RO135663A2 - Textile matrix for composite used for manufacturing a modular system for developing a biofiltering material - Google Patents

Textile matrix for composite used for manufacturing a modular system for developing a biofiltering material Download PDF


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RO135663A2 RO202000628A RO202000628A RO135663A2 RO 135663 A2 RO135663 A2 RO 135663A2 RO 202000628 A RO202000628 A RO 202000628A RO 202000628 A RO202000628 A RO 202000628A RO 135663 A2 RO135663 A2 RO 135663A2
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Romanian (ro)
Alexandra Gabriela Ene
Carmen Mihai
Cristian Jipa
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Institutul Naţional De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Şi Pielărie - Bucureşti
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Application filed by Institutul Naţional De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Şi Pielărie - Bucureşti filed Critical Institutul Naţional De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Şi Pielărie - Bucureşti
Priority to RO202000628A priority Critical patent/RO135663A2/en
Publication of RO135663A2 publication Critical patent/RO135663A2/en



  • Woven Fabrics (AREA)


The invention relates to a polyester yarn fabric made as a matrix for the composite structures used for making modular systems for the development of a biofiltering material. According to the invention, the fabric is made of polyester yarns, with a length density of 1100dtex/f192 x 1/120Z, both in warp and weft, in a ribbon warping machine provided with an axial unwinding creed, the yarn tension being of 0.15 cN/dtex, with the braking performed by means of brake discs and with porcelain axle, with the yarn guide placed with a non-axiality of + - 10 mm, the weaving being carried out in an unconventional weaving machine with grippers provided with 8 shafts: 6 shafts for the ground yarns with 245 heddles/shaft + 12 auxiliary heddles and 2 shafts for the edge yarns with 18 heddles/shaft+ 4 auxiliary heddles, the pass being made in shaft bodies with 1 yarn in each heddle for the ground yarns and 2 yarns in each heddle for the edge yarns, having the weave card: //1-3-4-5/1-6-7-8/2-3-4-5/2-6-7-8//, reed width of 165 cm, the reed number being 100/10 cm, 1 yarn drawn into the reed joint, setting rate is 10, the polyester weft yarns with the length density of 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z being introduced in the joint by means of the insertion mechanism with negative gripper, and the yarn being fed by 4 pre-deliverers that work alternately.




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Matrice textila pentru compozit utilizat la realizarea sistemului modular pentru dezvoltarea materialului biofiltrantTextile matrix for the composite used to create the modular system for the development of the biofilter material

Autori: A. Ene, C. Mihai, C. JipaAuthors: A. Ene, C. Mihai, C. Jipa

Invenția se refera la un material textil tesut constituit ca matrice pentru structurile compozite utilizate la construcția sistemelor modulare pentru dezvoltarea materialului biofiltrant.The invention refers to a woven textile material constituted as a matrix for the composite structures used in the construction of modular systems for the development of the biofilter material.

Sistemele pentru dezvoltarea materialului biofiltrant sunt realizate in general din geamanduri de diferite forme constructive si culori.The systems for the development of the biofilter material are generally made of buoys of different constructive shapes and colors.

Este cunoscuta o structura compozita care are ca matrice o tesatura realizata din fire poliesterice cu densitatea de lungime de 167dtex/f32x2/250Z atat in urzeala cat si in bătătură, utilizata la construcția sistemelor pentru dezvoltarea materialului biofiltrant, dar are dezavantajul ca nu pastreaza forma structurii in condiții meteorologice dificile (pentru o stare de agitație a marii de 7bf).A composite structure is known that has as a matrix a fabric made of polyester threads with a length density of 167dtex/f32x2/250Z both in the warp and the weft, used in the construction of systems for the development of the biofilter material, but it has the disadvantage that it does not keep the shape of the structure in difficult weather conditions (for a rough sea state of 7bf).

