442,771. Accounting - machines. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.-(Assignees of Shipley, B. M.; 2021, Catalpa Drive, Sburlino, P. ; 400, Brookside Drive, and Placke, E. H.; 115, Klee Court, all in Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.) June 12, 1934, No. 31882/35. Convention date, June 28, 1933. Divided out of 443,977, [Group XIX]. [Class 100 (iv)] [See also Group XIX] Line-spacing mechanism.-In a cash register or similar accounting-machine having a laterally movable table for supporting record material in printing position and adapted to be adjusted for printing on any predetermined line of the record material, means are provided for automatically line-spacing the table during certain kinds of machine operation and for disabling such line-spacing means during other kinds of machine operation, and manually adjustable means are provided for rendering the line-spacing means operative during all kinds of machine operation. The invention, as described, relates to carriage-positioning and line-spacing means of the kind set forth in Specification 209,408, [Class 100 (iv)], and modified for application to the accounting machine forming the subject-matter of Specification 443,977, [Group XIX]. In the normal use of this machine, old balances, debit and credit items and new balances are printed in the appropriate columns of an account card, Fig. 14, the card carriage being line-spaced between the printing of each two consecutive items and released after the printing of a new balance. At the end of a day's working a " Proof " card, Fig. 16, is inserted in the machine and a lever 1060, Fig. 8, rocked clockwise. The various transaction and grand totalizers are then reset, and the totals taken therefrom printed on the card in the manner shown, the carriage being line-spaced at each operation and not released after an operation initiated by the depression of the " New balance key. In normal operations, the account or " Proof " card is placed on a carriage 920, Fig. 4, and the required line selected for printing by depression of the appropriate key 927 and manual sliding of the carriage to the right against the action of a spring 1028. After the first operation, the depressed key is released and the carriage controlled by the usual escapement mechanism comprising pawls 994,999 mounted on a rocker 990 and co-operating with a rack 1003 on the carriage. The usual manual means are provided to depress the pawl 999 and thus release the carriage for return out of the machine. The carriage is line - spaced by left - hand movement of a link 989 connected at one end to the rocker and at the other, through levers 987, 984 to a yoke 981 loose on a shaft 980. A projection 1025, Fig. 9, on the yoke is normally out of alignment with a cam 1026 on the printer shaft, but in certain operations the yoke' is shifted to the right so as to be rocked by the cam and effect line-spacing. The means for shifting the yoke comprise a lever 961, Fig. 13, freed at each operation by an arm 965 on the platen-control shaft 962 and controlled by a notched disc 957 angularly positioned by the first transaction bank latch. The notches are in the third and ninth positions, corresponding to those positions in which the latch is broken during debit and credit item-entering operations, respectively. If a notch is presented to the nose 960 of the lever 961, the yoke is shifted to the right towards the end of the operation and is rocked at the beginning of the next operation to effect line-spacing. The yoke remains in operative position until a total is taken. Depression of a total-plate positioning key rocks the usual shaft 177, Fig. 8, and through an arm 979, stud 978, lever 977, 975 and rod 972 returns the yoke to the left to prevent further line-spacing. In " Proof " operations, the handle 1060, Fig. 8, is rocked clockwise from the position shown. A yoke 1049, Fig. 9, connected to the yoke 981 is thus shifted to the right to align a projection 1048 thereon with a cam 1046 on the printer shaft 1027. The yokes are thus rocked in unison at each operation to line-space the carriage. The connection between the yoke 1049 and the handle 1060 includes a link 1053, lever 1055 and links 1057, 1059. After a normal new balance operation, the carriage 920, Fig. 4, is released to the action of its spring 1028 and returns to the left to present the printed card in accessible position. The mechanism is controlled by a disc 1006, Fig. 5, positioned by the differential latch of the first transaction bank and comprises a slide 1020, Figs. 5 and 6, adapted, when moved to the left, to engage a stud 1023 of the escapement pawl 999 to disable the latter and release the carriage. In new balance operations, the disc 1006 is set in zero or sixth position to present a recess 1007 or 1008 beneath a stud 1009 of a lever 1010. Upon release by an arm 965 of the platen control shaft 962, the lever 1010 rocks clockwise and through levers 1012, 1017 engages a stud 1018 with a shoulder 1030 in a lever 1019 pivoted to the slide 1020. Upon the return of the lever 1010, the stud 1018 shifts the slide to the left to free the carriage. At the end of the travel of the carriage, a projection 1033, thereon, strikes the upper end of a rocker 1035 the lower end of which thereupon restores the lever 1019 to the ineffective position shown. The movement of the handle 1060, Fig. 8, prior to " Proof operations, positions a stop 1074, Fig. 5, beneath the end 1075 of the lever 1010 to disable the carriage-release mechanism described above. Specification 324,389, [Class 100 (iv)], also is referred to.