SI23848A - Enhanced cooking appliances - Google Patents

Enhanced cooking appliances Download PDF


Publication number
SI23848A SI201100327A SI201100327A SI23848A SI 23848 A SI23848 A SI 23848A SI 201100327 A SI201100327 A SI 201100327A SI 201100327 A SI201100327 A SI 201100327A SI 23848 A SI23848 A SI 23848A
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tubular insert
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Slovenian (sl)
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Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati D.D.
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Application filed by Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati D.D. filed Critical Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati D.D.
Priority to SI201100327A priority Critical patent/SI23848A/en
Priority to PCT/EP2012/066159 priority patent/WO2013026812A2/en
Priority to DE112012003492.9T priority patent/DE112012003492T5/en
Publication of SI23848A publication Critical patent/SI23848A/en



    • A21B3/00Parts or accessories of ovens
    • A21B3/04Air-treatment devices for ovens, e.g. regulating humidity
    • F22B1/00Methods of steam generation characterised by form of heating method
    • F22B1/28Methods of steam generation characterised by form of heating method in boilers heated electrically
    • F22B1/284Methods of steam generation characterised by form of heating method in boilers heated electrically with water in reservoirs


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  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Food Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Cookers (AREA)
  • Commercial Cooking Devices (AREA)
  • General Preparation And Processing Of Foods (AREA)


Predloženi izum se nanaša na kuhalni aparat, zlasti na gospodinjski kunami aparat, konkretneje na parno pečico, povsem konkretno pa na generator pare, ki ustvarja paro za pripravo hrane v omenjeni prani pečici. V ohišju (1) generatorja pare je razporejen cevast vložek (3), okoli katerega je na način vijačnice tesno navito grelo (2). Predvidena so sredstva (6,13) za izločevanje vode iz pare.The present invention relates to a cooking appliance, in particular a household kuna apparatus, more specifically to a steam oven, and in particular a steam generator which generates steam for preparing food in said pig iron oven. A tubular cartridge (3) is arranged in the housing (1) of the steam generator, around which the helix is tightly coiled (2). Means (6, 13) are foreseen for the extraction of water from the vapor.


Gorenje d.d.Gorenje d.d.

Izboljšani kuhalni aparatImproved cooking appliance

Predloženi izum se nanaša na kuhalni aparat, zlasti na gospodinjski kuhalni aparat, konkretneje na parno pečico, povsem konkretno pa na generator pare, ki ustvarja paro za pripravo hrane v omenjeni prani pečici.The present invention relates to a cooking appliance, in particular to a household cooking appliance, more specifically to a steam oven, and more specifically to a steam generator that generates steam for the preparation of food in said oven.

Kuhalni aparat, prednostno parna pečica z generatorjem pare, je v splošnem znan. Omenjeni generator pare je ogrevan s pomočjo grelnega telesa, pri čemer se zaradi intenzivnega gretja tekočine pridobi mokro paro, ki vsebuje visok delež kapljevine, ki negativno vpliva na postopek toplotne obdelave hrane.The cooking appliance, preferably a steam oven with a steam generator, is generally known. Said steam generator is heated by means of a heater, whereby wet steam is produced due to the intense heating of the liquid, which contains a high proportion of liquid which adversely affects the process of heat treatment of the food.

Naloga predloženega izuma je ustvariti kuhalni aparat uvodoma navedene vrste, s katerim so odprdvljene pomanjkljivosti znanih rešitev.It is an object of the present invention to provide a cooking apparatus of the type mentioned above, which eliminates the disadvantages of the known solutions.

Zastavljena naloga je po izumu rešena z značilnostmi, podanimi v značilnostnem delu 1. patentnega zahtevka. Podrobnosti izuma so razkrite v podzahtevkih.The task according to the invention is solved by the characteristics given in the characteristic part of claim 1. Details of the invention are disclosed in the sub-claims.

Izum je v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisan na osnovi izvedbenih primerov in s sklicevanjem na priložene skice, kjer kaže sl. 1 prvi izvedbeni primer generatorja pare po izumu v vzdolžnem prerezu, sl. 2 drugi izvedbeni primer generatorja pare po izumu v vzdolžnem prerezu.The invention will now be described in more detail based on embodiments and with reference to the accompanying drawings, where FIG. 1 is a first embodiment of a steam generator according to the invention in longitudinal section; 2 is another embodiment of a steam generator according to the invention in longitudinal section.

