CA2075882A1 - Method and system for electrostatic spray coating - Google Patents
Method and system for electrostatic spray coatingInfo
- Publication number
- CA2075882A1 CA2075882A1 CA 2075882 CA2075882A CA2075882A1 CA 2075882 A1 CA2075882 A1 CA 2075882A1 CA 2075882 CA2075882 CA 2075882 CA 2075882 A CA2075882 A CA 2075882A CA 2075882 A1 CA2075882 A1 CA 2075882A1
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- container
- coated
- powder
- car body
- coating
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- B05B5/00—Electrostatic spraying apparatus; Spraying apparatus with means for charging the spray electrically; Apparatus for spraying liquids or other fluent materials by other electric means
- B05B5/16—Arrangements for supplying liquids or other fluent material
Method and System for Electrostatic spray Coating.
In two cabins (4, 8), parts (2, 6) which are attached to the same car body after being coated are coated with the same coating material from a common container (10). This prevents differences in color tone between the parts, in particular between left car doors (2) and right car doors (6).
Method and System for Electrostatic spray Coating.
In two cabins (4, 8), parts (2, 6) which are attached to the same car body after being coated are coated with the same coating material from a common container (10). This prevents differences in color tone between the parts, in particular between left car doors (2) and right car doors (6).
% ~
MethQd an~ syfitem t~Q~E~
The lnv~ntion r~l~tes to a msthod and a ~yst~m ~c~r electrl~static ~pr~y coatin~ o~ le~t and ~ight car door~, engln~ hood~ and trun3 lids, ~h~h are not a1;~cached t~ a car body until after coating, 5 pur~uant to the pr~aml~l~ o~ C~lm 1.
PU~auant to known methc~, 3uch parts are always coated ~ n t2~e came cabln . Th ~ s r~ult~ in ~he danger th~t p~rts wll 1ch ~re aoated af t~r or~ ~nother, and attached to ~ car body a~ter b~lng oonted, wil~ have a di~terent oolor tone from on~ ~nother or w~th 10 regard ~o their car body, to which ~hey a~a attached a~'cer coa~cing. Thiu danger ari~e~ becau~e ev~n 'ct~ "same" powder ar~
not always the "same" ln practlce, ~lnc~ ~mall d1 ~eren¢s~s ~ n the compool~ion of t.~ coating ma'c~r$al fre~ue~tly occur durln~
production o~ the coat~ ng material .
15 Wlttl the invent:i~n, the ta6k ts~ ~e accompll~hed is to prevent parts which are attached to a car body, p~rticula~ly th~ lePt and rigt t doorfi of a car body, from ~aving a di~erent color 'cone ~rom on~3 ~not~ er. E~urt~lermore, the aolor tone o~ thes0 pzlrtq i~3 suppO~a to be the ~me as tl~e colc~r tone o~ the o~r body to 20 whlc~ th~y ar~ Attached aft~r co~ting, to $ha gr~atest exkant po6~ ~bl~ .
Thi~ ~a~k i~ accomplished, ~ccc~rding to the 1nvention, wlth tl~e characterl featurQs or Clalm l and tha characterlzlng f eatur~- of the f ir~t ~pparatus cla~m.
25 'r~e invention i6 descrlbed ~n the following, ~eferring to th~
dr~wing, and on the basis oi~ ~ preferred embodiment a~ an ~xample. l'h~ drawing show8:
~ig. 1 ~nd 3 . ch~atic llorlzontal cros~-~ection thrc~uqh two cabins arranged p~rAllel next to on~ ~nc>ther, for ~ 1 --
MethQd an~ syfitem t~Q~E~
The lnv~ntion r~l~tes to a msthod and a ~yst~m ~c~r electrl~static ~pr~y coatin~ o~ le~t and ~ight car door~, engln~ hood~ and trun3 lids, ~h~h are not a1;~cached t~ a car body until after coating, 5 pur~uant to the pr~aml~l~ o~ C~lm 1.
