HRP980427A2 - Belt drive of a cargo pump power supplied from the main engine/engines on the tanker transporting products and chemicals - Google Patents

Belt drive of a cargo pump power supplied from the main engine/engines on the tanker transporting products and chemicals Download PDF


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HRP980427A2 HRP980427A HRP980427A2 HR P980427 A2 HRP980427 A2 HR P980427A2 HR P980427 A HRP980427 A HR P980427A HR P980427 A2 HRP980427 A2 HR P980427A2
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belt drive
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Nenad Fleue
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Nenad Fleue
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Priority to HRP980427 priority Critical patent/HRP980427A2/en
Publication of HRP980427A2 publication Critical patent/HRP980427A2/en



  • Rotary Pumps (AREA)
  • Jet Pumps And Other Pumps (AREA)
  • Loading And Unloading Of Fuel Tanks Or Ships (AREA)


Područje na koje se izum odnosi The field to which the invention relates

Izum se odnosi na brodogradnju, isključivo se primjenjuje na tankerima koji prevoze produkte tj. derivate nafte i kemikalije, a pobliže se odnosi na sustav za ukrcaj/iskrcaj tekućeg tereta. The invention relates to shipbuilding, it is exclusively applied to tankers that transport products, i.e. oil derivatives and chemicals, and more closely relates to the system for loading/unloading liquid cargo.

Tehnički problem (za čije se rješenje traži patentna zaštita) Technical problem (the solution of which requires patent protection)

Poznate izvedbe sustava za ukrcaj/iskrcaj tereta iz tankera za prijevoz produkata i kemikalija su vrlo složene, skupe i rade s velikim gubitcima u pretvorbi energije. Starije, jednostavnije izvedbe, ne pružaju one mogućnosti kakve se danas zahtijevaju kod modernih tankera. Known versions of systems for loading/unloading cargo from tankers for transporting products and chemicals are very complex, expensive and operate with large losses in energy conversion. Older, simpler designs do not provide the capabilities that are required today in modern tankers.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Na tankerima se sustav iskrcaja/ukrcaja tereta rješava na dva uobičajena načina: On tankers, the cargo loading/unloading system is solved in two common ways:

1. Izvedba s pumpnom stanicom (suhi prostor ispred strojarnice u kojemu se nalaze sve pumpe tereta) 1. Version with pump station (dry area in front of engine room where all cargo pumps are located)

2. Izvedba s uronjenim pumpama ( u svakome tanku tereta se nalazi odvojena pumpa, u pravilu pogonjena hidromotorom) 2. Version with submersible pumps (in each cargo tank there is a separate pump, as a rule driven by a hydraulic motor)

Izvedba pod 1 je pogodna za tankere svih veličina koji prevoze najviše 3-4 vrste tereta istovremeno (sirova nafta, derivati, odnosno tereti koji se prevoze u velikim količinama). Izvedba pod 2 je pogodna za tankere koji prevoze više vrsta tereta istovremeno (5-8 pa do 16-20) u kojem slučaju se radi o manjim količinama kemikalija koje pojedinačno ne smiju prelaziti 3000 m3 odnosno 1250 m3 za tankere tipa 2 odnosno 1 prema IBC Code. Najčešće građeni tankeri danas su u veličinama 30-47000 t nosivosti s mogućnošću prijevoza produkata i kemikalija (Oil and Chemical tanker). Za ovakve brodove izvedba sa pumpnom stanicom nije prikladna jer bi smještaj potrebnog broja malih pumpi u pumpnoj stanici i provlačenje cijevi raznih, a često nekompatibilnih tereta, kroz teretni prostor bilo neprihvatljivo glede raspoloživog prostora, primjenjivih propisa i troškova izvedbe. Izvedba s uronjenim pumpama je izuzetno skupa i podrazumijeva posebne pumpe u lijevom i desnom tanku što najčešće nema svrhe jer su na palubi oba tanka spojena na jedan iskrcajni/ukrcajni priključak i služe za isti teret. Version 1 is suitable for tankers of all sizes that transport a maximum of 3-4 types of cargo at the same time (crude oil, derivatives, or cargo transported in large quantities). Version under 2 is suitable for tankers that transport several types of cargo at the same time (5-8 and up to 16-20), in which case it is a matter of smaller quantities of chemicals that cannot individually exceed 3000 m3 or 1250 m3 for tankers of type 2 or 1 according to the IBC Code. The most commonly built tankers today are 30-47,000 t capacity with the possibility of transporting products and chemicals (Oil and Chemical tanker). For such ships, the version with a pumping station is not suitable, because placing the required number of small pumps in the pumping station and passing the pipes of various, often incompatible cargoes through the cargo space would be unacceptable in terms of available space, applicable regulations and performance costs. The version with submersible pumps is extremely expensive and implies separate pumps in the left and right tanks, which is usually of no use, because on deck both tanks are connected to one unloading/boarding port and serve the same cargo.

