SE537535C2 - Milk cooling tank and Milk cooling method - Google Patents

Milk cooling tank and Milk cooling method Download PDF


Publication number
SE537535C2 SE1351183A SE1351183A SE537535C2 SE 537535 C2 SE537535 C2 SE 537535C2 SE 1351183 A SE1351183 A SE 1351183A SE 1351183 A SE1351183 A SE 1351183A SE 537535 C2 SE537535 C2 SE 537535C2
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cooling liquid
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SE1351183A1 (en
Willem Alberts
Original Assignee
Delaval Holding Ab
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Application filed by Delaval Holding Ab filed Critical Delaval Holding Ab
Priority to SE1351183A priority Critical patent/SE537535C2/en
Priority to PCT/SE2014/051159 priority patent/WO2015053692A1/en
Publication of SE1351183A1 publication Critical patent/SE1351183A1/en
Publication of SE537535C2 publication Critical patent/SE537535C2/en



    • A01J9/00Milk receptacles
    • A01J9/04Milk receptacles with cooling arrangements
    • F25D31/00Other cooling or freezing apparatus
    • F25D31/006Other cooling or freezing apparatus specially adapted for cooling receptacles, e.g. tanks


13 ABSTRACT Herein a milk cooling tank (2) arranged to store milk at an animal milking site is disclosed.The milk cooling tank (2) comprises: a tank housing (4) provided with a milk storage space(18), a milk passage opening (20) in the tank housing (4) enabling passing of milk into andout of the milk storage space (18), and an evaporator (8). The milk cooling tank (2) comprises a cooling liquid passage (10) separate from the milk storage space ( 18). The cooling liquid passage (10) extends in thermal contact along a portion of the evaporator (8). Further, a method of cooling milk in connection with a milk cooling tank (2) is disclosed. Elected for publication: Fig. 2


537 5 Mjoikkyltank och Mjaikkylningsmetod TEKNISKT OMRADE Fareliggande uppf inning avser en mjalkkyltank for lagring av mjolk vid en mjalkningsanlaggning for djur. Uppfinningen avser aven en mjalkkylningsmetod 1 anslutning till en sadan mjalkkyltank, BAKGRUND Vid mjalkningsanlaggningar far djur maste mjalken kyles en viss tid innan mjalken hamtas och transporteras till ett mejeri. Kylning av mjalken är nadvandig for att inte mjalkkvaliteten ska forstoras. I en mjalkkyltank vid en mjolkningsanlaggning far djur forvaras rnjolk vid ungefar 4 grader celsius. TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a milk cooling tank for storing milk at a milking parlor for animals. The invention also relates to a milk cooling method 1 connection to such a milk cooling tank, BACKGROUND In milking parlors, animals must cool the milk for a certain time before the milk is picked up and transported to a dairy. Cooling the milk is necessary so that the milk quality is not increased. In a milk cooling tank at a milking parlor, animals are kept rennjolk at about 4 degrees Celsius.

Vid mjalkningsaniaggningar for djur dar .atminstone en autornatisk mjalkningsstation anvands far den fullstandigt autornatiska rnjolknirigen av mjalkdjur fladar mjolk kontinuerligt eller fladar mjolk intermittent med relativt korta tidsintervall mellan mjalkningarna in i en mjalkkyltank. Detta innebar att varm mjalk fran den automatiska nijolkningsstationen kontinuerligt tillfors mjolkkyltanken, atminstone vissa perioder under en dag. Den kontinuerliga tillforseln av varm mjalk medfar att det kan vara svart att bibehalla en lag temperatur I mjaikkyltankens inlopp, Detta ken farorsaka problem med bakterietillvaxt for mjolkkyltankar dar tiden mellan tamningar är I 72-tirnmars interval'. In milking facilities for animals where at least one automatic milking station is used, the completely automatic milking system of dairy animals flattens milk continuously or flattens milk intermittently with relatively short time intervals between milkings into a milk cooling tank. This meant that hot milk from the automatic reinterpretation station was continuously supplied to the milk cooling tank, at least for certain periods during a day. The continuous supply of hot milk means that it can be difficult to maintain a low temperature in the inlet of the milk cooling tank. This can cause problems with bacterial growth for milk cooling tanks where the time between taming is in the 72-hour interval.

For att undvika eller atminstone minska bakterietillvaxten ken en sakallad instant cooler, en varrnevaxlare sasom en plattvarmevaxlare anondnas I anslutning till mjdikledningen som leder fran mjalkstationen till mjalkkyltanken far att kyle mjolken med kallt kranvatten. Saledes ar rnjolken som tillfors mjalkkyltankens inlopp redan kyld I mindre eller hogre utstrackning. To avoid or at least reduce bacterial growth, a so-called instant cooler, a heat exchanger such as a plate heat exchanger, is used. In connection with the milk line leading from the milking station to the milk cooling tank, the milk must be cooled with cold tap water. Thus, the milk that is supplied to the inlet of the milk cooling tank is already cooled to a lesser or greater extent.

Det finns behav av en forbattrad mjalkforvaring dar bakterietillvaxten ken minskas. There is a behavior of improved milk storage where bacterial growth is reduced.

SAMMANFATTNING Det ar ett andamal med fareliggande uppf inning att erhalla en mjolkkyltank, vilken är flexibel och vilken är anvandbar for fler funktioner. SUMMARY It is an object of the present invention to provide a milk cooling tank which is flexible and which can be used for more functions.

Enligt en aspekt av uppfinningen ernalls andamalet med en mjolkkyltank farlagring av mjalk anslutning till en mjalkningsanlaggning far djur, varvid mjolkkyltanken omfatter: en tankbehallare anordnad med ett mjOlklagringsutrymme, 1 537 5 en mjalkpassageoppning tankbehallaren vilken majligger mjolkpassage in och ut fran mplklagringsutrymmet, och en ferangare anpassad att foranga ett kylmeclel dari i syfte att kyla mjolk mjolklagringsutryrnmet. IVijolkkyltanken omfattar en kylvatskepassage separat fran mjalklagringsutrymmet vilken stracker sig i termisk kontakt utmed en del av frirengaren och vilken är anpassad att motta en kylvatska som kyls av kylmedlet. According to one aspect of the invention, the purpose of a milk cooling tank is to provide storage of milk connected to a milking plant for animals, the milk cooling tank comprising: a tank container provided with a milk storage space, a milk passage opening the tank container which adjoins milk passage in and out of a milk compartment to evaporate a cooling medium in order to cool milk the milk storage equipment. The oil cooling tank comprises a cooling water passage separate from the milk storage space which extends in thermal contact along a part of the free cleaner and which is adapted to receive a cooling water which is cooled by the coolant.

