RO138036A2 - Flexible structure for making submerged enclosures intended for hanging-culture of bivalve molluscs from the ostreidae family - Google Patents

Flexible structure for making submerged enclosures intended for hanging-culture of bivalve molluscs from the ostreidae family Download PDF


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RO138036A2 ROA202200591A RO202200591A RO138036A2 RO 138036 A2 RO138036 A2 RO 138036A2 RO A202200591 A ROA202200591 A RO A202200591A RO 202200591 A RO202200591 A RO 202200591A RO 138036 A2 RO138036 A2 RO 138036A2
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Romanian (ro)
Mihaela Jomir
Alexandra Gabriela Ene
Carmen Mihai
Original Assignee
Institutul Naţional De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Şi Pielărie - Bucureşti
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Application filed by Institutul Naţional De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Şi Pielărie - Bucureşti filed Critical Institutul Naţional De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Şi Pielărie - Bucureşti
Priority to ROA202200591A priority Critical patent/RO138036A2/en
Publication of RO138036A2 publication Critical patent/RO138036A2/en



  • Woven Fabrics (AREA)


The invention relates to a flexible cotton woven fabric for making submerged enclosures intended for hanging culture of bivalve molluscs from the Ostreidae family. According to the invention, the fabric is made of cotton threads with a length density of 500 dtex x 2, with 80 twists/m both in weft and in warp, using a band warping machine provided with axial development creel, at a thread tensioning of 0.20 cN/dtex, with braking provided by brake discs and porcelain shaft, the thread guide being placed with an offset of ± 10 mm, the weaving operation using a non-conventional weaving machine with negative holders, provided with 14 harnesses: 12 for the base threads with 355 (+ 6 reserves) healds/harness and 2 harnesses for the border threads with 54 healds/harness, the pass being carried out in harness bodies with 1 thread/heald for the base threads and 2 threads/heald for the border threads, with ciphered pass: -//1-1-2-2-3-9-4-10-5-11-6-12-7-13-8-14//-, reed width of 160 cm, with 135 reed and 2 threads pulled in the reed cradle, P2/2 weave, the weave card being -//1-3-5-7-9-11/1-3-5-7-9-11/2-4-6-8-10-12/2-4-6-8-10-12//-, the fabric count 22, the weft threads being inserted in the shed using an inserting mechanism with negative holder, the thread being fed by means of 4 alternately-operating pre-deliverers, the resulting woven fabric having a mass of 312 ± 16 g/m2, warp and weft breaking resistance of at least 170 daN/5 cm, breaking elongation in both systems of at least 20%, slipping resistance of at least 30 daN in warp and weft and tearing resistance of at least 25 daN in both systems.


Structura flexibila pentru confecționarea incintelor submerse de creștere suspendata a molustelor bivalve din familia OstreidaeFlexible structure for making submerged enclosures for suspended growth of bivalve molluscs from the Ostreidae family

Autori: Jomir Mihaela, Alexandra Gabriela Ene, Carmen MihaiAuthors: Jomir Mihaela, Alexandra Gabriela Ene, Carmen Mihai

Invenția se refera o structura flexibila sub forma de material textil tesut utilizat la confecționarea incintelor submerse pentru creșterea dirijata in sistem long - line a stridiilor din subclasa Pteriomorphia, familia Ostreidae, genul Magallana, cu nume binomial Crassostrea gigas.The invention refers to a flexible structure in the form of woven textile material used to make submerged enclosures for the directed growth in the long-line system of oysters from the subclass Pteriomorphia, family Ostreidae, genus Magallana, with the binomial name Crassostrea gigas.

Incintele de dezvoltare a stridiilor sunt amplasate pe suporți artificiali suspendati in masa apei, la orizontul de 2 - 5 m si asigura protecția materialului biologic parcat.The oyster development enclosures are placed on artificial supports suspended in the water mass, at the horizon of 2 - 5 m and ensure the protection of the biological material parked.

Este cunoscuta o structura textila tricotata din urzeala realizata din fire poliamidice cu densitatea de lungime de 176den/f32x4 si cu latura hexagonului de 7 mm utilizata la construcția incintelor pentru dezvoltarea molustelor bivalve Crassostrea gigas, dar are dezavantajul unor costuri mari de întreținere a întregului sistem long-line, deoarece incintele trebuie schimbate la maxim 4 luni, avand in vedere ciclul de dezvoltare a juvenililor ce implica creșteri liniare si ponderale (fara a exista o corelație intre ele).A textile structure knitted from the warp made of polyamide yarns with a length density of 176den/f32x4 and with a hexagon side of 7 mm is known, used in the construction of enclosures for the development of the bivalve molluscs Crassostrea gigas, but it has the disadvantage of high maintenance costs of the entire long system -line, because the enclosures must be changed at a maximum of 4 months, considering the development cycle of the juveniles, which involves linear and weight increases (without there being a correlation between them).

