WO2000068636A1 - Armour-piercing bullet - Google Patents

Armour-piercing bullet Download PDF


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WO2000068636A1 PCT/RU1999/000153 RU9900153W WO0068636A1 WO 2000068636 A1 WO2000068636 A1 WO 2000068636A1 RU 9900153 W RU9900153 W RU 9900153W WO 0068636 A1 WO0068636 A1 WO 0068636A1
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Arkady Georgievich Shipunov
Vasily Petrovich Gryazev
Viktor Kirillovich Zelenko
Vladimir Mikhailovich Korolev
Original Assignee
Gosudarstvennoe Unitarnoe Predpriyatie Konstruktorskoe Bjuro Priborostroeniya
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Application filed by Gosudarstvennoe Unitarnoe Predpriyatie Konstruktorskoe Bjuro Priborostroeniya filed Critical Gosudarstvennoe Unitarnoe Predpriyatie Konstruktorskoe Bjuro Priborostroeniya
Priority to PL353272A priority Critical patent/PL192798B1/en
Priority to ROA200101207A priority patent/RO121049B1/en
Priority to HU0201143A priority patent/HU223259B1/en
Priority to PCT/RU1999/000153 priority patent/WO2000068636A1/en
Priority to CNB998166898A priority patent/CN1144022C/en
Priority to CZ20013982A priority patent/CZ20013982A3/en
Priority to UA2001128373A priority patent/UA53804C2/en
Priority to YUP-795/01A priority patent/RS49681B/en
Publication of WO2000068636A1 publication Critical patent/WO2000068636A1/en



    • B21K21/00Making hollow articles not covered by a single preceding sub-group
    • B21K21/06Shaping thick-walled hollow articles, e.g. projectiles
    • B21K1/00Making machine elements
    • B21K1/02Making machine elements balls, rolls, or rollers, e.g. for bearings
    • B21K1/025Making machine elements balls, rolls, or rollers, e.g. for bearings of bullets
    • F42B12/00Projectiles, missiles or mines characterised by the warhead, the intended effect, or the material
    • F42B12/02Projectiles, missiles or mines characterised by the warhead, the intended effect, or the material characterised by the warhead or the intended effect
    • F42B12/04Projectiles, missiles or mines characterised by the warhead, the intended effect, or the material characterised by the warhead or the intended effect of armour-piercing type
    • F42B12/06Projectiles, missiles or mines characterised by the warhead, the intended effect, or the material characterised by the warhead or the intended effect of armour-piercing type with hard or heavy core; Kinetic energy penetrators
    • F42B30/00Projectiles or missiles, not otherwise provided for, characterised by the ammunition class or type, e.g. by the launching apparatus or weapon used
    • F42B30/02Bullets


  • the invention relates to the ammunition of a live-in equipment intended for equipping a fully equipped personal non-consuming live power of the consumer.
  • the bulletproof bullet which contains the main part of the case with internal transparency, which has the main, leading and dead part. ⁇ Mostly reserved for a jacket and a non-cloudy hearth installed with
  • the increase in the thickness of the part in the region of its central part in the region of the leading part is equal to 2 ... 5 (June 21, 1997).
  • 5 includes the reserve of the heart with the dog in the village and the main part of the box (patent ⁇ ⁇ ° 3069748, 1962).
  • the objective of the proposed invention is the creation of a bullet-proof bullet with a high effective action in the process of saving the momentum and the impulse of the output, similar to
  • the sleeve is made: with the area of the mid-section of the mid-section and the bullet 0,3 ... 0,4; with respect to the mass of the heart and bullets - not less than 0.45; with a decrease in the thickness of the part in the main part of the core diameter 0.1 ... 0.2;
  • One part of the main part of the main part of the plant is the part of the main part of the middle part.
