FI90798C - Mine, especially a sea mine - Google Patents

Mine, especially a sea mine Download PDF


Publication number
FI90798C FI922670A FI922670A FI90798C FI 90798 C FI90798 C FI 90798C FI 922670 A FI922670 A FI 922670A FI 922670 A FI922670 A FI 922670A FI 90798 C FI90798 C FI 90798C
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reinforced plastic
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FI90798B (en
Jukka Vanhanen
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Muotekno Ab Oy
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Application filed by Muotekno Ab Oy filed Critical Muotekno Ab Oy
Priority to FI922670A priority Critical patent/FI90798C/en
Publication of FI922670A0 publication Critical patent/FI922670A0/en
Priority to DE69304262T priority patent/DE69304262D1/en
Priority to EP93304421A priority patent/EP0574220B1/en
Priority to AT93304421T priority patent/ATE142012T1/en
Priority to CA002098202A priority patent/CA2098202A1/en
Priority to JP5138751A priority patent/JPH0650700A/en
Publication of FI90798B publication Critical patent/FI90798B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI90798C publication Critical patent/FI90798C/en



    • F42B22/00Marine mines, e.g. launched by surface vessels or submarines


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The invention relates to a mine, particularly an underwater mine, comprising a container (1) of reinforced plastic for explosive. In the invention, in order to protect the explosive filler against various environmental effects and to improve safety during storage, the outer surface of the container (1) of reinforced plastic is covered by a flexible rubber or elastomer layer (2) having a density of about 0.7 to 2.0 g/cm<3>. <IMAGE>


i 90798i 90798

Miina, erityisesti merimiina Tåmån keksinnon kohteena on miina, erityisesti merimiina, kasittåen lujitemuovia olevan såilion råjåhdettå 5 vårten.The present invention relates to a mine, in particular a sea mine, handling a silicon of reinforced plastic in an explosive manner.

Yllå kuvatunkaltaiset merimiinat valmistetaan rå-jåhdesåilionså osalta tyypillisimmin alumiinista. Vaikka alumiini ei olekaan korroosioherkkåå, liittyy siihen kui-tenkin useita ongelmallisia piirteitå råjåhdesåilionå kåy-10 tettynå. Alumiini on såhkoåjohtavaa ja siten havaittavissa tåmån ominaisuutensa perusteella. Edelleen alumiinin låm-monjohtavuus on erittåin hyvå, joten siitå valmistetun såilion sisållå oleva råjåhdysaine kuumenee erittåin no-peasti ympåroivåån låmpotilaan. Esimerkiksi tulipalon yh-15 teydesså voi tulla riski- tai råjåhdystilanne. Edelleen alumiinisella såiliollå on råjåhdystå vålittåvå vaikutus, koska tållainen miina råjåhtåessåån levittåå ympåristoon sirpaleita, jotka kykenevåt tunkeutumaan vastaavien miino-jen sisåån aiheuttaen myos niiden råjåhtåmisen. Edelleen 20 alumiinin låmpolaajenemiskerroin on jonkin verran, ehkå noin kaksi kertaa, suurempi kuin tyypillisillå råjåhteil-lå. Tåten alumiinisåilion ja råjåhteen våliin pyrkii syn-tymåån rako, jonka perusteella miina saatetaan kyetå ha-vaitsemaan.Sea mines such as those described above are most typically made of aluminum in the case of råhdesåilionså. Although aluminum is not susceptible to corrosion, it nevertheless has a number of problematic features when used in an explosive container. Aluminum is electrically conductive and thus detectable on the basis of this property. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity of aluminum is very good, so that the explosive inside the silo made of it heats up very quickly to the surrounding temperature. For example, in the event of a fire, there may be a risk or explosion. Furthermore, an aluminum tank has an explosion-mediating effect, since such a mine, when exploded, releases fragments into the environment which are capable of penetrating the corresponding mines, also causing them to explode. Furthermore, the coefficient of thermal expansion of aluminum is somewhat, perhaps about twice, higher than that of typical explosives. Thus, a gap tends to form between the aluminum tank and the explosive, on the basis of which the mine may be able to be detected.

