GB2190283A - Transparent curtain rod - Google Patents

Transparent curtain rod Download PDF


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GB2190283A GB08710230A GB8710230A GB2190283A GB 2190283 A GB2190283 A GB 2190283A GB 08710230 A GB08710230 A GB 08710230A GB 8710230 A GB8710230 A GB 8710230A GB 2190283 A GB2190283 A GB 2190283A
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rod assembly
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GB8710230D0 (en
Mark John Terlecke
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Graber Industries Inc
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Graber Industries Inc
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Application filed by GRABER Inc, Graber Industries Inc filed Critical GRABER Inc
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Publication of GB2190283A publication Critical patent/GB2190283A/en
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    • A47H1/00Curtain suspension devices
    • A47H1/02Curtain rods
    • A47H1/022Curtain rods extensible


  • Curtains And Furnishings For Windows Or Doors (AREA)


GB 2 190 283A 1
SPECIFICATION mounted on a window frame;
Figure 6 is a fragmentary vertical sectional Transparent curtain rod view taken on the plane 6-6 of Figure 5 illustrating parts on a larger scale; The present invention relates to telescoping 70 Figure 7 is a fragmentary vertical sectional support rods for curtains, valances and the view taken on the plane 7-7 of Figure 5; like. Some telescoping support rods, for Figure 8 is a fragmentary vertical sectional example as shown in U.S. Patents 1,801,477; view taken on the plane 8-8 of Figure 5; 2,436,811; 2,560,942 and 3,023,909 are Figure 9 is a fragmentary vertical sectional adapted for insertion into a hem in the curtain 75 view taken on the plane 9-9 of Figure 5; or valance. Some other telescoping rods, for Fig. 10 is a fragmentary transverse sectional example as disclosed in U.S. Patents view illustrating a further modified form of the 3,429,452 and 3,493,121 are adapted to rod assembly; and support curtains by rings or loops spaced Fig. 11 is a fragmentary front view of the along the rod. Such telescoping rods were 80 embodiment of Fig. 10; formed of metal that was coated or plated to provide a decorative finish and were usually DETAILED DESCRIPTION highly visible when installed. It has also been Referring now more specifically to the em proposed, for example as disclosed in U.S. bodiment of Figs. 1-4, there is illustrated an Patents 3,060,490; 3,346,227; 3,682,226 85 adjustable rod assembly for curtains, valances and 4,123,820 to make non-adjustable and the like and which comprises a first transverse rods or tracks from plastic extru- seamless tubular rod section 15 and a second sions. However, the plastic transverse rods seamless tubular rod section 16. The rod sec known to the applicant were formed of an tions 15 and 16 have cross sections of similar opaque plastic and were highly visible when 90 configuration and one of the rod sections 16 installed. has an external cross-sectional size sufficiently According to the present invention an ad smaller than the internal cross sectional size justable rod assembly for curtains, valances of the first rod section 15 to be telescopically and the like comprises a pair of seamless tureceivable therein. In acordance with the pre- bular rods sections having cross sections of 95 sent invention, the rod sections 15 and 16 similar configuration and fitting together teles- are formed of a rigid transparently clear and copically, each being a rigid, transparently substantially colorless plastic such that the ad clear, substantially colourless plastics member justable rod assembly is visually inconspicuous of such a character that the adjustable rod when installed. There are several rigid thermo- assembly is visually inconspicuous, and means 100 plastics including polycarbonate, polymethyl for mounting the rod assembly on a support methacrylate, and polystyrene that are avail surface. As a result the support rod is visually able in compositions to make clear, transpar inconspicuous when installed and in use. ent and substantially colorless tubular extru In particular the transparent rod assembly is sions. The transparently clear Plastic may, for effectively invisible when inserted in the hem 105 example, be rigid transparent thermoplastic re of sheer or lace curtains and does not pro- sins such as are used in making transparent duce a shadow or silhouette when back- window glazing. It is preferred that the tran lighted from a window. When a portion or all sparently clear plastic used in making the rod of the transparent rod is exposed to view, the sections have transparency, clarity and sub background such as a wall, woodwork or the 110 stantial colorless characteristics comparable to like is visible through the transparent rod so that of the plastics used in making clear tran that the rod blends in with the background sparent window glazing. Tubular rod sections and is visually inconspicuous. formed of such transparent plastics are suffici Examples of curtain rod in accordance with ently transparent and clear that relatively small the invention will now be described, with refprint such as on a newspaper or magazine erence to the accompanying drawings, in page along one side of the rod assembly is which: clearly visible through not only the single rod Figure 1 is a perspective view of a curtain sections but also the overlapping portions of rod assembly shown installed on a window the telescoping rods. Polycarbonate resins are frame; 120 presently preferred since they not only have Figure 2 is a fragmentary transverse vertical good transparency, but also have high yield sectional view taken on the plane 2-2 of strength in the temperature range that would Figure 1 and illustrating parts on a larger scale be encountered in the normal room installa than Figure 1; tion, as well as high resistance to fracturing Figure 3 is a fragmentary horizontal sectional 125 on impact. A suitable polycarbonate resin is view taken on the plane 3-3 of Figure 1; marketed by General Electric Company under Figure 4 is a fragmentary vertical sectional the trademark "Lexan", number 153-112.
