FI91673C - Method and apparatus for keeping the hot water temperature from the heat exchanger constant - Google Patents

Method and apparatus for keeping the hot water temperature from the heat exchanger constant Download PDF


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FI91673C FI910824A FI910824A FI91673C FI 91673 C FI91673 C FI 91673C FI 910824 A FI910824 A FI 910824A FI 910824 A FI910824 A FI 910824A FI 91673 C FI91673 C FI 91673C
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heat exchanger
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Matti Ilmari Kangas
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Eh Systems Oy
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Publication of FI91673B publication Critical patent/FI91673B/en
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Publication of FI91673C publication Critical patent/FI91673C/en



  • Steam Or Hot-Water Central Heating Systems (AREA)
  • Control Of Temperature (AREA)



Menetelmå ja laite låmmonvaihtimesta saatavan låmpimån kåyttoveden låmpdtilan pitåmiseksi vakiona 5 Tåmå keksinto kohdistuu menetelmåån låmmonvaihtimesta saatavan låmpimån kåyttoveden låmpåtilan pitåmiseksi vakiona, jolloin låmmonvaihtimesta låhtevån kåyttoveden låmpotilaa tunnustellaan låmpotila-anturilla, tunnusteltu låmpotila viedåån tulosuureena sååtimeen, jonka låhtosignaalin avulla 10 ohjataan låmmonvaihtimen låmmitysvåliaineen låpivirtausta.METHOD AND APPARATUS pitåmiseksi låmpimån from Heat exchangers kåyttoveden låmpdtilan standard 5 This implies invention relates menetelmåån låmpimån from Heat exchangers pitåmiseksi kåyttoveden låmpåtilan constant, wherein the Heat exchangers låhtevån kåyttoveden the outside temperature sensed by the outside temperature sensor, the outside temperature sensed input variable viedåån sååtimeen the låhtosignaalin means 10 is controlled Heat exchangers låmmitysvåliaineen låpivirtausta.

Keksintd koskee myos vastaavaa laitetta menetelmån toteutta-miseksi.The invention also relates to a corresponding device for carrying out the method.

Enneståån tunnetaan edellå mainittua tyyppiå oleva laite, 15 johon kuuluu anturi låmmonvaihtimen jålkeisesså kåyttovesi-putkessa tulosignaalin antamiseksi sååtolaitteelle, jonka asetusarvon perusteella antama låhtosignaali ohjaa sååto-venttiiliå kåyttåvåå moottoria (esim. hakemusjulkaisu DE-37 16 798).A device 15 of the above-mentioned type is previously known, which comprises a sensor in the domestic hot water pipe after the heat exchanger for supplying an input signal to a control device, the setpoint output of which controls the control motor 79 driving the control valve (e.g.

20 Sååtolaitteen tehtåvånå on pitåå låmpimån kåyttoveden låmpd-tila asetusarvossaan. Låmmonvaihtimesta otettavan kåyttoveden måårån muutokset aiheuttavat kuitenkin muutoksia kysei-seen låmpotilaan, koska tarvittava låmmitysteho muuttuu vå-25 littdmåsti kun kulutus muuttuu, mutta kuormituksen muutos- hetkellå låmmonvaihdin on tåynnå sopivan låmpoistå låmmitys-våliainetta eli normaalisti vettå. Anturin kohdalla låmpo-tila muuttuu vasta kun låmmonvaihtimesta alkaa virrata ulos kulutukseen nåhden sopimattomalla teholla låmmitettyå vettå 30 eli kun vaihtimen sisållå oleva vesi on jo våårån låmpoistå.20 The function of the control unit is to keep the DHW temperature of the domestic hot water at its setpoint. However, changes in the amount of hot water taken from the heat exchanger will cause changes in that temperature, as the required heating power will change only slightly when the consumption changes, but at the time of the load change the heat exchanger is full of suitable water. In the case of a sensor, the temperature mode only changes when water 30 heated with a power unsuitable for consumption starts to flow out of the heat exchanger, ie when the water inside the exchanger is already from the wrong temperature.

Esillå olevan keksinnon tarkoituksena on nåin olien aikaan-saada menetelmå ja laite låmmonvaihtimesta saatavan låmpimån kåyttdveden pitåmiseksi vakiona siten, ettå sååtolaite såå-35 tdventtiilin asennon sååtåmiseksi saa viestin kuormituksen muutoksista jo ennen kuin kåyttoveden låmpotilassa nåkyy muutosta.The object of the present invention is thus to provide a method and a device for keeping the hot hot water from the heat exchanger constant so that the control device for adjusting the position of the shut-off valve receives a message about changes in the load before the hot water temperature changes.

