SI22949A - Vessel with hull for top hull navigation speed - Google Patents

Vessel with hull for top hull navigation speed Download PDF


Publication number
SI22949A SI200900002A SI200900002A SI22949A SI 22949 A SI22949 A SI 22949A SI 200900002 A SI200900002 A SI 200900002A SI 200900002 A SI200900002 A SI 200900002A SI 22949 A SI22949 A SI 22949A
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Slovenian (sl)
Jernej Jakopin
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Seaway Group D.O.O.
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Application filed by Seaway Group D.O.O. filed Critical Seaway Group D.O.O.
Priority to SI200900002A priority Critical patent/SI22949A/en
Publication of SI22949A publication Critical patent/SI22949A/en



  • Other Liquid Machine Or Engine Such As Wave Power Use (AREA)


Thanks to its specifically designed underwater part the vessel with hull for top hull navigation speed results in a minimum resistivity of water, while apart from that (also due to its shape) it enables a highly efficient operation of the propeller. Due to this the vessel attains in the displacement mode the so-called top hull speed, this is a speed, which exceeds the theoretical maximum speed based on the length of the water line or wave speed of the waterline wave length. The aforementioned underwater part of the hull is thus designed to achieve a single goal - to minimize the hydrodynamic resistivity, which results in the slightly decreased initial stability (this is stability at smaller inclination angles). This can be if required (for example under extreme weather conditions) substantially increased by filling the ballast tank (with water) so that the vessel submerges additionally, while again, thanks to the design features of the hull apart from increasing the displacement, it substantially changes its submerged part, while the consequence of both is a major increase in stability.


Izum se nanaša na trup plovila z motornim pogonom, ki zahvaljujoč svojemu specifično oblikovenemu podvodnemu delu povzroča minimalen upor vode, poleg tega pa (tudi zaradi svoje oblike) omogoča delovanje propelerja z visoko stopnjo izkoriščenosti. Zaradi omenjenega plovilo dosega v izpodrivnem režimu plovbe tako imenovano nadtrupno hitrost, to je hitrost, ki presega teoretično maksimalno hitrost, pogojeno z dolžino vodne linije oz. valovno hitrost vala dolžine vodne linije. Omenjeni podvodni del trupa je torej oblikovan za dosego enega samega cilja - čim manjšega hidrodinamičnega upora, zaradi česar ima nekoliko zmanjšano začetno stabilnost (to je stabilnost pri majhnih kotih nagiba). To pa je možno po potrebi (npr. v ekstremnih vremenskih razmerah) bistveno povečati z napolnitvijo (z vodo) balastnega tanka, tako da se plovilo dodatno nekoliko pogrezne, pri čemer se mu, zopet zahvaljujoč oblikovnim značilnostim trupa, poleg tega da se poveča izpodriv, bistveno spremeni njegov podvodni del, posledica obojega pa je drastično povečanje stabilnosti.The invention relates to the hull of a power-driven vessel, which, thanks to its specifically shaped underwater part, causes minimal water resistance and also (due to its shape) enables the operation of a high-efficiency propeller. As a result, the vessel achieves, in the displacement mode of navigation, the so-called super-hull velocity, that is, the speed exceeding the theoretical maximum speed, conditioned by the length of the water line or. wave velocity wave length of the waterline. The underwater hull section is thus designed to achieve a single objective - the lowest possible hydrodynamic resistance, which gives it a slight decrease in initial stability (i.e. stability at low tilt angles). This can, if necessary (eg in extreme weather conditions) be substantially increased by filling (with water) the ballast tank, so that the vessel is further submerged, again due to the hull design characteristics, in addition to increasing the displacement , significantly changes its underwater part, both of which result in a drastic increase in stability.