view taken on the plane 4-4 of Figure 1; The tubular rod sections can be formed with Figure 5 is a perspective view of a second various different cross- sectional configurations.
embodiment of the rod assembly shown 130 In the preferred embodiments illustrated, the 2 GB2190283A 2 rod sections are formed with a transversely ferrule 35, also formed of transparent sub oblong cross section with generally uniform stantially colorless plastic, is provided on the wall thickness and generally flat front and rear end of the outer rod section 15. As best wall portions and transversely arched top and shown in Fig. 3, the ferrule has a stepped bottom wall portions. It is contemplated, how- 70 Passage extending therethrough, with a first ever, that the rod sections could also be passage portion 35a dimensioned to snugly formed with a circular cross-section as well as receive an end of the outer rod section and a other polygonal or multi-sided cross-sectional second passage portion 35b of smaller cross configurations and that a bead or rib could be section than the first passage portion and di- provided along the upper edge of rod sections 75 mensioned to slidably receive the inner rod to inhibit scratching of the rod surface if cafe section. A transverse shoulder 35c is formed rings are used. intermediate the passage portions 35a and Provision is made for mounting the rod as- 35b and arranged to engage the end of the sembly on a supporting surface such as a outer rod section to locate the ferrule thereon.
window frame 18 or wall 19 with the rod 80 The outer wall of the ferrule is preferably ta sections 15, 16 spaced from the supporting pered inwardly as shown at 35d in a direction surface. In the embodiment of Figs. 14, the away from the outer rod section, to facilitate rod sections 15, 16 are formed with integral guiding ofthe hem of the curtain onto the laterally extending end portions or returns outer rod section.
designated 25, 26 respectively on one end of 85 The curtain rod formed of transparently the respective rod section. The rod sections clear substantially coloriess plastic exhibits are conveniently formed from a straight extru- 11 see-through- characteristics even in the sion and one end of the rod section thereafter areas where the telescoping rod sections reformed by bending in a suitable forming die overlap, and does not produce a noticeable to form the laterally extending returns 25, 26 90 silhouette or shadow effect when backlighted on the respective rod sections. Although from the window. When the transparent cur some plastics such as polycarbonate can be tain rod is inserted into the hem of a curtain bent without heating, the extrusion is prefera- or valance, it is effectively invisible even bly pre-heated in the area of the bend to facil- through sheer or lace curtains. Further, even itate bending and reduce stresses in the bend. 95 when a portion or all of the rod is exposed to In order to facilitate bending of the tubular rod view, the background such as the wall, sections, the forming die is preferably arwoodwork or the like is visible through the ranged to press the rear wall portion of the transparent rod so that the rod assembly rod section toward and into close adjacency blends with the background and is visually in to the front wall of the rod section in the 100 conspicuous.
region of the bend, as indicated at 27 in Fig. Figs. 5-9 illustrate a modified form of tran 4. The distal ends of the returns 25,26 are sparent rod assembly. The rod assembly of not flattened into face-to-face contact but in- Figs. 5-9 is similar in construction to that of stead remain of tubular cross-sectional confi- Figs. 1-4 and like numerals followed by the guration and curtain rod mounting brackets 105 postscript ' are used to designate correspond 2S, 29 are provided for mounting the end ing parts. In this embodiment, the rod as returns on the supporting surface. The curtain sembly includes a first seamless tubular rod rod mounting brackets 28, 29 can be formed section 15' and a second seamless tubular of metal which include a mounting plate rod section 16'. The rod sections 15', 16' adapted for attachment to the supporting sur- 110 have cross sections of similar configuration face as by screws or nails and a laterally ex- and the rod section 16' has an external cross tending blade portion that is adapted for re- sectional size sufficiently smaller than the in ception in the tubular end of the respective ternal cross sectional size of the rod section return and which has an uPwardly extending 15' to be telescopically receivable therein. in prong 30 adapted to extend through an open- 115 this embodiment, the returns 25', 