
Publication number
JP2004121001A JP2002230651A JP2002230651A JP2004121001A JP 2004121001 A JP2004121001 A JP 2004121001A JP 2002230651 A JP2002230651 A JP 2002230651A JP 2002230651 A JP2002230651 A JP 2002230651A JP 2004121001 A JP2004121001 A JP 2004121001A
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acid sequence
amino acid
monoclonal antibody
amino acids
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Japanese (ja)
Yuko Kobayashi
小林 祐子
Kensuke Suzuki
鈴木 健介
Masashi Kamada
鎌田 雅史
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Japan Tobacco Inc
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Japan Tobacco Inc
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Application filed by Japan Tobacco Inc filed Critical Japan Tobacco Inc
Publication of JP2004121001A publication Critical patent/JP2004121001A/en
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  • Preparation Of Compounds By Using Micro-Organisms (AREA)
  • Micro-Organisms Or Cultivation Processes Thereof (AREA)
  • Medicines Containing Antibodies Or Antigens For Use As Internal Diagnostic Agents (AREA)
  • Peptides Or Proteins (AREA)


<P>PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a high-affinity antihuman transforming growth factor (TGF)-β type II receptor monoclonal antibody useful for an efficient treatment of tissue fibrosis in various organs caused by actions of human TGF-β, diseases accompanied with the tissue fibrosis (nephrosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, hepatocirrhosis, etc.), rheumatoid arthritis, vascular restenosis and/or skin keloid, etc. <P>SOLUTION: Intensive studies made on the preparation of the monoclonal antibody to the human TGF-β type II receptor useful for the treatment of various diseases such as the tissue fibrosis led to success in obtaining of the monoclonal antibody having an ultrahigh binding affinity and an ultrahigh neutralizing activity for the human TGF-β type II receptor. <P>COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO


本発明は、ヒトトランスフォーミング成長因子−β(Transforming Growth Factor−β;TGF−β)のII型受容体(以下「TGF−βII型受容体」または「TβRII」と呼ぶこともある。)に結合するモノクローナル抗体(特には、ヒトモノクローナル抗体)若しくはその一部、該モノクローナル抗体を産生する細胞、該モノクローナル抗体を含んでなる医薬組成物に関する。
正常ラットの線維芽細胞の増殖因子に探索において、正常細胞の形質転換を促進する分子として見出された2つの増殖因子は、トランスフォーミング成長因子−α(Transforming Growth Factor−α;TGF−α)とトランスフォーミング成長因子−β(Transforming Growth Factor−β;TGF−β)と命名された。その後の研究により、TGF−αは上皮増殖因子(Epidermal Growth Factor; EGF)ファミリーに属する分子であり、一方、TGF−βは、ほとんどの種類の細胞で産生され、その受容体も各臓器及び細胞で広く発現されている(Biol. Signals., Vol.5, p,232, 1996及びPulmonary Fibrosis, Vol.80 of Lung Biology in Health and DiseaseSeries, ed. by Phan et al, p.627, Dekker, New York, 1995)。TGF−βは細胞の分化及び増殖を制御する活性を有する。TGF−βの細胞増殖活性は、細胞の種類によって大きく異なる(Roberts et al, The transforming growth factor−βs, In Peptide Growth Factors and Their Receptors, Part I, ed. by Sporn, M.B. & Roberts, A.B., Springer−Verlag, Berlin, 1990, p.419−472)。例えば、線維芽細胞や血管平滑筋細胞などの間葉系の細胞に対しては細胞増殖を促進する活性を有する一方で、上皮細胞、血管内皮細胞及び血球系細胞などの多種の細胞に対しては増殖促進よりもむしろ増殖の抑制をする因子として働くことが明らかにされた。さらに、TGF−βは細胞増殖の制御だけでなく、免疫系の制御やコラーゲン、ファイブロネクチン及びテニシンなどの細胞外マトリックス(ECM;Extracellular Matrix)の蓄積促進などの多彩な機能を有することが明らかにされた(Adv. Immunol., Vol.55, p.181, 1994及びSeminars in Cell Biol., Vol.5, p.389, 1994)。
TGF−βのうちTGF−β1については、特にその機能が解析されている。TGF−β1は、生体組織における創傷の治癒過程において極めて重要な役割をする(New Engl. J. Med., Vol.331, p.1286, 1994及びJ. Cell. Biol., Vol.119, p.1017, 1992)。組織の創傷部位では、炎症細胞や線維芽細胞の浸潤、ECMの増生と血管新生、及び組織再生のための細胞増殖などの迅速かつダイナミックな生体反応が起こり傷が修復される。
創傷時にはまず出血が起こり、次いで血小板からTGF−βやPDGF(platelet−derived growth factor)が産生されるとともに、創傷部位のECMに結合している不活性型TGF−βを活性化される。遊走してきた細胞や創傷部位の細胞は、そのように産生された高濃度のTGF−βに曝させることにより、FGF(fibroblast growth factor)、TNF(Tumor necrosis factor)及びIL−1(Interleukin−1)などの増殖因子やサイトカインを分泌し、また線維芽細胞ではECMの合成及び分泌が起こる。
さらに、例えば、線維芽細胞や間葉細胞では、血小板由来増殖因子(Platelet−derived Growth Factor (PDGF))や結合組織成長因子(Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF);Hcs24とも呼ぶ。J. Cell Biology, Vol.114, No.6, p.1285−1294, 1991;Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., Vol.29, No.1, p.153−161, 1997;Circulation, Vol.95, No.4, p.831−839, 1997;Cell Growth Differ., Vol.7, No.4, p.469−480, 1996;J. Invest. Dermatol., Vol.106, No.4, p.729−733,1996;J. Invest. Dermatol., Vol.105, No.2, p.280−284, 1995;J. Invest. Dermatol., Vol.105, No.1, p.128−132, 1995;及び国際特許出願公開WO96/38172号公報)やファイブロネクチン(fibronectin)の産生の増加が観察される。
TGF−βの発現の制御のメカニズムは未だ未解明な部分もあるが、TGF−βがECMであるプロテオグリカンに結合することによりその発現が制御されるものと考えられている(Nature, Vol.346, p.281, 1990及びNature, Vol.360, p.361, 1992)。即ち、TGF−βが、TGF−β自身が産生促進したECMにより負の制御を受け、創傷の治癒とともにTGF−βの過剰な発現が抑制されると考えられている。従って、この負の制御に異常が起こるとTGF−βの過剰な発現が起こり組織の線維化(線維症)などの病的状態が起こるものと考えられている。
一方、肺線維症や腎硬化症においては、ECMの沈着が十分に起こっているにもかかわらず、TGF−βは高濃度に保たれており、そのうような線維症等の病的状態がさらに進行する(Kidney Int., Vol.45, p.916, 1994及びJ.Clin. Invest., Vol.92, p.632, 1993)。肺線維症や腎硬化症では、組織の傷害が絶えず起こることによりTGF−βの発現のシグナルが常にオンの状態であるか、上述のようなTGF−β発現の負の制御シグナルが入らないか、あるいはその両者が相乗的に働くものと推察されている。
腎硬化症は、慢性糸球体腎炎や糖尿病性腎症などの多くの腎疾患の最終像であり、メサンギウム細胞の増殖とECMの増生により特徴付けられる。腎硬化症の腎臓においては、TGF−βの異常発現が認められてきた(J. Clin. Invest., Vol.90, p.1, 1992及びProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol.86, p.1056, 1989)。また抗Thy−1抗体により誘発される実験的腎炎モデルにおいては、抗TGF−β抗体の投与により腎炎の進行が抑制されることが示されTGF−βが腎硬化症の病態形成に関与することが示唆されてきている(Nature, Vol.346, p.371, 1990)。
このような事実から、TGF−βが種々の組織の線維化(線維症)の病態形成に関与する可能性が示唆されてきており、アンチセンス医薬や遺伝子治療などによりTGF−βの機能の抑制することにより組織線維症の治療の試みが実験的になされつつある(Kidney Int., Vol.50, p.148, 1996)。
ヒト及びラット等の哺乳動物におけるTGF−βの受容体としては、これまでにI型受容体(分子量約53kD;GenBank Accession No:L11695;Cell, Vol.75, No.4,p.681, 1993;以下「TGF−βI型受容体」(TGF−βTypeI receptor)または「TβRI」と呼ぶこともある。)、II型受容体(分子量約70kD;GenBank Accession No:M85079;Cell, Vol.68, No.4, p.775, 1992;以下「TGF−βII型受容体」(TGF−βTypeII receptor)または「TβRII」と呼ぶこともある。)及びIII型受容体(分子量約200−300kD;GenBank Accession No:L07594;Cell, Vol.67, No.4, p.785, 1991;Cell, Vol.67, No.4, p.797, 1991;及びBiochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., Vol.189, No.1, p.356, 1992;以下「TGF−βIII型受容体」(TGF−βTypeIII receptor)または「TβRIII」と呼ぶこともある。)の3つの受容体が同定され構造が明らかにされている(Adv. Imm., Vol.55, p.181, 1994)。
それらの受容体の役割については、人為的に樹立されたTGF−βに抵抗性のミンク肺上皮細胞株Mv1Luの変異株を用いてそれらの受容体の機能解析により、それら3つの受容体のうちTGF−βI型受容体とTGF−βII型受容体がTGF−βのシグナル伝達に重要かつ必須であることが明らかにされている(J. Biol. Chem., Vol.265, p.18518, 1990及びJ. Biol. Chem., Vol.266, p.9108, 1991)。一方、TGF−βIII型受容体は、TGF−βのシグナル伝達には必須ではなく、間接的な役割を演じていると考えられている。
TGF−βI型受容体及びTGF−βII型受容体のキナーゼ領域は、約43%の相同性を有し、ともにセリン/スレオニンに特異的なプロテインキナーゼであることが示されているが、TGF−βのシグナルが細胞内に伝達されるためには、両者のセリン/スレオニンキナーゼ領域が作用することが必要であることが明らかとされている(J. Biol. Chem., Vol.269, p.30753, 1994)。
TGF−βがTGF−βII型受容体に結合すると、TGF−βII型受容体はTGF−βI型受容体と細胞表面でヘテロ4量体の複合体を形成することが示されている(J. Biol.Chem., Vol.269, p.20172, 1994)。即ち、TGF−βI型受容体は、TGF−βII型受容体の基質として働き、TGF−βの存在下に両者が複合体を形成すると、TGF−βII型受容体がTGF−βI型受容体のGS領域をリン酸化することによってTGF−βI型受容体が活性化され、その結果細胞内の他の基質をリン酸化することによりTGF−βのシグナルがさらに下流へと伝達されると考えられている(Nature, Vol.370, p.341, 1994)。
TGF−βのシグナルのTGF−βI型受容体より下流への伝達の経路の詳細については未だ不明の点も残っているが、最近になってTGF−βI型受容体より下流に位置しTGF−βのシグナル伝達を媒介する8つのアイソフォームからなりSmad(S Mothers against Dpp)と総称されるシグナル伝達分子(Nature, Vol.381, p.620, 1996; Cell, Vol.86, p.543, p.1996; Nature, 383, p.168, 1996;及びNature, Vol.383, p.832, 1996)、及びTAK1(TGF−β activated kinase−1)と呼ばれるシグナル伝達分子(Science, Vol.270, p.2008, 1995)が同定されている。Smad2及びSmad3は、TGF−βII型受容体と複合体を形成することにより活性化されたTGF−βI型受容体に結合し、TGF−βII型受容体のキナーゼでリン酸化された後、TGF−βII型受容体から離れ、Smad4(DPC4)と複合体を形成した後核内に移行することが明らかにされている(Cell, Vol.87, p.1215, 1996及びEMBO J., Vol.16, No.17, 1997)。核内に移行したSmad2/Smad4またはSmad3/Smad4複合体は、DNA結合蛋白質(転写因子)と結合し転写活性因子として働き遺伝子の発現を制御すると考えられている(Nature, Vol.383, p.832, 1996及びNature, Vol.390, p.465, 1997)。
このような中、本発明者らはヒトTGF−βII型受容体に対するヒトモノクローナル抗体に関して鋭意研究し、ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合する種々のヒトモノクローナル抗体の作製に成功するともに、種々in vitro及びin vivo試験により該ヒトモノクローナル抗体がTGF−βII型受容体を介するTGF−βの細胞内へのシグナル伝達を阻害し、腎炎等の腎疾患の治療に有用であることを世界に先駆けて初めて報告した(Kidney Int., Vol.60, No.5, p.1745−55, 2001;及び国際出願公開WO01−36642号公報)。
本発明に含まれるモノクローナル抗体の一態様であるヒトモノクローナル抗体は、ヒトに由来する抗体であることから、マウス由来の抗体等の非ヒト哺乳動物由来の抗体からなる抗体医薬品の治療上の大きな問題点(副作用)であったヒトに対する抗原性、即ちHAMA(Human anti−mouse antigenicity)に起因する宿主の重篤な免疫拒絶反応を全く惹起しないことから、抗体の医薬品としての価値を劇的に増大させるものである。
(1) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン重鎖V遺伝子セグメント3−23に由来することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。
(2) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その軽鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン軽鎖V遺伝子セグメントA30に由来することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。
(3) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン重鎖V遺伝子セグメント3−23に由来し、且つその軽鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン軽鎖V遺伝子セグメントA30に由来することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。
(4) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域が下記(a)または(b)のアミノ酸配列を含むことを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部:
(5) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その軽鎖の可変領域が下記(c)または(d)のアミノ酸配列を含むことを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部:
(6) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域が下記(a)または(b)のアミノ酸配列を含み、且つその軽鎖の可変領域が下記(c)または(d)のアミノ酸配列を含むことを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部:
(7) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域が下記(a)または(b)のアミノ酸配列を有することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部:
(8) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その軽鎖の可変領域が下記(c)または(d)のアミノ酸配列を有することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部:
(9) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域が下記(a)または(b)のアミノ酸配列を有し、且つその軽鎖の可変領域が下記(c)または(d)のアミノ酸配列を有することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部:
(10) ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、ヒトTGF−βII型受容体との解離定数(Kd)が、10×10−10(M)より小さい数値であることを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。
(11) 該モノクローナル抗体が、ヒトモノクローナル抗体である前記(1)乃至(10)のいずれかに記載のモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。
(12) 前記(1)乃至(11)のいずれかに記載のモノクローナル抗体を産生する細胞。
(13) 該細胞が、該ヒトモノクローナル抗体を産生する能力を哺乳動物由来のB細胞と哺乳動物由来のミエローマ細胞とを融合して得られる融合細胞であることを特徴とする前記(12)に記載の細胞。
(14) 該細胞が、該モノクローナル抗体の重鎖をコードするDNA若しくはその軽鎖をコードするDNAのいずれか一方のDNA、または両方のDNAが細胞内に導入されることにより形質転換された遺伝子組換え細胞であることを特徴とする前記(12)に記載の細胞。
(15) 前記(1)乃至(11)のいずれかに記載のモノクローナル抗体若しくはその一部、及び薬学的に許容されうる担体とを含んでなる医薬組成物。
(16) 該医薬組成物が、ヒトTGF−βがヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合することにより生ずるシグナルの細胞内への伝達を阻害するために用いられることを特徴とする前記(15)に記載の医薬組成物。
(17) 該医薬組成物が、組織の線維化を抑制するために用いられることを特徴とする前記(15)に記載の医薬組成物。
(18) 該組織の線維化が、肺、肝臓、腎臓または皮膚における線維化であることを特徴とする前記(17)に記載の医薬組成物。
(19) 該組織の線維化が、腎臓における線維化であることを特徴とする前記(17)に記載の医薬組成物。
(20) 該医薬組成物が、腎臓疾患の治療または予防に用いられることを特徴とする前記(15)に記載の医薬組成物。
(21) 該医薬組成物が、腎硬化症、肺線維症、肝硬変、血管再狭窄、動脈硬化症、乾癬、強皮症、アトピー、ケロイドまたは関節炎を抑制または治療するために用いられることを特徴とする前記(15)に記載の医薬組成物。
(22) 配列番号6のアミノ酸番号2乃至115番目のアミノ酸配列を含むポリペプチド。
(23) 配列番号6のアミノ酸番号2乃至458番目のアミノ酸配列を有するポリペプチド。
(24) 配列番号6のアミノ酸番号2乃至458番目のアミノ酸配列において、1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換、挿入若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列を有する免疫グロブリン重鎖ポリペプチド。
(25) 配列番号8のアミノ酸番号2乃至117番目のアミノ酸配列を含むポリペプチド。
(26) 配列番号8のアミノ酸番号2乃至236番目のアミノ酸配列を有するポリペプチド。
(27) 配列番号8のアミノ酸番号2乃至236番目のアミノ酸配列において、1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換、挿入若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列を有する免疫グロブリン軽鎖ポリペプチド。
(28) 前記(22)乃至(27)のいずれかに記載のポリペプチドをコードするDNA。
(29) 配列番号7の塩基番号96乃至440番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。
(30) 配列番号7の塩基番号96乃至1472番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。
(31) 配列番号9の塩基番号39乃至389番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。
(32) 配列番号9の塩基番号39乃至749番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。
(33) 前記(29)乃至前記(32)のいずれかに記載のDNAを含むベクター。
(34) 前記(29)乃至前記(32)のいずれかに記載のDNAを含むベクターで形質転換された細胞。
本発明でいう「ヒトTGF−βII型受容体」(「TβRII」と称する場合もある。)とは、前述に記載したとおりの既報に報告される構造及び機能を有するヒトのTGF−βII型受容体(human TGF−βtypeII receptor)を意味する(例えば、Cell, Vol.68, No.4, p.775−785, 1992; Adv. Immunol., Vol.55, p.181−220, 1994; GenBank Accession No.:M85079)。
