CA2194301A1 - Folding blind rod - Google Patents

Folding blind rod


Publication number
CA2194301A1 CA002194301A CA2194301A CA2194301A1 CA 2194301 A1 CA2194301 A1 CA 2194301A1 CA 002194301 A CA002194301 A CA 002194301A CA 2194301 A CA2194301 A CA 2194301A CA 2194301 A1 CA2194301 A1 CA 2194301A1
Prior art keywords
folding blind
blind rod
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French (fr)
Udo Oksakowski
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    • E06B9/00Screening or protective devices for wall or similar openings, with or without operating or securing mechanisms; Closures of similar construction
    • E06B9/24Screens or other constructions affording protection against light, especially against sunshine; Similar screens for privacy or appearance; Slat blinds
    • E06B9/26Lamellar or like blinds, e.g. venetian blinds
    • E06B9/262Lamellar or like blinds, e.g. venetian blinds with flexibly-interconnected horizontal or vertical strips; Concertina blinds, i.e. upwardly folding flexible screens
    • E06B9/00Screening or protective devices for wall or similar openings, with or without operating or securing mechanisms; Closures of similar construction
    • E06B9/24Screens or other constructions affording protection against light, especially against sunshine; Similar screens for privacy or appearance; Slat blinds
    • E06B9/26Lamellar or like blinds, e.g. venetian blinds
    • E06B9/262Lamellar or like blinds, e.g. venetian blinds with flexibly-interconnected horizontal or vertical strips; Concertina blinds, i.e. upwardly folding flexible screens
    • E06B2009/2625Pleated screens, e.g. concertina- or accordion-like


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Blinds (AREA)
  • Prostheses (AREA)


A folding blind rod for a folding blind to be arranged in hose-like, horizontally extending webs of a folding blind, wherein the folding blind rod has several separating points, particularly intended breaking points, provided along the length of the folding blind rod. A tongue-like extension is integrally connected to one end of the folding blind rod. The tongue-like extension has a pin extending transversely of the axis of the folding blind rod. A bore each having an axis extending transversely of the axis of the folding blind rod is provided laterally of each separating point and also at the other end of the folding blind rod. The cross-sections of the bores and pins are constructed so as to correspond to each other.


~LDING BLIND E~l)l) ~ACl~;~RQuNl~ QP T~ iv~l ~ON

1~ ~ield ~ ~h~ ~n~en~ion The pre~ent invention ~el~te~ to ~ ro~ ~or a ~oldin~ blind to be arran~ed in. hose-like, horizon~ally exten~ing we~ o~ a ~ol~ing ~lin~.
2. ~escription of the R~l~ted Art Foldin~ blinds or shade~ So be used at windows are know~ in the art. Such fol~ing blin~s ~r6 compo~ed of a T.n~terial web which extends ~ver the height an~ wid~.h of th~ window. This m~terial we~ i~ with i.~s upper e~ge secllred in the lintel ar~ of the window. As a ~ule, hv~izv~t~lly extending, hose-like rib~ons which extend over the width of the folding blind are arrang~.d with e~ual ~e~ic~l spacing~ on the ~ide faciny the window.
These rib~on~ m~y be co~pone~t.~ whlch a~e manufactured separ~tely, preferably o~ rihbon weaving ma~hines, which ~e su~sequently sewn ~o th~ m~ri.~l ~eb~ However, i~ is also possible to pl~e the ~at~ial web a~ the afor~men~io~ed vertical ~pa~ing~ into ho~e-like f~ld~ and to ~ew the folds together.

The~e ho~e-] i~c~3 horl2:0ntal. rih~on~ or ~o~ds ~erv~ t~ re~eive the ~olding blind rods which extend o~re~ ~he width o~ the folding blind. Pu11 ~t~in~s for rai~ing ~nd lowering the ~oldin~ blind are provided ~t le~s~ at the ver~ical ed~e~ of the folding ~lind.
When pulling up ~he f~ ing blind, ~he material web is fol~ecl into horizontal folds whoQe ~ize depends on the vertical dixtances b~ween two suc~e~ive foldin~ bli.n~ r~

Met~1 r~ils, pre~erably ~f alum~rluln, o~ ro~s o~ syn~he~ic material are u~ed a~ folding blind rods. Since the ~oldin~
blind~ have ver~ erent widths, the rnetal r~ils mu~t be cu~ tn length to correspond to the witl~h of the fol~ling blin~. 1'he~e metal r~ils are ~rai1~le ~or ~ale a~ long rod m~terial, so th~t cutting the r~ds to t:he reguired size re.~ults in ~ stan~
m~terial cu~ti.~s and, thus, in w~ste~

The rods of synthetic material, which usu~lly have a smaller cro~ ~ection th~r~ the nletal r~ails, are In~ufactured a~ endle~
r2~ nd wou~d o~o a reel . They are pulled f rom ~che reel ~y ~he de~ired length and th~n Ctlt. However, the me~ns a~rail~le i.n a hou~ehold a~e no~ ~ufficien~ for c~pletely re~ersi~g the cur~a~u~e p~ede~rmined by the ~eel, ~o that these r~ turn ~u~
cu~red which ~e~atively a~ects ~he appearanc~e o~ the folding blind .

