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JP2635009C JP2635009C JP 2635009 C JP2635009 C JP 2635009C JP 2635009 C JP2635009 C JP 2635009C
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aqueous solution
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ionic strength
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【発明の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【産業上の利用分野】 本発明は、脱アルカリ処理ガラス製アンプル容器にエルカトニンを有効成分と
する水溶液組成物を充填した安定なエルカトニン製剤に関する。 【0002】 【従来の技術】 エルカトニンは化学名1−ブチル酸−7−(L−2−アミノブチル酸)−26
サケ)〔1-butyric acid-7-(L-2-aminobutyric acid)-26-L-aspartic acid-27-L
ット病あるいは骨粗鬆症における疼痛改善に用いられる医薬である。 【0003】 【発明が解決しようとする課題】 この医薬は、水溶液製剤とした場合、激しい振盪によりエルカトニンの活性が
満足のいく安定性の良好なものではなかった。 従来より、ペプタイド類水溶液の振盪による活性低下についての機構が十分解
されている注射剤としての熱安定性,光安定性、人体への接種時の疼痛の低減の 現状維持又はそれ以上の改善を目指し、また、従来ペプタイド類水溶液の振盪に
活性を良好に維持すべく鋭意研究を行った。 【0004】 【課題を解決するための手段】 そこで、本発明者らは、エルカトニンを有効成分とする水溶液組成物において
ニン製剤が得られることを見出した。 【0005】 本発明は係る知見に基づいてなされたもので、即ち本発明は、脱アルカリ処理
物を充填した安定なエルカトニン製剤に関する。 まず、本発明のエルカトニンを有効成分とする水溶液組成物の主な製法は、例
0.05〜20ミリモルの濃度にて調製したものである。 また、エルカトニン水溶液組成物を調製するに当たり、詳しくは、乳酸あるい はクエン酸緩衝液にて、pHを調整し、且つこのイオン強度を算出し、必要に応
促進剤、防腐剤等を加えることができる。 特に、乳酸緩衝液は、医療上添加が可能な乳酸を含む緩衝液で、最終組成物の
リウム、乳酸カリウムを好ましい態様として挙げられる。 【0006】 この乳酸又はその塩において、これらの1種または2種以上、またはその水可
り、更に好ましくは、0.1〜5ミリモルである。 【0007】 イオン強度は、下記の計算式に従い、算出し、イオン強度が、μ=0.01〜
い態様として挙げられる。 μ=1/2 Σri・zi 2(ri:イオンのモル濃度、zi:そのイオン価) 塩化ナトリウム,塩化カリウム等を添加する場合の使用量は、例えば、0.2
〜1.2%用いることが好ましい態様として挙げられる。 【0008】 有効成分であるエルカトニンの有効含有量は、例えば溶液1ミリリットル当り 通常1〜100μgであり、好ましくは注射剤の場合は溶液1ミリリットル当り
常1〜100μgであればよい。 このようにして得られたエルカトニン水溶液組成物は、例えばアンプルである
によりpH変動を生じ、エルカトニン水溶液組成物のpHの変動を生ずる。 【0009】 このような場合には、ガラス製アンプル容器表面のアルカリ成分を選択的に洗
、充填すればよい。 【0010】 斯くして得られたエルカトニン水溶液組成物を充填した脱アルカリ処理ホウケ
劣らない優れた製剤であった。 【0011】 【実施例】 以下、実施例により、本発明を説明するが、本発明はこれら実施例、対比例又
は参考例に限られるものではない。 【0012】 【参考例1】 酢酸ナトリウム(3水和物)0.544g、塩化ナトリウム1.8gを水に溶
ニン1.4mgを溶解して、エルカトニン水溶液組成物を得た。 【0013】 当該エルカトニン水溶液組成物のpH緩衝液は、希薄なため通常のガラス製ア
た。 【0014】 【実施例1】 上記参考例1と同様にして、各種モノカルボキシ化合物又はその塩として乳酸
ニン7μgを含有する注射剤を製造した(実施例1製剤)。 【0015】 【実施例2】 上記参考例1と同様にして、各種多価カルボキシ化合物又はその塩としてクエ ン酸又はそのナトリウム塩を用い、かつ参考例1と同様の脱アルカリ処理ガラス
カトニン7μgを含有する注射剤を製造した(実施例2製剤)。 【0016】 【参考例2】 上記参考例1の対比として、以下の対比例を挙げる。 酢酸ナトリウム(3水和物)0.544g、塩化ナトリウム1.8gを水に溶
、pH5.5、イオン強度0.17に調整した。 【0017】 このようにして得られた溶液200ミリリットルにエルカトニン1.4mgを
填してエルカトニン7μgを含有する注射剤を製造した(参考例2製剤)。 【0018】 【対比例1】 上記参考例2と同様にして、各種モノカルボキシ化合物又はその塩として乳酸
てエルカトニン7μgを含有する注射剤を製造した(対比例1製剤)。 【0019】 【対比例2】 上記参考例2と同様にして、各種多価カルボキシ化合物又はその塩としてクエ
にしてエルカトニン7μgを含有する注射剤を製造した(対比例2製剤)。 【0020】 【参考例3〜5】 上記参考例1または参考例2と同様にして、各種モノカルボキシ化合物や多価
を製造した(参考例3製剤、参考例4製剤および参考例5製剤)。 【0021】 【表1】 【0022】 【試験例1】 各実施例、対比例及び参考例にて得られた各種エルカトニン水溶液組成物の入
示した。振盪条件 振幅: 10cm 振盪回数: 120回/分 温度: 25℃高速液体クロマトグラフィー測定条件 カラム: ODSカラム 4.6×150mm 検出: UV 220nm 移動相: CH3CN−0.1%TFA(34:66) 【0023】 【表2】 【0024】 このようにして得た本発明のエルカトニン製剤は、上記の表1に示す組成を有
エルカトニン製剤におけるpH緩衝液の組成が希薄なために、通常のガラス製ア ンプルではpH変動を生じやすいことを改善し、脱アルカリ処理ガラスアンプル
を使用することによる安定性の改善効果が認められた。 【0025】 【試験例2】 参考例1で得たpH5.5、0.1mM酢酸ナトリウムpH緩衝剤の調製にお
示した。 【0026】 【表3】 【0027】 表3に示す通り、イオン強度が、0.01〜0.500のエルカトニン注射剤
pH5.5,20.0mML−ヒスチジン・塩酸塩(参考例3に基づく組成であ る)にて、塩化ナトリウムの濃度を3mM,10mM,154mM,500mM
0.01〜0.5において認められた。 【0028】 【発明の効果】 以上説明したように、本発明によれば、脱アルカリ処理ガラス製容器にエルカ