TGF−βII型受容体のキナーゼ領域は、セリン/スレオニンに特異的なプロテインキナーゼであり、TGF−βI型受容体のキナーゼ領域と約43%の相同性を有する。このキナーゼ領域は、TGF−βのシグナルが細胞内に伝達されるために必須である(J. Biol. Chem., Vol.269, p.30753, 1994)。
TGF−βII型受容体は、TGF−βI型受容体と共同してTGF−βのシグナルの細胞内への伝達する極めて重要な分子である。TGF−βII型受容体は単独でTGF−βと結合する。TGF−βがTGF−βII型受容体に結合すると、TGF−βII型受容体はTGF−βI型受容体と細胞表面でヘテロ4量体の複合体を形成することが示されている(J. Biol. Chem., Vol.269, p.20172, 1994)。TGF−βの存在下に両者が該複合体が形成されると、TGF−βII型受容体は、TGF−βI型受容体のGS領域(前述)をリン酸化しTGF−βI型受容体が活性化する。その結果細胞内の他の基質をリン酸化することによりTGF−βのシグナルがさらに下流へと伝達されると考えられている(Nature, Vol.370, p.341, 1994)。
さらに詳細には、イムノグロブリンを構成する重鎖(H鎖)の可変領域(Variable region)及びH鎖の定常領域(Constant Region)並びに軽鎖(L鎖)の可変領域及びL鎖の定常領域を含む全ての領域がヒトイムノグロブリンをコードする遺伝子に由来するヒトイムノグロブリンである。L鎖としては、ヒトκ鎖またはヒトλ鎖が挙げられる。
(イ) 前記に定義したヒトTGF−βII型受容体を細胞表面に発現する天然の細胞または人工的に樹立した細胞株。
(ロ) 前記に定義したヒトTGF−βII型受容体を細胞表面に発現するように遺伝子組換え技術を用いて作製された遺伝子組換え細胞。
(ハ) 前記(イ)または(ロ)の細胞を可溶化して得た細胞可溶化物(celllysate)、または該cell lysateから精製したヒトTGF−βII型受容体のポリペプチド断片。
(ニ) 前記に定義したヒトTGF−βII型受容体の一部(特に好ましくは、その細胞外領域若しくはその任意のペプチド)を可溶性ポリペプチドとして発現するように遺伝子組換え技術を用いて作製された遺伝子組換え細胞。
(ホ) 前記(ニ)の遺伝子組換え細胞を培養して得た培養上清若しくは該培養上清から精製されたヒトTGF−βII型受容体の細胞外領域ポリペプチド(可溶性ヒトTGF−βII型受容体)。
(ヘ) 化学的に合成されたヒトTGF−βII型受容体の一部((特に好ましくは、その細胞外領域若しくはその任意のペプチド)。
即ち、例えば、該抗原を、必要に応じてフロイントアジュバント(Freund’s Adjuvant)とともに、該ヒト抗体産生トランスジェニック非ヒト哺乳動物に免疫する。ポリクローナル抗体は、該免疫感作動物から得た血清から取得することができる。またモノクローナル抗体は、該免疫感作動物から得た該抗体産生細胞と自己抗体産生能のない骨髄腫系細胞(ミエローマ細胞)から融合細胞(ハイブリドーマ)を調製し、該ハイブリドーマをクローン化し、哺乳動物の免疫に用いた抗原に対して特異的親和性を示すモノクローナル抗体を産生するクローンを選択することによって製造される。
さらに具体的には下記のようにして製造することができる。即ち、前述の(イ)乃至(ハ)のいずれかの免疫原を、必要に応じてフロイントアジュバント(Freund’s Adjuvant)とともに、該ヒト抗体産生トランスジェニック非ヒト哺乳動物(特に好ましくは後述の「ヒト抗体産生トランスジェニックマウス」)の皮下内、筋肉内、静脈内、フッドパッド内あるいは腹腔内に1乃至数回注射するかあるいは移植することにより免疫感作を施す。通常、初回免疫から約1乃至14日毎に1乃至4回免疫を行って、最終免疫より約1乃至5日後に免疫感作された該哺乳動物から抗体産生細胞が取得される。免疫を施す回数及び時間的インターバルは、使用する免疫原の性質などにより、適宜変更することができる。
モノクローナル抗体を分泌する融合細胞(ハイブリドーマ)の調製は、ケーラー及びミルシュタインらの方法(Nature, Vol.256, p.495−497, 1975)及びそれに準じる修飾方法に従って行うことができる。即ち、前述の如く免疫感作されたヒト抗体産生トランスジェニック非ヒト哺乳動物から取得される脾臓、リンパ節、骨髄あるいは扁桃等、好ましくは脾臓に含まれる抗体産生細胞と、好ましくはマウス、ラット、モルモット、ハムスター、ウサギまたはヒト等の哺乳動物、より好ましくはマウス、ラットまたはヒト由来の自己抗体産生能のないミエローマ細胞との細胞融合させることにより調製される。
細胞融合に用いられるミエローマ細胞としては、例えばマウス由来ミエローマP3/X63−AG8.653(ATCC No. CRL−1580)、P3/NSI/1−Ag4−1(NS−1)、P3/X63−Ag8.U1(P3U1)、SP2/0−Ag14(Sp2/O,Sp2)、PAI、F0あるいはBW5147、ラット由来ミエローマ210RCY3−Ag.2.3.、ヒト由来ミエローマU−266AR1、GM1500−6TG−A1−2、UC729−6、CEM−AGR、D1R11あるいはCEM−T15を使用することができる。
モノクローナル抗体を産生する細胞(例えば、ハイブリドーマ)のスクリーニングは、該細胞を、例えばマイクロタイタープレート中で培養し、増殖の見られたウェルの培養上清の前述の免疫感作で用いた免疫抗原に対する反応性を、例えばRIA(radio immunoassay)やELISA(enzyme−linked immuno−solvent assay)等の酵素免疫測定法によって測定することにより行なうことができる。
本発明のヒトモノクローナル抗体のアミノ酸配列中に、前記のようなアミノ酸の部分的改変(欠失、置換、挿入、付加)は、該アミノ酸配列をコードする塩基配列を部分的に改変することにより導入することができる。この塩基配列の部分的改変は、既知の部位特異的変異導入法(Site specific mutagenesis )を用いて常法により導入することができる(Proc. Natl. Acsd. Sci. USA, Vol.81, p.5662−5666, 1984)。
本発明における「ヒト免疫グロブリン軽鎖V遺伝子セグメントに由来する」とは、係るモノクローナル抗体の重鎖または軽鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAが、免疫グロブリン重鎖遺伝子座(Ig heavy chain gene locus)または軽鎖遺伝子座(Ig light chain gene locus)に存在する多数のV遺伝子セグメントのいずれか1つのV遺伝子の核酸配列の転写によるものであり、該V遺伝子の核酸配列と完全に一致する核酸配列を有すること、あるいは該V遺伝子の核酸配列と1または数個(具体的には1乃至10個)の塩基が異なる(ここでは欠失、置換及び/または挿入を意味する。)ことを意味する。
本発明における「ヒト抗体産生トランスジェニック非ヒト哺乳動物」、特に好ましい態様であるヒト抗体産生トランスジェニックマウスは、既報に従って作製することができる(Nature Genetics, Vol.7, p.13−21, 1994;Nature Genetics, Vol.15, p.146−156, 1997;特表平4−504365号公報;特表平7−509137号公報;日経サイエンス、6月号、第40〜第50頁、1995年;国際出願公開WO94/25585号公報;Nature, Vol.368, p.856−859, 1994;及び特表平6−500233号公報など)。
(3)酵母人工染色体(Yeast artificial chromosome, YAC)ベクター等に代表されるような巨大遺伝子を運搬可能なベクターを用いて、ヒト免疫グロブリン重鎖遺伝子座の所望の領域がマウス染色体中に組み込まれたトランスジェニックマウスを作製する工程。
前記ノックアウトマウスは、マウス内在性イムノグロブリン遺伝子座の適当な領域を外来性マーカー遺伝子(ネオマイシン耐性遺伝子など)で相同組換えにより置換することにより該遺伝子座が再構成(リアレンジメント)できないように不活性化することにより作製できる。該相同組換えを用いた不活性化には、例えば、ポジティブ・ネガティブ・セレクション(Positive Negative Selection; PNS)と呼称される方法を用いることができる(日経サイエンス, 5月号, p.52−62, 1994)。
トランスジェニックマウスは、トランスジェニック動物の製造において通常使用されるような常法(例えば、最新動物細胞実験マニュアル、エル・アイ・シー発行、第7章、第361〜第408頁、1990年を参照)に従って作製することが可能である。具体的には、例えば、正常マウス胚盤胞(blastcyst)に由来するHPRT陰性(ヒポキサンチングアニン・フォスフォリボシルトランスフェラーゼ遺伝子を欠いている)ES細胞(embryonic stem cell)を、該ヒトイムノグロブリン重鎖遺伝子座または軽鎖遺伝子座をコードする遺伝子またはその一部並びにHPRT遺伝子が挿入されたYACベクターを含む酵母とスフェロプラスト融合法により融合する。該外来性遺伝子がマウス内在性遺伝子上にインテグレートされたES細胞をHATセレクション法により選別する。次いで、選別したES細胞を、別の正常マウスから取得した受精卵(胚盤胞)にマイクロインジェクションする(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol.77, No.12, pp.7380−7384, 1980;米国特許第4,873,191号公報)。該胚盤胞を仮親としての別の正常マウスの子宮に移植する。そうして該仮親マウスから、キメラトランスジェニックマウスが生まれる。該キメラトランスジェニックマウスを正常マウスと交配させることによりヘテロトランスジェニックマウスを得る。該ヘテロ(heterogeneic)トランスジェニックマウス同士を交配することにより、メンデルの法則に従って、ホモ(homogeneic)トランスジェニックマウスが得られる。
本発明における「モノクローナル抗体の一部」とは、前述の本発明のヒトモノクローナル抗体の一部分の領域を意味し、具体的にはF(ab’)、Fab’、Fab、Fv(variable fragment of antibody)、sFv、dsFv(disulphide stabilised Fv)あるいはdAb(single domain antibody)等が挙げられる(エキスパート・オピニオン・オン・テラピューティック・パテンツ(Exp. Opin. Ther. Patents),第6巻,第5号,第441〜456頁,1996年)。
(2)そのようにして得られたモノクローナル抗体産生B細胞を哺乳動物由来のミエローマ細胞と細胞融合して得られる前述の融合細胞(ハイブリドーマ)。(3)該モノクローナル抗体産生B細胞またはモノクローナル抗体産生融合細胞(ハイブリドーマ)から単離される該モノクローナル抗体をコードする遺伝子(重鎖をコードする遺伝子若しくは軽鎖をコードする遺伝子のいずれか一方、または両方の遺伝子)で、該B細胞及びハイブリドーマ以外の細胞(例えば、CHO(Chinese hamster ovarian)細胞)、BHK(Baby hamster kydney)細胞など)を形質転換して得られる遺伝子組換えモノクローナル抗体を産生する遺伝子組換え細胞。
当該定数は、種々の方法に従って解析することができるが、市販の測定キットであるBiacoreX(アマシャムファルマシア社製)または類似のキットを用い、 当該キットに添付の取扱い説明書及び実験操作方法に従って容易に解析することができる。当該キットを用いて求められるka値、kd値及びKd値は各々、1/M.Sec、1/Sec及びM(モル)なる単位を以て表される。試験されたモノクローナル抗体は、ka値が大きいほど強い抗原結合活性を有していることを示し、Kd値が小さいほど強い中和活性を有していることを示す。
とりわけ、本発明のヒトモノクローナル抗体あるいはその医薬組成物は、ヒト由来のモノクローナル抗体からなることから、HAMA(human anti−mouse antibody)に起因する宿主の免疫拒絶反応を惹起することなく、抗体医薬品として極めて有用である。
例えば、組織繊維症の一つであり、また腎臓疾患の1つでもある腎繊維症の治療効果の検討の場合には、マウスやサルの一方の尿管を結紮し腎臓の血液等のろ過機能を停止させることにより腎機能不全を惹起させたモデル(UUOモデル、Unilateral ureteral obstruction)に、本発明の医薬組成物を投与し、該腎機能不全により惹起される腎炎及び腎繊維症の発症の指標であるヒドロキシプロリンの生成の上昇を抑制する程度またはType I collagenのmRNAの発現の上昇の抑制を測定する方法を用いることができる。
さらに別の方法としては、ラットに細胞表面マーカーであるThy−1に対する抗体を投与することにより誘発した腎炎モデルラットに、本発明の医薬組成物を投与し、該腎機能不全により惹起される腎炎及び腎繊維症の発症の指標である尿中に排泄される蛋白量、血清中のクレアチニン量、細胞外マトリックス(フィブロネクチン、I型コラーゲンなど)の産生の低減の程度を測定する方法用いることができる(Nephron, Vol.78, p.453−463, 1998; Kidney Blood Press Res., Vol.22, p.5−12, 1999)。該尿蛋白量、血清クレアチニン量、フィブロネクチンあるいはI型コラーゲンの低減は、該医薬組成物が該腎臓疾患の治療に有効であることを示すものである。
まず、目的ポリペプチドを発現・産生する組織あるいは細胞から目的ポリペプチドをコードするmRNAを調製する。mRNAの調製は、例えばグアニジンチオシアネート法(Biochemistry, Vol.18, p.5294, 1979)、熱フェノール法もしくはAGPC法等の公知の方法を用いて調製した全RNAをオリゴ(dT)セルロースやポリU−セファロース等によるアフィニティクロマトグラフィーにかけることによって行うことができる。
次いで得られたmRNAを鋳型として、例えば逆転写酵素を用いる等の公知の方法、例えばオカヤマらの方法(Mol. Cell. Biol., Vol.2, p.161, 1982及び同誌 Vol.3, p.280, 1983)やホフマン(Hoffman)らの方法(Gene, Vol.25, p.263, 1983)等によりcDNA鎖を合成し、cDNAの二本鎖cDNAへの変換を行う。このcDNAをプラスミドベクター、ファージベクターまたはコスミドベクターに組み込み、大腸菌を形質転換して、あるいはインビトロパッケージング後、大腸菌に形質移入(トランスフェクト)することによりcDNAライブラリーを作製する。
プラスミドにcDNAを組み込む方法としては、例えばマニアティス(Maniatis)らの方法(Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, second edition, ColdSpring Harbor Laboratory, p.1.53, 1989)に記載の方法などが挙げられる。また、ファージベクターにcDNAを組み込む方法としては、ヒュン(Hyunh)らの方法(DNA Cloning, a practical approach, Vol.1, p.49, 1985)などが挙げられる。簡便には、市販のクローニングキット(例えば、宝酒造社製等)を用いることもできる。このようにして得られる組換えプラスミドやファージベクターは、原核細胞(例えば、E.coli:HB101, DH5α, Y1090, DH10BまたはMC1061/P3等)等の適当な宿主に導入する。
プラスミドを宿主に導入する方法としては、(Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, second edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p.1.74, 1989)に記載の塩化カルシウム法または塩化カルシウム/塩化ルビジウム法、エレクトロポレーション法等が挙げられる。また、ファージベクターを宿主に導入する方法としてはファージDNAをインビトロパッケージングした後、増殖させた宿主に導入する方法等が例示される。インビトロパッケージングは、市販のインビトロパッケージングキット(例えば、ストラタジーン社製、アマシャム社製等)を用いることによって簡便に行うことができる。
例えば、別個に目的ポリペプチドのアミノ酸配列に対応すると考えられるオリゴヌクレオチドを化学合成したのち、これを32Pでラベルしてプローブとなし、公知のコロニーハイブリダイゼーション法(クランシュタイン(Crunstein)ら、Proc. Natl. Acid. Sci. USA, Vol.72, p.3961, 1975)またはプラークハイブリダイゼーション法(Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, second edition , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory、p.2.108, 1989)により、目的のcDNAを含有するクローンをスクリーニングする方法、PCRプライマーを作製し目的ポリペプチドの特定領域をPCR法により増幅し、該領域をコードするDNA断片を有するクローンを選択する方法等が挙げられる。
この様にして得られたDNAの塩基配列はマキサム・ギルバート法(マキサム(Maxam)ら、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol74, p.560, 1977)あるいはファージM13を用いたジデオキシヌクレオチド合成鎖停止の方法(サンガー(Sanger)ら、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol.74, p.5463−5467, 1977)によって決定することができる。目的ポリペプチドをコードする遺伝子は、その全部または一部を上記のようにして得られるクローンから制限酵素等により切り出すことにより取得できる。
該目的ポリペプチドを製造するために用いられる発現ベクター、原核細胞及び/または真核細胞の各種の宿主内で複製保持または自己増殖できるものであれば特に制限されず、プラスミドベクターおよびファージベクターが包含される(Cloning Vectors: A Laboratory Manual, エルスビュ−社、ニューヨーク、1985年)。
目的ポリペプチドを生産させる目的においては、プラスミドベクターが有用である。プラスミドベクターとしては、原核細胞および/または真核細胞の各種の宿主細胞中で該目的ポリペプチドをコードするDNAを発現し、これらのポリペプチドを生産する機能を有するものであれば特に制限されない。例えば、pMAL C2、pcDNA3.1(−)、pEF−BOS(Nucleic Acid Research, Vol.18, p.5322, 1990など)あるいはpME18S(実験医学別冊「遺伝子工学ハンドブック」、1992年等)等を挙げることができる。
複製可能単位とは、宿主細胞中でその全DNA配列を複製することができる能力をもつDNAを言い、天然のプラスミド、人工的に修飾されたプラスミド(天然のプラスミドから調製されたDNAフラグメント)および合成プラスミド等が含まれる。好適なプラスミドとしては、E.coliではプラスミドpBR322、もしくはその人工的修飾物(pBR322を適当な制限酵素で処理して得られるDNAフラグメント)が、酵母では酵母2μプラスミド、もしくは酵母染色体DNAが、また哺乳動物細胞ではプラスミドpRSVneo ATCC 37198、プラスミドpSV2dhfr ATCC 37145、プラスミドpdBPV−MMTneo ATCC 37224、プラスミドpSV2neo ATCC 37149、プラスミドpSV2bsr等があげられる。
例えば、細菌(E.coli、Bacillus subtilis等)の場合は、例えばCohenらの方法(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol.69, p.2110, 1972)、プロトプラスト法(Mol. Gen. Genet., Vol.168, p.111, 1979)やコンピテント法(J. Mol. Biol., Vol.56, p.209, 1971)によって、Saccharomyces cerevisiaeの場合は、例えばハイネン(Hinnen)らの方法(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol.75, p.1927, 1978)やリチウム法(J. Bacteriol., Vol.153, p.163, 1983)によって、動物細胞の場合は、例えばグラハム(Graham)の方法(Virology, Vol.52, p.456, 1973)、昆虫細胞の場合は、例えばサマーズ(Summers)らの方法(Mol. Cell. Biol., Vol.3, p.2156−2165, 1983)によってそれぞれ形質転換することができる。
宿主がE.coliの場合、好ましい培地としてLB培地、M9培地(ミラー(Miller)ら、Exp. Mol. Genet、Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p.431, 1972)、YT培地等が例示される。かかる場合、培養は、必要により通気、撹拌しながら、通常14〜43℃、約3〜24時間行うことができる。
宿主が酵母である場合、培地として、例えばBurkholder最小培(ボスチアン(Bostian)、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol.77, p.4505, 1980)が挙げられ、pHは5〜8であることが望ましい。培養は通常約20〜35℃で約14〜144時間行なわれ、必要により通気や撹拌を行うこともできる。
宿主が動物細胞の場合、培地として例えば約5〜20%の胎児牛血清を含むMEM培地(Science, Vol.122, p.501, 1952)、DMEM培地(Virology, Vol.8, p.396, 1959)、RPMI1640培地(J. Am. Med. Assoc., Vol.199, p.519, 1967)、199培地(Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., Vol.73, p.1, 1950)、HamF12培地等を用いることができる。培地のpHは約6〜8であるのが好ましく、培養は通常約30〜40℃で約15〜72時間行なわれ、必要により通気や撹拌を行うこともできる。
宿主が昆虫細胞の場合、例えば胎児牛血清を含むGrace’s培地(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol.82, p.8404, 1985)等が挙げられ、そのpHは約5〜8であるのが好ましい。培養は通常約20〜40℃で15〜100時間行なわれ、必要により通気や撹拌を行うこともできる。
実施例1 免疫原の調製
具体的には、ヒト腎臓から取得したmRNAから調製したcDNAを鋳型とし、ヒトTβRIIのcDNA(Cell, Vol.68, p.775−758, 1992;GenBank Accession No.:M85079)を基に設計したプライマーを用いて常法に従ってPCRにより合成した。
得られた翻訳領域を含むヒトTβRIIのcDNAを市販のプラスミドに挿入し発現ベクターを作成した。エレクトロポレ−ションにより、該ベクターでCHO−K1細胞(大日本製薬製)を形質転換した。形質転換細胞を、Ham’s F12栄養培地中で培養し、組換えヒトTβRIIを発現させた。ヒトTβRIIの発現は、抗ヒト可溶性TβRIIポリクローナル抗体(R&D製)を用いたウェスタンブロッティングにより確認した。
実施例2 抗ヒトTβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体産生ハイブリドーマの調製及び選別
被免疫動物としては、前述の方法を用いて製造したヒトIgG2抗体を産生するトランスジェニックマウスを用いた(Nature Genetics, Vol.7, p.13−21, 1994;Nature Genetics, Vol.15, p.146−156, 1997;特表平4−504365号公報;特表平7−509137号公報;日経サイエンス、6月号、第40〜第50頁、1995年等)。
前記のヒト抗体産生トランスジェニックマウス(6匹)に、抗原を、完全フロインドアジュバント(Freund’s Complete Adjuvant、ICN/CAPPEL社製)と共にフッドパッド及び腹腔に注射することにより初回(0日)免疫した。初回免疫から1週間毎に同抗原を、不完全フロインドアジュバント(Freund’s Incomplete Adjuvant、ICN/CAPPEL社製)と共にフッドパッド及び腹腔に注射により3回追加免疫し、さらに以下に述べるリンパ節細胞の取得の前々日に同抗原を同様にして最終免疫した。なお、抗原とアジュバントは、約1:1の割合で数分乃至約1時間混和して調製した。
各々の動物から摘出したリンパ節及び脾臓から取得したリンパ球とマウスミエローマ細胞P3/X63−AG8.653(ATCC No.: CRL−1580)とを5:1で混合し、融合剤としてポリエチレングリコール1500(Roche製)を用いて細胞融合させることにより多数のハイブリドーマを作製した。融合細胞をRPMI1640培地(1%penicillin−streptmycin含有;SIGMA製)で2回洗浄し、10%FBSとHAT含有ASF104培地(コージンバイオ社製)中に懸濁し、96穴マイクロプレートに播種した。
<1> Cell ELISA
細胞融合1週間後に新しい培地に交換し、その3日後以降の培養上清を除去し、Cell ELISAによりハイブリドーマを一次スクリーニングした。
