SI21177A - Workpiece clamping device - Google Patents

Workpiece clamping device Download PDF


Publication number
SI21177A SI200200103A SI200200103A SI21177A SI 21177 A SI21177 A SI 21177A SI 200200103 A SI200200103 A SI 200200103A SI 200200103 A SI200200103 A SI 200200103A SI 21177 A SI21177 A SI 21177A
Prior art keywords
base assembly
workpiece carrier
alignment elements
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Slovenian (sl)
Karl Fries
Original Assignee
Erowa Ag
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Application filed by Erowa Ag filed Critical Erowa Ag
Priority to SI200200103A priority Critical patent/SI21177A/en
Publication of SI21177A publication Critical patent/SI21177A/en



A clamping device comprises a basic assembly (1) and a workpiece holder (2) attachable to it, where aligning elements (5, 10, 27, 28) acting in pairs are distributed and are aligning the workpiece holder (2) on the basic assembly (1) along three mutually perpendicular coordinate axes and at proper angles. Clamping elements (4, 11) are grasping the workpiece holder (2) with their clamping force on the basic assembly (1) in the position determined by the aligning elements. Each clamping element has a clamping head (4) on the basic assembly (1) and a clamping male (11) on the workpiece holder (2). Stopping faces (27, 28) located mutually one against another are available as aligning elements for fixing the position along the coordinate axis (Z) parallel to the direction of the clamping force action. To make the workpiece holder (2) structure as simple as possible and its manufacture cost-effective, it has an overall even surface in the clamped state on the side (9) turned against the basic assembly (1), which is creating stopping faces (28) lying on this side for respective areas and where aligning elements (10) lying on this side for fixing the coordinate axes and clamping males (11) are attached.


Priprava za vpetje obdelovancaPreparation for mounting the workpiece

Predloženi izum zadeva pripravo za vpetje, zlasti položajno (pozicijsko) definirano vpetje obdelovanca na delovnem mestu obdelovalnega stroja, pri čemer priprava obsega osnovni sklop, ki se ga fiksira na delovnem mestu obdelovalnega stroja, in nosilec obdelovanca, ki se ga namesti na omenjeni osnovni sklop, kjer se ga vpne. Nadalje so na osnovnem sklopu in nosilcu obdelovanca predvideni poravnalni (smerni) elementi, ki delujejo v dvojicah in nosilec obdelovanca glede na osnovni sklop poravnajo v treh druga na drugo pravokotno postavljenih koordinatnih oseh (X, Y, Z) in ga pravilno zasukajo. Vpenjalna priprava po izumu slednjič obsega spenjalno pripravo, katere spenjalna sila nosilec obdelovanca na osnovnem sklopu drži v položaju, kot ga določajo poravnalni elementi.The present invention relates to a clamping device, in particular a positional (positional) defined clamping of a workpiece at the workpiece of the machine, the device comprising a base assembly which is fixed at the workplace of the machine tool and a workpiece carrier to be mounted on said base assembly , where it clamps. Furthermore, the alignment (directional) elements acting in pairs are provided on the base assembly and the workpiece carrier, and the workpiece carrier is aligned in three rectangular coordinate axes (X, Y, Z) with respect to the base assembly (X, Y, Z) and rotated correctly. The clamping device of the invention lastly comprises a clamping device, the clamping force of which holds the workpiece carrier on the base assembly in a position as determined by the alignment members.

Vpenjalne priprave te vrste naj bi bile, če so ustrezno dimenzionirane, primerne za vpenjanje sorazmerno velikih in težkih obdelovancev in razen tega lahko prenašajo sile, ki se pojavljajo pri obdelavi z odvzemanjem odrezkov, ne da bi bila prizadeta želena natančnost pozicioniranja.Clamping devices of this type should, if properly dimensioned, be suitable for clamping relatively large and heavy workpieces and, moreover, be able to withstand the forces involved in cutting work without affecting the desired positioning accuracy.

Razvoj večjih vpenjalnih priprav temelji na izkušnjah, pridobljenih na manjših vpenjalnih pripravah. Pri eni od znanih manjših vpenjalnih priprav sta po dve dvojici linearnih poravnalnih elementov za določitev pravilnega zasuka v prek dveh koordinatnih osi (X, Y) določeni koordinatni ravnini (Χ-Υ) razporejeni v krogu okoli osrednje vpenjalne priprave, pri čemer linija delovanja spenjalne priprave leži v tretji koordinatni osi (Z) in delovni boki klinastih centrirnih ravnil ter delovni robovi pripadajočih centrirnih utorov potekajo radialno na os Z. Centrime utore tvorijo izrezi v skupni plošči, ki je v smeri osi Z podajna. Ta plošča se nahaja na nosilcu obdelovanca, medtem ko so centrima ravnila pritajena na osnovnem sklopu. Spenjalna priprava sestoji iz v osnovnem sklopu nahajajoče se spenjalne glave s krogelnim pridržalom in iz spenjalnega vtiča, ki štrli iz nosilca obdelovanca in se ga za potrebe vpetja nosilca obdelovanca vtakne v spenjalno glavo na osnovnem sklopu. Za fiksiranje položaja v osi Z služijo na nosilcu obdelovanca središčno simetrično razporejeni dročniki, ki s svojo čelno stranjo zadevajo na naslonske ploskve na osnovnem sklopu.The development of larger clamping devices is based on the experience gained from smaller clamping devices. In one of the known smaller clamping devices, two pairs of linear alignment elements for determining the correct rotation of the coordinate planes (Χ-Υ) defined over a two coordinate axes (X, Y) are arranged in a circle around the central clamping device, the line of operation of the clamping device it lies in the third coordinate axis (Z) and the working flanks of the wedge centering rulers and the working edges of the corresponding centering grooves extend radially to the Z axis. The center grooves are formed by cutouts in the common plate, which is in the direction of the Z axis. This plate is located on the workpiece carrier, while the centers of the ruler are hidden on the base assembly. The clamping device consists of a clamping head with a ball retainer in the base assembly and a clamping plug that protrudes from the workpiece carrier and is inserted into the clamping head on the base assembly for clamping the workpiece carrier. For fixing the position in the Z axis, centrally symmetrically arranged side arms are used on the workpiece carrier, which with their front face is applied to the support surfaces on the base assembly.

