AU2019411710B2 - Smart earth leakage, shortcircuit and overcurrent protection - Google Patents

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    • H02H3/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection ; integrated protection
    • H02H3/16Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection ; integrated protection responsive to fault current to earth, frame or mass
    • H02H3/00Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection ; integrated protection
    • H02H3/08Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection ; integrated protection responsive to excess current
    • H02H3/10Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection ; integrated protection responsive to excess current additionally responsive to some other abnormal electrical conditions
    • H02H3/105Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection ; integrated protection responsive to excess current additionally responsive to some other abnormal electrical conditions responsive to excess current and fault current to earth
    • H01R13/00Details of coupling devices of the kinds covered by groups H01R12/70 or H01R24/00 - H01R33/00
    • H01R13/66Structural association with built-in electrical component
    • H01R13/68Structural association with built-in electrical component with built-in fuse


INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property (1) Organization11111111111111111111111I1111111111111ii111liiili International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date W O 2020/240271 Al 03 December 2020 (03.12.2020) W IP0I PCT (51) InternationalPatent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every H02H 3/10 (2006.01) HOR 4/64 (2006.0 1) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, HO1R 13/713 (2006.01) HO1R 4/66 (2006.01) AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, H02H 3/16 (2006.01) CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, (21) International Application Number: DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, PCT/IBa2019/056227 HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, (22) International Filing Date: MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, 22 July 2019 (22.07.2019) OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, (25)FilingLanguage: English TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (26) Publication Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (72) Inventor; and kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, (71) Applicant: MAGDY ZAREEF ZAKI, Ramez [EG/EG]; GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, 13 AlArwse street in Ain Shams alshrkia, Cairo (EG). UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, (54) Title: SMART EARTH LEAKAGE, SHORT CIRCUIT AND OVERCURRENT PROTECTION PART PART2A 3 -~ 17~ (57) Abstract: The invention is adevice that provides asmart accurate fault discrimination for every specific load and isolate it alone without affecting other loads that are in the same circuit of the faulty load,so it assure the continuity of electric power for other loads. The device is operable to beconnected to asocket, wherein the device comprises two relays (relay A, relay B), two lamps (20, 26), an oalarmsiren (21), twocopper connectionjoints (3, 4), wherein each of the first relay (relay A) and the second relay (relay B) comprises a set of normally closed contacts (1, 9), aset of normally open contacts (6, 11) and acoil, the normally closed contacts of the two relays -being arranged in series in the life wire of the device for interrupting the current to the socket and the load in case afault is detected. OThe device furthermore helps the user for making fast maintenance for the fault by alerting the user for the position of the faulty load Sat this instant with sound and light, so the user can remove the faulty load safely. Also, the application provides an easy maintenance pC 0' W O 2020/240271 A1I|IIII||I|I|I|||||H||I|II|I|H||I|I|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Declarations under Rule 4.17: - as to the identity ofthe inventor (Rule 4.17(1)) - as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a patent (Rule 4.17(ii)) - ofinventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) Published: - with international search report (Art. 21(3)) - with amended claims (Art. 19(1)) - upon request of the applicant, before the expiration of the time limit referred to in Article 2](2)(a) efficient cheap method for providing an equipotential for all conductive parts of non electric equipment like windows and handrails.


