JP2004255745A - Network device control method - Google Patents
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ドキュメントサーバ102は、ハードウェア上2系統のネットワークインターフェイスカード(Network Interface Card ;NIC)を有しており、一方はパブリックネットワーク101a側につながるNIC111、もう一方はプリンタを有するプライベートネットワーク101b側に接続されたNIC112が存在する。
更にプライベートネットワーク101bには、MFP(Multi Function Peripheral:マルチファンクション周辺機器)105及びプリンタ107が接続されている。MFP105はモノクロでのスキャンやプリント、または低解像度や2値の簡易的なカラースキャンやカラープリントなどを行う。また、図示していないがプライベートネットワーク101b上には上記以外のMFPをはじめ、スキャナ、プリンタあるいはファクシミリ装置等、その他の機器も接続されている。
ここで、クライアントコンピュータ103上では、いわゆるDTP(Desk Top Publishing)を実行するアプリケーションソフトウェアを動作させ、各種文書/図形が作成/編集される。クライアントコンピュータ103は作成された文書/図形をページ記述言語(Page Description Language;PDL)に変換し、ネットワーク101aを経由してMFP104や105に送出することで、プリントアウトを行う。
MFP104,105は、図2に示す様に、画像読み取りを行うスキャナ部201とその画像データを画像処理するスキャナIP部202、ファクシミリなどに代表される電話回線を利用した画像の送受信を行うFAX部203、更に、ネットワークを利用して画像データや装置情報をやりとりするNIC(Network Interface Card)部204と、フルカラーMFP104との情報交換を行う専用I/F部205がある。そして、MFP104,105の使い方に応じてコア部206で画像信号を一時保存したり、経路を決定したりする。
コア部206から出力された画像データは、プリンタIP部207及び、PWM(Pulse Width Moduration)部208を経由して画像形成を行うプリンタ部209に送られる。プリンタ部209でプリントアウトされたシートはフィニッシャ部210へ送り込まれ、シートの仕分け処理やシートの仕上げ処理が行われる。
ネットワーク101は、図1に示したような各構成(図12に示す構成101a)がルータ(同1201〜1205)と呼ばれるネットワークを相互に接続する装置を介して接続され、LAN(Local Area Network)と呼ばれる更なるネットワーク(同1206,1207)を構成する。
図14B、14Cは、図14Aにおいてプロパティキー1407をクリックした際に表示されるGUI例を示す図である。このGUIには、「Paper」,「Graphics」,「Device Options」,「PDL」などのタブがあり、それらをクリックするごとに設定対象となる項目が異なる。図14Bは「Paper」タブ1411が選択された例を示しており、ここでは用紙サイズ1415、面つけレイアウト1416、用紙の向き1417、あるいは給紙段1418、などの設定が行える。また、図14Cは「Device Options」タブ1413が選ばれた例であり、そのデバイス固有の設定情報、例えばステープルなどのフィニッシングの設定や、プリンタIP部207内のガンマ変換部702や空間フィルタ部703のパラメータ変更するなど、画像処理関連のより細かい調整を行うことが可能となる。具体的には、機能種別1431とその設定値1432をそれぞれ所望の値に設定する。なお、1433は設定値を初期値に戻すためのデフォルトキーである。
ノースブリッジ1504は、高速PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)バス(32ビット/66MHz)1522を備え、SCSIコントローラ及びSCSIインターフェイス114を介してSCSIバス1524によってHDD(Hard Disk Drive)1507に接続され、大容量のデータのアクセスを可能にしている。なお、一般にHDD1507としては後述のIDE(Integrated Disk Electronics)バス対応のものもある。また、高速PCIバス1522はビデオデータを直接プリンタに送るようなタイプのプリンタを接続する際にも用いることができ、必要に応じて、ビデオインターフェイスカード113aや113bが接続され、カラープリンタとのインターフェイスなどに有効である。更に、ノースブリッジ1504には、ディスプレイ1509を表示させるためのグラフィックコントローラ1508もAGPバス1526によって接続されている。
サウスブリッジ1505側は、一般のPCIバス(32ビット/33MHz)1523が接続されており、Ethernet(登録商標)などのNIC(Network Interface Card)111,112が接続される。図中に2枚のNICが接続されているのは、図1Aのように2系統のネットワークを有する場合であり、図1Bのような1系統の場合には、1枚でも構わない。また、サウスブリッジ1505には、IDEバス1525によりCD−ROMドライブまたは、読み書き可能なCD−R/RWドライブ1510が接続され、本ドキュメントサーバ102のインストール時や、大量データのアーカイブ(データ保存)時に使用される。その他、USBポート1511や、スーパーI/O部1512を経由してキーボード1513やマウス1514あるいは、フロッピー(登録商標)ディスクドライブ1515が接続され、データの入出力を行うことができる。
まず、NIC111やSCSI114から入力されたジョブは、入力デバイス制御部1601よりサーバ内に入り、様々なクライアントアプリケーションと連結することにおいてその役割を果たす。なお、入力としてPDLデータとJCL(Job Control Language)データを受け付ける。これらのデータはプリンタとサーバに関する状態情報として様々なクライアントに対応しており、このモジュールの出力として、適切なPDLとJCLの構成要素すべてが結合される。
[ページ記述言語(Page Description Language:PDL)]
次に、図17に戻って、レンダリング部1702について説明する。インタプリタ部1701から出力された画像データには、グレースケール,RGB,CMYKのほか様々な色空間のものがあり、その他の色空間の場合には、CRD(Color Rendering Dictionary)部1703にて一度CMYK空間に変換される。
ドキュメントサーバ102上では、Microsoft社のIIS(Internet Information Server)に代表されるウェブサーバプログラムも同時に動作しており、クライアント103(あるいは102自身)からのhttpプロトコルによる呼びかけに対して、現在のドキュメントサーバ102の状態あるいは、周辺デバイスの情報などを知らせることができる。
ジョブステータス表示部2709では、サーバ内の各ジョブの状態(ステータス)をモニタでき、「Spooling」(RIP前のデータを受信中)、「Ripping」(RIP中)、「Wait to Print」(Print待機中)あるいは、「Printing」(Print中)として表現される。また、予めジョブ投入時にサーバ内部で待機を指示されているジョブに関しては、RIPされる前の状態で「Hold」として保持されている。デバイスにエラーやジャムが生じた場合にはその旨が表示され、ユーザに知らせる。そしてプリント終了後のジョブ情報は、ジョブ履歴(フィニッシュドジョブ)表示部2711に渡される。各ネットワークデバイスのステータスは、所定期間毎にサーバが問い合わせる、及び/又は、各ネットワークデバイスが自身のステータスに変化があった際にサーバに通知する。
MFP104,105あるいはプリンタ107内のネットワークインターフェース部分には、MIB(Management Information Base)と呼ばれる標準化されたデータベースが構築されており、SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)というネットワーク管理プロトコルを介してネットワーク上のコンピュータと通信し、MFP104,105をはじめネットワークに接続されたデバイスの状態を必要な情報と交換することが可能である。例えば、MFP104,105の装備情報としてどんな機能を有するフィニッシャ210が接続されているかを検知したり、ステータス情報として現在エラーやジャムが起きていないか、プリント中かアイドル中かなど検知したり、MFP104,105の装備情報、装置の状態、ネットワークの設定、ジョブの経緯、使用状況の管理、制御等、あらゆる静的情報を入手することができる。ドキュメントサーバ102は、このMIBを利用して、MFP等のステータスを随時取り込み、それをHTMLファイルとして更新することで、クライアントからは常にその状態を閲覧することができる。
また、ここで設定される項目は、一般設定やフィニッシング機能だけでなく、例えば図24Aにおいてジョブ制御(Job Management)キー2903をクリックすると、一般設定部2921の位置に図24Bのに示すジョブ制御設定部2922が表示され、ジョブ制御用の設定が可能になる。同様に、画像処理(Image Quality)キー2905をクリックすると図24Dの画像処理設定部2924が、、カラー(Color)キー2906をクリックすると図24Eのカラー設定部2925が表示され、それぞれのパラメータやプリンタの機能の選択変更が可能となっている。
しかしながら、PPD中のUIコンストレインツでは、一般に2次元(2機能の組み合わせ)に対する禁止は可能であるが、3次元以上(3機能以上の複雑な組み合わせ)の場合には、この禁止が難しかった。しかしながら、ジョブサブミットページはHTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)にて記述されているため、3次元以上の組み合わせであっても制約をつけることは容易である。また、PPDにて提供される一般的なドライバ(例えば、Microsoft社製Windows(登録商標)95, 98, Me用ドライバやAdobe社製ドライバ)の場合、PPDのサイズ容量には予め制限が設けられていることが多く、これらを超えてPPDを作成してしまうと、UIコンストレインツの一部の機能に制限が掛けられなかったが、HTML記述ならば特にサイズ制限もないことも利点として挙げられる。
3324はスキャン方法の選択を行うカラムであり、フラットベッドかADF(Auto Document Feeder)からの取り込みを選択できる。3325は原稿の読み取り面を指示する部分であり、片面原稿か両面原稿かを指示できる。また、3326でイメージサイズが選択でき、3327で解像度が入力できる。3328ではハーフトーンモードが選択でき、単純2値、ディザ法、誤差拡散、あるいは多値(8ビット)などが選択可能である。
即ち、「Hold All incoming jobs」3722がチェックされていれば(S3701)、ジョブのホールドの仕方を決定する(S3702)。ここでは、全てのジョブをホールドする「モード1」(S3703)、オペレータのジョブはスルー(ホールドしない)で流れ、それ以外のユーザのジョブはホールドする「モード2」(S3708)が選択できる。また、3722がチェックされていなければ、全てのジョブをスルーとする(ホールドしない)「モード3」が選択される。
ここで、プリンタあるいはクラスタを選択するに当たっては、予めクライアントコンピュータ103内でPPD(PostScript Printer Description)ファイルなどを用意してプリンタドライバを設定しておく必要がある。PPDファイルはそのプリンタを制御するための設定項目とその初期値、あるいは設定の組み合わせの可否などが記述されており、そのプリンタあるいはクラスタ毎に固有のファイルとして提供される。そしてオペレータは、プリンタやクラスタ毎に自分自身のコンピュータ内にそのPPDとドライバをリンクさせて予め用意しておかなければいけないことになる。
4909が印刷先のポートを選ぶ欄(コンボボックス)であるが、初めてプリンタドライバをクライアントコンピュータ103にインストールする場合は、ポートは用意されていない。そのため、ポートの追加(Add Port)キー4912をクリックし、図41Bに示すウィンドウを表示させる。このウィンドウにおいて、ポート名称(ここでは、ドキュメントサーバ102)とサーバのURLを入力し、図24AのジョブサブミットページのURLを記述した後、OKボタン4935をクリックして、図41Aの画面に戻る。