Za vpenjalne priprave take izvedbene oblike je značilna potrebna ponovljivost položaja nosilca obdelovanca glede na osnovni sklop in že dolgo je tega, odkar so se le-te, predvsem ko se pri obdelavi na obdelovance izvajajo zanemarljivo majhne sile, kot je to slučaj denimo pri elektroerozijski obdelavi, obnesle za položajno definirano vpenjanje obdelovancev.Clamping devices of such an embodiment are characterized by the required repeatability of the position of the workpiece carrier relative to the base assembly, and it has long been the case since they have been carried out, especially when negligible forces are exerted on the workpiece, such as in the case of electro-erosion treatment. for positionally defined workpiece clamping.

Pri obdelavi z odvzemanjem odrezkov obremenljivost tovrstnih vpenjalnih priprav njihovo področje uporabe omejuje v glavnem na obdelovance, katerih razsežnosti niso večje od razsežnosti vpenjalne priprave same. Pri obdelavi večjih obdelovancev se utegnejo na vpenjalni pripravi pojaviti sile, ki so v danih okoliščinah tolikšne, da se linearne poravnalne elemente in spenjalno pripravo prekomerno obremeni in njihove funkcije ni več moč izpolniti na želeni način in predvsem nič več s potrebno natančnostjo. Kritični so predvsem vrtilni momenti, ki jih obdelovalne sile izvajajo na nosilec obdelovanca glede osi Z in ki utegnejo na bočnih ploskvah za fiksiranje osi X in Y pristojnih dvojic poravnalnih elementov tvoriti prekomerno velike, na natančnost pozicioniranja vplivajoče tlačne sile. Te tlačne sile se da v dopustnih mejah držati edinole s tem, da se za obdelavo večjih obdelovancev predvidi večje vpenjalne priprave, pri katerih so omenjene dvojice linearnih poravnalnih elementov ustrezno močnejše izvedbe in so od osi Z radialno zadosti odmaknjene. Kar zadeva zgradbo opisane znane vpenjalne priprave, pa le-ta ni primerna za to, da bi jo kar z enostavnim linearnim povečanjem njenih razsežnosti prilagodili velikosti za obdelavo predvidenih obdelovancev. Predvsem se centralna postavitev spenjalne priprave izkaže za neprimerno, saj bi en samcat spenjalni organ zaradi večje spenjalne sile postal odgovarjajoče velik. Vpenjalna priprava bi s tem postala dokaj brezoblična in težka pa zato neprimerna za praktično delo z njo. Nadaljnja težava obstaja glede ureditve dročnikov za fiksiranje položaja v osi Z. Če se dročniki nahajajo na večjem odmiku od linije delovanja spenjalne sile, je treba računati z upogibom nosilca obdelovanca, ki poslabša natančnost pozicioniranja. Pri razporeditvi dročnikov blizu linije delovanja spenjalne sile pa temu nasprotno nastopijo zvmilni momenti, ki so nezaželeni iz enakih razlogov.When cutting by clipping, the load capacity of such clamping devices limits their scope mainly to workpieces whose dimensions are no larger than the size of the clamping device itself. When machining larger workpieces, forces may occur on the clamping device which, under the circumstances, are such that the linear alignment elements and the clamping device are overloaded and their functions can no longer be fulfilled in the desired manner and, above all, no longer with the required precision. Particularly critical are the torques exerted by the machining forces on the workpiece carrier with respect to the Z axis, which may produce excessively large compressive force forces on the positioning points of the X and Y axes of the respective pairs of alignment elements. These compressive forces can only be kept within the permissible limits by providing for larger workpieces to be provided with larger clamping devices in which the said two linear alignment elements are suitably stronger and radially spaced from the Z axis. As regards the structure of the known clamping device described above, it is not suitable to be adapted to the size of the intended workpiece by simple linear enlargement of its dimensions. In particular, the central placement of the coupling device would prove inappropriate, since a single coupling body would become appropriately large due to the greater coupling force. The clamping device would thus become rather shapeless and difficult and therefore unsuitable for practical use. A further problem exists with the arrangement of the jibs for position fixation in the Z axis. If the jibs are at a greater distance from the coupling force line, then the workpiece carrier bending, which impairs positioning accuracy, must be considered. On the other hand, when positioning the pistons close to the coupling force, there are twisting moments that are undesirable for the same reasons.

Cilj izuma je glede na omenjene pomanjkljivosti ustvariti zboljšano vpenjalno pripravo, primemo za večje obremenitve. Pri tem naj bi se upoštevalo še nekaj nadaljnjih vidikov. Najprej - glede na okoliščino, da je v določenem obdelovalnem obratu potrebnih bistveno več nosilcev obdelovanca kot njim prirejenih osnovnih sklopov, je treba v čedalje večji meri računati s tem, da se delež stroška za nosilec obdelovanca odločno zmanjša. Nadalje - uporabniku tovrstnih vpenjalnih priprav naj bi dobavitelj le-teh omogočal, da se lahko uporabijo tudi nosilci obdelovanca iz lastnega razvojnega programa.The object of the invention is, in view of the aforementioned drawbacks, to create an improved clamping device suitable for heavy loads. Some further aspects should be taken into account. First of all - given the fact that significantly more workpiece carriers are required in a particular workpiece than the basic workpieces, it is increasingly necessary to take into account that the cost share for the workpiece carrier is decisively reduced. Furthermore, the supplier of such clamping devices is supposed to enable the supplier of the clamping devices to be able to use the workpiece supports from their own development program.

Naloga, ki tvori osnovo temu izumu, je po vsem navedenem ta, da se ustvari vpenjalno pripravo uvodoma določene vrste, ki je tako zgrajena, da je zlasti glede nosilca obdelovanca enostavna, stroškovno ugodna in prilagodljiva in pri vseh pojavljajočih se obremenitvah zagotavlja ohranitev potrebne natančnosti pozicioniranja.The task underlying this invention is, after all, to create a clamping device of a kind that is constructed in such a way that it is simple, cost effective and flexible, especially with respect to the workpiece carrier, and ensures that the necessary precision is maintained at all emergent loads. positioning.

Rešitev te naloge se dobi, če ima uvodoma omenjena vpenjalna priprava po izumu vsaj dve od treh v patentnem zahtevku 1 navedenih značilnosti.The solution to this problem is obtained if the aforementioned clamping device according to the invention has at least two of the three claimed characteristics in claim 1.

