HRP930999A2 - Method and electronic apparatus for drying out walls - Google Patents

Method and electronic apparatus for drying out walls Download PDF


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HRP930999A2 HRP-836/90A HRP930999A HRP930999A2 HR P930999 A2 HRP930999 A2 HR P930999A2 HR P930999 A HRP930999 A HR P930999A HR P930999 A2 HRP930999 A2 HR P930999A2
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electronic device
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Croatian (hr)
Hans-Peter Coufal
Original Assignee
Ernst Zoeller
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Application filed by Ernst Zoeller filed Critical Ernst Zoeller
Publication of HRP930999A2 publication Critical patent/HRP930999A2/en
Publication of HRP930999B1 publication Critical patent/HRP930999B1/en



    • E04B1/00Constructions in general; Structures which are not restricted either to walls, e.g. partitions, or floors or ceilings or roofs
    • E04B1/62Insulation or other protection; Elements or use of specified material therefor
    • E04B1/70Drying or keeping dry, e.g. by air vents
    • E04B1/7007Drying or keeping dry, e.g. by air vents by using electricity, e.g. electro-osmosis


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  • Water Supply & Treatment (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Electromagnetism (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
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  • Drying Of Solid Materials (AREA)
  • Cleaning Or Drying Semiconductors (AREA)
  • Inductance-Capacitance Distribution Constants And Capacitance-Resistance Oscillators (AREA)
  • Stabilization Of Oscillater, Synchronisation, Frequency Synthesizers (AREA)
  • Devices For Blowing Cold Air, Devices For Blowing Warm Air, And Means For Preventing Water Condensation In Air Conditioning Units (AREA)
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  • Drying Of Gases (AREA)
  • Investigating Or Analyzing Materials By The Use Of Electric Means (AREA)
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  • Apparatuses For Generation Of Mechanical Vibrations (AREA)


A method and an electronic apparatus for drying out walls are described. The apparatus comprises an LC oscillating circuit, in which natural oscillations are excited by square-wave pulses of a pulse train signal. The pulse repetition frequency of the excitation signal is lower than the natural frequency of the resonator. After each oscillation excitation by the pulse train signal, the resonator performs a damped oscillation, the amplitude of which drops during the course of half a period of the pulse train signal to a value less than 10% of the maximum amplitude of the oscillation, the resonator emitting in time with the pulse train signal successive electromagnetic wave trains of an amplitude decreasing in a manner corresponding to the oscillation variation of the resonator.


Izum se odnosi na postupak uklanjanja vlage iz zida, pri kojem zid biva izložen elektromagnetskom zračenju koje se izvodi pomoću elektromagnetskog rezonatora, pri čemu zračenje emitira odbojna naprava. Rezonator za izvođenje elektromagnetskog zračenja pobuđujemo periodičnim električnim impulsima sa frekvencijom opetovanosti impulsa s tim da je opetovanost manja od frekvencije vlastitog njihanja rezonatora u elektromagnetske vlastite njihaje (treptaje). The invention relates to the process of removing moisture from the wall, during which the wall is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, which is carried out using an electromagnetic resonator, where the radiation is emitted by a repulsive device. We excite the resonator for the production of electromagnetic radiation with periodic electrical pulses with a pulse repetition frequency, with the repetition being lower than the frequency of the resonator's own oscillation into electromagnetic self-oscillations (blinks).

Izum se nadalje odnosi na elektronski aparat za uklanjanje vlage iz zida sa elektromagnetskim rezonatorom posebno s L-C-njihajućim krugom sa vezama davatelja impulsa koji je povezan sa rezonatorom te koji za pobuđivanje vlastitih njihanja rezonatora odašilje periodične impulse sa strmim bočnim stranama impulsa .te sa frekvencijom redoslijeda impulsa koja je manja od frekvencije vlastitog njihanja rezonatora, te sa napravom za odašiljanje elektromagnetskih valova pomoću isijavanja, a te valove generira njihanje rezonatora. The invention further relates to an electronic device for removing moisture from a wall with an electromagnetic resonator, in particular with an L-C oscillating circuit with pulse generator connections connected to the resonator, which emits periodic pulses with steep pulse sides and a frequency of order to excite the resonator's own oscillations. pulse that is smaller than the frequency of the resonator's own oscillation, and with a device for transmitting electromagnetic waves by means of radiation, and these waves are generated by the oscillation of the resonator.

Područje upotrebe izuma je odstranjivanje vlage iz zida .iz kojeg vlaga izlazi posebno iz podizajuće se vlage, do kakve dolazi npr. zbog kapilarnih, osmotskih i drugih elektrokinetičkih učinaka podzemne vode, vode koja se zadržava ili vode koja probija, koja prodire u zid te se po njemu uspinje. The field of application of the invention is the removal of moisture from the wall, from which moisture comes out especially from rising moisture, which occurs, for example, due to the capillary, osmotic and other electrokinetic effects of underground water, water that is retained or water that breaks through, that penetrates the wall and according to him it ascends.

