JP2517669C - - Google Patents


Publication number
JP2517669C JP2517669C JP 2517669 C JP2517669 C JP 2517669C JP 2517669 C JP2517669 C JP 2517669C
Prior art keywords
robot hand
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Expired - Lifetime
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Japanese (ja)
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Canon Inc
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Canon Inc
Publication date



【発明の詳細な説明】 [産業上の利用分野] 本発明は、半導体素子製造分野で用いられる露光装置、特には、被露光基板(半
収納を自動化した露光装置に関する。 [従来の技術] 従来、半導体素子製造に用いられる露光装置として、ステッパと呼ばれる装置
及びこれからのアライナ(露光装置)の主流とみられている。 第10図は従来のステッパの側面からの概略図、第11図は第10図のステッ
置 等を合せておくプリアライメントステージ、10は露光処理を終了したウエハを
搬送部を支持する支持部で、この支持部13はベース定盤6に取り付けてある。 次に、第10図及び第11図において、ウエハ搬送の流れを述べる。ウエハカ
ープットを低下させてしまうことになる。 次に、プリアライメントが終了したウエハは、予め所定の位置に来ているトッ
よりウエハカセット12に収納される。 ここで上記露光処理中には、次のウエハがウエハカセット11より取り出され
プリアライメントを行い、いつでも供給可能な状態まで進められ待機している。 そしてトップステージ4上にあるウエハは露光処理終了後直ちに回収され、上記
次のウエハが直ちにトップステージ4に供給されるという動作が繰り返される。 [発明が解決しようとしている課題] このような露光装置で処理される半導体素子、例えばDRAMは、1M(メガ
精度の位置合わせ、より高いスループット等が要求されている。 ここで、露光装置の露光本体側では、XYステージ5及びトップステージ4等
るエアマウント7で支持されている。 しかしながら、現在知られている制御型マウントには、上記振動に対してかな
ことが逆に振動を増大させ、高精度の位置合せを阻害している。 また、特にステッパのウエハ搬送部においては、上に述べたように半導体素子
メントを終了し、トップステージに受け渡せる状態までの時間を短縮する必要が ある。 ところで、トップステージ4からのウエハ回収動作及び供給動作の大部分の動
せ動作が行われるタイミングであり、ここでの振動発生は非常に問題である。 特に、ウエハカセットへのウエハ出し入れの為のロボットハンドは、動作スト
部のロボットハンドの中でも特に問題となる。 本発明はこのような事情に鑑みなされたもので、その目的は高いスループット
する露光装置を提供することにある。 [課題を解決するための手段] 前述の目的を達成するために、本発明は、原板(レチクル)のパターンを被露
ステージに受け渡す第2ロボットハンドとを有する露光装置において、前記基板 ステージを支持する本体側定盤(ベース定盤)に前記第2ロボットハンドと前記
板ステージから回収するものであるとより好ましい。 また、本発明は、原板のパターンを被露光基板に投影露光するための投影レン
ことを特徴としている。 また、本発明は、原板のパターンを被露光基板に投影露光するための投影レン
れた次の被露光基板を前記基板ステージに受け渡す第2ロボットハンドを有する 露光装置において、前記基板ステージを支持する本体側定盤に対して前記第1ロ
記搬送系側定盤の一方に選択的に支持させるとより好ましい。 更に、本発明は、原板のパターンを被露光基板に投影露光するための投影レン
あるとより好ましい。 [作用] 本発明によれば、第1ロボットハンドを含む基板搬送系側から基板ステージを
に露光装置本体側に搬送される被露光基板に対してプリアライメント動作等の準 備動作を高速に行うことができる。また、この準備動作によって搬送系側で生じ
プットの向上も期待できる。 特に、プリアライメントステージに向けて被露光基板を搬送する第1ロボット
装置本体側定盤に作用する偏荷重の低減を可能にできる。 また、第2ロボットハンドを露光装置本体側定盤と搬送系側定盤の一方に場合
トが期待できる。 [実施例の説明] [実施例1] 第1図ないし第2図は本発明の第1の実施例を示す。同図は、ステッパのウエ
ン、15はロボットハンド8に対してウエハが所定の位置となるようにXY及び θ方向にプリアライメントステージ9を駆動する駆動ユニット、16はロボット
)に記されているようなものである。 次に、上記構成に置いてウエハ搬送の流れを述べる。ウエハカセット11から
示点線位置)へ移動し、受渡しの指令がくるまで待機する。 上記待機位置で、ウエハ20及びロボットハンド8が待機することが、本体側
能が要求される。 次に、本体側からウエハ搬送部に対してウエハ供給の指令がくると、ロボット
が終了するまで待機する。なお、本体側で露光終了したウエハは、ロボットハン ド10により回収され、バッファーステーション14に載置され、さらにロボッ
る。以上がウエハ搬送の流れである。 ところで、ベース定盤6はエアマウント7で支持されている。エアマウント7
を制御するオートレベラーの機能も持っている。 このエアマウント7のオートーレベラー機能は、ロボットハンド22が、ウエ
害にはならない。 上に述べた搬送部のうち、ロボットハンド8,10及びプリアライメントステ
り高精度の位置合わせ、より高いスループットを可能にする。 [実施例2] 第3図及び第4図は本発明の第2の実施例を示す。同図はステッパのウエハ搬
ト21を支持している搬送系ベースであり、床面に固定されている。 次に、上記構成に置いてウエハ搬送の流れを述べる。一方のウエハカセット2
のウエハが供給されており、露光部は次の露光を開始している。 1枚目のウエハがプリアライメントステージ9に供給されると、2枚目のウエ
枚 目のウエハはプリアライメントを終了し、ロボットハンド8により取り上げられ
々と処理されていくというのがウエハ搬送の流れである。 ところで、第1の実施例と同様に、ベース定盤6は、床からの振動をベース定
本体側ベース定盤6とは分離されており、振動の伝達はない。 上に述べたように、ウエハ搬送部のうち、プリアライメントステージ9とウエ
することにより、次の3点の効果がある。 搬送系ベース17側から発生する振動に対して本体側のベース定盤6は一切の
送部が簡素になる。 高精度な位置決めが必要なトップステージ4及びXYステージ5に、外部振動
の影響が少なくなり、位置決め精度及びスループットが向上する。 ウエハサイズの大型化によりウエハ搬送部も大型化して、ウエハの搬送部のベ
ことにより軽減できる。 ところで、この実施例において、トップステージ4及びXYステージ5のアラ
犠牲にするようでは装置とし成り立たない。 この実施例におけるウエハの受け渡しで問題になるのは、トップステージ4か
ってウエハの受け渡しを行う方法が有効である。 また、本実施例は、本体側ベース定盤6と搬送系ベース17は床面でのみつな
を隔離してやることにより成立する。 [実施例3] 第5図は、上に述べた第2の実施例に対して、ウエハ搬送部全体を本体側から
置を常に検出している。即ち、搬送系ベース17とベース定盤6の相対位置を測 定している。その他については、第3図の支持部13がないだけで、第3図と同
様である。 次に、上記構成に置いてウエハ搬送の流れを述べる。ウエハカセット21から
ボットハンド8によりウエハを供給する。 次に、ウエハは露光装置本体で露光され、露光終了後、露光装置本体は所定の
である。 ところで、上記位置検出センサーによるウエハの回収と供給が可能かどうかの
トに無事入れば問題でない。 上記位置検出センサーによるウエハ回収と供給が可能かどうかの判断の基準は
、ウエハ回収時はウエハ供給時に比べて非常に緩い基準で可能である。これは 装置にとって非常に好都合である。なぜならば、露光を終了したトップステージ
には影響ないからである。 また、本実施例では、位置検出センサーで、搬送系ベース17とベース定盤6
置関係を高速で調整することも可能である。 [実施例4] 第6図及び第7図は本発明の第4の実施例を示す。これらの図は、ステッパの
パを示すものである。 これらの図において、20はウエハ、25は露光本体側の構造体であるベース
よってのみつながっている。 33はZ方向に上下動する位置合せ板、34は位置合せ板33に取り付けられ
アシリンダー、38はロボットハンド8を駆動するためのアクチュエーター等を 含むハンド駆動ユニット、39はハンド駆動ユニット38の位置合せをおこなう
ター等を含む駆動ユニットである。 また、22は第2の実施例で述べたロボットハンドで、ウエハカセット21と
回収を行うものである。 次に、上記構成におけるウエハ搬送の流れを述べる。ウエハカセット21から
トハンド8に対するウエハの位置とオリフラの角度を合せる。 第6図のプリアライメントステージ9へウエハ20が受け渡された状態である
ランスを持っている。 次に、ハンド駆動ユニット38によりロボットハンド8が駆動され、プリアラ
動作や機能に対して障害にならないことは当然である。次に、本体側からウエハ 搬送部に対してウエハ供給の指令がくると、エアシリンダー36により位置合わ
9によって、支持部25に対して所定の正確な位置関係を保つようになる。 そして、ハンド駆動ユニット38によりロボットハンド8が駆動され、ウエハ
以上がウエハ搬送の流れである。 本実施例では、ウエハをウエハカセット21から取り出してからトップステー
ープット等の性能に全く影響を与えない。 また、本実施例では、エアシリンダー36によって位置合せ板33が下降し、
動ユニット38が位置合せ板33に受け渡される際の過渡的な状態は、トップス テージ4がウエハの供給を受け、ウエハの状態確認やアライメントや露光をおこ
ト等の性能に全く影響を与えない。 また、本実施例では、ロボットハンド8とハンド駆動ユニット38を受け渡す
