CA1196958A - Logic analyzer having search and comparison capabilities - Google Patents

Logic analyzer having search and comparison capabilities


Publication number
CA1196958A CA000418908A CA418908A CA1196958A CA 1196958 A CA1196958 A CA 1196958A CA 000418908 A CA000418908 A CA 000418908A CA 418908 A CA418908 A CA 418908A CA 1196958 A CA1196958 A CA 1196958A
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French (fr)
Hidemi Yokokawa
Rikichi Murooka
Miyuki Fukuzawa
Machiko Tomioka
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Tektronix Japan Ltd
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Sony Tektronix Corp
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Application filed by Sony Tektronix Corp filed Critical Sony Tektronix Corp
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1196958A publication Critical patent/CA1196958A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Tests Of Electronic Circuits (AREA)
  • Test And Diagnosis Of Digital Computers (AREA)


Abstract of the Disclosure A logic analyzer is disclosed which displays at least an input logic signal on a cathode ray tube, controls a cursor position on the cathode ray tube and obtains a relationship between a predetermined phen-omenon included in the input logic signal and the cur-sor position. In a search mode, the predetermined phen-omenon is a search word or a glitch. In a compare mode, the predetermined phenomenon is a reference logic signal.



~ round of the Invention The subject mat-ter of the present invention per-tains to a logic analyzer having search and comparison capabilities.

In various kinds of electronic apparatus, logic techniques are increasingly popular as a result of developments of microprocessors and computers. Oscillo-scopes, logic probes and logic analyzers are utilized for developing, calibrating and trouble-shooting an electronic apparatus using these logic techniques. A
logic analyzer is especially ideal for use as a mea-surement instrument of such electronic apparatus, be-cause it can store multi-channel input logic signals (data) in a memory, such as a random access memory (RAM) and display the data stored in the memory on a display means7 such as a cathode ray tube (CRT), so that the displayed data (before a trigger signal oc-curence) may be measured. There are two display modes used by a logic analyzer; one is a timing display mode for displaying the logic signals as signal waveforms;
the other is a state display mode for displaying the stored data as characters (alphanumerics) of words, such as binary, octal and hexadecimal. In the state display mode, data stored in only selected addresses of the ~nemory are displayed. All of the data stored in the memory cannot be displayed simultaneously because of the relationship between a display area and the sizes of the characters to be displayed.

Conventional logic analyzers have many functions, and one of them is a search function (or search rnode).
This mode is freq7lently selected especially in the state display mode, wherein a search word set by an . ~


operator is detected from the data stored in the mem-ory. The searched word and the memory address thereof are displayed on a first line, and a predetermined number of words followed by this address are displayed on the following lines thereby constituting a state table. However, since all the data stored in the rnem-ory cannot be displayed in the state display mode as described hereinbefore, it is difficult to know a total number of the search words included in all the data and a relation between the total number and the search words displayed on the display means. As a result, measuremen-t is troublesome. On the other hand, the search mode is not available in the timing display mode, so that it is troublesome to measure a timing relation among a plurality of logic signals with re-spect to a desired word.

Another function of a conventional logic analyzer is the detection of a glitch (a narrow width pulse signal which affec-ts the operation of logic circuits).
The glitch can be detected if a clock frequency is increased when storing t~he input logic signal in the memory. However, the glitch is detected commonly by a glitch detector consisting of logic circui-ts, such as latch circuits or the like, since the maximum clock frequency is limited by the characteristics of the memory. The detected glitch is displayed as a pulse of one bit width in the timing display mode (the glitch intensity is sometimes modulated). It is difficult to know a total number of the glitches in all the data stored in the memory and a relationship between the total number and a glitch displayed on the display means. As a result, measuremen-t is inconvenient. More-over, conventional logic analyzers cannot display the glitch in the state display mode. Therefore, it cannot be determined whether or not the displayed data in-cludes the glitch.

?~8 The conventional logic analyzers have a further function, a comparison function (or comparison mode).
This function is especially used in the state display mode, wherein the input logic signals stored in a first memory are compared with reference logic signals stored in a second memory and one or both of the input and reference logic signals are displayed on the display means.
Conventional logic analyzers modulate the intensity of different parts of the input and reference logic signals, invert the different parts (inversion between white and black) or add markers to the different parts for distinguishing between the differPnt parts of the input and reference logic signal from other parts thereof (easy measurement). Since all the data stored in the memory cannot be displayed simultaneously in the state display mode as described hereinbefore, it is difficult to know a total number of the different (or other) parts of the input and reference logic signal included on the display means, namely, a relationship between all the data and the 0 displayed parts. ~hus~ measurement is troublesome.
Summary of the Invention In accordance with an aspect of the invention there is provided a logic analyzer, comprising memory means for storing an input logic signal; said input logic signal including a plurality of reference phenomenon; display means for displaying the input logic signal stored in said memory means; processing means for counting a total number of said plurality of reference phenomenon included in the input logic signal stored in said memory means; and cursor oontrol means for controlling a cursor position on said display means; said processing means obtaining a relation-ship between said total number and said cursor position.
According to a logic analyzer of the present invention, a search phenomenon, such as a word or a glitch, is input via input means, such as a keyboard, and processing means, such as a central processing unit (CPU), calculates a ,.,,.; ,~, 969~3 ~3a-total number of the search phenomenon included in stored data. In addition, the CPU obtains a relationship between the total number and a cursor position controlled by a cursor control means, such as the keyboard. The relation-ship is displayed on a CRT. Moreover, khe CPU comparesthe input logic signals with the reference logic signals, counts the total number of the different (or other) parts (words), obtains a relationship between the total number and the cursor positiont and displays the comparison results on the C~T. The differen~ or other parts may be regarded as the search phenomenon.


It is therefore one object of the present inven-tion to provide an improved logic analyzer which is free from the disadvantages of the aforementioned prior art.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a logic analyzer which obtains a rela-tionship between a total number of a predetermined phenomenon included in a stored input logic signal and a cursor position on a display means.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a logic analyzer which obtains a relation-ship between a total number of a predetermined word included in a stored input logic signal and a cursor position on a display means.

It is an additional object of the present inven-tion to provide a logic analyzer which obtains a rela-tionship between a total number of glitches includedin a stored input logic signal and a cursor position on a display means.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a logic analyzer which counts a total number of different or other parts of input and reference logic signals, and obtains a relationship between the total number and a cursor position displayed on a dis-play means.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a logic analyzer which obtains a relation-ship between a total number of a predetermined phen-omenon included in a stored input logic signal and a cursor position on a display means when operating in a timing display mode and a state display mode.

` ~
~9~58 Other objects, advantages, and features of the present invention will become apparent to those having ordinary skill in the art *rom a reading of the fo:llow-ing detailed description when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.

Brief Description of the Drawings FIG~ 1 is a block diagram of a logic analyzer in accordance with the present invention;

FIG~ 2 illustrates the contents of a memory cir-cuit 28 used in FIGo 1;

FIG. 3 illustrates a display of a word search mode when in a timing display mode according to the present invention;

FIG. 4 illustrates flow charts for explaining the present invention;

FIG. 5 illustrates another display of the word search mode when in the timing display mode according to the present invention;

FIG. 6 illustrates a display of a gli-tch search mode when in the timing display mode according to the present invention;

FIG~ 7 illustrates a display of the word search mode when in a state display mode according to the present inven-tion;

FIG. 8 illustrates a display of the glitch search mode when in the state display mode according to the present invention;

FIG. 9 ill.ustrates a display of the glitch search mode when in the state display mode according to the present invention;

( FIG. 10 illustrates a display of the word compare mode mode in the state display mode aecording to the present invention; and FIGo 11 illustrates a display of a pattern eom-pare mode when in the state display mode aeeording to the present invention.

Detalled Deseription of _he Invention Referring now to FIG~ 1~ there is shown a bloek : diagram of a logic analyzer aecording to the present invention. Probe 10 has eight tips for deteeting eight ehannel input logie signals from a eireuit to be mea-; sured. The eight ehannel logic signals from probe 10 are applied to eomparator/gliteh deteetor 12, wherein the eomparator eonverts the levels of the input logie signals to a proper logie level for eaeh bloek of FIG~
1 (e.g. TTL level), and the eonverted sigrals are ap-c plied to data memory eireuit 14, eonsisting of high speed RAMs or the like, and to trigger circuit 16 in-cluding a word reeognizer (eireuit for detecting apredetermined word) and a eounter. The glitch deteetor of bloek 12 de`tects glitehes from the input logie sig-nals, and the deteeted glitches are applied to glitch memory cireuit 18 eonsisting of high speed RAMs. The gliteh deteetor may be a eonventional circuit consist-ing of latch eireuits, gates, ete. Blocks 14, 16, and 18 are eonnected to bus 20 (including data, address and eontrol buses). Start/stop control circuit 22 causes memory eircuits 14 and 18 to commence acquisi-tions in response to an instruction from bus 20, andstops the acquisitions in response to an output from trigger circuit 16 Central processing unit (CPU) 24 is, for example, a type Z80A microprocessor, and acts as a processing means. The Z80A is fully disclosed in "Z80/Z80A CPU Technical Manual" and ~Z8400, Z80 CPU
Product Specification~ published by Zilog. Read only memory (ROM) 26 is a memory circuit for firmware to ~' store data processing sequences of CPU 24, and RAM 28 is a memory means for acting as a temporary memory of CPU 24 and including a display RAM area. ROM 26 and RAM 28 are connected to bus 20. Keyboard 30 is con-nected to bus 20, and includes a plurality of keys forcontrolling a cursor posi-tion, inputting a search phen-omenon in a search mode, and other control and input operations. Thus, keyboard 30 acts as an input rneans and a cursor control means. Display control circuit 32 connected to bus 20 controls the display of data on a display rneans 34, such as a raster scan type CRT by generating an intensity signal and horizontal and ver-tical scanning signals in accordance with the data stored in the display RAM area of RAM 28. Clock pulse ~enerator 36 supplies a clock pulse to blocks 14, 16 and 18, the clock frequency being controlled in accord-ance with an instruction from bus 20. The clock fre-quency for blocks 24, 26, 28 and 30 is fixed to, for example, 4MHz (if the CPU is the Z80A type).
For storing the inpu-t logic signals, an operator sets the clock frequency, a trigger word and a clock number for a trigger delay via keyboard 30. These set data are stored in a first area of RAM 28 (refer FIG.
2 showing the contents of RAM 28) through bus 20 and CPU 24, and are used to set trigger circuit 16 and clock pulse generator 36. When a write start instruc-tion is applied from keyboard 30 to start/stop control circuit 22 through bus 20 and CPU 24, circuit 22 switches data memory circui-t 14 and glitch memory cir-cuit 18 to a write mode to start a write operation. As described hereinbefore, the data and glitch compon-ents of -the input logic signals from probe 10 are re-spectively and sequentially stored in different ad-dresses of memory circuits 14 and 18 through block 12.
The addresses of memory circuits 14 and 18 are deter-mined by an address signal from an address genera-tor (not shown). It should be noted that the appointed ( addresses of memory circuits 14 and 18 correspond to each alternately occuring (i.e. every other) clock pulse. After the word recognizer in trigger circuit 16 detects the trigger word from the data components of the input logic signals, the counter counts a predeter-mined number of the clock and generates an output sig-nal. In response to this output signal, start/stop control circuit 22 stops the write operations of mem-ory 1~ and 18. Thus, memory circuits 14 and 18 com-plete the storage of the logic signal to be mesured.

When a display instruction is input via keyboard30 in search mode or glitch mode, CPU 24 transfers the contents of memory circuits 14 and 18 to second and ~rd areas as of R~M 28 respectively in accordance with the firmware of ROM 28. The selections of the display modes (timing or state display mode) and the display area ~selecting a display part of the stored logic ~, signal to be measured) are made via keyboard 30, and information of the selected display mode and display area are stored in the first area of RAM 28 through bus 20 and CPU 24. Assuming that the selected display mode is the timing display mode, CPU 24 converts the data information in the second area of RAM ~8 corres-ponding to the selected display area into FONT infor-mation of logic waveforms, converts the glitch informa-tion in the third area into ATTRIBUTE information, and stores the FONT and ATTRIBUTE information in the dis-play RAM area of RAM 28 in accordance with the firm-ware of ROM 26. Display control circuit 32 is conven-tional type including a ROM for storing various pat-terns of logic waveforms and characters' (alphanumer-ics~) patterns, a shift register for converting the parallel o~tput from the ROM to a serial signal to generate a Z-axis (intensity) signal, and vertical and horizontal scan signal generators. Display control circuit 32 reads the contents of the display RAM area of RAM 28 repeatedly to display logic waveforms on CRT
~, ,, ~g~5~3 g ( 34 as shown in FIG. 3. In FIG. 3, "AO" through "A7" at the left side indicate the channel number of logic signal and correspond to each tip of probe 10. These channel numbers are displayed similarly to the logic waveforms under control of the firmware of ROM 25.
Characters surrounded by frames in the drawings indi-cate an inversion between black and white displays, the inversion being controlled by the ATTRIBUTE inform-ation stored in the display RAM area of RAM 28. In a bar graph consisting of crosshatched parts and a white part displayed at the top right side of FIG. 3, the length of the bar graph corresponds to all the stored logic signals to be measured (capacities of the second and third areas in RAM 28), and the white part corresponds to the present display area. A relation-ship between all the logic signals and the display may be determined by reference to this bar graph which is displayed in accordance with a method disslosed in Canadian Patent NoO 1,151,329 which issued on August 2, 1983 to C. H. Leow.

In the display of FIG. 3, "C" and seven black squares arranged longitudinally at the center portion indicate a cursor, and the posj.tior. thereof is control-led by keyboard 30. When keyboard 30 determines the address of the cursor position with respect to the displayed waveforms, the cursor position information is stored in the first area of RAM 28 through bus 20 and CPU 24. CPU 24 stores the FONT and ATTRIBUTE in-formation of the cursor in the corresponding addresses of the display RAM area of RAM 28 in accordance with the cursor position information under control of the firmware of ROM 26. Since display control circuit 32 reads the contents of the di.splay RAM area repeatedly, the cursor is displayed on CRT 24. "10110001" posi-tioned longitudinally at the right side of FIG. 3 in-dicates logic levels of each logic signal at the cur-sor position (cursor work). This word is useful to ~9~58 confirm the cursor word, when a channel number of the displayed waveforms is large or a pulse width (a per-iod between the rising and falling edges) is narrow.
The cursor word is displayed by CPU 24 in accordance with the firmware of ROM 26 as follows. Firstly, CPU
24 reads the data a-t the cursor position from the data information stored in the second area of RAM 28 in response to the cursor position information stored in the first area of RAM 28. CPU 24 judges "1" and ~'0" of the read-out data, and stores FONT information of the words (l and O) in the display RAM area of RAM 28 for displaying on CRT 34 simultaneously with other informa-tion.

If the cursor is moved by keyboard 30, the cursor position information in the first area of RAM 28 changes and the aforementioned operation is repeated.
If a signal from the keyboard 30 instructs the move-ment of the cursor toward the outside of the displayed waveforms after the cursor is positioned at the end of the displayed waveforms, the displayed waveforms aremoved, however the position of the cursor remains fixed at the end of the displayed waveforms. There-fore, the cursor is not substantially moved. For exam-ple, if the cursor is instructed to further move tothe right after the cursor is moved to the right end of the displayed waveforms, the displayed waveforms are moved to the left, i.e., the displayed waveforms are erased from the left end in accordance with the cursor movement value, and new waveforms appear from the right end. In this instance, the white part of the bar graph is moved. This operation is generally known as a scroll mode. In the scroll mode, the displayed window area is determined by the cursor, and CPU 24 may read all the logic signals of a new display area from the second and third areas of RAM 28 for repeat-ing the above described display operation. However, it is effective to shift the waveform information in the 6~S~3 display RAM area of RAM 28 by a number of the addres-ses corresponding to the cursor movement val.ue, read the new waveform information corresponding to the value lacked by shifting (the end part of the waveforrn information is erased by shifting) from the second and third areas of RAM 28, and store the new waveform in-formation in the display RAM area under control of CPU

The search mode of the present invention will be discussed, which follows -the above description. When the search word mode is selected via keyboard 30, CPU
24 displays "SRCH" (meaning the search mode) at the top left portion of the display screen by a use of the display RAM area in accordance with the firmware of ROM 26. If the search phenomenon is a word, "WD"
(meaning the word) is displayed under "SRCH". The search word is input by keyboard 30 and stored in the first area of RAM 28 through bus 20 and CPU 24. In this embodiment, the search word is "01011000" and converted into the character information (FONT and ATTRIBUTE information) to be stored in the display RAM
area for displaying as shown in FIG. 3.

The following operations will be discussed by reference to flow charts shown in FIGs. 4A through 4E.
The operations are controlled by CPU 24 under control of the firmware of ROM 26. CPU 24 counts a total num-ber of the selected phenomena (or parts, words, dif-ferent from reference logic signals) stored in the second or third area of RAM 28 at step 50 which is shown in FIG. 4C in detail. Of course, the present mode is the search word mode, however, it should be noted that the flow charts of FIGs. 4A through 4E are available to all the search word 7 search glitch and comparison modes. In FIG. 4C, CPU 24 clears a fourth area of RAM 28 at step 52, and sets a memory address -of the first area for storing the total number to zero at step 54. In step 56, CPU 24 compares the search word stored in the first area of RAM 28 with the data information stored in each address of the second area, and stores "1" in a corresponding address of the fourth area if the data information is the same as the search word. If the data information and the search word are different from each other, the data of the fourth area is not changed, i.e., "0" remains in the corresponding address of the fourth area. CPU 24 counts the total number of the search word stored in the second area at step 56 by counting one when the data information corresponds to the search word. The counted total number is stored in the first area of RAM 28. In FIG. 4C, "S.R." means the search phenomenon (word or glitch) or the reference logic signal. The total number is two hundred in this example, and is displayed as "200" on CRT 34 by converting it into the character information to be stored in the display RAM
area in step 58.

Returning to FIG. 4A, CPU 24 judges whether the total number is zero or not at step 60. Step 84 of FIG, 4B is followed through 62 if so, and step 64 is 25 followed if not so. In step 62, CPU 24 displays "0" on CRT 34 as a search number that is a number of the search word stored in the addresses of the second area of RAM 28 on or before the cursor position address.
The cursor position address may be obtained from the cursor position information in the first area. In step 64, CPU 24 sets the search number to zero and further sets a pointer to zero. CPU 24 judges whether the pointer position is equal to the cursor position in step 66, wherein step 74 of FIG. 4~ is led if so, and 35 step 68 is led if not so. In step 68, CPU 24 judges whether the contents of the fourth area of RAM 2a cor-respondin~ to the pointer position is one or not. If the pointer's contents is "l", i.e., if the data in-formation at the pointer position is tlle same as the ( search word, step 70 is followed. If the pointer's contents is not "l", i.e., if the data information at the pointer position is different from the search word, step 72 is followed. In step 70, CPU 24 adds one S to the search number, and step 72 is led. In step 72, CPU 24 increases the pointer position by one and re-turns to step 66. In other wGrds, CPU 24 counts the search number on or before the cursor position by counting "1" in the fourth area of RAM 28 through steps 66-72.

Referring to FIG. 4B, CPU 24 jud~es the search number counted through steps 66-72 is zero or not in step 74, wherein step 76 or 78 are followed if so or not so respectively. In step 76, CPU 24 displays "~l"
(state display mode) or "~l" (timing display mode) on CRT 34, and the display means that the first search word is positioned after the cursor position. After step 76, this mode ends. In step 78, CPV 24 judges whether the data information at the cursor position is the search word (S.R.) and leads to step 80 or 82.
When the cursor positions' data (cursor word) corres-ponds to the search word, CPU 24 displays the search number on CRT 34 in step 80 and leads to step 84. When the cursor word differs from the search word, CPU 2 displays "~(search number)" (state display mode) or "~(searc~ number)" (timing display mode) on CRT 34 in step 82 and leads to step 84. This display indicates that the search word at the search number is located before the cursor position. In the embodiment of FIG.
3, there are 113 search words prior to the cursor, and the 114th search word is positioned after the cursor.
"~113~ indicates that the 113rd search word is posi-tioned before the cursor, and the corresponding charac-ter information is stored in the display RAM area byCPU 24. When the cursor position corresponds to the 114th search word by sequentially movin~ the cursor to the right via keyboard 30, CRT 34 displays as shown in . ., ( FIG. 5, where "SRCH = 114/200" indicates that the cur-sor position corresponds to the 114th of the 200 search words. It should be noted that the arrow is erased, because CPU 24 counts the search words on and before the cursor position, and detects the cursor position is on the search word. After the detection, CPU 24 changes the ATTRIBUTE of the character informa-tion of the cursor word stored in the display RAM area for reversing the black and white o~ the cursor word display. This reverse operation is controlled as fol-lows.
, .
Returning to FIG. 4B, CPU 24 judges whether the present mode is the timing display mode or not in step 84. If the timing display mode is selected, step 86 is followed (this step is shown in FIG. 4D). If the tim-ing displ.ay mode is not selected (the state display mode is selected), step 88 shown in FIG. 4E is fol-lowed. After step 86 or 88, the mode ends.
The reverse operation in the timing display mode will be discussed by reference to FIG. 4D. In step 90, CPU 24 judges whether the code in the fourth area of RAM 28 at the cursor position is "1" or not. If the code is "1", i.e., if the data at the cursor position is the search word, step 92 is followed. If not so, i.e., if the search word is located on the cursor posi-tion, step 94 is followed wherein CPU 24 displays the cursor word by reading the data information in the second area at the cursor position and outputs a nor-mal code as the ATTRIBUTE. Thus, the cursor word is displayed normally as shown in FIG. 3. A~ter step 94, CPU 24 returns to the sequence of FIG.4B. In step 92, CPU 24 ~udges whether the present mode is the glitch search mode or not. If the glitch search mode is se-lected, CPU 24 processes step 96 and returns to the main routine. If the word search mode is selected, CPU
m'~!". 24 outputs a reverse code as the ATTRIBUT~ for revers-~ ing the cursor word display in step 98 as shown in 9Sk~

( FIG. S. After step 98, CPU 24 returns to the main rou-tine.

Therefore, the logic signal measurement becomes very easy because of the relationship between the cur-sor positivn and the total number of the search word in the logic signals stored in the memory means. More-over, the search function is available in the timing display ~ode, so that the measurement is further im-proved. If the search word is positioned after (at theright of) the cursor position, the display may be "SRCH =~113/200". In the case to display the search word with the arrow (the cursor word is not the search word), it is convenient to display the arrow "~ " when the cursor is moved to the right and the arrow "~~"
when the cursor is moved to the left because the cur-sor movement process can be judged. The search word can be detected automatically (automatic search mode) ~' by moving the cursor sequentially and stopping auto-matically the cursor movement when the cursor position is on the search word under control of the firmware of ROM 26. For this automatic search mode, the counter counts the low frequency clock pulse to renew se~uen-tially the cursor position information in the first area cf RAM 28, and CPU 24 stops the counter to count when the cursor word corresponds to the search word.
The next search word can be detected to restart the counter operation.

FIG. 6 is an example display, wherein the search phenomenon is the glitch in the timing display mode.
In the display, the glitches are displayed as ~lack thick lines in the logic waveforms by converting the glitch information in the third area of RAM 28 into the ATTRIBUTE information and storing it in the dis-play RAM area under control of CPU 24. When the ~litch search instruction is input via keyboard 30, CP~ 24 - ~ stores the character information of ~GLITCH" in the 95~3 display RAM area and displays it on CRT 34 in accord-ance with the firmware of ROM 26. Similarly to the search word mode, CPU 24 coun-ts a total number of -the glitches stored in the third area of RAM 28 in accord-ance with steps 52 - 58 of FIG. 4C, counts a nurnber of the glitches (search number) on and before the cursor position in accordance with steps 60 - 72 of FIG. 4A, and stores these counted values as the character in-formation in -the display RAM area for displaying on CRT 34. In the glitch search mode, even if the glitches are present on the same address of a plural-ity of channels (i.e., a plurality of glitches are present on the same time point of the display), these glitches are counted as one in step 56. Yor applying the flow charts of FIGs. 4A - 4E to the glitch search mode, the word "search word" of the above description is changed to "glitch". In the glitch search mode, step 96 is followed after step 92. It should be noted that step 96 is led when the input logic signals at the cursor position include at least one glitch. After CPU 24 detec-ts "1" of the fourth area of RAM 28 at the cursor position, CPU 24 reads the contents of the third area at the cursor position which are glitch information for checking each channel includes the glitch. CPU 24 outputs the reverse code as the ATTRI-BUTE of the cursor word if the selected channel in-cludes the glitch, and outputs the normal code as the ATTRIBUTE thereof if not so. Therefore the cursor word display is reversed at only the channel including the glitch. In example of FIG. 6, the total number of the glitches is one hundred and eighty-nine, and the glitches at the cursor position (channels A4 and A7) are the 135th. As described hereinbefore, only -the channel data of the cursor word including the glitch is inverted (surrounded by the squares), however, all the channel data may be reversed.

FIG. 7 shows a display example, wherein the search phenomenon is the word in the state display mode. A differen-t point from the operations of FIGs. 3 and 5 is that the logic signals are displayed with only characters "1" and "0". For this end, CPU 24 converts the data of the second area appointed by keyboard 30 into the character information to be stored in the display RAM area. In the display of FIG. 7, "AO" through "A7" on the third line indicate the channel numbers, and the display under them indicates the data of each channel.
"0, 1, 2......... 11, 12" arranged longitudinally at the left side indicate the address numbers of the second area of RAM 28.
These channel numbers and address numbers are displayed in accord-ance with the firmware of ROM 26. Three lines at the address number "8" are the cursor controlled by keyboard 30. A
display "SRCH =~2/200" at the top indicates that the total number of the search word is two hundreds, and the second search word is positioned before (higher than) the cursor position of the address "8". If "SRCH =~3/200" is displayed, the third search word is positioned after (lower than) the cursor position.
Since the data at the addresses 2 and 5 are the search word, the display is inverted. This inversion is done by controlliny the ATTRIBUTE of the character information corresponding to the addresses of the search word detected by comparing the data of the second area of RAM 2 8 with the search word. This display method is the same as the aforementioned word search mode of the timing display mode by reference to FIGS. 4A - 4C except step 84.

In step 84, step 88 is followed slnce the timing display mode is not selected. Step 88 will be described in detail by reference to FIG. 4R. In step 100, CPU 24 sets the pointer to the address of the fourth area of RAM 28 corresponding to the selected first display address of the second area, e.g., the ( address 0 in the case of FIG. 7. CPU 24 judges whether the pointer contents (contents of the fourth area at the pointer position) is one or not in step 102. If the data information of the second area at the first display address is the same as the search word, the pointer contents are "1" and thereby step 104 is fol-lowed. I~ the pointer contents are not "1", step 106 is followed wherein CPU 24 generates the normal code as the ATTRIBUTE for displaying the selected (~irst) line of the state table in the ~ormal display. After step 106, the next is step 112. In step 104, CPU 24 judges whether the word ~earch mode is selected or not. If the word search mode is selected, CPU 24 gener-ates the reverse code as the ATTRIBUTE for reversing the selected line display in step 108, since the se-lected line includes the search word. The next of step 108 is step 112. If the word search mode is not select-ed, i.e., if the glitch search or the comparison mode is selected, step 112 is followed through step 110. In step 112, CPU 24 judges whether the pointer position is equal to the first address plus twelve or not.
Since, only thirteen lines (date3 is displayed sirnul-taneously in the state display mode, CPU 24 checks the pointer address corresponds to the final line of the state display in step 112. If the pointer address is the final line, CPU 24 returns to the main routine. If the pointer address is before the final line, CPU 24 increases the pointer address by one and returns to step 102. Thus, CPU 24 controls the display of the state table via steps 110-114, and inverses only the search words as shown in FIG. 7.

FIG. 8 shows a display example of CRT 34 wherein the search phenomenon is the glitch in the state dis-play ~ode. Since the operation of the search mode is substantially equal to that of FIG. 6 and the opera-tion of the state display is substantially equal to that of FIG. 7, only differences will be discussed.