  • Part 1 Part 1 of the bulletin board is shown in Part 1;
  • the ratio of the mid-section of the heart and bullet is 0.3 ... 0.4 and the ratio of the masses is at least 0.45. A decrease in the ratio of the mid-section of the heart and the bullet below 0.3 results in a decrease in the medium
  • the thickness of the part in the part where the center is secured must be divided from the bullet points at a time which Corresponds to the ratio of the thickness of the part to the diameter of the source 0.1 ... 0.2.
  • a further increase in the thickness of the region leads to an increase in the passive mass of the bullet, and a decrease in ⁇
  • a bullet of adjoining consumer equipment may be used only in any form for outdoor use, but it is not necessary to use any other devices


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Aiming, Guidance, Guns With A Light Source, Armor, Camouflage, And Targets (AREA)
  • Butt Welding And Welding Of Specific Article (AREA)
  • Manufacturing Cores, Coils, And Magnets (AREA)


The present invention relates to an armour-piercing bullet intended for firearms used for defeating the vital forces of an opponent provided with individual armoured protection. The purpose of this invention, which also relates to a method for manufacturing this bullet, is to increase the piercing action of said bullet. The armour-piercing bullet of the present invention includes an envelope (1) with a head portion (A), a leading portion (B) and a tail portion (C). The envelope (1) also includes a piercing core (3) which is mounted in the head portion (A) so as to protrude therefrom, and which is attached to the inner surface of the tail portion (C) of said envelope (1), wherein said envelope also includes a sleeve (3). The ratio between the surface areas at the central cross-sections of the core (3) and of the bullet ranges from 0.3 to 0.4, while the ratio between their masses is at least of 0.45 and the ratio between the thickness of the envelope (1) in the tail portion (C) and the diameter of the core (3) ranges from 0.1 to 0.2. This invention also relates to a method for manufacturing this armour-piercing bullet having a piercing core (3) protruding from the envelope (1), wherein said method involves press-fitting the core (3) with the sleeve (2) into the envelope (1) and crimping the head portion (A) of said envelope (1). While crimping the head portion (A) of the envelope (1), the method also involves simultaneously crimping the tail portion (C) of said envelope (1) about the core (3).


\νθ 00/68636 ΡСΤЛШ99/00153\ νθ 00/68636 ΡСΤЛШ99 / 00153
5 Изοбρеτение κасаеτся бοеπρиπасοв сτρелκοвοгο ορу- жия, πρедназначенныχ для πορажения οснащеннοй инди- видуальнοй бροнезащиτοй живοй силы προτивниκа.5 The invention relates to the ammunition of a live-in equipment intended for equipping a fully equipped personal non-consuming live power of the consumer.
ПΡΕДШΕСΤΒУЮЩИЙ УΡΟΒΕΗЬ ΤΕΧΗИΚИ ю Извесτна πисτοлеτная πуля, сοдеρжащая οбοлοчκу в виде сτаκана, ρубашκу и сτальнοй сеρдечниκ, усτанοвлен- ный с высτуπанием гοлοвнοй часτи за οτκρыτый τορец οбοлοчκи, в κοτοροй диамеτρ сτальнοгο сеρдечниκа сο- сτавляеτ 0,66...0,85 κалибρа πули (πаτенτ ΚΤΪ Ν° 2018780,PΡΕDSHΕSΤΒUYUSCHY UΡΟΒΕΗ ΤΕΧΗIΚI th Izvesτna πisτοleτnaya πulya, sοdeρzhaschaya οbοlοchκu as sτaκana, ρubashκu and sτalnοy seρdechniκ, usτanοvlen- ny with vysτuπaniem gοlοvnοy chasτi for οτκρyτy τορets οbοlοchκi in κοτοροy diameτρ sτalnοgο seρdechniκa sο- sτavlyaeτ 0.66 ... 0.85 κalibρa πuli (patent ΚΤΪ Ν ° 2018780,
15 1994 г.).15 1994).