Kot je strokovnjakom s tega področja znano, je hidrodinamični upor plovila v izpodrivnem načinu plovbe seštevek dveh različnih vrst upora: upora zaradi tvorjenja valov ter trenja med površino podvodnega dela trupa in vodo. Medtem ko je upor zaradi tvorjenja valov (pri določeni hitrosti plovbe) odvisen od velikosti izpodriva ter od oblike podvodnega dela trupa, je trenje odvisno od hrapavosti površine ter njene velikosti. Kar se hidrodinamičnega upora tiče idealna oblika podvodnega dela trupa bi torej morala pri določenem izpodrivu imeti čim bolj hidrodinamično (kapljičasto) obliko krožnega prečnega prereza (da bi bila omočena površina čim manjša). Ker pa krožna prečna oblika ne nudi nikakršne stabilnosti trupa, je omenjena oblika za (površinska) plovila neuporabna. Drugo skrajnost, torej trup z veliko stabilnostjo, pa zagotavlja prečna oblika pravokotnika, pri čemer je širina vodne linije (čim) večja v primerjavi z ugrezom trupa. Takšen trup pa ima glede na izpodriv veliko omočeno površino in z njo povezano trenje. Zato je optimalna oblika prečnega prereza trupa nekje vmes med obema skrajnostima, odvisno od vrste in namena plovila.As is well known to those skilled in the art, the hydrodynamic resistance of a vessel in displacement mode is the sum of two different types of resistance: resistance due to the formation of waves and friction between the surface of the underwater hull and water. While the resistance due to the formation of waves (at a certain speed of navigation) depends on the size of the displacement and on the shape of the underwater part of the hull, the friction depends on the surface roughness and its size. As far as hydrodynamic resistance is concerned, the ideal shape of the underwater part of the hull should therefore have a hydrodynamic (droplet) circular cross-sectional shape (to minimize the wetted surface) at a given displacement. However, since the circular transverse shape does not offer any hull stability, this design is not applicable to (surface) vessels. The other extreme, that is, the hull with high stability, is provided by the transverse shape of the rectangle, with the width of the waterline (as large) as possible compared to the hull draft. Such a hull, however, has a large wetted surface and associated friction with respect to the displacement. Therefore, the optimal cross-sectional shape of the hull is somewhere between the two extremes, depending on the type and purpose of the vessel.

Plovilo po izumu ima, s ciljem čim manšega hidrodinamičnega upora, obliko podvodnega dela trupa bliže prvi od omenjenih oblik, na račun nekoliko zmanjšane začetne stabilnosti plovila. Slednjo pa je možno bistveno povečati tako, da trup s pomočjo vgrajenega vodnega balasta dodatno pogreznemo v vodo. Pri tem se zaradi specifične oblike trupa plovila po izumu njegova stabilnost bistveno poveča, kajti v takšni legi je prečni presek podvodnega dela trupa močno spremenjen - njegova širina na vodni liniji je precej povečana, kar bistveno poveča stabilnost plovila.In order to minimize hydrodynamic resistance, the vessel according to the invention has the shape of the underwater hull part closer to the first of the aforementioned forms, due to the slightly reduced initial stability of the vessel. The latter can be substantially increased by immersing the hull further in the water with the help of a built-in water ballast. Due to the specific shape of the hull of the vessel according to the invention, its stability is significantly increased, because in such a position the cross section of the underwater hull is greatly altered - its width on the water line is greatly increased, which significantly increases the stability of the vessel.

Izum bo podrobno opisan na izvedbenem primeru in prikazan na skicah, ki prikazujejo:The invention will be described in detail in the embodiment and shown in the drawings showing:

Sl. 1 bočni pogled na trup plovila po izumuFIG. 1 is a side view of the hull of the vessel of the invention

Sl. 2 prerez po liniji A-A na Sl. 1;FIG. 2 is a cross-section along line A-A of FIG. 1;

Sl, 3 prerez po liniji B-B na Sl. 1;Fig, 3 is a cross-section along line B-B of Figs. 1;

Sl. 4 prerez po liniji C- C na Sl. 1.FIG. 4 is a cross-section along line C-C of FIG. 1.

