
Publication number
DK167325B1 DK635787A DK635787A DK167325B1 DK 167325 B1 DK167325 B1 DK 167325B1 DK 635787 A DK635787 A DK 635787A DK 635787 A DK635787 A DK 635787A DK 167325 B1 DK167325 B1 DK 167325B1
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DK635787D0 (en
DK635787A (en
Mikael Loberg
Aake Angel
Arne Rudstroem
Original Assignee
Koppelbeslag Ab
Rockwool Ab
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Application filed by Koppelbeslag Ab, Rockwool Ab filed Critical Koppelbeslag Ab
Publication of DK635787D0 publication Critical patent/DK635787D0/en
Publication of DK635787A publication Critical patent/DK635787A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK167325B1 publication Critical patent/DK167325B1/en



    • E04F13/00Coverings or linings, e.g. for walls or ceilings
    • E04F13/02Coverings or linings, e.g. for walls or ceilings of plastic materials hardening after applying, e.g. plaster
    • E04F13/04Bases for plaster
    • E04F13/045Means for fastening plaster-bases to a supporting structure


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The present invention relates to a net anchoring means for anchoring of a reinforcing net outside an insulation layer which is secured for instance to a wall by means of a mounting means, for instance a collar sleeve (1; 3). The net anchoring means is introduced through a bore of the collar (3) of the mounting means (1; 3) and is prevented from being retracted in that hooks or nobbies (8) of the anchoring menas (6) engage the bore edge at the inner side of the collar (3). The anchoring means (6) also is formed with a through bore so that plaster can enter said bore thereby preventing the hooks or nobbies (8) from becoming released from the said bore edges.


i DK 167325 B1in DK 167325 B1

Opfindelsen angår et aggregat til fastgøring af et armeringsnet.The invention relates to an assembly for attaching a reinforcing mesh.

Ved nybygninger, men fremfor alt ved ekstraisolering, 5 hænder det ofte, at man vil anbringe et pudslag uden på et isoleringslag f.eks. af mineraluld. Et sådant pudslag skal armeres, og dette gøres ofte ved hjælp af et net, hvor dette, hvis et sådant benyttes, skal fastgøres på den underliggende væg. Dette gøres nemmest ved at benytte 10 samme fastgørelsessorgan, der anvendes for at holde isoleringslaget. Et særligt godt fastgørelsesorgan er den såkaldte kravebøsning, der er beskrevet i SE-patentansøg-ning nr. 8600388-6. Dette fastgørelsesorgan har en krave på et skaft, hvor dette på sin side er forankret i 15 væggen.In new buildings, but above all by extra insulation, it often happens that one will apply a plaster layer to an insulation layer, for example. of mineral wool. Such plaster is to be reinforced, and this is often done by means of a net, where, if used, it must be fixed to the underlying wall. This is most easily done by using the same attachment means used to hold the insulation layer. A particularly good fastener is the so-called collar bushing described in SE Patent Application No. 8600388-6. This fastener has a collar on a shaft, which in turn is anchored to the wall.

Armeringsnettet fastgøres derefter med såkaldte netholdere, der går gennem huller, der er fordelt rundt langs med kravens kant, således at hver netholder med sit hoved holder en tråd i armeringsnettet eller i særlige tilfælde 20 to krydsende tråde.The reinforcement net is then secured with so-called net holders, which pass through holes distributed around the edge of the claim, so that each net holder with its head holds a thread in the reinforcement net or in special cases two intersecting threads.

For at formindske antallet af fastgørelsespunkter har man prøvet forskellige muligheder. På grundlag af dette er denne opfindelse fremkommet, som et middel til at opnå hidtil ikke mulige forankringskræfter.Various options have been tried to reduce the number of attachment points. On this basis, this invention has emerged as a means of obtaining hitherto not possible anchoring forces.

25 Opfindelsen angår et aggregat til fastgøring af et armeringsnet. Aggregatet har ifølge opfindelsen et gennemgående hul, således at puds kan trænge ind under pudsningen og derefter stivne, og derved hindre aggregatets kroge i at tvinges sammen og derved muliggøre at dette 30 trækkes ud. Hullet må have en vis minimumdiameter. Det letter, hvis hullet er konisk, således at det er større på ydersiden. Koniciteten bør strække sig over mindst 1/3 af hullets længde.The invention relates to an assembly for attaching a reinforcing mesh. According to the invention, the assembly has a through hole so that the plaster can penetrate during the plaster and then stiffen, thereby preventing the hooks of the assembly from being forced together and thereby allowing it to be pulled out. The hole must have a certain minimum diameter. It facilitates if the hole is tapered so that it is larger on the outside. The conicity should extend over at least 1/3 of the hole length.