2 91673 Låmmonvaihtimesta saatavan kåyttoveden låmpotila saadaan esillå olevan keksinnon mukaisessa ratkaisussa pysymåån olennaisesti vakiona kåyttåmållå sååtdlaitetta, jossa on kaksi såådintå, joiden låhtdsignaalit summataan. Ensimmåisen 5 sååtimen tulosignaalina on kåyttoveden låmpdtila ja se toi-mii kuten tunnettujen jårjestelmien kåyttoveden sååtimet.2 91673 In the solution according to the present invention, the temperature of the hot water from the heat exchanger is made to remain essentially constant by using a control device with two controllers, the source signals of which are summed. The input signal of the first 5 controllers is the domestic hot water temperature and functions like the domestic hot water controllers of known systems.

Sen låhtosignaaliin summataan låhtosignaali toiselta sååti-meltå, jonka tulosignaali on peråisin anturista, joka si-jaitsee kåyttovesitilassa låmmonvaihtimen sisållå. Tålldin 10 sååtoventtiilin asentoa voidaan vålittomåsti korjata, kun låmmonvaihtimen kuormitus muuttuu. Toisen sååtimen on oltava nk. P-tyyppiå eli se reagoi vain låmpotilan muutoksiin, ei todelliseen låmpotilatasoon.Its output signal is summed with an output signal from a second controller whose input signal is from a sensor located in the domestic hot water space inside the heat exchanger. The position of the supply valve in the tank 10 can be corrected immediately when the load on the heat exchanger changes. The second controller must be of the so-called P-type, ie it only reacts to changes in temperature, not to the actual temperature level.

15 Esimerkiksi hakemusjulkaisusta DE-39 17 068 on tunnettua kåyttåå peråti neljåå termostaattia, joista yksi mittaa kåyttovesisåilidn låmpotilaa, toinen katkaisee veden låmmi-tyksen, kolmas kåynniståå pumpun ja neljås valvoo kattilan låmpotilaa. Edellå esitetyn tapaista mittausta ei kuitenkaan 20 julkaisussa esitetå.For example, DE-39 17 068 discloses four thermostats, one of which measures the temperature of the domestic hot water tank, the other switches off the heating of the water, the third starts the pump and the fourth monitors the temperature of the boiler. However, a measurement such as that described above is not reported in 20 publications.

Keksinnon mukaiselle menetelmålle on tunnusomaista se, mikå on esitetty patenttivaatimuksessa 1, kun taas keksinnon mu-kaisen laitteen tunnusmerkit selviåvåt vastaavasti vaatimuk-25 sesta 4.The method according to the invention is characterized by what is set out in claim 1, while the features of the device according to the invention appear from claim 4, respectively.

KeksintSå selostetaan seuraavassa låhemmin viitaten oheiseen piirustukseen, jossa kuvio 1 esittåå kaaviomaisesti enneståån tunnettua laitetta 30 låmmonvaihtimesta saatavan låmpimån kåyttSveden pitåmiseksi vakiona, kun taas kuvio 2 esittåå kaaviomaisesti eråstå keksinndn mukaista ratkaisua.The invention will now be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawing, in which Figure 1 schematically shows a previously known device 30 for keeping the domestic hot water from a heat exchanger constant, while Figure 2 schematically shows a solution according to the invention.

35 Piirustuksessa on låmmdnvaihtimesta 1 låhtevå kåyttovesiput- ki merkitty viitenumerolla 2 ja tuleva kylmåvesiputki vii-tenxamerolla 3. Kaukolåmpdverkosta tuleva kuuma vesi tulee vaihtimeen putken 4 ja poistuu putken 5 kautta. Tåmån låmmi-35 In the drawing, the domestic water pipe leaving the heat exchanger 1 is marked with the reference number 2 and the incoming cold water pipe with the reference number 3. The hot water coming from the district heating network enters the exchanger via the pipe 4 and exits through the pipe 5. Tåmån låmmi-


91673 3 tysvåliaineena toimivan veden mååråå ohjaavan venttiilin 6 asentoa såådetåån moottorin 7 avulla.91673 3 the position of the valve 6 controlling the amount of water acting as a working medium is controlled by means of a motor 7.

Enneståån on tunnettua sååtåå venttiiliå 6 ohjaavan mootto-5 rin 7 toimintaa sååtolaitteella 8, joka saa tulosignaalinsa 9 vaihtimen 1 jålkeisesså kåyttdvesiputkessa 2 olevasta an-turista 10. Såådin 8 antaa tulosignaalinsa 9 ja asetusarvon-sa 11 perusteella låhtosignaalin 12, joka ohjaa moottorin 7 toimintaa.It is already known to control the operation of the motor 5 controlling the valve 6 by a control device 8 which receives its input signal 9 from a sensor 10 in the hot water pipe 2 after the changer 1. The controller 8 outputs its operation signal 9 and the setpoint 11 .