Poznato je da električna, odnosno elektromagnetska polja imaju utjecaj na vlagu koja se uspinje po zidovima, te da se ih može korisno upotrijebiti za odstranjivanje vlage iz zidova. It is known that electric or electromagnetic fields have an effect on moisture that rises on walls, and that they can be usefully used to remove moisture from walls.

U nastojanjima sprečavanja vlage uz pomoć električnih polja djeluju takozvani elektroosmotski postupci. Prilikom tih postupaka električno polje se uspostavlja pomoću elektroda koje se umetnu u zid i u zemlju. Za pravilno određenje položaja i pričvršćenje elektroda pored ostalog potrebni su i veći građevinski zahvati na zidu. Slijedeći nedostatak poznatih osmotskih postupaka je u tome, da elektrode tokom vremena oksidiraju odnosno korodiraju, te zbog toga imaju samo ograničeni rok upotrebe. So-called electro-osmotic procedures work in efforts to prevent moisture with the help of electric fields. During these procedures, the electric field is established using electrodes that are inserted into the wall and into the ground. In order to correctly determine the position and attach the electrodes, in addition to other things, larger construction works on the wall are required. The next disadvantage of known osmotic procedures is that the electrodes oxidize or corrode over time, and therefore have only a limited period of use.

Neočekivano se pokazalo, da se vlaga iz zida može odstraniti i bez elektroda umetnutih u zid i to na način da na vlažni zid djelujemo elektromagnetskim isijavanjem. Po tom principu djelujući elektronski aparat u uvodu spomenute vrste poznat je iz austrijske patentne prijave 2398/86. Poznati aparat sadrži L-C-njihajući krug koji se aktivira sa vezom davatelja impulsa u rezonantna njihanja. Frekvencija vlastitog njihanja odnosno rezonantna frekvencija njihajućeg kruga iznosi višestruku frekvenciju redoslijeda impulsa davatelja impulsa. Frekvencija redoslijeda impulsa davatelja impulsa prilagođena je fluktuacijskoj frekvenciji elektromagnetskog zemaljskog polja i iznosi 7 do 15 impulsa u sekundu. S posebnim mjerama veza rezonantno se njihanje njihajućeg kruga održava među svakim impulsom koji pobuđuje njihanje za određeno trajanje s nepromijenljivom snagom. Antena koja je preko sklopivog kondenzatora priključena na titrajući krug isijava u titrajućem krugu generirane nizove elektromagnetskih valova s u biti nepromijenljivom amplitudom kod pojedinog niza valova u taktu impulsa koji aktivira titranje. Unexpectedly, it turned out that moisture can be removed from the wall even without electrodes inserted into the wall, by acting on the damp wall with electromagnetic radiation. An electronic device of the type mentioned in the introduction, operating according to this principle, is known from the Austrian patent application 2398/86. The known apparatus contains an L-C oscillating circuit which is activated with the connection of the pulse generator into resonant oscillations. The frequency of its own oscillation, that is, the resonant frequency of the oscillating circuit, is a multiple of the frequency of the impulse sequence of the impulse provider. The pulse sequence frequency of the pulse generator is adapted to the fluctuation frequency of the electromagnetic earth field and amounts to 7 to 15 pulses per second. With special link measures, the resonant oscillation of the oscillating circuit is maintained between each pulse that excites the oscillation for a certain duration with constant power. The antenna which is connected to the oscillating circuit via a collapsible capacitor emits series of electromagnetic waves generated in the oscillating circuit with an essentially unchanged amplitude for each series of waves in time with the pulse that activates the oscillation.

Poznati elektronski aparat traži srazmjerno veliko ulaganje u veze za proizvodnju što se tiče frekvencije na elektromagnetsko zemaljsko polje usklađenog signala redoslijeda impulsa za održavanje u biti konstantne amplitude rezonantnog titranja titrajućeg kruga te za vremensko ograničenje titrajućih nizova unutar perioda signala pobuđujućeg impulsa. The well-known electronic apparatus requires a proportionately large investment in the production links as regards the frequency to the electromagnetic earth field of the pulse order signal matched to maintain essentially constant amplitude of the resonant oscillation of the oscillating circuit and to limit the time of the oscillating sequences within the period of the excitation pulse signal.

Izum je zamišljen sa namjerom da bude izvedljiv jednostavnim sredstvima i da ujedno predstavlja učinkovit, neuništiv postupak za odstranjivanje vlage iz zidova. The invention was conceived with the intention of being feasible with simple means and at the same time representing an effective, non-destructive procedure for removing moisture from walls.

Za izvođenje tog zadatka prijedlog ovog izuma je da za stvaranje elektromagnetskog isijavanja upotrijebimo rezonator koji nakon svakog aktiviranja sa signalom redoslijeda impulsa izvodi prigušeno titranje čija amplituda za vrijeme trajanja polovice perioda signala redoslijeda impulsa padne na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude titranja. To perform this task, the proposal of this invention is to use a resonator to create electromagnetic radiation which, after each activation with a pulse sequence signal, performs a damped oscillation whose amplitude falls to a value less than 10% of the maximum oscillation amplitude for the duration of half the period of the pulse sequence signal.

