SI24383A - Apparatus for training dynamic balance and turning manoeuvres during walking - Google Patents

Apparatus for training dynamic balance and turning manoeuvres during walking Download PDF


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SI24383A SI201300140A SI201300140A SI24383A SI 24383 A SI24383 A SI 24383A SI 201300140 A SI201300140 A SI 201300140A SI 201300140 A SI201300140 A SI 201300140A SI 24383 A SI24383 A SI 24383A
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Slovenian (sl)
Zlatko Matjačić
Andrej Olenšek
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Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča
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Application filed by Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča filed Critical Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča
Priority to SI201300140A priority Critical patent/SI24383A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2013/000073 priority patent/WO2014081400A2/en
Priority to EP13821534.8A priority patent/EP2922517B1/en
Publication of SI24383A publication Critical patent/SI24383A/en
Priority to US14/718,341 priority patent/US10076461B2/en



  • Rehabilitation Tools (AREA)


Predmet izuma je naprava za urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo, ki omogoča omenjeno delovanje med stojo na mestu, med hojo po ravnem ali med hojo po tekočem traku, ki se lahko vrti okoli navpične osi. V ta namen ima naprava po izumu v bazični platformi (1) nameščena univerzalna sklepa (2,2'), ki sta z vertikalnima palicama (3,3') ali vertikalno nastavljivima palicama (30,30') preko standardnih sferičnih sklepov (4,4') povezana z medeničnim elementom (5) in imata univerzalna sklepa (2,2') dve prostostni stopnji, ki sta lahko opremljeni tudi s pogoni (6,7,8).Subject of the invention is a device for dynamic equilibrium training and maneuvers of turning while walking, which allows said operation between the stand at the site, while walking along the plane or while walking along a conveyor belt that can rotate about the vertical axis. For this purpose, the device according to the invention has universal joints (2,2 ') in the base platform (1'), which are provided with vertical rods (3,3 ') or vertically adjustable sticks (30,30') via standard spherical joints (4 , 4 ') are connected to the pelvic element (5) and have universal joints (2,2') with two degrees of freedom, which can also be equipped with actuators (6,7,8).




Predmet izuma je naprava za urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo. Naprava po izumu omogoča urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in različnih manevrov zavijanja med stojo na mestu, med hojo po ravnem ali med hojo po tekočem traku, ki se lahko vrti okoli navpične osi. Izum sodi v razred A 63B 26/00 evropske patentne klasifikacije.The subject of the invention is a device for training the dynamic balance and maneuvers of turning while walking. The device according to the invention enables the training of dynamic equilibrium and various turning maneuvers while standing in place, while walking in a straight line or while walking on a conveyor belt that can rotate about a vertical axis. The invention belongs to class A 63B 26/00 of the European patent classification.

io Tehnični problem, ki ga predložena naprava po izumu uspešno rešuje, je zagotoviti takšen pripomoček, ki bo omogočal ustrezno in predvsem varno urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in s tem usklajenega gibanja celega telesa predvsem pri starejših oz. invalidnih The technical problem that the present device according to the invention successfully solves is to provide such a device that will allow adequate and, above all, safe exercise of dynamic equilibrium and thus harmonious movement of the whole body, especially in the elderly or. disabled persons.

