27,734. Soar, H. Dec. 19. Speed indicators; odometers. - A centrifugal speed-indicator contains a trip odometer and records speed against distance. A maximumspeed indicator and an alarm are provided, and transmission gear is also described. Governor balls 6 are fastened, as shown in section in Fig. 2, to flat springs 7, the restraining effect of which is supplemented at high speeds by looped springs 11. A sliding sleeve reciprocates a rod 1, the upper portion of which has a swivel connection with the lower end and is grooved to form a rack 30. A pinion working on this rack actuates a speed-indicating pointer which turns a maximumspeed pointer. The latter is held by ratchet or friction devices which can be released by a pushpin, when the pointer is returned to zero by a spring. A record card is contained in a drum which may fit into or form the upper part of the casing. This drum when removed may also release the maximum-speed pointer. The motion of the above-mentioned reciprocating rod 1 is magnified by means of a fixed rack 15, pinion 13, and vertically-sliding rack 20, the sliding rack having a pencil or the like in a special holder at the top. Two parallel fixed jacks and three co-axial pinions may be used to obtain greater motion of the pointer. The racks are mounted in tubes, the outer of which is mounted frictionally or rigidly on a plate 17 which is revolved from the governor shaft by worm gear 32. The pencil moves in slots in this outer tube, and so is rotated proportionally to the total revolutions of the governor shaft. The rotating outer tube is connected frictionally to an odometer pointer at the top of the casing, a balancing-spring zeroizing the pointer when the odometer is removed. The pointer may also be ratchet-held and released by a pu-h-pin. An alarm bell is actuated by a cam 70, Fig. 12, on the reciprocating rod 1, which strikes an arm 61. The bell is mounted on a sliding plate 56, which is pressed against the case by a spring and can be raised or lowered by a screw 64. An indicator on the case 18 shows the speed at which the bell will be rung. This case 18 has an adjusting-flange 38, Fig. 1, by which it can be turned round so that the speed-indicating dial 43 faces in any direction. The governor shaft may be driven by flexible shafting from a friction disc engaging a ring on a vehicle wheel, the disc being spring - pressed against the ring and adjustable radially for different sizes of wheels. Instead of this disc being adjusted, it may drive two others mounted on the indicator casing, one of these being adjustable. For tramcars, a trailing wheel is employed. The indicator is suited to a motor car, motor bus, electric tramcar, or locomotive, and is applicable to other revolving bodies. The Provisional Specification states that the upper governor springs 7 may be replaced by links.