Da mjalkkyltanken omfattar en kylvatskepassage som stracker sig itermisk kontakt utmed en del av forangaren kan en kylvatska produceras i kylvatskepassagen redo aft anvandas far kylning av utrustning utanfor mjolklagringsutrymmet. Harigenom erhallas oven namrida andamal. Since the milk cooling tank comprises a cooling water passage which extends for thermal contact along a part of the evaporator, a cooling water can be produced in the cooling water passage ready to be used for cooling equipment outside the milk storage space. Harigenom is obtained oven namrida andamal.

Uppfinnaren her insett aft rnjoiktankens farangare kan anvandas for kylning av kylvat..ska som anvands i annan utrustning an sjalva rnjoikkyltanken. Sarskilt kan kylvatskan anvandas i varmevaxiare for kylning av mjalk som ska tillferas mjoikkyltankens lagringsutrymme. The inventor here realized that the passenger compartment of the refill tank can be used for cooling cooling water which is used in equipment other than the refill tank itself. Separately, the cooling liquid can be used in a heat exchanger for cooling milk that is to be added to the storage space of the soft cooling tank.

Harigenorn, kan bakterietillvaxt mjalkkyltanken minskas. Harigenorn, bacterial growth in the milk cooling tank can be reduced.

Mjalkkyltanken kan anpassas for att anvandas I mjalkningsanlaggningar for djur vilka innefattar en eller tiara automatiska mAlkningsmaskiner far helt automatiserad rnjolkning av mjolkdjur. Selades kan mjalkkyltanken vara anpassad att motta ett kontinuerligt rnjoikflade ochieller ett intermittent rnjolkflade. Varje mfolkning kan skapa ett separat rnjoikflode till mjalkkyltanken, Vid intermittent mjalkflode ken intervallet mellan tva mjolkningar ligga spannet sekunder upp till ungefar en timme under dagticl beroende pa antalet mjolkdjur och antalet automatiska rnjolkningsmaskiner. Under flatten kan intervallet rnellan tva mjalkningar Oka till flera timmar. Mjolkkyltanken kan vara anpassad for tamning I 48-timmars intervallea forslagsvis upp till 72-timmars intervaller. The milk cooling tank can be adapted for use in milking systems for animals which include one or more automatic milking machines for fully automated milking of dairy animals. Sealed, the milk cooling tank can be adapted to receive a continuous rye surface or an intermittent runny surface. Each population can create a separate milk flow to the milk cooling tank. In the case of intermittent milk flow, the interval between two milkings can range from seconds up to about one hour during the day, depending on the number of dairy animals and the number of automatic milk machines. Under the flat, the interval rnellan two milkings can Increase to several hours. The milk cooling tank can be adapted for taming at 48-hour intervals, up to 72-hour intervals.

Att kylvatskepassagen ar separat fran mjaiklagringsutrymmet innebar all kylvatskepassagen avgransar ett utrymme separat fran mjolklagringsutryrnmet. Det vill saga att vatskan i kylvatskepassagen inte kommer att blandas med vatskan i mjolklagringsutrymmet. The fact that the coolant passage is separate from the milk storage space meant that all the coolant passage defines a space separate from the milk storage space. This means that the liquid in the coolant passage will not be mixed with the liquid in the milk storage space.

Mjalkkyltanken kan vara placerad i ett rum avskilt fran djuren i ett cljurhallningsomrade och avskilt fran ett injolkningsomrade omfattande en mjalkningsmaskin. Djurhaliningsomradet kan forsiagsvis vara en lade eller ett betesornrade. Atminstone en mjalkledning fran den automatiska mjalkningsmaskinen kan leda till ett inlopp has mjalkkyltanken. 2 537 5 En tankrendoringsmaskin far automatisk rengaring av mjolkkyltanken kan vara anordnad anslutning till mjaikkyltanken. Efter tarnning av mjoikkyltanken startas mjaikrengaringsmaskinen och mjalk fran mjOlkmaskinen tillats inte in i mjoikkyltanken färrän rengoringen avslutats. The milk cooling tank may be located in a room separate from the animals in a milking parlor and separated from a milking parlor comprising a milking machine. The animal hauling area may preferably be a barn or a grazing area. At least one milk line from the automatic milking machine can lead to an inlet having the milk cooling tank. 2 537 5 A tank cleaning machine for automatic cleaning of the milk cooling tank can be arranged connected to the milk cooling tank. After camouflage of the soft cooling tank, the milk cleaning machine is started and milk from the milking machine is not allowed into the soft cooling tank until the cleaning is completed.

Enligt utforingsformer kan kylvatskepassagen omfatta -n forsta anslutningsande och en andra anslutningsande anordnade atkomliga fran utsidan av tankbehallaren och kan vara anpassade att ansiutas till utrustning som ska kylas av en kylvatska kyld kylvatskepassagen. Pa della satt kan utrustning som utnyttjar en kylvatska fOrses med kylvatska fran mjelkkyltanken. Var och en av den forsta och den andra anslutningsanden kan vara forsedd med en anslutningsanordning sasom en gangad rorande eller en ventil, men kan aven bara utgoras av en rorande till vilken rorande ett anslutningsrar kan svetsas, Iddas eller krympas. According to embodiments, the cooling water passage may comprise a first connecting end and a second connecting end arranged accessible from the outside of the tank container and may be adapted to be connected to equipment to be cooled by a cooling water cooled cooling water passage. In some ways, equipment that utilizes a coolant can be supplied with coolant from the milk cooling tank. Each of the first and second connecting ends may be provided with a connecting device such as a threaded rudder or a valve, but may also only consist of a rudder to which rudder a connecting rudder can be welded, welded or crimped.