25 Varsinkin yllå mainituista alumiinin haitallisista ominaisuuksista johtuen on pyritty aikaansaamaan meri-miinoja, joiden råjåhdesåilio on valmistettu lujitemuovis-ta. Kuitenkin ongelmaksi muodostuu tålloin lujitemuovin saaminen riittavån keståvåksi ilman, ettå sen materiaali-30 vahvuutta joudutaan kohtuuttomasti kasvattamaan. Ta-vanomaisixnminhan merimiinat lasketaan pudottamalla meren-pohjaan, jolloin niihin pohjaan osuessaan saattaa kohdis-tua iskuja, jotka voivat aiheuttaa vaurioita råjåhdesåili-oon.In particular, due to the above-mentioned detrimental properties of aluminum, efforts have been made to provide marine mines with an explosive container made of reinforced plastic. However, the problem then becomes to make the reinforcing plastic sufficiently durable without having to unreasonably increase its material strength. Conventional sea mines are lowered by dropping on the seabed, which, when hit by the seabed, may result in shocks that can cause damage to the explosive tank.

35 Esillå olevan keksinnon tavoitteena on tuoda esiin 2 lujitemuovia olevan råjåhdesåilion kåsittåvå merimiina, johon ei kuitenkaan liity yllåmainittuja ongelmia. Tahan pååståån keksinnon mukaisen merimiinan avulla, jolle on tunnusomaista, etta lujitemuovisåilio on ympåristoon 5 suuntautuvalta ulkopintansa osalta varustettu joustavalla kumi- tai elastomeerikerroksella, jonka tiheys on noin 0,7...2,0 g/cm3.It is an object of the present invention to provide a marine mine comprising an explosive container 2 of reinforced plastic, which, however, does not have the above-mentioned problems. This is achieved by means of a marine mine according to the invention, which is characterized in that the reinforced plastic container is provided with a flexible rubber or elastomer layer with a density of about 0.7 to 2.0 g / cm 3 with respect to its outer surface facing the environment 5.

Tavanomaisimmin merimiinan rajåhdesåilio on ylei-sesti lieriomåinen ja miinan painopiste on sovitettu mii-10 nan keskikohdalle. Tålloin miina vedesså vapaasti pudotes-saan liikkuu putoavaa lehteå muistuttavalla tavalla kei-nuen edestakaisin pituussuunnassaan. Tåmån johdosta on edullista, etta såilion pohjan peittåvå elastomeerikerrok-sen osa on useita kertoja, edullisesti noin kymmenen ker-15 taa, vahvempi kuin såilion kyljet peittåvå elastomeeriker-roksen osa. Tållå tavoin elastomeerikerroksen iskuja suo-jaava vaikutus saadaan suurimmaksi juuri niiltå alueilta, joilta se todennåkoisimmin ensimmåisenå tormåå merenpoh-jaan, eli lieriomåisen råjåhdesåilion pohjan alueelta.Most commonly, the mine mine boundary repository is generally cylindrical and the center of gravity of the mine is adjusted to the center of the mii-10 nan. In this case, when the mine falls freely in the water, it moves back and forth in its longitudinal direction in a manner resembling a falling leaf. As a result, it is preferred that the portion of the elastomeric layer covering the bottom of the silo be several times, preferably about ten times, stronger than the portion of the elastomeric layer covering the sides of the silo. In this way, the impact-protecting effect of the elastomer layer is greatest in those areas from which it is most likely to first rush to the seabed, i.e. in the area of the bottom of the cylindrical explosive container.

20 Seuraavassa keksinnon mukaista merimiinaa ja sen tarjoamia etuja kuvataan seuraavassa yksityiskohtaisemmin viitaten oheiseen piirustukseen, jonka kuvio esittåå si-vulta nåhtynå ja osittain halkileikattuna keksinnon mukaisen merimiinan råjåhdesåiliotå.In the following, the sea mine according to the invention and its advantages will be described in more detail below with reference to the accompanying drawing, the figure of which is seen from the side and partly in section from the explosive container of the sea mine according to the invention.

