SI22458A - Oscillating rotation engine - Google Patents

Oscillating rotation engine Download PDF


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SI22458A SI200700011A SI200700011A SI22458A SI 22458 A SI22458 A SI 22458A SI 200700011 A SI200700011 A SI 200700011A SI 200700011 A SI200700011 A SI 200700011A SI 22458 A SI22458 A SI 22458A
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Branimir Benko
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Branimir Benko
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Application filed by Branimir Benko filed Critical Branimir Benko
Priority to SI200700011A priority Critical patent/SI22458A/en
Publication of SI22458A publication Critical patent/SI22458A/en



  • Rotary Pumps (AREA)


The oscillating rotation engine features a pendulum (2) with a rotation point (1) which can be made in the form of a bolt, circular segment or is represented by a virtual point only. The drive is made from a shaft (4) with knee (21), eccentric (5) and an auxiliary eccentric (6) or with a sliding stone (7) in the currently known versions. It can be used for compressors, vacuum pumps, hydraulic pumps etc. In the first application type there are five legs (3) on the pendulum (2) which are in one extreme position when the knee (21) matches the centre of the auxiliary eccentric (6), while by rotating the internal enclosure (10) by 180 degrees the knee (21) comes into the position where the eccentric position of the eccentric (6) is at its maximum therefore the legs (3) are in the opposite position which results in a large suction volume. Another application type features protuberances (16) on the sliding stone (7). Another optional application type is by featuring a rotor (15) which is slide-fitting to the interior of the pendulum (2) and enables the pumping of additional volume. The application type featuring a large auxiliary eccentric (16) far from the rotation point (1) is due to attaining high pressure suitable for high-pressure compressors or internal combustion engines.


Branimir BenkoBranimir Benko

Vrbanska IBVrbanska IB

2GCC Maribor2GCC Maribor

Cscilacijsko rotacijski strojCsillation rotary machine

Izum se nanaša na oscilacijsko rotacijski stroj, ki ima nihalo z vrtiščem, ki je lahko izdelano v obliki sornika, krožnega segmenta, ali pa je le imaginarna točka. Pogon se lahko izvede z dvojnim ekscentrom ali z gredjo z drsnim kamnom in utorom.The invention relates to an oscillating rotary machine having a pivot with a pivot, which can be made in the form of a bolt, a circular segment, or just an imaginary point. The drive can be done with a double eccentric shaft or with a shaft with a sliding stone and a groove.

Možnost uporabe je za volumetrične kompresorje, vakuumske črpalke, hidravlične črpalke, hidromotorje, parne stroje, motorje z notranjim izgorevanjem.Possible to use for volumetric compressors, vacuum pumps, hydraulic pumps, hydromotors, steam engines, internal combustion engines.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je takšna konstrukcija stroja, ki omogoča karseda velik sesalni volumen pri kompaktnih dimenzijah.A technical problem solved by the invention is a machine design that allows as large a suction volume as possible in compact dimensions.

Znanih rešitev je precej. Zgodnejša je opisana v knjigi F.2euleaux: Theoretische Kinematik 1875 (tab. IV, Sl. 1.3)There are many known solutions. The earlier one is described in F.2euleaux: Theoretische Kinematik 1875 (Tab. IV, Fig. 1.3).

Izum bo opisan po priloženih risbah, ki prikazujejo:The invention will be described by the accompanying drawings showing:

31.1 oscilacijsko rotacijski stroj v izvedbi s tremi radialnimi kraki na manjšem premeru in z dvema na večjem;31.1. An oscillating rotary machine, with three radial arms on a smaller diameter and two on a larger diameter;

ta izvedba ima ekscenter in je v oscilacijsko rotacijski konfiguraciji; prikazana je v prerezu skozi naležno ravnino sprednjega pokrova (enako tudi vse ostale slike razen Sl. 6)this embodiment has an eccentric and is in an oscillating rotational configuration; it is shown in section through the contact plane of the front cover (the same as all other pictures except Fig. 6)

Sl.2 izvedbo, ki ima enakokrako nihalo in segmentno vrtišče.Fig. 2 is an embodiment having an equilateral pendulum and a segment pivot.