Glede na oblikovne in funkcionalne značilnosti trup (3) plovila po izumu sestavljata dva dela: bočni, zgornji del (3.1) in spodnji del (3.2), ki ju loči vzdolžni zgib (3.3) trupa. Razlika med obema omenjenima deloma trupa je najbolj vidna v njegovem prečnem prerezu. Medtem ko ima bočni del (3.1) trupa po višini v bistvu konstantno širino, se širina spodnjega dela (3.2) z globino (od zgiba (3.3) v smeri navzdol) močno zmanjšuje, najbolj tik pod omenjenim zgibom, kjer ima kontura prereza konkavno ukrivljenost (3.4), tangenta omenjene konture pa je v točki, v kateri se dotika zgiba (3.3), v bistvu vodoravna, kar še zlasti izrazito velja za prednji del trupa. Med (običajno) plovbo je v vodi le večji del spodnjega dela (3.2) trupa. Torej vodna linija (WLi) poteka pod omenjenim zgibom (3.3), kjer je trup znatno ožji kot nad zgibom (3.3). Oblika spodnjega dela (3.2) trupa je podrejena osnovnemu cilju - kar se da majhnemu hidrodinamičnemu uporu v izpodrivnem režimu plovbe. Zato ima sledeče značilnosti:According to the design and functional characteristics of the hull (3) of the vessel according to the invention, there are two parts: the lateral, upper part (3.1) and the lower part (3.2), which are separated by the longitudinal hinge (3.3). The difference between the two parts of the hull mentioned is most evident in its cross-section. While the lateral part (3.1) of the hull has a substantially constant width, the width of the lower part (3.2) decreases sharply with depth (from the joint (3.3) in the downward direction), most just below said joint, where the contour has a concave curvature (3.4), and the tangent of said contour is essentially horizontal at the point where it touches the joint (3.3), which is especially pronounced for the front of the hull. During (normal) navigation, only the greater part of the lower part (3.2) of the hull is in the water. Therefore, the water line (WLi) runs below said joint (3.3), where the hull is significantly narrower than above the joint (3.3). The shape of the lower part (3.2) of the hull is subordinate to the basic objective - to give as little hydrodynamic drag as possible in the displacement mode. Therefore, it has the following characteristics:

prečni prerezi v bližini premca v obliki črke V;cross sections near the V-shaped bow;

močno zaobljeni, relativno globoki prečni prerezi v osrednjem delu trupa; blago zaobljeni, plitki prečni prerezi v krmnem delu trupa.strongly rounded, relatively deep cross-sections in the central part of the torso; slightly rounded, shallow cross sections in the stern of the hull.