され、且つそれらの位置再現性が確保されれば成立する。 更に、本実施例では、ロボットハンド8とハンド駆動ユニット38を、ウエハ
の繰り返し再現性も高い精度の必要がない。 このように搬送部の様々なユニットのうち、本体側である露光装置部に必要な
高精度でスループットの高い装置となる。 [実施例5] 第8図及び第9図は本発明の第5の実施例を示す。これらの図は、ステッパの
ある露光部にエア浮上可能にして取付け、上記一部以外の物は上記露光部より分 離したステッパを示すものである。これらの図において、51はハンド駆動ユニッ
32を介して床面に固定されており、本体側とは分離されている。 次に、上記構成におけるウエハ搬送の流れを述べる。ウエハカセット21から
トハンド8に対するウエハの位置とオリフラの角度を合せる。 第8図はプリアライメントステージ9へウエハ20が受け渡された状態である
して障害にならないことは当然である。 次に、本体側からウエハ搬送部に対してウエハ供給の指令がくると、本体側の
ハ 受け渡しの標準位置に対してのズレをトップステージ4及びXYステージ5で補
ウエハ20を本体側にあるトップステージ4に受け渡すための動作に入る。 受け渡し終了後、ロボットハンド8は本体側よりすみやかに退避すると共に、
の実施例と同様である。以上がウエハ搬送の流れである。 ここでベース定盤51がエア浮上している状態においては、ベース定盤51と
ト等の性能に全く影響を与えない。 この実施例では、ベース定盤51がエアパッド52に接地している状態におい
補正を不要としても良い。また、エア浮上の状態から接地する段階で、まずXY 方向の位置を規制するエアパッドへのエアをカットし、これと同時にベース定盤
補正を不要にしても良い。 以上述べたように、ウエハ搬送部の一部を、本体側である露光部にエア浮上し
の影響を受けない高精度でスループットの高い装置となる。 [発明の効果] 以上説明したように、本発明によれば、第1ロボットハンドを含む基板搬送系
によれば、スループットの向上も期待できる。 特に、プリアライメントステージに向けて被露光基板を搬送する第1ロボット
装置本体側定盤に作用する偏荷重の低減を可能にできる。 また、第2ロボットハンドを露光装置本体側定盤と搬送系側定盤の一方に場合 に応じて 選択的に支持させる機構を設けた場合には、より高速な基板搬送が可能
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [Industrial applications]   The present invention relates to an exposure apparatus used in the field of manufacturing semiconductor devices, particularly,
Having a means for transporting the conductive wafer), taking out the substrate to be exposed, exposing,
The present invention relates to an exposure apparatus that automates storage. [Conventional technology]   2. Description of the Related Art Conventionally, a stepper is used as an exposure apparatus used in semiconductor device manufacturing.
It has been known. A stepper moves a substrate to be exposed, for example, a semiconductor wafer, under a projection lens.
Forming on an original plate, for example, a reticle, while step-moving by an XY stage
The projected pattern is reduced by a projection lens, and is sequentially exposed to a plurality of locations on one wafer.
It is something that shines. Steppers are currently used in terms of resolution and overlay accuracy.
It is considered to be the mainstream of aligners (exposure devices) in the future.   FIG. 10 is a schematic view from the side of a conventional stepper, and FIG. 11 is the stepper of FIG.
FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating a transfer path of a wafer as viewed from above. FIG. 10 and FIG. 11
In the drawing, 1 is an illumination section for illuminating a pattern of a reticle 2 serving as an original plate, and 3 is a reticle.
A projection lens for projecting the pattern of the wafer 2 onto the wafer, and 4 a top on which the wafer
Stage 5 is an XY stage on which the top stage 4 is mounted, and 6 is an XY stage 5
A base platen on which the entire apparatus is mounted, and 7 supports a base platen 6
Air mount for maintaining the posture of the entire device and suppressing vibration,
Robot hand for placing c on top stage 4, 9 is top stage 4
Before placing the wafer on the wafer, the orientation of the wafer and the center position
Place The pre-alignment stage 10 for aligning the wafer, etc.
Robot hand 11 to collect from the top stage 4
Wafer cassette 12 for storing processed wafers, 13
Are wafers including the robot hands 8, 10 and the pre-alignment stage 9.
The support unit 13 supports the transport unit, and the support unit 13 is attached to the base platen 6.   Next, the flow of wafer transfer will be described with reference to FIGS. 10 and 11. Wafer mosquito
The wafer stored in the set 11 is pre-arranged by a robot hand (not shown).
It is placed on the impression stage 9. In the pre-alignment stage 9, the wafer
When the wafer is placed on the top stage 4 by detecting the orientation flat and the outer periphery,
The pre-alignment is performed so that the orientation flat and the outer periphery are at predetermined positions. This
Is different from the alignment on the top stage 4 described later.
The wafer is placed on the top stage 4 with an accuracy of about 20 μm to 60 μm.
It is for. Especially for the first mask (the first baking process)
In this case, there is no alignment mark on the wafer.
Do the light. For this reason, if the accuracy is poor, alignment
This can take a long time, lowering throughput,
There is also a risk that you will not be able to do it. Of course, processes other than the first mask
However, if the accuracy is poor, alignment for superposition takes time, and
This will reduce the put.   Next, the wafer that has been pre-aligned is placed at a predetermined position.
It is placed on the stage 4 by the robot hand 8. Here, the top stay
The wafer placed on the die 4 is finally aligned.