Sl.5 izvedbo s tremi radialnimi kraki na manjšem premeru in z dvema na večjem; inačica ima drsni kamen in je prikazana v oscilacijski konfiguracijiFig.5 is an embodiment with three radial arms on a smaller diameter and two on a larger one; the version has a slider and is displayed in an oscillating configuration

51.4 izvedbo z drsnim kamnom, ki ima izrazite izrastke51.4. Sliding stone design with prominent outgrowths

51.5 izvedbo, ki ima rotor, ki se drsno prilega notranjosti nihala51.5. Having a rotor that slides flush with the pendulum

51.6 stroj po Sl.5 v prečnem prerezu51.6 is a cross-sectional view of the machine of FIG

31.7 izvedbo, ki je prednostno uporabna kot motor z notranjim izgorevanjem in ima velik pomožni ekscenter31.7. Preferably usable as an internal combustion engine having a large auxiliary eccentric

Oscilacijsko rotacijski stroj je mogoče teoretično v vseh izvedbah izvesti kot oscilacijski ali pa, s kinematično inverzijo, kot oscilacijsko rotacijski. Vse izvedbe imajo prednostno vstopne in izstopne odprtine na znan način. Oscilacijsko rotacijski stroj ima v vseh izvedbah vrtišče 1, ki se lahko izvede kot sornik, krožni segment, ali pa je le imaginarna točka. Okoli vrtišča 1 niha nihalo 2, ki ima vsaj en krak 3 (prednostno do šest). Pogon oz. odjem moči se lahko izvede z gredjo 4, ki je pri nekaterih izved bah lahko kolenasta s kolenom 21, z ekscentrom 5 in pomožnim ekscentrom 6, ali pa z drsnim kamnom 7, čepom S in uto· rom 9 na znan način.The oscillating rotary machine can theoretically be implemented in all embodiments as oscillating or, with kinematic inversion, as oscillating rotational. All embodiments preferably have inlet and outlet openings in a known manner. The oscillating rotary machine has a pivot 1 in all embodiments, which can be implemented as a bolt, a circular segment, or just an imaginary point. Around the pivot 1 there is a pendulum 2 having at least one arm 3 (preferably up to six). Drive or. power take-off can be carried out with a shaft 4, which in some embodiments may be cranked with a knee 21, an eccentric 5 and an auxiliary eccentric 6, or with a sliding stone 7, a pin S and a groove 9 in a known manner.

Sl.l prikazuje izvedbo z petimi kraki 3, od katerih trije oscilirajo na manjšem radiusu, dva pa na večjem (skupaj z nihalom 2, ki v tem primeru niha okoli imaginarnega vrtišča 1). Vse skupaj sočasno rotira v notranjem ohišju IC, ki ima v tem primeru pet naslonov 11, zunanje ohišje 12 pa miruje. Izvedba omogoča večji specifični sesalni volumen. Kraki 3 nihala 2 so v eni skrajni legi glede na naslone 11 ko koleno 21 gredi 4 sovpada s središčem pomožnega ekscentra 6, v diametralno nasprotnem položaju pa je izsrednost pomožnega ekscentra 6 glede na koleno 21 največja, zato so kraki 3 v nasprotni skrajni legi.Fig. 1 shows an embodiment with five arms 3, three of which oscillate on a smaller radius and two on a larger radius (together with a pendulum 2, which in this case oscillates around an imaginary pivot 1). All in all, it rotates simultaneously in the inner IC housing, in which case there are five rests 11, and the outer housing 12 is stationary. The design allows for a larger specific suction volume. The arms 3 of the pendulum 2 are in one extreme position relative to the abutments 11 when the knee 21 of the shaft 4 coincides with the center of the auxiliary eccentric 6, while in the diametrically opposite position, the median of the auxiliary eccentric 6 with respect to the knee 21 is greatest, so the legs 3 are in the opposite extreme position.

Na Sl.2 je izvedba, ki ima nihalo 2 z enim krakom 3 in vrtiščem 1 v obliki krožnega segmenta. Gred 4 s kolenom 21 je prednostno vležajena v zadnjem pokrovu 14 in sicer ta4 ko, da je v eni skrajni legi kraka 5 koleno 21 na sredini pomožnega ekscentra 6. Pri ten je gred 4 na sredini med obema skrajnima legama, ekscenter 5 pa s svojo relativno izsrednostjo omogoči da je koleno 21 v nasprotni skrajni legi spet na sredini pomožnega ekscentra 6.2 is an embodiment having a pendulum 2 with one arm 3 and a pivot 1 in the form of a circular segment. The shaft 4 with a knee 21 is preferably mounted in the back cover 14, such that, in one extreme position of the arm 5, the knee 21 is in the middle of the auxiliary eccentric 6. In this case, the shaft 4 is in the middle between the two extreme positions and the eccentric 5 with its the relative eccentricity allows the knee 21 to be in the opposite extreme position again in the middle of the auxiliary eccentric 6.

31.3 kaže izvedbo, ki ima prav tako pet krakov 3, pogon pa ge izveden s pomočjo drsnega kamna 7. V tem primeru je notranje ohišje IC fiksno. Vrtišče 1 je lahko segmentno. Gred 4 je izsredno vležajena v zadnjem pokrovu 14.31.3 shows an embodiment having also five spokes 3, the actuator being made by means of a sliding stone 7. In this case, the inner housing IC is fixed. Node 1 can be segmented. Shaft 4 is extremely attached to the rear cover 14.