Enligt utforingsformer, kan farangaren bilda en del av en avgransande yta has mjalklagringsutrymmet I tankbehallaren och kylvatskepassagen kan vara anordnad anslutning till en yta has fOrangaren dar forengaren inte är i kontakt med mjolk. Alternativt, kan fbrangaren bilda en del av en avgransande yta hos mjalklagringsutrymimet tankbehallaren och kylvatskepassagen kan vara anordnad pa farangarens side som är kontakt mad mjiblken. According to embodiments, the foranger can form a part of a delimiting surface has the milk storage space. In the tank container and the coolant passage a connection can be arranged to a surface has the forerunner where the foranger is not in contact with milk. Alternatively, the separator may form part of a delimiting surface of the milk storage space of the tank container and the coolant passage may be arranged on the side of the passenger which is in contact with the milk.

Enligt utforingsformer kan mjalkkyltanken ornfatta en raranslutning koppiad till mjalkpassageoppningen, roranslutningen omfattar ett mjolkinlopp for anslutning till en rnjolkmaskin has mjdikningsanlaggningen for djur och ett mjalkutlopp anpassat aft temporart vara ansiutet till en mjolkuppsarnlingsanordning nar mjalkkyltanken ska tommas. According to embodiments, the milk cooling tank may comprise a milk connection connected to the milk passage opening, the pipe connection comprises a milk inlet for connection to a milking machine having the animal thickening plant and a milk outlet adapted to be temporarily connected to a milk collection device when milk milk is to be cooled.

Roranslutningen kan bilda en varmevaxiare som innefattar en mjalkkanal och en kylvatskekanal. Kylvatskepassagen kan vara ansluten till kylvatskekanalen. Pa detta satt kan en varmevaxlare vara integrerad med mjiilkinloppet has mjolkkyltanken och mjalken som fladar in i mjolkkyltanken kan kylas I samband med att den kommer in I mjalkkyltanken. The pipe connection can form a heat exchanger which comprises a milk channel and a cooling water channel. The coolant passage may be connected to the coolant channel. In this way, a heat exchanger can be integrated with the milk inlet having the milk cooling tank and the milk which flattens into the milk cooling tank can be cooled in connection with it entering the milk cooling tank.

Harigenom kan bakterietillvaxt minskas. As a result, bacterial growth can be reduced.

Enligt utforingsformer kan kylvatskepassagen omfatta en kylvatskerar lindat runt en rorkropp has roranslutningen. According to embodiments, the cooling water passage may comprise a cooling vessel wound around a rudder body having the rudder connection.

Enligt ytterligare utfdringsformer kan kylvatskekanalen bildas mellan en rorkropp has raranslutningen och ett vaggelement anslutet till rorkroppen. 3 537 5 Enligt utforingsformer ken mjalkkyltanken omfatta en cirkulationspump kopplad till kylvatskepassagen och kylvatskekanalen. Pa detta satt ken kylvatska cirkulera mellan kylvatskepassagen I termisk kontakt med forangaren och kylvatskekanalen for att kyle mjalk roranslutningens mjalkkanal. According to further embodiments, the cooling water channel can be formed between a rudder body having the pipe connection and a cradle element connected to the rudder body. According to embodiments, the milk cooling tank may comprise a circulation pump connected to the coolant passage and the coolant channel. In this way, coolant liquid circulates between the coolant passage in thermal contact with the evaporator and the coolant channel to cool the milk channel of the pipe connection.

Det ar ett ytterligare andamal med foreliggande uppfinning att erhalla en alternativ mjblkkylningsmetod i anslutning till en rnjolkkyltank. It is a further object of the present invention to provide an alternative milk cooling method in connection with a milk cooling tank.

Enligt en aspekt av uppfinningen erhalls det ytterligare andamalet med en mjalkkylningsmetod i anslutning till en mjalkkyltank anorcinad att lagra mjelk pa en mjalkningsanlaggning for djur. Mjalkkyltanken omfatter: en tankbehallare med ett mjalklagringsutrymme och en mjrilkpassageoppning i tankbehallaren, en forangere, en kylvatskepassage separat fran mjalklagringsutrymmet, kylvatskepassagen stracker sig termisk kontakt utmed en del av farangaren och en roranslutning som är kopplad till mjelkpassageOppningen. Roranslutningen omfatter ett mjalkinlopp far anslutning till en mjolkmaskin pa mjalkningsanlaggningen for djur och ett mjalutlopp anpassat att temporart kopplas till en rnjalkuppsamlingsanordning nar mjalkkyltanken ska tommas. Raranslutningen bildar en varmevaxiare som omfatter en mjalkkanal och en kylvatskekanal. Mjalkyltanken omfatter dessutom en cirkulationspump kopplad till kylvatskepassagen och kylvatskekanalen. Metoden omfatter: -forangning av ett kylmedel I farangaren fi5r att kyle mjalk I injolklagringsutrymmer och for att kyle en kylvatske i kylvatskepassagen och cirkulering av kylvatska genom kylvatskepassagen och kylvatskekanalen med cirkulationspumpen. According to one aspect of the invention, there is further provided the object of a milk cooling method in connection with a milk cooling tank anorcinated to store milk at an animal milking parlor. The milk cooling tank comprises: a tank container with a milk storage space and a milk passage opening in the tank container, an evaporator, a coolant passage separate from the milk storage space, the coolant passage extends thermal contact along a part of the passenger and a pipe connection connected to the milk passage. The pipe connection comprises a milk inlet connected to a milking machine at the milking plant for animals and a flour outlet adapted to be temporarily connected to a milk collection device when the milk cooling tank is to be emptied. The tube connection forms a heat exchanger which comprises a milk channel and a cooling water channel. The milk cooling tank also comprises a circulation pump connected to the coolant passage and the coolant channel. The method comprises: evaporating a coolant in the passenger compartment to cool milk in injection storage spaces and to cool a coolant in the coolant passage and circulating coolant through the coolant passage and the coolant channel with the circulation pump.