Zahvaljujoč tem oblikovnim značilnostim ima spodnji del (3.3) trupa zašiljen premec, ozko vodno linijo (WLi), majhno (glede na volumen podvodnega dela trupa) omočeno površino ter položen prehod (5) podvodnega dela trupa v nadvodnega na krmi, v kombinaciji z majhnim izpodrivom (ki seveda zahteva ustrezno majhno težo plovila), kar vse je garant majhnega hidrodinamičnega upora. Omenjeni zašiljeni premec poleg opisanega zagotavlja tudi mehko pogrezanje premca v valove, pri čemer omenjeni konkavni del trupa tik pod zgibom (3.3), zlasti zaradi omenjenega skoraj vodoravnega dela tik ob zgibu, preprečuje pljuskanje vode na palubo plovila. Omenjena ozka vodna linija (WLi) v interakciji z zaobljenim trupom v prečnem prerezu (ki zagotavlja minimalno omočeno površino glede na izpodriv) plovilu sicer ne zagotavlja velike začetne stabilnosti. Zato bi imel klasično oblikovan trup s takšnim podvodnim delom sicer dobre hidrodinamične lastnosti (majhen hidrodinamični upor), vendar na račun stabilnosti plovila. Trup torej ne bi imel optimalne oblike. Pri trupu plovila po izumu pa tu svojo vlogo odigra opisana razširitev trupa (omenjeni konkavni del trupa skupaj z zgibom (3.3)) tik nad vodno linijo (WLi). Ta del trupa se že pri malenkostnem nagibu plovila potopi, pri čemer se skokovito poveča stabilnostni moment plovila. Seveda pa ima plovilo po izumu bistveno večjo stabilnost, če je trup bolj pogreznjen v vodo. V ta namen ima plovilo po izumu vgrajen tank za vodni balast. Ko omenjeni tank napolnimo z vodo, se trup plovila po izumu dodatno pogrezne, tako da vodna linija (VVL2) poteka nad zgibom (3.3). V tej legi pa ima omenjena vodna linija bistven večjo širino kot vodna linija (WLi), zaradi česar, in seveda tudi zaradi povečanega izpodriva, se poveča tudi stabilnost plovila. V takšno, pogreznjeno lego plovilo po izumu postavimo predvsem zaradi udobnosti posadke (da se čim manj ziba), ko plovilo miruje na sidrišču ali v pristanišču, pa tudi zaradi večje varnosti med plovbo po ekstremno razburkanem morju.Due to these design features, the lower part (3.3) of the hull has a pointed bow, a narrow waterline (WLi), a small (depending on the volume of the underwater part of the hull) wetted surface and a laid passage (5) of the underwater part of the hull in the overhead aft, combined with a small displacement (which of course requires a correspondingly low weight of the vessel), all of which guarantee a small hydrodynamic resistance. Said pointed bow provides, in addition to that described, a soft immersion of the bow into waves, said concave hull part just below the joint (3.3), in particular due to the said almost horizontal part adjacent to the joint, preventing water from splashing onto the deck of the vessel. The aforementioned narrow waterline (WLi) interacts with the rounded hull in cross section (which provides a minimum wetted surface area with respect to displacement), although it does not provide the vessel with much initial stability. Therefore, a classically designed hull with such underwater part would have good hydrodynamic properties (small hydrodynamic resistance), but at the expense of vessel stability. The hull would therefore not have the optimum shape. In the case of the hull of the vessel of the invention, the described hull extension (said concave hull section together with the hinge (3.3)) just above the waterline (WLi) plays its role here. This part of the hull is submerged at a slight inclination of the vessel, with a dramatic increase in the stability of the vessel. Of course, the vessel according to the invention has significantly greater stability if the hull is more immersed in water. For this purpose, the vessel according to the invention has a water ballast tank installed. When said tank is filled with water, the hull of the vessel according to the invention is further submerged so that the water line (VVL2) extends above the joint (3.3). In this position, however, said waterline has a substantially greater width than waterline (WLi), which, and of course due to increased displacement, also increases the stability of the vessel. In such a recessed position, the vessel according to the invention is positioned primarily for the convenience of the crew (to rock as little as possible) when the vessel is stationary at anchorage or in port, as well as for greater safety while navigating the extremely turbulent sea.

Splošno je znano, da hidrodinamični upor trupa bistveno vpliva na porabo pogonskega goriva. Poleg tega pa je poraba goriva odvisna tudi od stopnje izkoriščenosti vseh elementov v pogonski verigi, od pogonskega motorja do propelerja. Eden od vzrokov zmanjšanega izkoristka propelerja oziroma zmanjšane izkoriščenosti njegove pogonske sile tiči v poševno postavljeni gredi propelerja in s tem tudi propelerja. Veliko plovil z vgrajenim motorjem ima namreč iz različnih vzrokov omenjene gredi postavljene poševno navzdol, gledano od premca proti krmi. Problem je še posebej izrazit pri plovilih, pri katerih se propeler nahaja pod trupom in mora biti zaradi tega postavljen precej globoko (da ne bi z lopaticami dosegel trupa plovila), in sicer tem bolj globoko, čim večji je premer propelerja. Škoda zaradi tega je dvojna: zaradi poševnega natoka na propeler se zmanjša njegov izkoristek, poleg tega je zmanjšan tudi pretok vode skozi propeler.It is well known that the hydrodynamic resistance of the hull significantly affects the fuel consumption. In addition, fuel consumption also depends on the utilization rate of all elements in the drive chain, from the propulsion engine to the propeller. One of the reasons for the reduced efficiency of the propeller or the reduced utilization of its propulsion force lies in the obliquely positioned shaft of the propeller and thus the propeller. Many of the engine-built vessels, for various reasons, have said shafts sloping downwards from the bow towards the stern. The problem is particularly pronounced in vessels where the propeller is located below the hull and must therefore be positioned quite deep (in order not to reach the hull of the vessel with blades), the deeper the larger the diameter of the propeller. The damage is twofold: the sloping draft on the propeller reduces its efficiency, and the flow of water through the propeller is reduced.