Različne nevrološke bolezni oz. poškodbe, kakor tudi staranje, imajo za is posledico zmanjšane sposobnosti za hojo, kar povečuje možnosti padcev pri invalidni kot tudi starejši populaciji. Poleg zmanjšane mišične moči glavno oviro funkcionalni hoji predstavljajo neustrezna senzo-motorična koordinacija gibanja ter zmanjšane sposobnosti zavijanja oz. manevriranja. Omenjene spretnosti je potrebno ohranjati oz. jih ponovno pridobiti skozi vadbo, kjer je pomembno, da vadba poteka na način, ki je varen in ki vključuje urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja. Pomemben del funkcionalnih sposobnosti za hojo obsega manevre kot so iniciacija oz. pospeševanje, ustavljanje oz. zaviranje, spreminjanje smeri med hojo oz.Various neurological diseases injuries, as well as aging, result in impaired walking ability, which increases the chances of falls in the disabled and the elderly. In addition to the reduced muscle strength, the main obstacle to functional walking is inadequate senso-motor coordination of movement, as well as reduced ability to turn or exercise. maneuvering. These skills should be maintained or maintained. retrieve them through exercise, where it is important that the exercise is performed in a safe manner that involves exercising dynamic balance. An important part of functional walking skills is maneuvers such as initiation and / or exercise. accelerating, stopping, or braking, changing direction while walking or walking.

zavijanje, obračanje na mestu ter hoja ritensko. Trenutno obstajajo številne elektro-mehanske naprave (npr. LOKOMAT, Gait Trainer), ki podpirajo korakanje pri hoji bodisi po tekočem traku ali po tleh ter hkrati nudijo delno razbremenitev teže, vendar pa je pri omenjenih napravah možno vaditi zgolj hojo v eni smeri, hkrati pa je gibljivost medenice in trupa močno omejena.turning, turning on the spot, and walking routine. There are currently a number of electro-mechanical devices (eg LOKOMAT, Gait Trainer) that support walking when walking either on a treadmill or on the ground, while providing partial weight relief, but for these devices it is only possible to practice walking in one direction at a time however, pelvis and torso motility are severely restricted.

Napravo, pri kateri je gibanje medenice v smereh levo/desno in naprej/nazaj mogoče med stojo osebe, opisuje patentni dokument US 7,086,996. Glavna konstrukcijska značilnost omenjene naprave je v dveh io mehanskih sklopih, ki vsebujeta vertikalno vzmet, kateri je mogoče na enostaven način spreminjati efektivno dolžino in s tem tudi nastavljati velikost mehanske podpore medeničnega pasu. Naprava ima dve stopnji prostosti in sicer omogoča nagib telesa med stojo na mestu naprej in nazaj ter levo in desno. Ne omogoča pa vrtenje telesa okoli vertikalne osi, is kar je ključnega pomena za spreminjanje smeri hoje.A device in which the movement of the pelvis in the left / right and forward / backward directions is possible during a person's stand is described in U.S. Patent No. 7,086,996. The main structural feature of this device is in two io mechanical assemblies, which contain a vertical spring, which can easily change the effective length and thus adjust the size of the mechanical support of the pelvic belt. The device has two degrees of freedom to allow the body to tilt between standing back and forth and left and right. However, it does not allow the body to rotate about a vertical axis, which is crucial for changing the direction of walking.

Glede na zgoraj opisano znano stanje ne obstaja naprava, ki bi omogočala urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja v pogojih, ko bi bila medenica in trup na ustrezen način podprti, vendar pa bi kljub temu bilo možno vaditi usklajeno gibanje celotnega telesa, ki je potrebno pri izvajanju zgoraj naštetih manevrov. Trenutno je opisana vadba mogoča ob podpori vsaj dveh fizioterapevtov.In view of the condition described above, there is no device capable of training the dynamic equilibrium in conditions where the pelvis and torso would be properly supported, but nevertheless it would be possible to practice the coordinated movement of the whole body which is necessary in performing the above. of maneuvers. Currently, the described exercise is supported by at least two physiotherapists.

Napravo po izumu predstavlja paralelni mehanizem, kjer sta v bazični platformi nameščena univerzalna sklepa, ki sta v prvem izvedbenemThe device according to the invention is a parallel mechanism, where universal joints are installed in the base platform, which in the first embodiment

« · · · · · · primeru z vertikalnima palicama, v drugem izvedbenem primeru pa z vertikalnima teleskopskima palicama, povezana preko standardnih sferičnih sklepov z medeničnim elementom, in imata univerzalna sklepa dve prostostni stopnji, ki sta lahko opremljeni tudi s pogonom.In the second embodiment, the vertical telescopic bars are connected via standard spherical joints to the pelvic element, and the universal joints have two degrees of freedom, which may also be actuated.

