JP2606382C - - Google Patents


Publication number
JP2606382C JP2606382C JP 2606382 C JP2606382 C JP 2606382C JP 2606382 C JP2606382 C JP 2606382C
Prior art keywords
display panel
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Expired - Lifetime
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Japanese (ja)
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Fuji Electric Co Ltd
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Fuji Electric Co Ltd
Publication date



【発明の詳細な説明】 〔産業上の利用分野〕 この発明は、パーソナルコンピュータ(パソコン),プログラマブルコントロ
ーラまたはマイクロコンピュータ(マイコン)等を内蔵した操作表示パネル (POD)の改良に関する。 〔従来の技術〕 かかる操作表示パネル(POD)として、出願人は先に特開昭 63−801088 号
)。 第 10 図はこの提案済み装置を示すブロック図である。 同図において、11 はCPU(中央処理装置)としてのマイコンシステム、12
は表示文字を発生するキャラクタジェネレータ(CG)、13 は画面を構成する
図形データを記憶するための画面メモリ(EEPROM)(上記 CG12 を用い
る代わりに、この画面メモリ 13 に文字を図形として記憶させるようにしても良
い)、14 は画面に表示する数量データなどを保持するためのデータメモリ(R
AM)(このメモリ 14 に、動作状況を画面毎に記憶させることで、電源オフと
なった後で再起動を容易にすることが出来、またこのメモリ 14 は、不揮発性メ
モリとなるように、バッテリでバックアップするのが良い)、15 は内部バス、1
6 は表示パネルと透明スイッチが一体化した透明タッチキーであるが、そのうち
、特に透明スイッチを指すときは符号 16a を、表示パネルを指すときは符号 16
b(16a,16b とも第 10 図には直接は図示していない)を用いることとする。な
お、透明スイッチ 16a は、表示パネル 16b の表示画面上に位置し、該画面に表
示されたスイッチ項目に、該透明スイッチ 16a を構成する透明体を介してタッ
チすることにより、該透明スイッチ 16a から対応するスイッチ出力を発生するよ
うになっており、かかる透明タッチキー16 そのものは従来からの周知のもので
ある。 17 はキーエンコーダ(透明スイッチ 16a の操作出力を入力され、これをエン
コードしてマイコンシステム 11 へ伝える働きをする)、18 は操作(ファンク
ション)スイッチ、19 はインタフェースバス、20 は画面作成用のデータを入力
し、設定するためのローダ、21 は外部の動作制御装置としてシーケンサである
。 また、このシーケンサ 21 は、マイコンシステム 11 へ指令を発してデータメ
モリ 14 に記憶されている画面データの選択指定を行なう機能や、透明スイッチ
16a や操作スチッチ 18 の操作結果をキーエンコーダ 17、マイコンシステム11
を介して読み込み、その結果により、該シーケンサ 21 につながる前述の機械
へ操作出力を出力したり、またマイコンシステム 11 へ指令を発して表示パネル
16b におけるその表示画面を切り換えたりする機能を持っている。 22 は表示ランプ、23 は警報リレー、24 はブザーである。表示ランプ 22 は
、操作ディスプレイとしは透明タッチキー16 の近傍に配置されるわけであるが
、その際、該タッチキー16 の表示パネル 16b が例えば液晶とか蛍光表示管など
で構成されていたとすと、遠方とか明るい所では、表示ランプ 22 を視認し難い
という問題が生じる。 そこで、表示ランプ 22 はアラーム用等として、大型のランプを用いて個別に
点灯できるようにしておき、マイコンシステム 11 からその点灯制御を直接行な
うようにする。また、この表示ランプ 22 は、その側に配置する銘板文字(ラン
プの用途等を示す)を、表示パネル 16b における画面を利用して構成すれば、
銘板文字データをマイコンシステム 11 からの指令によって容易に変えることが
できるから、それに応じて表示ランプ 22 の機能を幾通りにも使い分けることが
できる。警報リレー23,ブザー24 は異常発生時に動作し、外部にそのことを通知
するためのものである。 また図示していないが、表示ランプの代わりに操作スイッチの一部を配置すれ
イッチを幾通りにも、透明スイッチ同様に利用することができる。 表示ランプ22,警報リレー23,ブザー24および表示ランプ22の側の銘板文字表示
などの諸動作は、シーケンサ 21 のブログラムによって指定されるもので、イン