PU~auant to known methc~, 3uch parts are always coated ~ n t2~e came cabln . Th ~ s r~ult~ in ~he danger th~t p~rts wll 1ch ~re aoated af t~r or~ ~nother, and attached to ~ car body a~ter b~lng oonted, wil~ have a di~terent oolor tone from on~ ~nother or w~th 10 regard ~o their car body, to which ~hey a~a attached a~'cer coa~cing. Thiu danger ari~e~ becau~e ev~n 'ct~ "same" powder ar~
not always the "same" ln practlce, ~lnc~ ~mall d1 ~eren¢s~s ~ n the compool~ion of t.~ coating ma'c~r$al fre~ue~tly occur durln~
production o~ the coat~ ng material .
15 Wlttl the invent:i~n, the ta6k ts~ ~e accompll~hed is to prevent parts which are attached to a car body, p~rticula~ly th~ lePt and rigt t doorfi of a car body, from ~aving a di~erent color 'cone ~rom on~3 ~not~ er. E~urt~lermore, the aolor tone o~ thes0 pzlrtq i~3 suppO~a to be the ~me as tl~e colc~r tone o~ the o~r body to 20 whlc~ th~y ar~ Attached aft~r co~ting, to $ha gr~atest exkant po6~ ~bl~ .
Thi~ ~a~k i~ accomplished, ~ccc~rding to the 1nvention, wlth tl~e characterl featurQs or Clalm l and tha characterlzlng f eatur~- of the f ir~t ~pparatus cla~m.
25 'r~e invention i6 descrlbed ~n the following, ~eferring to th~
dr~wing, and on the basis oi~ ~ preferred embodiment a~ an ~xample. l'h~ drawing show8:
~ig. 1 ~nd 3 . ch~atic llorlzontal cros~-~ection thrc~uqh two cabins arranged p~rAllel next to on~ ~nc>ther, for ~ 1 --
2~7~2 sinlultaneou~ ~pray coatin~ of part~, particularly of r~gllt and left c~r dooro, which are attached to ths same car body a~tar co~ting, with coating powder from a common supply cont~iner, whic~
~multaneously 1~ a mlxlng conta1ner for ~re~h ~nd recycled po~der, ~g. 2 a vertical cro~-6e~t~0n along the pl~ne II-II o~
Fig. 1, F1~. 4 a vertlcal aros~-6ection along the pl~ne lV-IV of ~ig. 3, and F~g. 5 a schematic vi~w Or a t~ir~ cabin Xor coa~ing ca~
bodies ~rom the sam~ 3upply contalner a~ ~he parts WhiCh are coated ln the two ~abin~ of Fig . 1 to 4.
Flg. 1 ~o 5 ghow an electro$~atic opray coa~ng ~y~tem for parallel, e~ent~ally ~multanaou6 coatlng of l~ft car door~ ~ in a cabln 4 arran~ed on the le~, and o~ right ~r door~ 6 in ~
cab~n 8 arranged on ~he rlght, w1t~ ~oatin~ matertal, pre~ably powd~, from a comm~n ~upply ~ontainer 10. ~oth cablns ~ ~nd 8 ars pre~erably structur~d t~ same and hav~ walle o~ pl~tlc, pre~erab~y of ~ev~ral layer~ o~ p~astic ~n ~andwlch construceion.
The lar~ ~oors 2 o~ th~ lert a~bln 4 an~ the rlg~t doors 6 o~ ehe rig~t aab~ n l3, whic~l ~re coat~d with the ~ame powde~ ~rom ~h~
~am~ ~u~ply con~.~lner 10, ar~ a~t~c~cd, ~ter coa~ng, ~o the ~ame oa~ body, whlch 18 coated wlth the ~me powder in a third cabi~ 1.2. Coatlng o~ the bo~y prefer~bly als~ t~kes place with the ~ me powder fro~ the ~a~e ~upply container 10. ~his enbures t~t the lef~ and riyht door~ z and 6 of a certain c~r body do not have dl~ferent aolor ton~s. I~ the car body to which th~y arb attach0d iB al~o coat~d with the powder from th~ same ~upply contain~r a o, it 1s ensur~d, to a ~rea~ ~x~Qnt, t~t the door6 ~nd 6 wl.ll not hav~ a color ton~ d~fferent from th~t ~f t~e car ~Orl~$82 ~ody to ~ hich they ar~ atta~hed. In th~ cabin 4 arran~d on t~e le~t, ~everal left car doors 2 can be coated ~lmultaneou~ly, and in ~lle cabin 8 ~rranyed on th~3 rigl~t, ~eVerA~ car door~ 6 c~n be c:oated ~lmul~caneously, sach wlth the ~ame powder fro~n the ~ame 5 supply oontain~r lo. ~y uslng t}le ~m~ powder from t~e aame supply contair~er, ~veral left door~ 2 and ~e-~eral ri~ht, door~ 6 aro obtalned, all o~ which hav~ ths id~ntical color tone.