Mai este cunoscuta o structura textila tesuta realizata din fire poliesterice cu densitatea de lungime 940 dtex/f92xl/60Z in urzeala si fire poliamidice cu densitatea de lungime de 660dtex/fl00 xl/150Z in bătătură, utilizata la confecționarea incintelor pentru dezvoltarea molustelor bivalve, dar care prezintă dezavantajul unui raport masa/rezistenta la solicitări in mediul mari necorespunzator (rezistenta la rupere in urzeala si bătătură 82 daN, masa 380 g/mp).There is also known a woven textile structure made of polyester yarns with a length density of 940 dtex/f92xl/60Z in the warp and polyamide yarns with a length density of 660dtex/fl00xl/150Z in the weft, used to make enclosures for the development of bivalve molluscs, but which presents the disadvantage of a mass/resistance to stress ratio in the unsuitable environment (tear resistance in the warp and weft 82 daN, mass 380 g/m2).

De asemenea, mai este cunoscuta o structura textila tricotata din urzeala realizata din fire de poliamida 6.6 cu densitatea de lungime de 600den/fl20 xl/300Z, utilizata la confecționarea, sub forma de « lanterna japoneza », a incintelor pentru dezvoltarea molustelor bivalve dar care are dezavantajul unei rigidități mari a materialului si o rezistenta redusa la solicitările mecanice statice (strangulare la intervale de 50 cm in vederea posadirii incintelor pe cilindru si evitarea alunecării pe coloana a stridiilor).Also known is a textile structure knitted from the warp made of polyamide 6.6 threads with a length density of 600den/fl20 xl/300Z, used in the manufacture, in the form of a "Japanese lantern", of enclosures for the development of bivalve molluscs but which it has the disadvantage of a high rigidity of the material and a reduced resistance to static mechanical stresses (strangulation at intervals of 50 cm in order to place the enclosures on the cylinder and avoid sliding on the column of oysters).

Problema pe care o rezolva aceasta invenție consta in alegerea tipului de materie prima, si a legăturii țesăturii astfel incat întregul ansamblu sa asigure următoarele cerințe de exploatare: extinderea intervalului de timp intre doua verificări periodice si a întreținerii întregului sistem long-line (curatare de fouling si rărire); scăderea distantei dintre incinte sub 70 cm in scopul creșterii productivității de stridie consum cu talie de 80 mm); flexibilitate mare, rezistenta la impact de minim 50 daN, resursa tehnica de 24 de luni, in condiții de min. 4bf.The problem that this invention solves consists in choosing the type of raw material and the connection of the fabric so that the whole assembly ensures the following operational requirements: extending the time interval between two periodic checks and the maintenance of the entire long-line system (fouling cleaning and thinning); decreasing the distance between enclosures below 70 cm in order to increase the productivity of consumption oysters with a waist of 80 mm); high flexibility, impact resistance of at least 50 daN, technical resource of 24 months, under conditions of min. 4 bf.

Țesătură conform invenției înlătură dezavantajele menționate prin aceea ca structura tesuta este realizata din fire 100% bumbac, atat in urzeala cat si in bătătură, cu densitatea de lungime 500dtex x 2, cu 80 ras/m, legătură P2/2 realizata in 14 ite (12 pentru firele de fond si 2 pentru firele de margine), navadire in corpuri de ite, cu cartela legăturii: -//1-3-5-7-9-11/1-35-7-9-11/2-4-6-8-10-12/2-4-6-8-10-12//-.The fabric according to the invention eliminates the disadvantages mentioned in that the woven structure is made of 100% cotton threads, both in the warp and the weft, with the length density 500dtex x 2, with 80 ras/m, P2/2 connection made in 14 ite ( 12 for the background threads and 2 for the edge threads), navadire in ite bodies, with the connection card: -//1-3-5-7-9-11/1-35-7-9-11/2- 4-6-8-10-12/2-4-6-8-10-12//-.

Procedeul de realizare a țesăturii este binecunoscut si consta in: condiționarea firelor timp de 24 de ore la o temperatura de 22-25 °C si la o umiditate relativa de 65%, urzirea pe o mașina de urzit in benzi cu o tensionare a firelor de 0,20 cN/dtex, țeserea, realizata pe o mașina de tesut neconventîonala si control-metratul, realizat pe rampa de control.The process of making the fabric is well-known and consists of: conditioning the threads for 24 hours at a temperature of 22-25 °C and a relative humidity of 65%, warping on a warping machine in bands with a thread tension of 0.20 cN/dtex, weaving, made on a non-conventional weaving machine and control-metering, made on the control ramp.