Neočekivano se pokazalo, da je osobito dobro odstranjivanje vlage iz zida kojeg obrađujemo postiže ako je rezonator prigušen tako da njegova amplituda titranja unutar jedne četvrtine periode signala redoslijeda impulsa padne na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude. Unexpectedly, it turned out that particularly good removal of moisture from the wall we are processing is achieved if the resonator is damped so that its oscillation amplitude falls to a value less than 10% of the maximum amplitude within one quarter of the pulse sequence signal period.

Posebno dobar učinak odstranjivanja vlage se postiže ako upotrijebimo rezonator kojeg se frekvencija vlastitog njihanja kreće u području od 141 kHz + i- 4 kHz. A particularly good moisture removal effect is achieved if we use a resonator whose frequency of self-oscillation is in the range of 141 kHz + i- 4 kHz.

Cilj izuma nadalje je, prezentirati elektronski aparat u uvodu navedene vrste za izvođenje postupka kojeg se može prema troškovima povoljno izraditi i koji neće imati kompliciranu konstrukciju u odnosu na veze. The aim of the invention is furthermore to present an electronic apparatus of the aforementioned type for carrying out a procedure which can be made cost-effectively and which will not have a complicated construction in relation to the connections.

Za postizanje tog cilja predlaže se da je rezonator konstruiran tako da nakon svakog pobuđivanja titranja sa signalom redoslijeda impulsa izvodi prigušeno titranje čija je amplituda za vrijeme trajanja polovice perioda signala redoslijeda impulsa, umanjena na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude titranja. To achieve this goal, it is suggested that the resonator is designed so that after each oscillation excitation with a pulse sequence signal, it performs a damped oscillation whose amplitude during the duration of half the period of the pulse sequence signal is reduced to a value less than 10% of the maximum oscillation amplitude.

Rezonator je tako povezan sa vezama davatelja impulsa da kod pojave strme bočne strane impulsa prima elektromagnetski otklon titranja kojemu slijede daljnje periode titranja. Na osnovu gušenja rezonatora gotovo sasvim izgubi rezonantno titranje za vrijeme trajanja poluperiode signala redoslijeda impulsa. Sa pojavom slijedeće strme bočne strane signala redoslijeda impulsa tok se titranja ponovi. Rezonator izvodi u taktu signala redoslijeda i impulsa prigušene nizove titranja, pri čemu prouzrokuje elektromagnetske valove odgovarajuće toku titranja. Za realizaciju aparata načinjenog po izumu potrebni su samo malobrojni jeftini električni odnosno elektronski sastavni dijelovi. The resonator is connected to the connections of the pulse generator in such a way that when the steep side of the pulse occurs, it receives an electromagnetic oscillation deflection, which is followed by further periods of oscillation. Due to the damping of the resonator, it almost completely loses resonant oscillation during the half-period of the pulse sequence signal. With the appearance of the next steep side of the pulse sequence signal, the course of oscillation is repeated. The resonator performs damped oscillation sequences in time with the order signal and pulse, causing electromagnetic waves corresponding to the oscillation flow. For the realization of the apparatus made according to the invention, only a small number of cheap electrical or electronic components are needed.

Kao što su veze davatelja impulsa, kao što je npr. Schmitova sprava ili inače po sebi poznate jednostavne veze za otpuštanje opruge, koje npr. sinusnu napetost pretvaraju u pravokutnu napetost. Signal koji je doveden jedinici za formiranje impulsa može se odvoditi npr. direktno iz 50 Hz-mrežnog signala pri čemu signal redoslijeda impulsa za pobuđivanje titranja rezonatora ima frekvenciju oko 50 Hz. Rezonator je stoga konstruiran kao jednostavan L-C-paralelni titrajući krug kojeg je kvalitetni faktor izabran tako da se postiže traženo prigušeno ponašanje rezonatorovog titranja. Rezonator može biti konstruiran i kao L-C-serijski titrajući krug. Such as impulse generator connections, such as Schmitt's device or otherwise known simple connections for spring release, which, for example, convert sinusoidal tension into rectangular tension. The signal supplied to the pulse forming unit can be derived, for example, directly from a 50 Hz mains signal, whereby the pulse sequence signal for exciting the oscillation of the resonator has a frequency of about 50 Hz. The resonator is therefore constructed as a simple L-C-parallel oscillating circuit whose quality factor is chosen so as to achieve the required damped behavior of the resonator's oscillation. The resonator can also be constructed as an L-C series oscillating circuit.

