cover is 2 30 centimeters (cm). The course of the assembly of the 3 elements in roll protection is shown in Figure 3.

Postopek zaščite rol se začne pri proizvajalcu rol, kjer se role opremi z zgoraj omenjeno zaščito. Proizvodnja rol se opremi s strojem za opremljanje rol v zaščito, in sicer upoštevajoč zaporedje proizvodnega procesa, stroj za opremljanje rol v zaščito sledi stroju za proizvodnjo rol. Podstavki 1 in pokrovi 2 so ob prispetju v proizvodnjo rol zloženi eden na drugem in eden do drugega. Med strojem za proizvodnjo rol in strojem za opremljanje rol v zaščito, je nameščena povezovalna linija - linija, ki vsebuje kombinacijo valjčnega ali členkastega transporterja (v nadaljevanju transporter). Stroj za proizvodnjo papirja, ki ga navija v role, povezano deluje s povezovalno linijo in strojem za opremljanje rol v zaščito. Ko je papir navit v rolo oz. je rola proizvedena, robotska linija, ki je del povezovalne linije izvede ustrezen premik, da rolo postavi na transporter, ki jo transportira do stroja, ki rolo opremi z zaščito. Robotska linija na koncu transporterja rolo postavi na stroj za opremljanje z zaščito, ki jo opremi z dvema elementoma iz stiropora v zaščito 5. Stroj za opremljanje z zaščito, rolo, opremljeno z zaščito, postavi bodisi na tla v bližini stroja od koder jo dalje transportira viličar kleščar oz. jo odloži na odlagalno linijo (transporter), s pomočjo katerega se transportira do ustreznega mesta v proizvodnji ali v skladišču. Od tega mesta jo do transportnega sredstva transportira viličar kleščar. Stroj za zaščito na rolo najprej postavi podstavek 1 ali pokrov 2 oz. pokrov 2 ali podstavek 1 (upoštevajoč, da sta med seboj enaka). Za spojitev obeh elementov zaščite na rolo 4 se uporabi organsko lepilo, ki se ga nanese na odprti del podstavka 1 in na odprti del pokrova 2 oz. se organsko lepilo nanese na tisti del podstavka 1 in pokrova 2, kjer se stikata z namenom tvorjenja celotne zaščite na roli industrijskega papirja 5. Spojitev elementov zaščite na rolo 4 je prikazana na sliki 4 - mesto, na katera se nanaša organsko lepilo je označeno z odebeljeno prekinjeno črto. Spojitev elementov zaščite 4 skupaj, zagotavlja nepremičnost zaščite na roli od proizvajalca rol do proizvajalca embalaže.The roll protection process begins with the roll manufacturer, where the roll is equipped with the protection mentioned above. The production of rolls shall be equipped with a roller shielding machine, following the sequence of the production process, the rollerblading machine shall follow the roll forming machine. The bases 1 and lids 2 are stacked on top of each other and on top of each other when they arrive in roll production. A connecting line is installed between the roll-forming machine and the roll-forming machine, a line containing a combination of a roller or articulated conveyor (hereinafter referred to as a conveyor). The paper-making machine he rolls up works in conjunction with a linking line and a machine to secure the rolls. When the paper is rolled up or rolled up. is a roll produced, a robotic line forming part of an interconnecting line performs an appropriate movement to place the roll on a conveyor that transports it to a machine that equips the roll with protection. The robotic line at the end of the conveyor is placed on a roll by a security machine, which equips it with two elements of Styrofoam for protection. 5. The machine for protection with a roll is fitted with a safety roll, or on the ground near the machine from where it is transported. forklift truck it is disposed of on a conveyor line, with which it is transported to a suitable place in the production or storage area. From this point it is transported by a forklift truck to the means of transport. The roll protection machine first places the stand 1 or the cover 2 or. cover 2 or pedestal 1 (bearing in mind that they are identical). To attach the two protection elements to the roll 4, an organic adhesive is applied, which is applied to the open part of the base 1 and to the open part of the lid 2 or. the organic adhesive is applied to the part of the base 1 and the cover 2 where they are contacted for the purpose of forming complete protection on the roll of industrial paper 5. The connection of the protection elements to the roll 4 is shown in Figure 4 - the place to which the organic adhesive refers is indicated by bold dashed line. Combining the security elements 4 together, ensures the immobility of roll protection from the roll manufacturer to the packaging manufacturer.

