CA1154632A - Apparatus and processes for producing composite ice confections, and products thereof - Google Patents

Apparatus and processes for producing composite ice confections, and products thereof


Publication number
CA1154632A CA000356787A CA356787A CA1154632A CA 1154632 A CA1154632 A CA 1154632A CA 000356787 A CA000356787 A CA 000356787A CA 356787 A CA356787 A CA 356787A CA 1154632 A CA1154632 A CA 1154632A
Prior art keywords
edible material
process according
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French (fr)
David Tresser
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Unilever PLC
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Unilever PLC
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Application filed by Unilever PLC filed Critical Unilever PLC
Priority to CA000356787A priority Critical patent/CA1154632A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1154632A publication Critical patent/CA1154632A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current




A process for producing a composite edible product in which a dry edible material is separated from direct contact with a water-containing edible material by a solid fusible and relatively water-impermeable edible layer, the process comprising applying the relatively water-impermeable material in the fused state to the dry material and thereafter applying the water-containing edible material to the composite so formed, the layer of relatively water-impermeable fat-containing material being applied in the fused state to the dry material, e.g. baked wafer container, by means of an atomising spray gun.
The process succeeds in substantially lengthening the shelf life of composite confections presently in use wherein sealing of the biscuit or wafer material against water entry is always more or less imperfect.


- Q . 1 020 A~ Pl~RA'li~US ~;1!10 l'l~OCESS~ S :F()R PRODUCING COMPOSI~
I~E (:iO~C~IO~s, ~D PRODUC~S ~ERæO~
__ .
'rh-ix :invorltion relates to composite edible produets and to procosses and apparatus ~or their preparation. The :i.nvention has for example par-ticular application to eomposito ~rozen edible produc-ts, partieularly ice conrections.
It is known to produee eomposite edible pro~ucts in whieh a dry edible material is separated from dixeet eontac-t w:i-th a water-eon-taining edible material by a relatively wa-ter-impermeable edible layer. One collllue~rcially-produce~ composite ice conrectiorl coulprises a mass o~ edible ioe or iee-eream within a container of edible biscuit or wafer. In this con~eetion the iee or ~54t63~
- ~ - 4.1020 ice-cream contac-ts a thin layer of ehoeola-le or other edihle ~a-tty ma-terial coated on -to the edible biseuit vr wa~er cO-~ la ~ r . ~rlo l)"r"O~ O r t~le :ra~ty 'I,ly~r i~ lo ~rov~
uptake o~ water into the biscuit or wafer material ~rolll tbe ico or ice crealll, since sueh water uptalce g:ives 'tllC bisellit or waIer ulaterial a soggy eonsisteney wbieh is unacee~ta'b'Le to the eon.sumer. Nevertheless, our exl)er:ienc(3 o:r severa'l methods o~ producing such eomposite eon~ections a-t presen-t in use sllow~ -that soaling Or the biseuit or warer material against water entry is always more or less iluporrect. In tl~is way we ~l exl)lui.rl tho re~ult tllat tllo l)rt)duels h~ve only a solllewllat short shelf~ e before beeoming spoiled.
llence, it is desirable to produce such com~osite products by methods an~in arrangements which give uccepta~ly low rates o~ water entry l'rolu the water-eontaining edible ulaterials into I;he dry edible materials onee the eoulposite produets have been made, so as to obtain produets o~ aeeeptably long storage- or shel~-lire.
In one aspec-t, the present invention provides a proeess l'or produeing a eomposite edi'ble produet in which a dry edible material is separated from direet eontact with a water-eontaining edible material by a solid ~usible and relatively water-i.mpermeable edible layer, the process comprising applying the relatively water-impermeable material in the ~used sta-te to the dry material and tbereafter applyin~ tbe water-eontaining edible ma-lerial to the composite so forlDed 9 the layer o~ relatively wa-ter-` ~ ~5~3~
- 3 ~ 20 impermeable fat-containing material being applied in the fused state to the dry material, e.g. baked wafer container, by means of an atomising spray gun, and having (when measured at 46C) the following viscosities n3 at least 10 poise, nl00 at least 2.0 poise, preferably 2.0-3.6 poise, and nCA at least 1.2 poise, preferably 1.4-3.4 poise.
Embodiments of this process have been found capable of providing composite products in which the relatively water-impermeable layer is of a quality to provide acceptably long shelf-lives.
Good results have been achieved in carrying out certain embodiments of the process when the fused water-impermeable material is sprayed in the form of droplets on tothe dry material so that the droplets colaesce before solidification to form a layer, which can for example be as little as 0.2-0.8 mm in thickness, e.g. 0.5 mm thiak.
One suitable atomising gun for example is one which delivers an atomising spray substantially uniformly over the area of dry edible material to which the relatively water-impermeable layer is to be applied, for example, a commercially available (de Vilbiss) (Trade Mark) gun, which atomises the material to be sprayed with compressed air.
Where for example an open-topped wafer cone is to receive an internal layer, the gun can advantageously be one which delivers an atomised spray within the volume of an inverted cone downwardly into the mouth of the wafer .. : ..

