SI21619A - Prefabricated reinforced concrete wall with foundation toe of variable width - Google Patents

Prefabricated reinforced concrete wall with foundation toe of variable width Download PDF


Publication number
SI21619A SI200300228A SI200300228A SI21619A SI 21619 A SI21619 A SI 21619A SI 200300228 A SI200300228 A SI 200300228A SI 200300228 A SI200300228 A SI 200300228A SI 21619 A SI21619 A SI 21619A
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Jan Fabijan
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Jan Fabijan
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Application filed by Jan Fabijan filed Critical Jan Fabijan
Priority to SI200300228A priority Critical patent/SI21619A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2004/000030 priority patent/WO2005024140A1/en
Publication of SI21619A publication Critical patent/SI21619A/en



    • E02D29/00Independent underground or underwater structures; Retaining walls
    • E02D29/02Retaining or protecting walls
    • E02D29/0258Retaining or protecting walls characterised by constructional features
    • E02D29/0266Retaining or protecting walls characterised by constructional features made up of preformed elements


The subject of invention, a prefabricated reinforced concrete retention wall with a foundation toe of variable width, relates to construction of retention walls. The prefabricated reinforced concrete retention wall with a foundation toe of variable width is intended for permanent or temporary supporting of slopes and consists of the following parts: foundation toe (1), pressure slab (2), additional pressure slab (3), backside slab (4), additional backside slab (5), basic element (6), corner element (7), block (8) and rib reinforcement (9). Pressure slabs (2) and, if needed, additional pressure slabs (3) are laid on the foundation ground at interspaces which allow foundation toe (1) elements to be laid between them. The backside (4) and, when needed, additional backside slab (5), depending on physical properties of soil, is laid on the bearing surface of the backside and additional backside slab (11). Stacking of basic elements (6) and, when needed, corner elements (7) on bearing surface of the ribs (12) is started at the adjacent foundation toe (1). After the desired wall height has been reached, the rib reinforcement is inserted and tensioned.



1. ) Predmet izuma armiranobetonski montažni podporni zid s temeljno peto spremenljive širine se nanaša na gradnjo podpornih oziroma opornih zidov.1.) The object of the invention is a reinforced concrete prefabricated retaining wall with a variable-width foundation heel relates to the construction of retaining or supporting walls.

2. ) Tehnična problema, kiju rešuje izum sta naslednja: Armiranobetonske podporne zidove lahko polno obremenimo šele tedaj ko beton doseže predpisano trdnost in ne omogočajo sprotno prilagoditev širine temeljne pete glede na fizikalne karakteristike zemljin v temeljnih tleh in zaledni brežini.2.) The technical problems to be solved by the invention are as follows: Reinforced concrete retaining walls can only be fully loaded once the concrete has reached the required strength and does not allow the width of the foundation heel to be constantly adjusted according to the physical characteristics of the soil in the foundation soil and the back slope.

3. ) Dosedanja znana rešitev izgradnje armiranobetonskih podpornih zidov predstavlja njihovo izvajanje na licu mesta. Pomanjkljivosti so: odvisnost gradnje od vremenskih razmer, potrebno je opaženje in razopaženje ter vgrajevanje armature na licu mesta, vprašljiva je kvaliteta vgraditve armature in betona zato je potreben nadzor nad temi deli, dolgotrajno strjevanje betona, izvajanje v času, ko je industrija gradbenega materiala polno zasedena, zaradi dolgotrajne izvedbe je večja možnost zdrsa izkopne brežine, v primeru drugačnih karakteristik zemljin v temeljnih tleh in zaledju kot so bile ugotovljene s preiskavami je potrebno preprojektiranje zidu ali sanacija temeljnih tal. Dosedanje rešitve ne omogočajo začasno podpiranje brežin. Zaradi vprašljivega doseganja vodonepropustnosti betona je potrebno armaturo v betonu zaščititi s hidroizolacijo.3.) The known solution of the construction of reinforced concrete retaining walls so far represents their implementation on the spot. The disadvantages are: dependence of construction on weather conditions, it is necessary to notice and dismantle and install the reinforcement on site, the quality of the installation of reinforcement and concrete is questionable, therefore it is necessary to control these parts, long-term hardening of concrete, implementation at a time when the building material industry is full occupied, due to the long construction, the possibility of slipping the excavation slope is greater, in case of different soil characteristics in the basic soils and the hinterland than those determined by the investigations, the design of the wall or the rehabilitation of the underlying soil is required. The solutions provided so far do not allow the banks to be supported temporarily. Due to the questionable achievement of waterproofing of concrete, it is necessary to protect the reinforcement in concrete by waterproofing.