DK 167325 B1 2 Særlig fordelagtigt er aggregatet til fastgørelse af armeringsnettet, hvis det dimensioneres således, at aggregatets krop kan føres igennem en maske i nettet, 5 medens aggregatets hoved har en sådan diameter, at dette er større end maskevidden. I dette tilfælde er belastningen ved udtrækning symmetrisk og forankringskraften derved større.DK 167325 B1 2 Particularly advantageous is the assembly for securing the reinforcing mesh if it is dimensioned such that the body of the assembly can be passed through a mesh in the mesh, while the head of the assembly has a diameter such that it is larger than the mesh width. In this case, the load on extraction is symmetrical and the anchoring force is thereby greater.

Armeringsnettet fastgøres ved hjælp af aggregatet, således 10 at dette med sit hoved holder en tråd i armeringsnettet, dvs. fastlåser en tråd i nettet. Aggregatet kan også placeres således, at hovedet dækker alle fire, parvis parallelle, tråde i en netmaske.The reinforcement net is fastened by means of the assembly so that with its head this holds a thread in the reinforcement net, ie. locks a thread into the web. The unit can also be positioned so that the head covers all four, in parallel, threads of a mesh.

De bedste resultater opnås hvis netholderen indsættes i 15 kravebøsningens centrum.The best results are achieved if the net holder is inserted into the center of the collar bushing.

Ifølge opfindelsen kan aggregatet være udformet som vist på tegningen, hvor fig. 1 viser et snit i et aggregat til fastgøring af et armeringsnet ifølge opfindelsen, 20 fig. 2 viser aggregatet set udefra, fig. 3 viser en variant af udførelsesformen i fig. 1, fig. 4 viser aggregatet i fig. 3, set udefra, fig. 5 viser en anden variant af udførelsesformen ifølge fig. 1, og 25 fig. 6 viser aggregatet i fig. 5, set udefra.According to the invention, the assembly can be designed as shown in the drawing, in which fig. 1 is a sectional view of an assembly for securing a reinforcing mesh according to the invention; FIG. 2 is a plan view of the assembly; FIG. 3 shows a variant of the embodiment of FIG. 1, FIG. 4 shows the assembly of FIG. 3, from the outside, FIG. 5 shows another variant of the embodiment of FIG. 1, and FIG. 6 shows the assembly of FIG. 5, from the outside.

Fig. 1 viser skaftet 1 til en kravebøsning, der er indskudt i et isoleringslag 2, hvor dette fastholdes af kravebøsningens krave 3. Mellem skaftet 1 og kraven 3 findes der vinger 4, der har til opgave at give en vis 30 vinkelstabilitet til kraven 3 i forhold til skaftet 1.FIG. 1 shows the shaft 1 for a collar bushing inserted in an insulating layer 2 where this is held by the collar bushing 3. Between the shaft 1 and the collar 3, blades 4 are provided for providing a certain angular stability to the collar 3 in relation to to the shaft 1.

DK 167325 B1 3DK 167325 B1 3

Uden på kraven 3 ligger et armeringsnet 5, der fastholdes mod kraven af netholderen 6, nærmere bestemt af dennes hoved 7. Netholderen har kroge 8, der efter indføringen 5 gennem hullet i kraven 3 fastholder netholderen og derved armeringsnettet 5 mod kraven 3. Når pudset påføres, trænger dette ind i hullet 9 i netholderen og lægger sig mellem krogene 8. Disse kan herefter ikke tvinges sammen ved hjælp af en rimelig kraft. Dette besværliggør eller 10 umuliggør udtrækning af netholderen.Outside of the collar 3, a reinforcing net 5, which is held against the collar by the net holder 6, is more precisely by its head 7. The net holder has hooks 8 which, after insertion 5 through the hole in the collar 3, hold the net holder and thereby the reinforcement net 5 against the collar 3. When the plaster is applied, this penetrates into the hole 9 in the net holder and lies between the hooks 8. These can then not be forced together by a reasonable force. This makes it difficult or impossible to pull out the net holder.

Ved at hovedet 7 har en større diameter end maskevidden i nettet 5, dækker dette mindst to parallelle tråde eventuelt maskens alle fire, parvis parallelle, tråde. En udtrækningskraft trækker herved ikke nettet skråt.Because the head 7 has a larger diameter than the mesh width in the mesh 5, this covers at least two parallel threads, possibly all the four threads of the mask, in parallel. A pulling force hereby does not pull the net obliquely.