The alignment is performed with an accuracy of 1/100 μm. Therefore, XY
The stage 5 and the top stage 4 are required to have high precision alignment. Next
Then, the wafer is moved by the XY stage 5, and after performing a predetermined exposure process,
Collected from the top stage 4 by the hand 10 and transferred to a robot hand (not shown).
Is stored in the wafer cassette 12.   Here, during the exposure process, the next wafer is taken out of the wafer cassette 11.
Pre-alignment is performed, and it is advanced and ready to be supplied at any time. Then, the wafer on the top stage 4 is collected immediately after the exposure processing, and
The operation of immediately supplying the next wafer to the top stage 4 is repeated. [Problems to be solved by the invention]   A semiconductor device processed by such an exposure apparatus, for example, a DRAM is 1M (mega).
) Bits to 4M (mega) bits, and further to 16M (mega) bits
As the line width is becoming finer, the size of each semiconductor element is also increasing. this
Due to the increase in size, the number of semiconductor elements on one wafer decreases. However, half
The price of conductive elements is not proportional to the processing capacity and memory capacity,
It is a reality that it may come down. Therefore, a thinner line width and a better height are required for the exposure apparatus.
Accurate positioning, higher throughput, etc. are required.   Here, on the exposure main body side of the exposure apparatus, the XY stage 5, the top stage 4, etc.
The positioning control that makes 1/100 μm a problem, and the 1/100 second
At the speed of the subject. Therefore, the XY stage 5 and the tops
External vibrations are transmitted to the stage 4 or resonate by causing self-vibration.
It is also a problem if it takes time to converge these vibrations. Therefore, the above XY
The base platen 6 on which the stage 5 and the top stage 4 are mounted is made of a vibration-proof rubber.
Supported by an air mount 7.   However, currently known controlled mounts do not have
Although it has high damping capacity, it is not always satisfactory, and
Doing so does not result in high-accuracy alignment or improvement in throughput. That
Therefore, low vibration actuators are used in various actuators such as the wafer transfer section.
Although the adoption of filters and strengthening of the vibration isolation structure have been promoted, the throughput has been improved.
To operate the actuator, it is necessary to operate the actuator at a higher speed.
This, on the contrary, increases vibration and hinders high-precision alignment.   Also, especially in the wafer transfer section of the stepper, as described above, the semiconductor device
Due to the individual size increase, the number of semiconductor elements on one wafer is reduced,
Because the processing time on the main unit side is shortened by improving
The wafer is taken out of the wafer cassette 11 and the pre-
Need to reduce the time it takes to finish the is there.   By the way, most operations of the wafer collection operation and the supply operation from the top stage 4 are performed.
In the operation, the exposure body side performs operations other than exposure, that is, the delivery of the wafer after the final exposure.
While moving to the position, during wafer transfer, and during stage movement after wafer transfer is completed
In other words, the relative vibration problem other than the high-precision alignment
This is the operation at the kana timing. However, the wafer was removed from the wafer cassette
Operation before mounting on the pre-alignment stage 9, pre-alignment and
During the operation of storing the wafer collected from the top stage 4 in the wafer cassette
The exposure body side is a continuous exposure operation, that is, a high precision alignment where vibration is a problem.
This is the timing at which the vibration operation is performed, and the occurrence of vibration here is very problematic.   In particular, a robot for taking wafers in and out of the wafer cassettehandIs the operation strike
Since the roak is long and requires a complicated operation, it is not possible to suppress the generated vibration.
It is always strict and becomes more difficult as the speed is increased.
Part of the robothandThis is particularly problematic.   The present invention has been made in view of such circumstances, and its purpose is to achieve high throughput.
And a substrate stage including a robot hand from the substrate transfer system side.
Highly accurate positioning is possible by reducing the transmission of vibration to the optical device body
To provide an exposure apparatus. [Means for solving the problem]   In order to achieve the above-mentioned object, the present invention discloses a method of exposing a pattern of an original (reticle).
A projection lens for projecting and exposing an optical substrate, and a substrate to be exposed (wafer) to the projection lens.
A substrate stage that moves with respect to the lens, and a substrate to be exposed
Pre-align the substrate to be exposed so that it is placed in an aligned state
While moving the substrate to be exposed on the pre-alignment stage and the substrate stage,
The pattern of the original plate is sequentially projected and exposed on the plurality of portions of the substrate to be exposed through the projection lens.
The next substrate to be exposed toward the pre-alignment stage
A first robot hand, and after the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage is collected,
The next substrate to be exposed pre-aligned by the pre-alignment stage is
An exposure apparatus having a second robot hand to be transferred to a stage; The second robot hand and the second robot hand are mounted on a body-side surface plate (base surface plate) supporting a stage.
While supporting the pre-alignment stage, the first
Separate the transfer system side platen (support system base) that supports the robot hand, and
Characterized in that each of the surface plate and the transfer system side surface plate is independently supported on the floor.
I have. In this case, the first robot hand uses the exposed substrate to
It is more preferable that the material is collected from the plate stage.   The present invention also provides a projection lens for projecting and exposing a pattern of an original onto a substrate to be exposed.
And a substrate stage for moving a substrate to be exposed with respect to the projection lens;
Exposure is performed so that the substrate to be exposed is placed on the stage in a pre-aligned state.
A pre-alignment stage for pre-aligning an optical substrate, and the substrate stage
While moving the substrate to be exposed at a plurality of locations on the substrate to be exposed via the projection lens
When the original pattern is sequentially projected and exposed,
A first robot hand for transporting the next substrate to be exposed, and a substrate on the substrate stage.
After the exposure substrate is recovered, the pre-alignment is performed by the pre-alignment stage.
A second robot hand for transferring the next exposed substrate to the substrate stage
In the exposure apparatus, the first and second substrates are supported with respect to a body-side surface plate supporting the substrate stage.
And a transfer system side plate supporting the second robot hand are separated, and the main body side plate and the
While independently supporting each of the transfer system side surface plates with respect to the floor, the transfer system side surface plate and
Detecting means for detecting a relative displacement with respect to the main body side platen or the substrate stage is provided.
It is characterized by:   The present invention also provides a projection lens for projecting and exposing a pattern of an original onto a substrate to be exposed.
And a substrate stage for moving a substrate to be exposed with respect to the projection lens;
Exposure is performed so that the substrate to be exposed is placed on the stage in a pre-aligned state.
A pre-alignment stage for pre-aligning an optical substrate, and the substrate stage
While moving the substrate to be exposed at a plurality of locations on the substrate to be exposed via the projection lens
When the original pattern is sequentially projected and exposed,
A first robot hand for transporting the next substrate to be exposed, and a substrate on the substrate stage.
After the exposed substrate is collected, the pre-aligned
A second robot hand for transferring the next exposed substrate to the substrate stage In the exposure apparatus, the first rotatable plate is placed on a main body side platen supporting the substrate stage.
Separate the transfer system side surface plate supporting the bot hand, and set the main body side surface plate and the transfer system side
Each of the surface plates is independently supported on the floor, and the second robot hand is
A mechanism that is selectively supported on one of the main body side surface plate and the transfer system side surface plate depending on the case.
It is characterized by having provided. In this case, the mechanism for selectively supporting is:
Move the pre-alignment stage and the second robot hand to the
It is more preferable that one of the platens on the transfer system side selectively supports the plate.   Further, the present invention provides a projection lens for projecting and exposing a pattern of an original onto a substrate to be exposed.
And a substrate stage for moving a substrate to be exposed with respect to the projection lens;
Exposure is performed so that the substrate to be exposed is placed on the stage in a pre-aligned state.