Sl.5 in Sl.6 prikazuje inačico, ki ima v sprednjem pokrovu 13 vležajeno konzolno gred 22 na katero je nasajen rotor 15j ki se drsno prilega notranjosti nihala 2 in s tem omogoča sesanje in tlačenje dodatnega volumna. Po izvedbi na 31.4 pa je to omogočeno z izrazitimi izrastki 16 na drsnem kamnu 7·Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show a variant having a cantilever shaft 22 in the front cover 13 to which a rotor 15j is mounted, which slides flush with the inside of the pendulum 2, thereby allowing the suction and compression of additional volume. After the 31.4 version, this is made possible by the pronounced outgrowths of 16 on the sliding stone 7 ·

31.7 prikazuje izvedbo, ki je prednostno uporabna kot motor z notranjim izgorevanjem. Zanjo je značilen velik pomožni ekscenter 6 na veliki razdalji od vrtišča 1, zaradi visokih tlakov, ki so karakteristični za motorje (še zlasti za tiste, ki delujejo no lieslovem ciklusu-za primer je vgrajena vbrizgalna šoba 20 na znan način). Ekscenter 5 je v tem primeru --rednostno sestavni del. gredi 4. Za iz vedbo je značilno ugodno vzdolžno izpiranje s pomočjo ene ga, prednostno pa po dveh parov pretočnih kanalov 17, ki usmerjajo zrak proti izpušnemu kanalu 18. K e d gibanjem nihala 2 proti zgornji okrajni legi pa se na spodnji strani nihala 2 odkrijeta resi sesalnih kanal, o v 19, ki sta prečno stno dve (po ena na sprednjem pokrovu 15 in zadnjem pokrovu 14). Sesanje se lahko izvede tudi preko nepovratnih ven tilov na znan način. Enako velja tudi sa tesnenje, mazanje hlajenje in uravnoteženje.31.7 shows an embodiment which is preferably useful as an internal combustion engine. It is characterized by a large auxiliary eccentric 6 at a great distance from the pivot 1, due to the high pressures that are characteristic of the engines (especially for those that operate on a no-lie cycle - the injection nozzle 20 is known in the known manner). The eccentric 5 is, in this case, an integral part. shaft 4. The longitudinal flush with one gauging is advantageous, and preferably two pairs of flow ducts 17, which direct the air towards the exhaust duct 18. When the movements of the pendulum 2 towards the upper circumferential position are detected at the underside of the pendulum 2, suction duct flares, ov 19, which are transversely two (one each in the front cover 15 and the rear cover 14). Suctioning can also be done via irreversible venous tears in a known manner. The same applies to sealing, lubrication cooling and balancing.

Claims (4)

