SI21770A - Hybrid surface-mount thick-film module for the protection of telecommunication lines - Google Patents

Hybrid surface-mount thick-film module for the protection of telecommunication lines Download PDF


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SI21770A SI200400103A SI200400103A SI21770A SI 21770 A SI21770 A SI 21770A SI 200400103 A SI200400103 A SI 200400103A SI 200400103 A SI200400103 A SI 200400103A SI 21770 A SI21770 A SI 21770A
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Slovenian (sl)
Sandi Kocjan
Janez Gramc
Darko Pavlin
Zarnik Marina Santo
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Hyb D.O.O., Proizvodnja Hibridnih Vezij
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Application filed by Hyb D.O.O., Proizvodnja Hibridnih Vezij filed Critical Hyb D.O.O., Proizvodnja Hibridnih Vezij
Priority to SI200400103A priority Critical patent/SI21770A/en
Publication of SI21770A publication Critical patent/SI21770A/en



  • Thermistors And Varistors (AREA)
  • Emergency Protection Circuit Devices (AREA)


The hybrid thick-film module for the current and surge protection of a telecommunication line as a surface-mount element is based on two ceramic substrates, where a pair of symmetrically located protection circuits are provided featuring thermocoupled thick-film resistors and discrete PCT thermistor-based switching elements as well as high-voltage protection resistors and varistors. The substrates are via surface-mount PCT elements mechanically and electrically connected into a thermally interconnected structure, so that the PCT elements from one side are attached by conductive glue to the thick-film substrate for surge protection and on the other side to a double-sided hybrid thick-film circuit with thick-film positive resistors, where upon thermal overload the thermal energy is released, which is heating the PCT switching elements. As soon as the switching temperature limit is exceeded, the current through the protection module is limited. Upon lightning impact the protection is provided through specially designed high-voltage thick-film resistors and the two varistors, which additionally enhance the surge protection.


Predmet izuma je hibridni debeloplastni modul za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije v izvedbi za površinsko montažo, ki je zgrajen na dveh keramičnih substratih, na katerih je simetrično razporejen par zaščitnih vezij s termično sklopljenima debeloplastima uporoma in diskretnima PTC termistorskima stikalnima elementoma ter visokonapetostnima zaščitnima uporoma in varistorjema. Substrata sta preko PTC elementov za površinsko montažo mehansko in električno povezana v termično sklopljeno sendvič strukturo tako, da sta PTC elementa z ene strani prilepljena s prevodnim lepilom na debeloplastni substrat z visokonapetostnima debeloplastnima uporoma za prenapetostno zaščito ter z druge strani na dvostransko hibridno debeloplastno vezje z debeloplastnima pozivnima uporoma, na katerih se ob tokovni preobremenitvi sprošča toplotna energija, ki segreva PTC termistoija in z varistoijema, ki dodatno izboljšujeta prenapetostno zaščito.The subject of the invention is a hybrid thick-layer module for current and overvoltage protection of a telecommunication line in a surface mounting arrangement, which is constructed on two ceramic substrates, on which a pair of protective circuits with thermally coupled thick-layer resistors and discrete PTC thermistor switches are arranged symmetrically and varistors. The substrates are mechanically and electrically connected to the thermally coupled sandwich structure via PTC elements for surface mounting so that the PTC elements are glued on one side with a conductive adhesive to a high-voltage thick-layer resistor for overvoltage protection, and on the other to a double-layer hybrid bond thick-layer resistors that release thermal energy during the current overload that heats up the PTC thermistor and with varistomas that further improve surge protection.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je takšna konstrukcijska izvedba, ki je prilagojena za površinsko montažo in ki z izboljšanim termičnim sklopom med PTC stikalnima elementoma in debeloplastnima pozivnima uporoma, na katerih se ob vsiljenem linijskem toku sprošča toplotna energija ter z ustrezno oblikovanima visoko-napetostnima debeloplastnima uporoma in dodatnima varistorjema, omogoča reverzibilno tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijskih naprav v skladu s tehničnimi zahtevami in standardi za telekomunikacijske sisteme.A technical problem solved by the invention is such a structural version adapted for surface mounting, which, by means of an improved thermal assembly between PTC switch elements and thick-layer resistors, on which thermal energy is released during forced line flow, and with a properly designed high- provides thick-film resistors and additional varistors, enables reversible current and overvoltage protection of telecommunication devices in accordance with the technical requirements and standards for telecommunication systems.