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a stable elcatonin preparation comprising an alkali-treated glass ampoule filled with an aqueous solution composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient. [0002] Elcatonin has a chemical name of 1-butyric acid-7- (L-2-aminobutyric acid) -26.
-L-aspartic acid-27-L-valine-29-L-alanine calcitonin (
Salmon) [1-butyric acid-7- (L-2-aminobutyric acid) -26-L-aspartic acid-27-L
-valine-29-L-alaninecalcitonin (salmon)], a drug used to improve pain in hypercalcemia, Paget's disease, or osteoporosis. [0003] Problems to be Solved by the Invention [0004] When this drug is used as an aqueous solution preparation, the activity of elcatonin may be reduced by vigorous shaking, and it is not always satisfactory as a preparation taking into account the stability to shaking. The stability was not good. Under the present circumstances, the mechanism of the activity reduction by shaking of an aqueous solution of peptides has not been sufficiently elucidated, and the present inventors have considered the above problems and have solved the heat stability as an injection which has been conventionally overcome. The aim is to maintain or further improve the current state of photostability and pain during inoculation into the human body, and there has been reported a solution to the decrease in activity due to shaking of aqueous solutions of peptides by adding a surfactant. However, there was a case where safety was a problem. In order to maintain the activity of elcatonin satisfactorily even without the addition of a surfactant, intensive studies were conducted. [0004] Therefore, the present inventors have surprisingly used an aqueous solution composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient to fill the aqueous solution composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient. In an injection container, which is a borosilicate glass container for ampoule pharmaceuticals, it has been found that a stable elcatonin preparation can be obtained by filling an aqueous solution composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient in an alkali-treated borosilicate glass ampoule container. . Furthermore, it has been found that when the pH of the elcatonin aqueous solution composition is 5.0 to 6.5 and the ionic strength is μ = 0.01 to 0.5, a more stable and stable elcatonin preparation can be obtained. The present invention has been made based on such findings, that is, in the present invention, an ampoule container made of dealkalized borosilicate glass has a pH of 5.0 to 6.5 and an ionic strength of μ =
Lactate buffer having a pH of 0.01 to 0.5 or a pH of 5.5 and an ionic strength of μ =
The present invention relates to a stable elcatonin preparation filled with an aqueous composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient, which contains a citrate buffer of 0.15. First, the main method for producing an aqueous solution composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient of the present invention is, for example, a method of preparing an aqueous solution composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient and having a pH of 5.0 to 6.0.