Izum bomo podrobneje obrazložili na osnovi izvedbenega primera in slik, od katerih kaže:The invention will be explained in more detail on the basis of an embodiment and figures, of which:

slika 1 shematski prikaz naprave po izumu in prvem izvedbenem primeru;Fig. 1 is a schematic view of the device according to the invention and the first embodiment;

slika 2 shematski prikaz gibanja stoječega subjekta nazaj v napravi po izumu nazaj po prvem izvedbenem primeru;;Fig. 2 is a schematic illustration of the movement of a standing subject back in the device of the invention back to the first embodiment ;;

slika 3 shematski prikaz gibanja stoječega subjekta naprej v napravi po izumu po prvem izvedbenem primeru;Figure 3 is a schematic representation of the movement of a standing subject forward in an apparatus of the invention according to the first embodiment;

slika 4 shematski prikaz gibanja stoječega subjekta v levo v napravi po izumu po prvem izvedbenem primeru;Figure 4 is a schematic view of the movement of a standing subject to the left in an apparatus of the invention according to the first embodiment;

slika 5 shematski prikaz gibanja stoječega subjekta v desno v napravi po izumu po prvem izvedbenem primeru;5 is a schematic view of the movement of a standing subject to the right in an apparatus of the invention according to the first embodiment;

slika 6 shematski prikaz sukanja v levo stoječega subjekta okoli vertikalne osi v transverzalni ravnini v napravi po izumu po prvem izvedbenem primeru;6 is a schematic view of a left-facing subject rotation about a vertical axis in a transverse plane in an apparatus according to the invention according to the first embodiment;

slika 7 shematski prikaz sukanja v desno stoječega subjekta okoli vertikalne osi v transverzalni ravnini v napravi po izumu po prvem izvedbenem primeru;7 is a schematic view of a rotation of a right-facing subject about a vertical axis in a transverse plane in an apparatus of the invention according to the first embodiment;

slika 8 Figure 8 shematski prikaz pasivnega nagiba medenice stoječega subjekta naprej v napravi po izumu po prvem izvedbenem schematic illustration of the passive tilt of the pelvis standing the subject further in the apparatus of the invention according to the first embodiment slika 9 Figure 9 primeru; shematski prikaz pasivnega nagiba medenice stoječega case; schematic illustration of the passive tilt of the pelvis standing 5 5 subjekta nazaj v napravi po izumu po prvem izvedbenem the subject back to the device of the invention according to the first embodiment slika 10 Figure 10 primeru; shematski prikaz možnih izvedb univerzalnih sklepov po case; a schematic representation of the possible implementations of universal conclusions according to slika 11 picture 11 izumu; detalj alternativne povezave vertikalne palice s sferičnim invention; detail of alternative connection of vertical bar to spherical 10 10 sklepom; by a decision; slika 12 picture 12 shematski prikaz gibanja subjekta z napravo po izumu, kjer je bazična platforma motorizirana mobilna platforma prvem izvedbenem primeru; a schematic representation of the movement of a subject with the device of the invention, wherein is a basic platform a motorized mobile platform first the implementation case; slika 13 Figure 13 shematski prikaz gibanja subjekta z napravo po izumu, kjer a schematic representation of the movement of a subject with the device of the invention, wherein 15 15 je bazična platforma motorizirana platforma s tekočim is a basic platform a motorized platform with a liquid slika 14 picture 14 trakom po prvem izvedbenem primeru; shematski prikaz gibanja subjekta z napravo po izumu, kjer je bazična platforma motorizirana mobilna platforma po drugem izvedbenem primeru;; the tape after the first embodiment; a schematic representation of the movement of a subject with the device of the invention, wherein is a basic platform motorized mobile platform by another embodiment ;; 20 slika 15 20 Figure 15 shematski prikaz gibanja subjekta z napravo po izumu, kjer je bazična platforma motorizirana platforma s tekočim trakom po drugem izvedbenem primeru; a schematic representation of the movement of a subject with the device of the invention, wherein is a basic platform a motorized platform with a liquid a tape according to another embodiment;

