上記の如き先行の公知技術に対し、本発明者らは高炉炉芯部の通気性・通液性が低下した場合の対応策として、先に特願2000−389675号(特開平2001−247908号)を出願(以下先願発明と称する)し、新しい対策技術の提案を行った。その技術の概要は「微粉炭吹き込み操業において、高炉羽口から微粉炭と共にSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込むことを特徴とする微粉炭吹き込み操業における炉芯昇熱方法」(特許文献4参照)である。
(1) 高炉への微粉炭吹き込み操業において、高炉の通気性指標のK値が直近において平均値で5%以上上昇した日数が、7日間以上継続した場合に炉芯不活性傾向にあると判断し、少なくとも該日数を経過した以後に高炉羽口から微粉炭と共にSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込む高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(2) 高炉への微粉炭吹き込み操業において、高炉の通液性指標を示す出滓率が直近において平均値で90%未満になる日数が、5日間以上継続した場合に炉芯不活性傾向にあると判断し、少なくとも該日数を経過した以後に高炉羽口から微粉炭と共にSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込むことを特徴とする高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(3) 高炉への微粉炭吹き込み操業において、高炉炉底近傍の通液性指標を示す炉底中心部の熱流束あるいは炉底中心煉瓦温度が直近において平均値の95%未満になる日数が、3日間以上継続した場合に炉芯不活性傾向にあると判断し、少なくとも該日数を経過した以後に高炉羽口から微粉炭と共にSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込むことを特徴とする高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(4) 前記SiO2 系フラックスまたはMgO系フラックスの粒径が0.01mm超から2mm未満である(1)ないし(3)のいずれかに記載の高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(5) 高炉羽口から微粉炭と共にSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込む際に、高炉羽口のブローパイプ内に臨ませた1本のランスを通して高炉内に吹き込む(1)ないし(4)のいずれかに記載の高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(6) 高炉羽口から微粉炭と共にSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込む際に、前記微粉炭と前記フラックスを高炉羽口のブローパイプ内に臨ませた2本の吹き込みランスを通してそれぞれ別々に高炉内に吹き込む(1)ないし(4)のいずれかに記載の高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(7) 前記SiO2 系フラックスが粉珪石または/および粉蛇紋岩からなる(1)ないし(6)のいずれかに記載の高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(8) 前記MgO系フラックスが粉ドロマイトからなる(1)ないし(6)のいずれかに記載の高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
(9) 前記微粉炭の吹き込み量が150kg/t以上である(1)ないし(8)のいずれかに記載の高炉での炉芯活性化維持方法。
本発明者らは、上記の高微粉炭比および低燃料比指向の高O/C操業における炉芯部の温度低下メカニズムを実験等により詳細に調査した結果、その原因は上記の他に、羽口から吹き込む微粉炭中のAshに含まれるAl2 O3 およびSiO2 に起因して、レースウェイ奥で生成されるスラグのAl2 O3 濃度および塩基度(CaO/SiO2 )が増加し、スラグの融点および粘度が上昇するために、炉芯内部への還元ガスの通気性や滴下メタルおよびスラグの通液性を阻害し、その結果、炉芯内部への伝熱量が減少し、最終的に炉芯温度が低下することが判った。
一般に微粉炭Ash中に80%前後のAl2 O3 、SiO2 が含有されているが、羽口からレースウェイ内に吹き込まれた微粉炭のAsh中のSiO2 は、コークス中あるいは微粉炭中のカーボン(C)と反応してSiOガスとなるため、レースウェイ奥に飛散していくAshの成分は、吹き込み直前の微粉炭のAsh成分に比べてSiO2 濃度が低くAl2 O3 濃度が高いものとなる。
したがって、レースウェイ奥で生成される滴下スラグ中の塩基度(CaO/SiO2 )及びAl2 O3 の濃度が、レースウェイ内や炉芯内に比べて高くなる原因は、上記のメカニズムでAl2 O3 濃度が高く、SiO2 濃度が低いAshがレースウェイ奥に付着蓄積するためであると考えられる。この結果、レースウェイ奥の滴下スラグ中のAl2 O3 濃度が上昇し、SiO2 濃度が低下することにより、滴下スラグの融点及び粘度は上昇するため、スラグは滴下し難くなりレースウェイ奥に滞留するようになり、最終的にレースウェイ奥における炉芯への高温還元ガスの通気性及び滴下メタル・スラグの通液性が悪化する。
本発明者らは、上記の知見を基に、微粉炭吹き込み操業時に燃料比を上げずに、羽口からフラックスを吹き込むことでレースウェイ奥のスラグ組成(スラグ中のSiO2 及びAl2 O3 含有量)を制御し、スラグの融点及び粘度を低下し、炉芯への通気・通液性の向上及び炉心の昇温を行う方法について検討した。
また、羽口2前方には吹き込まれた高温ガスによる噴流域5が形成され、さらに炉内4に充填されたコークスが旋回しながら燃焼する領域、すなわちレースウェイ6が形成される。ランス7から吹き込まれた微粉炭は、その中に含まれるAshの含有成分であるSiO2 が噴流域5の中で、コークス中のカーボン(C)、或いは吹き込まれた微粉炭中のカーボン(C)と反応してSiOとなるため、微粉炭Ash中のSiO2 濃度は低下し、Al2 O3 濃度は相対的に上昇する。
このようにして、Al2 O3 濃度および塩基度(CaO/SiO2 )が高くなった微粉炭中のAshは、レースウェイ6奥のコークス充填層の空隙に付着蓄積して、高融点及び高粘性の滴下スラグを形成し、これが炉芯への通気・通液性を悪化させる原因となる。