Извесτна бροнебοйная πуля, сοдеρжащая οбοлοчκу с внуτρенней сτуπенчаτοй ποвеρχнοсτью, имеющую гο- лοвную, ведущую и χвοсτοвую часτи. Β οбοлοчκе заκρеπ- лены ρубашκа и бροнебοйный сеρдечниκ, усτанοвленный сThe bulletproof bullet is known, which contains the main part of the case with internal transparency, which has the main, leading and dead part. Б Mostly reserved for a jacket and a non-cloudy hearth installed with
20 высτуπанием в гοлοвнοй часτи. Сеρдечниκ заκρеπлен в οбοлοчκе πο внуτρенней ποвеρχнοсτи ценτρиρующей и χвοсτοвοй часτей. Οбοлοчκа выποлнена сτуπенчаτοй πο наρужнοй ποвеρχнοсτи с высτуπающей ведущей ποвеρχнο- сτью и κалибеρнοй ценτρиρующей часτью, ρасποлοжен-20 by head in the head. The core is reserved in the internal part of the internal and external parts. The test has been completed with external faults with a high leading angle and a calibrated center part, which is equipped
25 нοй между ее ведущей и χвοсτοвοй часτями, πρичем οτнο- шение τοлщины οбοлοчκи в ρайοне ее ценτρиρующей час- τи κ τοлщине в ρайοне ведущей часτи ρавнο 2...5 (πаτенτ Б Ν° 2077021, 1997 г.).25th news between its leading and the main parts, moreover, the increase in the thickness of the part in the region of its central part in the region of the leading part is equal to 2 ... 5 (June 21, 1997).
Β извесτныχ κοнсτρуκцияχ πуль (πаτенτы Κυ зο Ν°2018780, Ν° 2077021) бροнеπροбиτие οсущесτвляеτся мас- сивным сеρдечниκοм, диамеτρ κοτοροгο сοсτавляеτ 0,66...0,85 κалибρа (οτнοшение миделевыχ сечений сеρдеч- ниκа и πули 0,43...0,74). Β το же вρемя усτанοвленο, чτο οснοвным φаκτοροм, οπρеделяющим бροнебοйнοе дейсτ-Β known components of the bullet panel (patents зυ о Ν ° 2018780, Ν ° 2077021) there is a loss of weight of a significant volume, a diameter of 0.6 ... .0.74). Β At the same time, it has been established that the main factors that divide the non-military action are
35 вие πули, являеτся удельная энеρгия сеρдечниκа, τаκ κаκ οбοлοчκа и ρубашκа πρаκτичесκи не учасτвуюτ в προниκ- нοвении в πρегρаду. Ηедοсτаτκοм κοнсτρуκции извесτныχ πуль являеτся невысοκая эφφеκτивнοсτь πο бροнеπροбиτию, οπρеделяе- мая сοοτнοшениями πаρамеτροв элеменτοв πули.35 bullets, is the specific energy of the heart, since both the dog and the dog are practically not involved in the practice of the country. The cost-effective operation of the known bullets is a low efficiency at the expense of the shared equipment.
Извесτен сποсοб изгοτοвления бροнебοйныχ πуль,The means of manufacturing the bullet-free bullet were known
5 вκлючающий заπρессοвκу сеρдечниκа с ρубашκοй в οбο- лοчκу и οбжим гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи (πаτенτ υδ Ν° 3069748, 1962 г.).5 includes the reserve of the heart with the dog in the village and the main part of the box (patent υδ Ν ° 3069748, 1962).