Mai este cunoscuta o structura compozita cu matrice textila - tesatura realizata din fire poliesterice si fire poliamidice dispuse in sistem in raport 1 :1, utilizata la construcția sistemelor pentru dezvoltarea materialului biofiltrant, dar care prezintă dezavantajul unui raport rezistenta/masa necorespunzator (rezistenta la rupere in urzeala si bătătură 80 daN, masa 300 g/mp).A composite structure with a textile matrix is also known - fabric made of polyester yarns and polyamide yarns arranged in the system in a 1:1 ratio, used in the construction of systems for the development of biofilter material, but which presents the disadvantage of an inadequate strength/mass ratio (tear resistance in warp and weft 80 daN, mass 300 g/m2).

De asemenea, mai este cunoscuta o structura compozita care are ca matrice o tesatura realizata din de poliamida 6.6 cu densitatea de lungime de 660dtex/f100 x1 / 350Z atat in urzeala cat si in bătătură, utilizata la construcția sistemelor pentru dezvoltarea materialului biofiltrant, dar are dezavantajul unei rezistente reduse la fenomenele dinamice specifice condițiilor de funcționare in mare deschisa : depuneri de gheata, expunere prelungita la radiatii UV datorita rezistentei la oboseala reduse a matricei.Also, a composite structure is known which has as a matrix a fabric made of polyamide 6.6 with a length density of 660dtex/f100 x1 / 350Z both in the warp and the weft, used in the construction of systems for the development of the biofiltering material, but it has the disadvantage of a reduced resistance to the dynamic phenomena specific to operating conditions in the open sea: ice deposits, prolonged exposure to UV radiation due to the reduced fatigue resistance of the matrix.

Problema pe care o rezolva aceasta invenție consta in alegerea materiei prime si a legăturii țesăturii, astfel incat întregul ansamblu sa asigure următoarele cerințe de exploatare: flexibilitate mare, rezistenta la impact de minim 500 daN, flotabilitate, resursa tehnica de 2 ani, in condiții de min. 7bf, întreținere ușoara si la costuri reduse.The problem that this invention solves consists in the choice of the raw material and the connection of the fabric, so that the whole assembly ensures the following operational requirements: high flexibility, impact resistance of at least 500 daN, buoyancy, technical resource of 2 years, under conditions of min. 7bf, easy maintenance and low costs.

Țesăturile conform invenției înlătură dezavantajele menționate prin aceea ca matricea este realizata din fire de poliester atat in urzeala cat si in bătătură, cu densitatea de lungime 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z, legătură panza realizata in 8 ite (6 pentru firele de fond si 2 pentru firele de margine) si navadire in corpuri de ite, cu cartela legăturii: //1-3-4-5/1-6-7-8/2-3-4-5/2-6-7-8//.The fabrics according to the invention remove the disadvantages mentioned by the fact that the matrix is made of polyester threads both in the warp and the weft, with the length density 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z, the canvas connection made in 8 ite (6 for the background threads and 2 for the edge) and navigation in ite bodies, with the connection card: //1-3-4-5/1-6-7-8/2-3-4-5/2-6-7-8//.

Procedeul de realizare a țesăturii este binecunoscut si consta in: condiționarea firelor timp de 24 de ore la o temperatura de 22-25 °C si la o umiditate relativa de 65%, urzirea pe o mașina de urzit in benzi cu o tensionare a firelor de 0,15 cN/dtex, țeserea, realizata pe o - mașina de tesut neconventionala si controlmetratul, realizat pe rampa de control.The process of making the fabric is well-known and consists of: conditioning the threads for 24 hours at a temperature of 22-25 °C and a relative humidity of 65%, warping on a warping machine in bands with a thread tension of 0.15 cN/dtex, the weaving, made on a non-conventional weaving machine and the control meter, made on the control ramp.

Invenția prezintă următoarele avantaje:The invention presents the following advantages:

- valorificare superioara a materiilor prime high-tech;- superior utilization of high-tech raw materials;

- reducerea eforturilor financiare aferente importurilor;- reduction of financial efforts related to imports;

- posibilitatea realizării pe utilajele din tara, cu materiale ușor accesibile;- the possibility of making it on machines in the country, with easily accessible materials;

- rigiditate si flexibilitate corespunzătoare domeniului de aplicație (acvacultura - dezvoltare material biofiltrant);- rigidity and flexibility corresponding to the field of application (aquaculture - biofilter material development);

- ușurința in manipulare si amplasare a întregului ansamblu;- ease of handling and placement of the entire assembly;

- întreținere ușoara a ansamblului si la costuri reduse.- easy maintenance of the assembly and at low costs.