Na sl. 1 je v prečnem prerezu shematsko prikazan prvi izvedbeni primer generatorja pare po izumu, ki sestoji iz ohišja 1 generatorja, v katerem je razporejeno po sebi znano grelo 2, ki je prednostno zasnovano kot vijačnica. Da se poveča površino omenjenega grela 2, ki je v neposrednem stiku z vodo, ki jo je potrebno upariti, je omenjeno, kot vijačnica zasnovano grelo 2 tesno navito okoli cevastega vložka 3, katerega dolžina je prednostno vsaj enaka dolžini omenjenega grela 2. Pri tem je po izumu predvideno, da je omenjeno grelo 2 povezano z omenjenim vložkom 3, prednostno sta medsebojno trdo lotana, tako da je omogočen kar se da dober prestop toplote z grela 2 na vložek 3. Za povečanje toplotnega učinka generatorja po izumu je po predloženem izumu lahko predvideno, da je omenjeno grelo 2 s svoje zunanje strani obdano s plaščem 2', s čimer se znatno poveča površino, ki je v stiku s tekočino. Omenjeni cevasti vložek 3 je pri tem s svojim prvim koncem povezan z dnom 1' omenjenega ohišja 1 generatorja, medtem ko drugi, proč od omenjenega dna 1' obrnjeni konec omenjenega cevastega vložka 3 ostaja prost. Omenjenemu ohišju 1 generatorja sta nadalje z njegove zunanje strani prigrajena dovodni nastavek 4 in odvodni nastavek 5. Omenjeni dovodni nastavek 4, ki je namenjen dovodu vode v ohišje 1 generatorja, predira omenjeno dno 1' in je razporejen izven območja povezave omenjenega cevastega vložka 3 z dnom 1', tako da voda, ki jo je potrebno upariti, lahko prosto doteka v omenjeno ohišje 1 generatorja. Omenjeni odvodni nastavek 5, ki je namenjen odvodu pare iz ohišje 1 generatorja, predira omenjeno dno 1' in je razporejen znotraj območja povezave omenjenega cevastega vložka 3 z dnom Γ, tako da para lahko prosto izhaja iz omenjenega ohišja 1 generatorja.In FIG. 1 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a first embodiment of a steam generator according to the invention, comprising a housing 1 of a generator in which a well known heater 2 is arranged, preferably designed as a helix. In order to increase the surface of said heater 2, which is in direct contact with the water to be evaporated, a heater-designed heater 2 is tightly wound around a tubular insert 3 whose length is preferably at least equal to the length of said heater 2. according to the invention it is provided that said heater 2 is connected to said insert 3, preferably they are rigidly interconnected so that heat transfer from the heater 2 to the insert 3 is possible as much as possible. To increase the thermal effect of the generator according to the invention, according to the present invention it may be envisaged that said heater 2 is surrounded on its outside by a jacket 2 ', thereby significantly increasing the surface in contact with the liquid. Said tubular insert 3 is connected with its first end by the bottom 1 'of said housing 1 of the generator, while the second, away from said bottom 1', the facing end of said tubular insert 3 remains free. The generator housing 1 is further provided with an outlet nozzle 4 and a drainage nozzle 5 from the outside thereof. Said inlet nozzle 4, which is intended for supplying water to the generator housing 1, penetrates said bottom 1 'and is disposed outside the connection area of said tubular insert 3 with the bottom 1 'so that the water to be evaporated can freely flow into said housing 1 of the generator. Said outlet nozzle 5, which is designed to remove steam from the generator housing 1, penetrates said bottom 1 'and is arranged within the area of connection of said tubular insert 3 to the bottom tako, so that steam can flow freely from said generator housing 1.