タフェースバス 19 を介して指定のための指令を受けたマイコンシステム11 が
それらの動作を制御する。ブザー24 は透明タッチキー16 の操作がなされたとき
うにすることもできる。 〔発明が解決しようとする課題〕 i)従来のPODは操作,表示機能を持っているが、画面単位の表示データをメ
したのかを同時に表示することはできない。 ii)従来のPODでは、予め定めされた部分的な“データや文字”を、上記の両
とは基本的にはできない。 iii)従来のPODの画面表示は、基本的にはローダで設計したものに限定され
われ、データ通信も簡単である。 iv)従来のPODは小形画面であり、いわゆるマルチウインドウ技術は使えない
状や価格に制約があるためである。 したがって、この発明の課題は次のような点を解決することにある。 イ)上位計算機側で表示画面を任意に作成し、これを表示し得るようにする。た
だし、この表示の切り換えは早くしないと実用性が失われる。 ロ)予め定まった操作表示機能は、従来のPODを利用して実現できるようにす
示データを送るのに時間が掛かるからである。 ハ)新しく上位計算機がら送られて来るデータの表示と、従来のPODにおける
し適切な処置ができるようにするためである。 ニ)従来のPOD機能はそのまま生かすだけでなく、このPODの画面を上位計
合わせを可能にする。 ホ)表示画面を上記計算機側でコントロールするときのことを考え、 a)スイッチの動作見地の機能は、POD本体の機能を利用する。 b)スイッチの動作結果としての操作データを上位計算機に送信する。 c)ただし、PODの機能画面(画面データとして予めメモリされているもの)
するように、選択できるようにする。 〔課題を解決するための手段〕 上記課題達成のための本発明では、画面作成用のデータを設定するためのロー
手段に表示する動作、或いは前記記憶手 段から読み出された画面データをそのまま前記表示パネル手段に表示する動作、
た。 〔作用〕 PODとしての機能のみを働がせるか、表示器としての機能のみを働かせるか
性かつ汎用性に富む操作表示パネルを提供する。 〔実施例〕 第1図にこの発明のシステム構成例を示す。1はパーソナルコンピュータ,プ
にすることができる。 次に、上位計算機1から操作表示パネル2へのデータの送り方について説明す
ではこのような事情を前提に、いかに新しい画面を作るかについて説明する。 このため、上位計算機では次のようなコマンド(画面コントロールコマンド)
らには指定した画面をどのように作り上げるかを指定できるようにしてい る。 ESC(PODモードセット):PODとしての機能を働かせる。 ESC(POD+表示器モードセット):PODと表示器双方の機能を働かせる
。 ESC(表示器モードセット):表示器としての機能を働かせる。 ESC(画面No.):予めメモリされている画面データを読み出して表示する
。 ESC(表示No.):以降に送られてくる表示データの表示No.を示す。 ESC(表示No.+画面No.):予めメモリされている画面No.と以下に送ら
れてくる表示データを重ねて表示する。 ESC(画面クリヤ):表示画面をクリヤする。画面No.,表示No.ともにク
リヤされる。 ESC(1行スキップ)〜ESC(n行スキップ):表示されている表示を指
定行分そのまま残して表示する。 ESC(1行クリヤ)〜ESC(n行クリヤ),ESC(残り表示クリヤ):
表示されている表示を指定分クリヤする。 これらのコマンドを用いてどのように画面を作るかについて、第2図を参照し
て説明する。 第2図(a)は、すでに作成されている画面(b)と、上位計算機から送られ
(c)として重ね合わせたものと考えても良い。 このように、画面に対してクリア,スキップなどの制御を組み合わせることに
であるので、これらのコマンドデータをメモリし、その状態を返送で きるようにすることが必要である。ただし、PODの機能だけで済む場合は、必
はのその説明を省略する。 第3図は透明タッチスイッチの操作状態を、操作表示パネルに内蔵しているマ
れは、透明タッチキー16 のマトリックスのX方向に、例えば 20 分割した回路
を順次スキャニングするストローブ信号発生回路 25 を持ち、スキャンニングに
応じて各行のスイッチの動作しているスイッチに応じたスイッチ検知回路 26 の
出力をマイコンシステム 11 が読み取ることで、実現することができる。これと
同じように、表示パネルの周辺にある操作スイッチも、マイコンシステム 11 に
の透明タッチキー16 のスイッチ4つを1まとめにした例を示している。 第4図に、操作表示パネルから上位計算機に送られる操作スイッチ情報データ
るので、ここではその詳細な説明を省略する。 第4図では、操作表示パネルが複数存在するので、そのアドレスを付し、表示
らのどのような方法が良いかはその利用するシステムの使われ方 や、スイッチ情報のデータ伝送時間に対する要求度合などの設計的な要因である
ので、利用する装置毎に決定すれば良い。 次に、第5図にこの発明の機能ブロック図を示す。 この図において、パネルが動作状態になると、まず上位計算機から送られてく
る動作モードのコマンドの受信を持っている。コマンドはESC( )という形