9~g58 The display of FIG. 8 is obtained via the steps of FIGs. 4A, 4B, 4C and 4E. In step 104 of FIG. 4E, since the glitch search rnode is selected, step 110 is follow-ed. This step 110 is similar to step 96, and CPU 24 reads each channel of the third area of RAM 28 a-t the address including at least one glitch. If the selected channel does not include the glitch, CPU 24 outputs -the normal code as the ATTRIBUTE for displaying the normal state table. If the selected channel includes the glitch, CPU 24 outputs the reverse code as the ATTRIBUTE for displaying the reversed state table.
Thus, only the channel data including the glitch are reversed every address. The display of FIG. 8 indi-cated that a total number of the glitches is one hun-dred and twenty-four, the seventy third glitch is lo-cated on the cursor position at the address "104", and the inverted data include the glitches. The state dis-play mode is different from the timing display mode, since the former does not display the glitch in the prior arts. Thus, it is useful to invert the data in-cluding the glitch in the state display mode. All the data at the address including the glitch may be in-verted.

FIG. 9 shows another display example of CRT 34, wherein the search phenomenon is the glitch in the state display mode. This display is similar to the display of FIG. 8, however, the data are displayed in hexadecimal. CPU 24 divides the data stored in the second area of RAM 28 in-to two groups, one consisting of the charmels 0, 1, 2 and 3 and the other one con-sisting of the channels 4, 5, 6, and 7, and conver-ts the divided data to the hexadecimal in accordance wi-th the firmware of ROM 26. A display "H" at the third line indicates the hexadecimal.

` ~9~i~58 The scroll mode described in the timing display mode is available in the state display mode. When the cursor is instructed -to move to the outside of the display by keyboard 30 after the cursor is positioned at the top or bottom of the display, the display is moved wi-th fixing the cursor at the top or bottom of -the display so that the cursor is substantially moved.
For example, if the cursor is instructed to move up-ward after the cursor is positioned at the top of the display, the display data is moved downward, wherein the data corresponding to the cursor movement value is erased from the bottom end of the display, and new data corresponding to the erased data value appears from the top end of the display. In the scroll mode, the display area is determined by the cursor, and CPU
24 ma~ read all the logic signals of a new display area from the second and third areas of RAM 28 for repeating the above descrlbed display operation. How-ever, it is effective to shift the data information (logic signals) in the display RAM area of RAM 28 by a number of the addresses corresponding to the cursor movement value, read the new data information corres-ponding to the value lacked by shifting (the end part of the data information is erased by shifting) from the second and third areas of RAM 28, and store the new data information in the display RAM area under control of CPU 24.

In the comparison mode, input logic signals are detected by probe 10 and stored in data memory circuit 14 as described hereinbefore. When the transfer in-struction is input from keyboard 30, CPU 24 transfers the contents of memory circuit 14 to the second area of RAM 28 in accordance with the firmware of ROM 26.
The second area is firs-t memory means, and the logic signals stored in this first memory means are refer-ence logic signals. In this instance, it is desirable that probe 10 detects logic signals from a reference apparatus.

.9~i~S8 Similarly to the aforementioned operation, logic signals from an apparatus to be measured are stored in memory circuit 14. In response to a display instruc--tion from keyboard 30, CPU 24 transfers the contents of memory circuit 14 to a third area of RAM 28 under control of the firmware of ROM 26. The third area is second memory means, and the logic signals stored in this second memory means are the input logic signals.
When the display mode and a display area (a part of the stored logic signals to be displayed) are selected via keyboard 30, CRT 34 displays one of or both of 'che contents of -the second and third areas of RAM 28 in accordance with the processes described hereinbefore by reference to FIGs. 7, 8 and 9. FIG. 10 shows a display of both of the contents of the second and third areas. "1" and "0" at the left half of CRT 34 are logic states of the selected addresses in the third area of RAM 28. "ACQ" at the third line of the left half means the acquired inpu-t logic signals, and a display "CH = O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" under the third line indicates a channel number of each logic signal which corresponds to each tip of probe 10. In other words, the display under the channel number is its data.
These display "ACQ" and the channel numbers are dis-played via the display R~M area by CPU 24 under con-trol of the firmware of ROM 26. "123, 124...... 134, 135" at the left side of the display indicates the addresses of the third area of RAM 28, and is dis-played by CPU 24 in accordance with -the display area code in the first area of RAM 28 under control of the firmware of ROM 26.

Similarly, the contents of the second area of RAM
28 corresponding to the selected (displayed) addresses of the third area are displayed at the right half of the display. "REF" at the firs-t line of the right half display means the reference logic signals, and "CH = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" under the firs-t line indicates the channel numbers. These displays are based on FONT
information stored in the display RAM area of RAM 28.

CPU 24 compares all the contents of the second and third areas of RAM 28 under control of the firm ware of ROM 26. This comparison operation is made be-tween the addresses O and 255 in accordance with step 50 (FIG. 4C) of the aforementioned flow charts. In step 56, CPU 24 stores "1~ in the corresponding ad-dress of the fourth area of RAM 2B, whe~ the data in-formation (acquired logic si~nals~ at the selected address of the third area is different from the refer-ence logic signal at the corresponding address of thesecond area. In this mode, "S.R." in steps 56, 58 and 78 means the data different from the reference logic signals. CPU 24 counts the total number of different parts (words) between the input ~acquired) and refer-ence logic signals through steps 52 - 5~, and displays the total number on CRT 34 in step 58. In the example of FIG. 10, the total number is 225. The search number is counted via steps 60 - 72, wherein the search nwn-ber is a number of the different parts on or before the cursor position. This search number is displayed in accordance with stpes 74 - 82 as shown in FIG. 10.
In this example, the search number is 103, and "CMPR = ~103/225~ is displayed. ~CMPR" means the com-parison mode, and ~103/225~ indicates that the total number of the different parts is ~.25 and the 103rd - different part is located at an upper portion (r). a prior address (129) with respect to the cursor posi-tion (130). The arrow is displayed, since the input and reference logic signals at the address 130 are equal to each other. If the cursor is located at the address 129 or 131, the display may respectively be "103/225" or "104/225". ~he total number and the search number may be directly converted to the FONT
information and stored in the display RAM area, in-stead of storing them i~ the ~irst area of RAM 2~.
i~ .

( The different parts (words) of the displayed data are reversed in accordance with steps 100 - 114 sim-ilarly to the glitch search mode. Especially in step 110, after CPU 2~ detects the different part by refer-ence to the fourth area of RAM 28, CPU 24 obtains an exclusive OR of each channel of the input and refer-ence logic signals at the different parts. The results of the exclusive OR is "1" at a channel including dif-ferent logic signals, and it is "O" at a channel in-cluding the same logic signal. In accordance with thisexclusive OR operation, CPU 24 controls the ATTRIBUTE
of the state display, so that the different parts are reversed every channel. Thus, the display of FIG. lO
is obtained.
When the cursor position is moved by keyboard 30, the cursor position information in the first area of RAM 28 is changed, and CPU 24 counts the search number by a use of the fourth area of RAM 2~ to obtain the relationship between the total number of the dif~erent parts and the cursor position. If the cursor is moved upward from the bottom end and reaches to the address 130, the relationship may be displayed as ~'CMPR = ~
104/225~. This indicates that the lO~th different part is located under (after) the cursor.

A display "CMPR WDO = O -255" at the second line of FIG. 10 indicates that the data between the addres-ses O and 255 are compared. In other words, "CMPR WDO~
means a comparison window, and "O -255" indicates the address range. The addresses are selected by keyboard 30, and stored in the first area of RAM 28. The total number of the different parts is within this compari-son range. When CPU 24 judges that the addresses of the displayed data are within the comparison range in accordance with the firmwre of ROM 26, a character "C"
is displayed at the left side of the address number.

g5~il ~C" is stored as the FONT information in the display RAM area of RAM 28. Therefore, it is easy to judge the comparison range.

In the above explanation, CPU 24 counts the dif-ferent parts of the logic signals stored in the second and third areas of RAM 28, and obtains the relation-ship between the total number and the cursor position.
However, CPV 24 may count the same parts and obtain the relationship between the total number of the same parts and the cursor position. Moreover, the display of the same parts may be inverted between black and white. Ir. this instance, when the outputs of the com-parison function of CPU 24, an exclusive OR function, are zero in all channels, the counting operation is enabled. The other operations are the same as theabove-described operations.

In the embodiment of FIG. 10, the comparison is made every address and channel. However, the compari-son operation may be done by regarding the data of aplurality of addresses in the reference logic signals as one pattern ~pattern search mode). This operation will be discussed by reference to FIGs. l and ll.
F`irstlv, the data of the desired addresses are selected from the reference logic signals via keyboard 30. In this embodiment, the addresses 39, 45, and 41 are selected in this order. For selecting the addresses, all the reference logic signals may be displayed in the scroll mode, and the selected address display by keyboard 30 may be inverted between black and white.
the selected addresses are stored in the first area of RAM 28, and they are displayed on CRT 34 as the right half of FIG. 11 simultaneously with the data of these addresses. After that, the address order ~ay be ex-changed. the data of the three addresses are regarded as a single reference pattern. CPU 24 compares the data of the address 39 in the second area (reference ]ogic signal) of RAM 28 with the data of each address Ln the third area (input logic signal) under control of the firmware of ROM 26. When CPU 24 finds the data in the third area corresponding to the address 39's data of the second area, CPU 24 compares the data at the next address of the third area with the data at the address 4S of the second area. If these data are equal to each other, CPU 24 compares the data at the further next address of the third area with the data at the address 41 of the second area. If the data at the fur-ther next address of the third area is the same as the address 41's data of the second area, the reference pattern is detected in the third area, and thereby CPU
2~ counts by one and reverses the reference pattern portion of the acquired logic signal display. If the data at the next address of the third area is differ-ent from the address 39's data of the second area, or the data at the further ~ext address of the third area is different from the address 41's data of the second area, CPV 24 continues to find the address 39's data of the second area in the third area and repeats the foregoing operation. Thus, CPU 24 can search the reference pattern in the third area and counts the total number of the corresponding patterns. In addi-tion ! CPU 24 counts the corresponding patterns on and before the cursor position, displays i'CMPR PATER =
13/13~ at the first line of FIG. 11 similarly to FI~.
10, and inverts the display of the corresponding pat-tern. "C.'~PR PATER" indicates the comparison pattern mode, and "13/13" indicates that the total number of the reference patterns is 13 and the c~rsor position (address 203 in the example) is located on the thir-teenth reference pattern. If the cursor position is 35 the address 205, a display may be ~13/13". Since the comparison window is from the addresses O to 206 in this example, the character "~" is not displayed at the left sides of the addresses 207, 208, and 209.

In the above description, CPU 24 displays the relationship between the total number of the input logic signals corresponding to the reference pattern and the cursor position, and inverts the inpu-t logic signals' display corresponding to the reference pat-tern. However, the relationship between the total num-ber of the input logic signals different from the reference pattern and the cursor position may be dis-played. The address number of the reference pattern may be any number inlcuding three.

As described hereinbefore, the logic analyzer of the present invention can obtain the relationship be-tween the total number of the predetermined phenomenon lS (search word or glitch) included in the input logic signals stored in -the memory means and the cursor posi-tion of the display means, so that the search mode is very useful. Since the word and glitch search modes are available in the timing and state display modes, the measurement is more convenient. In addition, the present invention compares the input logic signal with the reference logic signal, counts the total number of different or equal parts, and obtains the relation-ship of the total number and the cursor position.
The software controlling CPU 24 in the preferred embodiment described with respect to FIGs. 4A - 4E is shown in Appendix A. This software is the machine code of the Z80A.
While we have shown and described herein the pre-ferred embodiment of our invention, it will be appar-ent to those skilled in the art that many changes and modifications may be made without departing from our invention in its broader aspects. For example, the automatic search function described in conjunction with FIGs. 3 and 5 may be applied to the operations of the state display mode. In this instance, when the predetermined phenomenon or -the different (or same) part ls detected, the inversion technique may be ap-plied to the display. However, an intensity modulation technique or an underline may be used to indicate the desired portions. In the comparison mode, the refer-ence logic signals may be obtained by inputting via the keyboard or modifying a part of the signals detect-ed by the probe by the keyboard instead of using the signals detected by the probe. The display means may be a flat display such as liquid crystal and plasma displays, and an X-Y plotter instead of the CRT. The state table may be displayed in the octal or hexa-decimal by dividing the input logic signals to groups each consisting of three or fGur channels. A number of the probe tips, namely, a number of the channel, may be any desired number. The addresses of the input or reference logic signals may be offset when display-ing and comparing the input and reference logic sig-nals. If the addresses of the reference logic signals are offset by, for example, +50, the input logic sig-nals at the addresses 0 through 20S and the reference logic signals at the addresses 50 through 255 are dis-played and compared with each other. There may be a case that the data at one addres of the input logic signals is the common parts of two reference patterns in the comparison of the reference pattern and the input logic signals, if the data of the first address of the reference pattern is the same as the last ad-dress. However, there is no problem, if the reference pattern is detected only when -the cursor is positioned on the first address of the reference pattern. There-fore, the scope of the present invention should be determined only by the following claimsO

~31 96~


D^S5 53 Lv HL (2C2~) D~8D 5R LD E,D
D~5~ 2F ~PL DR8 41 LD 6,C
A I ' DQ8~ 57 LD D,R
~S6 _7 LD C,~ DQ9~ 41 LD E,~
D~5C 204D JR NZ,4F DA91 2~54 JR NZ,56 Dh5E 45 LC 6,L DR53 4F LD C,Q
DQSF 4D LD 5 D DQ94 4D L.D C,L
DR2 42 , CR95 49 LD C,C
DQ61 45 LD B,L D~96 4F LD C,R
D~6~ ~ LC ,v D~97 4B LD C,F
DQ63 53 LD D,E D~9 ~ ~ ~
Dfl~4 202R J2 NZ,2C DR99 c~a282 JF 8022 Q~66 zQ2es9 LD HL,~5920~ DQ9C C37E83 JP 8~7E
D~q 4` LC C,R D~5F C~EC8i JP sla.
L~6~ 4a LD C,E DQ~2 C32D82 ~JP 822D
C~E 4F LD C,~ D~R5 C3E782 J& 82E7 D~6C 42 LD C, . DQ~8 C38C85 JP 858C
DR6D 41 LC E,C D~6 C3EC86 JP 86Eî
DQ6E 57 LD D, D~QE c3a38c JP 8ca3 CR6F 41 LD 6,C DR61 C3~BE ~P 8E25 DQ7Z 204D JR NZ,4F DQB4 C34E8E JP 8E4E
LOC INST MNE~ CPER DRE7 C3568F JP 8f96 D~7_ $E LC C, ~, DQ8R c3aD94 JP 94~D
D~74 4F LD C, DREC C35553 JP 535-DR75 4D LD C,L D~C0 C3D597 JP 9735 DR76 45 LD B,L C~C3 C36398 JP 986~
DR77 2054 JR ~Z,56 DQC6 C33D99 JP 993D
DQ79 53 LO D,E DRC9 C3779Q J& 9Q77 C~7Q 55 LD D,L D~CC C3319D JP 9D31 DQ7a 4a LD C,E D~CF C~6~9D JP 9C~
DR7C 41 LD E,C D~D2 C3429F JP 5F42 QQ7D 4D LD ~,L DRC5 C~EE9E JP 5E8E
DR7E $F ~H D~D8 C3FB~3 JP ~3FB
DQ7F 54 C C ~ DRDC C3f2Q4 J& R~F2 D~80 4F L , D~DE C3DÇ~5 JP ~SD4 DQ81 2059 JR NZ,SB CREI C338~6 JP ~6~8 ~8_ 5~ .C D,L DQE4 C314R7 JP R7,4 D~d4 4D LD C,L D~E7 C38D~7 JP R78C
CR85 4F LD C,Q D~E~ C3E2~7 JP Q7E2 D~86 54 LD D,H D~ED C396RB JP RQ5~
D~87 4F LC C,~ D~FZ C396Q9 JP R996 D~88 2046 JR NZ,48 D~f3 C326~6 JP RB26 D~8R 55 LD D,L D~F6 C3B3B1 JP Bla3 DQ8~ 4B LD C,E

DB7D C3C415 JP i5C¢ D~F5 C39462 JP B294 DB82 c3De2s JP 28D0 D~FC C3B3BC JP BCB3 DBB3 c3e329 J& 25Q3 DQfF C3C7BC JP BDC7 DBB6 C3B~24 JP 24B~ DB02 C3D183 JP 83Dl DB85 C34826 iF 2648 DB05 C3988E JP BE58 DB8F C3F527 JP 27F5 DB0B C3eE91 JP 91QE
DB92 C3FF24 JP 24fF DB3E C3C395 JP 95C3 DB9S ~3~23 -JP 231.5. CBIl C3EC8E JP 8EEC
DB98 C3ee80 JP see0 DB14 C38F96 JP 968F
DB9B C3DC84 JP 84DC DBi7 C3B~8D JP 8DB~
DB9E C3ZF85 JP 852F DBl~ C343Q8 JP ~843 DB~l C39886 JP 8658 DB1D C37~8D JP 8D7~
DB~4 C31Q88 JP 881Q DB20 C3B4Q~ JP ~QB4 DBQ7 C3D688 JP '88D6 DB23 C30E6Q JP B0aE
DB~Q C33E8B JP 883E DB26 c3eDs7 JP 87eD
CBB3 C34B8D JF 8D4E ~B2F C3879C JP 5C87 DBB6 C3918E JP 8E91 DB32 C3E88¢ JP 84E8 DBB9 C32781 JP 8i~7 DB35 C318BE JP &E18 DBBC C3F48F JP 8FF4 DB38 C3CD~2 JP ~2CD
DBBF C35~91 JP 915Q DB3B C37F~2 JP Q27F
DBC2 C35D2 JP 925D DB3E C377~3 JP ~377 DBC5 C32854 JP 9428 DB41 C3QC~3 JP Q3~C
DBC6 C33695 JP q536 DB47 C3Q19¢ JP 94Ql DBCE C3965 JP 9596 DB4Q C3D5QD JP ~DD5.
DBDl C3F695 JP 95F6 DB4D C328~0 JP Q02B
D~D¢ C31D97 JP 971D DB50 C33780 JP 8B37 DBD7 C32B98 JP 982B DB53 C3428~ JP 8~42 DBDQ C39897 JP 9798 DB56 c32e88 JP 8820 DBE6 C3Be9C JP 9CBe DB62 C33689 JP 8936 DBEC C3099f JP 9F09 DB68 C335B4 JP B435 DBEf C317~Q JP QQ17 DB6B`C37864 JP B478 DBF2 C347~1 JP ~1¢7 DB6E C396B5 JP B596 DBF5 C3D4~1 JP QlD4 DB71 C3C7B5 JP B5C7 DBE8 C3F0Q2 JP ~2F0 DB74 C3FDB~ JP B8FD
DBFB C3fE83 JP B3FE DB77 C32QB9 JP B92~
DBFE C38DQ3 JP ~38D DB7~ C37f8B JP 8B7E

~6~58 LOC INS r ~1NE~1 OPER
DCQl C3C3~3 JPQ3C3 DC88 C31C8Y JP 8~1C
DCa4 C3B4~4 JP~404 DC8& C37F~ JP 8~7f CCQ7 C303~k JPQ603 DC8E C3D58Q JP 8~D5 DC0Y C367~6 JP~667 CC91 C38488 JP 8E64 DC0C C399~b JP~699 DC94 C3178D JP 8D17 DCl e C39EQ7 JPR79E 5C97 C3C58D iP 8Dr5 DC13 C3YLA~7 JP~7~C DC9~ C3038E JP 8E03 DC16 C3C6~8 JPQ8C6 SCSC C3DE8E JP 8E~f DC19 C32E~Q JPy~2B DC~Z C3358F JP 8F35 DC1C C326~B JP~B26 CCY~ C~CC8F J& 8fCC
DC f C3Y8~C JPYCY8 DC~6 C31D91 JP 911D
DC22 C36E~D JP~D6E DC~9 C~B291 JF 91E2 DC25 C363~E JPQE63 DC~C C3F891 JP 97F8 DC28 C3D5~E JP~ED5 DCRf C38B92 JP~ 9283 DC2~ C392~f JPQ~52 DCa2 C32~53 JP 932Q
DC2E C3e9a1 JPa139 DCB5 C3~E53 JP 936E
~C37 C398E2 JFB258 DCB8 C3~594 JP 94Q5 ~C34 C3DEB1 JPBlDE DC6E C3E55~ JP 5bE~
4C37 C32EB3 JP` 83a~ DCBE C32D98 JP 982D
DC3~ C3FeB3 JPB3F6 DCCl C3EE99 JP 996E
DC3D C34~64 JFC¢4Y DCC4 C3r99~ JP 99r9 ~OC INST MNEr7 CPER
DC43 C3F~î~A6 JFE6~ DCC~ C32C9C JP 5C2C
DC46 C3DEB7 JPB7DE CCCC C~295C J& 9U25 DC45 C34488 JP6844 DCD0 C3~Bat JP 9E3B
DC4C C3~C88 JPB8QC DCC3 C3Q6$E JP 5~6 CC4F C39~B5 JP6990 DCDG C3465F JP 5F46 DC52 C306BB JPBBe6 DCD9 C~Y99f JP 9F~9 DC55 C365~C JPBCE5 DCDC C3D79F JP 9~D7 DC58 C33Z8D JPBD~0 DCGf C~58~a JP Y258 CC5P C31083 JP8310 DCE2 C3~A7Q7 JP ~72?
DC5E C3Ba8D JPBDfYB DCf5 C3D9~1 JP y1u9 DC6.~_C318~E_ JPBE~8 DCE8 C382~2 JP ~282 DC64 c3e08e JP8Z0a DCE6 C3E4~2 JP ~2F~
CC67 C3F88dA JP80~_ DCEE C3C1~3 JP ~3C;
DC6Q C35ffA81 JP815C DCFl C32~R4 J& ~4~
DC6D C39381 JP8193 DCF4 C3C9Y4 JP ~4C5 Dc7e C3F681 JP81F6 DCF7 C3F8R4 JP .Y~r8 DC73 C32384 JP8423 DCFQ c3eBQ6 JP ~608 DC76 C3rB84 JPs4Fa DCFD C3Y6~6 JP Q6~a DC79 C3838$ J& 8583 DD00 C3E4~7 JP Q7E~
D ~, 7 C C 3 1 ~ 8 6J P 8 6 1 ~ f~ D 0 3 C 3 9 8 /1 8 J p a 8 ~ 8 DC7F C35586 JP8655 DD~6 C34YAYYA JP ~9~9 DC82 C3388S~ JP 8938 9~9s~ (.

CC09 C38aBa JP 6as6 DDsD c3s7sE JP sEs7 DD0C C3B8Be JP B0Bs DDs0 C34E~Ae JP R34E
DcaF C3F4E2 JP B2F4 DDs3 C3B2R1 JP Ql&2 DD12 C33~31 JP 6l30 DDs6 C3F6Q2 JP RZF6 DD1s c3ss~3 JP 6399 Dcss C342Q3 JP ~340 DD1s c367ss JP Bs67 DDsC C3D0Q3 JP ~3De CD 1 P C3ECB5 JP B5EC DDsF c32sQ4 JP ~425 DDlc c376a7 JP B776 DD~2 c3s6Q4 JP ~486 CC21 C34 5~E J& BE4S GDQS c333~s JP ~533 DD24 c3QsQQ JP ~RH8 DD~s c3FFQs JP RsFF
DC27 C3F7.~D tp QCF7 CDQ6 c3aEQ7 JP R72E
DDZ~ C3C3Q3 JP ~BC3 DD~^E c37sQs JP Rs79 DC2D c3cs~ JP QEv9 CDBl c3ss~s JP Rss7 DD3e C3CDQF JP RFCD DDP4 C3DE~^H JP ~QDc DD33 C32CRF JP QF2C CCB7 c3sFQ6 JP QBQ
DC36 c3sçQv JP QDss DDB~ .C3~^EQD JP RDQE
CC39 C37R.~F JP Rf7rî DDBD C37EQF JP Qf7E
DD3C C35C~v JP ` QDsc DDce c3csB2 JP B2cs CC3F c3s3El JP B B3 DCC3 C3f~64 J& ~4FQ
DD~42 C36EB9 JP ss6E DDC6 C334B7 JP 873¢
DD4~ C~FEB6 JP BEFE DDcs c3s7ss JP Ess?
DD4s C3928C J? Bcs2 DDCC C388BD J~ BD3B
CC48 C30F~D JP BDaF DDCF C3E764 JP s4E?
~D4E c~Be83 JP se0e DDD2 c31ss4 JP E415 DD~ I C~7R8 JP 8 1 7Q DcDs c33cs2 JP 803r n~ c~as2 JP 828~ DDDs c3Fss3 JP seF5 DD~7 C3C883 Jp s3Ds DCCE c3s6s2 JP 8296 ~5~ c3~ss4 JP ~¢Qs DDDE C3FQB2 JP s2FQ
Dv `C c34sss JP 854Ç CCEl C3&CP2 JP E2~C
DD6~ C~DE87 JP s7D~ DDE4 c3s3sF JP sFs3 DD63 c3ccs9 JP sscc DDE7 c3~sB3 JP B33~
DD66 c36FsB JP sB6F DDEQ c36lss JP 986l CC69 c3Fssc JP scPs DCD c3Dasc JP 9CDB
D36C c3e3s3 JP 9a03 DDF0 c3zsa2 JP B2zs DD6F C3P65~ JP saB6 DDF3 C3C2E3 -tp B3C2 DD72 c3Ess2 JP s2Es DDF6 c3E6~s JP ~^s~6 CC75 c3ses3 JP s3sa DDFs C34882 JP 62~B
DD7s C3Rl96 JP s6Ql DDFC c3ssBQ JP BQ9B
Dû 76 c3DQss JP ssDrî DDFF C3BE6Q JP E~aE
DD7E c366ss JP 9966 DEC2 c3E¢Bs JP E8r4 DC81 C;3C499 J& ssc¢ CE05 C3BQ65 JP 6962 DDs4 C318~ JP sQlB DEas C37~BB JP EB7 DC87 c~76s~ JP sQ76 DEeB c34csc JP E^~^


DEll C3D20~î JP 0~DZ DE95 C37F63 JP 637f DEl4 C332BB JP 0C3e DE98 c39a63 JP 639a DEl7 C3970C JP 0E97 DE9C C33P6~ JP 6~3E
DElQ C39~0C JP CC94 DE9E C36264 JP 6462 CE1~ C3Q20E JP QE8~ DE~1 C33467 JP 6734 DE2~ C3CDeF JP 0FCD DE~4 C38464 JP 6484 CE23 C36112 JP f061 DEQ7 C34E65 JP 654E
DE26 C33312 JP 1233 DEQ~ C3F869 JP 69F8 DE29 C~C~t2 JP 12C~ DEQD C3CF3~ JP 3nCr DE2C C3 716 JP l617 DEP0 C3481E JP lE48 DE2f C34~16 JP 164E CE~3 C3flF JP 1fEF

CE35 C38118 JP 1881 CE&5 C3~322 JP 22~3 DE38 C3~E18 JP 1 8QE DEBC C32C29 JP 292C
DE36 C3FC19 JP 19FC CEPf C3662~ JP 2.q~6 DE3E C3781~ JP 1~78 DEC2 C3C~2Q JP 2~C4 DE~1 C3B51~ JF 1~65 CECS C3~D26 JP 26nC
DE44 C3F21Q JP l~F2 DEC8 C3Q82B JP 28C8 CE~7 C35ClC JP lPSC CEC6 C3182~ JP 2C18 DE4~ C3511C JP lC51 DECE C3952C JP 2C~S
CE4D C3~71C JP 1Cn7 DEul C3652D JP 2~65 DE50 C36DlD JP 1D6D DED4 C3~22D JP 2DB2 LOC INST ~NEM OPER L&C INST ~NE~ CPER
DE53 C37863 JP 6378 CED7 C3E7~D JP 2C~7 DE56 C38¢63 JP 6384 DEDQ C39~2F JP 2F9Q
DE59 C3~E63 JP 63~E DECC C3383~ JP 3738 DESF C3CF6~ JP 64CF C~E3 C3D433 JP 33~4 CE65 C3~265 JP 65~ DES C3C335 JP 35P3 DE6P C3CC65 JP 6SCC DEEF C37836 '& 3678 DE6E C3FQ65 JP 65FQ DEF2 C3E23b JP 36E2 DE71 C31C66 JP 661C DEfS C34~37 JP 3742 DE74 C34666 JP 66~6 DEF8 C33638 JP 3836 DE77 C37966 JP 6679 DEF& C37538 J& 38?5 DE7Q C3F5b7 JP 67F5 DEFE C3353~ JP 3~35 DE7D C39366 JP 669~ DFQ1 C3893~ JP 3~85 DE80 C33F68 JP 683F DF~4 C37~3C JP 3C7 DE83 C3~067 JP 67~Q DF07 C32a3D JP 3C~a DE86 C37769 JP 6577 DF~ C3F63D JP 3DF6 DE8C C3Ef66 JP 66EF DFl~ C3583E JP 3E58 DE8F C3~86S JP 65~8 DFl3 C3FD3E JP 3EFD
DE92 C3D669 JP 69D6 DFl6 C3253F` JP 3F25 LOC INST ~E~ OPER LOC INST MNE~ OPE2 Cf19 C3¢540 JP 4Q45 .CF9D C36C63 JP 636C
DF1C C35C41 JP 415C DF~e C3786Q JP 6~78 DFlF C3D7~1 JP 41D7 DF~3 C3346E JP 6E34 DF22 C3F341 JP 41F3 DF~6 C38D6C JP 6C8D
DF25 C35242 JP 4252 CF~9 C3346D JP 6D34 DF28 C3E14¢ JP 44El DF~C C33F6E JP 6E3f DF2E C3144Q JP 4~^14 DFB2 C3~E6E JP 6Fh^E
DF31 C30E6~ JP 6~2c DF85 C3756F JP 6f75 DF34 C31C4B JP 4BIC DFa8 C3Ce6F JP 6FCB

DF3D C30D4c JP 4~2u DFCl C35971 JP 7159 DF4a C356~E JP 4E56 DFC4 C36E71 JP 7i6c DF46 C3FF4F JP 4FEF DFCQ C3DC74 JP 74D~
Dr~5 C3195i JP 5115 DFCD C33375 JP 7533 DF4C C3Pf51 JP 51BF DFD8 C39775 JP 75¢7 Gf4F CX5DS2 JP 525D DfC3 C36876 JP 7~8 DFS2 C3C953 JP 53C9 DFD6 C35E77 JP 775t DF55 C3E254 JP 5460 DfC9 C~777 3P 77~7 gfS8 C3~155 JP 55Q1 DFDC C39B78 JP 789B
DF5E C3F155 JP 5S'Ft DFDF C3C878 iP 78D8 DF5F C34156 JP 5641 CFE2 C3FD78 JP 78rD
CF61 C37FS6 JP 567E DFE5 C35C75 Tp 759C
DF64 C39956 JP 5699 CF8 C3537Q JB 7~53 DF67 C32~57 JP 5724 DFE~ C3C37~ JP 78C3 GF6D C3256n JP 6~25 DF73 C3275~ ~ JP 5927 DF79 C3725~ JP 5~72 DF7F C3215C JP SC2l DF82 C3~4 SD JP SDQ4 DFB5 C3905E J& SF9Q
DF88 c3a6 5F JP 5FC6 GF8P C3QFSF JP 5F~F
DF8E C31F60 JP 6alF
DF9f C3C262 JP 62~2 DF~Q c33a63 JP 633B

.i ' .