5U~M~Y OF T~ 1NYh~L1ON

Theref~re, ~arting f~o~ ~he prior art discuxsed above, i.t is the prim~ry object of ~he pr~e~t invçntion to avoid th~
di~dvanta~e~ mentioned a~ove and to propose a foldi~g blin~ ro~
which can be ~old in lengths which can be ea~ily manipulated, which is ~raight and which can be ~djusted ~o any ~e~i~ed and required leng~h pr~c~ically withou~ waste and withou~ requ~rin~
~pe~ial ~ools.

1~ accordanc~ the pr~ent invention, ~h~ foldin~ blind ~od h~ se~eral separating points, parti~ularly in~ended hreaking points, provi~ed ~long the lengtn of the f~ldin~ blin~ rod. A
tongue~ e exten~ion ;~ integrally connec~ed ~o one end of ~e folding ~lind rod~ The ton~ue-like exten~ion h~s a pin ext:ending trans~erse~y of the axis of ~he folding blind rod. A bore each having an axi~ extending transver~ely of the ~xi~ of ~he fol~in~
blind rod i~ provided la~er~ly of e~ç~l ~ep~r~ting point ~nd also ~t the other en~ of ~he ~oldlng blin~ ~od. The cro~s-section~ of the borPs and pins ~re constructed s~ as t~ correspo~d to e~h other.

The variou~ fea~.u~es of no~elt.y which characterize the .in~ention are p~in~ed ou~ with par~i~ulari~y in the ~laims ~nnexed to and forming a p~r~ of ~he disclosure. For a ~etter under~t~n~in~ o~ the invention, it~ ope~ting a~-v~n~ages, spe~ifi~ o~ec~s ~ ined by i~s use, re~erence ~hould ~e had to the dxawin~ ~n~ de~cripti~re matte.r in which there are illust~ate~
an~ ~scribe~ p~efe~red emho~im~t~ o~ the invention.

'- 2 1 9430 1 BR~C13F ~ESC~IPTXON OF TJ~ AW~
II1 ~h~ dr~w.irly Fig. 1 is an elevational view of ~he fol~ing hlind rod ac~ording to th~ present invention;

Fig. 2 i~ a longi~.udinal xectional vi~w taken along sectional line II-II in Fiy. 3;

Fig. 3 is a top view of the hlind ro~;

~ lg. 4 is ~ bottom view o~ the folding blind ro~;

Fig. S is ~ ~ection~l ~iew, on ~ l~r~e~ s~ale, t~ken along ~;~3cti-ond~ e v-v in Fit~. 3;

Fig. ~ is a cross section~l ~iew, ~ on ~ ger s~ale, taken along se~t ional 1 ine VI-VI o~ . 3;

Fig. 7 i~ a fron~ ~iew, on ~ lle~ ~cale tha~ in Figs. 1 -4, showing a p~rtial~y pulle~up ~ol~iny ~lind; an~

' 21 94301 Fi~. 8 is ~ea~ view, also c)n a smalle~ ~c~ale, of the folding }:1 i.nd .