Voda, ki po omenjenem dovodnem nastavku 4 doteka v ohišje 1 generatorja (puščica A), z zunanje strani obliva omenjeno grelo 2 in omenjeni cevasti vložek 3. Ob stiku vode z omenjenim grelom 2 se voda uparja in nastaja mokra para. To mokro paro se vodi skozi omenjeni vložek 3 (puščica B), v katerem se omenjeno mokro paro dodatno segreje in dodeli karseda veliko energije z grela 2, s čimer se ustvari suho paro, ki se jo iz omenjenega vložka 3 vodi po omenjenem odvodnem nastavku 5 (puščica C). Z generatorjem pare po izumu se torej bistveno poveča delež suhe pare in posledično količino energije, ki jo pri kondenzaciji sprejme površina hrane, ki se jo tretira.Water entering the generator housing 1 (arrow A) after said inlet extension 4 (arrow A), from the outside of the spout, said heater 2 and said tubular insert 3. Upon contact of water with said heater 2, water evaporates and wet steam is generated. This wet steam is guided through said cartridge 3 (arrow B), in which said wet steam is additionally heated and allocates as much energy as possible from the heater 2, thereby generating dry steam which is fed from said cartridge 3 after said outlet extension 5 (arrow C). The steam generator of the invention thus substantially increases the proportion of dry steam and, consequently, the amount of energy received by the surface of the food being treated during condensation.

Na sl. 2 je v prečnem prerezu shematsko prikazan drugi izvedbeni primer generatorja pare po izumu, ki se od poprej opisanega izvedbenega primera razlikuje v tem, da predvideva dodatne ukrepe za dodatno segrevanje mokre pare, nastajajoče ob stiku vode z grelom 2. Eden od ukrepov po izumu predvideva, da se iz pare, ki se jo vodi k hrani, ki se jo tretira, izloči karseda veliko vode, tako da je para čimbolj suha. V ta namen je prostemu koncu omenjenega cevnega vložka 3 prigrajen izločevalnik vode 6, ki sestoji iz kupolastega vodilnika 7 in pregrade 8. Omenjeni kupolasti vodilnik 7 je nameščen neposredno na ustje prostega konca omenjenega vložka 3 in ga v celoti pokriva. Na tisti strani generatorja pare po izumu, na katero se po omenjenem dovodnem nastavku 4 dovaja vodo, je omenjeni vodilnik 7 zasnovan z vstopno odprtino 9, skozi katero je omogočen vstop pare v vodilnik 7 in dalje v omenjeni cevasti vložek 3. Nadalje sta tako omenjeni cevasti vložek 3 kot tudi na njem nameščeno grelo 2, na isti strani generatorja pare kot je zasnovana vstopna odprtina 9 v omenjeni vodilnik 7, obdana z omenjeno, v prečnem prerezu približno polkrožno zasnovano pregrado 8. Le-ta se po višini razteza od območja ustja prostega konca omenjenega vložka 3 do območja nad omenjenim dnom 1', tako da je omogočen prost vstop vode, pripeljane po dovodnem nastavku 4, v območje grela 2, kjer se omenjena voda uparja. Pri tem je po izumu predvideno, da je omenjeni vodilnik 7 zasnovan na način, da v vgrajenem stanju skupaj z ohišjem 1 generatorja na treh zaporednih odsekih 10, 11, 12 zavzema približno obliko Venturijeve šobe. Pri tem je prvi odsek 10 zasnovan med vodilnikom 7 in prvo pokončno steno generatorja, in je drugi odsek 11 zasnovan med vodilnikom 10 in vrhnjo steno generatorja, ter je tretji odsek 12 zasnovan med vodilnikom 10 in drugo pokončno steno generatorja.In FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view schematically illustrating a second embodiment of a steam generator according to the invention, which differs from the previously described embodiment in that it provides additional measures for additional heating of the wet steam generated by contact of water with the heater 2. One of the measures according to the invention provides to remove as much water as possible from the steam that is being treated for the food being treated so that the steam is as dry as possible. For this purpose, a water separator 6 consisting of a dome guide 7 and a barrier 8 is fitted to the free end of said tubular insert 3. Said domed guide 7 is mounted directly on the mouth of the free end of said insert 3 and completely covers it. On the side of the steam generator of the invention, to which water is supplied after said inlet extension 4, said guide 7 is designed with an inlet 9 through which steam is allowed to enter into the guide 7 and further into said tubular insert 3. a tubular insert 3 as well as a heater 2 mounted thereon, on the same side of the steam generator as the designed inlet opening 9 into said guide 7, surrounded by said cross-sectional barrier 8 in cross-section. It extends in height from the mouth area the free end of said insert 3 to an area above said bottom 1 'so as to allow free entry of water brought upstream of inlet 4 into the area of the heater 2 where said water evaporates. According to the invention, it is provided that said guide 7 is designed in such a way that, in its integrated state, together with the housing of the generator 1, in three consecutive sections 10, 11, 12, it takes the approximate shape of the Venturi nozzle. The first section 10 is formed between the guide 7 and the first upright wall of the generator, and the second section 11 is designed between the guide 10 and the upper wall of the generator, and the third section 12 is designed between the guide 10 and the second upright wall of the generator.