Neočekivano se pokazalo da iz aparata načinjenog po izumu proizlazi posebno dobar učinak odstranjivanja vlage, za sušenje zidova ako je rezonator tako prigušen da njegova amplituda titranja u području četvrtine perioda signala davatelja impulsa padne najmanje na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the apparatus made according to the invention has a particularly good moisture removal effect, for drying walls, if the resonator is so damped that its oscillation amplitude in the area of a quarter of the period of the pulse generator signal drops to a value less than 10% of the maximum amplitude.

U posebno izuzetnoj daljnjoj zamisli veze su davatelja impulsa konstruirane kao veze za oblikovanje impulsa. Veze za oblikovanje impulsa priključene su na sekundarni namot mrežnog transformatora koji transformira iz električne mreže poslani signal izmjenične napetosti u 50 Hz- pravokutni signal kojeg upotrebljavamo u daljnjem procesu kao signal redoslijeda impulsa za titrajuće pobuđivanje rezonatora. In a particularly exceptional further embodiment, the pulse generator connections are constructed as pulse shaping connections. The connections for shaping the pulses are connected to the secondary winding of the mains transformer which transforms the alternating voltage signal sent from the electrical network into a 50 Hz rectangular signal which is used in the further process as a pulse order signal for vibrating excitation of the resonator.

Sastav rezonatora s vezom jedinice za formiranje impulsa prioritetno je izabran tako da i rastuće kao i padajuće bočne strane impulsa signala redoslijeda impulsa vode k pobuđivanju titranja rezonatora. Na taj se način svaka poluperioda pravokutnog signala iskorištava za stvaranje niza titraja i time za emitiranje elektromagnetskog niza valova. The composition of the resonator with the connection of the pulse forming unit is preferentially chosen so that both the rising and falling sides of the pulses of the pulse sequence signal lead to the excitation of the oscillation of the resonator. In this way, each half-period of a rectangular signal is used to create a series of vibrations and thus to emit an electromagnetic series of waves.

Posebno učinkovito radi aparat načinjen po izumu sa vezama za prigušivanje pozitivnih napetosti. To prigušivanje sadrži diodu koja osigurava da titranje pobuđujući signal redoslijeda impulsa u komparaciji sa zemaljskim potencijalom, ne zauzima nikakvu pozitivnu napetost. The device made according to the invention with connections for dampening positive voltages works particularly efficiently. This damping contains a diode which ensures that the oscillating exciting pulse sequence signal in comparison with ground potential does not take up any positive voltage.

Pokusi su pokazali da imamo posla sa posebno učinkovitim odstranjivanjem vlage iz zidova onda, ako se frekvencija vlastitog titranja rezonatora nalazi u području 130 do 150 kHz, dobro između 137 do 145 kHz, a najbolje kod 141 kHz. Pri slijedećoj ideji kod izuma predviđena je optička kontrolna kazaljka za kontroliranje funkcioniranja. Optička kontrolna kazaljka sadrži u jednoj od izvedbi dvije među vezama davatelja impulsa i rezonatorom paralelno vezane, a suprotno polarizirane svjetlosne diode. Svjetlosne diode daju kontrolu signala redoslijeda impulsa. Experiments have shown that we are dealing with particularly effective removal of moisture from the walls if the frequency of the resonator's own oscillation is in the range of 130 to 150 kHz, well between 137 to 145 kHz, and best at 141 kHz. In the next idea of the invention, an optical control pointer is provided for controlling the functioning. In one version, the optical control pointer contains two light diodes connected in parallel between the connections of the pulse generator and the resonator, and oppositely polarized. LEDs provide control of the pulse sequence signal.

Za zaštitu aparata od nečistoća i oštećenja predviđeno je kućište od umjetne tvari. To protect the device from dirt and damage, a housing made of synthetic material is provided.

Za namještanje željene frekvencije rezonatora mogu biti predviđena sredstva za namještanje. U primjeru L-C-titrajućeg kruga može se za justiranje frekvencije namjestiti podesiv kondenzator ili napravu koja mijenja indukciju elektromagnetskog namota. Tuning means may be provided for tuning the desired frequency of the resonator. In the example of an L-C oscillating circuit, an adjustable capacitor or a device that changes the induction of the electromagnetic coil can be used to adjust the frequency.

Za isijavajuće emitiranje elektromagnetskih valova može biti predviđena antena. An antenna can be provided for the radiating emission of electromagnetic waves.

U prioritetnoj varijanti sam se rezonator upotrebljava za emitiranje isijavanja. Kod L-C-titrajućeg kruga upotrebljava se kao emisioni aparat prije svega elektromagnetski namot. Time se postiže daljnje pojednostavljenje veza. In the priority variant, the resonator itself is used to emit radiation. In the L-C oscillating circuit, an electromagnetic coil is primarily used as an emission device. This further simplifies connections.