T~e powder ~8 pr~ferably pa~ed to ~pr~y organ~ 16 f~o~n th6~
supply container 10, vla int~rmediat~3 cont~iner~ 14 which are 10 smaller ~an the supply container 10. Tl~s flow path 18 ~ro~ the ln~er~nediate ~ontainerx 14 to thQir spray organ~ 16 iB very ~hort, ~igni~icantly ~horter than tho ~low pat~ 20 rrOm th~
cupply cont;ainer lO to the interr~odiate containers }4, ~o that th~ powd~r ~low to the ~pray org~ns 16 can be controlled or 15 regu~ted very precise~.y, ar~d ~ good coating quality ~ ac~ilsved.
~res!~ powder ls pas~e~ ~o t~le supply contaln~r 10 vla a ~low line 22, and recycled excess powder i.~ pa~ed ~rom t~e ~wo o~bins 4 ~nd 8 via a r~OW line 2~ and ~lter 26, ~ h~t the powder pa~ed to th~ ~pray organ~ l 6 vla the inte~madlate ~ontainer~ a 20 mlxture o~ thi~ fr~ah powder and th~ recycled powder. Di~rent amoun~s o~ powt~er can collect ~n the supply cont~lner 10.
~ow~aver, the amount of powder pre~ent in the ~upply container 10 do~ not haYe any in~luer~ce on th~ f l~w b~havior o~ the powder ~t the ~pray or~e.ns 16, ~lnce the ~ame p~wd~r level sr sam~ po~.~der 25 amount 16 a~way~ malnt;alned n the intsrmediate contalner~; 14.
~ o recycl~ powder ~rom th~ cabins 4 and 8, éhe powder which occur~; ~t: the fto~r of th~ cabin c~n be coll~3c~ed ln known manner. For exaTnple, tha cabin ~loor can be provided witl~ a surroundlng rllter strlp, ~rom which pQWder i6 drawn away by 30 suctl.on, or a str1pping devia~ 2~ can be arranged at the cabln ~lo~r pursu~n'c to Flg. 1 to 4, whlch convQys the powder whioh ~116 ~n the floor to a ch~nnel 30 ln thq ~loor o~ the cabln, ~rom wh~3~e the E)owder i~ pneuma~l~ally conveyed b~ck to the ~upply ccnta i ner 10 v i ~ the ~ l ow l ine 2 4 ~7~8~
The &upp~y cont~ine~ 10 1~ pre~e~ably arranqed a'c a central lt)cation with r~ferenoe 1:o the spray organ~ 16, abov~ one o~ the aAbins 4 or 8, in order to havf~ th~ ~horto~t posaible ~lo~.r llne~ -20 to the ir~termed.~t6 contalner6 14. Th~ cabins ~ and 8 can ~ach b~ ~rrsngi3~ ln an outer c~bln 34 or 38 which ~;urround6 the~
at a dl6tanc~e, and the intermi3dia~e contaln~rs 1~ and ~lutomatlc mr~;~hlnes 40 wh~cll oarry the ~E~r~y org~ns 16 and c:an move th~m ln ar)y deslr~d dl~ection, are ~rranged in the tnt~rm~diate 6p~c~ 42 betwean the cabins 4 and 8 and ~heir outer cabins 34 and 38, On t~le roo~ 54 of each of th~ out~r cabin9 34 an~l 38, an air regulation dev~ ce s2 i.~ arrsnged, which d~aw~ alr fro~ the inn-r cabin~ 4 and 8, f 11 t:er~ it and oonveys lt into the intermediate ~pac~ ~2 ~etween ~che ini~er oa~n 4 or 8 and th~ outer cab~n 34 o~
~multaneously 1~ a mlxlng conta1ner for ~re~h ~nd recycled po~der, ~g. 2 a vertical cro~-6e~t~0n along the pl~ne II-II o~
Fig. 1, F1~. 4 a vertlcal aros~-6ection along the pl~ne lV-IV of ~ig. 3, and F~g. 5 a schematic vi~w Or a t~ir~ cabin Xor coa~ing ca~
bodies ~rom the sam~ 3upply contalner a~ ~he parts WhiCh are coated ln the two ~abin~ of Fig . 1 to 4.