25 Kuviossa on esitetty keksinnon mukaiseen miinaan, joka on tarkoitettu erityisesti kåytettåvåksi merimiinana, sisåltyvå råjåhdesåilio, joka muodostuu toisaalta lujitemuovia olevasta såiliostå 1 ja sitå ympåroivåstå elasto-meerikerroksesta 2. Toimiakseen miina tarvitsee luonnolli-30 sesti myos råjåyttimen ja sytyttimen, mutta nåitå tåysin tavanomaisia miinan osia ei kuviossa ole selvyyden vuoksi esitetty. Råjåhdesåilion sisåosan muodostava lujitemuovi-nen såilio 1 kåsittåå yleisesti lieriomåisen keskiosan 6, jonka toiseen pååhån liittyy pohjaosa 7 ja toiseen pååhån 35 suuosa 5. Lujitemuovisåilio 1 voidaan valmistaa joko yhte-The figure shows an explosive container contained in a mine according to the invention, which is intended in particular for use as a marine mine, consisting of a tank 1 of reinforced plastic on the one hand and an elastomeric layer 2 surrounding the mine. parts are not shown in the figure for clarity. The reinforced plastic container 1 forming the inner part of the explosive container comprises a generally cylindrical central part 6, one end of which is connected to the base part 7 and the other end 35 to the mouth part 5. The reinforced plastic container 1 can be made either


90798 3 na yhtenåisenå kappaleena tai tavanomaisimmin ja helpommin se voidaan valmistaa mainituista kolmesta osasta 5, 6 ja 7, joista pohjaosa 7 ja suuosa 5 liitetåån liimaamalla lieriomåiseen runko-osaan 6. Tåtå tarkoitusta vårten osien 5 våliset liitospinnat viistetåån sopivasti riittåvån pitkån liitospinnan aikaansaamiseksi. Lujitemuovisåilion materi-aalina voidaan kåyttåå tavanomaisia kuitulujitteisia ker-tamuoveja eli lujitemuoveja, jotka siis kåsittåvåt lasi-, hiili- tai muuta vastaavaa kuitua ja muovia, joka voi olla 10 epoksimuovia, vinyyliesterimuovia tai polyesterimuovia. Såilioon 1 kåytetty lujitemuovi voi edellå mainitun lisåk-si sisåltåå tavanomaisesti tunnettuja lisåaineita sen joustavuuden parantamiseksi.90798 3 in one piece or, most conventionally and more easily, it can be made of said three parts 5, 6 and 7, of which the base part 7 and the mouth part 5 are joined by gluing to the cylindrical body part 6. For this purpose, the connecting surfaces between the parts 5 As the material of the reinforced plastic container, conventional fiber-reinforced disposable plastics can be used, i.e. reinforced plastics, which thus comprise glass, carbon or other similar fiber and plastic, which may be epoxy plastic, vinyl ester plastic or polyester plastic. The reinforcing plastic used in the container 1 may, in addition to the above-mentioned, contain conventionally known additives in order to improve its flexibility.