で、( )内にPODモードセット,POD+表示器モードセット,表示器モー
ドセットのいずれかが送られてくる。このモード受信S1 によってパネルはS2
〜S4 のいずれがの動作モードとなる。また、この動作モードでは常時受信が可
PODの機能であるので、表示器モードではこの部分が除去されることになる。 第6図では、それまでの動作状況に応じて、PODモードあるいは表示器モー
れるので、例えば 16 文字×6行の機能を持つ表示画面では 16文字を受信する
最上位行をクリヤし、2行目〜7行目を表示する。これらの 画面制御では、スキップ,クリヤとも新しい行をスキップ,クリヤさせるため、
16 文字未満の行は仮にデータが受信されたものとし、行カウンタをまず+1し
り、クリヤはその表示および機能をクリヤすることを示している。 ステップS29では、表示画面上の透明スイッチおよび表示画面の周囲に設けら
内容が異なってくる。 このPODの部分か、表示器の部分かは次のように判断される。PODのモー
は、まだ表示データが受信されてない行がPODモードの行である。 PODのモードはPODとしてS31で示すように動作し、表示器モードとして
あれば上位計算機からデータを受信し、16 文字を1行として順次表示する。な
お、この文字の中にはスペースとか特殊記号を含んでいることは当然である。 このように、表示データを持ちながら終了する。このフロー部分は第5図に示
すように、モード受信を含めて常時繰り返して行なわれる。 以上では、主として上位計算機(外部装置)からのコマンドを利用して種々の
とする。 ステップS1で外部装置 21 からデータを受信し、ステップS2では受信した画
プS4で読み出したデータが表示制御のためのコマンドデータか否かをチ ェックする。コマンドデータであれば、ステップS5に進み表示位置の指定など
に透明スイッチ 16b が6行× 12 列であり、ファンクションスイッチ 18 が6
個ある場合は、これらすべてのスイッチ情報を送信する。 一方、画面番号(No.)が「254」でなければステップS9に進み、新たな画面
テップS12でフラットディスプレイ(透明タッチキー)16 に表示する。ステッ
プS13では、表示している画面データのスイッチデータ処理を行なう。 第9図に外部装置からの伝送フォーマットと外部装置への伝送フォーマットの
番号とスイッチデータである。 〔発明の効果〕 この発明によれば、 1)予め設計した画面を利用しながら操作表示画面を素早く作り上げ、操作パネ
ルの応答性を良くできる。 2)また、すでに表示されている表示画面の一部を修正するに際しても専用のコ
マンドを用いることにより、容易に実現できる。 3)上位計算機側では操作表示パネルの表示状態を示す画面No.,表示No.を受
能であり、信頼度の高いシステムを構成できる。 4)特定の画面番号を指定するだけで外部装置からのデータを表示することがで
きるので、画面数を増やすことなく表示内容を容易に変更することができる。 などの利点が得られる。
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an improvement in an operation display panel (POD) incorporating a personal computer (PC), a programmable controller or a microcomputer (microcomputer). [Prior Art] As such an operation display panel (POD), the applicant has previously proposed the one disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 63-801088 (WO88 / 01088) (also simply referred to as a proposed device). FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing the proposed device. In the figure, reference numeral 11 denotes a microcomputer system as a CPU (central processing unit);
Is a character generator (CG) for generating display characters; 13 is a screen memory (EEPROM) for storing graphic data constituting the screen (instead of using the above-mentioned CG12, characters are stored in the screen memory 13 as graphics). 14) is a data memory (R) for storing quantity data and the like to be displayed on the screen.
