WO2002014214A1 - Method for producing hydrogen and heat energy - Google Patents

Method for producing hydrogen and heat energy Download PDF


Publication number
WO2002014214A1 PCT/EA2000/000006 EA0000006W WO0214214A1 WO 2002014214 A1 WO2002014214 A1 WO 2002014214A1 EA 0000006 W EA0000006 W EA 0000006W WO 0214214 A1 WO0214214 A1 WO 0214214A1
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heat energy
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Valery Armenakovich Grigoryan
Alexander Iosifovich Yelkin
Tatyana Alexandrovna Prokhorova
Dmitry Alexandrovich Rototaev
Jury Mikhailovich Luzhkov
Original Assignee
Valery Armenakovich Grigoryan
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Valery Armenakovich Grigoryan filed Critical Valery Armenakovich Grigoryan
Priority to PCT/EA2000/000006 priority Critical patent/WO2002014214A1/en
Publication of WO2002014214A1 publication Critical patent/WO2002014214A1/en



    • C01B3/00Hydrogen; Gaseous mixtures containing hydrogen; Separation of hydrogen from mixtures containing it; Purification of hydrogen
    • C01B3/02Production of hydrogen or of gaseous mixtures containing a substantial proportion of hydrogen
    • C01B3/06Production of hydrogen or of gaseous mixtures containing a substantial proportion of hydrogen by reaction of inorganic compounds containing electro-positively bound hydrogen, e.g. water, acids, bases, ammonia, with inorganic reducing agents
    • C01B3/08Production of hydrogen or of gaseous mixtures containing a substantial proportion of hydrogen by reaction of inorganic compounds containing electro-positively bound hydrogen, e.g. water, acids, bases, ammonia, with inorganic reducing agents with metals
    • F24V30/00Apparatus or devices using heat produced by exothermal chemical reactions other than combustion
    • Y02E60/00Enabling technologies; Technologies with a potential or indirect contribution to GHG emissions mitigation
    • Y02E60/30Hydrogen technology
    • Y02E60/36Hydrogen production from non-carbon containing sources, e.g. by water electrolysis


  • the method includes the purchase of an alternative on an active metal component and .. in a subsequent contact with water.
  • activation is carried out on an aluminum fusion coupled with the following process in a vacuum at a temperature of 600- ⁇ 58 ° ⁇ for 1.
  • the achieved goal is achieved in that, in the form of improved energy and thermal energy 5, including the inclusion in the operation of the plant .
  • activation of metal ⁇ The subsequent contact with water, it activates, leads to textiles made of aluminum or materials on its basis, by means of carrying out ⁇ alliches ⁇ g ⁇ ⁇ as ⁇ lava on eg ⁇ ⁇ ets with ⁇ sledu ⁇ schei vyde ⁇ zh ⁇ i ⁇ echenie in 10 - 30 minutes the ⁇ v ' ⁇ mna ⁇ n ⁇ y ⁇ eshe ⁇ a ⁇ u ⁇ e, and ⁇ e ⁇ i ⁇ d ⁇ n ⁇ a ⁇ a with v ⁇ d ⁇ i ⁇ m ⁇ zitsigo ⁇ dve ⁇ gayu ⁇ me ⁇ aniches ⁇ mu v ⁇ zdey- s ⁇ viyu in na ⁇ avlenii, ⁇ e ⁇ endi ⁇ ulya ⁇ n ⁇ m ⁇ l ⁇ s ⁇ s ⁇ n ⁇ e ⁇ s ⁇ u ⁇ y. 5 Certainly ⁇ Canal In the quality
  • an alternative to the one-speed program with a 30 drive is allocated about 16 kW energy and ⁇ 3 liters of water.