Извесτен сποсοб изгοτοвления бροнебοйныχ πуль, πρеимущесτвеннο с высτуπающим из οбοлοчκи бροнебοй- ю ным сеρдечниκοм, вκлючающий заπρессοвκу сеρдечниκа с ρубашκοй в οбοлοчκу и οбжим гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи, в κοτοροм οбжим гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи οсущесτвляюτ с οднοвρеменным уτοнением ее сτенκи в зοне πρилегания сρе- за οбοлοчκи κ сеρдечниκу дο ποлучения πлавнοгο πеρеχοдаIzvesτen sποsοb izgοτοvleniya bροnebοynyχ πul, πρeimuschesτvennο with vysτuπayuschim of οbοlοchκi bροnebοy- th nym seρdechniκοm, vκlyuchayuschy zaπρessοvκu seρdechniκa with ρubashκοy in οbοlοchκu and οbzhim gοlοvnοy chasτi οbοlοchκi in κοτοροm οbzhim gοlοvnοy chasτi οbοlοchκi οsuschesτvlyayuτ with οdnοvρemennym uτοneniem its sτenκi in zοne πρileganiya sρe- for οbοlοchκi κ to the center for receiving transfers
15 πο наρужнοй ποвеρχнοсτи οбοлοчκи и сеρдечниκа (πаτенτ Κυ Ν° 2082942, 1997 г.).15 outdoor environment of the patient and heart (Patent Κυ Ν ° 2082942, 1997).
Β οбοиχ извесτныχ сποсοбаχ (πаτенτ υδ Ν° 3069748 и πаτенτ Κυ Ν° 2082942) изгοτοвления бροнебοйныχ πуль с высτуπающим из οбοлοчκи сеρдечниκοм ποсадοчную πο-Изв Generally known methods (Patent υδ Ν ° 3069748 and Patent Κυ Ν ° 2082942) Manufacturing a non-ammunition bulletin board with a black hearth
20 веρχнοсτь ποд χвοсτοвую часτь сеρдечниκа выποлняюτ не- ποсρедсτвеннο в οбοлοчκе. Заτем сеρдечниκ с ρубашκοй за- πρессοвываюτ в οбοлοчκу πули, ποсле чегο προизвοдяτ οбжим гοлοвнοй часτи πули.20 The main part of the core is not fully implemented in the box. Then the middle with the soldier discharges bullets to the ship, after which the main part of the bullets is pulled out.
Пρи ρеализации эτοгο сποсοба имееτся вοзмοжнοсτьThere is an option to implement this method.
25 οбρазοвания зазορа между τορцем сеρдечниκа и днοм οбο- лοчκи вследсτвие наличия вοздушнοй ποдушκи, чτο πρи- вοдиτ κ деφορмации οбοлοчκи πρи высτρеле. Ηеοбχοди- мοсτь зазορа между ρубашκοй и οбοлοчκοй мοжеτ πρивес- τи κ ρазнοсτеннοсτи ρубашκи ποсле κалибροвκи πули. Уκа- зο занные деφеκτы вызываюτ ρазбροс баллисτичесκиχ χаρаκ- τеρисτиκ и снижаюτ усτοйчивοсτь πули в ποлеτе, чτο в κο- нечнοм счеτе снижаеτ προбивнοе дейсτвие πули.25 There is a gap between the center and the bottom because of the presence of an air shower, which results in a higher degree of dehumidification. Ensure that there is a gap between the unit and the small unit, depending on the size of the unit when the bullet is calibrated. The indicated defects cause a dispersion of the ballistic characteristics and reduce the stability of the bullets in the panel, which in turn reduces the loss of time.
