CA1149776A - Apparatus for electrokinetically separating drilling mud - Google Patents

Apparatus for electrokinetically separating drilling mud


Publication number
CA1149776A CA000348485A CA348485A CA1149776A CA 1149776 A CA1149776 A CA 1149776A CA 000348485 A CA000348485 A CA 000348485A CA 348485 A CA348485 A CA 348485A CA 1149776 A CA1149776 A CA 1149776A
Prior art keywords
drilling mud
solid phase
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French (fr)
Stanislav A. Alekhin
Eduard B. Kuznetsov
Vitold M. Bakhir
Vladimir I. Klimenko
Jury G. Zadorozhny
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Publication of CA1149776A publication Critical patent/CA1149776A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B01D61/00Processes of separation using semi-permeable membranes, e.g. dialysis, osmosis or ultrafiltration; Apparatus, accessories or auxiliary operations specially adapted therefor
    • B01D61/42Electrodialysis; Electro-osmosis ; Electro-ultrafiltration; Membrane capacitive deionization
    • B01D61/56Electro-osmotic dewatering
    • B01D57/00Separation, other than separation of solids, not fully covered by a single other group or subclass, e.g. B03C
    • B01D57/02Separation, other than separation of solids, not fully covered by a single other group or subclass, e.g. B03C by electrophoresis
    • E21B21/00Methods or apparatus for flushing boreholes, e.g. by use of exhaust air from motor
    • E21B21/06Arrangements for treating drilling fluids outside the borehole
    • E21B21/063Arrangements for treating drilling fluids outside the borehole by separating components
    • E21B21/065Separating solids from drilling fluids


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  • Treatment Of Sludge (AREA)
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  • Earth Drilling (AREA)
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  • Crystals, And After-Treatments Of Crystals (AREA)
  • Electrostatic Separation (AREA)
  • Nitrogen And Oxygen Or Sulfur-Condensed Heterocyclic Ring Systems (AREA)



Abstract An apparatus for electrokinetically separating drilling mud into liquid and solid phases comprising a casing having an inlet for drilling mud and outlets for separated phases thereof and accommodating electrodes connected to the negative terminal and to the positive terminal, respec-tively, of a d-c source. The electrode connected to the negative terminal of the d-c source comprises a conveyor screw which has a cylindrical portion and an adjacent conical portion and is installed in the casing which functions as the electrode connected to the positive terminal and has respective cylindrical and conical portions. The outlet for solid phase of drilling mud is provided at the end of the conical portion of the casing, and there is provided a receptacle for collecting solid phase of dril-ling mud communicating with the outlet for solid phase of drilling mud provided in the casing, which is arranged at the end of the conical portion of the casing.
The apparatus makes it possible to substantially complete-ly separate from drilling mud the solid phase rich in che-mical reagents for subsequent utilization.



Th~ present invention relates to the drilling techniques, and more particularly, to apparatus for electrokinetically separating drilling mud into liquid and solid p~ase~.
Th~ apparatus according to tbe invenbion may be most advantageously used fox drilling oil and gas production wcllY, and geological prospecting boreboles. The apparatus may als~ be used in tho chemical industry, for tho manufac-ture of construction materials, and in othor industries here colloidal clayog phase of a slurry i~ tD be utilized.
drilling mud Known in the art is that represonts a hcterogeneous liquid ~ystem inevitably containing colloidal solid phasc particles. ~he presont of tbose particlos in drilling mud dcbermines a numbsr of rhoological proparties of drilling mud which are important from the vi~wpoint of well drilli~g quality. ~herefore, the proc~ss for preparing drillin~ mud i~ ossontially the ~rocoss for prcparing clayoy slurrios with the conbent o~ aolloidal solid phaso particlos at a le~el at which neces~ary rheological proporties of drilling mud are obtained. ~he degree of dispersion or comminution of clayey solid pba~o particles detormine the qu~lit~ of drilling mud being prepared. Reduc-tion of the total quantity of solid pbaso in drilling mud *