Na sliki 1 je shematsko prikazan spodnji del telesa stoječega subjekta, ki je na nivoju medenice podprt z napravo po izumu po prvem izvedbenem primeru; in omogoča urjenje vzdrževanja dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevre zavijanja. Napravo po izumu predstavlja paralelni mehanizem, ki ga sestavljajo: bazična platforma 1, na kateri sta nameščena univerzalna sklepa 2, 2', ki sta z vertikalnima palicama 3,3' preko standardnih sferičnih sklepov 4,4', povezana z medeničnim elementom 5.Figure 1 schematically shows the lower body of a standing subject, which is supported at the pelvic level by the device of the invention according to the first embodiment; and allows training to maintain dynamic balance and turn maneuvers. The device according to the invention is represented by a parallel mechanism, consisting of: a base platform 1, on which are mounted universal joints 2, 2 ', which are connected to the pelvic element 5 by vertical bars 3.3' via standard spherical joints 4.4 '.

Vsak univerzalni sklep 2,2' ima dve prostostni stopnji, pri čemer je ena prostostna stopnja univerzalnega sklepa 2 opremljena s pogonom 6, io medtem ko sta s pogonoma 7,8 opremljeni obe prostostni stopnji univerzalnega sklepa 2'.Each universal joint 2,2 'has two degrees of freedom, one of which is universal degree 2 of freedom is equipped with a drive 6, and while 7,8 is equipped with both degrees of freedom of universal decision 2'.

Pogoni 6,7,8 so aktivni servo-vodeni pogoni lahko pa jih nadomeščajo pasivni visko-elastični elementi s spremenljivimi impedančnimi karakteristikami.The 6,7,8 actuators are active servo-driven actuators, but they can be replaced by passive visco-elastic elements with variable impedance characteristics.

is Bazična platforma 1 je lahko enostavna plošča, motorizirana mobilna platforma ali pa motorizirana platforma z nameščenim tekočim trakom, pri čemer se lahko motorizirana platforma vrti okoli vertikalne osi, kakor bo opisano v The base platform 1 may be a simple plate, a motorized mobile platform, or a motorized platform with a conveyor mounted, the motorized platform being able to rotate about a vertical axis, as described below.

Naprava za urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo po izumu ima tako glede na opisane sestavne dele skupaj štiri prostostne stopnje, od katerih so tri prostostne stopnje motorizirane (opremljene s pogonom), ena pa je pasivna kot je to prikazano na slikah do 9.Thus, according to the described components, the dynamic balance and maneuvering maneuvering device has four degrees of freedom, three of which are motorized (driven) and one of them is passive as shown in Figures 9.

Sliki 2 in 3 prikazujeta nagib stoječega subjekta naprej in nazaj v sagitalni ravnini. Nagibanje naprej in nazaj je lahko podprto oz. vodeno (v smislu bodisi pozicijskega servo-vodenja ali pa impedančnega vodenja) z motornima pogonoma 6 in 7. Sliki 4 in 5 prikazujeta nagib stoječega subjekta levo in desno v frontalni ravnini. Nagibanje levo in desno je lahko podprto oz. vodeno (v smislu bodisi pozicijskega servo-vodenja ali pa impedančnega vodenja) s pogonom 8.Figures 2 and 3 show the inclination of the standing subject back and forth in the sagittal plane. Tilting back and forth can be supported or. guided (in terms of either positional servo or impedance control) with motor actuators 6 and 7. Figures 4 and 5 show the inclination of the standing subject left and right in the frontal plane. Tilting left and right can be supported or. Driven (in terms of either positional servo or impedance control) with actuator 8.