CHO−K1細胞(大日本製薬製)及び上記で調製ヒトTβRII発現組換えCHO細胞をPBSで洗浄した後、Trypsin−EDTA溶液(GIBCO BRL製)にて処理して各細胞を回収した。細胞を、96穴マイクロプレートに3乃至20×10cell/well(100μl/well)で播種しコンフルエントになるまで2日間培養した。
培養後、培養上清を捨て、一次抗体溶液(希釈した精製抗ヒトTβRII抗体または各ハイブリドーマの上清;50μl/well)を加え、室温下で1時間半静置した。プレートを1%胎児牛血清含有ASF104培地(「洗浄バッファー」;日研生物医学研究所製)で2回洗浄し、1,000乃至10,000倍に希釈した二次抗体であるHRP(horse radish peroxidase)標識抗ヒトIgFc抗体(50μl/well;American Qualex製)またはHRP標識マウスIgFc抗体(50μl/well;Amersham製)を加え、室温に1時間静置した。プレートを洗浄バッファー(200μl/well)で2回洗浄し、基質であるTMB peroxidase substrate solution(100μl/well;Bio−Rad製)を加え20分間発色させた後、0.5M HSO(50μl/well)を加えて反応を停止させ、波長450nmでの吸光度をマイクロプレートリーダー(Bio−Rad製)で測定した。
コントロールである野生型CHO−K1細を用いたCell ELISAでの値と比較して、陽性ハイブリドーマを選別した。
なお、一次抗体の陰性対照には、前述したヒト抗体産生トランスジェニックマウスに、KLH(keyhole limpet hemocyanin、ピアース(PIERCE)社製)を免疫して調製した抗KLHヒトモノクローナル抗体(JMab23)を用いた。
また、このCell ELISAの手法は、マウスTβRII及びラットTβRII各々への交叉反応性の解析並びに本発明のモノクローナル抗体のアイソタイピングにも用いた。
前者のCell ELISAには、上記と同様にして作製したマウスTβRII高発現CHO細胞またはラットTβRII高発現CHO細胞を用いた。また、後者のCell ELISAには、以下のアイソタイピング用抗体を用いた。
1.HRP標識抗ヒトIgFc抗体(EY Lab製)
2.HRP標識抗ヒトIgM抗体(American Qualex製)
4.HRP標識抗マウスIgλ抗体(Solution Biotechnology Associates製)
ELISA用マイクロプレート(Nunc製)に、ヒトTβRII−Fcキメラ分子(25ng/well; 50μl/well;Genzyme製)またはヒトB7h−Fcキメラ分子(陰性対照;国際出願公開WO01/87981号公報参照)を加え室温下で1時間静置してコートし、Block Ace(200μl/well)を加え室温下に2時間以上静置して未反応の部分をブロッキングした。次いで、PBS−T(200ml/well)で2回洗浄した後に、一次抗体(希釈した抗ヒトTβRII抗体(陽性対照;クローンTR2B19が産生する抗TβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体;国際出願公開WO01−36642号公報参照)または各ハイブリドーマの培養上清;50μl/well)を加え、室温下で1.5時間静置した。次いで、プレートをPBS−T(200μl/well)で3回洗浄し、二次抗体であるHRP標識抗ヒトIgκ抗体(2,000倍希釈を50μl/well;TAGO製)を加え、室温下で1時間静置した。次いで、プレートをPBS−Tで4回洗浄した後、基質であるTMB peroxidase substrate solution(100μl/well;Bio Rad製)を加え15分間発色させた後、0.5M HSO(50μl/well)を加えて反応を停止させ、波長450nmでの吸光度をマイクロプレートリーダー(Bio−Rad製)で測定した。
上記Cell ELISAによるスクリーニングでは、480クローン中の480クローン全てが陽性であった。また、上記ELISAによるスクリーニングでは、Cell ELISA陽性480クローンの内の27クローンが陽性であった。また、上述のアイソタイピングCell ELISAでヒトIgG且つヒトIgκであったクローンは、480クローン中の7クローンであった。
選別した各クローンを含むウェルを別に調製したクローニング用培地ASF104培地(1%penicillin−streptmycin; 1xHT; 10% fetal bovine serum; 1%非必須アミノ酸; 及び1% T−STIM含有)に交換してさらに培養し限界希釈法でクローニングした。
また、前記Cell ELISAによる交叉反応性試験の結果、該3つのクローンが産生する抗いずれの抗体も、ラット及びマウスTβRIIのいずれにも交叉反応性を示さなかった。
実施例3 TGFβ刺激により誘導される細胞増殖抑制に対する抗TGFβヒトモノクローナル抗体の阻害活性
96穴マイクロタイタープレートにヒト由来の上皮細胞系ケラチノサイト(epitherial keratinocyte)(200cells/100μl 0.1%FBS含有DMEM−high glucose/well)を播種し、COインキュベーター内で2日間培養した。培地を除去し、各ウェルを同培養液で2回洗浄し、新しい培養液を加えた。次いで、前記で調製したハイブリドーマ(JMab195, JMab197及びJMab198)の培養上清から精製した抗TβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体(0.23; 0.47; 0.93; 1.88; 3.75; 7.5; 15; 30; 60μg/ml)を加え、37℃でCOインキュベーター内で3時間培養した。培養後、ヒトTGFβ1(0.3ng/ml; 50μl/well; Genzyme TECHNE製)を加えCOインキュベーター内で2日間培養した。
次いで、各ウェルに、Methyl−[H]−thymidine(0.5μCi/well; Amersham−Pharmacia製)を添加してさらに6時間培養した。細胞をセルハーべスター(PACKARD社製)を用いてGF/Cフィルター上にトラップした。フィルターを40℃で2時間以上乾燥させた後、Microscinti O(PACKARD製)を加え、フィルターにトラップされたHの放射活性をβカウンター(TOP COUNT)を用いて測定し細胞増殖活性の指標とした。
JMab195 : IC50(μg/ml)=3.03±0.86
JMab197 : IC50(μg/ml)=4.60±0.89
JMab198 : IC50(μg/ml)=4.14±0.93
実施例4 TGFβ刺激により誘導されるメサンギウム細胞からのPAI−I分泌亢進に対する抗ヒトTGFβヒトモノクローナル抗体の阻害活性
225cmフラスコを用いて正常ヒトメサンギウム細胞(CC−2559;Sanko Junyaku製)を、1%Penicillin−Streptmycin(GIBCO BRL製)及び20%胎児牛血清(FBS;MORGATE製)を含有するRPMI1640培地(日研生物医学研究所製)中で37℃でCOインキュベーター内で培養した。細胞が90%コンフルエントに達した時点で以下の試験に用いた。
24穴マイクロプレートに細胞(3×10cells/well)を播種し、その翌日に培地をFBSを含有しないPRMI1640培地(1%Penicillin−Streptmycin含有)(以下FBS(−)/RPMI1640)に置換して24時間スタベイション(Starvation)させた。培地を除去し、各ウェルにFBS(−)/RPMI1640(500μl)及び上記で選別した各ハイブリドーマ(JMab195, JMab197及びJMab198)由来の精製抗TGFβヒトモノクローナル抗体(250μl)を添加して1時間インキュベートした後、ヒトTGFβ1(0.4ng/mlを250μl;R&D Systems製)を加えて細胞を刺激した。24時間の培養後、培養上清(250μl/well)を96穴マイクロプレートに回収した。残りの培養上清を捨て、細胞に5%WST−1(Roche製)を含有するFBS(−)/RPMI1640(500μl)を添加して4時間インキュベートした。培養上清(100μl)を96穴マイクロプレートに回収し、マイクロプレートリーダーで波長450乃至650nmの吸光度を測定した。
培養上清中に分泌されたPAI−I(plasminogen activator inhibitor)の濃度を、市販のELISAキットであるTintElize PAI−Iキット(BiopoolInternational製)を用いて該キットの添付の実験操作マニュアルに従って測定した。ヒトPAI−Iの標準物質として該キットの試薬であるStandard PAI−I Plasmaの各種溶液(40; 20; 10; 5; 2.5; 0 ng/ml)を調製した。
該キット中のマイクロプレートにPET Buffer(100μl/well)を加え、1分間軽く振盪した。上記で得た各細胞の培養上清(蒸留水で2倍に希釈;20μl)またはPAI−Iの標準物質(20μl)をNウェル及びAウェルに添加した。さらに、コンジュゲート(50μl/well)を添加して穏やかに2時間振盪した。次いで、各ウェル中の溶液をデカントで除去し、PET Buffer(250μl)を加えて洗浄(4回)した。洗浄後、基質(200μl/well)を添加し15分間穏やかに振盪した。次いで、硫酸(0.5mol/lを50μl/well)を加えて、遮光下で10分間静置した後、マイクロプレートリーダーを用いて波長490nmでの吸光度を測定した。求めた吸光度から検量線に従い各細胞培養上清に分泌されたPAI−Iの濃度を求めた。
なお、陰性対照には、上述した抗KLHヒトモノクローナル抗体(JMab23)及び抗ヒトCETPモノクローナル抗体(JMab109;国際出願公開WO96/34948号公報参照。)を用いた。また、比較対照として、別に作製した抗ヒトTβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体(クローンTR2B19が産生する抗TβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体;国際出願公開WO01−36642号公報参照)並びに抗TGFβ1モノクローナル抗体(JMab83;ATCC No.HB−9849のハイブリドーマが産生するモノクローナル抗体1D11.16.8)を用いた。
JMab195        : 2.2μg/ml
JMab197        : >100μg/ml
JMab198        : >100μg/ml
対照(JMab148/ TR2B19): 22.3μg/ml
実施例5  抗ヒトTGF−βII型受容体ヒトモノクローナル抗体(JMab195及びJMab148)の抗原(ヒトTGF−βII型受容体)に対する親和性及び中和活性の測定
前記のTGFβ誘導性メサンギウム細胞PAI−I産生阻害活性試験で最も強い阻害活性を示した抗ヒトTGF−βII型受容体ヒトモノクローナル抗体JMab195並びに陽性対照としての抗ヒトTGF−βII型受容体ヒトモノクローナル抗体JMab148(クローンTR2B19が産生する抗TβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体;国際出願公開WO01−36642号公報参照)のヒトTGF−βII型受容体との結合速度定数(ka)、解離速度定数(kd)及び解離定数(Kd)を、市販の測定キットBiacore X(Amersham−Pharmacia製)を用いて測定した。
下記に述べる抗原(ヒトTβRII−Fcキメラ分子)のセンサーチップへの固定化以外の操作は、市販の測定キットBiacore X(Amersham−Pharmacia製)に添付の取扱い説明書及び実験操作法に従って行った。
キットにセットされているフローセル1(Flow Cell−1)に、ランニング緩衝液(D−PBS(−);日研生物医学研究所製)を20μl/minで流し、次いで、100mMのNaOH(10μl)及び1%TritonX−100(Sigma製)を加えセルを洗浄した。ランニング緩衝液を10分間流し、ベースラインが安定したことを確認した後に、ランニング緩衝液の流速を5μl/minに調整した。5mM NHS(N−Hydroxysuccinimide)と200mMEDC(N−Ethyl−N’−(dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide)とからなる溶液(35μl)を添加し、センサーチップ表面に被覆されているCMのカルボキシル基を活性化させた。
次いで、未反応の活性化されたカルボキシル基は、35μlの1M Ethanol amine hydrochlorideを添加することによりブロックした。この抗原固定化操作は、25℃で行った。また、以下の複数回の試験のために、同一の固定化操作を複数回行った。
当該固定化操作において、固定化された抗原量は、292.3乃至564.4RU(resonance unit)であった。なお、RUは、面積当たりの質量を示し、1RU=1pg/mmである。
リファレンスとしてのフローセル2(Flow Cell−2)は、該ヒトTβRII−Fcを加えないで上記と同様にして処理することによりキャッピングした。
実施例6 抗ヒトTβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体JMab195の遺伝子配列及び
前記実施例で作製されたヒトTβRIIに対するヒトモノクローナル抗体JMab195を構成する重鎖(Heavy Chain)の可変領域をコードするcDNA配列、並びに軽鎖(Light Chain)の可変領域及び定常領域をコードするcDNA配列を下記のようにして決定するとともに、該遺伝子の構造的特徴を解析した。
<1> mRNAの調製
ハイブリドーマからのPolyARNAの抽出、精製は、市販のQuickPrep mRNA Purification Kit(AmershamPharmacia製)を用いて次のようにしてした。該キットに添付の実験操作説明書に従い、前記凍結ハイブリドーマ細胞からPolyARNAの抽出し、及び2回精製により精製PolyARNAとして回収した。得られたPolyARNAの濃度を、260nmの波長での吸光度を測定することにより決定した。
<2> cDNAの合成
得られたPolyARNAを鋳型とし、市販のcDNBA合成キットSuperScript Choice System for cDNA synthesis(GIBCO BRL製)及び合成オリゴヌクレオチドNotI−Tプライマー(配列番号3)を用いたReversetranscriptase法により二本鎖cDNAを合成した。
即ち、前記の精製PolyARNA(約5μg)とNotI−Tプライマー(400pmol)を混和して70℃で10分間加熱後、氷冷し、5×1st strand buffer(4μl)、10mMのdNTP溶液(1μl)及び0.1MのDTT溶液(2μl)を加え混和した。37℃で2分間pre−incubationを行った後、SuperScriptII Reverse Transcriptase(5μl)を加え37℃で1時間反応を行った。反応後、DEPC処理した水(93μl)、10mMのdNTP(3μl)、5×2nd strand buffer(30μl)、DNA polymeraseI(4μl)、RNaseH(1μl)及びE.Coli DNA ligase(1μl)を加え混和し16℃で2時間反応させた。反応後T4DNA polymerase(2μl)を加え更に2分間反応した。次いで、フェノール/クロロフォルム(150μl)を加え、室温下14,500rpmで5分間遠心し水層(130μl)を回収した。回収した水層に3M NaOAc(13μl)及びエタノール(325μl)を加え混和し−80℃で冷却し、14,500rpmで15分間遠心し上清を捨て、ペレットを回収した。ペレットを70%エタノールで洗浄後、上清を捨て減圧下で乾燥させ、TE緩衝液に溶解し、cDNA溶液とした。
<3> cDNAアダプターの調製
上記cDNA溶液に24adp(100pmol/μl;50μl)及び5’末端リン酸化された20adp(100pmol/μl;50μl)を加え混和し、3M NaOAc(10μl)及びエタノール(250μl)を加え、−80℃にて終夜冷却した。冷却後、遠心(14,500rpm; 4℃;15分間)し上清を捨て、ペレットを回収した。ペレットを70%エタノールで洗浄し上清を捨ててペレットを乾燥させた。乾燥したペレットにアニ−リング緩衝液(10mM Tris−HCl; pH8.0; 0.1mM EDTA; 5mM MgCl; 200mM NaCl)を加えて溶解し、1時間加熱した後室温に戻してcDNAアダプター溶液を得た。
<4> cDNAライブラリーの作製
前記で得たcDNA溶液(48μl)にアダプター溶液(6μl)を加え、更にLigationHigh(27μl;東洋紡製)を加え混和した。混和後16℃で約1.5時間反応させた後、70℃で10分間加熱し反応を停止させ、直ちに冷却した。氷冷したサンプルにTE緩衝液(19μl)、3M NaOAc及びエタノール(250μl)を加えて混和後−80℃に冷却した。次いで、遠心(14,500rpm;15分;4℃)し、上清を捨て、ペレットを70%エタノールで洗浄後減圧下で乾燥させた。乾燥後滅菌蒸留水及び10XH緩衝液(宝酒造製)を加えペレットを溶解した。次いで、制限酵素NotI(3μl)を加え37℃で2時間反応させた。次いで反応液に10mM ATP(2μl)及びT4キナーゼ(2μl)を加え37℃で30分間反応させた。反応後、3M NaOAc(15μl)及びエタノール(375μl)を加え−80℃に冷却後遠心(14,500rpm;4℃;15分)し、上清を捨て70%エタノールで洗浄した後減圧下で乾燥させTE緩衝液(20μl)に溶解した。これを完全cDNA溶液とした。
該完全cDNA溶液にローディング緩衝液(4μl;宝酒造製)を加えて1/2量をポリアクリルアミドゲル(第一化学薬品製)にアプライし電気泳動した。ゲルをエチジウムブロマイド溶液に浸漬し核酸を染色(15分)し紫外線照射して写真撮影した。ゲルから0.5乃至3kbまでの大きさのDNAを回収した。回収した該DNA各々と市販のラムダファージベクターλEXcell(AmershamPharmacia製)を市販のDNA Ligase(TOYOBO製)を用いて連結させた。次に該DNA反応物を市販のラムダファージパッケージングキットGigapack III Gold(STRATAGENE製)を用いてラムダファージとし、ベクターλEXcellに添付の大腸菌NM522を宿主としてcDNAライブラリーとした。
得られた各々のcDNAの塩基配列の決定を、市販のApplied Biosystems 3100 Genetic Analyzer(Applied Biosystems製)、PRISM377 DNA Sequencer(PE−Applied Biosystems製)及び別に合成した各種プライマーDNAを用いて行った。
ハイブリドーマJMab195が産生するヒトTβRIIに対するヒトモノクローナル抗体の重鎖の読み取り枠(open reading frame; ORF)を含むcDNA配列を配列番号6に、また該読み取り枠によりコードされる重鎖の全長(シグナル配列を含む)のアミノ酸配列を配列番号7に、また軽鎖の読み取り枠(open reading frame; ORF)を含むcDNA配列を配列番号8に、また該読み取り枠によりコードされる重鎖の全長(シグナル配列を含む)のアミノ酸配列を配列番号9に示した。
決定された各々のDNA配列を基に、遺伝子配列解析ソフトウェアーABI PRISM DNA sequencing software及びABI PRISM AutoAssembler(Applied Biosystems製)を用いて、Tomlinsonらにより作成されたヒトイムノグロブリンの可変領域遺伝子のライブラリーV BASE/V GOLD(Tomlinson, I. M., et al; V BASE: ”A Database of Human Immunoglobulin Variable Region Genes”; MRC Center for Protein Enginieering; Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, UK)を検索した。
V領域:3−23; D領域:DN4; J領域:JH5b; C領域:ヒトG2
V領域:A30; J領域:JK1; C領域:ヒトκ
GTC(Val)  →  ATC(Ile)
GCT(Ala)  →  GTT(Val)
GGT(Gly)  →  GTT(Val)
CAA(Gln)  →  CTA(Leu)
AGC(Ser)  →  AAC(Asn)
CAG(Gln)  →  CAA(Gln)
AGT(Ser)  →  ACT(Thr)
実施例7 抗ヒトTβRIIモノクローナル抗体JMab195の腎疾患及び組織繊維症の治療効果
カニクイザル(雄、3歳、各群3匹、ケアリー製)にケタミン(1ml/body; 三共製)を筋肉内に、またペントバルビタールナトリウム(5乃至10mg/kg; 大日本製薬製)を静脈内に投与して麻酔した。左脇腹周辺を剃毛し70%エタノールで消毒後、左腹側を切開し左腎側の尿管を2箇所(腎臓に近い位置及び膀胱に近い位置)で結紮し、その間を手術用鋏で切断した(UUO、Unilateral ureteral obstruction)。尿管を切断後直ちに腹壁を縫合し、アンピシリンナトリウム・クロキサシリンナトリウム(0.5ml/body;明治製菓製)を筋肉内投与した。
縫合後直ちに、下記のいずれかの被験物質または対照物質を静脈内投与した。該物質の溶媒には、PBS(−)/0.01%polysorbate 80を用いた。
(1)30mg/kg; 5mg/mlを6ml/kg
(2)10mg/kg; 1.67mg/mlを6ml/kg
(3)3mg/kg; 0.5mg/mlを6ml/kg
各種濃度の抗ヒトTGFβ1モノクローナル抗体JMab83(ATCC No.HB−9849
(1)30mg/kg; 5mg/mlを6ml/kg
(2)10mg/kg; 1.67mg/mlを6ml/kg
(3)3mg/kg; 0.5mg/mlを6ml/kg
(1)30mg/kg; 5mg/mlを6ml/kg
(2)10mg/kg; 1.67mg/mlを6ml/kg
(3)3mg/kg; 0.5mg/mlを6ml/kg
片腎結紮処置から3日目の各被験サルに、ケタミン(1ml/body; 三共製)を筋肉内に、またペントバルビタールナトリウム(5乃至10mg/kg; 大日本製薬製)を静脈内に投与して麻酔した後、放血致死させた。次いで、正中線に沿って開腹し、UUO処置腎として左腎を、また対照である正常腎として右腎を摘出した。各腎の湿重量を測定した後、以下で行うmRNA測定用の試料として腎皮質の一部を採取し液体窒素で凍結し−80℃で保管した。
常法に従って、各々の腎皮質試料中に発現しているType I collagen mRNA及びGAPDH mRNAを以下のようにして定量した。
市販のRNeasy Mini Kit(QIAGEN製)を用いて該キットに添付の実験操作マニュアルに従って、各腎皮質試料のtotal RNAを取得した。RNAの定量は、Ultrospec300(Pharmacia Biotech製)で行った。
得られたTotal RNAを鋳型としてM−MLV Reverse Transcriptase(Invitrogen製)、RNase−Free DNase Set(QUIAGEN製)、5×1st strand buffer及び0.1M DTT、10mM dNTP(Invitrogen製)、oligo(dT)primer(Invitrogen製)を用いて常法に従ってcDNAを調製した。
得られたcDNAに、RNase Free Water(QUIAGEN製)、10×TaqMan buffer A(Applied Biosystems製)、25mM MgCl、Primse sense、Primer antisense、Fluorescent Probe及びAmpliTaq Gold(Applied Biosystems製)を加えて反応させ、ABI PRISM 7700 Sequence Detector(Applied Biosystems製)を用いて、各試料中に発現したType I collagen及びGAPDHのmRNAの量を測定した。
各試料中のType I collagenのmRNAの発現量は、上記で測定したType I collagenのmRNAのコピー数をGAPDHのmRNAのコピー数で除して値により解析した。
この結果、本発明の抗TβRIIヒトモノクローナル抗体JMab195が、陰性対照に比べ、腎臓疾患並びに組織繊維症の代表的なパラメーターであるType I collagenのmRNAの発現を顕著に抑制した。また、また驚くべきことに、該JMab195による当該抑制効果は、TβRIIのリガンドであるTGFβ1に対するモノクローナル抗体(陽性対照;1D11)のそれよりもさらに高いものであった。

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【図2】UUO処置されたサルの腎臓において腎不全症の進行に伴って起こるType I collagenのmRNAの発現上昇に対する抗ヒトTGFβヒトモノクローナル抗体の阻害活性を示す図。[0001]
The present invention binds to a type II receptor of human transforming growth factor-β (Transforming Growth Factor-β; TGF-β) (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “TGF-β type II receptor” or “TβRII”). The present invention relates to a monoclonal antibody (particularly, a human monoclonal antibody) or a part thereof, a cell producing the monoclonal antibody, and a pharmaceutical composition comprising the monoclonal antibody.