Eftersom kylvatskan kyls I kylvatskepassagen som er i termisk kontakt med forangaren och cirkuleres genom kylvatskepassagen och kylvatskekanalen has raranslutningen has mjalkkyltanken kyls mjalken som komrner in i roranslutningen i samband med att mjalken kommer in i mjalkkyltanken. Harigenom erhalls det oven nemnde andemelet. Bakterietillvaxt mjblkkyltanken ken minskas. Since the coolant is cooled in the coolant passage which is in thermal contact with the evaporator and circulated through the coolant passage and the coolant channel has the rar connection has the milk cooling tank, the milk which enters the pipe connection is cooled in connection with the milk entering the milk cooling tank. This gives the above-mentioned duck flour. Bacterial growth in the milk cooling tank can be reduced.

Ytterligare egenskaper och fordelar med fareliggande uppfinning kornmer framga vid studerande av de fareliggande kraven och den faljande deteljerande beskrivningen. 4 537 5 KORT BESKRIVNING AV RITNINGARNA Dike aspekter av uppfinningen, inkluderande dess sarskilda egenskaper och fordeler kommer tydligt forstas fran exemplifierade utforingsformer diskuterade i den foljande detaljerade beskrivningen och de medfoljande ritningama, varvid: Fig. 1 illustrerar en mjalkkyltank enligt utforingsformer, Fig. 2 illustrerar ett tvarsnitt genom mjalkkyltankar enligt utforingsforrner, Figs. 3 och 4 illustrerar ett tvarsnitt genom en del av injoikkyltankar enligt utfaringsformer och Fig. 5 illustrerar en mjolkkylningsmetod I anslutning till en mjalkkyltank. Additional features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent upon study of the appended claims and the following detailed description. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Like aspects of the invention, including its particular features and advantages, will be readily understood from exemplary embodiments discussed in the following detailed description and the accompanying drawings, in which: Fig. 1 illustrates a milk cooling tank according to embodiments, Figs. a cross section through milk cooling tanks according to embodiments, Figs. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate a cross-section through a part of in-refrigeration tanks according to embodiments, and Fig. 5 illustrates a milk cooling method in connection with a milk cooling tank.

DETALIERAD BESKRIVNING Aspekter av foreliggande uppfinning kommer nu beskrivas mer fullstandigt. Like nummer refererar till like element hela tiden. Val kande funktioner och konstruktioner kommer inte nadvandigtvis beskrives i detalj for korthet och/eller klarhet. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Aspects of the present invention will now be described more fully. Even numbers refer to like elements all the time. Selecting functions and constructions will not necessarily be described in detail for brevity and / or clarity.

Fig. I illustrerar en mjalkkyltank 2 enligt utfaringsformer. Mjalkkyltanken 2 ar anordnad att lagra mjelk pa en rnjolkningsanordning for djur. Mjolkkyltanken 2 omfatter en tankbehallare 4 anordnad med ett mjaiklagringsutrymme. En mjalkpassageOppning är anordnad tankbehallaren 4 vilken majliggor passage av nnjollc in i och ut ur mjalklagringsutrymmet. En raranslutning 6 är kopplad till mjaikpassageOppningen. Mjalkkyltanken 2 omfatter en farangare 8 anpassad att foranga ett kylmedel i densamma for att kyla mjalk rrijolklagringsutrymmet. En kylkrets bildas av forangaren 8 och en 'dice visad kornpressor, kondensor och expansionsanordning pa kant satt. Fig. 1 illustrates a milk cooling tank 2 according to embodiments. The milk cooling tank 2 is arranged to store milk on a milk milking device. The milk cooling tank 2 comprises a tank container 4 arranged with a milk storage space. A milk passage opening is provided in the tank container 4 which allows passage of njjollc into and out of the milk storage space. A rar connection 6 is connected to the mjaikpassageOpening. The milk cooling tank 2 comprises a farangare 8 adapted to evaporate a coolant therein to cool the milk oil storage space. A cooling circuit is formed by the evaporator 8 and a grain compressor, condenser and expansion device shown on the edge are shown.

Mjelklagringsutrymmet avgransas av tankbehallaren 4 och forangaren 8. I Fig. 1 har delar av tankbehallaren 4 utelamnats far att visa en side hos fOrangaren vilken inte är I kontakt med mjalk. Kolkkyltanken 2 omfatter en kylvatskepassage 10 separat fren mjtilklagringsutrymmet. Kylvatskepassagen 10 stracker sig I termisk kontakt utmed en del av forangaren 8. Kylvatskepassagen 10 ár anpassad att motta en kylvatska som kyls av kylmedletifOrangaren 8. Harigenom, kan en kyivatska kyles I kylvatskepassagen. The milk storage space is delimited by the tank container 4 and the evaporator 8. In Fig. 1, parts of the tank container 4 have been omitted to show a side of the evaporator which is not in contact with milk. The coal cooling tank 2 comprises a cooling water passage 10 separate from the storage space. The coolant passage 10 extends in thermal contact along a portion of the evaporator 8. The coolant passage 10 is adapted to receive a coolant which is cooled by the refrigerant 8. Thus, a cooling fluid can be cooled in the coolant passage.

I dessa utforingsformer anvands kylvatskan i en extern varmevaxlare 12 far att kyle rnjalk som flodar fran en slutenhet 14 hos en automatisk mjalkmaskin 16 till mjalkkyltanken 2. Den automatiska mjolkmaskinen 16 är ansluten till roranslutningen 6. Kylvatskan cirkuleras genom kylvatskepassagen 10 och den externa varrnevaxlaren 12. Mja!ken tan den automatiska mjalkningsmaskinen 16 kyls av kylvatskan och kylvatskan varrns av mjolken 537 5 den externa varmevaxlaren 12. Den uppvarmda kyivatskan kyls I kylvatskepassagen 10 av kylmedlet som farangas forangaren 8. In these embodiments, the coolant in an external heat exchanger 12 is used to cool lime flowing from a closed unit 14 of an automatic milking machine 16 to the milk cooling tank 2. The automatic milking machine 16 is connected to the pipe connection 6. The coolant is circulated through the coolant passage 10 and the external shaft 12. The milk in the automatic milking machine 16 is cooled by the cooling liquid and the cooling liquid is warned by the milk 537 on the external heat exchanger 12. The heated cooling water is cooled in the cooling water passage 10 by the coolant which is fed to the evaporator 8.