Prior art : Traditional earthing system that contain earthing grid buried in the ground with it's accessors like earthing rod ,earthing pit ,main earthing terminal, eathing grid conductors , in addition to the earth leakage circuit breaker that sense any leakage current to the earth and cut off the circuit or the ground fault circuit breaker that cut off the circuit if it senses a difference between the current in the phases and the neutral.
Disadvantage of the prior art : 1- This traditional earthing system is very costly because it contain a lot of costly components with large quantities. 2- This traditional system requires regular maintenance for keeping the earthing resistance to minimum value for attracting any fault current to the ground and also for insuring the continuity of the earthing conductors from the load to the main earthing terminal to the earthing grid or earthing rod without any cutting point. 3-In case of current leakage in the load ,the earth leakage circuit breaker will shut of the power source for the whole panel that contain the fault (in case the earth leakage circuit breaker is on the main breaker of the panel )or the whole circuit that contain the load that have fault (in case the earth leakage circuit breaker is on the circuit branches ),so there is no accurate fault discrimination ,beside no continuity of power supply for the rest loads that are in the same circuit of the faulty load but have notleakage. 4- In case of using ground fault circuit breaker with the main circuit breaker,it will shut of the power for the whole panel in case there is slight unbalance in the operation of the loads on the phases or there is a current leakage and if it's used on a branch circuit ,it will shut of the power for the whole circuit that have faulty load, so there is no accurate fault discrimination ,beside no continuity of power supply for the rest loads that are in the same circuit of the faulty load but have not leakage
The new in this invention: 1- It provides an accurate fault discrimination for every specific load and isolation of the faulty load alone without affecting other loads that are in the same circuit(serious or parallel) of the faulty load ,so it assure the continuity of electric power for other loads
2- The invention provides fast maintenance for the fault ,that after isolating the faulty load alone ,it alerts the user for the position of the faulty load at this instant with music and light,so the user can remove the faulty load safely where it has no power and is isolated and stop the music and light,and deal with the faulty load separately and maintain it and then put it again to the service without making any effect to other loads.
3- This invention is very cheap compared to the traditional earthing system and compared to it's advantages due to it's few simple components.
4- This invention provides a separate short circuit and over current protection for each separate load in the circuit ,that in case there is a short circuit fault on a load in a circuit or over current, the invention will isolate this load alone without affecting other loads that are on the same circuit and the location of the load that have fault will be determined by viewing the status of the fuse(burned or not).
-The invention provides an easy new method for earthing of the conductive parts of objects(like metallic water pipes, windows and handrail) with simple cheap maintenance method.
Component: 1'- Main Live wire from the source. 1- Pin in relay A (5)that is connected to normally closed push button (19) ,and in relay B (7') that is connected to pin 9 in relay A(5). 2- Neutral wire.
3- copper connection point for connecting wires to live wire. 4- copper connection point for connecting wires to neutral wire. -First Relay A. 6- Pin in relayA and relay B that is connected to the normally closed push button (19). 7'- Second Relay B. 7-Pin in relay B that is connected to dc alarm siren (38) and battery then to pin 11 in the same relay as shown in fig 3 (we use this circuit,incase we want to use a dc alarm siren instead of Ac alarm siren). 8-Fuse.
9- Pin in relay A that is connected to pin I in relay B.
10- Pin in relay A&B that is normally closed with pin 6
. 11- Pin in relay B that is connected to a battery and dc alarm siren (38) and then to pin 7 in the same relay as shown in fig 3(we use this circuit ,incase we want to use a dc alarm siren instead of Ac alarm siren).
12- Earth wire connecting the earth pin in the back of the socket to pin 13 in relay A to energize it when current passes through earth pin.
13-Pin in relay A which is connected to earth pin 18 in the back of the socket,and also pin in relay B but is connected to pin 10 in relay A &B.
14-Pin in relay A &B that is connected through coil to pin 13 ,and also this pin is connected to the copper connection point 4.
15- Socket where the load is connected to it from the front by three pin plug or two pin with ground, while from the back the live pin is connected to the live wire coming from the power source ,the neutral pin is connected to the neutral wire coming from the power source and the earth pin is connected to pin 13 in Relay 1(A) for activating it in the case of any current leakage to the earth.
16-Live pin in the socket , that is connected from the back to the live wire coming from the power source and from the front connected to live line of the load through the plug.
17-Neutral pin that is connected from the back to the neutral line coming from the power source and from front to the neutral wire of the load through the plug.
18-Earth pin in the socket that is connected from the back of the socket to pin 13 of relay 1(A)to energize it's coil in case there is any leakage current passes through the earth, and from the front is connected to the load through the plug .