[Prior art]
In a search for growth factors of normal rat fibroblasts, two growth factors found as molecules that promote the transformation of normal cells were transformed growth factor-α (Transforming Growth Factor-α; TGF-α). And Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β). Subsequent studies have shown that TGF-α is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, while TGF-β is produced by most types of cells, and its receptors are also found in organs and cells. (Biol. Signals., Vol. 5, p. 232, 1996 and Pulmonary Fibrosis, Vol. 80 of Lung Biology in Health and Disease Series, ed. York, 1995). TGF-β has an activity of controlling cell differentiation and proliferation. The cell growth activity of TGF-β varies greatly depending on the type of cell (Roberts et al, The transforming growth factor-βs, In Peptide Growth Factors and Therbiter Repartners, Part. AB, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, 419-472). For example, while having an activity of promoting cell proliferation on mesenchymal cells such as fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells, it has an activity on various types of cells such as epithelial cells, vascular endothelial cells, and blood cells. Was found to act as a factor that suppresses growth rather than promotes growth. Furthermore, it is clear that TGF-β has various functions such as not only control of cell proliferation but also control of the immune system and promotion of accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM; Extracellular Matrix) such as collagen, fibronectin and tenisin. (Adv. Immunol., Vol. 55, p. 181, 1994 and Seminars in Cell Biol., Vol. 5, p. 389, 1994).
Recently, it has been revealed that the mechanism of this versatile function of TGF-β stems from the specificity of TGF-β receptor structure and signaling.
TGF-β is a protein having a molecular weight of about 25 kD, and forms a dimer with two peptides. There are five isoforms of TGF-β, TGF-β1, TGF-β2 and TGF-β3 in mammals, TGF-β4 in chickens, and TGF-β5 in frogs. These isoforms have about 70% homology to each other.
Of TGF-β, the function of TGF-β1 has been particularly analyzed. TGF-β1 plays a very important role in the healing process of wounds in living tissues (New Engl. J. Med., Vol. 331, p. 1286, 1994 and J. Cell. Biol., Vol. 119, p. .1017, 1992). At the wound site of the tissue, a rapid and dynamic biological reaction such as infiltration of inflammatory cells and fibroblasts, proliferation and angiogenesis of ECM, and cell proliferation for tissue regeneration occurs, and the wound is repaired.
At the time of wounding, bleeding occurs first, and then TGF-β and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are produced from platelets, and inactive TGF-β bound to ECM at the wound site is activated. The cells that have migrated or the cells at the wound site are exposed to the high concentration of TGF-β thus produced, so that FGF (fibroblast growth factor), TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) and IL-1 (Interleukin-1). ) Secrete growth factors and cytokines, and fibroblasts undergo ECM synthesis and secretion.
Furthermore, for example, in fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells, they are also referred to as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or connective tissue growth factor (Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF); Hcs24. J. Cell Biology, J. Cell Biology. Vol.114, No.6, p.1285-1294, 1991; Int.J.Biochem.Cell Biol., Vol.29, No.1, p.153-161, 1997; Circulation, Vol.95, No.95. 4, p.831-839, 1997; Cell Growth Differ., Vol.7, No.4, p.469-480, 1996; J. Invest. Dermatol., Vol. J. Invest. Dermatol., Vol. 105, No. 2, p. 280-284, 1995; J. Invest. Dermatol., Vol. 105, No. 106, No. 4, p. 1, p.128-132, 1995; and International Patent Application Publication No. WO 96/38172) and increased production of fibronectin.
TGF-β1 further suppresses the production of proteolytic enzymes, increases its enzyme inhibitors, promotes the synthesis of integrins involved in the adhesion of ECM to cells, promotes the growth and deposition of ECM, and repairs wounds. Is thought to do. In addition, TGF-β also has an immunosuppressive effect by suppressing the functions of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes and inhibiting the synthesis of TNF and IL-1.
Although the mechanism of the regulation of TGF-β expression is still unknown, it is thought that the expression of TGF-β is regulated by binding to the ECM proteoglycan (Nature, Vol. 346). , P. 281, 1990 and Nature, Vol. 360, p. 361, 1992). That is, it is considered that TGF-β is negatively controlled by the ECM promoted by TGF-β itself, and suppresses the overexpression of TGF-β together with the healing of the wound. Therefore, it is considered that when an abnormality occurs in the negative control, TGF-β is overexpressed and a pathological state such as tissue fibrosis (fibrosis) occurs.
On the other hand, in pulmonary fibrosis and renal sclerosis, TGF-β is maintained at a high concentration even though the deposition of ECM has sufficiently occurred, and such a pathological condition such as fibrosis may occur. Further proceed (Kidney Int., Vol. 45, p. 916, 1994 and J. Clin. Invest., Vol. 92, p. 632, 1993). In pulmonary fibrosis or renal sclerosis, whether the signal of TGF-β expression is always on due to the continuous tissue damage, or whether the negative control signal of TGF-β expression as described above does not enter , Or both are presumed to work synergistically.
Renal sclerosis is the final picture of many renal diseases, such as chronic glomerulonephritis and diabetic nephropathy, and is characterized by mesangial cell proliferation and increased ECM. Abnormal expression of TGF-β has been observed in kidneys with renal sclerosis (J. Clin. Invest., Vol. 90, p. 1, 1992 and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 86). , P. 1056, 1989). In an experimental nephritis model induced by anti-Thy-1 antibody, administration of anti-TGF-β antibody was shown to suppress the progression of nephritis, indicating that TGF-β is involved in the pathogenesis of renal sclerosis. Has been suggested (Nature, Vol. 346, p. 371, 1990).
On the other hand, in the lung, TGF-β is expressed at a high level in pulmonary fibrosis and idiopathic embryonic fibrosis induced by bleomycin administration, suggesting that TGF-β is involved in the formation of pulmonary fibrosis. Have been.
Moreover, in biopsy tissues of patients with chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis, the expression of TGF-β has been observed at the collagen deposition site. In addition, ECM deposition and TGF-β expression have been reported in arthritis such as vascular restenosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and skin keloids.
From these facts, it has been suggested that TGF-β may be involved in the pathogenesis of fibrosis (fibrosis) in various tissues, and the function of TGF-β is suppressed by antisense drugs or gene therapy. Thus, attempts to treat tissue fibrosis have been made experimentally (Kidney Int., Vol. 50, p. 148, 1996).
The above-mentioned expression of various functions of TGF-β and formation of various pathological conditions such as tissue fibrosis caused by TGF-β are caused by transmission of a signal into a cell by binding of TGF-β to a TGF-β receptor. Is started by
As a receptor for TGF-β in mammals such as humans and rats, a type I receptor (molecular weight: about 53 kD; GenBank Accession No: L11695; Cell, Vol. 75, No. 4, p. 681, 1993) A TGF-β type I receptor (TGF-β Type I receptor) or “Tβ RI”; a type II receptor (molecular weight of about 70 kD; GenBank Accession No: M85079; Cell, Vol. 68, No. , P.775, 1992; hereinafter also referred to as “TGF-βII type receptor” (TGF-βTypeII receptor) or “TβRII”) and type III receptor (molecular weight of about 200-300 kD; GenBank Accession No. : L0 Cell, Vol.67, No. 4, p.785, 1991; Cell, Vol.67, No.4, p.797, 1991; and Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun., Vol.189, No. 594; 1, p. 356, 1992; hereinafter, may be referred to as “TGF-β type III receptor” (TGF-β Type III receptor) or “TβRIII”. Adv. Imm., Vol. 55, p. 181, 1994).
Regarding the role of these receptors, functional analysis of these receptors using artificially established mutants of the TGF-β resistant mink lung epithelial cell line Mv1Lu revealed TGF-β type I receptor and TGF-β type II receptor have been shown to be important and essential for TGF-β signal transduction (J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 265, p. 18518, 1990). And J. Biol. Chem., Vol.266, p.9108, 1991). On the other hand, the TGF-β type III receptor is not essential for TGF-β signal transduction, but is thought to play an indirect role.
The TGF-β type III receptor is a transmembrane protein consisting of 849 amino acids, and consists of an extracellular domain (761 amino acids), a transmembrane domain (24 amino acids) and an intracellular domain (43 amino acids). Be composed. The intracellular region of the TGF-β type III receptor is rich in serine (Ser) / threonine (Thr) residues, accounting for over 40%.
TGF-β type I receptor is a transmembrane protein consisting of 503 amino acids, and consists of an extracellular domain (101 amino acids), a transmembrane domain (22 amino acids) and an intracellular domain (356 amino acids). Be composed.
The TGF-β type II receptor is also a transmembrane protein consisting of 567 amino acids, including a signal sequence (23 amino acids), an extracellular region (136 amino acids), and a cell transmembrane region (30 amino acids) And an intracellular region (378 amino acids).
The TGF-β type I receptor and TGF-β type II receptor are single-transmembrane proteins having a relatively short extracellular region and a serine / threonine kinase structure having two kinase insertion sites. In addition, an aspartic acid (Asp) -linked sugar chain is bound to the intracellular region, and 10 cysteine (Cys) residues are found in the TGF-βI type receptor and 12 in the TGF-βII type receptor. It has a characteristic protein tertiary structure.
In the intracellular region of the TGF-β type I receptor, a region rich in glycine (Gly), serine (Ser) and threonine (Thr) called a GS region is found adjacent to the kinase region. The TGF-β type II receptor has a similar structure to the TGF-β type I receptor, but does not have a GS region.
The kinase regions of the TGF-β type I and TGF-β type II receptors have about 43% homology, and both have been shown to be serine / threonine-specific protein kinases. It has been clarified that both serine / threonine kinase domains need to act in order for β signals to be transmitted into cells (J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 269, p. 30753, 1994).
For transmission of TGF-β signal into cells, TGF-β type I receptor and TGF-β type II receptor are essential. The TGF-β type II receptor alone binds to TGF-β, but the TGF-β type I receptor alone does not bind to TGF-β. For transmission of a TGF-β signal into a cell, it is important that both the TGF-β type I receptor and the TGF-β type II receptor form a complex on the cell surface.
When TGF-β binds to the TGF-β type II receptor, the TGF-β type II receptor has been shown to form a heterotetrameric complex with the TGF-β type I receptor on the cell surface (J. Biol. Chem., Vol.269, p.20172, 1994). That is, the TGF-β type I receptor acts as a substrate for the TGF-β type II receptor, and when both form a complex in the presence of TGF-β, the TGF-β type II receptor becomes a TGF-β type I receptor. It is thought that phosphorylation of the GS region activates the TGF-β type I receptor, and consequently phosphorylation of other intracellular substrates leads to further transmission of TGF-β signals. (Nature, Vol. 370, p. 341, 1994).
Although the details of the pathway of transmission of the TGF-β signal to the downstream of the TGF-β type I receptor still remain unclear, recently, TGF-β located downstream of the TGF-β type Signaling molecules (Nature, Vol. 381, p. 620, 1996; Cell, Vol. 86, p. 543), consisting of eight isoforms that mediate β signaling, and are collectively referred to as Smads (S Mothers against Dpp). Nature, 383, p. 168, 1996; and Nature, Vol. 383, p. 832, 1996), and a signaling molecule (Science, Vol. 270) called TAK1 (TGF-β activated kinase-1). , P. 2008, 1995). There. Smad2 and Smad3 bind to the TGF-β type I receptor activated by forming a complex with the TGF-β type II receptor, and are phosphorylated by the kinase of the TGF-β type II receptor. It has been shown that it separates from the type II receptor, forms a complex with Smad4 (DPC4), and translocates into the nucleus (Cell, Vol. 87, p. 1215, 1996 and EMBO J., Vol. 16). , No. 17, 1997). It is believed that the Smad2 / Smad4 or Smad3 / Smad4 complex that has translocated into the nucleus binds to a DNA-binding protein (transcription factor) and acts as a transcription activation factor to regulate gene expression (Nature, Vol. 383, p. 832, 1996 and Nature, Vol. 390, p. 465, 1997).
TAK1 has been shown to be involved in TGF-β signaling by acting as a MAPKKK on the MAP kinase cascade.
As described above, TGF-β is deeply involved in the formation of various tissue fibrosis such as renal sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis and cirrhosis, and also various pathologies such as chronic hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, vascular restenosis and skin keloids. Thus, it is considered that the formation of these pathological conditions is caused by transmission of TGF-β signal into cells via TGF-β receptor.
Therefore, it is suggested that by controlling, especially suppressing the transmission of TGF-β signal into cells, it is possible to treat or prevent those pathological conditions.
Regarding attempts to treat those conditions by suppressing TGF-β signal transduction, target TGF-β and suppress the function of TGF-β using an antibody against TGF-β or antisense to the TGF-β gene. Attempts have been made to suppress disease states such as nephritis.
However, TGF-β receptor, which is a binding partner of TGF-β, suppresses the function of TGF-βII type receptor, in other words, targets TGF-βII type receptor, and targets TGF-βII type receptor. Almost no reports have been made on the treatment of diseases by inhibiting the signaling of TGF-β into cells.
Under these circumstances, the present inventors have intensively studied a human monoclonal antibody against human TGF-β type II receptor, succeeded in producing various human monoclonal antibodies binding to human TGF-β type II receptor, It is the first in the world that the human monoclonal antibody inhibits signal transduction of TGF-β into cells via TGF-β type II receptor by in vitro and in vivo tests, and is useful for treating renal diseases such as nephritis. It was reported for the first time (Kidney Int., Vol. 60, No. 5, p. 1745-55, 2001; and International Application Publication WO 01-36642).
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In the treatment of disease using a monoclonal antibody, one of the important factors is the high binding affinity of the monoclonal antibody to the target antigen and the strength of the neutralizing activity of the activity of the target antigen.
Therefore, various diseases (for example, various tissue fibrosis such as renal sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis and cirrhosis, etc.) using monoclonal antibodies to human TGF-β type II receptor (especially human monoclonal antibodies) aimed at by the present inventors, Efficient treatment or prevention of chronic hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, vascular restenosis, skin keloids, etc. (Efficiency in various aspects: medical, pharmaceutical, manufacturing technical, economic, social) For example, it is preferable to prepare an anti-TGF-β type II receptor monoclonal antibody having the highest possible antigen affinity and antigen-neutralizing activity.
That is, the present invention provides an anti-TGF-β type II receptor monoclonal antibody (particularly a human monoclonal antibody) having high affinity / high neutralization activity, which enables efficient treatment and prevention of such various diseases. An object of the present invention is to provide a pharmaceutical composition comprising a monoclonal antibody and a method for treating the disease using the same.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present inventors have conducted intensive studies on a human monoclonal antibody against the human TGF-β type II receptor to achieve the above-mentioned object. As a result, the present inventors have found that extremely high binding affinity for the human TGF-β type II receptor and It was the first in the world to succeed in producing a monoclonal antibody having a high neutralizing activity.
Furthermore, the monoclonal antibody of the present invention not only significantly inhibits TGF-β signaling through TGF-β type II receptor into cells, but also inhibits various diseases (eg, renal diseases (eg, nephritis, renal fibrosis, Disease, renal sclerosis, etc.), various tissue fibrosis such as renal fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis, cirrhosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cutaneous keloid, etc.) and have completed the present invention. .
A human monoclonal antibody, which is one embodiment of the monoclonal antibody included in the present invention, is a human-derived antibody, and thus poses a major problem in the treatment of an antibody drug composed of an antibody derived from a non-human mammal such as a mouse-derived antibody. The antigenicity to humans, which was a point (side effect), that is, no serious immune rejection of the host caused by HAMA (Human anti-mouse antigenicity) was caused at all, so the value of the antibody as a drug was dramatically increased. It is to let.
The pharmaceutical composition comprising the monoclonal antibody or a part thereof of the present invention can be used for various diseases caused by the action of TGF-β, for example, renal diseases (eg, renal fibrosis, nephritis, renal failure, and renal sclerosis). , Lung diseases (eg, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, etc.), liver diseases (eg, liver tissue fibrosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.), skin diseases (eg, wounds, scleroderma, psoriasis, keloids, etc.), arthritis ( For example, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.), vascular diseases (eg, vascular restenosis, rheumatic vasculitis, etc.), tissue fibrosis in various organs (including tissue fibrosis complicated by various cancers), It is useful as a pharmaceutical for suppressing or preventing the onset and / or progress of arteriosclerosis (including concurrent tissue fibrosis) and treating or preventing the disease.
That is, the invention is as described in the following (1) to (34) of the invention.
(1) A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region of the heavy chain is derived from the human immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment 3-23. Or a part thereof.
(2) A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region of the light chain is derived from the human immunoglobulin light chain V gene segment A30. Monoclonal antibodies or parts thereof.
(3) a monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region of the heavy chain is derived from the human immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment 3-23, and A monoclonal antibody or a part thereof, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region of the light chain is derived from the human immunoglobulin light chain V gene segment A30.
(4) A monoclonal antibody which binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the heavy chain comprises the following amino acid sequence (a) or (b), or a monoclonal antibody or a part thereof: :
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted, or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6.
(5) A monoclonal antibody which binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the light chain comprises the following amino acid sequence of (c) or (d), or a monoclonal antibody thereof. :
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
(6) A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the heavy chain variable region comprises the following amino acid sequence (a) or (b), and the light chain variable region comprises the following ( A monoclonal antibody or a part thereof comprising the amino acid sequence of c) or (d):
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
(7) A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the heavy chain has the following amino acid sequence (a) or (b), or a monoclonal antibody or a part thereof: :
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acid Nos. 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6.
(8) A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the light chain has the following amino acid sequence (c) or (d), or a part thereof: :
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
(9) A monoclonal antibody which binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the heavy chain has the following amino acid sequence (a) or (b), and the variable region of the light chain is A monoclonal antibody having the amino acid sequence of (c) or (d) or a part thereof:
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
(10) A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, and has a dissociation constant (Kd) of 10 × 10 -10 (M) A monoclonal antibody or a part thereof having a smaller numerical value.
(11) The monoclonal antibody or a part thereof according to any one of (1) to (10), wherein the monoclonal antibody is a human monoclonal antibody.
(12) A cell that produces the monoclonal antibody according to any one of (1) to (11).
(13) The cell according to (12), wherein the cell is a fused cell obtained by fusing a mammalian B cell with a mammalian myeloma cell for the ability to produce the human monoclonal antibody. The cells as described.
(14) a gene transformed by introducing the DNA into the cell, either the DNA encoding the heavy chain of the monoclonal antibody or the DNA encoding the light chain thereof, or both DNAs; The cell according to the above (12), which is a recombinant cell.
(15) A pharmaceutical composition comprising the monoclonal antibody or a part thereof according to any of (1) to (11), and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
(16) The above (15), wherein the pharmaceutical composition is used for inhibiting transmission of a signal generated by binding of human TGF-β to human TGF-β type II receptor into cells. 8. The pharmaceutical composition according to item 1.
(17) The pharmaceutical composition according to (15), wherein the pharmaceutical composition is used for suppressing tissue fibrosis.
(18) The pharmaceutical composition according to (17), wherein the fibrosis of the tissue is fibrosis in lung, liver, kidney or skin.
(19) The pharmaceutical composition according to (17), wherein the fibrosis of the tissue is fibrosis in the kidney.
(20) The pharmaceutical composition according to (15), wherein the pharmaceutical composition is used for treating or preventing a kidney disease.
(21) The pharmaceutical composition is used for suppressing or treating renal sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, cirrhosis, vascular restenosis, arteriosclerosis, psoriasis, scleroderma, atopy, keloid or arthritis. The pharmaceutical composition according to the above (15), wherein
(22) A polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6.
(23) A polypeptide having the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6.
(24) An immunoglobulin heavy-chain polypeptide having the amino acid sequence of amino acid Nos. 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6 in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted, or added.
(25) A polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
(26) a polypeptide having the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(27) An immunoglobulin light chain polypeptide having an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted, or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
(28) A DNA encoding the polypeptide according to any of (22) to (27).
(29) A DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of base numbers 96 to 440 of SEQ ID NO: 7.
(30) a DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of base numbers 96 to 1472 of SEQ ID NO: 7;
(31) a DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of base numbers 39 to 389 of SEQ ID NO: 9;
(32) a DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of base numbers 39 to 749 of SEQ ID NO: 9;
(33) A vector comprising the DNA according to any of (29) to (32).
(34) A cell transformed with a vector containing the DNA according to any of (29) to (32).
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail by clarifying the meanings of phrases used in the present invention.
The `` mammal '' in the present invention means human, cow, goat, rabbit, mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig, and the like, preferably human, rabbit, rat, hamster or mouse, and particularly preferably, A human, rat, hamster or mouse.
The terms “non-human mammal” and “non-human mammal” used in the present invention are synonymous with each other, and refer to any mammal other than a human in the above-defined mammals.
The term `` amino acid '' used in the present invention means any naturally occurring amino acid, and is preferably represented as follows according to the three-letter or single-letter notation of the alphabet used to represent amino acids. Amino acids.