Lactate buffer having an ionic strength of μ = 0.01 to 0.5 or pH of 5.
5, and an effective amount of elcatonin is dissolved in a citrate buffer having an ionic strength of μ = 0.15 to prepare an elcatonin aqueous solution composition such as an elcatonin injection solution. In this case, both lactic acid and citric acid are used. It may be prepared at an appropriate molar concentration, preferably at a concentration of 0.05 to 20 mM, and particularly preferably, lactic acid or its sodium salt is prepared at a concentration of 0.05 to 20 mM. In addition, in preparing the aqueous solution of elcatonin, specifically, the pH is adjusted with a lactic acid or citrate buffer, and the ionic strength is calculated, and if necessary, non-toxic substances such as sodium chloride and potassium chloride are used. Addition of strong electrolyte inorganic salts, to obtain an aqueous medium with adjusted ionic strength, it is easy to further dissolve an effective amount of the active ingredient elcatonin, appropriately at the stage of preparation of the desired aqueous medium of elcatonin An effective amount may be dissolved, and the preparation order is not necessarily specified, and if necessary, other formulation components such as an isotonic agent, a soothing agent, a stabilizer, an absorption enhancer, and a preservative. Etc. can be added. In particular, the lactate buffer is a buffer containing lactic acid that can be added medically and has a buffering action capable of maintaining the pH of the final composition in the range of 5.0 to 6.5. Lactic acid or a salt thereof which can be medically added includes, for example, lactic acid or a salt thereof such as sodium lactate and potassium lactate as a preferred embodiment. The lactic acid or a salt thereof may be appropriately mixed with one or more of these, or a sodium salt or a potassium salt which is a water-soluble salt thereof,
The pH is adjusted to 5.0 to 6.5, and the pH may be finely adjusted as necessary with sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, or the like. The amount of the pH buffer used may be the minimum amount that can buffer the pH of the aqueous solution of elcatonin to 5.0 to 6.5, and when the composition is used for injection, the amount used (in terms of molar concentration) ) Is 0.05 to 20 mmol, more preferably 0.1 to 5 mmol. The ionic strength is calculated according to the following formula, and the ionic strength is μ = 0.01 to
If necessary, adjustment may be made by adding sodium chloride, potassium chloride, or the like so as to be 0.5. Further, it is preferable that μ be adjusted to 0.04 to 0.3. . μ = 1/2 Σr i · z i 2 (r i: molar concentration of ion, z i: its ionic valence) sodium chloride, the amount of the case of adding potassium chloride or the like, for example, 0.2
It is mentioned as a preferable aspect to use -1.2%. The effective content of the active ingredient elcatonin is, for example, usually 1 to 100 μg per milliliter of a solution, preferably 1 to 10 μg per milliliter of a solution in the case of an injection. In this case, the amount may be usually 1 to 100 μg per milliliter of the solution. The thus-obtained aqueous solution of elcatonin is injected into a glass container for parenteral administration of pharmaceuticals, for example, an ampoule, filled and filled in an aqueous solution for injection or the like, or a nasal solution of an aqueous solution by a conventional method. It can be a preparation such as a main agent. In particular, since the pH buffer solution of the elcatonin aqueous solution composition is dilute, the pH tends to fluctuate in a normal glass ampoule, for example, by contacting the inside of an ampoule formed of borosilicate glass with the surface of the glass container. PH changes due to external factors such as elution of an alkaline component from water, and the pH of the aqueous solution of elcatonin fluctuates. In such a case, a method of selectively washing and removing the alkali component on the surface of the glass ampoule container, for example, by adding a water-soluble sulfur such as sulfur dioxide gas or ammonium sulfate to the glass surface at a high temperature of about 250 to 800 ° C. By contacting the oxide, the alkali component on the surface is converted into fine sulfate crystals, and then subjected to a dealkalization-processed container for washing, that is, an ampoule container made of dealkalized borosilicate glass according to the present invention,
What is necessary is just to inject | pour and fill it by considering an appropriate effective amount of the said elcatonin aqueous solution composition by a conventional method. A preparation for parenteral administration comprising an ampoule container made of dealkalized borosilicate glass filled with the aqueous solution of elcatonin thus obtained improves the stability of elcatonin, and particularly has a molar concentration of 0. A formulation obtained by adjusting the pH to 5.0 to 6.5 and the ionic strength to μ = 0.01 to 0.5 using 0.5 to 20 mmol of lactic acid, and the molar concentration to 0.05 to 20 Formulations obtained by adjusting the pH to 5.5 and the ionic strength to μ = 0.15 using millimolar citric acid have particularly good shaking and heat stability of elcatonin and have been overcome in the past. In terms of photostability as an injection and reduction of pain upon inoculation into the human body, it was an excellent preparation which was not inferior to conventional products. Hereinafter, the present invention will be described with reference to examples, but the present invention is not limited to these examples, comparative examples, or reference examples. REFERENCE EXAMPLE 1 Sodium acetate (trihydrate) (0.544 g) and sodium chloride (1.8 g) were dissolved in water to obtain a 200 ml solution.