AM) (By storing the operation status for each screen in this memory 14, it is possible to facilitate restarting after the power is turned off, and this memory 14 is a non-volatile memory, Backup with battery), 15 is internal bus, 1
Reference numeral 6 denotes a transparent touch key in which the display panel and the transparent switch are integrated. Of these, the reference numeral 16a indicates the transparent switch, and the reference numeral 16 indicates the display panel.
b (both 16a and 16b are not directly shown in FIG. 10). The transparent switch 16a is located on the display screen of the display panel 16b, and by touching a switch item displayed on the screen via a transparent body constituting the transparent switch 16a, the transparent switch 16a is switched from the transparent switch 16a. A corresponding switch output is generated, and such a transparent touch key 16 itself is conventionally known. Reference numeral 17 denotes a key encoder (which receives the operation output of the transparent switch 16a, encodes this and transmits it to the microcomputer system 11), 18 denotes an operation (function) switch, 19 denotes an interface bus, and 20 denotes data for screen creation. And a loader 21 for inputting and setting the data, and a sequencer 21 as an external operation control device. A machine (not shown), for example, an assembling machine is connected to the end of the sequencer, and the assembling machine is controlled by the sequencer in the operation procedure (program). The sequencer 21 has a function to issue a command to the microcomputer system 11 to select and specify screen data stored in the data memory 14 and a transparent switch.
Key encoder 17 and microcomputer system 11
And outputs an operation output to the machine connected to the sequencer 21 according to the result, or issues a command to the microcomputer system 11 to display on the display panel.
It has a function to switch its display screen in 16b. 22 is an indicator lamp, 23 is an alarm relay, and 24 is a buzzer. The display lamp 22 is disposed in the vicinity of the transparent touch key 16 as an operation display.If the display panel 16b of the touch key 16 is formed of, for example, a liquid crystal or a fluorescent display tube, the display lamp 22 is assumed to be used. However, there is a problem that it is difficult to visually recognize the display lamp 22 in a distant or bright place. Therefore, the display lamp 22 is designed to be individually lit using a large lamp for an alarm or the like, and the lighting control is directly performed by the microcomputer system 11. In addition, the display lamp 22 can be configured such that the nameplate characters (indicating the use of the lamp, etc.) arranged on the side thereof are formed by using the screen of the display panel 16b.