Glycine (Gly / G), alanine (Ala / A), valine (Val / V), leucine (Leu / L), isoleucine (Ile / I), serine (Ser / S), threonine (Thr / T), asparagine Acid (Asp / D), glutamic acid (Glu / E), asparagine (Asn / N), glutamine (Glu / Q), lysine (Lys / K), arginine (Arg / R), cysteine (Cys / C), methionine (Met / M), phenylalanine (Phe / F), tyrosine (Tyr / Y), tryptophan (Trp / W), histidine (His / H), proline (Pro / P).
As used herein, the term “human TGF-β type II receptor” (sometimes referred to as “TβRII”) refers to a human TGF-β type II receptor having the structure and function reported in the previous report as described above. Body (human TGF-βtype II receptor) (for example, Cell, Vol. 68, No. 4, p. 775-785, 1992; Adv. Immunol., Vol. 55, p. 181-220, 1994; GenBank). Accession No .: M85079).
The natural human TGF-β type II receptor has the following structural features and properties.
The human TGF-β type II receptor is a transmembrane protein consisting of 567 amino acids, and has an extracellular domain (136 amino acids), a transmembrane domain (30 amino acids) and an intracellular domain (378 amino acids) Consists of The TGF-β type II receptor is a single transmembrane protein having a serine / threonine kinase structure having a relatively short extracellular region and two kinase insertion sites. In addition, aspartic acid (Asp) -linked sugar chains are bound to the intracellular region, and twelve cysteine (Cys) residues are observed, thereby taking a characteristic tertiary protein structure.
The kinase region of the TGF-β type II receptor is a protein kinase specific for serine / threonine and has about 43% homology to the kinase region of the TGF-β type I receptor. This kinase region is essential for the transmission of TGF-β signals into cells (J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 269, p. 30753, 1994).
The TGF-β type II receptor is a very important molecule that cooperates with the TGF-β type I receptor to transmit TGF-β signals into cells. The TGF-β type II receptor alone binds to TGF-β. When TGF-β binds to the TGF-β type II receptor, the TGF-β type II receptor has been shown to form a heterotetrameric complex with the TGF-β type I receptor on the cell surface (J. Biol. Chem., Vol.269, p.20172, 1994). When the complex is formed in the presence of TGF-β, the TGF-β type II receptor phosphorylates the GS region (described above) of the TGF-β type I receptor and activates the TGF-β type I receptor. Become As a result, it is considered that the TGF-β signal is transmitted further downstream by phosphorylating other intracellular substrates (Nature, Vol. 370, p. 341, 1994).
Further, the “human TGF-β type II receptor” (also referred to as “TβRII”) referred to in the present invention has substantially the same amino acid sequence as that of the above-mentioned natural type protein primary structure (amino acid sequence). Mutants of a natural human TGF-β type II receptor having the same amino acid sequence are also included.
Here, “a mutant of a natural human TGF-β type II receptor having substantially the same amino acid sequence” means the following mutant protein.
That is, a plurality of amino acids in the amino acid sequence, preferably 1 to 10 amino acids, particularly preferably 1 to 10 amino acids, as long as they have biological properties substantially equivalent to those of the natural human TGF-β type II receptor. A mutant protein having an amino acid sequence in which five amino acids have been substituted, deleted and / or modified, and a plurality of amino acids, preferably one to one in the amino acid sequence of the natural human TGF-β type II receptor A mutant protein having an amino acid sequence in which 10 amino acids, particularly preferably 1 to 5 amino acids are added.
Furthermore, a mutant having a plurality of such substitutions, deletions, modifications and additions may be used.
The human TGF-β type II receptor in the present invention can be obtained by appropriately using a known method known in the technical field such as a chemical synthesis method, a cell culture method or the like or a modification method thereof in addition to a gene recombination technique. Can be manufactured.
Further, the “human TGF-β type II receptor” (also referred to as “TβRII”) in the present invention includes “a part” of the human TGF-β type II receptor. Here, “part” means a polypeptide containing any partial sequence in the amino acid sequence of the human TGF-β type II receptor defined above.
Preferably, it refers to the extracellular region of the human TGF-β type II receptor as defined above or any part thereof.
The “part” of the human TGF-β type II receptor (preferably, the extracellular region of the human TGF-β type II receptor or any part thereof) is obtained by a known method known in the art described below or a modification thereof. According to the method, it can be produced by a gene recombination technique or a chemical synthesis method, or can be produced by appropriately cleaving human TGF-β type II receptor isolated by a cell culture method using a proteolytic enzyme or the like. can do.
The “human monoclonal antibody” of the present invention is a human monoclonal antibody that binds to the human TGF-β type II receptor defined above.
More specifically, the variable region (Variable region) of the heavy chain (H chain) and the constant region of the H chain (Constant Region) constituting the immunoglobulin and the variable region of the light chain (L chain) and the constant region of the L chain are defined. The entire region including the human immunoglobulin is derived from the gene encoding human immunoglobulin. Examples of the L chain include a human κ chain and a human λ chain.
The "human monoclonal antibody" of the present invention can be prepared by immunizing any of the following immunogens (antigens) to a human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammal described below.
(A) Natural cells or artificially established cell lines that express the human TGF-β type II receptor as defined above on the cell surface.
(B) A transgenic cell produced by a transgenic technique so as to express the human TGF-β type II receptor as defined above on the cell surface.
(C) A cell lysate obtained by solubilizing the cells of (a) or (b), or a polypeptide fragment of human TGF-β type II receptor purified from the cell lysate.
(D) It is prepared using a gene recombination technique so as to express a part of the human TGF-β type II receptor defined above (particularly preferably, its extracellular region or any peptide thereof) as a soluble polypeptide. Genetically modified cells.
(E) A culture supernatant obtained by culturing the genetically modified cells of (d) or an extracellular domain polypeptide of human TGF-β type II receptor purified from the culture supernatant (soluble human TGF-β type II) Receptor).
(F) Part of the chemically synthesized human TGF-β type II receptor (particularly preferably, its extracellular region or any peptide thereof).
Furthermore, the monoclonal antibody of the present invention is a recombinant antibody obtained by transforming a host cell with cDNAs encoding each of the heavy and light chains of the monoclonal antibody of the present invention using a gene recombination technique. The cells can also be obtained from the culture supernatant by culturing the “recombinant cells” of the present invention that produce a recombinant monoclonal antibody.
The monoclonal antibody of the present invention may be a human monoclonal antibody having any isotype of IgG (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4), IgM, IgA (IgA1, IgA2), IgD or IgE. Preferably, it is IgG (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4), preferably IgG1, IgG2 or IgG4, and particularly preferably IgG4.
The human monoclonal antibody of the present invention immunizes a human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammal, such as a human antibody-producing transgenic mouse described below, with any of the immunogens (antigens) described in (a) to (f) above. The monoclonal antibody can be produced according to an existing general production method.
That is, for example, the human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammal is immunized with the antigen together with Freund's Adjuvant as necessary. Polyclonal antibodies can be obtained from serum obtained from the immunized animal. In addition, a monoclonal antibody is prepared by preparing a fusion cell (hybridoma) from the antibody-producing cell obtained from the immunized animal and a myeloma cell (myeloma cell) having no autoantibody-producing ability, cloning the hybridoma, It is produced by selecting a clone that produces a monoclonal antibody showing a specific affinity for the antigen used for immunization.
More specifically, it can be produced as follows. That is, the human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammal (particularly preferably described below) is combined with the immunogen of any one of the above (a) to (c) together with Freund's Adjuvant, if necessary, together with Freund's Adjuvant. Immunization is carried out by subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, intravenous, intraperitoneal or intraperitoneal injection or transplantation of human antibody-producing transgenic mice "). Usually, immunization is performed 1 to 4 times about every 1 to 14 days after the initial immunization, and antibody producing cells are obtained from the immunized mammal about 1 to 5 days after the final immunization. The number of immunizations and the time interval can be appropriately changed depending on the nature of the immunogen used.
Preparation of a fusion cell (hybridoma) secreting a monoclonal antibody can be performed according to the method of Koehler and Milstein et al. (Nature, Vol. 256, p. 495-497, 1975) and a modification method analogous thereto. That is, spleen, lymph node, bone marrow or tonsil, etc., obtained from a human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammal immunized as described above, and antibody-producing cells preferably contained in the spleen, preferably mice, rats, It is prepared by cell fusion with mammals such as guinea pig, hamster, rabbit or human, more preferably mouse, rat or human derived myeloma cells having no autoantibody-producing ability.
Examples of myeloma cells used for cell fusion include mouse-derived myeloma P3 / X63-AG8.653 (ATCC No. CRL-1580), P3 / NSI / 1-Ag4-1 (NS-1), and P3 / X63-Ag8. . U1 (P3U1), SP2 / 0-Ag14 (Sp2 / O, Sp2), PAI, F0 or BW5147, rat-derived myeloma 210RCY3-Ag. 2.3. And human-derived myeloma U-266AR1, GM1500-6TG-A1-2, UC729-6, CEM-AGR, D1R11 or CEM-T15.
Screening for cells producing monoclonal antibodies (eg, hybridomas) involves culturing the cells, eg, in a microtiter plate, and using the culture supernatant of the wells in which growth has been observed against the immunizing antigen used in the immunization described above. The reactivity can be measured by, for example, measuring an enzyme immunoassay such as RIA (radio immunoassay) or ELISA (enzyme-linked immuno-solvent assay).
Production of the monoclonal antibody from the hybridoma is carried out in vitro on the hybridoma or in vivo in a mouse, rat, guinea pig, hamster or rabbit or the like, preferably in a mouse or rat, more preferably in ascites of a mouse, and the obtained culture supernatant. Alternatively, it can be performed by isolating from ascites of a mammal.
In addition, a gene encoding a monoclonal antibody is cloned from the hybridoma or the `` recombinant cell '' of the present invention that produces a recombinant monoclonal antibody described below, and the gene is converted into an endogenous gene by using a transgenic animal production technique. It is also possible to produce an integrated transgenic cow, goat, sheep or pig, and obtain a large amount of a monoclonal antibody derived from the monoclonal antibody gene from the milk of the transgenic animal (Nikkei Science, 1997). April issue, pages 78 to 84).
When the monoclonal antibody-producing cells are cultured in vitro, the hybridoma is grown, maintained, and stored in accordance with various conditions such as the characteristics of the cell type to be cultured, the purpose of the test and research, and the culture method. It can be carried out using a known nutrient medium as used for producing monoclonal antibodies or any nutrient medium derived and prepared from a known basal medium.
As the basic medium, for example, a low calcium medium such as Ham'F12 medium, MCDB153 medium or low calcium MEM medium and a high calcium medium such as MCDB104 medium, MEM medium, D-MEM medium, RPMI1640 medium, ASF104 medium or RD medium, etc. The basal medium may contain, for example, serum, hormones, cytokines, and / or various inorganic or organic substances, depending on the purpose.
For isolation and purification of the monoclonal antibody, the above-mentioned culture supernatant or ascites is obtained by using a saturated ammonium sulfate, euglobulin precipitation method, caproic acid method, caprylic acid method, ion exchange chromatography (DEAE or DE52, etc.), anti-immunoglobulin column or It can be performed by subjecting it to affinity column chromatography such as a protein A column.
The monoclonal antibody of the present invention includes a heavy chain and / or a heavy chain having an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted or added in each amino acid sequence of the heavy chain and / or light chain constituting the antibody. Alternatively, a human monoclonal antibody comprising a light chain is also included.
Here, "several amino acids" means a plurality of amino acids, specifically 1 to 10 amino acids, and preferably 1 to 5 amino acids.
The above-mentioned partial modification (deletion, substitution, insertion, addition) of an amino acid into the amino acid sequence of the human monoclonal antibody of the present invention is introduced by partially modifying the base sequence encoding the amino acid sequence. can do. This partial modification of the nucleotide sequence can be carried out by a conventional method using a known site-specific mutagenesis method (Site specific mutagenesis) (Proc. Natl. Acsd. Sci. USA, Vol. 81, p. 5662-5666, 1984).
In the present invention, “derived from the human immunoglobulin light chain V gene segment” means that the DNA of the V region encoding the heavy chain or light chain variable region of the monoclonal antibody is an immunoglobulin heavy chain locus (Ig heavy chain). gene locus or any of a number of V gene segments present at the light chain locus (Ig light chain gene locus) due to transcription of the nucleic acid sequence of one of the V genes, which is completely identical to the nucleic acid sequence of the V gene Or one or several (specifically, 1 to 10) bases are different from the nucleic acid sequence of the V gene (here, it means deletion, substitution and / or insertion). Means
The “human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammal” of the present invention, a particularly preferred embodiment of a human antibody-producing transgenic mouse, can be produced according to a previous report (Nature Genetics, Vol. 7, p. 13-21, 1994). Nature Genetics, Vol. 15, p. 146-156, 1997; Japanese Patent Publication No. 4-504365; Japanese Patent Publication No. 7-509137; Nikkei Science, June, pp. 40-50, 1995. International Application Publication No. WO 94/25585; Nature, Vol. 368, p. 856-859, 1994;
Specifically, the human antibody-producing transgenic mouse can be produced, for example, by using a technique comprising the following steps. Other human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammals can be produced in a similar manner.
(1) The mouse endogenous immunoglobulin heavy chain gene is functionally disabled by substituting at least a part of the mouse endogenous immunoglobulin heavy chain locus with a drug resistance marker gene (such as a neomycin resistance gene) by homologous recombination. The step of producing an activated knockout mouse.
(2) By replacing at least a part of the mouse endogenous immunoglobulin light chain locus with a drug resistance marker gene (such as a neomycin resistance gene) by homologous recombination, the mouse endogenous immunoglobulin light chain gene (particularly the κ chain gene) B) producing knockout mice that have been functionally inactivated.
(3) The desired region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain locus is integrated into the mouse chromosome using a vector capable of carrying a large gene, such as a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vector. Producing a transgenic mouse.
(4) A transgenic mouse in which a desired region of a human immunoglobulin light chain (particularly κ chain) locus is integrated into a mouse chromosome using a vector capable of carrying a large gene represented by YAC or the like. The process of making.
(5) By crossing the knockout mouse and the transgenic mouse of (1) to (4) in any order, both the mouse endogenous immunoglobulin heavy chain locus and the mouse endogenous immunoglobulin light chain locus function. Producing a transgenic mouse that has been specifically inactivated and has both the desired region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain locus and the desired region of the human immunoglobulin light chain locus integrated on the mouse chromosome.
The knockout mouse is constructed so that the appropriate region of the mouse endogenous immunoglobulin locus is replaced by a foreign marker gene (such as a neomycin resistance gene) by homologous recombination so that the locus cannot be rearranged (rearranged). It can be produced by activating. For the inactivation using the homologous recombination, for example, a method called positive negative selection (Positive Negative Selection; PNS) can be used (Nikkei Science, May, p. 52-62). , 1994).
Functional inactivation of the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus can be achieved, for example, by introducing a disorder into a portion of the J or C region (eg, the Cμ region). Functional inactivation of an immunoglobulin light chain (for example, a κ chain) can be achieved by, for example, introducing a disorder into a part of the J region or the C region, or a region including a region spanning the J region and the C region. It is.
The transgenic mouse can be prepared by a conventional method commonly used in the production of transgenic animals (for example, see the latest manual for animal cell experiments, published by LCI, Chapter 7, pp. 361 to 408, 1990). ). Specifically, for example, an HPRT-negative (lacking the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase gene) ES cell (embryonic stem cell) derived from a normal mouse blastcyst is blasted with the human immunoglobulin heavy chain. The gene encoding the locus or the light chain locus or a part thereof and the yeast containing the YAC vector into which the HPRT gene has been inserted are fused by spheroplast fusion. ES cells in which the exogenous gene has been integrated on the mouse endogenous gene are selected by the HAT selection method. Next, the selected ES cells are microinjected into a fertilized egg (blastocyst) obtained from another normal mouse (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 77, No. 12, pp. 7380-7384). , 1980; U.S. Pat. No. 4,873,191). The blastocyst is implanted into the uterus of another normal mouse as a foster mother. Thus, a chimeric transgenic mouse is born from the foster parent mouse. By crossing the chimeric transgenic mouse with a normal mouse, a heterotransgenic mouse is obtained. By crossing the heterogeneic transgenic mice, a homogenic transgenic mouse can be obtained according to Mendel's law.
The "part of the monoclonal antibody" in the present invention means a partial region of the above-described human monoclonal antibody of the present invention, and specifically, F (ab ') 2 , Fab ′, Fab, Fv (variable fragment of antibody), sFv, dsFv (disulphide stabilized Fv) or dAb (single domain opinion opponent). Ther. Patents), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 441-456, 1996).
Here, "F (ab ') 2 "And" Fab '"are produced by treating an immunoglobulin (monoclonal antibody) with a protease such as pepsin or papain to form a disulfide bond existing between two H chains in the hinge region. Antibody fragments produced by digestion before and after. For example, when IgG is treated with papain, it is cleaved upstream of the disulfide bond existing between the two heavy chains in the hinge region, resulting in V.V. L (L chain variable region) and C L (L chain constant region) and V chain H (H chain variable region) and C H Two homologous antibody fragments in which an H chain fragment composed of γ1 (the γ1 region in the H chain constant region) is linked by a disulfide bond at the C-terminal region can be produced. Each of these two homologous antibody fragments is called Fab '. When IgG is treated with pepsin, it is cleaved downstream of a disulfide bond existing between two H chains in the hinge region to produce an antibody fragment slightly larger than the two Fab's connected by the hinge region. Can be. This antibody fragment is expressed as F (ab ') 2 That.
The “cell producing the monoclonal antibody” of the present invention or the “genetically modified cell” of the present invention producing a recombinant human monoclonal antibody means any cell producing the above-described monoclonal antibody of the present invention.
Specifically, for example, cells described in any of the following (1) to (3) can be mentioned, but are not limited thereto.
(1) Monoclonal antibody obtained by immunizing the above-mentioned non-human mammal (including a human antibody-producing transgenic non-human mammal) with the immunogen (antigen) defined above and being collected from the immunized animal Producing B cells.
(2) The above-mentioned fused cells (hybridomas) obtained by cell fusion of the thus obtained monoclonal antibody-producing B cells with mammalian myeloma cells. (3) A gene encoding the monoclonal antibody (either a gene encoding a heavy chain or a gene encoding a light chain, or both, isolated from the monoclonal antibody-producing B cell or the monoclonal antibody-producing fusion cell (hybridoma)) Gene for producing a recombinant monoclonal antibody obtained by transforming a cell other than the B cell and the hybridoma (for example, CHO (Chinese hamster ovarian) cell, BHK (Baby hamster childney) cell, etc.) Recombinant cells.
Here, the genetically modified cells producing the genetically modified monoclonal antibody according to (3) above include the genetically modified monoclonal antibody produced by the B cell or hybridoma of (1). Genetically modified cells to be produced are meant.
The “binding rate constant (ka)” in the present invention means a value indicating the strength (degree) of the binding of the monoclonal antibody to the target antigen, calculated based on the kinetics of the antigen-antibody reaction. The “dissociation rate constant (kd)” means a value indicating the strength (degree) of dissociation of the monoclonal antibody from the target antigen, calculated based on the antigen-antibody reaction kinetics. The “dissociation constant (Kd)” is a value obtained by dividing the “dissociation rate constant (kd)” value by the “dissociation rate constant (ka)” value. These constants are used as indices indicating the affinity of the monoclonal antibody for the antigen and the neutralizing activity of the antigen.
The constants can be analyzed according to various methods. However, a commercially available measurement kit, BiacoreX (manufactured by Amersham Pharmacia) or a similar kit, can be easily used according to the instruction manual and experimental operation method attached to the kit. Can be analyzed. The ka value, kd value and Kd value determined using the kit are respectively 1 / M. It is expressed by units of Sec, 1 / Sec and M (mole). The higher the ka value of the tested monoclonal antibody, the stronger the antigen binding activity, and the lower the Kd value, the stronger the neutralizing activity.
The human monoclonal antibody of the present invention preferably has a dissociation constant (Kd) for human TGF-β type II receptor of 10 × 10 -10 Monoclonal antibodies (in particular, human monoclonal antibodies) having a numerical value smaller than (M) are included.
It should be noted that the values of ka, kd, and Kd described above are expected to vary slightly depending on various conditions at the time of measurement, but may vary as an error range. It is.
The “pharmaceutical composition” in the present invention is useful as a pharmaceutical comprising the monoclonal antibody or a part thereof that binds to the human TGF-β type II receptor of the present invention as an active ingredient, and a “pharmaceutically acceptable carrier”. Means a composition.
Here, "pharmaceutically acceptable carrier" refers to excipients, diluents, extenders, disintegrants, stabilizers, preservatives, buffers, emulsifiers, fragrances, coloring agents, sweeteners, thickeners. , A flavoring agent, a solubilizer or other additives.
By using one or more of such carriers, medicines in the form of tablets, pills, powders, granules, injections, liquids, capsules, troches, elixirs, suspensions, emulsions, syrups, etc. A composition can be prepared.
These pharmaceutical compositions can be administered orally or parenterally. Other forms for parenteral administration include topical solutions containing one or more active substances and formulated in a conventional manner, suppositories and pessaries for enteral administration.