Pored toga, zbog nekoliko uzastopnih pretvorbi energije (dizel motor-generator, elektromotor - hidro pumpa, hidro pumpa- hidro motor) pogoršava se iskoristivost ovog sustava u cjelini. U pravilu snaga elektrohidrauličke instalacije ne dozvoljava istovremeni rad svih pumpi tereta, što znači da se i kod iskrcaja velike količine istovrsnog tereta brod treba iskrcavati u dvije sekvence što produžuje zadržavanje broda u luci. In addition, due to several consecutive energy conversions (diesel engine-generator, electric motor - hydro pump, hydro pump - hydro motor), the utilization of this system as a whole deteriorates. As a rule, the power of the electrohydraulic installation does not allow the simultaneous operation of all cargo pumps, which means that even when unloading a large amount of the same cargo, the ship must be unloaded in two sequences, which prolongs the ship's stay in the port.

Izlaganje biti izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Izum kombinira dobre strane do sada poznatih sustava za manipulaciju teretom na tankerima i otvara još cijeli niz novih mogućnosti i pogodnosti. Bit izuma je jednostavni mehanički pogon, bez gubitaka u pretvorbi energije, svih pumpi tereta koje su raspoređene po duljini broda kao kod izvedbe s uronjenim pumpama, ali se ipak nalaze u suhom prostoru - uzdužno postavljenoj pumpnoj stanici unutar konstrukcije uzdužne središnje pregrade. The invention combines the good sides of previously known cargo handling systems on tankers and opens up a whole range of new possibilities and benefits. The essence of the invention is a simple mechanical drive, without losses in energy conversion, of all cargo pumps that are distributed along the length of the ship as in the version with submerged pumps, but are nevertheless located in a dry space - a longitudinally placed pump station within the structure of the longitudinal central bulkhead.

Danas se mnogo polaže na sigurnost pogona modernih tankera za prijevoz ulja i posebice opasnih kemikalija te se često ugrađuju dva pogonska stroja koji preko reduktora pogone jedan vijak. Today, a lot of attention is paid to the safety of the operation of modern tankers for the transport of oil and especially dangerous chemicals, and two drive machines are often installed that drive one screw via a reducer.

Pored izvoda snage iz reduktora za pogon osovinskih generatora može se predvidjeti i jedan izvod na prednjoj strani u sredini između strojeva, (1) s odgovarajućom elastičnom/izvrstivom spojkom (2). Snaga i broj okretaja izvoda biraju se prema želji, obično do 3000 kW i 1500-1800 okretaja na min. Kroz plinonepropusnu brtvenicu (3) ova osovina (4) ulazi u donji - dvostruki dio uzdužne središnje pregrade (5). Uzdužna središnja pregrada je najčešće vertikalno-valovite izvedbe ali se u donjem dijelu, iz razloga čvrstoće, pregrada u pravilu izvodi dvostruka, trapeznog presjeka. Ovaj prostor se inače koristi za balast, kojega na brodovima ove veličine ionako ima više nego što je potrebno po međunarodnim propisima. Osovina (4) može biti šuplja, ili kompozitna s kugličnim ležajevima (6) (valjkasti dvoredni samopodesivi). Na potrebnim mjestima duž osovine umeću se remenice (7) za remenski (8) prijenos snage na pumpe tereta (9) sklop tankova (10), balasta (11) i kaljuže (12). In addition to the power output from the reducer to drive the shaft generators, one output can be provided on the front side in the middle between the machines, (1) with a suitable elastic/flexible coupling (2). The power and number of revolutions of the output are chosen as desired, usually up to 3000 kW and 1500-1800 revolutions per min. Through the gas-tight seal (3), this shaft (4) enters the lower - double part of the longitudinal central partition (5). The longitudinal central partition is most often of vertical-corrugated design, but in the lower part, for reasons of strength, the partition is usually made of a double, trapezoidal section. This space is normally used for ballast, which on ships of this size is more than required according to international regulations anyway. The shaft (4) can be hollow, or composite with ball bearings (6) (roller two-row self-adjusting). Pulleys (7) for belt (8) power transmission to the cargo pumps (9), tank assembly (10), ballast (11) and bilge (12) are inserted at the necessary places along the shaft.

