FI91616C - Chip or non-fibrous distributor - Google Patents

Chip or non-fibrous distributor Download PDF


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FI91616C FI932993A FI932993A FI91616C FI 91616 C FI91616 C FI 91616C FI 932993 A FI932993 A FI 932993A FI 932993 A FI932993 A FI 932993A FI 91616 C FI91616 C FI 91616C
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conveyor belt
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FI91616B (en
FI932993A0 (en
Juhani Siljander
Original Assignee
Sunds Defibrator Loviisa Oy
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Application filed by Sunds Defibrator Loviisa Oy filed Critical Sunds Defibrator Loviisa Oy
Priority to FI932993A priority Critical patent/FI91616C/en
Publication of FI932993A0 publication Critical patent/FI932993A0/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI91616B publication Critical patent/FI91616B/en
Publication of FI91616C publication Critical patent/FI91616C/en



  • Crushing And Pulverization Processes (AREA)
  • Treatment Of Fiber Materials (AREA)




5 Taman keksinnon kohteena on kuljetinhihnan tai vastaavan paalla kuljetettavan tai paikallaan pidettåvan lastu- tai kuitumaton jakolaite maton katkaisemiseksi tai jakamiseksi kaistoihin, johon laitteeseen kuuluu elin katkaisun tai jaka-misen suorittamiseksi.The present invention relates to a chip or non-fibrous splitting or non-fibrous splitting device for conveying or holding a carpet on a conveyor belt or the like, the device comprising means for performing the splitting or splitting.


Esimerkiksi lastulevyn valmistuksessa kaytetaan laitteita, jotka katkaisevat kuljettimella (yleensa tasomaisella hih-nalla tai viiralla) kulkevan yhtenaisen lastumaton poikit-taissuunnassa tai jakavat sen kuljetussuunnassa kahteen tai 15 useampaan kaistaan.For example, in the manufacture of particle board, devices are used which cut off a continuous uncut passing through a conveyor (usually a planar belt or wire) in the transverse direction or divide it into two or more lanes in the conveying direction.

Maton katkaisua tarvitaan, jos lastulevyprosessissa kaytetaan tahtipuristinta. Talloin jatkuvasti kuljettimelle muodostet-tava lastumatto on katkaistava (kuljettimen kulkiessa) puris-20 timen pituisiin osiin, jotka kuljetetaan edelleen ns. kiihdy-tyskuljettimella puristimeen tai puristimen tåyttolaitteelle. Katkaistessaan mattoa tyopaan on kuljettava jatkuvasti kulkevan lastumaton poikki maton nopeuteen sopivaa vinoa rataa ja sopivaa nopeutta noudattaen siten, ettå lastumatto tulee kat-25 kaistua kohtisuoraan kuljetussuuntaan nahden.Carpet cutting is required if a synchronous press is used in the particle board process. In this case, the continuous cutting mat to be formed on the conveyor must be cut (as the conveyor passes) into parts of the press-20 length, which are further conveyed in the so-called with an acceleration conveyor to the press or to the press filling device. When cutting the carpet, the workpiece must be traversed across a continuous mat without following an oblique path suitable for the speed of the mat and at a suitable speed, so that the mat must be cut perpendicular to the direction of transport.

Kuljettimella liikkuvan, jatkuvan lastumaton jakamista kaistoihin tarvitaan esim. silloin, kun puristimelle vietavån maton leveys on kavennettava tiettyyn mittaan. TMlloin lastuma-30 ton kummastakin reunasta erotetaan ja poistetaan jatkuvasti haluttu leveys mattoa ennen puristinta. Lastumattoa jakavien paiden tulee olla siirrettåvissa kulloinkin haluttuun tyokoh-taan.The division of the conveyor belt moving on a conveyor belt into strips is needed, for example, when the width of the mat to be fed to the press has to be reduced to a certain extent. In each case, a chip of 30 tons is separated from each edge and the desired width of the mat is continuously removed before the press. Shirts dividing the chip mat must be movable to the desired workplace.