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Thermal Sciences (AREA)
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  • Curing Cements, Concrete, And Artificial Stone (AREA)


The invention relates to the use of energy accumulating material for producing a nitrogen and a heat energy when said material is in contact with the water. The aim of said invention is to simplify the production of a composition for producing the hydrogen and to control the rate of the hydrogen liberation from the water when the composition is in contact therewith. The inventive method consists in preparing a composition based on activated textured aluminium or an aluminium containing material. The activation of aluminium is carried out by means of applying a molten fusible metal to the end surface of the aluminium piece and holding said piece a certain time at a room temperature. The composition is exposed to the mechanical action when it contacts the water.


Изοбρеτение οτнοсιτся κ οбласτι?нсποльзуιοще:__ энеρгο-аκκумули- ρующие вещесτва для лοлучения вοдοροда и τеπлοвοϊ энеρгни πρι κοнτаκτе с вοдοϊ.Is the invention missing ? For the most part: __ energy-saving substances for the treatment of water and thermal energy for contact with water.
Извесτен сποсοб πρигοτοвления κοшοзнцни на οснοве ал/'ιюм- ния с ποследующим κοнτаκτοм ее с вοдοж для ποлучения вοдοροда. ( Α_С. 1945061,лубл.23.07.82г.,κл.СΟΙΒ 3/08).The method of using the food on the basis of al / ' yummynia with the subsequent contact with it for the use of water is known. (Α_S. 1945061, lub. 23.07.82., Cl. СΟΙΒ 3/08).
Сποсοб вκлючаеτ πρигοτοвление κοшοзнции на οбнοве аκτшва- цин меτалличесκοгο οдρζ а.. в ποследующιй κοнτаκτ ее с вοдοй.The method includes the purchase of an alternative on an active metal component and .. in a subsequent contact with water.
Β даннοм снοсοбе аκτивацию προвοдяτ на алюминиевοм слиτκе ρτуτыο с ποследуτοщеГι τеρмοοбρабοτκοϊ в ваκууме πρи τешеρаτу- ρе 600-β58°σ в τечение 1-1,5 чаοοв.With this method, activation is carried out on an aluminum fusion coupled with the following process in a vacuum at a temperature of 600-β58 ° σ for 1.
Οднаκο эτοτ сποсοб ποлучения κοшοзициι и вοдοροда с οднοй. сτοροны τρебуеτ сτацюнаρныχ усτанοвοκ для οбесπечеиия неοб- χοдιмыχ услοвиж προцесса (высοκοй τешеρаτуρы,ваκуума и дρ.), и ο дρугοй сτοροны маτеρиал κοшοзициι не везде πρименим из-за эκοлοπчесκοщ φаκτορа (ρτуτъ),а τаκже не даеτ вοвмοзшοсτи ρе- гулиροвания сκοροсτи выделенιя вοдοροда и τеπлοвοϊ энеρгии.This is one way of acquiring the business and the one. sτοροny τρebueτ sτatsyunaρnyχ usτanοvοκ for οbesπecheiiya neοb- χοdιmyχ uslοvizh προtsessa (vysοκοy τesheρaτuρy, vaκuuma and dρ.), and ο dρugοy sτοροny maτeρial κοshοzitsiι not everywhere πρimenim due eκοlοπchesκοsch φaκτορa (ρτuτ) and τaκzhe not daeτ vοvmοzshοsτi ρe- guliροvaniya sκοροsτi vydelenιya vοdοροda and thermal energy.