A pre-alignment stage for pre-aligning an optical substrate, and the substrate stage
While moving the substrate to be exposed at a plurality of locations on the substrate to be exposed via the projection lens
When the original pattern is sequentially projected and exposed,
A first robot hand for transporting the next substrate to be exposed, and a substrate on the substrate stage.
After the exposed substrate is collected, the pre-aligned
A second robot hand for transferring the next exposed substrate to the substrate stage
In the exposure apparatus, the first rotatable plate is placed on a main body side platen supporting the substrate stage.
Separate the transfer system side surface plate supporting the bot hand, and set the main body side surface plate and the transfer system side
Each of the surface plates is independently supported on the floor, and the second robot hand is
It is characterized by being supported by air levitation on the surface plate. In this case,
The support state of the second robot hand is air-floated with respect to the main body side platen.
And a state fixed to the main body side platen.
It is more preferable to have them. [Action]   According to the present invention,FirstSubstrate stage from the substrate transfer system side including the robot hand
Vibration transmission to the exposure apparatus body can be reduced.
While moving the plate stage, the pattern of the original plate is sequentially projected onto multiple locations on the substrate to be exposed.
When performing shadow exposure, regardless of the exposure operation,FirstNext with robot hand
Before the pre-alignment operation, etc., of the substrate to be exposed Preparatory operation can be performed at high speed. In addition, due to this preparation operation,
Vibration does not affect the movement of the substrate stage on the exposure apparatus body side.
The alignment of the substrate to be exposed by the substrate stage can be made highly accurate,
The alignment can be performed at high speed. Therefore, according to the present invention,
An improvement in put can also be expected.   In particular, the first robot that transports the substrate to be exposed toward the pre-alignment stage
The hand and the substrate to be exposed pre-aligned by the pre-alignment stage
A second robot hand to be transferred to the plate stage is provided, and these robot hands are
Separated from the exposure apparatus body supporting the plate stage and independently supported on the floor
And the relative displacement between the transfer system side plate and the main body side plate or the substrate stage.
Detection means for detectingIf fasterAnd accurateSubstrate transfer
You. Also, compared to the case where these robot hands are supported by the exposure apparatus body,
Since the amount of overhang of the base plate on the device body can be reduced, the size of the device body can be reduced and
It is possible to reduce the unbalanced load acting on the platen on the device body side.   In addition, the second robot hand is connected to one of the exposure apparatusIf
In response to theSelectively supportWith a mechanismCan transfer substrates faster
And the substrate to be exposed is conveyed to the platen of
It can be transported between the system-side surface plates without any problem. Exposure device for 2nd robot hand
Even when supporting the main unit side surface plate by floating the air, the robot hand
High-precision alignment without vibrating
Can be expected. [Description of Example] [Example 1]   1 and 2 show a first embodiment of the present invention. The figure shows the stepper wafer.
FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a portion centering on a transport unit, FIG. 1 is a top view of the apparatus, and FIG.
It is the figure which looked at the apparatus from the side. In these figures, reference numeral 9 denotes a pre-alignment stay.
The pre-alignment stage 14 is a top
Buffer station for temporarily placing wafers collected from stage 4
XY and 15 are used so that the wafer is at a predetermined position with respect to the robot hand 8. a drive unit for driving the pre-alignment stage 9 in the θ direction;
Hands 8, 10, pre-alignment stage 9, drive unit 15, and buffer
Main body side transport system support for fixing the station 14 to the main body side base platen 6
The holding unit 17 is a transport system base fixed to a floor (not shown). Base 17 is
Wafer cassettes 11 and 12 constituting a cassette station and wafer cassette 1
1 is transferred to the pre-alignment stage 9 and
A robot for storing wafers in the wafer cassette 12 from the far station 14
And a support 22. A base platen 6 is provided on the floor via an air mount 7.
Fixed. Reference numeral 20 denotes a wafer placed on the pre-alignment stage 9.
Ha. The robot hand 22 is described, for example, in US Pat. No. 4,735,548 (Apr.5.1988).
).   Next, the flow of wafer transfer in the above configuration will be described. From wafer cassette 11
robothand22 takes out the wafer and moves the wafer to the pre-alignment stage 9
Hand over. FIG. 1 shows that the wafer 20 has been transferred to the pre-alignment stage 9.
State. The drive unit 15 is mounted on the basis of the measurement result of the outer peripheral portion of the wafer 20.
XY and θ directions so that the wafer 20 is at a predetermined position with respect to the bot hand 8.
The pre-alignment stage 9 is moved to perform pre-alignment. Next,
The bot hand 8 is driven, and the wafer placed on the pre-alignment stage 9 is moved.
C and a predetermined standby position above the wafer delivery point on the exposure main body side (see FIG.
(Indicated by the dotted line) and waits for a delivery command.   At the standby position, the wafer 20 and the robot hand 8 wait for the main body side.
Of course, does not hinder the various operations and functions of. Robot hand
8 needs to be transferred to the top stage 4 with the exact shape of the wafer 20
Yes, the robot unit 8 and the pre-alignment stage 9 are integrated on the transport side.
Performance is required.   Next, when a wafer supply command is sent from the main body to the wafer transfer unit, the robot
The hand 8 is driven to transfer the wafer to the top stage 4 on the main body side. delivery
After the end, the hand 8 is immediately avoided from the main body side, and the pre-alignment of the next wafer is performed.
Wait until is finished. Note that the wafer that has been exposed on the Collected by the buffer 10, placed on the buffer station 14, and further
Ghand22 is stored in a wafer cassette 12 for storing processed wafers.
You. The above is the flow of wafer transfer.   Incidentally, the base surface plate 6 is supported by an air mount 7. Air mount 7
To prevent vibration from the floor from being transmitted to the base platen 6,
It is a powerful damper installed for the purpose of absorbing motion, and an XY stage.
Change in posture of the device with respect to the floor caused by high-speed movement of heavy objects such as 5 in the XY directions
It also has the function of an auto-leveler to control.   The auto-leveler function of the air mount 7 is such that the robot hand 22
Transfers the wafer taken out of cassette 11 to pre-alignment stage 9
And when removing wafers from the buffer station 14
Level is sufficient, specifically 0.1-0.5 mm / 1000 mm (vertical / horizontal)
A) level is sufficient. In addition, even if the shift is at a level of about 0.1 to 0.5 mm,
For example, even if the wafer holding portion of the robot hand 22 is displaced from the wafer, the pre-alignment is performed.
When transferring the wafer to the wafer stage 9 or storing the wafer in the wafer cassette 12.
Does no harm.   Of the transfer units described above, the robot hands 8, 10 and the pre-alignment station
The page 9 is attached to the base platen 6 on the main body side via the main body side transport system support 16.
And changes integrally with the change in the attitude of the base platen 6. However, the wafer cassette
Units 11 and 12 and robothand22 is attached to the base platen 6 on the main body side
The base platen 6 which is placed on the transport system base 17 and is the main body side.
It has nothing to do with changing tides. That is, in this configuration, the wafer cassette 1
1,12 and robothand22 and other units mounted on the transport system base 17.
In the case of vibration, even if vibration is generated, it is irrelevant to the base platen 6 on the main body side.
It can be said that there is. This allows the wafer cassette to be changed casually during exposure.
Has no effect and the wafers can be transferred to the wafer cassette at high speed
Even if the equipment is moved in and out without severe vibration measures, it may affect the performance of the main unit.
And not. Therefore, according to this example, a smaller line width and a smaller
Higher precision alignment and higher throughput. [Example 2]   FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 show a second embodiment of the present invention. The figure shows the wafer transport of the stepper.