Sliki 6 in 7 prikazujeta ključno prostostno stopnjo predlagane naprave po izumu in sicer gre za rotacijo medenice stoječega subjekta okoli vertikalne osi v transverzalni ravnini v smeri urinega kazalca, kakor tudi v nasprotni smeri urinega kazalca. Opisano vrtenje medenice stoječega subjekta je lahko podprto oz. vodeno (v smislu bodisi pozicijskega servovodenja ali pa impedančnega vodenja) z ustreznim delovanjem pogonov 6 in 7. Gibanje v vseh treh opisanih stopnjah prostosti (nagib naprej/nazaj, nagib levo/desno in vrtenje v transverzalni ravnini) je možno hkrati in je lahko ustrezno podprto z ustreznim delovanjem pogonov 6,7 in 8.Figures 6 and 7 show the key degree of freedom of the proposed device according to the invention, namely, the rotation of the pelvis of the standing subject around the vertical axis in a transverse plane clockwise, as well as counterclockwise. The described rotation of the pelvis of the standing subject may be supported or supported. guided (in terms of either position control or impedance control) with the proper operation of actuators 6 and 7. Movement in all three described degrees of freedom (forward / backward tilt, left / right tilt and transverse plane rotation) is possible at the same time and may be appropriate supported by proper operation of drives 6,7 and 8.

Sliki 8 in 9 prikazujeta še četrto prostostno stopnjo predlagane naprave, to je pasiven nagib medenice stoječega subjekta naprej in nazaj v sagitalni ravnini. To prostostno stopnjo kontrolira stoječ subjekt.Figures 8 and 9 show the fourth freedom level of the proposed device, that is, the passive tilt of the pelvis of the standing subject back and forth in the sagittal plane. This degree of freedom is controlled by the standing subject.

Vse predložene slike od 1do 9 skupaj ilustrirajo uporabo oz. delovanje naprave po izumu za namene urjenja vzdrževanja dinamičnega ravnotežja in vrtenja telesa okoli vertikalne osi med stojo.All the pictures from 1 to 9 together illustrate the use of or. the operation of the device according to the invention for the purpose of training to maintain dynamic balance and rotate the body about a vertical axis while standing.

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Možni konkretni izvedbi univerzalnega sklepa 2,2', ki v principu ne spreminjata števila prostostnih stopenj in opisane funkcionalnosti celotne naprave po izumu in v ničemer ne omejujeta predloženega izuma, sta prikazani na sliki 10. Univerzalni sklep 2,2' je konstrukcijsko izveden tako, da se obe pravokotni osi vrtenja sekata v isti točki. Praktična izvedba takšnega sklepa je lahko kompleksna, saj zahteva precizno izdelavo in uležajenje obeh osi.Possible concrete embodiments of the universal joint 2,2 ', which in principle do not change the number of degrees of freedom and the described functionality of the whole device according to the invention and in no way limit the present invention, are shown in Figure 10. The universal joint 2,2' is constructed in a constructive manner, that the two perpendicular axes of rotation intersect at the same point. The practical implementation of such a joint can be complex, since it requires the precise construction and bearing of both axles.

V prvi konstrukcijski izvedbi je lahkjo vsak univerzalni sklep 2,2' nadomeščen z vertikalno vzmetjo 20, katere en konec je pritrjen na io bazično platformo 1, drugi konec pa na vertikalno palico 3,3',30,30'. V tem primeru je celoten mehanizem pasiven in izkazuje mehansko impedanco, ki v obliki visko-elastičnih sil deluje na medenico osebe.In the first embodiment, each universal joint 2.2 ' is easily replaced by a vertical spring 20, one end of which is attached to the io base platform 1 and the other end to the vertical rod 3.3 ', 30.30 '. In this case, the whole mechanism is passive and exhibits mechanical impedance acting in the form of visco-elastic forces on the person's pelvis.