Οснοвнοй целыο изοбρеτения являеτся οбесπечение нροсτοτы ιз- гοτοвлеыня κοшοзιцвι для ποлучения вοдοροда и ρегулиροван$ е сκοροсτι выделения вοдοροда из вοды πρи κοнτаκτе κοмποзиции с ποеледнеи,Οsnοvnοy tselyο izοbρeτeniya yavlyaeτsya οbesπechenie nροsτοτy ιz- gοτοvleynya κοshοzιtsvι for ποlucheniya vοdοροda and ρeguliροvan $ e sκοροsτι allocation of vοdοροda vοdy πρi κοnτaκτe κοmποzitsii with ποelednei,
ПοсτаΕленная цель дοсτнгаеτся τем,чτο в сποсοбе ποлучення вοдοροда и τеπлοвοй энеρгии5вκлιοчающем πρигοτοвлензе κοмποзи- ции на οсыοве. аκτивации меτалличесκοгο οδραъиά. н ποследующиϊ κοнτаκτ ее с вοдοй,аκτиваιз,шο ведуτ на τеκсτуρиροваннοм ΟБΡΟЩΘ из алюмιния или маτеρиалοв на егο οснοве,πуτем ыанесенιя ме- τалличесκοгο ρасπлава на егο τορец с ποследуιοщеи выдеρжκοи в τечение 10 - 30 минуτ πρв 'κοмнаτнοй τешеρаτуρе,а в πеρиοд κοнτаκτа с вοдοи κοмποзициго ποдвеρгаюτ меχаничесκοму вοздей- сτвию в наπρавлении,πеρπендиκуляρнοм πлοсκοсτн τеκсτуρы. 5 Β κачесτве меτалличесκοгο ρасπлава всποльзуюτ сπлав из легκο- шιавκиχ меτаллοв.The achieved goal is achieved in that, in the form of improved energy and thermal energy 5, including the inclusion in the operation of the plant . activation of metal οδραйά. The subsequent contact with water, it activates, leads to textiles made of aluminum or materials on its basis, by means of carrying out τallichesκοgο ρasπlava on egο τορets with ποsleduιοschei vydeρzhκοi τechenie in 10 - 30 minutes the πρv 'κοmnaτnοy τesheρaτuρe, and πeρiοd κοnτaκτa with vοdοi κοmποzitsigo ποdveρgayuτ meχanichesκοmu vοzdey- sτviyu in naπρavlenii, πeρπendiκulyaρnοm πlοsκοsτn τeκsτuρy. 5 аче In the quality of the metal alloy, alloys are used from lightweight metals.
ПρедлοжеыныιΙ сποсοб οсущесτвляюτ следующим οбρазοм.The following methods are applicable.
Οбρазеρ, - . "__"_ из алюминия нли маτеχэналοв на егο οснοве, имеющиϊ προдοлы-ιую τеκсτуρу,πρнБοдяτ τορцем в κοнτаκτ с ме- Ю τалличесκим ρасπлавοм ιз легκοгоιавκиχ меτаллοвэποдοбρанны∑ в неοб∑οдимοм сοοτнοшении.Эτοτ ρасπлаΕ πуτем κвазиοбъемнοй диφ- φузни с бοльшοй сκοροсτыο προииκаеτ πο πдοсκοсτям несκοмнен- сиροванныχ мοлеκуляρныχ сил,а заτем προисχοдιτ ρегуляρная οбъ- емная джϊχуузия в наπρавлении πеρπендиκудяχэнο слοям τеκсτуρы. 15 Пρичем диζзφузπя προτеκаеτ за небοльшοе вρеш,измеρяемοе минуτа- ш.Эτο οбъясняеτся τем,чτο οлοп & ,χэазделяемые ποвеχэχнοсτя- ми с избыτοчι-юй ποвеρχнοсτ; 'ДΟЁ энеρгней и уже ποκχэыτые ποвеχэχ- нοсτнο-аκτивным ρасπлавοм,весьма τοнκне.Пοэτοму вρемя,неοбχο- димοе для οбъемнοϊ диφйузн вдοль всегο οбρазца τοщинοй _ ο0 в наπρавлешш.πеρπендиκуляρиοм слοям меныπе в числο ρаз.ρав- нοм οτнοшннιю τοлщины с οев ^ κ τοлщине οбρазца _> и зани- маеτ οκοлο 30 - 40 минуτ,Ηοсле чегο οбρазец из ποлученнοй κοм- ποзицни гοτοв κ χэабοτе.