Znano stanjeKnown state

Znanih je več rešitev za zaščito telekomunikacijskih naprav pred vsiljenim tokom in prenapetostjo. Skupna značilnost obstoječih izvedb pred vsiljenim tokom je, da z uporabo termo varovalk, ki delujejo na različnih principih, omogočajo zaščito bodisi z odklopom tokokroga zaradi fizične prekinitve varovalnega elementa ali pa omejitev toka z uporabo stikalnih PTC elementov, ki delujejo kot reverzibilne termo-varovalke. Posamezna zaščitna vezja so izvedena tako, da ščitijo vsako žilo samostojno ali pa omogočajo simetrično zaščito obeh žil hkrati. Primarna zaščita za prenapetostni udar je v telekomunikacijskih sistemih najpogosteje rešena z uporabo plinskega odvodnika ali pa z uporabo posebej oblikovanih visokonapetostnih debeloplastnih uporov.Several solutions are known to protect telecommunication devices against forced current and overvoltage. A common feature of existing designs against forced current is that, by using thermal fuses operating on different principles, they provide protection either by disconnecting the circuit due to a physical interruption of the fuse element or by limiting the current by using PTC switch elements acting as reversible fuses. The individual protective circuits are designed to protect each vein independently or to allow both veins to be symmetrically protected at the same time. Primary protection against overvoltage is most commonly solved in telecommunication systems by the use of a gas arrester or by using specially designed high-voltage thick-film resistors.

Najbolj podobna rešitev je po patentu WO9901875 oziroma US6232868. Dokumenta opisujeta hibridno debeloplastno vezje za prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijskih naprav, ki je realizirana s serijsko vezavo najmanj enega debeloplastnega upora in najmanj enega PTC uporovnega elementa. Patent ščiti dve možni izvedbi, ki se med sabo razlikujeta po načinu pritrjevanja PTC elementa na substrat. Po prvi izvedbi je PTC element z ene strani prispajkan direktno na substrat, z druge strani pa je preko metalnega priključka prispajkan na spajkalno blazinico na substratu. Druga izvedba opisuje slučaj, ko ima PTC na obeh straneh metalne priključke, ki predstavljajo mehansko in električno povezavo elementa z ostalimi komponentami, tiskanimi na substratu.The most similar solution is WO9901875 and US6232868, respectively. The documents describe a hybrid thick-film circuit for overvoltage protection of telecommunication devices, which is realized by serial bonding of at least one thick-layer resistor and at least one PTC resistor element. The patent protects two possible embodiments that differ in the manner in which the PTC element is attached to the substrate. According to the first embodiment, the PTC element is soldered directly to the substrate on one side and soldered to the soldering pad on the substrate on the other. Another embodiment describes a case where the PTC has metal connectors on both sides that represent the mechanical and electrical connection of the element to the other components printed on the substrate.

Druga podobna rešitev je po patentu US4467310, po katerem sta PTC elementa prispajkana na hrbtno stran substrata natančno pod debeloplastnima uporoma, ki se ob preobremenitvi segrevata. Patent ščiti tudi izvedbo pri kateri sta debeloplastna upora tiskana na obeh straneh substrata in zaščitena s tanko plastjo dielektrika, nato pa sta PTC termistorja montirana direktno na upora, na obeh straneh substrata. Termični spoj med PTC elementom in debeloplastnim uporom je izveden preko tanke izolacijske plasti, ki prekriva debeloplastni upor in na katero je nanesena metalna plast za prispajkanje PTC elementa. Izum ne rešuje problema prenapetostne zaščite.Another similar solution is US Pat. No. 6,467,310, according to which the PTC elements are soldered to the back of the substrate exactly below the thick-layer resistors, which, when overloaded, heat up. The patent also protects an embodiment in which thick-layer resistors are printed on both sides of the substrate and protected by a thin layer of dielectric, and then the PTC thermistors are mounted directly on the resistors on both sides of the substrate. The thermal connection between the PTC element and the thick-layer resistor is made through a thin insulation layer that covers the thick-layer resistor and to which a metal layer is applied to soldered the PTC element. The invention does not solve the problem of overvoltage protection.

