DK167328B1 - Air valve - Google Patents

Air valve Download PDF


Publication number
DK167328B1 DK306787A DK306787A DK167328B1 DK 167328 B1 DK167328 B1 DK 167328B1 DK 306787 A DK306787 A DK 306787A DK 306787 A DK306787 A DK 306787A DK 167328 B1 DK167328 B1 DK 167328B1
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air valve
shaped profile
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DK306787A (en
Paul Tengesdal
Original Assignee
Paul Tengesdal
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Application filed by Paul Tengesdal filed Critical Paul Tengesdal
Publication of DK306787D0 publication Critical patent/DK306787D0/en
Publication of DK306787A publication Critical patent/DK306787A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK167328B1 publication Critical patent/DK167328B1/en



    • F24F13/00Details common to, or for air-conditioning, air-humidification, ventilation or use of air currents for screening
    • F24F13/02Ducting arrangements
    • F24F13/06Outlets for directing or distributing air into rooms or spaces, e.g. ceiling air diffuser
    • F24F13/072Outlets for directing or distributing air into rooms or spaces, e.g. ceiling air diffuser of elongated shape, e.g. between ceiling panels


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
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  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Air-Flow Control Members (AREA)
  • Catching Or Destruction (AREA)
  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)
  • Duct Arrangements (AREA)


i DK 167328 B1in DK 167328 B1

Denne opfindelse vedrører en luftventil for montering i gulv eller væg og som særligt er beregnet til anvendelse i 5 ventilationsanlæg, der arbejder efter fortrængningsprincippet.This invention relates to an air valve for floor or wall mounting and which is specifically intended for use in 5 ventilation systems operating according to the displacement principle.

Moderne ventilation foregår efter to hovedprincipper, nemlig tvangsventilation og fortrængningsventilation.Modern ventilation takes place according to two main principles, namely forced ventilation and displacement ventilation.


Ved tvangsventilation blæses friskluften til rummet ind med stor hastighed og blander sig med indeluften. Luftventilen eller luftventilerne kan placeres frit, det vil sige i loft, vægge eller gulv.With forced ventilation, the fresh air to the room is blown in at high speed and mixes with the indoor air. The air valve or air valves can be placed freely, ie in the ceiling, walls or floor.


Fortrængningsventilation virker derimod efter et andet princip. Friskluften bliver ført til rummet med meget lav hastighed og i lav højde over gulvet. Den tilførte friskluft skal have en temperatur, som ligger et par grader un-20 der rumtemperaturen. Friskluften fortrænger således indeluften i rummet og flytter den op mod loftet, hvor en eller flere aftrækskanaler er anbragt. Efterhånden som luften varmes op omkring mennesker og andre varmekilder, stiger den op og giver plads for yderligere tilførsel af 25 friskluft i opholdszonen. Forureninger i luften samles under loftet og bliver ikke hvirvlet rundt i rummet. Forureningen i opholdszonen bliver derfor meget lavere i lokaler, hvor der benyttes fortrængningsventilation i stedet for tvangsventilation.Replacement ventilation, on the other hand, works according to another principle. The fresh air is carried to the room at very low speed and at low altitude above the floor. The supply of fresh air must have a temperature which is a few degrees below the room temperature. The fresh air thus displaces the indoor air in the room and moves it up to the ceiling where one or more exhaust ducts are arranged. As the air heats up around people and other heat sources, it rises and gives way to additional supply of 25 fresh air in the living area. Pollutants in the air collect under the ceiling and are not swirled around the room. Therefore, pollution in the living area becomes much lower in rooms where displacement ventilation is used instead of forced ventilation.