ΡΑΤΕΗ12Ι ZAHTEVKIΡΑΤΕΗ12Ι REQUIREMENTS 1. Cscilacijsko rotacijaki stroj, ki ima vrtišče (1), na katerem Je nihalno vneto nihalo (2); da ima nogon oziroma odjem moči z gredjo(4), ki je lahko kolenasta s kolenom(21), ki ima ekscenter (H) ter pomožni ekscenter (6); da ima notranje ohišje (1C) in prednostno tudi zunanje ohišje (12), ter sprednji pokrov (15) in zadnji pokrov (14), označen s tem, da ima na nihalu (2) prednostno pet krakov (p), ki so razvrščeni na večih, prednostno na dveh različnih ra rl-j n si h od prednostno imaginarne točke vrtišča (i), da irna notranje ohišje (10) prednostno pet naslonov (ll), ki se drsno prilegajo nihalu (2), da je koleno (21) gredi (4) zasučno vpeto, da so kraki (5) oscilirajoče in rotirajoče vpeti, da je koleno (21) zmožno gibanja s sredine pomožnega ekscentra (6) proti kraju hoda in nazaj, da je razmerje med pomožnim ekscentrom (S) in ekscentrom (5) prednostno 1,5 .2 z - C’A rotary oscillating machine having a pivot (1) on which a pendulum is inflated (2); that the nogon has a power take-off with a shaft (4), which may be cranked with a knee (21) having an eccentric (H) and an auxiliary eccentric (6); that it has an inner housing (1C) and preferably also an outer housing (12), as well as a front cover (15) and a rear cover (14), characterized in that it has five pins (p) arranged on the pendulum (2), which are arranged on several, preferably on two different ra rl-j n si h from the preferably imaginary pivot point (i) that the inner inner housing (10) preferably has five supports (ll) that slide slidably (2) to be knee ( 21) shafts (4) pivoting, so that the arms (5) are oscillating and rotating, that the knee (21) is capable of moving from the middle of the auxiliary eccentric (6) towards the place of travel and back, that the ratio between the auxiliary eccentric (S) and eccentric (5) preferably 1.5 .2 with - C ' LlO j. « j ·LlO j. «J · 2. ocitacij sko rotacijski stroj po zahtevku 1, označen c tem, da ima segmentno vrtišče (1) v enem delu z enokrakira nihalom (2), na sredini pa je odebelitev za pomožni ekscenter (5) in gred (4) s kolenom (21) in ekcentrom (5)» kot kaše 31.2.A rotary rotary machine according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a segment pivot (1) in one part with a single-swinging pendulum (2), and in the middle there is a thickening for the auxiliary eccentric (5) and the shaft (4) with the knee ( 21) and eccenter (5) »as pulp 31.2. 5· Cscilacijsko rotacijski stroj po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima vrtišče (1) izvedeno prednostno s sornikom, da ima enokrako nihalo (2) z velikim pomožnim ekscentrom (6), da je prednostno razmerje med dolžino nihala (2) od vrtišča (1) do kraja, in pomožnim ekscentrom (6): 1,8 do 1,9; da ima vsaj eden, prednostno pa dva para pretočnih kanalov (17) da ima vsaj eden izpušni kanal (12), da je v bližini zgornje mrtve lege nihala (2) odkrit vsaj eden, prednostno pa sesalna kanala (19).5 · An oscillating rotary machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the pivot (1) is preferably made with a bolt, that it has a one-way pendulum (2) with a large auxiliary eccentric (6), that the ratio of the length of the pendulum (2) to pivots (1) to place, and auxiliary eccentrics (6): 1.8 to 1.9; that it has at least one and preferably two pairs of flow channels (17), that it has at least one exhaust duct (12), that at least one is detected near the upper dead end of the pendulum (2), and preferably, that the suction ducts (19) are present. 4. Cscilacijsko rotacijski stroj, ki ima vrtišče (1) na katerem je nihalno vpeto nihalo (2); da ima pogon oziroma odjem moči z gredjo (4) z prednostno ekscentrično nameščeni!·; čepom (S), drsnim kamnom (7) in utorom (9); da ima nadalje notranje ohišje (IC) in prednostne tudi. zunanje ohišje (12), ter sprednji pokrov (19) in zadnji pokrov (14), označen s tem, da ima na nihalu (2) prednostno pet krakov (9), ki so nameščeni na več, prednostno pa dveh različnih radiusih od prednostno imaginarne točke vrtišča (1), da ima notranjo ohišje (IC) prednostno pet naslonov (11), ki so v drsnem prilegli z nihalom (2).4. An oscillating rotary machine having a pivot (1) on which a pendulum (2) is clamped; that it has a drive or a power take-off with a shaft (4) with preferably eccentrically mounted! ·; plug (S), sliding stone (7) and groove (9); that it further has an inner housing (IC) and preferred ones as well. outer housing (12), as well as the front cover (19) and the rear cover (14), characterized in that the pendulum (2) preferably has five arms (9) arranged over several, preferably two different radii, preferably imaginary pivot points (1) that the inner housing (IC) preferably has five abutments (11) that are slidably fitted with a pendulum (2). 9. Cscilacijsko rotacijski stroj pc zahtevku 4, označen s tem, da ima na drsnem kamnu (7) izrastke (16).The pc-rotary rotary machine pc of claim 4, characterized in that it has projections (16) on the sliding stone (7). 6. Cscilacijsko rotacijski stroj po zahtevku 4, označen s tem, da ima v sprednjem pokrovu (19) vležajeno konzolno gred (22) na katero je nasajen rotor (19), ki je v drsnem prilegu z notranjostjo nihala (2); da je čep (S) fiksno pritrjen na zadnjem pokrovu (14).An oscillating rotary machine according to claim 4, characterized in that a cantilever shaft (22) is mounted in the front cover (19) to which a rotor (19) is mounted, which slides in contact with the inside of the pendulum (2); that the stud (S) is fixed to the back cover (14).
SI200700011A 2007-01-22 2007-01-22 Oscillating rotation engine SI22458A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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SI200700011A SI22458A (en) 2007-01-22 2007-01-22 Oscillating rotation engine

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SI200700011A SI22458A (en) 2007-01-22 2007-01-22 Oscillating rotation engine

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SI200700011A SI22458A (en) 2007-01-22 2007-01-22 Oscillating rotation engine

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
RU2474704C2 (en) * 2009-07-31 2013-02-10 Валерий Моисеевич Арутюнов Machine of volumetric expansion (versions)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
RU2474704C2 (en) * 2009-07-31 2013-02-10 Валерий Моисеевич Арутюнов Machine of volumetric expansion (versions)

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