35 Nykyisin em. tehtåvat toteutetaan yleisesti sahaamalla lastu mattoa pydrivillå teralaikoilla pyorosahauksen tapaan. Sa- haukseen on yhdistetty yleensa pneumaattinen imu, jolla sa- 2 91616 hauksen yhteydesså matosta erottuvat irtolastut pyritåån poistamaan.35 At present, the above tasks are generally carried out by sawing a chip mat with pydrivii blade discs, similar to circular sawing. The sawing is usually combined with a pneumatic suction, which is used to remove loose chips separated from the carpet during the sawing.

Nykyisin tunnetut laitteet ovat rakenteeltaan suhteellisen 5 raskaita ja monimutkaisia sahalaikkoineen, sahamoottoreineen, suojuksineen ja pneumaattisine putkistoineen. Tama on haital-lista, koska laitteen on oltava nopeasti ja helposti liiku-teltavissa. Laitteiden raskaus johtaa myos raskaisiin tukira-kenteisiin, -kiskoihin ja siirtomekanismeihin.Currently known devices are relatively heavy in construction and complex with saw blades, saw motors, guards and pneumatic piping. This is a detrimental list because the device must be quick and easy to move. The weight of the equipment also results in heavy support structures, rails, and transfer mechanisms.


Pyorosahauksen tulos ei ole riittåvån hyvå. Sahalaikkaa on vaikea suojata riittåvåsti. Se pyrkii heittåmåån irrottamiaan lastuja ympåroivån lastumaton paålle pilaten lopullisen levyn pintaa. Sahattu maton reuna ei ole riittåvån tasainen ja tii-15 vis. Sahan teraa ei voi varosyista asettaa kovin låhelle kul-jettimen hihnan tai viiran pintaa, sillå koskettaessaan terå saattaa vaurioittaa em. pintoja. Suurehko vålys huonontaa sa-hauksen lopputulosta. Pneumaattisen imun kåyttd on epåtalou-dellista ja aiheuttaa emissio-ongelmia.The result of the circular sawing is not good enough. It is difficult to adequately protect the saw blade. It tends to throw the chip that surrounds the chips it removed on top, ruining the surface of the final plate. The sawn edge of the carpet is not smooth enough and tii-15 vis. For safety reasons, the saw blade cannot be placed very close to the surface of the conveyor belt or wire, as touching the blade may damage the above surfaces. A larger clearance worsens the sawing result. The use of pneumatic suction is uneconomical and causes emission problems.


Keksinndn tarkoituksena on aikaansaada yksinkertainen ja edullinen lastumaton jakolaite, jolla voidaan poistaa, edellå mainitut haitat. Keksinnolle on tunnusomaista se, ettå elin katkaisun tai jakamisen suorittamiseksi on tårisevå ele-25 mentti, joka on asetettu kuljetinhihnan ylåpuolelle låhelle hihnaa tai olennaisesti siihen kiinni, ja jossa elementisså on lastumaton kohtaamissuunnassa mattoa jakava kårki.The object of the invention is to provide a simple and inexpensive non-cutting distributor with which the above-mentioned disadvantages can be eliminated. The invention is characterized in that the means for carrying out the cutting or dividing is a vibrating element placed above the conveyor belt close to or substantially attached to the belt, and in which the element has a non-cutting tip which divides the mat in the direction of encounter.

Keksinnon eråålle edulliselle toteutusmuodolle on tun-30 nusomaista se, ettå tårisevån elementin muodostaa maton pin-nan tasoon nåhden pystysuora, ja olennaisesti maton pituus-suuntainen tårylevy.A preferred embodiment of the invention is characterized in that the vibrating element is formed by a vibrating plate which is vertical to the plane of the surface of the mat and substantially in the longitudinal direction of the mat.

Keksinndn eråålle toiselle edulliselle toteutusmuodolle on 35 tunnusomaista se, ettå tårylevyn mattoa jakavaan kårkeen on yhdistetty tårylevyn kanssa teråvån kulman muodostava sii-veke, jolla maton erkanevaa kaistaa aurataan sivulle.Another preferred embodiment of the invention is characterized in that the tip dividing the mat of the tile plate is connected to the tile plate by a wing forming an acute angle with which the diverging strip of the mat is plowed to the side.