97~6 with the samo rh~DlDgical properties of drilli~g mud contri-butos to an increas0 in tho mechanical speod of drilling.
~his r~quir~s an improved d~gree of dispersion.
Drilling mud i~ pr~parod from high-grado dry mud, and exp~nsive cbomical roagents ar~ addod thoroto for control-li~g and stabilizing prc-set proportios Df drilli~g mud.
A~tor the drilling is ov~r, all drilling mud i~ disposod i~to a pile sinco its transportation to another drilling ~ite i9 too expensive owing to bigh tra5port co~t a5 drilling mud consists at 85-90% of wator. A prDbl~m, thsra-fore, aris~s to soparato tbc most valuabla fraction ofdrilling mud - finost colloidal fraction - whicb constitutos tho ba~is o~ tho structur~ of drilling mud, t~o moro 80 as it i8 rich in cb~mical reagents addad to drilling mud.
At prasant drilling mud i9 only cleanod durinB drilling.
~haro flr~ various apparatus ~or cloaning drilling mud during drilling.
Such k~own apparatu~ as vibratDry acroo~, bydrocyclonas and contrlfug~l apparatu~ ~oparato cor~- lump~ o~ drilling~
fxom drilling mud, wharoa~ finost colloidal particlo~
romai~ tbu~ impairing tba propcrtios o~ drilling mud. ~bu~
a portion of drilling mud is to bo disposod, tho romai~
porbion i~ dilutod with wat~r and troatod with cbemical ~ 7~ ~

reagents for malntaining desired rheological parameters of drilli~g mud which are importa~t for well drilll~g.
After the drilling is over, the drilliDg mud is generally disposed.
a It will be apprent that separation of colloidal par-ticle 5 of solid phase from drilling mud is of a substantial importance for the economi¢al performance of well drilling.
Enown in the art i9 an apparatu~ ~or separating stable colloidal clayey phase ~rom drilling mud, wherein drilling mud leaving the well and aontainin~ drilllng~
i8 preliminarlly dilut~d with water, and coar~e drillings are separated therefrom. Fine non-aharged drilli~gs and negatively charged colloidal clayey particles are present in ~uah diluted and cleaned drilli~ mud. ~hen negatively charged alayey particles are separated from the drilling mud by depositing them on a rotary anode, with subsequent removal by means o~ a saraper. ~he deposlted ne~atively char~ed clayeg partiale~ entrain with them a portion o~ non-charged partioles whioh are also deposited on the rotary anode.
The above-desaribed ap~aratus aan only treat a por-tion o~ drilling mud, whereas the remaining and much ~reater portion thereof is fed back to the well without treatment.

~g776 Separation oP solid phase particles only from a por-tion oP drilling mud and the two-stage character o~ the process: first, separation of coar~e particles, and then separation of finer particles, make the proce~s complica-ted and e~pe~sive.
Kno~n in the art is an apparatus for electrokinetical-ly separating drilling mud into liquid and solid phase~, wherein a casing has an inlet for drilling mud a~d out-lets for separated phases of drilling mud and ao~ommodates electrodes which ar~ conneoted to terminals o~ a d-c souroe~
~ he electrode conne¢ted to the positive terminal o~
the d-c source comprises a cbamber having a per~orated wall which ~s connected to a closed circuit for a cir~ula-tion of an electrically conducting liquid. The casing comprises the other elec~rode and i~ connected to the ne~a-tive termlnal o~ the d-c source. ln operation airculating throush the chamber is enriched with solid phase, and drilliD~ mud which is wi~hin the casin~ and around the chamber is depleted therefrom. After several cycles of pumpi~ o~ the eleotricallg conducting liquid through the ohamber the process o~ cleaning of the drilling mud i~ completed.