FIG. 3 is a schematic view of a portion centered on a feeding section, FIG. 3 is a top view of the apparatus, and FIG.
It is the figure which looked at from the side. In these figures, reference numeral 8 denotes pre-alignment of the wafer.
A robot hand that supplies from the stage 9 to the top stage 4, and 13 is a robot hand
Support 8 and the pre-alignment stage are fixed to the base platen 6 on the main body side.
Holding unit, 21 is a pair of wafer cassettes that also serve as a sender and a receiver, and 22 is a first wafer cassette.
Robot described in the embodiment ofhandTo take wafers in and out of the wafer cassette 21
Supply of the wafer to the pre-alignment stage 9 and from the top stage 4
Is collected. 17 is a robothand22 and wafer cassette
And a transfer system base that supports the base 21 and is fixed to the floor surface.   Next, the flow of wafer transfer in the above configuration will be described. One wafer cassette 2
Robot from 1handThe wafer taken out by 22
Supplied to stage 9. The pre-alignment stage 9 measures the outer periphery of the wafer.
The position of the wafer with respect to the robot hand 8 based on the measurement value of a sensor (not shown)
The so-called pre-alignment is performed by adjusting the angles of the and the orientation flat. And Priala
After the completion of the injection, the wafer is supplied to the top stage 4 by the robot hand 8.
You. Next, the wafer is subjected to step-and-repeat exposure by an exposure unit (not shown).
After exposure, robothand22 from the top stage 4 before processing
The wafer is placed in the same slot of the wafer cassette 21 that has been placed in the cassette. Meanwhile, at this time
Is placed on the top stage 4 where the wafers have been collected by the robot hand 8
Are supplied, and the exposure unit has started the next exposure.   When the first wafer is supplied to the pre-alignment stage 9, the second wafer
Ha is a robothand22 and immediately taken out of the wafer cassette 21,
It is waiting for the eye wafer to disappear from the pre-alignment stage 9. And
After the pre-alignment of the first wafer, the first wafer is
8 picks up the second waferhandImmediately by 22
It is supplied to the pre-alignment stage 9 and pre-alignment is performed. 1 sheet
The second wafer is supplied to the top stage 4 until the exposure is completed.
Sheet The pre-alignment of the eye wafer is completed, and the robot hand 8 picks up the wafer.
It waits for supply to the top stage 4. The above operation is repeated until the next wafer
It is the flow of wafer transfer that the processing is performed one by one.   By the way, similarly to the first embodiment, the base platen 6 uses the vibration from the floor as a base plate.
In order to prevent the vibration from being transmitted to the platen 6 and to absorb vibration generated on the base platen 6
It is supported by an air mount 7 that is installed on the target. Also, the air mount 7
Of the apparatus with respect to the floor caused by high-speed movement of heavy objects such as the XY stage 5
It has the function of an auto-leveler to control changes. The air mount 7
The traveler function is the same as in the first embodiment.hand22 pre-wafer
When transferring to the alignment stage 9 and collecting the wafer from the top stage 4
It should be at a level that does not interfere with you. In addition, the transport system base 17
It is separated from the main body side base plate 6 and does not transmit vibration.   As described above, the pre-alignment stage 9 and the wafer
The robot hand 8 other than the supply robot hand 8 is separated from the base platen 6 of the main body and
By doing so, there are the following three effects. The base platen 6 on the main body side is completely free from vibration generated from the transfer system base 17 side.
Since it is not affected, the operating condition of the transfer system base 17 side is the condition for wafer transfer.
Can be determined only by the operator, and the operation speed of the transfer unit can be increased.
Throughput is improved. Increased operating speed allows one robothand22
The wafer is taken in and out of the wafer cassette 21 by the
Wafer transfer such as wafer supply and wafer recovery from top stage 4
The sending unit is simplified. External vibration is applied to the top stage 4 and XY stage 5 that require high-precision positioning.
And the positioning accuracy and throughput are improved. As the wafer size increases, the size of the wafer transfer section also increases, and the
When the amount of overhang from the base plate 6 increases, the support portion 13 becomes large in the conventional example.
Modeling, air mount offset load and robothandMoment load due to operation such as
The actual performance of the air mount may be degraded due to the increase in weight.
This can be reduced.   By the way, in this embodiment, the alignment of the top stage 4 and the XY stage 5
Movement for step and repeat exposures
Although it is not always constant depending on the condition and type, the wafer transfer position is
Unless the equipment changes and the equipment is not significantly modified,
Become. The air mount 7 has the highest level of positioning and throughput during exposure.
It is important to take care of the transfer from the separate transport unit.
In order to ensure the auto-leveler function of
It does not work as a device if sacrificed.   The problem in transferring the wafer in this embodiment is that the top stage 4
These are the wafer collecting operations. This is for position measurement around the top stage 4.
There are various things such as laser interferometer mirrors.
Robot with regard to directionhandSufficient space between 22 figurers and top stage 4
This is because there is no clearance. In this case, the auto leveler of the air mount 7
After the top stage 4 is moved to the wafer transfer position by the sensor of
Check that the relative position is within the required range, and wait for the
Thus, a method of transferring a wafer is effective.   In this embodiment, the main body side base plate 6 and the transfer system base 17 are connected only on the floor surface.
It was a rigid structure, but this had to be physically separated.
Instead, it is only necessary to separate them in the transmission of vibration.
Even on the base, both vibrations with a damper, air mount, rubber mount, etc.
It is established by isolating. [Example 3]   FIG. 5 is a view showing the entire wafer transfer section from the main body side in the second embodiment described above.
Figure 3 shows a third embodiment separated. This figure focuses on the wafer transfer section of the stepper.
FIG. In the figure, reference numeral 17 denotes a robot hand 8, a pre-alignment
Ment stage 9, wafer cassette 21, and robothandTransfer of wafers such as 22
It is a transport system base that supports the entire unit. The transport system base 17 has an unillustrated
The position detection sensor shown in the figure is attached.
Position is always detected. That is, the relative position between the transport system base 17 and the base platen 6 is measured. I have decided. Others are the same as FIG. 3 except that there is no support 13 in FIG.
It is like.   Next, the flow of wafer transfer in the above configuration will be described. From wafer cassette 21
robothandThe wafer taken out by 22 is placed in a pre-alignment stage
9. The pre-alignment stage 9 is, as in the previous embodiment, a robot.
The position of the wafer with respect to the hand 8 and the angle of the orientation flat are matched. And Priala
After the completion of the exposure, the wafer is handled by the robot hand 8 and the exposure apparatus
The wafer is moved to a predetermined standby position for transferring the wafer to the main body. Here the exposure device
If the top stage 4 on the main body side needs a wafer,
The wafer is moved to a predetermined delivery position by the Y stage 5 and a signal of a wafer request is sent to the transfer unit.
send. Thereafter, the position of the base platen 6 is adjusted by the auto leveler function of the air mount 7.
After checking with the above-mentioned position detection sensor that the
The wafer is supplied by the bot hand 8.   Next, the wafer is exposed by the main body of the exposure apparatus.
The wafer is moved to the transfer position by the XY stage 5, and a signal is sent to the transfer unit. Carrying
The sending unit checks the position using the position detection sensor,
handThe wafer cassette where the wafer was collected before processing by 22
21. Put the wafer in the same slot. Also, as described in the second embodiment,
A second wafer is prepared and supplied by the robot hand 8. The above
The process is repeated and the wafers are processed one after another.
It is.   By the way, whether the position detection sensor can collect and supply wafers is determined.