Mjalkkyltanken 2 trims i regelbundna interval. En mjrilkuppsamlingsanordning sasom en mjalkuppsarnlingstank has en lastbil fran ett mejeri ansluts till raranslutningen 6 och Ns:Akan Overfars fran mjalkkyltanken 2 till mjalkuppsamlingsanordningen. The milk cooling tank 2 trims in regular intervals. A milk collection device such as a milk collection tank has a truck from a dairy is connected to the milk connection 6 and Ns: Akan is transferred from the milk cooling tank 2 to the milk collection device.

Sasom namns ovals) bildar farangaren 8 en del av en avgransande yta has mjblklagringsutrymmet i tankbehallaren 4. 1 dessa utforings.former är kylvatskepassagen anordnad vid den sida av farangaren vilken inte är I kontakt med mjalken. As the name implies, the orifice 8 forms part of a delimiting surface having the milk storage space in the tank container 4. In these embodiments, the coolant passage is arranged at the side of the orifice which is not in contact with the milk.

Fig. 2 illustrerar ett tvarsnitt genom en mjalkkyltank 2 enligt utfaringsformer. Sam ovan omfattar mjolkkyltanken 2 en tankbehallare 4 anordnad med ett mjolklagringsutrymme 18. En miolkpassageoppning 20 ar anordnaci tankbehallaren 4. En raranslutning 6 är kopplad till mjelkbehallaren 4 och mjolkpassageoppningen 20. Rriranslutningen 6 är anpassad for anslutning till en mjalkmaskin och far tomning av mjolkkyltanken 2. Mjaikkyltanken 2 omfattar en forangare 8. Mjaikkyltanken 2 her ett ovalt tvarsnitt sett vinkelratt mot tvarsnittet som visas i Fig, 2 och forangaren 8 stracker sig langs en nedre del has mjolklagringsutryrnmet 18 Lipp till en niva indikerad av en streckad linje 19. Fig. 2 illustrates a cross section through a milk cooling tank 2 according to embodiments. As above, the milk cooling tank 2 comprises a tank container 4 arranged with a milk storage space 18. A milk passage opening 20 is arranged next to the tank container 4. A milk connection 6 is connected to the milk container 4 and the milk passage opening 20. The pipe connection 6 is adapted for connection to a milk machine. The soft cooling tank 2 comprises an evaporator 8. The soft cooling tank 2 here is an oval cross-section seen perpendicular to the cross-section shown in Fig. 2 and the evaporator 8 extends along a lower part of the milk storage space 18. Lip to a level indicated by a dashed line 19.

Mjelkkyltanken 2 omfattar en kylvatskepassage 10 separate fran mjrilklagringsutrymmet 18. Kylvatskepassagen 10 stacker sig I termisk kontakt Lamed en del av forangaren 8. Sam ovan är kylvatskepassagen 10 anpassad att motta en kylvatska som kyls av kylmedlet i forangaren 8. Forangaren 8 bildar en del av en avgransande yta has mjolklagringsutrymmet 18 i mjolkbehallaren 4. Kylvatskepassagen 10 ãr anordnad pa den sidan av forangaren 8 som är I kontakt med mjolk. En omrarningsanordning 21 for omraming av mjalk i mjalklagringsutrymmet 18 ar anordnad for att farhindra mjrilk Iran att frysa pa ytan has forangaren 8 i mjrilklagringsutrymmet 18. The milk cooling tank 2 comprises a cooling water passage 10 separate from the milk storage space 18. The cooling water passage 10 sticks In thermal contact Lamed a part of the evaporator 8. Same above, the cooling water passage 10 is adapted to receive a cooling liquid cooled by the coolant in the evaporator 8. The evaporator 8 forms part of a delimiting surface has the milk storage space 18 in the milk container 4. The coolant passage 10 is arranged on the side of the evaporator 8 which is in contact with milk. A stirring device 21 for framing milk in the milk storage space 18 is arranged to prevent milk Iran from freezing on the surface has the evaporator 8 in the milk storage space 18.

Kylvatskepassagen 10 omfattar en farsta anslutningsande 22 och en andra anslutningsande 24 atkomliga 'Iran utsidan av tankbehallaren 4, De farsta och andra ansiutningsandarna 22, 24 är anpassade att anslutas till utrustning som ska kylas med en kylvatska som kyls kylvatskepassagen 10, Utrustningen som ska kylas kan exempelvis vara en extern varmevaxlare som diskuterats I anslutning till Fig. 1 eller en varrnevaxlare I anslutning till roranslutningen 6 som diskuteras nedan med hanvisning till utforingsformer visade i Fig urerna 3 eller 4. 6 537 5 Fig. 3 iliustrerar ett tvarsnitt genom en del av en mjalkkyltank 2 enligt utforingsformen Mjblkkyltanken 2 kan vara en mjailkkyltank som diskuterats I anslutning till Fig, 1 och Fig. 2. IVIjalkkyltanken 2 omfattar en roranslutning 6 kopplad till en mjalkpassageopnning 20. Den illustrerade roranslutningen 6 är en T-ror anslutning. Mjolkpassageoppningen 20 ar anordnad i en tankbehallare 4 hos mjalkkyltanken 2. Raranslutningen 6 omfattar ett rnjalkinlopp 26 for anslutning till en mjalkmaskin hos en rnjolkningsanordningen for djur &Mom en automatisk mjalkningsmaskin diskuterad I anslutning till Fig. I. Roranslutningen 6 omfattar dessutom ett mjalkutlopp 28 anpassat all temporart koppias till en mjolkuppsamlingsanordning nar mjolkkyltanken ska tommas. Mjtilkuppsamlingsanordningen kan vara en mjalkuppsamlingstank hos en lastbil. Ett lastagbart lock 30 ar anordnat ff5r att stanga mjalkutloppet 28. En fladesvag far mjalk sorn fladar in i mjalickyltanken 2 är indikeracl med breda pilaf.. En flodesvag for rrijolk som flodar ut ur mjalkkyltanken 2 ar indikerad med streckade, breda pilar. The coolant passage 10 comprises a first connecting end 22 and a second connecting end 24 accessible to the outside of the tank container 4. The first and second attachment ends 22, 24 are adapted to be connected to equipment to be cooled with a coolant to be cooled. The coolant passage 10 can be cooled. be, for example, an external heat exchanger discussed in connection with Fig. 1 or a heat exchanger in connection with the rudder connection 6 discussed below with reference to embodiments shown in Figs. 3 or 4. Fig. 3 illustrates a cross section through a part of a milk cooling tank 2 according to the embodiment The milk cooling tank 2 may be a milk cooling tank discussed in connection with Figs. 1 and Fig. 2. The milk cooling tank 2 comprises a rudder connection 6 connected to a milk passage opening 20. The illustrated rudder connection 6 is a T-rudder connection. The milk passage opening 20 is arranged in a tank container 4 of the milk cooling tank 2. The tube connection 6 comprises a milking inlet 26 for connection to a milking machine of a milking device for animals & Mom an automatic milking machine discussed In connection with Fig. I. The tube connection 6 further comprises an adapted milk outlet 28. copied to a milk collecting device when the milk cooling tank is to be emptied. The milk collection device can be a milk collection tank of a truck. A load-removable lid 30 is provided to close the milk outlet 28. A weak surface of milk which flattens into the milk cooling tank 2 is indicated by wide arrows. A weak river for raw oil flowing out of the milk cooling tank 2 is indicated by dashed, wide arrows.