~1~9~;'76 After that the electrically conducting liquid enri¢hed wit~ solid pha~e i drain~d and replaced by rresh liquid.
~a~ batch o~ drill~g mud i8 poured in the casing of t~e ~pparatus, and the cleaning process continu~s.
The need for circulatin~ the electrically conducting liquid limits the amount of solid phase taken i~ thereb~.
It is an ob~ect of the invention to provide an appara-tus for eleotrokinetically separating drilli~g mud into liquid and ~olid phases, wherein the electrode conn~cted to the negative terminal of a d-c source and the Gasing are so oonstru¢ted as to substantially completel~ separate solid phase rioh in chemioal rea~ents ~o as to enable it~ utilization.
~ nother ob~ect of t~e invention is to redu¢e the cost of separation of solid phase ~rom drilling mud.
Further ob~eot of the invention i8 to increase the drilllng speed o~in~ to an improvement o~ quality of proce~sed drilling mud.
With thes0 and other ob~eots in view, there is provided an apparatus ~or separating drilling mud into ~olid a~d liquid pha~es comprising R casing having a~ inlet for drilling mud and outlets ~or separated phases thereo~ and accommodating electrodes connected to the negative term~nal ~9776 and to the po~itive terminal, respectively, o~ a d-c sourse, wherein, according to the invention, the eleatrode which is con~ected to the negative terminal compri~es a conveyor screw and has a cylindrical portion and an adjacent conioal portio~ and the casi~g ~orms the electrode co~nRcted to the positive terminal and has respective cyli~drical and oonical portions, the outlet ~or solid phase of drilling mud being provided at the end of the conical portion o~
the casi~g, a~d wherein there is provided Q receptacle ~or collecting solid phase of drilling mud communicating with the outlet ~or solid phase of drilliDg mud provided in the oasing.
The receptacle for collecting solid phase pre~erably aompris~s two coaxiall~ arranged containers made of a flexible oorrugated material, the inner contalner being made of a reticulate electrically conducting material, ¢o~nected to the ~egative terminal o~ the d-c source and communioati~3 with the casing outlet ~or solid pha~e, and the outer container being made of a non-aonducting material having openings ~or draining separated liquid pha~e~
Flcxible ¢orrugated ~tructure of the receptacle for oollecting solid phase whiah exhibit~ var~i~g inter-nal volume eliminates the ~ormation of air pockets hampering the flow of electric current.

~7--The provi6ion of the inner container in the ~orm of a reticulate cathode al~o pre~e~ts clayey particles from sticking to the walls of the inner container and contribu-tes to an additional ~eparation of liquid phase (flltrate), tha~ is to ~urther thickeniDg of solid phase of the drilling mud.
~ be outlet ~or liquid p~ase of drilli~g mud i~ pre-ferably arra~ged within the conical portion of the ca~ing and i8 provided through a reticulate partition w~ll .
~ he provi~ion o~ the outlet for liquid phase within the coni¢al portion of the oAsin~ ensures mo~t e~ficient separation of filtrate and thickenin~ of solid phase of the drilliD~ mud in the casing of the apparatus.
~ he oylindrioal portion of the casing preferably ¢on-8i~t9 of three part~ of which the intermediate part is electri¢allg insulated from the end parts and functione as an ~ode.
~ hl~ aon~truction ensures the provi~ion of anode and cathode ~ones in the intermediate part of the casin~ and, a~ fin~t colloidal negati~ely oharged partieles are depo~i-ted on th~ anode, the deposition of the thickened part of drillins mud on the intermediate portion of the ca~ing i~ most effi¢ient.

~ he screw blades and the conical portion of the screw are preferabl~ made of an insulating material and the screw shaft is made of an electri¢ally conducting material.
Thi~ arrangement is needed to provide a uni~orm eleo-tric field within the apparatuQ.
~ collector for separated liquid phase is preferably provided under the outer container.
~ his fa¢ility makes it possible to re-use the ~iltrate.
~ here~ore, the apparatus for separating solid phas~
of drilling mud from liquid phase (~iltrate) provides for an eificient thickeni~g of solid phase of drilling mud.
Substantial technioal advantages of the apparatus ac-oording to the invention are aohieved by USiDg simple techniques and e¢onomic~l operations. ~ simple kinematic chain ensures a reliable operation of thQ apparatus ac-oording to the invention ~or separatin~ solid phass of drilllng mud from ~iltrate. mO use of the invention makes it possible to obtain substantial ~avings of dry mud and ohemioal reagents.
A ~peoi~ic embodiment o~ the invention will now be d~soribed with rererenco to the aocompanyin~ drawing, ~howing a diagrammatio view o~ an apparatu~ ~or eleotrokinetally separating dri.lling mud i~to solid and liquid phases, acoording to the invention, in longitudinal section (the screw drive not shown).