~ Q~1020 cone to 'be coated.
Ln ~other embodiment, good results ha~e 'bee~ achieved by cooling -the spr~yed-on ~att~ layer b~ an appli~d coolin~
fluid stream at least to initiate its solidifica-tion before application of -the water-containi~g edible ma-tcrial, e~gO
ice confection.
'l`ho ar)~)lio(l cooling Iluid strea~n is a(]vflntag(-~ollsly a stroalll or co'l(l air or oI l:iquid nitro~en, arld gooll reslllts can be ach:ievcd whcn tho cooling fluid strealll:is app'l.ied 10 -to the layer o~ relatively water-impermeable material ~or 0.1-5 x~ol~ c.~ cco~
'rhe relatively water-impermeable material can suitably bc u chocolate mix, or a chocolate-~lavoured or otherwise flavoured ratty mix capable of re~isting the pass~ge O:r 15 wator to an acceptable degree when it is solid.
~he material ca~ b~ charac~rised by a viscosi-ty at ~3C and 100 s 1 of about 180-2~0 centipoise.
Its s'lip mel-ting point is desirably above 2~C, eOg. in the range 25_45C, suitably about 27-33C.
~ particular and pre~erred application of the invention is to -the preparation of composite ice confections. In such applications an ice-cream or other ice confection is dosed into an edible wafer or biscuit container, e.g. of conical form, after this container has 'been covered inter-nally :in accordance witb the above descripti.on with a relatively water-impermeable layer, e.~. a con~ec-tionery-flavoured edible fatty mix-ture; the layer is then cooled S~
-~ 5 ~ Q~ 1020 with a liquid nitrogen stream, and a por-tion of ice confection is dosed into the container, e.g. in semi-solid ~orm, a~-tcr which -the whole is ~ur-ther frozen.
Advantageously -the wafer or biscuit container is itsel~
5 located wi-thin a closely-~itting outer wrapping, e.g. of paper or ~oil, be:eore :its use ~or preparing the composite con~ect:ion~ Then it is desirable -to provide ror -the layer o~ the rela-tively water-impcrmeable material to scal the w[)pcrIllost cdgc Or thc wa~er or biscuit to the outcr 10 wrappin~ to minimise moisture ~low around this ed~e.
lt ha~ ~oon l~ound thal coI~posite ice corIroctions so produced can have excellent shelf~ e and resistance to moisture movenlent f'rom -the ice to the container o~ wa-fer or biscuit.
15 It can be seen that -the-invention also provides a machine ~or carrying out the process of tbe invention, comprising: means f'or receiving a unit of dry edible material and :for -trans:eerring the unit to a layer-applying station; Illeans f'or applying a layer of` relatively wa-ter-20 imperllIeablc material in the fused s-tate to a unit of dry nIaterial at the layer-applying station; I~eans ~or applying a cooling ~luid s-tream to such a unit a~ter application o~
the layer -thereto; and means ~or dosing a water-con-taining material -to the unit with a layer o~ relatively water-25 impermeablc material applied there-to, alter application o~
the cooling l'lwi~ strca~ uch apparatu~ a~ u~c can - .. . - , -, ~, ~ - - . .. .

- 6 - Q.1020 o~ course desira'bly employ any and all Or the addi-tional ~eatures mentioned above in describing the process o~ -the invenl;-ion.
The invention also provides a composite edible product 5 comprising a dry edib]e material separated ~rom direc-t con-tac-t witll a water-containing edible material by a relalively water-imperllleable edible layer, wherein the material o~ tbe edible layer has ror exaoll)le a vi~cosi-ty ol L80_2~0 COilt~ O:i~e when aleasured at 43C an(J lnO s 1, and 10 desira~'ly a slip meltirl~ point above ~C, e.g. in tlle range /r~~ " ~YI~ j ~a~ly ~OU t 33~'- rrhi~ Cl)lllpOSi le l3roduct can, 'bu-t need rlot, bo prepared by the process and apl~aratus proviou~ly clescribed above~ and a pre~erred but non-limitative embodiment o~ the product is an externally-wrapped composite c :.
l'ro~en cunrection comprising an edible wa~er or bisc~it container, e.g. Or conical form, coated within by a layer o~
the relatively water-impermeable layer as described above, within which is located an ice cream or other ice confection.
We ~ind that with a layer o~ ~or example chocolate-~lavoured 20 ~atty coa-ting 0.3-0.8 mm thick, e.g. 0.5 mm -thick, desirably sealing the edges of the container as well as provicling an overall internal coating, the composite product can have a desirably long shelf~ e without unaccep-table migration of moi~ture in-to the biscuit or wa~er material.
It will be clear that numerows variations o~ the invention described herein will be available to the skilled reader on the basis o~ this disclosure, ~or example it will 6 3 ~
~ 7 ~ Q.1020 be poss:i~lo to illterchange corresponding ~eatures described in respect Or -the several em~odimen-ts.
The invcn-tion is described ior illus-tratiorl by way o~
thc rollowin~ exa~lple O:r one pre~erred way o~ ~reparing a 5 coml)ositc edi.b].e producli according to the invention, by a pro¢e~s and app~ratus also according to the invention.

~'OIIIpl~ 1 Open-liopped confectionery wa~er cones contained in open-topped conical card ~rappings, were passed along a conveyor 10 o~ an apparatus having sequential coating, cooling and l~illirl~ stations.
At the coating station, each cone had a 0.5 mm thick layer o~ chocolate-~lavoured fatty couverture applied to itis interna:L sur~aces from a downwardly-directed atomising 15 spray gun (iromdt~ilbi~s Limitetd) arranged to t~eliver a conically-directed spray of the molten couverture mix~d ~Jîth compressed air into the open top of the cone.
The couverture consisted o~ ~5/0 hardened butter~at (but-terfat hardenod by selectiYe hydrogenation wi-th a 20 sulphur-poisoned nickel catalyst to a slip melting point o~ 33-3~C); 16.3~ cocoa powder (10/12~; 38.7~ su~ar;
and ~lavouring (trace). It was applied at 43C. The location and quan-tity o~ coating was such as to provide a substantially even coat and seal the top edge o~ the cone ~5 to tllo outor wroppirl6, wh.ich cxtondcd upwa.r(ll.y ~cyt)rld it.
A~ter application o~ the couVerture 9 each cone was shi~ted to a cooling sta-tion where a je-t o~ cold air at 6~
~ 8 - Q.1020 -12 to -20C was applied to it for 0~5 seconds~ ~hen the cooled coated cone was shifted -to a filling s-tation whero a dosc o:~ icc cro~n or non-dairy icc eo-n:~cction mix a-t -5C was dosed into the coated cone~ ~inally the composi-te confec-tion was further frozen and hardened at -26 C for 30-45 minutes. Its further treatment, additional decora-tion or further wrapping was conventional and forms no part of this inventior.~ I-t was found that the product of -this ~xamplc could bo stored for 50me months wi-thout unacceptable moistening of the wafer cone by water from the i~o ~I'O~ 01' IlOn-~ai~ e.
As well as the fats described abo~e, those described below can be applied in processes and apparatus as disclosed herein above.
Among such userul;edible fa-t c~mposi-tions are those having:-(a) solids conten-t index (SCI) values (%) (as defined below) in each of the ~ollowing ranges:
70-93 a-t -20~;
65-93 at -10C;
55-90 at oa;
5-L~0 at 20C;
0-12 at 30C;
0 at L~0C;
(b) slip melting point in the range 25-45C;
(c) a viscosity at 40C correspohding to measured ~alues (as de~ined below) as follows:


