RO125591A0 - Installation for cleaning and defrosting railways by means of salt and gases as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives meant to clear the snow - Google Patents

Installation for cleaning and defrosting railways by means of salt and gases as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives meant to clear the snow Download PDF


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RO125591A0 ROA201000254A RO201000254A RO125591A0 RO 125591 A0 RO125591 A0 RO 125591A0 RO A201000254 A ROA201000254 A RO A201000254A RO 201000254 A RO201000254 A RO 201000254A RO 125591 A0 RO125591 A0 RO 125591A0
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Ioan Beldean
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Ioan Beldean
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Application filed by Ioan Beldean filed Critical Ioan Beldean
Priority to ROA201000254A priority Critical patent/RO125591A8/en
Publication of RO125591A0 publication Critical patent/RO125591A0/en
Publication of RO125591A8 publication Critical patent/RO125591A8/en



  • Solid Fuels And Fuel-Associated Substances (AREA)
  • Solid-Fuel Combustion (AREA)


The invention relates to an installation for cleaning and defrosting railways by means of the salt and the gases as a result of burning fuel used by Diesel locomotives meant to clear the snow. According to the invention, the installation applies the process for removing the snow and the ice from the railways (9), by means of the hot flux of exhaust gases resulting after burning the fuel used for operating the Diesel engines endowing some locomotives (11), and comprises a closing cover (2), situated above a chimney (1) for exhausting gases as a result of burning the fuel, and, simultaneously it actuates a hinged valve (12) for releasing the high granulation salt, placed in a basin (5) meant for storing salt, the salt quantity needed for the intervention being introduced through the upper side of the basin (5) tightly closed with the closing cover (2), when actuating the hinged valve (12) for releasing the salt there being also actuated a helical worm (6), which displaces the salt from both lateral directions towards the middle of the basin (5) for storing salt, in said place there existing a hole for releasing the salt by means of a rectangular profile (8), thermally insulated, due to the flux of gases burnt under pressure, with a very high constant temperature, which is displaced through some thermally insulated pipes (3), a free space (10) situated between a support (4) of the basin (5) meant for storing the salt is heated, thus there being a dry environment, and the salt with high granulation is kept dry along the entire displacement of the locomotive (11), thus preventing the salt deposition onto the walls of the basin (5), as well as onto the rectangular profile (8) for releasing the salt onto the surface of the railways (9), thus preventing their re-frosting for a time period, on each intervention locomotive (9) there existing an installation on each side thereof, placed on the front side, along the displacement direction, behind a protection shield (13).



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—>————atp·—umi— n,-> ———— atp · —umi— n,

Instalație de curatat si dezghețat șinele de cale ferata cu ajutorul sării si gazelor ca rezultat al arderii combustibilului folosit de către locomotivele diesel destinate deszăpezirii.Installation for cleaning and defrosting railway rails with the help of salt and gas as a result of the combustion of fuel used by diesel locomotives intended for snow removal.

Prezenta invenție se refera la o instalație si procedeu, folosite pentru curatarea si dezghețarea șinelor de cale ferata, in zonele cu probleme din punct de vedere climatic si a căderilor masive de zapada.The present invention relates to an installation and process, used for cleaning and defrosting railway tracks, in areas with climatic problems and massive snowfalls.

Este cunoscut brevetul US 4230045, care se refera la o instalație asemanatoare.U.S. Patent No. 4,313,045 is known, which refers to a similar installation.

Problema pe care o rezolva invenția, este îndepărtarea stratului de zapada înghețata de pe suprafața șinelor de cale ferata.The problem solved by the invention is the removal of the layer of frozen snow from the surface of the railway rails.

Pentru a înțelege propunerea, sugeram o aplicație bazata pe o întâmplare recent petrecuta intr-o zona din Romania.To understand the proposal, we suggest an application based on a recent incident in an area of Romania.