(w / v) sodium chloride solution to 200 ml. 0.
0.7 ml of 002N hydrochloric acid was added and mixed, pH 5.5, ionic strength 0
. Adjusted to 15. Elcatonin (1.4 mg) was dissolved in 200 ml of the solution thus obtained to obtain an elcatonin aqueous solution composition. Since the pH buffer solution of the aqueous elcatonin aqueous solution composition is so thin that it tends to fluctuate in pH with a normal glass ampule, the ampoule subjected to dealkalization treatment (
A 0.5% ammonium sulfate aqueous solution was brought into contact with the inner wall surface of the ampoule, heated at about 600 ° C., then washed with distilled water for injection after ultrasonic cleaning, and dried at 250 ° C.), and 1 cc of the aqueous solution of elcatonin was used. Injections containing 7 μg of elcatonin were prepared by filling each 1 ml into a dealkalized glass ampoule for use.
Reference Example 1 preparation). The operations in the following Examples, Comparative Examples and Reference Examples were performed aseptically. Example 1 In the same manner as in Reference Example 1 above, lactic acid or its sodium salt was used as various monocarboxy compounds or salts thereof, and the same alkali-treated glass ampule as in Reference Example 1 was used. Elcatonin aqueous solution composition shown in No. 1 was obtained, and an injection containing 7 μg of elcatonin was produced in the same manner (Example 1 formulation). Example 2 In the same manner as in Reference Example 1 above, citric acid or its sodium salt was used as various polyvalent carboxy compounds or salts thereof, and the same alkali-treated glass ampule as in Reference Example 1 was used. An aqueous solution of elcatonin shown in Table 1 was obtained, and an injection containing 7 μg of elcatonin was prepared in the same manner (Example 2 preparation). REFERENCE EXAMPLE 2 The following comparison is given as a comparison with the reference example 1. 0.544 g of sodium acetate (trihydrate) and 1.8 g of sodium chloride were dissolved in water to obtain a 200 ml solution, which was designated as solution A. Separately 0.24 g of acetic acid
, 1.8 g of sodium chloride were dissolved in water to obtain a 200 ml solution, which was designated as solution B. 25 ml of solution B was added to 200 ml of solution A and mixed to adjust the pH to 5.5 and the ionic strength to 0.17. Elcatonin (1.4 mg) was dissolved in 200 ml of the solution thus obtained to obtain an elcatonin aqueous solution composition. Next, 1 ml of this elcatonin aqueous solution composition was filled into a glass ampoule for 1 cc (untreated with alkali-treatment) to prepare an injection containing 7 μg of elcatonin (Reference Example 2 preparation). Comparative Example 1 In the same manner as in Reference Example 2 above, lactic acid or a sodium salt thereof was used as various monocarboxy compounds or salts thereof, and a glass ampoule that had not been subjected to the alkali removal treatment as in Reference Example 2 was used. Using the same, an aqueous solution of elcatonin shown in Table 1 was obtained, and an injection containing 7 μg of elcatonin was produced in the same manner (Comparative 1 formulation). Comparative Example 2 In the same manner as in Reference Example 2 above, citric acid or a sodium salt thereof is used as each of the various polyvalent carboxy compounds or salts thereof, and the same alkali removal treatment as in Reference Example 2 has not been performed. Using an ampoule, an aqueous solution of elcatonin shown in Table 1 was obtained, and an injection containing 7 μg of elcatonin was produced in the same manner (Comparative 2 formulation). Reference Examples 3 to 5 In the same manner as in Reference Example 1 or Reference Example 2, various monocarboxy compounds and polyvalent carboxy compounds or salts thereof may be used as L-histidine hydrochloride (Reference Example 3), succinic acid An aqueous solution of elcatonin shown in Table 1 was obtained