本発明者らは、この炉芯への通気・通液性を改善するためには、レースウェイ奥に到達するAshのAl2 O3 濃度と塩基度(CaO/SiO2 )を低下させる方法が有効であり、そのためにSiO2 濃度の高いフラックスを吹き込むことで達成できると考え、種々のフラックスについて検討をおこなった。
先ず、本発明者らは、吹き込むフラックスの種類として、SiO2 濃度の高いSiO2 系フラックスとして珪石粉を考えた。しかし、この珪石粉のようなSiO2 系フラックスを用いた場合、珪石粉中のSiO2 成分の一部がコークス中あるいは微粉炭中のカーボン(C)と反応してSiOとなるため、レースウェイ奥のAsh中のAl2 O3 濃度および塩基度(CaO/SiO2 )の低下は期待できるものの、同時に溶銑中のSiを上昇させることが判った。
そこで、本発明者らは、高い濃度でSiO2 を含有し、且つSiO2 とカーボン(C)によるSiO生成反応を抑制するフラックスとしてSiO2 とMgOをそれぞれ40%弱含む蛇紋岩粉に着目した。本発明者らの実験によれば、この蛇紋岩粉をフラックスとして用いた場合、蛇紋岩粉中に多量に含有するMgOが微粉炭Ash中のSiO2 の活量を低下させ、SiO2 とコークス中あるいは微粉炭中のカーボン(C)との反応(SiO生成反応)を抑制する作用があるため、溶銑中のSiを上昇させることなく、レースウェイ奥のAsh中のAl2 O3 濃度及び塩基度(CaO/SiO2 )を低下させることができる。
また、上記の蛇紋岩粉をフラックスとして用いた場合と同等な効果を得る方法としては、珪石粉のようなSiO2 濃度の高いSiO2 系フラックスとドロマイト粉のようなMgO濃度の高いMgO系フラックスを予め混合させて、混合物フラックスとして用いることも有効である。
本発明では、SiO2 系フラックスを単独で吹き込むか、SiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスを混合して吹き込むかのどちらを採用するかは、高炉の操業条件によって使い分けることがより好ましい。
上記したように、先願においてSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込むことにより、炉芯の活性化を図ることが可能であることが判ったが、その吹き込み時期についての明確な判断基準は確立されていなかった。
前記K値とは通常通気性の指標として用いられており、((送風圧)2− (炉頂圧)2/( ボッシュガス量)1.7 ((G/cm)2/(Nm3/min)1.7)で定義される。
また、通液性の指標として用いた高炉炉底近傍の炉底中心部の熱流束は、炉底煉瓦中2点間の温度差×煉瓦の熱伝導率/2点間の煉瓦厚み (Kcal/(h・m2))で定義される。
本発明において上記効果を効率的に発揮させるためには、フラックスがレースウェイ奥に到着し、滴下スラグと接触して効率良く同化反応することが必要であり、そのためにはSiO2 系フラックスおよびMgO系フラックスのそれぞれの粒径を0.01mm超から2mm未満の範囲を保持することが適切である。
本発明のフラックスの吹き込み方法としては、予め微粉炭とフラックスを混合して1本のランスを介して羽口内の高温ガス通路中に吹き込む方法(混合吹き込み)、微粉炭とフラックスを2本ランスを介して別々に羽口内の高温ガス通路中に吹き込む方法(単独吹き込み)の何れも、本願の目的とするレースウェイ奥の滴下スラグの塩基度およびAl2 O3 濃度の低下にとって有効である。
前者と後者の吹き込み方法を比較するならば、前者のフラックスと微粉炭との混合吹き込みの方法は、後者のラックスの単独吹き込み方法に比べて、フラックスの温度が、混合された微粉炭の燃焼に伴い2000℃前後に急激に上昇し、フラックスは十分に溶融した状態でレースウェイ奥に到着できるため、滴下スラグの塩基度(CaO/SiO2 )およびAl2 O3 濃度を有効に低下できるという利点がある。
しかしながら、前者のフラックスと微粉炭との混合吹き込みの方法は、後者のフラックスの単独吹き込み方法に比べて、フラックスと微粉炭が混合されているため、フラックス中SiO2 が微粉炭中のカーボン(C)と反応してSiOになりやすく、溶銑中Siが上昇する可能性がある。
実施例は内容積3280m3 の高炉であり、微粉炭比(PCR=180kg/t)、1チャージあたりの鉱石とコークスの装入重量比(O/C)が5.5という操業条件で行った。微粉炭吹き込み用ランスの先端は何れも羽口先端から0.3m内部に入った羽口内である。
本発明によれば、高微粉炭比および低燃料比指向の高O/C操業において、燃料比を上げることなく、炉芯の活性度を各特性値の変動傾向を見極めて判断し、その特性値に合致した基準に応じ、適正時期に羽口からSiO2 系フラックスまたはSiO2 系フラックスとMgO系フラックスの混合フラックスを高炉内に吹き込むことにより、炉芯の通気性・通液性の低下の原因となっているレースウェイ奥の高Al2 O3 濃度、高CaO/SiO2 スラグのAl2 O3 濃度、CaO/SiO2 を低下させて、レースウェイ奥の滴下スラグの融点・粘性を下げることができる。
1 高炉炉壁
2 羽口
3 ブローパイプ
4 炉内
5 噴流域
6 レースウェイ
7 微粉炭吹込み、或いは微粉炭及びフラックスの混合物の吹込み用ランス
8 フラックス吹込み用ランス[0001]
The present invention relates to a blast furnace operating method, and more particularly to a method for maintaining activation of a blast furnace core in a pulverized coal injection operation from a blast furnace tuyere.
[Prior art]
A blast furnace for steelmaking can produce a large amount of pig iron, and has a high thermal efficiency of 90%. For this reason, it is still the mainstream of pig iron production. However, since the blast furnace is a huge countercurrent moving bed, there are problems with productivity, production elasticity, etc., and further improvement in controllability is desired to secure stable productivity and hot metal quality. ing.