Trup plovila po izumu rešuje tudi ta problem - omogoča namreč horizontalno postavitev propelerja pod trupom - in sicer tako, da ima vzdolž svojega zadnjega dela na simetrali trupa izoblikovan utor oziroma tunel (3.5), v katerega sega propeler z zunanjim delom lopatic. Tunel (3.4) poleg tega tudi omogoča nemoten dotok vode , ki jo celo kanalizira, do propelerja.The hull of the vessel according to the invention also solves this problem - namely, it allows horizontal positioning of the propeller under the hull - by having a groove or tunnel (3.5) formed along the rear of the hull symmetry along which the propeller extends with the outside of the blades. The tunnel (3.4) also allows for the smooth flow of water, which even channels it, to the propeller.

Zaradi majhnega hidrodinamičnega upora trupa in tudi zaradi visoke izkoriščenosti propelerja, je plovba plovila po izumu v zgornji legi (ko je balastni tank prazen) izredno varčna v smislu porabe goriva, oziroma plovilo doseže bistveno višjo, tako imenovano nadtrupno hitrost v izpodrivnem režimu plovbe. Prototip plovila po izumu dolžine vodne linije 10 m dosega z razmeroma majhno močjo motorja hitrost 10 vozlov v izpodrivnem načinu plovbe, kar je precej višja hitrost od teoretične glede na dolžino vodne linije največje možne izpodrivne hitrosti 7,4 vozla.Due to the low hydrodynamic resistance of the hull and also due to the high utilization of the propeller, the navigation of the vessel according to the invention in the upper position (when the ballast tank is empty) is extremely economical in terms of fuel consumption, ie the vessel achieves significantly higher, so-called over-hull velocity in displacement mode. The prototype vessel according to the invention has a line length of 10 m with a relatively low engine power, a speed of 10 knots in displacement mode, which is much higher than the theoretical speed of 7.4 knots with respect to the length of the water line.