一般に、プリンタはそれぞれ固有の能力や機能などを持ち合わせており、クライアントがプリンタの設定を行う際に、それぞれのプリンタドライバを設定したり、それぞれのプリンタにマッチしたPPD(PostScript Printer Description)ファイルなどを用意したりする必要があるが、これらはあくまでターゲットプリンタが1台の場合であり、もし2台以上のプリンタ、しかも異なるタイプのプリンタに対して同時にプリントを行いたい場合、あるいは1つのジョブを分割して異なるタイプのプリンタに出力したい場合など、いわゆるクラスタプリントやジョブスプリットという動作をサポートしようとした場合には対応できていないのが現実である。
The present invention relates to network device control for performing output processing to a network device in response to a request from a client.
[Prior art]
In general, in the printing industry, it takes time for the device to stabilize, and the color depends on the environment (temperature / humidity, etc.) of the day, the degree of wear of the device, the brand / model number of the ink, or the brand / type of paper. It is a daily matter that changes according to the etc., and an experienced adjusting person performs test printing during output, taking into account those conditions, and matches the color in the test printing Going out is widely performed.
Also, in a print job in an image forming apparatus, it is common that image data is thrown into a printer driver together with a set job ticket and printed. There is no way to correct even if an image change such as color occurs while outputting the number of copies, and in many cases, the same job ticket is output from the beginning to the end.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In a market for a large number of copies or a large number of jobs called print-on-demand (POD), print processing using digital printing has been increasingly performed instead of printing.
In such a case, it is necessary to use a different concept from the conventional image forming apparatus that handles the number of copies used in offices. The idea of assuring the same color until the last page, or even if the page being adjusted is discarded, as seen in the printing industry, only the output result with the adjusted color obtained after the device is sufficiently stable There was no idea of using it.
For example, in a print job, the job ticket set on the driver causes all print jobs from the first copy to the last copy to be performed based on the gamma table once set, even if the number of copies is large. .
As described above, the conventional image forming apparatus cannot sufficiently cope with a large amount of printing by POD, and a satisfactory output result has not always been obtained.
SUMMARY An advantage of some aspects of the invention is to make it possible to perform image quality adjustment without stopping a printing operation even during the output of a large number of copies.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present invention includes the following steps as a method for solving the above-described problem.
That is, in a network device management server that manages network devices connected to a network and performs output processing to the network device in response to a request from a client on the network, output instruction information and output target information from the client are Receiving and adjusting the output target information based on the output instruction information, outputting the adjusted output target information to the network device, and outputting the output from the client during output of the output target information. When receiving a change instruction of the instruction information, the output instruction information is changed based on the change instruction.
The present invention manages a network device connected to a network, performs output processing to the network device in response to a request from a client on the network, and outputs an output from the client to a network device management server having a web server function. Receiving the instruction information and the output target information, adjusting the output target information based on the output instruction information, and outputting the adjusted output target information to the network device; When the information change instruction is received, the output instruction information is changed based on the change instruction. When the output instruction information is changed, the output of the output target information is adjusted based on the output instruction information after the change. Switch to something and continue.
The network device management server holds the output instruction information before the change and the output instruction information after the change, and switches them at a predetermined timing to adjust the output target information. The network device is a network printer. It is. The output target information is a file specified by the client, and this file is temporarily stored together with the output instruction information in a folder stored and managed by the network device management server. Then, the network management server monitors the output instruction information stored in the folder during the output of the file, and if the output instruction information has been updated, switches the output of the file to an adjustment based on the updated output instruction information. To continue.
The output instruction information from the client can be changed via a web browser. The output instruction information includes information related to image quality adjustment, and the output target information is adjusted based on the image quality adjustment information. A file to be output is described in a page description language, and the file is developed into image data according to the output instruction information.