The foldin~ ~lind rod ~ shown in Figs. 1 - 4, preferably manufa~tu~ed of ~ynthetic materi~l, h~s a leng~h ~ of, for ex~mple, 2S0mm~ A~ seen over its le~g~h, the ~ingle-piece folding blind rod 1 has several ~ection~ A preferably of e~ual len~th, ~or ex~ple, $~m, as ~howl~ in the illustrat~d em~o~i~ent. A~ ~ee~ in Fig. 5, the cross-~ecti~n~l ~imension~
BxH of the ~olding blind rod 1 ~re ~h~ut 10x~m, A ~onyue-like extension 2 is integr~lly formed a~ one end of th~ folding ~lind rod 1. A pin 3 extending trans~ersely of the axis of the fo~ing ~lind rod 1. is prov.ided on ~he extension 2.
T~e sectioIl~ A which make up ~he individual folding ~ d rod 1, ~e prede~ermined ~y the di~tances between bore~ ~ which ~orxespond wi~h respect to size an~ cros~-sectional shape to the pin 3. A ~epara~ g point 5, partic~la~ly ~ p~edetermine~
brea}cing point ifi fon~ed. ~dja~ent the bore~: 4 1OCAted between the pin 3 and the ~ore 40 a~ ~he o~he~ end of the foldin~ blind rod 1. The hores ~ are loc~ed ~n ~ha~ ~ide of ~he re~pec~ively adjacçn~ ~epar~ti~g poi~t 5 on whicn the tongue~ e exte~io~ 2 ~ r~nge~, ~s fu~ther illustr~e~ iIl Fig. 5, the bore~ 4, 40 are loc~ted in the bo~tom ~ of groove~ 7 whose cro~s-sec~ion corresponds tO that o~ ~ongue-like extension 2. The shape~ and dirnen~ions of pin~ 3 and bores 4~ ~ncl 40 are a~a~cl ~o each ~ther in suc:h a way th~ they fo~ a clamping seat when t.lley are join~d togethe~, as will be expl~ined in more de~ail ~elow.

The ton~e-like ext:ension 2 with ~he pin 3, on the one h~nc3, and the ;bottom ~ ~~ ~e grc~ove 7 wit:h the bores ~a, 40, on the other hand, e.ach have a thiclcnes~ s whi ch c~rresponds to h~lf; the height h of the folding hlind rod 1. In relation to ~he heiyht h of the ~olding blind ~od 1, the extension 2 ~nd the ~ottom 6 of ~he groove 7 are arrangecl o~f~et r~l~t~i~e to each ot.her. The separating poin~s S di~ ehe ~ol~ing blind rod 1 in~o several ~e~tions, pre~er~bly of eqllal lçngth . 13xcep~ f or the areas with the bores 4 or 40, ~he individu~l sec~ion~ h~re arl ~-shap~d cross-section, a~ indica~d in Fi~, ~, however, t~ ro~5-sec~ional shape i~ no~ a bindin~ re~li.retneIlt i~or the presen~
inv~n~ion. I~e sep~rating point~ ~ ~re formed by inci~ions in the f lan~es o~ the I - sh~ped c~o~ ~ect ion .

The ~oss- ~ectional ~hape of t~he illust~t~e~ enbo~ nt prov,ides the~ hi~he~;t poa~i~le sta~ility with the ~;mal lest possibLe u~;e ~ materia~.

of ~he drawing show~ a f olding bl i.nd f rom ~.h~ rear Hose-like, ho~izontal ri}~bon~ 8 are se~m to the hlirlà a~ equal ~ertic~l ~p~cln~s c. A~ ix also conv~ntional in ~o-c~lled curt~in v~lances, a row of eye~3 ~ are provi~ed in the lower portion of each horizorlt~l ribbc)n 8 . The hose- 1 ike middle poxtion 10 serves to ~eceive ~he folding ~lin~ rod 1. Pull strings 11 are in~e~ted through ~he eyes g at each end. The hose~ like ribbons 8 manufac~ured on rihbon m~chines I[~y ~e fastened to the T~ate~ial web of the foldin~ blind with their uppex or lower edge~. 'rhe row of eye~ 9 may a~L60 he loc~ted a~ove the hose-like portioll 10, or undernea~h the por~ion 10, a~
shown in Fi~. 8 . A p~tially pulled-up folding hl in~ i~ shown i~l Fig. 7.

The folding hlind :~od ~cc~rdi.n~ to Figs. 1 ~ i~
m~nu~c~ured with a }ength L of, fo~ ~x~mple, 250Tmn ~nd the indivi~lual ~ections a have ~ len~th of 501r~n. If the ~oldiny blind to be provided with folding blind ~ods has a widtn~ for example, of l~OOIran, se~ren folding blin~ rods 1 are~ required for ea~h ri~on 8, whi~ corr~ponds ~o a len~th of 1750~n. These seven individual ~ol~ing hlin~ rod~ i are coupled to each ot~r hy means of ~he pin~ 3 an~ the bore 40 ~t ~he en~ o~ each foldiIlg blind rod 1. The extension 2 wi~h the pin 3 is no~ sep~r~ed 1~

' 2 1 9430 1 ~rom ano~her folding blind rod 1 by pin~in~, cutt~ triking ~r ~ y, and i~ ~oupled to ~h~ fol~ing blind rods which ha~
already ~e~n joi~ed to~e~h~ Thi~ i~ e~fected by pressing the pin 3 of the ext~nsion ~ of ~hi~ individu~l piece into the ~ore 40 of the l~t folding blind ro~. The bore~ 4, 40 and the pi.n~ 3 as well as the gr~e 7 an~ th~ tongue-like ex~ension are m~uf~c~e~ wlth re~pect to ~heir cro~s-~ec~ion~l s~ape and ~im~n~ions within very n~rrow toler~n~e~, ~o that a clampin~
connection is effec~ed with ~ ~ufficiently great st~bili~y. The seven folding blind ~od~ ~ccording to F~gs. 1 - 4 di~cus~ed ~bove and the ~dditional par~i~l pia~e now ~o~ether form a fol~ing bli~d rod with a l~n~th of 1800mm.

