
Publication number
DK145397B DK391475AA DK391475A DK145397B DK 145397 B DK145397 B DK 145397B DK 391475A A DK391475A A DK 391475AA DK 391475 A DK391475 A DK 391475A DK 145397 B DK145397 B DK 145397B
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DK391475A (en
DK145397C (en
S Johansson
E Stroemblad
Original Assignee
Asea Ab
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Application filed by Asea Ab filed Critical Asea Ab
Publication of DK391475A publication Critical patent/DK391475A/en
Publication of DK145397B publication Critical patent/DK145397B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK145397C publication Critical patent/DK145397C/en



    • H02B11/00Switchgear having carriage withdrawable for isolation
    • H02B11/28Earthing arrangements


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Power Engineering (AREA)
  • Train Traffic Observation, Control, And Security (AREA)
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Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en anordning til arbejdsjording i koblings- og fordelingsskabe omfattende en i koblings- eller fordelingsskabet indskydelig jordingstruck, der er forsynet med kontaktorganer, som er indret-5 tet til at danne kontakt med koblings- eller fordelingsskabets faseskinner til kortslutning af disse over en på jordingstrucken anbragt og til en jordingsleder sluttet kortslutningsskinne.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a device for working grounding in switchgear and distribution cabinets comprising a grounding truck slidable in the switchgear or distribution cabinets provided with contact means adapted to contact the phase rails of the switchgear or distribution cabinet for short-circuiting them. one located on the ground truck and short-circuited to a grounding conductor.

Por at beskytte personalet ved revisionsarbejder i lo elektriske anlæg er det bl.a. foreskrevet, at de forskellige faseledere skal jordes og kortsluttes ved arbejdspladsen, såkaldt arbejdsjording. I dette øjemed er det sædvanligt at anvende skrueklemmer af forskellig art, som anbringes på de forskellige faseledere og over en bøjelig 15 ledning kortsluttes og lægges på jordpotential. For at opnå en pålidelig jording med disse klemmer kræves det, at tilspændingen udføres med et bestemt moment, hvilket medfører, at beskyttelsesforanstaltningens effektivitet i høj grad bliver afhængig af den person, som udfører arbejdet.In order to protect the staff in the case of auditing work in electrical installations, prescribed that the various phase conductors must be grounded and short-circuited at the workplace, so-called working grounding. To this end, it is customary to use screw terminals of various kinds which are placed on the various phase conductors and short-circuited and applied to ground potential over a flexible wire. To achieve reliable grounding with these clamps, tightening is required at a specific torque, which means that the effectiveness of the protective measure is highly dependent on the person performing the work.

2o En anden ulempe ved disse klemmer er, at monteringen af dem er relativt tidskrævende, hvilket naturligvis forøger risikoen for, at jordingen ikke udføres tilstrækkeligt omsorgsfuldt. Ved pladekapslede koblings- og fordelingsanlæg er det desuden ud fra et personsikkerhedssynspunkt en ulem-25 pe ved den ovenfor beskrevne metode, at jordingen ikke kan udføres bag lukket skabdør.2o Another disadvantage of these clamps is that their mounting is relatively time consuming, which naturally increases the risk that the grounding is not performed sufficiently carefully. Furthermore, in the case of plate-enclosed switching and distribution systems, from a personal safety point of view, a disadvantage of the method described above is that the grounding cannot be carried out behind closed cabinet door.

Det er endvidere fra tysk fremlæggelsesskrift nr.It is also from German submission no.

1.194.478 kendt ved højspændingsfordelingsanlæg at anvende en manuelt indskydelig langstrakt jordingsvogn, som er 3o forsynet med en spændingsfølende sonde. Heller ikke med denne anordning kan jordingen dog udføres bag lukket skabsdør.1,194,478 known at high voltage distribution systems to use a manually retractable elongated ground trolley which is provided with a voltage sensing probe. However, even with this device the earthing can be carried out behind closed cabinet door.