19-Normally closed push button switch to cut the current to the infected socket and stop the sound and light that indicate the position of the fault to the user in order to reset the relays after the user have dealt with the fault.
20-Indicating Lamp that lights in case of fault for indicating earth leakage current, where this lamp is connected in series with the alarm siren(21) and both are connected across pin 13&14 in relay B.
21-Alarm siren that gives sound in case of fault for indicating earth leakage current, where this alarm siren is connected in series with the lamp(20) and both are connected across pin 13&14 in relay B.
. 22- Electric power panel. 23- Neutral bus bar. 24- Live bus bar.
25-Live conductor. 26- Indicating Lamp that lights in case of fault for indicating earth leakage current ,where this lamp is connected across pin13 and 14 in relay A.
27- Metallic part of object. 28- Connection between the copper wire and the metallic part of the object. 29-copper wire. 30- copper rod or copper wire. 31- the connector that connects copper wire to copper rod. 32- a box in the wall that has a back box (41) and a face plate (32')which has the connection between the copper rod (30)and the wire(29) and has Earthing compound material ( like Bentonite , Marconite,.. ) which is around the rod and makes the resistance at the rod approximately equal to earth resistance. (where we install the back box 41first in the wall and install to it the copper rod 30 and tight it through the connector (31) to the copper wire(29) that is connected to the conductive parts of non electric materials like windows and handrail, then cover the back box 41 by the faceplate 32').
32'- the face plate of the box 32 ,that is attached to the back box 41 through the groove 43.
33- a movable plate inside the box 32 with small lip (42) that moves up or down by finger through the small lip(42) ,that incase of up position ,it permits the user to change the earthing compound material and water inside the box,while in down position ,it keeps the earthing compound material from coming out of the box where this moving plate have a grove inside the box frame.
34- Earthing compound material ( like Bentonite , Marconite,.. ) which is around the rod and makes the resistance at the rod approximately equal to earth resistance.
35- Half ring of copper that holds the copper wire to the copper rod.
36- Nail that connects the two have rings to the copper rod.
37- a nail with square hollow that holds the copper wire 29 to the half ring.
38- DC alarm siren that is used as an alternative to the AC alarm siren(21) incase we have not an AC alarm sound.
39-battery of 1.5 volt or other for operation of DC alarm siren (38).
40- glass face with slight curve to outside,to allow the movable plate (33) to move up and down.
41- Back box of the box (32) ,in which the face plate(32') of the box attach to it.
42- a slight depth in the back box (41) to prevent what is inside the box from coming outside.
43- a groove inside the back box 41,in which the face plate 32' is attached to it.
Imp Note : I have executed this invention practically and it's succeeded and there is a video for it available if you requesttoseeit The Method of operation: At the normal operation , all sockets (S1,S2&S3) in a place are feed with power from the electric power panel (22) through the live bus bar (24) and the neutral bus bar (23) directly without circuit breaker .where loads are connected through the plugs to socket (S1,S2&S3).
In case an external fault , where a current or a live wire touches the conductive part of the body of a load ,where this load is connected through a plug to socket S1 (so there is a voltage on the body of the load
)then a current will passes through the earth pin(18) in the socket S1 to pin 13 in relay A so the coil of the relay will be energized and the lamp (26)will light so the normally closed contact between pin 1&9 in relay A will open which cuts the current in the live conductor that is connected to the live pin(16) in the infected socket(S1) only and the socket S1 becomes has no power while other sockets(S2 and S3) that are connected in series with this infected socket(S1)will not be effected, and the lamp(26) connected across the coil of the relay A will light for indication of an external outer fault ,at the same time ,at the instant of energizing the coil of relay A,the normally open contact between it's pin 6&10 becomes closed ,so a current flows from the panel (22) across pin 6&10 of relay A to pin 13 in relay B which energize it's coil , so the normally closed contact between 1&9 in relay B will also open ,besides the lamp(20) and the Alarm siren (21)which are connected across the coil of relay B will also operate for indicating to the user that there is an external fault occurs on this load ,so the user comes to the only load that have fault and remove the reason of the fault ,so at the instant of removing the reason of the fault (there will be no current flows through the pin of the earth (18)in the socket(S1) to the pin 13 of the coil of relayA,so the relay A will be in off position ,so the lamp 26 across the relay will be off and the contact between pin 1&9 of relay A will be closed again while the contact between 6&10 in relay A will be open again ,but the coil of relay B will still have current through it's closed contact between pin 6&10 so the alarm siren 21 and lighting lamp 20 will still operating until the user reset the whole socket by pressing on the normally closed push button 19 ,at this instant,both relay A and B will be off again and the operating lamp 20 and alarm siren 21 will be off. and the power will return back to the socket and operates the load.