4. ) Izum rešuje naslednje probleme: krajša čas gradnje saj na gradbišču niso potrebna tesarska, betonerska in železokrivska dela razen prednapenjanja reber in injektiranje, gradnja je neodvisna od zunanjih temperatur, omogoča izdelavo elementov izven gradbene sezone, zaradi industrijske proizvodnje je boljša kvaliteta elementov in lažja kontrola kvalitete, omogoča začasno podpiranje brežin saj je vse elemente možno ponovno uporabiti, med gradnjo je možno regulirati širino temeljne pete glede na fizikalne karakteristike zemljin v zaledni brežini in temeljnih tleh. Zaradi optimalnih pogojev pri betoniranju elementov in doseganja vodonepropustnosti betona ni porebno izvesti hidroizolacijo zaradi zaščite armature.4.) The invention solves the following problems: shorter construction time since no carpentry, concrete and ironworks are required at the construction site except rib prestressing and injection, construction is independent of outside temperatures, allows production of elements outside the construction season, due to industrial production, better quality of elements and easier quality control, allows temporary support of the slopes as all elements can be reused, during the construction it is possible to adjust the width of the base heel according to the physical characteristics of the soil in the back slope and the base soil. Due to the optimum conditions for concreting the elements and achieving the watertightness of the concrete, it is not necessary to perform waterproofing to protect the reinforcement.

Armiranobetonski montažni podporni zid s temeljno peto spremenljive širine sl. 1 sestavljajo: peta temelja 1, tlačna plošča 2 sl. 7 , dodatna tlačna plošča 3 sl. 7, zaledna plošča 4 sl. 6, dodatna zaledna plošča 5 sl. 6, osnovni element 6, kotni element 7, kvader 8, armatura rebra 9 in montažni valj 12.Reinforced concrete prefabricated retaining wall with variable width base heel FIG. 1 consists of: heel foundation 1, pressure plate 2 FIG. 7, additional pressure plate 3 FIG. 7, back panel 4 FIG. 6, additional back plate 5 FIG. 6, basic element 6, angular element 7, quadrant 8, rib armature 9 and mounting cylinder 12.

Peta temelja 1 sl. 5 in sl.8 ima naslednje dele: ležišče tlačne in dodatne tlačne plošče 10, ležišče zaledne in dodatne zaledne plošče 11, ležišče za sidranje armature rebra 13 in ležišče rebra 14.The fifth foundation 1 fig. 5 and FIG. 8 have the following parts: pressure and auxiliary pressure plate bed 10, back and additional back plate 11, rib armature anchor 13 and rib 14.

Osnovni element 6 sl. 3 in kotni element zidu 7 sl. 4 sestavljajo: lice 15, nižje ležeči del rebra 16, višje ležeči del rebra 17, armaturni kanal rebra 18, montažno ležišče 19.The basic element 6 fig. 3 and the corner element of the wall 7 FIG. 4 consists of: the face 15, the lower portion of the rib 16, the higher rib portion 17, the reinforcing channel of the rib 18, the mounting bearing 19.

Kvader 8 sl. 2 ima ležišče armature rebra 18 in montažno ležišče 19.Quadrant 8 fig. 2 has a rib end assembly 18 and an assembly bed 19.