26, are ing in the top of the respective return. One or formed separate from the respective rod sec more intermediate rod brackets 31 are pro- tions 15', 16' and are detachably connected vided for supporting the rod assembly on the thereto. The rod sections 15', 16' are formed supporting surface at locations intermediate of a transparently clear substantially coloriess the end returns. The intermediate bracket is 120 plastic as described in connection with the also formed of a transparent substantially coembodiments of Fig. 1-4 and are conveniently loriess plastic and may be formed by molding. formed by extruding the rod sections and cut The intermediate bracket includes a mounting ting the same to length. The end returns 25, flange 32, a support arm 33 integral with the 25' are also formed of a transparently clear mounting flange and extending forwardly ther- 125 substantially colorless plastic and are conveni efrom, and an upwardly opening U-shaped ently formed by a molding. The end returns saddle 34 at the forward end of the support have a generally L-shaped configuration as arm 33. viewed in plan and have portions 25a',26a' In order to facilitate insertion of the curtain respectively adapted to be telescopically re rods into the hem of a curtain or valance, a 130 ceived in the end of a respective one of the 3 GB2190283A 3 rod sections 15% 1T, and return portions member of such a character that the adjust 25W and 26W that extend transversely of the able rod assembly is visually inconspicuous, lengthwise dimension of the rod sections. and means for mounting the rod assembly on Mounting plates 25c' and 2W are conveni- a support surface.
ently formed integrally with the ends of the 70 2. A rod assembly according to claim 1 returns for mounting the same on a support- wherein the two rod sections each have a ing surface. Alternatively, separate mounting transversely oblong cross section.
brackets such as those described in connec- 3. A rod assembly according to claim 1 or tion with the embodiment of Figs. 1-4, could claim 2 wherein the rod sections each has a be provided. 75 respective wall return extending laterally from The portions 25a', 26a' are constructed and one end.
arranged to have a snug fit in the ends of the 4. A rod assembly according to claim 2 and respective rod sections 15', 16% As shown in claim 3 wherein the wall returns extend Figs. 8 and 6, the portions 25a', 26a' are transversely to a plane through the major formed with a U-shaped cross section which 80 transverse dimension of the rod sections.
is laterally resilient and each have a bead or 5. A rod assembly according to claim 3 or rib 30' on the outer side arranged to engage claim 4 wherein the wall returns are formed the inner side of the respective rod section. integrally with the respective rod sections.
As will be seen from Figs. 8 and 6, the por- 6. A rod assembly according to claim 3 or tions 25a' and 26a' can deform laterally when 85 claim 4 wherein the wall returns are separable pressed into the end of the rod section to from the respective rod sections.
provide a snug fit therewith. The other por- 7. A rod assembly according to claim 6 tions of the end returns are also advantage- wherein the wall returns each has a rod ously formed with a downwardly opening U- mounting portion that is telescopically receiva- shaped cross-section as best shown in Fig. 9, 90 ble in an end of the respective rod section.
to reduce material and facilitate molding. As in 8. A rod assembly according to any one of the preceding embodiment, one or more inter- the preceding claims including a ferrule of mediate support brackets 31' of transparent transparent plastic material having a stepped plastic material can be provided for supporting passage extending therethrough, one end por the rod assembly intermediate its ends. 95 tion of the stepped passage being dimen Figs. 10 and 11 illustrate a modification in sioned to receive one end of the first rod which the transparency of the rod section can section and the other end portion of the pas be utilized to produce different type operative sage being dimensioned to slidabiy receive the effects. As shown in Figs. 10 and 11, a other rod section.
decorative insert such as a band, ribbon or Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office the like 36 can be inserted into the transpar- by Burgess & Son (Abingdon) Ltd, Dd 8991685, 1987.
ent tubular rod sections 15',16% The decora- Published at The Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, tive insert is visible through the transparent London, WC2A 1 AY, from which copies may be obtained.
tubular rod sections and can be colored or decorated as desired to provide a rod having a selected decorative appearance or color.
From the foregoing it is thought that the construction and use of the adjustable transparent rod will be readily understood. Since the rod is formed of transparently clear substantially colorless plastic, the rod assembly is substantially invisible when inserted into the hem of a curtain or drape and does not produce a noticeable shadow or silhouette when backlighted. In installations where the rod assembly is partially or wholly exposed to view the rod assembly is still visually inconspicuous since it tends to blend in with the background. The transparent rod assembly also lends itself to providing special decorative ef- fects by insertion of a decorative element in side the transparent tubular rod sections.