9 ~ Q,1020 35 centipoisc; ~e.g.~ ~0 centipoi~e;) ~CA ~ ~ centipoi~e; (e.g.~ ~ CeIltipOiSe;) and (d) ~ co~tin~ ~)liabili-ty paramctcr (as dcfined below) oI at _ 5 least 3.
(In the foregoing and succeeding description reference is ~a~o to a ~lu~bcr of parameters dei~irLc~ more closoly by ref'erence -to test methods described hereinbelow.) ~rcforably -these fat compositions also have S~I values (%~ in each of the following ranges:
75-90 at -20C;
75-85 a-t -10C;
65-75 at 0C.
~l~heiI preLcl~Io~ slip melti~g points are in the r~Lge .5 to 36C.
We find that such fats give particularly good results in terms of preventing moisture penetration owing to theil;~
lack ol' excessive brittleness~ We also find that they can be for~ulate~ into confectioner~ coating compositions of`
dis-tinctly good flavour and mouthfeel on their consump-tion as part of a composite frozen confection. It ca~ also be of advarLtage if the fat is one that, gives a confectionery~
co}nposi-tion which iLL the -test given below performs wi-th a brittlene33 time of ~5 seconds, e~g, ~60 seconds.
~he fats can suitably be such as to show a change in ~olidu co~Lten~ over the la3t 5~C ol`-their meltirLg pro~ile of at least 20/~ of their solids content at -20C. ~heir m~xi~um rate of solids formation upon cooling is preferably above 18% per minute, with the time taken to reach 50/~
solids normally less than 4 mi~utes. ~he maximum soli~s conten-t achieved in ~ 20 minutes is ~ormally in the xange 70-90%~
Normully we prefer for ice confection use those fats which yield confectionery coatings of the follo~ing viscosities at ~6C when such coatings are foxmula-ted using 45% fat con-ten-t by weight~

3 %
10 - Q.1020 10 [",, ~
~100 ~ 2~0 poise, preferably 2.0-3~6 poise;
~CA ~ 102 poise, preferab]y 1.4 - 304 poise~
~ these par~tleters are as defined by the test ~ethods notcd b~low or their equivalents.
11'at co~posi-tions for use according to -the iIIveIltion can for exR~p e comprise -triglycerides of which a ~ajor or minor proportion by number ~bu-t less than -~ by number) are short-chain (C~6) acyl gxoups and of which subs-tantially 0 thc colslplo~o~t (~ore than 1 by number) ~re lon~-chain C~12 acyl groups. 'l'he short and long-chain acyl groups are sub6tan-tially randomly distribu-ted amongs-t the tx;glyceridcs.
This can be achieved (a) b~ mixing hetergeneous glycerides, io e those having both long and short acyl groups, and/or (b) by iIltcresterii`ying a mixtur~ o~ unlike ~lyceridesO
'lechniques for interesterificatio~ e.g~ with sodium m(3thoxide ca-talyst, are known ~ sc and require no further description herein, thou~h particular ma~ners o~ carr~ing out interesteri~ication are shown belo~O
Orle very suitable ~at compos;tion comprises a mixture of a lauric ~at or oil ~r a non-lauric fat or oil, (optionally hydrogenated either selectively or unselectively to a desired slip melting point, ~ld pre~er~bly present at 25-75% by weight) wi-th a short ch~n acylated (i.e.
preferably diacetylated) long chain monoglyceride, prefer;1bly present a-t 75-25% by wei~ht). ~he lon~; chain acyl groups o~ the short chain acylated monoglyceride ca~
be derived ~rom any source: C18 saturated (stearyl) groups c~n be used, or optionall~ shorter chains or unsaturated ~ chains can be present~ In particularly preferred embodi-ments, palm kernel oil and/or cottonseed oil, preferably at about 50% are blended with ace-tylated C16 and/or C18 ~onoglyceride, substa~tially satura-ted. A substantially oquiv~cIlt c~odimcnt c~n ii` de~ir~d be produced by ~5 in-teresterifying a mixture with corresponding acyl content differently distributedO


~ Q.1020 By selective hardening we mean exposure of -the fa-t rnaterial to be treuted -to a catalyst which brin~s a~out isomerisa-tion of the ethylenic bonds without substantial hydrogenation: considerati.on geometrical isomerisa-tion (cis ~tr~lls) occurs~ A sui-table know~l catalys-t for the purpose is a poisoned nickel catalyst (a fresh nickel catalyst gives ~luch hydrogenation (unselective hardening) but 'little of the isomeri~ation required in selec-tive hardening).
I.~he Lats pre~'erred o~ one ca-te~ory of those use~d according to the invention are triglyceride mixtures comprising a tnajor proportion of acyl ~rroups (Lerived .Erom lauric fats or oils, or non-lauric fats or oils (oL~tionally hydrogenated unselectively or else selectively hardened), and a minor proportion by number of acyl groups with substantially short chain lengths, e.g. up to C6.
l're~erably all or nearly all the short chain acyl ~roup~
are present in mixed -triglycerides containing both short and long chains. So, for example, when palm kernel oil is 20 used as a comporlerlt of the fat, either alone, or in blend with, or in interesterified mixture with another lauric fat or oil or a non-lauric fa-t or oil~ the short chain acyl groups can be in-troduced by interesteri~ication with for e~~ le ~lyc~l tri~cet-~te or ~lyceryl tri~utyrate or glyceryl trihexanoate~ or they can be introduced by blending (and optional interesterification) with an acetylated long chain monoglyceride or diglyceride, or a long chain mono- or di-glyceride acylated with short chain acyl groups.

- 12 - Q.1020 l'referably the short chain acyl groups l`orm up to about 20'~ by nwnber of the total acyl groups of the triglyceride mix ture .
Where the short chain acyl groups are acetyl groups, -they are preferably present at up to the equivalent of the number of acyl groups -that would be provided by ~% by weight -triace-tin in tripalmitin or a mainly palmitic l'a-t or oil, suitably up to ~% by weight, e.g. 2% by weight. Where tho short chaiI~ acyl groups are butyryl or hex~loyl groups ~hey are pre~erably present at up to -the e~uivalent of the nwnbcr Or acyl groups -that would be providerl'by 10% by weight gl~ceryl -trihexanoate in tripalmitin or a mainly palmitic fa-t or oil~ suitably up to 5% by weig~lt~
Sui~table examples of` fats of this type, given ~or illustra-~ion and not limitation, are:
(a) an interesterified blend of 97% palm kernel oil and 3%
triacetin (by weight), which can be selectively hardened to a slip melting point in a suitable range, e~g. about 25~5C.
(b) an interesterifi~d blend o~ 90% coconut oil and 10%
butter~at. (~om this las-t example it can be seen that a natural source, i.e. in this case butterfa-t, can be used f~r the short chain acyl groups~ the proportion of -the respec-tive material chosen in dependence on its con-tent of such acyl groups~) r~he use of hardened lauric oils gives fats with higher slip rnelting point that when untreated lauric oils are used. When hardened lauric oils are used, somewhat more short chains can be present than otherwise, since one effect of these is to lower the slip melting poin-t.