* « 3 91616* «3 91616

VielS eraalle keksinnon edulliselle toteutusmuodolle on tun-nusomaista se, etta tarylevyn tarina on aikaansaatu tåryle-vyyn yhdistetylla, halutulla taajuudella ja amplitudilla ta-risevalla taryttimella, kuten paineilmataryllå, tårymootto-5 rilla tai sahkotårylla.A further preferred embodiment of the invention is characterized in that the story of the board is provided by a tare of the desired frequency and amplitude connected to the board, such as a compressed air meter, a jet engine or an electric board.

Keksinnon mukainen konstruktio on yksinkertainen ja suhteel-lisen kevyt, joten myos laitteen tukirakenteet, -kiskot ja liikutusmekanismit voivat olla suhteellisen kevyitå ja yksin-10 kertaisia.The construction according to the invention is simple and relatively light, so that the support structures, rails and movement mechanisms of the device can also be relatively light and simple.

Seuraavassa keksintoa selitetaan yksityiskohtaisemmin viit-taamalla oheiseen piirustussivuun, jossa 15 Kuvio 1 esittaa kaaviomaisesti keksinnon mukaista jakolai-tetta ylhaalta katsottuna.The invention will now be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawing page, in which Figure 1 schematically shows a top view of a dispenser according to the invention.

Kuvio 2 esittaa leikkausta kuvion 1 viivaa II-II pitkin.Figure 2 shows a section along the line II-II in Figure 1.

20 Kuvioissa on esitetty kuljetinhihna 1 ja sen paalla oleva lastumatto 2, joka kulkee nuolen 3 suuntaan. Lastumattoa ja-kaa kaistoihin tarylevy 4, joka on kuvioiden esittamassa to-teutusmuodossa lastu- tai kuitumaton 2 pinnan tasoon nahden pystysuora, ja olennaisesti maton pituussuuntainen ja ulottuu 25 lahelle kuljetushihnan 1 pintaa tai olennaisesti siihen .. kiinni. Tarylevya tarytetaan sopivalla taajuudella ja amplitudilla taryttimen 5 avulla. Tarytin voi olla mika tahansa tunnettu sopivan taryvoiman ja taajuuden antava tarylahde, esim. paineilmatary, tayrymoottori tai sahkotary. Tassa to-30 teutusmuotoesimerkissa tarylevy-yksikko on paikoillaan ja lastumatto kulkee tarylevya kohti. On kuitenkin yhta hyvin mahdollista, etta tarylevy 4 liikkuu lastumattoa jakaessaan, jolloin matto voi olla paikallaan. Kun lastumaton lastu koh-taa tarylevyn tarisevan, kapean karjen 6, niin suurella taa-35 juudella tariseva karki siirtaa lastun jommalle kummalle puo-lelle levya, eika karjen 6 eteen paase syntymaan pysahtyneis-ta lastuista muodostuvaa kasaa.Figures 20 shows a conveyor belt 1 and its overlying carpet chip 2, which extends in the direction of the arrow 3. The chipboard 4 is divided into strips, which in the embodiment shown in the figures is perpendicular to the plane of the surface of the chipboard or nonwoven 2 and is substantially longitudinal to the mat and extends 25 close to or substantially attached to the surface of the conveyor belt 1. The floorboard is gripped at a suitable frequency and amplitude by means of a gripper 5. The tarot can be any known beam source that provides a suitable power and frequency, e.g., a pneumatic motor, a steam motor, or an electric motor. In this to-30 embodiment example, the board board unit is in place and the chip mat runs toward the board board. However, it is equally possible that the board plate 4 moves when dividing the chip mat, so that the mat can be in place. When the unchipped chip encounters a crumbling, narrow ridge 6 of the board, then at a high frequency the crumbling candy moves the chip to either side of the board, and there is no pile of stagnant chips in front of the ridge 6.