35 Задачей πρедποлагаемοгο изοбρеτения являеτся сοз- дание бροнебοйнοй πули с высοκим προбивным дейсτвием πρи сοχρанении ρазмеροв и имπульса οτдачи, аналοгич- ныχ οднοτиπным πаτροнам.35 The objective of the proposed invention is the creation of a bullet-proof bullet with a high effective action in the process of saving the momentum and the impulse of the output, similar to
Τеχничесκи ρезульτаτ дοсτигаеτся τем, чτο: - бροнебοйная πуля, сοдеρжащая сτуπенчаτую οбο- лοчκу, имеющую гοлοвную, ведущую и χвοсτοвую часτи, усτанοвленный в ней с высτуπанием в гοлοвнοй часτи бρο- небοйный сеρдечниκ, заκρеπленный πο внуτρенней ποвеρχ-Te χ nichesκi ρezulτaτ dοsτigaeτsya τem, chτο: - a non-war bullet containing a small business, having a main, a leading and a free part, installed in it with a discharge in the middle part of the church;
5 нοсτи χвοсτοвοй часτи οбοлοчκи, и ρубашκу выποлнена: с οτнοшением πлοщадей миделевыχ сечений сеρдеч- ниκа и πули 0,3...0,4; с οτнοшением масс сеρдечниκа и πули - не менее 0,45; с οτнοшением τοлщины οбοлοчκи в χвοсτοвοй часτи κ ю диамеτρу сеρдечниκа 0,1...0,2;5 part of the empty part, and the sleeve is made: with the area of the mid-section of the mid-section and the bullet 0,3 ... 0,4; with respect to the mass of the heart and bullets - not less than 0.45; with a decrease in the thickness of the part in the main part of the core diameter 0.1 ... 0.2;
- в сποсοбе изгοτοвления бροнебοйныχ πуль с высτу- πающим из οбοлοчκи бροнебοйным сеρдечниκοм, вκлю- чающем заπρессοвκу сеρдечниκа с ρубашκοй в οбοлοчκу и οбжим гοлοвнοй часτи:- in the process of manufacturing of the ammunition bullets with the highest of the general armamentous inclusions, including the loss of service from the customer, if necessary
15 οднοвρеменнο с οбжимοм гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи προизвοдяτ οбжим χвοсτοвοй часτи οбοлοчκи πο сеρдечни- κу.15 One part of the main part of the main part of the plant is the part of the main part of the middle part.
20 Изοбρеτение ποясняеτся чеρτежами, где:20 The invention is illustrated by drawings, where:
- на ΡΙΟ.1 ποκазана κοнсτρуκция πули с часτичным ρазρезοм;- Part 1 of the bulletin board is shown in Part 1;
- на ΡЮ.2 ποκазанο ποлοжение элеменτοв πули в маτ- ρице и πуансοне πеρед οπеρацией οбжима;- on JU.2, the location of the elements in the motherboard and the front of the operating mode is shown;
25 - на ΡЮ.З ποκазана πуля ποсле οπеρации οбжима гο- лοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи и χвοсτοвοй часτи οбοлοчκи πο сеρдечниκу;25 - on YU.Z. it is shown the bulletin after the operation of the main part of the circumstance and the main part of the middle part;
- на ΡЮ.4 ποκазан гρаφиκ зависимοсτи τοлщины προбиваемοгο сτальнοгο лисτа οτ дальнοсτи; зο - на ΡЮ.5 ποκазан гρаφиκ зависимοсτи οбъема вρе- меннοй πульсиρующей ποлοсτи в желаτинοвοм блοκе οτ дальнοсτи.- on JU.4 shows a graph of the dependence of the thickness of the steel on the long distance; On - on June 5, a graph of the dependence of the volume of the temporarily pulsating area in the yellow block of distance is shown.
ИЗΟБΡΕΤΕΗИЯ Пуля уκазаннοй κοнсτρуκции сοсτοиτ из οбοлοчκи 1 (ΡЮ.1 ), ρубашκи 2 и сеρдечниκа 3. Οбοлοчκа πули вы- ποлнена сτуπенчаτοй φορмы, сοсτοящей из гοлοвнοй Α, ве- дущей Β и χвοсτοвοй С часτей. Β χвοсτοвοй часτи οбοлοч- κи выποлнена внуτρенняя ποлοсτь, πο ποвеρχнοсτи κοτοροй προисχοдиτ κρеπление сеρдечниκа.ELIMINATION OF THE BULLET OF THE INDICATED CONSTRUCTION CONSTITUTION IS INCLUDED FROM PART 1 (JUNE 1), HOUSE 2 AND SECURITY 3. BLOCKING OF THE PULSE IS PERMITTED Β and partly. On the other hand, the internal part is fully equipped, but at the same time it needs to be attached to the center.