10 Tåmå enneståån tunnettu ratkaisu ei kuitenkaan pysty riit-tåvån nopeasti reagoimaan kåyttovesikuorman muutoksiin, kuten jo edellå selostettiin.10 However, this previously known solution is not able to react quickly enough to changes in the domestic water load, as already described above.

15 Kun kåyttovesiverkostossa esimerkiksi avataan hana, muuttuu kåyttoveden virtaus putkessa 2. Samalla vaihtimeen alkaa virrata kylmåå vettå putkesta 3. Tilanne on kaikkein pahin, jos ennen hanan avaamista kåyttovesikuorma on nolla, koska tålloin vaihdin on tåynnå sopivan låmpoistå vettå, joten 20 låmpdtila anturin 10 kohdalla ei merkittåvåsti muutu ennen kuin vaihdin on tåyttynyt kylmållå vedellå. Venttiili 6 ei avaudu ennen kuin såådin havaitsee muutoksen kåyttoveden låmpdtilassa.15 For example, when a tap is opened in the hot water network, the flow of hot water in pipe 2 changes. At the same time, cold water starts to flow into the exchanger from pipe 3. If the hot water load is zero before opening the tap, then the exchanger is filled with 10 does not change significantly until the exchanger is filled with cold water. Valve 6 does not open until the controller detects a change in the DHW temperature.

25 Keksinnon mukaisessa ja kuvion 2 esittåmåsså uudessa ratkai-*· sussa on sååtolaitteeseen lisåtty uusi sååtdpiiri, joka muo- dostuu anturista 15, joka mittaa kåyttdveden låmpotilaa låm-månvaihtimen sisållå paikassa, jonka jålkeen osa veden låm-mityksestå tapahtuu, sekå sååtimen 8' rinnalle sovitetusta 30 sååtimestå 8".In the new solution according to the invention and shown in FIG. 8 "of the 30 adapters.

Sååtimen 8' låhtosignaali 12 ja sååtimen 8" låhtosignaali 13 summataan pisteesså 14. Summatulla låhtosignaalilla ohjataan venttiiliå 6 moottorin 7 avulla.The output signal 12 of the controller 8 'and the output signal 13 of the controller 8 "are summed at point 14. The summed output signal controls the valve 6 by means of the motor 7.

Anturin 15 paikka valitaan siten, ettå sen låmpotila muuttuu mahdollisimman aikaisessa vaiheessa kuormituksen muuttuessa, kuitenkin siten, ettå låmpotilan muutos on selvåsti havait- 35 4 91673 tavissa. Tållå tavalla saadaan sååtdventtiili 6 reagoimaan riittåvån aikaisin kuormituksen muutoksiin, jolloin låmpo-tilan muutokset jååvåt pienemmiksi.The position of the sensor 15 is chosen so that its temperature changes as early as possible as the load changes, however, so that the change in temperature is clearly detectable. In this way, the control valve 6 is made to react sufficiently early to changes in the load, whereby the changes in the temperature state remain smaller.

Claims (6)