Claims (5)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Plovilo s trupom za nadtrupno hitrost plovbe v izpodrivnem režimu, ki nadtrupno hitrost dosega zahvaljujoč podvodnemu delu trupa, ki je oblikovan tako, da med plovbo ustvarja izredno majhen hidrodinamični upor ter omogoča dobro izkoriščenost propelerja, zato ima kar se upora tiče optimalno obliko s kar se da majhno omočeno površino, značilno po tem, da glede na oblikovne in funkcionalne značilnosti trup (3) plovila po izumu sestavljata dva dela: bočni, zgornji del (3.1) in spodnji del (3.2), ki ju loči vzdolžni zgib (3.3) trupa, pri čemer je razlika med obema omenjenima deloma trupa najbolj vidna v njegovem prečnem prerezu: medtem ko ima bočni del (3.1) trupa po višini v bistvu konstantno širino, se širina spodnjega dela (3.2) z globino (od zgiba (3.3) v smeri navzdol) močno zmanjšuje, najbolj tik pod omenjenim zgibom, kjer ima kontura prereza konkavno ukrivljenost, tangenta omenjene konture pa je v točki (5.2), v kateri se dotika zgiba (3.3), v bistvu vodoravna, kar še zlasti izrazito velja za prednji del trupa.1. Vessel with hull for buoyancy mode in displacement mode, which can be reached by buoyancy thanks to an underwater hull designed to create extremely low hydrodynamic resistance during navigation and to allow good utilization of the propeller, so that the resistance is optimally designed with as small as possible wetted surface, characterized in that, according to the design and functional characteristics of the hull (3) of the vessel according to the invention, there are two parts: the lateral, upper part (3.1) and the lower part (3.2) separated by a longitudinal joint (3.3) ) of the hull, the difference between the two parts of the hull being most visible in its cross-section: while the lateral part (3.1) of the hull is substantially constant in height, the width of the lower part (3.2) decreases with depth (from the hinge (3.3)). downwards) sharply decreases, most just below said joint, where the contour of the cross section has a concave curvature, and the tangent of said contour is essentially horizontal in the point (5.2) at which it touches the joint (3.3) on, which is especially true of the front of the hull. 2. Plovilo po prvem zahtevku, značilno po tem, da je med (običajno) plovbo v vodi le večji del spodnjega dela (3.2) trupa, torej vodna linija (WLi) poteka pod omenjenim zgibom (3.3), kjer je trup znatno ožji kot nad njim.A vessel according to the first claim, characterized in that during (normal) navigation, only a large portion of the lower hull portion (3.2) is in water, that is, the water line (WLi) runs below said joint (3.3), where the hull is substantially narrower than the hull. above it. 3. Plovilo po prvem in drugem zahtevku, značilno po tem, da razširitev trupa tik nad vodno linijo (WLi), torej konkavni del trupa skupaj z zgibom (3.3) služi povečanju stabilnosti plovila med njegovim nagibom, saj se ta del trupa že pri malenkostnem nagibu plovila potopi, pri čemer se skokovito poveča njegov stabilnostni moment.Vessel according to the first and second claims, characterized in that the hull extension just above the waterline (WLi), that is, the concave hull part together with the hinge (3.3) serves to increase the stability of the vessel during its inclination, since this hull part is already small. It sinks the slope of the vessel, increasing its stability momentum. 4. Plovilo po prvem in drugem zahtevku, značilno po tem, da ima vgrajen tank za vodni balast, s pomočjo katerega je možno plovilo dodatno pogrezniti, tako da vodna linija (Wl_2, poteka nad zgibom (3.3), v tej legi pa ima omenjena vodna linija bistven večjo širino kot vodna linija (WLi), zaradi česar, in seveda tudi zaradi povečanega izpodriva, se poveča tudi stabilnost plovila.A vessel according to the first and second claims, characterized in that it has a built-in water ballast tank by which the vessel can be submerged so that the water line (Wl_2 extends above the joint (3.3) and in this position has the waterline is substantially larger than the waterline (WLi), which, and of course, due to increased displacement, also increases the stability of the vessel. 5. Plovilo po prvem zahtevku, značilno po tem, da ima vzdolž svojega zadnjega dela na simetrali trupa izoblikovan utor oziroma tunel (3.5), v katerega sega propeler z zunanjim delom lopatic, s čimer omogoča horizontalno postavitev propelerja pod trupom, s čimer omogoča dobro izkoriščenost propelerja, poleg tega tunel (3.5) tudi omogoča nemoten dotok vode , ki jo celo kanalizira, do propelerja.Vessel according to the first claim, characterized in that, along its rear end, a groove or tunnel (3.5) is formed on the hull symmetry, into which the propeller extends with the outer part of the blades, thus allowing the horizontal placement of the propeller under the hull, thereby providing good the utilization of the propeller, in addition, the tunnel (3.5) also allows a smooth flow of even sewage to the propeller.
SI200900002A 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Vessel with hull for top hull navigation speed SI22949A (en)

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SI200900002A SI22949A (en) 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Vessel with hull for top hull navigation speed

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SI200900002A SI22949A (en) 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Vessel with hull for top hull navigation speed

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SI200900002A SI22949A (en) 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Vessel with hull for top hull navigation speed

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