The dosage varies depending on the age, sex, weight and condition of the patient, therapeutic effect, administration method, treatment time, or the type of active ingredient (such as the protein or antibody) contained in the pharmaceutical composition. The dose can be administered in the range of 10 μg to 1000 mg (or 10 μg to 500 mg) at a time per person. However, since the dose varies depending on various conditions, a dose smaller than the above dose may be sufficient, or a dose exceeding the above range may be required.
In particular, in the case of an injection, the concentration is 0.1 μg antibody / ml carrier to 10 mg antibody / ml carrier in a non-toxic pharmaceutically acceptable carrier such as physiological saline or commercially available distilled water for injection. Can be produced by dissolving or suspending as described above.
The injection thus produced is applied to a human patient in need of treatment at a rate of 1 μg to 100 mg per kg body weight, preferably 50 μg to 50 mg per day, in a single administration. It can be administered once to several times. Examples of the administration form include medically appropriate administration forms such as intravenous injection, subcutaneous injection, intradermal injection, intramuscular injection, and intraperitoneal injection. Preferably it is an intravenous injection.
Injectables can also be prepared as non-aqueous diluents (eg, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, vegetable oils such as olive oil, alcohols such as ethanol, etc.), suspensions and emulsions. .
Such injections can be sterilized by filtration sterilization through a bacteria retaining filter, blending of a bactericide or irradiation. Injectables can be manufactured in the form of preparation for use. That is, it can be used as a sterile solid composition by freeze-drying or the like, dissolved in sterile distilled water for injection or another solvent before use.
INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY The pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is useful for inhibiting transmission of a TGF-β signal involved in the development of various disease states and diseases into cells via a TGF-β type II receptor.
Furthermore, the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention provides various diseases caused by the action of TGF-β, for example, renal diseases (renal fibrosis, nephritis, renal failure, renal sclerosis, etc.), lung diseases (for example, pulmonary fibrils). Disease, pneumonia, etc.), liver diseases (eg, liver tissue fibrosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.), skin diseases (eg, wounds, scleroderma, psoriasis, keloids, etc.), arthritis (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, deformity) Arthrosis), vascular disease (eg, vascular restenosis, rheumatic vasculitis, etc.), tissue fibrosis in various organs (including tissue fibrosis associated with various cancers), and arteriosclerosis (concurrent tissue) The present invention is useful as a pharmaceutical for suppressing or preventing the onset and / or progression of the disease (including fibrosis) and treating or preventing the disease.
In particular, since the human monoclonal antibody or the pharmaceutical composition thereof of the present invention is composed of a human-derived monoclonal antibody, it does not cause immune rejection of the host caused by HAMA (human anti-mouse antibody) and can be used as an antibody drug. Extremely useful.
In addition, the therapeutic effect of the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention for various disease symptoms can be tested and examined by administering to a known disease model animal according to a conventional method.
For example, when examining the therapeutic effect of renal fibrosis, which is a type of tissue fibrosis and also a type of kidney disease, one of the ureters of a mouse or monkey is ligated to filter the blood or the like of the kidney. The pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is administered to a model (UUO model, Unilateral urethane obstruction) in which renal dysfunction has been induced by stopping the disease, and an index of the onset of nephritis and renal fibrosis induced by the renal dysfunction. A method of measuring the degree of suppression of the increase in the production of hydroxyproline or the suppression of the increase in the expression of mRNA of Type I collagen can be used.
As yet another method, a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is administered to a rat model of nephritis induced by administering an antibody against Thy-1, a cell surface marker, to a rat, and the nephritis caused by the renal dysfunction is induced. And a method for measuring the amount of protein excreted in urine, the amount of creatinine in serum, and the degree of reduction in production of extracellular matrix (fibronectin, type I collagen, etc.) which are indicators of the onset of renal fibrosis. (Nephron, Vol. 78, p. 453-463, 1998; Kidney Blood Press Res., Vol. 22, p. 5-12, 1999). The reduction in urine protein, serum creatinine, fibronectin or type I collagen indicates that the pharmaceutical composition is effective for treating the renal disease.
Renal diseases, such as microglomerular abnormalities (eg, nephrotic microchange group (MCNS)), focal glomerulosclerosis (FGS), membranous glomerulonephritis (membranous nephropathy, MN), IgA nephropathy, For mesangial proliferative nephritis, acute glomerulonephritis after streptococcal infection (APSGN), crescentic (extravascular) nephritis, interstitial nephritis, acute renal failure, etc., use model animals detailed in the previous report (“Testing and experimental methods for production of disease-specific animal models and development of new drugs”, pp. 34-46, 1993, Technical Information Association (published)).
For skin diseases, for example, wounds, keloids, atopy, dermatitis, scleroderma, psoriasis, etc., model animals detailed in the previous report can be used ("Production of disease-specific model animals and development of new drugs"). Tests and Experimental Methods, "p.229-235, 1993, Technical Information Association (published).
For liver diseases, for example, hepatitis (eg, viral hepatitis (type A, B, C, E, etc.)), cirrhosis or drug-induced liver injury, it is possible to use model animals detailed in the previous report. (“Test and Experimental Methods for the Preparation of Disease-Specific Animal Models and New Drug Development”, pp. 119-129 and 349-358, 1993, Technical Information Association (published)).
For example, when examining the effects on arteriosclerosis and vascular restenosis, a restenosis model created by inserting a balloon catheter into the rat aorta, performing PTCA, and simulating the restenosis can be used.
The DNA encoding the specific polypeptide used in the present invention may be prepared by a conventional method such as a method of cloning cDNA from mRNA encoding the polypeptide, a method of isolating genomic DNA and splicing, a method of cDNA sequence or mRNA. It can be obtained by a method of preparing by PCR using a sequence as a template, or a method of chemical synthesis.
Furthermore, DNA encoding a specific part of the polypeptide or a fusion polypeptide of the part with another polypeptide can be obtained by cleaving (digesting) the DNA thus prepared with an appropriate restriction enzyme, The obtained DNA fragment can be prepared by ligating it with a linker DNA or a tag (Tag), if necessary, using an appropriate DNA polymerase or the like.
The following method is exemplified as a method for cloning cDNA encoding the desired polypeptide from mRNA.
First, mRNA encoding a target polypeptide is prepared from a tissue or cell that expresses / produces the target polypeptide. For preparation of mRNA, total RNA prepared by a known method such as a guanidine thiocyanate method (Biochemistry, Vol. 18, p. 5294, 1979), a hot phenol method or an AGPC method is used to prepare oligo (dT) cellulose or poly-U. -It can be carried out by subjecting to affinity chromatography using Sepharose or the like.
Next, a known method such as, for example, using reverse transcriptase using the obtained mRNA as a template, for example, the method of Okayama et al. (Mol. Cell. Biol., Vol. 2, p. 161, 1982 and the same journal, Vol. 3, p. 280, 1983) or the method of Hoffman et al. (Gene, Vol. 25, p. 263, 1983) and the like, and the cDNA is converted into double-stranded cDNA. This cDNA is incorporated into a plasmid vector, a phage vector or a cosmid vector, and transformed into Escherichia coli, or after in vitro packaging, transfected into Escherichia coli to prepare a cDNA library.
The plasmid vector used here is not particularly limited as long as it can be replicated and maintained in the host, and any phage vector can be used as long as it can be propagated in the host. Examples of commonly used cloning vectors include pUC19, λgt10, λgt11 and the like. However, when subjected to the immunological screening described below, a vector having a promoter capable of expressing a gene encoding a target polypeptide in a host is preferable.
Methods for incorporating cDNA into a plasmid include, for example, the method described in Maniatis et al. (Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, second edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p. 1.53, 1989). Examples of the method for incorporating cDNA into a phage vector include the method of Hyunh et al. (DNA Cloning, a practical approach, Vol. 1, p. 49, 1985). For convenience, a commercially available cloning kit (for example, a product of Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd.) can also be used. The thus obtained recombinant plasmid or phage vector is introduced into a suitable host such as a prokaryotic cell (for example, E. coli: HB101, DH5α, Y1090, DH10B or MC1061 / P3).
Examples of a method for introducing a plasmid into a host include a calcium chloride method or a calcium chloride / rubidium chloride method described in (Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, second edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p. 1.74, 1989). Ration method and the like. Examples of a method for introducing a phage vector into a host include a method in which phage DNA is packaged in vitro and then introduced into a grown host. In vitro packaging can be easily performed by using a commercially available in vitro packaging kit (eg, manufactured by Stratagene, Amersham, etc.).
The method of isolating the cDNA encoding the polypeptide of interest from the cDNA library prepared by the above method can be performed by combining general cDNA screening methods.
For example, after separately synthesizing an oligonucleotide that is considered to correspond to the amino acid sequence of the target polypeptide, 32 Labeled with P to form a probe, a known colony hybridization method (Crunstein et al., Proc. Natl. Acid. Sci. USA, Vol. 72, p. 3961, 1975) or a plaque hybridization method (Molecular) Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, second edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p. 2.108, 1989), a method for screening a clone containing a cDNA of interest, a PCR primer, and a PCR method for a specific region of the polypeptide of interest. And selecting a clone having a DNA fragment encoding the region.
When a cDNA library prepared using a vector capable of expressing cDNA (for example, a phage vector such as λgt11) is used, an antigen-antibody reaction using an antibody reactive with a target polypeptide is used. The desired clone can be selected. When a large number of clones are processed, it is preferable to use a screening method using a PCR method.
The nucleotide sequence of the DNA thus obtained was determined by the Maxam-Gilbert method (Maxam et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol. 74, p. 560, 1977) or a dideoxynucleotide using phage M13. Synthetic chain termination (Sanger et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol. 74, p. 5463-5467, 1977). The gene encoding the polypeptide of interest can be obtained by cutting out all or part of the gene from the clone obtained as described above using restriction enzymes and the like.
In addition, as a preparation method by isolating a DNA encoding a target polypeptide from genomic DNA derived from a cell expressing the target polypeptide as described above, for example, the following method is exemplified.
The cells are preferably lysed using SDS or proteinase K and the like, and DNA extraction is performed by repeating extraction with phenol. The RNA is digested, preferably by ribonuclease. The obtained DNA is partially digested with an appropriate restriction enzyme, and the obtained DNA fragment is amplified with an appropriate phage or cosmid to prepare a library. Then, a clone having the target sequence is detected by, for example, a method using a radiolabeled DNA probe, and all or a part of the gene encoding the target polypeptide is cut out from the clone with a restriction enzyme or the like and obtained.
The DNA encoding the target polypeptide can be prepared by PCR using a known mRNA or cDNA of the target polypeptide as a template ("Gene amplification PCR method: basic and new developments", Kyoritsu Shuppan) Inc., 1992).
The production of DNA encoding the target polypeptide by chemical synthesis can be carried out according to a conventional method based on the base sequence of the target polypeptide.
The target polypeptide or a part thereof used in the present invention may be prepared by using a DNA (DNA or genomic DNA containing an intron) containing the DNA encoding the target polypeptide prepared by the method exemplified above as appropriate. A DNA fragment encoding the target polypeptide was obtained by digestion with an enzyme, and these fragments were ligated with a linker DNA or a tag (Tag) as necessary using an appropriate DNA polymerase or the like. A recombinant protein can be prepared from DNA by a conventional method using a commonly used gene recombination technique.
Specifically, it is as exemplified below. That is, the DNA prepared as described above is inserted into a vector as described in detail below to prepare an expression vector, and the expression vector is used to transform a host cell as described below to obtain a transformant. . The target polypeptide is produced in the culture supernatant by culturing the transformant. The target polypeptide in the culture supernatant can be easily purified using column chromatography or the like.
The expression vector used to produce the target polypeptide is not particularly limited as long as it can replicate and maintain or self-propagate in various prokaryotic and / or eukaryotic host cells, and includes plasmid vectors and phage vectors. (Cloning Vectors: A Laboratory Manual, Elsview, New York, 1985).
The expression vector can be simply prepared by ligating a DNA encoding the polypeptide of interest to a vector for recombination (plasmid DNA and bacterial phage DNA) available in the art by a conventional method. Specific examples of the recombination vector used include plasmids derived from Escherichia coli such as pBR322, pBR325, pUC12, pUC13, and pUC19; plasmids derived from yeasts such as pSH19 and pSH15; and plasmids derived from Bacillus subtilis such as pUB110, pTP5, and pC194. And the like. Examples of the phage include bacteriophage such as λ phage, and animal and insect viruses (pVL1393, manufactured by Invitrogen) such as retrovirus, vaccinia virus, and nucleopolyhedrovirus.
For the purpose of producing the target polypeptide, a plasmid vector is useful. The plasmid vector is not particularly limited as long as it has a function of expressing DNA encoding the target polypeptide in various prokaryotic and / or eukaryotic host cells and producing these polypeptides. For example, pMAL C2, pcDNA3.1 (-), pEF-BOS (Nucleic Acid Research, Vol. 18, p. 5322, 1990, etc.) or pME18S (Experimental Medical Supplement "Genetic Engineering Handbook", 1992, etc.) and the like can be mentioned. be able to.
When a bacterium, particularly Escherichia coli, is used as a host cell, the expression vector generally comprises at least a promoter-operator region, an initiation codon, a DNA encoding the protein of the present invention, a stop codon, a terminator region, and a replicable unit.
When yeast, animal cells or insect cells are used as the host, the expression vector preferably contains at least a promoter, an initiation codon, DNA encoding the target polypeptide, and a termination codon. It may also contain a signal peptide-encoding DNA, an enhancer sequence, a 5′- and 3′-side untranslated region of the target polypeptide, a splicing junction, a polyadenylation site, a selection marker region or a replicable unit. Good. Further, it may contain a gene amplification gene (marker) usually used depending on the purpose.
The promoter-operator-region for expressing the polypeptide of interest in bacteria includes a promoter, an operator, and a Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence (eg, AAGG). For example, when the host is a bacterium belonging to the genus Escherichia, those containing a Trp promoter, a lac promoter, a recA promoter, a λPL promoter, an lpp promoter, a tac promoter and the like are preferably exemplified.
Examples of a promoter for expressing a target polypeptide in yeast include a PH05 promoter, a PGK promoter, a GAP promoter, and an ADH promoter. When the host is a bacterium belonging to the genus Bacillus, a SL01 promoter, a SP02 promoter, a penP promoter, and the like are exemplified. Can be
When the host is a eukaryotic cell such as a mammalian cell, examples thereof include an SV40-derived promoter, a retrovirus promoter, and a heat shock promoter. However, it is not particularly limited to these. Use of an enhancer is also an effective method for expression.
A suitable initiation codon is, for example, a methionine codon (ATG).
Examples of the stop codon include common stop codons (for example, TAG, TAA, and TGA).
As the terminator region, a commonly used natural or synthetic terminator can be used.
A replicable unit refers to DNA capable of replicating its entire DNA sequence in a host cell, including native plasmids, artificially modified plasmids (DNA fragments prepared from native plasmids) and Includes synthetic plasmids and the like. Suitable plasmids include E. coli. In E. coli, plasmid pBR322 or an artificially modified product thereof (a DNA fragment obtained by treating pBR322 with an appropriate restriction enzyme) is used. In yeast, yeast 2μ plasmid or yeast chromosomal DNA is used. In mammalian cells, plasmid pRSVneo ATCC 37198 is used. And plasmid pSV2dhfr ATCC 37145, plasmid pdBV-MMTneo ATCC 37224, plasmid pSV2neo ATCC 37149, plasmid pSV2bsr, and the like.
As the enhancer sequence, polyadenylation site and splicing junction site, those commonly used by those skilled in the art, such as those derived from SV40, for example, can be used.
As the selection marker, a commonly used marker can be used by a conventional method. Examples thereof include antibiotic resistance genes such as tetracycline, ampicillin, and kanamycin.
Examples of the gene amplification gene include a dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene, a thymidine kinase gene, a neomycin resistance gene, a glutamate synthase gene, an adenosine deaminase gene, an ornithine decarboxylase gene, a hygromycin-B-phosphotransferase gene, and an aspartate transcarbamylase gene. And the like.
The expression vector of the present invention can be prepared by ligating at least the above-mentioned promoter, start codon, DNA encoding the protein of the present invention, stop codon and terminator region to an appropriate replicable unit in a continuous and circular manner. it can. At this time, if necessary, an appropriate DNA fragment (for example, a linker or another restriction enzyme site) can be used by a conventional method such as digestion with a restriction enzyme or ligation using T4 DNA ligase.
The transformed cell of the present invention can be prepared by introducing the above-described expression vector into a host cell.
The host cell used in the present invention is not particularly limited as long as it is compatible with the above-mentioned expression vector and can be transformed, and natural cells or artificially established cells usually used in the technical field of the present invention are used. Various cells such as recombinant cells (for example, bacteria (genus Escherichia, genus Bacillus), yeast (genus Saccharomyces, genus Pichia), animal cells or insect cells, etc.) are exemplified.
Escherichia coli or animal cells are preferred, and specifically, Escherichia coli (DH5α, DH10B, TB1, HB101, XL-2Blue, etc.), and mouse-derived cells (COP, L, C127, Sp2 / 0, NS-1, or NIH3T3, etc.) , Rat-derived cells, hamster-derived cells (such as BHK and CHO), monkey-derived cells (such as COS1, COS3, COS7, CV1 and Velo) and human-derived cells (Hela, cells derived from diploid fibroblasts, myeloma cells) And Namalwa etc.).
Introduction (transformation (transfection)) of an expression vector into a host cell can be performed using a conventionally known method.
For example, in the case of bacteria (E. coli, Bacillus subtilis, etc.), for example, the method of Cohen et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol. 69, p. 2110, 1972), the protoplast method (Mol. Gen.). Genet., Vol. 168, p. 111, 1979) or the competent method (J. Mol. Biol., Vol. 56, p. 209, 1971), in the case of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for example, Hinnen et al. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol. 75, p. 1927, 1978) or the lithium method (J. Bacteriol., Vol. 153, p. 163, 1983). For example, the method of Graham (Virology, Vol. 52, p. 456, 1973), and in the case of insect cells, for example, the method of Summers et al. (Mol. Cell. Biol., Vol. 3, p. 2156-2165, 1983).
The target polypeptide can be produced by culturing a transformed cell containing the expression vector prepared as described above (hereinafter referred to as including a transfectant) in a nutrient medium.
The nutrient medium preferably contains a carbon source, an inorganic nitrogen source or an organic nitrogen source necessary for the growth of the host cell (transformant). Examples of the carbon source include glucose, dextran, soluble starch, and sucrose, and examples of the inorganic nitrogen source or the organic nitrogen source include ammonium salts, nitrates, amino acids, corn steep liquor, peptone, casein, meat extract, and so on. Examples include soybean meal and potato extract. If desired, other nutrients (eg, inorganic salts (eg, calcium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, magnesium chloride), vitamins, antibiotics (eg, tetracycline, neomycin, ampicillin, kanamycin, etc.)) may be contained. .
The culturing is performed by a method known in the art. Culture conditions, such as temperature, pH of the medium, and culture time are appropriately selected so that the protein of the present invention is produced in large quantities.
Specific examples of the culture medium and culture conditions used according to the host cell are shown below, but the invention is not limited thereto.
When the host is a bacterium, an actinomycete, a yeast or a filamentous fungus, for example, a liquid medium containing the above-mentioned nutrients is suitable. Preferably, the medium has a pH of 5 to 8.
If the host is E. coli. In the case of E. coli, preferred mediums include LB medium, M9 medium (Miller et al., Exp. Mol. Genet, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p. 431, 1972), YT medium and the like. In such a case, the cultivation can be carried out usually at 14 to 43 ° C. for about 3 to 24 hours with aeration and stirring as necessary.
When the host is a bacterium belonging to the genus Bacillus, the reaction can be carried out usually at 30 to 40 ° C. for about 16 to 96 hours, if necessary, with aeration and stirring.
When the host is yeast, examples of the medium include Burkholder minimum culture (Bostian, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 77, p. 4505, 1980). Desirably. The cultivation is usually performed at about 20 to 35 ° C. for about 14 to 144 hours, and if necessary, aeration and stirring can be performed.
When the host is an animal cell, for example, a MEM medium containing about 5 to 20% fetal bovine serum (Science, Vol. 122, p. 501, 1952) or a DMEM medium (Virology, Vol. 8, p. 396). 1959), RPMI 1640 medium (J. Am. Med. Assoc., Vol. 199, p. 519, 1967), 199 medium (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., Vol. 73, p. 1, 1950). , HamF12 medium and the like can be used. The pH of the medium is preferably about 6 to 8, and the culture is usually performed at about 30 to 40 ° C. for about 15 to 72 hours, and if necessary, aeration and stirring can be performed.
When the host is an insect cell, for example, Grace's medium containing fetal bovine serum (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 82, p. 8404, 1985), etc., and the pH thereof is about 5 to 8 It is preferred that The cultivation is usually performed at about 20 to 40 ° C. for 15 to 100 hours, and if necessary, aeration and stirring may be performed.
The target polypeptide can be produced by culturing the above-mentioned transformed cells (especially animal cells or Escherichia coli) and secreting them into the culture supernatant. That is, the obtained culture is filtered or centrifuged to obtain a culture filtrate (supernatant), and the polypeptide of interest is obtained from the culture filtrate according to a conventional method generally used for purifying and isolating a natural or synthetic protein. Is purified and isolated.