Flg. 1 ~o 5 ghow an electro$~atic opray coa~ng ~y~tem for parallel, e~ent~ally ~multanaou6 coatlng of l~ft car door~ ~ in a cabln 4 arran~ed on the le~, and o~ right ~r door~ 6 in ~
cab~n 8 arranged on ~he rlght, w1t~ ~oatin~ matertal, pre~ably powd~, from a comm~n ~upply ~ontainer 10. ~oth cablns ~ ~nd 8 ars pre~erably structur~d t~ same and hav~ walle o~ pl~tlc, pre~erab~y of ~ev~ral layer~ o~ p~astic ~n ~andwlch construceion.
The lar~ ~oors 2 o~ th~ lert a~bln 4 an~ the rlg~t doors 6 o~ ehe rig~t aab~ n l3, whic~l ~re coat~d with the ~ame powde~ ~rom ~h~
~am~ ~u~ply con~.~lner 10, ar~ a~t~c~cd, ~ter coa~ng, ~o the ~ame oa~ body, whlch 18 coated wlth the ~me powder in a third cabi~ 1.2. Coatlng o~ the bo~y prefer~bly als~ t~kes place with the ~ me powder fro~ the ~a~e ~upply container 10. ~his enbures t~t the lef~ and riyht door~ z and 6 of a certain c~r body do not have dl~ferent aolor ton~s. I~ the car body to which th~y arb attach0d iB al~o coat~d with the powder from th~ same ~upply contain~r a o, it 1s ensur~d, to a ~rea~ ~x~Qnt, t~t the door6 ~nd 6 wl.ll not hav~ a color ton~ d~fferent from th~t ~f t~e car ~Orl~$82 ~ody to ~ hich they ar~ atta~hed. In th~ cabin 4 arran~d on t~e le~t, ~everal left car doors 2 can be coated ~lmultaneou~ly, and in ~lle cabin 8 ~rranyed on th~3 rigl~t, ~eVerA~ car door~ 6 c~n be c:oated ~lmul~caneously, sach wlth the ~ame powder fro~n the ~ame 5 supply oontain~r lo. ~y uslng t}le ~m~ powder from t~e aame supply contair~er, ~veral left door~ 2 and ~e-~eral ri~ht, door~ 6 aro obtalned, all o~ which hav~ ths id~ntical color tone.
T~e powder ~8 pr~ferably pa~ed to ~pr~y organ~ 16 f~o~n th6~
supply container 10, vla int~rmediat~3 cont~iner~ 14 which are 10 smaller ~an the supply container 10. Tl~s flow path 18 ~ro~ the ln~er~nediate ~ontainerx 14 to thQir spray organ~ 16 iB very ~hort, ~igni~icantly ~horter than tho ~low pat~ 20 rrOm th~
cupply cont;ainer lO to the interr~odiate containers }4, ~o that th~ powd~r ~low to the ~pray org~ns 16 can be controlled or 15 regu~ted very precise~.y, ar~d ~ good coating quality ~ ac~ilsved.