S to zasnovo se da nosilec obdelovanca narediti kot enostavno ploščo s piano vzporednima delovnima ploskvama, ki mora biti opremljena naprimer edinole z luknjami oz. navojnimi luknjami za pritrditev omenjenih linearnih poravnalnih elementov in spenjalnih vtičev in za pritrditev obdelovanca s pomočjo vijakov. Ta zasnova je ne le stroškovno izjemno ugodna, temveč tudi nudi možnost, da se da nosilec obdelovanca drugega izdelovalca brez večjih težav prilagoditi predpostavkam za namestitev poravnalnih elementov in spenjalnih vtičev glede na določen osnovni sklop.With this design, the workpiece carrier can be made as a simple piano board with parallel work surfaces, which must be equipped, for example, with holes or holes only. threaded holes for securing said linear alignment elements and clamping plugs and for fixing the workpiece by means of screws. Not only is this design extremely cost-effective, it also offers the ability to adapt the workpiece carrier of a third-party machine without much difficulty to the prerequisites for installing alignment elements and clamping plugs with respect to a particular base assembly.

S prednostmi ima plošča, ki tvori nosilec obdelovanca, skoznje luknje za vtaknite v vijakov za pritrditev tostranskih (t.j. na nosilec obdelovanca vezanih) linearnih poravnalnih elementov in spenjalnih vtičev, tako da se da do vseh pritrdilnih vijakov priti s strani plošče, ki je obrnjena proč od delov, ki jih pritgujemo. Če pa imajo za povrh pritrdilni vijaki v zadevnih skoznjih luknjah radialno zračnost, je moč natančno pozicijo spenjalnih vtičev in predvsem linearnih poravnalnih elementov fiksirati s tem, da se na gotov osnovni sklop namesti nosilec obdelovanca s prosto montiranimi poravnanimi elementi in spenjalnimi vtiči in se ga fiksira. Na ta način se deli, ki jih moramo pritrditi na plošči, poravnajo s protideli na osnovnem sklopu. Zatem pritrdilne vijake zategnemo in s tem položaj, ki so ga zavzeli omenjeni deli, fiksiramo. Na ta način odpadejo ležišča za omenjene dele, ki jih je sicer treba izdelati zelo natančno, in z omenjeno metodo ubiranja se znatno zmanjšajo montažna dela. Nadalje - s tem postane tudi za izdelovalca lastnih nosilcev obdelovanca enostavneje, da sam s potrebno natančnostjo montira dobavljene poravnalne elemente in spenjalne vtiče.Preferably, the workpiece carrier plate has through holes to be inserted into the screws to secure the side (i.e. workpiece-bound) linear alignment elements and clamping plugs so that all the fastening screws can be accessed from the side facing away. from the parts we tighten. However, if the mounting screws in the respective through holes have radial clearance, the exact position of the coupling plugs and, in particular, the linear alignment elements can be fixed by mounting the workpiece carrier with the freely mounted aligned elements and the coupling plugs on the finished base assembly. . This way, the parts that need to be fixed on the board are aligned with the antibodies on the base assembly. The fastening screws are then tightened to secure the position occupied by the aforementioned parts. In this way, the bearings for said parts, which need to be manufactured with great precision, are eliminated and the assembly method is significantly reduced. Furthermore, it also makes it easier for the manufacturer of the workpiece carrier to mount the supplied alignment elements and clamping plugs with the required precision.

Kar zadeva naslonske ploskve za fiksiranje položaja v osi Z, obstaja prednostna oblika izvedbe v tem, da gre pri osnovnemu sklopu prirejenih naslonskih ploskvah za od zgornje strani osnovnega sklopa odmaknjene obročaste ploskve, ki so razporejene vsakokrat koncentrično z vpenjalno glavo in mejijo neposredno na gibalni prostor le-te za spenjalni vtič. S tem naj bi se doseglo, da naslonske ploskve, ki sprejmejo spenjalno silo, ležijo kar se da blizu središča delovanja slednje, tako da so upogibni momenti, ki prek spenjalnih sil delujejo na ploščo, kar se da majhni. Nadalje naj bo ploskovna razsežnost naslonskih ploskev kar se da velika, da se dobijo zadosti velike torne sile, ki pod vplivom prečnih sil nasprotujejo medsebojnemu premikanju vsakokrat sodelujočih naslonskih ploskev in s tem preprečijo bočni premik nosilca obdelovanca glede na osnovni sklop.As regards the Z-axis positioning support plates, there is a preferred embodiment in that the basic assembly of the adapted support surfaces are offset annular surfaces from the top of the basic assembly, which are arranged concentrically with the clamping head each time and adjacent directly to the movement space these for the coupling plug. This is to ensure that the support surfaces that receive the clamping force are located as close as possible to the center of action of the clamping force, so that the bending moments acting through the clamping forces on the plate are as small as possible. Furthermore, the planar dimension of the support surfaces should be as large as possible in order to obtain sufficiently large friction forces which, under the influence of transverse forces, counteract the reciprocal movement of the respective support surfaces, thereby preventing the lateral movement of the workpiece carrier relative to the base assembly.

Prednostno je, da je ploskovna razsežnost vsake obročaste ploskve za mnogokratnik večja od ploskovne razsežnosti preseka spenjalnega vtiča na mestu njegove vzdolžne razsežnosti, ki je najbolj obremenjeno. Pod temi okoliščinami je zajamčeno, da se položaj nosilca obdelovanca znotraj ravnine Χ/Υ tudi pod veliko obremenitvijo zaradi prečnih sil ne menja prek tolerančne meje in da se zadevne dvojice poravnalnih elementov ne obremenijo preveč.Preferably, the planar dimension of each annular surface is many times greater than the planar dimension of the cross-section of the clamping plug at the location of its longitudinal dimension, which is most loaded. Under these circumstances, it is guaranteed that the position of the workpiece carrier inside the Χ / ravn plane does not change beyond the tolerance limit even under high load due to transverse forces, and that the respective alignment element pairs are not overloaded.