Luftventiler, der benyttes i forbindelse med fortrængningsventilation, må have specielle egenskaber. Friskluften bliver som nævnt tilført rummet med meget lav hastighed, sædvanligvis under 0,2 m/s, for at der ikke skal op-35 stå træk i opholdszonen. For at få indmadet den nødvendige luftmængde, må luftventilen eller luftventilerne derfor dimensioneres tilsvarende. Luftventilen eller luftventi- lerne må endvidere kunne yde tilstrækkelig luftmodstand, så gennemstrømningen bliver fordelt mest muligt jævnt over hele luftventilens eller luftventilernes tværsnitsareal.Air valves used in conjunction with displacement ventilation must have special properties. As mentioned, the fresh air is supplied to the room at a very low speed, usually below 0.2 m / s, so that no draft in the residence zone is created. Therefore, in order to obtain the required amount of air, the air valve or air valves must be dimensioned accordingly. The air valve or air valves must also be capable of providing sufficient air resistance so that the flow is distributed as evenly as possible over the entire cross-sectional area of the air valve or air valves.

DK 167328 B1 2 5 Der kendes luftventiler for montering i eller på væg. I rum med stor dybde vil en sådan placering være utilstrækkelig, fordi friskluften derved ikke vil komme langt nok ind i rummet, før den stiger op under loftet. Dette problem er f.eks. i fabrikshaller og lignende lokaler løst ved 10 at anbringe luftventilerne fordelt over gulvfladen, idet friskluften tilføres luftventilerne via friskluftkanaler, der strækker sig ned fra loftet.GB 167328 B1 2 5 Air valves are known for mounting in or on the wall. In rooms with great depth, such a location will be insufficient because the fresh air will thereby not enter far enough into the room until it rises below the ceiling. This problem is e.g. in factory halls and similar premises solved by placing the air valves distributed over the floor surface, the fresh air being supplied to the air valves via fresh air ducts extending down from the ceiling.

I større forsamlingslokaler, idrætshaller eller lignende, 15 hvor der kræves frie gulvarealer, vil lufttilførslen ned-fra loftet til luftventiler på gulvet ikke være en brugbar løsning. Dersom fortrængningsventilation skal kunne anvendes i sådanne lokaler, må lufttilførslen inde i rummet komme nedefra gennem gulvet.In larger assembly rooms, gymnasiums or the like, where free floor space is required, the supply of air from the ceiling to the air vents on the floor will not be a workable solution. If displacement ventilation is to be used in such premises, the air supply inside the room must come from below through the floor.


Formålet med denne opfindelse er at tilvejebringe en friskluftventil med de angivne specielle egenskaber på en sådan måde, at der sikres tilstrækkelig frisklufttilførsel selv under vanskelige forhold, og hvor gennemstrømningen 25 bliver fordelt mest muligt jævnt over hele luftventilens tværsnitsareal, samtidig med at ulemper/mangler ved kendt teknik er elimineret.The object of this invention is to provide a fresh air valve with the specified special characteristics in such a way as to ensure sufficient fresh air supply even under difficult conditions and where the flow 25 is distributed as evenly as possible over the entire cross-sectional area of the air valve, at the same time as disadvantages / disadvantages of prior art is eliminated.

Formålet opnås med de træk, som fremgår af efterfølgende 30 patentkrav.The object is achieved with the features set forth in the following 30 claims.

En sådan luftventil vil foruden tilstrækkelig frisklufttilførsel sørge for en jævn luftgennemstrømning fordelt over luftventilens hele tværsnitsareal. Luf tventilen i 35 følge opfindelsen vil udover gulvmontering også egne sig for montering i væg. Gulvmontering vil i imidlertid i mange tilfælde udgøre den bedste placering. I kontorbygninger og lignende lokaler med flytbare modulvægge vil frisk lufttilførslen fra gulvet medfører mindre ombygningsarbej der end ved placering af friskluftventiler i væggene.In addition to sufficient fresh air supply, such an air valve will ensure a uniform air flow over the entire cross-sectional area of the air valve. In addition to floor mounting, the air valve in accordance with the invention will also be suitable for wall mounting. However, floor mounting will in many cases constitute the best location. In office buildings and similar rooms with removable modular walls, fresh air supply from the floor will result in less remodeling work there than with placement of fresh air valves in the walls.