Also, in the blast furnace, from the viewpoint of strengthening the competitiveness of iron source costs, a large amount of inexpensive raw fuel is used and a high pulverized coal ratio high O / C operation is being implemented. For example, pulverized coal having a pulverized coal ratio of 100 kg / t or more is blown from a blast furnace tuyere, and the charged weight ratio (O / C) of ore and coke per charge is 4.0 or more. Under the operation of the specific high O / C, the powder ratio in the furnace increases due to the increase in the pulverized coal ratio, and the cohesive zone droops due to the increase in the O / C. The liquidity tends to decrease.
A decrease in the ventilation and liquid permeability of the core of the blast furnace causes a problem of non-uniformity in the flow of the hearth, and in order to maintain a stable and high productivity operation, a high pulverized coal ratio and a high O / C ratio are required. It has been desired to establish an effective technology for activating the core during operation.
As a countermeasure in the case where the air permeability and liquid permeability of the blast furnace core have been reduced, in addition to the conventionally known increase in fuel ratio and addition of steam, recently several furnace core activation methods have been disclosed. ing.
By measuring the characteristics of the blast furnace core through multiple tuyeres when the blast furnace is shut down, the state of the furnace core is determined, and a hollow pipe is inserted from the tuyere near the core where heating is required Then, there is a method of providing a vent hole by sampling coke at the site (for example, see Patent Documents 1 and 2).
When the blast furnace is shut down or operating, the core powder ratio is measured. When the powder ratio is 20% or more, a hollow pipe is inserted from the tuyere near the part where heating is required or the part where powder removal is required. There has been proposed a method of providing a hollow ventilation hole by sampling coke in a furnace core (for example, see Patent Document 3).
In contrast to the above-mentioned prior arts, the present inventors have previously reported Japanese Patent Application No. 2000-389675 (Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2001-247908) as a countermeasure when the air permeability and liquid permeability of the blast furnace core are reduced. ) Was filed (hereinafter referred to as the prior invention), and a new countermeasure technology was proposed. The outline of the technology is "In pulverized coal injection operation, SiO 2 System flux or SiO 2 A method of heating a core in a pulverized coal injection operation, wherein a mixed flux of a system flux and a MgO-based flux is blown into a blast furnace (see Patent Document 4).