Kuviossa esitetyn rajåhdesåilion toisen osan muo-15 dostaa såilion 1 ulospåin suuntautuvan pinnan alueelle muodostettu elastomeerikerros 2. Tåmå elastomeerikerros 2 voidaan edullisinunin muodostaa valamalla se såilion 1 påålle suljetussa muotissa, johon såilio 1 on keskitetty. Tållå tavoin elastomeerille saadaan myos halutut ominai-20 suudet. Jotta elastomeeristå muodostuisi riittåvån lu ja mutta toisaalta kuitenkin riittåvån kimxnoisa ja eråållå tavalla kumimainen, tulee sen tiheyden olla vålillå 0,7...2 g/cm edullisimmin noin 1 g/cm . Elastomeerikerros 2 sisåltåå siis elastomeeria ja lisåainetta, jonka avulla 25 se saadaan vaahdottumaan yllåmainitun mukaiseen tiheyteen suljetun muotin sisållå. Lisåksi siihen voidaan sekoittaa våriainetta, jolloin elastomeerista tulee låpivårjåtty ja siile voidaan antaa halutunkaltainen vårisåvy. Elastomee-rikerroksen 2 oleellisimpana tehtåvånå on suojata lujite-30 muovisåiliotå 1 ulkoisilta iskuilta. Antamalla tålle elas-tomeerikerrokselle 2 yllåmainitut ominaisuudet, aikaansaa-daan erittåin hyvå iskunkeståvyys suhteellisen pienellå kerrosvahvuudella. Koska kuten yllå on mainittu, miinaa mereen pudotettaessa kohdistuvat iskut pååosin miinan påi-35 hin, on elastomeerikerros såilion 1 pohjan 7 alueelta teh- 4 ty selvåsti elastomeerikerroksen muuta aluetta vahvemmak-si. Tåten såilion 1 lieriomåisellå osalla olevan elastomeerikerroksen 4 vahvuus on ehkå vain 1/10 såilion pohjan 7 kohdalla olevan elastomeerikerroksen 3 paksuudesta såi-5 lion keskilinjalla. Tållå tavoin såilion pohjasta ja eri-tyisesti sen nurkista saadaan erittåin hyvin iskuja kestå-vå. Kuten kuviosta ilmenee, såilion 1 pohja 7 ja suu on tavanomaisista såilioistå tunnetulla tavalla pyoristetty sen lujuuden lisååmiseksi.The second part of the barrier container shown in the figure is formed by an elastomer layer 2 formed in the area of the outwardly facing surface of the container 1. This elastomer layer 2 can preferably be formed by casting it on the container 1 in a closed mold in which the container 1 is centered. In this way, the desired properties of the elastomer are also obtained. In order for the elastomer to form sufficiently lu and on the other hand sufficiently elastic and in one way rubbery, its density should be between 0.7 and 2 g / cm, most preferably about 1 g / cm. The elastomer layer 2 thus contains an elastomer and an additive by means of which it is made to foam to the above-mentioned density inside the closed mold. In addition, a colorant can be mixed into it, whereby the elastomer becomes through-dyed and can be given a desired color tone. The most important function of the elastomer layer 2 is to protect the reinforced-30 plastic container 1 from external shocks. By imparting the above-mentioned properties to this elastomer layer 2, very good impact resistance is obtained with a relatively low layer thickness. Since, as mentioned above, when the mine is dropped into the sea, the impacts are mainly on the mine head, the elastomeric layer in the area 7 of the bottom 7 of the silo 1 is clearly made stronger than the rest of the area of the elastomeric layer. Thus, the strength of the elastomer layer 4 on the cylindrical part of the silo 1 is perhaps only 1/10 of the thickness of the elastomer layer 3 at the bottom 7 of the silo on the center line of the silo-5. In this way, the bottom of the container, and in particular its corners, is very impact-resistant. As can be seen from the figure, the bottom 7 and the mouth of the container 1 are rounded in a known manner from conventional containers to increase its strength.

10 Kuten kuviosta edelleen ilmenee, on såilion 1 suu- osa 5 varustettu erinåisillå ulokkeilla ja loveuksilla råjåyttimen ja sytyttimen kiinnittåmistå vårten. Nåillå såilion 1 rakenneosilla ei ole kuitenkaan keksinnon kan-nalta oleellisempaa merkitystå vaan niiden muoto ja raken-15 ne voi vaihdella tarpeen mukaan.As further shown in the figure, the mouth part 5 of the container 1 is provided with various projections and notches for attaching the limiter and the igniter. However, these components of the container 1 are not more important for the invention, but their shape and construction may vary as necessary.