The criteria for judgment are different for collection and supply. That is, when supplying the wafer,
Accuracy as described in the section of [Prior Art] is required, and the first actual operation is performed during wafer recovery.
The wafer is taken out from the buffer station 14 described in the embodiment, and the wafer cassette is taken out.
This is the level where the wafers are stored in the wafer cassette.
It is not a problem if you enter safely.   The criteria for judging whether the above-mentioned position detection sensor can collect and supply wafers are:
At the time of wafer recovery, it is possible to use a very loose standard as compared with the time of wafer supply. this is Very convenient for the device. Because the top stage after exposure
The displacement of the base plate 6 due to the high speed movement of the base 4 to the wafer transfer position is as follows.
There is no instantaneous convergence, and it takes some time to reach the level especially when the wafer is supplied.
If this can be achieved during the wafer retrieval operation,
Is not affected.   In the present embodiment, the transport system base 17 and the base platen 6 are used as the position detection sensors.
The relative position of the top stage 4 and the transfer system base 17 are measured.
The pair position may be measured. In this case, the position of the top stage 4
The measured data is transferred to the top stage 4 and XY stage 5 driver control section.
And the servo is applied directly, so that the relative position
It is also possible to adjust the positional relationship at high speed. [Example 4]   6 and 7 show a fourth embodiment of the present invention. These figures show the stepper
FIG. 6 is a schematic view of a portion centered on a wafer transfer section, and FIG.
The figure is a view of the apparatus as viewed from above. Also, these figures show a part of the wafer transfer section.
Attach it to the exposed part on the body side, and keep the other parts apart from the exposed part
It shows the pa.   In these figures, reference numeral 20 denotes a wafer, and 25 denotes a base which is a structure on the exposure main body side.
The support portion 26 on the main body side attached to the surface plate 6 is located at the position attached to the support portion 25.
A pair of taper pins for alignment, 31 is a base supporting the wafer transfer unit.
It is not directly fixed to the structure on the exposure main body side. 32 supports the base 31 from the floor
And the air mount 7 supporting the structure on the exposure main body side is on the floor.
Therefore, it is only connected.   33 is a positioning plate that moves up and down in the Z direction, and 34 is attached to the positioning plate 33.
A pair of taper pins for positioning, 35 are guides for the positioning plate 33 to move up and down.
And a pair of guide shafts 36 mounted on the base 31 are positioned.
A guide bearing for the mating plate 33 to move up and down along the guide shaft 35;
Numeral 37 denotes an actuator for moving the positioning plate 33 up and down.
A cylinder, 38 is an actuator for driving the robot hand 8 and the like. The hand drive unit 39 includes a hand drive unit 38 for positioning.
The taper pin 26 and the taper pin 34.
The tapered hole 41 is an actuator for driving the pre-alignment stage 9.
It is a drive unit including a power supply and the like.   Reference numeral 22 denotes the robot described in the second embodiment.handWith the wafer cassette 21
Both are installed on the base 31, and take in and out of wafers from the wafer cassette 21,
Wafer supply to pre-alignment stage 9 and wafer from top stage 4
The collection is performed.   Next, the flow of wafer transfer in the above configuration will be described. From wafer cassette 21
robothandThe wafer taken out by 22 is placed in a pre-alignment stage
The pre-alignment stage 9 is supplied to the robot 9 in the same manner as in the previous embodiment.
The position of the wafer with respect to the hand 8 and the angle of the orientation flat are matched.   FIG. 6 shows a state in which wafer 20 has been delivered to pre-alignment stage 9.
. Here, the positioning plate 33 is moved in the Z direction to a predetermined position by the air cylinder 37.
Ascending, the tapered pin 34 is aligned with the tapered hole 39. Taper pipe
The bearing 34 (alignment plate 33) is attached to the guide shaft 35 and the guide bearing 36.
Therefore, whether the position is accurately maintained in the plane direction (XY directions) with respect to the base 31
At this time, the robot hand 8 and the drive unit 38
A predetermined accurate positional relationship with respect to the page 9 and the drive unit 41 is maintained. Also
At this time, the apparatus main body side and the wafer transfer unit supported by the base 31 are shaken.
Even if they move relatively due to movement or the like, the hand drive
Since the knit 38 is lifted, it is attached to the support 25 on the main body side.
The taper pin 26 is sufficiently clear so that it does not touch the opposing taper hole 39.
Have a lance.   Next, the robot hand 8 is driven by the hand drive unit 38,
Transfer the wafer 20 placed on the exposure stage 9 to the exposure main body side
It moves to a predetermined standby position above the point and waits until a delivery command is received. the above
The waiting of the wafer 20 and the robot hand 8 at the standby position is caused by various operations on the main body side.
Obviously, it does not hinder operation or function. Next, from the main body side, When a wafer supply command is sent to the transfer unit, the wafer is positioned by the air cylinder 36.
The lowering plate 33 starts the lowering operation in the Z direction, the hand drive unit 38 lowers,
The perpin 26 starts to contact the opposing tapered hole 39. At the same time, taper
The pin 34 begins to separate from the opposing tapered hole 39 and finally comes into contact with it.
And the drive unit 38 includes the tapered pin 26 and the tapered hole 3.
9, the predetermined accurate positional relationship with respect to the support portion 25 is maintained.   Then, the robot hand 8 is driven by the hand drive unit 38, and the wafer
Starts operation to transfer 20 to the top stage 4 on the main unit side, and immediately after the end
TorobotThe hand 8 is avoided from the main body side and is positioned by the air cylinder 36
The plate 33 starts to move upward, and the hand drive unit 38 moves the taper pin 34 and the tape
It is supported by the par hole 39, so that the original accurate positional relationship is maintained. In addition,
Regarding the wafer collection after the exposure and the continuous processing of the wafer,
The second embodiment is the same as the second embodiment except for the alignment of the drive unit 38.
The above is the flow of wafer transfer.   In the present embodiment, after the wafer is taken out of the wafer cassette 21,
The operation up to the standby state for supply to the stage 4 and the recovery from the top stage 4 to c
Most of the wafer transfer steps, ie, the operation up to storage in the eha cassette 21, are performed by vibration.
The movement and the like have no effect on the exposure device section on the main body side. Ma
In addition, when the hand drive unit 38 is supported on the main body,
Is possible only when the wafer is supplied to the top stage 4.
In this case, as described in the second embodiment, the top stage 4 and the XY stage
The positioning accuracy of the device 5 does not require strict accuracy like at the time of exposure.
Has no effect on the performance of puts, etc.   In this embodiment, the positioning plate 33 is lowered by the air cylinder 36,
A transitional state exists when the hand drive unit 38 is delivered to the support 25.
However, at this time, the main unit normally ends exposure to the wafer, and returns to the wafer transfer position.
The stage 4 is moving at a high speed by the XY stage 5, etc., or
The wafer transfer unit is collecting the wafer that has been removed, and conversely the alignment plate 33 rises and
The transitional state when the moving unit 38 is delivered to the alignment plate 33 is Stage 4 receives the supply of the wafer and checks the state of the wafer, and performs alignment and exposure.
The two types of transient state are also moving to the position where the
It has no effect on the performance of the device.   In this embodiment, the robot hand 8 and the hand drive unit 38 are transferred.
The actuator of the mechanism is an air cylinder and the guide is a linear bearing.
Although the alignment was performed using a tapered pin, the present invention is not limited to the above mechanism.
Instead, the above mechanism may be replaced with a multi-link mechanism or a motor.
. Anyway, the robot hand 8 and the hand drive unit 38 are reliably delivered.