Voda, ki po omenjenem dovodnem nastavku 4 doteka v ohišje 1 generatorja (puščica A), z zunanje strani obliva omenjeno grelo 2 in omenjeni cevasti vložek 3 za pregrado 8 (puščica D). Ob stiku vode z omenjenim grelom 2 se voda uparja in nastaja mokra para, ki teče v smeri od dna 1' proti vrhu generatorja. Pri tem se mokro paro vodi skozi zaporedne odseke 10, 11, 12 (puščica E), kjer se ji zaradi spreminjajočih se presekov poti spreminja hitrost. Zaradi centrifugalne sile in večje specifične mase se kapljevina loči od pare in teče po steni generatorja. Pri tem kapljevina teče mimo omenjene odprtine 9 (puščica F), namenjene odvzemu pare, medtem ko para vstopa skozi omenjeno odprtino 9 v omenjeni vodilnik 7 (puščica G). V območju omenjene odprtine 9 je močno povečan presek poti pare, kar ponovno povzroči padec hitrosti pare, tako da se v tem delu izločijo še najmanjše kapljice vode. Paro se zatem vodi v omenjeni vložek 3 (puščica B), v katerem se omenjeno paro dodatno segreje in dodeli karseda veliko energije z grela 2, s čimer se ustvari suho paro, ki se jo iz omenjenega vložka 3 vodi po omenjenem odvodnem nastavku 5 (puščica C). Z generatorjem pare po izumu se torej bistveno poveča delež suhe pare in posledično količino energije, ki jo pri kondenzaciji sprejme površina hrane, ki se jo tretira.Water entering the generator housing 1 (arrow A) after said inlet extension 4 (arrow A) from the outside of the spout mentioned heater 2 and said tubular insert 3 for barrier 8 (arrow D). Upon contact of water with said heater 2, water is evaporated to form a wet vapor flowing from the bottom 1 'towards the top of the generator. The wet steam is then passed through successive sections 10, 11, 12 (arrow E), where its velocity changes due to changing path sections. Due to the centrifugal force and the higher specific mass, the liquid is separated from the steam and flows down the wall of the generator. In this case, the liquid flows past said opening 9 (arrow F), designed to draw steam, while steam enters through said opening 9 into said guide 7 (arrow G). In the area of the aforementioned opening 9, the intersection of the steam path is greatly increased, again causing the steam velocity to fall, so that even the smallest drops of water are eliminated in this part. The steam is then led to said cartridge 3 (arrow B), in which said steam is further heated and allocates as much energy as possible from the heater 2, thereby generating dry steam which is led from said cartridge 3 after said outlet extension 5 ( arrow C). The steam generator of the invention thus substantially increases the proportion of dry steam and, consequently, the amount of energy received by the surface of the food being treated during condensation.

Po predloženem izumu je nadalje predviden ukrep za tretiranje mokre pare, ki predvideva vgraditev cevastega labirinta 13 v omenjeni cevasti vložek 3. Omenjeni cevasti labirint 13 je v danem izvedbenem primeru zasnovan iz niza medsebojno koncentrično razporejenih cevi. Pri tem se omenjeni labirint 13 doseže na način, da je odvodni nastavek 5 za odvod suhe pare podaljšan od območja omenjenega dna 1' do območja pod omenjenim ustjem prostega konca cevnega vložka 3. Koncentrično z omenjenim nastavkom 5 je med le-tem in cevnim vložkom 3 razporejena dodatna cev 14, ki je na svojem koncu, obrnjenem proč od omenjenega dna 1', zaprta, medtem ko je na nasprotnem koncu prosta in odmaknjena od dna 1'. Omenjena dodatna cev 14 je na svojem zaprtem koncu odmaknjena od omenjenega nastavka 5, tako da je omogočen prost prehod pare iz omenjenega cevnega vložka 3, med dodamo cevjo 14 in odvodnim nastavkom 5 (puščice H). S tem se podaljša pot pari, ki se jo segreva, tako da doseže višjo temperaturo in karseda visoko suhost. Poleg tega se zaradi povečanega izkoristka segrevanja pare zmanjša poraba energije, ki se jo dovaja grelu 2, saj ga je potrebno manjkrat vklopiti, sočasno pa ima suha para večjo energijo, ki se jo dovede hrani, ki se jo tretira.According to the present invention, there is further provided a measure for the treatment of wet steam, which involves the incorporation of a tubular labyrinth 13 into said tubular insert 3. Said tubular labyrinth 13 is, in the present embodiment, formed from a series of concentrically arranged tubes. Said labyrinth 13 is obtained by extending the dry steam outlet connection 5 from the area of said bottom 1 'to the area under said mouth of the free end of the tube insert 3. Concentric with said attachment 5 is between it and the tube insert. 3, an additional tube 14 is disposed, which is closed at its end facing away from said bottom 1 ', while at the opposite end it is free and away from the bottom 1'. Said auxiliary pipe 14 is at its closed end away from said fitting 5, so that the steam can be freely passed from said tube insert 3 between the tube 14 and the outlet fitting 5 (arrows H). This extends the heating path of the steam to reach higher temperatures and as much dryness as possible. In addition, the increased steam heating efficiency reduces the amount of energy supplied to the heater 2, since it needs to be turned on less frequently, and at the same time the dry steam has more energy being fed to the food being treated.