[Patent Document 1]
[Patent Document 2]
[Patent Document 3]
[Patent Document 4]
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present inventors have filed the above-mentioned prior invention and attained a certain effect by practicing the present invention.However, in the above-mentioned prior invention, the timing of blowing the flux into the blast furnace was not specified, The implementation was based on the experience of workers in the conventional blast furnace operation.
For this reason, the blast furnace activation is not performed at a time when it is necessary, and the blast furnace operation may be performed at an unnecessary time. Invited, there was also a situation that led to increased costs.
The present invention has been made in view of the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, and is capable of appropriately determining the deterioration of the ventilation and liquid permeability of the core surface layer, which causes a decrease in the core temperature during the pulverized coal injection operation of the blast furnace. It is intended to activate the reactor core while keeping the fuel ratio as it was in the past, by taking measures in accordance with it and raising the fuel ratio. It is intended to eliminate the problem.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present invention has been made to solve the above problems in the conventional method, and its gist lies in the following means.
(1) In the operation of blowing pulverized coal into a blast furnace, if the number of days that the K value of the permeability index of the blast furnace has increased by 5% or more on average in the latest operation has continued for 7 days or more, it is determined that the furnace core is inactive. At least after the passage of the number of days, the pulverized coal and SiO 2 System flux or SiO 2 A method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace in which a mixed flux of a system-based flux and a MgO-based flux is blown into a blast furnace.
(2) In the pulverized coal injection operation into the blast furnace, if the number of days in which the slag rate indicating the liquid permeability index of the blast furnace is less than 90% on average in the latest is continued for 5 days or more, the core becomes inactive. It is judged that there is, and at least after the passage of the number of days, SiO 2 System flux or SiO 2 A method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace, comprising blowing a mixed flux of a system-based flux and a MgO-based flux into a blast furnace.
(3) In the pulverized coal injection operation into the blast furnace, the number of days when the heat flux at the center of the hearth or the temperature of the center brick of the hearth indicating the liquid permeability index near the blast furnace bottom is less than 95% of the average value in the latest, It is judged that there is a tendency to inactivate the mandrel when it has been continued for 3 days or more, and at least after the passage of the number of days, SiO 2 System flux or SiO 2 A method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace, comprising blowing a mixed flux of a system-based flux and a MgO-based flux into a blast furnace.
(4) The SiO 2 The method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace according to any one of (1) to (3), wherein the particle diameter of the system flux or the MgO-based flux is more than 0.01 mm to less than 2 mm.
(5) SiO with pulverized coal from the blast furnace tuyere 2 System flux or SiO 2 The method according to any one of (1) to (4), wherein when the mixed flux of the system flux and the MgO-based flux is blown into the blast furnace, the mixture is blown into the blast furnace through one lance facing the blow pipe of the blast furnace tuyere. How to maintain core activation in blast furnace.
(6) SiO with pulverized coal from the blast furnace tuyere 2 System flux or SiO 2 When the mixed flux of the system flux and the MgO-based flux is blown into the blast furnace, the pulverized coal and the flux are separately blown into the blast furnace through two blowing lances facing the blow pipe of the tuyere tuyere (1). ) The method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace according to any one of (4) to (4).
(7) The SiO 2 The method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace according to any one of (1) to (6), wherein the system flux is composed of silica powder and / or serpentine powder.
(8) The method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace according to any one of (1) to (6), wherein the MgO-based flux comprises powdered dolomite.
(9) The method for maintaining core activation in a blast furnace according to any one of (1) to (8), wherein the pulverized coal is blown at a rate of 150 kg / t or more.
Prior to the description of the present invention, the contents of the prior application for which the present inventors have applied for a patent have been described.
Regarding the mechanism of ventilation and liquid permeability deterioration of the furnace core and the temperature decrease of the furnace core, which become remarkable in the blast furnace high-pulverized coal injection operation, the temperature rise of the furnace core of the blast furnace generally drops from the top of the blast furnace. It is known that heat transfer is performed by heat transfer from incoming metal and slag and heat transfer from a high-temperature reducing gas generated in a raceway.