This is true if the position reproducibility is ensured.   Further, in this embodiment, the robot hand 8 and the hand drive unit 38 are
The transfer unit and the exposure unit on the main unit side are configured to deliver.
However, the present invention is not limited to the hand 8 and the hand drive unit 38. For example, the above configuration
In addition, a pre-alignment stage may be further added. In this case, the top stay
There is no change in the supply to Di 4
There is no effect on income. The difference from the above embodiment is that the pre-alignment stage
9 and the robot hand 8 are in the same unit state,
Accuracy when receiving wafers from pre-alignment stage 9
But rather improve. In this case, the air cylinder 37 is used to drive the hand.
In a state where the moving unit 38 and the like are supported by the base 31 on the side of the transport unit,
When there is no need for high precision, and when it is supported by the base 31
There is no need for high reproducibility and high accuracy.   As described above, of the various units of the transport unit, the exposure unit that is the main unit side is required.
By transferring units only when necessary, the unit is not affected by vibration of the transport unit
A device with high accuracy and high throughput is obtained. [Example 5]   8 and 9 show a fifth embodiment of the present invention. These figures show the stepper
FIG. 8 is a schematic view of a portion centered on a wafer transfer section, and FIG.
The figure is a view of the apparatus as viewed from above. In these figures, a part of the wafer transfer section is
Air levitation is attached to a certain exposed area, and objects other than the above are separated from the exposed area. 4 shows a stepper that has been released. In these figures, reference numeral 51 denotes a hand drive unit.
Base plate supporting the base 38 and the drive unit 41, and 52 is air floating on the base plate.
A plurality of air pads 53 for fixing the air pad 52 and the base platen 51
Are supported in each of the XY and Z directions via the air pad 52.
The holding section 53 is a support section for fixing to the base platen 6. 31 is a robotHan
Do22 is a base of a transfer unit that supports the wafer cassette 22 and the wafer cassette 21,
It is fixed to the floor surface via 32 and is separated from the main body side.   Next, the flow of wafer transfer in the above configuration will be described. From wafer cassette 21
robothandThe wafer taken out by 22 is placed in a pre-alignment stage
The pre-alignment stage 9 is supplied to the robot 9 in the same manner as in the previous embodiment.
The position of the wafer with respect to the hand 8 and the angle of the orientation flat are matched.   FIG. 8 shows a state where the wafer 20 has been transferred to the pre-alignment stage 9.
. Here, the base platen 51 has a flying height of about 10 μm with respect to the air pad 52.
A is emerging. The robot hand 8 and the drive unit 38 are pre-aligned
Fixed to the stage 9 and the drive unit 41 through the base platen 51
Therefore, a predetermined accurate positional relationship is maintained. Next, the hand drive unit 38
Drives the robot hand 8 and is placed on the pre-alignment stage 9
Waiting position above the wafer delivery point on the main body side
The wafer is moved to and waits for a delivery command. At the standby position,
C. The waiting of the robot hand 8 and the robot hand 8 may affect various operations and functions of the main body.
It is natural that it does not become an obstacle.   Next, when a command to supply a wafer is sent from the main body to the wafer transfer unit, the main body side receives a command.
The base platen 51 floating from the base platen 6 through the holding portion 53 or the like
The air from the pad 52 is cut, and the air floating is stopped. By this
The base plate 51 is completely grounded to the air pad 52 in the Z direction,
Due to the friction between the plate 51 and the air pad 52, the base plate 51 and the base plate 6
A state equivalent to the integrated structure is obtained via the parts 54 and the like. Here, a position detection sensor (not shown)
Measure the positional relationship between the base platen 51 and the base platen 6 and compare the measurement results.
Feedback to the stage 4 and the XY stage 5, and the robot hand 8
C Top stage 4 and XY stage 5 compensate for deviation from the standard position for delivery.
Correct. Then, the robot hand 8 is driven by the hand drive unit 38,
The operation for transferring the wafer 20 to the top stage 4 on the main body side is started.   After the delivery, the robot hand 8 immediately retreats from the main body side,
By supplying air to the air pad 52, the base platen 51 is caused to air float.
. Note that the wafer collection and continuous wafer processing after exposure are described above.
Excluding the points related to the air levitation of the base platen 51 and the position correction at the time of touchdown, etc.
This is the same as the embodiment. The above is the flow of wafer transfer.   Here, when the base platen 51 is floating on the air, the base platen 51
No vibration other than the extremely low frequency vibration is transmitted between the holding parts 53. Specifically, the general
Pre-alignment stage of a simple wafer stepper and robot hand for wafer supply
By lifting the weight of the air by about 10 μm, vibration transmission of 3 to 4 Hz or more can be achieved.
Can be cut against us. Top stage 4 and XY stage 5
Since the base platen 51 has sufficient ability to follow vibrations of 3 to 4 Hz or less,
When the robot hand 8 and the pre-alignment stage 9 are
Even when such vibrations are generated, high-precision alignment of the base
Does not affect exposure. The base platen 51 is in contact with the holding portion 53 side.
State or a transition from air levitation to ground, or from a grounded state to air levitation.
However, the same can be said of the fourth embodiment described above, but the throughput of the entire apparatus is also increased.
It has no effect on the performance of the device.   In this embodiment, in a state where the base platen 51 is in contact with the air pad 52,
Then, the friction between the base platen 51 and the air pad 52 causes the base platen 51 and the base plate to be fixed.
The method of maintaining the positional relationship of the panel 6 has been described. In this state, a negative pressure is supplied to the air pad 52.
By doing so, the lock may be positively performed. Also, this embodiment is based on
The position was corrected while the surface platen 51 was in contact with the air pad 52.
On the other hand, as in the fourth embodiment, a tapered pin and a tapered hole are used.
When the base platen 51 is positioned with respect to the holding portion 53 only when it is grounded,
Both types have a clearance when air floats, so
The correction may not be required. At the stage of grounding from the state of air floating, first, XY Cut the air to the air pad that regulates the position in the direction, and at the same time
A guide for regulating in the XY directions is pressed against the holding portion 53 against the holding portion 53 so that
Position, and then apply air to the air pad to regulate the position in the Z direction.
The position of the base platen 51 at the time of touching the ground
The correction may not be required.   As described above, a part of the wafer transfer section is air-floated to the exposure section on the main body side.
By stopping the air levitation and grounding if necessary,
A device with high accuracy and high throughput which is not affected by the above. [The invention's effect]   As described above, according to the present invention,FirstSubstrate transfer system including robot hand
Vibration transmission from the side to the exposure apparatus body including the substrate stage can be reduced.
While moving the substrate stage on the exposure apparatus body side,
When the pattern on the plate is projected and exposed in order, regardless of the exposure operation,
The pre-alignment is performed on the substrate to be exposed,
Preparation operation such as a ment operation can be performed at high speed. Also, this preparation operation
Vibration generated on the transfer system side affects the movement of the substrate stage on the exposure apparatus body side
High-precision alignment of the substrate to be exposed by the substrate stage
And the alignment can be performed at high speed. Therefore, the present invention
According to this, improvement in throughput can be expected.   In particular, the first robot that transports the substrate to be exposed toward the pre-alignment stage
The hand and the substrate to be exposed pre-aligned by the pre-alignment stage
A second robot hand to be transferred to the plate stage is provided, and these robot hands are
Separated from the exposure apparatus body supporting the plate stage and independently supported on the floor
And the relative displacement between the transfer system side plate and the main body side plate or the substrate stage.