Seveda je mogoče, da strokovnjak z zadevnega področja uporabi izum tudi na drugačen način, ne da bi se pri tem oddaljili od smisla in obsega zaščite. Tako je na primer mogoče, da je omenjeno grelo 2 lahko zasnovano v obliki palice, plošče ali podobnega. Nadalje je mogoče, da je omenjeno grelo 2 lahko tesno povezano z omenjenim vložkom 3 tudi na način krčnega spoja, privarjeno, prilepljeno, zalito s kovino in podobno, tako da je omogočen kar se da dober prestop toplote z grela 2 na vložek 3. Še nadalje je mogoče, da omenjeni dovodni nastavek 4 in omenjeni odvodni nastavek 5 omenjenemu ohišju 1 generatorja nista prigrajena k omenjenemu dnu 1', saj so mogoče tudi druge izvedbe, kot na primer prigraditev s strani. Še nadalje je mogoče, da se omenjeni cevasti labirint 13 vsaj deloma dotika površine cevastega vložka 3, s čimer se doseže še dodatno ogrevanje pare.It is, of course, possible for one of ordinary skill in the art to use the invention in a different way, without departing from the meaning and scope of the protection. For example, it is possible that said heater 2 may be designed in the form of a stick, a plate or the like. Furthermore, it is possible that said heater 2 can be closely connected to said cartridge 3 also in the manner of a joint joint, welded, glued, sealed with metal and the like, so that heat transfer from the heater 2 to cartridge 3 is possible as much as possible. further, it is possible that said inlet nozzle 4 and said outlet nozzle 5 are not fitted to said generator housing 1 'to said bottom 1', since other embodiments, such as side mounting, are also possible. It is further possible for said tubular labyrinth 13 to at least partially touch the surface of the tubular insert 3, thereby achieving additional steam heating.

Gorenje d.d.Gorenje d.d.