15 Fig. 2 viser konstruktionen ifølge fig. 1 set udefra. Figuren viser kravebøsningens krave 3 og det på denne liggende armeringsnet 5. Gennem en maske i nettet er ind-stukket en netholder, således at dennes hoved 7 holder fast på nettet 3. I netholderen findes et hul 9, 20 hvorigennem pudset kan trænge ind.FIG. 2 shows the structure of FIG. 1 from the outside. The figure shows the collar bushing collar 3 and the reinforcing mesh lying on it. Through a mesh in the net is inserted a net holder so that its head 7 holds on the net 3. In the net holder there is a hole 9, 20 through which the plaster can penetrate.

I fig. 3 vises en udførelsesform, hvor netholderen med krogene 10 har et konisk hul 12, hvilket letter indtrængningen af pudset.In FIG. 3, an embodiment is shown in which the net holder with the hooks 10 has a tapered hole 12, which facilitates the penetration of the plaster.

Fig. 4 viser udførelsesformen ifølge fig. 3 set udefra. I 25 figuren vises, hvordan netholderen 11's hoved 13 holder fast om armeringsnettet 5, ved at hovedet 13 strækker sig over alle fire tråde i en maske i armeringsnettet 5.FIG. 4 shows the embodiment of FIG. 3 from the outside. The figure shows how the head 13 of the net holder 11 holds on the reinforcement net 5 by the head 13 extending over all four strands of a mesh in the reinforcing net 5.

Fig. 5 viser samme udførelsesform som fig. 1 med den undtagelse, at netholderen her er anbragt således, at den 30 fastholder ai tråd i armeringsnettet 5. Hovedet 7 kommer herved til at strække sig over mindst én af de to parallelt løbende tråde i netmasken, der krydser den fastholdte tråd.FIG. 5 shows the same embodiment as fig. 1 with the exception that the net holder here is arranged such that it retains a in wire in the reinforcing net 5. The head 7 hereby extends over at least one of the two parallel running threads in the net mask that crosses the retained wire.

DK 167325 B1 4DK 167325 B1 4

Fig. 6 viser samme udførelsesform som fig. 5 set udefra.FIG. 6 shows the same embodiment as fig. 5 from the outside.

Ved forsøg med forskellige netholdere og forskellig placering af disse i forhold til armeringsnettets masker, har 5 man opnået følgende udtrækningskræfter: Løstrækningskraft Krogene fastholder Fastholdt helt en tråd i nettet ved hjælp af an maskeBy experimenting with different mesh holders and different positioning of these in relation to the mesh of the reinforcing mesh, 5 have been obtained the following pull-out forces: Loosening force The hooks hold firmly a wire in the mesh by means of a mask

Med gennemgående 10 hul ifølge krav 1 70-95 kp 110-130 kpWith through hole 10 according to claim 1 70-95 kp 110-130 kp

Uden gennemgående hul <30 kp «50 kpWithout through hole <30 kp «50 kp

Claims (2)

1. Netholder (6) beregnet til at fastholde et armeringsnet (5) eller lignende uden på et isoleringslag (2), 5 der er fastholdt mod f.eks. en væg ved hjælp af et fastgørelsesorgan (1), f.eks. en såkaldt kravebøsning, hvor netholderen (6) er indført gennem et hul i fastgørelsesorganets krave (3), og hindres fra udtrækning ved at kroge (8,10) på holderen støder an mod hulkanten på indersiden 10 af kraven (3), kendetegnet ved, at holderen (6) har et gennemgående hul (9,12), således at puds kan trænge ind i dette og derved forhindre krogene (8,10) i at slippe hulkanten.A net holder (6) intended to hold a reinforcing net (5) or the like on an insulating layer (2) 5 which is secured against e.g. a wall by means of a fastener (1), e.g. a so-called collar bushing, wherein the net holder (6) is inserted through a hole in the collar (3) of the fastener and is prevented from being pulled out by the hooks (8,10) on the holder abutting the hollow edge on the inside 10 of the collar (3), characterized by the holder (6) has a through hole (9,12), so that plaster can penetrate this and thereby prevent the hooks (8,10) from dropping the hole edge. 2. Netholder ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at dens 15 gennemgående hul (12) er konisk, i det mindste fra ydersiden og et stykke indefter, fortrinsvis til mindst 1/3 af holderens længde.Net holder according to claim 1, characterized in that its through hole (12) is tapered, at least from the outside and a distance from the inside, preferably to at least 1/3 of the length of the holder.
DK635787A 1986-12-04 1987-12-03 AGRICULTURE ESTABLISHMENT DK167325B1 (en)

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SE8605210 1986-12-04

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DK635787A DK635787A (en) 1988-06-05
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