In continuare se prezintă exemplul de realizare a invenției.Next, the example of the invention is presented.


Urzirea firelor poliesterice cu densitatea de lungime 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z se realizează pe o mașina de urzit in benzi, prevăzută cu rastel cu desfășurare axiala; tensionarea firului: 0,15 cN/dtex, franarea este realizata cu ajutorul discurilor de frinare si ax din porțelan, iar conducătorul de fir este plasat cu o dezaxialitate de ±10 mm, pentru a asigura ridicarea - virfului balonului de desfășurare si simetria fata de virful formatului de desfășurare.The warping of polyester yarns with a length density of 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z is carried out on a strip warping machine, equipped with an axial spreader; wire tension: 0.15 cN/dtex, braking is done with the help of porcelain brake discs and spindle, and the wire guide is placed with an eccentricity of ±10 mm, to ensure the lifting of the tip of the unfolding balloon and symmetry with the top of the unfolding format.

Țeserea se realizează pe o mașina de tesut neconventionala cu greifere, prevăzută cu 8 ite: 6 ite pentru firele de fond cu cate 245 (+12 rezerva) cocleti/ita si 2 ite pentru firele de margine cu cate 18 (+ 4 rezerva) cocleti/ita, navadirea este realizata in corpuri de ite, cu cate 1 fir in coclete pentru firele de fond si 2 in coclete pentru firele de margine, iar cartela legăturii: //1-3-4-5/1-6-7-8/2-3-4-5/2-6-7-8//, latimea in spata este de 165 cm, numărul spetei: 100, număr de fire trase in casuta spetei: 1, roata de desime: 10.Weaving is carried out on an unconventional weaving machine with grabs, equipped with 8 stitches: 6 stitches for the background yarns with 245 (+12 reserve) stitches/piece and 2 stitches for the edge threads with 18 (+ 4 reserve) stitches /ita, the weaving is done in ite bodies, with 1 crochet thread for the background threads and 2 crochet threads for the edge threads, and the connection card: //1-3-4-5/1-6-7- 8/2-3-4-5/2-6-7-8//, the back width is 165 cm, the number of the back: 100, the number of threads drawn in the back box: 1, the desime wheel: 10.

Firele de bătătură din poliester cu densitatea de lungime 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z sunt introduse in rost cu ajutorul mecanismului de inserare cu greifer negativ ; alimentarea cu fir se realizează cu ajutorul a 4 predelivroare care lucrează alternativ.Polyester weft yarns with length density 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z are inserted into the joint using the negative gripper insertion mechanism; wire feeding is carried out with the help of 4 pre-delivery machines that work alternately.

Țesătură are masa de 255 ± 13 g/mp, rezistenta la rupere in urzeala si bătătură de min. 250 daN/5cm, alungirea la rupere in ambele sisteme de minim 20%, pentru tesatura testata in stare condiționată.The fabric has a mass of 255 ± 13 g/m2, resistance to breaking in the warp and weft of min. 250 daN/5cm, elongation at break in both systems of at least 20%, for the fabric tested in a conditioned state.

Rezistenta la alunecare pentru tesatura testata in stare condiționată este de min. 20 daN in urzeala si bătătură, iar rezistenta la sfasiere este de minim 40 daN in ambele sisteme.The slip resistance for the fabric tested in conditioned condition is min. 20 daN in the warp and weft, and the tear resistance is at least 40 daN in both systems.

Tesatura astfel obtinuta constituie matricea pentru structura compozita din care se realizează sistemele modulare pentru dezvoltarea materialului biofiltrant.The fabric thus obtained constitutes the matrix for the composite structure from which the modular systems for the development of the biofilter material are made.