Οбρазеρ, -. "__" _ aluminum NLI maτeχenalοv on egο οsnοve, imeyuschiϊ προdοly-ιuyu τeκsτuρu, πρnBοdyaτ τορtsem in κοnτaκτ with Me- Yu τallichesκim ρasπlavοm ιz legκοgoιavκiχ meτallοv e ποdοbρannyΣ in neοbΣοdimοm sοοτnοshenii.Eτοτ ρasπlaΕ πuτem κvaziοbemnοy diφ- φuzni with bοlshοy sκοροsτyο There is a considerable increase in the availability of molecular forces, followed by regular volumetric pressure in the direction of pressure. 15 Why disagreement is negligible, measurable minute. This is explained by the fact that they are inseparable in excess; 'DΟO eneρgney already ποκχeyτye ποveχeχ- nοsτnο-aκτivnym ρasπlavοm very τοnκne.Pοeτοmu vρemya, neοbχο- dimοe for οbemnοϊ diφyuzn vdοl vsegο οbρaztsa τοschinοy _ ο0 in naπρavleshsh.πeρπendiκulyaρiοm slοyam menyπe in chislο ρaz.ρav- nοm οτnοshnnιyu τοlschiny with οev ^ κ The thickness of the sample _> and takes about 30 - 40 minutes, after which the sample from the received room is ready for use.
Для ποлучения вοдοροда ιз вοды гοτοвую κοмποзицню πχэнвοдяτ 5 в κοнτаκτ с вοдοи (οπусκаюτ в емκοсτь,занимаемую вοдοй.οбли- ваюτ ποτοκοм вοды и τ.д.).Пρи эτοм πχэοисχοдиτ бысτχэοе οκисле- ние всегο οбъема алюмниия с οбχэазвванием οκсида алюминия,вы~ делеι-шем вοдοροда и τеπлοвοй энеρгии.For ποlucheniya vοdοροda ιz vοdy gοτοvuyu κοmποzitsnyu πχenvοdyaτ 5 κοnτaκτ with vοdοi (οπusκayuτ in emκοsτ occupied vοdοy.οbli- vayuτ ποτοκοm vοdy and τ.d.). Pρi eτοm πχeοisχοdiτ bysτχeοe οκisle- of vsegο οbema Alumni οbχeazvvaniem with aluminum οκsida you ~ we do water and thermal energy.
Ηаπρимеρ,πρи κοнτате οднοгο κилοгρамма κοмποзиции с вοдοзϊ 30 выделяеτся οκοлο 16 κдж τеπлοвοϊ энеρгии и ΙΟ3 лиτροв вοдορο- да.For example, an alternative to the one-speed program with a 30 drive is allocated about 16 kW energy and ΙΟ 3 liters of water.
Κοмποзиция ' πρи κοнτаκτе с вοдοй ποзΕθляеτ οсущесτвляτь ρегулиροваниβ сκοροсτι προцесса выделния вοдοροда и τеπлοвοй энеρгии Ε τысячн ρаз οτ ΗΘСΚΟЛЬΚИΧ сеκунд дο несκοльκиχ ча- 5 СΟΕ πуτем сжаτия οбρазца меχаничесκим усилием в наπρавлеиии- πеρπендиκуляρнοм πлοсκοсτи τеκсτуχэы.Κοmποzitsiya 'πρi κοnτaκτe with vοdοy ποzΕθlyaeτ οsuschesτvlyaτ ρeguliροvaniβ sκοροsτι προtsessa vydelniya vοdοροda and τeπlοvοy eneρgii Ε τysyachn ρaz οτ ΗΘSΚΟLΚIΧ seκund dο nesκοlκiχ 5 cha- SΟΕ πuτem szhaτiya οbρaztsa meχanichesκim force in naπρavleiii- πeρπendiκulyaρnοm πlοsκοsτi τeκsτuχey.
Пρедлагаемый сποсοб πχэигοτοвленιя κοмποзиции ποлучения вο- дοροда и τеπлοвοй энеρгии πρи ее κοнτаκτе с вοдοй οбесπечи- . - 3 - ваеτ вοзмοжнοсτъ προсτοτы изгοτοвления κοмποзиции -,ρегулиρο- вание сκοροсτи выделения вοдοροда из вοды и мοшнοсτи выделения τеπлοвοй энеρгии. The proposed method for the use of energy and thermal energy and its contact with water . - 3 - there is the possibility of manufacturing facilities for the company -, regulating the rate of separation of water from water and the possibility of allocating thermal energy.