Isolation and purification methods include, for example, a method utilizing specific affinity such as affinity column chromatography, a method utilizing solubility such as salting out, solvent precipitation, dialysis, ultrafiltration, gel filtration, sodium dodecyl sulfate -Methods utilizing differences in molecular weight such as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, methods utilizing charges such as ion exchange chromatography and hydroxylapatite chromatography, methods utilizing differences in hydrophobicity such as reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, etc. A method using a difference between isoelectric points such as electric point electrophoresis may be used.
On the other hand, when the target polypeptide is present in the periplasm or cytoplasm of the cultured transformant, the culture is subjected to a conventional method such as filtration or centrifugation to collect the cells or cells, and the cells are collected in an appropriate buffer. After suspending and breaking cell walls and / or cell membranes such as cells by a method such as ultrasonication, lysozyme and freeze-thaw, a membrane fraction containing the target polypeptide is obtained by a method such as centrifugation or filtration. The membrane fraction is solubilized using a surfactant such as Triton-X100 to obtain a crude solution. Then, the crude solution can be isolated and purified by using a conventional method as exemplified above.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in more detail with reference to Examples, but it is needless to say that the present invention is not limited to only the embodiments described in the Examples.
In the following examples, “TGF-β type II receptor” may be referred to as “TβRII”.
Example 1 Preparation of immunogen
CDNA (SEQ ID NO: 1) encoding human TβRII (SEQ ID NO: 2) was prepared by a conventional method using PCR.
Specifically, using cDNA prepared from mRNA obtained from human kidney as a template, it was designed based on cDNA of human TβRII (Cell, Vol. 68, p. 775-758, 1992; GenBank Accession No .: M85079). It was synthesized by PCR using primers according to a conventional method.
The obtained human TβRII cDNA containing the translation region was inserted into a commercially available plasmid to prepare an expression vector. CHO-K1 cells (Dainippon Pharmaceutical) were transformed with this vector by electroporation. Transformed cells were cultured in Ham's F12 nutrient medium to express recombinant human TβRII. The expression of human TβRII was confirmed by Western blotting using an anti-human soluble TβRII polyclonal antibody (R & D).
A cell membrane fraction was prepared from the recombinant cells according to a conventional method and used as an immunogen.
Example 2 Preparation and selection of hybridoma producing anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody
The preparation of the monoclonal antibody in this example is described in Experimental Medicine (separate volume), Cell Engineering Handbook (edited by Toshio Kuroki et al., Published by Yodosha, pp. 66-74, 1992) and an introduction to monoclonal antibody experimental procedures (Tamie Ando) , Published by Kodansha, 1991).
As the human TβRII as an immunogen (antigen), the cell membrane fraction of the recombinant human TβRII-expressing recombinant cells prepared above was used.
As the animal to be immunized, a transgenic mouse producing a human IgG2 antibody produced by the method described above was used (Nature Genetics, Vol. 7, p. 13-21, 1994; Nature Genetics, Vol. 15, p. 146-156, 1997; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 4-504365; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 7-509137; Nikkei Science, June, pp. 40-50, 1995, etc.).
The cell culture operation was performed using a multiwell microplate.
The above-mentioned human antibody-producing transgenic mice (6 mice) were immunized with the antigen for the first time (day 0) by injecting the antigen together with complete Freund's adjuvant (Freund's Complete Adjuvant, ICN / CAPPEL) into the hood pad and peritoneal cavity. . Every week after the initial immunization, the antigen was boosted three times by injection into the hood pad and the peritoneal cavity together with incomplete Freund's Incomplete Adjuvant (ICN / CAPPEL), and further boosted with lymph node cells described below. Two days before the acquisition, the same antigen was used for the final immunization. The antigen and the adjuvant were mixed at a ratio of about 1: 1 for several minutes to about 1 hour.
Lymphocytes obtained from lymph nodes and spleens isolated from each animal and mouse myeloma cells P3 / X63-AG8.653 (ATCC No .: CRL-1580) were mixed at a ratio of 5: 1, and polyethylene glycol 1500 was used as a fusion agent. A number of hybridomas were prepared by cell fusion using (Roche). The fused cells were washed twice with an RPMI1640 medium (containing 1% penicillin-streptomycin; manufactured by SIGMA), suspended in an ASF104 medium containing 10% FBS and HAT (manufactured by Kojin Bio Inc.), and seeded on a 96-well microplate.
Hybridomas producing an anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody were screened from the hybridomas prepared above by the following two types of ELISA.
<1> Cell ELISA
One week after the cell fusion, the medium was replaced with a new medium, and the culture supernatant after 3 days was removed, and the hybridomas were primarily screened by Cell ELISA.
The CHO-K1 cells (Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and the recombinant CHO cells expressing human TβRII prepared above were washed with PBS and then treated with Trypsin-EDTA solution (GIBCO BRL) to collect each cell. Cells are placed in a 96-well microplate at 3-20 × 10 3 The cells were seeded at cell / well (100 μl / well) and cultured for 2 days until confluence.
After the culture, the culture supernatant was discarded, a primary antibody solution (diluted purified anti-human TβRII antibody or supernatant of each hybridoma; 50 μl / well) was added, and the mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature for 1.5 hours. The plate was washed twice with ASF104 medium containing 1% fetal calf serum ("wash buffer"; manufactured by Niken Biomedical Research Institute) and diluted with a 1,000- to 10,000-fold HRP (horse radiation) secondary antibody. (peroxidase) -labeled anti-human IgFc antibody (50 μl / well; manufactured by American Qualex) or HRP-labeled mouse IgFc antibody (50 μl / well; manufactured by Amersham) was added, and the mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature for 1 hour. The plate was washed twice with a washing buffer (200 μl / well), and TMB peroxidase substrate solution (100 μl / well; manufactured by Bio-Rad) as a substrate was added, followed by color development for 20 minutes, followed by 0.5 M HH. 2 SO 4 (50 μl / well) was added to stop the reaction, and the absorbance at a wavelength of 450 nm was measured with a microplate reader (manufactured by Bio-Rad).
Positive hybridomas were selected by comparing with the value in Cell ELISA using wild-type CHO-K1 cells as a control.
As a primary antibody negative control, an anti-KLH human monoclonal antibody (JMab23) prepared by immunizing the above-described human antibody-producing transgenic mouse with KLH (keyhole limpet hemocyanin, manufactured by PIERCE) was used. .
This Cell ELISA technique was also used for analysis of cross-reactivity to mouse TβRII and rat TβRII and isotyping of the monoclonal antibody of the present invention.
For the former Cell ELISA, mouse TβRII-highly expressing CHO cells or rat TβRII-highly expressing CHO cells prepared in the same manner as described above were used. In the latter Cell ELISA, the following antibodies for isotyping were used.
1. HRP-labeled anti-human IgFc antibody (EY Lab)
2. HRP-labeled anti-human IgM antibody (manufactured by American Qualex)
3. HRP-labeled anti-human Igκ antibody (manufactured by TAGO)
4. HRP-labeled anti-mouse Igλ antibody (manufactured by Solution Biotechnology Associates)
A human TβRII-Fc chimeric molecule (25 ng / well; 50 μl / well; Genzyme) or a human B7h-Fc chimeric molecule (negative control; see International Patent Publication WO01 / 87981) is placed on an ELISA microplate (Nunc). In addition, the mixture was left standing at room temperature for 1 hour to perform coating, Block Ace (200 μl / well) was added, and the mixture was left standing at room temperature for 2 hours or more to block unreacted portions. Then, after washing twice with PBS-T (200 ml / well), the primary antibody (diluted anti-human TβRII antibody (positive control; anti-TβRII human monoclonal antibody produced by clone TR2B19; see International Patent Publication WO 01-36642). ) Or the culture supernatant of each hybridoma; 50 μl / well) was added, and the mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature for 1.5 hours. Next, the plate was washed three times with PBS-T (200 μl / well), and a secondary antibody, an HRP-labeled anti-human Igκ antibody (2,000-fold dilution: 50 μl / well; manufactured by TAGO) was added. Let stand for hours. Next, the plate was washed four times with PBS-T, and TMB peroxidase substrate solution (100 μl / well; manufactured by Bio Rad) as a substrate was added, followed by color development for 15 minutes. 2 SO 4 (50 μl / well) was added to stop the reaction, and the absorbance at a wavelength of 450 nm was measured with a microplate reader (manufactured by Bio-Rad).
Positive hybridomas were selected by comparison with the values obtained by ELISA using a human B7h-Fc chimera molecule as a control.
The above-mentioned anti-KLH human monoclonal antibody (JMab23) was used as a primary antibody negative control.
Screening by the Cell ELISA described above revealed that all 480 of the 480 clones were positive. In the above-mentioned ELISA screening, 27 out of 480 clones positive for Cell ELISA were positive. In addition, 7 out of 480 clones were human IgG and human Igκ in the above-mentioned isotyping Cell ELISA.
Based on a series of screening results, hybridoma clones JMab195, JMab197, and JMab198 that were positive in the above two types of screening and whose isotypes were human IgG2 and human Igκ were selected.
The well containing the selected clones was replaced with a separately prepared cloning medium ASF104 medium (1% penicillin-streptomycin; 1 × HT; 10% fetal bovine serum; 1% non-essential amino acid; and 1% T-STIM), and further replaced. The cells were cultured and cloned by the limiting dilution method.
In addition, as a result of the cross-reactivity test by the Cell ELISA, none of the anti-antibodies produced by the three clones showed cross-reactivity with either rat or mouse TβRII.
Example 3 Inhibitory Activity of Anti-TGFβ Human Monoclonal Antibody on Cell Growth Inhibition Induced by TGFβ Stimulation
The biological activity of the anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody produced by each of the hybridomas selected above was analyzed as follows.
TGF-β has a cell growth promoting activity on mesenchymal cells such as fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells of various tissues, for example, various types of cells such as epithelial cells, vascular endothelial cells and blood cells. Has the activity of suppressing cell proliferation.
In this test, the inhibitory effect of the anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody produced by each of the hybridoma clones selected above on the suppression of proliferation of epithelial cells by TGF-β stimulation was analyzed as follows.
A 96-well microtiter plate was seeded with human-derived epithelial keratinocytes (200 cells / 100 μl DMEM-high glucose / well containing 0.1% FBS), and CO was seeded. 2 The cells were cultured in an incubator for 2 days. The medium was removed, each well was washed twice with the same culture medium, and a new culture medium was added. Next, an anti-TβRII human monoclonal antibody (0.23; 0.47; 0.93; 1.88; 3.75; 7.5) purified from the culture supernatant of the hybridomas (JMab195, JMab197 and JMab198) prepared above. 15; 30; 60 μg / ml) at 37 ° C. 2 The cells were cultured in an incubator for 3 hours. After the culture, human TGFβ1 (0.3 ng / ml; 50 μl / well; manufactured by Genzyme TECHNE) was added and CO 2 was added. 2 The cells were cultured in an incubator for 2 days.
Then, in each well, methyl- [ 3 [H] -thymidine (0.5 μCi / well; manufactured by Amersham-Pharmacia) was added, and the cells were further cultured for 6 hours. Cells were trapped on GF / C filters using a cell harvester (PACKARD). After the filter was dried at 40 ° C. for 2 hours or more, Microscinti O (manufactured by PACKARD) was added, and the filter was trapped by the filter. 3 The radioactivity of H was measured using a β counter (TOP COUNT) and used as an index of cell proliferation activity.
In addition, as a control test, the test was performed in the same manner as described above without adding human TGF-β1. As the negative control antibody, the aforementioned anti-KLH human monoclonal antibody (JMab23) was used.
The test was performed three times for each clone, and the IC of each monoclonal antibody was determined. 50 The average value of (μg / ml) was as follows.
JMab195: IC 50 (Μg / ml) = 3.03 ± 0.86
JMab197: IC 50 (Μg / ml) = 4.60 ± 0.89
JMab198: IC 50 (Μg / ml) = 4.14 ± 0.93
From these results, it was shown that any of the anti-human TGFβ human monoclonal antibodies significantly suppressed the suppression of proliferation of human-derived keratinocytes (keratinocytes) induced by TGFβ1 stimulation.
Example 4 Inhibitory Activity of Anti-Human TGFβ Human Monoclonal Antibody on Increased PAI-I Secretion from Mesangial Cells Induced by TGFβ Stimulation
225cm 2 Using a flask, normal human mesangial cells (CC-2559; Sanko Junyaku) were converted to RPMI 1640 medium (Niken Bio) containing 1% Penicillin-Streptmycin (GIBCO BRL) and 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS; MORGATE). CO at 37 ° C 2 The cells were cultured in an incubator. When the cells reached 90% confluence, they were used in the following tests.
Cells (3 × 10 4 cells / well), and on the following day, the medium was replaced with a PRMI1640 medium containing no FBS (containing 1% Penicillin-Streptmycin) (hereinafter referred to as FBS (-) / RPMI1640), followed by 24 hours of starvation (Starvation). . The medium was removed, FBS (−) / RPMI1640 (500 μl) and purified anti-TGFβ human monoclonal antibody (250 μl) derived from each of the hybridomas (JMab195, JMab197 and JMab198) selected above were added to each well, and incubated for 1 hour. Thereafter, cells were stimulated by adding human TGFβ1 (250 μl of 0.4 ng / ml; manufactured by R & D Systems). After culturing for 24 hours, the culture supernatant (250 μl / well) was collected in a 96-well microplate. The remaining culture supernatant was discarded, and FBS (−) / RPMI1640 (500 μl) containing 5% WST-1 (Roche) was added to the cells, followed by incubation for 4 hours. The culture supernatant (100 μl) was collected in a 96-well microplate, and the absorbance at a wavelength of 450 to 650 nm was measured using a microplate reader.
The concentration of PAI-I (plasmogen activator inhibitor) secreted into the culture supernatant was measured using a commercially available ELISA kit, TintElize PAI-I kit (manufactured by Biopool International), according to the operation manual attached to the kit. Various solutions (40; 20; 10; 5; 2.5; 0 ng / ml) of Standard PAI-I Plasma, a reagent of the kit, were prepared as human PAI-I standard substances.
PET Buffer (100 μl / well) was added to the microplate in the kit, and the plate was slightly shaken for 1 minute. The culture supernatant of each cell obtained above (diluted 2-fold with distilled water; 20 μl) or a PAI-I standard (20 μl) was added to the N well and the A well. Further, a conjugate (50 μl / well) was added and the mixture was gently shaken for 2 hours. Next, the solution in each well was removed by decanting, and washed (4 times) by adding PET Buffer (250 μl). After washing, a substrate (200 μl / well) was added, and the mixture was gently shaken for 15 minutes. Next, sulfuric acid (50 mol / well of 0.5 mol / l) was added, and the mixture was allowed to stand for 10 minutes under light shielding, and then the absorbance at a wavelength of 490 nm was measured using a microplate reader. The concentration of PAI-I secreted into each cell culture supernatant was determined from the obtained absorbance according to a calibration curve.
As the negative control, the above-mentioned anti-KLH human monoclonal antibody (JMab23) and anti-human CETP monoclonal antibody (JMab109; see International Application Publication No. WO96 / 34948) were used. In addition, as comparative controls, separately prepared anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibodies (anti-TβRII human monoclonal antibodies produced by clone TR2B19; see WO01-36642) and anti-TGFβ1 monoclonal antibodies (JMab83; ATCC No. HB- Monoclonal antibody 1D11.16.8) produced by 9849 hybridoma was used.
The results are shown in FIG.
Inhibitory activity of each anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody on the secretion of PAI-I from mesangial cells induced by TGF stimulation (IC 50 (Μg / ml)) was as follows.
JMab195: 2.2 μg / ml
JMab197:> 100 μg / ml
JMab198:> 100 μg / ml
Control (JMab148 / TR2B19): 22.3 μg / ml
As a result, the PAI-I production inhibitory activity of JMab195 was much stronger than that of other anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibodies (JMab197 and JMab198), and the inhibitory activity of control anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody (JMab148 / TR2B19). It was found that the strength was 10 times or more stronger than that of the first embodiment.
In addition, as a result of analyzing the inhibitory activity of each antibody on TGFβ-induced PAI-I production using mesangial cells of monkeys (cynomolgus monkey; Cary) in the same manner as described above, the anti-TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab195 of the present invention The secretion of PAI-I from salmesangial cells induced by TGFβ stimulation was significantly inhibited in an antibody concentration-dependent manner. This result indicated that JMab195 not only reacts with monkey TβRII but also has its neutralizing activity.
Example 5 Measurement of Affinity and Neutralizing Activity of Anti-Human TGF-βII Type Receptor Human Monoclonal Antibodies (JMab195 and JMab148) for Antigen (Human TGF-βII Type Receptor)
The anti-human TGF-β type II receptor human monoclonal antibody JMab195 which showed the strongest inhibitory activity in the TGFβ-induced mesangial cell PAI-I production inhibitory activity test and the anti-human TGF-βII type human monoclonal antibody as a positive control The binding rate constant (ka), dissociation rate constant (kd), and dissociation constant of JMab148 (an anti-TβRII human monoclonal antibody produced by clone TR2B19; see WO01-36642) with the human TGF-βII type receptor ( Kd) was measured using a commercially available measurement kit Biacore X (manufactured by Amersham-Pharmacia).
Operations other than the immobilization of the antigen (human TβRII-Fc chimera molecule) described below on the sensor chip were performed according to the instruction manual attached to the commercially available measurement kit Biacore X (manufactured by Amersham-Pharmacia) and the experimental operation method.
A running buffer (D-PBS (-); manufactured by Nikken Biomedical Research Laboratories) is flowed through the flow cell 1 (Flow Cell-1) set in the kit at 20 μl / min, and then 100 mM NaOH (10 μl). And 1% Triton X-100 (manufactured by Sigma) were added to wash the cell. After running the running buffer for 10 minutes and confirming that the baseline was stabilized, the flow rate of the running buffer was adjusted to 5 μl / min. A solution (35 μl) consisting of 5 mM NHS (N-hydroxysuccinimide) and 200 mM EDC (N-Ethyl-N ′-(dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide) was added to activate the carboxyl group of CM coated on the sensor chip surface. .
Next, 30 μl of a solution of a human TβRII-Fc chimeric molecule (Genzyme) (5 μg / ml; dissolved in a 10 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0)) was added, and the human TβRII-Fc was used as a sensor chip. Immobilized.
Then, unreacted activated carboxyl groups were blocked by adding 35 μl of 1 M ethanolamine hydrochloride. This operation of immobilizing the antigen was performed at 25 ° C. The same immobilization operation was performed a plurality of times for the following multiple tests.
In the immobilization operation, the amount of the immobilized antigen was 292.3 to 564.4 RU (resonance unit). RU indicates the mass per area, and 1 RU = 1 pg / mm 2 It is.
Flow cell 2 (Flow Cell-2) as a reference was capped by treating in the same manner as above without adding the human TβRII-Fc.
A phosphate buffer solution is flowed through the flow cell (sensor chip) at a flow rate of 20 μl / min, and the purified anti-human TGF-β type II receptor human monoclonal antibody JMab195 or JMab148 (6-16 μg / ml, 60 μl) prepared above is added. did.
The measurement was performed using the binding phase for 2 minutes and the dissociation phase for 2 minutes as standard conditions. The amount of the antibody bound to the antigen and the amount of the antibody dissociated from the antigen were measured over time to obtain a sensorgram.
Based on the obtained sensorgram data, the binding rate constant (ka), dissociation rate constant (kd), and dissociation constant (Kd; Kd; Kd = kd / ka) were determined using analysis software (BIAevaluation 3.0) attached to the kit. Was calculated.
The anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab195 of the present invention has a dissociation constant (average of six tests) of 8.06 × 10 6 -10 (M), the dissociation constant of the control anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab148 (mean of four tests) 1.91 × 10 -9 It had significantly higher antigen affinity and neutralizing activity than (M).
Surprisingly, the dissociation constant of JMab195 is extremely rare even in the field of monoclonal antibody research and development. -10 The antigen affinity was remarkably high, on the order of (M) or more.
Example 6 Gene sequence of anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab195 and
Determination and analysis of amino acid sequence
A cDNA sequence encoding the variable region of the heavy chain (Heavy Chain) and the cDNA sequence encoding the variable region and the constant region of the light chain (Light Chain) constituting the human monoclonal antibody JMab195 against human TβRII prepared in the above Examples. Was determined as described below, and the structural characteristics of the gene were analyzed.
After culturing the hybridoma producing JMab 195 produced in the above-described example, centrifugation is performed to collect the precipitate. + Stored at -80 ° C until RNA extraction.
<1> Preparation of mRNA
PolyA from hybridoma + RNA extraction and purification were performed as follows using a commercially available QuickPrep mRNA Purification Kit (manufactured by Amersham Pharmacia). According to the experimental operation manual attached to the kit, PolyA was obtained from the frozen hybridoma cells. + PolyA purified by RNA extraction and purification twice + Collected as RNA. PolyA obtained + The concentration of RNA was determined by measuring the absorbance at a wavelength of 260 nm.
<2> cDNA synthesis
PolyA obtained + Using RNA as a template, a double-stranded cDNA was synthesized by a reverse transscriptase method using a commercially available cDNBA synthesis kit SuperScript Choice System for cDNA synthesis (manufactured by GIBCO BRL) and a synthetic oligonucleotide NotI-T primer (SEQ ID NO: 3).
