GB2195934A - Rolling of U-shaped steel sections - Google Patents

Rolling of U-shaped steel sections Download PDF


Publication number
GB2195934A GB08721566A GB8721566A GB2195934A GB 2195934 A GB2195934 A GB 2195934A GB 08721566 A GB08721566 A GB 08721566A GB 8721566 A GB8721566 A GB 8721566A GB 2195934 A GB2195934 A GB 2195934A
United Kingdom
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shaped steel
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GB8721566D0 (en
GB2195934B (en
Fernand Schmitz
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Arcelor Luxembourg SA
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Arbed SA
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Application filed by Arbed SA filed Critical Arbed SA
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Publication of GB2195934A publication Critical patent/GB2195934A/en
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Publication of GB2195934B publication Critical patent/GB2195934B/en
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    • B21B1/00Metal-rolling methods or mills for making semi-finished products of solid or profiled cross-section; Sequence of operations in milling trains; Layout of rolling-mill plant, e.g. grouping of stands; Succession of passes or of sectional pass alternations
    • B21B1/08Metal-rolling methods or mills for making semi-finished products of solid or profiled cross-section; Sequence of operations in milling trains; Layout of rolling-mill plant, e.g. grouping of stands; Succession of passes or of sectional pass alternations for rolling structural sections, i.e. work of special cross-section, e.g. angle steel
    • B21B1/095U-or channel sections


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Metal Rolling (AREA)
  • Bending Of Plates, Rods, And Pipes (AREA)