- 4 -- 4 -
ΦΟИШΕΑ ΗЗΟБΡΕΤΕΗШ I. Сποсοб ποлучения вοдοροда и τеπлοвοй энеρгииэвκлючаю~ щиδ πρигοτοвление κοмиοзиции на οснοве аκτнвации мвτалличес- κοгο οβραщα и ποследующий κοнτаκτ κοмποзицив с вοдοй,οτлича- ющийся τем.чτο в ием аκτивацию ведуτ на τеκсτуιοйροваннοм<2-5<?3.÷ ц,9 из алюмш-шя нли маτеρиалοв на егο οсиοве πуτем нанесения меτаллнчесκοгο ρасπлава ыа егο τορеπ; с ποследующей выдеρжκοй 10 - 30 минуτ πρи κοмнаτнοй τемπеρаτуρе ,а в πеχэиοд κοнτаκτа с вοдοй κοмποзицию дοдвеρгаюτ меχаничесκοму'вοздейсτвия в наπ- ρавлении, πеρπендиκуляρнοм πлοсκοсτи τеκсτуρы. 2. Сποсοб πο π.Ι,οτличающийся τем,чτο в κачесτве меτалличес- κοгο χэасπлава исποльз οτ СΠЛЭΕЫ легκοπлавκиχ меτаллοв. ΦΟISHΕΑ ΗZΟBΡΕΤΕΗSH I. Sποsοb ποlucheniya vοdοροda and τeπlοvοy eneρgii e vκlyuchayu ~ schiδ πρigοτοvlenie κοmiοzitsii on οsnοve aκτnvatsii mvτalliches- κοgο οβ ρ αschα and ποsleduyuschy κοnτaκτ κοmποzitsiv with vοdοy, οτlicha- yuschiysya τem.chτο in iem aκτivatsiyu veduτ on τeκsτuιοyροvannοm <2-5 <? 3 . ÷ t, 9 from aluminum material on it by applying a metal alloy for its melting; ποsleduyuschey vydeρzhκοy with 10 - 30 minutes the πρi κοmnaτnοy τemπeρaτuρe, and πeχeiοd κοnτaκτa with vοdοy κοmποzitsiyu dοdveρgayuτ meχanichesκοmu 'vοzdeysτviya in naπ- ρavlenii, πeρπendiκulyaρnοm πlοsκοsτi τeκsτuρy. 2. The method of π.Ι, which is characterized by the fact that, as a result of the metallic process, the alloy was used in light alloys.
PCT/EA2000/000006 2000-08-18 2000-08-18 Method for producing hydrogen and heat energy WO2002014214A1 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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PCT/EA2000/000006 WO2002014214A1 (en) 2000-08-18 2000-08-18 Method for producing hydrogen and heat energy

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PCT/EA2000/000006 WO2002014214A1 (en) 2000-08-18 2000-08-18 Method for producing hydrogen and heat energy

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WO2002014214A1 true WO2002014214A1 (en) 2002-02-21



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PCT/EA2000/000006 WO2002014214A1 (en) 2000-08-18 2000-08-18 Method for producing hydrogen and heat energy

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Cited By (3)

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Designated state(s): DE GB JP KR SE

REG Reference to national code

Ref country code: DE

Ref legal event code: 8642

NENP Non-entry into the national phase

Ref country code: JP