Kar zadeva fiksiranje koordinatnih osi X, Y, Z, se predvideva v principu znana rešitev, pri kateri ima vsaka dvojica linearnih poravnalnih elementov klinasto centrimo ravnilo in protidel z domala prilegajočim se centrimim utorom. V predloženem primeru priporočamo konstrukcijo, pri kateri ima s klinastim centrimim ravnilom sodelujoči protidel dvojice linearnih poravnalnih elementov za fiksiranje koordinatnih osi X, Y, Z v smeri osi Z podaj en, prečno na os Z pa tog del, v katerem se nahaja centrimi utor, pri čemer se smotrno del, ki ima centrimi utor, nahaja sredi protidela med dvema pritrdilnima letvama in je s tema pritrdilnima letvama povezan prek upogibno elastičnih mostičev. Ker protideli zavzemajo več ploskovnega prostora kot centrimi vtiči, utegne biti z vidika potrebe po proštom spenjalnih organov smotrno, da se protidele, ki imajo centrime utore, pritrdi na nosilcu obdelovanca, saj spenjalni vtiči potrebujejo manj ploskovnega prostora kot nasproti ležeče spenjalne glave na osnovnem sklopu.Regarding the fixation of the X, Y, Z coordinate axes, a principle known in principle is foreseen, in which each of the two linear alignment elements has a wedge-centered ruler and a counterbalance with a nearly centered groove. In the present example, we recommend a structure in which the counterpart of the two linear alignment elements for fixing the X, Y, Z coordinate axes in the Z axis direction extends one, and the rigid portion transposed on the Z axis, with the wedge centered ruler, wherein the centering groove portion is located in the middle of the antibody between the two fixing slats and is connected to these fixing slats via flexibly elastic bridges. Since antibodies occupy more planar space than center plugs, in view of the need for loosening of the coupling bodies, it may be prudent to attach the centrally-grooved antibodies to the workpiece carrier, since coupling plugs require less planar space than opposite coupling heads. .

S tem, ko so spenjalni organi in linearni poravnalni elementi razporejeni blizu oboda vpenjalne priprave, se da sredi le-te pustiti prazen prostor za vgraditev manjše vpenjalne priprave. Večja vpenjalna priprava pri tem tvori nosilec za manjšo vpenjalno pripravo in jo je moč s to možnostjo dopolnitve po potrebi uporabiti za večje ali manjše obdelovance.By positioning the clamping bodies and linear alignment elements near the circumference of the clamping device, it is possible to leave a blank space in the middle of the clamping device for the installation of a smaller clamping device. The larger clamping device thus forms a support for the smaller clamping device and can be used with larger or smaller workpieces, if necessary.

Na osnovi priloženih skic se v nadaljnjem pobliže opisuje primer izvedbe izuma. V skicah kažejo:On the basis of the accompanying drawings, an embodiment of the invention will now be described in more detail below. The sketches show:

SL. 1 osnovni sklop vpenjalne priprave v pogledu od zgoraj;FIG. 1 basic assembly of the clamping device in the top view;

SL. 2 osnovni sklop vpenjalne priprave v prerezu;FIG. 2 is a basic cross-sectional assembly assembly;

SL. 3 nosilec obdelovanca vpenjalne priprave v pogledu od spodaj;FIG. 3 shows the workpiece carrier of the clamping device in the bottom view;

SL. 4 nosilec obdelovanca vpenjalne priprave v prerezu; inFIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of the workpiece holder of the clamping device; and

SL. 5 vpenjalno pripravo po skicah SL. 1 do SL. 4 z nosilcem obdelovanca, pozicioniranim in fiksiranim na osnovnem sklopu.FIG. 5 illustrates the clamping arrangement according to FIGS. 1 to FIG. 4 with workpiece carrier positioned and fixed on base assembly.

Predstavljena vpenjalna priprava sestoji iz osnovnega sklopa 1 (SL. 1 in SL. 2) in nosilca 2 obdelovanca (SL. 3 in SL. 4), ki se ga natakne na osnovni sklop 1 in se ga na njem fiksira v definirani legi.The presented clamping device consists of a base assembly 1 (FIG. 1 and FIG. 2) and a workpiece carrier 2 (FIG. 3 and FIG. 4), which is mounted on the base assembly 1 and fixed thereon in a defined position.

Osnovni sklop 1, ki se ga fiksira na delovnem mestu obdelovalnega stroja ali v danem primeru tudi merilne postaje, ima ploščato ohišje 3 kvadratnega tlorisa. Vanj je spravljena spenjalna priprava, ki obsega štiri spenjalne glave 4 z vsakokratnim krogelnim pridržalom, ki so po SL. 1 razporejene centralnosimetrično v štirih vogalih ohišja 3. Na zgornji strani ohišja 3 se nadalje nahajajo štige linearni poravnalni elementi 5, ki so razporejeni drug glede drugega križno, v ostalem pa vsak med dvema sosednima spenjalnima glavama 4. Sredi ohišja 3 je prazen prostor (na SL. 1 ga označuje črtkanopikčasto vrisan krog 6), ki lahko na znan način sprejme osnovni sklop manjše vpenjalne priprave, naprimer takega, kot je uvodoma opisan. Sredstva za fiksiranje osnovnega sklopa 1 na delovnem mestu so kot taka znana in jih tu ne predstavljamo.The base assembly 1, which is fixed at the workplace of the machine tool or, optionally, also the measuring station, has a flat housing of 3 square feet. It is provided with a clamping device comprising four clamping heads 4 with each ball retainer according to FIG. 1 arranged centrally symmetrically in the four corners of the housing 3. On the upper side of the housing 3 there are further dashed linear alignment elements 5 arranged crosswise with respect to each other, each with two adjacent clamping heads 4. In the middle of the housing 3 there is an empty space (at Fig. 1 is indicated by the dotted dotted circle 6), which can accept in a known manner the basic assembly of a smaller clamping device, such as the one described above. The fixings of the base assembly 1 in the workplace are known as such and are not represented here.

Pri na osnovni sklop 1 namestljivem in na njem pritrdljivem nosilcu 2 obdelovanca gre za ploščo 7 s planovzporednima delovnima ploskvama 8 in 9, pri čemer obdelovanec, ki se ga bo obdelalo, na zgornji ploskvi 8 pritrdimo na znan način. Sredstva, ki so potrebna v ta namen, naprimer v plošči 7 predvidene navojne luknje, v skicah niso predstavljena. Pri spodnji ploskvi 9, ki je v vgrajenem stanju nosilca 2 obdelovanca obrnjena k osnovnemu sklopu 1, gre za povsem ravno površino, kjer so s pomočjo vijakov 12 pritajeni tostranski, s poravnalnimi elementi 5 osnovnega sklopa 1 v dvojicah sodelujoči linearni poravnalni elementi 10 in s pomočjo vijakov 13 spenjalni vtiči 11 spenjalne priprave. Za pritrdilne vijake 12, 13 so pripravljene skoznje luknje, kjer imajo pritrdilni vijaki radialno zračnost.In the case of the workpiece 1, the workpiece mountable and fixed to it by the workpiece is a plate 7 with planar parallel working surfaces 8 and 9, with the workpiece to be machined attached to the upper surface 8 in a known manner. The means required for this purpose, such as the threaded holes provided in panel 7, are not shown in the drawings. In the lower surface 9, which faces the base assembly 1 in the mounted state of the workpiece carrier 2, it is a completely flat surface where two-sided linear alignment elements 10 and s cooperate with the alignment elements 5 of the base assembly 1 in pairs. by means of screws 13 clamping plugs 11 clamping device. The mounting screws 12, 13 are provided through holes where the fixing screws have radial clearance.