O garnitura de tren (persoane sau marfa) a ramas înzăpezită datorita viscolului puternic si s-a blocat pe un tronson de cale ferata. Imediat s-a luat măsură trimiterii a doua locomotive Diesel dotate cu dispozitive de curatat si deszăpezit clasice. La un moment dat cele doua locomotive s-au înzăpezit nemaiputand ajunge la garnitura de tren blocata. S-a constatat ca sistemul clasic cu plug de îndepărtare a zăpezii nu a rezolvat si problema îndepărtării ghetii aparuta pe șinele de cale ferata.A train set (people or goods) remained snowy due to the strong blizzard and got stuck on a section of railway. It was immediately decided to send two diesel locomotives equipped with classic cleaning and snow removal devices. At one point the two locomotives snowed and could no longer reach the blocked train set. It was found that the classic snow removal plow system did not solve the problem of ice removal on the rail tracks.

Invenția “Instalație de curatat si dezghețai șinele de cale ferata cu ajutorul sării si gazelor ca rezultat al arderii combustibilului folosit de către locomotivele diesel destinate deszăpezirii” rezolva problema prin aceea ca elimina procesul de înghețare a stratului de zapada cat si a peliculei de apa ramasa pe șinele de cale ferata 9.The invention "Cleaning and defrosting the rail tracks with salt and gas as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives for snow removal" solves the problem by eliminating the freezing process of the snow layer and the film of water left on railway rails 9.

In acest scop se aplica procedeul de îndepărtare a zăpezii si ghetii de pe șinele de cale ferata 9 cu ajutorul fluxului fierbinte, de gaze de evacuare rezultate in urma arderii combustibilului folosit pentru funcționarea motoarelor diesel, aflate in dotarea locomotivelor 11 pentru dezapezire si intervenții.For this purpose, the snow and ice removal procedure on the railway tracks 9 is applied with the help of the hot flow of exhaust gases resulting from the combustion of the fuel used for the operation of diesel engines, which are equipped with locomotives 11 for snow removal and interventions.

In acest scop am dotat cele doua locomotive 11 diesel pentru dezapezire si întreținere cu doua instalatii prezentate in figura 1.For this purpose, we equipped the two 11 diesel locomotives for snow removal and maintenance with two installations shown in figure 1.

Ambele locomotive se vor poziționa spate in spate, tractandu-se reciproc pana la sectorul de blocare si inzapezire al garniturii de tren. In acel moment, mecanicul de pe locomotiva aflata in fata, pe direcția de deplasare, va cupla manual, capacul de închidere 2 aflat deasupra coșului de evacuare 1 a gazelor ca rezultat al arderii combustibilului si simultan, va acționa clapeta de eliberare 12 a sării cu granulație mare, aflata in bazinul 5 destinat depozitarii sării.Both locomotives will be positioned back to back, towing each other to the locking and snow section of the train set. At that moment, the driver of the locomotive in front, in the direction of travel, will manually engage the shut-off cap 2 above the gas outlet chimney 1 as a result of burning fuel and simultaneously operate the release valve 12 of the salt with large granulation, located in basin 5 for salt storage.

Cantitatea de sare necesara intervenției se introduce prin partea superioara a bazinului 5, acesta fiind închis ermetic cu un capac de închidere a bazinului 5.The amount of salt required for the intervention is introduced through the upper part of basin 5, which is hermetically sealed with a lid to close basin 5.

In momentul acționarii clapetei de eliberare a sării se va acționa si melcul elicodal 6 care deplasează sarea din ambele directii, laterale, spre mijlocul bazinului de depozitare 5 a sării, loc unde se afla gura de eliberare a sării prin intermediul profilului dretunghiular 8 izolat termic.When the salt release flap is actuated, the helical auger 6 will also be actuated, moving the salt from both sides, sideways, towards the middle of the salt storage tank 5, where the salt release mouth is located by means of the thermally insulated rectangular profile 8.