4 91616 Tåristessåån levy avaa itselleen jatkuvasti aukkoa sitå koh-den syotettavaan lastumattoon. Koska tårylevyn amplitude on pieni, se ei pyri heittåmåån lastuja. Lastuja ei siis lennå lastumaton 2 påålle. Tåryliike on suunnattu siten, ettå se 5 pyrkii tiiviståmåån lastumaton reunaa 8, jolloin siitå tulee tiivis ja suora. Tårylevyn mattoa jakavaan kårkeen on yhdis-tetty tårylevyn kanssa teravan kulman muodostava siiveke, jolla maton erkanevaa kaistaa aurataan sivulle. Saatåmalla tårylevyn siiveketta sopivasti voidaan toista kaistaa 10 au-10 rata sopivasti sivulle påin. Aurauskulma voi olla suhteelli-sen jyrkkå, koska auraava siiveke 9 tarisee pienentåen kit-kaa.4 91616 When vibrating, the plate constantly opens an opening for the chipboard to be fed to it. Because the amplitude of the tile plate is small, it does not tend to throw chips. The chips therefore do not fly over the uncut 2. The vibrating movement is oriented in such a way that it 5 tends to seal the edge 8 of the uncut, whereby it becomes tight and straight. The apex of the tile plate dividing the carpet is connected to the tile plate by a wing forming an acute angle, with which the diverging strip of the mat is plowed to the side. By fitting the vane plate suitably, the second lane 10 au-10 track can be suitably sideways. The plowing angle can be relatively steep, because the plowing blade 9 grooves, reducing friction.

Tarylevy 4 voidaan asettaa suhteellisen lahelle kuljettimen 15 pintaa, koska se ei aiheuta pyorosahaukseen verrattavaa painetta kuljettimen pintaan.The floor plate 4 can be placed relatively close to the surface of the conveyor 15, as it does not cause a pressure comparable to that of a circular saw on the surface of the conveyor.

Tarylevy 4 taryttimineen 5 on kiinnitetty joustavien element-tien 11, esim. sopivien kumilevyjen, jousten yms. avulla run-20 korakenteeseen 12. Tarvittaessa tårylevyn ja siivekkeen taakse, matosta vapaaseen kuljetinhihnaosaan, låhelle kulje-tinhihnan pintaa on jårjestetty pneumaattinen imu hihnan pin-nan puhdistamiseksi.The truss plate 4 with its gripper 5 is fastened to the frame 12 of the run-20 by means of flexible elements 11, e.g. suitable rubber plates, springs, etc. If necessary, behind the tine plate and the wing, in the carpet-free conveyor belt part, near the conveyor belt surface a pneumatic suction belt is arranged. for cleaning.

25 Alan ammattimiehelle on selvåå, ettå keksinto ei ole rajoit-tunut edellåesitettyihin sovellutusmuotoesimerkkeihin, vaan sitå voidaan vaihdella oheisten patenttivaatimusten puit-teissa. Edellå on useimmiten puhuttu lastumatosta ja sen ala-puolella olevasta kuljetushihnasta. Yhtå hyvin keksintoå voi-30 daan kåyttåå viiran påållå olevan kuitumaton tai -rainan kat-kaisuun.It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the invention is not limited to the exemplary embodiments set forth above, but may be varied within the scope of the appended claims. Above, we have mostly talked about the chip mat and the conveyor belt below it. Equally, the invention can be used to cut a nonwoven fabric or web on a wire.