U osnovnoj izvedbi predviđa se jedna pumpa za par tankova tereta budući da oni najčešće sadrže isti teret. Svaka pojedina pumpa se uključuje/isključuje pomoću daljinski (i lokalno) upravljive izvrstive spojke (13). Pumpe se praktički nalaze ispod točke usisa tako da se pravilnom izvedbom kaljužnog zdenca (14) može izvršiti potpuno posušivanje nekog tanka i bez uređaja za variranje brzine vrtnje pumpe ili posebnih sustava za isušivanje koji se često ugrađuju na tankere s pumpnom stanicom. Želi li se izbjeći bilo kakvo miješanje tereta, ako su oni različiti u lijevom i desnom tanku, ugraditi će se 2 pumpe umjesto jedne (što podrazumijeva i odvojene palubne priključke za iskrcaj). In the basic version, one pump is provided for a pair of cargo tanks since they usually contain the same cargo. Each individual pump is switched on/off by means of a remote (and locally) controlled excellent clutch (13). The pumps are practically located below the suction point so that with a proper design of the bilge well (14) a tank can be completely dried without a device for varying the speed of rotation of the pump or special drying systems that are often installed on tankers with a pumping station. If it is desired to avoid any mixing of loads, if they are different in the left and right tanks, 2 pumps will be installed instead of one (which also implies separate deck connections for unloading).

Upravljanje ventilima (15) je daljinsko iz kontrolne stanice ali i lokalno. Može se predvidjeti rezervni spoj (16) dvaju susjednih pumpi za slučaj kvara jedne od njih. Silazi u uzdužnu pumpnu stanicu nalaze se na početku i kraju teretnog prostora. Ovi rovovi služe i za ventilaciju ventilatorom. Izlaz za nuždu može biti u čvorištu uzdužne i poprečne pregrade. Iako naplavljivanje prostora ovih dimenzija ne utječe značajno na ponašanje oštećenog broda, može se ipak na dva mjesta u tanku predvidjeti vodonepropusna vrata koja bi spriječila izbacivanje iz upotrebe svih pumpi odjednorn kada dođe do prodora vode u jedan dio tunela - pumpne stanice. Uzduž tunela postavljene su podnice (17) za komunikaciju, pristup do pumpi i ventila i održavanje. Teži dijelovi se po potrebi, zbog remonta, podižu i transportiranju vozićem (18) na gornjoj tračnici (19). U tunelu nema električne opreme - osim rasvjete u protueksplozivnoj izvedbi i priključaka za indikaciju rada pumpi i spojki. U slučaju da se predviđa ugradnja pramčanog vijka, (20) a što je danas čest slučaj, osovina se može produljiti kroz pramčanu sudarnu pregradu da bi preko izvrstive spojke (21) i kutnog reduktora (22) pokretala pramčani vijak (isključivo s prekretnim krilima). Control of the valves (15) is remote from the control station, but also local. A backup connection (16) of two adjacent pumps can be provided in case of failure of one of them. The descents to the longitudinal pumping station are located at the beginning and end of the cargo space. These trenches are also used for fan ventilation. The emergency exit can be at the junction of the longitudinal and transverse partitions. Although the flooding of a space of these dimensions does not significantly affect the behavior of the damaged ship, watertight doors can still be provided in two places in the tank that would prevent all pumps from being put out of use at once when water penetrates into one part of the tunnel - the pumping station. Floors (17) were installed along the tunnel for communication, access to pumps and valves, and maintenance. If necessary, due to overhaul, heavier parts are lifted and transported by trolley (18) on the upper rail (19). There is no electrical equipment in the tunnel - except for explosion-proof lighting and connections for indicating the operation of pumps and couplings. In the event that the installation of a bow thruster is foreseen, (20) which is often the case today, the shaft can be extended through the bow crash barrier in order to drive the bow thruster via the excellent clutch (21) and angle reducer (22) (only with pivoting wings). .