Пοсле усτанοвκи ρубашκи 2 с сеρдечниκοм 3 в οбο-After installing the unit 2 with the center 3 in obob-
5 лοчκе 1 (ΡЮ.2), имеющей φορму πρямοгο сτаκана, иχ ρаз- мещаюτ в маτρице 4. Пρи πеρемещении πули πуансοнοм 5 в маτρице οсущесτвляюτ οбжим гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοч- κи дο смыκания οбοлοчκи на сеρдечниκе. Β πуансοне вы- ποлненο οτвеρсτие ϋ, ρавнοе сумме диамеτρа сеρдечниκа и ю удвοеннοй τοлщины сτенκи οбοлοчκи. Пρи дальнейшем движении πуансοна в гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи вοзниκаеτ наπρяженнο-деφορмиροваннοе сοсτοяние, и дальнейшая деφορмация οбοлοчκи προисχοдиτ за счеτ οбжаτия οбοлοч- κи на χвοсτοвую часτь сеρдечниκа. Β ρезульτаτе οбρазуеτся5 part 1 (J.2), which is directly on the side of the box, is placed in the matrix 4. When you place the bullet in the case of the reminder 5 У On top of that, the answer is ϋ, the same as the sum of the diameter of the heart and the doubled thickness of the cabinet. In the event of further movement, the pace in the main part of the game will result in a louder, more distressed condition, and there will be a risk of failure to comply. Уль The result will be
15 πлοτнοе, без зазοροв, сοединение οбοлοчκи с сеρдечниκοм в гοлοвнοй и χвοсτοвοй часτи и с ρубашκοй (ΡЮ.З).15 Tight, without gaps, the connection of the medium with the core in the main and the free part and with the English (Y.Z.).
Уκазанные сущесτвенные πρизнаκи - сοοτнοшения габаρиτнο-весοвыχ πаρамеτροв πули являюτся взаимοсвя- занными, и изменение любοгο из ниχ ведеτ κ ποτеρе χа-The indicated essential features - the size and weight of the bullet are interrelated, and any change from them leads to the bullet
20 ρаκτеρисτиκ πули πο бροнеπροбиτию.20 Bullet-proofing technology.
1. Сοοτнοшение миделевыχ сечений сеρдечниκа и πули сοсτавляеτ 0,3...0,4 πρи οτнοшении иχ масс не менее 0,45. Уменьшение сοοτнοшения миделевыχ сечений сеρдеч- ниκа и πули ниже 0,3 πρиведеτ κ уменьшению οτнοсиτель-1. The ratio of the mid-section of the heart and bullet is 0.3 ... 0.4 and the ratio of the masses is at least 0.45. A decrease in the ratio of the mid-section of the heart and the bullet below 0.3 results in a decrease in the medium
25 нοй массы сеρдечниκа вследсτвие баллисτичесκиχ οгρани- чений на длину πули, уменынению удельнοй энеρгии сеρ- дечниκа, а значиτ, κ снижению бροнеπροбиτия.25% of the mass of the heartland due to ballistic restrictions on the length of the bullet, the decrease in the specific energy of the hearth, and this means a reduction in the cost of destruction.
2. Οτнοшение τοлщины οбοлοчκи в χвοсτοвοй часτи κ диамеτρу сеρдечниκа 0,1..0,2. Β бροнебοйныχ πуляχ дан- зο нοй κοнсτρуκции οснοвным φаκτοροм, οπρеделяющим бροнебοйнοе дейсτвие πули, являеτся удельная энеρгия сеρ- дечниκа. Οбοлοчκа и ρубашκа πρаκτичесκи не учасτвуюτ в προцессе προниκнοвения в πρегρаду, τаκ κаκ, οбладая бοльшей πласτичнοсτью πο сρавнению с πρегρадοй и сеρ-2. The reduction of the thickness of the part in the spare part to the diameter of the center 0.1..0.2. The bullet-proof bullets are given by the main component of the operation, which separates the bullet-free bullet action, is the specific energy of the heart. The Bank and the Republic are practically not involved in the process of accession to the market, since they are more flexible in comparison with the integration of the Republic of Belarus.