Datorita fluxului de gaze arse sub presiune, cu o temperatura constant foarte ridicata, ce se deplasează prin țevile 3 izolate termic, spațiul liber 10 aflat intre suportul bazinului 4 si bazinul 5 destinat depozitarii sării, va fi încălzit, astfel, realizandu-se un mediu uscat, iar sarea cu granulație mare se pastreaza uscata pe tot timpul deplasăriiDue to the flow of flue gases under pressure, with a constant very high temperature, which moves through the thermally insulated pipes 3, the free space 10 located between the support of basin 4 and basin 5 intended for salt storage, will be heated, thus creating an environment dry, and the high granular salt is kept dry throughout the journey

0 10-00254-1 9 -03- 2010 locomotivei, împiedicând depunerea sării pe pereții bazinului 5 cat si pe profilul dreptunghiular 8 de eliberare a sării pe suprafața șinelor de cale ferata 9, prevenind astfel reinghetarea acestora pentru o perioada de timp.0 10-00254-1 9 -03- 2010 locomotive, preventing the deposition of salt on the walls of the basin 5 as well as on the rectangular profile 8 of release of salt on the surface of the railway rails 9, thus preventing their re-freezing for a period of time.

Gazele fierbinți actioneaza sub forma unui flux aflat sub presiune, desprinzând porțiunile de gheata si zapada aflate pe suprafața șinelor de cale ferata 9. După ce locomotivele ajung la locul de blocare a garniturii de tren, aceasta va fi cuplata la locomotive de intervenție, timp in care mecanicul celei de a doua locomotive de intervenție va acționa la rândul lui instalația de dezghețat si curatat șinele decale ferata pentru inlaturarea eventualelor noi depuneri de zapada si gheata pe drumul de întoarcere, pana la ieșirea din zona înzăpezită.The hot gas acts as a pressurized stream, releasing portions of ice and snow on the surface of the rail tracks 9. Once the locomotives reach the locking place of the train set, it will be coupled to the intervention locomotives, while which the mechanic of the second intervention locomotive will in turn operate the defrosting and cleaning installation of the rail decal rails to remove any new deposits of snow and ice on the way back, until the exit from the snowy area.

Pe o locomotiva de intervenție vor exista cate o instalație pe fiecare parte a acesteia, amplasata in partea din fata pe direcția de deplasare, in spatele scutului 13 de protecție al locomotivei 11.On an intervention locomotive there will be an installation on each side of it, located in the front on the direction of travel, behind the protection shield 13 of the locomotive 11.

Fata de sistemul clasic montat pe locomotivele de deszăpezire, instalația si procedeul propuse ca invenție conferă garanția ca orice garnitura de tren înzăpezită, va putea fi eliberata si tractata in condiții de siguranța.Compared to the classic system mounted on snow removal locomotives, the installation and process proposed as an invention provide the guarantee that any snow-covered train set will be able to be released and towed safely.

De asemenea sistemul existent are dezavantajul ca doar curata superificial șinele de cale ferata, in schimb instalația si procedeul propuse, ca invenții, realizează si dezghețarea, datorita procedeului propus ca noutate, prin refolosirea gazelor rezultate in urma arderii combustibilului folosit in funcționarea motorului diesel al locomotivei de intervenție.Also, the existing system has the disadvantage that it only superficially cleans the railway tracks, instead the proposed installation and process, as inventions, also defrosts, due to the proposed procedure as a novelty, by reusing the gases resulting from burning fuel used to run the locomotive's diesel engine. intervention.

In raport cu celelalte instalatii si dispozitive clasice existente pe piața, instalația propusa se poate realize intr-un timp foarte scurt si cu costuri reduse, putandu-se aplica pe orice tip de locomotiva diesel, cu mici adaptari iar instructajul personalului calificat se efectuează intr-un timp redus.Compared to other existing installations and classic devices on the market, the proposed installation can be done in a very short time and with low costs, being able to be applied on any type of diesel locomotive, with small adaptations and the training of qualified personnel is carried out. a short time.