Izum se uporablja na ta način, da se vsi elementi dimenzionirajo na način znan sedanjemu stanju tehnike ter na podlagi teh izračunov izdelajo elementi v industrijskem obratu za izdelavo predfabriciranih elementov. Nosilnost vsakega elementa mora biti označena. Po pripravi temeljnih tal na način, ki je znan sedanjemu stanju tehnike položimo na temeljna tla tlačne plošče 2 in po potrebi dodatne tlačne plošče 3 na razdalje, ki omogočajo, da med njih položimo elemente pete temeljev 1. Ležišče tlačne in dodatne tlačne plošče 10 mora ležati na tlačni plošči 2 in na dodatni tlačni plošči 3. Na ležišče zaledne in dodatne zaledne plošče 11 položimo zaledno ploščo 4 in po potrebi dodatno zaledno ploščo 5. Po položitvi pet temelja 1 pričnemo na ležišča reber 14 zlagati osnovne elemente 6 in po potrebi kotne elemente 7. Na obeh koncih zidu vstavimo pod višje ležeče dele rebra 16 kvader 8. Po položitvi zadnje vrste osnovnih elementov 6 in kotnega elementa 7 armiramo rebra tako da vstavimo armaturo iz žic za napenjanje v armaturni kanal rebra 18 in jo sidramo v ležišče za sidranje armature rebra 13 ter napnemo na način znan sedanjemu stanju tehnike. Uporabimo lahko tudi rebrasto ali drugačno armaturo znano sedanjemu stanju tehnike. Armaturo v armaturnih kanalih rebra 18 zaščitimo z injektimo maso na način in z materiali, ki so znani sedanjemu stanju tehnike. V primeru, da smo v montažna ležišča 19 vgradili montažni valj 12 iz jeklenih cevi ali palic moramo ta ležišča prav tako injektirati zaradi preprečitve rjavenja.The invention is used in such a way that all the elements are dimensioned in a manner known in the art and, on the basis of these calculations, elements are manufactured in an industrial plant for the production of pre-fabricated elements. The load capacity of each element must be indicated. After preparing the ground floor in a manner known to the prior art, it is necessary to place on the ground floor of the pressure plate 2 and, if necessary, additional pressure plates 3 at distances that allow the elements of the heel foundation 1 to be laid between them. The bearing of the pressure and additional pressure plates 10 must lie on the pressure plate 2 and on the additional pressure plate 3. Place the back plate 4 and, if necessary, the additional back plate 5 on the back and back back plate 11. After laying the five foundations 1, begin to lay down the basic elements 6 and, if necessary, angled elements 7. At both ends of the wall insert under the higher lying portions of the ribs 16 squares 8. After positioning the last row of the basic elements 6 and the corner element 7 reinforce the ribs by inserting reinforcement from the tensioning wires into the reinforcement channel of the rib 18 and anchor it into the anchorage bed armature ribs 13 and tension in a manner known in the art. Ribbed or other reinforcement known to the prior art may also be used. The reinforcement in the reinforcement ducts of the rib 18 is protected by injecting the mass in a manner and with materials known in the art. If a mounting roller 12 of steel tubes or rods has been installed in the mounting bays 19, these bays also need to be injected to prevent rusting.

Sl. 8 prikazuje izvedbo montažnega ležišča 19 z zobom krožne oblike, ki tudi omogoča polaganje elementov v krivini.FIG. 8 shows an embodiment of a mounting bearing 19 with a circular tooth, which also allows the elements to be laid in a bend.

Pri začasnem podpiranju brežin injektiranje zaradi zaščite armature pred rjavenjem ni potrebno.For temporary support of the banks, no injection is necessary to protect the reinforcement from rusting.

Po zaključku izgradnje montažnega armiranobetonskega zidu s spremenljivo širino pete temelja zaledje zasujemo z zemeljskim materialom na način znan sedanjemu stanju tehnike.After completion of the construction of prefabricated reinforced concrete wall with variable width of the foundation heel, the back ground is grounded with earth material in a manner known in the art.