~res!~ powder ls pas~e~ ~o t~le supply contaln~r 10 vla a ~low line 22, and recycled excess powder i.~ pa~ed ~rom t~e ~wo o~bins 4 ~nd 8 via a r~OW line 2~ and ~lter 26, ~ h~t the powder pa~ed to th~ ~pray organ~ l 6 vla the inte~madlate ~ontainer~ a 20 mlxture o~ thi~ fr~ah powder and th~ recycled powder. Di~rent amoun~s o~ powt~er can collect ~n the supply cont~lner 10.
~ow~aver, the amount of powder pre~ent in the ~upply container 10 do~ not haYe any in~luer~ce on th~ f l~w b~havior o~ the powder ~t the ~pray or~e.ns 16, ~lnce the ~ame p~wd~r level sr sam~ po~.~der 25 amount 16 a~way~ malnt;alned n the intsrmediate contalner~; 14.
~ o recycl~ powder ~rom th~ cabins 4 and 8, éhe powder which occur~; ~t: the fto~r of th~ cabin c~n be coll~3c~ed ln known manner. For exaTnple, tha cabin ~loor can be provided witl~ a surroundlng rllter strlp, ~rom which pQWder i6 drawn away by 30 suctl.on, or a str1pping devia~ 2~ can be arranged at the cabln ~lo~r pursu~n'c to Flg. 1 to 4, whlch convQys the powder whioh ~116 ~n the floor to a ch~nnel 30 ln thq ~loor o~ the cabln, ~rom wh~3~e the E)owder i~ pneuma~l~ally conveyed b~ck to the ~upply ccnta i ner 10 v i ~ the ~ l ow l ine 2 4 ~7~8~
The &upp~y cont~ine~ 10 1~ pre~e~ably arranqed a'c a central lt)cation with r~ferenoe 1:o the spray organ~ 16, abov~ one o~ the aAbins 4 or 8, in order to havf~ th~ ~horto~t posaible ~lo~.r llne~ -20 to the ir~termed.~t6 contalner6 14. Th~ cabins ~ and 8 can ~ach b~ ~rrsngi3~ ln an outer c~bln 34 or 38 which ~;urround6 the~
at a dl6tanc~e, and the intermi3dia~e contaln~rs 1~ and ~lutomatlc mr~;~hlnes 40 wh~cll oarry the ~E~r~y org~ns 16 and c:an move th~m ln ar)y deslr~d dl~ection, are ~rranged in the tnt~rm~diate 6p~c~ 42 betwean the cabins 4 and 8 and ~heir outer cabins 34 and 38, On t~le roo~ 54 of each of th~ out~r cabin9 34 an~l 38, an air regulation dev~ ce s2 i.~ arrsnged, which d~aw~ alr fro~ the inn-r cabin~ 4 and 8, f 11 t:er~ it and oonveys lt into the intermediate ~pac~ ~2 ~etween ~che ini~er oa~n 4 or 8 and th~ outer cab~n 34 o~
3~, m~xed wi~h fre~h alr 56, a8 an air mixtUte 58. In t~ way, ~ tlighe~ air pre~sure is obtain2d ln t~l~ lnterm~dla~e spac~ 42 than ln thff inner cab1 ns 4 or 8, and al~o higher than in th~
ouéslde at.mospher~ 60 wh~ch surrounds the out~r cabin~ 34 and 38.
~hle pre~ent~ p~netrat:~on o~ dirt particle~ ~ro~n ttle outslde ~tmofiphorc 60 i.nto the ~nte2medlat~3 space 42, and an alr flow 62 rrom 'ch~l intermediate space 42 into tlle lrlner cabin 4 or 8, a~
well a~ an 4ir flow 64 f~om the ~ntermedlate ~p~ce 42 to tho out~ld~ atmo~;pher~ 60, 1~ schi~red. In this way, an ~scape of powder partic].e~ f~om the inn8r cab~ns 4 and 8 i~ al~o pr~vented.
ouéslde at.mospher~ 60 wh~ch surrounds the out~r cabin~ 34 and 38.