In componenta instalației nu este necesar a se folosi materiale speciale care ar implica costuri ridicate, ducând la aplicarea acesteia pe un număr cat mai mare de dotări ale locomotivelor de deszăpezire si intervenție, fara sa necesite personal suplimentar pentru inlaturarea si degajarea efectelor zăpezii.It is not necessary to use special materials that would involve high costs, leading to its application on as many snow and locomotive equipment as possible, without requiring additional personnel to remove and release the effects of snow.

Se da in continuare un exemplu de realizarea a invenției in legătură cu figura 1 care reprezintă instalația completa de deszăpezire si dezghețare montata pe o locomotiva diesel:The following is an example of the embodiment of the invention in connection with Figure 1 which represents the complete snow removal and defrosting installation mounted on a diesel locomotive:

pozita 1 - cos evacuare gaze;position 1 - gas exhaust basket;

poziția 2 - capac închidere cos evacuare gaze arse (acționat manual din cabina de către mecanic);position 2 - flue gas basket closing cap (manually operated from the cab by the mechanic);

poziția 3 - țeava izolata termic (pentru transportul fluxului de gaze);position 3 - thermally insulated pipe (for the transport of gas flow);

poziția 4 - suport pentru bazinul depozitare sare;position 4 - support for the salt storage basin;

poziția 5 - bazin depozitare sare;position 5 - salt storage basin;

poziția 6 - melc stg.-dr. (pentru deplasarea sării din directii laterale spre gura de eliberare poziționată central);position 6 - snail stg.-dr. (for moving the salt from the side directions to the centrally positioned release port);

poziția 7 - capac închidere bazin depozitare sare;position 7 - salt storage tank closure cap;

poziția 8 - profil dreptunghiular izolat termic 9pentru imprastierea sării pe șinele de cale ferata);position 8 - thermally insulated rectangular profile 9 for salt spreading on railway tracks);

poziția 9 - șina cale ferat;position 9 - railway track;

(Ν- 2 Ο 1 Ο - Ο Ο 2 5 4 - 1 9 -03- 2010 poziția 10 - spațiu liber dintre bazinul depozitare a sării si suportul acestuia;(Ν- 2 Ο 1 Ο - Ο Ο 2 5 4 - 1 9 -03- 2010 position 10 - free space between the salt storage basin and its support;

poziția 11 - locomotiva diesel de intervenție;position 11 - intervention diesel locomotive;

poziția 12 - clapeta eliberare sare (actionata manual din cabina de către mecanic);position 12 - salt release flap (manually operated from the cab by the mechanic);

poziția 13 - scutul de protecție al locomotivei (pentru inlaturarea obstacolelor si a zăpezii).position 13 - locomotive protection shield (for removing obstacles and snow).

Figura 2, pag. 9 - vederea de sus a locomotivei de intervenție in care este vizibila instalația de deszăpezire si dezghețare a șinelor de cale ferata, montata pe părțile laterale ale locomotivei.Figure 2, page 9 - top view of the intervention locomotive in which the de-icing and defrosting installation of the railway rails, mounted on the sides of the locomotive, is visible.

Figura 3, pag. 10 - vedere isometrica a locomotivei cu instalația de deszăpezire si dezghețare.Figure 3, page 10 - isometric view of the locomotive with the snow removal and defrosting installation.