Nekoliko drugačna rešitev zaščite telekomunikacijskih sistemov je po patentu US5867083, ki problem rešuje s paralelno vezavo debeloplastnega upora in PTC termistorja, za katero je značilno, da se zaradi prekomerne moči ki se sprošča na debeloplastnem uporu ta segreje tako, da substrat poči in se prekine tokokrog.A slightly different solution for the protection of telecommunication systems is according to patent US5867083, which solves the problem by the parallel coupling of the thick-layer resistor and the PTC thermistor, characterized by the fact that due to the excess power released on the thick-layer resistor, it is heated so that the substrate breaks and breaks the circuit .

Po patentu DE4143095 je problem rešen s serijsko vezavo debeloplastnih uporov in PTC termistorjev, ki vključuje še posebno konstruirano termo-varovalko, ki se ob preobremenitvi stali.According to patent DE4143095, the problem is solved by serial bonding of thick-film resistors and PTC thermistors, which includes a specially designed thermal fuse which, when overloaded, melts.

Skupna značilnost znanih rešitev, ki so podobne predlaganem zaščitnem modulu je, da so vezja realizirana v hibridni debeloplastni tehnologiji, kot serijska ali paralelna vezava debeloplastnih uporov in PTC termistorjev za površinsko montažo, ki zaradi samosegrevanja in segrevanja celega skopa omejijo tok skozi vezje. Posamezne rešitve rešujejo bodisi tokovno zaščito bodisi prenapetostno zaščito v vsaki žili posebej ali pa omogočajo simetrično zaščito obeh žil hkarati. V vseh primerih je vezje realizirano na enem debeloplastnem substratu in ga ni možno montirati v naprave s postopki površinske montaže.A common feature of known solutions similar to the proposed protection module is that the circuits are implemented in hybrid thick-layer technology, as serial or parallel binding of thick-layer resistors and PTC surface mount thermistors, which, due to self-heating and whole-box heating, restrict the flow through the circuit. Individual solutions solve either current protection or surge protection in each vein individually or allow symmetrical protection of both veins. In all cases, the circuit is realized on a single thick substrate and cannot be mounted in devices with surface mounting procedures.

Rešitev po patentu WO9901875 se nanaša tudi na izvedbo vezja s standardnimi PTC termistorji izvedenimi s priključki. V primeru uporabe PTC elementov s priključki je rešitev po tem patentu neprimerna, saj preko prispajkanih priključkov ni zagotovljeno dovolj hitro segrevanje telesa PTC elementa, tako da se substrat na mestih kjer se nahajajo spajkalne blazinice segreje do temperature, pri kateri se spajka raztopi še pred izklopom PTC elementa. V takih primerih pride do nedefiniranega električnega spoja zaradi raztopljene spajke ali celo do odpada PTC elementa kar onemogoči reverzibilno delovanje vezja.The patent application WO9901875 also relates to the implementation of a circuit with standard PTC thermistors made with connectors. In the case of using PTC elements with connectors, the solution under this patent is inappropriate, since the soldered connections do not guarantee a sufficiently fast heating of the body of the PTC element, so that the substrate at the locations where the soldering pads are located is heated to a temperature at which the solder dissolves before switching off. PTC element. In such cases, an undefined electrical connection occurs due to the dissolved solder or even the loss of the PTC element, making it impossible to reverse the circuit.

Problem, ki je ostal nerešen je izvedba celovite zaščite telekomunikacijskih sistemov, to je zaščite proti vsiljenemu linijskemu toku in zaščite pred prenapetostjo zaradi udara strele in ostalih induktivnih motenj na omrežju v enem samem modulu, ki je prirejen za površinsko montažo. Drugi problem, ki ga znane rešitve ne obravnavajo ali pa ga rešujejo na drugačen način, je izvedba termičnega sklopa med PTC termistorji in debeloplastnimi upori, ki omogoča doseganje kratkih preklopnih časov in sočasni odklop obeh žil linije in preprečuje nastajanje nedefiniranega električnega spoja zaradi raztopljene spajke ali celo mehanske poškodbe sklopa in odpada PTC elementov.A problem that remains unresolved is the implementation of comprehensive telecommunication systems protection, ie line-to-line protection and surge protection due to lightning strikes and other inductive disturbances on the network in a single module designed for surface mounting. Another problem that is not addressed or otherwise solved by known solutions is the implementation of a thermal assembly between PTC thermistors and thick-film resistors, which allows for short switching times and simultaneous disconnection of both cores and prevents undefined electrical connection from dissolved solder or even mechanical damage to the assembly and waste of PTC elements.