Claims (6)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Kuhalni aparat, zlasti na gospodinjski kuhalni aparat, konkretneje na parno pečico, povsem konkretno pa na generator pare, ki ustvarja paro za pripravo hrane v1. The cooker, in particular the domestic cooker, and more specifically the steam oven, and more specifically the steam generator, which generates steam for the preparation of food in the 5 omenjeni prani pečici, značilen po tem, da je v ohišju (1) generatorja pare razporejen cevast vložek (3), s katerim je tesno povezano grelo (2), pri čemer je omenjeni cevasti vložek (3) s svojim prvim koncem povezan z dnom (1') omenjenega ohišja (1), medtem ko nasprotni konec omenjenega cevastega vložka (3) ostaja prost, pri čemer je omenjenemu ohišju (1) z njegove zunanje strani prigrajen dovodni nastavek5 of said oven oven, characterized in that a tubular insert (3) is arranged in the housing (1) of the steam generator, with which the heater (2) is closely connected, said tubular insert (3) being connected to its first end by the bottom (1 ') of said housing (1), while the opposite end of said tubular insert (3) remains free, with said housing (1) having an inlet nozzle mounted on the outside thereof. 10 (4), ki je razporejen izven območja povezave omenjenega cevastega vložka (3) z dnom (1'), in odvodni nastavek (5), ki se razteza v notranjost omenjenega cevastega vložka (3).10 (4) disposed outside the area of connection of said tubular insert (3) to the bottom (1 '), and a discharge nozzle (5) extending into said tubular insert (3). 2. Kuhalni aparat po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da je prostemu koncu omenjenegaCooking appliance according to claim 1, characterized in that it is at the free end thereof 15 cevnega vložka (3) prigrajen izločevalnik vode (6).15 tube insert (3) fitted with water separator (6). 3. Kuhalni aparat po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da je v omenjeni cevasti vložek (3) vgrajen labirint (13).Cooker according to claim 1, characterized in that a maze (13) is incorporated into said tubular insert (3). 2020 4. Kuhalni aparat po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je omenjeni izločevalnik vode (6) zasnovan iz kupolastega vodilnika (7) z vstopno odprtino (9) za vstop pare in pregrade (8), ki obdaja omenjeni cevasti vložek (3) kot tudi na njem nameščeno grelo (2).Cooker according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said water separator (6) is formed from a domed guide (7) with an inlet (9) for entering steam and a barrier (8) surrounding said tubular insert (6). 3) as well as the heater (2) mounted on it. 25 5. Kuhalni aparat po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je omenjeni vodilnik (7) zasnovan na način, da z omenjenim ohišjem (1) na treh zaporednih odsekih (10, 11, 12) zavzema približno obliko Venturijeve šobe, pri čemer je prvi odsek (10) zasnovan med vodilnikom (7) in prvo pokončno steno generatorja, in je drugi odsek (11) je zasnovan med vodilnikom (10) in vrhnjo steno5. Cooker according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said guide (7) is designed in such a way that it takes the approximate shape of the Venturi nozzle on three consecutive sections (10, 11, 12), wherein the first section (10) is formed between the guide (7) and the first upright wall of the generator, and the second section (11) is designed between the guide (10) and the upper wall 30 generatorja, ter je tretji odsek (12) zasnovan med vodilnikom (10) in drugo pokončno steno generatorja.30, and a third section (12) is formed between the guide (10) and the second upright wall of the generator. 6. Kuhalni aparat po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je omenjeni cevasti labirint (13) zasnovan iz niza medsebojno koncentričnoCooker according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said tubular labyrinth (13) is formed of a series of concentric 35 razporejenih cevi (5, 14).35 arranged tubes (5, 14). 7. Kuhalni aparat po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je omenjeno grelo (2) s svoje zunanje strani obdano s plaščem (2').Cooker according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said heater (2) is surrounded on its outer side by a jacket (2 '). 8. Kuhalni aparat po zahtevku 6, značilen po tem, da je omenjeni labirint (13) zasnovanCooker according to claim 6, characterized in that said maze (13) is designed 5 iz odvodnega nastavka (5), podaljšanega od območja omenjenega dna (1') do območja pod omenjenim ustjem prostega konca cevnega vložka (3), in koncentrično z omenjenim nastavkom (5), med le-tem in cevnim vložkom (3), razporejeno dodamo cevjo (14).5 from the outlet nozzle (5) extended from the area of said bottom (1 ') to the area under said mouth of the free end of the tube insert (3) and concentrically with said nozzle (5) between it and the tube insert (3), pipe (14) is added spaced apart. 10 9. Kuhalni aparat po zahtevkih 6 in 7, značilen po tem, da je omenjena dodatna cev (14) na svojem koncu, obrnjenem proč od omenjenega dna (1'), zaprta, medtem ko je na nasprotnem koncu prosta in odmaknjena od dna (1') in od omenjenega nastavka9. Cooker according to claims 6 and 7, characterized in that said additional pipe (14) is closed at its end, facing away from said bottom (1 '), while at the opposite end it is free and away from the bottom. (1 ') and from said attachment
SI201100327A 2011-08-22 2011-08-22 Enhanced cooking appliances SI23848A (en)

Priority Applications (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201100327A SI23848A (en) 2011-08-22 2011-08-22 Enhanced cooking appliances
PCT/EP2012/066159 WO2013026812A2 (en) 2011-08-22 2012-08-20 Improved cooking apparatus
DE112012003492.9T DE112012003492T5 (en) 2011-08-22 2012-08-20 Improved cooking appliance

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SI201100327A SI23848A (en) 2011-08-22 2011-08-22 Enhanced cooking appliances

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SI201100327A SI23848A (en) 2011-08-22 2011-08-22 Enhanced cooking appliances

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