Note : we can replace the AC alarm siren 21 by DC alarm siren (38) as shown in fig 3 where this siren is connected through a battery (1.5 v or more ) through a normally open contact(as in pin 7 &11)in relay B,so when relay B work,the normally open contact (7&11) will be closed and the alarm siren will give sound.
In case an inner fault occurs, where is a connection between the live current wire and the body of the load through pin 18 in the socket(S1)
(so there is a voltage on the body of the load )then a current will passes through the earth pin in the socket (18) to pin 13 in relay A so the coil of the relay will be energized and the lamp (26) will light so the normally closed contact between pin 1&9 in relay A will open which cuts the current in the live conductor that is connected to the live pin (16) in the infected socket(S1) only while other sockets (S2 &S3) in the same circuit will not be effected by this fault ,so the load that is connected to this specific socket (S) becomes has no power on it,at the same time ,at the instant of energizing the coil of relay A,the normally open contact between it's pin 6&10 becomes closed ,so a current flows from the panel (22) across pin 6&10 in relay A to pin 13 in relay B which energize it's coil , so the normally closed contact between 1&9 in relay B will also open ,besides the lamp(20) and the Alarm siren (21) which are connected across the coil will operate,and the normally opened contact between pin 6&10 in relay B will be closed,so pin 13 in relay B will have two ways feeding it with current (one comes across pin 6&10 in relay A and the other comes across pin 6&10 in relay B),that when the normally closed contact 1&9 for relay A& relay B opens which cuts the current flowing to the live pin (16) in the infected socket and earth pin (18) and relay A ,so relay B will still have current across pin 6&10 of relay B (where they become closed due to the operation of relay B)and pin 6 in relay B is connected to the live wire through the normally closed push button(19) ,and the operation of relay B will make the contact between pin 1&9 of relay B still open cutting the current to the infected socket (even while relay A has stopped working due to cutting the current that feeds it through pin 18),and the lamp(20) and siren (21) across relay B will operate only(while lamp (26) is off) indicating to the user that there is an inner fault in this socket., so the user come to this socket and remove the plug of the load and press on the normally closed push button ,so if the alarm siren 21 and lamp 20 stop,this means that the inner fault was inside the load that was connected to the socket,but if the alarm sound 21 and lighting lamp (20)still exist ,this means that the fault is inside the socket (S1) itself and there is a still connection between the live pin 16 and earth pin in the socket (18) and the user have to deal with the socket itself or replace it.
So when lamp (20 )and siren(21 or 38) operates only,the user will know that there is inner fault only,while when lamp(26) ,lamp (20)and siren(21 or 38) operate together ,the user will know that there is outer fault.
Note : we can replace the AC alarm siren 21 by DC alarm siren (38) as shown in fig 3 where this siren is connected through a battery (1.5 v or more ) through a normally open contact(as in pin 7 &11)in relay B ,so when relay B work,the normally open contact (7&11) will be closed and the alarm siren will give sound.
In case there is a short circuit fault between the live pin (16) and neutral pin (17) in the socket(S1) or in the load connected to it or an over current(overload) on the load ,the fuse (8) of socket(sl) will open and stop the current in socket (Si) only to stop the short circuit current or the overcurrent( overload) for protecting the load connected to the socket,while other sockets that are in series with socket (SI) will not be effected and the user will have to unplug the load to know the reason of the fault if it's from the load or it's inside the socket it self and then replace the fuse in the socket to reuse the socket again.
-For equipotential of all conductive parts of non electric equipment like windows and handrail ,a special designed box (32)(as shown in fig :2
& 2')in the wall that has a back box (41) and a face plate(32') in which we put in it a copper earth rod(30) and join to it a copper wire (31)which is connected to all conductive materials of non electric equipment (27)and also the box contains an Earthing compound material (34)( like Bentonite , Marconite,.. ) which is around the rod and makes the resistance at the rod approximately equal to earth in case there is any static or dynamic charges on conductive parts of non electric equipment,it will moves through the copper wire(29) to the copper rod(30) or wire inside the box which has low resistance due to earthing compound material(34).
Where these earthing material can be replaced from time to time or add water to it by moving the cover (33) up through the lip (42) and then return the cover down again. (as shown in fig'2 &2') , where there is a grove inside the frame (32') for the cover (33) to prevent what is inside the box from coming outside, to prevent what is inside the box from coming outside, beside the inner lower depth of the box is slightly more than it's outer frame to also prevent what is inside the box from coming outside.
(where we install the back box 41first in the wall and install to it the copper rod 30 and tight it through the connector (31) to the copper wire that is connected to the conductive parts of non electric materials like windows and handrail, then cover the back box 41 by the faceplate 32')