Since the nameplate character data can be easily changed by a command from the microcomputer system 11, the functions of the display lamps 22 can be properly used in accordance with the change. The alarm relay 23 and the buzzer 24 operate when an abnormality occurs, and notify the outside of the abnormality. Although not shown, if a part of the operation switch is arranged in place of the display lamp, as in the case of the display lamp, the operation switch can be changed in a number of ways by changing the nameplate character data, similarly to the transparent switch. Can be used. Various operations such as the display lamp 22, the alarm relay 23, the buzzer 24 and the display of the nameplate character on the side of the display lamp 22 are specified by the program of the sequencer 21, and commands for the specification are issued via the interface bus 19. The received microcomputer system 11 controls those operations. When the transparent touch key 16 is operated, the buzzer 24 detects the operation and sounds for a short time so that the operator can be informed of the operation. [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] i) The conventional POD has operation and display functions, but display data for each screen is stored in a memory, and the screen No. (number) is designated or selected. The display is switched by. For this reason, it is necessary to register a screen in advance, and it is not possible to immediately perform display according to a new situation. In addition, since switching is performed in units of screens, it is not possible to simultaneously display the state in which the current display has occurred, for example, even when a display occurs when an abnormality occurs. ii) In the conventional POD, a predetermined partial “data or character” can be superimposed and displayed by being incorporated in the above-described double-sided display. However, this superimposed display is only a partial display, and it is basically impossible to significantly change the entire screen or the screen contents. iii) The screen display of the conventional POD is basically limited to the one designed by the loader. As a result, since there is no need to transmit display data, screen switching is performed quickly and data communication is simple. iv) The conventional POD has a small screen, and cannot use a so-called multi-window technology. That is, since the POD must be small and inexpensive, high-grade technologies such as multi-windows cannot be used. This is because the POD is in the form of electronic operation panels, and the shape and price are limited. Therefore, an object of the present invention is to solve the following points. B) The display screen is arbitrarily created on the host computer side so that it can be displayed. However, the practicality is lost unless the display is switched quickly. B) The predetermined operation display function can be realized by using the conventional POD. The reason is that the screen data has a large amount of memory, and the program becomes large-scale, and it takes time to send the display data. C) Display of data newly sent from the host computer and operation display or operation state display in the conventional POD can be simultaneously executed. The purpose of this is to simultaneously display the current display content and the cause and status of the occurrence, so that the situation can be accurately grasped and appropriate measures can be taken. D) In addition to utilizing the conventional POD function as it is, the screen of the POD can be used as a display of a host computer. That is, P for operation and display
The OD is required to have a high-speed response, and the program is required to be simple. Therefore, the OD is a fixed function designed in advance. However, it is desirable that an arbitrary screen can be created by a program as a computer display. Therefore, partial change and combination with the POD screen are enabled. E) Consider the case where the display screen is controlled on the computer side. A) The function of the operation viewpoint of the switch uses the function of the POD main body. b) The operation data as the operation result of the switch is transmitted to the host computer. c) However, POD function screen (previously stored as screen data)
Within the range, the function is the same as that of the conventional POD. In other words, it is possible to make a selection so as to function also as a POD. [Means for Solving the Problems] In the present invention for achieving the above object, loader means for setting data for screen creation, and switch item screen data set in advance by the loader means and stored in advance are stored. Storage means for performing the operation, a display panel means for displaying a switch item on the screen according to the screen data read from the storage means, and each time a switch operation is performed corresponding to the switch item on the screen on the display panel means, Operating switch means for generating and outputting information on the item, encoding means for reading and encoding the operation status of the operation switch means, and controlling operation of an external device according to operation data from the encoding means. Sequencer means, and a microcomputer system for controlling the respective means. Screen display data with the host computer on the operation display panel (POD)
Together have a transmission means for receiving the screen how to make the Teigizukeru screen control commands, when receiving the screen display data from the host computer, the screen Con
The operation of displaying the screen display data on the display panel means as it is according to the troll command , or the screen display data obtained by synthesizing the screen display data received from the host computer and the screen data read from the storage means. An operation of displaying on the display panel means, or an operation of directly displaying the screen data read from the storage means on the display panel means,
The microcomputer system is functioned so that any of the above can be selectively performed. [Operation] An operation display panel that is flexible and versatile and allows a user to select whether to operate only the function as a POD, only the function as a display, or the function as a POD + display. I will provide a. [Embodiment] Fig. 1 shows an example of the system configuration of the present invention. Reference numeral 1 denotes a high-level computer which means various devices including a personal computer, a programmable controller, or a microcomputer. The host computer 1 and a plurality of operation display panels 2 (
2A to 2N) are connected via a transmission line 3. The operation display panel 2 includes a display screen, transparent touch keys provided on the display screen, operation switches provided around the display screen, and the like in the same manner as the POD described above. Operate the transparent touch key or operation switch. The operation status of this switch is sent to the host computer as needed, and is used as data to the host computer or controls the devices based on the sent data. In addition, a new display can be sent back in accordance with the control status or the like to enable a new operation based on the new status. Next, how to send data from the host computer 1 to the operation display panel 2 will be described. In the operation display panel, display data is stored for each screen No., and the display screen can be created by reading the stored screen by designating the screen No. from an external device including a host computer, and a transparent screen can be created. It has the function of reading the operation status of the touch keys and the peripheral switches, as in the proposed device. Therefore, here, how to create a new screen under such circumstances will be described. Therefore, the following commands (screen control commands) are used in the host computer.