Formålet med den foreliggende opfindelse er at tilvejebringe en til arbejdsjording i koblings- og fordelings-35 skabe bestemt anordning, som er enklere at tilslutte end de ovennævnte jordingsklemmer, og som samtidigt medfører, at jordingen kan udføres med større personsikkerhed. Ifølge opfindelsen opnås dette med en anordning i form af en 145397 2 jordingstruck, der er udført som angivet i krav 1. Med en sådan truck kan jordingen udføres bag lukket skabsdør, og ved truckens faseafføling forud for jordingen fås automatisk advarselssignal, hvis skabets skinnesystem ved en 5 fejltagelse tilfældigvis skulle være spændingsførende, når jordingen skal udføres.The object of the present invention is to provide a device for working grounding in coupling and distribution devices which is easier to connect than the above ground terminals and which at the same time allows the grounding to be carried out with greater personal safety. According to the invention, this is achieved with a device in the form of a ground truck, as described in claim 1. With such a truck, the grounding can be carried out behind closed cabinet door, and the truck's phase sensing prior to the grounding gives an automatic warning signal if the rail system's rail system at a 5 mistake happens to be live when grounding is required.

Tilslutningen mellem truckens signalkontaktorgan og alarmanordningen sker hensigtsmæssigt over en spændingstransformator med to sekundærviklinger, af hvilke den ene lo forsyner et akustisk og den anden et optisk signalorgan.Conveniently, the connection between the truck's signal contact means and the alarm device takes place over a voltage transformer with two secondary windings, one of which provides an acoustic and the other an optical signal means.

Derved opnås, at spændingsadvarsel fås, selv om en fejl opstår i det ene af de to signalsystemer.This results in obtaining a voltage warning even if an error occurs in one of the two signal systems.

Opfindelsen skal herefter forklares nærmere under henvisning til tegningen, hvor 15 fig. 1 viser en udførelsesform for en jordingstruck ifølge opfindelsen set fra siden, fig. 2 og 3 samme set henholdsvis forfra og fra oven.The invention will now be explained in more detail with reference to the drawing, in which FIG. 1 is a side view of an embodiment of a ground truck according to the invention; FIG. 2 and 3, respectively, from the front and from above.

Den på tegningen viste jordingstruck omfatter et på 2o fire hjul 1 forskydeligt stativ 2 indrettet til at indskydes i et koblings- og fordelingsskab, når arbejdsjording af skabets faseskinner skal udføres. Stativet 2 bærer tre i en bestemt højde over gulvet anbragte kontaktorganer 3a, 3b og 3c, hvis indbyrdes afstand stemmer overens med af-25 standen mellem faseskinnerne i fordelingsskabet. De tre kontaktorganer er sammenkoblede over en kortslutningsskinne 4 samt over en jordingsleder 5 forbundet med en glide-kontakt 6, der, når trucken skydes ind i skabet, danner kontakt med en i skabet anbragt jordet glideskinne. Kon-3o taktorganet 3b i midterfasen er forskudt længere bagud i indskydningsretningen end de to øvrige kontaktorganer 3a og 3c. Foran dette kontaktorgan 3b er anbragt et signalkontaktorgan 7, der er monteret på en isolerende holder 8, som er forskydelig på en stang mod virkningen af en fjeder lo.The ground truck shown in the drawing comprises a 2 wheels four wheels 1 slidable frame 2 arranged for insertion into a coupling and distribution cabinet when working grounding of the cabinet phase rails is to be carried out. The frame 2 carries three at a certain height above the floor, contact means 3a, 3b and 3c, whose spacing corresponds to the distance between the phase rails in the distribution cabinet. The three contact means are interconnected over a short-circuit rail 4 as well as over a grounding conductor 5 connected to a sliding contact 6 which, when the truck is pushed into the cabinet, forms contact with a grounded sliding rail located in the cabinet. The con-3o clock member 3b in the middle phase is displaced further backward in the insertion direction than the other two contact members 3a and 3c. In front of this contact member 3b is arranged a signal contact member 7 mounted on an insulating holder 8 which is displaceable on a rod against the action of a spring 1o.

35 Signalorganet 7's bageste del er således udformet, at den i truckens helt indskudte stilling, jordingsstillingen, danner god kontakt med kontaktorganet 3b. Signalkontaktorganet 7 er over primærviklingen i en spændingstransformator 11 145397 3 sluttet til jordingslederen 5. Spændingstransformatoren 11 er forsynet med to sekundærviklinger, af hvilke den ene er sluttet til et akustisk signalorgan 12 og den anden til et optisk signalorgan 13.The rear part of the signal member 7 is designed so that in the fully inserted position of the truck, the grounding position, makes good contact with the contact member 3b. The signal contact means 7 is connected to the ground conductor 5. above the primary winding of a voltage transformer 11. The voltage transformer 11 is provided with two secondary windings, one of which is connected to an acoustic signal means 12 and the other to an optical signal means 13.