V premi izvajamo podporni zid z uporabo tlačnih plošč 2, dodatnih tlačnih plošč 3, zalednih plošč 4 in dodatnih zalednih plošč 5 pravokotne oblike v krivini pa uporabimo plošče 2-5 trapezne oblike. Vzdolžno pete temelja 1 in poševne pete temelja 20 polagamo v horizontalni ravnini ali v naklonu. V primeru, daje zaradi večjega vzdolžnega nagiba terena potrebno temelj stopničiti zid zaključimo in položimo naslednje pete temelja 1 ali poševne pete temelja 20 in nadaljujemo z izvedbo zidu. Z uporabo dodatnih tlačnih plošč 2 in dodatnih zalednih plošč 3 povečujemo odpomostni in prevrnitveni moment ter s tem naklon rezultante tako, da ta pade v jedro prereza in da se v temeljnih tleh ne pojavljajo natezne napetosti.In the straight line, we support the retaining wall using pressure plates 2, additional pressure plates 3, back plates 4 and additional back plates 5 of rectangular shape in the curve and we use panels 2-5 of trapezoidal shape. The longitudinal heels of the foundation 1 and the oblique heels of the foundation 20 are laid horizontally or inclined. In the event that due to the greater longitudinal slope of the terrain, it is necessary to complete the foundation of the staircase wall and put the next heels of the foundation 1 or oblique heels of the foundation 20 and continue with the implementation of the wall. By using additional pressure plates 2 and additional back plates 3, we increase the resistance and overturning torque, and thus the inclination of the resultant such that it falls into the core cross section and that no tensile stresses occur in the underlying soils.

V primeru, da izračun pokaže nestabilnost zidu na zdrs uporabimo poševne pete temelja 20 sl. 9 ali drugi način znan sedanjemu stanju tehnike. Armiranobetonski montažni podporni zid s temeljno peto spremenljive širine lahko tudi sidramo v zaledno brežino s sidri 21 na način znan sedanjemu stanju tehnike. Element, kije namenjen sidranju mora imeti izvedeno ležišče sidrne glave.If the calculation shows the instability of the wall on the slip, use the slanted heels of the foundation 20 fig. 9 or otherwise known in the art. Reinforced concrete prefabricated retaining wall with variable width foundation heel can also be anchored into the back bank by anchors 21 in a manner known in the art. The element to be anchored must have an anchor head bearing in place.

Jan Fabijan grad. inž.Jan Fabian Town. and with.

Claims (1)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVEKPATENT APPLICATION Montažni armiranobetonski podporni zid s temeljno peto spremenljive širine je značilen po tem, da se napetosti, ki jih povzroča aktivni zemeljski pritisk prenašajo preko montažnih elementov (6, 7, 8, 9 ) katerih deli (8, 16, 17) po montaži sestavljajo rebro, na temeljna tla preko pete temelja (1 ), tlačne plošče (2 ), zaledne plošče (4 ) ter glede na velikost pritiska tudi po potrebi preko dodatne tlačne plošče (3 ) in dodatne zaledne plošče (4 ).Mounting reinforced concrete retaining wall with variable width foundation heel is characterized by the fact that the stresses caused by active earth pressure are transmitted through the mounting elements (6, 7, 8, 9) whose parts (8, 16, 17), after assembly, constitute the rib , to the foundation floor via the heel of the foundation (1), the pressure plate (2), the backplate (4) and, depending on the size of the pressure, also if necessary via the additional pressure plate (3) and the additional back plate (4).
SI200300228A 2003-09-10 2003-09-10 Prefabricated reinforced concrete wall with foundation toe of variable width SI21619A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200300228A SI21619A (en) 2003-09-10 2003-09-10 Prefabricated reinforced concrete wall with foundation toe of variable width
PCT/SI2004/000030 WO2005024140A1 (en) 2003-09-10 2004-09-09 Mountable reinforced concrete support wall with fundament foot of changeable width

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200300228A SI21619A (en) 2003-09-10 2003-09-10 Prefabricated reinforced concrete wall with foundation toe of variable width

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SI21619A true SI21619A (en) 2005-04-30



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SI200300228A SI21619A (en) 2003-09-10 2003-09-10 Prefabricated reinforced concrete wall with foundation toe of variable width

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WO (1) WO2005024140A1 (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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CN103352477A (en) * 2013-07-12 2013-10-16 青岛理工大学 Vertical pres-stressed anchor rod gravity-type composite retaining wall and method for designing and constructing retaining wall
CN104805863B (en) * 2015-04-24 2017-06-30 东北大学 A kind of novel compositions assembled slope retaining wall structure and its construction method

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US4068482A (en) * 1976-08-02 1978-01-17 Hilfiker Pipe Company Retaining wall structure using precast stretcher sections
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WO2005024140A1 (en) 2005-03-17

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