Is used. With these commands, it is possible to specify what type of screen is to be used, and how to create the specified screen. ESC (POD mode set): Activates the function as POD. ESC (POD + display mode set): Activates both POD and display functions. ESC (display mode set): Activates the function as a display. ESC (Screen No.): Reads and displays screen data stored in advance. ESC (Display No.): Indicates the display No. of the display data transmitted thereafter. ESC (display No. + screen No.): The screen No. stored in advance and the display data sent below are displayed in an overlapping manner. ESC (screen clear): Clears the display screen. Both the screen No. and the display No. are cleared. ESC (one-line skip) to ESC (n-line skip): The displayed display is left as it is for the specified line. ESC (clear one line) to ESC (clear n lines), ESC (clear remaining):
Clears the displayed display by the specified amount. How to create a screen using these commands will be described with reference to FIG. FIG. 2 (a) is a composite of the already created screen (b) and the display data (c) sent from the host computer. That is, the ESC (POD mode)
De set), if ESC (Screen No.) command or the like, the screen shown in FIG. 2 for example, is a memory (b) is displayed on the screen No.. However, ESC (POD
When a command such as + display mode set) or ESC (display No. + screen No.) is instructed, the screen shown in FIG. 3C is superimposed on the screen shown in FIG.
At this time, in the example of FIG. 9A, the screen of FIG.
It may be considered that the SC (one-row skip) is repeated three times and the upper three rows are superimposed on FIG. 3B and the lower three rows are superimposed on FIG. In this way, by combining controls such as clearing and skipping on the screen, the screen can be arbitrarily edited and created. In addition, since it is important for the control to know what display state the operation display panel is in on the host computer side, it is necessary to store these command data in memory so that the state can be returned. is necessary. However, if only the POD function is sufficient, it is not always necessary to send. The display data of the screen is sent from the host computer to the operation display panel in the form of a character code. The transmission method is the same as that generally used in a CRT display or a printer. Therefore, the description is omitted here. FIG. 3 is an explanatory diagram for explaining how an operation state of the transparent touch switch is read by a microcomputer system built in the operation display panel. This has a strobe signal generation circuit 25 that sequentially scans, for example, 20 divided circuits in the X direction of the matrix of the transparent touch keys 16, and detects a switch corresponding to the operating switch of each row according to the scanning. This can be realized by the microcomputer system 11 reading the output of the circuit 26. Similarly, the operation status of the operation switches around the display panel can be read by the microcomputer system 11. FIG. 3 (b) is the same as FIG.
4 shows an example in which four switches of the transparent touch key 16 are put together. FIG. 4 shows an example of operation switch information data sent from the operation display panel to the host computer. Since the data transmission method, the configuration of the transmission path, and the protocol can be freely designed, a detailed description thereof will be omitted here. In FIG. 4, since there are a plurality of operation display panels, their addresses are assigned, and it is shown that the display screen is already read out and displayed on the display screen, and if both are used for display, If so, both of the states are transmitted as "H". In addition, this No. In the (number) data, the latest display or screen No. is notified. If a screen clear command is received, these numbers are “00” or “F”.