Vsaka na osnovnem sklopu 1 predvidena spenjalna glava 4 obsega spenjalni tulec 14, ki je v prirejenem izrezu na ohišju 3 osnovnega sklopa 1 pritgen s pomočjo vijakov 15 in ima votli prostor 16 za sprejem spenjalnega vtiča 11. Votli prostor 16 je v vstopnem odseku 17 spenjalnega tulca 14 na ven konično razširjen. Na ta vstopni odsek 17 je vezan obročast odsek 18, kije opremljen z vencem radialno premakljivih zadrževalnih kroglic 19, ki tvorijo krogelno pridržalo. Zadrževalne kroglice 19 pri spenjanju premakne s tlačnim medijem obojestransko obremenljiv bat 20, ki je razporejen v prostoru 21 valja v ohišju 3 in z obročastim nastavkom 22 oklepa obročasti odsek 18 spenjalnega tulca 14. Malo konična notranja ploskev obročastega nastavka 22 je v njenem končnem območju na ven močneje konično razšiijena, pri čemer ta lijakasti del obročastega nastavka 22 na znan način sodeluje z zadrževalnimi kroglicami 19 krogelnega pridržala. K zgornji oz. spodnji strani bata 20 vodita dovoda 23 in 24 za tlačni medij. Bat 20 je razen tega obremenjen s silo tlačnih vzmeti 25, ki so postavljene na sklepno ploščo 26, ki prostor 21 valja od spodaj zapira.Each of the base assembly 1 provided with a clamping head 4 comprises a clamping sleeve 14 which is secured in the recessed cutout on the housing 3 of the base assembly 1 by screws 15 and has a hollow space 16 for receiving the clamping plug 11. The hollow space 16 is in the entry section 17 of the clamping unit. cone 14 extends conically outwards. Attached to this inlet section 17 is an annular section 18 which is provided with a crown of radially movable retaining beads 19 that form a ball retainer. The clamping ball 19 moves with the pressure medium to a bilaterally loaded piston 20 disposed in the cylinder space 21 in the housing 3 and with the annular attachment 22 encloses the annular section 18 of the coupling sleeve 14. The slightly conical inner surface of the annular attachment 22 is in its end region at outwardly more conically expanded, with this funnel portion of the annular attachment 22 interacting in a known manner with the retaining beads 19 of the ball retainer. To the upper or. the lower sides of the piston 20 are guided by the inlets 23 and 24 for the pressure medium. The piston 20 is further loaded by the force of the compression springs 25 which are mounted on the end plate 26 which closes the space 21 from below.

Zgornje čelne strani 27 spenjalnih tulcev 14 ležijo v od zgornje površine ohišja 3 odmaknjeni ravnini in tvorijo obročaste naslonske ploskve, na katere s svojo spodnjo ploskvijo 9 naleže plošča 7 nosilca 2 obdelovanca. Zadevna ploskovna območja 28 plošče 7 so v skici SL. 3 nakazana s pikčastim senčenjem. Te po dve in dve sodelujoče naslonske ploskve 27 in 28 tvorijo dvojice poravnalnih elementov za fiksiranje položaja nosilca 2 obdelovanca v osi Z.The upper front faces 27 of the clamping sleeves 14 lie in a plane that is offset from the upper surface of the housing 3 and form annular abutments, on which the workpiece plate 7 of the workpiece carrier 2 rests with its lower surface 9. The respective plan areas 28 of panel 7 are shown in FIG. 3 indicated by dotted shading. These two and two cooperating support surfaces 27 and 28, respectively, form pairs of alignment members for fixing the position of the workpiece carrier 2 in the Z axis.

Na osnovnem sklopu 1 lahko obstajajo sredstva, ki na znan način omogočijo očiščenje naslonskih ploskev 27, 28 pred njihovo staknitvijo. V ta namen se lahko predvidi kanale za tlačni zrak, ki imajo iztek na čelnih straneh 27 spenjalnih tulcev 14.On base assembly 1, there may be means which in a known manner can be used to clean the support surfaces 27, 28 prior to their removal. For this purpose, air ducts may be provided having an outlet on the front sides of the 27 coupling sleeves 14.

Pri na osnovnem sklopu 1 predvidenih poravnalnih elementih 5 gre po skicah SL. 1 in SL. 2 za prizmatična centrima ravnila 30, ki so vložena v utore 31 ohišja 3 in v njih pritajena z vijaki 32. Pri zunanjih vzdolžnih stranicah centrirnih ravnil 30 gre za nagnjeni ploskvi 33, ki v profilu medsebojno klinasto potekata, pri čemer kot nagnjenosti na vsaki strani znaša okoli 7°. Montaža centrirnih ravnil 30, kar zadeva njihovo natančno lego, ni kritična, saj se da vsakokratni linijsko poravnani klinasti ploskvi 33 dveh medsebojno diametralno druga nasproti drugi nahajajočih se centrirnih ravnil 30, potem ko so ravnila vgrajena, skupaj obrusiti na natančno mero.In the basic assembly 1, the alignment elements 5 provided are as shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 for prismatic center rulers 30, which are inserted into the grooves 31 of the housing 3 and are fastened therein by screws 32. The outer longitudinal sides of the center rulers 30 are inclined surfaces 33 which extend in a wedge-shaped profile with the inclination angle on each side. it is about 7 °. The mounting of the centering rulers 30 in terms of their exact position is not critical, since the respective line-aligned wedge surfaces 33 of the two diametrically opposite one another of the centering rulers 30, after the rulers are installed, can be jointly cut to a precise dimension.