712B CD53DE C j~jLL DES3 6~34 WDW6~E C~... DC.~6 712 CD~3DF CR~L DF;~3 6B37 3E00 LD ~, 03 7131 CD75DF CilLL DF19 6B39 3284Fa LD ~Fa8 ~"~
7134 3R4CF8 LD ~,(F84C) r~ ~DD R,4 7137 a7 OR ~ 6 w_~ 9F Sw~
7138 C2f671 JP NZ, 7146 6B3E 3285FB LD ~F385),~
713a 3;~iBfW LD h,~F849~ 6B$1 2184Fa LD HL,Fjg84 713E F01 CP el 6a44 3EFF LD ~j,FF
7142 C2~671 J'P NZ, 7146 6B$6 96 SVf< ¢HL~
7143 C395DE JP D95 6a47 3e2 LD ~1, a0 71 6 344BF8 LD H, tF84E~ 6B45 23 INC HL
71~9 87 Gæ ~ 6B¢;~ 9E SBC j^" ~HL) 714.4 C2537, JP NZ, 7153 6a48 F46;6B J'P ~i, 6a6f 7t4D CD~DD.~ C~LL D~ED 6B4 2R84FB LD HL,~FB84) 71 52 C~567f JP 7156 6~51 0j 20FF LD ~C,EF22 7;53 CD38DB C~LL DB38 6B54 09 RDD HL, ac 7 ' ~6 C35S~E JP DE95 6855 3620 LD ~HL ~, e2 6B57 2~84FB LD H-, ~Fag4) 685~ 23 I~C HL
6B5B 2284FB LD ~FBg4~,HL
6asE C34 1 6E J'P 6B ;
6a6 l 3E0e L D ~,0 3 LCC INST ;~NE;~ CP~R
6B63 378CF8 LD ~F88D,,~
6B66 87 RDD ~,~
6E67 9F S~
6B68 328F~W LD ~F8WE~
6E6B 3;~4CF8 LD .-,~F84C) 6a6E B7 C2 6B6F C29C6a JP NZ, 635C
6B72 W~R43Fg LD ~,~F8~B) 6B75 E~ 7 OR Q
6B76 C2H~6B JP NZ, 6B;~R
6B75 W~V;46F9 LD R,~546 6B7E C2F26& J-- NZ, 6BF2 6B81 3Q47F9 LD ~,(F7~7) 6B84 F 20 rp 20 6a86 C2F26a J;~ NZ. 6BF2 6R89 3.~48F9 LG ~,~F9$8 6B E C2F26& rP hZ, 6BF2 6B91 3R49F9 LD R,~F~49) 6&94 FE22 CP 2a 6396 C2F26B JP hZ, 63F2 LOC INST I~NEl~ OPE2 LOC I~ST MNE~7 OPE~R
6095 C3496C JP 6cd9 6B6 7R LD h~B
639C 3R7BF8 LD R,(F87B) 6BE7 E6e0 i4ND 03 6~9f FEQI CP 01 6BE9 47 LC B,R
63Rl C2386C JP NZ,6C38 6BE14 79 LD iî,C
6B94 CD2CDd C~LL DB2C 6BB ce OR
6B~7 C3496C JP 6C49 6~EC C2136C JP NZ,6C13 6a.4R 3,48RF8 LD R,(F88QJ 66EF C30Z6C JP 6CQ0 68i4D 4F LD C, H 6BF~ 3.473F8 LD Q,(F878) 6BriE 87 .4DD ~i~H ~BfS FE2i CP 0;
6B.4F 9F S3C ~,R 6BF7 C21D6C JP NZ,6ClD
6BBC 47 LC 8,R 6BF4 CD40DF C~iLL DF$Z
6381 69 LD L,C 6aFD C3496C JP 6C49 6BP2 62 i.D H;,~ 6C00 3ri8¢Fa LD ti, ~B~4 6BB3 29 4DD HL,HL 6C03 FE28 CP 38 6Ba¢ 25 HCD HL,HL 6C2S C20C6C JP N2,6CaD
6Bi~5 29 4D~ _HL,HL 6C08 3~485F8 LD ~,(FB85) 6aE6 227CFB Lû (FG7C~,hL 6C2B F20 CP 02 63B9 3EBe LD ~,00 6C0D C2F268 JP NZ,6BF2 .66BB 328$FB LD (FB84,"q 6C10 C3496C JP 6C45 6BBE 87 i^~DD H, 4 6C13 2R84FB LD HL,~FB84) 6BBF 9F S8C ,4~.4 6C16 23 INC HL
6BCe 3285FB LD (Fa85),R 6C17 228AFB LD (FB84),HL
BC3 2184FB Li- HL,FBQ$ 6C14 C3C36B JP 6BC3 68C6 3Ee7 LD H,e7 6C7D 3i473F8 LD R,(F87B) 6~C8 96 SuB 'HL~ 6C20 FE0/ CP C2 63C9 3E03 LD H, ee 6C22 c22a6c JP NZ,6C23 6BC~ 23 INC HL 6C25 CD37DF CHLL DF'7 6BCC 9E sac R,(HL) 6C28 C3¢96C JP 6C49 68CD F~Q06C ~P ~,6C30 C2B 3R4BF8 LG ~,(F84B, 6BD0 2~-7CFB LD HL,(FB7C) 6C2E B7 OP
kBD3 f5 PUSH HL . 6C2f C2496C ~P NZ,6C49 6BD4 2R8¢FB LD HL,(FB8¢) 6C32 CDD2D~ C~LL DRD2 6BD7 Qi63F5 LD BC,F56~ 6C3S C3456C JP 6C49 6aDR 09 RDD HL, ac 6C3B 3R7BF8 LD ~,(F87a) 6BDE.i .3 EX (SB~HL 6C3B FE02 Cl~ 22 6BDC Cl POP BC 6C3D C2¢66C JP hZ,6C46 6BDD e9 HGP HL,BC 6C40 CD2FDB CHLL Da~-6BDE 7E LD ~, (HL~ 6C43 C3496C JP 6C49 6BDf 4F LD C, H 6C$6 CD32D~ C~LL Da32 6BEQ 97 SUB R 6C¢9 3E33 . LD ~,3D
6BE~ ¢7 LD B,R 6C4B 32¢8E8 LD (E8$8~R
6BE2 79 LD R,C 6C¢E 3E¢9 LD ~,49 6BE3 E688 RND 88 6CS0 324BE8 LD (E84B),R
6BE~ ¢F LD C,R 6C53 3E¢~ LD n^, 48 _ . _ .

~ ~ 9~58 `

6C55 3257s~ LD (E851 ~,R i CR7 CD5.~DE C~iLL DE53 6C58 3ri51 E8 LD R, (E851 ) lCRI~ 21F9FF LD HL, FFF9 6CSE 32'~fE8 LD ~84F),n lCRD 35 hDD HL, S8 6C5E 3Q~FE8 LD ~, (E84F) lCRE F9 LD SP,HL
6C61 324DE8 LD (E84D,t,n lCîF 210403 L~ HL,2C~¢
6C64 3E2F LD ~. 2F lCB2 19 RDD HL, DE
6~ 66 ;~5252E8 LD (E8-2~,R lCB~ 7E LD h, (HL~
6C64 215430 LD HL, 0354 lCB4 D60R SUB R, 0 jlA
6C6 E5 PuSh HL i C&6 23 I~YC HL
6C6D 2~;8DF8 LD HL, (F88D) lCB7 7E Li) iR, (HL) 6C70 E5 PuSH HL lCB8 DE02 SE;C i1, 02 6C7i CD4DDE C~iLL DE4D 1CBR F2E41C JP P, lCE4 6C74 f j P(iP nF lCEiD 21F9FF LD HL, FfF9 6C75 Fl PGP RF IcCa 19 RDD iHL,DE
6C76 C358G JP DE98 lCCl 3620 LD (hL ~,03 lCC3 2106e0 LD HL, 3336 l CC6 15 nDG h'L, 2;E
lCC7 7E LD R, (h'L) lCC8 23 I~l'C h'L
lCC9 66 LD H, (h'L) lCCn 6F LD L, rî
lCCP 0102E'8 LD BC, E8e2 LOC INST flNEM ûPER
i CCE 05 ~5D HL,8i'`

lCD0 2106a0 LD hL, 020 lCD ~ 19 riDD HL, DE
lCD4 7E LD n, ~HL~

lCD6 66 LD H, (H.) lCD7 6F LD L, i^i 1CD8 2124E8 LD 8C, E~e4 lC3B e9 i$DD HL, BC
lCDC 3620 LD (HL ) ,20 1 CDE Cl PûP ac lCDF 7E LD R~, (h_~
lCE0 02 LD (BC),R
1 Cf 1 C30F 1 D _~P 1 Def lCE¢ 210¢e3 L3 HL, 0384 lCE7 15 .îDD HL, DE
lCEd 7E LD i$, ~HL) lCE9 D664 s.,ia R, 64 1 CEB 23 INC HL.
lCEC 7E LD R~, ~HL, lCED DE30 SBC R. 33 5~

1CEF F2091D JP P~ lD0S lD36 213000 LD BC, 0030 lCF2 21F9EF LD HL,FFF ID39 09 ~DD HL,BC
lCFS l5 ~DG HL, DE 1D3h C1 PDP E3C
lCF6 3602 LD (HL),e lD3B 7D LD ~,L
lCF8 210600 LD HL, 200 lD~SC 0 ~D (~_/"1 1CFB 19 ~IDD HL,DE lD3D 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 lrFC 7E LC h, ~HL) lD40 15 hDD HL, DE
~CFD 23 INC HL lD41 7E LD ~, (HL) irFE ~6 LD h, tHL~ lD42 D602 SuB î~, 02 LD L,~ lD44 77 LD (HL),I~
lD00 2104E8 LC E3C, E82 lD45 2104`02 LD HL, 02a lD03 09 ~DD HL, BC lD¢8 19 ~îDD H~, D~
lD04 3620 LD ~HL~,~ 1D45 LS P!lSi~ hL
lD06 C;33Fl D JP lD3F lD~R El PûP h;
lD09 21F9FF LD HL, ffF 1D4a E5 PuSr, HL
lD0C 19 PiDD HL,DE lD4C 4E LD C, (HL~
1D0D 3604 LD (HL ~, e lD4D 23 I NC HL
lD0F 21F9FF LD HL,FFf lD4E 46 LD B, (HL) lD12 19 rîDD HL, DE lD$F C5 PuSH E~C
lD13 7E LD ~, (HL, lD50 210~100 LD HL,000~1 lDl ~ 4F LD C, n lD53 E5 PUSh HL
lD15 ~37 ~IDD i~, Q lD5~ CD59DE CnLL D--59 LOC INST l`lNEM OPEi~ L2C INS T MNM 3PER
1 C16 9F SBC n,rî 1 D 7 E1 POP hL
lDl 7 47 LD B,1~ lD58 Cl POP f3C
lD18 210602 LD HL, 00~ 1 D59 7D LD n,L
lDlB 19 QDD HL,DE lD5;4 02 LD (3C),h lDlC 7E LD î~, (HL~ lD5Li 7C LD ~,H
lDl D 23 INC HL 135C 03 IhC BC
lD1 E ~6 LD H;J ~HL, lDSD 02 LD (B0 lDl F 6F LD L ~ lD5E 0B DEC BC
lD22 09 î~DD Hi,BC 1 D5F 69 LC L,!^
lD21 0100E8 LD BC, E8~ lC60 60 LD H, a lD24 09 î~DD hL, ac 1 D61 57 SUB
lD25 E5 PUSh~ HL lD62 96 SUB (hL
lD26 210400 LD HL~ 00~ lD63 3E00 LD .-î,2B
lD29 19 ~IDD HL,D lD65 23 INC HL
lD2~ ~F LD C, H;L, lD66 5E S~C R, ~HL~
lD2B 23 INC HL lD67 Ff;0FlD JP ~1,1D~F
lD2C 46 LD C, ~HL, lD6~î 0355DE JP DE55 lD2 21Q~00 LD HL, 00l 1 D32 CD62GE CnALL DE62 lD;35 El POP HL

4045 CD53DE CHLL D53 408C C20D41 JP NZ, 418D
4048 F5 PUSh QF 408F 2i48FF8 LD HL, (F88f~

404~1 F5 PUSH ~F 4293 228FF8 LD (F88r ~, HL
404B F 5 P!J5 H HF 4 096 C 3 ac4 1 JP 410D
484C 218DF8 LD HL, F88D 4099 3E2Z LD ~, 20 404f 7E LD H, (HLi 409B 324HE8 LD (84H,,~
¢050 23 INC HL 409E 214C20 LD ' IIL, 004C
4251 B6 OR ~HL) 40Hi E5 PUSH HL
4052 CH994e JP Z, 4099 40~2 210ae3 LD HL, e2e0 4255 3E02 LD ~, 0a 40.~5 E5 PlJ'Sri HL
4057 328FF8 LD (F88F), ~ 40h6 CDECDE C~LL DEEC
405iî 87 ~1DD H,.9 42Pi5 F1 POP HF
405B 9F S3C ~, Q 402~ Fl POP ~F
405C 32saFJ3 LD (F852),~ 42HB 3.^4CFs~ LD ri, ~Fs84-, ¢05F 21F8FF LD HL, FFF8 40~E B7 CR ~î
4062 19 QDD HL, DE 4Zi~F C259¢1 JP NZ, 415~
4063 3E00 LD ~, 80 4032 3Q48F8 LD ~, (F8¢8) 4065 77 LD tHLi,.~: 40B5 FE21 CP 01 4066 87 QDD ~ 40B7 C25941 JP NZ, 4159 4267 9F SBC ~î,H 40BH 2100EF LD HL, Ef00 4068 23 INC HL 40PD E5 PUSh' HL
¢069 77 LD (HLi,H 40BE 2.-~92F8 LD HL, (f>392, 406i~i 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 42Cl E3 EX (SP~,HL
426D 1 5 HDL`i HL, D 42C2 C 1 P2 P EC
4e6E 3~92F8 LD f~, (F892. 40C3 09 I~DD HL,aC
4071 96 SuB (HL, 40C4 7E LD ~, ~HL, 4072 3~9~F8 L3 Pi, (F893. 40C5 FE01 CP 01 4075 23 I~YC HL. 42C7 C2DS42 JP NZ, 40v-4e76 9E SBC Pl, (HL) 40Ci~l 214803 LD HL, 0e48 4077 F~E042 iP 1~, 40E0 42CD E5 PUSH HL
407~; 2100EF LD HL,EF00 40CE CDC3DD CQLL DDC3 407D E5 PU'SH HL 40Dl F1 POP î~f 407E 21F8FF' LD HL, FFF8 40D2 C3DD40 JP ¢2DD
42~3'i î'5 ~î5C HL, D ¢0D5 210000 LD HL, 0023 ¢08~? 7i_ LD ~, (hL~ 43D8 E5 ?USX HL
4083 23 INC h'L 40D9 C5C3i'D C~LL DD^3 4084 66 LD H, (HL) 40DC Fl P'u'P ~F
4285 6F i D L, ~i 40DD C33941 Ji~ 4155 4086 E3 EX (SP), H~ 40Ee 218FF8 LD HL, F88F
4087 Cl PC7P BC 40E3 7E L,^ ~, ~nL~
4088 C5 ~1DD HL, BC 40E¢ 2~ INC HL
408~ 7E LD ~, (hLi 42E5 B6 OR (HLi 408~ FIE01 CP 01 ¢0E6 ~ 21D41 JP NZ, 41iD

~:~9~;~58. (.
~ .,.

42E9 3~46F8 LD ~ (f846;
4eEC 87 ûR
4~ED C2F64Q JP NZ, 40F6 4BF0 016Ee0 LD BC, 0~6E
40F~ C~F940 JF 40f~ LOC INST MNEM OPE2 48F6 016F0e LD BC~ 006F ¢ 145 75 LC n~C
¢~F9 79 LD R,C 4146 324~E8 L3 ~E84n),Q
40F~ 324~E8 LD (E84~ 41¢5 214C20 LD HL~ 804C
42FD 214C~2 LC HL, 004C 414C E5 PUSH HL
41a0 E5 PUSH HL 414C 2~8FF8 LD HL, (F8BF, 4~01 21C1~C LD HL~ ~021 4153 E5 PUSH HL
4125 CDECûE C~LL DEEC ¢154 F1 PCP ~f 4708 Fl POP RF 4155 f l PGP ~f 4109 Ft PCF ~ 4156 c3~a40 JP 4~B
41C~ c3~84e JP 4B~8 4155 C355D~ JP DE95 410C 21F8FF LD hL, FFF8 4112 19 ~DD HL, DE LOC INST ~NEM ~PE2 411 f 7E LC h, (HL~ 357 CD53DE C~LL DB3 4112 C6el ~DD ~ ~l 35E~ 21F9Fr LC ~L, FFF9 ~14 77 LD (HL3,~ 35ED 39 ~DD HL,CF
4~ 3 INC HL 35EE F9 LD SP, HL
35EF 2122E8 LD hL, E8~e ~OC INS I MNEM OPER 35F2 E5 PUSH HL
4116 ?E LD ~ L~ 3_F3 2f0682 LD HL,0026 41 1 7 CE23 ~DC R, 0Z 35F6 19 ~DO HL, D8 4ftg 77 LC (HLJ,~ 35F7 7E LD ~, ~hL~
¢ 11 ~ C36~4a JP ¢e6~ 35F8 23 INC HL
4f 1D 2100ff LC HL ~ Ef2a 3CF9 66 LD h, (hL3 4123 E5 PUSH HL 35F~ 6F L3 L~ ~
4121 2~2F8 LD HL,(f8~23 35f6 E3 EX ¢SF3,H
¢12¢~ ~3 EX (SP),HL ~ 35FC Cl PP ac 41~5 C1 PG& 6C 35FD 29 t~DD HL,~C
4126 09 ~DD HL,BC 35FE E5 PUSh HL
4f27 7E LD ~ (HL~ 35Ff 210600 LD Hi,0~06 41 2e FE0 1 CP B 1 36B2 19 ~DD HL, DF
4f2~ ~2354 f JF NZ, 4135 36~3 7E L D ~, ~ HL, ¢12D 3E2a LD ~, 20 36B4 23 IhC HL
412F ~24~ 8 LD (E84~,t 3625 6~ L~ H, ~HL) ¢132 C3¢941 JP 4149 3606 6F LD L,~
4135 3~46F8 LD ~, (F84E~
41~8 87 DR
4139 C2424 1 JP NZ, 41¢2 413C C16C0B LD BC, e06c 4142 016De0 LD BC, B06D

~ ~ -40-.

3607 Q102E8 LD BC,E~82 36~Q 09 ~DD HL,BC
36~P 3622 LD (HL),20 36QE 7E LC Q,(HL~
3610 21F9FF LD ~L,fff9 ' 3649 D622 SUE Q,02 3613 19 QDD HL,DE 364B 77 LD (HL),~
36i4 3604 LC ~HL~,~4 364C 210402 LC HL, cQa4 3616 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 36¢F 19 QDD HL,DE
361~ 19 ~DC HL,C 3650 E5 PUSH hL
361Q 7E LD ~,(HL) 3651 El POP HL
3616 4F LD C,Q 3652 E5 P~'SH HL
361C 87 QDD Q,Q 3653 4E LD C,(HL) 361C 9F SBC ~,~ 3654 23 I~C HL
361E 47 LD B,~ 3655 46 LD B,(HL) 361F 210620 LD HL,QBQ6 3656 C5 PuSH 8C
3622 19 QDD HL,DE 3657 21BQB0 LD HL, 00a~
3623 7E LD ~,~HL~ 365Q E5 FVSH HL~
362¢ 23 INC HL 365B CD59DE C~LL CE59 3625 66 LC H,(HL~ 365E`E, POP hL
3626 6F LD L,Q 365r C1 POP BC
36. a 7C LD Q,L
LOC INST ~NE~ OPER 3661 02 LD (ac 3627 09 ~CD HL,EC 3662 7C LD Q,h 3628 e100E8 LD BC,E8~2 3663 e3 ~NC BC
3625 ~9 ~DD HL,8C 3664 0~ LD (~r~-,Q
362C E5 PUSH n'L 3665 0B DEC BC
362D 21Q400 LD HL,G 0a~
3631 4E LD C,(~L~ 3666 65 LD L,C
3632 23 INC HL 3667 60 LC H,B
il 3633 46 LC B,~HL~ 36~8 97 SJE h 3634 C5 PUSH BC 366 96 SUB (h'L) 3635 210Q00 LC h'L, 022H 366~ 3E0~ LD Q,0Q
363e E5 PUSH HL 366C 23 INC HL
3639 CD62CE C~LL CE62 366C 5~ SPC ~,(HL~
363C E1 POP HL 366E FQ1636 JP ~,3616 363C Q13e0e LD BC, 0e3a ~671-c3sscE _'P CE9-3640 ~9 QCC HL,BC
36¢1 C1 PGP BC
3642 7D LD ~,L
3643 02 LC (EC),~
3644 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 ~647 15 ~CC HL,CE
364B 7E LD ~,(HL) ~:~9695~3 ; (; -41- (-I.OC INST llNEt~l OPER SP Rf R~1 REJ RC RD RE RH RL IX IY
78~9 ~6 OR (hL) FFC2 ~ ~2 FF CB FF C9 Ff CE C9~3 0a0a 78~9 6RE~
. ~856 CD53DE C~LL DE53 ~899 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 ~85C 39 ~DD HL,BP
~89D F9 LD SP, HL
~89F 3~4CF8 LD ~,(F84C~
~8~1 B7 OR
~8~2 C2~C~8 JP NZ,~86L-~8~5 3~7BF8 LD Q (F87B) ~8~8 FEQl CP 0i C244~9 JP ~Z,~944 ~8~D 21F4fF LD HL,Fff4 ~8~ 19 RDD HL,DE
~8~1 01~DD~ LD 6`C,~6D
~8B4 79 LD ~,C
~8B5 77 LD ~hL),~
~8a6 78 LD Q,B
~8C7 23 INC HL
~8B8 77 LD (HL),~
~8E9 C3D~8 JP ~8CP
Q8&F 19 ~uD HL,DE
~8ca E5 PLJSH HL
~8Cl 3n79F8 LD R,(f879 ~8C4 B7 aR
~8CS C2D2n8 JF NZ, ~8D2 ~8C8 2i35Da LD HL,DP35 ~8CB 4D LD C,L
~8CC 44 LD a, H
~8CD C3D5~B 3P ~BD5 ~8De 2102DB LD HL ~ Daa2 ~8D3 4D LD C,L
~8D4 44 LD B,H
~8D5 E1 PûP HL
~8D6 79 LD Q,C
~BD7 ?7 LD (hL~,~
~8D8 78 LD ~,B
~8D9 23 INC HL
~8D~ 77 LD (HL),~
~8PB 21F8ff LC HL,FFf8 ~8DE 19 ~DD HL,DE
~8L)F 3~4F8 LD ~,~f894 ~8E2 77 LD (HL),~
~8E3 3~95F8 LD ~,(f895 -42- ~ ~

~97S 7E LD h,(HL~
~52C 21F8FF LD HL, FFF8 4979 77 LD ~HL),~
q92F 19 ~DD HL,DE ~97~ 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 q532 $E LG C, ~HL~ H97D 19 ,qDD HL,DE
q931 23 INC HL ~97E 7E LD ~,(HL) ~932 46 L D ~, ~HL~ q97F C601 hDC q,01 H933 C5 PUSrt 3C H^981 77 LD (HL~,~
H^934 21F~Ff LD hL7FfF4 H982 23 I,NC HL
~937 19 ~3D HL,DE Q983 7E LD ~,(HL) q938 7E LD ,q,~HL) h984 CE00 ,4DC .4~0~
k939 23 INC HL HA986 77 LD (HL~,R
h93.4 66 ~D H,(HL~ ~987 C3F~48 JP 48f3 h93~ 6F LD L, H
~53F Fl POP ~F
H940 Fl P~;P Hf h5¢4 3R7aF8 LD H,~F873 ~945 C256H 9 JP NZ,~55~
,q9~c 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 ~94F 19 ,qDD HL,D
~953 31CFD,q LD 8C,D~CF
LOC INST ~NEI~ OPE2 ,q~3 79 L~ .4,C
~95¢ 77 LD (HL~,rî
~9__ 78 LD iq,B

~957 77 LD ~HL),~
h958 C3DB~8 JP ~8DB
~55~ 21F~FF LG HL,FFF4 q95E 19 ~DD HL,DE
~95F 21~7DH LD 6C, G~B7 Q962 75 LD ~,C
.4963 77 LD (HL~,.q ~96¢ 78 LD ~,B
Hq965 23 IN., HL
~566 77 LD (HL),~
H^967 C3D~8 JP R8Da ~96~ C35SDE JP DE9S
H96D lF6FF LD HL,FFf6 q970 19 qDD HL,DE
~971 7E LD iq~ (HL~
~972 C640 ,qDD ~,40 ~974 77 LD ~HL)~H
~975 23 INC HL