Roranslutningen 6 bildar en varmevaxlare som omfattar en mjalkkanal 32 och en kylvatskekanal 34. Kylvatskekanalen 34 bildas mellan en rorkropp 36 hos rbranslutningen 6 och ett vaggelement 38 ansiutet till rorkroppen 36, Kylvatskekanalen 34 stracker sig runt delar av rarkroppen 36. Mjalkkanalen 32 bildas av insidan hos rorkroppen 36. Anslutningsror 40, 42 är anordnade for all ansluta kylvatskekanalen till en kylvatskekalla. Lampligtvis är kylvatskekallan en kylvatskepassage 10 sasom diskuterats ovan I anslutning till Fig. 1 eller Fig, 2, Filar indikerar vagen av kylvatska genorn kylvatskekanalen 34. The pipe connection 6 forms a heat exchanger comprising a milk duct 32 and a cooling water channel 34. The cooling water channel 34 is formed between a pipe body 36 of the pipe connection 6 and a cradle element 38 connected to the pipe body 36. The cooling water channel 34 extends around parts of the pipe body 36. rudder body 36. Connecting tubes 40, 42 are provided for all connecting the cooling water channel to a cooling water cooler. Lampwise, the cooling water cooler is a cooling water passage 10 as discussed above. In connection with Fig. 1 or Fig. 2, Files indicate the carriage of the cooling water genor cooling water channel 34.

Mjokkyltanken 2 omfattar en cirkulationspurnp 43 kopplad till kylvatskepassagen 10 och kylvatskekanalen 34. Kylvatska cirkuleras mellan kylvatskepassagen 10 i termisk kontakt med farangaren 8 hos mjalkkyltanken och kylvatskekanalen 34 for att kyla mjalk I mjalkkanalen 32 hos raranslutningen 6 med en cirkulationspump 43. The soft cooling tank 2 comprises a circulation pump 43 connected to the cooling water passage 10 and the cooling water channel 34. Cooling water is circulated between the cooling water passage 10 in thermal contact with the passenger 8 of the milk cooling tank and the cooling water channel 34 to cool milk in the milk channel 32 of the circulation connection 6 with a circulation connection 6.

En kontrollkrets 80 ar anordnad far att kontrollera cirkulationspumpen 43. Den forsta temperatursensorn 82 ligger an mot rorkroppen 36 hos roranslutningen 6. En andra temperatursensor 84 är anordnad 1 kylvatskekanalen 34. En styrenhet 86 ar kopplad till den forsta och den andra temperatursensorn 82, 84 och cirkulationspumpen 43. Styrenheten 86 är anpassad att styra cirkulationspumpen 43 for kylvatska att anvanda en eller bada av den forsta och andra temperatursensorerna 82, 84. Bland annat är styrenheten 86 anpassacl att ferhindra frystemperaturer I mjalkkanalen 32. 7 537 5 Fig. 4 illustrerar ett tvarsnitt genom en del av mjalkkyltanken 2 enligt utforingsformer. Utfaringsformerna i Fig. 4 är av samma slag som de i Fig. 3. Sesom tidigare bdar roranslutningen 6 en varmevaxlare som omfatter en mjalkkanal 32 och en kylvatskekanal 34. Endast de huvudsakliga skillnaderna mellan utforingsformerna i Fig. 3 och Fig. 4 kommer diskuteras det faljande. A control circuit 80 is provided to control the circulation pump 43. The first temperature sensor 82 abuts the rudder body 36 of the rudder connection 6. A second temperature sensor 84 is arranged in the cooling water channel 34. A control unit 86 is connected to the first and second temperature sensors 82, 84 and the circulation pump 43. The control unit 86 is adapted to control the circulation pump 43 for cooling liquid to use one or both of the first and second temperature sensors 82, 84. Among other things, the control unit 86 is adapted to prevent freezing temperatures in the milk duct 32. Fig. 4 illustrates a cross section through a part of the milk cooling tank 2 according to embodiments. The embodiments in Fig. 4 are of the same type as those in Fig. 3. As before, the pipe connection 6 offers a heat exchanger comprising a milk duct 32 and a cooling water channel 34. Only the main differences between the embodiments in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 will be discussed. falling.

Kylvatskekanalen 34 omfatter ett kylvatskerar 44 lindat runt en rarkropp 36 has roranslutningen 6. Sesom oven är anslutningsraren 40, 42 anordnade far anslutning av kylvatskekanalen 34 till en kylvatskekalla sesom en kylvatskepassage sesom diskuterats oven i anslutning till Fig,1 , Fig, 2 eller Fig. 3. Aterigen indikerar pilar vagen av kylvatska genom kylvatskekanalen 34. The cooling water channel 34 comprises a cooling water cutter 44 wound around a tubular body 36 having the pipe connection 6. As above, the connection tube 40, 42 is arranged for connection of the cooling water channel 34 to a cooling water cooler as a cooling water passage discussed above in connection with Figs. 1, Fig. 2 or Figs. 3. Again, arrows indicate the path of coolant through the coolant channel 34.