~ ~5 .~
~ Q~1020 "L~uric fat or oil" means an edible oil ox fa-t h~ing lauric t~ld/or myristic acids as substantial fatty acyl constituen-ts, (e~g~ constituting 40-50% or more of the acyl grollps) with the remaini~g ~at-ty acyl conten-t containing rery littlo u~s~tur~tion: ex~mples are palm kernel oil ~prel'erred)~ babassu oil~ coquito oil, coconut oil ~also re~erxed) P
'l'hc tel~ "no~-lauric ft~t or oil" me~ns au edible oil in which -the principal fatty acyl conten-t is not ltluric acid~
tInd I`or oxtI~plc in which -there is a substantial ~mount of C16 tmd/or C18 unsaturated acyl groups, e.gO oleic, linoleic and/or linolenic acyl groups: the remaining bulk of the acyl groups is largely saturated, (e.g. C16 and/or C18 acids). Exa~ples of such non-lauric oils are cottonseed oil, pO~lUt oil, soytlbet~ oil, 5c3t~me oil, safrlower oil ~d sunf`lower oil, and particularly rapeseed oil ( low-erucic rapeseed oil) and soyabean oil, t~nd also palm oil.
0f course it is under~tood that in the interesterilied blends o-ther sources of acyl groupæ ct~n be substituted ~or thosc ~uoted t~nd for one another i~ their proportions and types of acyl groups are sufficiently similar, without regard to their identica~ triglyceride combination or isomeric ~nalysis. As a~ ext~ple, palm oil can in such compositions 'be substitu-ted often 'by lard.
~he abovo-described compositions can be modified in~a number of ways. For eæample, without limitation, the long-chain acyl groups may be derived partly or wholly from fatty compositions which have been made subject to interesteri~-icu-tion or othcr processing, as well as ~`rom natural or re~i~ed fats and oils. For example, good results ha~e been obt~ined when the palm kernel oil or cottonseed oil or other lauric or non-lauric fats and oils used as source oI` long-chain acyl groups are substituted wholly or ;n ~ rt by intcrcstcriricd blonds, c~g. iNtcrcstcriliod ~5 blends ol lauric and non~lauric f'ats and oils such as palm ker~el oil and palm oil, îor e~ample in 40-75:60-25 weigh-t ~roportion~, e.g. 60:~0~ Such a blend can be - 14 - Q.1020 combined by mixing ~ith, for exam~le, 25-50-75% (Of` the firl~l fat co~lposi-tion) of diacyla-ted long-chain monoglyceride, e.g. di~ce-tyl C16/18 monoglyceride, or by interesteri~ication with a short-ehain -triglyceride, e.g. triaeetln~ (Clearly, a si~l~lo in~crcstcrii~ication Dtop will ufi`ico in tho lattor c~sc. ) Particularly good results ha~e been noted in te~ns of lack of brittleness where the final composition contains an ~ppreciable portion of a eutectic formed between ~ong-ch~in triglyceride and a di (short-ehain acyl) mono-(long-chain acyl) glyceride, as is -the case wil;h blends of palm kernel oil ~25-75%) and diacetyl mono C~6/18 acyl ~lyceri~e ~75-25%) and their equivalentsO
Slip melting points of the above fat c~positions ea~
~or cxw~le be in the range 2f~-~2C: those an~ viscosities can be chosen according to the desired ~ethod o e applieation of the coatin~s derived therefrom.
'~he use o~ hardened lauric oils gives fats with higher 91ip melting point than when untreated lauric oils are usod~ When hardened laurie oils are used, somewhat more shor-t chains can be present than other~ise~ sinee one effec-t o~ these is ts l~ower the ælip melting point.
Another group o~ fa~ compositions suitable for use in ;this invention eomprises an interesteri~ied blend of a lauric ~at or oil (e.g. at about I5-45%) with a non-laurie ~at or oil (e.g. at abou-t 85-55%)o Interesterified blends O:e p~lm ker~el oil or other lauric fat or oil (30-55%) wi~h palm oil (70-45%) have been found particularl~
Confectionery eoating compositions used in this invention co~prise a fatty base ineluding one or more of -the fat co~positions of the types speeified above, together ~ith suspended sweete~ing and fla~ouring solids, e D g. cocoa ~owder ~lnd sugar; optionally with milk solids and emulsifiers and other ad~itivesO ~uitably the fat can constitute e~g~ 30-70% o~ the coatîng compositions, preferably ~bout ~0-6CP/o ( e~g. about 50%)~

- 15 - Q.1020 Composite frozen confections according to the invention can comprise layers or zones of such coating compositions together with layers or zones of ice confection and optionally layers or zones of baked or crispy confection, e.g. wafer.
The solids content index, brittleness time, viscosity and coating pliability referred to herein are mea.~urements obtained as described below. The slip melting point is measured by standard procedures well known-to those skilled in the field to which this invention relates.
In this specification the solids content index (SCI) refers to a measurement obtained by the following or an equivalent test method: a sample of fat is placed in a low-temperature measurement cell of a wide-line nmr spectrometer calibrated for measurement of sample quantity, such as the "Quantity Analyser" commercially available from Newport Instruments, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, England. The sample is held at a required temperature for lOminutes and then the percent solid fat is obtained from the instrument indication. This result is an SCI(%) referred to the test temperature.
The rate of crystallisation of a fat composition sample can conveniently be measured under conditions when the sample (at 32C) is placed in an nmr cell of the same wide-line nmr spectrometer at -20C, and monitoring the signal level from the spectrometer at frequent intervals over about 20minutes, intercalated with frequent temperature measure-ments using a temperature probe inserted whenever required into the sample cell, and removed to allow nmr measurement.
The maximum rate of solids formation achieved is the steepest tangent to the curve of solids cont~nt versus time obtained from these measurements, and is expressed in solids per minute.