F "or a specific No., indicating that the display has been cleared. Further, the switch information following that is transmitted at that time, which corresponds to the No. of the switch that is ON at that time. The number of the switch data may be the same as the upper limit of the number of switches operated simultaneously, or alternatively, the ON / OFF status data of all the switches of the operation display panel may be transmitted. However, which of these methods is better depends on design factors such as how the system to be used is used and the degree of request for the data transmission time of the switch information, and may be determined for each device to be used. Next, a functional block diagram of the present invention is shown in Fig. 5. In this figure, when the panel is in the operating state, first, the operation mode command transmitted from the host computer is transmitted. The command is in the form of ESC (), and one of the POD mode set, POD + display mode set, and display mode set is sent in parentheses.
To S4 are the operation modes. In this operation mode, reception is always possible. Of these, in the POD mode, the operation is performed as a POD for which a patent application has already been filed, and a detailed operation thereof will be omitted. The display mode is a part of the function of the POD + display mode, except for the following POD function.
The display mode will be described with reference to FIG. Since the part marked with “*” is a POD function, this part is removed in the display mode. In FIG. 6, this mode is instructed by the host computer from the POD mode or the display mode according to the operation status up to that time, or according to the operation status such as occurrence of an abnormality. First, if entering from POD mode S 10, screen No. and the operating status at that time is first held. S 11 to S 18 shows the treatment contents when receiving, for and received the screen control commands. For example, S
If the POD screen No. is received at 11 , the new screen data is called from the memory and displayed. At the same time, it is natural that the function setting data relating to Sw and the like can be read and operated as POD. With memory retracted to reflect the display No. in S 13 the data shown in FIG. 4, a flag is set to allow receive subsequent display data it. Incidentally, when the screen No. receipt of S 11 this flag is reset. Step S 19 to S 28, the command to create a window in the received data, it indicates the function at the time of reception of the. Since the display data is received as a character string, for example, on a display screen having a function of 16 characters × 6 lines, the line counter is counted up every time 16 characters are received. When the sixth line or more is received, the top line is cleared and the second to seventh lines are displayed. In these screen controls, both skip and clear skip and clear new lines.
Assuming that data of less than 16 characters has been received, the line counter is first incremented by 1, and then the number of lines for skipping or clearing is added, and skipping or clearing is performed. The skip is to retain the function of the screen displayed before that, and the clear indicates that the display and the function are cleared. In step S 29, the switch provided on the periphery of the transparent switches and a display screen on the display screen, to detect the operation based on the operation result. P in S 30 this behavior results
The contents of the processing differ depending on whether the operation is performed as the OD or the display. Whether the part is the POD part or the display part is determined as follows. If the mode is switched from the POD mode to the POD + display mode, or if the screen No. has been received, the portion of the line skipped when display data is received thereafter, or the display data is still received The missing line is the line in the POD mode. POD mode operates as shown by S 31 as POD, as shown in part S 32 that operates as an indicator mode, the switch data host computer are transmitted in the data structure as shown in FIG. 4 . Step S 33, if the display reception flag is "H" data is received from the host computer, sequentially displays 16 characters on one line. It is natural that this character includes a space and a special symbol. Thus, the process ends with the display data. As shown in FIG. 5, this flow portion is always repeated including the mode reception. In the above description, various displays are performed mainly using commands from the host computer (external device). However, when a specific screen number is received from the external device, the data transmitted from the external device is displayed. You can also. FIG. 7 is a flowchart for explaining the operation in such a case. For example, "254" is set as a specific screen number. Receives data from the external device 21 in step S 1, step S 2 in the received screen number (No.) is checked whether the "254", step S 3, if "254"
Proceed to. Step S 3 reads the received data that follow the screen number in the read data in step S 4 to check whether the command data or not for display control. If the command data, and command processing such as specifying the display position proceeds to step S 5. If command data proceeds to step S 6, performs display processing of the display character data. The process of step S 7 in the reception data to determine whether all finished, the process is repeated from Step S 3 if not over. In step S 8, regardless of the data content being displayed, and transmits the ON / OFF information of all switch to the external device. For example, as shown in FIG. 8, the transparent switch 16b has 6 rows × 12 columns, and the function switch 18 has 6 switches.