Vsak z linearnim poravnalnim elementom 5 osnovnega sklopa 1 sodelujoči, kot ‘protidel s centrimim utorom’ imenovani poravnalni element 10 nosilca 2 obdelovanca je po skicah SL. 3 in SL. 4 profilirana plošča 40 z med pritrdilnima letvama 41 nahajajočim se srednjim delom 42, ki ima centrirni utor 43 z medsebojno klinasto potekajočima stranskima ploskvama 44, pri čemer kot klina spet znaša okoli 7° na vsaki strani. Srednji del 42 je s pritrdilnima letvama 41 povezan prek upogibnoelastičnih mostičev 45 in na ta način tvori v smeri osi Z podaj en, prečno na os Z pa tog del. Vsak od s spenjalno glavo 14 sodelujočih spenjalnih vtičev 11 ima po skici SL. 4 na svojem prostem koncu žmulo 50, ki je na svoji zadnji strani omejena s konično obročasto ploskvijo 51, kjer nalezejo zadrževalne kroglice 19 spenjalne glaveEach participant with a linear alignment element 5 of the base assembly 1, as the 'centered groove antibody', the named alignment element 10 of the workpiece carrier 2 is shown in FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 is a profiled plate 40 with a median portion 42 between the fasteners 41 having a center groove 43 with a wedge-shaped lateral face plate 44, with the wedge angle again about 7 ° on each side. The middle portion 42 is connected to the mounting brackets 41 via bending elastic bridges 45 and thus forms a rigid portion in the direction of the Z axis and transversely to the Z axis. Each of the clamping head 14 of the cooperating clamping plugs 11 has, according to FIG. 4 at its free end, the buzzer 50, which is bounded at its rear by a conical annular surface 51, where the retaining beads 19 of the clamping head


Pri skici SL. 2 gre za predstavitev osnovnega sklopa 1 v stanju mirovanja. Bate 20 spenjalnih glav 4 obremenjujejo, ker ni tlačne obremenitve, edinole tlačne vzmeti 25, ki bate 20 tiščijo k spenjalnemu tulcu 14. Pri tej legi batov se zadrževalne kroglice 19 krogelnega pridržala nahajajo v skrajnem zadrževalnem položaju, kjer po sebi znana, tu nepredstavljena sredstva zadrževalne kroglice 19 varujejo pred izpadom iz njihovih ležišč v votli prostor 16 spenjalnega tulca 14.In the FIG. 2 is a representation of the base station 1 in idle state. The pistons 20 of the clamping heads 4 are loaded because there is no compressive load, only the compression springs 25 which press the pistons 20 to the clamping sleeve 14. In this position of the pistons, the retaining balls 19 of the ball retainer are in the extreme restraint position, where inherently unknown means are present here. the retaining beads 19 protect against falling out of their beds into the hollow space 16 of the coupling sleeve 14.

Da se osnovni sklop 1 pripravi za sprejem nosilca 2 obdelovanca, se zgornjo stran batov 20 prek dovodnih kanalov 23 obremeni s tlačnim medijem, naprimer stisnjenim zrakom, nakar se bati 20 premaknejo proti sili tlačnih vzmeti 25 proč od spenjalnih tulcev 14 v spodnji končni položaj in s tem krogelno pridržalo sprostijo za prehod spenjalnih vtičev 11 nosilca 2 obdelovanca. Ko se spenjalni vtič 11 zapelje v zadevni spenjalni tulec 14, na čelu spenjalnega vtiča 11 nahajajoča se žmula 50 (SL. 4) zadrževalne krogle 19 potisne radialno ven.In order to prepare the base assembly 1 to receive the workpiece carrier 2, the upper side of the pistons 20 is pressurized through the inlet channels 23, such as compressed air, and then the pistons 20 are moved against the force of the pressure springs 25 away from the coupling sleeves 14 to the lower end position, and thereby releasing the ball retainer for the passage of the coupling plugs 11 of the workpiece carrier 2. When the clamping plug 11 is inserted into the clamping sleeve 14 in question, the locating bead 50 (FIG. 4) of the retaining ball 19 pushes radially out at the head of the clamping plug 11.

Ko nosilec 2 obdelovanca nameščamo na osnovni sklop 1, v konični vstopni odsek 17 spenjalnih tulcev 14 vstopajoči spenjalni vtiči 11 poskrbijo za predpozicioniranje nosilca 2 obdelovanca, tako da po dve in dve sodelujoči dvojici poravnalnih elementov 5,10 medsebojno ubereta, pri čemer vsakokrat centrimo ravnilo 30 ubere z utorom 43 protidela 10. Ko je nosilec 2 obdelovanca prosto nataknjen na osnovni sklop 1 in zatem prekinemo dovod komprimiranega zraka po kanalih 23, tlačne vzmeti 25, s tem ko pritisnejo bate 20 proti spenjalnim tulcem 14, zaprejo krogelno pridržalo, pri čemer vsakokratni obročasti nastavek 22 bata 20 s svojim lijakastim delom zadrževalne kroglice 19 premakne radialno noter, tako da le-te zgrabijo z zadnje strani žmulo 50 spenjalnega vtiča 11. Najkasneje v tej fazi vključimo normalno razpoložljiva sredstva za očiščevalno opihanje naslonskih ploskev 27, 28, ki na znan način, prek meijenja, tudi dopuščajo kontrolo operacije spenjanja.When the workpiece carrier 2 is mounted on the base assembly 1, the inlet clamping plugs 11 provide a pre-positioning of the workpiece carrier 2 in the conical inlet section 17 of the coupling sleeves, so that two and two cooperating pairs of alignment elements 5.10 are recovered from each other, centering the ruler each time. 30 is harvested by the slots 43 of the antibody 10. When the workpiece carrier 2 is freely attached to the base assembly 1 and then interrupted the supply of compressed air through the channels 23, the pressure springs 25 by pushing the pistons 20 against the clamping sleeves 14, closing the ball retainer, in each case, the annular nozzle 22 of the piston 20 moves radially inward with its funnel portion of the retaining ball 19, so that they are grabbed from the back by the clamp 50 of the clamping plug 11. At the latest, at this stage, the normally available cleaning agents for the backrests 27, 28 are included. in a known manner, through bordering, they also allow the coupling operation to be controlled.

Na osnovni sklop 1 nataknjen nosilec 2 obdelovanca zategnemo po SL. 5 prek obremenitve spodnje strani bata 20 s prek kanalov 24 dovedenim stisnjenim zrakom. Zadrževalne kroglice 19 se s tem z večjo silo sune radialno noter, nakar le-te s svojim povečanim radialnim pritiskom s tiščanjem na konično obročasto ploskev 51 (SL. 4) spenjalnih vtičev 11 le-te zategujejo v spenjalno glavo 4. Pri tem koraku se linearni poravnalni elementi 5, s tem ko se vsako klinasto centrimo ravnilo 30 uleže v zadevni utor 43 protidela 10, natančno poravnajo s pripadajočimi poravnalnimi elementi 10, pri čemer pride vsakokrat do ploskovnega stika medsebojno ubirajočih poševnih ploskev 33, 44 (SL. 2 in SL. 4). Do tega ubiranja pride, preden plošča 7 nosilca 2 obdelovanca tomosklepno naleže na obročaste naslonske ploskve 27 spenjalnih tulcevTighten the workpiece carrier 2 mounted on the base assembly 1 according to FIG. 5 through compression of the underside of the piston 20 s through the ducts 24 supplied with compressed air. The retaining beads 19 are thereby radially inwardly forced into the retaining ball 19 and then by their increased radial pressure, they are tightened to the clamping head 11 (Fig. 4) of the clamping plugs 11 into the clamping head 4. In this step, the linear alignment elements 5, by aligning each wedge-centered ruler 30 with the respective groove 43 of the antibody 10, are aligned precisely with the corresponding alignment elements 10, each time contacting the mutually engaging sloping surfaces 33, 44 (FIG. 2 and SL). 4). This pick-up occurs before the workpiece carrier carrier plate 7 is then locked in place on the annular support surfaces of the 27 coupling sleeves.