,,.: .:.", , , ~5~
~ 16 - Q.1020 In thls specification "the brittleness time`' refers to a measurement obtained by the following or an equivalent test method in which what is estimated is the speed at which a confectionery coating composition (containing the fat to be tested) becomes brittle on being used to coat a frozen confectionery article. The fat composition to be tested is incorporated at 59.2% of a confectionery composition containing 25O7% icing sugar, 12.9% cocoa powder (of 10/12%
fat content), 1.7% skim milk powder and 0.5% lecithin.
The total fat content of the composition should be 60.6%.
~ny conventional formulationprocess can be used: desirably the composition is rendered to a final particle size of 17-19 ~m by micrometer screw gauge, with most particles of 14-16 ~m as measured by a Sheen gauge: by Coulter Counter (Trade Mark) measurement 75% of particles are desirably 22 ~m. The confectionery composition prepared this way is melted at 36C for 20 minutes in a gently stirred jacketed vessel, and used to coat frozen ice confection (ice cream) blocks on sticks in the following way. The blocks are 20 desirably of 30g weight and 100% overrun, stored at -26C, taken from the store and immersed 9 seconds in moulds surrounded by water at 30C, so that their surface temperature rises to -5C and their interior temperature to -15C: the blocks are then immediately dipped into the molten coating composition (immersion for about l/2 second), withdrawn, and small sections of the coated block repeatedly cut off with a relatively blunt implement at closely-spaced time intervals by any suitable method until the coatlng can be heard to give an audible crack on cutting. The purpose is to simulate the conditions under which such compositions and coatings are bitten during consumption, and a test consumer can be used if desired. The time elapsed between the coating immersion and the propensity of the coating to give an audible crack on cutting is taken as the "brittleness time"
as referred to in this specification.


3~ ~
- 17 - Q.1020 In this specification the viscosity measurements ~3, ~100 and ~CA are measurements ohtained by the following or equivalent test methods. Viscosity measurements can be made on fat compositions or on coating compositions made therefrom.
Where a coating composition is characterised, the viscosity measurement is made on the composition itself. Where a Eat composition is in question, the viscosity measurements are either made on and referred to the fat composition itself or made on and referred to a coating composition comprising 45~ of 59.2~ by weight of the fat. Normally, coating compositions of 45% fat are used as standard where the coating compositions are intended for use in enrobing ice confections, and compositions of 59.2% fat where they are intended for use by dipping processes.
The parameters ~3 and ~100 represent the apparent ~ -viscosity at the quoted temperature (e.g. 40C) at shear rates of respectively 3 sec 1 and 100 sec 1. The parameter ncA represents the Casson plastic viscosity.
The parameter ~CA (Casson plastic viscosity) is determined (e.g. using a similar viscometer to that mentioned above), but according to the method of N. Casson (Rheology of Disperse Systems, Pergamon Press, London 1959).
The parameter ~3 is measured Eor example using a Deer Rheometer PD~81 (Trade Mark) having an inner rotating cylinder or bob lowered onto a temperature jacketed outer stationary cylinder containing the sample composition. The inner cylinder or bob is driven at a controlled shear stress and the shear rate induced is measured: the apparent viscosity at a 3 sec 1 shear rate is determined from the results obtained at a succession of shear stresses.
In this specification the coating pliability refers to a parameter obtained by the following or an equivalent test method. Polythene strips (2.5 cm x 6 cm) are immersed in molten, prestirred coating composition or fat under test, to coat an area 25 x 50 mm. The coating weight is controlled by adjustment of temperature of thP molten material to give mean coating film thickness of 0.08-0.1 mm (for fats) and ' ` ~

~ Q.1020 Q.34-0.38 mm (for confectionery coating compositions).
Surplus material is drained from the strips and their coatings allowed to harden. Six strips of each coating type are carefully supported at the uncoated end in boxes so that their only point of contact with the inside of the box is at the coated end. The boxes are stored at -15C
for 24 hours. The coatings are then assessed for pliability (at -15C) by exerting gentle steady manual pressure on the strips to bend the ends towards each other.
The strips are then given coating pliability ranking values in accordance with their appearance: no imperfections or discontinuities in coating, 5 (very pliable); striations, 4 (pliable); tears (ragged breaks), 3 (some pliability);
cracks (one or at most two clean breaks), 2 (brittle);
severe cracking (fragmentation or flaking), l (very brittle).
The confectionery coating compositions described above containing the above-specified fat compositions can advantageously be sprayed onto ice confection or other confectionery material to be used in conjUnctiQn therewith (e.g. a wafer or baked container for ice confection) by means of an atomising spray gun, as in the Examples given herein.
Example 2 A fat composition was prepared by blending ~in conventional manner) refined palm kernel oil (50% by weight) and a commercially obtainable diacetylated long-chain saturated monoglyceride (Cl6 and Cl8) of slip melting point about 44C (50% by weight).
This fat composition according to the invention ~as used in accordance with the invention to make a dark chocolate-flavoured confectionery coating composition containing 50% of the fat composition; 36.5% sugar (sucrose); 13% cocoa powder (12/12% fat content); and the balance a minor amount of flavourant and emulsifier.
The resulting confectionery coating composition was used as described below for spray-coating in the manufacture of composite ice confections and gave good texture combined with excellent processing qualities, and good resistance to permeation of moisture, as described in Example 1.

