CA1305303C - Process for the production of granulated continuous-casting powder - Google Patents

Process for the production of granulated continuous-casting powder


Publication number
CA1305303C CA000559296A CA559296A CA1305303C CA 1305303 C CA1305303 C CA 1305303C CA 000559296 A CA000559296 A CA 000559296A CA 559296 A CA559296 A CA 559296A CA 1305303 C CA1305303 C CA 1305303C
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process according
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Expired - Fee Related
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French (fr)
Eva Maria Donati
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Dipl-Ing Bela Tisza & Co Vormals Muhlen-Industrie fur Zerkleinerung und Aufbereitung Gesmbh
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    • B22D11/00Continuous casting of metals, i.e. casting in indefinite lengths
    • B22D11/10Supplying or treating molten metal
    • B22D11/11Treating the molten metal
    • B22D11/111Treating the molten metal by using protecting powders


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Continuous Casting (AREA)
  • Silicon Compounds (AREA)
  • Glanulating (AREA)


Abstract In a process to produce granulated continuous-casting powder on the basis of high-melting point oxides such as silicon oxide, calcium oxide or a product that forms a calcium oxide, from liquid agents such as alkali carbonates or calcium fluoride, and a carbon carrier, the powder mixture is granulated to spherical, solid granulates by the addition of water, an inorganic granulating agent and, optionally, an organic binder.


The pres~nt invention relates to a proce~ for t~e productlon of granulated contlnuous-casting powder tnat is ~uit~ble for t~e continuo~s casting of ~11 typ~ o~ ~teel and which permit3 the uae o~ higher ca~ting ~poed~.
When ~teel ls Cast continuously every attempt is made to inar~a6e the ca~ing sp~ed ~y u~lng i~proved continuous-casting powdsr, and to reduce co~t~ by automation o~ the process, Numerou~ dlfferent ca~ting powders have ~een proposed for t~o oontinuou~ oa~ting of steel, for example, t~e loo~e powder~
de~cribed in AT-PS 342800 and in DE-OS 34 03 27~, as well a~ the ~a~ting powder described in DE-OS 26 14 957, in the ~orm o~
hollow cphere~ with a grain size of greater ~han 60~ m.
Granulated powders are homogeneous, do not ~epa~ate ~segregats) when pac~aged and tran~ported, generate little du~t, an~ can be mstered ~ore effectively into the cas~ing mould by auto~atic machinery.
~ noWn proce~e~ to produce g~anulated cast~ng powd~r are ba~ed on forming a slurry of the cacting-powder components in watsr, whe~ at lea~t 30~ water is rsgui~ed- Ths suspen3ion so fo~med is then sprayed or atomised or extruded in order to arrive at a granwlate rorm, Which is then d~ied. According to the process that i~ Useq, one obtains open, ~pherical, hollow bodle~ or clos~d, cylindrical solid bodles.
Variou~ demands are made of the granulats, depending on it~

It should be possible to move the granulate effectively by either pneumatic or mechanical means, and the grains should not break when this is done. There must be no friction, for dust can interfere with the automatic measuring and metering systems used for charging the moulds with casting-powder granulate and regula-ting its level at the surface of the bath. Furthermore, the granulate should spread evenly on the liquid bath surface in the mould, in order that the liquid steel is well covered.
The granulates produced according to known methods have disadvantages in this regard. The hollow spheres have insuffi-cient mechanical strength, w~lereas the cylindrical bodies spread very poorly over the liquid steel in the mould.
For this reason, it is the task of the present invention to produce a granulated continuous-casting powder that not only satisfies the demands for rapid melting on the boundary layer between the liquid steel and the casting powder, and for a high level of thermal covering of the applied layer of casting powder, but which also possesses adequate mechanical strength so that it can be moved without breaking, and which is as close to spherical as possible so as to ensure good distribution when the powder is used. In addition, using such a process it should be possible to produce granulates within specific size ranges; the granulates should have the lowest possible powder density, the powder mixture may not separate, neither should its chemical analysis change during the granulating process; investment and energy costs con-nected with .~