_g_ An app~ratus ~or eleotrokinetically separating drilling mud i~to solid and liquld phaso~ comprises a casing 1 having a pipe 2 oonnected thereto for an inlet of drilling m~d, a~d a pipe ~ ~or an outlet of separated liquld pha~e o~ drilli~g mud. The ca~ing 1 accommodates a conveyor scrow 4 ha~iDg a cylindrical portion 5 and an adjaoent conical portion 6. A ~aft 7 of the screw 4 i9 made o~ an electricallg conducting material a~d i~ connected by mea~s of a slip ring 7a to the negative terminal of a d-c source 8. Blades 9 of the screw 4 and the oonical portion 6 oi the ~arew are made of an ins~llating material. ~he ¢asing 1 has a respeative cylindrioal portion consisting of inter~o~nected parts 10a, 1~b and 10c5 and a respectivo conical portion 11. The intermediate part 10b is insulated ~rom the end parts 10a and 10c by mean~ of ~pacers 12 oi an in~ulatiD~ material. The intermediate part 10b i~ ¢on-neoted to tho positi~e terminal of the d-c source 8.
An ouklet 13 ~or aeparated ~olid pha~e of drillin~
mud is provided at the end o~ the conical portion 11 of the casing ~. ~o thi~ end ad~olns a receptaole 14 ~or ool-le¢ting oolid phaso of drilling mud which oommunicates with the outlet 1~.
~ he receptacle 14 comprise~ two coaxially arranged 3L~49~76 conta-iners - an inner container 15 a~d an outer contalner 16 -made of a flexible corrugated material a~d having a common base 17. Th~ containers 15 and 16 are installed in such a ma~ner that a~ annular space i8 de~ined therebetween.
The ~nner container 15 iæ made of a reticulate ele¢trical-ly conducting material a~d is con~e¢ted to the negative termiDal oi the d-c source 80 that it ~orms a cathode. The container 15 communicates with the outlet 13 o~ the ¢asing 1.
The outer container 16 i~ made of a non-conducting material, aonn~cted to the base 17 and pro~ided w~th ope-ning5 18 for draining the additionally separated liquid phase. A collector 19 communicating via a pipeline 20 with a tank 21 ~or drill~ng mud i9 provided u~der the outer container 16 for collectin~ this liquid phase.
~ he receptacle 14 and the casing 1 are interconneated by mean~ of flanges 22 and 23, respeotively, with the interposition o~ a gasket 24. The ~lange~ are tied-up by means o~ a ¢lamp 25 made o~ a~ in~ulatin4 material.
~ he pipe 3 i8 aonn~ated to the casing 1 within the aonical portion 11 thereof since it is within this portion that mo~t e~icie~t s~paration of liquid phase throu~h a reticulate partition wall 26 takes place.
The ~a~k 21 communicates, via a pipeline 27, with the pipe 3 and, via a pipeline 28 and a pump 29, with the ~ ~977 6 pipe 2.
Th~ apparatus for ele¢trokinetically separati~g drilliDg mud aocordin~ to the invention ~unctions in the following maLDar.
When the apparatus is started, drives o~ the sarew 4 and pump 29 (not shown) are turned on. DrilliDg mud to be treated i8 ~ed by the pump 29 throueh the pipeline 28 and tho pipe 2 to the interior o~ the aasi~g 1 where tho drilling mud is electrically treated. As a rosult of th~
electrical treatment, colloidal clayey phase of the drilling mud i8 deposited on the part 10b of the casi~s 1, and the treated drilling mud passes through the reti~ulate par~ition wall 26, pipe 3, and pipeline 27 back to the tank ~ he drllling mud being treated repeatedly airoulates through the electrio field of the apparatus 1 ~ivi~ up its clayey phase to the part 1~b of the oa~ing 1. First, finest col-loidal particles of the drillin~ mud are deposited i~ the oasiLB 1, on it~ part 1~b, whioh are continuously removed ~rom the ~alls by the rotatin~ ~crow 4 and trans~erred thereby bo the receptacle 14 and further through tho outlet 13 into the interior of the container 15 colleoting solid phase. Sinoe the aontainer 15 is made of a flexible ¢orrugated material, a back pressure develops causing a aompaotion of olayey phase in the interior of the container.