Detection means for detectingIf fasterAnd accurateSubstrate transfer
You. Also, compared to the case where these robot hands are supported by the exposure apparatus body,
Since the amount of overhang of the base plate on the device body can be reduced, the size of the device body can be reduced and
It is possible to reduce the unbalanced load acting on the platen on the device body side.   In addition, the second robot hand is connected to one of the exposure apparatusIf In response to the Selectively supportWith a mechanismCan transfer substrates faster
And the substrate to be exposed is conveyed to the platen of
It can be transported between the system-side surface plates without any problem. Exposure device for 2nd robot hand
Even when supporting the main unit side surface plate by floating the air, the robot hand
High-precision alignment without vibrating
Can be expected.

【図面の簡単な説明】 第1図は本発明の露光装置の第1の実施例の上面を示す図、第2図は第1の実
ステッパの上面を示す図である。 4……トップステージ、5……XYステージ、6……ベース定盤、7……エア
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shows a top view of a first embodiment of the exposure apparatus of the present invention, FIG. 2 shows a side view of the first embodiment, and FIG. FIG. 4 shows a top view of the second embodiment, FIG. 4 shows a side view of the second embodiment, FIG. 5 shows a top view of the third embodiment of the present invention,
FIG. 6 is a view showing a side view of the fourth embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 7 is a view showing a top view of the fourth embodiment, and FIG. 8 is a view showing a side view of the fifth embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 9, FIG. 9 is a diagram showing the top surface of the fifth embodiment, FIG. 10 is a diagram showing the side surface of the conventional stepper, and FIG. 11 is a diagram showing the top surface of the conventional stepper. 4 Top stage, 5 XY stage, 6 Base plate, 7 Air mount, 8 Robot hand, 9 Pre-alignment stage, 10
Robot hand, 20: Wafer, 22: Robot hand

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 (1)原板のパターンを被露光基板に投影露光するための投影レンズと、被露
送系側定盤のそれぞれを床に対して独立支持したことを特徴とする露光装置。 (2)前記第1ロボットハンドは露光済みの被露光基板を前記基板ステージか
ら回収することを特徴とする請求項1に記載の露光装置。 (3)原板のパターンを被露光基板に投影露光するための投影レンズと、被露
おいて、前記基板ステージを支持する本体側定盤に対して前記第1及び第2ロ ボットハンドを支持する搬送系側定盤を分離し、前記本体側定盤と前記搬送系側
徴とする露光装置。』 (4)原板のパターンを被露光基板に投影露光するための投影レンズと、被露
とを特徴とする露光装置。』 (5)前記選択的に支持させる機構は、前記プリアライメントステージと前記
させることを特徴とする請求項4に記載の露光装置。 (6)原板のパターンを被露光基板に投影露光するための投影レンズと、被露
回収された後に前記プリアラメイントステージでプリアライメントされた次の 被露光基板を前記基板ステージに受け渡す第2ロボットハンドを有する露光装置
してエア浮上により支持されることを特徴とする露光装置。 (7)前記第2ロボットハンドの支持状態は前記本体側定盤に対してエア浮上
Claims: (1) A projection lens for projecting and exposing a pattern of an original plate onto a substrate to be exposed, a substrate stage for moving the substrate to be exposed with respect to the projection lens, and a substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage A pre-alignment stage for pre-aligning the substrate to be exposed so that the substrate is mounted in a pre-aligned state, and an original plate via the projection lens at a plurality of locations on the substrate to be exposed while moving the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage A first robot hand that conveys the next substrate to be exposed toward the pre-alignment stage when the patterns are sequentially projected and exposed, and the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage is
After being collected, the next object pre-aligned by the pre-alignment stage
An exposure apparatus having a second robot hand for transferring an exposure substrate to the substrate stage , wherein the second robot hand is provided on a body-side surface plate supporting the substrate stage.
While supporting the pre-alignment stage, the main body side surface plate
An exposure apparatus, wherein a transfer system side plate supporting the first robot hand is separated, and the main body side plate and the transfer system side plate are independently supported on a floor. (2) The exposure apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the first robot hand collects the exposed substrate to be exposed from the substrate stage. (3) A projection lens for projecting and exposing the pattern of the original plate onto the substrate to be exposed, a substrate stage for moving the substrate to be exposed with respect to the projection lens, and a state where the substrate to be exposed is pre-aligned on the substrate stage. A pre-alignment stage for pre-aligning the substrate to be exposed so as to be mounted thereon, and sequentially projecting and exposing the pattern of the original plate through the projection lens to a plurality of portions of the substrate to be exposed while moving the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage. A first robot hand that conveys a next substrate to be exposed toward the pre-alignment stage during the pre-alignment stage, and a next robot pre-aligned by the pre-alignment stage after the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage is collected. An exposure apparatus having a second robot hand for transferring a substrate to be exposed to the substrate stage, wherein the substrate stage A transfer system side plate supporting the first and second robot hands is separated from a main body side plate supporting the device, and each of the main body side plate and the transfer system side plate is separated from the floor. Independently supported , the transfer system side platen and the main body
An exposure apparatus, comprising: a detecting means for detecting a relative displacement with respect to a side surface plate or the substrate stage . (4) A projection lens for projecting and exposing the pattern of the original plate onto the substrate to be exposed, a substrate stage for moving the substrate to be exposed with respect to the projection lens, and the substrate to be exposed being pre-aligned on the substrate stage A pre-alignment stage for pre-aligning the substrate to be exposed so as to be mounted in a state, and sequentially projecting the pattern of the original plate through the projection lens onto a plurality of locations on the substrate to be exposed while moving the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage A first robot hand that conveys the next substrate to be exposed toward the pre-alignment stage during exposure, and a pre-alignment performed by the pre-alarm stage after the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage is recovered. In an exposure apparatus having a second robot hand for transferring a next substrate to be exposed to the substrate stage, The transfer system side plate supporting the first robot hand is separated from the main body side plate supporting the stage, and the main body side plate and the transfer system side plate are independently supported on the floor. together, the exposure apparatus according to claim this <br/> and provided with a mechanism for selectively supported as the case of the second robot hand on one of the conveyor system surface plate and the body-side surface plate. (5) The mechanism for selectively supporting the pre-alignment stage and the second robot hand are selectively supported by one of the main body side surface plate and the transfer system side surface plate. Item 5. An exposure apparatus according to Item 4. (6) A projection lens for projecting and exposing a pattern of an original onto a substrate to be exposed, a substrate stage for moving the substrate to be exposed with respect to the projection lens, and a state in which the substrate to be exposed is pre-aligned on the substrate stage. A pre-alignment stage for pre-aligning the substrate to be exposed so as to be mounted thereon, and sequentially projecting and exposing the pattern of the original plate through the projection lens to a plurality of portions of the substrate to be exposed while moving the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage. A first robot hand that conveys the next substrate to be exposed toward the pre-alignment stage during the pre-alignment stage, and a next robot hand that is pre-aligned by the pre-alarm stage after the substrate to be exposed on the substrate stage is collected. An exposure apparatus having a second robot hand for transferring the substrate to be exposed to the substrate stage. A transfer system side plate supporting the first robot hand is separated from a main body side plate supporting the device, and each of the main body side plate and the transfer system side plate is independently supported on the floor. An exposure apparatus, wherein the second robot hand is supported by air levitation with respect to the main body side surface plate. (7) The support state of the second robot hand can be selected from one of a state in which the second robot hand is air-floated with respect to the main body side surface plate and a state in which the second robot hand is fixed to the main body side surface plate. The exposure apparatus according to claim 6, wherein



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