Naloga in cilj izuma je konstrukcija takšnega hibridnega debeloplastnega modula za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije, ki ne bo imel pomanjkljivosti znanih modulov in bo omogočal površinsko montažo, boljši termični sklop med PTC stikalnima elementoma in debeloplastnima pozivnima uporoma ter bo tako omogočal zanesljivo reverzibilno tokovno in napetostno zaščito telekomunikacijskih naprav.The object and object of the invention is to construct such a hybrid thick-layer module for current and overvoltage protection of a telecommunication line, which will not have defects of known modules and will allow surface mounting, better thermal assembly between PTC switch elements and thick-layer resistors and thus will provide reliable reversible currents voltage protection of telecommunication devices.

Po izumu je naloga rešena s hibridnim debeloplastnim modulom za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije v izvedbi za površinsko montažo, kije konstruiran tako kot je navedeno v neodvisnih patentnih zahtevkih.According to the invention, the problem is solved by a hybrid thick-film module for current and overvoltage protection of a telecommunication line in a surface mounting design, which is constructed as indicated in the independent claims.

Opis izumaDescription of the invention

Po izumu je problem rešen s hibridnim debeloplastnim modulom za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije v izvedbi za površinsko montažo, ki je zgrajen na dveh keramičnih substratih, na katerih je simetrično razporejen par zaščitnih vezij s termično sklopljenimi debeloplastimi upori in diskretnimi PTC termistorskimi stikalnimi elementi ter visoko-napetostnimi zaščitnimi upori in varistorji.According to the invention, the problem is solved with a hybrid thick-layer module for current and overvoltage protection of a telecommunication line in a surface mounting version, which is built on two ceramic substrates, on which a pair of protective circuits with thermally coupled thick-layer resistors and discrete PTC thermistor thermistors are arranged symmetrically high-voltage protection resistors and varistors.

Hibridni debeloplastni modul za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije v izvedbi za površinsko montažo je zgrajen na dveh keramičnih substratih, na katerih je simetrično razporejen par zaščitnih vezij in s termično sklopljenima debeloplastima uporoma in diskretnima PTC termistorskima stikalnima elementoma ter visoko-napetostnima zaščitnima uporoma in varistogema. Substrata sta preko PTC elementov za površinsko montažo mehansko in električno povezana v termično sklopljeno sendvič strukturo tako, da sta PTC elementa z ene strani prilepljena s prevodnim lepilom na debeloplastni substrat z visoko-napetostnima debeloplastnima uporoma za prenapetostno zaščito ter z druge strani na dvostransko hibridno debeloplastno vezje z debeloplastnima pozivnima uporoma, na katerih se ob tokovni preobremenitvi sprošča toplotna energija, ki segreva PTC stikalna elementa, ki ob doseženi preklopni temperaturi omejita tok skozi zaščitni modul. Ob udaru strele je zaščita dosežena preko posebej oblikovanih viskonapetostnih debeloplastnih uporov in z varistorjema, ki dodatno izboljšujeta prenapetostno zaščito.Hybrid thick-layer module for current and overvoltage protection of telecommunication line in surface mounting version is built on two ceramic substrates, with a pair of protective circuits symmetrically arranged, with thermally coupled thick-layer resistors and discrete PTC thermistor switching elements and high-voltage switching elements and high-voltage switching elements . The substrates are mechanically and electrically connected to the thermally coupled sandwich structure by PTC elements for surface mounting, so that the PTC elements are glued on one side with a conductive adhesive to a high-voltage thick-layer resistor for overvoltage protection and on the other to a double-layer hybrid a circuit with thick layer resistors which releases thermal energy during current overload, which heats up the PTC switching elements, which, when the switching temperature is reached, limits the flow through the protection module. When lightning strikes, protection is achieved through specially designed high-voltage thick-film resistors and with varistors that further enhance surge protection.