14. S tem sta z vidika zasuka predpisna lega nosilca obdelovanca v ravnini Χ/Υ in lega14. Thus, from the point of view of rotation, the position of the workpiece carrier in the plane Χ / Υ and the position

-1010 osi Z fiksirani že pred dokončno povezavo nosilca obdelovanca 2 z osnovnim sklopom-1010 Z axis fixed already before the workpiece carrier 2 is finally connected to the base assembly


V sklepni fazi vpenjanja se centrima ravnila 30 močno vtisne v utore 43 proti delov 10, katerih srednji del 42 se pod učinkom te sile upogne v smeri osi Z. V končnem stanju spenjanja, kot ga kaže skica SL. 5, plošča 7 nosilca 2 obdelovanca s svojo ravno spodnjo stranjo 9 pod visokim tlakom nalega na naslonsko ploskev 27 osnovnega sklopa. To skupaj s sorazmerno velikoploskovnim stikom privede do silosklepnosti, ki zmore prenašati tudi velike prečne sile. Posledično je protidelom 10, ki služijo kot linearni poravnalni elementi, prenašanje prečnih sil v bistvu prihranjeno. Na ta način se da siceršnje raztezanje oz. krčenje upogibnoelastičnih mostičev 45 in s tem povezan prečni premik nosilca 2 obdelovanca držati v dopustnih mejah.In the final clamping phase, the centers of the ruler 30 are strongly pressed into the grooves 43 towards the parts 10, the middle portion 42 of which, under the effect of this force, bends in the direction of the Z axis. In the final coupling state, as shown in FIG. 5, the workpiece carrier plate 7 with its flat underside 9 under high pressure rests on the support surface 27 of the base assembly. This, together with relatively large-scale contact, results in a silo, which can also withstand large transverse forces. As a result, the transmittance of the transverse forces is essentially spared to the antibodies 10, which serve as linear alignment elements. In this way, otherwise stretching or stretching is possible. shrinkage of bending bridges 45 and the associated transverse displacement of the workpiece carrier 2 to keep within permissible limits.

Nosilec 2 obdelovanca opisane vpenjalne priprave je moč brez nadaljnjega s spenjalnimi vtiči 11 kot nogami odstaviti na odlagalno ploskev, saj čelne strani spenjalnih vtičev 11 nimajo nikakršne poravnalne funkcije in zato nanje ni treba kaj posebno paziti.The carrier 2 of the workpiece of the described clamping device can be further removed with the clamping plugs 11 as legs to the mounting surface, since the front sides of the clamping plugs 11 have no alignment function and therefore no special care is required.