Q8E7 77 LD (HL~,Q 4E56 CD53DE CQLL DE5~
Q8E8 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 4E59 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 Q8--6 19 ~DD HL,DE 4E5C 39 hDD HL,SP
Q8EC 3E81 LD Q,81 4E~D F9 LD SP,HL
Q8E 77 LD (HL~,Q 4E5E 21F7FF LD HL,FfF7 Q8EF 3f01 LD Q,01 4E61 19 qDD HL,DE
.4BF1 23 INC HL 4E62 3602 LD (HL~,20 Q8F2 77 LD (HL),q 4E64 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 ~i8F3 21F6FF LD hL,FfF6 ¢E67 19 ~DD HL,DE
Q8F~ 19 ~DD HL,DE 4E68 303 LD Q,03 R~F7 3E83 LD ~,83 ¢E6Q 8E Ap (h''L~
Q8F9 96 SUB (HL) 4E6B Fq964E JP M,4E96 q8F~ 3E04 LD Q,04 4E6E 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 Q8FC 23 INC HL 4E71 19 QDD HL,DE
Q8FD 5E S8C ~,,(HL~ 472 7E LD ~" tHL) Q8FE FQ6QQ9 JP M, H96Q 4E73 4F LD C,Q
Q501 21F8FF LD nL,Fff8 $f74 87 QvD ~i,Q
Q904 19 QDD HL,DE 4E75 9F SBC Q,Q
c 3EFF LD ~,fF 4E76 47 LD B,H
Q907 96 SUB (HL) 4E77 21QDF8 LD HL,F8QD
~,908 3E02 LD Q,20 4E7~, Q9 .~DD HL,E~
Q9eiq 23 INC HL 47B E5 PUSH hL
LOC ENST MNEM OPER Lac INST ~NEM OPE, q90B 9E SEC h,(HL~ 4E7C 21F7FF LD HL,FfF7 Q9aC Fq6q.q9 JP M,q96q 4E7F 19 QDD HL,DE
P9QF 21QeEf LD HL,Ef20 .8C 7E LD ri~ L~
Q912 E5 PUSh HL 4E81 4F LD A Q
Q91~ 21F8FF LD HL,Fff8 4E82 87 QDv h,^
q916 19 qDD HL,DE 4E83 9F SBC ~, iî
Q517 7E LD Q,(HL~ 4L84 47 LD B,,Q
Q918 23 INC HL 4E85 2iBlF8 LD 8L,F831 Q479 66 LD H,(hL~ 4E88 09 ~DD HL,f~_ Q91Q 6F LD L,Q 4E89 3600 LD (hL)~e0 Q51B E3 EX ~SP~,HL ¢E8~` Cl pnp Bf~
Q91C C1 POP BC 4E8C 7E LD ~,(nL) ~31D 05 ~D ~L,BC 4E8D a2 LD ~6C~
Q91E 7E LD Q,(HL) 4E8E 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 Q91F FE21 CP 01 4E51 15 ~DC HL,D
Q921 C26D~9 JP NZ,~96D 4E92 34 INC ~h'L ) Q924 21F6ff LD HL,Fff6 4E93 C364 E _P 4E64 Q927 19 QDD HL,DE 4E96 3Q4BF8 L3 ~, (F8~a) Q928 4E LD C,(HL~ 4E95 B7 DR
~929 23 INC HL 4E9Q C2Q34E JP NZ,4 ~3 Q92~ 46 LD B,(HL) 49D CDF9D~ C~LL D~F9 Q92B C5 PUSH 8C 4EQ0 C3~64E JP ¢cQ6 6~5~

4EQ3 CDC6DD C9LL DDC6 4Eh 7E LD 4, ()iL~
4ER6 3Q7FF8 LD R, (F87F 4EE3 4F LD C, R
4î~9 FEQ7 CP 27 4EEC 87 hf3D ,~
4Ei43 C2e94F iP NZ, 4Fes 4EED 9F SBC ~" Q
4QE 21F7FF LD HL, ffF7 4EEE 47 LD fi,R
4EB1 19 RDD HL,DE 4EEF 21BlF8 LD )IL,F8B
4EB2 3600 Lf3 ~HL ~, C0 4EF2 09 hDD t~L, E3C
¢EB4 21F7FF LD HL, FFF7 4EF3 7E LD R, (HL) 4EE7 19 ~DD HL, DE 4EF4 4f LC C, t9 4EB8 3Ee3 LD R, 03 4EF5 97 SUf.'3 4E89 EE CP (h'L~ 4 EF~ 47 LD B"
4EBB F,9094F JP ~1, 4F09 4EF7 E1 POP HL
4EBE 21F7FF LD HL, fFF7 4EF8 7D LD r1,L
4EC1 19 QDD HL,DE 4EF9 H1 QhD C
$EC2 7E L5 Q, ~HL~ 4EF4 6F LD L,9 4EC3 4F LD C, Q 4EFB 7C LD ~A, h~
4EC4 8 7 hDD ~, .9 4EFC .-î0 9ND E3 4EC5 5F S3C R, Q 4EFD 67 LC H, Q
4EC6 4 7 LD E, Q 4FE C 7 PGP j9!'' ~'~EC7 21HDF8 LD h'L, F84D 4EFF 7D LD R, L
4EC.4 09 QDD HL, &C ¢F00 02 LD (c3C3,.^
4ECC 21F7FF L5 HL, FFF7 4F04 79 ,9CD HL,D_ ¢ECF 19 RDD HL, DE 4F05 34 INC (HL ) ¢ED0 7E LD ,A1, (HL~ ¢F06 C3E44E JP 4E34 4ED1 4F LD C, Q 4Fe~3 21F4FF LD HL, FFFa 4ED2 87 .9DD ",9 4F0C 79 QDD HL,DE
4ED3 9F SBC ~. 9 4FB3 3Q.9~F8 LD ,^, (F8,î9) ¢ED4 47 LD E3,Q 4F7Q 77 LD (HL3,.-:
4ED5 21RDF8 LD HL,F8,9D ¢F11 3R.9QF8 LD R, (F8R"i) ¢ED8 Q5 h5D HLJ &C 4F74 2~ NC HL
4EDY 7E LD Q, (HL) ¢F15 77 L3 (hL~"i 4E5Q 4F LD CJ Q 4F1'6 21F4FF LD HL, Fff$
4ED~ 97 SUB R ¢F19 19 RD3 h'L, DE
4EDC $7 LD B,Q 4Fi9 3.q.qBF8 LD R, (F8.^.B~
¢EDD 75~ LD R,C ¢FlD 5'6 SUB (HL) 4EDE' EEFF XûR FF 4fl ~Q.9CF8 LD R, ~F8.9C, 4EE0 4F LD C, Q 4F21 23 I,YC h'L
4EE1 78 LD r~,B ¢F22 5E SE3C 9, 'HL~
4EE2 EE00 XOR 00 4F23 FQ954;- JP Itl, 4F95 4EE4 47 LD B,Q 4F~6 21F8FF LG HL, fr.-8 4EE5 C5 PUSH BC 4F29 19 .9Df) hL, DE
4EE6 21F7FF LC HL, FfF7 4F24 E5 PUSBi HL
$F2E 5 PLISH HL 4F6A 47 LD Ei, ~
4F2F 21f4FF LD HL,FFF4 4F63 21BlF8 LD HL,f831 4F32 19 4DD liL, CE 4F6E Q9 RDD HL, EC
4F33 7E LD 2, (HL) 4F6F 7E LD l~l, (h'L) ¢F34 23 INC hL 4F70 4F LD C, R
4F35 66 LD H, (HL) 4F71 97 SUB R
4F36 6F LD L, R 4F72 47 LD B,,4 4F37 E3 EX (SP), HL ¢F73 C5 PUSH BC
4F~s~ C1 POP E;C 4F74 21f8FF LD HL, FFF8 4F3c 0c 2DD HL, BC 4F77 19 QDD HL, DE
4F~R C7 POP BC 4F78 7E LD ~ ;L~
4F;3B 7D LD ~, L 4F79 Z3 I NC HL
4F3C 02 LD (BC~,Q 4F7R 66 LD H, ~I-;L, 4F3D 7C LD R, H 4F7B 6F LD L,2 4F3E 23 INC BC ¢F7C 7E LC î:, ~H_~
4F3F 02 LD (BC), R 4F7D 4F LD C,2 4F40 21F7FF LD HL, FFF7 ¢F7E 97 SU~3 2 4F43 19 2DD h'L, DE 4F7F 47 LD B, R
4F44 36a0 LG ~HL3.00 $F8B El POP HL
4F46 21F7FF LD HL, FFF7 4F81 7D L3 i~, L
4F49 19 I:iDD HL, DE 4F82 Q 1 9ND C
4F4Q 3E03 LD 2,03 4F83 6F LD L,4 LCC INST MNEM OPER LûC INST MNEM CPE2 4F¢C BE rp ~HL~ ¢FQ4 7C LD i4,H
¢F¢D FR28¢F JP l~l,4FR8 ¢F85 2B RiND a 4F50 21F7FF LD HL, FFF7 4f86 67 LC H,h ¢F53 19 2DD HL,DE 4F87 Cl POP BC
4F5d 7F LD iq, (HL~ 4F88 75 LD .'`, C
4F5S 4F L D C, .4 4F8 S) B3 CP L
¢F56 87 2DC 2,n 4F8a C28F4F JP NZ, .f8F
4F57 9F SBC R,2 4f8D 78 LD R, B
4F58 47 LD B, h 4F8E CC CP H
4F55) 212iDF8 LD HL, F82D 4F8F CRCD4F JP Z, ¢ri^D
4F5C Q9 ,4DD HL, BC ¢F92 C3.q84f JP 4F.^8 ¢F5D 7E LD 2, ~HL) ¢F95 C395DE JP D,95 4F5E 4F LC C,R 4F98 2tF4FF LD HL,FFF4 4F5F 97 SUB 2 4F9B 19 4DD HL, DE
4F62 47 LD EJ,.4 4F5C 7E LL; R~ 'H_~
¢F61 C5 PLJSH BC ¢F9D C6el RDD Q,0~
¢F62 2tF7FF LD HL,FFF7 4F5F 77 LD ~i~;L"Q
4F65 1 c RDD HL, DE 4FQ3 23 INC r~L
¢F66 7f L D iq, ~ HL ~ 4FQ 1 7,r L D Q, ' riL
4F67 4F LD C, Q 4F22 CE3e 2DC jAj~ ee 4f68 87 RDD i$,.q 4F.94 77 LD ~hL~,2 4F69 9F S3C ~I, q 4FR5 C3164F JP 4F16 LCC INST ~NEM GPER LOC INST ~NE~ OPER
4F~8 21F7FF LD HL,Fff7 E294 CD53DE C~1LL DE53 ¢F~a 19 ~DD HL,DE B297 21EEFf LD HL,FfEE
4f~1C 7E LD h,(HL~ B29~ 39 ~DD HL,SP
4FiAiD FE~4 CP 04 B2YB F9 LD SP,HL
4FhF C258¢F JP NZ,4F98 629C 21f6FF LD ~L,FfF6 4fB2 21~0EF LD HL,EF00 B29F 19 QDD HL,DE
4Fa5 E5 PUSh HL &2h0 3600 LD tHL " a2 ¢FB6 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 B2~2 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 4FB9 19 hDD HL,DE Q2nS 1 9 ~DD h'~, uE
4FBQ 7r LD Q,(HL) B2R6 3Ee3 LD ~,~3 4FFE 23 I,~C HL ~2~8 6E C& th;L~
4rBC 66 LD H,(HL) B2Q9 FQD8B3 J~ ~,B3D8 ¢F~D 6F LD L n B2hC 21F5fF LD HL,r~t~
4~B~ ~1 POF PC B2E2 E5 FUSH hL
4~ 3Q QDD HL,BC 82B1 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 qFC1 3621 LD (HL~,01. Q264 1S hûD HL,DE
~rC3 2i48DF8 LD HL,(F88D) B2B5 7E LD h,thL~
4FC6 23 ~ iNC HL ~2B6 4F LC C, n 4FC7 228DF8 LD (F88D~,hL C237 87 hDD Q,h 4FCh C~984F JP 4F58 B2B8 5F SBC n,~
¢FCD 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 B2B9 47 LD ~,~
4FC0 19 i1DD HL,Cf B2E~ 2191F9 LD HL,F591 4FD1 34 INC (hL) B2BD e9 hDD HL,BC
4FD2 21F8FF LG hL,FfF~ 628E 7E LC ~,(HL) ¢FD5 19 QDD HL,DE B2BF 4F LD C,h 4FD6 7 LD ~ (HL~ E2r0 87 ~DG h,h 4FD7 c6ee hDD Q ~ a2cl 9F S~C ~,~
4FD5 77 LD tHL~,Q 62C2 47 LD L,h ¢FDQ 23 INC HL B2C3 21FFFF LDi` HL,FFFr 4FD8 7E LD ~ tHL~ B2r6 C9 rî~C HL,EC
¢FDC CE01 QDC ~ el a2c7 C1 PCP BC
4FD 77 LD ~HL~,Q 82C8 7D LD C,L
¢FDF C3464F JP 4F46 B2C9 e2 LD (8C~,~
B2C~ 21F8FF LC HL,Fff~
B2CD 19 hûD ffL, DE
B2CF 21F6FF ~C HL,FFF6 B2C2 19 QDD h'L, DE
B2D3 7E LD Q,(HL~
62C¢ 4F LD C, n B2D5 87 ~3D ~,~
62D6 9F SBC ~,h Q2D7 47 iD ~,~

B2D8 2146F9 LD HL,f946 E312 7E LD ,~ L
az D C 7E ~D ~,~ 6~,6 47 LD C,~

E2E2 47 SBC Q,~ B3,8 60 LD ~,B
B21 69 LD L~ C a31 9 29 QDD HL,HL
E2E2 60 LD H,B 631~ 01F9F9 LD BC,F9F9 B2E3 0126F9 LD BC,F926 B31D 05 Q3D HL,BC
62E6 05 hDD HL,BC B3,E Cl ~O~
B2E7 Cl PGP BC B31F 7E LD Q,(HL) B2'8 7D LD ~,L E32a 22 L5 ¢BC`,Q
B2E5 e2 LD (BC),Q B321 23 IhC HL
B2L~ 7C LD ~,~i 63~ 7E Lû .^,i hL~
B2EB 03 INC BC B323 03 INC ac B2C~ Q2 LD (EC3,~i B324 02 L5 ~BC,,~
B2ED 21F0FF LD HL,FFFe B325 21F7FF LD n'L,FFF7 B2F0 1 5 ~DD HL,5E 6328 15 QDD HL, D~
B2Fl E5 PUSH HL B329 3600 LD (HL),03 62F2 21FFF LG HL,FfF6 ~32B 21F5FF LD hL,FfFS
B2f~ 7E LD R,~HL3 B32F ES Pu'Sh HL
B2F7 4F LD C,Q B330 21F7FF LD hL,FFF7 E2f8 87 QDD ~,Q B333 15 .9DD HL,DE
B2F9 5F SBC Q .9 B334 Cl POP CC
E2FH 47 iC 6 Q B335 0Q LD H~ (i3Ci B2l{a 65 LD L,C B336 BE CP ~,4'L~
E2FC 62 LD H,B B337 F9DB83 JP ,~,8~CB
B2FD 25 QDD HL HL B33Q 21F4FF LD hL, FrF4 62FE 01C3F5 LD BC F5C3 633D 15 .9DD H.,D~
B301 a~ ~DD HL,BC B33E E5 PUSh' HL
B302 C1 POP BC B33F 21F7FF LD hiL,FFr7 B3D3 7E LD Q,(HL) B342 19 QDD HL,DE
B304 Q2 LD ~B53,H B3$3 7E LD n, 'HiL3 B305 23 INC HL B344 4F LD C, n B3C6 7F Li` 9, ¢HL~ E345 87 QDD Q,î
B307 03 INC BC B346 9F SBC i~, n B328 Q2 LG ~BC3,.4 8347 47 LC 6,n B3a9 21EEFF LD HL,FFEE a348 21F8FF LD h'L,FFF8 B~2C 1S ~DD h;L,DE 634B 15 .QDû h ,û
B30D ~5 PUSH HL B34C 7E LD n, (HL~
B30E 21F6fF LD HL,FFF6 B3$D 23 INC HL
B311 15 .9DD HL,DE B34E 66 LD h,(HL) LOC iNS I l'qNE~q OPER LOC INST PlNE~1 OPER
B34F 6F LD L ~ R B3s7 21F0FF L~ HL ~ FfF0 B3se C9 RDD HL ~ BC B3sQ 15 hDD HL ~ DE
B~Si 7E LD rA1, ~H'L~ B3sr9 4E LD c~ (HL~
B3s2 4F LD C, Q B3sc 23 INC HL
B~s~ 57 SUB h B3sD 46 LD a, ~HL~
B3s4 47 LD B, Q B3sE cs PUSH BC
B3ss C5 PlJSh SC 63sF 21F7fF LD HL, F~7 B356 21e¢Be LD HL ~ BZ0¢ a3s2 1 9 QDD HL ~ DE
B359 ES PuSH HL &393 7E LD h, (HLi B3sh cD6sDE ChLL DE6s B3s4 4F L3 C, h ~3sD El PC~P HL B3ss 87 hbD h~s ~3sE Cl PQP ac B396 sF SBC Ri, B3sF 7D LD rî, L B3s7 ~ 7 L5 B, h B363 02 LD (BC), Q B3ss cs PUSH ac E361 21F3FF LD HL ~ FFF3 a3ss CiDh7DE csLL Dh7 a36¢ 15 hDD HL, DE B3sc El POP HL
B36s Es PUSH HL B3sD 7D LD lsJL
B3S6 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 B3sE E6el hND el B~s 19 ,lDD HL,D B3n0 6F Lu L,~
B36h 7E L3 Q ~HL) B3h 1 7C LD h, H
&~6a ¢F LD C h a3Q2 E60a hND 02 B36C 87 ~DD R~ R a3h4 67 LD H, h LOC INST MNE~ CPER Loc INST i~lhE~ CPcR
B36D sF SBC ~s~h a3hs 7D LD ~s~L
B36E 4 7 LLDD HL, FFFs B3h6 F-01 cp e~
B372 19 hDD HL, DE B3hB 7C LD h, H
B~7~ 7E LD HAJ (HLi B3.YC FEC2 cp B2 B374 23 INC HL B3hE C2EBa3 JP i~lZ, B3EB
B37~ ~ LG h`J (HLi s3Bl 21F4FF LG HL, F~r4 B376 6F LD L,Q B3B4 19 RDD HL,DE
B~77 09 isDG HL~sc B3Bs 7E LD h~ ~HL, B37s 7E LD Q, ~HL) B3B6 4F LD C,R
a~7s 4F LD C, Q B3B7 87 RDD h ~h B37R 57 SU8 h B3ss sF SBC R, Q
a~7E 47 LD B,R a3&s 47 LG B,R
B37C 79 LD h, C B3Bs 2lRDFs LD h~, F~sD
E60F ~Ni~; 0F &3aD Qs ^Du HL, BC
B37F ~F LD C ~9 a3BE Es PU5`n HL
B380 78 LD ~ B &3aF ~10102 Lû HL~ 0~!21 B3s 1 E50e RND 30 B3C2 E5 PUSh~ hL
B3s3 47 LD B, R B3C3 21F3FF LD HL ~ FFF3 B3s4 El PoP HL a3cs 19 RDD hL, DE
B3ss 75 LG h,C B3C7 7E LD ~, ~H-i`
B3s6 77 LD (h~L),h B3cs 4F LD C~rl`

-3L~ 5~

B3C5 87 ~DD i4)i1 B3Ci~1 9F SBC ~ ~1 B3. ~ 4 7 LD B ~;


B3D2 0~ LD ~Iv (BC) B3D4 a2 LD (BC~ i4 B3D5 c3Esa3 JP B3EB
E~3D8 C395DE JP DE95 E3DB 21F6Ff LD HL FfF6 B3DE 19 ~1DD HL DE
&3Df 34 INC (HL~
B3E0 C31~i2B2 JP B2i~2 B3E7 3$ lN` (HL~
B3t8 C32BB3 JP B328 B3E~3 21EEf F L D HL fFEE
E33EE 19 iqDD HL DE
B3Ef 4E LD C (HL~
B3Fe ~3 INC HL
B3Fi 46 LD B (HL~

B3F3 21F7FF LD HL Fff7 B3F6 19 QiDD HL DE
B3F7 7E LD ~î (HL~
B3F8 4F LD C l~
B3F5 87 ilDD il~
B3Fiq ~F SBC Pi Qi a3Fa 4 7 LD a"

~33FD CCQ7CE îilLL Df~î7 B40e L 1 PO? HL
B$01 7D LD il L
B¢02 E601 ~ND 01 a¢04 6F LD L iî
f~405 7C LD Pi H
B406 E600 i~ND a0 B4es 67 LD H
B4Q9 7D LG fi L
E1401~ B4 aR H

(:' (`

E42~ f2E3~3 JP NZ,63E3 B4aE 21F¢FF LD HL, FFF4 641 1 1 9 ~DD HL, DE
B412 7E LD ~, (HL) 6413 4F LC C, B414 87 ~DD Q,~
~415 9F SEC R,~
B416 47 LD B,h ~477 ~181F8 LD HL, f~61 B~tR ~ ~DD HL,BC
l C 21 el ae LD HL, 00e1 6¢1 F E5 PiJSH HL
B420 21F3FF LD HL, FFF3 B423 19 ~DD ffL, DE
B424 7E LD R, (HL) 6¢25 4F LD C, ~î
B426 87 I~DD R,~
B427 9f sac R,~
B4Z8 47 LD B, B429 cs PUSH BC
E 4 2D El PGP HL
a42E cl pop BC
B4~F Q~ LD ~, (6C~

B¢31 ~2 LD (PC~,~
78CF 7~ LD (HL ) . ~ FFC2 e2 l 2 FF CB FF cs FF CD C9~3 ~3Z3 78CF CRE~K

B73¢ cDs3DE CRLL DE53 B776 57 SU8 B737 21F4FF LD HL, FFF4 B777 47 LD a, B73Q 39 hDD HL, BP B778 cs PUSh E~
B73B F9 LD sp~ HL B77s 2l0400 LD HL ~ 0004 B73C 21F4FF LD HL, FfF¢ B77C E5 PUSH HL
B73F 19 ~DD HL, DE B77D cD6sDE C~LL DE68 6740 Es PUSH HL B7~0 E1 FBP HL
B741 3Q8.îFs LD ~ (Fs8R~ a781 Cl pop BC
B744 4F LD c~ h B782 7D LD r1, L
B74s 87 ~DD ~J ~ B783 02 LD ~sc) t ~
E~746 9F sar n,~l E784 21FsFF LD HL J FfF8 B747 47 LD B,~ B787 19 QDv hL,DE
B 748 6 9 LD L ~ C B7s 8 Es PuSH HL
B7¢9 60 LD H,B 8789 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 &7$~t 29 lîDD hL,HL B78C 19 ADD HL, GE
B74B 29 ~DD HL, HL B7sD 7E LD R, (hL~
B7$C 25 RDD HL,HL B78E ~ INC hL
674D el 63Fs LD BC, Fs63 a7sF 66 LD H, (HL ) B750 Q9 HDD HL ~ 8C B792 6F L C L, Q
B751 Cl pop a B7s1 7E LD Q, (HL
B752 7D LD Q,L a792 4F LD c~ R
B753 02 LD (BC),Q B7s3 97 SUB Q
B75¢ 7C LD ~ H B79~ 47 LD ~ R
B7ss 03 INC BC B7ss 79 LD Q, C
67s6 Q2 LD ~BC~,-t &796 E62F QND 0F
B757 21F7FF LD HL, FFF7 B798 4F LD c~ ~t E75~t 19 hDD HL,DE B75s 78 LD R,B
B758 3600 LD (HL ) ~ 00 B7s~ E600 QND 0B
B75D 21F7FF LD HL, Fff7 B79C 47 LD B, Q
B760 f 9 ~DD HL, DE B7sD E1 pcp HL
B76 1 3E27 LD rt ~ 07 B7sE 79 LD Q, C
8763 BE cp (HL) B7sF 77 LD (HL), B7~. FQED~7 JP M, a7ED B7Q0 2~tDFFs LD HL, ~F9vr~
B767 21 FsFF LD HL ~ FFFs B7Q3 E5 PUSh' HL
E76-1 19 tDD hL, DE B7R$ 21F7FF LD kL, FFF7 B76a E5 PUSH HL a7.17 19 RDD ,HL, DB
E76C 21F4FF Lc HL, FFF~ B7hs 7E LD r1, ~1 L~
876F 19 ~DD HL~DE B7Qs ~F LD
B772 7E LD ~ ~hL~ B~7Q-^t 87 QDD n,.^n B771 23 INC HL B7QB YF sac ~ Q
B772 G6 LD t~, (HL) B7QtC $7 LD E,^t B773 6F LD L~ n B7~D C5 PUSlr' ac B774 7E LD Q, (HL) B7~tE CD~t7DE CîtLL DEn7 B77s 4F LD c, ~ B7Bl El pop hL

. , .