Tye ventiler anordnade i raranslutningen 6 är dessutom illustrerade I dessa utforingsformer. En utloppsventil 46 är anordnad vid rnjolkutloppet 28 och en serviceventil 48 är anordnad vid mjalkpassageoppningen 20. Utloppsventilen 46 er anordnad se att locket 30 Ran tas bort fran roranslutningen 6 nar miolkkyltanken ska tommas. Utloppsventilen 46 appnas inte farran mjalkuppsamlingsanordnincien her anslutits till mjalkutloppet 8 has roranslutningen 6. Serviceventilen 48 är anordnad far att stanga rnjolkpassageappningen 20, exempelvis am tillgang bar erhallas till insidan av roranslutningen 6 eller am anslutning till mjalkinloppet 26 maste oppnas eller tas hart de mjalkkyltanken 2 är fyild rned mjolk. Tye valves arranged in the crane connection 6 are further illustrated in these embodiments. An outlet valve 46 is provided at the milk outlet 28 and a service valve 48 is provided at the milk passage opening 20. The outlet valve 46 is arranged so that the lid 30 is removed from the pipe connection 6 when the milk cooling tank is to be emptied. The outlet valve 46 is not opened until the milk collecting device here is connected to the milk outlet 8 has the pipe connection 6. The service valve 48 is arranged to close the milk passage opening 20, for example if access was to be obtained to the inside of the pipe connection 6 or connected to the milk inlet 26. field rned milk.

Fig. 5 illustrerar en mjalkkyiningstnetod i anslutning till en mjaikkyltank anordnad att lagra mjalk vid en myilkningsanlaggning for djur. Mjalkkyltanken är lampligen en mjalkkyltank 2 enligt negon av aspekterna eller utfaringsform diskuterad harm ornfattande en forengare, ett mjelklagringsutrymme, en kylvatskepassage sorn stracker sig i termisk kontakt utmed en del av forangeren, en roranslutning som bilder en varmevaxlare som ornfattar en mjalkkanal och en kylvatskekanal. Metoden omfatter: forengning 100 av ett kylmedel I forangeren for att kyle mjalk I mjaiklagringsutrymmet och far att kyle en kylvatska I kylvatskepassagen och cirkulering 102 av en kylvatska genonn kylvatskepassagen och kylvatskekanalen med cirkulationspumpen. Fig. 5 illustrates a milk cooling method in connection with a milk cooling tank arranged to store milk at an animal milking plant. The milk cooling tank is suitably a milk cooling tank 2 according to any of the aspects or embodiments discussed herein comprising a condenser, a milk storage space, a cooling water passage which extends in thermal contact along a part of the evaporator, a rudder connection forming a heat exchanger which includes a refrigerator. The method comprises: narrowing 100 of a coolant in the evaporator to cool milk in the milk storage space and allowing a coolant to cool in the coolant passage and circulation 102 of a coolant through the coolant passage and the coolant channel with the circulation pump.

Enligt utforingsformer ken metoden omfatta: -stoppe 104 cirkuleringen 102 nal- temperaturen hos roranslutningen faller under ett forsta troskeltemperaturvarde. Det forsta troskeltemperaturvardet ken exempelvis vara 0.5°C, 1°C eller 2°C. Pe sedant sett kan frysning av mjolk I roranslutningen undvikas. Det forsta 8 537 5 troskeltemperaturvardet kan rnatas med en temperatursensor som ligger an mot raranslutningen. Temperatursensom ãr ansluten till en kontrolikrets far cirkulationspumpen. According to embodiments, the method comprises: stopping the circulation 102 and the temperature of the pipe connection falling below a first threshold temperature value. The first threshold temperature value can be, for example, 0.5 ° C, 1 ° C or 2 ° C. From a sedentary point of view, freezing of milk in the rudder connection can be avoided. The first threshold temperature value can be obtained with a temperature sensor abutting the wire connection. The temperature sensor is connected to a control circuit and the circulation pump.

Enligt utforingsformer kan metoden omfatta: Stoppa 106 cirkuleringen 102 nar temperaturen hos kulvatskan är under ett andra traskeltemperaturvardes Det andra traskeltemperaturvardet kan exempelvis vara 0°C, 1°C eller 2°C. Pa detta sett kan frysning av mjolk undvikas I roranslutningen. Det andra troskeltemperatursvardet kan mates med en temperatursensor anordnad vid eller i kylvatskekanalen. Temperatursensorn är ansluten till en kontrolikrets far cirkulationspumpen. According to embodiments, the method may comprise: Stopping the circulation 102 when the temperature of the culvert is below a second threshold temperature value The second threshold temperature value may be, for example, 0 ° C, 1 ° C or 2 ° C. In this way, freezing of milk can be avoided in the pipe connection. The second threshold temperature value can be fed with a temperature sensor arranged at or in the cooling water channel. The temperature sensor is connected to a control circuit via the circulation pump.

Denna uppfinning ska inte anses vara begransad till utforingsformerna framlagda hari. En fackrnan inom omradet inser att olika egenskaper hos utfaringsformerna visade hari kan kombineras och skape ytterligare utfaringsformer an de beskrivna han utan att frange omfanget hos fareliggende uppfinning som definieras i de fareliggande kraven. Dessutom inser de kunniga inom ornradet att kylvatskepassagen som stracker sig i termisk kontakt utmed en del hos farangaren kan omfatta ett rot' eller kan bildas mellan ett vaggelement och forangaren. Kylvatskan kan vara vatten som innehaller glykol far att undvika frysning av vattnet. En lamplig mangd kylvatska som cirkulerar I kylvatskepassagen 10 och kylvatskekanalen 34 kan var omkring 10-20 liter, En lamplig volym hos kylvatskepassagen i termisk kontakt Lamed en del av farangaren 8 kan vara omkring 7-15 liter. Nitjaikkyltanken 2 kan ha en volym pa 6000 liter per automatisk mjalkmaskin som tillfar mjolk till mjakkyltanken 2. En sadan volym kan racka far ett 72-timmarstamningsintervall av mjalkkyltariken 2. This invention is not to be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein. One skilled in the art will recognize that various features of the embodiments shown herein may be combined to create additional embodiments of those described herein without departing from the scope of the present invention as defined in the appended claims. In addition, those skilled in the art will recognize that the coolant passage extending in thermal contact along a portion of the passenger may comprise a root or may be formed between a cradle member and the evaporator. The coolant can be water that contains glycol to avoid freezing the water. An appropriate amount of coolant circulating in the coolant passage 10 and the coolant passage 34 may be about 10-20 liters. A suitable volume of the coolant passage in thermal contact with a portion of the passenger compartment 8 may be about 7-15 liters. The Nitjaik cooling tank 2 can have a volume of 6000 liters per automatic milking machine that supplies milk to the milk cooling tank 2. Such a volume can reach a 72-hour stuttering interval of the milk cooling tank 2.