~hle pre~ent~ p~netrat:~on o~ dirt particle~ ~ro~n ttle outslde ~tmofiphorc 60 i.nto the ~nte2medlat~3 space 42, and an alr flow 62 rrom 'ch~l intermediate space 42 into tlle lrlner cabin 4 or 8, a~
well a~ an 4ir flow 64 f~om the ~ntermedlate ~p~ce 42 to tho out~ld~ atmo~;pher~ 60, 1~ schi~red. In this way, an ~scape of powder partic].e~ f~om the inn8r cab~ns 4 and 8 i~ al~o pr~vented.
Claims (10)
1. Method for electrostatic spray coating of left and right car doors, engine hoods and trunk lids, which are not attached to a car body until after coating, characterized by the fact that at least two of the parts to be coated, which are attached to the same car body after coating, are coated in two separate coating cabins, with the same coating material from a common container, to which spray organs of both cabins are connected to form a flow.
2. Method according to Claim 1, characterized by the fact that the left door or doors (2) are coated in the one cabin (4), and the right door or doors (6) for the same car body are coated in the other cabin (8), from a common container (10), using the same coating material
3. Method according to Claim 1, characterized by the fact that the car body is coated, in a third cabin (12), with coating material from the same container of coating material as the parts which are attached to this coated car body after being coated.
Method according to Claim 1, characterized by the fact that the parts (2, 6) which are attached to the same car body after being coated are coated parallel in the two cabins (4, 8), essentially simultaneously.
5. Method according to Claim 1, characterized by the fact that the car body is coated parallel, essentially simultaneously, from the same container (10) and with the same coating material as the parts which are attached to the car body after being coated.
6. Method according to Claim 1, characterized by the fact that the fresh powder and powder recycled from the cabins is automatically introduced onto a powder container (10), and that a powder in the form of a powder mixture of fresh powder and recycled powder from the container is used as the coating material.
7. Method according to Claim 6, characterized by the fact that the powder mixture is passed form the container (10) to the spray organs (16) via an intermediate container (14), which has a significantly smaller volume capacity than the container (10).
8. Electrostatic spray coating system for implementation of a electrostatic spray coating operation, characterized by at least two cabins (4,8) which can be operated simultaneously, and by a container (10) for coating material for coating at least one part (2) to be attached to a car body after being coated in the one cabin (4) and for coating at least one other part (6) in the other cabin (8), which is attached to the same car body after being coated as the one part, where the container (10) is connected to form a flow with the spray organs (16) or both cabins (4,8), so that the spray organs of all cabins receive the same coating material from the same container.
9. Electrostatic spray coating system according to Claim 8, characterized by the fact that the coating material is a powder material mixture of fresh powder passed to the container (10) and recycled powder passed to the container (10), which is recycled from the cabins (4,8).
10. Electrostatic spray coating system according to Claim 9, characterized by an intermediate container (14) in the flow path between the container (10) and the spray organs (16).
Applications Claiming Priority (2)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
DE19914126890 DE4126890A1 (en) | 1991-08-14 | 1991-08-14 | Consistency control method for electrostatic spray coating of automobile panels - using group of spray booths to treat all panels simultaneously with powder feed from common reservoir |
DEP4126890.3 | 1991-08-14 |
Publications (1)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
CA2075882A1 true CA2075882A1 (en) | 1993-02-15 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
CA 2075882 Abandoned CA2075882A1 (en) | 1991-08-14 | 1992-08-12 | Method and system for electrostatic spray coating |
Country Status (4)
Country | Link |
JP (1) | JPH0691206A (en) |
CA (1) | CA2075882A1 (en) |
DE (1) | DE4126890A1 (en) |
MX (1) | MX9204316A (en) |
Families Citing this family (7)
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- 1992-07-23 MX MX9204316A patent/MX9204316A/en unknown
- 1992-08-07 JP JP21132492A patent/JPH0691206A/en active Pending
- 1992-08-12 CA CA 2075882 patent/CA2075882A1/en not_active Abandoned
Also Published As
Publication number | Publication date |
MX9204316A (en) | 1993-05-01 |
JPH0691206A (en) | 1994-04-05 |
DE4126890A1 (en) | 1993-02-18 |
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