Izum bo opisan na dveh izvedbenih primerih in slikah, ki prikazujejo slika 1 električna shema zaščitnega vezja, slika 2 pogled na dvostransko hibridno debeloplastno vezje z visokonapetostnima zaščitnima uporoma na eni strani ter PTC stikalnima elementoma in varistorjema na drugi strani substrata z zunanje strani zaščitnega modula, slika 3 pogled na razporeditev in povezavo elementov hibridnega debeloplastnega vezja s PTC stikalnima elementoma in varistorjema z notranje strani zaščitnega modula, slika 4 pogled na substrat z debeloplastnima pozivnima uporoma na eni strani in prevodnimi blazinicami na katere se prilepita PTC stikalna elementa na drugi strani z označeno pozicijo PTC stikalnih elementov s sprednje strani modula, slika 5 pogled na substrat z debeloplastnima pozivnima uporoma na eni strani in prevodnim blazinicam na katere se pritrdita PTC stikalna elementa na drugi strani z notranje strani modula, slika 6 pogled na zaščitni modul s stani.The invention will be described in two embodiments and figures, showing Figure 1 electrical circuit diagram of the circuit, figure 2 view of a double hybrid thick-circuit circuit with high voltage protection resistors on one side and PTC switch elements and varistors on the other side of the substrate, Fig. 3 is a view of the arrangement and connection of the elements of the hybrid thick-film circuit board with the PTC switch elements and varistors from the inside of the protection module; Figure 4 is a view of the substrate with thick-layer resistors on one side and conductive pads on which the PTC switch elements on the other are affixed position of the PTC switch elements on the front of the module, Figure 5 view of the substrate with thick layer resistors on one side and conductive pads to which the PTC switch elements on the other side of the module are attached, Figure 6 view of the protective module with cells.

Hibridni debeloplastni modul za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije je zgrajen na dveh keramičnih substratih 1 in 2, na katerih sta dve enaki, simetrično razporejeni zaščitni vezji s termično sklopljenima debeloplastima uporoma 3a in 3b in diskretnima PTC termistorskima stikalnima elementoma 4a in 4b ter visokonapetostnima debeloplastnima uporoma 6a in 6b in diskretnima varistorjema 5a in 5b.Hybrid thick-layer module for current and overvoltage protection of telecommunication line is built on two ceramic substrates 1 and 2, on which two identical, symmetrically arranged protective circuits with thermally coupled thick-layer resistors 3a and 3b and discrete PTC thermistor switching elements 4 and 4 resistors 6a and 6b and discrete varistors 5a and 5b.

Po prvi varianti sta obe zaščitni vezji a in b izvedeni kot kaže električna shema na sliki 1. Po sliki 1 predstavlja vezje a serijsko vezavo PTC stikalnega elementa 4a, viskonapetostnih debeloplastnih uporov 6a in debeloplastnega pozivnega upora 3a. Iz sponke 8a je na maso 10 vezan varistor 5a. Zaščitno vezje b predstavlja serijsko vezavo PTC stikalnega elementa 4b, viskonapetostnih debeloplastnih uporov 6b in debeloplastnega pozivnega upora 3b. Sponka 8b je preko varistorja 5b vezana na maso 10. Ob montaži zaščitnega modula v telekomunikacijsko napravo se vhodni sponki zaščitnih vezij 13a in 13b povežeta na žili telekomunikacijske linije in izhoda zaščitnih vezij 1 la in 1 lb sta povezana na vhodne sponke telekomunikacijske naprave.According to the first variant, both protection circuits a and b are implemented as shown in the electrical circuit of Figure 1. According to Figure 1, circuit a is a series connection of the PTC switch element 4a, the high-voltage thick-layer resistors 6a and the thick-layer calling resistor 3a. Varistor 5a is connected to the mass 10 from terminal 8a. The protection circuit b represents the series connection of the PTC switch element 4b, the high-voltage thick-layer resistors 6b, and the thick-layer calling resistor 3b. Terminal 8b is connected to mass 10 via varistor 5b. When the protection module is mounted in the telecommunication device, the input terminals of the protective circuits 13a and 13b are connected to the veins of the telecommunication line and the outputs of the protective circuits 1 la and 1 lb are connected to the input terminals of the telecommunication device.