Aven am uppfinningen har beskrivits med avseende pa exemplifierade utforingsformer an mange alike altemativ, modifieringar uppenbara far de kunniga inom ornradet. Darfor är det uppenbart att det foregaende belyser ()like exernplifierande utforingsformer och att uppfinningen endast definieras i de foreliggande kraven. The invention has also been described with reference to exemplary embodiments of many similar alternatives, modifications apparent to those skilled in the art. Therefore, it is apparent that the foregoing illustrates () like exemplifying embodiments and that the invention is defined only in the present claims.

Uttrycket "omfattande" eller "omfatter' som anvands hari an inte begransande och inkluderar en eller fiera anforda egenskaper, element, steg, komponenter eller funktioner men utesluter inte narvaron eller ytterligare tillagg av en eller flera egenskaper, element, steg, kornponenter, funktioner eller grupper darom, 9 The term "comprising" or "comprising" as used herein is not limiting and includes one or more features, elements, steps, components or functions but does not exclude the presence or further addition of one or more features, elements, steps, grain components, functions or groups thereof, 9

Claims (11)

1. A milk cooling tank (2) arranged to store milk at an animal milking site, the milk coolingtank (2) comprising: a tank housing (4) provided with a milk storage space (18), a milk passage opening (20) in the tank housing (4) enabling passing of milk into and out ofthe milk storage space (18), and an evaporator (8) adapted to evaporate therein a refrigerant in order to cool milk in the milkstorage space (18), characterised in that the milk cooling tank (2) comprises a cooling liquid passage (10)separate from the milk storage space (18), the cooling liquid passage (10) extending inthermal contact along a portion of the evaporator (8) and being adapted to receive a cooling liquid to be cooled by the refrigerant.
2. The milk cooling tank (2) according to claim 1, wherein the cooling liquid passage (10)comprises a first connection point (22) and a second connection point (24) arrangedaccessible from an outer side of the tank housing (4) and adapted to be connected to equipment to be cooled by a cooling liquid cooled in the cooling liquid passage (10).
3. The milk cooling tank (2) according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the evaporator (8) forms partof a delimiting surface of the milk storage space (18) in the tank housing (4), and wherein the cooling liquid passage ( 10) is arranged on a non-milk contacting side of the evaporator (8).
4. The milk cooling tank (2) according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the evaporator (8) forms partof a delimiting surface of the milk storage space (18) in the tank housing (4), and wherein the cooling liquid passage (10) is arranged on a milk contacting side of the evaporator (8).
5. The milk cooling tank (2) according to any one of the preceding claims, comprising a pipeconnector (6) connected to the milk passage opening (20), the pipe connector (6) comprisinga milk inlet (26) for connection to a milking machine of the animal milking site and a milkoutlet (28) adapted to be temporarily connected to a milk collection device when the milkcooling tank (2) is to be emptied, wherein the pipe connector (6) forms a heat exchangercomprising a milk channel (32) and a cooling liquid channel (34), and wherein the cooling liquid passage (10) is connected to the cooling liquid channel (34).
6. The milk cooling tank (2) according to claim 5, wherein the cooling liquid channel (34) comprises a cooling liquid pipe (44) wound about a pipe body (36) of the pipe connector (6). 12
7. The milk cooling tank (2) according to claim 5, wherein the cooling liquid channel (34) isformed between a pipe body (36) of the pipe connector (6) and a wall element (38) attached to the pipe body (36).
8. The milk cooling tank (2) according to any one of claims 5 - 7, comprisíng a circulation pump (43) connected to the cooling liquid passage (10) and the cooling liquid channel (34).
9. A method of cooling milk in connection with a milk cooling tank (2) arranged to store milkat an animal milking site, the milk cooling tank (2) comprisíng: a tank housing (4) provided with a milk storage space (18) and a milk passage opening (20)in the tank housing (4), an evaporator (8), a cooling liquid passage (10) separate from themilk storage space (18), the cooling liquid passage (10) extending in thermal contact along aportion of the evaporator (8), and a pipe connector (6) being connected to the milk passageopening (20), the pipe connector (6) comprisíng a milk inlet for connection to a milkingmachine of the animal milking site and a milk outlet adapted to be temporarily connected to amilk collection device when the milk cooling tank (2) is to be emptied, wherein the pipeconnector (6) forms a heat exchanger comprisíng a milk channel (32) and a cooling liquidchannel (34), the milk cooling tank (2) further comprisíng a circulation pump (43) connectedto the cooling liquid passage (10) and the cooling liquid channel (34), wherein the methodcomprises: - evaporating (100) a refrigerant in the evaporator (8) to cool milk in the milk storage space(18) and to cool a cooling liquid in the cooling liquid passage (10), and - circulating (102) with the circulation pump (43) a cooling liquid through the cooling liquid passage (10) and the cooling liquid channel (34).
10. The method according to claim 9, comprisíng:- stopping (104) the circulating (102) when a temperature of the pipe connector (6) falls below a first threshold temperature value.
11. The method according to claim 9 or 10, comprisíng:- stopping (106) the circulating (102) while a temperature of the cooling liquid is below a second threshold temperature value.
SE1351183A 2013-10-07 2013-10-07 Milk cooling tank and Milk cooling method SE537535C2 (en)

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PCT/SE2014/051159 WO2015053692A1 (en) 2013-10-07 2014-10-06 Milk cooling tank and method of cooling milk

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