Q~1020 ~ urther examples of useful fat compositions ~re given below~

(i) Refined palm kernel oil and commercial ~ood-grade triacetin were blended in the ratios o~ 97:3 rcspectivel~.
A batch of the blend were interesterified in a vessel fi-tted with a powerful stirrer, N~ inlet and tempera-turc control, by heating to llO C under ~2 7 agitation and injectio~ of 0.2%
by weight sodium catalyst. A colour change indicatad com~lction of tho rcaction: agitation was maintairlod i`or ~0 minutesO ~`he product was washed with 1% acetic acid solu-tion, followed by wa-ter washing to remove catalyst and soap, then dried~ Comple-tion of in-~eresterificatîon was checked b~
GI~ of the triglycerides~
'~he product was given a slight selective hardening over sulphur-poisoned nickel ca-talyst to a slip melting-poirlt of 25~5C. Postrefining was carried out by bleaching with
2% C300 bleaching earth at 110C under N2 for 30 m:;nutes.
1% kiesel~hr was added to the cooled product and the whole ~iltered. Af-ter deodorisation (180C under ~acuum for ~
hours) and addition of 0.1% lecithin -the product interester-ified blend was made up into con~ec-tionery coating compos~
itions. ~ `
~urther suitable fats are those comprising or consisting substantially of a selectively or unselectively hardened edible oil or fa-t. In particular embodiments the hardened edible oil or ~at can be, ~or example (e.g. selectively) hardened butter fat or butter oil (or butterfat stearin), or an (e~g. selectively) hardened edible non-lauric oil.
~he term "non-lauric fat or oil" means an edible oil in ~hich -the principal fa-tty acyl content is not lauric acid, and for example in which there is a substantial amount of Cl6 a~d/or C18 urlsaturated acyl groups, e.g.
olcic~ linolcic ~nd/or linolenic ac~l groups: -the remaining bulk of the acyl groups is largely sa-turated, ~5~ 2 - 20 Q.1020 ~e.g. C16 and/or C18 acids). Examples of such non-lauric oils are co-ttonseed oil~ peanut oil, soyabean oil, sesame oil 7 safflower oil and s~flower oil, and par-ticularly rapeseed oil (e.gO low-erucic rapeseed oil) and soyabean oil~ and also palm oil.
Particularly suitablefor-thepurposes of the in~ention al~e (o.g. low-erucic) rapeseed oil~ groundnut or soyabean oil.
By ~elective hardening we mean exposurc of thc fat material -to be treated -to a ca-talyst which brings about iso~Qeri~ation of the ethylenic bonds withou-t subs-tantial hydrogenation: considerable geometrical isomerisa-tion (cis~trans) occwrs. A suitable known catalyst for the purpose is a poisoned nickel catalyst (a fresh nickel catalyst gives much hydrogenation (unselective hardening) but littlc ol` the i30merisation re~uired in s~lective hardeninB' ) -The selective (or unse~ective) hardening can be carried out to the point at which the ~at has a convenient slip melting poin-t, e.g. 27-3~C, though higher and lower m~lting points may be usable in some circwnstances, e.g. 2~-~2~, 25-~oa. ~he hardened oil or ~at can form 100% of the fat of the confect-ion, for example, or if desired somewhat less, e~g. 80-90% or 95%, if desired.
It is found that such fat coatings and zones for frozen confections ca~ give good pliability and impermeability to mois-ture at low temperatures, thus enabling the production of ~rozen co~fec-tions including baked or crisp component~
with desirably long shelf-lives at low temperatures.
~he confectionery coating compositions can for example be made up with a fat content of 30-70% by weight, e.g. ~bout 45% fat, 35-45% sugar, and 12-16% cocoa powder (e.g. 10/12% fat content cocoa powder~. ~he presence of other fats besides those specified above is not excluded.
Optional further ~ddi-tives include for example milk solids, 35~ emulsifiers and flavourants~

5~3~ ~
- 21 ~ Qo1020 Fxam~gL
A confectionery coating composition was made up using the following constituents:
Hardened butterfat 45%
Cocoa -powder (lO/12~ 1603%
Sugar 38.7%
~lavouring trace The hardened butter~at for the composition had been made as Pollows:
Buttcrfat was neutralised wit-h 10% of 0.2N c~ustic sod~, w~shcd i~ee of soap and bleached with 0~% ~onsil St~ndard I~' and 0.2% of filter aid at 105C.
The resulting oil was hardened at 180C wi-th 0.23%
nickel as GK/s catalyst (sulphur-poisoned nickel), at 3 b~r ~ly~Io~en pressuIe ~or about one hour, u~til a slip meltin~ point increase o~ 1C had been achievedO ~lhe process may be followed by measurement of refractive index, when the ND65 changed by about 0.001 during the course of the reaction).
Post-rel`ining was performed with a 10% 0.1~ caustic soda wash until the product was soàp-free, bleaching as in the pretreatmerlt, and finally a deodorisation ~or five hours at 180C. 001% fresh lecithin was added as ~ntioxidant.
The produc-t had slip melting ~oint 33-34C.
~xam~s 5-7 Example 4 was repeated except for the ~at base o~ the fatty confectionery coa~ing. ~or the coating composition in each Example, the following edible oils were selectively hardened in a similar way to that described above, and to the following slip melting points:
Example 5 groundnut oil s~m.p. 27C
~xample 6 soya~ean oil s~m.p. ~9C
Eæample 7 low-erucic rapeseed oil s.m.p~ 31C
~he resul-ting hardened oils were incorporated and treated in an otherwise similar way to Example 1, and the resulting confections had good storage life together with sa-tisfac-tory textural and flavour charac-teristics o~ consumption.

- - 2~ - Q~1020 I~rther use~ul fat compositions include interes-terified blends of l~uric f'at or oil and non-lauric oil.
Many of the useful compositions of the can, by way of example but not limitation, be made by using e.g. 55-85% of the lauric fat or oil7 and o.~ 5-15%, of -the non-lauric oil. l~`or example~ we ha~e l'ound that ~any such compositions made with 50-75% lauric fat or oil, e.g. palm kernel oil or coconut oil~ and 50-25% non~l~uriç
oil, e.g. palm oil, or rapeseed oil, e.gO low-exucic r~peseed oil, can show par-ticular utility as fatty bases ~or enro'bing con~'ectionery coating compositions (or cou~ertures). ~hese can be based for example on 30-70%, e.g. 30-55%, e.g. about 45% of the fat, together with sweetening and flavouring agents such as sugar and cocoa powder ~d optionally milk solids~ to gi~e a suspension in the f'~t 0~' suc'h solid agents. It is understood that such additional ingredients may include further and may~e ~iff-erent I'at.
When ~alm oil i5 u~ed here as the non-laur~c oil its pre~erre~ proportions before interes-teri~ication are in the xange 45/~25% by weight, especiall~ 40/~35% b~ weight.
A particularly desirable fat in this category comprises ~ randomly interesterifiedblend ofp~ ~ kernel oil ~50/~65%) P~1DI oil (50%-35%),es~ecially inthe proportions60:~0 the s.m.p. can be e.g. 2~-32 C, e.g. 26-30 C.
M~ly ~ur~herexamples ofuse~ul compositio~s according to thei.n~entioncan ha~e amajo~pro~ortion, e.g.u~ to~.~5%, orbelow 90%, oi'-the non-lauricfatoroil in-the interesteri~iedblend.
A particularly desirable fat in -this category comprises
3 a randomly interesteri~ied blend of palm kernel oil (PK0) and r~peseed oil (XS0)~ especially in or about the propor-tions l'K0 ~32.5:RS0 17~5 by weight:~herapesced oilispre~erabl~
selectively hardened to aslip meltingpoint in adesiredrange, eOg. about 25-32C, such as about 25-27C.