Claims (2)

Revendicări:Claims: 1. Țesătură din fire poliesterice, cu densitatea de lungime HOOdtex /f192x1/120Z atat in urzeala cat si in bătătură caracterizata prin aceea ca pe o mașina de urzit in benzi, prevăzută cu rastel cu desfășurare axiala; tensionarea firului: 0,15 cN/dtex, franare realizata cu ajutorul discurilor de frinare si ax din porțelan, conducător de fir plasat cu o dezaxialitate de ±10 mm, țeserea realizata pe o mașina de tesut neconventionala cu greifere, prevăzută cu 8 ite: 6 ite pentru firele de fond cu cate 245 (+12 rezerva) cocleti/ita si 2 ite pentru firele de margine cu cate 18 (+ 4 rezerva) cocleti/ita, navadirea realizata in corpuri de ite, cu cate 1 fir in coclete pentru firele de fond si 2 in coclete pentru firele de margine, iar cartela legăturii: //1-3-4-5/1-6-7-8/2-3-4-5/2-6-7-8//, latimea in spata de 165 cm, numărul spetei: 100case/10 cm, număr de fire trase in casuta spetei: 1, roata de desime: 10, firele de bătătură din poliester cu densitatea de lungime 1100dtex/f192x1/120Z introduse in rost cu ajutorul mecanismului de inserare cu greifer negativ, alimentarea cu fir se realizează cu ajutorul a 4 predelivroare care lucrează alternativ.1. Woven fabric of polyester yarn, with a density of length HOOdtex / f192x1 / 120Z in both warp and weft, characterized thereby as a warping machine in strips, provided with a rack with axial unwinding; thread tension: 0.15 cN / dtex, braking made with the help of brake discs and porcelain shaft, thread guide placed with a deaxiality of ± 10 mm, weaving made on an unconventional weaving machine with grabs, provided with 8 items: 6 threads for the background threads with 245 each (+12 reserve) cochleas and 2 threads for the edge threads with 18 (+ 4 reserve) threads each, the embellishment made in thread bodies, with 1 thread in the threads for each the background threads and 2 in cochleas for the edge threads, and the connection card: // 1-3-4-5 / 1-6-7-8 / 2-3-4-5 / 2-6-7-8 / /, back width 165 cm, back stitch number: 100case / 10 cm, number of threads pulled in back stitch box: 1, thickness wheel: 10, polyester weft threads with length density 1100dtex / f192x1 / 120Z inserted with the help of the negative graft insertion mechanism, the wire supply is made with the help of 4 pre-deliverers that work alternately. 2. Țesătură conform revendicării 1 cu masa de 255 ± 13 g/mp, rezistenta la rupere in urzeala si bătătură de min. 250 daN/5cm, alungirea la rupere in ambele sisteme de minim 20%, pentru tesatura testata in stare condiționată, rezistenta la alunecare pentru tesatura testata in stare condiționată de min. 20 daN in urzeala si bătătură, iar rezistenta la sfasiere de minim 40 daN in ambele sisteme.Fabric according to claim 1 with a mass of 255 ± 13 g / sqm, resistance to warping in the warp and weft of min. 250 daN / 5cm, elongation at break in both systems of at least 20%, for fabric tested in conditioned condition, slip resistance for fabric tested in conditioned condition of min. 20 daN in warp and weft, and tear strength of at least 40 daN in both systems.
RO202000628A 2020-10-08 2020-10-08 Textile matrix for composite used for manufacturing a modular system for developing a biofiltering material RO135663A2 (en)

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RO202000628A RO135663A2 (en) 2020-10-08 2020-10-08 Textile matrix for composite used for manufacturing a modular system for developing a biofiltering material

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RO202000628A RO135663A2 (en) 2020-10-08 2020-10-08 Textile matrix for composite used for manufacturing a modular system for developing a biofiltering material

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RO202000628A RO135663A2 (en) 2020-10-08 2020-10-08 Textile matrix for composite used for manufacturing a modular system for developing a biofiltering material

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