Conventionally, the cause of the core temperature decrease that occurs in high O / C operation oriented to high pulverized coal ratio and low fuel ratio is a decrease in cohesive zone level and an increase in pulverized coal injection amount due to high O / C operation. As a countermeasure against this, the O / C lowers the cohesive zone level, that is, raises the heat level in the lower part of the furnace, or reduces the in-furnace powder rate by reducing the amount of pulverized coal injected. , The furnace core was activated. However, in this method, since the fuel ratio is increased, problems such as a decrease in pig iron production and an increase in production cost are caused.
The inventors of the present invention have conducted detailed studies on the mechanism of temperature reduction of the furnace core in the high O / C operation directed to the high pulverized coal ratio and the low fuel ratio by experiments and the like. Al contained in Ash in pulverized coal blown from mouth 2 O 3 And SiO 2 Of slag generated at the back of the raceway due to 2 O 3 Concentration and basicity (CaO / SiO 2 ) Increases, and the melting point and viscosity of the slag increase, which impairs the permeability of the reducing gas into the furnace core and the liquid permeability of the drip metal and slag. As a result, the amount of heat transferred to the furnace core decreases. It was found that the core temperature decreased and finally the core temperature decreased.
Generally, about 80% of Al in pulverized coal Ash 2 O 3 , SiO 2 Is contained, but SiO in Ash of pulverized coal blown into the raceway from the tuyere 2 Reacts with carbon (C) in coke or pulverized coal to form SiO gas, so that the Ash component scattered to the back of the raceway has a higher SiO content than the Ash component of pulverized coal immediately before blowing. 2 Low concentration of Al 2 O 3 The concentration is high.
Therefore, the basicity (CaO / SiO) in the drip slag generated at the back of the raceway 2 ) And Al 2 O 3 The cause of the higher concentration of Al than in the raceway or in the furnace core is that 2 O 3 High concentration, SiO 2 This is considered to be because Ash having a low concentration adheres and accumulates at the back of the raceway. As a result, Al in the dripping slag at the back of the raceway 2 O 3 The concentration increases and the SiO 2 As the concentration decreases, the melting point and viscosity of the dropped slag increase, so that the slag becomes difficult to drip and stays at the back of the raceway, and finally the ventilation of the high-temperature reducing gas into the furnace core at the back of the raceway. Properties and liquid permeability of the dropped metal slag are deteriorated.
Such a phenomenon is expected to be remarkable when a large amount of Ash in pulverized coal having higher reactivity than that in coke is blown, such as in a pulverized coal blowing operation.
Based on the above findings, the present inventors have found that the slag composition at the back of the raceway (SiO 2 And Al 2 O 3 Content), to reduce the melting point and viscosity of the slag, to improve the ventilation and liquid permeability to the core, and to raise the temperature of the core.
FIG. 1 shows a method of blowing a flux together with pulverized coal from a blast furnace tuyere using a lance as an example of the present invention. Normally, air is blown into the blast furnace furnace 4 by supplying a high-temperature gas such as heated air through a blow pipe 3 connected to a rear end of the tuyere 2 provided on the blast furnace furnace wall 1.
In the present invention, the blowing of the pulverized coal and the flux is performed by using lances 7 and 8 which penetrate the blow pipe 3 and are opened in the gas passage, and the mixture of the pulverized coal and the flux is passed only through the lance 7, Alternatively, pulverized coal and flux are blown into the gas passage via lances 7 and 8, respectively.
Further, a jet region 5 is formed in front of the tuyere 2 by the high-temperature gas blown, and a region where the coke filled in the furnace 4 burns while turning, that is, a raceway 6 is formed. The pulverized coal blown from the lance 7 contains SiO, which is a component of Ash contained therein. 2 Reacts with the carbon (C) in the coke or the carbon (C) in the pulverized coal that has been blown into the jet stream region 5 to form SiO, so that the SiO in the pulverized coal Ash 2 The concentration decreases and Al 2 O 3 The concentration rises relatively.
Thus, Al 2 O 3 Concentration and basicity (CaO / SiO 2 The Ash in the pulverized coal having the increased pulverized coal adheres and accumulates in the voids of the coke packed bed at the back of the raceway 6 to form a high-melting point and high-viscosity dripping slag, which is used for ventilation and liquid permeability to the furnace core. May be aggravated.
In order to improve the ventilation and liquid permeability to the furnace core, the present inventors have proposed that the Ash 2 O 3 Concentration and basicity (CaO / SiO 2 ) Is effective, so that SiO 2 2 Various types of fluxes were studied, considering that high fluxes could be achieved.