Po sliki 2 je na keramičnem substratu 1 dvostransko hibridno debeloplastno vezje s visokonapetostnima debeloplastnima uporoma 6a in 6b, ki sta preko zunanjih kontaktnih priključkov 8a in 8b, povezana s PTC elementi 4a in 4b na drugi strani substrata, kot je razvidno iz slike 3 in slike 6. PTC elementa 4a in 4b sta na substrat 1 prilepljenima s tankimi plastmi prevodnega lepila 7a in 7b, natiskanimi na debeloplastne prevodne blazinice 17a in 17b ter sta preko varistorjev 5a in 5b povezana na priključek zaščitnega modula 10, ki se ob vgraditvi v telekomunikacijsko napravo poveže na maso. Z druge strani je visokonapetostni debeloplastni upor 6a povezan na izhodni priključek 9a in visokonapetostni debeloplastni upor 6b je povezan na izhodni priključek zaščitnega modula 9b.According to Figure 2, on the ceramic substrate 1, a bilateral hybrid thick-film circuit with high-voltage thick-film resistors 6a and 6b, which are connected via external contacts 8a and 8b to the PTC elements 4a and 4b on the other side of the substrate, as shown in Figure 3 and Fig. 6. The PTCs of elements 4a and 4b are glued to the substrate 1 by thin layers of conductive adhesive 7a and 7b printed on thick conductive pads 17a and 17b and connected via a varistor 5a and 5b to the connector of the security module 10, which, when installed in a telecommunication device connects to the mass. On the other hand, the high-voltage thick-layer resistor 6a is connected to the output terminal 9a and the high-voltage thick-layer resistor 6b is connected to the output terminal of the protection module 9b.

Na sliki 4 je prikazan keramičen substrat 2 z debeloplastnima uporoma 3a in 3b, na katerih se ob vsiljenem toku sprošča toplotna energija, ki segreva substrat. Upor 3a je povezan med izhodnim priključkom zaščitnega modula 1 la in priključkom 12a, ki se ob vgraditvi zaščitnega modula v napravo preko zunanjih kontaktnih priključkov električno poveže s priključkom modula 9a na drugem substratu 1 tako, da je povezava izvedena izven modula. Debeloplastni upor 3b je povezan med izhodnim priključkom zaščitnega modula llb in priključkom 12b, ki se ob vgraditvi zaščitnega modula v napravo električno poveže s priključkom 9b na substratu 1 tako, daje povezava preko zunanjih kontaktnih priključkov izvedena izven modula.Figure 4 shows a ceramic substrate 2 with thick film resistors 3a and 3b, on which the thermal energy that heats the substrate is released upon forced flow. The resistor 3a is connected between the output terminal of the protection module 1 la and the terminal 12a, which, when installed in the protection module in the device, is electrically connected to the terminal of the module 9a on the second substrate 1 by external contacts, so that the connection is made outside the module. The thick-layer resistor 3b is connected between the output terminal of the protection module 11b and the terminal 12b, which, when the protection module is installed in the device, electrically connects to the terminal 9b on the substrate 1 so that the connection through external contact terminals is made outside the module.

Vhodna priključka zaščitnega modula 13a in 13b sta preko kontaktnih priključkov povezana z elementi na drugi strani substrata 2. Vhodni priključek zaščitnega modula 13a je povezan s debeloplastnim prevodnikom razširjenim v prevodno blazinico 14a na kateri je tanka plast prevodnega lepila 15a, s katero je prilepljen PTC stikalni element 4a na substrat 2. Vhodni priključek 13b je povezan s debeloplastnim prevodnikom rezširjenim v blazinico 14b na kateri je tanka plast prevodnega lepila 15b, s katero je prilepljen PTC stikalni element 4b na substrat 2. Upora 3a in 3b sta nameščena na substratu 2 na taki poziciji, da se večji del površine substrata prekrite z debeloplastnim uporom 3 a prekriva s površino na kateri jez druge strani substrata 2 prilepljen PTC stikalni element 4a in večji del površine substrata prekrite z debeloplastnim uporom 3b se prekriva s površino na kateri je z druge strani substrata prilepljen PTC stikalni element 4b.The input terminals of the protective module 13a and 13b are connected to the elements on the other side of the substrate via the contact terminals 2. The inlet connector of the protective module 13a is connected to a thick layer conductor extended into a conductive pad 14a on which a thin layer of conductive adhesive 15a is attached, with which the PTC switch is glued. element 4a to substrate 2. The inlet port 13b is connected to a thick-layer conductor extended into a pad 14b on which a thin layer of conductive adhesive 15b is used to attach the PTC switch element 4b to substrate 2. The resistors 3a and 3b are mounted on substrate 2 on such position that the bulk of the substrate surface is covered with a thick-layer resistor 3 a overlaps with the surface on which the dam of the other side of the substrate 2 is glued to the PTC switch element 4a and the greater part of the surface of the substrate is covered with a thick-layer resistor 3b overlaps with the surface on which the other side of the substrate glued PTC switch element 4b.