130~i3V3 4 21107-~8g production should be low andr finally, it should be possible to process all powder mi~tures ~o granulate form by using a single system.
According to the present invention there is provided a process for preparing a granulated continuous-casting powder of a high melting point oxide which comprises mixing the high melting point oxide with a flux agent and a carbon carrier and granulating said mixture in a centrifugal or vortex mixer with the addition of water and an inorganic granulating agent to form a spherical solid granulate.
Thus, the process produces granulated continuous-casting ~owder on the basis of high-melting point refractory oxides such as silicon oxide, calcium oxide or a product that forms a calcium oxide, from liquid agents such as alkali carbonates or calcium fluoride, and a carbon carrier such as graphite, and is characterized in that the powder mixture i5 granulated to spherical, solid granula~es by the addition of water, an inorganic granulating agent and, optionally, an organic binder.
Because of the fact that the granulated solid casting powder produced according to the present invention is in spherical form, it flows very easily and spreads very well on the surface of the liquid in the casting mold. Because of its great mechanical strength, there is no friction generated when it is moved and when the mould is charged, and this eliminates problems connected with operating space requirements and the ecology, and those connected with interference to the automatic measuring and metering systems.
It is a particular advantage that the process according to the ~B

4a 21107-189 present invention requires only small quantities of water in order to granulate the powder. This results in considerable energy savings during the subsequent drying stages.


~ ~ ~ r 1 3~D S 3~3 -~ -~ ~ -In a practical ver310n of the proce~C accor~ing to the present ln~ention a powder mlxture hased on high-mel~ing point oxides, flow agents and carbon carriers is granulated in a mixer that op~rate~ according to a centrifugal or vort~x pro~e~, wit~
t~a add~tion o~ inorganic granulatin~ agent and water. I~ thi~
regard, a very ~mall content of inorganic granulating agent, of up to l~-wt, and an equally low water content of ~pproximately 10 to 15~-wt ~re auffici~nt~
A colloldal dlspersi~n of.amorp~ou~ s~licon dioxide in water, ~or exampls, 30-~ siliceou~ 301, i~ partlcularly sultable a~ an inorganlc granulatlng agent~ The .~lic~n diox~de i3 pre~nt in the siliceou~ ~ol in the form Df 3pherical indi~idual partlcles that are not linked to ~ach ot~r, which ~re hydrolized on the ~urface. In the application ~ccording to the p~sent invention, the sol i~ Sran~fo~med into a ~el, i.e., into a ~olld amorphou~, silicon dioxide t~at 1B in~oluble in water and the ca~ting powder component~ are bonded to foxm a solid, ~ull gran~late. Water gla~ can alco be used a~ the inorganic gr~nulating agent.
A~ter the granulating proce~s, the granulated, sphorical co~tinuou~ powder i~ dri~d in a ~luid-bed drier to a r~siaual moi6tu~e content o~ less ~han 1%-wt, which can be donh at an inlet air temperature of, for example, 120 to 180C.
In the ev~nt that an additional incre~se in the mechnical ~trength of the granulate i~ to b~ achieved, up to 2~-wt of an S~3~53~

organic bind~ng agant can he added to the powder mix~ure prior to gr~nulation.
It is exp~dlent that the continuous-ca3ting powder be ~ranulated to a gr~in size of approxim~tely 200 ~m to over 1 mm, in whlch regard vario~ grain size di~tributions axe obtained dependlng on ths type o~ mixing.
The granulated contlnuous-ca~ting powder produced according to tho pre~ent inventlon can be u~ed without the ~ormation o~
any d~t in ~teel works which use ~ully automatia machinery to provlde ~or the pneumatic or mechanlcal metering o~ con~inuou -casting powder in continuous-ca~ting plants.
The invention is explain~d on the ba~is o~ the following embodi~ent~ without being re~tricted to thase.
Ex~m~3~e 1:
granulate i~ prepared from th~ ~ollowing components Cal¢iu~ aluminum ~ilicate Sodium carbonate Fluorspar Syhthetic re~in binder Silicon dioxide Graphite Fly a~h acco~di~g to a chem~al analysis o~ the composition o~
sio2 31.
cao 28.4 23 12.2~
Na20 1.7%
~e23 6~1~
F 2.9%
C 15.0~
and with the following grain analysis:

13~3V3 Over 0.125 mm 5%
0.125 - 0.0~3 10 below 0.063 85%
The granulate was prepared as follows:
The co~pone~ts were mixed for 2 minute~ in a ploughshare ~ixer. Next, 15% wa~er with a siliceous ~ol conten~ o~ 4.3%
~orre~ponding to an ab~olut~ content o~ 0.~5~ silicic acid was added. After a ~ranulating period of lg minute~ and a drying time o~ 4 mlnutes ln a ~l~id-bed drler, the followin~ grain yield wa~ obtained under the co~dition~ set out below:
Drier, air inlet temperature 160C
Granulated con~inuous~casting po~der re~idual moi~ture 0.3%
Grain analysis:
O~er 3 mm 5%
3 - 1 m~ 80 below 1 mm 15%

