442,856. Calculating - apparatus. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO., 6071, 2nd Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. May 16, 1934, No. 14795. Convention date, May 27, 1933. [Class 106 (i)] A machine is provided with a counting mechanism for registering the number of transactions such as the number of customers served by the operator using the machine. The counting mechanism is operated under the control of the printing mechanism, the counter operating mechanism being conditioned under the control of the manipulative control members that set the machine for single item transactions or for total taking in multiple item transactions. The invention is shown applied to a machine of the Burroughs portable type as described in Specification 265,122, [Class 106 (i)]. Such machines have banks of amount keys 10, Figs. 1 and 3, a bank of control keys T, ST, NA, SI, &c. for total-taking, sub-total-taking, non-adding, selection of registers 13, 14, &c. and the usual form of printing mechanism. In operation, the differential actuators 12 are moved to extents depending on the keys depressed and their latches 32 engage the ends of the impression hammers 17. During the continued movement of the main shaft 18 the latches 32 cock the hammers 17 until the latches are freed and the hammers under spring action are then fired. When the hammers are cocked a spring-controlled bail 54, Figs. 1 and 2, is swung forwardly so that a projection 53 thereon will engage a notch 52 in a pawl 49 if said pawl has been moved into its path. The setting of the pawl 49 into effective engaging position is under the control of a bail 63 shaped to co-operate with certain of the keys of the control bank. In the present instance the bail 63 has projections 66 adapted to co-operate with the single item transaction key S1 and the total key T. Depression of either key causes the bail to rock and through a linkage 68, 69 effects the rocking of the pawl 49 so as to raise its notched end 52 into the path of movement of the projection 53 on the bail 54. The pawl 49 is pivoted to a spring-controlled bail 43 pivotally mounted on the spindle of a counting mechanism 41 and carrying a set of actuating pawls 48. By this means, when the machine is operated, the printing mechanism through its action on the pawl 49 operates the counting mechanism. If, when the register is clear, the machine is operated as in totaltaking, this action is not effective to operate the counting mechanism, as the hammer for the clear sign is cut away so that it does not rock the bail 54 when it is cocked. When the machine is combined with a cash drawer, the control keys T, S1 will be provided with mechanism to govern the opening of the drawer.