B7E2 7D LD ~,L E7F8 19 ~DD hL,DE
8783 E601 ~ND 01 B7F9 7E LD ~,~HL~
B7BC 6F LD L,~ B7F~ C60i ~DD ~,01 B7B6 7C LD Q,H B7fC 77 LD (HLi,~
B787 E~ea hND 02 87FD 23 INC HL
B789 67 LD H 4 B7FE 7E LD ~,(HL) B7&9 7D LD ~ L B7FF CE00 ~ûC ~,00 B7Ba FE~1 CP 01 BY01 77 LD (HL),4 &7ED C2C3B7 JF NZ,E7C3 &822 C35DE7 JP E75û
a7c0 7C LD Q,H B805 2Q15Fq LD HL,(F415) B7Cl FE00 CP 00 B808 E5 PuSH hL
B7C3 C205B8 JP NZ,B805 B809 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 B7C6 21F9FF LD HL,FFF~ B8~C f9 ~ûD hL, DE
B7C5 1J ~DD HL,DE B8~D 7E LD ~,(HL) B7C~ 7E LD ~,¢HL~ &82E 4F LD C,~
87CB ¢F LD C, ~ as0F 87 ~DD ~,~
B7CC 87 QDD ~ Q 6810 9F sac B7CD CF SBC ~ ~ B8i1 47 LD B,~
B7C' ¢7 LD B,Q E8i2 cc PUSH &C
B7CF 21~DF8 LD HL,F8~D B813 C3~73r- C.4LL DE~7 B7D2 05 QDD HL,BC B816 E1 PuP HL
B7D3 E5 PUSH HL B817 7D LD ~,L
E7û4 210700 LD HL,0001 B818 E601 ~ND 01 B7û7 E5 PUSH HL B8i~ 6F LD L,~
E7D8 21F8FF Lû HL,FFF8 E81E 7C LD ~,H
B7DB 19 ~DD HL,D B81C E63C ~ND 00 87DC 7E LD i~ iL~ B81E 67 LD H,9 B7DD 4F LD C,~ B81F 7D LD q,L
B7DE 87 ~DD iî,~ B820 B4 n~ ~
B7DF 9F SBC Q,~ B82i C2F0B7 JP ,VZ, a7F2 C7E0 47 LD ~,h B824 21f5FF LD HL, FfF5 B7El C5 PUSH BC B827 19 qDû HL,DE
67E2 CD5FDE C.qLL û~5F &828 7E Lû .4,(hiL~
B7L5 E1 POP HL B829 ¢F LD C,~
E7E6 Cl PP EC B82~i 87 ,qDC .,,~
B7E7 e~ LD ,q,(3C) B82B 9i- S~C q,~;
E7E8 &5 OR L B82C 47 LG R,i~
87E9 02 LD (BC),q 882D 21BlF8 LD HL,F8Bl S7.4 C305B8 JP B805 &830 09 QDD HL,BC

E7F2 21F7FF LD hL,FfF7 ~832 21010Z LC HL,0~0f B7F3 19 qDD HL,DE B835 E5 PUSH HL
E7F¢ 34 INC ~hL~ B83~ 21r8i~F LD HL,FfF8 B7F5 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 B839 19 ~3D HL,DE

E83Q 7E LD ,9,~HL) 4B78 CD53DE CQLL DE~3 B833 4~ LD C"l 4B78 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 B83 87 9CC Q,Q 4B7E 39 QDD HL, SP
B833 9F SBC Q, Q 4B7F F9 LD SP,HL
B83E 47 LD 8,~ 4B80 3Q4BF8 LD Q,~F84E) B842 CD5fDE CQLL DE~ 4B85 C28B4E iP NZ,4a8B
B843 E, POP h'L ¢B88 CDQ8DD CQLL DDQ8 B~.t C1 PG~ ~ 4E8B ~922F8 LD Q,~F800) 3845 0Q LD Q, (BC) 4B8E B7 OR Q
8846 P,S OR L 4P8F C2224C JP NZ, 4C22 B847 02 LD ~BC),Q 4B92 21F6FF LD HL, FFF6 8848 c~F0a7 JP B7F0 4B55 19 .9DD HL, D--4&97 2.986F8 LD HL,¢F88iS, 489Q 010a02 LD BC,3233 4E5D 29 QDD HL,B, ¢B9E E5 PUSH hL
4E9F 29Q9F8 LD HL,(F8Qi9) 4EQ2 E3 EX (SP),HL
4E.93 C1 P5P BC
4B26 7D LD Q,L
4E.97 02 LD ~BC), 4B~8 7C LD Q,H

4BQQ 32 LD ~BC),Q
4BQF E5 PuSn iiL
4BB0 21F6FF LD HL, FFF6 4EB3 ,9 Qi3D HL, GE
¢BB¢ 7E D Q, ~nL~
4Bas 23 INC HL
¢aB6 66 LD H, (HL) 4BB7 6F LD L, q 4BB8 010001 LD BC,3130 4BBB 09 QDD HL,B_ ¢B8C Cl PCP 8C
4BBF 7C LD Q, h 4BC0 0~ INC 3C

3695~3 `` `
, . ~

¢BCi a2 LD (BC" Q 4C03 23 INC HL
¢BC2 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 4C~4 66 LD H,(HL) ¢BCS 15 ~GC HL,GE 4C25 6F LD L,Q
4BC6 3~49F8 LD Q,(F8.49) 4C06 7E LD HA, (HL) 4BC5 77 LD tHL~,~4 4C07 4F LD C,h 48CQ 3j4H^QFg LD HAV (F8~Q) 4C08 97 SUB
4ECD 23 IN~ HL 4C09 47 LD E,~
4BCE 77 LD (HL ), HA 4C0Q C5 PUSH 8C
4ECF 21-8FF LD HL,Fff8 4C06 39B6F8 LG H, ~Fsa6 4BD2 19 HDD HL,DE 4C0E ¢F LD C,.4 4BD3 3~4~4aF8 LD .4,(F8.4B~ 4C0F 57 sua H
4BD6 96 SUB (HL) 4C10 ¢7 LD B,Q
¢BD7 3~CF8 LD H,~f8.$C~ 4Cll El P~P HL
4BDQ 23 INC HL 4C12 7D LD 4,~
4BDa 9 SBC ~,~h`L~ 4C13 ~1 .4,YG C
4B5C FQE94C JP M,4CE9 4C14 6F LD L,4 4aDF 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 4ClS 7r LD ~,H
4BE2 19 QDD HL,CE 4C16 .4e 14ND B
4~E3 7E LD .4.(HL~ 4C17 ~7 LD H,.4 4~t4 23 INC HL ¢C18 7D LD ~,L
46ES 66 LD H,(hL~ 4Ci5 B4 OP H
¢aE6 6F LD L,Q 4Cl4 CQBF4C JP Z,¢CBF
48E7 7E LD Q,(HL~ 4CiD C3474C JP 4CQ7 ¢aEs 4F LD C,4 4C2Z 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 4BE5 97 SU8 Q ¢r23 i 9 QGD HL,GE
4~E.4 ¢7 LD B,Q ¢C2¢ E5 PUSH hL
4EE8 C PùSH BC 4C25 3~8F LD ~,(F888, 48EC 34B5F8 LD Q,(F8B5~ 4C28 B7 GR H
4~EF 4F LD C,.4 4C29 C2344C P NZ,4C34 ¢BF0 97 SUB Q 4C2C 210~ED LD HL ~ FDe0 4PF1 47 '~ B,Q ¢C2F 4D L5 C, L
4aF2 El POP HL ~,C3C 44 LD B,H
4BF3 7D LD Q,L 4C~1 C~39d.C JP 4C39 4BF4 Ql H4ND C 4C34 2 ~ e0EE LD HL,EEZe 4BF5 6F LD L"4 ¢C37 4D LD C, L
4BF6 7C LD H,H 4C38 44 LD B,H
4BF7 Q2 QND a 4C35 E1 P0P HL
4BF8 67 LD H,Q 4C3Q 79 LG Q,C
4BF5 75 LD .4,L 4C3B 77 LG ~L~,~
4BF,4 B4 VR H 4C~C 78 LD ~,B
4BFB C2~74C JP NZ, 4CHA7 4C3D 23 INC HL
4BFE 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 ¢C3E 77 LD ¢HL),~
4C01 19 ~D HL,GE 4C3F 21F6FF LD hL,FFF6 4ce2 7E LD Q,(HL~ 4C42 19 QDD HL,DE

4C43 f5 FUSH HL 4C83 6f LD L,Q
4C44 21Q9F8 LD HL,F8Q9 ' ¢C84 7C LD Q,~
¢C47 Cl &GP BC 4C85 QQ QND B
4C48 0Q LD ~,(BC) 4C86 67 LD H,Q
4C49 86 ~DD ~,(HL~ 4C87 7D LC Q,L
4C4~ a2 LD (BC),Q 4C88 B¢ 02 H
4C4B 23 INC BC 4C89 C~EC4C JP Z,4CEC
$C4C 0~ LD Q,(BC~ 4C8C 210eEf LD ~L,EF0B
4C4C 23 I~C HL 4C8f Es PUSH HL
4C4E 8E ~DC Q,(HL) 4c9e 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 4C4F Q2 LC (EC~,k 4C93 19 ~DD hL,DE
4cse 21F8FF lD HL,FFF8 4C94 7E LD ~,(h'L) 4C53 19 ~DD HL,DE 4C55 23 INC HL
4C54 ~QQ9F8 LD Q,(F8Q9~ 4C96 66 LD H,(h'L~
4C57 77 LD (h'L~,Q 4C97 6F LC L,~
4C58 3~F8 LD Q~F8QQ) 4C98 E~ EX (SP),HL
4C5a 2~ INC HL 4C95 Cl POP EC
4C5C 77 LD (HL),Q 4C9~ es QDD HL,aC
4CSD 21F8fF LD HL,FFF8 4C96 3621 LD (HL ~, Qi 4C~ 19 QDD HL,DE 4C9D 2Q8DF8 LD HL,(F88D) 4C~/ 3~âf8 LD ~,(f8Q6, 4CQ2 23 INC HL
4C~ ~ SUB (HL) 4CQ1 228DF8 LD (F88D),HL
4C55 3~QCF8 LD Q, (F8QL~ 4CQ4 C3EC4C JP 4CEC
4C68 23 I~'C HL 4C~7 21eBEr LD HL,EFZ0 4C69 9E SBC ~,(hL, 4C~ E5 PuSH hL
¢C6~ FQE94C JP ~,4CE9 ¢C~B 21F8FF LD HL,FFf8 4C6D 21F6fF LC HL,ffF6 4r~E 1 9 ~CC HL,CE
4C70 1~ ~DD HL,DE ¢CQF 7E LD ~,(HL) 4C't, 7E LD ~,(hL) 4C8~ 23 IN0 HL
4C~2 23 INC HL 4ca1 66 LD h,(HL) 4C7~ 66 LD H.(HL) 4C62 6F L& L,~
4C74 6F LD L,~ 4CB3 E3 EX (SP~,h'L
4C75 7E LD r, (HL~ $C64 C1 PCP BC
4C76 4F LD C,~ 4CB5 e9 ~DD HL,BC
4C77 57 SU6 ~ 4C66 36al LG (HL " ~i 4C78 47 LD B,~ 4CB8 2Q8Df8 LD HL,~F88D) 4C7Q 3~BSf8 LD ~,(F8B5~ 4C8C 228DF8 LD (F88D),HL
4C7D 4F LD C,~ 4C6f 21f8FF LD hL,FFF8 4C7E ~7 SUB R 4CC2 19 ~DD HL,DE
4C7F 47 LC 6,Q 4CC3 7E LC p,~
4C~B El POP tiL 4CC4 C6el QDD Q, 01 4C81 7D LD ~,L 4CC6 77 LD ~HL~,~
4C82 Ql ~ND C 4CC7 23 Ih'C HL

4CC8 7 LD i$,(HL~ RSfF CD53DE Ci$LL DE53 4CC9 CE00 QDC ~,e0 Q632 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 ¢cca 77 LD ~HL~,i$ ~605 35 ~DD HL,SP
¢CCF i9 i4GD HL,DE R627 3EB0 LD R, 0e 4CD0 7E LD i~,(HL) ~609 32B6F8 LD (F8B6),~
¢CD7 C601 i4DC Q,21 Q6QC 3~B6F8 LD .~,~F~86~
4CD3 77 LD (HL),~ Q60F 32B5F8 LD (F8B5),Q
4CD4 23 INC HL ~612 21F7FF LD HL,FFf7 4CD5 7E LD i`~,(HL) ~615 i9 Q33 HL,DE
4CD~ CE00 .4DC h,Q0 i$616 5 PUSi HL
4CD8 77 LD (HL),~ ~617 3i~00F8 LD ii, (F8e2) 4CD9 21F4FF LD h;L,FFF4 H61i$ B7 OR Q
4CDC 19 QDD HL,DE ~61B C22¢.~6 JP NZ,~624 ¢CDD 7E LD ~,(hL, i~61E 01Q120 LD 8C,0021 4CDE C601 ~DD Q~ el ~621 C327Q6 JP ~627 4CEB 77 LD (HL),q ~62¢ Q1000Q LD 8C,Q020 4CE1 23 INC HL Q627 E1 POi HL
4CE2 7F LD ~,(HL~ ~62~ 79 LD q,c 4CE3 CE03 QDC ~,0e ~629 77 LD (HL),i~
4CE5 77 LD (h;L),Q H62.4 21F4FF LC HL,FfF4 ¢CE6 C3CF4B JP 4BCF ~G2D 19 QDD HL,DE
4CE9 C395DE JP DE95 ~62E E3 PU8i HL
4CEC 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 Q62F 3i~8QF~ LD i$,(F88ii) 4CEF 15 4DD HL,Df ~632 4F LD C,,q 4CF0 7E LD Q,(HL~ ~633 87 ~DD ~,~
4CF1 C601 QDD Q,01 Q634 9F S8C
4CF3 77 LD (HL~,~ q635 47 LD 3,2 4CF4 23 INC HL ~636 69 LD L,C
4CF5 7E LD Q,(HL~ ~637 63 LD h, a 4CF6 CE00 QDC Q,Q0 Q638 29 ~vu HL,H
4CF8 77 LD (HL),~ Q63 29 ~DD HL,HL
¢CF9 21F6FF LD HL,Fff6 H63~ 29 .qDG hL,HL
4CFC 19 R3D HL,DE Q63B 0163F9 LD BC,F963 4CFD 7F LD H, (HL) ~63F Q5 .qCD HL,~C
4CFE C601 ~DD Q,Bl ~63F Cl PO BC
4D00 77 LD (hL~ 640 7D Lû ~,L
4D01 23 INC HL k641 02 LD (BC~,Q
4D02 7E LD ~,(HL) ~642 7C LD .~,~
4De3 cE0e QDC Q, za Q6¢3 03 INC BC
4D05 77 LD (HL~,q Q644 02 LD ~BC~,Q
4De6 C35D4C JP 4C5D 2645 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 ~648 i5 ~DD HL,DE
~649 ~6e0 LD (hL ~ ~ 0e g6~

Q64B 21F9Ff LD HL, FFF9 ~vi68iî 47 LG B,i h64E 19 QDD HL, DE Q68B El pOP HL
i^i64F 3E07 LD i^i,07 iî68C 79 L2; Q,C
iî651 BE CP (HL ~ Q68D 77 LD (HL 3, Q
h652 FQCEti6 JP Iq, ~i6CE l~i68c 21F7Ff LD HL, FFF7 Q655 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 Q691 19 ihDD HL,DE
H6-8 15 ADD HL, CE i^i692 c5 PljSH hL
Q659 E5 PUSH hL Q693 21F8FF LD hL,FFF8 ih65i^i 21i-4FF L5 HL, FFF$ Q696 15 .9DD HL, DE
Q65D 19 QDD HL, DE Q697 Cl POP EJC
i^i65E 7E LD i^i, ~HL~ Q698 0Q LC h, ~EC~
Q65F 23 iNC HL i~699 BE CP (hL ) i^i660 66 LD H, (HL~ h65i^i Fi^iD1 ~i6 JP 1, `i6D1 661 6F LD L,H Q69D 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 ~662 7E LD h, ~HL~ h6ih2 19 i^iCD tlL, DE
Q663 4F LD C,Q ~16Ql 7E LD Q, (HL~
~i66¢ 97 SUB jAj h6h2 FE0F CP 2F
Q665 47 LD B, Q Q6h4 CQDl Q6 JP Z, Q6Dl i^i666 CS PUSH BC h6ti7 21F8FF Lu HL, FfF8 Q667 2104~13 LD HL,00B4 h6ht1 19 hDD HL,DE
Q66i^i E5 PUSPi HL Q6i~B 7E i_D Q, ~hL,-Q66B CD68DE CQLL DE68 h6hC 4F LD C, i^i LOC INST tlNEI1 OPER LIJC INST t1r1E~ OPER
Pi66E Ei POP HL ih6.4^ 87 hDD i^i,Q
Q166F Cl POP BC Q6QE 9F SBC i~, Q
i`i672 7D LD QtL î~6Qr $7 LD a,Q
Q671 02 LD (BC~,2 Q6B0 21B5F8 LD HL, F8B5 ~672 21F6FF LC tiL, FEF6 R~a~ 05 h5C HL, EC
Q675 19 hDD HL, DE Q6Bd c5 PUSH HL
Qi676 E5 PUSH HL Q6B~; 2101 a0 LD HL, 0e21 Q677 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 Q6a8 E5 PUSn HL
Q67Q 19 Q3D HL, DE Q6B5 21F6FF LD HL, ffF6 Q67B 7E LD Q, (HL~ Q68C 19 hDD HL,3E
î-î67C 23 IN_ tlL Q6BD 7E LD R, ¢hL~
Q67D 66 LD H, (HL~ Q6BE ~F LD C, Q
Q67E 6F LD L, Q q68f 87 hDD
Q67F 7E LD Q, (HL~ Q6C0 9F SBC h, Q
Q680 4F LD C,.q h6Cl ¢7 Lû E~h Q681 97 SU8 Q ~16C2 C5 PUSH ac Q682 47 LD B,Q h6C3 CC~FDE Ctî~L DE F
Q683 79 LD h,8 Q6C6 El PCP HL
h68¢ E60F QNC 0F ~6C7 Cl PC~P BC
Q686 4F LD C,Q f~i6C8 0Q LD h, (BC~
h6~7 78 LD R, ~ Q6C9 E5 OR L
Qf~88 E600 QND '30 Q6CQ 02 LD (f?C~, Q

h6C& C3D196 J& h6Dl R6D1 21F9FF i.D HL,FfF~
h6D4 19 RDD HL,DE
~6D5 34 INC (HL~
P6D6 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 R6D5 19 hDD HL,DE
Q6D~ 7E LD ~,(HL) ~6DE C6Q1 HDG h,QI
~6DD 77 LD ~HL),R
~6DE 23 INC HL
R6DF 7E LD R,(HL) R6EQ CE00 hDC H, 00 ~6~2 77 LD (HL~,Q
R6E3 C34ER6 J& h64B
78CL 7E LD R,(h'L~ FFC2 ~ 10 FF CB FF C9 FF CD C9.93 00e0 78CL BRE~K

Q.~8 CD53DE CkLL DE-3 Q67~ 15 t1DD HL,Df q63B 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 ~679 3600 LD (HL),0C
k63E 35 i9DC HL,SP k67& 21F9FF LD HL,ffF9 k63F F9 LD SP,HL k67E 19 qDD HL,DE
h6~2 21F8FF i.D HL,FFF8 Q67F 3E03 LD Q,0' Q6¢3 19 qDD HL,DE ~681 BE CP (HL) Q644 5 PU~h HL k682 fk9Ck6 JP ~ 65C
~645 3h91F9 LD ~,(F991) k685 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 k648 4F LD C,H k688 19 RDD HL,DE
k6¢9 87 kDD k,q q689 7~ LD ~,(HL~
~64k 5F SBC k,k k68Q 4F LD C,k ~64B 47 LD B,~ 9683 87 ~DD k,Q
Q64C 65 LD L,C .968C 9F SBC .k,.^
~64D 63 L3 H B Q68D 47 LD B,Q
k64E 3k92F9 LD k (F952~ k68E 21B5F~3 LD hL,F8B-q651 4F LD C,k ~691 09 ~DD hL,BC
h652 87 kDD h,k R652 3602 LD (HL~,22 q653 9F SBC k,Q ~694 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 h654 47 LD S,h k697 15 9DD HL,DE
Q655 09 hDD HL,BC q69~ 34 INC (HL) R656 3i~93F5 LD k,(F553~ ,9699 C~7Sk6 iP Q67B
~659 4F LD C,H k69C 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 Loc iNsr ~NE~ GPcR LOC INST MNcl~ OPER
Q6Ch 87 kDD i9,k Q69F 19 .qv^v HL,vE
k65B 9F SBC ~,Q ~6~0 3600 LD (HL),00 Q~SC 47 LD S,k k6q2 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 k65D 09 qDD HL,BC R6k5 19 kDD HL,DE
Q65 3.q94F5 LD k, F95¢~ q6Q6 E5 PuSH HL
q661 ¢F LD C Q h6q7 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 Q662 87 kDD k h h6kH 19 QDD HL,DE
~663 9F SBC q ~ Q6~B C1 POP BC
Q664 47 LD B ~ q6QC 0k LD ~,(BC~
k665 e9 qDD HL,BC q6hD Bc CP (hL) ~666 Cl POP ~`C k6-îE F20fQ7 JP P,~721 Q667 7D LD ~,L Q6a1 21F6FF L3 HL,FFF6 k668 02 LD (8!-~J~ h684 i9 HDD HL,DE
~669 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 ~685 7E LD Q,(HL~
k66C 19 QDû HL~CE k6B6 2~ C ff' ~66D 0126F9 LD BC,F926 Q6B7 66 LD H,(HL) k~7a 79 LD ~lC k688 6F LD L,~
~671 77 LD (HL~,h k6B9 7t LD ~,(hL) q672 78 LD HJ~ k68R 4F LD C,~
Q673 23 INC HL Q6BB 97 SlJB k ~74 77 LD (h~L~,h Q6BC 47 Lû B,k 7~67S 21F9FF LD HL,FrF9 ~6BD C5 PUSH 3C

~6SE 210400 LD HL,020¢ LOC INST ~NE~ OPER
Q6Cl E5 PUSH HL 9F42 CD53DE C9LL DE53 96C2 CD68DE CQLL DE68 9F45 21F3FF LD HL,FFF3 R6C5 El POP HL 5F48 ~9 hDD HL,SP
~6C6 QlCSF8 LD ~C,F8B5 9F49 ~9 LD SP,HL
R6C9 09 RDD HL, ac 9f4R 21F6Ff LD HL,fFF6 R6C,1 5 PuSH HL 9F4D 19 RDD hL,DE
R6CB 210l0e LD HL,0001 9f¢E E5 PUSH hL
Q6D2 15 ~DD HL,DE 9F53 79 LD Q,C
h633 7E LD P,(HL) 9F-$ 77 LC ~HL,,~
.96D4 23 i,NC HL 9F55 78 LD R,3 R6D5 66 LD H,(HL) 9F';~ 23 IhC ~L
R656 6F LD L,R 9F57 77 LD ~HL),R
Q637 7E LD R,(HL) 9F~8 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 P.6D8 4F LD C,.9 9F5B 19 RDD HL,DE
R6D9 97 SUB ~ 9F5r E~ PUSH hL
Q6DR 47 LD b,~ 9F5D CD53DF CRLL DF53 R6DB 79 LD ~,C 9F62 E1 PDP hL
P,6DC E60F f$ND 8F 9F61 79 LD R,C
R6DE 4F LD C,R 9F62 77 LD (HL~,R
9F63 78 LD R,B
.96E0 E60e RND 0e 5F6$ 23 INC HL
96E2 47 LD P,rî 9F65 77 LD (HL),R
R6L--7 E1 PGP HL 9F6.9 5 PUSH HL
Q6E8 C1 PûP 8C 9F6B 21F8FF LD hL,FFF8 R6E9 0R LD 9,(3C) 9F6E 15 QDD HL,DE
~6ER BS OR L 9F6F Cl PûP 8C
R6EB 02 LD (~C),R 9F72 2P LD 9,(BC) Q6EC 21F5FF LD HL,FFF9 9F71 96 SJ8 (hL) Q6EF 19 RDD HL,DE 5F72 03 INC 6C
~6F0 3l INC tHL~ 9F73 0P. LD ~,(BC`
Q6F1 21F6,-i- LD HL,FFF6 5F74 2~ INC HL
R6F¢ 19 QDD HL,DE 9F75 9~ S3C R,(HL~
R6F5 7~ LD R,(HL) 5F7~` FP22,~i0 _fP ~ "~i00a h6F6 c6e, PDD fR,01 9F7~ 2iF3FF LD HL,FFF3 R6F8 77 LD (HL),R 9F7C 15 RDD HL,DE
R6F9 23 INC HL 9F7D 36B0 LD (HL),00 R6FR 7E LD R,(hL) 9F7F 21F4FF Li HL, FFF4 R6FB CE00 QDi^ ~,22 F82 19 RDD HL,DE
R6FD 77 LD (HL),R 9F83 F5 PUSh HL
Q6FE C3R~i^i6 JP ~6R2 ~701 C395DE JP DE95 9S~

5F8 7 19 QCD HL, GE 9f ca E 1 PiF HL
9F88 Cl PC)P BC 9FC1 7D LD ~ L
9F89 7E LG H, tHL~ 9FC2 ~9 XDR C
9F81~1 02 LD (BC),Q 9FC3 6F LD L, q 5F8B 23 INC HL 9fC4 7C LD jA~H
YF8C 7E LD ~, (HL) 9FC5 1~8 XOR B
5F8D e3 INC &'` 9FC6 67 LD H,t-9F8E e2 LD (BC), Q 9FC7 E5 PUSH HL
9F8F 21F3FF LD liL, fFf3 9FC8 21F3Ff LC HL, FfF3 9F92 1 Y ~lDD HL, DE 9FCB 19 QDD HL, DE
9F93 3E83 LD H, 03 9FCC 7E LD q, (hiL~
9F95 BE CP (HL) 9FCD 4F LD C, H
9F96 Ff723t1A2 JP M, Q023 5Ff,E 87 hDD ,l,Q
9F9~c 21a2F2 LD HL, F20e 5FCF 9F SBC q, H
9f9C E~ PLICH HL 9FD2 ¢7 LD B, ~
9F9D 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 9FDi 2tB5F8 LD HL,F885 9F~i0 19 î~DD HL) D 9FD~ 09 tîDD hL, B~, 9F~1 7E LD Q, (HL) 9FD5 7E LD ~, (HL) 9Fr~2 23 I~lC HL 9FD6 4F LD C, t-t 9F~3 66 LD H, (HL) 9FD7 97 SUB
9Fii¢ 6F LD L, q 9FD8 47 LD B, q 9F~5 E3 EX (SP), HL 9FD9 El POP HL
9F~6 Ci PGP ~C 9FD,~ 7D LD Q,L
9r~ 7 Z9 ~iDD HL, BC 9FDB ~1 ~"D C
9F~8 7E LD iq, (HL) 5FDC 6F LD L,q 9FtAt9 4F LD C"Al 9F3D 7C LD ~, H
9F~1h 5 7 SUE Q 9FDE H 0 qhD B
9FR3 47 LD a, H 9FDF 67 LD h', i~1 9FQC C5 PUSH BC 9FE0 7D LD q, L
9F~A~D 21a3F4 LD HL,F400 9FEl B4 ûR H
9Fa0 E. PUSH HL 9FE2 CQ13,q0 -P Z,tî013 9FB1 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 9FES 21e0EF LD HL,EF0e 9FB4 19 î~GD HL, D 9F8 E5 P!JSH HL
9FB5 7E LD 1, (HL~ 9FE9 21F8FF LD HL, FFF8 9FB6 23 INC HL 9FEC 19 ilDD HL, D
9FB7 66 LD H, (HL~ 9FED 7E LD q, (HL~
9FE8 6F LC L j,A~ 5FE 23 INC HL
9FB9 E3 EX (SP~,HL 9FEF 66 LD h, (HL~
9FE.^i _1 PiP BC 9FF2 6f LD L ~i 9FE~B 29 ~DD HL,BC 9FF1 E3 EX (SP~,HL
9FE~_ 7F LD i^i, ~HL~ 9FF Cl PCP B
9FaD 4F LD C, H 9FF3 e9 ,lDD HL,8C
5FBE 57 SuE} ,$ 9FF4 3601 LD ~HL ~, 01 9FEJF 47 LD a,~i 9FF6 2~8DF8 LD HL, ~F88D~

9L FO C 9 2 ~ S 11 N EM O P E R L OC I NS T 11 N EPl O P E R
9FF1~ 228DF8 LD ~F88D) 55^7 ~Q9FF9 LD tî, ~ F99F) 9Ff5 C3Q3tl2 JP h003 55RR 96 SU8 (HL ) ~203 2if~f~ D HL,~fF 55RE 23 LD t i~f9-0 f~e 0 B C601 h D D h L, Dt s555a 0 F2- h 55 L D HL, ~ B r~ 7 5ciS5 5~ SurJ ~HL ~
R20 F 77 Q D C 1~, 03 553 t 3h ~13 r 9 L D Q, ( t 9~ 0) Q010 C3667F LD HL/ffF 55(~2 2Q9FF9 Jr P,5 R316 19 LD t~ L~ 55C5 4D LD C,L
h218 C633 QDD Q, 0e 55C7 C395DE J'P 5E75 Q01 23 I NC HL 55C R 21 R 7 F 8 LLDD HL, F8 q 7 Q01D CE01 RDC R,el 55D0 96 SUB (hL) L O C 1 ~7~ S T M N EM O t R 55 D ¢ 23 l~i h t M G P E R
1~320 21F3FF LD HL,FFF 55DC 9E -~EJC ~, (H_~

H02'` C38F9F ~î D HL,DE 5~DC 4D LD P 5 F8î:3 555D ¢4 LD B"4 55DE C395DE JP Dt-95 55E1 2î~R7F8 LD hL, F8h7 55E4 ¢D LD C, L
55E5 4¢ LD 3,.~;

55E9 2HR7F8 LD ,4L, (F8-7 55EC 4D LD C, L
55ED 44 LC C, H

55Fl CC53DE ChLL DE53 55F4 219DF9 LD HL, F99D
55f7 3hHlF8 LD h, (F8.q, 55FR 96 SU3 (HL ) 55FE; ~sîR2F8 L~D R, ~F8R2 ~196~S~

55Ff 9E S8C ~, ~HL) 6ED CD53DE ChLL Df53 560Z F21~156 JP P, 561iq BEEl 21F4FF LC HL, fFFq 5603 219DF5 LD HL, f99D BEE4 39 ~DC HL, SP
5636 3~QSF8 LD ,q, ~F8~5) BEE5 F9 LD SP,HL
5609 96 SU6 ~HL ~ BEE6 21F4Ff LC HL, FfF4 s6a~ 3~6F8 LD ~, ~F8~6) BEE9 19 ~DD HL,DE
56aD 23 ~NC HL BEEh E5 PUSH HL
5~E 9E SBC ~, (HL~ BEEB 3~21F~ LD ~, (F~Zl ) 560f F231 56 JP P, 5631 6EEE 4F LD C, î~
5612 2~9DF9 LD HL, (f99D) BEEF 97 SUB
5615 4D L~ C,L BEFa 47 LD E,~î
5616 44 LD EJ,H BEF1 2111F~ LD HL,F~11 5617 C395DE JF DE95 6fF4 79 LC ~i, C
561~ 21~1F8 LD IIL,F8~1 BEF5 96 SUB (HL) 561D 3~QSF8 LD ~. ~f8~5~ BEF6 4F LD C,~
5620 56 SUB ~HL ~ BEF7 78 LD ~, B
5~21 3~qQ6F8 LD ~, ~f8~6t 6Ef8 23 INC liL
5624 23 INC HL BEf9 9E SBC ~, (HL) 5~t5 5E S6C ~, (HL3 BEF~ ¢7 LD 6, 1 .
F23556 JP p, 5639 13EFB El POP hL
5~ .F8 Ll) HL, (F8rî1~ EEFC 75 LD ~,C
5~2C 4D LD C,L BEFD 77 LD (HL),~
LOC INST IqNE~1 OPER LOC INST tlNE~i OPE2 562C 44 LD 6,H 6EfE 21f-FF LD HL, FFF5 562E C395DE JP DE95 BF31 19 ~DD HL, DE
5631 2~QSF8 LD HL, ~f8~i5~ 6FQ2 ES PilSH HL
5634 4D LD C, L BF03 3,~7FF8 LD ~, ~F87F) s~35 44 . LC 6,H Ef06 67 ûR
:~636 C395DE JP DE55 BFQ7 C212BF JP ~Z, BF,2 5635 2~ 5F8 LD HL, (F8~5~ 6FQ~ 2~C6F9 LD hL, ~F9CE) 563C 4D LD C, L BF8D 4D LD C, L
563D 4¢ LD E,H 6F2E 44 LD E,H
563E C395DE JP DE95 EJf0F C31DBF JP ~F1D
6Ft2 2~D~F5 LD HL, (F5DE~
BF15 4D LD C, L
6fi6 44 LC E,h' BF17 79 LC ~,C