U slijedećem opisujemo elektronski aparat po izumu na osnovu priloženih skica u kojima prikazuje In the following, we describe the electronic device according to the invention on the basis of the attached sketches in which it shows

sl.1 veze aparata načinjenog po izumu za odstranjivanje vlage iz zidova, djelomično shematski, fig.1 of the connections of the apparatus made according to the invention for removing moisture from the walls, partially schematic,

sl.2 dijagram toka signala za objašnjenje ponašanja titrajućeg rezonatora obzirom na pobuđujuće impulse veza davatelja impulsa. fig.2 signal flow diagram to explain the behavior of the oscillating resonator with respect to the excitation pulses of the pulse generator connections.

Aparat načinjen po izumu sadrži L-C-paralelni titrjući krug 10, kojeg se frekvencija rezonancije nalazi kod 141 kHz. Za justiranje te frekvencije rezonance kapacitet je kondenzatora C titrajućeg kruga 10 promjenjiva. Titrajući krug 10 priključen je iza veze 12 za formiranje impulsa, koju sinusni 50 Hz-signal kojeg šalje mrežni transformator 14, pretvara u 50 Hz-pravokutni signal sa odnosom tipki 50 % te taj pravokutni signal dovodi u titrajući krug 10. Između veze 12 za formiranje impulsa i titrajućeg kruga 10 uložena je optička kontrolna kazaljka 16 sa paralelno vezanim po njihovom protočnom smjeru međusobno nasuprot raspoređenim svjetlosnim diodama. Kontrolna kazaljka 16 služi za kontrolu funkcioniranja aparata. The apparatus made according to the invention contains an L-C-parallel oscillating circuit 10, the resonance frequency of which is at 141 kHz. To adjust this resonance frequency, the capacity of the capacitor C of the oscillating circuit 10 is variable. The oscillating circuit 10 is connected behind the connection 12 for forming pulses, which the sinusoidal 50 Hz signal sent by the mains transformer 14 converts into a 50 Hz rectangular signal with a key ratio of 50% and feeds this rectangular signal to the oscillating circuit 10. Between the connection 12 for formation of pulses and oscillating circuit 10, an optical control pointer 16 is inserted with light diodes arranged in parallel in their flow direction and opposite to each other. The control hand 16 serves to control the functioning of the device.

Mrežni transformator 14 služi tako kao signalni davatelj za veze 12 za formiranje impulsa kao i kao voltni izvor izmjenične napetosti za opskrbljivanje cjelokupnog aparata načinjenog po izumu. Otpor R brine se za ograničavanje toka u aparatu. Radni tok iznosi samo nekoliko mA. Aparat znači traži samo malu električnu snagu što je vezano sa prednošću malih troškova rada. The mains transformer 14 serves both as a signal provider for connections 12 for forming pulses and as a volt source of alternating voltage for supplying the entire apparatus made according to the invention. The resistance R takes care of limiting the current in the apparatus. The operating current is only a few mA. The device requires only a small electrical power, which is related to the advantage of low operating costs.

Dioda D uključena je u veze tako da prema zemaljskom potencijalu guši pozitivnu napetost u aparatu, tako da pravokutni signal kojeg daje sklop 12 za formiranje impulsa prema zemaljskom potencijalu ne zauzima pozitivnu napetost. Diode D is included in the connections so that it suppresses the positive voltage in the device towards the ground potential, so that the rectangular signal given by circuit 12 for forming pulses towards the ground potential does not occupy a positive voltage.

Funkcioniranje aparata načinjenog po izumu obrazložiti ćemo na osnovu sl.2. Slika 2 pokazuje kvalitetno predstavljen tok amplitude titranja rezonatora (dijagram A) u komparaciji sa signalom impulsa koji slijedi (dijagram B), kojeg inače daje sklop 12 za formiranje impulsa. Frekvencija rezonatora 10 (141 kHz) odnosno trajanje periode rezonatora zbog jednostavnijeg načina crtanja nisu nacrtani u mjerilu. We will explain the functioning of the apparatus made according to the invention on the basis of Fig. 2. Figure 2 shows a well-presented course of the oscillation amplitude of the resonator (diagram A) in comparison with the pulse signal that follows (diagram B), which is normally given by circuit 12 for forming pulses. The frequency of resonator 10 (141 kHz) and the duration of the period of the resonator are not drawn to scale due to a simpler way of drawing.