Po drugi konstrukcijski izvedbi je možno vsak univerzalni sklep 2,2' nadomestiti z dvema enostavnima uležajenima sklepoma 20',20, ki imata vsak le eno os vrtenja in je prvi enostavni sklep 20' pritrjen na bazično platformo 1, drugi enostavni sklep 20 pa je pritrjen na os prvega enostavnega sklepa 20' in sicer tako, da sta osi vrtenja obeh enostavnih sklepov 20', 20 pravokotni, vendar se v tem primeru ne sekata v isti točki.According to the second construction, each universal joint 2,2 'can be replaced by two simple bearing joints 20', 20, each having only one axis of rotation, and the first simple joint 20 'is attached to the base platform 1, and the second simple joint 20 is fixed to the axis of the first simple joint 20 ', such that the axes of rotation of the two simple joints 20', 20 are perpendicular, but in this case they do not intersect at the same point.

V napravi po izumu in drugem izvedbenem primeru sta lahko vertikalni palici 3,3', ki imata določeno, nenastavljivo dolžino zamenjani z vertikalno nastavljivima palicama 30,30', ki lahko vsebujeta translacijski sklep, ki omogoča nastavitev dolžine palic 30,30' in je lahko vsaka od njih izvedena kot teleskopski sestav dveh palic ter tudi uravnotežena, npr. z vzmetjo ali podobnim konstrukcijskim elementom, ki kompenzira težo medeničnega elementa 5. Dodatno možnost nastavitve omogoča tudi konstrukcijska izvedba, kjer je zgornji konec palic 3,3',30,30' drsno skozno povezan s sferičnima sklepoma 4,4', kar prikazuje slika 11.In the device according to the invention and the second embodiment, the vertical bars 3,3 'having a certain non-adjustable length can be replaced by vertically adjustable bars 30,30', which may comprise a translational joint which allows the length of the bars 30,30 'to be adjusted and is each of them can be constructed as a telescopic assembly of two rods and also balanced, e.g. with a spring or similar structural member that compensates for the weight of the pelvic member 5. An additional adjustment option is also provided by a construction version where the upper end of the rods 3,3 ', 30,30' is slidably connected to the spherical joints 4,4 ', as shown in the figure 11.

Na ta način naprava po izumu v drugem izvedbenem primeru z zamenjavo vertikalnih palic 3,3' z vertikalno nastavljivima palicama 30,30', omogoča dve novi stopnji prostosti in sicer nagib medenice navzdol/navzgor v frontalni ravnini kakor tudi vertikalni pomik medenice navzdol/navzgor pri vseh izvedbah, ki so prikazane na slikah od 1 do 9, io posebej pa je možnost uporabe vertikalno nastavljivih palic 30,30' prikazana na slikah 14 in 15.In this way, the device according to the invention in the second embodiment, by replacing the vertical bars 3.3 'with vertically adjustable rods 30.30', enables two new degrees of freedom, namely, tilting the pelvis down / up in the frontal plane as well as the vertical movement of the pelvis down / up in all embodiments shown in Figures 1 to 9, and in particular the possibility of using vertically adjustable rods 30, 30 'is shown in Figures 14 and 15.