Claims (1)

1. An adjustable rod assembly for curtains, valances and the like comprising a pair of seamless tubular rods sections having cross sections of similar configuration and fitting to gether telescopically, each being a rigid, tran- sparently clear, substantially colourless plastics
GB08710230A 1986-05-12 1987-04-30 Transparent curtain rod Withdrawn GB2190283A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US86191486A 1986-05-12 1986-05-12

Publications (2)

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GB8710230D0 GB8710230D0 (en) 1987-06-03
GB2190283A true GB2190283A (en) 1987-11-18



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
GB08710230A Withdrawn GB2190283A (en) 1986-05-12 1987-04-30 Transparent curtain rod

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JP (1) JPS62268511A (en)
AU (1) AU7262187A (en)
DE (1) DE3715509A1 (en)
GB (1) GB2190283A (en)

Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2222069A (en) * 1988-06-16 1990-02-28 Leslie James A support rail
GB2312155A (en) * 1996-04-16 1997-10-22 Swish Prod Curtain track
WO2014035349A1 (en) * 2012-09-03 2014-03-06 Priehradna Dana Window strip
ITPD20130001A1 (en) * 2013-01-09 2014-07-10 Cristian Bertuzzo TENT SUPPORT DEVICE

Families Citing this family (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP0702919A1 (en) * 1994-06-09 1996-03-27 Anastasios Dellios Extensible curtain rod

Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2222069A (en) * 1988-06-16 1990-02-28 Leslie James A support rail
GB2312155A (en) * 1996-04-16 1997-10-22 Swish Prod Curtain track
EP0801920A1 (en) * 1996-04-16 1997-10-22 Swish Products Limited Curtain track
WO2014035349A1 (en) * 2012-09-03 2014-03-06 Priehradna Dana Window strip
ITPD20130001A1 (en) * 2013-01-09 2014-07-10 Cristian Bertuzzo TENT SUPPORT DEVICE

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
DE3715509A1 (en) 1987-11-19
JPS62268511A (en) 1987-11-21
AU7262187A (en) 1987-11-19
GB8710230D0 (en) 1987-06-03

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