Pri pojavi pozitivne bočne strane F+ pravokutnog impulsnog signala koji slijedi, titrajući krug 10 se probudi u vlastito titranje no to titranje je tako prigušeno da njegova amplituda A, time se misli na veličinu maksimalnog otklona na pojedinu periodu titranja, za vrijeme trajanja četvrtine periode T/4 pravokutni impulsni signal koji slijedi, skoro se u potpunosti izgubi. Slijedeći titrajući otklon odnosno pobuđivanje rezonatora 10 slijedi pri pojavi negativne bočne strane F koja slijedi i impulsnog signala koji isto slijedi. Promjene napetosti niza titranja koji slijedi negativnoj bočnoj strani F, usmjerene su nasuprot onima iz prethodnog niza titranja. Nizovi titranja imaju u biti jednako ponašanje. Nakon završetka periode T pravokutnog impulsnog signala koji slijedi, gore opisane titrajuće operacije ponove se sa pojavom slijedeće pozitivne bočne strane F+. At the appearance of the positive side F+ of the rectangular pulse signal that follows, the oscillating circuit 10 wakes up to its own oscillation, but that oscillation is so damped that its amplitude A, by this we mean the size of the maximum deflection on a particular period of oscillation, for the duration of a quarter of the period T/ 4 rectangular pulse signal that follows, is almost completely lost. The following oscillating deflection or excitation of the resonator 10 follows upon the appearance of the negative side F which follows and the pulse signal which also follows. Changes in the tension of the series of oscillations following the negative side of F are directed opposite to those of the previous series of oscillations. Oscillation sequences have essentially the same behavior. After the end of the period T of the following rectangular pulse signal, the above-described oscillating operations are repeated with the appearance of the next positive side F+.

Titrajući krug 10 emitira nizove valova sa tokom amplitude po dijagramu i u taktu impulsnog signala koji slijedi, a to je u svakoj poluperiodi impulsnog signala , koji slijedi, jedan niz valova na okolicu. The oscillating circuit 10 emits series of waves with the current amplitude according to the diagram and in time of the pulse signal that follows, that is, in each half-period of the pulse signal that follows, one series of waves per environment.

Aparat po izumu ima prioritetno kućište od umjetne tvari koje elektromagnetsko isijavanje, kojeg emitira rezonator, ne apsorbira, ili ga pak apsorbira zanemarivo malo. Kod aparata sa metalnim kućištem treba se pobrinuti da elementi koji emitiraju isijavanje, posebno elektromagnetski namot L, nisu okruženi kućištem. Nije nužno da je impulsni signal, koji slijedi, pravokutni signal. Značajno je, da impulsni signal koji slijedi, zahvaća rezonantnu frekvenciju rezonatora kao spektralnu komponentu, što je između ostalog primjer, ako imaju impulsi strme bočne strane. The device according to the invention has a priority housing made of synthetic material that does not absorb the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the resonator, or absorbs it negligibly little. In the case of devices with a metal casing, it should be ensured that the elements emitting radiation, especially the electromagnetic coil L, are not surrounded by the casing. It is not necessary that the pulse signal that follows is a rectangular signal. It is significant that the pulse signal that follows captures the resonant frequency of the resonator as a spectral component, which is an example, among other things, if the pulses have steep sides.

Aparat po izumu smišljeno stavimo blizu zida sa kojeg je nužno odstraniti vlagu. Domet koji je bio postignut kod pokusa sa gore opisanim izvedbenim primjerom, u okviru kojeg smo mogli utvrditi još dobro odstranjivanje vlage, nalazi se oko 20 m, kod toga smo mjerili vremenski raspoređenu snagu odašiljača oko 15 uW. The device according to the invention is deliberately placed near the wall from which it is necessary to remove moisture. The range that was achieved in the experiments with the above-described implementation example, within which we could determine still good removal of moisture, is about 20 m, in which we measured the time-distributed power of the transmitter about 15 uW.

Claims (20)