Claims (14)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Priprava za pozicijsko definirano vpetje obdelovanca na delovnem mestu obdelovalnega stroja, z osnovnim sklopom (1), ki se ga fiksira na delovnem mestu obdelovalnega stroja, in nosilcem (2) obdelovanca, ki se ga namesti na omenjeni osnovni sklop, kjer ga vpnemo, nadalje z na osnovnem sklopu in nosilcu obdelovanca predvidenimi poravnalnimi elementi (5, 10, 27, 28), ki delujejo v dvojicah in nosilec obdelovanca glede na osnovni sklop poravnajo v treh druga na drugo pravokotno postavljenih koordinatnih oseh (X, Y, Z) in ga pravilno zasukajo, ter s spenjalno pripravo (4, 11), katere spenjalna sila nosilec (2) obdelovanca drži na osnovnem sklopu (1) v položaju, kot ga določijo poravnalni elementi, značilna po kombinaciji vsaj dveh od naslednjih značilnosti:A device for positionally defined mounting of a workpiece at the workpiece workstation, with a base assembly (1) fixed at the workpiece workstation and a workpiece holder (2) mounted on said workpiece assembly where it is clamped , in addition, the alignment elements (5, 10, 27, 28) provided in pairs and the workpiece carrier with respect to the basic assembly are aligned in three coordinate axes arranged perpendicularly to each other with the base assembly and the workpiece carrier (X, Y, Z). and properly rotated, and with a clamping device (4, 11), the clamping force of which holds the workpiece carrier (2) on the base assembly (1) in a position determined by the alignment members, characterized by the combination of at least two of the following characteristics: • kot dvojice poravnalnih elementov za fiksiranje položaja v glede na linijo delovanja spenjalne sile vzporedni koordinatni osi (Z) so na osnovnem sklopu in nosilcu obdelovanca na voljo druga nasproti drugi nahajajoče se naslonske ploskve (27, 28), medtem ko sta za fiksiranje položaja v obeh drugih koordinatnih oseh (X, Y) za vsako koordinatno os posebej predvideni dve dvojici linearnih poravnalnih elementov (5, 10), ki imata po eno klinasto centrimo ravnilo (30) in en protidel (40) z ravnilu prilegajočim se centrimim utorom (43);• as two pairs of alignment elements for position fixing in relation to the line of action of the coupling force, parallel coordinate axes (Z) are available on the base assembly and the workpiece carrier opposite to each other, the supporting surfaces (27, 28), while for position fixing in of two other coordinate axes (X, Y), for each coordinate axis, are provided for two pairs of linear alignment elements (5, 10) having one wedge-centered ruler (30) and one antibody (40) with a ruler-centered groove (43) ); • spenjalna priprava obsega spenjalne organe (4, 11), ki imajo po en na nosilcu (2) obdelovanca razporejen spenjalni vtič (11) in eno na osnovnem sklopu (1) razporejeno spenjalno glavo (4); in • nosilec (2) obdelovanca ima na strani, ki je v vpetem stanju obrnjena proti osnovnemu sklopu (1), vseskozi ravno površino, ki po območjih tvori tostranske naslonske ploskve (28) in na kateri so pritijeni tostranski linearni poravnalni elementi (10) za fiksiranje koordinatnih osi (X, Y, Z) in spenjalni vtiči (11) spenjalnih organov (4, 11).The clamping device comprises clamping bodies (4, 11) having one clamping plug (11) and one clamping head (4) arranged on the workpiece carrier (2), and one clamping head (4) arranged on the base assembly (1); and • the workpiece carrier (2) has a flat surface, which forms the two-sided abutment surfaces (28) on the side, which is in the engaged state facing the base assembly (1), and on which the lateral linear alignment elements (10) are attached. for fixing the coordinate axes (X, Y, Z) and clamping plugs (11) of the clamping bodies (4, 11). 2. Priprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da nosilec (2) obdelovanca tvori plošča (7) s planovzporednima delovnima ploskvama (8, 9).Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the workpiece carrier (2) is formed by a plate (7) with planar parallel working surfaces (8, 9). -1212-1212 3. Priprava po zahtevku 2, značilna po tem, da ima plošča (7) skoznje luknje za vtaknite v vijakov (12, 13) za pritrditev tostranskih linearnih poravnalnih elementov (10) in spenjalnih vtičev (11).Device according to Claim 2, characterized in that the plate (7) has through holes to be inserted into the screws (12, 13) for attaching the toe linear alignment elements (10) and the clamping plugs (11). 4. Priprava po zahtevku 3, značilna po tem, da imajo pritrdilni vijaki (12, 13) v zadevnih skoznjih luknjah radialno zračnost.Device according to claim 3, characterized in that the mounting screws (12, 13) have radial clearance in the respective through holes. 5. Priprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da gre pri osnovnemu sklopu (1) prirejenih naslonskih ploskvah za od zgornje strani osnovnega sklopa odmaknjene obročaste ploskve (27), ki so vsakokrat razporejene koncentrično s spenjalno glavo (4) in neposredno mejijo na gibalni prostor le-te za spenjalni vtič (11).Apparatus according to Claim 1, characterized in that the base assembly (1) of the adjoining support surfaces is disposed annularly from the top of the base assembly (27), which are in each case arranged concentrically with the clamping head (4) and directly adjacent to the movement space of the clamping plug (11). 6. Priprava po zahtevku 5, značilna po tem, da je ploskovna razsežnost vsake obročaste ploskve (27) za večkratnik večja od ploskovne razsežnosti preseka spenjalnega vtiča (11) na tistem mestu njegove dolžine, kjer je le-ta najbolj obremenjen.Device according to claim 5, characterized in that the planar dimension of each annular surface (27) is several times greater than the planar dimension of the cross-section of the coupling plug (11) at the point where it is most loaded. 7. Priprava po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da ima osnovni sklop (1) ploščato ohišje (3) štirioglatega tlorisa, kjer so spravljene štiri spenjalne glave (4) s krogelnim pridržalom in središčno simetrično razporejene v štirih oglih ohišja (3).Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the base assembly (1) has a flat housing (3) of a quadrangular floor plan, with four clamping heads (4) with ball attachment and centrally symmetrically arranged in four corners of the housing (3). ). 8. Priprava po zahtevkih 5 in 7, značilna po tem, da imajo spenjalne glave po en z zadrževalnimi kroglicami (19) opremljen spenjalni tulec (14), ki štrli nad ohišje (3) in katerega čelna stran tvori naslonsko ploskev (27) osnovnega sklopa (1).Device according to Claims 5 and 7, characterized in that the clamping heads, each with retaining beads (19), are provided with a clamping sleeve (14) projecting above the housing (3) and the front side of which forms the support surface (27) of the base assembly (1). 9. Priprava po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da ima s klinastim centrimim ravnilom (30) sodelujoči protidel (10) dvojic linearnih poravnalnih elementov za fiksiranje koordinatnih osi (X, Y, Z) v smeri osi Z podaj en, prečno na os Z pa tog del (42), kjer se nahaja centrirni utor (43).Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that, with the wedge-centered ruler (30), the counterpart (10) of the pairs of linear alignment elements for fixing the coordinate axes (X, Y, Z) in the direction of the Z axis is provided with one transverse on the Z axis, the rigid part (42) where the centering groove (43) is located. -1313-1313 10. Priprava po zahtevku 9, značilna po tem, da se del (42), ki ima centrirni utor (43), nahaja sredi protidela (10) med pritrdilnima letvama (41) in je s slednjima povezan prek upogibnoelastičnih mostičev (45).Device according to claim 9, characterized in that the part (42) having the centering groove (43) is located in the middle of the antibody (10) between the fixing slats (41) and is connected to the latter by bending elastic bridges (45). 11. Priprava po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da imajo klinasti centrirni elementi (30) prizmatično zasnovo in so vloženi v utore (31) in v njih pritrjeni s pomočjo vijakov (32), pri čemer ima iz utorov (31) ven štrleč del vzdolžnih stranic centrirnih ravnil (30) poševni ploskvi (33).Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the wedge-shaped centering elements (30) have a prismatic design and are inserted into the grooves (31) and secured therein by means of screws (32), having from the grooves (31) projecting out of the longitudinal sides of the centering rulers (30) of the oblique surface (33). 12. Priprava po zahtevku 11, značilna po tem, da kot klina poševnih ploskev (33) centrirnih ravnil (30) obojestransko znaša okoli 7°.Device according to Claim 11, characterized in that the angle of the wedge of the oblique surfaces (33) of the centering rulers (30) is approximately 7 ° on both sides. 13. Priprava po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da gre pri za fiksiranje koordinatnih osi (X, Y, Z) pripravljenih dvojicah linearnih poravnalnih elementov (5, 10) za tako razporeditev med naslonskimi ploskvami (27, 28), da se presečišče osi nahaja vsaj približno sredi sistemske ploskve priprave.Apparatus according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the coordinate axes (X, Y, Z) of the prepared pair of linear alignment elements (5, 10) are arranged so as to be arranged between the support surfaces (27, 28) such that the intersection of the axes is located at least approximately in the middle of the system plot of the preparation. 14. Priprava po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da so poravnalni elementi (5), ki jih tvorijo klinasta centrima ravnila (30), pririjena na osnovnem sklopu (1), protideli (10), ki imajo centrirni utor (43), pa na nosilcu (2) obdelovanca.Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the alignment elements (5) formed by the wedge-centered rulers (30) attached to the base assembly (1) are antibodies (10) having a centering groove (43). ) on the workpiece carrier (2).
SI200200103A 2002-04-18 2002-04-18 Workpiece clamping device SI21177A (en)

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