V primeru, da je bazična platforma 1 motorizirana mobilna platforma, leta omogoča urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo po tleh. Zaporedje grafik na sliki 12 prikazuje najprej hojo v eni smeri, is kateri sledi krivina, ki je potrebna za ustrezno spremembo smeri med hojo, kar je mogoče doseči na dva načina. V prvem načinu hodeči subjekt injicira manever zavijanja v novo smer z ustrezno rotacijo medenice, čemur sledi ustrezno vrtenje mobilne platforme ter ustrezno gibanje naprave. V drugem načinu pa naprava injicira vrtenje medenice, čemur sledi ustrezno vrtenje mobilne platforme. V obeh načinih ima hodeči subjekt možnost urjenja vzdrževanja dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja ob podpori motoriziranih stopenj prostosti, ki je ustrezna njegovim trenutnim zmožnostim.In the case of the base platform 1 being a motorized mobile platform, the flight allows for dynamic balance and turn maneuvers while walking on the ground. The sequence of graphs in Figure 12 shows first the walking in one direction, followed by the curve required to change the direction of walking accordingly, which can be achieved in two ways. In the first mode, the walking subject injects a wrap-around maneuver in a new direction with proper pelvic rotation, followed by proper rotation of the mobile platform and proper movement of the device. In the second mode, the device injects pelvic rotation, followed by proper rotation of the mobile platform. In both modes, the walking subject has the ability to practice maintaining dynamic balance and cornering maneuvers with the support of motorized degrees of freedom appropriate to his or her current capabilities.

V primeru, da je bazična platforma 1 motorizirana platforma s tekočim trakom, ki se lahko vrti okoli vertikalne osi, le-ta omogoča urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo po tekočem traku. Zaporedje grafik na sliki 13 prikazuje manever zavijanja, ki je v principu enak kot manever zavijanja prikazan na sliki 12, s to razliko, da se v tem primeru mobilna platforma ne more prosto premikati po prostoru, pač pa je omejena na vrtenje okoli fiksne osi rotacije.In the case of the base platform 1 being a motorized treadmill platform that can rotate about a vertical axis, it allows for the training of dynamic equilibrium and turning maneuvers while walking on the treadmill. The sequence of graphs in Fig. 13 shows the turning maneuver, which is in principle the same as the turning maneuver shown in Fig. 12, except that in this case the mobile platform cannot move freely in space but is limited to rotation about a fixed axis of rotation .

V primeru, da je bazična platforma 1 motorizirana mobilna platforma po drugem izvedbenem primeru, ki je prikazan na sliki 14, le-ta omogoča io poleg že opisanih možnosti manevriranja z napravo po izumu po prvem izvedbenem primeru, kot je opisan in prikazan na sliki 13, tudi nagib medenice navzdol/navzgor v frontalni ravnini kakor tudi vertikalni pomik medenice navzdol/navzgor.In the case where the base platform 1 is a motorized mobile platform according to the second embodiment shown in Figure 14, it enables io in addition to the previously described possibilities of maneuvering with the device according to the invention according to the first embodiment, as described and shown in Figure 13 , also the tilt of the pelvis down / up in the frontal plane as well as the vertical movement of the pelvis down / up.

V primeru, da je bazična platforma 1 motorizirana platforma s tekočim is trakom po drugem izvedbenem primeru po sliki 15, ki se lahko vrti okoli vertikalne osi, le-ta omogoča urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo po tekočem traku. Zaporedje grafik na sliki 15 prikazuje manever zavijanja, ki je v principu enak kot manever zavijanja prikazan na sliki 14, s to razliko, da v tem primeru mobilna platforma ni omejena le na vrtenje okoli fiksne osi rotacije ampka je lahko os vrtenja kjerkoli, tudi npr. v centru tekočega traku.In the case of the base platform 1 being a motorized platform with a conveyor belt according to another embodiment of Fig. 15, which can rotate about a vertical axis, it enables the training of dynamic equilibrium and turning maneuvers while walking on the conveyor belt. The sequence of graphs in Figure 15 shows a turn maneuver, which is in principle the same as the turn maneuver shown in Figure 14, except that in this case the mobile platform is not limited to rotation about a fixed axis of rotation of the ampka, the axis of rotation can be anywhere, including e.g. . in the center of the conveyor.