1. Postupak odstranjivanja vlage iz zida ,pri kojem zid izložimo pomoću elektromagnetskog rezonatora (10) proizvedenom i od te naprave za isijavanje emitiranom elektromagnetskom isijavanju, pri čemu rezonator (10) za stvaranje elektromagnetskog isijavanja pobuđujemo sa periodičnim električnim impulsima sa frekvencijom impulsa, koji slijedi, manjom od vlastite titrajuće frekvencije rezonatora (10) u elektromagnetska i vlastita titranja, naznačen time, da za proizvodnju elektromagnetskog isijavanja upotrijebimo rezonator (10), koji nakon svakog buđenja sa impulsnim signalom, koji slijedi, izvodi prigušeno titranje, kojeg amplituda za vrijeme trajanja polovične periode impulsnog signala, koji slijedi, padne na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude (M) titranja.1. The process of removing moisture from the wall, during which the wall is exposed using an electromagnetic resonator (10) to the electromagnetic radiation produced and emitted by the radiation device, whereby the resonator (10) is excited to create electromagnetic radiation with periodic electrical pulses with the following pulse frequency , smaller than the natural oscillating frequency of the resonator (10) into electromagnetic and self-oscillations, indicated by the fact that for the production of electromagnetic radiation we use the resonator (10), which after each awakening with the pulse signal that follows, performs a damped oscillation, the amplitude of which for the duration of the half-period of the pulse signal, which follows, falls to a value less than 10% of the maximum amplitude (M) of oscillation. 2. Postupak po zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, da za proizvodnju elektromagnetskog isijavanja upotrijebimo rezonator (10), koji nakon svakog pobuđivanja sa impulsnim signalom, koji slijedi izvodi prigušeno titranje, kojeg amplituda za vrijeme trajanja četvrtinske periode impulsnog signala, koji slijedi, padne na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude (M) titranja.2. The method according to claim 1, indicated by the fact that for the production of electromagnetic radiation we use a resonator (10), which after each excitation with the pulse signal that follows performs a damped oscillation, the amplitude of which drops to value less than 10% of the maximum amplitude (M) of oscillation. 3. Postupak po zahtjevu 1 ili 2, naznačen time, da kao impulsni signal, koji slijedi, za pobuđivanje titranja rezonatora upotrijebimo pravokutni signal sa ključnim odnosom u biti 50%.3. The method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized by the fact that as the pulse signal, which follows, to excite the vibration of the resonator, we use a rectangular signal with a key ratio of essentially 50%. 4. Postupak po zahtjevu 1, 2 ili 3, naznačen time, da impulsni signal, koji slijedi, za titrajuće pobuđivanje rezonatora odvodimo iz mrežne izmjenične napetosti.4. The method according to claim 1, 2 or 3, indicated by the fact that the impulse signal, which follows, for vibrating excitation of the resonator, is derived from the mains alternating voltage. 5. Postupak po zahtjevu 3 ili 4, naznačen time, da za stvaranje elektromagnetskog isijavanja upotrijebimo rezonator (10), koji se tako po podizajućoj bočnoj strani (F+) kao i po padajućoj bočnoj strani (F) te impulsnog signala koji slijedi, pretvara u vlastita titranja.5. The method according to claim 3 or 4, characterized by the fact that for the creation of electromagnetic radiation we use a resonator (10), which, both on the rising side (F+) and on the falling side (F) and the following pulse signal, is own oscillations. 6. Postupak koji se temelji na jednom od prethodnih zahtjeva, naznačen time, da osiguramo, da impulsni signal koji slijedi i pobuđuje titranje, ne zauzima prema zemaljskom potencijalu pozitivnu napetost.6. A procedure based on one of the previous requirements, indicated by the fact that we ensure that the pulse signal that follows and excites the vibration does not take a positive voltage with respect to the ground potential. 7. Postupak koji se temelji na jednom od prethodnih zahtjeva, naznačen time, da za proizvodnju elektromagnetskog isijavanja upotrijebimo rezonator, kojeg se frekvencija vlastitog titranja nalazi u području od 141 kHz + i - 4 kHz.7. A method based on one of the previous requirements, indicated by the fact that for the production of electromagnetic radiation we use a resonator, the frequency of which is in the range of 141 kHz + and - 4 kHz. 8. Elektronski aparat za odstranjivanje vlage iz zida, - sa elektromagnetskim rezonatorom (10), posebno L-C-titrajućim krugom, - sa vezama davatelja impulsa (12), koji je povezano sa rezonatorom (10) i koji za pobuđivanje vlastitih titranja rezonatora (10) emitira periodične impulse sa strmim bočnim stranama (F+, F) impulsa i sa impulsnom frekvencijom, koja slijedi i koja je manja od frekvencije vlastitog titranja rezonatora (10), te sa napravom za isijavajuće emitiranje elektromagnetskih valova, koji se stvaraju na osnovu titranja rezonatora (10), naznačen time, da je rezonator (10) tako zasnovan, da nakon svakog pobuđivanja titranja od strane impulsnog signala, koji slijedi, izvodi prigušeno titranje, kojeg amplituda za vrijeme trajanja polovične periode (T) impulsnog signala koji slijedi, padne na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude (M) titranja.8. Electronic device for removing moisture from the wall, - with an electromagnetic resonator (10), especially an L-C oscillating circuit, - with connections of the pulse generator (12), which is connected to the resonator (10) and which, in order to excite its own oscillations of the resonator (10), emits periodic pulses with steep sides (F+, F) of the pulse and with the pulse frequency, which follows and which is lower than the frequency of the resonator (10)'s own vibration, and with a device for the radiating emission of electromagnetic waves, which are created on the basis of the vibration of the resonator (10), characterized by the fact that the resonator (10) is based in such a way that after each excitation of the vibration by the pulsed signal, which follows, performs a damped oscillation, the amplitude of which, during the duration of the half-period (T) of the pulse signal that follows, falls to a value less than 10% of the maximum amplitude (M) of the oscillation. 