Claims (6)

1. Delningsanordning, avsedd for en spån- eller fibermatta (2) som transporteras eller hålls på plats på ett transport- 5 band (1), for att kapa av mattan eller dela den i remsor (10), till vilken anordning det hor ett organ (4) for att utfora kapningen eller delningen, kånnetecknad av, att organet (4) for utforning av kapningen eller delningen år ett vibrerande element som placerats ovanfor transportbåndet 10 (1) nåra bandet eller våsentligt fast i det, och i vilket element det finns en spets (6), i spånmattans framskrid-ningsriktning, som delar mattan.A dividing device intended for a chip or fiber mat (2) conveyed or held in place on a conveyor belt (1), to cut the mat or divide it into strips (10), to which device it belongs. means (4) for carrying out the cutting or dividing, characterized in that the means (4) for carrying out the cutting or dividing is a vibrating element placed above the conveyor belt (1) nourishing the band or substantially fixed therein, and in which element it there is a tip (6), in the direction of progression of the chip mat, which divides the mat. 2. Delningsanordning enligt patentkrav 1, kannetecknad av, 15 att det vibrerande elementet (4) formas av en vibratorplatta som år vertikal i relation till mattans (2) ytplan och våsentligt riktad i mattans långdriktning.Distribution device according to claim 1, characterized in that the vibrating element (4) is formed by a vibrator plate which is vertical in relation to the surface plane of the mat (2) and substantially directed in the longitudinal direction of the mat. 3. Delningsanordning enligt patentkrav l eller 2, kånne-20 tecknad av, att det till spetsen (2) på vibratorplattan (4) som delar mattan (2) har forenats en skevningsvinge (9) som bildar en skarp vinkel med vibratorplattan (4), varvid remsan (10) som utgår från mattan (2) kan plogas åt sidan.Distribution device according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that a skew wing (9) forming a sharp angle to the vibrator plate (4) is joined to the tip (2) of the vibrating plate (4) dividing the mat (2). , wherein the strip (10) starting from the mat (2) can be plowed aside. 4. Delningsanordning enligt något av patentkraven 1-3, kannetecknad av, att vibratorplattans (4) vibration (7) har åstadkommits med en till vibratorplattan (4) fSrenad vibrator (4) som vibrerar med onskad frekvens och amplitud, såsom en pneumatisk vibrator, vibratormotor eller elvibrator. •30Distribution device according to any one of claims 1-3, characterized in that the vibration (7) of the vibrator plate (4) is provided with a vibration (4) which is vibrated to the vibrator plate (4) which vibrates at the desired frequency and amplitude, such as a pneumatic vibrator. vibrator motor or electric vibrator. • 30 5. Delningsanordning enligt något av patentkraven 1-4, kånnetecknad av, att vibratorrorelsen (7) år riktad så att vibratorplattan (4) fordelaktigt tåtar kanten (8) på mattan (2) som ligger mot vibratorplattan (4). 35Distribution device according to any one of claims 1-4, characterized in that the vibrator movement (7) is directed so that the vibrator plate (4) advantageously bears the edge (8) of the mat (2) which lies against the vibrator plate (4). 35 6. Delningsanordning enligt något av patentkraven 1-5, kånnetecknad av, att bakom vibratorplattan (4) och skev- 91616 ningsvingen (9), till en transportbanddel som år fri från mattan (2), nåra ytan av transportbåndet (1) har arrangerats ett pneumatiskt sug (13) for att rengora ytan på bandet (13) II6. A dividing device according to any one of claims 1-5, characterized in that, behind the vibrator plate (4) and the skew wing (9), to a conveyor belt part which is free from the mat (2), the surface of the conveyor belt (1) is arranged a pneumatic suction (13) for cleaning the surface of the belt (13) II
FI932993A 1993-06-29 1993-06-29 Chip or non-fibrous distributor FI91616C (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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FI932993A FI91616C (en) 1993-06-29 1993-06-29 Chip or non-fibrous distributor

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

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FI932993 1993-06-29
FI932993A FI91616C (en) 1993-06-29 1993-06-29 Chip or non-fibrous distributor

Publications (3)

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FI932993A0 FI932993A0 (en) 1993-06-29
FI91616B FI91616B (en) 1994-04-15
FI91616C true FI91616C (en) 1994-07-25



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FI932993A FI91616C (en) 1993-06-29 1993-06-29 Chip or non-fibrous distributor

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FI (1) FI91616C (en)

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FI91616B (en) 1994-04-15
FI932993A0 (en) 1993-06-29

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