Claims (1)

  1. Amended Claims. 1-A device consisting of two relays A and B, two lamps,AC alarm siren, fuse, push button which is normally in closed state; a box consisting of a back box and a face plate which includes inside it Earthing compound material as Bentonite, Marconite or other material like salt or coal and a copper rod or copper wire; two copper connection joints one for live conductors and the other for neutral conductor; a copper wire connects between the body of the load that is desired to be protected and the live terminal of the coil of the first relay,while the neutral of the load ,the two coils of the two relays connected to the neutral of the main feeding circuit through one of the two copper connection joints , wherein the live conductor of the load is connected to the live conductor of the source through a two normally closed contacts for the two relays ,where the normally closed contact of the first relay is connected to the live conductor coming from the source through a normally closed push button ,fuse branched from the live conductor of the main circuit through the copper joint, while the other side of the normally closed contact of the first relay is connected to the normally closed contact of the second relay, then connected to the live conductor of the load where there are two normally open contacts one for the first relay while the other is for the second relay, where these contacts are connected in parallel, and are connected from one side to the live wire coming from the source through the same normally closed push button and the fuse while from the other side they are connected to the live terminal of the coil of the second relay; and where one of the lamps is connected across first relay A while the other lamp and alarm siren connected across the second relay B so that incase of an outer external fault both the lamps and alarm siren operate together to indicate to the user that there is an outer external fault and incase an inner fault only the lamp of the second relay and Ac alarm siren will operate, noting that the AC alarm siren that is connected across the coil of the second relay B can be replaced with a dc alarm siren connected in series with a battery across a normally open contact of the second relay B in order to operate when the coil of the second relay B operates.
    2-The method for sensing any inner current leakage in the body of the load, cutting its power alone without cutting power to other parallel loads with it , then alerting the user for the location of the load that have inner fault by sound , light, by using a circuit when connected to the device defined in claim 1,that in case of inner fault ,there will be a direct contact between the live wire that feed the load , the body of the load , that there will be a voltage on the body of the load ,then a current will passes from the body of the load to the coil of first relay A, which makes it be energized and it's lamp will light -, the normally closed contact that carry the live current in relay A will open ,which cuts the current in the live conductor that is connected to the infected load only across the closed contacts of second relay B,while other parallel loads in the same circuit which have not inner leakage current will not be effected by this fault ,beside still having power ,at the same time ,at the instant of energizing the coil of first relay A,it's normally open contact becomes closed ,that a current flows through them to the coil of second relay B which energizes it making the normally closed contact of relay B also open ,it's lamp, the alarm siren which are connected across the coil will operate ,beside the normally opened contacts in relay B will be closed ,that the coil of relay B will have two ways feeding it with current, that when the normally closed contact of the first relay A with the second relay B opens, the second relay B will still have current from the source across its contacts , the lamp and siren will operate only while the lamp of the first relay will stop which indicates to the user that there is an inner fault .
    3- The method for sensing any outer current leakage in the body of the load , cutting its power without cutting power to other parallel loads with it, then alerting the user for the location of the load that have outer fault by sound , light, by using a circuit when connected to the device defined in claim 1,that in case of outer fault,there will be current and voltage on the body of the load, then the current will passes from the body of the load to the coil of first relay A, making it be energized , resulting that it's lamp will light ,beside the normally closed contact that carry the live current in relay A will open, which cuts the current in the live conductor that is connected to the infected load only across closed contacts of second relay B,while other parallel loads in the same circuit which have not outer leakage current will not be effected by this fault, still having power,at the same time ,at the instant of energizing the coil of first relay A, normally open contact becomes closed ,making a current flows through them to the coil of second relay B which energizes it, making the normally closed contact of relay B opens,besides the lamp and the alarm siren which are connected across the coil will operate ,that the user will have two operating lamps beside siren, which indicates that there is an external fault.
    4- The method for sensing any short circuit, over current , over load in the body of the load , cutting it's power without cutting power to other parallel loads with it, by using fuse which is connected in between the normally closed push button that feeds the two relays as defined in claim 1 and the live conductor that is branched from the main circuit.
    -The method for providing an individual protection for each device from inner, outer fault current, over current and short circuit current and cuts it's power without affecting other parallel loads with it , by using a circuit when connected to the device defined in claims.
    6- The method for providing earthing , equipotential for all conductive parts of non electric equipment like windows, handrail , by using a box defined in claim 1, where the copper wire that comes from the box, is joined to all conductive parts of non electric equipment, and the compound material that is inside the box around the rod or the wire ,makes the resistance at the rod very small ,that in case there is any static or dynamic charges on conductive parts of non-electric equipment,they will move through the copper wire to the copper rod or wire inside the box, which has low resistance due to earthing compound material.
AU2019411710A 2019-07-22 2019-07-22 Smart earth leakage, shortcircuit and overcurrent protection Active AU2019411710B2 (en)

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PCT/IB2019/056227 WO2020240271A1 (en) 2019-07-22 2019-07-22 Smart earth leakage, short circuit and overcurrent protection

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Citations (3)

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US4814641A (en) * 1987-12-30 1989-03-21 Jacques Dufresne Electric safety supply apparatus and connector device combination

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Patent Citations (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB800605A (en) * 1955-04-29 1958-08-27 Charles Henry Nicholson A new or improved apparatus for the protection and testing of electrical earth connections
US3766434A (en) * 1971-08-09 1973-10-16 S Sherman Safety power distribution system
US4814641A (en) * 1987-12-30 1989-03-21 Jacques Dufresne Electric safety supply apparatus and connector device combination

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