In ~h~ ex~mple de~crihed aho~e, t.he wi~h of the ~oidin~
~lind ~ an int~gral ~ltiple of 50~m. Foldin~ blinds ha~i.l~ a width which i~ no~ ~n integr ul~iple of 50~m ~e ~ 60 ~oncei~a~le. Th~ maximum deviation wh.i~h must be ~ccep~ed i~
such a ca~e is 40mm. Thi~ ~evi~tion ha~ no prae~ical significance because ~.his dimen~ion i~ co~pensated by ~he t~im.s 1~ at the edge~ of the ~oldin~ b~ind.

A foldin~ blind must b~ equipped wi~h ~ pluralit.y of fol~in~
~lind r~o~. Independently o~ the resp~ive ~i~t~ of ~he fo~.dirly " 2 1 943~ ~

~lin~ ~nd al~o in~pendently of ~he num~er of f~ldiI~g blind rod~
to ~e pro~d~d ~or each foldirlg blind, the m~i mu~ n~th of the re~idue ~rom a f~l~ing }:lind rod is 200, which i~ a :limen~ion whi~h. is pract:ically insi~nif ican~ .

Th~ inverltion is nor limi~ed by the embodiments de~cri~ed abo~re which ~re ~re~ented a~ examples only hut ~n l~e modifie~ in various wayC within th~ ~cnpe of protectior~ f ined by the ~ppended p~ten~ el~

Claims (14)

1. A folding blind rod adapted for arrangement in hose-like horizontally extending ribbons of a folding blind, the folding blind rod comprising a plurality of separating points provided along the folding blind rod, the folding blind rod having a first end and a second end, a tongue-like extension integrally formed at the first end of the folding blind rod, the tongue-like extension having a pin extending transversely of an axis of the folding blind rod, a bore each having an axis extending transversely of the axis of the folding bind rod being provided adjacent each separating point and adjacent the second end of the folding blind rod, wherein each bore and pin has cross-section constructed so as to correspond to each other.
2. The folding blind rod according to claim 1, wherein the separating points are intended breaking points.
3. The folding blind rod according to claim 1, wherein the folding blind rod has a groove with a groove bottom, each bore being located in the groove bottom, wherein a cross sections of the groove corresponds to a cross section of the tongue-like extension.
4. The folding blind rod according to claim 3, wherein the folding blind rod has a height and the tongue-like extension with the pin and the groove bottom of the groove with the bore each have a thickness which corresponds to half the height of the folding blind rod, and wherein the tongue-like extension and the groove bottom are arranged offset relative to each other in relation to the height of the folding blind rod.
5. The folding blind and rod according to claim 3, wherein n the grooves with the bores are located adjacent each separating point on a side facing the first end of the folding blind rod.
6. The folding blind rod according to claim 1, wherein the separating points are arranged so as to divide the folding rod blind into several sections.
7. The folding blind rod according to claim 6, wherein the sections are of equal length.
8. The folding blind rod according to claim 6, wherein the sections formed by the separating points have a length of several centimeters.
9. The folding blind rod according to claim 8, wherein the sections have a length of 5cm.
10. The folding blind rod according to claim 6, wherein, except for portions with the bores, the sections have a I-shaped cross section.
11. The folding blind rod according to claim 10, wherein the separating points are, incisions in flanges of the I-shaped cross section.
12. The folding blind rod according to claim 1, wherein the folding blind rod has cross-sectional dimensions of about 10x6nm.
13. The folding blind rod according to claim 3, wherein the pins and bores as well as the grooves and extensions have dimensions adapted to each other so as to form a clamping seat.
14. The folding blind rod according to claim 1, wherein the pin on the tongue-like extension has an axial length corresponding at most to a thickness of the groove bottom or of the extension.
CA002194301A 1996-01-02 1997-01-02 Folding blind rod Abandoned CA2194301A1 (en)

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AT0000296A AT403082B (en) 1996-01-02 1996-01-02 FOLDING ROLL ROD
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CA002194301A Abandoned CA2194301A1 (en) 1996-01-02 1997-01-02 Folding blind rod

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