Further, in response to a request from the client, the network device management server transmits GUI information for selecting a network device to be an output destination to a browser of the client, and as a result of transmitting the GUI information, the request from the client is received. The output target information and the information specifying the selected network device are received and managed, and the output target information managed by the management unit is output to the selected network device. The GUI information includes information for displaying information on a job ticket for setting conditions for output.
The present invention can be realized in the configuration and processing specifically shown in the drawings attached to the application corresponding to the following embodiments.
Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings.
<First embodiment>
● Overview of the system
1A and 1B are diagrams showing the concept of the system configuration of the present embodiment. FIG. 1B shows a comparatively simple network configuration, and FIG. 1A shows a configuration in which the
Hereinafter, components common to FIGS. 1A and 1B are denoted by the same reference numerals, and the configurations of both drawings will be described together.
Further, to the
In the
Here, on the
Each of the
● Configuration of
Next, the configuration of the
As shown in FIG. 2, the
The image data output from the
[Configuration of Scanner Unit 201]
Next, the configuration of the scanner unit 201 will be described with reference to FIG.
[Configuration of Scanner IP Unit 202]
First, the
Next, an
Further, a luminance / density conversion unit (LOG conversion unit) 405 is configured by a look-up table (LUT) RAM, and converts the RGB luminance signals into C1, M1, and Y1 density signals.
On the other hand, in the
[Configuration of FAX Unit 203]
Hereinafter, the configuration of the
Next, at the time of transmission, the
[Configuration of NIC Unit 204]
The configuration of the
When information is obtained from outside, the voltage is first converted by the
Next, when providing information to the outside, the
[Configuration of Dedicated I / F Unit 205]
The dedicated I /
[Configuration of Core Unit 206]
Hereinafter, the configuration of the
The following shows a bus switching pattern for executing each function.
Copying function: scanner 201 →
Network scanner: scanner 201 →
Network printer:
Facsimile transmission function: scanner 201 →
Facsimile reception function:
Next, the image data output from the
Further, if a job number and a password are provided and stored together, the personal box function can be supported. This is a function for temporarily storing data and making printout (readout from HDD) only to a specific person. When a printout instruction for a stored job is issued, the printout is performed from the
[Configuration of Printer IP Unit 207]
Hereinafter, the configuration of the
Next, a
On the other hand, in FIG. 7B, the output masking / UCR circuit unit is not provided, and the image signal input from the
[Configuration of PWM Unit 208]
The configuration of the
In FIG. 8A,
[Configuration of Printer Unit 209 (for Color MFP 104)]
FIG. 9 is a sectional structural view of the color printer unit. A
On the other hand, a developing device 930 supplies yellow (Y) toner, and forms a yellow toner image on the
Sheets fed from any of the
The four
[Configuration of Printer Unit 209 (for Monochrome MFP 105)]
FIG. 10 shows an overview of the monochrome printer unit. A
Sheets fed from any of the
[Configuration of Finisher Unit 209]
FIG. 11 shows a sectional structural view of the
There are two sort methods, a bin sort method having a plurality of bins and distributing the bins to each bin, and an electronic sort function described later and distributing output sheets for each job by shifting the bins (or trays) toward the back. Sorting by the shift sort method can be performed.
The electronic sort function is called a collate, and if a large-capacity memory such as the
In addition, a Z-
Further, the
In addition, although not shown, it is also possible to add a binding by glue (glue) for bookbinding, or a trim (cutting) function for aligning the end face opposite to the binding side after the binding.
Next, the trimmer (cutting machine) 1112 will be described. The booklet (saddle-stitched booklet) output by the
Hereinafter, the
In the
Next, data flowing in the
It is assumed that
[Printer Driver]
Next, a process of transmitting image data from a computer 102 (or 103) to a printer by a printer driver will be described with reference to FIGS. 14A to 14C.
The printer driver is displayed when a GUI for instructing a print operation (a print setting GUI displayed when a print instruction is issued from an application or the like and a display instruction for a property related to “printer” is issued on the GUI for print setting). GUI), the user can send a desired image to a destination such as a printer by designating a desired setting parameter.
In FIG. 14A,
14B and 14C are diagrams illustrating examples of a GUI displayed when the
Although not shown, resolution and halftone can be set by selecting a “Graphics”
Next, the configuration of the
In FIG. 15, a portion surrounded by a dotted line is a board called a
A general PCI bus (32 bits / 33 MHz) 1523 is connected to the
Next, a data flow in the
First, a job input from the
Next, the input job control unit 1602 manages the requested list of jobs and creates a job list to access individual jobs submitted to the server. Further, this module has three functions of job routing for determining a job route, job split for determining whether to divide and RIP, and job scheduling for determining the order of jobs.
The rasterization processing (RIP)
The data conversion unit 1604 serves to compress the bitmap image created by the RIP and to perform format conversion, and selects the most suitable image image type for each printer. For example, when a job is to be handled in units of pages, processing such as adding a PDF header to bitmap data obtained by rasterizing TIFF, JPEG, or the like by the
The output job control unit 1605 manages how page images of a job are handled based on command settings. The page image is printed by a printer or saved in the
The output device control unit 1606 manages which device is to be output and which device is to be clustered (a plurality of devices are connected and printed simultaneously), and is sent to the
[Page Description Language (PDL)]
Hereinafter, the PDL data and the
PDL represented by the PS language is classified into the following three elements.
(A) Image description using character codes
(B) Image description by graphic code
(C) Image description using raster image data
That is, PDL is a language for describing an image composed of a combination of the above-described elements, and data described thereby is referred to as PDL data.
FIG. 17 is a diagram illustrating the internal processing of the
In the character information R1801 shown in FIG. 18A, L1811 is a description for designating the color of the character, and the parentheses indicate the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black densities in order, with the minimum density being 0.0 and the maximum being 1. 0.0. L1811 shows an example of designating that a character is to be black. Next, L1812 substitutes the character string “ABC” for the variable “String1”. Next, L1813 indicates the x and y coordinates of the start position coordinates on the paper on which the character string is laid out, the first and second parameters, the third parameter is the character size, the fourth parameter is the character spacing, Five parameters each indicate a character string to be laid out. In other words, L1813 indicates an instruction to lay out the character string “ABC” with a size of 0.2 and an interval of 0.3 from the position of the coordinates (0.0, 0.0).
In the description example of the graphic information R1802, L1821 specifies the color of the line as in L1811, and cyan is specified here. L1822 specifies that a line is to be drawn. The first and second parameters indicate the starting coordinates of the line, and the third and fourth parameters indicate the x and y coordinates of the ending coordinate. The fifth parameter indicates the thickness of the line.
In the description example of the raster image information R1803, the raster image is substituted for the variable “image1” in L1831. Here, the first parameter represents the image type and the number of color components of the raster image, the second parameter represents the number of bits per color component, and the third and fourth parameters represent the image size of the raster image in the x and y directions. , The fifth and subsequent parameters are raster image data. The number of raster image data is a product of the number of color components forming one pixel and the image size in the x and y directions. In L1831, since the CMYK image is composed of four color components, the number of raster image data is (4 × 5 × 5 =) 100. Next, L1832 indicates that image1 is laid out in a size of 0.5 × 0.5 from the position of the coordinates (0.0, 0.5).