Invenția prezintă următoarele avantaje:The invention presents the following advantages:

- reducerea eforturilor financiare aferente importurilor;- reduction of financial efforts related to imports;

- posibilitatea realizării pe utilajele din tara, cu materiale ușor accesibile;- the possibility of making it on machines in the country, with easily accessible materials;

- creșterea intervalului de timp pentru verificările periodice si întreținerea sistemului long - line;- increasing the time interval for periodic checks and maintenance of the long-line system;

- creșterii productivității de stridie consum cu talie de 80 mm ;- increasing the productivity of consumption oysters with a waist of 80 mm;

- ușurința in manipularea si amplasarea incintelor submerse;- ease of handling and placement of submerged premises;

- întreținere ușoara la costuri reduse.- easy maintenance at low costs.

In continuare se prezintă exemplul de realizare a invenției.Next, the example of the invention is presented.


Urzirea firelor din bumbac cu densitatea de lungime 500dtex x 2, cu 80 ras/m se realizează pe o mașina de urzit in benzi, prevăzută cu rastel cu desfășurare axiala; tensionarea firului: 0,20 cN/dtex, franarea este realizata cu ajutorul discurilor de frinare si ax din porțelan, iar conducătorul de fir este plasat cu o dezaxialitate de ±10 mm, pentru a asigura ridicarea virfului balonului de desfășurare si simetria fata de virful formatului de desfășurare.The warping of cotton yarns with a length density of 500dtex x 2, with 80 ras/m is carried out on a strip warping machine, equipped with an axial spreader; wire tension: 0.20 cN/dtex, braking is done with the help of porcelain brake discs and spindle, and the wire guide is placed with an offset of ±10 mm, to ensure the lifting of the tip of the unfolding balloon and the symmetry with respect to the tip the deployment format.

Țeserea se realizează pe o mașina de tesut neconventîonala cu greifere negative, prevăzută cu 14 ite: 12 ite pentru firele de fond cu cate 355 (+6 rezerva) cocleti/ita si 2 ite pentru firele de margine cu cate 54 cocleti/ita, navadirea este realizata in corpuri de ite, cu cate 1 fir in coclete pentru firele de fond si 2 in coclete pentru firele de margine, navadirea cifrata: -//1-1-2-2-3-9-4-10-5-11-6-12-7-13-8-14//-, latimea in spata este de 160 cm, numărul spetei: 135, număr de fire trase in casuta spetei: 2, legătura P2/2, cartela legăturii -//1-3-5-7-9-11/1-35-7-9-11/2-4-6-8-10-12/2-4-6-8-10-12//-, roata de desime: 22.Weaving is carried out on an unconventional weaving machine with negative grippers, equipped with 14 stitches: 12 stitches for the background yarns with 355 (+6 reserve) stitches/piece and 2 stitches for the edge threads with 54 stitches/piece each, navadira it is made in ite bodies, with 1 thread in skeins for the background threads and 2 in skeins for the edge threads, the numbered thread: -//1-1-2-2-3-9-4-10-5- 11-6-12-7-13-8-14//-, the width at the back is 160 cm, the number of the back: 135, the number of threads drawn in the box of the back: 2, the connection P2/2, the card of the connection -// 1-3-5-7-9-11/1-35-7-9-11/2-4-6-8-10-12/2-4-6-8-10-12//-, wheel of decimes: 22.

Firele de bătătura din bumbac cu densitatea de lungime 500dtex x 2 cu 80 ras/m sunt introduse in rost cu ajutorul mecanismului de inserare cu greifer negativ; alimentarea cu fir se realizează cu ajutorul a 4 predelivroare care lucrează alternativ.Cotton weft yarns with a length density of 500dtex x 2 with 80 ras/m are inserted into the joint using the negative gripper insertion mechanism; wire feeding is carried out with the help of 4 pre-delivery machines that work alternately.

Țesătura are masa de 312 ± 16 g/mp, rezistenta la rupere in urzeala si bătătura de min. 170 daN/5cm, alungirea la rupere in ambele sisteme de minim 20%.The fabric has a mass of 312 ± 16 g/m2, the resistance to breaking in the warp and weft of min. 170 daN/5cm, elongation at break in both systems of at least 20%.

Rezistenta la alunecare pentru tesatura testata in stare condiționată este de min. 30 daN in urzeala si bătătură, iar rezistenta la sfasiere este de minim 25 daN in ambele sisteme.The slip resistance for the fabric tested in conditioned condition is min. 30 daN in the warp and weft, and the tear resistance is at least 25 daN in both systems.