Keksinnon mukaisella merimiinalla on useita erin-omaisia ominaisuuksia verrattuna erityisesti alumiinivaip-paiseen merimiinaan. Ensinnåkåån sen materiaali ei ole såhkoåjohtavaa eikå magneettista, joten sitå ei nåiden 20 ominaisuuksien perusteella kyetå havaitsemaan. Materiaali on kuitenkin tarvittaessa muutettavissa såhkoå johtavaksi. Råjåhtåessåån miina ei myoskåån levitå ympåristoon sirpa-leita, jotka voisivat tunkeutua sen ympåristosså esimer-kiksi samassa varastotilassa oleviin miinoihin. Tåten yh-25 den varastotilassa olevan miinan råjåhtåminen ei todennå-koisesti aiheuta muiden samassa varastossa olevien miino-jen råjåhtåmistå. Lujitemuovisåilion låmpolaajenemisker-roin on sama kuin useiden råjåhteiden låmpolaajenemisker-roin. Tåten råjåhteen ja såilion våliin ei pyri syntymåån 30 rakoja. Keksinnon mukainen miina on myos erittåin keståvå ympåristoolosuhteiden suhteen, koska sitå peittåvå elasto-meerikerros on umpisoluinen ja hermeettinen. Toisaalta sen låmmonjohtavuus on vain murto-osa alumiinin låmmonjohta-vuudesta. Tåten keksinnon mukainen miina ei edes tuleen 35 joutuessaan råjåhdå kuin vasta erittåin pitkån ajan kulut-The sea mine according to the invention has several excellent properties compared in particular to an aluminum-clad sea mine. First, its material is neither electrically conductive nor magnetic, so it cannot be detected by these 20 properties. However, the material can be made electrically conductive if necessary. When it explodes, the mine also does not release Sirpa fluids into the environment, which could infiltrate mines in its environment, for example in the same storage space. Thus, the explosion of a mine in a warehouse of one to 25 is unlikely to cause an explosion of other mines in the same warehouse. The thermal expansion coefficient of the reinforced plastic container is the same as the thermal expansion coefficient of several explosives. Thus, no 30 gaps are sought between the explosive and the silo. The mine according to the invention is also very durable in terms of environmental conditions, because the elastomer layer covering it is closed-cell and hermetic. On the other hand, its thermal conductivity is only a fraction of the thermal conductivity of aluminum. Thus, even when exposed to fire, the mine according to the invention only explodes after a very long period of time.


90798 5 tua. Kuten edellå mainittiin, råjåhdesåilion materiaali voidaan myos niinsanotusti låpivårjåtå, joten ulkoiset kolhut eivåt pååse muuttamaan sen våritystå. Keksinnon mukaisesta miinasta saadaan myos rakenteeltaan yksinker-5 taisempi kuin alumiinikuorisesta miinasta, jossa eri osien yhteenliittåmiseen tarvitaan useampia rakenneosia. Lujite-muovisen råjåhdesåilion etuna voidaan mainita myos såilion vapaa muotoiltavuus. Edelleen rajahdetta ymparoivalle lu-jitemuovisåiliolle voidaan antaa haluttuja elas-10 tisuusominasuuksia sen muovimateriaalia modifioimalla.90798 5 tua. As mentioned above, the material of the explosive container can also be so-called dyed, so that external knocks cannot change its color. The mine according to the invention also has a simpler structure than a mine with an aluminum shell, in which several structural parts are required for joining different parts. The advantage of the reinforced plastic explosive container is also the free formability of the container. Further, the reinforced plastic container surrounding the barrier can be given the desired elastic properties by modifying its plastic material.