Kratak opis crteža Brief description of the drawing

Sl.1 prikazuje tlocrt tankera i položaj uzdužne pumpne stanice, pogonske osovine i pumpi u odnosu na tankove tereta i strojarnicu. Fig.1 shows the floor plan of the tanker and the position of the longitudinal pump station, drive shaft and pumps in relation to the cargo tanks and the engine room.

Sl.2 prikazuje detalj remenskog pogona pumpe Fig. 2 shows a detail of the belt drive of the pump

Sl.3 prikazuje presjek tunela - pumpne stanice Fig. 3 shows a section of the tunnel - pumping station

Detaljan opis načina ostvarivanja izuma Detailed description of the method of realizing the invention

Sve komponente sustava, kao što su izvod snage iz reduktora, izvrstive spojke, osovinski vod s ležajevima i plinonepropusnom brtvenicom, remenski prijenos snage, pumpe tereta, ventili i cjevovod, se svakodnevno koriste u strojarstvu i brodogradnji. Izbor i/ili dimenzioniranje komponenti vrši se na osnovu potrebne snage i broja okretaja potrošača tj. pumpi. Cjevovod na tlačnoj strani pumpi se izvodi kao kod sustava s uronjenim pumpama. Za grijanje tereta koriste se, kako je uobičajeno, serpentine s priključkom na paru. U slučajevima kada za propulziju broda služi sporohodni stroj s neprekretnim vijkom treba između stroja i vijka ugraditi izvrstivu spojku a na čelo stroja izvrstivi izvod snage s povećanjem broja okretaja (multiplikator) za pogon osovnie/pumpi tereta. All components of the system, such as the power take-off from the reducer, excellent couplings, shaft line with bearings and gas-tight seal, belt power transmission, cargo pumps, valves and piping, are used every day in engineering and shipbuilding. The selection and/or dimensioning of components is done on the basis of the required power and number of revolutions of consumers, i.e. pumps. Piping on the pressure side of the pumps is done as in systems with submersible pumps. As usual, coils with a steam connection are used for heating the load. In cases where a slow-moving machine with a non-rotating screw is used for propulsion of the ship, an excellent clutch should be installed between the machine and the screw, and an excellent power output with an increase in the number of revolutions (multiplier) to drive the axle/load pump should be installed at the front of the machine.

Način primjene izuma Method of application of the invention

Očekuje se primjena izuma u brodogradnji na tankerima za prijevoz produkata i kemikalija nosivosti od 5.000 do 47.000 t zbog slijedećih prednosti: The invention is expected to be applied in shipbuilding on tankers for transporting products and chemicals with a capacity of 5,000 to 47,000 t due to the following advantages:

1. Jeftiniji je od standardnih izvedbi - kada se sustav tereta promatra izdvojeno ali i kada se uspoređuje brod kao cjelina sa svim posljedicama koje proizlaze iz različitosti propulzijskog kompleksa i pratećih sustava. 1. It is cheaper than standard versions - when the cargo system is considered separately, but also when comparing the ship as a whole with all the consequences arising from the diversity of the propulsion complex and supporting systems.

2. Uštede energije u radu - oko 25 do 30 posto u odnosu na dizel-elektrohidraulični sustav uronjenih pumpi, odnosno oko 8 do 10 % u odnosu na elektromotorom pogonjene pumpe u pumpnoj stanici. 2. Energy savings in operation - about 25 to 30 percent compared to the diesel-electrohydraulic system of submersible pumps, or about 8 to 10% compared to electric motor-driven pumps in the pumping station.