FIG. 18B shows a state in which the above three image descriptions are interpreted and rasterized into raster image data within one page. R1801, R1802, and R1803 correspond to the PDL data in FIG. 18A, respectively. These raster image data are actually developed on the SDRAM 1506 (or the HDD 1507) for each of the C, M, Y, and K color components. For example, the R1801 portion is stored in the
In the
Next, returning to FIG. 17, the rendering unit 1702 will be described. The image data output from the
For the CMYK data, the
In the job ticket set by the user, the black detection unit /
As shown in FIG. 19, the
As shown in FIG. 20, the ICC profile is roughly divided into a
The ICC profile is generally created in a look-up table format. In the
Referring back to FIG. 17, the overprint control unit 1707 receives the test result of the above-described
After performing the above processing, the image data is once written to the SDRAM 1506 (or the HDD 1507) as
In the gamma correction unit 1710, a linear gamma curve as shown in FIG. 21A is prepared by default, and a table is prepared according to the printer characteristics. For example, when the output characteristic Gp of the MFP 104a has the value shown in FIG. 21B, the output characteristic is corrected to a linear value as shown in FIG. 21A by multiplying the inverse function Ga (FIG. 21C) as a gamma table. When it is desired to obtain the output characteristic Gb (FIG. 21D) as in general commercial printing, it is sufficient to multiply the values by a table of values based on GaxGb. Note that a calibration function described later using a scanner unit or a densitometer of the MFP 104a to create these gamma tables is generally known.
● Web browser
Hereinafter, the operation by the web browser in the present embodiment will be described.
On the
FIG. 22A is a main screen of a web service provided in the
This service tool has tabs (2701 to 2706) of "job status", "device status", "job submission", "scanning", "configuration", and "help" containing a manual of this service. ). Hereinafter, the operation when each of these tabs is selected will be described.
[Job status]
As shown in FIG. 22A, the “job status”
First, as shown in FIG. 22B, the
The job
The job
As shown in FIG. 22C, a job
Similarly, in the job
[Device Status]
Hereinafter, the display when the “device status”
A standardized database called MIB (Management Information Base) is built in a network interface portion in the
As shown in FIG. 23, according to the “device status”
[Job Submission]
Next, a case where the “job submit”
The method of using the job submission function is the same as that of the above-described print driver. However, this method throws the file on the
Usually, the print driver has two roles, one of which is to launch data by an application on the
The job submit for such a printer driver performs only the process of throwing the job together with the job ticket using the GUI, but not only the PS but also various formats (for example, PDF, TIFF, JPEG). The same software RIP module can perform RIP processing on data of the same format, or a plurality of types of software RIP modules (for example, PS and PCL) are provided in the
For a printer having a RIP processing function of a type that handles only PS data instead of bitmap data due to the interface of the
As shown in FIG. 24A, as a setting item added in job submission, there is a transmission
When these settings are made and the
Hereinafter, the setting contents of the job ticket call key 2912 will be described.
The job ticket means a file in which setting items other than the image data of the job are collected. For example, in the present embodiment, the detailed setting items of each job ticket are classified into several as shown in FIGS. 24A to 24E, and various settings are possible.
1. General settings: (FIG. 24A: 2921)
Number of copies, paper size, paper source, media type, presence or absence of both sides
2. Job control: (FIG. 24B: 2922)
Job priority, job save status, etc.
3. Finishing: (FIG. 24C: 2923)
Staples, punches, booklets, etc.
4. Image processing setting: (FIG. 24D: 2924)
Sharpness, brightness, toner reduction settings, etc.
5. Color setting: (FIG. 24E: 2925)
Gamma conversion table settings, ICC profile settings, etc.
The job ticket has an advantage that not only the setting items unique to each device but also the operation proceeds smoothly if prepared in advance. Therefore, in the present embodiment, in FIG. As shown as a key 2913 in FIG. 7, a save key for saving an arbitrarily set job ticket for reuse, a save as key for saving with a new name, and a delete key for deleting a job ticket are provided. Also, a job ticket reset key 2908 is provided so that the job ticket can be returned to the default state.
Next, each setting item of the job ticket will be described in detail. When the finishing key 2904 is clicked on the display screen of FIG. 24A, a GUI shown in FIG. 24C is displayed. Here, for example, On and Off are prepared in the stapling setting column. If the setting is On, the job is stapled and output, and if the setting is Off, the job is output as it is. However, when a printer having no staple function is selected, control is performed such that this item itself is not displayed or On selection cannot be made. The default setting item, which has a higher selection frequency, is prepared in advance. If the user setting is different from the setting item, a job ticket is registered, and the default setting item appears as the user's own default.
The items set here include not only the general settings and the finishing function, but also, for example, when a job management (Job Management)
When desired settings are completed and the
Each setting item in these job tickets can be provided with restrictions corresponding to UI constraints in the PPD file of the print driver. Here, the UI constraint means avoidance of the prohibition setting by the GUI. For example, it is possible to prevent the user from erroneously setting the duplex copy to the OHP sheet, or, in the case of a printer with a staple sorter, to group sort (sort bin). This is to prevent the stapling by the output method of outputting the same page every time) on the GUI in advance. In some cases, a combination of settings that may damage the printer may be prevented. For example, in general, when the duplex setting is performed on a small sheet of A5 / Statement size or less, a paper jam is likely to occur if the sheet path is not designed to withstand a small sheet of paper. If such operations are repeated, the printer may be damaged. Therefore, when the user makes such settings, it can be prohibited and prevented.
However, with UI constraints in PPD, it is generally possible to prohibit two dimensions (combination of two functions), but in the case of three dimensions or more (complex combination of three or more functions), it is difficult to prohibit this. However, since the job submit page is described in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), it is easy to apply restrictions even in a combination of three or more dimensions. In the case of a general driver provided by the PPD (for example, a driver for Windows (registered trademark) 95, 98, Me manufactured by Microsoft Corporation or a driver manufactured by Adobe), the size capacity of the PPD is limited in advance. In many cases, if a PPD is created beyond this, there are no restrictions on some of the functions of the UI constraints, but the advantage of HTML description is that there is no particular size restriction.
Here, the cluster print according to the present embodiment will be described. FIG. 25 shows an example of a GUI for job submission for cluster printing. When cluster print (page split by the
In this embodiment, for the sake of simplicity, the following flow and GUI will be described by taking cluster printing on two different types of MFPs as an example. It is needless to say that the same method can be used when two MFPs are used. However, since a common job ticket is often selected for printers of the same type, it may be regarded that the same job ticket is specified for a plurality of printers by specifying one job ticket.
The print processing in the present embodiment may be performed by a print instruction from a normal application, or may be performed by the above-described job submission. In any case, the data is stored as a file in a hot folder in the
First, in step S3101, the data file to be printed and the submitted setting information are read, and the job is determined. Here, the job determination means whether a single printer name is set in the setting information or a registered printer group name (a group name of a plurality of printers registered as a job cluster mode, a copy cluster mode). (A group name of a plurality of printers registered as a page cluster mode, a group name of a plurality of printers registered as a page cluster mode). Specifically, when a job is sent, two files of a data file and a job ticket file (or a single file in which the two are integrated) are sent from the
Here, for example, in FIG. 27A,
Returning to FIG. 26A, if it is determined in step S3101 that the job has a single printer name, the flow advances to step S3102 to transfer the data file (for example, PS data output from the client printer driver or transferred as a job submit). RIP processing of the received image data file) and outputs it to the designated printer.
If the job is a printer group name (for example, “MFP104 & 105_PageSplit” shown in FIG. 25), the process proceeds to any of steps S3103 to S3105. Steps S3103 to S3105 can be easily analogized from the meaning of each of the clusters described above. Hereinafter, the processing in step S3104 when a printer group name registered as the copy number cluster mode is specified will be described with reference to the flowchart in FIG. 26B. explain.