First, the present inventors used SiO 2 as the type of flux to be blown. 2 High concentration of SiO 2 Silica powder was considered as a system flux. However, SiO such as silica powder 2 When a system flux is used, SiO in silica powder 2 Since some of the components react with carbon (C) in coke or pulverized coal to form SiO, Al in Ash behind the raceway 2 O 3 Concentration and basicity (CaO / SiO 2 ) Can be expected, but at the same time, it increases Si in the hot metal.
Therefore, the present inventors have developed a high concentration of SiO 2 2 And containing SiO 2 As a flux that suppresses the reaction of forming SiO by carbon and carbon (C) 2 And serpentine powder containing less than 40% of MgO. According to the experiments by the present inventors, when this serpentine powder was used as a flux, MgO contained in a large amount in the serpentine powder contained SiO2 in the pulverized coal Ash. 2 Activity of SiO 2 Has the effect of suppressing the reaction (carbon formation reaction) with carbon (C) in coke or pulverized coal, so that Al in Ash at the back of the raceway without raising Si in hot metal. 2 O 3 Concentration and basicity (CaO / SiO 2 ) Can be reduced.
As a method of obtaining the same effect as the case where the above-mentioned serpentine powder is used as a flux, SiO2 powder such as silica stone powder is used. 2 High concentration of SiO 2 It is also effective to previously mix a high flux of MgO such as dolomite powder with a high flux of MgO, such as dolomite powder, and use it as a mixture flux.
In the present invention, SiO 2 2 System flux alone or SiO 2 It is more preferable to select which of the mixed flux and the MgO-based flux is blown, depending on the operating conditions of the blast furnace.
As described above, in the prior application, SiO 2 System flux or SiO 2 It was found that by injecting a mixed flux of a system flux and a MgO-based flux into a blast furnace, it was possible to activate the furnace core, but a clear criterion for the time of the injection was not established. .
Therefore, the present inventors have conducted various studies on several factors considered to be suitable for judging the activation / inactivation of the blast furnace core, as a result of trial and error. In addition, the K value is adopted as a gas permeability index as a characteristic value considered to be preferable for recognizing and judging the tendency of core inactivation, and the slag rate and the blast furnace bottom are used as liquid permeability indexes. The heat flux at the center of the hearth or the brick temperature at the center of the hearth was used.
The K value is usually used as an index of air permeability, and ((blast pressure) 2 − (Furnace top pressure) 2 / (Bosch gas volume) 1.7 ((G / cm) 2 / (Nm 3 / Min) 1.7 ).
The heat flux in the center of the furnace bottom near the blast furnace bottom, which was used as an index of liquid permeability, was calculated as: temperature difference between two points in the furnace bottom brick × thermal conductivity of brick / brick thickness between two points (Kcal / (Hm 2 )).
When these values begin to show a certain tendency during blast furnace operation and continue for a certain period of time, they are regarded as a precursor to the inactivation of the blast furnace core, and at that time, the tendency of core inactivation is beginning to begin It was decided to be.
The characteristic values employed in the present invention vary with the operating conditions of the blast furnace.However, based on many experimental results, the present inventors have found that each characteristic value requires a unique period for grasping the tendency of the fluctuation. It exists, and it was possible to find the right time to blow the flux into the blast furnace by properly determining the period.
Here, for each of the characteristic values taken in the present invention, the state of fluctuation during normal blast furnace operation is shown in each figure.
FIG. 2 is an example showing the transition of the K value, which is an index of air permeability, with the passage of date and time. The K value tends to increase as the number of days passes, and It is determined that the inactivation is in progress.
Similarly, FIG. 3 is an example showing how the slag rate (slag time / tapping time), which is an index of liquid permeability, changes with the lapse of date and time. At the same time, there is a tendency for the slag rate to drop, indicating that the furnace core is being deactivated.
FIG. 4 is an example showing how the heat flux in the center of the hearth near the blast furnace hearth, which is an index of liquid permeability with the passage of time, is in a transition state. At the same time, the heat flux in the center of the furnace bottom tends to drop, and it is determined that the furnace core is deactivating.
Similarly, FIG. 5 is an example showing how the bottom center brick temperature, which is an index of liquid permeability with the passage of time, is in a different state. , And it is determined that the mandrel is heading for deactivation.
Incidentally, in the present invention, the hot metal temperature was not taken as a characteristic value for judging the activation status of the furnace core part, because the hot metal temperature may fluctuate due to the heat balance factor in the blast furnace, and the hot metal temperature and Could not find a direct relationship, and thus were not adopted as characteristic values in the present invention.