3. Sigurnost u radu i lakoća održavanja 3. Safety in operation and ease of maintenance

a) Moguća je izgradnja pumpe i dok je tank pun, a) It is possible to build the pump while the tank is full,

b) Moguća je upotreba druge pumpe preko pomoćnog cjevovoda u nuždi, bilo da su predviđene odvojene pumpe za svaki tank ili jedna za par tankova. b) It is possible to use a second pump through the auxiliary pipeline in an emergency, whether separate pumps are provided for each tank or one for a pair of tanks.

c) Svi ventili su pristupačni - mogućnost lokalnog upravljanja ako zataji daljinsko c) All valves are accessible - possibility of local control if it fails remotely

d) Svi dijelovi se lako iznose iz pumpne stanice zbog remonta d) All parts are easily removed from the pumping station for overhaul

e) Remenski prijenos ne zahtijeva održavanje e) Belt transmission does not require maintenance

f) Ventilacija je zbog cjevastog oblika pumpne stanice daleko intenzivnija za istu količinu ubačenog/otsisanog zraka nego kod klasične pumpne stanice. f) Due to the tubular shape of the pump station, the ventilation is much more intense for the same amount of inserted/extracted air than with a classic pump station.

4. Moguć je istovremeni rad svih pumpi punim kapacitetima, bez obzira na snagu i broj pumpi, budući da glavni stroj/strojevi uvijek raspolažu barem dvostruko većom snagom od potrebne. 4. Simultaneous operation of all pumps at full capacity is possible, regardless of the power and number of pumps, since the main machine/machines always have at least twice the power required.

Claims (4)

1. Zahtjeva se patentiranje remenskog pogona pumi tereta izvodom snage od glavnog stroja/strojeva na tankeru za prijevoz produkata i kemikalija naznačenog time, što su pumpe tereta raspoređene kao kod sustava s uronjenim hidrauličnim pumpama tj. neposredno uz tankove koje poslužuju s razlikom da pumpe patentiranog sustava nisu uronjene u tank već se nalaze u suhom prostoru, jednoj dugoj pumpnoj stanici smještenoj unutar donjeg dvostrukog dijela središnje uzdužne pregrade a pogonjene su remenskim prijenosom od jedne uzdužno postavljene osovine koja koristi snagu glavnih strojeva preko izvoda reduktora.1. It is requested to patent the belt drive of the cargo pumps by deriving power from the main machine/machines on the tanker for the transport of products and chemicals, indicated by the fact that the cargo pumps are arranged as in systems with submerged hydraulic pumps, i.e. directly next to the tanks they serve with the difference that the pumps of the patented systems are not immersed in the tank but are located in a dry area, in one long pumping station located inside the lower double part of the central longitudinal partition and are driven by a belt transmission from one longitudinally placed shaft that uses the power of the main machines via the output of the reducer. 2. Remenski pogon prema zahtjevu 1 naznačen time da lijevi i desni tank imaju vlastite pumpe.2. Belt drive according to claim 1 characterized by the fact that the left and right tanks have their own pumps. 3. Remenski pogon prema zahtjevu 1 odnosno 2 naznačen time da se koristi snaga jednog, u pravilu sporohodnog glavnog stroja, tako da se između duge osovine i stroja ugrađuje multiplikator za povećanje broja okretaja.3. Belt drive according to claim 1 or 2, characterized by the fact that the power of one, as a rule, slow-moving main machine is used, so that a multiplier is installed between the long shaft and the machine to increase the number of revolutions. 4. Remenski pogon prema zahtjevu 1, 2 odnosno 3 naznačen time da se duga osovina produžuje kroz pregradu da bi preko izvrstive spojke i kutnog reduktora pogonila pramčani vijak s prekretnim krilima.4. Belt drive according to claim 1, 2 or 3, characterized by the fact that the long shaft is extended through the partition in order to drive the bow screw with turning wings via an excellent clutch and an angle reducer.
HRP980427 1998-08-04 1998-08-04 Belt drive of a cargo pump power supplied from the main engine/engines on the tanker transporting products and chemicals HRP980427A2 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HRP980427 HRP980427A2 (en) 1998-08-04 1998-08-04 Belt drive of a cargo pump power supplied from the main engine/engines on the tanker transporting products and chemicals

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HRP980427 HRP980427A2 (en) 1998-08-04 1998-08-04 Belt drive of a cargo pump power supplied from the main engine/engines on the tanker transporting products and chemicals

Publications (1)

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HRP980427A2 true HRP980427A2 (en) 2000-04-30



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HRP980427 HRP980427A2 (en) 1998-08-04 1998-08-04 Belt drive of a cargo pump power supplied from the main engine/engines on the tanker transporting products and chemicals

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