First, in step S 3121, the number of copies to be assigned to one printer is calculated by dividing the number of copies in the setting information by the number of printers registered as a copy number cluster mode group. It may be distributed more often. In addition, the minimum number of copies (or the number of pages) is set in advance, and when the number of copies to be assigned is less than that, the output printer can be selected according to a preset priority.
Next, in step S3122, a variable i representing a page number is initialized to “1”, and the flow advances to step S3123. In step S3123, the number of copies to be printed by each printer determined in advance is notified to each printer in PDL format data, and in step S3124, the RIP-processed data data of page i is output to each printer. . Thereafter, it is determined whether or not printing has been completed for all pages for which printing has been requested. If the printing has not been completed, the process advances to step S3126 to increment the variable i, and returns to step S3123.
When the processing shown in FIG. 26B is performed, as a result, 1, 1, 1,. . . 2, 2, 2,. . . Are printed in the order of 1, 2, 3,. . . , 1, 2, 3,. . . Of course, it may be printed.
Next, a browser display example when the “scanning”
In FIG. 28A, the available scanner status is displayed at 3301.
Hereinafter, functions of the scanner driver will be described. As described above, when the
In FIG. 28B,
In addition, 3329 and 3330 can alternatively set whether to scan all pages or scan only a specified page when using the ADF.
When the prescan key 3336 is pressed after these designations, the computer 102 (or 103) issues an instruction request to the device selected in the source
If it is determined that the preview image is OK, the scan operation is started by clicking a
Next, a browser display example when the “configuration”
The GUI shown in FIG. 29A includes a
・ Printer configuration
When the
The printer correction mode is a mode in which printer information such as an IP address or an accessory is changed and corrected and re-saved, and the printer erasing mode is for removing unnecessary printers from server management. Mode (the printer itself may exist on the network).
・ Cluster configuration
When a plurality of printers are registered in the
First, two or more printers are selected from the registered printer group (S3501). For example, if there are three printers A, B, and C, four combinations of A & B, A & C, B & C, and A & B & C are possible. In addition, even if the same printer combination is used, if the modes described below are different, it is possible to register as another cluster printer.
Here, if the selected combination is a different type of printer such as a color printer and a black and white printer, it is possible to select from two modes: a color / black and white page separation mode and a color / black and white automatic routing mode ( S3502, S3503).
The color / black and white page separation mode (S3505) separates a job into color pages and black and white pages in advance for one job in which color pages and black and white pages are mixed, and prints a page including color information to a color printer. In this mode, a (monochrome) page that does not include color information is output to a monochrome printer.
In the color / monochrome automatic routing mode (S3506), similarly, after distinguishing between color pages and monochrome pages in advance, if at least one color page is mixed, all jobs are output to a color printer, and all jobs are converted to monochrome pages. If it does, it will automatically route to a black and white printer. These functions are effective in realizing cost reduction and simplification of operability because there is a gap in the par print cost between the color page and the black and white page.
Further, when the selected combination is a printer of the same type such as a color printer and a color printer, or a black and white printer and a black and white printer, three modes are prepared: a job clustering mode, a copy clustering mode, and a page clustering mode. (S3504).
The job clustering mode (S3507) is a mode in which jobs are sequentially distributed to vacant printers or printers that are expected to be in the idle state sooner among the printers for which jobs have been set, so-called optimized load balance mode. .
In the copy number clustering mode (S3508), for example, a job in which 100 copies are set is allocated to three printers having the same capacity, such as 33 copies, 33 copies, and 34 copies, so that the job ends earlier.
In the page clustering mode (S3509), a job of 1000 pages is allocated to two printers by 500 pages at a time.
Each of the cluster printers can be registered in a different combination of modes with different names for the same printer combination, and can be treated as a virtual high-speed printer in the same manner as a normal single printer.
Also, according to the mode, the minimum pages and minimum number of copies per unit can be set in advance for each mode, and if one unit goes down due to a jam or error, the job is automatically replaced. , A waiting time for job rerouting to be assigned to the printer can be set.
・ Spool queue configuration
As shown in FIG. 31A, when the spool
The spool queue configuration has three modes of adding, modifying, and deleting a spool queue, and one of them can be selected (S3601). Hereinafter, the spool queue adding process will be described.
When adding a spool queue (S3602), first, a hot folder is created (S3603). Here, the hot folder means that, for example, a folder (or directory) on the
Then, the added spool queue is associated with the created hot folder (S3604), and then either the printer created by the printer configuration or the cluster printer created by the cluster configuration is associated (S3604). (S3605), and finally, the job ticket of the associated printer or cluster is associated (S3606). In this case, the job ticket is a default value to be referred to only by the client side, and the job ticket can be changed at the time of job issuance according to preference on the client side.
The spool queue associated as described above is stored in the server as a spool queue table as shown in FIG. 31C (S3607).
・ System configuration
FIG. 32A is an example of a display screen when a
That is, if “Hold All incoming jobs” 3722 is checked (S3701), the method of holding the job is determined (S3702). Here, “
The held job is held in the hot folder unless a user having authority as an operator releases the job in a user group configuration described later. The through job or the job released by the operator is sequentially passed from the hot folder to the input job control unit 1602 and the
・ Archive configuration
FIG. 33 is an example of a display screen when an
・ Disk cleanup configuration
FIG. 34 is an example of a display screen when a disk
・ User / group configuration
When printing is started from the print driver, output is generally performed from the printer without considering security or the like.In the present embodiment, however, since the output is once passed through the web server unit of the server, It is possible to define the security level for the users and operators.
When performing an operator-mediated print service, it is important to determine the security level of a user, such as a general user and an operator, or an administrator who can arbitrarily add or change the system configuration among the operators.
FIG. 35A is a screen displayed when the user /
In the following, a process of registering a new user, changing a user privilege, deleting a user / group, and the like by a user (system administrator) who has been given the right to change the user privilege will be described with reference to the flowchart of FIG. 35B.
When entering the web browser of the present system, all the users enter their user names and their passwords in advance (S4001, S4002), and the input user names and passwords are transmitted to the
If the
・ License configuration
FIG. 36 is an example of a display screen when a
・ Gamma configuration
Hereinafter, a description will be given of the primary color tint adjustment processing by rewriting the gamma table when the
When the
First, a device is selected (S4221), and then a mode is selected (S4222). Here, the modes include a calibration mode (S4223), a table editing mode (S4233), a storage mode (S4242), and an erasing mode (S4246).
The calibration mode (S4223) is a mode in which tone correction is performed so as to obtain a linear output, and a method using a scanner unit, a densitometer, or the like of the MFP is generally known. In any case, a test print is output from the printer unit (S4224), the density of the output value is sampled and measured (S4227, S4322), and a gamma table is created and stored together with the file name as described above (S4228). To S4230). At the time of test printing, a chart as shown in FIG. 37D or FIG. 37E is used. FIG. 37E is used in the case of a printer in which the density uniformity is not obtained, and it is read whether or not a predetermined density appears at a predetermined location so that the density is reduced by being arranged at random. Can be
Referring back to FIG. 37C, in the case of the edit mode (S4233), the data or the graph indicating the gamma characteristic is edited by using the GUI of FIG. 37A or 37B. In the editing by the data shown in FIG. 37A, the output value corresponding to each input value of CMYK is directly input, and in the editing by the graph shown in FIG. 37B, the curve on each graph of CMYK is edited using a mouse or the like. When the submit key 4205 is clicked after editing, a confirmation message appears as to whether or not the edited data is to be reflected in the gamma table. If OK is input, the message is reflected.