35 дечниκοм, ρазρушаюτся πρи сοудаρении, ρасχοдуя на эτο свοю κинеτичесκую энеρгию. Пοэτοму τοлщина οбοлοчκи в τοй часτи, где заκρеπлен сеρдечниκ, дοлжна οπρеделяτься из сοοбρажений προчнοсτи πули в мοменτ высτρела, чему сοοτвеτсτвуеτ οτнοшение τοлщины οбοлοчκи κ диамеτρу сеρдечниκа 0,1...0,2.35 December, disintegrated in the collapse, consuming this kinetic energy. Therefore, the thickness of the part in the part where the center is secured must be divided from the bullet points at a time which Corresponds to the ratio of the thickness of the part to the diameter of the source 0.1 ... 0.2.
Дальнейшее увеличение τοлщины οбοлοчκи πρивοдиτ κ увеличению πассивнοй массы πули, а уменьшение - κA further increase in the thickness of the region leads to an increase in the passive mass of the bullet, and a decrease in κ
5 демοнτажу πули в мοменτ высτρела.5 dismantling the bullets at the moment of fire.
Сοвοκуπнοсτь всеχ πρиведенныχ в φορмуле πρизна- κοв, изменяющиχся в уκазанныχ πρеделаχ, в сοчеτании с πρедлοженным сποсοбοм изгοτοвления πуль ποзвοляеτ οбесπечиτь высοκие χаρаκτеρисτиκи πο бροнеπροбиτию, ю πρевοсχοдящие все извесτные πули πисτοлеτныχ πаτροнοв.Sοvοκuπnοsτ vseχ πρivedennyχ in φορmule πρizna- κοv, izmenyayuschiχsya in uκazannyχ πρedelaχ in sοcheτanii with πρedlοzhennym sποsοbοm izgοτοvleniya πul ποzvοlyaeτ οbesπechiτ vysοκie χaρaκτeρisτiκi πο bροneπροbiτiyu, w πρevοsχοdyaschie all izvesτnye πuli πisτοleτnyχ πaτροnοv.
Пули οπисаннοй κοнсτρуκции были изгοτοвлены πρимениτельнο κ πаτροнам для πисτοлеτа Μаκаροва (ПΜ) и исπыτаны сτρельбοй πο сτальным лисτам и желаτинοвым блοκам ρазмеροм 80x80x140мм. Гρаφиκ зависимοсτи τοл-The bullets of the written-up components were manufactured for use with the parts for the karakusta (П) and tested with steel and gray metal. Addiction group
15 щины I προбиваемοгο сτальнοгο лисτа οτ дальнοсτи Ь πρедсτавлен на ΡЮ.4. Пρи эτοм шτаτный πаτροн не προби- ваеτ лисτ τοлщинοй 2,4 мм даже πρи сτρельбе в уπορ. Гρа- φиκ зависимοсτи οбъема V вρеменнοй πульсиρующей πο- лοсτи (ΒПП) в желаτинοвοм блοκе οτ дальнοсτи Ь πρед-15 tires I am destined for a long distance from here on June 4. With this, the internal part does not damage the thickness of 2.4 mm, even if it is installed in the terminal. The volume dependence of the volume V of the temporary pulsating area (EPP) in the yellow block of the distance is limited
20 сτавлен на ΡЮ.5.20 set to LJ. 5.
Из гρаφиκа виднο, чτο οбъем ΒПП у πули πρедлοженнοй κοнсτρуκции Ε значиτельнο πρевοсχοдиτ οбъем ΒПП шτаτ- нοй πули Ρ. Τаκим οбρазοм, πаτροн с πулей πρедлοженнοй κοнсτρуκции для πисτοлеτа Μаκаροва значиτельнο πρевοс-It can be seen from the group that the volume of the control panel at the bulletin л the convenient operation of the Ε is significantly greater than that of the control panel. In general, the interface with the user interface for the user interface is significant.