GB2195934A 1 SPECIFICATION triangular elevations and central portion will
form the flanges of the U-beam. The web Process and device for the rolling of U- flange outer edges of the U- beams will essen shaped steel sections tially correspond to the apex or tips of the 70 triangular elevations on the slug.
This invention relates to a process and appa- The U-shaped section can be produced ratus for the rolling of U-shaped steel sections without difficulty from flat steel or round steel.
from a substantially flat slug. This results in great savings over stateof-the- Heat rolling of U-beams is a state-of-the-art art production methods since all that is re- process which requires a large number of rol- 75 quired for the various passes necessary for ler pairs with relatively complicated mating the production of the fabricated materials are grooves. The complexity of the current pro- an upper roller in which two notches are cesses becomes clear from a review of prior made per section, and a lower roller which is art Figures 3 to 9 wherein the individual cali- entirely smooth. The number of grooves de brations are schematically shown. Thus, as is 80 pends on the composition of the initial pro seen from Figures 3-9, for each U-beam confi- duct and on the demands made upon the de guration, a different set of rollers must be gree of exactness of the roll mass, both at acquired, maintained and administered. This the side ends as well as at the transition be multiplicity of rollers leads to high production tween web and sides. While the production of costs for extensive product lines. 85 the initial flat slug is known to one of ordinary It is a peculiarity of standardized U-beams skill in the art, there are problems connected that the two flanges taper toward the outer with the finish rolling, which as a further im ends or extremities such that the outer section portant feature of the present invention, is inclined by about 10. The inner section has should take place in only one pass for reasons an even stronger incline which measures 8' 90 of efficiency.
for a web height below 300 mm and 5 for Finish rolling in only one pass is made pos- web heights above 300 mm. It will be appre- sible by the apparatus of the present inven ciated that this peculiarity is by no means an tion. This apparatus comprises a roller pair advantage in the use of the U-beams, but which has the following characteristics. The rather a disadvantage. However, in accordance 95 upper roller has a groove which consists of with conventional and known manufacturing two parts, an interior part and exterior part.
methods, this design of U-beams is necessary The interior part, that is, the part closer to the due to the conventional calibration of the rolroller axis, is a notch which corresponds to lers. Indeed, it is known that a U-shaped sec- the outer contour of the U- beam. The basi tion whose flange is straight and uniformly 100 cally flat slug should then be inserted into this strong and is arranged at right angles to the notch. Instead of using a complicated guiding web cannot be rolled using conventional process with a universal frame, the second grooves. The steel engineer must make spe- part of the upper roller, in accordance with cial arrangements and use aids which equalize the present invention, comprises an exterior the geometric deviations due to the peculiari- 105 notch which represents an extension of the ties of the U-beams conforming to standards, interior part described above. Thus, the in particularly in connecting U-beams with other terior part represents the exterior contour of straight-angled sections. the finished U-beam and the the exterior part The above discussed and other problems is a device for centering the flat slug being and deficiencies of the prior art are overcome 110 inserted; which is supported at its outer edges or alleviated by the novel process for the pro- against the roller wall whose cross-section is duction of U-beams of the present invention funnel-shaped.
which has the advantages of simplifying the The lower roller has a projection whose pro- roll pass design over conventional processes; file corresponds, in cross section, to the in and which consequently results in a reduction 115 terior contour of the U- beam. Using this pro in the complexity and size of the roller installa- jection, the centered slug is grasped and is tion. This new process also allows for the moved into the notch of the upper roller, production of U-beams with uniform flange whereby the triangular elevations of the slug thicknesses in which the customary angles of gradually take on a guiding role with the pro inclination of 1 (as well as of 8 and 5') are 120 gressive bending of the wing until the groove practically reduced to 0. formed by the two rollers is filled.
In accordance with the process of the pre- The above-described and other features and sent invention, a U-beam is produced from a advantages of the present invention will be slug which has a substantially flat profile. This appreciated and understood by those skilled in slug comprises a flat steel piece which has 125 the art from the following detailed description two substantially triangular elevations formed and drawings.
on one of its surfaces. The central portion Referring now to the drawings, wherein like between the triangular elevations eventually elements are numbered alike in the several forms the web of the U-beam; while the outer Figures:
or wing portions lying on either side of the 130 FIGURE 1 is a cross sectional elevation view 2 GB2195934A 2 through a pair of rollers having cooperating section; in that the web dimension is fixed male and female sections for forming a U- and the flange dimensions are largely open, beam from a flat slug; and in that the roller slug has an extraordinar- FIGURE 2 is a cross sectional elevation view ily easily accesible shape, whereby the entire through a pair of rollers, similar to Figure 1; 70 production process is simplified and costs are and lowered.
FIGURES 3-9 are cross sectional views of While preferred embodiments have been portions of rollers for forming U-beams in ac- shown and described, various modifications cordance with the prior art. and substitutions may be made thereto with-
Referring first to Figure 1 an upper roller is 75 out departing from the spirit and scope of the shown at 1 and a lower roller is shown at 2. invention. Accordingly, it is to be understood A roller slug 0 with its two triangular eleva- that the present invention has been described tions A are also shown in Figure 1. The by the way of illustrations and not limitation.
groove of roller 1 comprises a notch which is

Claims (7)