The table saving mode (S4242) and the erasing mode (S4246) are used for storing the table and erasing the table similarly to the job ticket.
[Print processing by job submission]
Hereinafter, a flow of a series of print processing by the above-described job submission will be described with reference to flowcharts of FIGS.
FIG. 38 shows a flowchart at the time of job submission. When the
Further, the operator selects a printer or a cluster to be output (S4611). The selected printer name or cluster name is immediately notified to the
On the other hand, the
[Print processing by normal driver]
Next, a process in which a print instruction is issued from an application (for example, word processing software or the like) operating on the client, and as a result, a job is thrown from the printer driver will be described with reference to the flowchart in FIG.
The printer driver has two main roles. One is to create PDL data (typified by PS) from data on the application, and the other is to send PDL data created there from a client (or the server itself) to a predetermined hot folder in the server. ,.
For this purpose, the
When the PDL data is completed, the data is immediately sent to a predetermined hot folder 4732 in the server, and is printed in the same manner as the above-described print processing by job submission.
Here, in selecting a printer or a cluster, it is necessary to prepare a PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file or the like in the
Further, some drivers have a so-called auto-configuration function of sequentially communicating with the printer using SNMP / MIB or the like. That is, the functions supported by the printer and their initial values are registered in the MIB in advance, and when the driver is opened from the client via the network, an inquiry is made as to what functions the printer supports. For example, when a sorter with a staple function is provided, the staple function is disclosed, and a list of support setting items is shown to the driver on the user side, and the user is allowed to change to a desired setting item.
[Print processing by driver of this embodiment]
FIG. 40 is a flowchart in the case where print processing is performed from the printer driver in the present embodiment. In this figure, steps S4801 to S4807 operate in the same manner as steps S4701 to S4707 shown in FIG. 39, but the subsequent processing is different.
That is, while a normal printer driver sets an IP address or a name of a printer on a network as a port setting or sets a parallel port, the printer driver in the present embodiment Is characterized in that a URL for acquiring the job submit page of the web server in the above is assigned.
FIG. 41A is a diagram illustrating a
Then, it is confirmed that the
As described above, the URL of the web server in the document server (specifically, a request for browsing a specific page, such as “http: //”, is made), will be described later. In addition, the GUI information of the job submission screen can be acquired from the document server and displayed on the browser of the client, and the print job (print data) generated by the client can be displayed in the application layer instead of TCP / IP, Port 9100, etc. Is transmitted to the website of the URL specified by the file transfer protocol (such as the FTP protocol). In other words, by specifying the URL of the port monitor of the printer driver, unlike the related art, it is possible to transmit a print job using a protocol that is not supported by the OS. For example, the client and the document server may have completely different operating systems, or even send a print job to a remote document server via the Internet (if the document server's web server permits access). It becomes.
Returning to FIG. 40, if the user clicks the
Although the timing for requesting the transfer of the HTML file for the job submission is as described above, the normal print driver performs the processing sequentially as described above. However, in the present embodiment, the job submission browser screen is always called again. Since the print is started again, the
Alternatively, the PDL data is registered in the hot folder in advance in FIG. 40, and after confirming that the print data has been registered in the server (so that the registration completion is notified from the server), the HTML file is requested. You may do it. In this case, in step S4814, since the PDL data has already been registered in the server, only the job ticket is transmitted.
In response to this, the web server unit 4831 in the
[Cluster print processing by driver of this embodiment]
In general, printers have their own capabilities and functions. When a client sets up a printer, the client sets up each printer driver or downloads a PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file that matches each printer. It is necessary to prepare them, but these are only for one target printer. If you want to print on two or more printers and different types of printers at the same time, or divide one job However, it is not possible to support so-called cluster printing or job splitting operations, such as a case of outputting to a different type of printer.
If you try to create a PPD file by AND or OR combining the unique capabilities and functions of each of the two different types of printers, the combination will be enormous, and you will no longer be able to support more than two different types of printers. Disappears.
Therefore, first, different types of printers are registered as cluster printers by the processing shown in FIG. Next, cluster printing is performed by the processing shown in the flowchart of FIG. That is, the application is opened and the driver issues a print instruction. At this time, a normal driver cannot set a job ticket for two different types of printers. However, in the present embodiment, if the driver is set as the
As described above, in the present embodiment, when printing from the client using the print driver, the port is set in the web server unit prepared in the server, and the print is always started from the job ticket screen, so that the client It is possible to always select a desired output destination and print using a unified GUI without setting up a number of printer drivers or collecting setting files.
[Color adjustment during printing]
Hereinafter, the tint adjustment processing during printing according to the present embodiment will be described with reference to FIG.
First, after performing gamma adjustment according to the above-described gamma configuration (FIGS. 37A to 37E), when the submission is performed in step S5014 in FIG. 42, the information of the set gamma table is transmitted to the
The files in the hot folder are monitored by polling (S5034), and when the gamma table is submitted, the gamma table is rewritten. Here, two or more gamma tables are prepared, and they are respectively called a gamma table A and a gamma table B.
Next, it is necessary to discriminate whether the corresponding printer is currently processing a job or is currently processing the job (S5036). If the printer is not processing, for example, writing to the gamma table A is performed (S3037). The gamma table A is applied from the job processed in.
On the other hand, if the job is being processed, the gamma table A is used in the print currently being processed (S5040), and during this time, the newly submitted gamma table is written to the free gamma table B by parallel processing (S5041). ). After the writing is completed (S5042), the gamma tables A and B are switched between pages, and printing using the gamma table B is performed (S5044). That is, the gamma table can be switched without stopping the printer output.
If there is a further gamma table adjustment request, a similar procedure is used to print up to the in-process page using the gamma table B, and at the same time, write a new gamma table into the gamma table A. After the writing is completed, the state of the work-in-progress page is checked, and the interval is switched to the gamma table A at the interval, and the output is continued without stopping the printing operation.
As described above, according to the present embodiment, for example, even during the printing of a large number of copies, the setting of each color density of the job ticket can be changed without stopping the printing operation. Therefore, the operator can finely adjust each color density while watching the image being output, and even if the image characteristics fluctuate during the output, it is possible to correct the image characteristics while watching the output.
<Second embodiment>
Hereinafter, a second embodiment according to the present invention will be described.
In the present invention, the adjustment processing that can be switched during printing is not limited to gamma conversion, and output masking, a spatial filter, and the like can be considered.
For example, in the case of output masking, the ratio of each color can be changed using a matrix operation for generating CMYK data from CMYK data or a look-up table in the same manner as a gamma table.
Alternatively, in the case of a spatial filter, it is possible to change from strong sharpness to weak sharpness or to apply smoothing according to the degree of the filter.
In addition, binarization processing and screening may be switched during printing, or the degree of compression may be switched.
In performing these operations, if a gamma configuration screen is opened and set every time printing is performed, a high-speed printer causes considerable waste of recording paper and consumables.