That is, the purified PolyA + RNA (about 5 μg) and NotI-T primer (400 pmol) were mixed, heated at 70 ° C. for 10 minutes, ice-cooled, 5 × 1st strand buffer (4 μl), 10 mM dNTP solution (1 μl) and 0.1 M A DTT solution (2 μl) was added and mixed. After performing pre-incubation at 37 ° C. for 2 minutes, SuperScriptII Reverse Transcriptase (5 μl) was added, and the reaction was carried out at 37 ° C. for 1 hour. After the reaction, DEPC-treated water (93 μl), 10 mM dNTP (3 μl), 5 × 2 nd strand buffer (30 μl), DNA polymerase I (4 μl), RNaseH (1 μl) and E. coli. Coli DNA ligase (1 μl) was added, mixed, and reacted at 16 ° C. for 2 hours. After the reaction, T4 DNA polymerase (2 μl) was added, and the mixture was further reacted for 2 minutes. Then, phenol / chloroform (150 μl) was added, and the mixture was centrifuged at 14,500 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature to collect an aqueous layer (130 μl). To the collected aqueous layer, 3M NaOAc (13 μl) and ethanol (325 μl) were added, mixed, cooled at −80 ° C., centrifuged at 14,500 rpm for 15 minutes, and the supernatant was discarded to collect a pellet. After the pellet was washed with 70% ethanol, the supernatant was discarded, dried under reduced pressure, and dissolved in TE buffer to obtain a cDNA solution.
<3> Preparation of cDNA adapter
24adp (100 pmol / μl; 50 μl) and 5′-end phosphorylated 20 adp (100 pmol / μl; 50 μl) were added to the above cDNA solution, mixed, and 3M NaOAc (10 μl) and ethanol (250 μl) were added. And cooled overnight. After cooling, the mixture was centrifuged (14,500 rpm; 4 ° C .; 15 minutes), the supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was collected. The pellet was washed with 70% ethanol, the supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was dried. Add an annealing buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl; pH 8.0; 0.1 mM EDTA; 5 mM MgCl) to the dried pellet. 2 200 mM NaCl), and the mixture was heated for 1 hour and then returned to room temperature to obtain a cDNA adapter solution.
<4> Preparation of cDNA library
The adapter solution (6 μl) was added to the cDNA solution (48 μl) obtained above, and Ligation High (27 μl; Toyobo) was further added and mixed. After mixing, the mixture was reacted at 16 ° C. for about 1.5 hours, and then heated at 70 ° C. for 10 minutes to stop the reaction, followed by cooling immediately. TE buffer (19 μl), 3 M NaOAc and ethanol (250 μl) were added to the ice-cooled sample, mixed, and cooled to −80 ° C. Then, the mixture was centrifuged (14,500 rpm; 15 minutes; 4 ° C.), the supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was washed with 70% ethanol and dried under reduced pressure. After drying, sterile distilled water and 10XH buffer (Takara Shuzo) were added to dissolve the pellet. Next, a restriction enzyme NotI (3 μl) was added and reacted at 37 ° C. for 2 hours. Next, 10 mM ATP (2 μl) and T4 kinase (2 μl) were added to the reaction solution, and the mixture was reacted at 37 ° C. for 30 minutes. After the reaction, 3M NaOAc (15 μl) and ethanol (375 μl) were added, cooled to −80 ° C., centrifuged (14,500 rpm; 4 ° C .; 15 minutes), discarded the supernatant, washed with 70% ethanol, and dried under reduced pressure. And dissolved in TE buffer (20 μl). This was used as a complete cDNA solution.
A loading buffer (4 μl; manufactured by Takara Shuzo) was added to the complete cDNA solution, a half of which was applied to a polyacrylamide gel (manufactured by Daiichi Pure Chemicals), and electrophoresed. The gel was immersed in an ethidium bromide solution to stain the nucleic acid (15 minutes) and irradiated with ultraviolet light to take a photograph. DNA from 0.5 to 3 kb in size was recovered from the gel. Each of the recovered DNAs was ligated to a commercially available lambda phage vector λEXcell (manufactured by Amersham Pharmacia) using a commercially available DNA Ligase (manufactured by TOYOBO). Next, the DNA reaction product was used as a lambda phage using a commercially available lambda phage packaging kit Gigapack III Gold (manufactured by STRATAGENE), and a cDNA library was prepared using Escherichia coli NM522 attached to the vector λEXcell as a host.
The cDNA library was screened by a conventional method using a synthetic oligo DNA as a probe to prepare cDNAs encoding the antibody heavy chain and the antibody light chain, respectively. As the probe relating to the antibody heavy chain, the synthetic oligo DNA described in SEQ ID NO: 4 was used. As the probe relating to the antibody light chain, the synthetic oligo DNA shown in SEQ ID NO: 5 was used.
The nucleotide sequence of each of the obtained cDNAs was determined by using commercially available Applied Biosystems 3100 Genetic Analyzer (manufactured by Applied Biosystems) and PRISM377 DNA Sequencer (manufactured using various DNA-based primers using various primers made by PE-Applied Biosystems).
The cDNA sequence containing the open reading frame (ORF) of the heavy chain of a human monoclonal antibody against human TβRII produced by hybridoma JMab195 is shown in SEQ ID NO: 6, and the full length of the heavy chain encoded by the open reading frame (the signal sequence is (SEQ ID NO: 7), the cDNA sequence containing the open reading frame (ORF) of the light chain in SEQ ID NO: 8, and the full length of the heavy chain encoded by the open reading frame (signal sequence SEQ ID NO: 9).
Based on each of the determined DNA sequences, a human immunoglobulin of a variable region of human immunoglobulin prepared by Tomlinson et al. Using gene sequence analysis software ABI PRISM DNA sequencing software and ABI PRISM AutoAssembler (manufactured by Applied Biosystems). V BASE / V GOLD (Tomlinson, IM, et al; V BASE: "A Data of Human Immunoglobulin Variable Region Genes"; MRC Center for Medicine, England, Russia, England, England, 2nd Edition;
As a result, it was revealed that the V region, D region, J region, and C region of each of the heavy and light chains of the human monoclonal antibody had the highest homology to the following segments.
<Heavy chain>
V region: 3-23; D region: DN4; J region: JH5b; C region: human G2
<Light chain>
V region: A30; J region: JK1; C region: human κ
As a result of further analysis, the heavy chain V region DNA of JMab195 was compared with the human immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment 3-23 (SEQ ID NO: 12; the amino acid sequence was SEQ ID NO: 13). It was found that the gene had a mutation of three bases, and as a result, three amino acid mutations occurred.
GTC (Val) → ATC (Ile)
GCT (Ala) → GTT (Val)
GGT (Gly) → GTT (Val)
On the other hand, the light chain V region DNA of JMab195 has a deletion of 3 bases and a mutation of 4 bases described below as compared with the human immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment A30. The mutation was found to have occurred.
CAA (Gln) → CTA (Leu)
AGC (Ser) → AAC (Asn)
CAG (Gln) → CAA (Gln)
AGT (Ser) → ACT (Thr)
Example 7 Therapeutic effect of anti-human TβRII monoclonal antibody JMab195 on kidney disease and tissue fibrosis
The therapeutic effect of the anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab195 of the present invention on renal disease and tissue fibrosis was examined using a disease model in which cynomolgus monkey kidney had artificial dysfunction and fibrosis.
The disease model includes various diseases or pathological conditions, for example, kidney diseases (renal insufficiency, nephritis, renal fibrosis, etc.), various tissue fibrosis (renal fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, fibrosis in liver tissue, skin Fibrosis in tissues, such as fibrosis in synovial tissue associated with rheumatoid arthritis, fibrosis associated with various cancers), skin diseases (scleroderma, psoriasis, atopy, etc.), liver diseases (cirrhosis, fibers in liver tissue) Disease, hepatitis, etc.), pulmonary diseases (pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, etc.), rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, and other pathological features or clinical findings . Thus, the therapeutic effects observed in this study are representative of the therapeutic effects of such a series of diseases or pathological conditions.
Cynomolgus monkey (male, 3 years old, 3 animals per group, Cary) intramuscularly with ketamine (1 ml / body; Sankyo) and intravenous sodium pentobarbital (5-10 mg / kg; Dainippon Pharmaceutical) Administered and anesthetized. After shaving the periphery of the left flank and disinfecting with 70% ethanol, the left flank is incised and the ureter on the left kidney side is ligated at two places (a position close to the kidney and a position close to the bladder). Cleavage (UUO, Unilateral urethane obstruction). Immediately after the ureter was cut, the abdominal wall was sutured, and ampicillin sodium / cloxacillin sodium (0.5 ml / body; manufactured by Meiji Seika) was intramuscularly administered.
Immediately after the suture, one of the following test substances or control substances was intravenously administered. As a solvent for the substance, PBS (−) / 0.01% polysorbate 80 was used.
1. Test substance
Various concentrations of anti-human TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab195
(1) 30 mg / kg; 5 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
(2) 10 mg / kg; 1.67 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
(3) 3 mg / kg; 0.5 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
2. Positive control substance
Various concentrations of anti-human TGFβ1 monoclonal antibody JMab83 (ATCC No. HB-9849)
Monoclonal antibody 1D11.16.8 produced by the hybridoma
(1) 30 mg / kg; 5 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
(2) 10 mg / kg; 1.67 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
(3) 3 mg / kg; 0.5 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
3. Negative control substance
Various concentrations of anti-KLH human monoclonal antibody JMab23 (described above)
(1) 30 mg / kg; 5 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
(2) 10 mg / kg; 1.67 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
(3) 3 mg / kg; 0.5 mg / ml to 6 ml / kg
After the administration, the test monkeys were bred in a breeding room by an ordinary method.
Ketamine (1 ml / body; manufactured by Sankyo) was intramuscularly administered and sodium pentobarbital (5 to 10 mg / kg; manufactured by Dainippon Pharmaceutical) was intravenously administered to each of the test monkeys on day 3 from the one-kidney ligation procedure. After anesthesia, the animals were sacrificed by exsanguination. The abdomen was then opened along the midline, and the left kidney was removed as a UUO-treated kidney and the right kidney as a control normal kidney. After measuring the wet weight of each kidney, a part of the renal cortex was collected as a sample for mRNA measurement performed below, frozen with liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80 ° C.
According to a conventional method, Type I collagen mRNA and GAPDH mRNA expressed in each renal cortex sample were quantified as follows.
Total RNA of each renal cortex sample was obtained using a commercially available RNeasy Mini Kit (manufactured by QIAGEN) in accordance with the experimental operation manual attached to the kit. RNA was quantified using Ultraspec300 (manufactured by Pharmacia Biotech).
Using the obtained total RNA as a template, M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (manufactured by Invitrogen), RNase-Free DNase Set (manufactured by QUIAGEN), 5 × 1st strand buffer and 0.1M DTT, 10M dNTP (manufactured by Invitrogen) cDNA was prepared using a primer (manufactured by Invitrogen) according to a conventional method.
The obtained cDNA was added to RNase Free Water (manufactured by QUIAGEN), 10 × TaqMan buffer A (manufactured by Applied Biosystems), 25 mM MgCl 2 , Primesense, Primer antisense, Fluorescent Probe, and AmpliTaq Gold (manufactured by Applied Biosystems) were added and reacted, and the ABI PRISM 7700 Sequence Detector was used for each of the samples obtained by using the samples obtained by using the samples obtained by using the samples obtained by using the samples obtained from the sampler. Was measured.
The expression level of Type I collagen mRNA in each sample was analyzed by dividing the copy number of Type I collagen mRNA measured above by the copy number of GAPDH mRNA.
The results are shown in FIG.
As a result, the anti-TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab195 of the present invention significantly suppressed the expression of mRNA of Type I collagen, which is a typical parameter of kidney disease and tissue fibrosis, as compared with the negative control. Also, surprisingly, the inhibitory effect of the JMab195 was even higher than that of a monoclonal antibody against TGFβ1, a TβRII ligand (positive control; 1D11).
This indicated that the anti-TβRII human monoclonal antibody JMab195 of the present invention had significant inhibitory and therapeutic effects on kidney disease and tissue fibrosis.
【The invention's effect】
Since the monoclonal antibody of the present invention that binds to the human TGF-β type II receptor has extremely high binding affinity and neutralizing activity for the human TGF-β type II receptor, it contains the monoclonal antibody or a part thereof. Can be used for various diseases caused by the action of TGF-β, such as renal diseases (renal fibrosis, nephritis, renal failure, renal sclerosis, etc.), lung diseases (eg, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, etc.) ), Liver diseases (eg, liver tissue fibrosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.), skin diseases (eg, wounds, scleroderma, psoriasis, keloids, etc.), arthritis (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.) Vascular disease (eg, vascular restenosis, rheumatic vasculitis, etc.), tissue fibrosis in various organs (including tissue fibrosis complicated by various cancers), and arteriosclerosis (including complicated tissue fibrosis). )Such Onset and / or inhibiting the progression, prevent, it is useful as a medicament for the treatment or prevention of the disease.
[Sequence list]
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
Figure 2004121001
"Sequence List Free Text"
Other information: description of artificial sequence: artificially synthesized primer sequence.
Other information: Description of artificial sequence: artificially synthesized probe sequence.
Other information: Description of artificial sequence: artificially synthesized probe sequence.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows the inhibitory activity of an anti-human TGFβ human monoclonal antibody on the enhancement of PAI-I secretion from mesangial cells induced by TGFβ stimulation.
FIG. 2 is a graph showing the inhibitory activity of anti-human TGFβ human monoclonal antibodies on the increased expression of Type I collagen mRNA that occurs with the progression of renal insufficiency in the kidneys of monkeys treated with UUO.

Claims (34)

ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン重鎖V遺伝子セグメント3−23に由来することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。A monoclonal antibody which binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region of the heavy chain is derived from the human immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment 3-23. Antibody or part thereof. ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その軽鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン軽鎖V遺伝子セグメントA30に由来することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region of the light chain is derived from the human immunoglobulin light chain V gene segment A30. Part of that. ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン重鎖V遺伝子セグメント3−23に由来し、且つその軽鎖の可変領域をコードするV領域のDNAがヒト免疫グロブリン軽鎖V遺伝子セグメントA30に由来することを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region of the heavy chain is derived from the human immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment 3-23, and A monoclonal antibody or a part thereof, wherein the DNA of the V region encoding the variable region is derived from human immunoglobulin light chain V gene segment A30. ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、その重鎖の可変領域が下記(a)または(b)のアミノ酸配列を含むことを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部:
A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the heavy chain variable region comprises the following amino acid sequence (a) or (b), or a part thereof:
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted, or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6.
A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the light chain comprises the following amino acid sequence (c) or (d), or a part thereof:
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the heavy chain variable region comprises the following amino acid sequence (a) or (b), and the light chain variable region comprises the following (c) or A monoclonal antibody or a part thereof comprising the amino acid sequence of (d):
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the heavy chain variable region has the following amino acid sequence (a) or (b):
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acid Nos. 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6.
A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the light chain has the following amino acid sequence (c) or (d), or a part thereof:
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
A monoclonal antibody that binds to a human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the variable region of the heavy chain has the amino acid sequence of the following (a) or (b), and the variable region of the light chain is the following (c) Or a monoclonal antibody having the amino acid sequence of (d) or a part thereof:
(A) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(B) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6;
(C) the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8;
(D) an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted, inserted or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8.
ヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合するモノクローナル抗体であって、ヒトTGF−βII型受容体との解離定数(Kd)が、10×10−10(M)より小さい数値であることを特徴とするモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。A monoclonal antibody that binds to human TGF-β type II receptor, wherein the dissociation constant (Kd) with human TGF-β type II receptor is smaller than 10 × 10 −10 (M). Monoclonal antibodies or parts thereof. 該モノクローナル抗体が、ヒトモノクローナル抗体である請求項1乃至請求項10のいずれかに記載のモノクローナル抗体またはその一部。The monoclonal antibody according to any one of claims 1 to 10, or a part thereof, wherein the monoclonal antibody is a human monoclonal antibody. 請求項1乃至請求項11のいずれかに記載のモノクローナル抗体を産生する細胞。A cell that produces the monoclonal antibody according to any one of claims 1 to 11. 該細胞が、該ヒトモノクローナル抗体を産生する能力を哺乳動物由来のB細胞と哺乳動物由来のミエローマ細胞とを融合して得られる融合細胞であることを特徴とする請求項12に記載の細胞。13. The cell according to claim 12, wherein the cell is a fused cell obtained by fusing a mammalian B cell and a mammalian myeloma cell with the ability to produce the human monoclonal antibody. 該細胞が、該モノクローナル抗体の重鎖をコードするDNA若しくはその軽鎖をコードするDNAのいずれか一方のDNA、または両方のDNAが細胞内に導入されることにより形質転換された遺伝子組換え細胞であることを特徴とする請求項12に記載の細胞。Genetically modified cells wherein the cells are transformed by introducing either the DNA encoding the heavy chain of the monoclonal antibody or the DNA encoding the light chain thereof, or both DNAs into the cells The cell according to claim 12, which is: 請求項1乃至請求項11のいずれかに記載のモノクローナル抗体若しくはその一部、及び薬学的に許容されうる担体とを含んでなる医薬組成物。A pharmaceutical composition comprising the monoclonal antibody according to any one of claims 1 to 11, or a part thereof, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 該医薬組成物が、ヒトTGF−βがヒトTGF−βII型受容体に結合することにより生ずるシグナルの細胞内への伝達を阻害するために用いられることを特徴とする請求項15に記載の医薬組成物。The medicament according to claim 15, wherein the pharmaceutical composition is used for inhibiting transmission of a signal generated by binding of human TGF-β to a human TGF-β type II receptor into cells. Composition. 該医薬組成物が、組織の線維化を抑制するために用いられることを特徴とする請求項15に記載の医薬組成物。The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 15, wherein the pharmaceutical composition is used for suppressing tissue fibrosis. 該組織の線維化が、肺、肝臓、腎臓または皮膚における線維化であることを特徴とする請求項17に記載の医薬組成物。18. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 17, wherein the tissue fibrosis is lung, liver, kidney or skin fibrosis. 該組織の線維化が、腎臓における線維化であることを特徴とする請求項17に記載の医薬組成物。18. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 17, wherein the tissue fibrosis is kidney fibrosis. 該医薬組成物が、腎臓疾患の治療または予防に用いられることを特徴とする請求項15に記載の医薬組成物。The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 15, wherein the pharmaceutical composition is used for treating or preventing a kidney disease. 該医薬組成物が、腎硬化症、肺線維症、肝硬変、血管再狭窄、動脈硬化症、乾癬、強皮症、アトピー、ケロイドまたは関節炎を抑制または治療するために用いられることを特徴とする請求項15に記載の医薬組成物。The pharmaceutical composition is used for controlling or treating renal sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, cirrhosis, vascular restenosis, arteriosclerosis, psoriasis, scleroderma, atopy, keloid or arthritis. Item 16. The pharmaceutical composition according to Item 15, 配列番号6のアミノ酸番号2乃至115番目のアミノ酸配列を含むポリペプチド。A polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 115 of SEQ ID NO: 6. 配列番号6のアミノ酸番号2乃至458番目のアミノ酸配列を有するポリペプチド。A polypeptide having the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6. 配列番号6のアミノ酸番号2乃至458番目のアミノ酸配列において、1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換、挿入若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列を有する免疫グロブリン重鎖ポリペプチド。An immunoglobulin heavy chain polypeptide having the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 458 of SEQ ID NO: 6, with one or several amino acids deleted, substituted, inserted, or added. 配列番号8のアミノ酸番号2乃至117番目のアミノ酸配列を含むポリペプチド。A polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 117 of SEQ ID NO: 8. 配列番号8のアミノ酸番号2乃至236番目のアミノ酸配列を有するポリペプチド。A polypeptide having the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8. 配列番号8のアミノ酸番号2乃至236番目のアミノ酸配列において、1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換、挿入若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列を有する免疫グロブリン軽鎖ポリペプチド。An immunoglobulin light chain polypeptide having an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted, inserted, or added in the amino acid sequence of amino acids 2 to 236 of SEQ ID NO: 8. 請求項21乃至請求項26のいずれかに記載のポリペプチドをコードするDNA。A DNA encoding the polypeptide according to any one of claims 21 to 26. 配列番号7の塩基番号96乃至440番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。A DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of base numbers 96 to 440 of SEQ ID NO: 7. 配列番号7の塩基番号96乃至1472番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。A DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of base numbers 96 to 1472 of SEQ ID NO: 7. 配列番号9の塩基番号39乃至389番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。A DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of nucleotides 39 to 389 of SEQ ID NO: 9. 配列番号9の塩基番号39乃至749番目の塩基配列を含むDNA。A DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence of base numbers 39 to 749 of SEQ ID NO: 9. 請求項29乃至請求項32のいずれかに記載のDNAを含むベクター。A vector comprising the DNA according to any one of claims 29 to 32. 請求項29乃至請求項32のいずれかに記載のDNAを含むベクターで形質転換された細胞。A cell transformed with the vector containing the DNA according to any one of claims 29 to 32.

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