  1. divided into two parts 10 and 11. The interior 80 CLAIMS part 10
    terminates at an exterior part compris- 1. A process for the rolling of U-shaped ing an extension 11 at whose edges the slug steel sections made from a flat sheet with 0 is centered. This centering on the roller it- two spaced triangular elevations comprising self is responsible for the success of the finish the steps of:
    rolling of the U-beams, starting with the extra- 85 orienting said flat steel sheet having triangu- ordinarily flat roller slug. The grooves of lower lar elevations towards a roller having a U roller
  2. 2 is a male projection 21 which grasps shaped groove; the slug 0 and moves it to its final position centering said flat steel sheet in a single between the rollers. Since parts 10 and 21 pass against a funnel-shaped ante-chamber of correspond to the exterior contours, or to the 90 said roller; and interior contours, of the U-beam, these parts progressively bending said flat steel sheet are shaped accordingly. during said single pass in said groove by In the groove shown, parts 10 and 21 are means of a counter-roller wherein the sections only slightly inclined to the outside with re- of the flat steel sheet on both sides of the spect to the vertical; a cross-section is thus 95 elevations form a flange.
    created with parallel flange side walls and 2. A roller pair for rolling U-shaped steel square outer edges. As already mentioned, sections comprising:
    Figure 1 is only an example of the embodi- an upper roller having a notch which in- ment of the present invention and should not cludes an interior section terminating at an ex be taken as limiting. The arrangement of the 100 terior section, wherein said interior section two rollers in accordance with the present in- corresponds to the outer contour of a pre vention does indeed allow for the production selected U-shaped steel section and said exte of U-beams according to the valid standards rior section has a funnel- shaped cross-section as well as steel products which have similar defining centering guide means for guiding the Ushapes, but which are not U-beams in the 105 outer edges of a steel slug; and sense of the universal standards. Figure 2 a lower roller having a male projection shows basically the same roller pair as Figure which corresponds to the interior contour of 1, but roller 2 of FIGURE 2 is changed in that the pre-selected U-shaped steel section and the projection 21 has an extension 20 which which is adapted to leave the side ends of the closes off the side ends of the U-beam. This 110 U-beam open.
    FIGURE 2 configuration is recommended if a
  3. 3. A roller pair according to Claim 2, particularly exact shaping of the radii of the wherein:
    outer edges, here rounded off, is desired. said male projection of said lower roller has Referring now to the prior art Figures 3 to an extension which is adjacent to said interior 9, these figures are representative of the prior 115 section of said upper roller wherein said male art roller profiles where the initial steel piece projection corresponds to the inner contour of has a rectangular configuration. It will be ap- the pre-selected U-shaped steel section and preciated how little similarity there is between wherein the transition from said male projec the production of U-beams in accordance with tion to said extension defines the side ends of prior art and in accordance with the present 120 the pre-selected U- shaped steel section.
    invention, since a section has been inserted
  4. 4. A substantially U-shaped steel section into the finishing stand in Figure 9 which can produced in accordance with the process of in no way be described as flat. Figures 3 to 9 Claim 1 wherein said U- shaped section has show how cubersome and costly the develop- flange side walls that are as parallel as pos ment of the final product is using conventional 125 sible with only a slight inclined angle to the and well known rolling methods. However, the vertical, as well as square outer edges.
    process as well as the roller pair of the pre-
  5. 5. A process according to claim 1, substan- sent invention, allow the production of essen- tially as hereinbefore described with reference tially U-shaped steel sections in which the fin- to Figure 1 or Figure 2.
    ishing stand is the sole determinent of the end 130
  6. 6. A roller pair according to claim 2, sub- 3 GB2195934A 3 stantially as hereinbefore described with refer ence to, and as shown in, Figure 1 or Figure 2.
  7. 7. A substantially U-shaped steel section produced in accordance with the process of claim 5.
    Published 1988 at The Patent Office, State House, 66/71 High Holborn, London WC1R 4TP. Further copies may be obtained from The Patent Office, Sales Branch, St Mary Cray, Orpington, KentBR5 3RD.
    Printed by Burgess & Son (Abingdon) Ltd. Con. 1/87.
GB8721566A 1986-10-09 1987-09-14 Process and device for the rolling of u-shaped steel sections Expired - Lifetime GB2195934B (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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LU86625A LU86625A1 (en) 1986-10-09 1986-10-09

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GB8721566D0 GB8721566D0 (en) 1987-10-21
GB2195934A true GB2195934A (en) 1988-04-20
GB2195934B GB2195934B (en) 1990-03-07



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GB8721566A Expired - Lifetime GB2195934B (en) 1986-10-09 1987-09-14 Process and device for the rolling of u-shaped steel sections

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GB (1) GB2195934B (en)
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IT1222720B (en) 1990-09-12
BE1000693A5 (en) 1989-03-14
ATA230387A (en) 1992-03-15
GB2195934B (en) 1990-03-07
LU86625A1 (en) 1988-05-03
FR2604928B1 (en) 1991-04-26
AU7881387A (en) 1988-04-14
IT8722012A0 (en) 1987-09-24
ES2007726A6 (en) 1989-07-01
FR2604928A1 (en) 1988-04-15

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