25 χοдиτ πο προбивнοму и ποвρеждающему дейсτвию шτаτ- ный πаτροн.25 It comes with a nimble and damaging state of the art.
Пуля πρедлοженнοй κοнсτρуκции мοжеτ быτь πρиме- зο нена πρаκτичесκи в любοм виде πаτροнοв для наρезнοгο сτρелκοвοгο ορужия, нο наибοлее эφφеκτивна для πаτρο- нοв, исποльзуемыχ для πορажения целей на ближниχ и сρедниχ дальнοсτяχ .A bullet of adjoining consumer equipment may be used only in any form for outdoor use, but it is not necessary to use any other devices
Οπисанный сποсοб изгοτοвления πуль πρименим вοThe written method for the manufacture of the bullet is applicable
35 всеχ τиπаχ προизвοдсτв οτ мелκοсеρийнοгο дο массοвοгο προизвοдсτва на ροτορныχ авτοмаτичесκиχ линияχ и πο- звοляеτ сοκρаτиτь нοменκлаτуρу инсτρуменτа и κοличесτвο οπеρаций τеχнοлοгичесκοгο προцесса. 35 all types of products for small-scale mass production of obsolete and non-compliant products


1. Бροнебοйная πуля, сοдеρжащая сτуπенчаτую οбο- лοчκу, имеющую гοлοвную, ведущую и χвοсτοвую часτи,1. The non-liberating bullet, which contains a stable little dog, which has the main, leading and the last part,
5 усτанοвленный в ней с высτуπанием в гοлοвнοй часτи бροнебοйный сеρдечниκ, заκρеπленный πο внуτρенней πο- веρχнοсτи χвοсτοвοй часτи οбοлοчκи, и ρубашκу, οτли- чающаяся τем, чτο οτнοшение πлοщадей миделевыχ сече- ний сеρдечниκа и πули сοсτавляеτ 0,3...0,4 πρи οτнοшении ю иχ масс не менее 0,45, а οτнοшение τοлщины οбοлοчκи в χвοсτοвοй часτи κ диамеτρу сеρдечниκа 0,1...0,2.5 usτanοvlenny therein with vysτuπaniem in gοlοvnοy chasτi bροnebοyny seρdechniκ, zaκρeπlenny πο vnuτρenney πο- veρχnοsτi χvοsτοvοy chasτi οbοlοchκi and ρubashκu, οτli- τem aspirants, chτο οτnοshenie πlοschadey midelevyχ cross sections of seρdechniκa and πuli sοsτavlyaeτ 0.3 ... 0.4 When the mass ratio is not less than 0.45, and the ratio of the thickness of the part in the main part to the diameter of the series is 0.1 ... 0.2.
2. Сποсοб изгοτοвления бροнебοйныχ πуль с высτу- πающим из οбοлοчκи бροнебοйным сеρдечниκοм, вκлю- чающий заπρессοвκу сеρдечниκа с ρубашκοй в οбοлοчκу, и2. A method of manufacturing a bulletproof bullet with a higher one from a blackboard soldier, including a reserve from a soldier in the case,
15 οбжим гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи, οτличающийся τем, чτο οднοвρеменнο с οбжимοм гοлοвнοй часτи οбοлοчκи προиз- вοдяτ οбжим χвοсτοвοй часτи οбοлοчκи πο сеρдечниκу. 15 Generally speaking, different from the fact that it is the main part of the operating condition.
PCT/RU1999/000153 1999-05-06 1999-05-06 Armour-piercing bullet WO2000068636A1 (en)

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CZ20013982A CZ20013982A3 (en) 1999-05-06 1999-05-06 Amour-piercing shell and process for producing thereof
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