Based on the characteristic values obtained in the present invention, the present inventors repeated many experiments in order to find an appropriate time to blow the flux into the blast furnace, and as a value obtained as a result of trial and error, The K value, which is an index of air permeability, was regarded as abnormal when the average value increased by 5% or more in the latest, and it was determined that the furnace core was inactive when the number of days continued for 7 days or more. In addition, the slag rate, which is a liquid permeability index of the blast furnace, is considered to be abnormal when the average value is less than 90% in the latest, and is considered to be inactive when the number of days continues for 5 days or more. I decided to judge.
Furthermore, regarding the heat flux in the center of the hearth or the temperature of the center brick of the hearth, which is an index of liquid permeability near the blast furnace hearth, when the average value becomes less than 95% on average in the latest, it is regarded as abnormal and the number of days is three days. In the case where the above process was continued, it was determined that the core tended to be inactive. By blowing the flux into the blast furnace after at least the number of days regulated by the present invention has passed for these characteristic values, it was possible to prevent the blast furnace core from being deactivated in advance.
If flux is blown into the blast furnace earlier than the number of days in which the above characteristic values are regulated, if the above characteristic values change due to another factor (for example, deterioration of raw fuel properties, etc.), Thus, the action was taken in the normal operation state, so that useless flux was used, resulting in an increase in the operation cost, or a result that was not as expected.
If the flux is blown into the blast furnace at a time exceeding the regulated number of days, it takes too much time to return to normal operation (core activation) because the action is taken too late.
Therefore, even when taking an action exceeding the lower limit of days regulated by the present invention, the K value is within 20 days, preferably within 15 days, and the slag rate is within 15 days, preferably within 10 days, and The heat flux at the center of the hearth or the temperature of the center brick of the hearth is preferably set within 10 days, preferably within 6 days.
In order to effectively exert the above-mentioned effects in the present invention, it is necessary that the flux arrives at the inner part of the raceway and contacts the dripping slag to efficiently assimilate it. 2 It is appropriate to keep the particle size of each of the system flux and the MgO-based flux in a range of more than 0.01 mm to less than 2 mm.
In other words, when the particle size of the flux is 0.01 mm or less, the flux is blown into the blast furnace, and then is carried upward along with the upward flow of gas in the furnace, so that the flux does not reach the interior of the intended raceway. . When the particle size of the flux is 2 mm or more, the flux reaches the inner part of the raceway, but the assimilation reaction with the dripping slag does not proceed efficiently because the flux particle size is too large.
As a method of blowing the flux of the present invention, a method in which pulverized coal and flux are mixed in advance and then blown into a high-temperature gas passage in a tuyere through one lance (mixing blowing), and two pulverized coals and flux are lanced. (Individual blowing) separately into the hot gas passage in the tuyere through the tuyere, the basicity of the dripping slag at the back of the raceway and the Al 2 O 3 It is effective for lowering the concentration.
If the former and the latter injection methods are compared, the former method of mixing and injecting the flux with pulverized coal is more effective than the latter method of the Lux alone injection, because the flux temperature is higher for the combustion of the mixed pulverized coal. Accordingly, the flux rapidly rises to around 2000 ° C., and the flux can reach the interior of the raceway in a sufficiently molten state, so that the basicity (CaO / SiO 2 ) And Al 2 O 3 There is an advantage that the concentration can be effectively reduced.
However, in the former method of mixing and injecting the flux and pulverized coal, the flux and the pulverized coal are mixed, compared to the latter method of injecting the flux alone. 2 Easily reacts with carbon (C) in pulverized coal to form SiO, and Si in hot metal may increase.
Therefore, it is more preferable to use one of these flux injection methods depending on the component value and physical property value of the injected flux or the raceway state of each blast furnace.
In the present invention, a greater effect can be expected in a high pulverized coal ratio operation in which the amount of pulverized coal injected is 150 kg / t or more.
Hereinafter, in order to show the effect of the present invention, an example applied to an actual blast furnace will be described.
Example is 3280m internal volume 3 The blast furnace was operated at a pulverized coal ratio (PCR = 180 kg / t) and a charge weight ratio of ore and coke per charge (O / C) of 5.5. The tip of the pulverized coal blowing lance is inside the tuyere which enters 0.3 m from the tuyere tip.
(Example 1)
In this example, the core activity is determined based on the tendency of the K value representing the permeability to change, and the number of days in which the K value has increased by 5% or more on average in the most recent period has continued for 7 days or more. (Days exceeding the regulation standard of the present invention) To Carried out. Each operation condition and operation result are shown in Table 1 together with a comparative example.