If there are, switch information of all these is transmitted. On the other hand, the screen number (No.) proceeds to step S 9 not "254", to check whether the reception of the new screen number. Clears the display at step S 10, if the new screen number, reads the screen data stored in the memory in step S 11, displayed on the flat display (transparent touch key) 16 in step S 12. In step S 13, performs switching data processing screen data being displayed. FIG. 9 shows an example of a transmission format from an external device and a transmission format to an external device. That is, when viewed from the operation display panel, the received data is the screen number and the data to be displayed on the flat display, and the transmitted data is the screen number and the switch data. [Effects of the Invention] According to the present invention, 1) an operation display screen can be quickly created while using a screen designed in advance, and the responsiveness of the operation panel can be improved. 2) Also, when a part of the display screen already displayed is corrected, it can be easily realized by using a dedicated command. 3) The host computer can receive the screen No. and the display No. indicating the display state of the operation display panel, so that the display state can be correctly recognized. In addition, a correction operation can be performed if necessary, and a highly reliable system can be configured. 4) Since data from an external device can be displayed only by specifying a specific screen number, the display content can be easily changed without increasing the number of screens. Advantages such as are obtained.

【図面の簡単な説明】 第1図はこの発明のシステム構成例を示す概要図、第2図はこの発明による表示
送フォーマットの例を説明するための説明図、第 10 図は提案済み装置を示すブ
ロックである。 符号説明 1……上位計算機、2(2A,2N)……操作表示パネル、3……伝送路、11……
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing an example of a system configuration of the present invention, FIG. 2 is an explanatory diagram for explaining a specific example of a display method according to the present invention, and FIG. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram showing an example of operation switch information transmitted to a host computer, FIG. 5 is a functional block diagram for explaining functions of the present invention, and FIG. 6 is an operation thereof. FIG. 7 is a flowchart for explaining an operation when a specific screen number is received, and FIG. 8 is a description for explaining an example of switch data transmitted in the case of FIG. FIG. 9 is an explanatory diagram for explaining an example of a transmission format with an external device in the case of FIG. 7, and FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing a proposed device. Description of symbols 1 upper-level computer, 2 (2A, 2N) ... operation display panel, 3 ... transmission line, 11 ...
Microcomputer system, 12 ... Character generator, 13 ... Screen memory, 14 ...
Data memory, 15 Internal bus, 16 Transparent touch key, 16a Transparent switch, 16b Display panel, 17 Key encoder, 18 Operation switch, 19 Interface bus, 20 Loader , 21 ... sequencer, 22 ... indicator lamp, 23 ...
... Alarm relay, 24 ... Buzzer, 25 ... Strobe signal generation circuit, 26 ... Switch signal detection circuit.

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】画面作成用のデータを設定するためのローダ手段と、前記ローダ手
るマイコンシステムと、を少なくとも含んで成る操作表示パネルにおいて、 上位計算機との間で画面表示データを送受信するとともに画面の作り方を定義
Claims: 1. A loader for setting data for screen creation, a storage for storing switch item screen data set by the loader and preset, and the storage. Display panel means for displaying a switch item on the screen in accordance with screen data read from the display panel means, and when a switch operation is performed in response to a switch item on the screen on the display panel means, information of the item is generated each time. Operation switch means for outputting, operation means for reading and encoding the operation status of the operation switch means, sequencer means for controlling the operation of an external device according to operation data from the encode means, and each of the means And a microcomputer system for controlling the operation display panel. Define how to make a screen as well as send and receive screen display data with the computer
It has transmission means for receiving a screen control command to attach , and when screen display data is received from a host computer ,
An operation of displaying screen display data on the display panel means as it is, or screen display data obtained by synthesizing screen display data received from a host computer and screen data read from the storage means on the display panel means. An operation display panel provided with a function of the microcomputer system so as to selectively perform either an operation of displaying or an operation of displaying screen data read from the storage means on the display panel means as it is. .



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