3 DK 167328 B1 5 Et udførselseksempel på en luftventil i følge opfindelsen forklares i det følgende under henvisning til tegningen, hvor ventilen er monteret i et gulv, og hvor :An embodiment of an air valve according to the invention is explained below with reference to the drawing, wherein the valve is mounted in a floor and where:

Fig.l viser en luftventil monteret i en friskluftåb-10 ning i gulvet, set i perspektiv,Fig. 1 is a perspective view of an air valve mounted in a fresh air opening in the floor;

Fig.2 viser et endebillede af luftventilen ifølge fig.l, 15 Fig.3 viser et perspektivbillede af et parti af luftventilen i umonteret stand,Fig. 2 shows an end view of the air valve according to Fig. 1, Fig. 3 shows a perspective view of a portion of the air valve in the unmounted condition.

Fig.4 viser et perspektivbillede af en del af luftven-tilpartiet ifølge fig.3, i større målestok, 20Fig. 4 is a perspective view of a portion of the air vein portion of Fig. 3, on a larger scale,

Fig.5 viser et endebillede af luftventilen ifølge fig.4 og illustrerer luftstrømningen gennem luftventilen.Fig. 5 shows an end view of the air valve according to Fig. 4 and illustrates the air flow through the air valve.

25 Den viste luftventil er ifølge fig.l og 2 beregnet for montering i en friskluftåbning i form af en gulvudsparing 1.25 The air valve shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 is intended for mounting in a fresh air opening in the form of a floor recess 1.

Friskluftåbningen 1 kan på ikke nærmere vist måde tilføres 30 friskluft via en friskluftkanal eksempelvis ned fra loftet.The fresh air opening 1 can in no way be shown 30 fresh air via a fresh air duct, for example down from the ceiling.

Selve luftventilen består af et eller flere ristformede elementer 2,2’, som omfatter paralelle langstrakte profil-35 stave. Ifølge fig.l består luftventilen af to sådanne ristformede elementer 2,2' anbragt efter hverandre for at dække friskluftåbningen 1, men" der er naturligvis ingen- DK 167328 B1 4 ting i vejen for, at luftventilen udgøres af kun et rist-formet element, som så har en længde, der svarer til friskluftåbningens 1 længde. Hvert element er udformet i et stykke og vil sædvanligvis bestå af ekstruderet alumi-5 nium.The air valve itself consists of one or more grate-shaped elements 2,2 'which comprise parallel elongated profile bars. According to Fig. 1, the air valve consists of two such grate-shaped elements 2,2 'arranged one after the other to cover the fresh air opening 1, but of course there is no obstruction in the fact that the air valve consists of only one grate-shaped element. which then has a length corresponding to the length of the fresh air opening 1. Each element is formed in one piece and will usually consist of extruded aluminum.

Elementet 2,2' fastgøres i friskluftåbningen 1 på sædvanlig kendt måde.The element 2,2 'is fixed in the fresh air opening 1 in a conventional manner.

10 Den i brugsstillingen yderst beliggende del 3 af elementet 2 har et retvinklet bølgeformet forløb, fra hvis bølgedale, der udgår T-formede profilstave 4.10 The part 3 of the element 2 in the position of use, located at the extreme position, has a right-angled wave-shaped course, from whose wave valleys exiting T-shaped profile bars 4.

Den retvinklede bølgeformede del 3 af elementet 2 er ved 15 hver bølgedal udformet med et stort antal kantudsparinger 5, som strækker sig i elementets 2 tværretning. Kantudsparingerne 5 danner indstrømningskanaler for friskluften fra friskluf tåbningen 1. Friskluften strømmer ud i rummet gennem udløbsspalter 6, som afgrænses mellem parvis til-20 stødende T-formede profilstave 4 af elementet.The right-angled corrugated portion 3 of the element 2 is formed at 15 of each wave valley with a large number of edge recesses 5 extending in the transverse direction of the element 2. The edge recesses 5 form inlet ducts for the fresh air from the fresh air opening 1. The fresh air flows into the room through outlet slots 6, which are delimited between pair-adjacent T-shaped profile bars 4 of the element.