~ 7'~6 U~der the action of the electric ~ield, additional separa-tion of liquid phase oocurs within the compacted clayey phase. ~he negatively charged container 15 repells negati-vely charged colloidal clayey particles, while allowi~g the ~iltrate to pass through unhampered. The separated filtrate passes into the annular space between the containers 15 and 16 and through the openings 18, is drained into the ¢ollector 19 ~or collecting separated liquid phase and is farther ~ed ba¢k to the tank 21.
By changing the number of cycles of circulation o~
drillin.g mud through the casin~ 1 and by varying the inten-sity of current, colloidal phase of drilli~g mud having of one and the same parti¢les size may be collected in the recptacle 14. After the finest fraction is separated, the receptacle ~or colleating solid phase i8 repla¢ed b~ an empty receptacle, a~d the intensit~ o~ current is increased to circulate the drilling mud through the casi~ 1 for a desired number o~ ay¢les 80 as to colleot a coarser fraotion, and so on.
~ e receptacle 14 ~or collecting solid phase maybe then used for the storage and transportation o~ the separated paste-like mud to another site for re-use. Connec-ting the sorew 4 and container 15 to the negative terminal of the d-c source 8 prevents clayey particles ~rom sticking thereto.

Therefore, the apparatu~ for electrokinetically separa-ting drllliDg mud into ~olid phas~ a~d liquid phase i~
highly efficient in separating finest colloidal phase rich i~ che~ical reagents a~d makes it possible to obtain a paste of drilling mud for subseque~t use.
Economical e~ficiency of the apparatus for separati~g drilli~g mud into solid and liquid phases accordi~g to the inventio~ is determined by reduced cost of chemical reagonts used for the preparation of drilli~g mud and maintenance of its parameters, i~creased drilling speed owing to a better quality of drilling mud prepared from the pase and prolonged life of drilling mud.

Claims (6)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:-
1. An apparatus for electrokinetically separating drilling mud, comprising: a casing having a cylindrical portion and a conical portion arranged in series and made of an electrically conducting material; a screw made of an electrically conducting material and having a cylindrical portion and a conical portion arranged in series correspon-ding to the cylindrical and conical portions of said casing;
a d-c source having its negative terminal connected to said screw and its positive terminal connected to said casing; said casing having an inlet for drilling mud, and outlet for separated liquid phase, and an outlet for sepa-rated solid phase which is provided at the end of the conical portion of said casing; a receptacle for collecting salid phase of drilling mud communicating with the outlet for solid phase of drilling mud provided in said casing.
2. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein the receptacle for collecting salid phase comprises two coaxial-ly arranged containers made of a flexible corrugated mate-rial, the inner container being made of a reticulate electri-cally conducting material, connected to the negative terminal of the d-c source and communicating with the outlet for solid phase provided in the casing, and the outer container being made of a non-conducting material and having openings for draining separated liquid phase.
3. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein the outlet for liquid phase is provided within the conical portion of the casing through a reticulate partition wall.
4. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein the cylindrical portion of the casing consists of three parts of which the intermediate part is electrically insulated from the end parts and functions as an anode.
5. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein blades of the screw and the conical portion thereof are made of an insulating material, and the shaft is made of an electrically conducting material.
6. An apparatus according to Claim 2, wherein a col-lector for collecting separated liquid phase is provided under the outer container.
CA000348485A 1979-03-26 1980-03-26 Apparatus for electrokinetically separating drilling mud Expired CA1149776A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SU792735613A SU904366A1 (en) 1979-03-26 1979-03-26 Apparatus for cleaning drilling mud from solid phase
SU2735613 1979-03-26

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CA1149776A true CA1149776A (en) 1983-07-12



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Cited By (1)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9221063B2 (en) 2012-05-08 2015-12-29 Sean Frisky Electro-separation of oil-based drilling fluids

Families Citing this family (3)

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CN113374427A (en) * 2021-07-12 2021-09-10 沧州市华油飞达固控设备有限公司 Vertical rotary slurry processor

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9221063B2 (en) 2012-05-08 2015-12-29 Sean Frisky Electro-separation of oil-based drilling fluids

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AU5725680A (en) 1980-10-02
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SU904366A1 (en) 1983-08-15
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JPS56500796A (en) 1981-06-18

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