Po sliki 6 sta substrata 1 in 2 preko PTC elementov 4a in 4b mehansko in električno povezana v termično sklopljeno sendvič strukturo v kateri je PTC element 4a z ene strani prilepljen s plastjo prevodnega lepila 7a na substrat 1 in z druge strani preko tanke plasti lepila 15a na substrat 2 in PTC element 4b je z ene strani s plastjo prevodnega lepila 7b prilepljen na substrat 1 in z druge strani preko tanke plasti lepila 15b na substrat 2. Kontaktni priključki 16 so obrnjeni tako, daje vezje možno uporabiti za površinsko montažo. Z zgornje strani je modul mehansko zaščiten in dodatno utrjen s plastičnim pokrovom 18.According to Figure 6, substrates 1 and 2 are mechanically and electrically connected via PTC elements 4a and 4b to a thermally coupled sandwich structure in which the PTC element 4a is affixed on one side with a layer of conductive adhesive 7a to substrate 1 and, on the other, through a thin layer of adhesive 15a on substrate 2 and PTC element 4b is affixed on one side with a layer of conductive adhesive 7b to the substrate 1 and on the other via a thin layer of adhesive 15b on the substrate 2. The contact terminals 16 are rotated so that the circuit can be used for surface mounting. From the top, the module is mechanically protected and additionally secured with a plastic cover 18.

Ob vsiljenem linijskem toku na vhodnih priključkih 13a in 13b pričneta upor 3a, ki je z vhodnim priključkom povezan preko serijsko vezana PTC elementa 4a in visokonapetostnega upora 6a ter upor 3b ki je z vhodnim priključkom povezan preko serijsko vezanega PTC elementa 4b in visokonapetostnega upora 6b segrevati substrat. Termični sklop preko tanke plasti prevodnega lepila 7a in 7b omogoča, da se segrevata tudi PTC stikalna elementa 4a in 4b na drugi strani substrata, ki zaradi simetrične izvedbe obeh zaščitnih vezij omejita tok v obeh izhodnih priključkih 1 la in 1 lb hkrati.Upon intrusion of line current, resistor 3a, which is connected to the input terminal via a series-coupled PTC element 4a and a high-voltage resistor 6a, and a resistor 3b connected to the input terminal via a series-coupled PTC element 4b and a high-voltage resistor 6b, begin to heat up substrate. The thermal assembly through the thin layer of conductive adhesive 7a and 7b also allows the PTC switching elements 4a and 4b to heat up on the other side of the substrate, which, due to the symmetrical design of the two protective circuits, limit the flow in both output terminals 1a and 1lb simultaneously.

Po drugi varianti je hibridni debeloplastni modul za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije izveden s serijsko vezanimi PTC stikalnimi elementi 4a in 4b, visokonapetostnimi zaščitnimi upori 6a in 6b in pozivnimi debeloplastnimi upori 3a in 3b, brez termistorjev 5a in 5b.In the second embodiment, the hybrid thick-layer module for current and overvoltage protection of the telecommunication line is implemented with serially coupled PTC switch elements 4a and 4b, high-voltage protection resistors 6a and 6b, and sump thick resistors 3a and 3b, without thermistors 5a and 5b.