Før friskluften fra indstrømningskanaleme 5 strømmer ud af det ristf ormede elements 2 udløbsspalter 6, sker der imidlertid følgende, idet der henvises til fig.5 : 25 Når friskluften t er strømmet igennem indstrømningskanalerne 5, kommer den ind i smalle langsgående kamre 7, som afgrænses af elementdelens 3 bølgetoppe og de mellemliggende T-formede profilstave 4. Disse smalle langsgående 30 kamre 7 munder parvis ud i et fælles betydeligt større kammer 8. Disse betydeligt større fælles kamre 8 afgrænses mellem tilstødende T-formede profilstave 4 af elementet 2.However, before the fresh air from the inlet ducts 5 flows out of the outlet slots 6 of the grate-shaped element 2, the following is mentioned, referring to Fig. 5: 25 When the fresh air t has flowed through the inlet ducts 5, it enters narrow longitudinal chambers 7 which are bounded of the waveguides of the element member 3 and the intermediate T-shaped profile rods 4. These narrow longitudinal chambers 7 open in pairs in a common considerably larger chamber 8. These considerably larger common chambers 8 are delimited between adjacent T-shaped profile rods 4 of the element 2.

Luften passerer gennem indstrømningskanalerne 5 med stor 35 hastighed, og fortsætter delvist retliniet ind i nævnte smalle langsgående kamre 7 og følger sidefladen 4’ af den nærliggende T-formede profilstav 4, indtil luften træffer DK 167328 B1 5 den modstående vægflade 4’ ’ af profilstaven. Der afbøjes friskluftstrømmen og tvinges nedover. Der opstår herved turbulente strømninger i de store fælles kamre 8, før luften slippes ud gennem udløbsspalterne 6 og ud til rummet.The air passes through the inlet ducts 5 at high speed and partially continues straight into said narrow longitudinal chambers 7 and follows the side surface 4 'of the adjacent T-shaped profile rod 4 until the air hits the opposite wall surface 4' 'of the profile rod. . The fresh air flow is deflected and forced downwards. Hereby turbulent flows occur in the large common chambers 8 before the air is released through the outlet slots 6 and into the room.


Indstrømningskanalerne 5 og deres placering i forhold til de store fælles kamre 8 sørger for at skabe den nødvendige luftmodstand igennem luftventilen, så gennemstrømningen bliver fordelt jævnt over hele luftventilfladen. Desuden 10 opnås der herved en jævn luftstrøm ud af spalterne 6.The inlet ducts 5 and their location relative to the large common chambers 8 provide the necessary air resistance through the air valve so that the flow is evenly distributed over the entire air valve surface. Furthermore, a uniform flow of air from the slots 6 is thereby obtained.

Ved at variere størrelsen på indstrømningskanalerne 5 og deres antal kan luftmodstanden over luftventilen varieres, så den kan tilpasses forskellige trykforhold. Indstrøm-15 ningskanalerne 5 kan udformes ved at save gennem elementets 2 retvinklede bøljeformede del i en udstrækning svarende til væggens tykkelse på tværs af elementets længderetning .By varying the size of the inlet ducts 5 and their number, the air resistance across the air valve can be varied so that it can be adapted to different pressure conditions. The inflow channels 5 can be formed by cutting through the rectangular wavy portion of the element 2 to an extent corresponding to the thickness of the wall across the longitudinal direction of the element.