9. Elektronski aparat koji se temelji na zahtjevu 8, naznačen time, da je rezonator (10) tako zasnovan, da nakon svakog titrajućeg pobuđivanja po impulsnom signalu, koji slijedi, vrši prigušeno titranje, kojeg amplituda za vrijeme trajanja četvrtinske periode impulsnog signala, koji slijedi, padne na vrijednost manju od 10% maksimalne amplitude (M) titranja9. An electronic device based on claim 8, indicated by the fact that the resonator (10) is based in such a way that after each oscillating excitation by the pulse signal that follows, it performs a damped oscillation, the amplitude of which for the duration of the quarter period of the pulse signal, which coming up, falls to a value less than 10% of the maximum amplitude (M) of oscillation 10. Elektronski aparat koji se temelji na zahtjevu 8 ili 9, naznačen time ,da su veze davatelja impulsa (12) izvedene kao veze za formiranje impulsa, koji signal sa sinusnim tokom pretvara u pravokutni signal odgovarajuće frekvencije, te sa odnosom tipki 50%.10. An electronic device based on claim 8 or 9, characterized in that the connections of the pulse generator (12) are implemented as connections for forming pulses, which convert a sinusoidal signal into a rectangular signal of the appropriate frequency, and with a key ratio of 50%. 11. Elektronski aparat po zahtjevu 10, naznačen time, daje signalni ulaz veza (12) za formiranje impulsa priključen na sekundarni namot kao napravu za opskrbljivanje cjelokupnog aparata poslužujućeg mrežnog transformatora (14) te da iz mrežnog transformatora (14) poslani signal pretvara u impulsni signal, koji slijedi, za pobuđivanje titrajućeg kruga (10).11. The electronic device according to claim 10, characterized in that the signal input connection (12) for the formation of pulses is connected to the secondary winding as a device for supplying the entire apparatus to the mains transformer (14) and that the signal sent from the mains transformer (14) is converted into a pulse signal, which follows, to excite the oscillating circuit (10). 12. Elektronski aparat po zahtjevu 10 ili 11, naznačen time, da tako dizajuće kao i padajuće bočne strane (F+, F) impulsnog signala, koji slijedi, pobude titranje rezonatora (10).12. An electronic device according to claim 10 or 11, characterized in that both the rising and falling sides (F+, F) of the following pulse signal excite the oscillation of the resonator (10). 13. Elektronski aparat što se temelji na barem jednom od zahtjeva od 8 do 12, naznačen time, da su za prigušivanje pozitivnih napetosti predviđene veze, prije svega dioda (D), koja osigurava da titranjem pobuđeni impulsni signal, koji slijedi, nasuprot zemljinom potencijalu ne zauzima nikakve pozitivne napetosti.13. An electronic device based on at least one of claims 8 to 12, characterized by the fact that connections are provided for dampening positive voltages, primarily a diode (D), which ensures that the pulse signal excited by the vibration, which follows, is opposite to the ground potential it does not occupy any positive tensions. 14. Elektronski aparat što se temelji na barem jednom od zahtjeva od 8 do 13, naznačen time, da se frekvencija vlastitog titranja elektromagnetskog rezonatora (10) nalazi u području 141 kHz +i-4kHz.14. Electronic apparatus based on at least one from claims 8 to 13, characterized in that the frequency of the electromagnetic resonator (10) is in the range of 141 kHz +i-4kHz. 15. Elektronski aparat što se temelji na barem jednom od zahtjeva od 8 do 14, naznačen time, da je predviđena optička kontrolna kazaljka (16) za kontrolu funkcioniranja aparata.15. An electronic device based on at least one of claims 8 to 14, characterized in that an optical control pointer (16) is provided for controlling the functioning of the device. 16. Elektronski aparat po zahtjevu 15, naznačen time, da kontrolna kazaljka (16) sadrži paralelno vezane, suprotno polarizirane svjetlosne diode, koje su smještene između rezonatora (10) i veze (12) davatelja impulsa.16. Electronic device according to claim 15, characterized in that the control pointer (16) contains parallel connected, oppositely polarized light diodes, which are placed between the resonator (10) and the connection (12) of the pulse generator. 17. Elektronski aparat što se temelji barem na jednom od zahtjeva od 8 do 16, naznačen, sa kućištem od umjetne tvari.17. An electronic device based on at least one of claims 8 to 16, indicated with a housing made of synthetic material. 18. Elektronski aparat što se temelji barem na jednom od zahtjeva od 8 do 17, naznačen time, da se frekvencija rezonatora može podesiti.18. An electronic device based on at least one of claims 8 to 17, characterized in that the frequency of the resonator can be adjusted. 19. Elektronski aparat što se temelji barem na jednom od zahtjeva od 8 do 18, naznačen time, da je naprava za isijavajuće emitiranje elektomagnetskih valova sa rezonatorom (10) sklopljena antena.19. An electronic device based on at least one of claims 8 to 18, characterized in that the device for radiating emission of electromagnetic waves with a resonator (10) is a closed antenna. 20. Elektronski aparat što se temelji barem na jednom od zahtjeva od 8 do 18, naznačen time, a stvara napravu za isijavajuće emitiranje elektromagnetskih valova sam rezonator (10).20. An electronic device based on at least one of claims 8 to 18, characterized by the fact that the resonator (10) itself creates a device for the radiating emission of electromagnetic waves.
HRP-836/90A 1989-04-28 1993-06-25 Method and electronic apparatus for drying out walls HRP930999B1 (en)

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DE8905412U DE8905412U1 (en) 1989-04-28 1989-04-28 Electronic device for dehumidifying masonry

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