Therefore, for example, when a desired job is selected from the active jobs displayed in 2709 of FIG. 22A and double-clicked, the previously set printer, job file and its job ticket are displayed as shown in the job submission screen of FIG. 24A. If displayed, desired settings can be reflected in a short time. Alternatively, if some settings are determined in advance, the job tickets may be named and stored, and the settings may be changed by calling the
The flow of the process in the second embodiment is shown in the flowchart of FIG. That is, it is determined whether or not the specified job is currently being processed (active) based on the job ID or the like (S5236). If the specified job is being processed, the difference between the settings is compared (S5242). Alternatively, the data is overwritten (S5244), the same double buffer format setting as in the first embodiment is performed, and the new setting is reflected between pages with good separation so that printing is not stopped.
<Third embodiment>
Hereinafter, a third embodiment according to the present invention will be described.
In the third embodiment, an example will be described in which an ICC profile for color conversion is changed during printing. Generally, in order to change the ICC profile during printing, RIP must be performed again. That is, in general color matching, a lookup table referred to as an ICC profile is performed in the process of converting to bitmap data as part of RIP expansion, so if the ICC profile itself or matching conditions are changed, RIP work must be started over. However, since RIP development usually takes a long time, if this is performed during printing, not only will considerable waste of recording paper and consumables be caused, but also the number of pages, the number of copies of the job, and the timing of switching profiles, etc. May end the printing itself.
Therefore, in the third embodiment, for example, if the data output from the
In addition, the ICC profile generally includes several lookup tables in one file, but creates a UI that can change the ratio and intensity of each color component of CMYK, and performs color adjustment using the UI. You may do so.
<Fourth embodiment>
Hereinafter, a fourth embodiment according to the present invention will be described.
In each of the above-described embodiments, desired setting values such as a gamma table are switched during printing. At this time, it is desirable to know at which output the data before and after the adjustment has been switched. Therefore, in the fourth embodiment, when there is an output as shown in FIG. 44A, for example, as shown in FIG. 44B, control is performed so that a slip sheet is sandwiched between output sheets at a switching timing. Here, as shown in FIG. 44B, the slip sheet may be a blank sheet or a sheet in which characteristics such as a value to be adjusted are described, and the slip sheet may be interrupted from a sheet feed tray in which colored sheets are set. May be. Thereby, the switching position of the adjustment value can be easily recognized.
Further, as shown in FIG. 44C, a cross collate function is performed at the timing of switching of the adjustment value, and the paper is rotated and output, for example, A4 and A4R. It is also effective to change the bin before and after the adjustment if the output is performed or if a finisher with a sort bin is provided.
As described above, in the network printer of the fourth embodiment, when the output instruction information is changed, a predetermined sheet indicating the change timing is inserted between the recording sheets that output the output target information, or By making the recording paper for outputting the output target information different before and after the change, the position (timing) at which the output instruction information (adjustment value) is changed in the output recording paper group can be easily grasped. it can.
It should be noted that the network configuration itself shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B is not different from a normal network at all, and rather the present invention is characterized in that it is realized by executing a program that operates on each device. For example, if it is a client, the program is a printer driver or a browser. In the case of a server, a program that functions as a web server, a program that manages network resources (scanners, printers, or shared folders), a scheduler for performing print processing, a program that performs RIP processing, and control of network resources (If it is a printer, print data distribution). Therefore, it can be easily understood that the present invention also includes such computer programs.
Usually, in order to operate a computer on a general-purpose information processing apparatus such as a personal computer, a storage medium such as a floppy (registered trademark) or a CD-ROM storing these programs is set, and an installer is started. These storage media are also included in the scope of the present invention because they are copied to an apparatus.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the present invention, image adjustment can be performed without stopping the printing operation even during the output of a large number of copies.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1A is a diagram illustrating a network configuration according to an embodiment.
FIG. 1B is a diagram showing another network configuration of the embodiment.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating a structure of a scanner unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 4A is a block diagram of a color scanner IP unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 4B is a block diagram of a monochrome scanner IP unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating a facsimile unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 6A is a block diagram of an NIC unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 6B is a block diagram of a core unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 7A is a block diagram of a printer IP unit of the color image forming apparatus.
FIG. 7B is a block diagram of a printer IP unit of the monochrome image forming apparatus.
FIG. 8A is a block diagram of a PWM unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 8B is a timing chart illustrating operation timings of a PWM unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 9 is a sectional structural view of the color image forming apparatus.
FIG. 10 is a sectional structural view of a monochrome image forming apparatus.
FIG. 11 is a sectional structural view of a finisher unit of the image forming apparatus.
FIG. 12 is a diagram illustrating a network environment.
FIG. 13 is a diagram showing network data transfer.
FIG. 14A is a diagram illustrating an example of a GUI screen of a printer driver.
FIG. 14B is a diagram showing an example of a GUI screen of the printer driver.
FIG. 14C is a diagram illustrating an example of a GUI screen of the printer driver.
FIG. 15 is a hardware configuration example of a document server.
FIG. 16 is a diagram showing a job flow inside the document server.
FIG. 17 is a diagram showing a flow of a RIP unit.
FIG. 18A is a diagram illustrating a description example of PDL data.
FIG. 18B is a diagram showing an image of the PDL data after raster development.
FIG. 19 is a diagram showing a flow of a color matching unit.
FIG. 20 is a diagram showing types of ICC profiles.
FIG. 21A is a diagram showing a linear gamma table.
FIG. 21B is a diagram illustrating printer output characteristics.
FIG. 21C is a diagram showing a calibrated gamma table.
FIG. 21D is a diagram showing a gamma table taking output characteristics into account.
FIG. 22A is a diagram showing a screen example of a job status tab.
FIG. 22B is a diagram showing a device status in a job status tab.
FIG. 22C is a diagram showing an active job in a job status tab.
FIG. 22D is a diagram showing a printed job in a job status tab.
FIG. 23 is a diagram showing a screen example of a device status tab.
FIG. 24A is a diagram showing an example of a screen of a job submission tab (general setting).
FIG. 24B is a diagram showing a screen example of a job submission tab (job control setting).
FIG. 24C is a diagram showing an example of a screen of a job submission tab (finishing setting).
FIG. 24D is a diagram showing a screen example of a job submit tab (image quality setting).
FIG. 24E is a diagram showing a screen example of a job submission tab (color setting).
FIG. 25 is a diagram illustrating a screen example of a job submission tab at the time of a cluster.
FIG. 26A is a flowchart of job determination and printer mode selection.
FIG. 26B is a flowchart of division of the number of copies during cluster printing.
FIG. 27A is a diagram illustrating a reference example of a job ticket of a print job.
FIG. 27B is a diagram showing a reference example of a job ticket of a cluster job.
FIG. 28A is a diagram showing a screen example of a scanning tab.
FIG. 28B is a diagram showing an example of a GUI screen of the scanner driver.
FIG. 29A is a diagram illustrating a screen example of a printer configuration.
FIG. 29B is a flowchart of a printer configuration.
FIG. 30 is a flowchart of a cluster configuration.
FIG. 31A is a diagram showing a screen example of a spool queue configuration.
FIG. 31B is a flowchart of a spool queue configuration.
FIG. 31C is a diagram showing an example of a spool queue table.
FIG. 32A is a diagram showing a screen example of a system configuration.
FIG. 32B is a flowchart of a system configuration.
FIG. 33 is a diagram showing a screen example of an archive configuration.
FIG. 34 is a diagram illustrating a screen example of a disk cleanup configuration.