Bfl 9 4F LD C, 6F1~ 78 LD rr,6 BFl B 2F CPL
6F1C 47 LD E.î:
3Fl D El PC)P HL
6flF 79 LD rî,C
BFlF 77 LD (HL),~f ~1~4~;~S~I

6f20 2tF8FF L5 HL, fFF8 8F64 7 LD h, (HL~
BF23 19 ~DD HL, DE BF65 4F LD C, BiF24 3i9ti5F8 LD H, (F~il9~ BF66 97 SUB Q
BF27 77 LD (HL ), i~ BF6 7 47 LD B, i~1 BF28 3nQ~F8 LC ~i,(F8nf:i~ BF68 E1 POP HL
BF2B 23 INC HL BF69 7D LD ~, L
6F2C 77 LC (HL3, `i &F6~ tîl QND C
BF30 19 hDD HL, DE BF6C 7C LC Q, H
BF31 3i!1"BF8 LD i^i, (F8i~B) BF6D i~0 QND
E~F34 96 SUB (HL ~ 6F6E 6 7 LD H"
8F35 3i4~1CF8 LD ;4, (F8PIC) BF6F E5 PUSh iiL
BF3~ 23 INC HL 8F72 21F6Ff LD HL, Ff-f6 BF39 9E SBC i~, (HL) BF73 19 i4DD HL,DE
BF3i`. i iîB2Bf JP h, E~fB2 6F74 7E LC H, ~HL~
8f3D 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 BF75 23 INC HL
EF40 19 HCD hL,DE BF76 66 LD H, (iiL~
BF41 E5 PUSH hL BF77 6F LD L, i^i BF42 2i^86F8 LD HL, (F8Q6~ BF78 7~ LC t, (HL~
BF45 E5 PUSh HL BF79 4F LD C, i4 6F46 21F8FF LC HL, FFF8 BF7i~i 97 SuB r 8F49 19 i!1DD HL, DE BF7B 47 LD a, rî
8F4h 7E LD ri, ~HL~ EiF7C C5 PV6H BC
fiF4~_ 66 LD H, ~HL~ 6FQ2 19 î~DC HL, CE
BF4D 6F LD L,ri 8F81 7E LD Pl, ~HL~
8F4E E3 EX ~SP~,HL 8F82 4F LD C,-BF4F C1 PCP BC BF83 97 SU3 jAj BF50 05 tiDD HL, BC BF84 4 7 LD B, .î
BF52 7D LD Q,L BF86 7D LC i^.,L
BF53 02 LD (BC~, ri BF87 P/1 ~ND C
8F54 7C LC ~, H &F88 6F LD L,i^
BF55 03 ~NC BC BF89 7C LD i^i, H
BF56 02 LD ~&C~,r &F8iî ri0 ~YC 6 BF57 21F5FF LD HL, FFF5 BF8B 67 LD h, Pi E~F5~î 15 î~DD HL, DE &F8C C 1 I OP BC
BF5B 7E LD i~, (HL~ BF8D 79 L3 Il, C
BF5D 97 sua ~ BF8F C294BF JP NZ, 3F94 6F5E 47 LD 6~i 8F52 78 LC t, E~`
BF5F C5 PUSH BC 8F93 ac cP h BF60 21F4FF LD HL, FfF4 6F54 C2f}5BF JP NZ, BFB5 BF63 19 I~DD HL,DE BF97 2i48DF8 LD ilL, (F88D~

BF99 23 INC HL 5C87 CD53DE Ci$LL DE5~
BF9B 228DF8 LD (F88D),HL 9C8,q 21f5FF LD HL,FFF5 BF5E 2i30EF LD HL,EF00 9C8D 35 ~DD HL,SP
EFq2 21F8FF LD HL,Fff8 9C8F 21F5Ff LD ~L,FFf~
BF95 19 ~DD HL,D 9C92 19 ~DD HL,DE
BFq6 7E LD i9,(HL~ 9C93 5 PUSH HL
aF~7 23 IhC HL 9C94 3~20F~ LD ~,(F~23) SF~8 66 L5 H,(HL~ 9C97 E7 GR q BFQ9 6F LD L,~ 9C98 C2~19C JP NZ,9Cql 6F.~H E3 EX (SP~,HL 9C56 3172a0 LD &C, 0e72 BF~B C1 PCP BC 9C9E C3q49C JP 9C~4 EFHC 05 ~DD HL,EC 9C91 C13200 LD EC,0~3 Bf9D 3601 LD (HL),01 9C94 El POP HL
EfRF C3&5BF JP BFBS 9CH5 79 LC ,q,C
BF32 C395DE JP DE95 9CQ6 77 LD (HL),9 BFBS 21F8FF LD HL,Fff8 9C.97 21F8FF LC hL,FFF8 BFB8 19 ~DD HL,DE 9C9~ 19 .9DD HL,DE
BFB9 7E LG ~i, (hL~ 9C~B 3qR9F8 LD 9, F8.95, BFB9 C601 qD3 Q,21 9C9E 77 LD (HL),9 BFBC 77 LD (HL~,.9 .9CqF 3.q9~F8 LD .q,(F89i9, BFBD 23 INC HL 9CB2 23 IhC HL
BFBE 7E LD ~,(HL~ 9CB3 77 LD (HL~,9 BFBF CE20 ~DC ~,30 9CB4 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 BFC1 77 LC (HL~,~ 9CB7 19 ~DC HL, DE
arC2 C32DBF JP BF2D 9CB8 39~BF8 LD 9,~F8,iB~
9CBE 96 Su6 HL~
9CBC 3q9CF8 LD i~,(F8iqC~

9CC3 9E SBC i~,(HL~
9CC1 F9~5D Ji l~i,9Dl 9CC4 21F6FF LD hL,FFF6 5CC7 19 i~i3û HL,CE

~CC9 2~86F8 LD HL, (F886, 9CCD 21F8FF LD HL,FfF8 9CC3 1 i~iDD HL,DE
9CC1 7E LD i~,(HL~

9CC3 66 LD h,(HL~
9CD4 6F LD L,~
9CD5 E3 EX (SP~,HL


9! D 7 09 ~iDD HL, f3C 9D 13 23 INC HL
9CD8 010001 LD BC,el00 9D14 66 LD H, (HL) 9CDB 05 ~CD HL,3C 9D15 6F LD L,~
9CDC 7D LD î~ L 9D1 7 Cl PGF EsC
9CDE 02 LD (BC), ~ 5D18 09 ~DD HL, BL`
9CDF 7C LD ~, H 9D1 5 ~6a1 LD ~HL_ ~, 01 9CE0 03 INC ac 9D1 B C321 9D JP 9D21 9CE1 07 LD (BC),~i 9DlE C3955E J& DE95 9CE2 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 9D21 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 9CF5 19 hDD HL, DE 5D24 15 hDD HL, DE
9CE6 7E LD ~, (HL) 9D25 7E LD Q, (HL) 9CE7 23 I NC HL 9D26 C601 hDD hl, 01 9CE8 66 LD H, (HL) 9D28 77 LD (HL),~
9CE9 6F LC L, h 9D29 23 INC HL
9CE.4 7E LD ~, (HL) 9D2~ 7E LD ~, (HL) 9rEE ¢f LD C, ~ 9D2B CE00 ,îDC h, 02 9CEC 97 SUB ~ 9D2D 77 LD ~HL ), 5CFD ¢7 LD 8,Q 9D2E C3i345C JP sca4 9CEF 21F5FF LD HL, FFf5 LOC INST l'lNEi1 OPEi?
9CF2 19 ~DD HL, Di- 84E8 CD53DE C~LL CE53 84EB 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 LOC INST i1NEIl OPER 84EE 39 HDD HL, SP
9rF3 7L LD î~, (hL) 84EF F9 LD SP,HL
9CF4 4F LD C, h 84F0 21 F8FF LD HL, FFF8 5CF5 97 SUR Q 84F3 19 ~DD hL,3E
9CF6 ¢7 LD B, Q 84F$ E5 P:,Sh HL
9CF7 El PûP t~;L 84F5 CD58DF C~LL DF58 9CF8 7D LD ~, L 84F8 E1 POP Hi 9CF9 h 1 ~ND C 84F9 79 LD ~, C
CF~ 6F LD L, R 84Fh 77 Li) ~HL~,î~
9CFE 7C LD Q,H 84Fa 78 LD ~, a 9CFC ~0 ~ND 3 84FC 23 ~NC HL
9CF5 67 LD H,~ 8¢fD 77 LD (HL),~
9CFE 7D LD ~, L 84FE 21F6FF LD HL, FfF6 5CFF Ei4 G.~ H 8531 19 ~DD HL,Dc 9D00 C~219D JP Z, 9D21 8502 F5 Pu~H HL
9D23 2~8CF8 LD HL, (F88D) 850~ CD58DF C~LL DF53 9D06 23 INC HL 8506 Ei PC!P HL
9D07 228DF8 LC (F88D),HL 85~7 79 LD ~î,C
9D0h 2108EF LD hL, EFee 8508 77 LD ~hL),~
9D2D E5 PU~iH HL 85e9 78 LD ~,8 9D0E 21F8FF LD HL, FFF8 9G11 19 hDD HL,DE
850~î 23 INC hL 854¢ 97 SB'B H
850B 77 LD (HL),I~ 8545 47 LD a, H
850C 21F8FF LD HL, fFf8 8546 El PCP HL
850F 19 HDD HL, DE 854 7 7D L D ~, L

8511 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 85~9 6F LD L,~
85i4 15 HDD HL, DE 854h 7C LD ~,,4 851 5 C1 Pap BC 85~B H8 Xolr~ B
851 6 Q~i LD Q, ~E~C~ 854C 67 LC hiJ~-851 7 96 SUB (h'L) 8545 3~21FH LD ~1, (Fl~i2i 3 8518 03 INC BC 8'i50 4F LD C"î
851 9 0~ LD iq, (BC~ 8551 97 SUB
85iQ 23 INC HL 8552 47 LD E,^, ~351B 9F SBC ~t, (HL> 8553 7D LD î~, L
851 C F~i798S JP Pl, ~3579 8554 H i "NG C
851F 210eF3 LD HL,F00e 85S5 6F LD L,H
8~22 E5 PUSH HL 8556 7C LD ~:,H
8523 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 8557 ~a QND 8 P526 19 HE)D HL, DF 8558 6 7 LD H, -î
8527 7E LD h, (HL) 8559 7D LD ~1, L
8528 ~3 INC HL 855R B¢ OR H
8529 66 LD H, (HL) 855B C~7C85 JP Z, 857C
852~: 6F LD L~i 855E 2H8DF8 LD hL, ~F88G) 852B E3 EX (SP), HL 8561 23 I~IC HL
852C Cl PCP PC 8562 228Dr8 LD ~F88D, ,HL
852D 09 ~IDD HL,BC 8565 210eEF LD HL,FF33 852E 7E LD H, (HL~ 8568 E5 PuSH HL
852F 4F LD C,~ 8569 21F6FF LD h;L,FFF6 8530 97 SUB 1$ 856C 15 HDD HL, DE
8531 47 LD B, i~ 856D 7E LD ~, (HL) 8532 C_ PUSH EC 856E 23 INC HL
8533 21e0F4 LD HL,F400 856F 66 LD H, (HL) 8536 E5 PL15H HL 8570 6F LD L, î:
8537 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 8571 E3 EX (SP~,HL
853H 19 HDD HL, DE 8572 Cl l- û& B'`
853B 7E LD ~, (HL) 8573 39 I~DD H~, BC
853C 23 I~iC hL 8574 3607 L~ HL ~
853D 66 LD H, (HL) 8576 C37C85 J-P 857C
85~E 6F LD L"~ 8579 C395DE JP D75 853F E3 E% (SP),HL 857C 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 8540 Cl POP BC 857F 19 QDD HL, DE
8541 09 ~1DD HL,BC 858e 7E LD ~, (HL) 8S¢2 7E LD H^, (HL~ 8581 C601 r~DD H, 31 8543 ¢F LD C,1~ 8583 77 LD (HL ), LOC INST MNEI'l OPER
85~3$ 2~ INC HL
8585 7c LD Q, (HL~
8586 5E00 ~DC Q, 02 8588 77 LD (HL~
858S~ C30C~3'; JP 850r LCC INS I I~NEl~l ()PE2 SP Rr R~ RB RC RD 2E RH RL I X I Y
78B~ FQC878 JP M, 78C8FFC2 93 01 FF CB FF C9 FF C2 C9~3 3Z00 78f3~, BRE, îl<

,,~A.~ ~ :~L 9 ~ 9 5 ~

L3C INST nNE~ OPER B546 C3C755 JP B5~7 B4FR CC53C~ C~LL D~5~ B54 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 a¢FD 21EDFF LD HL,FFED B5¢~ 19 QDD HL,Dc 8500 39 hDD HL,S& B54D 3E3F LD ~,3F
~501 F9 LD SP,HL B54F 77 LD (HL~,Q
B502 2tB¢20 LD hL,2004 B552 3E01 LD R,21 B505 19 ~DD HL,DE BC_2 2~ INC HL
6526 7E LD R,~hL) B553 77 LD (HL),Q
B507 FE¢8 CP ¢8 6554 21F8FF LD HL,Fff8 6525 5212B5 JP NZJB510 B557 19 HDD HL,3E
B50C 23 INC HL &558 3EBF LD R,Bf 650C 7c LC h,(HL~ B55H 96 SLIB (hL) B50E FE00 CP ea 8C~B ~04 LD H~04 B51Q C249B5 JP NZ,B549 B~5D 23 INC HL
B513 3HR7BF8 LD ~A,(F87B~ B~E 9E SBC R,~,4L) &516 FE02 CP 02 B55F FH3187 JP l~,B731 B518 C249a5 JP NZ9B549 B562 2102E8 LD HL,E802 B5i8 3R22F8 LD R,~t80B~ B565 E5 PUSh HL
B51E B7 OR H~ 6566 21F8Ff LD HL,FFF8 BSlF C289E5 JP NZ,B~8~ B569 19 H^DD HL,DE
B522 21F4FF LD HL,FFf4 B5~R 7E LD h,~hL) B525 19 HDD BL, DE B56B 23 INC hL
B526 3E20 LD ~,20 LOC INST MNE~ OPE2 LOC INST ~NEI~ OP~R B56C 66 LD H,~HL) B528 77 LD ~HL~,H B56D 6F LD L,Q
B529 87 H^DD R,h B56E E3 EX (S`P,,.4L
B52R 9F SBC ~,~ B56F Cl POP BC
B528 23 INC HL B572 Q9 hDD HL,EC
E~2C 7 L~ " . . B57, E5 PUSH HL
B52D 21F2FF LD H:L,FFF2 6572 210¢20 LD HL,0a04 6530 15 .4DD HL, D~ B575 19 ~DD HL,DE
B531 E5 PUSH HL B57~ Cl POP 8C
8532 2h86F8 LD HL,~F886 B577 7E LD H,(HL~
B5~5 010002 LD BC,0220 8~78 02 LD ~&C),.4 6538 05 ~DD HL,BC B579 21F8FF LD HL,FrF8 B539 E5 PUSH HL EC~7r ~9 hDD HL,DE
B53h 2h92F8 LD HL,(t852 B57D 7E LD ~,(hL~
B53D E3 EX ~SP~,HL B57E C680 hDD Q,80 B53 Cl PuP ~ a58e 77 LD (nL~,~
853F 29 QDD HL,BC 858i 23 INC HL
B5$Q Ct PuP ~u a582 7E LD ~,~HL~
a5¢1 7D LD R,L 6583 CE22 QDC h,02 B542 22 Lv (~,~ B585 77 LD (HL~,~A
8543 7C LD h,H P~8~ C~54B_ JP E554 E544 03 INC BC B589 21F¢FF LD HL,FFF4 B545 Z2 LD (aC),h i95~ ( ~70-LOC INST MNE~ OPER LOC INST ~f~ OPER
658C 19 ~DD HL,D 65CE ~E01 LD h,21 B58D 3E1e LD ~10 B5De 23 INC HL
ES8F 77 LC (HL)~ B5D1 77 LD (HL)~
Bsse 87 ~DD ~,Q B5D2 21F0FF LD hL~FFf0 &591 9F SBC ~h B5D5 19 ~DD HL~DE

6593 77 LD ~HL),~ 85D7 3~8~F8 LD ~(F8~R) BS94 21FZFF LD HL,FFF2 B5D~ 4F LD C~
6597 19 hCD HL,DE &5D6 87 RDD ~
B598 E5 PUSH HL B5DC 9F SBC ~,rî
B599 3~88fe LD ~,~F8B8) 85DD 47 LD .6~
659C C2~FB5 JP NZ,65r/F B5DF Ga LD H,E
B5~3 21 00ED LD HL,ED00 B5r e 29 ~DD HL,HL
65R3 ES PUSH HL 651 25 ~DD HL~ HL
B5r~4 2~2F8 LD HL,(F892) BSE2 29 ~DD HL,HL
~7 E3 EX (S&~,HL &5E3 0163F9 LD 5C,F963 8 C1 POP BC BSE6 æs ~DD HL,8C
~5~9 09 ~Cu HL~CC 65E7 Cl POP ~L
~5~ 4D LD C,L BSE8 7D LD ~,L
B5~E ¢¢ LD B,H E5E9 Q2 LD (PC~,n 85~C C3Cl B5 JP B5C1 BSE~ 7C LD r~,H
85e2 ES PUSH HL 85EC 02 LD (BC),~
6583 2R92F8 LD HL,(F892~ 65EC 21EDFf LD HL,FFED
B566 E3 EX (SP),HL B5Fe 19 QDD HL,DE
BSE9 ¢D LD C,L 65F6 19 riDD HL, D~
BS~r~ ~4 LD 8, H BSF7 7E LV ~,~HL) 65EB 2~2801 LD HL~ 0l2a E5F8 67 GR
BSBE e~ ~DD HL, BC B5~ F~31B7 JP ~ 731 856F 4D LD C,L 65FC Z~EFFF LC HL, fFEf BSC0 44 LD B,H BSFF 19 r~DD HL,DE
65Cl El FGP HL E620 E5 PUSH hiL
B5C2 79 LD ~,C B601 21EDFF LD HL,FFED
B5C3 77 LD (tlL~,M B604 19 hDC tiL, D
85C4 78 LD ~,B B605 7E LD ~,(HL) B5CS 23 INC HL G6a6 4f LD C, rî
85C6 77 LD (HL~,~ B607 87 RDD ~,~
65C7 21F8FF LC HL, FfF8 B6as 9f SEC ~,~
PSC~ 19 ~DD HL, DE B60~ 47 LD B,~
B5CB 3E3F LC ~, 3F 662~ 21F0FF LD HL, Fff2 B5CD 77 LD ~HL),~ B60D 19 GDD hL,DE


B60E 7E LD Q,(HL, &646 E1 PCP HL
B60F 23 INC HL B647 79 LD ~,C
B67Q 66 LD H,~HL~ E648 77 LD ~HL),Q
B611 6F LD L,Q a649 21F6FF LD HL,fFF6 B612 05 ~DD HL,8C 664C 19 hDD HL,CE
8614 7,' LD R,~HL~ 864E 21F4FF LD HL,ftF4 a615 02 LD (BC),~ B651 19 ~DD HL,DE
86i6 21F6FF LD HL,FfF6 E652 Cl p~rp BC
B619 1, ,4DD HL,DE B653 04 LD 4,(BC) &61R E5 PUSn' HL B654 96 Su8 ~HL~
B61E 19 ~DD HL,DE E656 04 LD 9,~BC~
861F 7E LD Q,(HL) a657 23 I,~C HL
B6Z0 4F LD C,R E658 5E SEC h,~HL) B621 97 sua ~ B659 F26636 JP P,3666 6622 47 LD B,Q 665C 21EEFF LC HL,FFfE
~7 70 I D i4 r B65F 1, QDD hL,DE
E6~ E6F0 4ND f0 B660 7E LD ~,(HL) B626 4F LD C Q C66i FE0F CP 0F
B627 78 LD ~ 8 B663 C28CB6 JP NZ,&68C
~628 E600 QND 00 B666 210e8 LD HL,E803 LCC ~NST I~NE~ OPER LOC INST MNEI~ OPER
B62.4 ¢7 LD &,~ B669 E5 PUSH HL
B6ZB El POB HL B66Q 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 662C 79 LC 4,C B66D 19 QDD HL,DE
B62D 77 LD (HL),~ B66E 7E LD .4,(HL) G62E 78 LD h B E66F 23 INC HL
B62F 23 INC Hi B670 66 LD H,(HL) B630 77 LD (HL~,~ E671 _, L~ L, ~
B63$ 19 hDD HL,DE B673 Cl rO~ d_ 8635 E5 PUSH HL B674 e9 HDD h'L,BC
8636 2iEfFF LC HL,FFEF B675 3620 Lv ~HL ~, 0~
B639 19 QDD HL,DE B677 21F8FF LD h'L,FFF8 B63Q 7E LD Q, (HL~ 867Q 19 hDD .4L, DE
B63B 4F LD C,Q B67B 7E L3 Q,(h'L) B6~r 57 SuB .^ B67C C682 hDû q,80 B63D 47 LD B,~ B67E 77 LD ~HL),Q
863E 79 LD ~,C B67F 23 INr HL
B63F F60F ~ND 0F B680 7E LD ~,(HL) B64i ¢F LD C,~ B681 CE00 RDC Q,00 B642 78 LD H~B a683 77 LD (hL),Q
B43 E600 ~ND 00 B68$ 2,EDFF LD HL, FffD
8645 47 LD B,h B687 19 QDD HL,DE

B688 35 DC ~HL~ 86C.9 7E LD 9,~HL, B689 C3F3B5 JP B5F3 a6cB 4F LD C,9 E68C 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 86CC 97 SUB H
B68F 19 ~DD HL,DE B6CD 47 LD B,~
E6~2 7E LD ,9,(HL~ 86C El PBP HL
a6s1 FEle cp 10 B6CF 7D LD 4,L
a693 C29.4B6 JP NZ,E65Q E6C0 91 ~ND C
B696 23 INC HL B6D1 6F LD L,9 E697 7 LD H,~HL) B6D2 7C LD
B698 FEBe CP 00 B6D3 ~A0 HAND B
E69~ C2E986 JP NZ,86ES 86D4 67 LD H,P, B69D 212ZE8 LD HL,E830 B6D5 73 LD ~,L
B6.90 E5 PwiSH HL B6D6 B4 OR h B6H1 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 B6D7 C.9E036 JP Z,B6EB
B6.9d 19 ~DD HL,D E6D.9 Q14800 LD EC,204 B645 7E LD ~,(HL) B6DD C3E3B6 JP 363 6696 23 INC HL E6E2 012020 LD &C,0002 B6~7 66 LD H,~HL) B6E3 El POP HL
66.98 6F L.D L,H 864 79 LD ~,C
B6~9 E3 EX (SP~,HL B6E5 77 LD (HL),~
E6H~ Cl PCP BC E6E6 C37786 JP 8677 B6.9B 09 4DD HL,BC B6E9 21 0eEs LD HL,E8ZZ
a69D 21F2FF LD HL,FFF2 B6ED 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 &680 19 hDD HL,DE E6F0 19 9DG HL,DE
B6B1 7E LD .9,(HL) B6F1 7E LD ~,(hL) 8682 23 INC HL 66F2 23 I~C HL
B6B3 66 LD H,(HL) B6F3 66 LD ~,(HL) 6684 6F LD L,,9 E6F4 6F LD L,9 B6B5 0lze0l LD BC, 0lee B6F5 E3 E% (SP),HL
B6a8 Q9 ~DD HL,EC 86F6 Cl PCP EC
86B~ 7E LD ~(HL) B6F7 09 9DD HL,BC
B6B.9 4F LD C,~ E6F8 ~ PUSH hL
B63B 97 SUB ~ B6F9 21EEFF LD hL,FFEE
C6&C 47 LD B, nA E6FC 19 9DD HL,D
B6aD C5 PUSH BC B6FD 7 LD rî, (HL) 86~E 21EEFF LD HL,FFE B6F 4F LD C,.9 B6C1 19 ~DD HL,DE B6FF ~7 SUB
E6C2 7E LD .9,(HL~ B70Q 47 LD E,.9 B6C~ 4F LD C,~ B701 214100 LD HL,ee91 B6C4 97 SUB ~ ~70¢ 05 HDD HL,BC
a6cs 47 LD B,.9 a70s 7E LD 4,(HL) 86C5 21~100 LD HL,B0.41 E706 4F LD C,.4 B6C9 09 ~ADD HL,BC B7e7 97 sua ~A

&708 47 LD E,~
8725 C5 PUS~ BC
B7e~ 21F2Ff LC HL,FFF2 B7aD 19 ~DD HL,DE
870E 7E LD ~,~HL~

&7i0 66 L~ H,¢HL~
B711 6F LD L,~
B712 7F LC R,(HL~
8713 ~F LD C,~

B715 47 LD 8,R

B717 7D LD ~,L
~718 ~1 ~NC C
B719 6F LD L,~
B71R 7C LD h,H
B71B ~0 ~ND B
671C 67 LD H,~
B71D 7D LD ~,L
B7tF 84 GR H
B722 01¢8~2 LD BC,Q048 B725 C32BB7 JP B72a 6728 Q70000 LD- BC`, a00e B725 75 LD ~,C
B72D 77 LD (HL),~
78B7 3Eal LD ~,01FFC2 3D el FF C8 FF C9 FF C2 C9~3 e033 78B7 BRF~K

.... . .

~2CD CD53DE C~LL DE53 k318 46 LC B,(HL~
~2D0 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 ~319 C5 PUSH CC
~2C3 39 ~DD HL,SP ~31h CD41D6 ChLL DB~l Q2D4 F9 LD SP,HL ~31D fl POP ~F
Q2D5 3~7CF8 LD k,(F87C) ~31E 69 LD L, ~2D8 B7 OR ~ ~31F 6e LD H, fJ
~2D9 C2E4~2 JP NZ,~2E4 ~320 01el E8 LD QC,E821 ~2DC 3~?9F8 LD R,(F879) ~323 0Y ~DD HL,BC
~2DF FE01 CP a1 ~324 3648 LD (HL~,48 ~2E1 C229~3 JP NZ,~329 ~326 C361~3 JP ~361 ~2E¢ 21F8ff LD HL,FFf8 ~325 3~88FR LD ~,~F8Q
~2E7 79 ~DD HL,DE k32C fJ7 OR
~2E8 3E00 LD ~, 0a ~32D C271~3 JP NZ,k371 p2~ 77 LD (HL),~ . ~33Z 3~B4F8 LD ~,(F824) ~2E6 87 ~DD ~,~ k333 67 OR
~2EC 9F` SBC ~ 334 C271~3 JP NZ,~371 ~2fD 23 INC HL k337 21F6FF L~ HL,FfF~
~2EE 77 LD (HL),k ~33k 19 ~DD h'L,DE
~2EF 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 k336 E5 PuSH HL
Q2F2 19 ~DD HL,DE ~33C 2~e2F8 LD HL,(F8Z2 ~2F3 3EFF LD ~,fF ~33F E5 PuSH HL
k2f5 96 sua (HL) ~34a CD41DB C~LL 3B41 LOC INST ~NE~ OPER LOC INST ~NEX OPER
~2f6 3E0e LD ~,00 ~343 F1 FûP ~f ~2F8 23 INC HL ~344 B3 INC ac ~2F9 ~f SBC ~,(HL~ ~345 El PGP HL
~2F~ F~2~3 JP ~,~32a ~3Ç6 79 LD ~,C
~2fD 2100EF LD HL,EFe2 k347 77 LD (HL,,~
~3a0 E5 PUSH HL ~348 78 LD ~,3 ~301 21F8FF LC HL,FFf~ H349 23 INC hL
~3B4 19 ~ ~DD HL,DE ~34~ 77 LD ~HL~.~
~3Q5 7f LD ~,(HL) ~34~ 210aE~ LD HL,800 ~3B6 23 INC HL R3¢E E5 PUSH HL
~327 66 LD H,(HL) ~34F 21F6fF LD HL,FFF6 ~3B8 6F LD L,~ Q352 19 ~DD HL,DE
~309 E3 % (S&~,HL ~353 7~ LD ~,(HL) ~3B~ C1 POP PC ~354 23 INC HL
~306 Q9 ~DD HL,6C ~355 66 LD H, ~HL~
~3ec 7E LD ~,(HL) ~356 6F LD L,~
~$30D FE01 CP 01 ~357 E3 EX (SP~,HL
.q30F C26 1~3 JP NZ ~361 ~q358 C1 POP E~C
~312 21F8fF LD HL FfF8 ~359 f39 ,1DD HL, fiC
Q315 1~ ~DD HL,DE R35~ 7 LD ~, (HL) ~316 4E LD C, (HL~ ~352 F62C (;R 2C
~317 23 INC HL ~q35D 77 LD (HL ~ .