5 Bevægelsen af trucken i skabet sker med et i skabs- forsiden fast monteret manøvreorgan, der også anvendes til skabets sædvanlige koblingsapparat. Manøvreorganet kobles til trucken ved hjælp af en fra truckens øvre del opadra-gende stift 14 og er iøvrigt indrettet til over et stanglo system 15 at påvirke en låseanordning 15 til fastlåsning af trucken i jordingsstillingen.5 Movement of the truck in the cabinet takes place with a maneuvering device fixed in the cabinet front, which is also used for the usual switchgear of the cabinet. The actuator is coupled to the truck by means of a pin 14 upward from the truck, and is further adapted to actuate a locking device 15 for locking the truck in the grounding position over a rodlo system.

Nedadtil er trucken forsynet med et fodbetjeneligt spærreorgan bestående af en af en fjeder 17 påvirket spærhage 18, som er indrettet til at samvirke med den nederste 15 kant af koblings- og fordelingsskabets dør til spærring af trucken i en mellemstilling.Downwards, the truck is provided with a foot-operated locking means consisting of a locking hook 18 actuated by a spring 17, which is adapted to cooperate with the lower edge of the door of the switching and distribution cabinet for locking the truck in an intermediate position.

Når arbejdsjording i et koblings- eller fordelingsskab skal udføres, skydes trucken først ind i skabet så langt, at stiften 14 går i indgreb med det i skabsforsiden 2o monterede manøvreorgan, hvorefter skabsdøren lukkes. Ved hjælp af manøvreorganet forskydes trucken derefter til den nævnte mellemstilling, hvor den mekanisk spærres af spærreorganet 18. I denne stilling danner signalkontaktorganet 7 kontakt med den midterste faseskinne i fordelings- eller 25 koblingsskabet og kobler spændingstransformatoren 11 til jord. Ved spænding på skabets skinnesystem fås derved såvel akustisk som optisk signal over signalorganeme 12 og 13. Det optiske signalorgan kan iagttages gennem et observationsvindue i skabsdøren. Hvis der ikke fås signal, fri-3o gøres spærreorganet 18, og manøvren til tilsluttet stilling kan fuldføres, hvorved skinnesystemet jordes og kortsluttes. Sædvanlige jordingsorganer med ledninger kan om ønsket tilsluttes, hvorefter trucken kan tages ud af skabet.When working grounding in a switchgear or distribution cabinet is to be performed, the truck is first pushed into the cabinet so far that the pin 14 engages the actuator mounted in the cabinet front 20, after which the cabinet door is closed. By means of the actuator, the truck is then shifted to said intermediate position, where it is mechanically locked by the locking means 18. In this position, the signal contact means 7 contacts the middle phase rail in the distribution or switch cabinet and couples the voltage transformer 11 to ground. By tensioning on the rail system of the cabinet, both acoustic and optical signal is obtained over the signal means 12 and 13. The optical signal means can be observed through an observation window in the cabinet door. If no signal is received, the locking means 18 is released and the maneuver to the connected position can be completed, thereby grounding and short-circuiting the rail system. Conventional grounding means with wires can be connected if desired, after which the truck can be removed from the cabinet.

Claims (3)