Ylla keksinnon mukaista miinaa ja sen tarjoamia etuja on kuvattu vain yhden esimerkinomaisen suoritusmuo-don avulla ja on ymmårrettavåa, etta keksinnon mukaista rakenneratkaisua voidaan soveltaa muodoltaan låhes mieli-15 valtaisiin råjåhdesåilioihin poikkeéunatta kuitenkaan oheisten patenttivaatimusten måårittelemåstå suojapiiris-tå. Tåten råjåhdesåilion ulkopinnalle voidaan antaa eri-laisia pintamuotoja tai vahventaa pinnan muodostavaa elas-tomeerikerrosta halutulla tavalla eri kohdista erilaisten 20 ominaisuuksien, kuten iskunkesto-ominaisuuksien tai eri-laisen ulkonåon, aikaansaamiseksi.The mine according to the invention and its advantages have been described above by means of only one exemplary embodiment, and it is to be understood that the structural solution according to the invention can be applied to nearly arbitrary explosive containers without departing from the scope of the appended claims. Thus, different surface shapes can be imparted to the outer surface of the explosive container or the elastomeric layer forming the surface can be reinforced as desired at different points to provide different properties, such as impact resistance properties or different appearance.

Claims (2)

1. Miina, erityisesti merimiina, kåsittåen lujite-muovia olevan såilion (1) råjåhdettå vårten, t u η - 5. e t t u siitå, ettå lujitemuovisåilio (1) on ympåris-toon suuntautuvalta ulkopintansa osalta varustettu jousta-valla kumi- tai elastomeeripintakerroksella (2), jonka ti-heys on noin 0,7...2,0 g/cm3.A mine, in particular a marine mine, comprising an exploded view of a reinforced plastic silo (1), characterized in that the reinforced plastic container (1) is provided with a flexible rubber or elastomeric layer on its outer outer surface. having a density of about 0.7 to 2.0 g / cm 3. 2. Patenttivaatimuksen 1 mukainen miina, jonka rå-10 jåhdesåilio on yleisesti lieriomåinen, t u η n e tt u siitå, ettå såilion pohjan (7) peittåvå elastomeerikerrok-sen osa (3) on useita kertoja paksumpi kuin såilion kyljet (6) peittåvå elastomeerikerroksen osa (4). II 90798A mine according to claim 1, wherein the ridge-10 is generally cylindrical, characterized in that the part (3) of the elastomer layer covering the bottom (7) of the silo is several times thicker than the part of the elastomer layer covering the sides (6) of the silo. (4). II 90798
FI922670A 1992-06-09 1992-06-09 Mine, especially a sea mine FI90798C (en)

Priority Applications (6)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI922670A FI90798C (en) 1992-06-09 1992-06-09 Mine, especially a sea mine
DE69304262T DE69304262D1 (en) 1992-06-09 1993-06-07 Mine, especially underwater mine
EP93304421A EP0574220B1 (en) 1992-06-09 1993-06-07 Mine, particularly underwater mine
AT93304421T ATE142012T1 (en) 1992-06-09 1993-06-07 MINE, ESPECIALLY UNDERWATER MINE
CA002098202A CA2098202A1 (en) 1992-06-09 1993-06-09 Mine, particularly underwater mine
JP5138751A JPH0650700A (en) 1992-06-09 1993-06-10 Mine

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI922670A FI90798C (en) 1992-06-09 1992-06-09 Mine, especially a sea mine
FI922670 1992-06-09

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FI922670A0 FI922670A0 (en) 1992-06-09
FI90798B FI90798B (en) 1993-12-15
FI90798C true FI90798C (en) 1994-03-25



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FI922670A FI90798C (en) 1992-06-09 1992-06-09 Mine, especially a sea mine

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN114427809B (en) * 2021-12-14 2023-06-02 宜昌测试技术研究所 Standard mine warhead

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
SE7503534L (en) * 1974-04-06 1975-10-07 Hoechst Ag HEAT INSULATING PLASTIC CONTAINER.
DE2542573A1 (en) * 1975-09-22 1977-03-24 Goodyear Gmbh Metal and/or plastic container sheathed in insulating layer - with application of insulation after sealing of container
FR2352717A1 (en) * 1976-02-06 1977-12-23 Delaunay Philippe Dewar flask - with outer surface coated with injection moulded polyurethane adhering to flask

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