Ri35iE C371i^i3 JP ~i371 ~i27f CD53DE C~jLL DE53 ~361 21F8FF LD HL,FFI ~282 2w^92F8 LD HL, (iF892 ~i364 19 QDD HL, DE ~i285 E5 PUSH HL
~365 7E LD ~, (HL. wQ286 CD¢lDB CQLL DB41 i^i366 C627 QDC wA, S~1 w285 Fi PGP wF
~368 77 LD (HL ), i ~i28Q 69 LD L, C
ii369 23 INC HL Q28B 60 LG H,E
~i36~ 7E LD ~, (HL ~28C 23 INC HL
B CE20 i`iGC i^i, 00 ~i28D 225EF8 LD (F89E) ,HL
~36D 77 LD (hL ),; ~20 213eE8 LD HL, E830 ~i36E Q3EFh2 JP i^i2EF ~i253 E5 ?USH hL
~371 CD33DB CQL.L DE~3B ~294 2~19EF8 LD HL, (F89E) Q374 C~95DE JP DE95 ~i297 E3 EX (SP,, HL
~298 Cl PûP BC
i^i295 0~ i^iDD HL,13C
Q29i~i 7E LD ~, (hL) ~29E 32iAi0F)~ LD ~F8.`i0~,.Q
~i29E 21 eeEs LD HL ~ Es0e Q2i~i 1 E5 PuiSii HL
~f2i^i2 2~9EF8 LD HL, (F89E) h2~i5 E3 EX ~SP), HL
~2Q6 Cl POP ~C
iAi2i^i7 09 i^iDD HL,EC
h2i`8 E5 PUSH HL
R2~i9 2100E8 LD HL, E800 ~2i~C 5 PUSH HL
~i2i^iD 2i^i9F8 LD HL, ~F87E~
~2B0 E3 EX (SP), HL
~2EIf Cl POP 6C
i~2B2 09 ~DD HL, BC
~2S3 7E LD i^i, (XL~
i~234 4F LD î, P2E5 57 SLiB i~i i~2B6 47 LD B, i^i ~i2E7 79 LD i^i, C
~2B8 E6F0 i^iND F3 i-~2E~i 4F LD C, w Q23B 78 LD i^i, B
wi2BC E6QQ i~ihD e3 ~23E 47 LD B, wi Q2BF 75 LD i~,C
~2C0 F6e¢ 0R 04 wi2C2 4F LD C, Q
~i2C3 78 LD ~i,B

LOC INST l~lNEI1 OPER w~Da Z10400 LD HL,a004 w^2C4 F600 GR Q0 i~:13D3 19 wDD HL,DE
2C6 47 Lb B,w~ Q3D$ 4E LD C, (HL) ~i2C7 El PGP HL w3D5 23 INC HL
Q208 79 LD l~,C Pi3D6 ¢6 LD 6, (HL) Q~C5 77 LD (HL~,w Q3D7 C5 PVSH BC
~2CQ C395DE JP DE95 h3D~ 211400 LD HL, 0el4 Q33B E~ PUSH HL
iq3wF F5 PVSH PIF H~F0 29 ~iCD HL,.-;L
H3&0 F5 PVSH QF Q3El E3 EX (SP~,HL
Q3B2 F~ PUSH QF Q3E3 e9 ~DD hL,BC
Q3B3 21t8FF LD HL,FFF8 Q3E~ Q19201 LD BC,215Q
R386 19 QDD hL, DE Q3E7 09 QDD HL,BC
iî3B8 2t0¢Z0 LD HL,QQ04 Q3E9 7D LD ~,L
Q3BB 19 QDD HL,DE h~Eî~ Q2 LD ~BC~,Q
Q3E~C 4E LD C,(HL~ ~13EB 7C LD Q,H
Q3BD 23 INC HL R3C 03 I,~r BC
W3BE $6 LD 6, (HL~ ~13ED 02 LD (BC),~

~i3C3 E5 PUSH HL î~EE 21F8F.F LD hL,FfF8 Pi3C¢ CD59DE CQLL D59 ~3Fl 19 ~1DD HL,D
P/3C7 214e00 L HL,0040 Q3F2 7F LC w, ¢HL~
w3Cî~ E5 PUSH HL w3F3 23 INC HL
Q3CB CD65DE C~LL DE65 w3F4 66 LG H, (HL~
W^3CE El PQP HL ~3F5 6F LD L,Q
w^3CF E5 PUSH HL ~3F6 4D LD C,L
w3F7 44 LD B,l~

9355 CD53DE CRLL DE53 939E 9F S6C Q,R
9358 21F6Ff LD HL FFF6 939f 47 LD 8,Q
935& 39 hDD HL SP 93Q0 21DBFB LD HL,fBDa 935C F9 LD SP,HL 93~3 e9 QDD HL,BC
935D 21F9ff LD HL,FFF9 93~4 7E LD ~,(HL~
936e 19 hDD HL,DE 93R5 4F LD C,Q
936t 36C0 LD (HL),00 93R6 87 RCC h,Q
9363 21f9FF LD HL,FFF9 93R7 9F SBC R,Q
9366 19 hDD HL.,DE 93R8 47 Lû Q,~
9367 3E03 LD R,03 93Q9 69 LD L,C
9369 &E CF (HL) 93~R 6~ Lû H, 6 936R FQZ294 JP M,9482 93QB 29 RDD HL,HL
936D 21f9FF LD HL, FFF9 93~C E5 PUSH hL
937B 19 QDD HL,DE 93RD 21~60e LD HL,3306 9~71 7E LC ~,~HL~ 93E0 15 Qû~ HL,CE
9372 4r LD C,Q 93Fi 7E LD R,(HL) 9373 87 RDD Q,~ 93E2 23 INC HL
9374 9F S8C Q,Q 93B3 66 L5 H,~HL) 9375 47 LD 6,~ 93B4 6F L5 L,Q
9376 2183F9 Lû HL F983 93B5 E~3 EX ¢SP),HL
9379 09 QSD HL 6C 93E6 C1 PûP B_ 937~ 7E Lû Q,(HL) 93a7 B9 ~û~ HL,8C

9376 FE0, NE~ OPE2 93B8 C1 ~'EI~ OPER
937D C20594 JP NZ,94e5 93B9 7D LD R,L
q382 21F9Ff LD HL,FFF9 93BQ 2~ LC (BC~,Q
q3~ 19 RDD HL,DE 93BB 7C LD R,h q3g~ 7E LD h,~HL~ 93Br 23 INC 6C
9385 4F LD C 2 933D 02 LD (BC),R
9386 87 RDD R ~ 53EE 21F8Ff LD HL~FFF8 938.~7 9F S3C Q Q . 93C1 19 QDD HL,Dt 9~88 47 LD 6 ~ 93C2 3620 LD (,YL~, 0a 9389 2191F9 LD HL,F991 93C4 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 938C 29 ~CD HL,6C 93C8 E5 Dû HL,ûE
9~8c 67 GR ~ 93C9 21F5FF LD HL,fFF9 938F CQC594 JP Z 94~5 93CC 19 QDD HL,DE
9392 ~lF6Ff LD HL,FFf6 93CC 7E LC R, ~HL~
9395 19 QDD HL,DE 93CE 4f LD C,Q
9396 E5 &USH HL 93Cf 87 RûD ~,R
9397 21f9FF LD HL,FFf9 93D0 9f SBC Q,~
939~ 15 hDD HL,DE 9_ûl 47 '~
939B 7E LD Q,(HL) 93D2 21CFF8 Lû HL,F8CF
939C 4F LD C h 93D5 09 QDD HL, e0 939D 87 ~DD ~ Q 93D6 C7 POP BC



93D7 0Q LD ~,~BC) 9D6R CD53DE CQLL DES3 93D8 BE CP (HL~ 9D6D 21F3Ff LD HL,fFF3 9359 F20594 JP P,940S 9D70 39 ~DD HL, SP
93CF i9 rtDD HL,DE 9D72 21f.~fF LD HL,fff8 93E0 7E LD Q,(HL~ 9D75 19 ~DD HL,DE
93El ¢F LD C,R 9D76 3600 LD ~HL~,00 93E2 87 ~DD Q,Q 9D78 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 93E3 9F SBC ~"1 9D78 19 hDD HL,GE
93E4 ¢7 LD B,~ ~D7C 3600 LD (HL),e0 93f5 69 LD L,C 9D7E 3Q00F~ L~ Q,~F80a) 93E6 60 LD H,P 9D81 ~7 Of~ Q
53E7 29 ~DD HL,HL 9D82 C2&E5D JP NZ,9DSE
93E8 ES PUSH HL 9D85 21F6FF LD hL,FrF6 93E5 21F6Ff L5 HL,fff6 9D8Q 19 ~DD HL,D
93EC 19 ~DD HL,DE 9D89 E5 PUSH HL
53ED 7E LD ~,(HL~ 5D8Q 2Q86F8 LD hL,(F8~6, 93EE 23 INC HL 9D8D 010e32 LD BC,02ee 93Ef 66 LD H,(HL~ 9D50 Q5 ~DD HL,EC
93Fe 6F LD L,~ 9D91 E5 PVSH HL
53Fl E3 EX (SP),HL 9D92 21042Q LD HL,200$
93F2 Cl PûP BC 9D95 19 QDD hL,DE
93F3 09 RDD HL,PC 5D96 7E LD Q,(HL) 93F4 01eeE8 LD BC,EBe0 9D97 23 INC HL
93F7 09 QDD HL,BC 9D98 66 LD H,(XL~
93F8 3648 LD (HL),48 9D99 6F LD L,tl 93F~ ~lF8Ff LD HL,fFf8 9D9h E3 EX (SP,,HL
93FD 19 QDD HL,D 939B C1 POP BC
93FE 34 INC (HL~ 9D9C 09 QDD HL,BC
93FF C3C493 JP 93C4 9D9D C1 POP ac 5$02 C395DE JP DE95 5D5E 7E LD r, hL) 9405 21F9Ff LD HL,FFF9 9D9F 02 LD (BC~,Q
9408 19 tîDD HL,DE 9Dtî0 21F7FF LD HL,FFf7 94Z9 34 INC (HL) 9DQ3 19 QDD HL,DE
540Q C36393 JP 9363 9DQ4 E5 PUS.H HL
9DQ5 2Q86F8 LD HL.(r886) 9DQ8 010003 LD PC,0302 9DQB 09 rîD3 hL,BC
9D~C E_ P-tSH HL
9D~D 210400 L~ ~,e3e4 9D~0 19 ~DD HL,DE
9DB1 7~ LD Q,~HL) 95P2 23 IN! HL
9D33 66 LD H,(HL~


9D64 6F LD L,R 9DF2 77 LD ~HL),~
9Das E3 EX (SP3,HL 9DF3 ZlF7FF LD HL,fFf7 9DB6 Cl POP ac 9Cf6 19 ~CD HL,DE
9DB7 B9 ~DD HL,BC 9DF7 3600 LD (~IL),~
9D68 Ci FGP ~C 9Df9 21F3Ff LC HL,fFF3 9DB9 7E LD ~,(HL) 9DfC 19 RDD HL,DE
9DBR 02 LC (6Ct,~ 9DfD 3602 LD (HL~,00 9D~B C3F99D JP 9DFY 9Dff 21F3FF LD HL,FFf~
9DBE 21F6Ff LD HL,fff6 9E02 19 ~DC HL,CE
9DC1 19 ~DD HL,DE 9EZ3 3E~3 LD R ~ a3 9DC2 5 PUSH HL 9E05 BE CP (HL~
9DC3 3~88F8 LD R,~F888) 9EB6 fRB39E JP M,9E83 ~DC4 ~7 GR ~ 9E09 21F3FF LC HL,Fff3 qDC~ ~ZE09D JP NZ,9DE0 9E~C 19 ~DD HL,DE
qQ~ Z1Q0ED LD HL,ED20 9EQD 7E LD ~,~HL~
9DCE 212420 LD HL,0004 5EBF 87 ~DC ~,~
9DD1 15 ~DD HL,DE 9E1C 9F S8C ~,~
9DD2 7E LD ~,(HL~ 9E11 47 LD B,~
9DD3 23 IN0 HL 9E12 2183F9 LD HL,F983 9CD4 66 LD H,tHL~ 9E15 Q9 ~CD HL,6.r 9DD5 6f LD L,R 9El6 7E LD R,(HL) LOC INST ~NEM GPfR LOC INST ~NE~ CPER
9CC6 E3 EX ~SP~,HL 9E17 FE21 C& 01 9DD7 C1 PBP BC 9E19 CZB69E JP NZ,9EB6 9DD8 29 ~DC HL,6B 9E1C 21f3FF LC HL,FFf3 9DD9 ?E LD R,(HL~ 9EIF 19 ~DD HL,DE
9CD~ ~F LD C,~ 9E2~ 7E LD ~ HL~
9DDB 97 SUB R 9EZ1 4F LD C,~
9DDC 47 LD E,~ 9E22 ~7 ~DC
9~ 2 2124C0 LD HL,QQ0~ 9E24 47 LD 6,~
SS ` 19 RDD HL,DE 9E25 2191F9 LD HL,f99 9_--~ 7_ LD R,(HL~ ~E28 09 ~D H,,6C
9D5 Z3 INC HL 9E29 7E LD ~,(HL) 9DE6 ~6 LC H,(HL~ 9E2~ B7 O~ ~
9DE7 6F LD L,~ 9E2B CRB69E JP Z,9EB6 9DE8 ~lQ2EE LC BC,Ef00 9E2E 21F4fF LC HL,FFf4 9DEB ~9 ~DD HL,BC 9E31 19 RDD HL,DE
9DEC 7E LD ~,(HL) 932 E5 FUSH HL
9DED 4f LD C,R 9E33 21F3Ff L.D HL,FFF3 9DEE 97 SUB ~ 9E36 19 ~DD h;L,Df 9DEF 47 LD B,R 9E37 7f LD ~,(HL) 9DF2 E1 PGP HL 9E38 ¢F LD C,~
9DFl 79 LD R,C 9E39 87 ~DD R,~

5E3î~ 9F S8C ~ 9E74 87 ~iDD 4~ r1 9E3B 47 LD B,4 9E75 9F SE3C i~i, Q
5E3C C5 FVSH BC 9E76 47 LD B,~:
9E3D 210100 LD HL,0e01 9E77 69 LD L,C
5E~0 E5 PlJSH HL 9f78 60 LD H,E
9E¢ 1 21 F6FF LD HL, FFF6 9E79 29 4DD HL, HL
9E44 15 ~DD HL,D 9E7~î 01FEFF LD BC,FffE
9E45 E5 PUSH HL 9E7D ~39 4DD HL, ac 5E46 CD~5DF CQîLL. DF55 9E7E E5 Pl;SH hL
9E49 Fl POP .4F 9E7F 21F3FF. LD HL, FFF3 94.4 F1 FLiP ~f 9E82 15 ~:DD HL, DE
9E4B Fl POP ~F 9E83 7E LD î~, ~HL~
54C El P5P HL 9E8$ 4F LD C, î~
9E4D 79 LD ~1, C 9E85 87 Q3D 1~, 9E4E 77 LD ~HL~,.q 9E86 9F sac r1,~
9E4F 78 LD A ~ B 9E87 47 LD B, .4 9E5Q 23 INC HL 9E88' 2153F8 LD HL, F8G~
9E51 77 LD (HL),Q 9E8B 09 QDD HL,BC
9E52 21F3FF LD HL,Fff3 5E8C 7E LD 4, (HL, 9E55 19 4DD HL, DE 9E8D 4F L3 C, 9t56 7E LD h, ~HL~ 9E8E ~37 ~DD î~
9E57 4F LD C,.4 9E8F 9F sac 4,.4 LOC INST llNEI'~1 OPER LGC IhST MNEM OPE~?
9E58 87 iîDD Q~QI 9E90 47 LD E,~
5E59 9F SBC 4,4 9E91 69 LD L, C
9E5Q 47 LD E r~ 9E92 60 LD H,E~
5~E5B 21 C3F8 LD HL, F8C3 9E93 29 4DD n'L, HL
9E5 Q5 QDD HL, BC 9E54 E5 PUS.-i HL
9ESF 7E LD Qî, (HL) 9E95 210600 LD hL,0006 ÇE60 4F LD C,.4 9E98 19 î~DC HL,DE
9E61 87 QDD ~,4 9E99 7E LD 4, ~HL) 9E62 5F SEC ~s,~ 9E94 23 INC hL
9E63 47 LD a. Q 9E9B 66 LD H, (HL) 5r6¢ CS Fl)CH 6C 9E9C 6F LD L, Q
9E65 21F3FF LD HL, FFF3 9E9D E3 EX (SP), HL
9E68 19 .4DD HL, DE 9E5E Cl POP BC
9E69 7E LD î~, (HL) 9E9F 09 4DD ~iL,BC
9E6.4 4F LD C, 4 9E.40 E5 PUSH HL
9E6B 87 ~IDD I~I,Q 9E;~1 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 9E6C 9F SBC t~"~ 9EQ4 15 4DD HL, DE
9E6D 47 LD B,Q 9E~5 4E LD C, (HL) 9E6E 21CFF8 LD HL~ F8Cf 9~î6 23 I VC h'L
~E71 C9 1~1DD HL,BC 9E~17 46 LD a, (h'L) 9E72 7E LD i4, ~HL~ 5~,8 C5 PUSH E3C
5)E73 4F LD C, i4 9Ei49 Cû~i5DQ C4LL D4~5 ~36958 ``

.. . .......... . .
9E~D F1 POP ~F 54E0 CD56DE C4LL DE56 9E4E F 1 PGP i4F 5¢B3 F5 PUSH ~F
9E~F Fl PCP ~F 54R4 F5 PUSh ~f 9EE0 C3E~5 JP 9EB6 54B5 F5 PUSH .4F
9EB3 C395DE JP DE95 54B6 21F4FF LD HL, F~F4 5E6 21F3Ff LD HL,f ~ 5¢B9 19 QDD HL,D~
9EB9 19 ~3D HL,D 54a~ E~ PV_H L
9EB~ 34 I,VC (H-) 54BB 21¢6F9 LD h.L,F946 9EBB C3Ff9D JP 9DFF 54B 5 PUSH HL
543F 210800 LD HL,0008 54C2 19 ~Dt3 HL,D
54C3 7E LD ~,(hL3 54C5 66 LD H,(HL) S4C6 6f LD L,~
54C7 E3 EX (SP), HL
54C8 Cl PGP ac 54C9 09 ~DD HL, BC
54C~ 7E LD ~,(HL) 54CB ¢F LD C,~
54CC 87 hDD 4,~
5¢CD 9f S8C ~,~
54CE 47 LD E,4 5¢CF 69 L3 L,C
54D2 62 LD H,~
54Dl Z126F9 LD BC,F926 5¢D4 Q9 ~4DD HL,B5 54D5 Cl POP BC
54D6 7D LD ~,L
5¢D7 02 LD ~BC), 54D8 7C LD i4,H

54D~ 02 LD (BC3,.4 543B 3E00 LD ~, e0 54DD ~284FB LD (Fa8$3,~
54Ea 87 ~4DD ~,~
54fl 9F SBC 4,~
54E2 3Z85FB LD (FB85),~
54E5 21F9FF LD HL,Fff5 54E8 19 ~DD HL,DE
54E5 f5 PuSr; hL
5¢~ 2191F9 LD HL,F991 54E 210800 LD HL,0008 ~695~3 LOC INST I~NE~ OPER LOC INST ~NEI~ OPER
54F1 19 RDD HL,DE 5526 19 QDD HL,DE
54F2 7E LD Q,~h'L) 552C 7E LD Q,(HL) 54F~ 2~ INC HL 552D 4f LD C,Q
54F4 66 LD H,(HL) 552E 97 SUB Q
54F5 6F LD L 4 552F 47 LD 6,i4 S4F6 E3 EX (SP),HL 5530 C5 PUSH BC
54F7 Cl POP CC 5531 210400 LD HL,0~04 54F8 09 QDD HL,BC 5534 E5 PUSH HL
54F5 7E LD h,(HL~ 5535 CD68DE Ci^iLL û6~
54F.4 ¢F LD C,Q 5538 210600 LD HL,0306 5$F8 87 ~iDû 4,i^i 5538 19 hDD HL,DE
54FC 9F Si3C Q,~ 553C 4E LD C,(HL) 54Fv 47 LD 6,Q 553D 23 INC HL
54F~ 21FFFF LD HL,FFFF 553E 46 LD 3,(HL) 55~ 05 ilûD HL,BC 553F CS PUSh BC
5502 Cl PGP BC 5542 CD65DE CQLL DE65 550~ 7D LD 4~L 5543 E1 POP HL
5534 02 LD ¢BC),.4 5544 227CFB Lû (FB7C),HL
5525 21F9FF LD h'L,FFF5 5547 21F8FF LD HL, FfF8 5508 19 QDD HL,DE 554Q 19 QDD HL,DE
~505 7c LD ~,(HL~ 5548 E5 PuSH HL
55~ B7 OR Q 554C 210400 LD HL,33a4 L~ ~ST MNEI~ OPER LOC INST ~ 'EiY OPER
5506 FQ9555 J& ~i,559~ 554F 19 i^iDv HL~G_ 550E 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 555a 7E LD Q~(HL~
5511 19 .4DD HL,D~ 5551 2~ INC HL
5512 E5 PUSH HL 5552 66 LD H,(HL) 5513 21F5FF LD HL,FFF5 5553 6F LD L,4 5516 19 ~DD HL,DE 5554 ES PUSH HL
5517 7E LG i^i,(HL~ 5555 2Q7CFB LC HL,(F67C, 5518 4F LD C,~ 5558 E3 EX (SF~,HL
5519 87 ~DD .4~4 5555 Cl POP PC
551Q 9F sac ~, 4 555Q 09 .4DD HL,BC
5516 47 LD B,Q 555& 7E LD i^i,(HL~
551C 21F4FF Lû HL,FFF4 555C 4F LD C,Q
551F 79 i4DD HL,ûE 555D 57 SUB 4 5520 7~ Lû Q,(HL) 555E 47 LD a, Q
5521 23 lNC HL 555F C5 PU6rJ BC
5522 66 LD H,(HL) 5560 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 55Z3 6F LD L, h 5563 19 4DD HL,DE
5524 0S QDD HL~ac 5564 7E LD Q,(HL) 5525 Cl PCP BC 55~5 4F LD .
5526 7E LD Q,(HL) 5566 97 SUB
5527 02 LD (BC~,h 55~7 47 LC 6,.~
5528 21F7FF LD HL,FFF7 5568 79 LD Q,C


5569 E60F ~NC aF LCC INST ~N~ OPE2 556B 4F LD C ~ 82E7 CD53DE C~LL D53 556C 78 LD ~ B 82~ 21F9FF LD HL,FfF9 556D E600 ~ND Z0 82ED 35 ~DD HL,SP
556f 47 LD B,~ 82E F9 LD SP,HL
557C C5 PUSH BC 82EF 210~0Q LD HL,003 5571 CDH7C C~LL DE~7 82F2 19 ~DD HL,DE
5574 El POP HL 82F3 7E LD h,(HL~
5575 7D LC ~,L 82F4 FE3~ CP 0~
5576 E621 ~ND 01 B2F6 C2FDR2 JP NZ,82FD
5578 6F LD L,~ 82f9 23 INC HL
5579 7C LD ~,H 82Fh 7 iD H,~HL) 557~ E6C2 ~NC Q? 82FB FE0Q CP 0Z
557C 67 LD H,~ 82FD C22783 J'P NZ,8327 557D Ci POP BC 8300 210¢00 LD HL,0004 557E 7D LD ~,L 8323 19 HDD HL,D.
557F 22 LD (BC~,H 8304 7E L3 Q,(h'L) 5580 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 8325 23 INC HL
5583 19 ~DD HL,DE 8306 E~6 OP (HL) 5584 7E LD ~ (HL) 8307 CHCE83 JP Z,83CE
5585 4F LC C Q 83a~ 214800 LD HL,0e¢8 5586 87 ~DD ~,~ 830D ES PUSH HL
830E 210800 LD HL,00Z8 LDC INST ~NE~ OPE~
5588 47 LD B,~ 831i 15 hDD HL,DE
5585 2~84FB LD HL,(FB84) 8312 4E LD C,(HL) 558C 29 ~DD HL,HL 8313 23 INC HL
558D 09 ~uD HL,BC 8314 46 LD B,~hL) 558E 2284FB LD ~FB84),HL 83i5 C5 PUSh B,~
5591 2iF9FF LD HL,FFF9 8316 213600 LD HL,00e6 5594 19 ~DD HL,DE 8319 19 ~DD ~L,DE
5555 35 DEC (HL~ 831~ 4E LD C,~HL) 5599 2~84FB LD h'L (FB84) 831C 45 LD B,~HL) 559C 4D LD C,i 831D C5 PUSH BC
5S9C 4¢ LD P,H 831E CDR8DF C~LL DFB8 559E C398DE JP D98 R321 Fl P~P ~f 8322 Fl PCP ~F
8323 Fi POP ~F

8327 210~0Q LG HL,Q e3 832~ 19 ~DD HL,DE
832& 7~ LG H, (HL) 832C FEQl CP Ql 832E C23583 JP NZ,8335 ~lg~58 LOC INST MNE~ OPER LOC INST ~NEI~ OPR
8332 7E LD ,q,(HL~ 8380 7E LC Q,(HL~

8~35 C24183 JP NZ,8341 8382 66 LD H,(HL) 8338 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 8383 6F LD L,Q
833B 19 QDD HL,D 8384 E5 PUSH HL
833C 3602 LD (HL),02 8385 21 0se0 LD HL,0008 833E C361B3 JP 8361 8388 19 HD5 HL,DE
8341 210Q0e LD HL,000Q 8389 7E LD ~,(HL~
8344 19 QDD HL,DE 838~ 23 INC HL
83¢5 7E LD ~,(HL) 838B 66 LD H,(HL) 8346 FE03 CP 03 838C 6F LD L,Q
8348 C24F83 JP NZ,834F 8383 E3 EX ~SP),HL
834B 23 INC HL 838E Cl PCP ac 834C 7E LD Q,~HL) 838r 09 QDD HL,BC
834D FE22 CP 00 8350 Q120E8 LD EC,E800 834F C25883 JP NZ,8353 8393 09 QDD HL,BC
8352 21F9FF L~ HL,FFF9 8394 3648 LD (HL~,48 8355 19 QDD HL,DE 8396 210830 LD HL,00e8 8356 3628 LD (hL),28 8399 19 hDD HL,C
8358 C36183 JP 8361 839Q 7E LD Q,(HL) 835& 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 8396 ~6Z2 SU8 Q,Z2 835E 19 QDD HL,DE 839D 77 LD (HL),Q
835F 3610 LD ~HL~,10 839E 23 lNC HL
8361 210400 LD HL,0004 839F 7E LD Q,(HL) 836$ 19 ~DD Hi,DE 83Q0 DE22 SBC Q,00 8365 4E LD C,(HL) 83Q2 77 LD (HL),~
8366 23 INC HL 83Q3 2124C2 L5 HL,200$
8367 46 LD B,(HL) 83Q6 19 QD3 HL,DE