Claims (2)

1 9 -03- 20101 9 -03- 2010 Revendicăridemand 1. Instalație de curatat si dezghețat șinele de cale ferata cu ajutorul sării si gazelor ca rezultat al arderii combustibilului folosit de către locomotivele diesel destinate deszăpezirii folosita pentru curatarea si dezghețarea șinelor de cale ferata 11 se caracterizează prin aceea ca instalația propusa folosește procedeul de recirculare sub presiune a fluxului de gaze arse, recuperate la nivelul coșului de evacuare 1 a locomotivelor de deszăpezire diesel si directionate printr-un sistem de doua țevi izolate termic 3, montate in partea de jos a locomotivei 11, pe părțile laterale din fata, poziționate in unghi înclinat, conform figurii 1, deasupra suprafeței de rulare a șinelor de cale ferata 11, la o înălțime de maxim 25-30 mm. Prin intermediul fluxului de gaze arse sub presiune si cu o temperatura ridicata se obține desprinderea zăpezii înghețate, iar cu ajutorul sării de granulatie mare imprastiata pe sine, se previne reinghetarea si totodată imbunatateste aderenta roților de tracțiune pe sine, facilitând deplasarea locomotivei in regimul de deplasare prevăzut, in vederea deblocării unei garnituri de tren (persoane-marfa) înzăpezite pe un tronson nepravazut.1. Installation for cleaning and defrosting railway tracks with the help of salt and gas as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives for snow removal used for cleaning and defrosting railway tracks 11 is characterized by the fact that the proposed installation uses the recirculation process under flue gas pressure, recovered at the level of the exhaust chimney 1 of the diesel snow removal locomotives and directed through a system of two thermally insulated pipes 3, mounted at the bottom of the locomotive 11, on the front sides, positioned at an angle inclined, according to figure 1, above the running surface of the railway rails 11, at a maximum height of 25-30 mm. By means of the flow of flue gases under pressure and with a high temperature, the frozen snow is detached, and with the help of the high granular salt spread on itself, the re-freezing is prevented and at the same time it improves the traction wheels. provided, in order to unblock a train set (persons-goods) snowed on an unseen section. 2. Procedeu pentru curatat si dezghețat șinele de cale ferata cu ajutorul sării si a gazelor rezultat al arderii combustibilului folosit de către locomotivele diesel destinate deszăpezirii, aplicat la instalația (figura 1) propusa ca invenție.2. Process for cleaning and defrosting railway rails with the help of salt and gas resulting from the combustion of fuel used by diesel locomotives intended for snow removal, applied to the installation (figure 1) proposed as an invention.
ROA201000254A 2010-03-19 2010-03-19 Installation for cleaning and defrosting railways by means of salt and gases as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives meant to clear the snow RO125591A8 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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ROA201000254A RO125591A8 (en) 2010-03-19 2010-03-19 Installation for cleaning and defrosting railways by means of salt and gases as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives meant to clear the snow

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
ROA201000254A RO125591A8 (en) 2010-03-19 2010-03-19 Installation for cleaning and defrosting railways by means of salt and gases as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives meant to clear the snow

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RO125591A0 true RO125591A0 (en) 2010-07-30
RO125591A8 RO125591A8 (en) 2015-05-29



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ROA201000254A RO125591A8 (en) 2010-03-19 2010-03-19 Installation for cleaning and defrosting railways by means of salt and gases as a result of burning fuel used by diesel locomotives meant to clear the snow

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN110952493A (en) * 2019-12-28 2020-04-03 江山根咯科技有限公司 Railway track deicing and impurity removing device
CN111535237A (en) * 2020-04-30 2020-08-14 张雪中 External device for removing ice and snow on track based on electromagnetic heating

Families Citing this family (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN105620506B (en) * 2015-12-21 2018-08-21 上海洲跃生物科技有限公司 A kind of device keeping rail adhesion coefficient
CN108425339A (en) * 2018-02-24 2018-08-21 邱小林 A kind of road and bridge accumulated snow auxiliary removing equipment

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN110952493A (en) * 2019-12-28 2020-04-03 江山根咯科技有限公司 Railway track deicing and impurity removing device
CN111535237A (en) * 2020-04-30 2020-08-14 张雪中 External device for removing ice and snow on track based on electromagnetic heating

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RO125591A8 (en) 2015-05-29

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