Claims (8)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Hibridni debeloplastni modul za tokovno in prenapetostno zaščito telekomunikacijske linije v izvedbi za površinsko montažo, ki je zgrajen na dveh keramičnih substratih, na katerih je simetrično razporejen par zaščitnih vezij s termično sklopljenima debeloplastima uporoma in diskretnima PTC termistorskima stikalnima elementoma ter visoko-napetostnima zaščitnima uporoma in varistorjema, značilen po tem, daje substrat (1) z visokonapetostnima debeloplastnima uporoma za prenapetostno zaščito (6a) in (6b) preko PTC termistorskih stikalnih elementov za površinsko montažo (4a) in (4b) mehansko in električno povezan s substratom (2) z debeloplastnima uporoma (3 a) in (3b) na katerih se ob tokovni preobremenitvi sprošča toplotna energija v termično sklopljeno sendvič strukturo, ki segreva PTC stikalna elementa tako, da omejita tok skozi modul.1. Hybrid thick-layer module for current and overvoltage protection of a telecommunication line in a surface mounting arrangement, constructed on two ceramic substrates, on which a pair of protective circuits are symmetrically arranged with thermally coupled thick-layer resistors and discrete PTC thermistor switching elements and resistors and varistors, characterized in that the substrate (1) with high-voltage thick-film resistors for surge protection (6a) and (6b) is mechanically and electrically connected to the substrate (4a) and (4b) via PTC thermistor switch elements for surface mounting (4a) and (4b) ) with thick-film resistors (3 a) and (3b) on which thermal energy is released into the thermally coupled sandwich structure, which heats the PTC switch elements by limiting current through the module. 2. Hibridni debeloplastni modul po zahtevku 1, značilno po tem, da sta PTC elementa (4a) in (4b) pritrjena na substrata (1) in (2) s tanko plastjo električno in temperaturno prevodnega lepila, ki vzdrži temperaturo pretaljevanja spajke pri postopku spajkanja komponent na nosilno ploščo v napravi 310°C v trajanju 5 sec.Hybrid thick-film module according to claim 1, characterized in that the PTC elements (4a) and (4b) are attached to the substrates (1) and (2) by a thin layer of electrically and thermally conductive adhesive that maintains the solder melting temperature of the process soldering components on a support plate in a 310 ° C apparatus for 5 sec. 3. Hibridni debeloplastni modul po zahtevku 1, značilno po tem, da sta PTC elementa (4a) in (4b) pritrjena na substrata (1) in (2) s spajko, ki vzdrži temperaturo do 310°C v trajanju 5 sec.Hybrid thick-film module according to claim 1, characterized in that the PTC elements (4a) and (4b) are secured to the substrates (1) and (2) by a solder that maintains a temperature of up to 310 ° C for 5 sec. 4. Hibridni debeloplastni modul po zahtevku 1, značilno po tem, da sta debeloplastna upora (3a) in (3b) nameščena na substratu (2) tako, da se večji del površine substrata prekrite z debeloplastnim uporom (3 a) prekriva s površino na kateri jez druge strani substrata (2) prilepljen PTC stikalni element (4a) in večji del površine substrata prekrite z debeloplastnim uporom (3b) se prekriva s površino na kateri je z druge strani substrata prilepljen PTC stikalni element (4b) tako, da se zagotovi optimalen prenos toplote do teles PTC stikalnih elementov.Hybrid thick-film module according to claim 1, characterized in that the thick-layer resistors (3a) and (3b) are mounted on the substrate (2) such that a large portion of the substrate surface is covered by the thick-layer resistor (3 a). which dam of the other side of the substrate (2) is glued to the PTC switch element (4a) and a large portion of the surface of the substrate covered with a thick layer resistor (3b) is overlapped with a surface on which a PTC switch element (4b) is glued to the other side of the substrate so as to provide optimum heat transfer to the bodies of PTC switch elements. 5. Hibridni debeloplastni modul po zahtevku 1, značilno po tem, da sta PTC stikalna elementa za površinsko montažo (4a) in (4b) v obliki diska.5. The thick-layer hybrid module according to claim 1, characterized in that the PTCs are disc-shaped surface mounting switches (4a) and (4b). 6. Hibridni debeloplastni modul po zahtevku 1, značilno po tem, da sta za PTC stikalna elementa uporabljeni polovici komercialno dostopne PTC stikalne komponente (4a) in (4b) v obliki polovice diska ali v drugi obliki, ki je primerna za pritijevanje na substrat z obeh strani.Hybrid thick-film module according to claim 1, characterized in that half of the commercially available PTC switch components (4a) and (4b) in the form of a half disk or in another form suitable for attachment to the substrate with both sides. 7. Hibridni debeloplastni modul po zahtevku 1, značilno po tem, da so kontaktni priključki (16) izvedeni tako, da so pravokotni na substrat ter ustrezno dolgi in obrnjeni navzven, tako da je možno zaščitni modul montirati v naprave s postopki površinske montaže.Hybrid thick-film module according to claim 1, characterized in that the contact terminals (16) are arranged perpendicular to the substrate and correspondingly long and facing outwards, so that the protective module can be mounted in devices with surface mounting procedures. 8. Hibridno debeloplastno vezje po zahtevku 1, značilno po tem, da varistorja (5a) in (5b) nista montrirana na substrat (1) in je prenapetostna zaščita omogočena samo z visokonapetostnima debeloplastnima uporoma (6a) in (6b).Hybrid thick-film circuit according to claim 1, characterized in that the varistors (5a) and (5b) are not mounted on the substrate (1) and the surge protection is only enabled by high-voltage thick-layer resistors (6a) and (6b).
SI200400103A 2004-04-02 2004-04-02 Hybrid surface-mount thick-film module for the protection of telecommunication lines SI21770A (en)

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