Inovativni vidik predlagane naprave za urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo po izumu, je predvsem v edinstveni kinematični strukturi, ki omogoča subjektu urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in vrtenja okoli vertikalne telesne osi ob hkratnem gibanju spodnjega dela telesa v sagitalni in frontalni ravnini tako med stojo, hojo po tleh ter hojo po tekočem traku, ki se lahko vrti okoli vertikalne osi na mestu. Gibanje predlagane naprave po izumu je z biomehanskega in fiziološkega vidika konsistentno z gibanjem človekovega lokomotornega aparata.The innovative aspect of the proposed device for training the steady-state and turning maneuvers while walking according to the invention is mainly in the unique kinematic structure, which enables the subject to practice the dynamic balance and rotation about the vertical body axis while simultaneously moving the lower body in sagittal and frontal plane, both while standing, walking on the ground and walking on a conveyor belt that can rotate about a vertical axis in place. The motion of the proposed device according to the invention is consistent with the motion of the human locomotor apparatus from a biomechanical and physiological point of view.

Claims (5)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za urjenje dinamičnega ravnotežja in manevrov zavijanja med hojo,1. A device for training dynamic balance and maneuvering while walking, 5 označena s tem, da sta na bazični platformi (1) nameščena univerzalna sklepa (2, 2'), ki sta z vertikalnima palicama (3,3') ali vertikalnima nastavljivima palicama (30,30') preko standardnih sferičnih sklepov (4,4') povezana z medeničnim elementom 5.5 characterized in that universal joints (2, 2 ') are mounted on the base platform (1), which are supported by standard spherical joints (30,30') with vertical bars (3,3 ') or vertically adjustable bars (30,30'). , 4 ') associated with the pelvic element 5. 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da ima vsak univerzalni sklep (2,2') dve prostostni stopnji, pri čemer je ena prostostna stopnja univerzalnega sklepa (2) opremljena s pogonom is (6), medtem ko sta s pogonoma (7,8) opremljeni obe prostostni stopnji univerzalnega sklepa (2').Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that each universal joint (2,2 ') has two degrees of freedom, one of which is a degree of freedom of the universal joint (2) provided with drive is (6), while with drives (7,8) fitted with both degrees of freedom of the universal joint (2 '). 3. Naprava po zahtevku 2, označena s tem,Device according to claim 2, characterized in that 20 da je vsak univerzalni sklep (2,2') lahko nadomeščen z vertikalno vzmetjo (20) ali z dvema enostavnima uležajenima sklepoma (20',20) , ki imata vsak le eno os vrtenja in je prvi enostavni sklep (20') pritrjen na bazično platformo (1), drugi enostavni sklep (20) pa na os prvega • · · enostavnega sklepa (20') tako, da sta osi vrtenja obeh enostavnih sklepov (20', 20) pravokotni, vendar se ne sekata v isti točki.20 that each universal joint (2,2 ') can be replaced by a vertical spring (20) or by two simple bearing joints (20', 20), each having only one axis of rotation and the first simple joint (20 ') being fixed to the base platform (1) and the second simple joint (20) to the axis of the first • · simple joint (20 ') so that the axes of rotation of the two simple joints (20', 20) are perpendicular but do not intersect at the same point . 4. Naprava po zahtevku 2 in zahtevku 3,The device of claim 2 and claim 3, 5 označena s tem, da so pogoni (6,7,8) aktivni servo-vodeni pogoni ali pasivno viskoelastičnimi elementi s spremenljivimi impedančnimi karakteristikami.5, characterized in that the actuators (6,7,8) are active servo-driven actuators or passively viscoelastic elements with variable impedance characteristics. 5. Naprava po zahtevkih od 1 do 4, io označena s tem, da je bazična platforma (1) lahko enostavna plošča, motorizirana mobilna platforma ali pa motorizirana platforma z nameščenim tekočim trakom, ki se lahko vrti okoli vertikalne osi.Device according to claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the basic platform (1) can be a simple plate, a motorized mobile platform, or a motorized platform with a conveyor installed that can rotate about a vertical axis.
SI201300140A 2012-11-21 2013-05-30 Apparatus for training dynamic balance and turning manoeuvres during walking SI24383A (en)

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