8369 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 83Q8 E1 POP HL
836C 15 QDD HL,D 83Q9 E5 PuSH HL
836D 7E LD Q,(HL) 83~Q 4E LD C,(HL) 836E ¢F LD C,q 83Qa 2~ INC HL
836F 87 QDD Q,q 83~C 46 LD B,(H
8370 9F SEC Q,.q 83QD CS PUSH ac 8371 47 LD B,Q 83QE 21F9FF LD HL,rFF9 8372 C5 FUSH ac 83&1 19 QDD HL,~E
8373 CDQ4DE CQLL DEQ4 8332 7E LD ~,(HL) R376 E7 PG& HL 83B3 4F LD C,Q
8377 7D LD Q,L 8334 87 QDD Q,Q
8378 ~4 OR H 83BS 9F SBC ~,~
8379 CQ9683 JP Z,8396 83B6 47 LD B, H
837C 210600 LD HL,0226 8367 C5 PUSH ~C
837F 19 ~DD HL,DE 8388 CD9EDE C~^LL DE9E

83BB E1 PGP HL 6FC2 CD53DE CqLL DE53 83BC Cl POP ac 6fC3 21F9fF LD HL,fFF9 83ED 7D LG R,L 6FC6 39 qDD HL,SP
83BE 02 LD (BC),R 6FC7 F9 LD SP,HL
83BF 7C LD R,H 6FC8 21F5FF LD HL,FfF5 83C0 03 INC 8C 6FCB 19 RDD HL,DE
8~Cl Q2 LD ~BC3,~ 6FCC 36Q0 LD (HL~,00 83C2 0B DEC BC 6FCE 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 83C3 69 LD L,C 6FG1 15 kDD HL,DE
83C4 6e LD H,B 6FD2 7E LD R,(~L~
83C5 97 SuP R 6fD3 4F LD C,R
83C6 96 SUB (HL) 6FD 87 RDD R,R
8~C7 3E20 LD R,02 6FD5 F SBC ~"^
83C9 23 lNC XL 6FD6 47 LD B,q 83C.q 5E S~C ~,(HL3 6FD7 210620 LD HL,a226 B3CB DQ6183 JP C,8361 6FDR 19 QDD HL,DE
8~rE C39~DE ~F DE55 6FDB 7E LD H, (HL;

6FDE 7E LD q,(HL~
6FDF 98 SBC ~, B
6FE0 FR3570 JP ,~,7e35 LOC INST ,~NEI~ OPEP
6fE3 21F9FF LD HL,fFF9 6FE6 19 RDD HL,DE
6FF7 7E LD q,(HL) 6FE8 ¢r LD C,R
6FE5 87 RDD H,R
6FEq 9F S8C R, H
6FB 47 LD B, .^
6FEC 2104a0 LD HL,0034 6FEF 19 RDD HL,DE
6FF2 7E LD R,(XL) 6FFl 73 INC HL
6FF2 66 LD H,(HL~
6FF3 6F LD L,H
6FF5 2122E8 LD BC,E8~0 6FF8 09 RDD HL, BC
FF5 E5 PuS~ hL
7000 87 RDD R,R


7a0l 9F SBC w~ 8F96 CDS3D C~LL DE53 7e32 47 LD 8,~ 8F99 21FaFF LD HL,FFF0 7003 21Q¢00 LD hL,0004 8F9C 39 w^DD HL,SP
7006 19 ~DD HL,DE 8F9D F9 LD SP,HL
7207 7E LD Q,(HL~ 8F9E 21F0fF LD HL,FfF0 7008 23 INC HL 8F~1 19 ~DD iiL,DE
7009 66 LD H,(HL~ 8FQ2 3E00 LD Q,02 7eeQ 6F LD L,Q 8FQ4 77 LD (HL),~
720B 09 QDD HL,EC 8FQ5 87 ~Dû
7e~L ~100E8 LD BC,E800 8F~6 9F SBC ~,~
700F 29 HCD HL,BC 8Fw7 23 INC HL
7010 7E LD w,(HL~ 8F~8 77 LD (h ~,~
7011 $F LD C,w 8FQ5 21F2FF LD HL,FFF0 7312 97 SUB ~ 8F~C 19 QDv HL,DE
7013 47 LD E,h 8FwD 3E2~ LD Q,23 7014 79 LD ~,C 8FQF 96 SUB (hL~
7215 E680 wNG 80 8FBZ 3E00 LD w,20 , 7e1 7 4F LD C,Q 8FB2 23 INC HL
- 7218 78 LD ~,& 8F~3 9E S&C ~,~HL) 7e1 9 E60B ~ND 00 8F84 FQ3090 JP M,903e ` - 701E 47 LD B,~ 8FB7 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 701C 2138æ0 LD HL~0e0s sFaQ 19 ~DD HL,DE
7320 79 LD Q,C 8FBC 21F0FF LD HL,FFF0 - 7021 B6 OR (HL~ 8FBF 19 ~vD HL,DE
7e22 4F LD C,Q 8FC3 7E LD ~,(HL~
702~ 78 LG ~,& 8FC1 23 INC HL
7024 23 INC HL 8FC2 66 LD h,(HL~
7025 B6 OR (HL~ 8FC3 -6F LD L,w 7026 47 Lû B,Q 8FC4 29 QDD HL,hL
-- 7227 E1 FOP HL 8FCS 29 wDD HL,hL
7028 79 LD ~,C 8FC6 29 QDD HL,hL
7029 77 LD (HL),Q 8FC7 29 QDD HL,HL
702Q 21F9FF LD HL,FFF9 8FC8 29 QDD HL,HL
7C25 19 ~DD HL,DE 8FC9 29 ~DC HL,HL
702E 7E LD ~,(HL~ 8FCQ 29 ~DD HL,hL
7æ2F C622 RDD Q,02 8FCE 29 QDD HL,HL
7331 77 LD (HL),Q 8FCC E5 PUSh HL
7032 C3CE6F JP 6FCE 8FCD 2124æ0 LD HL ~ 0~04 7035 C395DE JP DE95 8FD0 19 ~DD HL,DE
8fD1 7E LD ~, HL~
8FD2 23 IhC HL
8FD3 66 LD H,(H
8FD4 6F LD L,Q

8FD5 E3 EX (SP~,Hi 900D 66 LD H,(hL~
8FD6 Cl POP BC 9e0E 6F LD L,A
8FC7 Q9 ~DD HL,BC 9a0F E3 EX (SP),HL
8FD8 Cl POP BC 9010 Cl POP BC
8FD9 7D LG Q,L 5011 Q9 hDS HL,BC
8fDQ 02 LD (BC~,~ 9012 7E LD ~,(HL) 8FDB 7C LD ~,H 9013 4f LD C,R
~F3C 03 INC BC 9el 4 97 SU8 ~FDD 02 LD (BC~,h 9Q15 47 LD B,Y
8FE1 19 YDD HL,DE 9Q17 7D LD ~,L

8F 3 2tf0FF LD HL,FFF~ 5015 6F LD L,.4 8FE6 19 ~DD HL,DE 901~ 7C LD ~,H
8FE7 7E LD Y,~HL~ 501& ~8 XGR B
8FE8 23 INC HL 901C 67 LD H, H
8FE5 66 LD H,(HL3 9015 Cl PP 6C
8FEQ GF LD L,Q 901E 7D LD ~,L
8FFH E3 EX (SP~,Hi 901f 22 LD ~C~,Y
8FEC Cl POP BC 9020 21F0FF L.D HL,FFF3 8FED 05 QDD HL,BC 9Q23 19 YDD HL,DE
8FEE E5 PVSH HL 9024 7E LD ~,(HL~
8FEF 2100F0 LD HL,F00~ 5025 C601 ~DD h~a 8FF2 ES PUSH HL 9027 77 LD (nL),~
8FF3 21F6FF LD HL,FFF~ 5028 23 INC HL
8FF6 19 ~DD HL,DE 9029 7E LD ~,(HL~
8FF7 7E LD ~,(HL~ 502Y CE20 QDC ~,QZ
8FF8 23 INC HL 902C 77 LD (HL),~
8FF9 66 LD h,(HL~ 922D C3Y98F JP 8FY9 8FF~ 6F LD L,Y 9e30 21F0FF LD HL,FFF0 8FFB E3 EX ~SP~,HL 9033 i9 YDD HL,DE
8FFC Cl PCP BC 9034 3E0e L5 ~, a0 8FFD 09 QSD HL,BC 90S~6 77 LD (HL~,.î
8FFE 7E LD . Q,(HL) 9037 87 ~DD ~,~
8FFF $F LD C,~ 9038 9F SBC ~,Q
9000 97 sua ~ 9039 23 INC HL
50Bl $7 LD 6,H sa3H 77 LD (h;L~,~
90a2 C5 PUSH BC 903B 21F0FF LD HL,FFF0 9023 212BF4 LD HL,F40~ 903 19 ~DD HL,Dt-9006 E5 PUSH HL 903F 3E03 LD ~,03 90C7 21F6FF LD HL,FFf~ 9041 96 S-IB HL~
9a0Q 19 ~DD HL,DE 9042 3E00 LD ~,00 9006 7 LD ~,(HL~ 924¢ 23 i~'L HL
900C 23 INC HL 9045 9E SBC ~,(HL~

50¢6 F~FB50 JP ~,90FB 908B Fl PCP ,9f 9049 2183F9 LD HL,F983 908C Fl POP ~F
90¢C E5 PiJSH HL 508D Fl PGP ~F
904D 21F0FF LD HL,FFF0 908E El POP HL
9050 i9 .9DD HL,D~ sasF 79 LD ~,C
9051 7E LD ~9,(HL) 9090 77 LD (HL),~
9252 23 INC HL 5091 78 LD ~,B
9053 66 LD H,(HL~ 9092 23 INC HL
9054 6F LD L,R 5093 77 LD ,Lt"9 9055 E3 EX (SP~,HL 9094 21C3F8 LD HL,F8C3 90~6 C1 POP 6C 9057 ~ PUSH HL
9057 09 ~DD HL,BC 9098 21F0FF LD HL,FFFe 9258 7E LD H,~HL~ 509& 19 HDD HL,Dt 9059 FE01 CP 01 909C 7E LD ~,(HL~
5056 C2FE50 JP ~NZ,90F 905D 23 INC HL
905E 2191F9 LD HL,F991 sasE 66 LD H,(hL~
9061 5 PUSH HL 925F 6F LD L,.9 9062 21FaFF LD HL,FFF0 90~0 E3 EX (SP~,HL
5065 15 ~DD HL,DE 5091 Cl PCP BC
5066 7E LD ~,(HL~ 90~2 e9 ~DD HL,BC
5067 23 INC HL 9093 7E LD ,9,~HL, 9068 66 LD H,(HL) 90.94 ¢F LD C, n LCC INST MNE~ OPER LOC INSr ~NEM OPt-P
5069 6F LC L,~ 5295 87 ~DD ri,,9 906.9 E3 EX (SP~,HL 90~6 9F sac 906B Cl PûF 6C 90.97 .7 LD B,H
906C 09 .9DD HL,BC 9098 C5 PUSH ac 506D 7E LD ~,~HL~ 90~i9 21! FF8 LD HL,F8CF
906E B7 OR ~ 90~C E5 PUSH HL
906F C~FE90 JP Z,90FE 90.9D 21F0Ff LD HL,FFF2 9072 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 90B0 19 ~D3 HL,DE
9Q75 i9 HDD HL,D 9081 7E LD H,~HL) 9077 21F0FF LD HL,FfF0 9083 ~6 LD H,~HL~
507~ 19 ~DD HL,DE 90B¢ 6F LD L,~
907B 4E LD C)(HL~ 9QaS E3 EX ~5`P~,kL
907C 23 INC hL 90B6 Cl PCP BC
907D ¢6 LD B,~HL~ 90P7 09 HDD kL,~C
907E C5 PUSH BC 90B8 7E LD ~,~HL~
907F 210100 LC HL,000i 50B9 4F LD C,~
9082 E5 PUSH HL 90BH 87 H3D H,H
9083 21F2fF L5 HL,FfF2 5088 9F S~C ~,P
5086 19 HDD HL,DE 90BC 47 LD B,~
9087 E5 PUSH HL 908D 65 LD L,C
9a88 CD55DF CHLL DF55 98BE 60 LD H,B

9asF 29 QCC HL,HL 9Qf7 Fl PGP QF
9ar3 ~9 QDD HL,EC 90FB C395CE J& DE9S
9BC4 ~5 PUSH HL 9aFE 21FeFF LD HL,FFF0 90C5 21vEf8 LD HL,F8CB 91Q1 19 ~DD HL,DE
90C8 E5 PUSH HL 91Q2 7E LD R,(HL) 90C9 21F2FF LD HL,FFF2 9103 C62i ~CC ~,01 90CC 19 QDD HL,DE 910~ 77 LD (HL),Q
90CD 7E LD h,~HL~ 9106 ~3 IhC HL
90CE 23 INC HL 91~7 7E LD Q,~HL) .
90CF 66 LD H,(HL~ 5108 CE00 ~DC ~,00 90D0 6F LD L,Q 910h 77 LD (HL),~
~2~1 E3 EX (SP~,HL 9126 C33650 JP 923 50D~ Q9 QCD HL, 6L
9~D4 7F LD Q,(HL) 90D5 4F LD C,Q
9~D6 87 RDD ~,Q
9~D7 9F SEC h,~
90D8 47 ` LD S,Q
90D9 65 LC L,C
90~Q 6e LD H,B

SaCD 21060 a LD HL,0226 9eE0 19 hDD HL,DE
92El 7E LC Q,~HL~
seE2 23 INC HL
90E3 66 LC H,(HL~
9~E4 6F LD L,Q
9QE5 E3 EX (SP~,HL
yeE6 C 1 pop BC
~2--9 21F8FF LD HL,FFFB
saED 4E LD C,(HL~

90EF 46 LC 6,(HL~
90F1 CD~SDQ ChLL DhR5 90F4 F1 POP ~F
9QF5 fl PCP hf t~

6EDE CD53DE C~tLL DE53 Bf20 21F8FF LD HL, fff8 t3El 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 BF23 19 ~DD HL,DE
6EE4 39 ~CD HL, SP BF2C, 3~9F8 LD h, (F8~9t BEE5 F9 LD SP, HL BF27 77 LD ~rHL ), BEE6 21F4FF LC HL, FfF4 BF28 3~F8 L3 ~, (F8~1h~
6EEQ E5 P!iSH HL 6F2C 77 LD (HL ~, rî
BEEB 3~21F~1 LD ~, (F~21 t BF2D 21F8FF LD HL,FFF8 a-EE 4f LD C, t-t 6F3B 19 t-tDC HL, DE
BEEF t~7 SUB ~ BF31 3~aFs LD ~, (F8~B) 6EF2 4 7 LD &, ~i 6F34 96 SV6 (HL ~
BEFl 2111f~ LC HL,F~11 BF35 3~Cf8 LD ~, (F8;~1C) EfF; 79 LD ~, C 6F38 23 INC hL
BfF5 56 SUB (HL) BF39 9E SBC ~, (~L~
8Ef6 4F LC C, ~t BF3~ F~8 8F J& t1, 6F62 BEF7 78 LD ~,B BF3D 21F6FF LD HL,fFF6 BEf8 23 . INC HL 6F40 19 ~DD HL, DE
8EF~t 47 LD 6, t-t 6F42 2~î86F8 LD HL, (F886, BEF8 E1 POP HL BF45 E5 PUSh HL
EEFC 79 LG R, C 8F46 21F8FF LD HL, FFF8 BEFC 77 LD (HL~ BF45 19 t~tCD HL,CE
BEFE 21FSFF LC HL, FFF5 6F¢,1 7E LD ~, ~HLt Bf01 15 ~CD HL, CE BF4a 23 INC HL
8F02 ES PUSH HL 8F4C 6~ LD H, (HL~
BFC3 3~t7FF8 LD Q, (f87F) BF4D ~F LC L,~
6F06 E 7 CR ~ EF4E E3 EX ~ SP t, hL
8F~t 2~D6F9 LD HL, (F556~ BF50 C5 t~D~ HL,6 aF0D 4D LD C, L BF51 C1 POP BC
BFQE 44 LC B,H BF52 7D LC t1,L
BFeF C31DBF JP BF1D BF53 22 LD (OC),~
6Fl2 2RCBF9 LC HL, (F9D6t 6F54 7C LC ~t, H
BFl 5 4D LD C, L BF55 B3 INC BC
8Fl6 44 LD C,H EF5~ 02 LC (BCt,rt BFl7 79 LD ~,C BF57 21F5FF LD HL,FrF5 8f 18 2f CPL 6f5t-t 1 5 t-tDC HL, DE
Bfl9 4F LD C,~ BF5EJ 7E LD ,$, (HL) 6FlQ 78 LC t-t,6 6F5C 4f LC C, rî
BFl B 2F CPL BF5D 97 SUB ~$
BF1 C 4 7 LC ~, ~t BFSE 4 7 LC ~", BF1 D El POP tlL BF5F C5 PUSH BC
6FlE 79 LD ~q,C Bf~C 21f4fF LC HL,fFf4 8F1F 77 LD (HL),~ Bf6~ DD HL,D~

6F64 7E LD ~,(HL~ 6F9~ 23 IN'C HL
BF65 4F LD C,Q 8F9B 228DF8 LD (F88D),HL
BF66 97 SU6 h Bf9E 210aEF LD HL, Ef Qa 8F67 47 LD B~Q BFQl E5 PUSH HL
Bf68 El POP HL BF~2 21F8Ff LD HL~ FfF8 BF69 7D LD Q,L BF~5 19 ~DD HL,DE
6F6~ Ql nNC C BFn6 7E LC ~,(HL~
8F6C 7C. LD h,H 6f~8 66 LD H,~HL~
BF6D Q0 QND B BF~9 6F LD L,~
6F6E 67 LD H,h 6F~ E3 tX ~S&~,hL

6f7Q 21F6FF LD HL,FFF6 6fQC as hDû HL,6C
BF73 19 QDD HL,DE BFQD 36~1 LD (HL)~e &F7¢ 7E LD Q, (hL, 6fQF C365Bf JP 8F65 BF76 66 LD H~(HL~ 6FE5 21F8FF LD HL,FfF8 BF77 6F LD L,Q BFB8 19 QDD HL,DE
BF78 7E LD ~,~HL~ 6F69 7E LD Q,~HL~
a-79 4f LD C,~ BFB~ C6~1 QDD ~,21 B~7~ 97 SU6 ~ 8FBC 77 LD (HL~,n aF 7B 47 LD B, Q BFBD 23 INC HL
BF7D 21F4FF LD HL,FFF4 BF8F CEB~ ~ûC ~,~e BF80 19 Q5C HL, DE BFC~ 77 LC ~HL~,n BF81 7E LD ~,(HL) BFC2 C~2DBF JP BFZD
BF82 4F LD C,Q
Br83 97 SUB Q
&F84 47 LD E, h GF86 7D LD Q, L
BF88 6F LD L,h BF8~ 7C LD Q,H
BF8B ~7 LD H,~
Gf8C C1 PG& B~
BF8D 79 LD Q,C
BF8F &D C& L
BF92 78 LD Q,6 8F94 C2B5BF JP N2,8F85 BF97 2Q8DF8 LD HL,(F88D.

83Dl CD53DE CALL DES3 8406 67 LC H,~
83D4 27FSFF LD HL,FFF5 840C 3A21Fh LD A,(fA21) 83C7 39 QCC HL,SF 840F 4f LD C,h 83D8 F9 L~ SP,HL 8410 97 SUB
83D9 21F8FF LD HL,ffFB 8411 47 LD E,~
83DC 19 RDD HL,DE 841Z 7D LD ~,L
83CD E5 PUSH HL 8413 h1 ~NC C
83DE 2l00Fe LD HL,F0B0 8414 6F LD L,h 83E1 ES FUSH HL 8415 7C .~LD ~n 83f2 21C40B LD HL~00e4 8416 A~ hND B
83E5 19 RDC HL,DE 8417 67 LD H,~
83E6 7E LD ~,~HL) 8418 Cl POP EC
83E7 23 INC UL 8¢19 7C LD ~,L
83E8 66 LD H,(HL) 841h e2 LD ~BC)~
83E5 6f LD L,h 8¢1E 7C LD h,H
83Eh E3 EX ~SP),HL 841C 03 INC BC
83EE Cl PO& ec 841D 02 LD (cr~,~
83EC ~9 ADD HL,BC 841E 3~9Cr8 LD ~,(F89C~
83ED 7E LD h,(HL~ 8421 FE22 CP 2 83EE 4F LD C,h 8423 C~8E84 JP Z,848E
83EF 97 SUE h 8426 21F~FF LC hL,FFF
83Fe 47 LD B,~ 8429 19 RDD HL,D~
83F2 2100F4 LD HL,F4ae 8¢2B 21e600 LD HL~ee36 ~3F5 ES PUSH HL 842E 19 hCD hL,DE
83F6 21B4ee LD HL,0e04 842F 7E LD ~,(HL~
83F9 15 hCC HL,CE 8430 23 INC HL
83Fh 7E LD A,~HL) 8431 66 LD H,(HL) 83FB 23 INC HL 8432 6F LD L,h 83FC 66 LD H,(HL) 8433 e1142e LD BC,Be,4 83FC 6f LD L,h 8436 09 hv5 HL,6C
83FE E3 EX (SP),HL 8437 E5 PUSH HL
83FF Cl PGF 6C 8438 3~D8F8 LD ~,(F8D8 84e~ 09 ADD HL,BC 843B 4F LD C,~
8401 7E LD h,(~L~ 843C 87 ~DC ~,h 84B2 4F LD C,h 843D 9F SBC h,h 84a3 ~7 SUB ~ 843E 47 LD E,h 8404 47 LD B,A 843F 6~ LD L,C
8405 E1 PGP HL 8440 60 LD H,5 8406 7D LD A,L 8441 29 hDD HL,HL
8407 h9 %GR C 8442 Cl PGP 6C
8408 6F LD L,A 8443 79 LD ~,C
8409 7C LD ~,H 8444 95 SUE L
8$46 78 LG R,8 847E C5 PVSH BC
8447 9C SBC R,H 847F 21F8ff LD HL,fFf8 8448 47 LD B,Q 8482 15 RDD HL,DE
8449 El POP HL 8483 4E LD C,(HL) 844~ 79 LD R,C 8¢84 Z3 INC HL
844B 77 LD (HL),R 8485 46 LD B,(HL~
844r 78 LD Q,B 8486 C5 PVSH BC
844D 23 INC HL 8487 CDQ5DR CRLL DR~5 844E 77 LD (HL~,Q 848R F1 PQP hf 844F 21FSFF LD HL,FFF5 848B fl POP QF
8¢5~ 19 QDG HL,D 848C fl POP RF
8453 ~5 PUSH HL 848D Fl POP QF
8454 3QD8F8 Lb R,~F8D8 848E 3R9CF8 LD R,~F89C) 8457 4F LD C,Q 8491 B7 CR R
8458 87 RDD R,h 8452 C2B984 JP NZ,84E9 8459 9F SBC Q,~ 8495 21~1 ee LD HL,0001 845H 47 LD 8,Q 8458 E~ PLjSB HL
845B 69 LD L,C 8499 210EeZ LD HL,00eE
84~C 60 LD H,8 845C E5 PUSH HL
845D 29 QDD HL,HL 849D 2106e0 LD HL,0~06 845E 01FfFf LD FC,FFFf 84RC 19 nCD HL,DE

8463 7D LD R,L 84R3 66 LD H,(HL~
8¢64 02 LD ~BC`,~ 84Q4 6F LD L,Q
8465 3RCCF8 LD R,(F8CC 84R5 01180e LD BC,Z018 8468 4F LD C,Q 84R8 Q9 ~DD HL,BC
8469 87 QDD R,~ 84R9 E5 PUSH HL
846R 9f sac R,R 8¢QQ 21F8FF LD HL,FFf8 8468 47 LD B,R 84RD 19 RD3 HL,DE
846C C5 PUSH BC 84Q 4E LD C,~HL) 846D 21F5FF 'D HL,FFF5 84RF 23 INC HL
8470 19 QDD HL,DE 8¢B0 46 LD B,(HL~
8471 7E LD R,~HL) 8¢B1 C5 PUSH BC
8472 4F LD C,Q 8482 CDQ5DQ CHLL DRR5 8473 87 RDD R,Q 84B5 Fl POP QF
8474 9F S8C R~H^ 8486 fl PG? nF
8475 ¢7 LD B,Q 84B7 Fl PDP RF
8476 C~ PUSH SC 84B8 F1 FGP RF
8477 21F6Ff LD HL,FFF6 84B9 3R9Cf8 LD R,(f89C) 847Q 19 QDD HL,DE 848C FE01 C& ~1 847B 4E LD C,(HL) 84BE C~E584 JP Z,84E5 847C 23 INC HL 84C1 210R00 LD HL,02~R
847D 46 LD B,~HL) 84C4 E5 PUSH HL

84C5 210400 LD HL, 000¢

84C~ 210600 LD HLJ 0006 84CC 19 ~DD HL, DE
84CD 7E LD ~, (HL~

8¢CF 66 LD 17;, ~HL~
84D~ 6F LD L, ~
84D1 012C00 LD BC, 002'`
84D4 es ~DD HL7 BC

84D6 21 F8FF LD HL, FFF8 84D5 1 S ~ûD JiL, DE
8¢D~ 4E LD C, ~HL) 8¢DC 46 LD P, (HL~

84DE CD~5DP C~LL Di~ 15 84El Fl POP "F
8¢E2 Fl PCP ~F
84E3 F 1 POP ~F
84E4 Fl PCP ~1F

Claims (16)

What we claim as being novel is:
1. A logic analyzer, comprising:
memory means for storing an input logic signal;
said input logic signal including a plurality of reference phenomenon;
display means for displaying the input logic sig-nal stored in said memory means;
processing means for counting a total number of said plurality of reference phenomenon included in the input logic signal stored in said memory means; and cursor control means for controlling a cursor position on said display means;
said processing means obtaining a relationship etween said total number and said cursor position.
2. A logic analyzer according to claim 1, where-in said reference phenomenon is a predetermined word.
3. A logic analyzer according to claim 2, fur-ther including input means for introducing said pre-determined word.
4. A logic analyzer according to claim 3, where-in said input means is a keyboard.
5. A logic analyzer according to claim 1, where-in said reference phenomenon is a glitch.
6. A logic analyzer according to claim 5, fur-ther including a glitch detector for detecting said glitch included in the input logic signal.
7. A logic analyzer according to claim 1, where-in said processing means is a microprocessor control-led in accordance with a processing sequence stored in a read only memory.
8. A logic analyzer according to claim 1, where-in said cursor control means is a keyboard.
9. A logic analyzer according to claim 1, where-in said display means displays the input logic signal in a mode including either a timing display mode or a state display mode.
10. A logic analyzer according to claim 1, where-in said display means displays the relationship obtain-ed by said processing means.
11. A logic analyzer, comprising:
first memory means for storing a reference logic signal;
second memory means for storing an input logic signal;
display means for displaying at least one of either the reference logic signal or the input logic signal;
processing means for comparing the input logic signal with the reference logic signal and counting a total number of parts of the input logic signal cor-responding to a total number of different parts from the reference logic signal;
cursor control means for controlling a cursor position on said display means;
wherein said processing means obtains a relation-ship between said total number of parts of the input logic signal and said cursor position.
12. A logic analyzer according to claim 11, wherein said processing means is a microprocessor con-trolled in accordance with a processing sequence stored in a read only memory.
13. A logic analyzer according to claim 11, wherein said cursor control means is a keyboard.
14. A logic analyzer according to claim 11, wherein said processing means compares the input logic signal at each address of said second memory means with the reference logic signal at a corresponding address of said first memory means.
15. A logic analyzer according to claim 11, wherein said processing means regards the input logic signal at a plurality of addresses of said second mem-ory means as a single pattern, and compares said pattern in said second memory means with selected parts of the reference logic signal in said first mem-ory means.
16. A logic analyzer according to claim 11, wherein said display means displays said relationship obtained by said processing means.
CA000418908A 1982-01-13 1983-01-05 Logic analyzer having search and comparison capabilities Expired CA1196958A (en)

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JP57-4236 1982-01-13
JP423682A JPS58122463A (en) 1982-01-13 1982-01-13 Logical analyzer

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CA000418908A Expired CA1196958A (en) 1982-01-13 1983-01-05 Logic analyzer having search and comparison capabilities

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JPS58122463A (en) 1983-07-21
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