[Table 1]
In all of the examples according to the present embodiment, the recovery of the K value was quick, and the state immediately returned to the normal operation (core activation) state. On the other hand, in Comparative Example 1 (Experiment No. 5), the action (flux injection) was performed too early, and the action was performed in spite of the normal operation state. This resulted in increased costs. In Comparative Example 2 (Experiment No. 6), it took too many days to return to the normal operation (core activation) state because the action was taken too late.
(Example 2)
This example corresponds to claim 2, in which the core activity is determined based on the tendency of fluctuation of the slag rate indicating the liquid permeability, and the number of days when the slag rate becomes less than 90% on average in the latest is 5 days. The flux was blown into the blast furnace because it continued for more than one day (the number of days that exceeded the regulation standard in the present invention). Each operation condition and operation result are shown in Table 2 together with comparative examples.
[Table 2]
In all of the examples according to this example, the recovery of the slag rate was quick, and the state returned to the normal operation (core activation) state at an early stage. On the other hand, in Comparative Example 1 (Experiment No. 5), the action (flux injection) was performed too early, and the action was performed in spite of the normal operation state. This resulted in increased costs. In Comparative Example 2 (Experiment No. 6), it took too many days to return to the normal operation (core activation) state because the action was taken too late.
(Example 3)
This example corresponds to claim 3, in which the number of days when the heat flux is determined to be less than 95% on average in the most recent time based on the tendency of fluctuation of the heat flux at the center of the furnace bottom indicating the liquid permeability. However, since it continued for 3 days or more (the number of days exceeding the regulation standard in the present invention), the flux was blown into the blast furnace. Table 3 shows the operation conditions and operation results together with comparative examples.
[Table 3]
In each of the examples, the recovery of the heat flux at the center of the furnace bottom was quick, and the state returned to the normal operation (core activation) state at an early stage. On the other hand, in Comparative Example 1 (Experiment No. 5), the action (flux injection) was performed too early, and the action was performed in spite of the normal operation state. This resulted in increased costs. In Comparative Example 2 (Experiment No. 6), it took too many days to return to the normal operation (core activation) state because the action was taken too late.
(Example 4)
This example corresponds to claim 3 in the same manner as in Example 3. Judgment is made on the basis of the fluctuation tendency of the center-of-furnace center brick temperature, which indicates the liquid permeability, and the average temperature is less than 95% at the latest brick temperature. Since the number of days continued for 3 days or more (the number of days exceeding the regulation standard in the present invention), the flux was blown into the blast furnace. Table 4 shows the operation conditions and operation results together with comparative examples.
[Table 4]
In each of the examples, the temperature of the hearth center brick was quickly recovered, and the state returned to the normal operation (core activation) state at an early stage. On the other hand, in Comparative Example 1 (Experiment No. 5), the action (flux injection) was performed too early, and the action was performed in spite of the normal operation state. This resulted in increased costs. In Comparative Example 2 (Experiment No. 6), it took too many days to return to the normal operation (core activation) state because the action was taken too late.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, in a high O / C operation directed to a high pulverized coal ratio and a low fuel ratio, the activity of the reactor core is determined by observing the fluctuation tendency of each characteristic value without increasing the fuel ratio, and the characteristic is determined. From the tuyere at the appropriate time, 2 System flux or SiO 2 Blowing a mixed flux of an aluminum-based flux and a MgO-based flux into a blast furnace causes a decrease in the permeability and liquid permeability of the furnace core. 2 O 3 Concentration, high CaO / SiO 2 Slag Al 2 O 3 Concentration, CaO / SiO 2 And the melting point and viscosity of the dripping slag at the back of the raceway can be reduced.
Therefore, in a high pulverized coal ratio high O / C operation, a stable operation under a high pulverized coal ratio high O / C can be maintained for a long time by always maintaining good air permeability and liquid permeability to the furnace core. It has an effective effect on blast furnace operation, such as being able to continue.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a view for explaining a method of blowing a flux according to the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the transition and variation of a K value as an index of air permeability with the passage of date and time.
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing a transition and variation of a slag rate which is an index of liquid permeability with the passage of date and time.
FIG. 4 is a diagram showing the transition and fluctuation of the heat flux in the center of the hearth near the blast furnace bottom, which is an index of liquid permeability as time passes.
FIG. 5 is a diagram showing a transition fluctuation state of a furnace bottom center brick temperature, which is an index of liquid permeability as time passes.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 Blast furnace wall
2 tuyere
3 Blow pipe
4 inside the furnace
5 Spout area
6 Raceway
7 Lance for pulverized coal injection or injection of a mixture of pulverized coal and flux
8 flux lance