Odstranjevanje zaščite z role poteka v proizvodnji embalaže, kjer je predviden naslednji način odstranjevanja. Operater z viličarjem kleščarjem rolo transportira do stroja za proizvodnjo embalaže, kjer jo postavi na tla. Drugi operater z manjšim rezilnim orodjem na stikališču podstavka 1 in pokrova 2 zareže, da loči podstavek 1 od pokrova 2. Ko sta podstavek 1 in pokrov 2 med seboj ločena, ju odstrani z role in zavrže v za to namenjene zabojnik za odpadke. Glede na zelo dobre mehanske in kemijske lastnosti stiropora, je razmišljanje usmerjeno v predelavo stiropora in v njegovo ponovno uporabo. Možnosti so v ponovni proizvodnji zaščit, v proizvodnji ostalih izdelkov (toplotne izolacije in granulat za potrebe v gradbeništvu), v kmetijstvu pri mešanju z zemljo ali kot gorivo v toplarnah.Removal of roll protection takes place in the production of packaging, where the following method of removal is envisaged. The operator transports the roller with a forklift truck to the packaging machine where it is placed on the floor. The second operator cuts with a smaller cutting tool at the junction of base 1 and cover 2 to separate the base 1 from the cover 2. When the base 1 and the cover 2 are separated from one another, they are removed from the roll and discarded in a dedicated waste container. Considering the very good mechanical and chemical properties of Styrofoam, thinking is directed towards the processing of Styrofoam and its reuse. Options are in the re-production of protection, in the production of other products (thermal insulation and granulate for construction purposes), in agriculture when mixed with soil or as fuel in heat plants.

Claims (3)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Polipropilensko zaščito za role industrijskega papirja nižjih dimenzij, ki je proizvedena iz ekspandiranega polipropilena (EPP) za enkratno uporabo, sestavljata 2 elementa, označen s tem;1. Disposable polypropylene roller coaster for industrial paper of small size produced from expanded single-use expanded polypropylene (EPP) consists of 2 elements, characterized in; podstavek (1), pokrov (2), ki se ju na roli zlepi skupaj; podstavek (1) in pokrov (2) sta zlepljena skupaj na njunem stikališču.the base (1), the lid (2), which are glued together on a roll; the base (1) and the cover (2) are glued together at their junction. 2. Polipropilenska zaščita za role industrijskega papirja nižjih dimenzij po zahtevku 1, označen s tem;2. Polypropylene protection for rolls of industrial paper of lower dimensions according to claim 1, characterized in; zgoraj omenjena dva elementa, ki sestavljata polipropilensko zaščito za role industrijskega papirja nižjih dimenzij, sta na rolo od proizvajalca rol industrijskega papirja do proizvajalca embalaže pritrjena nepremično.The above two elements, which make up polypropylene protection for rolls of industrial paper of lower dimensions, are fixed to the roll from the manufacturer of the rolls of industrial paper to the packaging manufacturer. 3. Postopek opremljanja role z zaščito, označen s tem;3. The process of equipping the roll with protection, as defined therein; zaščito se na rolo industrijskega papirja strojno namesti v proizvodnji rol industrijskega papirja in se jo ročno odstrani v proizvodnji embalaže.the protection is mechanically applied to the roll of industrial paper in the production of rolls of industrial paper and is manually removed in the manufacture of packaging.
SI201500069A 2015-03-20 2015-03-20 Polypropylene protection for rolles of the industrial papers lower dimensions SI24956A (en)

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SI201500069A SI24956A (en) 2015-03-20 2015-03-20 Polypropylene protection for rolles of the industrial papers lower dimensions

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SI201500069A SI24956A (en) 2015-03-20 2015-03-20 Polypropylene protection for rolles of the industrial papers lower dimensions

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SI201500069A SI24956A (en) 2015-03-20 2015-03-20 Polypropylene protection for rolles of the industrial papers lower dimensions

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