145397 P a t -e.n t k .x.;a„Y, . -. -. · _ · - ··. ^ ; ; . .. ~ '' " "i.‘-Anordning til ;’-arbejdsjof ding i koblings- og for delings7skabe' :'8mfktténde 'en-i' koblings- él ler fordelings-skabet indskydelig jordings truck, der ér'f orsynet med kon-5 taktofganer ' (3) som’ er indrettet til at danne kontakt med koblings- eller ;'fbrdélingsskabets-fåseskiririer til - kortslutning'å'f dissé Over'éft "’på jordings trucken anbragt og til en-jordihgsledér ^5)’ ‘ sluttet kortslutningsskinne’ (4)", ' k e n-d e fe g n ét véd, af trucken er'forsynet med et til: eri lo alarmanordning (i.2,13)' sluttef signalkontaktorgan (7) , der ' er indrettet til ved indskydning'af jordingstrucken i skabet at danne‘kontakt m'éd den’ene af faseskinnerne, inden s'kibnerhé7kortsluttes7, og kt trucken er forsynet med et koblingsorgan (Γ4) til"tilslutning- til et i skabet anbragt 15 manøvreorgah, med hvilket0 truckén kan : forskydes til jør-· · .'i dings stillingen, når skabsdøren 'er lukkét.145397 P a t -e.n t k .x.; A „Y ,. -. -. · _ · - ··. ^; ; . .. ~ "" "i." - Device for; '- Work in switchgear and for split cabinets':' 8mktktendede 'one-in' switchgear or distribution box sliding grounding truck, which is equipped with contact sensors (3) which are 'designed to contact coupling or;' supply cabinet access circuits to - short circuit 'or dissertation over' or 'to grounding truck mounted and to single ground conductor ^ 5) '' closed-circuit rail '(4) "," not one way, of the truck "is provided with an additional alarm device (i.2,13)" closed signal contact means (7) "adapted to by inserting the ground truck into the cabinet to make 'contact with it' of the phase rails before connecting the cable 7 and the truck is provided with a coupling means (Γ4) for 'connection' to a 15 maneuvering means provided in the cabinet. the truck can: be moved to the ground position when the cabinet door is closed. 2. Anordning-ifølge 7krav 1, k e n d e t e g n e t ved, at signal'kohtaktofganét' er sluttet til alarmanordnin-gért (12,13) over én på'jordingstrucken anbragt spændings— 2o transformator- (11). ' · - - ' 3Anordning ifølge krav’ Γ eller 2, k é n d e t e g- n e'"t ved, at signaIkontaktorganet' (7) er anbragt længere fremme i indskydningsretningen-end det i samme fase anbragte ‘korts lutnittgskontaktorgan (3b); samt er forskydeligt imod 25 det nævnte kontaktorgan--*(-3b) mod virkningen af en fjeder t. (lo) . ; " 4'. 'Anordning· ifølge'·krav- -1,-2 -ellér· 3/ k e n d -e-t e'g n e t ved, at alarmanordnirigen omfatter såvel et optisk som et akustisk signalorgan (-henholdsvis 12 og 13) . 3o 5. Anordning ifølge krav 4, k :'e n d' e t e g" n e t' véd, at de forskellige signalorganer (12,13) strømforsynes fra hver sin'sekundærvikling på den nævnte spændingstrans-‘ formator (11).Device according to Claim 1, characterized in that the signal "co-actuator" is connected to the alarm device (12, 13) over one voltage-applied transformer (11) located on the ground truck. A device according to claim 'Γ or 2, characterized in that the signaling contact means' (7) are arranged further forward in the direction of insertion than the interconnecting means (3b) of the card in the same phase. and is displaceable against said contact means - * (- 3b) against the action of a spring t (lo). "4 '. Device according to claims - -1, -2-or-3 / k e n d -e-t e'g n e t in that the alarm device arrangement comprises both an optical and an acoustic signal means (-12 and 13, respectively). Device according to claim 4, characterized in that the different signal means (12, 13) are supplied from each secondary winding on said voltage transformer (11). 6. Anordning ifølge et hvilket som helst af de fore-35 gående krav, kendetegnet ved, at trucken er forsynet med et mekanisk spærreorgan (17,18), som er indrettet til ved indskydning af trucken i skabet at spærre trucken i en mellemstilling, i hvilken truckens signalkontaktorganApparatus according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the truck is provided with a mechanical locking means (17, 18) which is arranged to lock the truck in an intermediate position by sliding the truck into the cabinet. in which the truck's signal contact means

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SE7411103 1974-09-03

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DK391475A DK391475A (en) 1976-03-04
DK145397B true DK145397B (en) 1982-11-08
DK145397C DK145397C (en) 1983-04-11



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NO136774B (en) 1977-07-25
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DK145397C (en) 1983-04-11
FI59512C (en) 1981-08-10
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SE384763B (en) 1976-05-17
SE7411103L (en) 1976-03-04

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