1. Fårfarande for konstanthållande av temperaturen hos varmt bruksvatten från en vårmevåxlare (1), varvid tempera-20 turen hos bruksvattnet som låmnar vårmevåxlaren avkånns me- delst en temperaturgivare (10) , den avkånda temperaturen fors såsom ingångsstorhet till en regulator (8'), varvid genomstråmningen av uppvårmningsmedium i vårmevåxlaren (1) styrs med hjålp av regulatorns utgångssignal, kånnetecknat 25 av att med en andra temperaturgivare (15) avkånns bruksvatt-nets temperatur vid en sådan punkt hos vårmevåxlaren, efter vilken ånnu sker en del av bruksvattnets uppvårmning, att den sålunda avkånda temperaturen såsom ingångsstorhet fårs till en andra regulator av proportionalitetstyp (P-regula-30 torn 8") och att utgångssignalerna från den fårstnåmnda och den andra regulatorn (8', 8") på i och får sig kånt sått kombineras till en reglerstorhet, medelst vilken uppvårm-ningsmediets stromning regleras. 35A method for maintaining the temperature of hot potable water from a heat exchanger (1), wherein the temperature of the potable water which lowers the heat exchanger is sensed mostly by a temperature sensor (10), the sensed temperature being provided as an input quantity to a regulator (8 '). , wherein the flow of heating medium into the heat exchanger (1) is controlled by means of the output signal of the controller, characterized in that the temperature of the utility water at such a point of the heat exchanger is decanted, after which part of the heating of the heat is dissipated, the temperature thus sensed as input magnitude is fed to a second proportionality type regulator (P controller 8 ") and that the output signals of the said piston and second regulator (8 ', 8") on and readily combined are combined to a control quantity by which the flow of the heating medium is controlled. 35 2. Fårfarande enligt patentkravet 1, kånnetecknat av att såsom den nåmnda regulatorn (8') anvånds en PI-regulator eller en PID-regulator. li 7 91673A method according to claim 1, characterized in that, as said controller (8 '), a PI controller or a PID controller is used. li 7 91673 3. Forfarande enligt patentkravet 1 eller 2, kånnetecknat av att regulatorernas (8', 8") utgångssignaler kombineras genom addering.Method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the output signals of the controllers (8 ', 8 ") are combined by adding. 4. Anordning for konstanthållande av temperaturen hos varmt bruksvatten från en vårmevåxlare (1), varvid vårme-våxlaren omfattar till dess innerutrymme anslutna ingångs-och utgångsledningar (4, 5) for uppvårmningsmedium samt till en i nåmnda innerutrymme befintlig bruksvattensspiral an-10 slutna ingångs- och utgångsledningar (3, 2) for bruksvatt-net, och varvid till bruksvattnets utgångsledning anslutits en temperaturgivare (10) , vårs utgångssignal år ford till en regulator (8'), med hjalp av vårs utgång vidare bildats en reglerstorhet for en reglerventil (6) som styr uppvårmnings-15 mediets cirkulation, kånnetecknad av att i vårmevåxlaren (1) anordnats ett andra temperaturgivare (15) vid ett sådant stålle hos bruksvattenspiralen, efter vilket ånnu sker en del av bruksvattnets uppvårmning, varvid utgångssignalen från denna andra temperaturgivare (15) år f6rd till en pro-20 portionalitetsregulator (P-regulator, 8"), och att utgångs-signalerna från den forstnåmnda regulatorn (8') samt propor-tionalitetsregulatorn (8") på i och for sig kånt sått kom-binerats till en reglerstorhet, vilken år ford till nåmnda reglerventil (6) for uppvårmningsmediet. 25An apparatus for maintaining the temperature of hot domestic water from a heat exchanger (1), wherein the heat exchanger comprises input and output conduits (4, 5) connected to its heating medium and to a use water coil existing in said inner space (4, 5). - and output lines (3, 2) for the utility water, and where a temperature sensor (10) is connected to the output water of the utility water, the output signal of the spring is a regulator (8 '), with the help of spring output a control quantity for a control valve ( 6) which controls the circulation of the heating medium, characterized in that a second temperature sensor (15) is arranged in such a heat exchanger (15) at such a jet of the use water coil, after which part of the heating water is used, the output signal of this second temperature sensor ( ) is fed to a proportionality controller (P controller, 8 "), and that the output signals from the said regulator (8 ') and proportionality regulator (8 ") combined per se known to a control quantity, which is the ford of said control valve (6) for the heating medium. 25 • 5. Anordning enligt patentkravet 4, kånnetecknad av att den forstnåmnda regulatorn (8') år en Pi-regulator eller en PID-regulator.Device according to claim 4, characterized in that the first mentioned controller (8 ') is a Pi controller or a PID controller. 6. Anordning enligt patentkravet 4 eller 5, kånnetecknad av att regulatorernas (8', 8") utgångssignaler år forda till en adderare (14), vårs utgångsstorhet styr regleringsven-tilens (6) motor (7).Device according to claim 4 or 5, characterized in that the output signals of the regulators (8 ', 8 ") are fed to an adder (14), the output quantity of the spring controls the motor (7) of the control valve (6).
FI910824A 1991-02-20 1991-02-20 Method and apparatus for keeping the hot water temperature from the heat exchanger constant FI91673C (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI910824A FI91673C (en) 1991-02-20 1991-02-20 Method and apparatus for keeping the hot water temperature from the heat exchanger constant

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI910824 1991-02-20
FI910824A FI91673C (en) 1991-02-20 1991-02-20 Method and apparatus for keeping the hot water temperature from the heat exchanger constant

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FI910824A0 FI910824A0 (en) 1991-02-20
FI910824A FI910824A (en) 1992-08-21
FI91673B FI91673B (en) 1994-04-15
FI91673C true FI91673C (en) 1994-07-25



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FI910824A FI91673C (en) 1991-02-20 1991-02-20 Method and apparatus for keeping the hot water temperature from the heat exchanger constant

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN1330910C (en) * 2002-06-26 2007-08-08 曲波 Digital control constant temperature water delivery apparatus

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FI91673B (en) 1994-04-15
FI910824A (en) 1992-08-21
FI910824A0 (en) 1991-02-20

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