Tesatura astfel obtinuta este finisata printr-un procedeu in sine cunoscut, cuprinzând operațiile de spalare si depunere pelicula de poliuretan cu grosimea de 0,15 mm.The fabric obtained in this way is finished by a process known in itself, including the operations of washing and depositing a polyurethane film with a thickness of 0.15 mm.

Suportul astfel obtinut este utilizat la confecționarea incintelor submerse de creștere suspendata a molustelor bivalve Crassostrea gigas.The support obtained in this way is used to make submerged enclosures for the suspended growth of bivalve molluscs Crassostrea gigas.











Claims (2)

1. Țesătura din fire de bumbac, cu densitatea de lungime 500dtex x 2, cu 80 ras/m, atat in urzeala cat si in bătătura caracterizata prin aceea ca pe o mașina de urzit in benzi, prevăzută cu rastel cu desfășurare axiala; tensionarea firului: 0,20 cN/dtex, franare realizata cu ajutorul discurilor de frinare si ax din porțelan, conducător de fir plasat cu o dezaxialitate de ±10 mm, țeserea se realizează pe o mașina de tesut neconventionala cu greifere negative, prevăzută cu 14 ite: 12 ite pentru firele de fond cu cate 355 (+6 rezerva) cocleti/îta si 2 ite pentru firele de margine cu cate 54 cocleti/ita, navadirea este realizata in corpuri de ite, cu cate 1 fir in coclete pentru firele de fond si 2 in coclete pentru firele de margine, navadirea cifrata: -//1-1-2-2-3-94-10-5-11-6-12-7-13-8-14//-, latimea in spata este de 160 cm, numărul spetei: 135, număr de fire trase in casuta spetei: 2, legătură P2/2, cartela legăturii -//1-3-5-7-9-11/1-3-5-7-9-11/2-46-8-10-12/2-4-6-8-10-12//-, roata de desime: 22, firele de bătătura sunt introduse in rost cu ajutorul mecanismului de inserare cu greifer negativ; alimentarea cu fir se realizează cu ajutorul a 4 predelivroare care lucrează alternativ.1. The cotton thread fabric, with a length density of 500dtex x 2, with 80 ras/m, both in the warp and in the weft, characterized by the fact that it is on a strip warping machine, equipped with an axial spread rake; thread tension: 0.20 cN/dtex, braking made with the help of porcelain brake discs and spindle, thread guide placed with an offset of ±10 mm, weaving is carried out on a non-conventional weaving machine with negative grabs, equipped with 14 ite: 12 ite for the background yarns with 355 (+6 reserve) crochets each and 2 ites for the edge yarns with 54 crochets each, the weaving is made in ite bodies, with 1 yarn in each crochet for the background and 2 crochets for the edge threads, numbered thread: -//1-1-2-2-3-94-10-5-11-6-12-7-13-8-14//-, width in the back is 160 cm, back number: 135, number of threads drawn in the back box: 2, connection P2/2, connection card -//1-3-5-7-9-11/1-3-5- 7-9-11/2-46-8-10-12/2-4-6-8-10-12//-, count wheel: 22, the weft threads are inserted into the joint with the help of the insertion mechanism negative grapple; wire feeding is carried out with the help of 4 pre-delivery machines that work alternately. 2. Țesătură conform revendicării 1 cu masa de 312 ± 16 g/mp, rezistenta la rupere in urzeala si bătătura de min. 170 daN/5cm, alungirea la rupere în ambele sisteme de minim 20%, rezistenta la alunecare pentru tesatura testata in stare condiționată este de min. 30 daN in urzeala si bătătură, iar rezistenta la sfâșiere este de minim 25 daN in ambele sisteme2. Fabric according to claim 1 with mass of 312 ± 16 g/m2, resistance to breaking in the warp and weft of min. 170 daN/5cm, elongation at break in both systems of at least 20%, slip resistance for the fabric tested in a conditioned state is min. 30 daN in the warp and weft, and the tear resistance is at least 25 daN in both systems
ROA202200591A 2022-09-28 2022-09-28 Flexible structure for making submerged enclosures intended for hanging-culture of bivalve molluscs from the ostreidae family RO138036A2 (en)

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ROA202200591A RO138036A2 (en) 2022-09-28 2022-09-28 Flexible structure for making submerged enclosures intended for hanging-culture of bivalve molluscs from the ostreidae family

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ROA202200591A RO138036A2 (en) 2022-09-28 2022-09-28 Flexible structure for making submerged enclosures intended for hanging-culture of bivalve molluscs from the ostreidae family

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RO138036A2 true RO138036A2 (en) 2024-03-29



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ROA202200591A RO138036A2 (en) 2022-09-28 2022-09-28 Flexible structure for making submerged enclosures intended for hanging-culture of bivalve molluscs from the ostreidae family

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