- 23 ~ Q.1020 ~hen rapeseed oil, e.g. low-erucic rapeseed oil, is used as the non-lauric oil its preferred proportions before interesterification are in the range 50-25-15% by weight, especially about 18% by weight.
Further Examples of suitable fats in this category given for illustration but without limitation are:
(a) an interesterified blendofpalm kernel oil and low-erucic rapeseed oil (PKO 60:40 RSO): the rapeseed oil is preferably selectively hardened to a slip melting point in a desired range, e.g. about 27C;
(b) an interesterified blend of coconut oil (CNO) and rapeseed oil (CNO 82.5:17.5 RSO): the rapeseed oil is preferably selectively hardened to a slip melting point in a desired range, e.g. about 26C.
Example 8 Blends of 60% PKO with 40% palm oil were made from neutralised, fully refined dried oils. 2-2.5 kg batches of the blends were interesterified in a batch process, in a flask fitted with a vigorous stirrer, nitrogen inlet, and temperature control probe. The blends were heated to 110C
under N2, stirred vigorously and sodium methoxide catalyst (0.2~ on the oil) added into the vortex. Stirring was maintained for 30 minutes.
The product was washed with 1% acetic acid solution, followed by water, to remove catalyst and soap, and thorou~hly dried. Completion of interesterification was checked by triglyceride GLC analysis.
The dried, interesterified oils were bleached with 2%
bleachingearth at 110C under nitrogen for 30 minutes. 1%
kieselguhr was added to the cooled blends, which were filtered.
650g batches of the interesterified blends were deodorised for 4 hours at 180C under vacuum, and 0.1% of lecithin was added to each deodorised batch, as antioxidant~
Batches of this interesterified blend had slip melting points of 29.5-31C.



- 24 - Q.1020 The maximum rate (,%/minute) of solids formation under the standard test conditions in the batches was 16-23%/
minute, with 4-5 minutes required on cooling to reach 50%
solid. They had periodate values less than 4, usually 0.5 or less, iodine values of about 31-32, and hydroxyl values about 8-10. The refined oils used in their preparation had FFA conten~s less than about 0.5 and soap values less t'han about 0.01.
The percentages solids present at various temperatures 10 were as follows:
-20C 79-85%;
-10C 77-82%;
0C 67-72%;
10C 48-58%;
20C 16-36%;
25C 5-20%;
30C 0-5%
35C 0%
Examples 9 and 10 Preparation of f`at'compositions Crude low-erucic rapeseed oil was neutralised with 0.8N
NaOH. After a water wash, the oil was boiled with 1.5% its weight of 6N soda ash and 1% by weight of a sodium silicate solution for 30 mintes at 105C, then washed free of soap and dried. Bleaching was carried out with 1% Tonsil Standard FF (Trade Mark) bleaching compound 20 minutes at 105C under vacuum. The neutralised bleached oil was deodorised 30 minutes at 180C.
The rapeseed oil so treated was blended with fully-30- refined palm kernel oil in the weight ratio 40 rapeseed oil to 60 palm kernel oil in a first case (Example 2) and 50 to 50 in a second case (Example 3~. Batches of the blends were interesterified continuously with 0.05% by weight sodium catalyst at 125C for 4 minutes. The product oil was then added to a vessel partly filled with diluted phosphoric'acid (to neutralise excess sodium). The - 25 - Q.1020 trea-ted product oil (in-teresteri1'ied blends) wcre wrlshed with 0.2N N~0~ ~ld water; when free of soap the blends were dried and fil-tered o~er 0.2% Hyflow (~rade Mark) ~ilt~r aid.
Ba-tches of the blends wers selectivel~ haxdene~d under agitation in ~1 ~utocla~e l`itted with six-blade tur'bine stirxer ~nd four baffles. ~drogen was blown into the hcadspacc of -the ~utoclave. IIarde~ing was c~rried out at 180C wi-th 0.5% by weight of sulphur~poisoned nickel catalyst at 3-5 kg/cm2 E2 pressure. ~he blends were h~rderled to slip meltirlg-points Or 26.~C (~xw~le 2) ~nd 26.7C (~xample 3)~ ~he selectively hardened interesterified blends were neutralised, freed of soap, dried, 'bleached and deodorised in a similar manner as before. At 60C, 0.1%
fresh lecithin was added to each as antioxidant.
~xamp-le 11 (i) ~urther interesterified blends of palm kernel oil (PK0) and palm oil (P0) according to the invention were prepared a3 follows.
A crude blend (60 PK0:40 P0) was made up in a vacuum bleachor, vacuumdried, neutralisedwith 6~soda ash,wa~lled and dried. ~he driedproduct wasbleachecLat95-100a for30 minutes ~ith,% C300bleaching earth, ~`iltered andtransferred to a clean vessel. ~h~re followed in-teresterification with 0.3-0.~% sodium methoxide catalyst, and the -treated blend was washed, vacuum dried,~and poqt-re~ined with 1% AA
bleaching earth at 95-100C or 30 minutes. ~fter filtration and deodoIisation 0.1% lecithin was added~
(ii) ~he in-teresterified blends produced in Example 4(i) 3o were used -to make up con~ectionery coating compositionsO

- 26 - Q.1020 , '~hc compos1-tions (Exa~ples 4A3, 4(B), 4(C), and 4(D)) werc of the ~ollowing constituents:

Cocoa solids (non-fat) 14.2% 16.3% 5.1% 5.1%
Milk solids (non-fat) - ~ 18.8% 18.8%
su~ 39 ~ 9%~9 . oo/o -~,o, ~% 30.6%
~ecithin 0~5% 0,5% 0,5% o,5%
Cocoa butter 108% 13~2% ~% 6.5%
ButterIat - - 3 . 5% 3 . 9%
Interesterified fat43.6% 34.6%
blend o~ Example ~
('I'otal iat content) (45-L~%) (L~2%) (45~0'Yo) (45-0%) Example 12 (i) Crude palm kernel oil (~A = 5.1%) and rapeseed oil (~A = 3.2%~ erucic acid content 37.2) were neutralised ~epar~-tely with 4~ NaO~, and ~ times as much water. ~he rapeseed oil was further boiled with soda ash and silicate.
~he oils were washed free of soap and dried. A blend of the refined oils in the proportions palm kernel oil 82~ 5% and rape~eed oil 17.5% was bleached with 1% ~onsil ~ta~dard D`~
bleaching compound 20 minutes at 105C under vacuum. ~he blend was ~ tered at ~oa. ~he filtered bleached product wa~ interesterified continuously with 0.05% by weight sodium methoxide catalyst at 125C for ~ min~tes and transferred to a neutraliser ~essel partly ~illed with dilute phosphoric acid. After washing with O.Z~ NaOH and water, and a~ter ~rying, -the product was filtered with a commercial filter aid. ~wo batches o~ ~he blend were selectively h ædened at 180C, 3 kg/cm2 ~2 pressure, and under strong agitation, with sulphur poisoned nickel catalyst at 0.2% (Example 5(i)A) and 0~5% (Example 5(i)~) respectively. ~he respective slip meltin~ points achie~ed after 120 and 150 minutes respec-ti~e hardening times were 26.8QC (Example 5(i)A) and 26.6C (Example 5(i)B). The hardened blends were ~lcutraliscd, washed free of soap and dried; then they were bleached, ~iltered, and doedo~is~d (200C, 4 houxs~.
After cooling to 60C, 0~1% by weight fresh lecithin antioxidant was added.

.~5 /~æ6~

~ii) ConEec-tionery coatillgs were produced :Erom each fa-t, using the following ingredients:
Coating:~ A B C
Su~ar 25.6% 20.8% 15.~%
Cocoa powder (12/12% fat)12.9% - ~
Co~osl owder 10.6% 7.~3%
Ski~[ milk powder 1. 7%
l~'at 1~.2(i)1~ - 68.3% 7G.5%
li'al; I~X.2(i)L3 59.3% - -13mulsi:eier 0.5% 0~3% 0.3%
('~ot~ t) (~0.7%)(70-5~/0) (7~31%) ~ he invention is not limited to the use Or the materials pa:Lticularly men-tiorLed abc~re. P~ther parl;icul~r ex~uuplcs of`
userul interesteri~iedfat compositions, c.g. forcoatin~;s 15 intended to be sprayed, contain 15-45%or the lauric fat or oil, e.~. interes~eriIiedblends orpalmkec~el oil ~nd cot-tonseed oil (15%:85%) selectivelyhardened to sliF mçll~irLg~point 25-29C;
Or palm kcrnel oil and low-erucic rapeseed oil (15%:85%)~
~electively hsrdcned to slip meltin~ point 25-29C.

Claims (10)

1. In a process for producing a composite edible product in which a dry edible material, such as a baked wafer container, is separated from direct contact with a water-containing edible material such as ice confection, by a relatively water-impermeable edible fat-containing layer, by applying a spray of the fat-containing material to the dry edible material before application of the water-containing edible material, the improvement wherein the spray of fat-containing edible material is applied from an atomosing spray gun and has (when measured at 46°C) the following viscosities:?3 at least 10 poise,?100 at least 2.0 poise, preferably 2.0-3.6 poise, and ?CA at least 1.2 poise, preferably 1.4-3.4 poise.
2. A process according to claim 1, wherein the spray of fat-containing edible material is applied at a temperature of about 43°-46°C.
3. A process according to claim 1, wherein the spray of fat-containing edible material is applied from an atomising spray gun which delivers a spray within the volume of a inverted cone downwardly on to the dry edible material.
4. A process according to claim 1, wherein the spray of fat-containing edible material is applied to form a congealed fatty layer of about 0.2-0.8 mm thickness.
5. A process according to claim 1, wherein after application of the spray of fat-containing edible material the fatty layer formed thereby is cooled by an applied cooling fluid to at least initiate its solidification before the application of the water-containing edible material.
6. A process according to claim 5, wherein the cooling fluid stream is a stream of cold air or of liquid nitrogen, applied to the composite for about 0.1-5 seconds,for example about 1 second.
7. A process according to claim 1, wherein the fatty material sprayed on to the dry edible material comprises a couverture composition essentially consisting of a suspension of flavouring and sweetening solids in a fatty base including a fat composition having:
(a) solids content index (SCI) values (%) in each of the following ranges:
70-93 at -20°C, preferably 75-90;
65-93 at -10°C, preferably 75-85;
55-90 at 0°C, preferably 65-75;
15-40 at 20:C;
0-12 at 30°C;
0 at 40°C;
(b) a slip melting point in the range 25°-45°C, preferably 25°C to 36°C;
(c) a viscosity (when measured at 40°C) of 100 at least 35 centipoise, preferably at least 40 centipoise and CA at least 30 centipoise, preferably at least 33 centipoise; and (d) a coating pliability parameter of at least 3.
8. A process according to claim 7, wherein the fatty base comprises a fat composition essentially consisting of triglycerides in which less than 2/3 by number of the acyl groups are short-chain (C6) acyl groups and more than 1/3 by number of the acyl groups are long chain (C12) acyl groups, substantially randomly distributed amongst the triglycerides.
9. A process according to claim 8, wherein the fat composition is selected from (a) blends of 25-75% eg. about 50%, lauric or non-lauric fat or oil with 75%-25%, eg.
about 50%, short-chain disacylated long chain Q.1020 monoglyceride, and (b) interesterified blends of lauric or non-lauric fat or oil with up to about 10% short-chain triglyceride.
10. A process according to claim 1, wherein the fatty material sprayed on to the dry edible material comprises a couverture composition essentially consisting of a suspension of flavouring and sweetening solids in a fatty base including a fat composition selected from hardened butter fat, hardened low-erucic rapeseed oil, hardened groundnut oil or hardened soyabean oil, each having a slip melting point in the range about 27°-34°C, preferably above about 31°C.
CA000356787A 1980-07-23 1980-07-23 Apparatus and processes for producing composite ice confections, and products thereof Expired CA1154632A (en)

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CA000356787A CA1154632A (en) 1980-07-23 1980-07-23 Apparatus and processes for producing composite ice confections, and products thereof

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CA000356787A CA1154632A (en) 1980-07-23 1980-07-23 Apparatus and processes for producing composite ice confections, and products thereof

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