using sodium (Reference Example 4), sodium tartrate (Reference Example 5), and an untreated glass ampoule in the same manner as in Reference Example 2. Thus, an injection containing 7 μg of elcatonin was produced (Reference Example 3, Preparation 4, and Reference Example 5). [Table 1] Test Example 1 Elcatonin injections containing the various aqueous elcatonin compositions obtained in each of the Examples, Comparative Examples and Reference Examples were placed in a paper box, and shaken in a thermostatic shaking machine to stabilize them. The property was measured by high performance liquid chromatography, and the residual ratio was determined. The results are shown in Table 2. Shaking conditions Amplitude: 10 cm Number of times of shaking: 120 times / min Temperature: 25 ° C. High performance liquid chromatography Measurement conditions Column: ODS column 4.6 × 150 mm Detection: UV 220 nm Mobile phase: CH 3 CN-0.1% TFA (34: 66) [Table 2] The thus obtained elcatonin preparation of the present invention has the composition shown in Table 1 above, and as is clear from Table 2 showing the residual ratio of the preparation after elapse of the shaking time, the elcatonin preparation The fact that the composition of the pH buffer solution in Example 1 was so low that the pH fluctuation was likely to occur in a normal glass ampule was improved, and the effect of improving the stability by using a dealkalized glass ampule was recognized. Test Example 2 In the preparation of the pH 5.5, 0.1 mM sodium acetate pH buffer obtained in Reference Example 1, four kinds of solutions were adjusted so that the concentration of sodium chloride was 3 mM, 10 mM, 154 mM, and 500 mM. Prepared. Elcatonin was dissolved at 7 μg / milliliter and filled in ampoules in the same manner as in Reference Example 1 to produce elcatonin injections having four ionic strengths. The obtained elcatonin injection was stored at 45 ° C. for 3 months, and the residual ratio was determined under the measurement conditions performed in Test Example 1. Table 3 shows the results. [Table 3] As shown in Table 3, the elcatonin injection having an ionic strength of 0.01 to 0.500 was stable as a result of a severe heat test. Similarly, instead of sodium acetate, pH 5.5, 0.1 mM sodium lactate (composition based on Example 1),
At pH 5.5, 20.0 mM L-histidine hydrochloride (composition based on Reference Example 3), the concentration of sodium chloride was adjusted to 3 mM, 10 mM, 154 mM, and 500 mM.
The following four solutions were prepared in the same manner as described above.
The storage stability at 5 ° C. for 3 months was observed at an ionic strength of 0.01 to 0.5 as in the case of sodium acetate. As described above, according to the present invention, an alkali-treated glass container is filled with an aqueous solution of elcatonin to form an elcatonin preparation, which is prepared using an untreated container. A more stable preparation can be obtained as compared with an elcatonin preparation, and by selecting a monocarboxy compound or a water-soluble salt thereof, a pH value, and an ionic strength, the preparation is particularly stable against shaking and heat, and is light-resistant. And a stable and favorable elcatonin preparation can be provided.

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 脱アルカリ処理ホウケイ酸ガラス製アンプル容器にpHが5.
ニンを有効成分とする水溶液組成物を充填した安定なエルカトニン製剤。 【請求項2】 水溶液組成物が、注射用組成物である請求項1記載の安定なエ
Claims: 1. An alkali-treated borosilicate glass ampoule container having a pH of 5.0 .
Lactate buffer or p with 0-6.5 and Ionic Strength Agency μ = 0.01-0.5
A stable elcatonin preparation filled with an aqueous solution composition containing elcatonin as an active ingredient, which contains a citric enzyme buffer having an H of 5.5 and an ionic strength of μ = 0.15 . 2. A stable elcatonin preparation according to claim 1, wherein the aqueous composition is an injectable composition.



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