Claims (2)

1. Luftventil for montering i gulv eller væg og som særligt er beregnet til anvendelse i ventilationsanlæg, der 5 arbejder efter fortrængningsprincippet, hvilken luftventil omfatter et eller flere ristformede elementer (2,2') udformet med ind- og udløbsåbninger (5 og 6) for friskluft, kendetegnet ved, at indløbsåbningerne (5) over smalle langsgående indstrømningskamre (7) står i for-10 bindelse med brede langsgående kamre (8), og at der lige overfor indløbsåbningerne (5) i afstand fra nævnte smalle langsgående indstrømningskamre (7) findes luftstrømsafbøjende vægpartier (4'' ) af elementerne (2,2') på en sådan måde, at der i nævnte brede langsgående kamre (8) opstår 15 turbulente strømninger før luften slippes ud gennem udløbsåbningerne (6) til rummet.An air valve for floor or wall mounting and specially designed for use in ventilation systems 5 operating according to the displacement principle, which air valve comprises one or more grate-shaped elements (2,2 ') formed with inlet and outlet openings (5 and 6). for fresh air, characterized in that the inlet openings (5) over narrow longitudinal inflow chambers (7) are in communication with wide longitudinal chambers (8) and that just opposite the inlet openings (5) spaced from said narrow longitudinal inflow chambers (7) ), airflow deflecting wall portions (4 '') of the elements (2,2 ') are provided in such a manner that in said wide longitudinal chambers (8), 15 turbulent flows occur before the air is released through the outlet openings (6) into the room. 2. Luftventil ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at det ristformede element (2,2') omfatter et fortrinsvist 20 retvinklet bølgeformet parti (3) og fra bølgedalene udgående T-formede profilstave (4), idet indløbsåbningerne i form af tværgående indstrømningskanaler (5) er udformet i det retvinklet bølgeformede partis (3) bølgedale, medens nævnte smalle langsgående indstrømningskamre (7) afgrænses 25 mellem det retvinklet bølgeformede partis (3) bølgetoppe og tilstødende sideflader af de T-formede profilstave (4), og at nævnte brede langsgående kamre (8) afgrænses mellem parvis modstående T-formede profilstave (4), idet de flader af de T-formede profilstave (4), som ligger li-30 ge overfor indstrømningskanalerne (5), udgør nævnte luftstrøms af bøj ende vægpartier (4''), medens udløbsåbningeme dannes af langsgående spalter (6) mellem tilstødende T-formede profilstave (4).Air valve according to claim 1, characterized in that the grate-shaped element (2,2 ') comprises a preferably 20 right-angled corrugated portion (3) and T-shaped profile bars (4) projecting from the corrugated valves, the inlet openings in the form of transverse inflow channels ( 5) is formed in the wave valleys of the right-angled corrugated portion (3), while said narrow longitudinal inflow chambers (7) are delimited between the corrugated corrugated portion (3) of the corrugated portion and adjacent side surfaces of the T-shaped profile bars (4) longitudinal chambers (8) are delimited between paired opposing T-shaped profile rods (4), the faces of the T-shaped profile rods (4) lying opposite the inflow channels (5) constituting said airflow of bending end portions ( 4 '') while the outlet openings are formed by longitudinal slots (6) between adjacent T-shaped profile rods (4).
DK306787A 1986-07-09 1987-06-15 Air valve DK167328B1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
NO862767A NO159871C (en) 1986-07-09 1986-07-09 Supply diffuser.
NO862767 1986-07-09

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK306787D0 DK306787D0 (en) 1987-06-15
DK306787A DK306787A (en) 1988-01-10
DK167328B1 true DK167328B1 (en) 1993-10-11



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK306787A DK167328B1 (en) 1986-07-09 1987-06-15 Air valve

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DK (1) DK167328B1 (en)
FI (1) FI872798A (en)
NO (1) NO159871C (en)
SE (1) SE460377B (en)

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
NO159871C (en) 1989-02-15
FI872798A0 (en) 1987-06-24
DK306787D0 (en) 1987-06-15
SE460377B (en) 1989-10-02
NO862767L (en) 1988-01-11
DK306787A (en) 1988-01-10
SE8702800L (en) 1988-01-10
FI872798A (en) 1988-01-10
NO862767D0 (en) 1986-07-09
NO159871B (en) 1988-11-07
SE8702800D0 (en) 1987-07-08

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