A g~anulate wa~ prepared as de~cribed balow f~om ~he followi~g:

~alcium car~onate Silicon dioxide Graphite Sodi~m carbonate Calcium ~luoride according to a chemical analy~is of the composition of sio2 33%
C~O 30.5%
A123 0-5~

~, Ma2O 4.8%
Fe23 0.3~
F 7.6%
C 11.4%
and with the following grain sizes Over 0.125 mm 7%
0.125 - 0.063 mm 15%
up to 0.063 mm 78%
The granulate was prepared as follows:
Water glass of 37 BE served as granulating liquid The components were granulated in a continuous ploughshare mixer at a moisture content of 12.6%. Drying then took place in a fluid-bed drier with a holding time of 1 minute under the following conditions:
Hot-air temperature: 180C
Product temperature: 102C
A product with the following grain sizes was obtained:
Over 0.8 mm 6.5%
0.4 - 0.8 mm 70.9%
0.2 - 0.4 mm 22.4%
under 0.2 mm 0.1%
The resldual moisture of the granulate was 0.2%, and the powder weight was 0.906 kg/m3.
Example 3:
The following components were mixed for 2 minutes in a ploughshare mixer:

Calcium aarbona~e ~$1icon dloxide Alumin~um sili~at~
~luor~par Sodium carbona~e Graphite accord$ng to a c~emical analy~ of the composition of:

SiO2 ~0.7 cao 29.0~
A12o~ 3 . 0%
N~20 4.8%
pe2o3 0 . '7~6 F 6.~%
C 10.2~

Grain analyxi~ of the output mixtUre provlded t~e following re~ult~:
over 0.125 mm 10%
0.125 - O~Ofi3 mm 2 below 0.06~ m~ 65~
T~ components were granulat~d in a ploughchare mixer at 11.7S moisture (including 1.2~ colloidal sili~ic acid). Af~er drying in a fluid-bed drier at a ho~-air input temperatu~e of 140C and a holding ti~e of 3 minute~, a granulate with a re6idual moisture of 0. 3~, a po~der weight of 0.90 kg/m3 and the following grain ~ize8 was obtained:
above 1.5 m~ 3 0.2 - 1.5 mm 88 under 0.2 mm 9

Claims (12)

1. A process for preparing a granulated continuous-casting powder of a high melting point oxide which comprises mixing the high melting point oxide with a flux agent and a carbon carrier and granulating said mixture in a centrifugal or vortex mixer with the addition of water and an inorganic granulating agent to form a spherical solid granulate.
2. A process according to claim 1 wherein the high melting point oxide is silicon oxide, calcium oxide or a compound that forms a calcium oxide in said process.
3. A process according to claim 1 wherein the flux agent is an alkali carbonate or calcium fluoride.
4. A process according to claim 1 wherein the starting components further comprise an organic binder.
5. A process according to claim 1 wherein the carbon carrier is graphite.
6. A process according to claim 1 wherein the high melting point oxide is silicon oxide, calcium oxide or a compound that forms a calcium oxide in said process, the flux agent is an alkali carbonate or calcium fluoride and the carbon carrier is graphite.
7. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the powdered starting components are granulated with the addition of up to approximately 1%-wt inorganic granulating agent and of up to 10 to 15%-wt water.
8. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein a collodial dispersion of amorphous silicon dioxide is used as the granulating agent.
9. A process according to claim 7, wherein a collodial dispersion of amorphous silicon dioxide is used as the granulating agent.
10. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein up to 2%-wt organic synthetic resin binding agent is added to the powder mixture prior to granulation.
11. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the granulated powder is dried in a fluid-bed drier to a residual moisture content of less than 1%-wt.
12. A process according to claim 10, wherein the granulated powder is dried in a fluid-bed drier to a residual moisture content of less than 1%-wt.
CA000559296A 1987-02-20 1988-02-19 Process for the production of granulated continuous-casting powder Expired - Fee Related CA1305303C (en)

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CA000559296A Expired - Fee Related CA1305303C (en) 1987-02-20 1988-02-19 Process for the production of granulated continuous-casting powder

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