FIG. 35A is a diagram showing an example of a user / group configuration screen.
FIG. 35B is a flowchart of a user / group configuration.
FIG. 36 is a diagram illustrating an example of a license configuration screen.
FIG. 37A is a diagram showing a screen example of a gamma configuration (data).
FIG. 37B is a diagram showing a screen example of a gamma configuration (graph).
FIG. 37C is a flowchart of a gamma configuration.
FIG. 37D is a diagram showing a test pattern for calibration.
FIG. 37E is a diagram showing a test pattern for calibration.
FIG. 38 is a flowchart at the time of printing from a job submission.
FIG. 39 is a flowchart at the time of printing from a conventional printer driver.
FIG. 40 is a flowchart at the time of printing from a printer driver linked to a web page.
FIG. 41A is a property screen of a printer driver setting linked to a web page.
FIG. 41B is a property screen of a printer driver setting linked to a web page.
FIG. 42 is a flowchart of rewriting a gamma table during printing in this embodiment.
FIG. 43 is a flowchart of normal printing and job processing during printing according to the second embodiment.
FIG. 44A is a diagram showing an output example before and after rewriting the gamma table in the fourth embodiment.
FIG. 44B is a diagram showing an output example before and after rewriting the gamma table in the fourth embodiment.
FIG. 44C is a diagram showing an output example before and after rewriting the gamma table in the fourth embodiment.
Claims (21)
ことを特徴とするネットワークデバイス制御方法。A network device management server that manages network devices connected to the network and performs output processing to the network devices in response to a request from a client on the network,
Receiving output instruction information and output target information from the client,
Adjusting the output target information based on the output instruction information,
Outputting the adjusted output target information to the network device,
A network device control method, comprising: upon receiving a change instruction of the output instruction information from the client while outputting the output target information, changing the output instruction information based on the change instruction.
ことを特徴とする請求項1記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。2. The network device management server according to claim 1, wherein, when the output instruction information is changed, the output of the output target information is switched to an output based on the output instruction information after the change to continue. Network device control method.
ことを特徴とする請求項2記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。3. The network device management server according to claim 2, wherein the output instruction information before the change and the output instruction information after the change are respectively held, and the output target information is adjusted by switching these at a predetermined timing. The network device control method according to the above.
ことを特徴とする請求項6記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。The network management server monitors the output instruction information stored in the folder during the output of the file, and if the output instruction information is updated, adjusts the output of the file based on the updated output instruction information. 7. The network device control method according to claim 6, further comprising:
ことを特徴とする請求項7記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。8. The network device control method according to claim 7, wherein the output instruction information from the client can be changed via a web browser.
ことを特徴とする請求項1記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。2. The network device control method according to claim 1, wherein the output instruction information includes information related to image quality adjustment, and the output target information is adjusted based on the image quality adjustment information.
ことを特徴とする請求項5記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。6. The network device control method according to claim 5, wherein the file is described in a page description language, and the file is developed into image data according to the output instruction information.
ことを特徴とする請求項4記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。5. The network printer according to claim 4, wherein when the output instruction information is changed, a predetermined sheet indicating the timing of the change is inserted between recording sheets from which the output target information is output. The method for controlling a network device according to claim 1.
ことを特徴とする請求項4記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。5. The network device control method according to claim 4, wherein in the network printer, when the output instruction information is changed, the recording paper for outputting the output target information is changed before and after the change.
ことを特徴とする請求項1記載のネットワークデバイス制御方法。In the network device management server,
In response to a request from the client, transmitting GUI information for selecting a network device to be an output destination to a browser of the client,
As a result of transmitting the GUI information, receiving and managing output target information requested by the client and information specifying the selected network device,
Outputting the output target information managed by the management means to the selected network device,
2. The network device control method according to claim 1, wherein the GUI information includes information for displaying information on a job ticket for setting a condition for output.
を有することを特徴とするネットワークデバイス管理サーバ。A network device management server that manages a network device connected to a network and performs output processing to the network device in response to a request from a client on the network,
Receiving means for receiving output instruction information and output target information from the client,
Adjusting means for adjusting the output target information based on the output instruction information,
Output means for outputting the adjusted output target information to the network device;
During the output of the output target information, when receiving a change instruction of the output instruction information from the client, a change unit that changes the output instruction information based on the change instruction,
A network device management server, comprising:
を有することを特徴とするネットワークデバイス管理サーバの制御方法。A method for controlling a network device management server that manages network devices connected to a network and performs output processing to the network devices in response to a request from a client on the network,
A receiving step of receiving output instruction information and output target information from the client,
An adjusting step of adjusting the output target information based on the output instruction information,
An output step of outputting the adjusted output target information to the network device;
During the output of the output target information, when receiving a change instruction of the output instruction information from the client, a change step of changing the output instruction information based on the change instruction,
A method for controlling a network device management server, comprising:
を有することを特徴とするコンピュータプログラム。A computer program that causes a server that functions as a web server to function as a network device management server that manages network devices connected to a network and performs output processing to the network devices in response to a request from a client on the network. ,
A program of a receiving step of receiving output instruction information and output target information from the client,
A program for an adjustment step of adjusting the output target information based on the output instruction information,
A program of an output step of outputting the adjusted output target information to the network device,
During the output of the output target information, when receiving a change instruction of the output instruction information from the client, a program of a change step of changing the output instruction information based on the change instruction,
A computer program comprising:
を有することを特徴とする情報処理装置。A network management server that manages printers on the network and distributes print data based on the data files stored in the predetermined file storage folder to the printers; A device,
Generating means for generating output instruction information and output target information to be transmitted to the network device management server in response to a print instruction from an application;
File transmission means for storing the generated output instruction information and output target information to the network device management server to store the data file in the file storage folder,
A change instruction transmitting unit that transmits a change instruction of the output instruction information during distribution of the output target information to the printer by the network management server,
An information processing apparatus comprising:
を有することを特徴とする情報処理装置の制御方法。A network management server that manages printers on the network and distributes print data based on the data files stored in the predetermined file storage folder to the printers; A method for controlling an apparatus, comprising:
A generation step of generating output instruction information and output target information to be transmitted to the network device management server in response to a print instruction from an application,
A file transmitting step of notifying the generated output instruction information and output target information to the network device management server to store the data as a data file in the file storage folder;
A change instruction transmitting step of transmitting a change instruction of the output instruction information during distribution of the output target information to the printer by the network management server;
A method for controlling an information processing apparatus, comprising:
を有することを特徴とするコンピュータプログラム。An information processing apparatus serving as a terminal for storing a file to be printed to a network management server which manages a printer on a network and distributes print data based on a data file stored in a predetermined file storage folder to the printer; A computer program that causes
A program of a generation step of generating output instruction information and output target information to be transmitted to the network device management server in response to a print instruction from an application;
By notifying the generated output instruction information and output target information to the network device management server, and causing a file to be stored in the file storage folder as the data file;
A program for a change instruction transmitting step of transmitting a change instruction of the output instruction information during distribution of the output target information to the printer by the network management server;
A computer program comprising:
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP2003049964A JP2004255745A (en) | 2003-02-26 | 2003-02-26 | Network device control method |
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JP2003049964A JP2004255745A (en) | 2003-02-26 | 2003-02-26 | Network device control method |
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Cited By (6)
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US8218160B2 (en) | 2007-08-08 | 2012-07-10 | Sharp Laboratories Of America, Inc. | Adaptive automatic printing |
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